your parents’ point of view, you And then, of course, they don’t a job. If they won’t help you to will see that there is a good deal exactly enjoy all the gossip about help yourself, strike out on your to be said on their side. They your divorce. own. You have no right to sponge Dorothy had looked forward, when their But your parents are wrong in on them, and you will be happier children got married, to having the way they are meeting the working than idle. Retrieve the Women's their home to Dix themselves and their situation. If you have any trade mistake* you have made. Don’t to money spend on themselves. or profession, they should get you let one folly ruin your life. Clubs » Divorcee Sponging Yule Gift Parties On Parents Should For Children Held Find Herself Job Three DEAR MISS DIX: After having By Groups been married only seven months, Whether Santa Claus or chil- my husband and I realized that dren from the Industrial Home we had made a terrible mistake School Annex were the stars at and that we could never get along yesterday’s Christmas party of together. Nothing wrong. We the Washington Soroptimist Club just made each other miserable. Clearance on... is a moot Question. So we decided to end it and go However, it is likely that the our separate ways. We felt it Willard Hotel, where the party would .be wrong to have children was held, has rarely heard so w'hen there was no love between many.ukeleles played at one time us and bring them up in a home —and all of them discordantly. that was full of strife and quar- The ukes were gifts of the club reling. I went back to my people, ... COCKTAIL DRESSES to the boy residents at the Indus- but my parents are furious with trial Home and the kids went to me. They say that I have made work immediately. Many strings a wreck of my life and that I have snapped before the luncheon was disgraced the family. Won’t allow DINNER AND over. me to go out anywhere. Treat Bibs were also prominent at the me as a black shqep. What am I luncheon, possibly another innova- to do? WORRIED TWENTY. EVENING GOWNS tion tne a for hotel, and small Answer: Most divorcees a get \ dark head bent over a new doll rather frosty welcome when they and a for shoes won’t be coupon come back home after having forgotten quickly. MISS WHITE. MISS SHEERIN. made a hash of their marriages, "He’s here but he’s stuck!”, was Photo. —Dementi Va. so your is —Glogau Photo, Richmond, experience not excep- were the routine answer of one small 0 tional. If you will look at it from boy when various young guests 59.95 _now__ were called to the platform by 29.95 Santa Claus—(Mrs. Edith Jarvis, Miss White and Miss Sheerin Christmas Tea Brides-Elect 79.95 -_now 45.00 but don’t tell the kids). The one Col. and Mrs. John Frederick and made her debut here in 1948 attended Holton-Arms School and Prof. Alan T. Deibert, adviser who knew who was “stuck” rooted to students from Whiteley, jr., today announced the and at the Baltimore Bachelors’ is a graduate of St. Catherine’s foreign countries 98.95 -now 59.95 his colleagues out in time to re- at engagement of Mrs. Whiteley’s Cotillion that same year. School in Richmond. She also the George Washington Uni- ceive their gifts. Rebecca Ann to versity, entertained at a Christmas 145.00 __now daughter, White, Mr. Mitchell is a grandson of attended Stephens College in Co- 98.50 Two members of the Washing- | tea Mr. William Mitchell, jr., son of the late Senator John Lendrum lumbia, Mo. Her. grandparents yesterday. ton Boys’ Club and residents at at the tea 235.00 _now the late Brig. Gen. William Mit- Mitchell and Mrs. Mitchell of Mil- are Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Williams Assisting table were 155.00 the Aged Woman’s Home also Mrs. Norman Mrs. chell, U. S. A. F., and Mrs. Thomas waukee, Wis., and of the late of Richmond and the late Rev. \ Makin, Cloyd were guests at the party. All H. Marvin, Mrs. Parsons Bolling Byrd of ‘The Cliff,” Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Trowbridge and Mrs. James Sheerin of New Henry guests received gifts. Erwin, Mrs. Grattan Va. Miller of Detroit. Mich. He is a York City. She was presented to Henry Doyle. A highlight at the entertain- Mrs. Miss White is the daughter of of the Hotchkiss School society here in 1947. Myron Slater, Miss Monique ment was a Christmas story, "Why graduate All Sales Final Mr. Harrison, son of Mr. and Piatte, Miss Barbara Tate, Miss Chimes Maj. Gen. Thomas Dresser White, and is now at the University of the Rang,” which was told Frances Graves and Miss Gloria U. S. A. F., and granddaughter of Virginia where he is a member of Mrs. David A. Harrison, jr„ of by young Carolyn McNight, a stu- Bloom. Right Rev. John Chanler White Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and Hopewell, attended the Episcopal dent of Rose Robison Cowen. Miss and the late Mrs. White of Spring- Skull and Key. High School in Alexandria and is Mary Slotemaker de Bru- ine Christmas on Baby Doll Luncheon field. 111. Her mother was the The wedding will take place a graduate of the University of played carols the A live baby doll stole the show former Rebekah Blaine Lipscomb April 21. Virginia where he was a member piano. at the Women’s Advertising Club's and her maternal grandparents of St. Anthony Hall. He is the “baby doll luncheon” held yester- were Mrs. Blaine Lipscomb of this Mrs. Charles Wilford Sheerin of grandson of the late Mr. and Luncheon day at the Washington Hotel. i city and Mr. Charles Eppa Lips- Richmond announces the engage- Mrs. David Harrison of Disputanta, j Meeting Riziig Brck The Inner Wheel She was 2]2-month-old Lau- comb of New York and the Eastern ment of her daughter Maria Ward Va., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Club of Be- thesda rinda Steele, who accompanied her Shore of Maryland. to Mr. James Grandison Harrison Beale Davis of Petersburg, Va. held a luncheon meeting at Farms. Cr"7l6wfoHat5?t—* ) career mother, Mrs. Earl Steele,! The bride-elect is a graduate; of Hopewell. Va. During World War II, he served yesterday Normandy Mrs. to the Christmas party which of the National Cathedral School Miss Sheerin is the daughter with the Navy and is now an en- Ryder C. Ray was chairman S of the committee on mcomr/curjjwm featured the presentation of more for Girls and attended Connecti-j of the late Rev. Sheerin who was sign in the Naval Reserve. He is arrange- than 100 toy dolls to St. Vincent's cut College for Women. She is rector of the Church of the Epiph- j now in law school at the Uni- j ments, assisted by Mrs. Leslie Bell, 1 and Mrs. Carroll Orphanage. a sixth generation Washingtonian! any here from 1942 to 1948. She I versity of Virginia. Jr., Sager. ------j Honor guests were Senora de la Colina, wife of the Mexican Ambassador: Mme. Erkin, wife of Steverson-Teichmann Ceremony Held the Turkish Ambassador, and The National Metropolitan; Mme. Thors, wife of the Minister Methodist Church was the scene of who last of the of In a a Iceland, contributed dolls evening wedding tizzy 'cause you're dressed in the costumes of their Miss Margrit Barbara Teichmann respective countries. and Mr. Woodrow W. Steverson, As the diplomatic guests were the Rev. Edward W. Latch offi- presented. Laurinda—not to be ciating. The bride is the daughter left out of proceedings—raised a of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Teich- polite but strident cry from her mann of Chevy Chase and Mr. beribboned basinette. When it Steverson is the son of Mrs. Ida was her turn to be introduced, she Steverson and Mr. Spurgeon Stev- smiled happily. erson of Columbia, S. C. The re- j On hand to receive the dolls ception followed in the home of for St. Vincent's was Miss Eleanor Dr. and Mrs. Teichmann. Kleczka, who explained they will Miss Gisela Wilma Teichmann make a real Christmas for the was maid of honor for her sister 106 little girls there. and the bride’s other attendants Zonta were Mrs. MacKinley Luther, and at Meeting the Misses Gloria Virginia Stever- gifts galore 8 The accent was on youth at still' son, Katherine Strohm, and Betty another luncheon yesterday when Mehring. 10 or more youngsters from the Lt. Rupert L. Fogle was best Hahn's 7th & K Store and 8 Children’s Emergency Home of man and the ushers included the Central Union Mission enter- Messrs. Jack Woods, Charles M. tained with Christmas carols atf Peters, Robert Fraily and Eber- all the Zonta Club meeting at the hard Walter Teichmann. Neighborhood Stores University Women's Club. The Mr. and Mrs. Steverson will children were guests during the have a brief wedding trip after dessert hour. which the bride will return to MRS. STEVERSON. During the session, Zontians Open Every Evening Denton, Tex., where she is a mem- —Southall Photo. donated S65 for the mission's shoe ber of the senior class at the fund and arranged to send Christ- Texas State College for Women. son will be graduated from Amer- mas Until gifts to the residents of the She will be graduated in June in; ican University next year after CHRISTMAS 1 Aged Woman's Home. occupational therapy. Mr. Stever-1 which he will enter law school. -For THIRTY-FOUR Years Your Christmas Store for Gift Apparel- 1207 F and 14th fir G Open Tonight'til 8:30 §

Sale of Walt Disney animal character felt house . Infants' size 5 to misses' size 3. 2.59. Side-gore in brown, red or blue leather. Soft-soled and fleece lined. Sizes 6 to 3, 2.95. L. B. Evans men's padded sole THIRTEENTH * IETWEEN E fr P or opera style. Brown or burgundy leather. Sizes 6 to 13, 4.95. Tots' Jingle Bunny slippers with eves that tinkle a tune. Pink or blue plush. Sizes 3 to 10, 1.49. Beaded capeskin with white bunny fur. Blue, 2.95. pajamas, 6, Hummina Bird NYLONS, 51 gouge, 1 5 denier in wanted col- coffee ors. Sizes 8*4 to 11, 1.50; coat, 60 gauge. 1 5 denier, 1.65. 7 Men's burgundy leather slippers, with full shearling lining and cuff. Sizes 6 to 12, 4.95. Red and case, or blue, fleece-lined; women's sizes 4 to 10; child sizes 6 to all four 12 2.95. 8. Men's kidskin opera; leather lin- ing, hard sole. Block, tan, wine or blue with stripes. Sizes 5 to 13, 4.95. 9. Esquire Footman, family shoe- shine kit; brushes, daubers, block and brown polish, cloth shoe- rest, 4.95. 10. Men's OLDMAINE TROTTERS with hartdsewn vamps, leather sole. Brown leather, sizes 5 to 1 5, 9.95; women's sizes 4 to 10 We cater to leisure your hours in black, red, green, 8.95, (and to your.yen to travel!) 11. Guild Hondbags of Forstmann oll-wool broadcloth with rich with the perkiest polka dot en- clasps. Black or brown. Rayon semble we’ve seen in many faille; ncvy, black brown. 7.95, tax. a moon (and for so-oo-o little plus 12. O'Omphies rayon satin scuff. money!). Pretty, practical, Bride's blue, royal blue, red or packable rayon crepe block. Sizes 4 to 10, 2.95. 13. Bobby Benson Boot in p. j.’s, robe, scuffs and all-black or brown with red, green, tan. plastic carry-all in Sizes 6 Vi to 8, 4.95; sizes 8 Vi to Red or Navy. Sizes 32 12, 5.95; sizes 12 Vi to 3, 6.95. to 40. an (What 14. Rubber Boot, first quality In sizes idea for wonderful for oil the family. Child's 6 to 1 Christmas 2; misses' 1 3 to 3, in brown, gifting!) red or white. Women's 4 to 9 in black, red, or white, 2.99. 15. Hostess bridge slipper in blue, black or wine kid. Sizes 4 to 10, 3.95. 16. O'Omphies shining rayon satin sling in royol blue or black. Sizes 4 to 10, 4.50.

Open Tonight ’til 8:30; — Friday ’til 7:30 K All X 3 **1207 F **14th & G ***7th & K *4483 Conn. *3113 14th ‘Silver Spring, Md. ‘Clarendon, Va. ***Open Thurs., Fri. and Sat. 'til 8:30 ’’"“Open Thurs. 'til 8:30 '"Open Evenings 'til 9 Free Parking at 4483 Conn., 3113 14th and Silver Spring Stores —Town and Country Shop, Third Floor-