KNOX County 44.115344N 69.339179W 69.152929W 183*196* 197* 505* R

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KNOX County 44.115344N 69.339179W 69.152929W 183*196* 197* 505* R 44.115344N 1990 COUNTY BLOCK MAP (RECREATED): KNOX County 44.115344N 69.339179W 69.152929W 183*196* 197* 505* R Atlantic Hwy t t S or Sh Patterson Mill Rd 248* r e F r 150 225* 239* Overlook Ln d od Rd Four R Ln Talbot 192* t 193* 229*s R Rockland° 63590 y 122* O ld Ra ilro ad Gr d O n d r 251* h LEGEND c 252* e n t a R n erry L 241* 250 Blackb r s a B 249 2 i n n L bor San G r 247*d r k D Oa Red l 7 R r te s y O h c n ra B E r d R n r e t s e W o E SYMBOL NAME STYLE a 9707 E 2 7 r F Rd Depot 506 d 22 Fr5 d INTERNATIONAL R 234* t Ande osr n Ln n i d e r o s d o n P R L n N alo dn o lP n d o t a l AIR Rd r P n Rd e idg R ine up rc Po e 255 Pl n m L e r D e g d ri e in 256 P Trust Land w d R t n i o P t n e m e l C aF l oc n nL o l l c n o l 501* L n n L w o ill 236 W 512* TJSA / TDSA / ANVSA Falcon Ln 231 rk B ch ran B r D k c lo m e H 253* 507 d R M er STATE (or statistically equivalent entity) ril l L n d r R a W oo edl ged nL S t a t i o n L n y b 513* e n Mitch le nLl v a 508 Rd y ave D t COUNTY (or statistically equivalent entity) d R r a b n u D Dr ood ew Ridg Hannon Rd i o R oss veA s n s Merrill Ln A Green House Hill Rd 1 v e L n 509 MINOR CIVIL DIV. / CCD 257 240 Branch Brook Rd t r D Place within Subject Entity e r o S d h S 516 R e h v 1 A d d n a d l B ra n ch B ro o k R d t d R o nd Ave Woodla u k o o n a 514* o r o n B r D e or Sh th ou S o Incorporated Place / CDP c h w s M ade ow B kr r h a c e 511 232 d e d o Place outside of Subject Entity w t S d o o w h c e e South Pond B Fire Rd 181 d R son r e nd A Ja c bso nL n L 1 e 230* s n Rose L d R n w o t n n i F B r W M e ad ow R d k Incorporated Place / CDP Rose Ln w n Rd Bowde d e M n e R d Corporate Offset Boundary a 515* d O ys t e r R iv er Rd d 254 o R 504* 7 Rd FR r D r a d e C w 2 s 7 259 238* t R R A tl a n ict H w y e Co bl y yW r 237 d Census Tract / BNA R h c L r n Birch L r n i 230B e v 3 t BLOCK e s r R r te s y 258 O 231B R 229B d 260 ABBREVIATION REFERENCE: AIR = American Indian Reservation; Trust Land = Off−Reservation Trust Land; TJSA = Tribal Jurisdiction i r B d e u L n ird Ln Blue B N iilo H ill 9711.98 Rd Statistical Area; TDSA = Tribal Designated Statistical Area; Ice H o use Rd n i l o L 510 ANVSA = Alaska Native Village Statistical Area; ANRC = Alaska Native a l u j 264 r Ln 267 Harjula ' s r e l Regional Corporation; CCD = Census Civil Division; t t e S H lli 534 d d R CDP = Census Designated Place; BNA = Block Numbering Area Rd r's ttle Se Old 535 o Rd 517 d Lila c L n C R 518* R s e R d r d Qua ryr R d o h 261 S d R o C ld O S to re r Rd y d n ores Rd Sandy Sh l 262 l FEATURES 523 403* e w r Line Power R ll i M ineL FEATURES FEATURES Pipe/Power Line aF sel Rd n Ln way Con L M a i n e C e n t r a l R R d 265 r M li al dr nL l l a n R e m Ridge/Physical Feature 263 w 524 n L en wm Ne r Ln 404 D 527 k r o d w a D r a e d 526 k P 533 M 405 c Jeep Trail/Walkway/Ferry Property/Fence Line R River / Lake k c m l C al r k S t l n L y e l d tu S r w D do ea M ck Ba u i d oR w C Ne R k c a B t H e R R 9704.98 r 233 r o RR 407 Railroad Nonvisible Boundary e b k Glacier Dr rk a P m u t e r o b r 266 A 269 n 406A N olii H li l dR d R l il H r ke n u B THOMASTON Broadway Rd R l R ra nt Ce e ain M i l l 536 Rd 406B Marsh Rd S t o r e r R d TOWN 76365 B o o k e r S t o 402* Main St r 268 529 o e Military Out Area Old High St k r e Inset M a ni e C e n tr a Rl 409 R r n 537 L n u R S x n n L Ru Fox R t Where international, state, and/or county boundaries coincide, the map shows d Rd Marsh h t r e t North S 408 n the boundary symbol for only the highest−ranking of these boundaries. t 531 r Hi g h S Thomaston 76330 t t a K S o s su t h S t Geor g e St y 1 t l g i A ' ° ' following a place name indicates that the place is also a false MCD; B a ck R R o b bins L n n o h W a t e r T o w e r R d e r r g n 538 R the false MCD name is not shown. S L 530 e R n L y it n re e S S t a r k R d 274 307 t 2 S n Oyster River Rd In 1990, the crews−of−vessels population of ships at sea was allocated to t L 410 a B ul e St ra M emoria H l yw r 308 census tracts with a '.99' suffix. An anchor symbol appeared on the 1990 s k 309 e l dR maps locating a crews−of−vessel tract. These maps show a very small area Hill l ' s h M t ain tS a S h ip St 434* R b ill Rd Stahl's H S i oro Rd Peterb i 303 n d n RR i S symbolized as a census tract with the census tract number shown near the t l S oo ch S t t Main S n L s e bl i h S Hyler St 306 310 Toll Bridge d R 532 305 433 area. l RR Centra Maine Wad s w o rt h S t W Main St d idge R 272 Toll Br 432 3 A ' * ' following a block number indicates that the block number is repeated S ot er r Rd d s elsewhere in the block. w 270B Ship Street Cir o d R m r a F x o F o w T r d t tR 131 r h r 273 D D S t w m 303* Havener Pond eF yrr S t r r y r e S WARREN TOWN 80215 i 304 t 311 a Cu sh ngi R d v F e s g h x Rive rh ill Ln d i o n 304A v 304B e F g r r D w e i v e g d i R h i l 305 l H lltopi Ln L l l t R n o o p d L n r D m r a F x o F o w T Sun ri se erT n r i 275 s Sun set St e e i l a T t n e s r Hilltop Ln t C ie Ct tal a N e d R t B bo nli k L n s t 314 S h g t i e H La kem an L n 439 taS m ba ghu rD n k y a l e m k m o b a o a n 277 u 271 276 g d R ts gh ei H yn kl oo Br 440 h L D n St George r River 307* Sp e a rm ill Rd 441 e a r m i R d l 281 l n o s 280 Spearhill Rd t n L n L n 102 so t a M Su mm e Rr d s r E e L v n Ln 278 Lovers Summer Rd F RR d 1 R 101 d 1 Al b re t nL b e r K e n n e t h L n t L 279 n d R Segoche t Ln g o c h e t L n Westbroo St k l l i LINCOLN 015 Meklin Ln m 103 r r o m c i c k c L n a n L ick rm co ac M e M Cc ar ert Rd d l R il rm a e p S a r t e KNOX 013 r Rd d R e g d e L iK ks lai vA e N e w fo u n dla n d R d d R Ryans Ln L y nch L n w d n f a o l d u n n eL dg e R d c d R g e h r d D L 311 f n r f B 4 d R r e Fire Rd 4B i e 306 r D iff Cl v d d R er v i R 106 R 312 104 G o o s e R n L y r u Drur Ly n 310 Hylercove Ln 9708 Al ed L r n d 302 e r L n n L y 309* e D u d h a r n ue Dr Donah n n L y d n a S y r Ho l byl re yr nL r e b l l y Riverv ie w rD v e r v i RF dR 2 41 e w SOUTH THOMASTON Ln D r d R n o s k ic r d n e 303 H B cri h nL Finntown Rd F R R d 6 8 TOWN 72585 304 R d Flowers Ln Mea d wo Ln 6 301 8 F eri 107 R d A7 aH r uj al R d A pp el T r ee 105 nL r j p u l a l R d e T r e e S tu m p D u m p R d L n 313* u m 125 p D R e s o o G d 8A Fire R u 109 m d Du s yt nL R p s t y L n r 320 R e 124 M as no C o ev Ln d s o n v C 319 o v e 110 L n d R r e iv R M a rt in Ln S wa L n n F eri w o do L n F ni tn ow n Rd FR Rd 01 1 r t R i n n d L 1 306 0 1 hA alo R d Be c ke tt R d o T niw R di eg nL l a 7 R d 9 iF er La en 21 r e L 7 9 R S a n e 2 1 Old L io L n n 123 305 318 F RdR 12B d Toad Rd a R 108 201 d F rei R d 11 r e R d d 1 1 317* R d n R o e s n o r r g Ln Cove Huron 122 r e i o L n 102 e e v o C d R n o s r ie r G G r C ille yv ke ar Sh d R e rg eo G t S Collins Cove Ln St George River Collins Cove Rd T oh r n uB hs o 316* r CUSHING TOWN 15780 121 n B u Ken ny W oo ds Rd s O dl S e t elt sr L n h d S F r 1 0 5 e 202 Fr 105A t t FR Rd 14 C l e e s n t uS sn t e nL r s L L n n n Ki l le ra n L n L RF dR 1 4 FRRd 19A 204 e R g n d i S p r ni g L n r g r i n L g n ri p S n g 1 d 112 4 120 n L B e av e r da m B r k L n n L e g d e L n L a v F eir dR 14B r 203 r K il l er a n R d e e o FRIENDSHIP TOWN 26805 i R r l d rC so R s d l e o d s n L r io r P 1 s 4 r a R B d a m 307 n R y eW my m o htu L na L d n 9710 119 Wiley's Corner dR o u d t h L a n d aP u l es n R d oR ib n os n nL u L b k l s i n e s o n n r n R d B L B n r Yatta w Rd 104 k 101* Cl a r k D ist ric t R d d w 206 m 's 103 Simon o o oT nw oh su e dR R n ' d w Wiley's Corner Rd s n 205 a n h o 114 o u s i s n W oo dchu ck L n e n k r B w o d a e M 118 Rd n iso nn De R C o t t a g e R d o d d k c u h c t L t n a 207 g e Fr 01 9−6 R d n B ra nd F ord Ln L s o i M oo n River Rd w r n is L Lew d L e w i s L 115 n L w i Ln Lewis s 208 201 n 117 1 0 n L 9 9 09− Fr 1 − 116 9 ST.
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