
Luis Anchordoqui

Thursday, October 7, 2010 V: -

Luis Anchordoqui

Thursday, October 7, 2010 4-dimensional space-time

An in the 4-dimensional continuum space-time is a point with coordinates x0 = ct x1 = x x2 = y x3 = z

µ or equivalently x (with µ =0 , 1 , 2 , 3 )

Recall the summation convention

Wherever there are repeated upper and lower indices summation is implied, e.g.

3 µ µ aµb = aµb µ=0 ￿

Thursday, October 7, 2010 2 µ ν The metric of space-time is given by ds = ηµν dx dx

1000 1000 − − 0100 µν 0100 ηµν =   Inverse η =   0010 ≡ 0010  0001  0001         Hence the metric ds2 = (dx0)2 +(dx1)2 +(dx2)2 +(dx3)2 − This metric is unusual for a geometry in that it is not positive definite: for spacelike displacements it is positive and for timelike displacements it is negative This metric is related to your τ by ds2 = c2dτ 2 − Indices are raised and lowered with η µ ν , e.g. if a µ is a vector ν then aµ = ηµν a This extends to tensors in space-time etc. Upper indices are referred to as contravariant and lower indices as covariant Thursday, October 7, 2010 Representation of a A Lorentz transformation preserves ds2

We represent a Lorentz transformation by µ µ ν σ τ x￿ =Λ ν x ηµν =Λ µΛ ν ηστ That is, a Lorentz transformation is the equivalent of an orthogonal matrix in the 4-dimensional space-time with indefinite metric Conditions ❖ det Λ =1 - rules out reflections (x x) →− 0 ❖ Λ 0 > 0 - isochronous For the special case of a Lorentz transformation involving a boost along the x-axis γ βγ 00 βγ− γ 00 Λµ = ν  −0010  0001   Thursday, October 7, 2010  

Space-time diagrams Minkowski-Diagrams (and world lines)

Time-like component (ct) is vertical position, space is horizontal

and velocity is reciprocal of slope

By living (=making decisions) we permanently narrow the accessibility of our future. The motion through space-time is called a world line. You see that in order to go to the past, you need to reach infinite velocity (rather than only light velocity) and this is really impossible

Thursday, October 7, 2010 Relativistic Kinematics and Space-Time

Having introduced the idea of 4-vectors, let’s now turn to their use for describing the motion of a particle in space-time terms. A particle follows a timelike word line through . This i can be specified by giving three spatial coordinates x as a function of time in a particular inertial frame. However, the 4-dimensional way of describing a worldline is to give all 4 coordinates of the particle x α as a single-valued function of a parameter that varies along the worldline.

Many parameters are possible, but a natural one is the proper time that gives the spacetime distance τ along the world line measured both positively and negatively from some arbitrary starting point

A world line is then described by the equations xα = xα(τ)

Thursday, October 7, 2010 4-velocity α The 4-velocity is the four vector U whose components U are the derivatives of the position along the world line with respect to the proper time parameter dxα U α = dτ The 4-velocity U is thus tangent to the world line at each point because a displacement is given by ∆xα = uα∆τ The four components of the 4-velocity can be expressed in terms of the 3-velocity ☛ d￿l ￿u = dt

￿ ￿ dl 1 d￿l now replace d τ ☛ U = = ￿u U￿ = u2 u2 1 c2 dτ 1 2 dt − ￿ − c ￿ dτ ￿ ￿￿ ￿ Thursday, October 7, 2010 What is the 0th component for this 4-vector (the 0th component for the displacement 4-vector was ct): dx0 dt dt c = U 0 = c = c = dτ dτ 1 u2 dt 1 u2 − c2 − c2 ￿ ￿ Therefore: U U α =(γc, γ￿u) ≡ U

The 4-velocity U ( τ ) at any point along a particle’s worldline is the unit timelike tangent 4-vector at that point U It lies inside the of that point U

Thursday, October 7, 2010 An immediate consequence of this result is that

dxα dxβ U . U = η = c2 αβ dτ dτ −

so that the 4-velocity is always a time-like 4-vector whose Lorentz transformation is given by

U¯ 0 = γ(U 0 βU1) − U¯ 1 = γ(U 1 βU0) − U¯ 2 = U 2 U¯ 3 = U 3

! Thursday, October 7, 2010 If you change from a system S to S-bar, that moves with V relative to S along a common x-axis, only the velocities along the x-axis are affected, the velocity components in the y and z directions are not affected. let us first write down the transformation rules for the dxμ (the components of the displacement) dx¯0 = γ(dx0 βdx1) − dx¯1 = γ(dx1 βdx0) − dx¯2 = dx2 dx¯3 = dx3 since proper time is invariant (your own clock goes the same, it does not matter whether you are in S or S-bar) 1 γ = 1 V 2/c2 − Thursday, October 7, 2010 ￿ 4-acceleration d2xµ dU The relation between the 4-acceleration A = = dτ 2 dτ d2xi and the 3-acceleration a = is more complicated dt2 dU dU d dγ dγ A = = γ = γ (γc,γu)=γ c, u + γa dτ dt dt dt dt ￿ ￿ γ = γ(u)

But in the instantaneous rest frame of the particle (u = 0)

this expression simplifies to A =(0, a) since the derivative of γ contains a factor u

Thus A =0 if and only if the proper acceleration α ☛

magnitude of the three-acceleration in the rest frame vanishes

Thursday, October 7, 2010 Similarly A A = α2 U A = 0 · · U and A have analogues not only in classical kinematics, namely u and a , but also in the differential geometry of :

They are the analogues (with respect to the particle’s worldline) of the unit tangent vector dxi/dl 2 i 2 and principal normal vector d x /dl of a space curve xi = xi(l) Thus, α is a measure of the of the worldline (because we have taken τ rather than l as the parameter, 2 the actual curvature of the worldline is α /c ) A2 = γ2 (˙γu + γa)2 γ˙ 2c2 3 2 2 2 − Using ☛ γ˙ = γ uu/c˙ ￿ u = u u . ￿˙u = uu˙

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 α = γ γ˙ u +2γγ˙ uu˙ + γ a γ˙ c = γ u u˙ /c + γ a = γ a c− (u a) − − × ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ Thursday, October 7, 2010 Rectilinear motion with constant proper acceleration d We can integrate [γ ( u ) u ] at once, choosing t =0 when u =0 dt αt = γ(u)u Squaring, solving for u, integrating once more and setting the

constant of integration equal to zero, yields the following

2 2 2 4 2 ct equation for the motion: x c t = c /α x2 c2t2 = X2 − − Thus, rectilinear motion with constant proper acceleration is called hyperbolic motion x The corresponding classical calculation gives X = c2/α

1 2 x = 2 αt i.e. parabolic motion

Note that α = implies x = ct

∞ ± hence the proper acceleration of a photon can be taken to be infinite 2 Note also, that a photon emitted a distance c / α behind the particle when the latter is momentarily at rest, cannot catch up with it (its graph is the asymptote to the particle’s hyperbola) Thursday, October 7, 2010

Uniformly accelerated rod x2 c2t2 = X2 ☻ Consider next the equation − for a continuous range of positive values of the parameter X For each fixed X it represents a particle moving with constant proper acceleration c²/X in the x-direction Altogether it represents, a rigidly moving rod By the rigid motion of a body one understands a motion during which every small volume element of the body shrinks always in the direction of its motion in proportion to its instantaneous Lorentz factor relative to a given inertial frame Thus every small volume element preserves its in its own instantaneous rest frames, which shows that the definition is intrinsic, i.e. frame-independent We can find by implicit differentiation of ☻ the velocity u and the corresponding factor of a point moving so that X=constant: dx c2t x u = = ,γ(u)= dt x X

Thursday, October 7, 2010 We can find by implicit differentiation of ☻ the velocity u and the corresponding Lorentz factor of a point moving so that X = constant: dx c2t x u = = ,γ(u)= dt x X

Consider the motion of 2 points whose parameters X differ by dX

☛ at any fixed time t we have ct x2 c2t2 = X2 −

XdX dX dx = = x γ(u) x

At every instant t = constant the 2 points are separated by a

coordinate distance dx inversely proportional to their Lorentz factor and consequently the element bounded by these points moves rigidly ➤ dX is recognized as the (Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction shortens it) Thursday, October 7, 2010

A simple accelerated wordline A particle moves on the x-axis along a worldline described parametrically by (we adopt natural units where the c =1 )

1 1 t(σ)=a− sinh σx(σ)=a− cosh σ

where a is a constant with the of inverse length The parameter σ ranges from to + −∞ ∞ For each value of σ , the parametric equations determine a point ( t, x ) in spacetime

(The y - and z - dimensions are unimportant for this example and will be suppressed in what follows)

As σ varies, the world line is swept out

Thursday, October 7, 2010 A simple accelerated wordline (cont’d) 2 2 2 The wordline is the hyperbola ☛ x t = a− − 2 2 1 It could alternatively specified by giving x(t)=(t + a− ) 2 but the parametric specification is more evenhanded between x and t The wordline is accelerated because is not straight Proper time τ along the wordline is related to σ ☛

2 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 dτ = dt dx =(a− cosh σdσ) (a− sinh σdσ) =(a− dσ) − − 1 Fixing τ to be zero when σ is zero, τ = a − σ , and the wordline can be expressed with proper time as the parameter

1 1 t(τ)=a− sinh(aτ) x(τ)=a− cosh(aτ)

Thursday, October 7, 2010 4-velocity of a simple wordline

The 4-velocity U of the wordline

U 0 dt/dτ = cosh(aτ) U 1 dx/dτ =sinh(aτ) ≡ ≡ This is correctly normalized

U U = (U 0)2 +(U 1)2 = cosh2(aτ)+sinh2(aτ)= 1 · − − −

The particle’s 3-velocity is

dx dx/dτ u1 = = = tanh(aτ) dt dt/dτ

1 This never exceeds the ( u = 1) | | but approaches it at τ = ±∞ Thursday, October 7, 2010 A simple accelerated wordline (cont’d)


1 a−

This shows the worldline specified parametrically in terms of proper time τ The points label values of a τ from -1 to 1 in steps of ½ 4-velocity vectors U are shown for these points at half size

The next values of a τ of 1.5 and -1.5 are off the graph The points are equidistant along the curve in the geometry of spacetime and the 4-vectors are all of equal length

Thursday, October 7, 2010