Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Wye Tuesday 3rd November 2020, 18:45 with By video/audioconference Hinxhill



158/20 To note those present and to receive any apologies Present: Cllr Reece (Chairman); Cllr Bartley; Cllr Haynes; Cllr Vousden, Police Sergeant Jasmine Bloomfield, PCSO Smith. In attendance: K. Stephens, M. Lacey Apologies: Cllr West (work commitments), Cllr Ovenden (work commitments) Standing Apology: Cllr Dod (family reasons)

Cllr Reece proposed to approve these apologies, Cllr Bartley seconded and all were in favour.

159/20 To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) and any Other Significant Interest (OSI) from members, concerning items on the agenda Cllr Bartley made a voluntary declaration as a member of the Wye village design group and as a volunteer Area organiser for the Poppy Appeal.

160/20 Public Open Session (this item will last no longer than 15 minutes unless agreed by the Chairman. If a member of the public has submitted a statement, this will be read out. Statements shall not require a response at the meeting, but the Chairman may direct that a written or oral response be given. There were no members of the public present. No items had been submitted prior to the meeting.

161/20 To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 6 October 2020 and the minutes of the Extraordinary Parish Council meeting held on 7 October 2020 The minutes of the previous meetings were circulated to Cllr Reece and other Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Reece confirmed that the open and confidential minutes were a true record of the meeting on 6 October and the open minutes were a true record of the meeting on 7 October. Cllr Reece proposed to accept both sets of minutes, Cllr Haynes seconded the proposal and all were in favour.

162/20 To receive an update regarding progress of actions and resolutions from the last meeting a. Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Reece noted that any outstanding actions would be covered in the agenda this evening.

163/20 To receive any oral or written reports, and authorise any action a. To receive a verbal update from Police Sergeant Bloomfield following the recent criminal activity in Wye (Police Sergeant Bloomfield and PCSO Smith attended the meeting) Police Sergeant Bloomfield gave a verbal update of Police activity in Wye. PCSO Smith is currently covering the Wye area and has been for the past two weeks. Along with the PCSO Task Force, the Rural Task Force have also been in the area and they deal with countryside issues, poaching and rural crime. They work late shifts, so are often a visible presence in the evenings. The Rural Task Force and PCSO Task Force update the Twitter feed. Crime remains very low in Wye.

Between 1st September - 2nd November, there were 24 crime reports for Wye and 5 calls to anti=social behaviour. 5 Domestic incidents, 8 crime reports for September. There were 3 reports of thefts from vehicles, cycles were stolen from a shed and there were thefts from Churchfield

1 Allotments. There was also criminal damage to play equipment and 1 report of anti-social behaviour.

There were 11 crime reports for October. There were 4 crimes at the Allotments on Olantigh Road and others were neighbour disputes and incidents between local children. There were 4 reports of anti-social behaviour and a male in the bus shelter shouting. PCSO spoke to tenants at the Allotments on Olantigh Road and gave out crime prevention advice, including security marking kits.

Police Sergeant Bloomfield gave a verbal update with regards to the damage to cars in Bridge St in August. A special investigation team, led by Sergeant Todd, have been looking into this. Enquiries have covered two counties. The Police acknowledged that lots of people will not have reported damage to their cars. The Police have followed lots of leads but the two people in the CCTV footage have not been identified. This has been included in the monthly PCSO newsletter, which will be circulated. The Police are trying to circulate the CCTV images as far as possible – they are clear images. The hope is that a member of the public recognises someone in the images and comes forward. Police Sergeant Bloomfield confirmed that the investigation has gone as far as it can, until more information comes through as result of the CCTV images.

Parish Councillors welcomed the update and were reassured to know that the Police have been in the Village. It was noted that another lockdown may result in Police activity being increased. ACTION: Police Sergeant Bloomfield to send Clerk CCTV image of suspects so it can be included in next Parish newsletter (Police Sergeant Bloomfield)

Cllr Reece has been in correspondence with Chief Inspector Sparkes, as Parish Councillors were concerned at the absence of a Police presence in the village. This has improved, but reporting of incidents could be tied to dates. Cllr Reece stated that the Rural Task Force reports are very good. Cllr Reece noted that it would be helpful to tie up dates to incidents to ascertain when crimes took place or if the Police presence in the village is a result of routine patrols. It was noted that Police activity in the village could come from several units and it was unlikely that all reasons would be disclosed. It was agreed that the Parish Council would circulate the PCSO newsletter. ACTION: Clerk to circulate PCSO newsletter (Clerk)

Police Sergeant Bloomfield confirmed that the PCSO can post Tweets when in Wye. Items of interest can be retweeted. ACTION: Clerk/Deputy Clerk to familiarise themselves with Twitter (Clerk/Deputy Clerk) b. To receive an update regarding the re-opening of the public toilets The public toilets were re-opened on Monday 2 November. A message has been posted on Facebook to update residents, explaining the opening times. Professional cleaners are contracted to clean the toilets daily between 5-6pm. The cleaning contractors are being closely monitored as the contract is in its infancy. Cllr Reece noted that there have been lots of ‘likes’ on Facebook following the announcement. It was confirmed that the toilets will remain open during the second lockdown. The Deputy Clerk was thanked for her diligence in getting the toilets open. Cllr Bartley noted that the LED lights should be on 24 hours a day and should only turn off when a person enters the building. D Sercombe will need to check this. [Post meeting note: LED lights issue was rectified] ACTION: Deputy Clerk to liaise with D Sercombe to check LED lighting (Deputy Clerk) ACTION: Clerk to add Electricity contract for toilets to a future agenda (Clerk) c. To receive a verbal report from the Wye Ward member Cllr Ovenden had given his apologies for the meeting.


d. To receive Wye Almshouse report from Sue Gower Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Parish Councillors noted that the report was for last year. This year not much has happened but everyone remains safe and well. A report will be required for the Parish Council Annual Meeting next year.

164/20 Finance and Governance a. To note any income received An income of £384.39 was received from allotment rents.

b. To review the expenditure list and authorise payments Cllr Haynes had reviewed the expenditure list prior to the meeting. Cllr Reece proposed to approve the payment list which had been recorded accurately and included VAT where appropriate, seconded by Cllr Bartley. ACTION: Clerk to make the payments listed (Clerk)

c. To receive the Living Wage Commission announcement and authorise any actions Parish Councillors noted that the Living Wage increase will be announced on 9 November 2020.

d. To approve and adopt Complaints Policy and Procedure Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Reece proposed that Appendix 1 should be renamed as the Policy and the others are Appendices 1 and 2 to that. The Policy document and what was Appendix 3 (now 2) to go on website. Councillors noted the need for an Appeals Panel is to have reciprocal agreement with a comparable Parish Council, otherwise we would have a process we cannot deliver on. Cllr Reece proposed to adopt the Complaints Policy and Procedure, seconded by Cllr Haynes. ACTION: Clerk to make changes to titles of documents (Clerk) ACTION: Complaints Policy and Procedure approved and adopted (Clerk) ACTION: Clerk to send Complaints Policy and Procedure to Cllr Bartley for publication on Parish Council website (Clerk)

e. To consider reappointment of Trustees to the Wye Almshouse Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Parish Councillors were asked to reappoint Julie Dod for another 4 years. Parish Councillors questioned whether they could do this given that Cllr Dod is currently on permanent leave from the Parish Council for family reasons. Given this, Cllr Reece proposed that the Clerk contact Sue Gower to ascertain if she would like Parish Councillors to nominate someone else, given that Cllr Dod is currently on permanent leave from the Parish Council for family reasons. Cllr Haynes seconded the proposal. ACTION: Clerk to contact Sue Gower to ascertain if she would like Parish Councillors to nominate someone else (Clerk)

f. To approve renewal of Open Spaces Society subscription Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Reece proposed to renew the subscription, seconded by Cllr Bartley ACTION: Clerk to renew Open Spaces Society subscription (Clerk)


3 a. To consider planning applications (deadlines for comment shown, where applicable) i 20/01405/AS Hampton Alders, Brabourne Road, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5PP Conversion of existing attached double garage into study and store room (Deadline: 16 November 2020)

Parish Councillors had no cause for concern with regards to the planning application. However, it was agreed that a Condition should be attached to the planning application, that it remains as part of the same dwelling unit, so is not split into a separate dwelling. Cllr Reece proposed to submit a SUPPORT with CONDIITON’ response to , seconded by Cllr Bartley ACTION: Clerk to submit ‘SUPPORT with CONDITION’ response (Clerk)

ii To consider any applications received, but not listed above. None were received. b. To note decisions of Ashford Borough Council Planning Department i 19/01076/AS 80 Upper Bridge Street, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5AN Erection of a rear dormer window & rooflights to side elevation. Decision: Withdrawn by applicant

20/01141/AS Strawberry Cottage, 1 Raymond Court Cottages, Naccolt, Brook, Ashford, TN25 5NZ Single storey side/rear extension linking existing house and studio, to include alterations to roof of studio to create annexe Decision: Permit

20/01233/AS 34 Ramsfield, Wye, Ashford, TN25 5AD Retrospective application for the insertion of a partition wall in the car barn. Decision: Permit

18/00760/CON/AS Former Kennels Site, Wye Road, Wye, TN25 5DB Discharge of conditions: 2, 4, 10, 13, 14 &15 Decision: Permit

20/00205/TC 14-16 Church Street, Wye TN25 5BJ Sycamore sapling- To Fell. Growing at a fast rate, the owner of the tree is aware of its destructive nature and gives full consent for the tree to be removed, starting to cause subsidence. Decision: Raise no objection

20/00199/TP Former Pig Research Unit, Amage Road, Wye "Retrospective" works that were performed without consent - the removal of 1 dead tree and additional trees deemed to be of poor quality. Trees to be replaced and maintained as under storey trees to accompany the retied woodland. All works were to accompany the removal and replacement of a decayed fence to restrict access to an open sewer pit. Decision: Grant consent

20/00188/TP Former Wye College Woodland Arboretum, Olantigh Road, Wye Raise the crowns over the highway and footpath to 6 metres, cutting back to the wire above the boundary wall boarding Decision: Grant consent

4 Parish Councillors noted the decisions of Ashford Borough Council Planning Department. Parish Councillors were disappointed that their comments for 34 Ramsfield were not considered as the decision ignored ABC’s own Condition and it created an unfortunate precedent which could be copied. Cllr Bartley will raise this when he meets with the Head of Planning at Ashford Borough Council. ACTION: Clerk to add as a future agenda item (Clerk)

c. To consider any tree applications i 20/00246TC 1 Dennes Mill Close, Wye, Ashford, , TN25 5DR T1 Rowan, Fell and replace with a flowering cherry tree in a different part of the front garden. Reason - declining health of the tree and to allow more light in to shrubs and roses. The tree is between two drives and the roots are starting to show signs of damaging the driveway.

Parish Councillors considered the application and agreed to support it. Cllr Reece proposed to submit ‘no comment’, seconded by Cllr Bartley. ACTION: Clerk to submit a ‘no comment’ response (Clerk)

d. Telereal Trillium (TT) sites (i) To receive an update, and approve any action, regarding WYE3 Masterplan and other TT sites. (ii) To hear any updates or agree any actions regarding undecided planning applications/Appeals:

No update was given.

e. Planning appeals and enforcements To hear any updates regarding outstanding planning matters and consider any actions required Joshan of Wye – a letter was sent to the neighbours by Ashford Borough Council. [Post meeting note: a decision was taken to put this on hold following a meeting with the Head of Planning at Ashford Borough Council] ACTION: Cllr Bartley to send a copy of the letter to the Clerk (Cllr Bartley)

166/20 To hear any reports and agree any actions regarding ongoing tasks and projects a. To receive a report from the Wye Moves Working Group, approve amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions

Cllr Reece gave a verbal update. Parish Councillors met last week informally to consider the draft HIP and dealt with it in two parts. 1. Parking and double yellow lines – Cllr Reece outlined changes made by the consultant to the draft HIP following the informal meeting. Parking bays have been altered in Golden Square following Parish Councillors concerns about lack of visibility and the potential for dangerous situations. Other parking bays have been relocated. The 30 minute waiting time bays will remain, despite proposals to extend the waiting time to 2 hours. The two bays planned by Ramsfield have been removed. Double yellow lines are now proposed along the east side of the Forstal up to Abbotts Walk. 2. 20 mph zone – no costings have been received yet, so the proposal cannot move forward, but Parish Councillors discussed how to progress with a public consultation.

The consultant has advised to keep the process simple and focus on parking. Ashford Borough Council/Kent County Council can then decide how to take the proposals forward. It was suggested that the consultation should ask residents to vote for the parking plan but to be given a broad idea of the further plans.

5 Ashford Borough Council/Kent County Council will undertake a formal consultation – they will consult with Police and other stakeholders, including residents who have objected. Following this, they can issue a TRO. Cllr Reece confirmed that in the formal process, the Authorities can drop elements or accept the HIP as a whole.

Parish Councillors considered the informal consultation process. The Parish Council could have an A3 map to illustrate the proposed parking, which could be posted. Parish Councillors acknowledged that there was also a Newsletter and Strategic Plan/Business Plan to be considered by residents.

Cllr Reece confirmed that the consultant can produce a smart image which can be printed with an explanatory note quickly. Once Parish Councillors have agreed the text, it can be sent to the printers with a turn-around time of 2/3 weeks. The 20mph zone consultation can be prepared whilst the parking consultation is underway. Residents views can be sought as to whether they think it is a good idea, should it cover the whole village or be more restrictive, excluding Churchfield Way.

Kent County Council or Ashford Borough Council will pay for double yellow lines other than the TRO, but the other proposals have cost implications. Cllr Reece stated that he was keen to engage residents as soon as possible. There is no statutory requirement for timescales as it is an informal process, but it needs to be transparent and fair. Kent County Council/Ashford Borough Council need a formal response from Wye Parish Council before they go out to a formal consultation. The Parish Council process is an ‘informal conversation’.

A discussion took place about the Government’s 3 week consultation about pavement parking. Parish Councillors agreed to get the map and text finalised and wait for costings for the proposed 20mph zone.

Cllr Reece proposed to instruct the consultant to produce an A3 parking map. A discussion took place about the wording to accompany the map and what people would be asked. A discussion took place about identifying priorities and then delivering these against budget. Cllr Reece raised the issue of how the map would be delivered to residents, particularly given the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdown. Cllr Vousden raised the issue of Our Place Wye correspondence not being received by all residents in the village – Cllr Haynes will speak to Jasper Bouverie to update him that letters are not being delivered. ACTION: Cllr Haynes to speak to Jasper Bouverie regarding the delivery of Our Place Wye communications (Cllr Haynes)

A cost of £820 was estimated for stamps, before printing. Parish Councillors acknowledged that sending correspondence in the post was resource intensive. Cllr Reece proposed that a message be posted on the Parish Council Facebook page, advising residents of the upcoming HIP proposals and inviting them to sign up to the e-newsletter as the only means of engaging in the informal conversation, due to the impact of COVID-19 and the lockdown restrictions. Cllr Haynes seconded the proposal. ACTION: Cllr Reece to instruct the consultant to produce an A3 parking map (Cllr Reece) ACTION Clerk to draft text for Facebook (Clerk)

Cllr Reece read out an email that had been received on 3 November 2020 from a resident who sits on the Our Place Wye Environment Group. The Clerk requested the Terms of Reference for the Environment Group. Cllr Reece has enrolled the resident as a member of Wye Moves.

6 ACTION: Clerk to circulate email received and Terms of Reference sent as response (Clerk) ACTION: Cllr Reece to respond to email (Cllr Reece)

A letter inviting comments about the Strategic Plan/Business Plan was due to be sent to residents on 16 November – 4 December. Cllr Reece proposed to circulate this after Christmas, seconded by Cllr Bartley. It was noted that the Strategic Plan has been designed to sit alongside the budget. ACTION: Clerk to circulate letter to residents inviting comments about the Strategic Plan/Business Plan after Christmas (Clerk)

b. To note responses to the ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper and Planning Select Committee Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Cllr Bartley submitted a one page response and it was noted that the main response has been via KALC. Cllr Reece thanked Cllr Bartley for submitting a response on behalf of the Parish Council.

c. To authorise comments to the and Eastwell Neighbourhood Plan (6th November) Parish Councillors noted the deadline for responses.

167/20 To receive correspondence, and authorise any action a. To receive correspondence from KALC regarding Committee on Standards in Public Life consultation – deadline for responses to NALC; 5pm, 4 December 2020 Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. Parish Councillors noted the consultation and that this was a national campaign from NALC. Cllr Bartley wanted to consider it at the EGM on 17 November, but Parish Councillors acknowledged there were more pressing issues.

168/20 To hear & note items from Councillors for the next agenda or for information only Note - no decisions can be taken on any item raised under this heading. Cllr Reece spoke with regards to the recent Government regulations for Remembrance Day, following the second national lockdown. Broadcasts of services can be made. The PCC met today and planned to have a minimal number of people in church and to broadcast the wreath laying. Ravi cancelled services last week. Cllr Reece has contacted Ravi and proposed an informal meeting tomorrow around the War Memorial to lay wreaths but has had no response. [Post meeting note: the service will be broadcast as planned, and wreaths laid on the war memorial later]

Cllr Bartley has received a message from the Royal British Legion. Cllr Bartley acknowledged that the Parish Council’s donation for the cost of printing posters has made a big difference.

The Farmers Market is going ahead on Saturday for food only. Cllr Bartley has seen a copy of the revised risk assessment. The Farmers Market would like to continue to borrow the Parish Council’s road barriers. Cllr Bartley raised the issue that the barriers may need replacing, as the Flood Working Group may need them. Cllr Bartley proposed to review the Flood Working Group’s equipment as a future agenda item, seconded by Cllr Reece. ACTION: Clerk to add review of Flood Working Group’s equipment as a future agenda item (Clerk)

169/20 Dates of next meetings, to be held by video/audioconference o Tuesday 10th November at 18.45 Extraordinary General Meeting of the Parish Council ACTION: It was agreed not to hold this meeting. o Tuesday 17th November at 18.45 Extraordinary General Meeting of the Parish Council o Tuesday 24th November at 18.45 Finance Working Group (Budget)

7 o Tuesday 1st December at 18.45 Parish Council Meeting

170/20 Resolution. That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business because of the commercially, legally or otherwise sensitive nature of the business.

Cllr Reece proposed to close the public open session, Cllr Bartley seconded the proposal and all were in favour.

171/20 To discuss any commercially or legally sensitive business relating to Telereal Trillium sites including WYE3 Masterplan and Wye College Buildings, any other land or buildings and authorise any actions.

Cllr Bartley gave a verbal update.

172/20 To consider any staffing matters and authorise any actions

Office lease A discussion took place regarding the office lease.


Allotment Warden Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. A discussion took place regarding the role of the Allotment Warden.

173/20 Operations LONDON BRIDGE and FORTH BRIDGE Papers were circulated to Councillors prior to the meeting. A discussion took place regarding Operations LONDON BRIDGE and FORTH BRIDGE.

174/20 Close of meeting The meeting closed at 20:56

These minutes are signed as an accurate record.

Name David Reece Signature Date 01/12/2020


Agenda Item Action required Person to no. action

163.20 a To receive Police Sergeant Bloomfield to send Clerk CCTV Police a verbal update from image of suspects so it can be included in next Sergeant Police Sergeant Parish newsletter Bloomfield Bloomfield following the

8 recent criminal activity in Wye

163.20 a To receive Clerk to circulate PCSO newsletter Clerk a verbal update from Police Sergeant Bloomfield following the recent criminal activity in Wye 163.20 a To receive Clerk/Deputy Clerk to familiarise themselves Clerk/ a verbal update from with Twitter Deputy Police Sergeant Clerk Bloomfield following the recent criminal activity in Wye 163.20 To receive an update Deputy Clerk to liaise with D Sercombe to Deputy b regarding the re- check LED lighting Clerk opening of the public toilets

163.20 To receive an update Clerk to add Electricity contract for toilets to a Clerk b regarding the re- future agenda opening of the public toilets

164.20 To review the Clerk to make the payments listed Clerk b expenditure list and authorise payments

164.20 To approve and adopt Clerk to make changes to titles of documents Clerk d Complaints Policy and Procedure

164.20 To approve and adopt Complaints Policy and Procedure approved Clerk d Complaints Policy and and adopted Procedure

164.20 To approve and adopt Clerk to send Complaints Policy and Clerk d Complaints Policy and Procedure to Cllr Bartley for publication on Procedure Parish Council website

164.20 e To consider Clerk to contact Sue Gower to ascertain if she Clerk reappointment of would like Parish Councillors to nominate Trustees to the someone else Wye Almshouse

164.20 f To approve renewal of Clerk to renew Open Spaces Society Clerk Open Spaces Society subscription subscription

9 165.20 a To consider planning Clerk to submit ‘SUPPORT with CONDITION’ Clerk i applications response

165.20 To note decisions of Clerk to add as a future agenda item Clerk b Ashford Borough Council Planning Department 165.20 c To consider any tree Clerk to submit a ‘no comment’ response Clerk applications

165.20 e Planning appeals and Cllr Bartley to send a copy of the letter to the Cllr Bartley enforcements Clerk

166.20 a To receive a report from Cllr Haynes to speak to Jasper Bouverie Cllr Haynes the Wye Moves Working regarding the delivery of Our Place Wye Group, approve communications amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 166.20 a To receive a report from Cllr Reece to instruct the consultant to Cllr Reece the Wye Moves Working produce an A3 parking map Group, approve amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 166.20 a To receive a report from Clerk to draft text for Facebook Clerk the Wye Moves Working Group, approve amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 166.20 a To receive a report from Clerk to circulate email received and Terms of Clerk the Wye Moves Working Reference sent as response Group, approve amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 166.20 a To receive a report from Cllr Reece to respond to email Cllr Reece the Wye Moves Working Group, approve amendments to the Draft Highway

10 Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 166.20 a To receive a report from Clerk to circulate letter to residents inviting Clerk the Wye Moves Working comments about the Strategic Plan/Business Group, approve Plan after Christmas amendments to the Draft Highway Improvement Plan and summary, and agree any actions 168.20 To hear & note items Clerk to add review of Flood Working Group’s Clerk from Councillors for the equipment as a future agenda item next agenda or for information only 169.20 Dates of next meetings EGM 2020-11-10 will not take place Clerk


Invoice date Payee Reason Gross

03/11/2020 D Reece Chairman’s Allowance £14.10

28/10/2020 Staff Salaries Pay Period 7 £ 3,554.49

28/10/2020 HMRC Pay Period 7 £ 545.79

28/10/2020 Nest Pay Period 7 £ 188.80

20/10/2020 Living Wage Employer Accreditation/Recognition #13993 £72.00 Foundation

03/11/2020 Wye Benefice Parish Magazine subscription £12.00

03/11/2020 Credit Card Various £341.92

11 03/11/2020 J. Piggott Refund due to giving up allotment plot £16.25

27/10/2020 For Outdoors Ltd Replacement rubber seat #0002091 £69.99

03/11/2020 M Lacey Reimburse expenses £18.60

29/10/2020 Omicron Poppy Appeal poster printing #40504 £90.00

28/10/2020 R Williams MUGA and allotment gel dispenser care #19 £300.00

Total £5,223.94