May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E745 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

SUMTER LAW ENFORCEMENT Maintaining and deepening our strong rela- Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Chair, I ask that PRAYER BREAKFAST tions with Taiwan is an important part of U.S. the following exchange of letters be submitted engagement in Asia, a region of great and on H.R. 4909: HON. JAMES E. CLYBURN growing importance to the United States. COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, OF SOUTH CAROLINA This includes a vital security and strategic interest within the Taiwan Strait, where United Washington, DC, May 2, 2016. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States troops are stationed within the Taiwan Hon. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, Thursday, May 19, 2016 Strait region. Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House Further, Taiwan has grown to become of Representatives, Washington, DC. Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, as the nation DEAR MR. THORNBERRY: I write to confirm pauses to celebrate 25 years of federal rec- America’s ninth-largest overall trading partner our mutual understanding regarding H.R. ognition of National Police Week, I rise to pay and our seventh-largest destination for agricul- 4909, the National Defense Authorization Act tribute to law enforcement officers in South tural exports. for Fiscal Year 2017. This legislation con- Carolina and across the country who serve Indeed, I am particularly proud that as a tains subject matter within the jurisdiction and protect our families and communities Member of the Congressional Caucus on Tai- of the House Committee on Veterans’ Af- every day. wan, my colleagues and I can serve an impor- fairs. However, in order to expedite floor Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to tant role in strengthening bilateral relations by consideration of this important legislation, engaging our counterparts in Taiwan. the committee waives consideration of the speak at a prayer breakfast in my hometown bill. of Sumter, South Carolina. The prayer break- Not too long ago, we commemorated the The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs fast was hosted by the Sumter County Sher- 37th anniversary of the enactment of the Tai- takes this action only with the under- iff’s Department and the City of Sumter Police wan Relations Act. standing that the committee’s jurisdictional Department. I am grateful Sheriff Anthony I encourage my colleagues to continue to interests over this and similar legislation Dennis honored me with his invitation to speak join me in support of and in promotion of our are in no way diminished or altered. at the prayer breakfast. bilateral relations with Taiwan. The committee also reserves the right to The theme for the event was, ‘‘Badge of Mr. Speaker, I commend the speech deliv- seek appointment to any House-Senate con- ered by Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou on ference on this legislation and requests your Honor,’’ which is fitting because when our support if such a request is made. Finally, I brave men and women serve our communities 30, 2016, in which he emphasized the would appreciate your including this letter day in and day out, they bring great personal strong and abiding friendship between Taiwan in the Congressional Record during consider- honor to their duties. Police work is often dan- and the United States, which was integral to ation of H.R. 4909 on the House Floor. Thank gerous and too frequently thankless, so I think Taiwan’s transformation into the free, pros- you for your attention to these matters. it’s important for those of us in elected office perous, and just society it is today. Sincerely, to pause and say sincerely, thank you. President Ma also spoke of Taiwan’s future JEFF MILLER, Mr. Speaker, in recognition of National Po- through the lens of three key issues: Chairman. lice Week, I want to say thank you to the law 1. cross-strait relations; 2. energy; and COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, enforcement officers and their families in HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, South Carolina and throughout this great land. 3. economic development. Washington, DC, May 3, 2016. f President Ma also mentioned that through Hon. JEFF MILLER, the effort to seek peace, Taiwan has become Chairman, Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, REAFFIRMATION OF THE TAIWAN a peacemaker and provider of humanitarian House of Representatives, Washington, DC. RELATIONS ACT AND THE SIX aid. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your ASSURANCES I also want to congratulate Taiwan on the letter regarding H.R. 4909, the National De- January 16, 2016 election of the first female fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. SPEECH OF President to be elected—Dr. Tsai Ing-wen. I agree that the Committee on Veterans’ Af- fairs has valid jurisdictional claims to cer- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Mr. Speaker, the inauguration of President tain provisions in this important legislation, Dr. Tsai Ing-wen is the third peaceful transition OF TEXAS and I am most appreciative of your decision of power in Taiwan’s democratic history. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES not to request a referral in the interest of ex- The United States congratulates the people pediting consideration of the bill. I agree Monday, May 16, 2016 and government of Taiwan on the election of that by foregoing a sequential referral, the Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise President Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan’s enduring Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is not today in support of H. Con. Res. 88 reaffirm- and strong commitment to nurturing democ- waiving its jurisdiction. Further, this ex- racy, human rights and the rule-of-law. change of letters will be included in the com- ing the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) and the mittee report on the bill. six assurances as cornerstones of the United This is why I support and urge my col- Sincerely, States-Taiwan relations. leagues to support H. Con. Res. 88. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, Since its enactment, the TRA has played an f Chairman. indispensable role in shaping U.S.-Taiwan re- NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- lations, resulting in a mutually-beneficial rela- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017 tionship that encourages strong security, cul- COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRS, tural, and economic ties. Washington, DC, April 29, 2016. SPEECH OF Hon. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, The TRA is unique because it is the only Chairman, House Armed Services Committee, law to govern nearly every aspect of U.S. rela- HON. MAC THORNBERRY Washington, DC. tions within a foreign government in the ab- OF TEXAS DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: I write to confirm our sence of diplomatic relations. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mutual understanding regarding H.R. 4909, Taiwan’s story is unique in that it is an ex- Tuesday, May 17, 2016 the National Defense Authorization Act for ample to the world of the potential of a coun- Fiscal Year 2017, which contains substantial try. The House in Committee of the Whole matter that falls within the Rule X legisla- Indeed, Taiwan and the United States share House on the state of the Union had under tive jurisdiction of the Foreign Affairs Com- consideration the bill (H.R. 4909) to authorize mittee. I appreciate the cooperation that al- many values including: appropriations for fiscal year 2017 for mili- lowed us to work out mutually agreeable 1. a commitment to democracy; tary activities of the Department of Defense text on numerous matters prior to your 2. a commitment to human rights and the and for military construction, to prescribe markup. rule of law; and military personnel strengths for such fiscal Based on that cooperation and our associ- 3. a commitment to economic prosperity. year, and for other purposes: ated understandings, the Foreign Affairs

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.001 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E746 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 Committee will not seek a sequential refer- COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, manders say they need. Unfortunately, that ral or object to floor consideration of the bill HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, amendment did not pass. text approved at your Committee markup. Washington, DC, May 3, 2016. As the Ranking Member of the House Budg- This decision in no way diminishes or alters Hon. DEVIN NUNES, et Committee, I also have worked hard to de- the jurisdictional interests of the Foreign Chairman, Permanent Select Committee on In- fend the integrity of the budget process and to Affairs Committee in this bill, any subse- telligence, House of Representatives, U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC. end the abuse of the OCO designation to cir- quent amendments, or similar legislation. I cumvent budget caps. I offered a bipartisan request your support for the appointment of DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your amendment with Representative MULVANEY House Foreign Affairs conferees during any letter regarding H.R. 4909, the National De- fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. that attempts to help reduce this abuse in the House-Senate conference on this legislation. I agree that the Permanent Select Com- future. The amendment codifies criteria devel- Finally, I respectfully request that you in- mittee on Intelligence has valid jurisdic- oped by OMB to clarify when military spending clude this letter and your response in your tional claims to certain provisions in this should be designated as contingency oper- committee report on the bill and in the Con- important legislation, and I am most appre- ations. To provide the necessary resources for gressional Record during consideration of ciative of your decision not to request a re- a strong military and vital domestic invest- H.R. 4909 on the House floor. ferral in the interest of expediting consider- ments, it is imperative our budget process be Sincerely, ation of the bill. I agree that by foregoing a transparent and deliberative. Using budget EDWARD R. ROYCE sequential referral, the Permanent Select Chairman. Committee on Intelligence is not waiving its gimmicks perpetuates bad decisions, in- jurisdiction. Further, this exchange of let- creases debt by obfuscating spending, and in ters will be included in the committee report this case, puts the troops at risk. COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES, on the bill. This NDAA once again abdicates Congres- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Sincerely, sional responsibility to revise and update the Washington, DC, May 3, 2016. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, Hon. EDWARD R. ROYCE, 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force Chairman. Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House (AUMF). The 2001 AUMF has been used to of Representatives, Washington, DC. f conduct a broad range of military operations across the world for the past fifteen years. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you for your NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZA- Rather than act to narrowly target that author- letter regarding H.R. 4909, the National De- TION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017 fense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017. ity to meet our current operational and na- tional security requirements, Congress has I agree that the Committee on Foreign Af- SPEECH OF fairs has valid jurisdictional claims to cer- continued to provide the Executive with a tain provisions in this important legislation, HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN blank check to deploy American ground troops and I am most appreciative of your decision OF MARYLAND in many places in the Middle East and else- not to request a referral in the interest of ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where around the globe. Representative LEE pediting consideration of the bill. I agree offered an amendment to force Congress to Tuesday, May 17, 2016 that by foregoing a sequential referral, the meet its constitutional obligations regarding its Committee on Foreign Affairs is not waiving The House in Committee of the Whole war powers. While I do not believe we should its jurisdiction. Further, this exchange of House on the state of the Union had under totally eliminate all authorities under the 2001 letters will be included in the committee re- consideration the bill (H.R. 4909) to authorize AUMF, I do believe we need to dramatically port on the bill. appropriations for fiscal year 2017 for mili- reduce its scope and end the grant of blank Sincerely, tary activities of the Department of Defense check authority to the Executive. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, and for military construction, to prescribe The NDAA should focus only on soldiers Chairman. military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes: and their needs. However, Republicans have used it as a vehicle to insert inflammatory and PERMANENT SELECT COMMITTEE ON Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, I rise today in non-germane amendments. It includes an INTELLIGENCE, HOUSE OF opposition to H.R. 4909, the National Defense amendment that reverses the President’s Ex- REPRESENTATIVES, Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, be- ecutive Order that prevents federal contractors May 2, 2016. cause it fails to support our troops serving from discriminating against LGBT employees. Hon. WILLIAM M. ‘‘MAC’’ THORNBERRY, overseas. The House Armed Services Com- It removes environmental protections, impedes Chairman, Committee on Armed Services, House mittee reported a bill that uses a budget gim- of Representatives, Washington, DC. development of alternative fuel sources to de- mick to circumvent funding caps Congress crease our dependence on foreign fuel, and it DEAR CHAIRMAN THORNBERRY: I write to passed into law on a bipartisan basis, and by prevents the closure of the Guantanamo Bay you concerning H.R. 4909, National Defense doing so it not only undermines the budget detention facility. Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, process, it puts our troops at risk. The bill cuts I applaud certain measures such as the 2.1 which contains provisions within the Rule X $18 billion from what our military commanders jurisdiction of the Permanent Select Com- percent pay raise for armed services, research say is needed to support our troops overseas, mittee on Intelligence (‘‘the Committee’’). to combat the opioid epidemic that is impact- The Committee recognizes the need for pro- and shifts those funds into the base defense ing our veterans, increased funding to combat ceeding expeditiously to floor consideration budget to purchase billions of dollars of weap- veteran homelessness, and expanding the pa- of this important bill. Therefore, I do not in- on systems the Defense Department did not rental leave policy for active duty service tend to request a sequential referral. even request. Consequently, the bill provides members. I remain committed to fighting for This waiver is conditional on our mutual only enough funding for the troops deployed in these important issues but I cannot support understanding that my decision to forego Afghanistan and Iraq through April, 2017. This the unacceptable budget gimmicks and policy Committee consideration of this legislation would then force Congress to pass an emer- riders in the underlying bill. does not diminish or otherwise affect any fu- gency supplemental to ensure that troops who Mr. Chair, I vote nay. ture claim over the matters in the bill which are serving in harm’s way have the resources f fall within the Committee’s jurisdiction, and they need for the remainder of the year. We IN RECOGNITION OF COLONEL that a copy of this letter and your response shouldn’t gamble with the troops we send off ROCKY McPHERSON acknowledging the Committee’s jurisdic- to battle. They deserve predictable support for tional interest will be placed into the com- the entire year as they execute their missions, mittee report on H.R. 4909 and into the Con- particularly in view of the dangers they face. HON. THOMAS J. ROONEY gressional Record during consideration of OF FLORIDA Representative ELLISON offered an amend- this measure on the House floor. ment to undo part of this gimmick. His amend- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I also intend to seek appointment of Com- ment cuts $9.4 billion of Overseas Contin- Thursday, May 19, 2016 mittee members to any House-Senate con- gency Operations (OCO) funds the bill shifted Mr. ROONEY of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise ference on this legislation and request your to procurement for weapons DoD didn’t ask today to recognize the distinguished career of support if such a request is made. Thank you for and puts it back into operations and main- for the cooperative spirit in which you have retired Marine Colonel Rocky McPherson, who worked regarding this and other matters be- tenance, where DoD requested it for overseas is retiring after 50 years of service to our na- tween our respective committees. operations. I supported the amendment be- tion and the state of Florida. Sincerely, cause it puts the troops first. It gives them the Upon graduating from the United States DEVIN NUNES, certainty they need while they carry out their Naval Academy in 1966, Rocky was commis- Chairman. missions. It is also what our military com- sioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.004 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E747 States Marine Corps and began his military late Fred Farr, there is no man who I admire He was a strong supporter of community career with a ground combat tour in Vietnam. more for his exuberant humanity and tran- empowerment programs such as the San Fer- After one year as an infantry officer he scendent love for all those around him. nando Valley Chapter of the NAACP and the transitioned into the aviation community and is Born in St. Joseph, Missouri, Rick grew up Boys and Girls Club, as well as the Alicia the only Marine officer with both ground and in a close-knit family whose social life cen- Broadous-Duncan Senior Center in Pacoima. aviation combat tours during the Vietnam War. tered around their own community’s syna- After going to school at Bishop College in During Rocky’s continued military service, gogue. In high school, he joined a Jewish Dallas, TX, and spending nine years as the he commanded the Marine All Weather Attack youth group and a Mitzvah Corps program. Pastor of New Bethel Baptist Church and di- Squadron 121 aboard the USS Ranger, the That grounding in Reform Judaism encour- rector of several community centers, Apostle Marine Air Training Support Group at Whidbey aged his involvement in interfaith dialogue and Broadous returned to the Valley. Island, Washington, and served as the Chief Jewish social justice activism. This back- Upon his return, he joined his father at Cal- of Staff, III Marine Expeditionary Force in Oki- ground led Rick to study at Hebrew Union Col- vary Baptist Church and embraced his new nawa, Japan. His final assignment before retir- lege in Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds an MA in role as Pastor after his father’s passing in ing from the Marine Corps was at Marine Hebrew Arts and Letters and is a rabbinic 1982. Corps Headquarters as the Deputy Director, member of the Chesky Institute for Judaism Apostle Broadous dedicated his life to his Manpower Division. and Psychotherapy. community and his congregation, preaching at Rocky then served as the Executive Director Rick first came to Temple Beth El in 1975— Calvary Baptist Church up until the day of his of the Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the same year I was sworn in as a Monterey passing. where he oversaw the most significant expan- County Supervisor—as a student rabbi, and Apostle Broadous will be sorely missed in sion of state veterans’ nursing homes in dec- then in 1977 became its first full time rabbi. the San Fernando Valley. He is survived by ades, led department efforts to support Flor- Under his leadership, the Temple community his wife, Pastor Gloria L. Broadous, his chil- ida’s returning severely wounded service grew steadily, from 50 families to over 500 dren, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and members, and spearheaded plans to design today. He added religious programs, Jewish siblings, nieces and nephews. and build the Florida World War II Memorial adult education courses, expanded religious Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me and monument—a replica of the larger monu- school curriculums, a preschool, and commu- in honoring the life of Apostle William T. ment located here in Washington, D.C. His nity center activities. Rick also helped lead the Broadous. Although Apostle Broadous is no personal and professional dedication to im- development and 1990 opening of the current longer with us in person, his legacy will con- proving services for Florida’s veterans has Temple site. tinue for generations to come. made a tremendous and lasting impact on the In the broader community, Rick has built a f lives of over 1.5 million veterans and their towering reputation for leadership and peace family members in Florida. building. He elevated social action and inter- HOUSING FOR HOMELESS Most recently, Rocky has used his talents to faith understanding to a central calling for the STUDENTS ACT advance the mission of Enterprise Florida, a Temple Beth El community; supporting its public-private partnership between Florida’s leadership in the ‘‘Out in Our Faith’’ movement HON. JIM McDERMOTT business and government leaders that aims to locally and nationally. People throughout OF WASHINGTON encourage economic development in the state Santa Cruz County and the Monterey Bay IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Area appreciate Rick for the faith, leadership, of Florida. As the organization’s Vice Presi- Thursday, May 19, 2016 dent for Military and Defense Programs, and joy that he brings to many social justice Rocky has worked to protect, preserve, and causes. Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, today, improve Florida’s military installations, as well Mr. Speaker, I know I speak for the whole along with fellow Members of Congress, ERIK as the communities surrounding those bases. House in thanking Rick for his years of serv- PAULSEN, KEITH ELLISON, and DAVE REICHERT, Rocky’s unparalleled experience and knowl- ice. The world is an immeasurably better place I am introducing bipartisan legislation to im- edge of military and defense issues have for having Rick among its people. I want to prove the Low Income Housing Tax Credit to made him both a leader at the national level say what a pleasure it has been to work with ensure low-income families do not have to and an invaluable resource for Governors, him these many years. He is such an amazing choose between stable, affordable housing State Legislators, and local defense commu- leader. So much so, that once I heard that he and education. nity leaders across the state. planned to retire, I felt compelled to follow his The Low Income Housing Tax Credit is a Mr. Speaker, I thank Colonel Rocky example and announce my own retirement highly successful tool for financing affordable McPherson for the duty and honor he has from elective office. I wish Rick, his amazing housing and one of the premier examples of consistently displayed throughout his 17 years wife Nancy, and their daughters Jessica and the government leveraging its resources in of outstanding service to the state of Florida. Gwen, all the best. Shalom, my friend. order to maximize outcomes through public- We are truly better off because of his hard f private partnerships. Unfortunately, a well-in- work, and I wish Rocky, his wife of 34 years tentioned limitation called the ‘‘student rule’’ IN MEMORY OF APOSTLE WILLIAM currently forces some of the most in-need to Connie, their children Ashley, Nathan and T. BROADOUS Courtney, and their grandson, Jack all the choose between housing and education. best in the years to come. ´ The ‘‘student rule’’ was designed to prohibit HON. TONY CARDENAS Low Income Housing Tax Credit funds from f OF CALIFORNIA being used to construct dormitories and to IN HONOR OF RABBI RICHARD IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prevent college students, who often have tem- LITVAK Thursday, May 19, 2016 porarily low incomes, from utilizing resources Mr. CA´ RDENAS. Mr. Speaker, it is with pro- meant for individuals and families with more HON. SAM FARR found sadness that I rise to honor the life of serious and longer-term housing needs. Unfor- OF CALIFORNIA a much loved community and spiritual leader, tunately, there are no exceptions for those IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Apostle William T. Broadous, who passed who want to pursue full-time education and are truly in need of housing assistance. Thursday, May 19, 2016 away on Tuesday, May 3, 2016, at the age of 71. Because of this, students may lose access Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Apostle William T. Broadous was born on to Low Income Housing Tax Credit-funded honor the career of one of the most joyous December 1, 1944 in Portland, Oregon to Dr. housing units if they go to school full-time. Al- and remarkable leaders that I have met in my Hillery T. and Rosa L. Broadous, who founded ternatively, if they choose to attend school 40 years of elective office. Rabbi Richard Calvary Baptist Church in Pacoima in 1955. part-time in order to keep their LIHTC housing Litvak will retire this summer after 40 years of Apostle Broadous overcame challenges eligibility, these students may lose access to leadership at Temple Beth El in Aptos, Cali- throughout his life, defying the odds, going on grants, loans, and scholarships that are limited fornia. In those years he has touched thou- to found schools, lead missionary trips to Afri- to full-time students. The unintended outcome sands of lives, nurturing their spiritual lives, ca, and be a voice for the community. of the ‘‘student rule’’ is to hold back truly low- counseling them in times of grief, bringing Apostle Broadous continued the strong fam- income individuals trying to obtain an edu- smiles in times of joy, and as a licensed family ily tradition of social justice, service and com- cation. counselor, maybe even saving a few mar- mitment to Pacoima and the San Fernando Our legislation adds two exceptions to the riages. With the exception of my father, the Valley. student rule; for formerly homeless youth and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19MY8.001 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 for formerly homeless veterans. Both of these IDEA. As 50,000 individuals with autism, and Elwood of Griswold, Iowa, on the very special populations are vulnerable to a return to many more with other disabilities, age out of occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. homelessness. Ensuring they can go to school their education based supports every year, They celebrated their anniversary on April 10, while maintaining access to affordable housing supports and services for these individuals are 2016. can help prevent this regression and promote critically necessary in ensuring that young Ed and Vickie’s lifelong commitment to each financial independence. adults with disabilities can successfully transi- other and their family truly embodies Iowa val- These small changes can provide immeas- tion into the next phase of their lives. Their ues. It is because of Iowans like them that I’m urable help and I hope all of my colleagues services needs do not end when they turn 21. proud to represent our great state. will join me in passing this legislation. NAPSEC programs improve educational I commend this great couple on their 50th f outcomes for people with disabilities and em- year together and I wish them many more. I power them to achieve their full potential and know my colleagues in the United States CONGRATULATING NAPSEC ON 45 make meaningful contributions to society. House of Representatives join me in congratu- YEARS OF SERVICE When individuals with disabilities are empow- lating them on this momentous occasion. ered to achieve, we all benefit. f HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH I remain impressed by the quality of care OF NEW JERSEY and expertise NAPSEC’s partners provide to HONORING SETH TOWERY ON IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES America’s students with disabilities, including BEING ACCEPTED BY THE NA- TIONAL ACADEMY OF FUTURE Thursday, May 19, 2016 those with autism. Again, I offer NAPSEC my sincerest congratulations and gratitude for PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SCI- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I their 45 years of service to the disabilities ENTISTS AS A DELEGATE TO rise today to congratulate the National Asso- community and look forward to NAPSEC’s THE CONGRESS OF FUTURE ciation of Private Special Education Centers continued progress in the future. MEDICAL LEADERS (NAPSEC) for their 45 years of excellent serv- f ice and academic dedication to our country’s HONORING THE 40TH ANNIVER- HON. BILLY LONG individuals with disabilities. NAPSEC’s edu- OF MISSOURI cational therapeutic services, combined with SARY OF THE NATIONAL VOLUN- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over four decades of experience, are invalu- TEER FIRE COUNCIL (NVFC) able to the education community across the Thursday, May 19, 2016 United States and to the many partners in my HON. PETER T. KING Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to home state of New Jersey. OF NEW YORK honor Carl Junction High School student Seth Established in 1971, NAPSEC represents IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Towery, of Joplin, Missouri, on his being ac- private specialized education programs includ- Thursday, May 19, 2016 cepted as a delegate to the Congress of Fu- ing early intervention services, school pro- ture Medical Leaders by the National Acad- Mr. KING of New York. Mr. Speaker, I rise grams, residential therapeutic centers, and emy of Future Physicians and Medical Sci- today to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the college experience and adult living programs entists. National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC). for individuals with disabilities and their fami- The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is This important organization represents the lies. The majority of NAPSEC’s member pro- an honors-only program that is designed to interests of volunteer fire, EMS and rescue grams provide services to publicly placed stu- motivate and direct the top students in the workers, who make up approximately 69 per- dents with disabilities through the Continuum United States. Specifically, it’s designed for cent of the nation’s fire service. As co-chair- of Alternative Placements and Services re- students aspiring to become physicians or man of the Congressional Fire Services Cau- quired by the Individuals with Disabilities Edu- medical researchers, and provides a path and cus, I am proud to work with the National Vol- cation Act (IDEA). Originally enacted into law mentorship for students to accomplish their unteer Fire Council to advocate for the inter- in 1975, IDEA is the primary federal statute goals. ests of these brave men and women who vol- governing special education for children from To be considered for acceptance as a dele- unteer their time and risk their lives for our birth through age 21 and guaranteeing the gate, applicants are either recommended by a communities. rights of children with disabilities to a free pub- teacher or member of the Academy based on The NVFC has been a powerful voice for lic education that suits their needs. a proven track record of academic excellence. the volunteer firefighter, EMT and rescue serv- Nationwide, 6.6 million students with disabil- Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto ice. Since the Council began, fire death rate ities are ensured of and receive an education Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. per million population declined by 70 percent because of IDEA. While many of these chil- Students like Towery who qualify for this in- and on-duty firefighter fatalities have dropped dren are successfully integrated into public credibly selective honor exemplify top-tier dili- by half. The Council’s efforts to promote safety schools and typical classrooms, IDEA requires gence and academic talent. and fire prevention are also noteworthy. The that a variety of options are available to meet Mr. Speaker, Seth Towery has displayed the number of fire calls per year is less than half the individual needs of disabled students. Of ability to not only excel in the classroom, but these students, 3.4 percent are served in pri- of what it was in 1980. In the last few decades, we have learned to balance his interests in science and medi- vate specialized day and/or residential pro- more about the additional grave dangers that cine with his athletic endeavors. I urge my col- grams. NAPSEC member programs meet a firefighters face, including cancer, PTSD, vehi- leagues to join me in congratulating him for vital need for individuals who are not able to cle crashes, and heart events. I will continue this achievement. On behalf of Missouri’s Sev- thrive in a typical classroom environment, ac- to work with the NVFC to advocate for the enth Congressional District, I wish Seth the knowledging each individual’s unique experi- health and safety of the volunteer fire service best of luck in all his future endeavors. ence, because every child has the right to an community. f education that empowers them to succeed. The National Volunteer Fire Council has NAPSEC’s hundreds of affiliates bridge the RECOGNIZING THE MEN AND come a long way since its founding in 1976 gap and offer much needed services to pub- WOMEN WHO SERVE IN LAW EN- and I know it will continue to serve its mem- lically and privately placed individuals. In addi- FORCEMENT bership and the greater community well for tion to K–12 education, these services also in- many years to come. clude early intervention services for infants HON. RODNEY DAVIS f and toddlers. As co-chair of the Coalition on OF ILLINOIS Autism Research and Education (CARE), I’ve TRIBUTE TO VICKIE AND ED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES seen firsthand the impact that early interven- ELWOOD tion makes in successful outcomes for children Thursday, May 19, 2016 and applaud this attention to early interven- HON. DAVID YOUNG Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speak- tion. OF IOWA er, today, during National Police Week, I rise Additionally, NAPSEC programs provide to recognize the brave men and women who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES postsecondary college experience and adult serve in law enforcement. living programs that serve individuals who Thursday, May 19, 2016 Since 1962, this week has been reserved to have aged out of their school based supports Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise commemorate the law enforcement officers and are no longer eligible for services under today to recognize and honor Vickie and Ed who serve and protect our communities and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K19MY8.004 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E749 honor those who have lost their lives in the name Dunklin County Memorial Hospital. STAFFORD HIGH TRACK & FIELD line of duty. Since then, it has been renamed and grown TEAM RUNS TO TITLE Every day, our cities and towns are kept into a fully licensed, 116-bed facility that offers safe by these individuals who put the safety of an extensive range of services including inpa- HON. PETE OLSON others before their own. I want to take this tient and outpatient, medical, surgical, obstet- OF TEXAS time to recognize a few of the 13th District’s ric, behavioral health, diagnostic and emer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES finest: gency care as well as primary care and family Officer Michael Bauer in Collinsville, Illinois, care clinics. Thursday, May 19, 2016 just recently pulled a man out of a burning The medical center provides a full con- Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to building before firefighters were able to arrive. tinuum of care to patients through a dedicated congratulate the Stafford High School Boys Officers Jonathan McCauley and Aaron team of physicians, nurses, and staff. Every Track & Field Team from Stafford, TX for win- Rowe in Normal, Illinois saved the life of a year, the hospital serves approximately 50,000 ning the University Interscholastic League young man after a tragic swimming accident. patients from six different counties. This in- (UIL) Class 4A 2016 State championship in Disregarding their own safety, these officers cludes the 15,000 Medicare beneficiaries and Track & Field. took swift action to save the life of a stranger. 20,000 Medicaid beneficiaries that are also Despite some inclement weather and dif- And Chief Deputy Bruce Engeling in my served by the medical center. ficult opponents, the Stafford Spartan Boys Track & Field Team brought home the hometown of Taylorville was awarded Officer Throughout its years of service, the hospital school’s first state title since 1992. The team of the Year for his outstanding service and his has remained dedicated to exceeding patient won the championship by defeating 57 other commitment to the Christian County Sheriff’s expectations while delivering compassionate, schools. The effort was led by impressive per- Department. safe, quality care. Therefore, it is my privilege While these are just a few examples of the formances in the 100 meter dash (1st), the and honor to recognize the Twin Rivers Re- outstanding officers in my district, police offi- 4x200 relay (2nd), the 4x100 relay (4th), the gional Medical Center on celebrating their 65th cers and their families throughout our nation 110 hurdles (1st), and the High Jump (3rd). anniversary before the U.S. House of Rep- make sacrifices on a daily basis. I am incred- We are proud of what these young men were resentatives. ibly thankful to all of the men and women in able to accomplish and are excited to see blue who dedicate their lives to protecting oth- what lies ahead for them. f ers. I know our communities are in good On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- hands thanks to the work they do each and ZIKA RESPONSE APPROPRIATIONS sional District of Texas, congratulations again every day. ACT, 2016 to the Stafford High School Boys Track & f Field Team for all of their success at the UIL State Championships. Keep up the great work. TRIBUTE TO MARY LOU AND SPEECH OF f MERLIN KRAUS HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN HONORING HANNAH STANSBURY HON. DAVID YOUNG OF MARYLAND ON BEING ACCEPTED BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF FUTURE OF IOWA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SCI- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 18, 2016 ENTISTS AS A DELEGATE TO Thursday, May 19, 2016 Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise in THE CONGRESS OF FUTURE Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise strong opposition of H.R. 5243, the Zika Re- MEDICAL LEADERS today to recognize and honor Mary Lou and sponse Appropriations Act of 2016. It is a Merlin Kraus of Anita, Iowa, on the very spe- tepid response to an alarming public health HON. BILLY LONG cial occasion of their 60th wedding anniver- crisis, only providing a small fraction of the OF MISSOURI sary. They were married on April 24, 1956 at amount requested by President Obama and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the Mt. Carmel Catholic Church in Mt. Carmel, public health experts. Thursday, May 19, 2016 Iowa. The Zika virus poses a severe threat to Mary Lou and Merlin’s lifelong commitment Americans, especially pregnant women. It has Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to each other and their children, Debbie, been linked to the birth defect microcephaly, honor Neosho High School student Hannah Donna, Darlene, Mike, Annette, and the late and even death. As we approach the summer Stansbury on her being accepted as a dele- Barbara, thirteen grandchildren and one great- months, the prevalence of mosquitoes in our gate to the Congress of Future Medical Lead- grandchild, truly embodies Iowa values. As backyards will increase, and more and more ers by the National Academy of Future Physi- they reflect on their 60th anniversary, I hope Americans will become exposed to the virus. cians and Medical Scientists. it is filled with happy memories and continued We must provide sufficient emergency funding The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is hope for the future. to contain the spread and develop a vaccine an honors-only program that is designed to I salute this great couple on their 60th year for this virus. motivate and direct the top students in the together and I wish them many more. I know United States. Specifically, it’s designed for Unfortunately, today’s bill would only provide my colleagues in the United States House of students aspiring to become physicians or approximately $622 million to fight Zika, less Representatives join me in congratulating medical researchers, and provides a path and than one-third of what public health experts them on this momentous occasion. mentorship for students to accomplish their like those at the National Institutes of Health f goals. (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and To be considered for acceptance as a dele- 65TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE TWIN Prevention (CDC) say is needed. Making mat- gate, applicants are either recommended by a RIVERS REGIONAL MEDICAL ters worse, this bill offsets the cost of fighting teacher or member of the Academy based on CENTER Zika by taking vital resources away from ad- a proven track record of academic excellence. dressing other public health crises. Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto HON. JASON SMITH Additionally, House Republicans have con- Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. tinued their attack on women’s access to OF MISSOURI Students like Stansbury who qualify for this in- health care in this bill by incorporating restric- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES credibly selective honor exemplify top-tier dili- tions on abortion coverage. It is shameful that gence and academic talent. Thursday, May 19, 2016 anti-choice Members have used the urgency Mr. Speaker, as a perennial Honor Roll stu- Mr. SMITH of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I rise of the Zika virus to limit access to a woman’s dent at her high school, Hannah Stansbury today to congratulate the Twin Rivers Re- constitutionally affirmed right to choose. has displayed elite academic qualifications, gional Medical Center on celebrating their 65th It is dangerous to pretend that Congress which will undoubtedly serve her future aspira- anniversary serving the healthcare needs of has addressed this crisis. That illusion creates tions well. I urge my colleagues to join me in Kennett, Dunklin County, and the surrounding a false sense of comfort. For these reasons I congratulating her for this achievement. On areas. strongly urge my colleagues to oppose this bill behalf of Missouri’s Seventh Congressional The hospital opened its doors and admitted and demand appropriate funding to guard District, I wish Hannah the best of luck in all its first patient on May 21, 1951 under the Americans from this public health crisis. her future endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.008 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E750 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 TRIBUTE TO MARGUERITE GOWIN the Reverend J. G. Masterson. It is in these take this opportunity to thank my friend and early days that the Church also served as a colleague, Congressman TOM ROONEY for HON. DAVID YOUNG schoolhouse for the children of Town Bluff. again introducing this resolution with me this OF IOWA Fairview Baptist continued to expand into new year. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES buildings over the years, with the present Nonprofit organizations have made many building having broken ground in 1968. important contributions to our nation. Over the Thursday, May 19, 2016 Brother Scott Loar continues to preside over past decade, the number of nonprofits has Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise a growing church and vibrant congregation. risen steadily, and there are approximately 1.4 today to recognize Marguerite Gowin of Adel, May God continue to bless the Fairview Bap- million of them now operating in the United Iowa, on the celebration of her 100th birthday. tist Church and the entire congregation. States. These groups work to improve our She has had an illustrious career, serving as f schools. They work to protect our environ- the Dallas County Recorder from 1957–78. ment. They work to keep us and our neigh- She and her husband, Kenneth owned a hard- HONORING JENNY STARR bors around the world healthy. Each of them ware store in Adel throughout their married THUERAUF ON BEING ACCEPTED work to enact meaningful change in our world life. In her later years, she is known for being BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF and to improve human lives. a woman of high fashion—always seen wear- FUTURE PHYSICIANS AND MED- Many nonprofits support science and re- ing artistic jewelry, stylish clothing and topping ICAL SCIENTISTS AS A DELE- search that will have a significant impact on it off with an infectious laugh and wide smile. GATE TO THE CONGRESS OF FU- future generations. Others advocate for vulner- Our world has changed immensely during TURE MEDICAL LEADERS able populations across the globe—for refu- the course of Marguerite’s life. Since her birth, gees, for the homeless, and for our nation’s we have revolutionized air travel and walked HON. BILLY LONG veterans. They educate and teach, and they on the moon. We have invented the television, OF MISSOURI engage each of our constituencies on issues cellular phones, and the intemet. We have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that matter most. The nonprofit sector is vital to the economic fought in wars overseas, seen the rise and fall Thursday, May 19, 2016 of Soviet communism, and witnessed the birth security of the United States. In fact, the of new democracies. Ms. Gowin has lived Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to growth rate of the nonprofit sector has sur- through seventeen United States Presidents honor McAuley Catholic High School student passed the rate of both the business and gov- and twenty-one Governors of Iowa. In her life- Starr Thuerauf, of Joplin, Missouri, on her ernment sector. Just a few years ago, in 2010, time, the population of the United States has being accepted as a delegate to the Congress nonprofits added nearly $780 billion to our na- more than tripled. of Future Medical Leaders by the National tional GDP and employed 1 in 10 working Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent Ms. Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Americans. Today, nonprofits contribute nearly Gowin in the United States Congress and it is Scientists. $1 trillion to the United States economy annu- my pleasure to wish her a very happy 100th The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is ally. In addition, these organizations facilitate birthday. I ask that my colleagues in the an honors-only program that is designed to charitable giving and community activism, and United States House of Representatives join motivate and direct the top students in the the combined donations and volunteer hours me in congratulating Marguerite Gowin for United States. Specifically, it’s designed for of individuals to nonprofits are worth billions of reaching this incredible milestone and in wish- students aspiring to become physicians or dollars annually. ing her nothing but the best. medical researchers, and provides a path and But perhaps most importantly, nonprofit or- f mentorship for students to accomplish their ganizations are founded and managed by peo- goals. ple trying to make the world a better place. PERSONAL EXPLANATION To be considered for acceptance as a dele- Whether they are abroad or at home, the work gate, applicants are either recommended by a that these men and women do is incredibly HON. JOHN R. CARTER teacher or member of the Academy based on meaningful. Without the people behind these OF TEXAS a proven track record of academic excellence. organizations—working tirelessly to change IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto the world, sometimes just one life at a time— Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. the nonprofit sector would not be the force Thursday, May 19, 2016 Students like Thuerauf who qualify for this in- that it has become today. Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, due to credibly selective honor exemplify top-tier dili- Mr. Speaker, nonprofit organizations advo- a personal matter, I was unable to attend gence and academic talent. cate for solutions to some of the great chal- votes on May 16, 2016. I would have sup- Mr. Speaker, Starr Thuerauf will undoubt- lenges facing our nation and the world, and ported final passage of the following bills: edly represent Missouri with distinction during they deserve to be recognized for their valu- Roll Call Number 194 (H.R. 4743: National her time as a delegate to this Congress. She able contributions to society. No matter their Cybersecurity Preparedness Consortium Act has not only shown a strong academic capa- focus, nonprofits play a pivotal role in shaping of 2016—on Motion to Suspend the Rules and bility during her time at school, but is also a the future of America. I urge my colleagues to Pass as Amended). well-rounded individual with a deep interest in support this resolution, and to join me in des- Roll Call Number 195 (H.R. 4407: Counter- the medical field. I would like to extend my ignating September 2016 as ‘‘Nonprofit Orga- terrorism Advisory Board Act of 2016—on Mo- personal congratulations for her achievement, nization Recognition Month.’’ tion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as and on behalf of the 7th District of Missouri, f Amended). wish Starr the best of luck in all her future en- f deavors. TRIBUTE TO CAROLYN AND MICK f MILLER RECOGNIZING 160TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FAIRVIEW BAPTIST RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE HON. DAVID YOUNG CHURCH OF NONPROFIT ORGANIZATIONS OF IOWA AND DESIGNATING SEPTEMBER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BRIAN BABIN 2016 AS ‘‘NONPROFIT ORGANIZA- TION RECOGNITION MONTH’’ Thursday, May 19, 2016 OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and honor Carolyn and Thursday, May 19, 2016 HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS OF FLORIDA Mick Miller of New Market, Iowa, on the very Mr. BABIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- ognize the Fairview Baptist Church, and the versary. They were married on April 10, 1966. 160 years of spiritual guidance and service to Thursday, May 19, 2016 Mick and Carolyn’s lifelong commitment to the community of Town Bluff. Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to each other and their family truly embodies It is with great joy that we celebrate the introduce a resolution recognizing the impor- Iowa values. It is because of Iowans like them 160th anniversary of the Fairview Baptist tance of nonprofit organizations and desig- that I’m proud to represent our great state. Church. The Fairview Baptist Church opened nating September 2016 as ‘‘Nonprofit Organi- I commend this great couple on their 50th in 1856 with just about 40 parishioners under zation Recognition Month.’’ I would also like to year together and I wish them many more. I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:24 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.014 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E751 know my colleagues in the United States within 120 days, rather than waiting for lengthy THE IMPORTANCE OF OUR House of Representatives join me in congratu- legal battles to play out, is a more thoughtful, TECHNICAL COLLEGES lating them on this momentous occasion. timely, and reasonable approach. f While the ADA is a national law, California has become ground zero for ADA violation HON. JOE WILSON IN SUPPORT OF H.R. 241, THE lawsuits. In fact, California is home to more OF SOUTH CAROLINA ACCESS ACT federal disability lawsuits than the next four states combined. A 2014 report determined IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. KEN CALVERT that since 2005, more than 10,000 federal Thursday, May 19, 2016 OF CALIFORNIA ADA lawsuits had been filed in the five states IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES with the highest disabled populations; 7,188 of Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- Thursday, May 19, 2016 which were filed in California. Violating the er, yesterday, the Committee on Education ADA in California carries a minimum $4,000 and the Workforce, under the leadership of Mr. CALVERT. Mr. Speaker, I was pleased penalty in addition to the plaintiffs legal fees. Chairman JOHN KLINE held a hearing on the to have had the opportunity to testify today at As of 2014, according to the U.S. Census Bu- the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, Sub- reau, 31 individuals made up at least 56 per- importance of reauthorizing the Carl D. Per- committee on Constitution and Civil Justice cent of federal disability lawsuits in California. kins Career and Technical Education Act. Hearing, ‘‘Examining Legislation to Promote As was mentioned during the second panel of This Act provides individuals with the nec- the Effective Enforcement of the ADA’s Public today’s hearing, California has 12 percent of essary academic and technical tools to suc- Accommodation Provisions.’’ the nation’s disabled population, but accounts ceed in this skills-based jobs market. We As you know, the Americans with Disabil- for over 40 percent of ADA lawsuits. Those should support our career and technical col- ities Act is undoubtedly one of the most impor- figures and the real life toll it takes on small leges that improve the lives of many hard- tant pieces of civil rights legislation. We can all business owners, are why I introduced this working Americans. agree that providing all Americans with access legislation to allow for a ‘‘fix-it’’ period. to public accommodations is an invaluable leg- However, it is clear that this is not just a In South Carolina, we have sixteen remark- islative objective. major problem in California. The introduction, able technical colleges that have been suc- The purpose of the ADA is to ensure access in November 2015, of similar legislation by the cessful in helping to create jobs throughout for the disabled to public accommodation and gentleman from Texas, Representative TED the state and particularly the Second Congres- provide appropriate remedial action for those POE, shows just that. His legislation authorizes sional District. Apprenticeship Carolina has who have suffered harm as a result of non- a training and education component for the af- been successful in creating more than 15,000 compliance. Although there are times when fected community and Certified Access Spe- apprentices to date, partnering with busi- litigation by harmed individuals is necessary, cialists, which I would welcome and embrace nesses such as Michelin and Continental. there are an increasing number of lawsuits as an amendment to my bill. Thank you to their Director Brad Neese and brought under the ADA that are based upon a This is also a bipartisan issue supported by the South Carolina technical college presi- desire to achieve financial settlements rather states. I was pleased to see that California SB dents. A special congratulations to Dr. Forest than to achieve the appropriate modifications 269 passed unanimously in the State Assem- Mahan, who was selected to be the fifth presi- for access. These lawsuits filed by serial liti- bly and Senate, and was signed into law by dent of Aiken Technical College on Monday. gants, often referred to as ‘‘drive-by lawsuits,’’ Governor Jerry Brown on May 10th, 2016. SB Godspeed President Susan Winsor. place exorbitant legal fees on small busi- 269 was authored by a friend of mine, Demo- nesses, and often times business owners are cratic State Senator, Gen. Richard Roth. The In conclusion, God Bless Our Troops and unaware of the specific nature of the allega- legislation is similar to the ACCESS Act in that may the President by his actions never forget tions brought against them. it allows businesses to take immediate steps September 11th in the Global War on Ter- In early 2011, frivolous ADA lawsuits to become accessible by providing them with rorism. against small businesses reached an all-time 120 days, from receipt of a Certified Access high throughout California, and as a result, my Specialist report, to resolve any identified vio- f good friend and colleague, former Congress- lations without being subject to litigation costs man Dan Lungren (R–CA), championed the or statutory penalties. I worry that with Cali- TRIBUTE TO THE SUNSHINE CLUB issue and introduced the original ACCESS Act fornia acting to curb these lawsuits, some of (H.R. 3356) in the 112th Congress. I was these serial litigants will try their trade in other pleased to have been afforded the opportunity states. HON. DAVID YOUNG to take over the legislation for reintroduction Without question, the ACCESS Act will en- OF IOWA beginning in the 113th Congress. In January sure that the ADA is used for its true purpose 2015, I reintroduced the legislation as H.R. of guaranteed accessibility to public accom- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 241, the ACCESS Act (ADA Compliance for modations for all Americans while eliminating Customer Entry to Stores and Services). abusive, costly and unnecessary lawsuits for Thursday, May 19, 2016 H.R. 241 is a cost-free and commonsense small business owners. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise piece of legislation that would alleviate the fi- It is more important than ever that the today to recognize the Sunshine Club for their nancial burden small businesses are facing, House of Representatives act to move this 61st year of fellowship, service and support in while still fulfilling the purpose of the ADA. Any vital piece of legislation. central Iowa. person aggrieved by a violation of the ADA f would provide the owner or operator with a The Sunshine Club was founded in 1955 by PERSONAL EXPLANATION written notice of the violation, specific enough three residents of the Morrisburg area, south to allow such owner or operator to identify the of Panora, Iowa. The club’s membership today barrier to their access. Within 60 days the HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN has 22 members of various ages who reside owner or operator would be required to pro- OF NEW JERSEY in the areas of Panora, Stuart, Menlo, Dexter, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vide the aggrieved person with a description Redfield and Casey. Its threefold purpose of outlining improvements that would be made to Thursday, May 19, 2016 service to their community, socializing and en- address the barrier. The owner or operator Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, on joying life is what brings them together. Club would then have 120 days to make the im- Monday May 16, my return to Washington, members now say that faith, friendship and provement. The failure to meet any of these D.C. was unavoidably delayed. As a result, I food has kept the group together this long. conditions would allow the lawsuit to go for- missed two recorded votes. ward. On Roll Call Vote Number 194, H.R. 4743— Mr. Speaker, I commend the Sunshine Club I think we can all agree that we must ensure National Cybersecurity Preparedness Consor- for making their communities in central Iowa a that individuals with disabilities are afforded tium Act; better place to live by their acts of service. I the same access and opportunities as those On Roll Call Vote Number 195, H.R. 4407— ask that my colleagues in the United States without disabilities. Frivolous lawsuits do not Counterterrorism Advisory Board Act; House of Representatives join me in congratu- accomplish this goal. Allowing small business Had I been present, I would have voted lating the Sunshine Club and wishing them owners and cities alike to fix ADA violations Yes. nothing but continued success.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.019 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E752 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 HONORING JENNY KAYLIN A second bus traveled to Birmingham, Ala- Black Heritage Council. A special thanks to HUNZICKER ON BEING ACCEPTED bama. Those were also met historian Dr. J. Mills Thornton who played a BY THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF by angry mobs and were savagely beaten, pivotal role in the creation of the Museum. FUTURE PHYSICIANS AND MED- some by metal pipes. The Birmingham Public The Freedom Riders are quintessential ex- ICAL SCIENTISTS AS A DELE- Safety Commissioner at the time stated that amples of how change can happen when we GATE TO THE CONGRESS OF FU- he knew the Freedom Riders would be met work together and fearlessly stand for what is TURE MEDICAL LEADERS with violence but posted no police protection right. I give us all the charge to—like the Free- because it was a holiday—Mother’s Day. dom Riders, continue to battle against inequal- HON. BILLY LONG On May 20, 1961, it was the Montgomery, ity and stand strong by our great nation’s prin- OF MISSOURI Alabama city line where the Govenor-ap- ciples of democracy, liberty and justice for all. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pointed Highway Patrol abandoned the Free- I ask my colleagues to join me in com- Thursday, May 19, 2016 dom Riders they were charged to escort into memorating the 55th Anniversary of the Free- the city. Their was met with orga- dom Riders who in the summer of 1961 dared Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to nized brutality of the worst kind. At the historic to make a difference and forever changed honor Hollister High School student Kaylin Montgomery Greyhound Station, the Freedom America for the better. Hunzicker, of Neosho, Missouri, on her being Riders were attacked as they exited by Jim f accepted as a delegate to the Congress of Fu- Crow enthusiasts, beaten within inches of their ture Medical Leaders by the National Acad- lives by bats and iron pipes. Many riders were BREAKING THROUGH POWER: A emy of Future Physicians and Medical Sci- left for dead in the streets. Ambulances re- HISTORIC CIVIC MOBILIZATION entists. fused to transport the wounded to hospitals. The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is Some members of the community stepped in, HON. JOHN B. LARSON an honors-only program that is designed to and tried to rescue the lives of those who OF CONNECTICUT motivate and direct the top students in the dared challenge the unconstitutional Jim Crow IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States. Specifically, it’s designed for laws of the South. students aspiring to become physicians or It is my great honor to represent the 7th Thursday, May 19, 2016 medical researchers, and provides a path and Congressional District—an area that is rich Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I mentorship for students to accomplish their with the history of the young activists who de- submit the following. Ralph Nader is a resident goals. fied systemic oppression, fought for the rights of Connecticut’s First District, and has long To be considered for acceptance as a dele- of others and asked for nothing except rec- been a champion for social justice, as well as gate, applicants are either recommended by a ognition as humans in return. These individ- a crusading consumer advocate who has had teacher or member of the Academy based on uals continue to inspire me and the work I do a lasting impact on consumer rights and the a proven track record of academic excellence. day after day. American political milieu. Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto In commemoration of the 55th anniversary, RALPH NADER PRESENTS—BREAKING THROUGH Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. I want to recognize the Freedom Riders who POWER: A HISTORIC CIVIC MOBILIZATION Students like Hunzicker who qualify for this in- risked their reputations and lives for the hu- Celebrating the 50th anniversary year of credibly selective honor exemplify top-tier dili- manity of others. This diverse group of young Ralph Nader’s book Unsafe at Any Speed, the gence and academic talent. people believed in persistence for obtaining Center for Study of Responsive Law an- Mr. Speaker, Kaylin Hunzicker has not only equality and justice for all people and inspired nounces four days of civic mobilization at demonstrated that she is qualified to represent millions to take a stand for their own beliefs of Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. on Missouri through her strong academic per- equity. The Freedom Riders made a daring May 23, 24, 25 and 26, 2016. Unsafe at Any formance, but has also displayed a true pas- Speed unleashed fresh energies and sparked choice in 1961—to fight against segregation the creation of numerous advocacy organiza- sion for medical science and medicine that will and oppression in an innovative way that serve her well in future endeavors. I urge my tions leading to major consumer, environ- changed the course of American history for- mental and worker safety protections. The colleagues to join me in congratulating her for ever. theme of this citizen mobilization will be this achievement. On behalf of Missouri’s Sev- The valiant efforts of Freedom Riders such elaborating ways to break through power to enth Congressional District, I wish Kaylin the as , William Harbour, Cath- secure long-overdue democratic solutions best of luck in all her future endeavors. erine Burks-Brooks, , Jr., Er- made possible by a new muscular civic nexus f nest ‘‘Rip’’ Patton, Jr., Kwame Leo Lillard, between local communities and Washington, Frances Wilson Canty, Allen Cason Jr., David D.C. TRIBUTE HONORING THE 55TH AN- On these four days, speakers will present NIVERSARY OF THE FREEDOM Dennis, Larry Hunter, Alphonso Petway, innovative ideas and strategies designed to RIDERS WHO BRAZENLY DESEG- Kredelle Petway, Betty Daniels Rosemond, take existing civic groups to higher levels of REGATED INTERSTATE TRAVEL Mary Jean Smith, Doratha Smith-Simmons, effectiveness. The participants will be asked Willie Thomas, Jean Thompson, Joan C. to support the creation of several new orga- HON. TERRI A. SEWELL Browning and Etta Simpson Ray led the nizations. One such group will work to open charge to the ultimate desegregation of the up the commercial media, which use the pub- OF ALABAMA bus system in Montgomery and the unification lic airwaves free of charge, to serious con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of a people to continue to fight for their rights. tent. Another will facilitate action by re- Thursday, May 19, 2016 tired military, national security and diplo- The Freedom Rides Museum in Mont- matic officials who want to deter unconsti- Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, gomery, AL serves as a strong cornerstone in tutional and unlawful plunges into wars that today I rise to acknowledge the Freedom the narrative of the role of Alabama in the Civil lead to calamitous and costly blowbacks. Rides Museum in Montgomery, Alabama in its Rights Movement. I want to thank the Ala- This ‘‘Civic Mobilization’’ will involve commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the bama Historical Commission and its director thousands of people at Constitution Hall and Freedom Riders—the brave civil rights activ- Lisa Jones for their role in safeguarding Ala- around the country and connect long-avail- ists who peacefully fought against the uncon- bama’s historic buildings and sites such as the able knowledge to long-neglected action for stitutional public transportation segregation in Freedom Rides Museum. A special thanks to the necessities and aspirations of people from all backgrounds. Many of the presen- the deep South in 1961. the leadership of Museum director Dorothy tations will feature reforms and redirections On May 14, 1961, Freedom Riders arrived Walker and the amazing supporting staff for the common good enjoy Left/Right sup- in Anniston, Alabama on a Greyhound bus. members of the Freedom Rides Museum for port. They were met by an angry mob of nearly 200 their efforts in honoring the past and pre- Breaking Through Power: How it’s Done— white people who surrounded the bus and serving the present for future generations to May 23, 2016 will feature presentations by caused the driver to pass the bus stop. They learn. The Freedom Rides Museum could not seventeen citizen advocacy groups. Over dec- were followed by the angry mob until the bus have been what it is without support from ades these activists have produced amazing tires blew out which is when a bomb was community members as well such as Judge accomplishments against powerful odds. These civic leaders will demonstrate how, thrown into the bus filled with peaceful civil Myron Thompson who helped save the build- with modest budgets and stamina, they have rights activists. Barely escaping with their ing that is now the Museum as well as improved the health, safety and economic lives, the Freedom Riders watched the bus , former President of the Mont- well-being of the people and focused public burst into flames and were then brutally beat- gomery Improvement Association for all of her opinion onto decision-makers and opponents. en by members of the surrounding mob. support as well as Louretta Wimberly of the Through greater visibility, broader support

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.024 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E753 and wider emulation, they will present their IN RECOGNITION OF MAUREEN Iowa values. It is because of Iowans like them future missions and show that it can be RUSSELL that I’m proud to represent our great state. ‘‘easier than we think’’ to make major I commend this great couple on their 70th changes. For the first time ever, this diverse HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING year together and I wish them many more. I group of fighters for justice will be assem- know my colleagues in the United States bled together on stage at Constitution Hall OF MASSACHUSETTS House of Representatives join me in congratu- and show that the whole is greater than the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lating them on this momentous occasion. sum of its parts when fighting for a broader Thursday, May 19, 2016 democratic society. The presenters will ap- f Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to praise what levels of citizen organization is PASSAGE OF H.R. 5243 necessary to fulfill these broadly-desired recognize Maureen Russell on her retirement missions. after twenty-seven years of outstanding public Breaking Through Power: The Media—May service as a Victim Witness Advocate at the HON. STACEY E. PLASKETT 24, 2016, brings together also for the first Norfolk District Attorney’s Office. OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS time a large gathering of authors, documen- Maureen launched her extraordinary career IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tary filmmakers, reporters, columnists, mu- in the Special Victims Unit, where she worked Thursday, May 19, 2016 sicians, poets and editorial cartoonists. All with severely traumatized victims of sexual Ms. PLASKETT. Mr. Speaker, last night, this of these presenters have documented or de- abuse and assault. Through her strength of Congress passed a bill to allocate funding for picted entrenched wrongdoing by the cor- character and compassion, she provided vic- resources to fight the spread of the Zika virus. porate state or ‘‘crony capitalism’’—the tims and their families the tools necessary to This funding, however, is woefully insufficient. cruel impacts of corporate crimes and navigate the complexities of the state court abuses, the absence of governmental law en- H.R. 5243 provides less than one-third of system, assist in prosecuting offenders, and, the White House request sent to Congress forcement, and the harmful effects of con- ultimately, begin to rebuild their lives. centrated corporate power. earlier this year. Maureen has most recently been serving Additionally, this bill also completely ne- The speakers all seek wider audiences for her community as a Superior Court Advocate their works: more readers, viewers and lis- glects the immediate needs of the territories of in the Norfolk Superior Court, where she advo- Puerto Rico and my home district of the U.S. teners. Unfortunately the mass media barons cates for families of victims of homicide and prefer to wallow in incessant advertising, he- Virgin Islands, which are both on the front line other serious crimes. Among numerous other donistic entertainment, sports and mind- of this public health crisis. numbing redundancy. The result is what families supported by Maureen is that of Jo- Of the 1200 confirmed cases in the United many observers see as the stupefaction of anna Mullin, a six-year-old tragically murdered States, more than half have been reported in human intelligence. A major purpose of Day by her cousin. As she has so often done, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Two is the creation of a ‘‘Voices’’ advocacy Maureen went above and beyond the call of While the Administration requested about organization that puts forces in motion to duty in her advocacy for the Mullins, stead- $256 million in health care assistance to the inject serious programming into the over- fastly supporting the family as they traversed territories, H.R. 5243 bill provides no targeted the-air and cable networks under a revital- the arduous criminal justice process. Having ized Communications Act of 1934 and gen- funding to the U.S. Territories. assisted the Mullins family through the after- The House bill also cuts the request for re- erally champion a greater life of the mind on math of their tragedy and the processes of the all media. search and development of vaccines, treat- court, she continues maintains a strong rela- ments, and diagnostics by $132 million or 28.4 Breaking Through Power: War—May 25, tionship with the family to this day. It is this 2016 is dedicated to enhancing the waging of percent. dedication and passion that is exemplary of The lack of funding for these public health peace over the waging of war. We will assem- quality victim advocacy. ble leading scholars having military and na- activities will put hundreds of thousands of Throughout her years of service, Maureen tional security backgrounds, veterans groups pregnant women at risk. The lifetime cost of such as Veterans for Peace, and long-time has never strayed from her commitment to treating a child with microcephaly is estimated peace advocacy associations, to explain how providing each and every victim in her com- to be more than $10 million—a cost that will peace is more powerful than war. The speak- munity the attention and care they deserve. only exacerbate the financial woes of the terri- ers will address the horrors of war, its huge Her experience in the criminal justice system tories’ public health apparatus. costs here and abroad to innocents and the and her professional and personal relation- Mr. Speaker, every day this Congress de- weakening blowbacks of Empire amidst a ships with prosecutors, colleagues, law en- bates whether or not to protect women and collapse of constitutional and international forcement officers, and other professionals unborn children from this virus, more cases law. One outcome of this day will be the es- has allowed Maureen to smooth an otherwise are being reported and confirmed. tablishment of a Secretariat comprised of turbulent, uncertain, and difficult process for Just last week, the first U.S. case of Zika- current and former top-level military, na- victims and their families. Our community is tional security and diplomatic officials who related microcephaly was identified in a preg- have spoken truth to reckless power. If orga- deeply grateful to Maureen for having been a nancy in Puerto Rico. nized for quick responses, their credibility, person to trust and a shoulder to lean on dur- Mr. Speaker, I call on my colleagues to con- experience and wisdom can resist and pre- ing these victims’ most difficult times. tinue toward funding the President’s emer- vent the kind of prevaricating pressures and Mr. Speaker, I am proud to rise in honor of gency request to fight the Zika virus. We need unilateral policies that drove the unlawful Maureen Russell, who embodies all of the to eradicate this mosquito now. We cannot destruction of Iraq, Libya and beyond. best qualities of a Victim Advocate. I ask my wait for June for more authorized funding. Breaking Through Power: Congress—May colleagues to join me in recognizing this distin- f 26, 2016 will unveil a new Civic Agenda to be guished public servant and in wishing her the advanced by engaged and enraged citizens in best of luck in her future endeavors. HONORING BEAU LOYD ON BEING each Congressional district. The Civic Agen- f ACCEPTED BY THE NATIONAL da includes recognized necessities ignored by ACADEMY OF FUTURE PHYSI- Congress for decades. The planks of this TRIBUTE TO NELLIE AND J.V. CIANS AND MEDICAL SCIENTISTS Civic Agenda will be presented by nation- ‘‘SWEDE’’ SWANSON AS A DELEGATE TO THE CON- ally-recognized advocates—a veritable brain GRESS OF FUTURE MEDICAL trust for the well-being of present and future LEADERS generations. Each speaker will present the HON. DAVID YOUNG substance of each demand, which will be con- OF IOWA veyed to their members of Congress via orga- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. BILLY LONG nized ‘‘Citizen Summons’’ in each Congres- Thursday, May 19, 2016 OF MISSOURI sional District. Revitalizing the people to as- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise sert their sovereignty under our Constitu- Thursday, May 19, 2016 tion is critical to the kind of government, today to recognize and honor Swede and Nel- economy, environment and culture that will lie Swanson of Council Bluffs, Iowa, on the Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to fulfill human possibilities and respect pos- very special occasion of their 70th wedding honor Joplin High School student Beau Loyd terity. anniversary. They were married on March 19, on his being accepted as a delegate to the For more details on the week’s agendas, 1946 in Osborn, Kansas. Congress of Future Medical Leaders by the speakers and how you can attend and par- Swede and Nellie’s lifelong commitment to National Academy of Future Physicians and ticipate, visit each other and their family truly embodies Medical Scientists.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.026 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is The award presentation will take place dur- faith, Mrs. Mary Shipp Harrow and Mrs. Mar- an honors-only program that is designed to ing the AHCA/NCAL Congressional Briefing on tha Shipp Averett, as they, their families and motivate and direct the top students in the May 23rd. Mr. Speaker, please join me in rec- their community prepare to celebrate their United States. Specifically, it’s designed for ognizing and thanking Richard Herrick for his 100th birthday. students aspiring to become physicians or years of dedication and care to our nation’s medical researchers, and provides a path and frail, elderly and disabled. His career and life f mentorship for students to accomplish their accomplishments truly reflect the ideals em- goals. bodied in the Joe Warner Patient Advocacy TRIBUTE TO CASSIDY WAGNER To be considered for acceptance as a dele- Award. gate, applicants are either recommended by a f HON. DAVID YOUNG teacher or member of the Academy based on OF IOWA a proven track record of academic excellence. IN RECOGNITION OF MARY SHIPP Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto HARROW AND MARTHA SHIPP IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. AVERETT Thursday, May 19, 2016 Students like Loyd who qualify for this incred- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise ibly selective honor exemplify top-tier diligence HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. today to recognize and congratulate Cassidy and academic talent. OF GEORGIA Wagner for being named Southwest Iowa Re- Mr. Speaker, Beau Loyd has displayed the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gional Academic All-State Standout by the ability to not only excel in the classroom, but Des Moines Register. Cassidy is a senior at to balance his interests in science and medi- Thursday, May 19, 2016 West Central Valley High School. cine with his athletic endeavors as an athlete. Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Each year, the Des Moines Register editors I urge my colleagues to join me in congratu- today to extend my sincerest congratulations ask Iowa high school officials to nominate sen- lating him for this achievement. On behalf of and Happy Birthday wishes to Mrs. Mary iors for this honor. They choose only those Missouri’s Seventh Congressional District, I Shipp Harrow and Mrs. Martha Shipp Averett, students that stand out among their peers for wish Beau the best of luck in all his future en- both of whom will celebrate their 100th birth- achievements in academics, community in- deavors. day on Saturday, July 2, 2016. On that special volvement and leadership. Cassidy exemplifies f day, the sisters will be honored with a birthday all that is right about Iowa’s well-rounded stu- celebration at the Columbus Georgia Conven- IN RECOGNITION OF MR. RICHARD dents. tion & Trade Center in Columbus, Georgia. HERRICK The identical twins were born on July 2, Mr. Speaker, Cassidy Wagner is an Iowan 1916 in Cusseta, Georgia to the late Martha who has made her school and her community HON. RICHARD E. NEAL Walker Shipp and the late Quilbert Pinchback very proud. She has worked hard and dedi- OF MASSACHUSETTS Shipp. They were raised in a Christian home cated herself to being a great student and a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where the twins were the oldest of eight chil- good citizen. It is with great honor that I recog- Thursday, May 19, 2016 dren. From an early age, the sisters were ac- nize her today. I ask that my colleagues in the U.S. House of Representatives join me in hon- Mr. NEAL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- tive in their community and in their first church oring Cassidy for this award and wish her con- ognize a truly outstanding constituent in the home, Harmony Baptist Church in Cusseta, tinued success in all her future endeavors. field of health care, Richard Herrick of Lenox, Georgia. They completed their primary and Massachusetts. Mr. Herrick has been selected secondary education in the Chattahoochee f this year as one of the recipients of the pres- County School District. tigious Joe Warner Patient Advocacy Award. Mrs. Averett was married to the late Rev- MARSHALL HIGH SCHOOL TRACK The American Health Care Association/Na- erend Jessie Averett, Sr. and is the mother of STATE CHAMPIONS tional Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) six daughters: Geraldine Parris, Lucy Mae bestows this annual award on Association Baldwin, Essie Francis, Amanda Thornton, Ida members who have worked diligently to edu- Mae Boykins, and Martha Ann Patterson; and HON. PETE OLSON cate Members of Congress about the needs of four sons: Jessie Averett, Jr., James Averett, OF TEXAS long term care patients and residents, and to Jeffrey Averett, and the late John Henry IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES advance quality in the long term and post- Averett. She has 21 grandchildren, 28 great- Thursday, May 19, 2016 acute care community. grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grand- Mr. Herrick’s commitment to improving long children. Mrs. Averett remains in the Cusseta Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to term care continues today as the President community and is a dedicated and faithful congratulate the High and CEO of the New York Health Facilities member of Saint Paul CME Church. School track and field team for winning the Association, Inc. (NYSHFA) and the New York Mrs. Harrow was married to the late Isaac University Interscholastic League (UlL) 5A State Center for Assisted Living, representing Daniel Harrow, Sr. and is the mother of five state track championship for the second year over 350 skilled nursing and assisted living fa- daughters: Evelyn Gash, Christine Jones, in a row. cilities. Pauline Talley, Beverly Caldwell and Gerri The Marshall Buffalos were led to victory by At the national level, Mr. Herrick serves on Jones; and two sons: the late Isaac Harrow, their coach Lloyd Banks. Their overall score of the Board of Governors of the American Jr. and the late Marion Harrow. She is the 52 points outperformed the competition by a Health Care Association and on their Business grandmother of 21 grandchildren, 30 great- substantial 16 points. Junior sprinter Shamon Management Committee. He also serves as grandchildren, and 12 great-great-grand- Ehiemua helped lead his team to success by President of the Affiliated State Health Care children. Mrs. Harrow is a dedicated and faith- defending his state title in the 200-meter dash Association Executives. Mr. Herrick is past ful member of Galilee Baptist Church in Co- with a time of 20.62 seconds. In addition to member of AHCA’s Council of States and lumbus, Georgia. Ehiemua’s efforts, teammate John Isom Board of Directors of the National Center for once said, ‘‘Where there placed fifth in the 400-meter dash with a time Assisted Living. AHCA/NCAL is the nation’s is love there is life.’’ Mrs. Harrow and Mrs. of 48.19 seconds. Teammates Cedarian largest association of professional long term Averett are a true testament that giving and Lynch, Ehiemua, Jarmaiz Whitaker and Isom health providers. receiving great love has resulted in long and were awarded a gold medal in the 4x100- Prior to joining New York Health Facilities prosperous lives. Their legacy is a love for meter relay with an astounding time of 40.13 Association, Inc., Mr. Herrick spent seven God, a love for family, and a love for each seconds. Their win is even more impressive years as President and COO of Wingate other. considering runner Jeremy Smith was recov- Health Care, Inc., which operates seven nurs- The race of life isn’t given to the swift or to ering from a foot injury during the relay. ing facilities in Massachusetts and three in the strong, but to those who endure until the On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- New York. Mr. Herrick is active on the Boards end. Mrs. Averett and Mrs. Harrow continue to sional District of Texas, congratulations again of Berkshire Healthcare Systems which oper- run the race of life with grace and dignity and to the Fort Bend Marshall Track and Field ates 19 skilled nursing facilities and Berkshire God has blessed them over their lifetimes. Team for winning the 5A state track cham- Place located in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. He Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me pionship for the second time. Thank you for is the past chairman of the Board of the Mas- today in honoring these devoted sisters, be- bringing this championship title back to Fort sachusetts Senior Care Association. loved matriarchs, and outstanding women of Bend County.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.030 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E755 PERSONAL EXPLANATION hundred thousand religious practitioners. This Iowa values. It is because of Iowans like them has resulted in these practitioners filing impor- that I’m proud to represent our great state. HON. TERRI A. SEWELL tant administrative lawsuits against the gov- I commend this great couple on their 65th OF ALABAMA ernment in an effort to quell the Chinese gov- year together and I wish them many more. I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment’s acts of religious persecution. know my colleagues in the United States Mr. Speaker, I applaud the Lantos Founda- House of Representatives join me in congratu- Thursday, May 19, 2016 tion for its inspired work to bring light to the lating them on this momentous occasion. Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I plight of the religious faithful in China. I will f was unavoidably detained. Had I been this weekend, as I always have and will con- present, I would have voted No on Roll Call tinue to do, stand in solidarity with my brothers BOYS & GIRLS CLUB OF THE MS No. 222. and sisters of faith in China. Their right to GULF COAST 50TH ANNIVERSARY f practice their religion is a fundamental right and it must be protected. HON. STEVEN M. PALAZZO THE LANTOS FOUNDATION FOR f OF MISSISSIPPI HUMAN RIGHTS AND JUSTICE’S IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SOLIDARITY SABBATH HONORING JENNY SHUNYAKOVA ON BEING ACCEPTED BY THE Thursday, May 19, 2016 HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF FUTURE Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to OF FLORIDA PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SCI- honor the Boys & Girls Club of the Mississippi ENTISTS AS A DELEGATE TO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Gulf Coast on the occasion of their 50th Anni- THE CONGRESS OF FUTURE versary. Thursday, May 19, 2016 MEDICAL LEADERS In serving the citizens of Mississippi’s Mr. HASTINGS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Fourth Congressional District, I am proud to support of the Lantos Foundation’s second HON. BILLY LONG meet people of all kinds, especially young Solidarity Sabbath, which highlights the de- OF MISSOURI people who have their hopes and dreams still plorable human rights violations committed by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ahead of them. As part of their daily routine, the People’s Republic of China against its citi- Thursday, May 19, 2016 they must decide what actions they will take zens who simply wish to openly and sincerely that day which will, in turn, affect their future. practice their respective faiths. Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast plays Many of us will attend worship services in honor Laurel Springs High School student a vital role in shining a ray of hope into the the coming days and we will do so without Jenny Shunyakova, of Springfield, Missouri, lives of young people who may not see a fear of arrest, torture, or forced re-education. on her being accepted as a delegate to the bright future ahead of themselves. I hope that those of us attending services this Congress of Future Medical Leaders by the Originally named the Biloxi Boys Club, the weekend will take time to meditate and pray National Academy of Future Physicians and organization began in 1966, with the help of on the importance of religious freedom here at Medical Scientists. the Biloxi Jaycees, to serve 15 young men. The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is home and around the world. The human spirit Today, there are over 1,700 registered mem- an honors-only program that is designed to is remarkably resilient. This resiliency is un- bers, five locations, and a daily attendance of motivate and direct the top students in the doubtedly strengthened through religious faith approximately 800 young men and women of United States. Specifically, it’s designed for and practice and cannot and will not be extin- the Gulf Coast region. students aspiring to become physicians or guished through the draconian state action we It is our responsibility, as a community, to medical researchers, and provides a path and see taking place in China. Indeed, as I am invest in the lives of our future leaders. The mentorship for students to accomplish their sure the Chinese government is realizing, its Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast strives to goals. draconian tactics to suppress and intimidate develop productive, responsible, and caring To be considered for acceptance as a dele- the religious faithful do not diminish the num- citizens. gate, applicants are either recommended by a bers of those seeking to practice their faith but The organization leads our community’s ef- teacher or member of the Academy based on rather multiplies their number exponentially. forts to improve academic success, healthy a proven track record of academic excellence. Sadly, there are myriad cases of people of lifestyles, and good character in our young Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto faith being harassed, intimidated, and arrested men and women. This is accomplished by of- Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. today in China. Indeed, Protestant, Catholic, fering our young people a safe and supportive Students like Shunyakova who qualify for this Tibetan Buddhist, Uyghur Muslim, Falun place to go and by providing them with quality incredibly selective honor exemplify top-tier Gong, and other religious minorities face such programs to teach responsibility, positive char- a reality every day. A recent survey of reli- diligence and academic talent. Mr. Speaker, Jenny Shunyakova has not acter development, sports, and academic gious intimidation in China noted that Chinese progress, among other important aspects of officials oversaw the demolition of over thirty only excelled in her academic studies, but also shown a persistent interest in biology and leadership. churches, the removal of more than four hun- The Boys & Girls Club of the Gulf Coast is dred crosses from houses of worship, and the other fields related to medical professions that will serve her future aspirations well. I urge my a valuable asset for our Coast children. Once detention of over three hundred worshipers again, I commend the Boys & Girls Club of the with half of these people suffering injuries sus- colleagues to join me in congratulating her for this achievement. On behalf of Missouri’s Sev- Gulf Coast as they mark the 50th anniversary tained during their arrests. It should be noted of improving young lives along the Mississippi that this paints a picture for just one province enth Congressional District, I wish Jenny the best of luck in all her future endeavors. Gulf Coast. in China; there are many similar stories across f China where those seeking to simply practice f their respective faiths are consistently har- TRIBUTE TO EVELYN AND JIM HONORING U.S. ARMY SERGEANT assed, detained, and injured for exercising a WHIPPLE MICAH WELINTUKONIS UPON HIS basic human right. RETIREMENT While we must certainly lend our support to HON. DAVID YOUNG the religious faithful in China as they strive to OF IOWA HON. JOE COURTNEY exercise their basic human right to worship IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CONNECTICUT where, when and what they so desire, we IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES must also applaud and support the brave Thursday, May 19, 2016 human rights lawyers in China who champion Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thursday, May 19, 2016 the rights of the religious faithful in the face of today to recognize and honor Evelyn and Jim Mr. COURTNEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today unthinkable intimidation as practiced by the Whipple of Clarinda, Iowa, on the very special to honor the distinguished military service of Chinese government. These brave men and occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary. Army Sergeant Micah Welintukonis of Cov- women have provided rule of law training to They celebrated their anniversary on April 22. entry, Connecticut who will retire on May 19, church members throughout China. Indeed, They were married in 1951. 2016 after 16 years and 5 months of active this past year these lawyers were able to con- Evelyn and Jim’s lifelong commitment to duty. Sgt Welintukonis’ record reads like a his- duct over one hundred trainings for over one each other and their family truly embodies tory book of U.S. military action over the last

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.035 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS E756 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 19, 2016 22 years. He served in Kosovo during his first 20 years, Vice President/Organizer of Local THAT LAST FULL MEASURE stint of active duty in the 1990s. Later, as a 716, and as delegate at many national and All in that moment between Life and Death member of the Connecticut National Guard he state conventions. In these positions, he was When, who lives or dies no less deployed to Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom, on the front lines in the fight for a living wage When, courage comes to crest then served in Afghanistan where he was se- and fair working conditions. As comes That Measure Mr. Wortham was not only a notable labor That God-like Test verely injured by a suicide bomb attack in That Last Full Measure 2012. During that time, he rose through the leader, but also served on the Harris County Just All ranks to Sergeant and accumulated an im- Board of Managers for the Harris Health Sys- Until, none lies left pressive array of awards and medals, includ- tem, earning the distinction of the body’s long- As one of America’s Best ing the Purple Heart, Army Commendation est-serving labor representative. Mr. Wortham Right between Life and Death with Valor, Combat Medic Badge, Expert In- will be especially remembered for his passion When, who lives or dies fantry Badge, Commanding Generals Certifi- for helping people through the political proc- So all upon us so rests cate of Merit, and the Coast Guard and United ess, especially working people. The greatest of all tests As to one’s soul expressed States Marine Corps Certificates of Apprecia- Mr. Speaker, I am blessed to say farewell to a dear friend who is gone but not forgotten. When comes tion. That Last Full Measure At the time of his injury, he was a medic, He will be missed dearly by a multitude of Of which now so Blesses certified at the highest levels and performed family and friends. This family includes his As when one looks into that Face of Death many life-saving missions with skill and care children, Stephen Dale Wortham and Melinda And so valiantly vanquishes Evil’s Quest for the men and women he served with. Wortham; his sisters, Becky Rogers (George), As When Come’s, The first time I met Sgt. Welintukonis was Leslie Broussard (Jimmy), and Lisa Persky That Last Full Measure under extraordinary circumstances. He had (Ronnie); as well as his brother, Jason Krieg. That Golden Test All in that moment which lies just arrived at Walter Reed Hospital in Be- f As all in ones soul comprised thesda, Maryland where he had flown in from TRIBUTE TO JANIS AND RUSTY Which, brings such tears to the Angels eyes Landstuhl Hospital in Germany, still suffering CREVELING Up On High in agonizing pain from his life threatening ab- All In That Last Full Measure dominal injury. His amazing wife, Camilla, was As they watch and cry at his bedside comforting him, but it was clear HON. DAVID YOUNG At this American Treasure that his condition was very critical. Even OF IOWA At The Greatest Gift of All though he was not aware of my presence, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES As how one’s Life is Measured had the opportunity to witness his incredible Thursday, May 19, 2016 To hear that most solemn call Of Love and Devotion, inner strength and ferocious will to live that Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise and Sacrifice carried him through that dark hour and a long today to recognize and honor Janis and Rusty All in that moment of selflessness as so real- and difficult recovery. With the support of his Creveling of Manchester, Iowa, on the very ized wife and family, Micah is healthy and ready to special occasion of their 50th wedding anni- To do what is right start a new chapter of his life. versary. They were married on March 17, To carry that night Wherever he and his family go, one thing is All in That Last Full Measure 1966. All in that fight sure. Micah will be a passionate advocate for Rusty and Janis’ lifelong commitment to American veterans and for a strong national With your gift each other, their children Ronda, Brian, and The Greatest of All defense. I know that because my email inbox Holly, and their grandchildren truly embodies The one that our Lord so Treasure’s has been bursting with messages, articles, Iowa values. As they reflect on their 50th anni- Is but that ‘‘That Last Full Measure’’ and suggestions—sometimes sent in the mid- versary may their commitment grow even A SEAL Of HONOR dle of the night—about improving services for stronger, and continue to love, cherish, and The One who so endeavored those who wear the uniform of our country. honor one another for many years to come. In that Gift Michael you so gave Today, he is active in veterans’ service organi- I commend this great couple on their 50th All in that most splendid treasure Michael, the Lives you so saved zations such as the Connecticut American Le- year together and I wish them many more. I gion, Special Operations Wounded Warriors, Perhaps, one day a child will come know my colleagues in the United States Who too all of us among and as the Director of InTheLineOfDuty, a vol- House of Representatives join me in congratu- Will bless our world to come unteer-run charity for First Responders. lating them on this momentous occasion. This one In addition to that formal involvement he has f With such gifts of love you’ve begun organized fund raiser walk-a-thons, school vis- A Cure For Cancer its, and national veterans media events to IN MEMORY OF THE MEDAL OF For our world’s problems finding the answers generate funds and awareness of the chal- HONOR RECIPIENT UNITED Or maybe too, lenges America’s veterans, in particular STATES NAVY SEAL PETTY OF- as you ‘‘That Last Full Measure’’ wounded veterans, confront every day. FICER 2ND CLASS MICHAEL A. And from all of this perhaps will come such America has been, and still is, lucky to have MONSOOR Treasures From all of this such happiness begun the tenacious, spirited, (sometimes a little And yet such sadness for all of your love grouchy) and high-quality contributions of Sgt. HON. PETE SESSIONS ones Micah Welintukonis over the last 22 years. OF TEXAS That we can not so Measure Please join me in thanking him, his wife IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Take heart, as one day you will all be together again Camilla, and their children for all they have Thursday, May 19, 2016 done for our nation and wish them well in all All in Heaven’s Sun embracing then their future endeavors. Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise on this Because of you Michael coming Memorial Day in memory and in grati- For what you’ve done f tude to all of the magnificent heroes like Petty And your most magnificent endeavor IN HONOR OF MR. E. DALE Officer 2nd Class Michael A. Monsoor. The In what you gave America’s Son WORTHAM All in, ones who gave that last full measure in the That Last Full Measure name of freedom for their country and broth- In the moment of truth, HON. AL GREEN ers in Arms. On April the 8th 2008, Michael how you behaved my son OF TEXAS was posthumously presented the Medal of As to our Lord’s heart, you’ve brought such pleasure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Honor by President Bush at the White House for sacrificing himself by jumping on a grenade SEAL, Thursday, May 19, 2016 on September 29, 2006 for his fellow SEALs. your new battle has now begun Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, On this Memorial Day let our thoughts and Mount Up As Thy Will Be Done today I would like to honor the memory of a prayers go out to him and his family and all of As it’s time to run distinguished labor leader: Mr. E. Dale those who have given their lives throughout In the Army of Our Lord, Wortham. Throughout Mr. Wortham’s life, he the years in the name of freedom. I submit as you are now one held a variety of positions, including President this poem penned in his honor by Albert C. An Angel of the Harris County Labor Assembly for over Caswell. An Angel on high Michael

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.040 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS May 19, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E757 And oh how your power’s have increased United States. Specifically, it’s designed for a member of Boy Scout Troop 23. Troop 23 As you watch over us in this battle to be won students aspiring to become physicians or has been associated with Our Savior’s Lu- In life, medical researchers, and provides a path and theran Church in Council Bluffs for over 50 moments are all we have Minutes to hearts to grab mentorship for students to accomplish their years. To Decisions Make goals. The Eagle Scout designation is the highest To be considered for acceptance as a dele- To Fight for The Good advancement rank in scouting. Approximately gate, applicants are either recommended by a Or The Bad 2 percent of Boy Scouts earn the Eagle Scout If it’s up in Heaven we wish to wake teacher or member of the Academy based on Award. The award is a performance-based Today, We Stand a proven track record of academic excellence. achievement with high standards that have With, Tear In Eye Delegates represent all 50 states plus Puerto been well-maintained over the past century. Understanding all the reason’s why Rico, and must have a minimum 3.5 GPA. But, Where Your Honor Lies Students like Prichard who qualify for this in- To earn the Eagle Scout rank, a Boy Scout All because of you, is obligated to pass specific tests that are or- Michael and your Sacrifice credibly selective honor exemplify top-tier dili- and That Last Full Measure gence and academic talent. ganized by requirements and merit badges, as Mr. Speaker, Rebecca Prichard is not only well as completing an Eagle Scout Project to f an excellent student, but a well-rounded indi- benefit the community. For Andrew’s Eagle HONORING REBECCA PRICHARD ON vidual who is just as passionate about the Scout Project he provided 22 slab-topped BEING ACCEPTED BY THE NA- medical field as she is about cheerleading. benches for a pit area at Camp of Good Shep- TIONAL ACADEMY OF FUTURE Rebecca will no doubt excel in her role as a herd in Louisville, Nebraska. Andrew assisted PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SCI- delegate to this Congress and I urge my col- in the milling of the slabs and coordinated the ENTISTS AS A DELEGATE TO leagues to join me in congratulating her for construction with members of several Webelos THE CONGRESS OF FUTURE this achievement. On behalf of Missouri’s Sev- Scout packs. The work ethic Andrew has MEDICAL LEADERS enth Congressional District, I wish Rebecca shown in his Eagle Scout Project and every the best of luck in all her future endeavors. other project leading up to his Eagle Scout HON. BILLY LONG f rank speaks volumes about his commitment to OF MISSOURI serving a cause greater than himself and as- TRIBUTE TO EAGLE SCOUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sisting his community. ANDREW K. DICKINSON Thursday, May 19, 2016 Mr. Speaker, the example set by this young Mr. LONG. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to HON. DAVID YOUNG man and his supportive family demonstrates the rewards of hard work, dedication, and per- honor Branson High School student Rebecca OF IOWA severance. I am honored to represent Andrew Prichard on her being accepted as a delegate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders by and his family in the United States Congress. the National Academy of Future Physicians Thursday, May 19, 2016 I know that all of my colleagues in the U.S. and Medical Scientists. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise House of Representatives will join me in con- The Congress of Future Medical Leaders is today to recognize and congratulate Andrew gratulating him on obtaining the Eagle Scout an honors-only program that is designed to K. Dickinson of Council Bluffs, Iowa for ranking, and I wish him continued success in motivate and direct the top students in the achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Andrew is his future education and career.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 May 20, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A19MY8.043 E19MYPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS