WEDNESDAY, JuNE 22, 2016 VOLuME XI ISSuE NO.20 QR2.00 P 6 | FUTSAL P 24 | RAMADAN EVENTS INTER FAVOURITES UNDYING SPIRIT QATAR’S FIRST Movistar Inter of Spain start as The pair of Sheikh Hassan bin Khalid ENGLISH SPORTS firm favourites at the upcoming Al Thani and Ahmad Askar reign WEEKLY Intercontinental Cup in Doha. supreme at the NBK tennis tourney. FOLLOW US PAGES 16-19 P 20 | POSTER DSP SPECIAL DANIEL STORY STURRIDGE P 22 | CUE SPORTS Qatar ready for P 28 | TENNIS Snooker Worlds Serbian valley! UK £1, Europe €2 | Oman 200 Baisas | Bahrain 200 Fils | Egypt LE 2 | Lebanon 3,000 Livre | Kuwait 250 Fils | Morocco Dh 6 | UAEDh 5 | Yemen 75 Riyals | Sudan 1 Pound | KSA 2 Riyals | Jordan 500 Fils | Iraq $1 | Palestine $1 | Syria LS 20 | Wednesday, June 22, 2016 3 EXCITEMENT NOW JUST A TOUCH AWAY OutlookThe writer can be contacted at
[email protected] Make sure integrity of sports is maintained all the time ĈĈRussian episode points the needle performance-enhancing subjects, but the Russian as part of its deceitful plan to secure international of suspicion to state agencies episode clearly points the needle of suspicion to prestige through success in sports. Remember, state agencies. And now, Aden’s alleged involve- Marita Koch’s women’s 400M world record (47.60sec) HE athletics world is in turmoil again. New ment takes the whole thing to an altogether dif- set in 1985 still remains unbroken! doping scandals are emerging almost on ferent level, raising even a sense of fear about Be that it may, it was heartening to note that Ta daily basis, the latest being the arrest of the presence of a multinational ‘gang’ behind it.