中国文化之旅( Tour)

一、日程特色介绍:(Introduction of Tour Feature)

本活动专门为华裔或外国学生提供。游文化北京,主要包含两个部分,一是参观游玩北京著名景 点与文化符号,二是课堂式解读中国文化精髓。期间与中国学生共同参与游戏活动,穿插诱人的特色 美食。(This activity is specifically for the foreign students. The tour mainly consists of two parts, one is to visit famous tourist attractions in and the other is experiencing Chinese culture in the class. During this period, foreign students will participate in activities with local students and enjoy .) 1、神游京城,吃出文化!品老北京文化,尝老北京小吃!(1、Experience Beijing Culture! Taste Beijing traditional Food!) 北京老字号店:年糕钱、奶酪魏、羊头马、、豆腐脑白、小肠陈、茶汤李、恩元居、褡裢火烧、 全聚徳等。(Beijing Traditional Brands: rice cake Qian, cheese Wei, sheep head Ma, bean curb Bai,small intestine Chen,tea Li, Enyuanju, Dalian Huoshao,) 2、身临其境!了解中华神韵的古今。品鉴民俗之大雅、体验古迹之博大!(2、Get a chance to learn the charm of ancient and modern ! Get a chance to learn Chinese folk and visit historical monuments!)


时间(Date) 地点、活动内容(Activity) 第一日 北京国际机场接机 (Pickup from Beijing Airport) (Day one) 第一日晚上 安排住宿,自我介绍 (Acclimatization and self introduction) (Night) 第二日上午 饮食文化:逛大栅栏,品尝老北京小吃(烤鸭、烧麦、炸酱面……….)

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1、(爆肚冯)( Fried cow stomach Feng) 英:And since the guangxu period of one hundred years "JinShengLong" said BaoDu feng, as BaoDu crisp, refreshing sauce is legendary 2、(奶酪魏) (Cheese Wei) 英:The early qing dynasty, cheese WeiHongChen from the court, the founder of the wei of learned the craft executive chef, later won the customer a piece of praise, a good name is cheese w 3、(年糕钱)(Rice cake Qian) 英:"Cake flying rock name black, taste like o peak of be bored with fat color. Sweet clean if unto the god will know by xiang, Jane with JinJu and lotus." 4、( 豆腐脑)(Bean Curb) 英:The quality that is the bean curd flower, also called LaoDouFu, bean curd pudding is the use of soybean protein made of high nutrient food. Mainly divided into sweet and salty two how to eat. 5、(全聚德)(Quanjude) 英:"Quanjude" not only to roast duck and from home or abroad, and in the duck mat, special, innovative dishes, the celebrity feast, as a representative of the series products dishes formed the food culture quanjude all rivers run into sea. 6、(茶汤李)(Tea Li) 英:Beijing overpass tea has a long history of lee, is Beijing traditional flavor snack. Tea sweet taste delicious, colour and lustre is apricot yellow, taste is exquisite taste resistance. 第二日下午 皇家古典建筑文化:登天安门城楼、畅游故宫。 (Day 2, (Royal & Ancient Architectural Culture: visit the Tian’anmen Tower and the . morning)

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The , Tian'anmen or Gate of Heavenly Peace is a famous monument in Beijing, the capital of the People's Republic of China. It is widely used as a national symbol. First built during the in 1420, Tiananmen is often referred to as the front entrance to the Forbidden City. However, the is the first entrance to the Forbidden City proper, while Tiananmen was the entrance to the Imperial City, within which the Forbidden City was located. Tiananmen is located to the north of , across the street from the plaza from Chang'an Avenue.

The , is a special museum. Founded in 1925, the Palace Museum, built in the Ming and qing dynasties palace-on the basis of the Forbidden City. After five hundred years and honor or disgrace, imperial palace gate finally open to the public. The Palace Museum rarely unique collection, is the world's largest, most complete preservation of the Forbidden City timberwork palace complex. It is the pride of the Chinese nation is, and also is the precious cultural heritage of all humanity. Now, the former palace forbidden that covers an area of

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780000 square meters of many imperial palaces in different styles, since Ming and qing dynasties of great treasure collection royal treasure house, is also recorded history of palace of bright qing dynasty of fresh files...... Therefore, the lifeline of the , attachment in the Forbidden City palace and down its cultural contexts growth, extensions...... Into the Palace Museum, you go along the axis, from the peaks and valleys of the building in the movement of knowledge and experience can be time royal breasts; Can pass through the display of exquisite galleries things and NaTing esp refined pattern, capture of the imperial life in wen wan breath; House NuanGe east from the yellow gauze rolled up, back years the Chinese nation for their history of vicissitudes of life...

第二日晚上 功夫文化:看成龙功夫电影《功夫梦》 (Chinese Kung Fu Culture: watch Jackie Chan’s movie “The (Day 2, Karate Kid) night) Chinese Kung Fu , also known as Chinese martial arts , martial art is the main form of exercise routines and fighting internally and externally-oriented traditional Chinese sports , Chinese people have long-term accumulation of a valuable cultural heritage.

The Karate Kid

Synopsis: The movie "The Karate Kid" remake the 1984 Hollywood film "Longwei kid, about the small Jarden plays Ray with her mother emigrated from the United States Detroit to Beijing, China, the new environment apparently does not enable him to adapt quickly. This is not too soon, he was a group of bully bully. It was then that he was pregnant with Jackie Chan plays the mysterious martial arts rescued. Chan plays the role of an eccentric, and after playing this, Jackie began with a very special way to teach him

martial arts, and mine learned from him to protect their own skills. Concentrated practice, Ray Ultimate understand the true meaning of the Oriental martial arts in one fell swoop to win in the ring to become a great Kung Fu Kid. He also adapt quickly to new life in China and

grow up happily.

第三日上午 中国茶文化:观看茶艺表演、尝茶鉴茶 (Chinese Tea Culture: watch the tea ceremony and learn tea (Day 3, tasting) morning)

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Tea is the drink of the Chinese nation and the whole country. Occur in the Shen Nong, Wen in Luzhou Gong, Xing in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty. Chinese tea culture blend of Chinese Confucianism, Taoism, Buddha Zhupai thinking, alone together in a wonderful work of the Chinese culture, while glycol fragrance. 第三日下午 中国藏传佛教文化:雍和宫烧香 (Chinese Tibetan Buddhism Culture: burn incense in Lama Temple) (Day 3, afternoon)

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Lama Temple located in the Dongcheng District, Beijing Lama Temple Street, west to the Confucius Temple, east Berlin Monastery, the total area of about 66,000 square meters, not only today's Beijing's largest perfectly preserved lamasery is the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in China. since it opened in 1915 has become a tourist travel to Beijing to visit the resort; Lama Temple, formerly known as the officials sites, the emperor Kangxi 33 years (c. 1694) built and given to the Prince Yong initially called "the zhen Baylor House, Yin zhen renamed the "Yong palace, has been called the Prince Yong change AD 1725 Yongzheng ascended the throne after palace for the palace, and renamed the" Lama Temple "; Lama Temple in 1961, is listed as the first batch of key cultural relics protection unit , 1983 as a "national key temples" of the Han areas, is one of the important cultural history and culture, artistic and scientific value. 第三日晚上 (Day 3, 学写中国字。(Learn to write Chinese characters) night) 第四日整日 (Day 4, 军事:攀登长城(不到长城非好汉)(Military Training: climb the Great Wall) whole day)

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He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man. The majestic Great Wall touches the billows of the Bohai Sea in the east, and traverses the vast expanse of the Gobi desert in the west. It is a symbol of the brilliance of China’s ancient culture and a pride of the Chinese nation. Badaling Great Wall is the outstanding representative of the Great Wall of China. It is the best part of Ming Dynasty Great Wall. It is a precious part of human cultural heritages and a center of attention for world tourists. It strides across high mountains, straddles deep oceans, crosses time and space, and serves as a bridge of friendship for all people of the world. The seeds of friendship are sown here. The songs of peace are sung here. Let us pray – May the flowers of true friendship never fade at Badaling Great Wall! 第五日上午 奥运文化:北京奥林匹克公园(鸟巢、水立方) (Olympic Culture: Beijing Olympic Park (Bird Nest (Day 5, and Water Cube) morning) 鸟巢 (Bird Nest) Beijing National Stadium, also known officially as the National Stadium, or colloquially as the Bird's Nest, is a stadium in Beijing, China. The stadium was designed for use throughout the 2008 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. 水立方 (Water Cube) The Beijing National Aquatics Center, also officially known as the National Aquatics Center , and colloquially known as the Water Cube, is an aquatics center that was built alongside Beijing National Stadium in the Olympic Green for the swimming competitions of the 2008 Summer Olympics . 第五日下午 科技文化:中国科技馆(中国如何让航天飞机上天?如何实现有限的土地养活世界上 13 亿人口?) (Day 5, Science and Technology Culture: China Science and Technology Museum (How does China make afternoon) the shuttle go to the sky? How does china raise 1.3billion people in the world with limited land) The China Science and Technology Museum is a major science museum established in 1988 in Beijing, China. The museum contains two separate buildings, Hall I & II. The Hall I was completed in 1988, and the museum exhibits ancient Chinese technology such as astronomical devices, the compass, gunpowder, bronze smelting and casting, and so forth. Hall II, completed in 2000, displays topics concerning

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astronautics, energy, communications; material science and mechanics; information technology; life science; and environmental science.

第五日晚上 学写中国字。Learn how to write Chinese characters (Day 4, Chinese characters are an important carrier of heritage and promote the Chinese culture, is the basic night) identity of the Chinese nation, but also a significant sign of the Chinese civilization, and North Korea, South Korea, and other countries of the text culture has a huge and far-reaching impact. Carry forward the Chinese Character Culture to make the world more people aware of the unique art of calligraphy in China, more unique aesthetic enjoyment, new builds character, the way of entertainment 第六日上午 介绍中国京剧,图文并茂。Introduction of Chinese opera (Day 6, morning)

Types of facial makeup are a special method of makeup in Chinese traditional operas. Since every historical character or characters of a certain type are provided with a particular facial type, similar to music scores for singing and playing music, such a method of makeup is named "Types of facial makeup". Generally speaking, red depicts utter devotion, loyalty, righteousness, and bravery. Purple symbolizes wisdom, resourcefulness, and justice. Black represents loyalty and uprightness. Watery white suggests trickery and malevolence. Oily white expresses self-conceited and domineering character. Blue implies unyielding and intrepid personality. Green brings out a chivalrous nature. Yellow stands for cruelty and ferocity. Aged red reflects loyalty and bravery of virtuous and prestigious old generals. Tile grey delineates an aged fierce and ambitious person. Colors of gold and silver are mostly applied to gods, Buddha, ghosts and monsters, to elicit a sense of fantasy from gold faces and bodies. 第六日下午 (Day 6, 学唱京剧 Learn to sing Peking Opera afternoon) 第六日晚上 观看京剧表演 Watch Peking Opera Day 6,

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Chinese Opera after more than 800 years, a long heritage, is an important part of Chinese traditional arts. Legend from the Jin and Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing dynasties; from the prosperity of Queensland (song) Yi (Yang cavity) to four Anhui opera to Beijing; from the Beijing Opera was born to become the "essence" into the golden age, two hundred years of opera history process Venus, Tan Xinpei, Yang Xiaolou, Mei Lanfang, Ma Lianliang generation after generation of performing artists. The rich with a representative of the many opera Coban has trained thousands of excellent actors, to support near-century opera and art galleries. Spread all over the playhouse theater opera stage of prosperity, sophisticated and unique industry of instrumental music, props, costumes for the opera performances add color brilliance. 第七日上午 中国园林艺术:世界物质文化遗产颐和园 Chinese Garden Art: -one of the world Day 7 cultural heritages morning

The Summer Palace, Yiheyuan in Chinese, is the most celebrated imperial garden in China. The garden came into existence early in the 1750s and had once been a summer resort for the emperors. It is acclaimed as a museum of gardens in China, for a visit to this garden bestow on sightseers a glimpse of representative scenes all over China.

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第七日下午 学画中国画 Learn Chinese painting Day 7, afternoon

Chinese painting, also known as the painting in ancient times known as Dan refers to the traditional art of painting in China , is one of the four arts of poetry and painting . Narrow painting refers only to ink , broad painting murals of traditional Chinese style, Kam painting, embroidery, ink, stone carvings, and even the New Year and ceramic painting and other art, including modern Chinese oil paintings and watercolors . 第七日晚上 放风筝 Fly kite Day 7, night

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In ancient China the kite was known as 'Zhiyuan' (paper glede). Originally regarded as a technology, the kite also featured prominently in many art collections, and was considered to have unique artistic value. 第八日上午 制作传统小吃:饺子 Make a traditional cuisine: dumpling Day 8, morning

Chinese food culture is profound, the source of origin, especially some of the festive solar terms what to eat more to a lot of meaning and pay attention to. Minyan "winter solstice misconduct dumpling bowl, freeze an ear or nobody", the first dumpling face two days, three days of zygote circumference pot turn. "Zygote is a dumpling, usually baked cooked, while the third is cooked. First month is called "broken", eat dumplings. In reality, the Chinese people the most luxurious, most important is a bumper New Year's Eve Dayton dumplings (also called a "festive dinner"), which is inherited cultural genes in the ancestral blood, enjoyable for the whole family together to eat a large dumplings to the coming year rich resources, peace and good fortune, happiness healthy, flourishing population of great expectations and best wishes. Dumplings small transit, cultural connotation deep a mile! 第八日下午 Day 8, 逛南锣鼓巷 Visit South Luogu Lane afternoon)

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North east street drum up, south to east street, the door, the length of 786 m, 8 m wide. and yuan dynasty (1267 years) in the same period, which was built in yuan dynasty ZuoZu right club ", facing the market outlook "urban pattern, nanluoguxiang is" part of the market outlook ". The yuan dynasty, drum lane as axes, south east region is a real back to fang, west side areas is jing fang revenue. The Ming dynasty of zhao back to jing fang revenue. Qing dynasty emperor guangxu emperor qianlong, we have got rich of late to xuantong within three of the left. In the period of the republic of five area. Nanluoguxiang, the Ming dynasty says gong-shaped wok lane. Qing qianlong 15 years (1750) renamed lane, and drums into nanluoguxiang and north drum

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lane (north drums in today street lane within its jurisdiction). The name of the nanluoguxiang, because of its high among topography, north and south, such as low hunchback effectively, the name after lane, sound to drum lane. After the republic along the says. "The great " in once brilliant street, renamed as the recovery formerly. Nanluoguxiang in the early yuan dynasty, continue to build the "on her 第九日下午 Day 9, 文化交流联欢会 Culture Exchange Party afternoon 第十日 Day 10 北京国际机场送机 See off from Beijing Airport

说明:1、入住标准:四星级酒店标准双人标间。 2、活动时间:2012 年 7 月 3、费用:2500 美元(不含往返机票费)

Note: 1、Accommodation standards: double standard room in Four Star Hotel. 2、Chinese culture tour: July 2012 3、Cost: $2,500 (round-trip ticket is not included)

三、通联方式 Contact Us 联系人:卢星霖、冠林、张松 Tour contacts: Lu Xinglin, Geyan, Feng Guanlin and Zhangsong 咨 询 010-82850861-8001/8002 传 真: 010-82858091-8008 电 话: 010-82858091-8003/8004 邮 箱: [email protected] Tel: +86(0)10 8285 0861x8001/8002 Fax: +86(0)10 8285 8091x8008 Tel: +86(0)10 8285 0861x8003/8004 E-mail: [email protected]

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