1932, January 22, Friday

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1932, January 22, Friday FIRST CLASS NATIONA ONOR RATING " Dragons Beat Join the Independence Thrift Club ; . ·Vol. XVII ,THE BOOSTER, PITTSBURG, KANSAS; FRIDAY, 'JANUARY 22, 1932 NO. IS I~ :•••• ~\ to ~ i .. ', ~ " ------_....:.-._--------'------ t t PLAY PLANNED FOR PARENT Dr. Pyle Speaks TEACHERS MEETING MONDAY Seniors Sponsor Associated with. the idea of thrift has always been the frugality, of an untiring servitor' of his country, Ben­ Miss Rimmer's home room has 'at P.-T. Meeting jamin Franldin. Starting as ont! of the poorest of his worked out a new idea to get the par· Thrift Program time through his youth and earilY life he worked his way ents to come to the Parent Teachers to fame and fortune only by being thrifty. By saving both meeting, which is in r.harge of the Monday Evening his time and money, Franklin "has become the figure junior class n~xt Monday night. In- in Home Room stead of just having each student ask • ... 'Special Numbers Given by Shay, which he symbolizes to the Am ,rican patroits of today• The s'ystem that was emPI~"ed by Franklin in his his parents, although that wIll be Only Two of SIX Upper Class . Tripp, Cole, Benelli, Osth­ - done too, each student will phone or Groups ".ave Not Started off, and Cutburth program of thrift was to keep , daily account of his in­ come and expenditures. Luxuri s were practically un­ visit some other student's parents Funds In Some Form known to this exponent of th ift; sometimes he had and invite them to the meeting. Juniors Give Comedy only the bare necessities of life." This home room is also providing Trimble BoastS' Lead "A penny saved is a penny earned" and other pro­ some entertainment for that night in 1~10ral ahU .ltlcn"4d ~U(Cl)·, TopiC verbs of Franklin prove the vep)" true frugality of his the form of a short play, "A. B. and Fintel's and Stamm's Junior People J)ll;cuss~d,by :SpeaKer at nature. I Q.T." The characters are as follows: Sponsored Christmas l)~lcgatilln Na:tional Thrift Week is ollscrved throughout the Q. T., Maxine Giles; A. B., John Savings Clubs United States this week as a ,pecial incentive to the Clements; M. A., Perina Cubete; P. "lYlol'al and m~ntai safety may be people to become thrifty. A., ,Sammy Ferson; M. D., Gerald The seniors have .stJarted thrift­ OIJ\;Uuu;:u. Ui ",ae SUJ!::C:,ut. J,Jt:H.. lI\:J." UE: Ways of observing Thrif~ Wr,ek are being discussed Moyer; Postman, Melford Butler. savings accounts in their home rooms slue tnan SUl'l'y,''' was tne ~tatement • and methods of saving put into practice. • in connection with National Thrift by LJl·. .1'ylc of tile cOllege at tne " It is our duty. as American citizens to observe Thrift spons~red John' Marshall, captain-elect for County Teachers Week which is in schools ral'l:nt-'l'eacnel"s meetmg /leld 1110n­ Weelt not only on the days in this week, but on every the football team for the year 1932, each year from Jan. 17 1to 26. The ullY "anual'y lIS, at tile 1Ilgn scnool other day to follow. Perhaps each one of us could budget .in Meet Saturday graduating class realizes that they auultorium. is a member of the junior class and an experienced man in the football his time, money, and activities,to such an extent that must work hard to boast the sales of 'l'ne speal(el' said there are many ~hrift. Dean Irwin of Washburn College The Purple & White this year so they game. He fills the position of right we could make this year one of Then, too, since hospnals to l'ecelve tne wreckage o~ the "depression' is upon us," we Itlight do this little bit.to Principal Speaker; Play Given by are starting early. Each senior home society ana to try and cure them, but guard. Marshall has proven his worth aid in getting it off. j High School Members room has a thrift club now ahd are and we know that he will show some 'if tney !lad began el1l:11er In Ihe planning to incI'ease annual sales in !lOClety might be able ,to save them. fine spirit on the field next fall. Approximately 600 teachers of the this way. lJr. 1'yle also sala the parents shoulU Crawford County Teachers Associa- . ~emersd' roomd~ tram cnildren ill time to become goua ,ALL-FEMININE GROUP · Y s ·Won Banners tion and Pittsburg Teachers associa- Only two hOIme have Senior Class Holds H I~ er I· t' tt d d .. t t' f th not started 1mme late y accor mg to CitIZens and prevent tragedy. '1'hU8 REMAINS QUIET AWHILE ·Y rs -Ion a en e a J?m .mee mg 0 e the instructors. The other four have Ute parent can prevent mental and Business Meeting f or Past FIve ea ~o groups held In Plt.tsburg, Satur- the plan well under way and are in- moral WIUlte. Has anyone ever imagined that a ,aay, January 16. creasing deposits every day. '.l'eacners Study Child Vote to Have Thirty Minute Assem­ group of girls, say twelve; lind a lady Pitt~burg Delegation Took Leather Dean W. O. Irwin of Wa~hburn Trimble's Home Room Leads "We, as pU::enta and teachers ~ ,: bly Ever-y.. Two Weeks; Adopt teacher coud be qT;1iet 1'91' fiftel!p min­ 'roken at All-State Meet Colleg!!, ropeka, was the prmcipall .,, ''''' ·...,.·_·7 'In vrc'li1't&·.....·~<' , ' speaker at the afternoon session qt' - MISS Trimble s home•.room, b<.>~ts f preVl!llt thil! trageuy In tlme Dyes­ Thrift Plan utes? No indeed, but jusb that thing ,tablishiIlg the right kinds ot habits," has been accomplished by a number of the group. Dean Irwin, a Scotchman on~ hun.dred per~ent. Everyone ,of her Isald the speaker• .tie went tw:ther and The senior class assembled in the stenographers and their instructor. The Hi-Y boys of Pittsburg Senior by birth has lived in this country thirty-eight pupIls have started ac­ High School have taken their share stilted that, "Children are like seals. auditorium, during the activity period During the lunch period one fine day only'ten 'years. counts, totaling $12.71 up-tO-date. of honors at conferences held in re­ Th~ 'J:be manager will gIVe. the seal a nSh last Thursday morning to take up Miss Costello had a severe cold; she The spel1ker gave valuable inform- students have responded to the cent years. For the past five' years · th t d' savmgs and by the end of the year immedIately after its perlormance. the business of the year book. couldn't speak and couldn't stand to atIon on e presen epresslOn say- h 1 h' the Pittsburg delegation has taken The meeting was called to order by hear those around her indulge in con­ mg,. "The trouble....wl'th you IS. that eac pans to buy IS annual. .ll.eward wul stamp in the habit. No I the banner. muneL' now low "nl! ulUmal life, .ne the president, Junior Owsley, who, versation when she lacked that privil- Ils soon as you get a dollar, your Mr. York's. home. room has a ~ood , In 1927 at the conference held at greatest worry is to spend it, instead prec~ntage With t~l1·ty out of thirt~­ animal will learn the ditference be­ presented Principal Hutchinson for a lege. Parsons, seventeen delegates attend­ few remarks to the class. Mr. Hutch- But greater miracles than this have of trying to see how much you can five m the club SIgned, although his tween reward and punillhment." ed. At lola in 1928, fifteen Hi-yres at­ }Jr. 1'yle said, "Teachers should inson suggested a class meeting once hap.pened. save. You are seriously lacking in toool in only $4.00. Mips 'Palmer's ~nded the meeting. Wichita was Scotch instincts." home roo~ h~ about. ~we~ty puples a month if the time can be used pro- ----+t---- the center for the all state conference (Continued to page four) Summmg. up histalk , Dean Irwin out of thIrty-sIX partlclpatmg, total- perly. He also stated that some de- Junior Boys Present of 1929. Over one thousand delegates thinks we have a wonderful country finite plan for holding the meeting Pep Assembly Friday from Kansas gathered. Twelve mem­ (Continued to page four) J u~ior ,<Jlass Meets should be followed and that forego:. bers represented Pittsburg. Twenty and do some great things, but he'also ing classes have used parliamentary QOYs went to the 1930 conference held believes we do some terribly foolish Zacharias and Wilson Speak About procedure. Sllcech by Snodgrass, Number by at Independence. The conference things. He cited many little incidents Class Adopts Plan Annual; McElroy Sings Following the talk by Mr. Hutch­ Humorous Band, and Play which was held this year at Fort to illustrate his talk, using our tele­ inson, Mr. Row, speech instructor, Form Program Scott was attended by twenty-six Hi- phone communication as an example The junior class held a meeting in explained to the class the fundamen­ of noteworthy American achievement. Theme Changed to Term Project to . , II Y members. Ente~ainment the au'ditol'ium Tuesday mOl'ning at tals of parliamentary procedure. The . ,A pep chapel In ~h.arge of the J~~- The following things are consider- was provided in the Promote Originalit.y the activity period. HarDld Sinn, class rules as given by Mr.
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