TIMES? THURSDAY. FEBRUARY to. iqio. Page Six THE DETROIT SPORTING NEWS OF THE DAY, GATHERED FOR THE DETROIT TIMES OF THESE ON HIM BUGS BEGIN TO BE JOHNSON MAY NOT BE SUPERSTITIOUS, BUT DON’T TRY ANY CHICAGOAN SOME ALARMED ABORT FIGHTING MACHINE Johnny Wilson, of Detroit, Never "DONIE” BUSH Had a Look-in With WaJsh, Ban- tam Importation From Chicago. Scant Chance That He Will Refuse Visions of To Sign, But That’s Enough To Harry Forbes In Ills palmy days were recalled In the cute little. Start the Cold Chills to Windsor boxing academy lust even- Working. ing by the performance of little Cess Walsh, ot C hicago, who gave u demon- stration on the person of poor little Be- Rooster Wonder Can't Wait To Johnny Wilson, of Detroit, that whs convincing, being Before artistic uttd, without come a Thorough Star in the leart brutal, highly effective. Drawing the Salary of One. Walsh hasn't achieved much reputa- tion out in those parts as yet, but either lie i«i a iud of unusual promise or Wilson Is far more of a shine than By PAUL HALE BRUSKE. most wist* regard only folks him. Walsh If little; ‘-Dome” Bush would "as faster, snappier and trickier than his signed contract, Johnny, even with foxy Allie Day In tome across with ‘ heave on • ON HE'UW so߀ LOSE Ntf 3VISP»C»OW CXoVIIYIO .VtoaC in YM6 ruu. ok TVE MOOH * Johnny's corner to give sage advice. Detroit famlom would Jack ' ’* MAV BC aSNT TO JACK. X ■■ Itt the mighty nigh of right no*. second round Walsh Wilson relief four stinging punches in he is stßl standing one-two suc- The fact that cession a return ami settled nerves ' against dream, without ■very aloof is getting on the By TIP weight champion protested, but lose his money or carry away a water- Take the cockleßt sport” that even | every misfortune. A this style WRIGHT. the] 11-44. on method ns his standard of the agi's company was ing mouth and unsatisfl«\l appetite were a pair of patent leathers, and in which the mystic figures 4 for the evening, when its of the ardent admirer* Man, man, can a obdurate aud Insisted | convinced of oh, someone have than have a grain of the seasoning fail puss him .i pickled digit and he be- | known wherever policy Is played as against little sbortstopper. It isn’t a silence if that the number go as it lay. Rather success Wilson’s defense. lot of fun with Li’l Arthur Johnson, upon him comes as spineless as a Jellyfish, In- j the "coon gig.” is sure* to be a bar fought gamely, that has as ye* really entitled *’Doule than be without a telephone Jack ac Wilson back his out, the bug happens to strike in right. J Did you see darker wending stunter. j burner of bat ch and Hour, while If lit* of a genuine hold but ever a terrific rights usually went around to the rank many of race, is cepted the hoodoo with a shake i his way about the a few more hoodoos, but i wants to get rid of an enemy, a super- bears a hint of grim determination Like his Johnson homeward time Ther» are a Walsh's neck and there were hut two It of bis hued feline attempted to cross not so bad. For Instance, it's bud luck stitious darkey will bury his enemy’s includes possibilities that are blessed, or cursed, with a streak of dome. somber rounds of the contest the fifth and •which path'.’ Wow ! The sleepiest field to the the left shoulder, (.olograph, firm in the belief that the superstition a foot wide, and incidents This calls to mind some of the his see moon over I sixth In which he came anywhere to 1 superstitious band that ever loafed in a cotton field to get out of bed on the wrong side, enemy will fade away as the pnoto- near holding his own. In the fifth he The chances are doubtless 10 which would not cause a flutter In j things that will send a will come to life and leg it like a stake or to cross the street between funeral jgiaph fades. a stiff body punch In tin* that the speed wonder from Hoosiet- • one to the long grass with his knees landed and pals when some, arc prone to make his heart do horse to prevent the cat carrying out \ ehicles Os course, if someone wanted to put six'll s« nt Walsh reeling across dom will be In line with his Interfering tint But with his progress. its design it surely is unlucky for then there are the good luck the kibosh on Johnson good and hard, ring right time comes to sturt south. a quickstep. And from a on the Jaw. Thu the For instance, you can chase an old- pnth the signs. euu't a superstitious might hire a blue gum individual eighth chance In ten is enougu The jinks that got Johnson's goat the man whose cat crosses. You make he seventh and were Walsh's hv that one little time rkey away from a crap game you really want to get the Negro the ft foot <«f ,to hung around his corner the day of world of worry, just as a recently was when the telephone com- , dt t But if believe 1* hind a a mile with Wilson very tired at ihu to cause a its book, chicken aud dumplings nanny of a Negro, send him u dead graveyard rabbit killed nt midnight , ibe fight ami the chances are Jeffries clofce. similar Instance did a couple of sea- pany tn placing his name In jor a of 1 gave ' The heavy- j with a He’d rather man’s finger and watch him weaken. in the full of the moon Isn't a charm would win on the bit of Woodmere and Welch of sons ago. with as the reluct- him Douglass 1313.” handful of salt. Manure Chicago boxed six rounds to a draw. ant signer. f kept hl» left In taee The have accumulated over M.iilore Welch cobwebs Hut will a two-tenner on the little MAY TRANSFER CUP RACE. ' h. 1 tl e Chicago gor*’ flowing the pigeon bole in President Navin’t an correspondence tracks have to go as a 2:06 performer fj.lv through mo. sos fh«* bout. l>nt deek. where the Bush ,w To B*" At I here With the in fast society? Cob? fv?nt L r y Raced Webb bad a. tnftv pn.nch that came and annotations are stored. HEART *clij apoos Next RIGHT TO COCO MANAGERS j I Summer. very in o bringing Vimi *h< money a absolutely nothing doing be- PATENT been And, Minoru, ”' •< has Sporting speaking of where are u Coho up if tina tween 'Donie ' and the since the Chi' \Gt» K- 1" e coupk club those the king s - who maintained *hat Jock >•> •| • *1: 111 1 »•T tO' of holidays or thereabouts Editor. derby win going to perpetuate putomtibile rut* w* ’ probaldv net *e c Christmas wav was lot k' iii.' ’i: ’i t i: 'a a- On that date. aff er coming all the ; HEART recing th** Crown in Canada* held on Doiut Lowell raiser Indianapolis to sign. Donie and , PROTECT PUBLIC CHARGES 1 HELP * from , outs,* 'liis \»*.ir The ban* es are The Wind or police f. ; i cc • • I Navin shook after a long, ll of a difference * Mr. hands solely because BALL * * I,f thing* PLAYERS *7ART that tta- ra ami the Indiana tip poiri . van l ige niou’id the t Is.*.- talk in which neither could see a comparatively iusignificaiu ! ‘ over - murmuring * cm Said, \ will !<* oti if:*' ludhtnapoli the hall, Old i now one aigued. and the j salaty. regents the WORK AT HOT SPRINGS Licensed Association Will, It Is Virtually Impossible For a Boxer To **n* Hie way the other amount of the of ;it mi!." Kiip ijuietand iiniiar in little athlete went home. j University of Mich- | Oniy Against Get the Coin Without a Good • N!<»r«>: Spec.|wav on Mav <- Proceed Question- Jun- tion* at fine's, when ih« crowd of sl.l >o Joe DeleHanty Expects Brother Jim j \ Indianapolis, todav i Eush spurned an offer ( igan peimit Keene F \L*roas. of danger <-f lorg- tting It.-eif. HIIOHT- of the Tigers to be Along Very These Days was in more than he drew last year. •14*11 lilt Fitzpatrick to able Manufacturing Conctrns. Executive. . kt full season the prestige of the mo uniform foi j field SCI retar V of till A Box-fighting ruav not be a busi- rli** t!()‘.e race if at Indianapolis | , tw* en the xth’.etu am! I’hlllies well-being of lt» pup. ,tJ time Whittington Reeves .-so-! Typical Baseball Dispute. physical today, invuu.ng j ness, but mauag.ug fighters grown will l»e w 'tut ti ’.»> 2'*t.i.ont) persons PhilMdei j iua. shorl-sighte 1 ciaiiou or License and VtitotuoblL Manu- has I The Hush tate iu way. typical. tab up every one of the I ark wit*i the hr.-l real baseball, is. a the afresh the into an institution. These managers disputes which often arise between’ administrators of the affairs of scenes of the season. A-cording to facturer.* hat started so-* | of may bo easily bad and their employers. school and see to it that none of them Joe Lkdehnntv. who was grabed in a sip which followed the recent New voted to place a fund ai . the plu. of th • ti.eatrb ul angel, to meet of the club, was as much talked-aboui; us well make up their minds I before the week ends. Jack Pow-di Mr. lice-'es disposal, i’oi the purpose) who lik* s the glamor of being a»*o ( offer for the peerless trot as any of the Tigers, but obb and | the I-rinceton also whs out t‘*ja> lor the first of enforcing the association’s patent] (iated wi*li a scrapper and lias tuo Goebel Beer is made with the greatest ot right now, they will be driven Biadley. Ail rigid-', Mttllln. broke the worlds record for trainer lon the diamond. Bemis, recvntl* passed on favorably] money to pay his cheap adverti-c- to year or two hence to a dead pla>*rj i*»r care—is properly aged, and there is not a ques- accepted chances at short, led the I it a I die Joss and other Cleveland M the l n: *d Slates roars --luent. bar winch uui<- certainty. I'hc ones, league In sacrific e hits, was within I j j nave asked for hotel reservations i That mi a action will o* taken iitt-' innately, predominate, live off Lie tion as to its purity and whoicsomenrss —h*ts a depart- If any event of the Nothing park and mediately a. lun or two of Cobb in that It is doubtful out runs a:ou:nl the i is not apparent from the ; earnings of soni* ha!t-baked boy, amt get substantially would have so | now, rirh. full nud satisfying taste. ment. and oughi to | kind at Ann Arbor t atting is indulged in followed j wuii, which Mr Reeves is now doilij. hold up the kids hai* at every oppor- elope. Michigan alumni as the fact, the same general size of en\ stirred the jL> the baths lu the famous water's. iAn it is doub*fc.l if the asxocia- tunity, treating him to a genuine ll a ’ employer niaiutaius, with : that had resigned. 1-or tint) contemplating any action Order a today and out its "Donle’h news “Keene” j f.« ie*ai ling if he demur- But the good on* s case find merits. while there D j a decade Dr. b itzpatrick baa willing against et. just as much logic, that, over ;ban to rush ■ whatever ablishe 1 manu- *«.«* worm any part of the "cut their player's sensational the best-loved man on the Mic.’-- car*, no denying the i I.* en DECISION ON KLING facturers of mot ir cement cads for ability, a goodly share of it was due igaii campus. Old students, particular- The Seldcti according to 1 years. j paten*, ' The la'e U lllis Brot was <»ne of tr*.* to the fact that he was a newcomer ly the athletic heroes of former !:• tnohi authoritative iniormutbui as Urges Herrmann to Call An Early i j kI variety because he alway s rua le last tear and hardly to be judged ye* | have invariably regarded Keene avslia'Je 'n Detroit, will from now oa When You tee the Ld.be. and Meeting of the National Commis- m noy for uls charge *mi und uoove as a stellar performer. That, by the ith<- main link between themselves i through the rest of its life, ! *e tiseu sion Settle It | the amount thui might have been time he played long as Cobb, ! ;h** present generation of athletes. to to protect ttie pu die frotu unst rupu. has as . * arned without his services, with hi.v JBush may be every bit as much of a I Men of this type, as weil as those CHICAGO, Fen. 10.—The rase ol ou: d* alers and promoters I'roceed- great U ui- uid Jimmy Brit rno.de good mut’ he* aiar, Mr. Navin is not anxious to deny i v. hu have stood back of the Johnny Kling, Cub hold-out. will be .:ig v. ill be (nought under It. against during b ifz- I lor good purses aud waxe*l ri< h. Hat at all. ’v< rin** athletic tenuis aettied next week, if pr* -d»lent Jouu every unlit ••nsed inanut.o t ur«*r w .iim* may ex- tling Nelson added materially t.» hi- It takes time to make a real base ! putrick s long residence, he *on of the ha.-> uis product is tor up to standard or whoso surprising 11*ul estate holdings through Wildes ball gem, however. Brilliant us pected to bring to bear a v* ay about it. Johnson admitted to- sincerity is questioned That M.. us seems ’aid and Stanley K*.-i hel found him an was last year, there were amount of pressure, if. purpose of a ape* ial meeting li*evis' presem \ i.sp is to secure tie “Donie'* !da? the xcellent auvise;. Hut Britt had lus his play which w ill never probable, matters have been allowed fiv Herrmann »>f l.n: - u*» information on the unlleen:-ed ] * faults in i ](.ailed Cl ’rmaii k* , - where Fit <- 'own trouid*** ei*ing ills rapper- *n be included in the repertory of a real | ro progress to a stage National Cor*.mission for February fiims now iloinii Imsiness in Detroli leave, it is safe I ! Hue. star. In steadiness of genera! play, j Patrick is bound to was to tea*di a do* ibion on the ap- ; aid those stiii iii the process of or- campaign will be im- The • ig'.t f K*o h* l-Johnson In facility with which he touches run ' to say that a ! plication Kllng for reinstatement -1 ganization. is virtually admitted by inaugurated of i mat* ii wi- inn b the negro uu- a' tiers, in getting away from the plat** mediately for ids return. be»-n sent to Herrmann by th le Hi A L A. M. olfli las J I Word lias ]tie* Chii igo cn*l of Die Hearst lea.-* last on bunts—in al! these depart-] In many ways Michigan s experi- Johnson, requesting that h** change The 3*ud n patent has :>ui two tnoi o 1 is his I * of iv.lre. Hritt and fighter were at iuents of play Hush far from ( ence is like that of Pennsylvania oi aje ua! session so a- year* to run. at th close which The date the I New York *-'»d Hi irt *li*l tl •• ta'k given < oi it jthe gtnith in etficiem y. which, after Miae Murphy had the fate of the oil* time no 'ime a manufacturers' ~.*tiizatlon to settle n g i»**r** in rejily *<» \e> • That’s Good Beer An-1, unless Hush brings himself to champion after champion, decided suggested Ire pecfive of former alliances will un- J«dins*»n. her as eur»> a> possible, am* aay the paper had the two fight -s this view of the situation, Charlie to try to meet the offer male oy Cin- doubtedly be fcmied. not ; that the commission convene at l doing most the arguing. It sound 'd O’Leary will be playing short stop for Yale, and let Murphy go. It wasn’t IT is of A cinnati on either February or better; not to Willie, however. PHONE, FOR the Tigers and we will have to do our mere than a month before the mis- a sp*' "It will be necessary to hold MORE LICENSES GRANTED. ’ simple forget strong party "I sent those m*.-sag*'3, didn't I Main or City gpr CASE best t« the wonderful take was realized. A clal meeting.” said Johnson "to con- midget so went and stormed the Indignant Britt "Well, little who could rover was immediately formed which the case In the proper manner, Grabowskl, Relianct, Oakland get and no sider give me credit. Ketchel Is liable to G'laranteed under Pure GOF.HFL much ground between second and to work to Murphy back working by mail would not be sat- | Randolph Now A. L A. M. Members.. was spared in the at- as read the story in the papers and think Food and Drugs Act, BREWING COMPANY, third bases. possible effort isfactory.’ - * highly pleasing Repeated rumor* that the Licenaod be can get along without a . Serial No.. 12.145. DETROIT. Has What Bush Lacks. tempt which, at terms association 1* shortly to start a finally crowned wlta cam-j He may believe he said those smart As for O’Leary, are few in the to Murphy, was litigation against these De- there Murphy now and, paign of ] things himself.” business who excell him as an in* success. Penn has troit which are now- indep"ii- infer, she will keep him. factories fielder, a unique part of the compari- it is safe to have come from the Chicago Michigan have to learn a similar dent, son with Hush having always been will Head-Work Dy Pirale show. Coincident with the possible the fact that, where Hush has been lei-son. lion In the States courts Ail Odd Lois, All Broken Lines, Left From conversant ai United weak, O’Leary has always shone It U difficult for one not comes the news o.‘ the granting of brightest. history of some of the -Kith the inner Pitcher Von This One four more licenses, these being se- Michigan teams, to understand But, coming right down to case*, recent cured by *he Orabowski Dower Wagon really any 1 Influence which the there aren’t baseball hold- th' tiemendous Cos., Detroit; Reliance Motor Truck outs any Kling’s is about little trainer has exerted over the bits of brain more. John quiet One of prettiest Ownsso; Oakland Motor Car Cos.. only Campus lore includes many Lelflehl, Cos! the case on record in which a his men. work on record was done by Pontiac and the Randolph Motor Car player against For instance, there has taken a chance an illustration. by which he won a hard fought game Cos., manufacturers of the Kaudolpn fangied three-year-suspension story of Keene's one set speech. the new Is the off defeat by rule, and the trouble John Is having is delivered in Chicago on the from Boston and staved truck. It was Pittsburg had been There are now 71 makes of Ameri- a warning to others that the National day the Yost system received its first sheer cleverness. against can and foreign makers in th*' licensed what says. \ at the of a western cham- lending, but "the break" came ,5 Commission means it i t< st hands association, witn considerably more ball player report to his club University of Wls and Boston slugging and needn't pionship team—the tuem started than that number outside. on Itargaln rrld»y....*»w - want to. so, by King. It was BARGAIN if he doesn’t But, if he is cousin, coached Phil 0 FRIDAY■ piling up runs rapidly, until one more all-fired for vacation, he the planned climax of a dramatic anxious a can - victory, I>ahl«n <•?•• hit rutunt when Bill .• i . ;...v "-t * * - ~u*> the n» y-5-.vlngs. just which had been ar- ° take one that is three s**asons series of events to bat, I HII r Sc J . fx? / \ ■ leng. tend came Tfn ranged iu a manner that would Dahlen is dangerous hitter "in- No player the Wolverines in as u Notes ball likes to f.ice this to put eleven side”—which means when the ball >s Sporting m K 'i, Broken Lines of MEN'S and no wise magnate going pear approach to frenzied deter- is to drive an between him and the plate, his ball player as sane men could be driven. pitched to it. mination and Leifleld knew this, so he attempt- F S S and the alumni had done their Michigan might have & Yost ed to make his faHt bail go high and It look* as If COLONELS GET ‘‘SULLY.” parts and tlie players were suspicious- k. I- rzpatrl* k for | . 000 a >t‘»r and v2T,. D Suits Overcoats escaped '' * tiie ball I >"« on. (A outside. Instead that I* no M.ik'K IM ly Ke< ne was called on and, ®•: solemn. and went waist high across th" Broken Knew, $l3O. 11. 9vl Michigan Baseball and him -*** Captain Yell- minute he looked the hoys •« the fnr- * for a full plate, corner, just where ITankllna 2ft. ttoh«r H.s*« and |5 V**sta. l C F master on the inside last evening Ibe \ Enters “Pro” Bail. and tried to tell them what ho t > „ gymnasium si.«o a M to won tln-lr gain** from |o; *Jr jIJ ANN 10.—Special)—' hoped they would do. lie is a game Dahlen likes hit. horn* Juniors also ARBOR. Feb. I Balden, expecting a high fast one. tli* Oak woods of the Bast Hid*.- settlo- the next few John little man and he tried that long be- Within days C i I van surprised and swung at 'he had, nienf. Bull!van, for fou-* years member ct I cause he loved the boys and was a misting if. Instantly the entire Pitts- horhf) »r*fll visited ( hst- Mens and Hoys yjT > the University Michigan bound up In their success. Hut lie I> C. wfe of baseball Id, r.n evening and rent home with i big group -great one sat burg team wan screaming at I/eifl< i last aggrega- Broken lines gathered into one team, will sign contract with Louis- {couldn't utter word and down, alps of the Canadian Hnodut/aor *****&s& $T a abusing for making the blunder to*- s* nCdUWcdi for those come Friday,— at ville of the j Yost hustled his men straight to him tion, 6 to 2 pic king who $7.50. American Association. not pitch : their dressing and I>ad Gregory and ordering him to Inside pHfji jj “Sully” was for two years captain of room llnjton little again The *pnldlna* pl»* at to- the University team made a repu- i tried to put on Boss Weeks* of und Instantly decided that, n* night. t Choite of tation around the circuit for his dare- shoes. Heston frankly indulged In in "V'r Out the field they rushel Dahlen had heard him ordered to keep tfnfft und Clearwater spilt e»en In devil base running tac tics and ability 't Asa center f.cMer he had some there, he deliberately repeated his ■ ■ / every l mind, they took the hostile kickoff i Bid S’ CADS, Toque*. | L ■■r,. / 1 ,7j LA A thing on otner holder of this \\ Itkonl either of the MelMarmlde. f/ blunder and struck again Hockey < aps and Time land, in a, series «*f rushes which, for j Dahlen (' to I ii’ / ▼ ■ patch of garden among if,,. |> \ \»-ts went down defeat the other cob | C'iarke, angry and fearing field hud gymnasium ntiv vs luce, but broken I J Lj/ A V H L ted power and celerity have L«*i at tho Tiysquare last even- ■ ' 1 leges. 1 renew lines, ~ ylQr. gam", Hi tv* In overtime. ■ \ I j \l** harness will pass for keeps. Boys* Gloves ~j ; fi ball game with neither side scoring and Dahlen struck out because lie had Regular 500 Wool (Jloves nn I ?I1 S SLITCI Wolll*ll S biIOGS Defeats Hornet 11. in L’Anse Crouse Ilnrry filltnore, l.enthnin nnd M jHT been outguessed and outgeneraled. <*e»r«r F(*l* les Yacht Regatta. therufter. named McCarthy liave been FOH MUX—Choice of all | U nRF.A-—t'hoire of h li*.s*-r , r ‘'li* y 25C pinched In «*hl5 Winter- | all re* f. 50 and t» V Wm The Abeudpost the boxer, led fleet home In Talk about Rmgilsh sportsman- "RUBE” WADDELL DIVORCED. ,iMf*t»i >,f another hilled with M*-- A * ,r* * ' your kh n ;» l>out at tlllmore's j the 10-mile event for Class A Ice ship! The colt Sir Martin, Csttby In prlvat** | American / yachts, sailed Wednesday Biy Crowd on Eccentric ud* my. was a second. afternoon never a real contender in the Epsom Hand When off Matt Kramer’s, winning the Dodge Southpaw Gets Decree. sporty yotma ■ derby of last year, has to concede llrnle Hlehl. the man flag. drop|>eil in and courteously run and a championship As King that the ST Mo.. Feb. 10—George win* Wort & Edward's Minoru won LOUIS. tlo- I'jOi* American league pennant for * Boys’ Girls’ usual, the battle was between Itube") Waddell, sign Shoes Abend- j lug rare of the year, two pounds in {Edward eccentric \a> •Isvllie, won't a 11*l•> contract. A Lft***. post and Hornet 11. the latter being oil their 1910 engagements. southpaw, a divorce yesterday l, promises to make a little visit or obtained Colonels, during the U good second, with Aldlna K. third ■ from his wife, who was May Wynne two to tli>- >enr. and II fourth. Hermes And, mentioning handicapping, Skinner, und whone home is in Boston. must Intve John l>. Snllhnn heen tn ' 1 " (Jp. On Thursday the racing shifts from ! there Is the proposed by The decision hv Judge impetuous wooer. Though a good closcil out Ox method was awarded bRTKOITS LAItOKST n/>THIKItS. «t 9LOJ L’Anse Cre use bay to Lakeside, with ' which the of a waa so big when refused marriage rli«* a winner trotting race j Allen. The crowd that rdthoilr. of his dl- big trophy for the A boats I > the church on account Class on lot a mile track In 2:lf> remains ellgl ground rules were necessary before the v.'.ir- • liltlon. John quickly dug up the cards as the principal attraction. Jble to the 2:20 races of the bull- rings. [umpire called time. u justice of llic peacs.