
Thank you for being part of Kyra Williams Fitness! I know you could have hired any trainer you wanted, but you chose me and I want to make the most of this opportunity you have given me.

I want to help you learn how to lift with a , and feel confident. During this month together I want you to post videos of your primary lifts in our private Facebook group (you will receive that link via email), I want you to interact, I want you to ask me questions. This is how you learn!

I know it’s only four weeks, but after these four weeks there are opportunities for further training - but we will cross that when we come to it.

Right now it’s about helping you lift with confidence. It’s important for you to be on my email list so please be on the lookout for communication from [email protected] because that is how I am going to send your video tips for your lifts, cues and other helpful info, as well as the Facebook group. (But you have to be on my email list to get the link to the group!)

The goal of these workouts is not just to teach you how to do a sumo , back , and , but it’s also to help you build muscle and strength.

Here’s some equipment you will need: Barbell Squat rack Plates Dumbbells Resistance bands

I know that you may be wondering about cardio but this program does not encompass that. I love cardio and it’s good for us, so do it, but that’s on your own accord.

Please email me if you have any questions about anything now, or anytime during this program. You May NOT give away, sell, share, or circulate The BarBelle Training Program or any of its content in any form! The copy of The BarBelle Training Program you have purchased is for your own personal use. The e-book is fully printable and one printed copy may be made for your own personal use. You are also welcome to copy the e-book to a CD-Rom, Zip disc or other storage media for backup for your own personal use. Electronic books, also known as e-books, are protected worldwide under international copyright and intellectual property law, the same as printed books, recorded material and other literary works. Under Copyright law, “Literary Work” includes “computer”, “computer program”, “software”, and all related materials sold online, including electronic books (e-books), and adobe acrobat PDF files. Copyright infringement, trademark infringement and theft of intellectual property are serious crimes. Copyright infringement is a felony and civil fines for conviction of such infringement now begin at $150,000 per infringement. Criminal fines for infringement begin at $250,000 and may also result in up to five years in prison. “The BarBelle Training Program ”Copyright 2018, by Kyra Williams of Kyra Williams Fitness/ GISG Fitness LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of The BarBelle Training Program may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system, without expressed, written and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER This book is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment. Programs outlined herein should not be adopted without consultation with your health professional. The author is not a medical doctor, registered dietitian, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a certified personal trainer. Use of the programs herein is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. The author is neither responsible, nor liable for any harm or injury resulting from this program or the use of the described herein. The movement demonstrations, pictures and videos in this program may not be enough for all people to learn proper form. It is strongly recommended that you are instructed in exercise form by a Certified Personal Trainer. How to read the workouts - First you have a warm up. These are targeting to the muscle group(s) you will be using, to get certain muscles to fire. Take 5 - 10 minutes to do these to prevent injury.

Then you have your primary lift of the day. Follow the instruction for each regarding that movement’s specific warm up. Always take a few reps with an empty bar and get into the positions you will want to be in while doing the lifts with weight.

Once you have warmed up with the empty barbell, I have written instructions for taking more warm up sets to get into the working reps. You will see the working reps written as 5x5 or 3x10, etc. The first number is the number of sets you will do, the next number is the amount of reps in each set. So if you see 5x5 (reads, 5 by 5) you will complete 5 sets of 5 reps, and if you see 3x10, then you will complete 3 sets of 10 reps.

Once you un-rack the bar or pick up the bar for a set, you do not re-rack the bar mid- set. If you go to bench 3 x 10, you need to consider there are going to be 10 reps in that set, so consider that when you are adding weight. It is not a set of 6, rack, then complete the last 4. You may pause for one second between lifts, but no re-racking.

You will see sometimes I recommend ascending from one set to the next and sometimes you will see that I want all of your sets to be at the same weight. Let’s say you are deadlifting 4x8, ascending in weight and your first set is at 95#, if that was super easy you can go up to 125#, and so on. If your third set is at 155# and you know 175# is your max and you are sure you won’t be able to complete your last sets of 8 at 165# you may stay at 155# again, for the last set.

But if the workout states 5x5 at the same weight and you know your max weight is 175# and you feel confident you could do all 5x5 at 145#, then warm up to 145# before you get into your working sets.

If you have no idea what you are capable of doing, go by feel. You have plenty of time to get used to your own body and it’s capabilities with these lifts.

Please make sure you rest 2 - 3 minutes between each working set to allow your body to regain strength and energy.

After your main lifts, you have accessory work. These lifts support the primary lifts to help you get stronger at those. Challenge yourself with these. Go as heavy as you can for the given number of sets and reps.

You will see supersets here. Superset means you are doing the first movement, followed immediately by the second movement. You can rest a minute after you have done them both before getting back to the first one again. For example you may see 4x8 good mornings supserset with 4 x 8 rows. You would do one set of 8 good mornings, followed immediately by one set of 8 rows, then pause for 30 - 60 seconds and repeating for a total of four rounds. You will also see circuits or “rounds.” This usually is because it’s 3 - 4 exercises to be performed as a circuit. Pause as needed here, but do not take long breaks. You may see 3x10 push ups, 3x10 tricep kickbacks, 3x10 back extensions, 3x10 db presses. You would do 10 push ups, 10 kickbacks, 10 back extensions, 10 db presses, then back to the push ups, for three rounds, taking minimal rest.

Lastly, in your workout, you will see a post workout stretch recommended. Please take 5 - 10 minutes doing at least this particular stretch, and any others your body needs, to prevent injury and to feel good for your next workout.

You will also see max effort days vs dynamic effort days. Max effort means you are going to be working up to a max for your primary lifts. You may see a 3RM, 8RM, etc. On dynamic effort days you will be working at a percentage of your one rep max. If you know them, that’s great. If you do not, I will give you some guidelines to go from. The object of these are move dynamically on your lifts because we want to work on speed - this is how you train your body not to get stuck coming up on a back squat.

Linked below each workout are videos demonstrating how to do each exercise. You need to log into KyraWilliamsFitness.com using the username and password you set up upon becoming a member (or the one I emailed you upon signing up) to access these.

Week 1/ Workout 1 - Max effort upper (Bench Press) 5RM Week 1/ Workout 2 - Max effort lower (Back Squat) 8RM Week 1/ Workout 3 - Dynamic effort upper (Overhead Press) 8x3 @ 65% Week 1/ Workout 4 - Dynamic effort lower (Deadlift) 10x2 @ 70%

Week 2/ Workout 1 - Max effort upper (Overhead Press) 5RM Week 2/ Workout 2 - Max effort lower (Deadlift) 5RM Week 2/ Workout 3 - Dynamic effort upper (Bench Press) 10x1 @ 5RM weight Week 2/ Workout 4 - Dynamic effort lower (Back Squat) 8x2 @ 8RM weight

Week 3/ Workout 1 - Max effort upper (Bench Press) 8RM Week 3/ Workout 2 - Max effort lower (Back Squat) 5RM Week 3/ Workout 3 - Dynamic effort upper (Overhead Press) 10x2 @ 5RM weight Week 3/ Workout 4 - Dynamic effort lower (Deadlift) 8x3 @ 80% 5RM/ 60%1RM

Week 4/ Workout 1 - Max effort upper (Overhead Press) 1RM Week 4/ Workout 2 - Max effort lower (Deadlift) 3RM Week 4/ Workout 3 - Dynamic effort upper (Bench Press) 12x2 @ 8RM weight Week 4/ Workout 4 - Dynamic effort lower (Back Squat) 10x3 @ 70% 5RM weight

RM = rep max, like 5rm means 5 rep max or the most weight you can use for 5 reps Superset = two exercises back to back Circuit/ rounds = multiple exercises, minimal rest PWO = post workout

Week 1, Workout 1 - Bench Day (Max effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-core-strengthening/ Main lift - Bench press - normal grip, 5x5 Warm up with a few sets of 3 - 5 reps, then get a good amount of weight that challenges you, for your first set of 5, and you may ascend after that. Ultimately we are looking for a 5RM, so get heavy here. Accessory Work - BB good mornings 4x8; superset with S/S dumbbell rows 4x8 each DB chest press 3x10; superset with RB pushdowns or cable pushdowns 3x10 3 rounds - RB lat pullovers x10; rear delt flys on side x12; hand release pushups x10; Tate press x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-stretches/ Barbell Bench Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bench-press/ Barbell Good Mornings - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-good-morning/ Split Stance Rows (single) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/split-stance-row-variations/ Stability Ball Chest Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-chest-press/ Resistance band tricep pushdown - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-tricep-pushdowns/ Tricep Pushdowns straight bar - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tricep-pushdowns/ Resistance band lat pullovers - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-lat-pullovers/ rear delt flyes on side - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/rear-delt-flyes-on-side/ Hand Release Push Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hand-release-push-ups/ Tate Presses - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tate-press/

Week 1, Workout 2 - Squat Day (Max effort) Warm up - https://tryabouttime.com/blogs/fitness-tips/warming-up-for-squat-days Main lift - Back Squat - 4x8 Warm up with 2 x 10 with an empty bar, then 2 x 5 with a little bit of weight, then get the amount on the bar you want for your 4 x 8, you may ascend in weight through the 4 sets. We are looking for an 8RM. Accessory Work - Barbell RDL 4x8; super set with seated twists 4x10 each way Barbell front rack step ups 3x10 each; superset with palloff press 3x15 each way 3 rounds - lateral lunges x10 each; bridge x15; low plank side hip dips x10 each; penguins x15 each PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hip-openers/ Barbell Back Squat - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-back-squat/ Barbell RDL - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-rdl/ Seated Med Ball Twist - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/seated-medball-twist/ Barbell Step Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-step-ups/ Palloff Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/palloff-press/ Lateral Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/lateral-lunges/ Bridge - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bridge/ Low Plank Side Hip Dips - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/low-plank-side-hip-dips/ Penguins - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/penguins/

Week 1, Workout 3 - Overhead Press Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-neck-pain/ Main lift - Overhead Press - 8x3 Warm up with an empty bar by completing 2x10 with just the bar. If you know your 1RM, use 65% of it for all 8x3. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight you could do 8-10 of. Rest :30 between sets. Accessory Work - Dumbbell shoulder press 4x8; superset with rear delt flys 4x15 Barbell bicep curls 3x10; Inverted rows 3x10 3 rounds - hammer curls x10; seated RB rows x10; high pulls x10; x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/sphinx-pose/ Barbell Strict Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-strict-press/ Shoulder Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-press/ Stability Ball Rear Delt Flys - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-rear-delt-flyes/ Barbell Bicep Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bicep-curls/ Inverted Rows http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/inverted-rows/ Hammer curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bicep-curls-hammer-curls/ Resistance band seated rows - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-seated-rows-2/ High Pulls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/high-pulls/ Front Raises - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/front-raises/

Week 1, Workout 4 - Sumo Deadlift Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-warm-up/ Main lift - Sumo Deadlift - 10x2 Warm up with an empty bar by completing 2x10 with just the bar. If you know your 1RM, use 70% of it for all 10x2. If you do not know your 1RM, use a weight you could do 10 of. Rest :30 between sets. Move fast. Accessory Work - Barbell front rack forward lunges 4x8 each; superset with 4x20 each side bends Bulgarian Squats 3x10 each; superset walking plank on bench 3x:30 3 rounds - plyo lunges x20; SB SL curl x10 each; farmer carry x:30; hollow rocks x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/the-worlds-greatest-stretch/ Barbell Sumo Deadlifts - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-sumo-deadlift/ Barbell Fwd Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-forward-lunges/ Side bends - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/side-bends/ Bulgarian Squats - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/Bulgarian-squats/ Walking Plank On Bench - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/walking-plank-on-bench/ Plyo Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/plyo-lunges/ Stability Ball Hamstring Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-hamstring-curls/ KB Farmer carry (two arms) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/kettlebell-farmer-carry/ Hollow Rocks http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hollow-rocks-hollow-hold/

Week 2, Workout 1 - Overhead Press Day (Max Effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-neck-pain/ Main lift - Overhead Press - 5RM Warm up with an empty bar by completing 2x10 with just the bar. Add a little weight and hit 5 reps, then continue to increase weight for sets of 5 reps until you fail. Accessory Work - Dumbbell shoulder press 4x8; superset with rear delt flys 4x15 Barbell bicep curls 3x10; Inverted rows 3x10 3 rounds - hammer curls x10; seated RB rows x10; high pulls x10; front raise x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/sphinx-pose/ Barbell Strict Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-strict-press/ Shoulder Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-press/ Stability Ball Rear Delt Flys - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-rear-delt-flyes/ Barbell Bicep Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bicep-curls/ Inverted Rows http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/inverted-rows/ Hammer curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bicep-curls-hammer-curls/ Resistance band seated rows - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-seated-rows-2/ High Pulls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/high-pulls/ Front Raises - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/front-raises/

Week 2, Workout 2 - Sumo Deadlift Day (Max Effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-warm-up/ Main lift - Sumo Deadlift - 5RM Warm up with a little weight for 3x5, then start adding a little weight and hit 5 reps, then continue to increase weight for sets of 5 reps until you fail. Accessory Work - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-low-back-pain/ Barbell front rack forward lunges 4x8 each; superset with 4x20 each side bends Bulgarian Squats 3x10 each; superset walking plank on bench 3x:30 3 rounds - plyo lunges x20; SB SL hamstring curl x10 each; farmer carry x:30; hollow rocks x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/the-worlds-greatest-stretch/ Barbell Sumo Deadlifts - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-sumo-deadlift/ Barbell Fwd Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-forward-lunges/ Side bends - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/side-bends/ Bulgarian Squats - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/Bulgarian-squats/ Walking Plank On Bench - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/walking-plank-on-bench/ Plyo Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/plyo-lunges/ Stability Ball Hamstring Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-hamstring-curls/ KB Farmer carry (two arms) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/kettlebell-farmer-carry/ Hollow Rocks http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hollow-rocks-hollow-hold/

Week 2, Workout 3 - Bench Press Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-core-strengthening/ Main lift - Bench press - normal grip, 10x1 at the same weight as last week’s heaviest Warm up with a few sets of 3 - 5 reps, then get to last week’s weight. Complete 10 sets of 1. Un-rack, complete one rep, re-rack, rest 30 seconds and repeat for ten. The goal is to move fast. Accessory Work - BB good mornings 4x8; superset with S/S dumbbell rows 4x8 each DB chest press 3x10; superset with RB pushdowns or cable pushdowns 3x10 3 rounds - RB lat pullovers x10; rear delt flys on side x12; hand release pushups x10; Tate press x10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-stretches/ Barbell Bench Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bench-press/ Barbell Good Mornings - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-good-morning/ Split Stance Rows (single) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/split-stance-row-variations/ Stability Ball Chest Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-chest-press/ Resistance band tricep pushdown - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-tricep-pushdowns/ Tricep Pushdowns straight bar - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tricep-pushdowns/ Resistance band lat pullovers - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-lat-pullovers/ rear delt flyes on side - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/rear-delt-flyes-on-side/ Hand Release Push Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hand-release-push-ups/ Tate Presses - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tate-press/

Week 2, Workout 4 - Back Squat Day (Dynamic) Warm up - https://tryabouttime.com/blogs/fitness-tips/warming-up-for-squat-days Main lift - Back Squat - 8x2 at the same weight as last week’s heaviest Warm up with 2x10 with an empty bar, then sets of 2 adding weight until you get to last week’s heaviest weight. Complete 8 sets of 2 at that weight, resting 30 seconds between sets. The goal is to move fast. Accessory Work - Barbell RDL 4x8; super set with seated twists 4x10 each way Barbell front rack step ups 3x10 each; superset with palloff press 3x15 each way 3 rounds - lateral lunges x10 each; bridge x15; low plank side hip dips x10 each; penguins x15 each PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hip-openers/ Barbell Back Squat - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-back-squat/ Barbell RDL - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-rdl/ Seated Med Ball Twist - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/seated-medball-twist/ Barbell Step Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-step-ups/ Palloff Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/palloff-press/ Lateral Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/lateral-lunges/ Bridge - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bridge/ Low Plank Side Hip Dips - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/low-plank-side-hip-dips/ Penguins - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/penguins/

Week 3, Workout 1 - Bench Day (Max effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-core-strengthening/ Main lift - Bench press - normal grip, 8RM Warm up with a few sets of 3 - 5 reps, then get a good amount of weight that challenges you, for your first set of 8, and you may ascend after that. Continue to add weight for your sets of 8’s until you reach failure. Accessory Work - BB good mornings 4x10; superset with S/S dumbbell rows 4x10 each DB chest press 3x12; superset with RB pushdowns or cable pushdowns 3x12 3 rounds - RB lat pullovers x12; rear delt flys on side x15; hand release pushups x12; Tate press x12 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-stretches/ Barbell Bench Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bench-press/ Barbell Good Mornings - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-good-morning/ Split Stance Rows (single) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/split-stance-row-variations/ Stability Ball Chest Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-chest-press/ Resistance band tricep pushdown - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-tricep-pushdowns/ Tricep Pushdowns straight bar - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tricep-pushdowns/ Resistance band lat pullovers - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-lat-pullovers/ rear delt flyes on side - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/rear-delt-flyes-on-side/ Hand Release Push Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hand-release-push-ups/ Tate Presses - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tate-press/

Week 3, Workout 2 - Squat Day (Max effort) Warm up - https://tryabouttime.com/blogs/fitness-tips/warming-up-for-squat-days Main lift - Back Squat - 5x5 Warm up with a little weight for 3x5, then start adding a little weight and hit 5 reps, then continue to increase weight for 5 sets of 5 reps. We’d like to work to a 5RM here, but don’t go past the 5x5. Accessory Work - Barbell RDL 4x10; super set with seated twists 4x12 each way Barbell front rack step ups 3x12 each; superset with palloff press 3x20 each way 3 rounds - lateral lunges x12 each; bridge x20; low plank side hip dips x12 each; penguins x20 each PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hip-openers/ Barbell Back Squat - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-back-squat/ Barbell RDL - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-rdl/ Seated Med Ball Twist - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/seated-medball-twist/ Barbell Step Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-step-ups/ Palloff Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/palloff-press/ Lateral Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/lateral-lunges/ Bridge - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bridge/ Low Plank Side Hip Dips - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/low-plank-side-hip-dips/ Penguins - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/penguins/

Week 3, Workout 3 - Overhead Press Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-neck-pain/ Main lift - Overhead Press - 10x2 Warm up with an empty bar by completing 3x5 with just the bar. Use 80-85% of your 5RM for the 10x2, rest :30 between sets. Move quickly. Accessory Work - Dumbbell shoulder press 4x10; superset with rear delt flys 4x20 Barbell bicep curls 3x12; Inverted rows 3x12 3 rounds - hammer curls x12; seated RB rows x12; high pulls x12; front raise x12 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/sphinx-pose/ Barbell Strict Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-strict-press/ Shoulder Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-press/ Stability Ball Rear Delt Flys - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-rear-delt-flyes/ Barbell Bicep Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bicep-curls/ Inverted Rows http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/inverted-rows/ Hammer curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bicep-curls-hammer-curls/ Resistance band seated rows - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-seated-rows-2/ High Pulls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/high-pulls/ Front Raises - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/front-raises/

Week 3, Workout 4 - Sumo Deadlift Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-warm-up/ Main lift - Sumo Deadlift - 8x3 Warm up with an empty bar by completing 3x5. If you know your 1RM, use 60% of it for all 8x3. If you do not know your 1RM, use 80% of your 5RM weight from last week. Rest :30 between sets. Move fast. Accessory Work - Barbell front rack forward lunges 4x10 each; superset with 4x25 each side bends Bulgarian Squats 3x12 each; superset walking plank on bench 3x:30 3 rounds - plyo lunges x20; SB SL hamstring curl x12 each; farmer carry x:30; hollow rocks x15 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/the-worlds-greatest-stretch/ Barbell Sumo Deadlifts - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-sumo-deadlift/ Barbell Fwd Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-forward-lunges/ Side bends - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/side-bends/ Bulgarian Squats - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/Bulgarian-squats/ Walking Plank On Bench - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/walking-plank-on-bench/ Plyo Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/plyo-lunges/ Stability Ball Hamstring Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-hamstring-curls/ KB Farmer carry (two arms) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/kettlebell-farmer-carry/ Hollow Rocks http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hollow-rocks-hollow-hold/

Week 4, Workout 1 - Overhead Press Day (Max Effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-neck-pain/ Main lift - Overhead Press - 1RM Warm up with an empty bar by completing 2x5 with just the bar. Add a little weight and hit 3 reps, a little more for 2, then continue adding for singles until failure. Once you reach failure, you can try once more after a little rest, then call it. Accessory Work - Dumbbell shoulder press 4x8; superset with rear delt flys 4x15 Barbell bicep curls 4x8; Inverted rows 4x8-10 4 rounds - hammer curls x8-10; seated RB rows x8; high pulls x8; front raise x8-10 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/sphinx-pose/ Barbell Strict Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-strict-press/ Shoulder Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-press/ Stability Ball Rear Delt Flys - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-rear-delt-flyes/ Barbell Bicep Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bicep-curls/ Inverted Rows http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/inverted-rows/ Hammer curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bicep-curls-hammer-curls/ Resistance band seated rows - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-seated-rows-2/ High Pulls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/high-pulls/ Front Raises - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/front-raises/

Week 4, Workout 2 - Sumo Deadlift Day (Max Effort) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-warm-up/ Main lift - Sumo Deadlift - 3RM Warm up with a few sets of 3 - 5 reps, then get a good amount of weight that challenges you go for 5, then add weight and continue with triples until failure, rest at least 2 min between attempts as it gets heavy. Accessory Work - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/mobloko-low-back-pain/ Barbell front rack forward lunges 4x8 each; superset with 4x25 each side bends Bulgarian Squats 4x8 each; superset walking plank on bench 4x:30 4 rounds - plyo lunges x20; SB SL hamstring curl x8-10 each; farmer carry x:30; hollow rocks x10-15 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/the-worlds-greatest-stretch/ Barbell Sumo Deadlifts - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-sumo-deadlift/ Barbell Fwd Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-forward-lunges/ Side bends - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/side-bends/ Bulgarian Squats - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/Bulgarian-squats/ Walking Plank On Bench - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/walking-plank-on-bench/ Plyo Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/plyo-lunges/ Stability Ball Hamstring Curls - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-hamstring-curls/ KB Farmer carry (two arms) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/kettlebell-farmer-carry/ Hollow Rocks http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hollow-rocks-hollow-hold/

Week 4, Workout 3 - Bench Press Day (Dynamic) Warm up - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/yoga-flow-core-strengthening/ Main lift - Bench press - normal grip, 12x2 at 8RM weight Warm up with a few sets of 3 - 5 reps, then get to your 8RM weight. Complete 12x2. Un-rack, complete two reps, re-rack, rest 30 seconds and repeat for twelve. The goal is to move fast. Accessory Work - BB good mornings 4x8; superset with S/S dumbbell rows 4x8 each DB chest press 4x8; superset with RB pushdowns or cable pushdowns 4x8 4 rounds - RB lat pullovers x8; rear delt flys on side x10; hand release pushups x8-10; Tate press x8 PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/shoulder-stretches/ Barbell Bench Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-bench-press/ Barbell Good Mornings - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-good-morning/ Split Stance Rows (single) - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/split-stance-row-variations/ Stability Ball Chest Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/stability-ball-chest-press/ Resistance band tricep pushdown - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-tricep-pushdowns/ Tricep Pushdowns straight bar - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tricep-pushdowns/ Resistance band lat pullovers - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/resistance-band-lat-pullovers/ rear delt flyes on side - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/rear-delt-flyes-on-side/ Hand Release Push Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hand-release-push-ups/ Tate Presses - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/tate-press/

Week 1, Workout 4 - Back Squat Day (Dynamic) Warm up - https://tryabouttime.com/blogs/fitness-tips/warming-up-for-squat-days Main lift - Back Squat - 10x3 at 70% 5RM weight Warm up with 2x5 with an empty bar, then sets of 3 adding weight each time until you reach 70% of your 5RM weight. Complete 10x3 at that weight, resting :30 between sets - move fast. Accessory Work - Barbell RDL 4x8; super set with seated twists 4x10 each way Barbell front rack step ups 4x8 each; superset with palloff press 4x12 each way 4 rounds - lateral lunges x8 each; bridge x12; low plank side hip dips x10 each; penguins x15 each PWO Stretch - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/hip-openers/ Barbell Back Squat - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-back-squat/ Barbell RDL - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-rdl/ Seated Med Ball Twist - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/seated-medball-twist/ Barbell Step Ups - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/barbell-step-ups/ Palloff Press - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/palloff-press/ Lateral Lunges - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/lateral-lunges/ Bridge - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/bridge/ Low Plank Side Hip Dips - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/low-plank-side-hip-dips/ Penguins - http://kyrawilliamsfitness.com/penguins/