V-Day Celebration MMI J k fl lo C-entre Around THE K elo w n a C o u r ier V O L U M E 41 Kelowna, British Colimil)ia, Thursday, April 5th, 1945 N U M B E R 37 Service In Park Missing Missing Problem of Youth Discussed Kelowna Tax Rate His Worship Asks All Citizens To Be Prepared to By Audience Which Viewed Quickly Join in Service of General Thanksgiving A t the Oval in City Park Once the N ew s is Offic­ Film Dealing W ith The Problem Upped Two Mills ially Announced That the W ar in Europe is Over — Under General Direction of Ministerial Associa­ Recommend That a Registration of All Youth Over tion— Programs W ill be Availalble— Stores W ill Ten be Taken in Order to Ascertain Their Desires For Current Year Close— Public Address System and Music for Activities—-Local Facilities W ill be Reviewed in Light of Information Received— Seven Parti­ City Fathers Set Rate at Forty-six Mills In Order to Invite Country People cipate in Panel Discussion While Others Join in Balance Budget— Increased Revenue Needed for General Discussion— Many Phases of Problem Schools, Social Services, Fire Department and WHEN TH E W AR in Germany is officially declared to have Touched Upon Waterworks — $1,10 0 for Contingencies — Mill ended, the people of Kelowna and, it is hoped, of the sur­ Brings $166 More This Ye^r—$12,000 Increase rounding rural areas, will gather at the Oval in the City Park Fo l l o w i n g T H IC s h o w i n g of the Idm “Youth in Crisis” and join in a general service of thanksgiving. In this issue. His last Wednesday at a public meeting in the auditorium of in Expenditures— Rate Still Comparatively Low Worshi|) Mayor James l^). Pettigrew has issued a proclamation tlie Junior High School, a panel discussed the two phases of td this effect. The service here will be that set up as a standard the film, the part a recreational program plays in shaping youth 1 3 6 , 7 3 3 0 1 by the General Counci* of Churches and vyill be under the gen­ and the effect of family unity. The panel was composed of Mrs. Total Levy Is $ eral direction of the local ministerial association. Cm. D. Herbert, Mrs. T. Trcadgold, Dr. D. Avison, E. C. Wed­ W hile it is obviously impossible for a definite date to be TPR. T. V. SIMPSON dell and Lyle San'ger, with Archie Morrison acting as chairman. F.O. MURRAY TREE U K IC Iil.O W N A T A X K A T E Iras been set tor 1945 at 46 set, His Wor.ship asks that all persons make plans to take part Hecent word received by Mr. and The . Him...... showed the..... physical ex-__ Frank W. Tree, of Kelowna, re- mills, two mills higher than for the past several years, it in the service. There is no doubt whatsoever that every person Mrs. H. Simpson, of Winfield, was aniinaUon of"uTs.-'nrmy‘'re"l^^^ a friend to them. conlly received word that his son, was announced at the City Council meeting on Monday night.' in the community will quickly hear the news. His Worship that their son, Tpr. Thomas Victor and indicated that 25 per cent of Mrs. Herbert stressed the mother ^ 4.^' , a, I'bc*<•'- increase______which has been made...... x, necessary by thew.v increased suggests that when the time comes an ear should be kept tuned iV io T o S down for men- J « t me orgam Vown” Un demands on the city treasury is, His Worship Mayor Pettigrew to C K O V as to the time the service will commence.______went overseas in April, 1942, and had _discussing discussing the the effect effect of of prewar prewar estimable value In affording girls *^cre prior to enlisting in 1941. pointed out, a minor one m comparison with some of the in- The service will be held just as been lighting in Holland conditions on families in all salary and young mothers the opportunity creases made in other cities. In Vernon, for instance, the rate quickly as possible after the news W ounded brackets, the film touched on cheap of learning by doing how to become has been set at 51 mills and.is applicable on fifty per cent of announcement. Thus, If the nows radio plays such as the crime and efficient mothers, the value of improvements; Penticton is .suggesting a rate of should break in the morning, the thriller, yarns; race riots seen by From the audience discussion WINNIPEG MAN service will probably he held about WOMEN’S CLUB Juveniles, which cause profound and which followed it was suggested 56 mills, with some advance in the rate on improvements. t\yo that afternoon. If the news unsettling changes in juvenile that a registration of the school TO JUDGE AT The amount it Will be necessary to raise through taxation breaks In the evening, the service ANNUAL MEET minds; living conditions where the children of ten years and over be to carry on the business of the city this year is $136,733.01. will be held, presumably, about ten mother is In war work, with a re- made and upon that basis the avail- This amount leaves, above estimates,, $1,100 tp meet any un­ next morning. suiting upheaval; squalid auto trail- able recreational facilities be re- MAY FESTIVAL Arrangements are being made to ELECTS OFFICERS er settlements due to broken homes; viewed. Mrs. Arbuckle commented foreseen contingencies that may arise.' have copies of the service available pornographic literature with lurid on the prevalent and dangerous „ . . „ nir ■ i a.- i Alderman W. B. Hughes-Games, Board, $7,580.47. for those who attend. It is, hoped sex stories and generally vicious practice of leaving young children R-ntnes l o Musical liestival in commenting on the budget Mon- Social Assistance that music will be available and ar­ Mrs. G. D. Herbert Again literature; lack of discipline in hom- and babies in the care of twelve Close Next Wednesday, A - day night, stated that the Increase The Better Housing and Social rangements are being made for a wu» uue in a laiRU measui'e w iii- *4^ Heads Business and Profes- es for boys and girls and the effect and thirteen year-olds. pj-j| 12 was due in a large measure4u^ to in Assistance committee estimates its public address system. sional Club Here of boys earning the same wages-as Those participating in the discus------CTeased demands from thetne Schoo*School revenues 4to^ u eiic cssu = wj-v,ae. P. Hushes,Hushcs the thc Sliestsuest speaker was for a more (comprehensive type of Tabling Applications under section 60 of the Public The expenditures include: $13,- the-depth-of--the:-artist’s _ J n s ig hand t ._ | that ^ t ^ henceforth ^ | ^ ? ^ h : the Red ^ross. undertaking in leisure time activi- Herbert sum- ,, ^°Between^^toel°the Vernon Schools Act again accounts for one 083.45 for‘fire protection, incluijjng This artist sees deeply below the would Kelowna War Veterans Rehabilita- ties for youth. Mrs. Herbert An option for the purchase of nrp twn short, .sections “ ill- _ . : _ . : :: .. $7,350 for salaries, this amounf>e- com- Tpt ‘Plan 10.39 at toe assessed Road there are two short sections prface and has talent for express- nSneSeCommittee. The speaker out- med up the chief v^ues^of a - of Lawson Avenue which are not T^e School District outside the ing considerably Increased over last leeds. He spoke riigmy or J gf the various sub- munity organized program of j e - ^gj^g ^gg granted to John to f city limilimits will raise $4,000.57 for year due to the installation of the “ i " G . Clyde’s oils are more in- the wo^^^^^of the canvassers and _ of -gjgjgjttees and stated the organ- creation by saying that it could bet- j^y the City Council on ppened. It is, these toat t ^ petit ggj^ggj pjpurposes, “three platoon” system, and $637 ter afford variety andJistnbuU^^ Monday n i^ l. . in The.?ctotal levy this year will for 509 feet of new hose, S a t e 'i^ fn W s ^ lX k L e The, r efurtherance s u of llocal t postwar s t recon- o to aU‘all youth:youth She recommended a An nnniTcation for the nurchasG The matter was not discussed in raise $136,733.01. ’The total levy last Under health and sanitation, the ?here had been a f b t 'X ^ 'fe a m S r s ? h e m e a bufr^h tr to -^istration of all o fT ^ „ t4^ X P P^n TDion 2191.01m subn^rted oT?hm?4to/i by hv Council but was referred to com ible by a year raised $123,171.41. - expenditures include: garbage col- malto?to^ re^SereUon on thefart sist in the rehabilitation,of returned temptjo ascertain^em ^^tPh Her^rt, was m t^i^i^ The departments which expect to lection, $3,825; clean-up week, $605; - war veterans in this district. It was sure time activities and their de- purchase price named was make a better financial showing scavenging, $835; comfort station, The public of Kelowna is fortun­ ., . , , 4Uo to the credit of the present govern- sires of other types of program. $i,300, being two-thirds of the this year are: the Finance, which $774; health service maintenance, ate in having an opportunity to view iobHe "ofXamMi^^ch^TOM'"as said he had conside ed “an e ment , that a^ rehabilitation nroeramprogram 'The second ^ phasepnase of.0 1 ,,me the panel assessed value value areording according to tne the TO SUBMIT expects to be some $11,000 better ^,155; hospitalization, $5,925. the exhibition. It is open during the honor and n ^ ^ a S had been qrganized in 1939, and it discussion special terms panted to servicemen than last year; Justice, which hopes ^ « ' '. . regular hours at the Union Library exore?red the opinion that was also noteworthy that^at Ottawa ject of ttie,home andTam^^ Ladd pointed out _^tha_t PLEBISCITE to be $1,580 better off; Public Util- Department and will be here for the remain- t o 'p T^ u t o r s ,ities, which expects to have ah in- The Light arid Power department der of the week. Tuesday creased profit of $5,595. has budgeted for a revenue of $145,- S 5Sze„s a » J V ilion iS .he function of «.e h»ne Osprey...... Ayeriues...... extended... Tiie City Council on ^ On the other hand several depart- 509 arid total expenditures of $98,- S c re a rti? ’ b e S S l^ e m ^ T o y e rs oriabo^^ ex- and until we were aware of that through to Richter f r ^ Pendozi. ^^ght a^eed that, w h ^ are 195. $10,oboX^ policy of ever lesults were followed,lowed there would tend to the men returning, full transition and the direction ®^>^ The application was ^side to to 4h^ tures without any compensating re- to the reserve fund and $37,304.52 OWNER ESCAPES 4- •______1J />/,_/>«£>T.atinri nn/i so in Dart repay change we could not make sabs- porarily until the matter could be property isoiehitseite subnutted woiilrf to he e ^.a.^.tan.a «as ..ve„ “w i ” i t S S : » by Ar C. Dunnett. just barely escaped with his life zation and, the results achieved, lined the purpose and function ^of pheatix was made b y lto ; Charley be- cost . $4,2710/1 Owl • more'than 1Q last Or tTOQT** year; for general maintenance; $70,675 for when fire destroyed his home, on Others who spoke briefly in- community centres as places where Joseph Gauvin on behalf of her recommended that jne section oe- ^ tjovw aa^Kiux /,4> 4i,sl, i,/,!.,/, //,,. Monday night. He managed to get eluded: W. A. C. Bennett, M.LA.., with the tween Water and Ellis Streets be Cemetery and Parks, $775k"Civic operating, $64,500 of this being for the family could play together. The husband, now serving Welfare, Health and^^itatipn, $3,-, purchase of power; $5,300 for admin- out in his night clothes. Mr. Walker chairman of the Kelowna Branch of YALE TO HAVE Aquatic Club of thisIhis city was point- k R.C.A.F..u .a .jj . The me appucauouapplication was ac- purchased as a civic centre , site, was appareritly asleep when a coal the Canadian Red Cross; W. Met- prtnnt a. Waterwq3dser"$5,855; School Turn to Page 4, Story 1 oil lamp, too close to some loose calfe, secretary of the Kelowna SOCIAL CREDIT itv centre Okanagan Mission’s Com- being the serviceman’s purchase ' has also expressed itself as favor------wall paper, is thought to have ig- Branch; J. J. Ladd, Btos. R. Prosser, miinitv Hall nrogram was another price of the lot. Provided that Mr. able to the purchase of the lake- nited paper which started the blaze F. L. Fitzpatrick, G. A. McKay, Inral examnle of opportunity for'Gauvin fulfills the requirements of shore Site. The price of the forn^r that gutted the whole structure. R- P- MacLean, J. W. B. Browne CANDIDATE families to have recreation together, the soldier’s special purchase price, is $30,000; of the’ latter, $25,000. Three Months* Building Permits Later, the lamp exploded, with the J. R. Beale. ------■ Mrs Treadgbld thought it ideal the application will be accepted. ’There is a considerable difference oil spreading the fire. Kelowna Fire ---- r------^ ^ James Reid of Salmon Arm for the family to be a unit for work The application of James Patter- in'the acreages. Brigade responded to the call at $600, and there was no insurance. Nominated— Five Candidates and pleasure until .the children nat- son to buy the south sixty feet of ------Far In Excess of Last Year 10.30 p.m. Mr. Walker was the only person in urally sought outside interests. Mr. Lot 4,^ Map 2437, was laid on the A | n r | V W I N Q Loss is estimated at approximately the house at the time of the fire. In Race Sanger, who has received his Air 'aWe temporarily. , _ la \ J v A L i -J5vr Y Vf IW O ..... : ... .4...... , ' ...... March Not as Great as Last Permits issued in March were: R. /lio/tVtovrfA ci-ofckH +Viaf it was The application# of W. Anderson _ ----- ' Ruttan, residence, $4,200; George " . nominated James Reib. on Saturday of Salmon as Arm, the Soc- was thef recurity and privacy T^ l X o m e to^purc¥are'ceS‘he C.N.R. station was properly also tabled Vear OVFR ^ V £ilUaSFAS 3E i/iO OHONOR U I W I X Year, but Year to Date Is U p Kraft!'residenc^^^^ Dick, Domestic Electricity Rates ial Credit candidate for Yale riding w hi^ men ^he time being until it is ascer------About $40,000 addition to store, $1,025; J. Luknow- in the forthcoming federal election, the mprt. ^ fe t tained just what loi is named in the « „ ^ RrvHon Decorated ski,ga^age,$150;J.G.Johnson,po^- Mr. Reid has been one of the most ®»^® . ^as application.^’rhe legal description »gt- T. W . Brydon Decorated Building permits issued by the ches, $300; lyirs. J. Paste, remodel Shaved By City Council prominent figures in Social Credit man*^ for this given was long and involved, and for Gallantry in Action City for March totalled $26,170, to verandah, $l50; D. C. Kyle, interior ______' circles in the riding. The convention an ^® J ., cneakine the aldermen were pot quite sure bring the year’s total to date to $94,- alterations, $450; George Handlen, ------^ ^ ®n Saturday was attended by about reason. narente do ®t the location of the property. Sgl. Thomas Walter Brydon, 25, ^35, still considerably in excess of residence, . $4,800; M. Schlachter, Niimher of Kilowatt be eight cents for the first 20 k.w.h. twenty delegates, who met in the to the suggestion th^ parente X son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brydon, the figure for the. same period last woodshed, $200; H. Tabert, $400; L. Cut m AI444W..4.V4 ,j,^g chargG. therefore, for the first orange Hall here. Chairman of the not unaerstana meir growins - t l f C r i r i l i l I 336 Pendozi Street, was recently de- year, although the total for March K. Morrison, new counter, $350; J. Hours on Basic Rates Means 25 k.w.h. has been $2.00. ’This wiU convention was Vice-President Horn ren, advised them to take a greater W t U i l J L L L "corated for gallantry in action and was, almost $20,008 less than it was P. Luknbwsky, addition to founda- Savings of Twenty-five Cents now be $1.7S, as 28 will be charged gf tpg Social Credit Association of interest in their childrens sch ^ mentioned in despatches along with a year ago. For the three mpnths in tion, $300; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Gra- Per Month at 8 cents, or $1.60, and five will be British Columbia, Vancouver. J. progress and to become acquainted 42 other British Columbia soldiers 1944 the permits issued totalled $57,- ham, woodshed. $110; F. C. Myers, - charged lat 3 cents, 15 cents. Cameron Day acted as secretary. with their teachers. fighting on the Western front. Sgt. 270. Of this amount, $43,735 was addition to building, $475; Mrs. B. In order to give the small usrir 'This will mean a saving of 25 cents The nomination of Mr. Reid pro- Mr. Weddell felt that the average — aBiydon a a j a a a j . a enlisted 4 in.* 44 1941,4:4 and went credited,------. —to ------March.------'The latter; figure------Paisley,------residence,- .$3,350; r ~ , — J...... M... Gag-—= of electricity “a break” the City on the use of the first 25 k.w.h. yides five candidates from whom male parent was not giving nimseii Edwin Clyde Weddell, Kelowna overseas the following year and was included $28,000 for cold storage non, suite, $350; B. J. Stolz, move Council has announced that the ba- While in money this amount is not the Yale voters may select one as the opportunity of knowing his barrister, has been named a King’s with the signal corps of the 4th construction by the Okanagan Pac- building from Rutland, $500; B. J. sic rate for domestic electricity will large on the percentage basis, it will their representative in Parliament child. Many fathers were away all ^g^^ggl g^^gj-ding to an announce- Canadian Armored Brigade. He was kers. Stolz, addition to building, $450; C. he slichtlv reduced commencing mean a reduction of 12% per cent of when the federal election polling day and then found themselves so made by Attorney-General born in Victoria and had been a re- On the other hand, the current D. imrie, addition to residence, $475; Tulv 1st "nie rate itself is not re- the former bUl. day rolls around. ’There now have busy on many evenings with worth- b . l . Maitland at Victoria on Mon- sident of Kelowna since he was a March figures contain no large a- A. E. Dievert, garage, $175; T. G. diiced but the number of kilowatt It is estimated that this small re- been nominated Hon. Grote Stir- while community projects that they small boy. After attending school mounts, the largest being $4,800 is- Hazell, addition to residence, $475; hours to be charged at the basic duction will cost the city about $2,- iing, the sitting member, for the had little time to become acquainted - here he was employed at the C.NJR. sued for a residence to George Han- V. S. Luknowsky, addition to resi- hichest rate is to be cut from 200 for the last six months of this Progressive Conservatives; Arthur with their sons. He agreed with the After thirty years of postal work, telegraph office. dlen. Without question the March dencG, $450; A. J. Jones, repairs to to 20 kw h year, or at the rate of about $4,500 Gray, for the Liberals; O. L. Jones, late Dean Quainton of Victoria that Mt^ E. C. Paynter is retiring from Each of the boys mentioned in the figures would have been greatly in roof, $475; Kelowna Machine Shop. Hitherto the domestic rate has a year. 'The six months reduction is for the C.CJT.; A. Campbell, for the it was better to have a lame back charge of the Westbank post office honors list is now entitled to wear excess of the amount reported had addition, $4,000; W. C. McCall,' sign, been>An eighteioht cents perner kilowatt hour slightly less than a mill of the city’s Labor-Progressives, rind James Reid, from playing with his boys than a and'* will devote herself to farm the bronze oak leaf which has been the federal building restrictions per- $10; C. S, Kirkby and C. Newby, for the first 25, Henceforth it will tax revenue. for the Social Credit. lame heart because he had not been pursuits. approved by His Majesty The King, mitted greater building activity. boat shed, $30.

...... THUIISDAY, APIUL D. UH5 PAGE TWO THE KELOWNA COURIER THE KELOWNA COURIER “IN OUR TIME” lC«Ubllalicd 1904 STARS LUHNO A ntwipapcr devoted to the inteieet* o( the ICclowne OIntiict ol the OkMiRgaii Valley in Mrltiah Coliunbla, otiblialied every Tliiiraday IS you IS OR moruluK by The Kelowna Courier I.ld. The Kelowna t.ourier ie a Poland at Outbreak of W ar is ■netnber of the Canadian Weekly Nowapai>ere Ataodation and ol Setting the Britiih Colundila Weekly Newapapeia Aaeodalten. IS you AIN’T Stibacriplion Hate! $2.50 In Canada; $J.OO In other countrlea- aingle copiee, Gre ccnta. 'ri»o Empress Theatre will present Niy BABV.V Warner Bros.’ now producUon, “In BtEMBEK OF AUDIT UUDEAU OF CUIOULATION t r Our 'rime," next Monday and 'Tues- day, TtiJs remarkable love story, clouded with the hardslilpa ol cur­ Beef Upside Down Pie O. C. Rom, President rent events, takes place in Poland, R. A. Fraser, Secretary just at the beginning of the war. tH CUIM flow Ida Luplno and Paul Ifcnreld 1 np. htdt “ sssilhffilr””" R. P. MacLcan I t*p, )4 mup •Ue«4 oriton have tl>o leading roles In the pro­ H whltopepIMr 1 <9olul$riiMta tbttttlto Editor and Manager duction. Also featured ore Nancy 0 tbs. 9lMMrM«lliig Coleman, Mary Boland, Victor l^bffllrdviMl bM The Kelowna Courier hai by far the s'cslce' cirjulallon of Francen and Nuzimova, who re­ 0 U|r. HUgla UlilUidi ftukdm * •ny iicwiimper circulating in the Central Okanagan Valley turns to tire screen after a long nb- scnco. "In Our Tlnuo" was directed THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1045 by Vincent Sherman and produced by Jerry Wald. The original screen story was written by Ellis St. Jos­ ssrsssiissrisit riTiM {gns.'is! Rubblc'Heap By Rubble-Heap eph and Hov^ord Koch. ■nmnlng M timpoon m it aixl ground in«at| 30 ininutao. Turo out upoldo down on loigo A ir power is still the most powerful weapon “He adores the ground she walks pfaito. SarrooS. on.” MAilff IN CANADA, of the Allicd-Kussian advances into Germany. “Hm-m-m. I can understand that. Sho spends most of her time on her For a couple score consecutive days ,and consecu­ father’s palatial estate.” , tive nights British, American and Canadian bom­ bers have swept the ever-shrinking target in an amazing concentration of destruction. W hat these mighty and still-incrcasing air fleets have done toward pacing the Allied attack and disrupting . the German defences is beyond calculation. But the effects of saturation bombing, the Grototrtff OtUon aMl terrible offensive conceived and perfected by on one of the e.6.iB225iEI3tiBL Columbia seed forme Britain’s master strategist, A ir Chief Marshal developed by Sir Arthur Harris, are no longer a matter of pho­ BuckerfiebVy LitnUei tography and slide-rule estimation. The armies polled from the party by Prof. G. M. A. Grube, advancing across Germany from east and west Mr. Jolliffe Admits The Truth chairman of the Ontario Provincial Executive, have confirmed its effectiveness with their own In the Ontario Legislature recently Mr. E. who said the couiicil had “the power of endorsa- eyes. They arc witnesses to desolation they can­ B. Jolliffe, C. C. F. leader, made an admission tion.” General secretary Bert Leavens, of the not describe. Ontario C.C.F,, explained that the provincial which Premier Drew rightly observed “should General Eisenhower, in a message to Air council had authority to approve or reject per­ not go unnoticed.” Mr. Jolliffe calmly asserted, Chief Marshal Harris; summarized what his arm­ sons nominated for office. A similar situation ies have found in these w ords: “City after city during the debate, that his followers were free happened in British Columbia just a few months has been systematically shattered. Our "artillery to “vote according to their consciences” on the ago when the provincial council refused to ac­ (iould scarcely add to the material destruction.” question of religious teaching in the schools be­ cept the nomination of a candidate, cf^spite the Cologne, for example, was found to he sixty per cause a provincial convention of his party had fact that the C.C.F. members of that riding were cent destroyed, far exceeding the pre-occupation . not decided on a policy. It is the first instance wholeheartedly behind the candidate’s nomina­ estimates of the army appraisers. Similarly the noted in which the C.C.F. conceded that an in­ tion. " estimated destruction of other Rhineland and dividual could follow his conscience rather than In the Grey North by-election the Owen Saar cities was exceeded. the dictates of an overriding organization. Sound paper reported that the local C.C.F. had f o r B . C . Before the last concentration of air power The point is so important that Premier Drew decided not to run a candidate, but that “the pow­ on these targets began just before the Allied observed: “Let every person in Ontario know ers that be in the headquarters of the C.C.F. , Within recent years, the progress made by A c Britbh Columbia seed industry has virtually made this provinco armies’ advance, it was estimated that Bochum that when the C.C.F. members come to this came to a different conclusion.” They sent in a self-sufficient in A ia important branch of agriculture. was eighty-five per cent in ruins; Dusseldorf, House to transact business they are bound by candidate from another riding. sixty-five per cent; Essen, fifty-five per cent; some one outside this Legislature.” T w o members of the Manitoba Legislature For some time past A e development n i seed farms has Duisburg and Hamborn, centres of the Thyssen been one of the major concerns of this Company. ’Through The record is strewn with evidence of back­ were picked out of the C.C.F. at a meeting of seed farms located in widely separated parts of A e province, steel industries, forty per cent; Dortmund, forty- ground control of C.C.F. operations, but its ex­ provincial party delegates, by a vote of 33 to 5, we have constantly sought 'to improve the strains and six per cent. The damage to the Saar must have istence . ha,s been vigorously denied up to this notwithstanding' the attitude of the constituency increase the volume of all the main plant varieties grown been equally great and even more crippling to in B.C. 'This work has been so successfol that today wo time, or attempts have been made to cover it up branches. The Pas member was,ejected six days Germany’s defensive potential. can supply all demands. with plausible, but unconvincing, words. There after The Pas branch endorsed him. The Bran­ Each day that German resistance is prolong­ O th e r B »C , was, for example, the letter written the don member was ejected, although his constitu­ In addition, we have built A e largest cleaning and Msembly ed the might of the R.A.F. and thie American plant in A e West, equipped w iA modern machinery for Farm Leaders: Globe and Mail in^Noveinber, 1942, by Mr. W il­ ency branch asked that the difficulties be smooth­ Army A ir Force is increased. Each day’s assault, cleaning and grading, as well as testing rooms and liam Dennison, Vice-chairman of the Toronto ed out without publicity. lowers the resistance and enhances the effective- germinato|;s. • BUCKERFIELD’S “CrGrF^CouncrlTw^hen-the'GiGrFr^an artnunicipal- ~ ^The“l!^tralizatiron~of“afuthority-of~CT-er-F— ness of tomorrow’s blows. Each mile advanced More and more B.C. growers are relying on Buckerfield’s D A IR Y A N D slate in the civic elections. He claimed there was management is no fiction. The bosses behind the by the armies narrows the target and more bombs Better Seeds, and we sincerely bA eve A e m to be unexcelled POULTRY FEEDS too much “irresponsible individualism” in Tor­ scene have the last word, camouflaged though it for quality and dependability. and more raids on the remaining German cities. onto civic politics, with aldermen “responsible is. That is why it was startling to hear Mr. Jol­ Stay-at-homes in Canada have never been able to no party” and “not required to report ba*ck.” liffe announce that his followers were free to BUCKERFIELD’S to conceive what bombing as the R.A.F. devel­ It was not C.C.F. policy to allow elected alder- follow their individual consciences on one soli- oped it can mean. But the destruction of Ger- FERTILIZERS jtie-ri-±o_fnllQw_the.ir_own_cQnsciences. • tary occasion. Ontario— and British Columbia— many now surpasses even the comprehension of W hen Mr. George P. Grannell sought to run voters need no additional evidence * as to the those who have been the victims of German ag- as a candidate in Ontario in 1943, he was ex- truth. ‘ gression. Cologne, the experts say, is more com­ ____ ■■■ o • ' " ' ■ ' ' — - pletely shattered than Stalingrad. Coventry was but a token of the retribution visited on a score of eneimy cities. ■ f o n e D a y s ♦ Berlin! There is no Berlin. Yet the bombers (From the Files of The Kelowna Coiurier) go back, over and over again, so long as resist­ ance lasts. It is not only the industrial Saar, the FORTY YEARS AGO “At long last the flnal chapter in the tale of com­ centres of aircraft and armanent production, Thursday, March 23, 1905 pletion of the Kamloops-Kelowna branch of the CJJ'.R. which' are the targets now. The Saar has been has been commenced in this locality, and there is every "White, purple and yellow crocuses and snowdrops appearance that the work will be pushed ahead to enable A v a ila b le eliminated and every city and town along the are blooming profusely on the lawn in front of Dr. Boy­ fulfllment of the promise of the railway chiefs that the ce’s residence. Tulips are showing up vigorously and will lines of retreat, everything which can house a steel will reach Kelowna about the end of August and soon be in blossom.” so in time to permit of movement of the bulk of the field gun or conceal a pillbox, is a target for A l­ 1925 fruit crop by rail. “Kelowna is enjoying the most exquisite spring, al­ lied tactical squadrons. “Under the direction of J. Silver, about thirty rnen most summer, weather. There have been one or two are engaged in repairing the grade close to town, build­ This time Germany is being conquered and showers, followed by a bright, warm sun, which is ing culverts and other work necessary before rfeel can 'a r m causing reciunbent Nature to put on her summer garb.” occupied, rubble-heap by rubble-heap. But this • • • be laid. Further out, camps are being established. near Oyama, at Winfleld, and at J. Carney’s ranch in the Elli­ time the people of Germany will not need the pre­ “It is expected that the steamer ‘York’ and the scow son district, and tools and supplies are being sent out will be put on the route between Okanagan Landing and sence of Allied armies to persuade them that to these points, so that work should be in progress all Penticton early next ihonth. The; freight business has along the grade before long. they lost the war. The storm which is sweeping grown to such proportions that the ‘Aberdeen’ is unable “It is imderstood that the rate of pay for pick and to do the work alqie.” shovel work is $3.00 per day of eight hours.The labor them from the air is removing all semblance of . ■ * • • ir o v e m e n i I supply so far is not very plentiftfl locally, and it may the power with which they set out to dominate “H. G. Fisher, who has had charge of the Bank of be necessairy to bring in workers from o;utside points. at Kelowna dnee the branch was established “Much interest is felt in town over the question of the world, convincing them that they have suf­ at this point, expects to be transferred to the Nelson where the union station will be located. There seems li fered the most terrible defeat ever inflicted on a brarich about the end of this month. His place here will little doubt but that the original location will be aban­ Loans to farmers up to $3,000 are now available be taken by P. DuMoulin.” doned, on account of the C.N.R. and the CJP.R. having at any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada, . people in all history. reached agreement to operate the line jointly, as the Thus the real victory of Allied air power -nnRTY YEARS AGO site chosen several years ago would be very inconvenient under the new Farm Improvement Loans Act. Thursday, March 25, 1915 for close connection with the lake traffic, besides being is not to be measured in air to the ground forces distant from the business centre of the city. Settlement alone. It cannot be calculated in percentage “Edward Maurice Carruthers, of Rutland, has been upon a location near the present C.P.R. passenger wharf gazetted as a Justice of the Peace.” 1 . FOR THE PURCHASE OF FOUNDATION OR BREEDING LIVE­ ♦ is forecasted by local seers, but nothing of mieflnite §''|3v:.V: losses of enemy production and the saving of nature has been given out by the railway authorities.” STOCK, on the security of the livestock. Allied battle casualties. These are all factors in • “ C. H. Taylor, brother of L. E. and F. A. Taylor, i | | f ; has obtained a commission in the Northumberland Fusi­ the achievement, material accomplishments. But liers (“Fighting Fifth”). He went to .England before his TEN YEARS AGO 2. FOR THE PURCHASE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, on the security Thursday, March 28, 1935 as historians analyze and elaborate these last comrades of the 30th Battalion, having volunteered and of the farm implements. been accepted for service with a draft which was sent At the regular meeting of the City Council on Mon­ decisive months, it may be that the great achieve­ forward to reinforce the Princess Patricias." day night, March 25, Hugh McKenzie, President of the 3. FOR THE PURCHASE OF FARM EQUIPMENT, on the security of ment of Allied air power will be a thing of the Kelowna Gyro Club, presented a cheque for $500 from “The recruits mobilized at Vernon for the 11th Can­ the cliibi to be applied upon improvement , of the lake- mind— a lesson so terrible as, never to be for­ adian Mounted Rifles left on Thursday for Vancouver, shore promenade in the City Park; between Abbott the equipment. where the regiment is to be trained. Their departure had Street and the Aquatic Association’s premises. gotten. • • * been announced for an earlier date but was postponed 4. FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A FARM ELECTRIC For years to come the people of Germany owing to arrangements not being complete for their ac­ Emerging victorious from a series of four strenuous ' SYSTEM, on the security of the farm electric system. must hear the cost of saturation bombing in the commodation at Vancouver. The draft numbered 78 men, games, three of ^em on successive nights, Kelo-wna under command of Lieut. QUine, and were a smart look­ “Famous Players” on Monday, March 25, retained the toil and sweat of rebuilding their wrecked cities ing lot. All were clad in the scarlet of the 30th B.C. Horse Senior “B” Men’s provincial championship, which they 6 . FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DRAINAGE SYSTEMS and other while contributing from their labor and the re­ and showed the beneflt of the brief but strehuous train­ won in 1934, and in so doing created a record in British ing they had received after enlistment, marching in Columbia basketball. This was the first time in the improvements or developtnents, on the security of implements. sources to the reconstruction of those countries column to the station with the regularity and' steadiness history of the Star Cup, emblematic of the championship, they would have enslaved. For years to come the of veterans. The Salvation Army band led the parade, that any team had won it for two years in succession. and a large crowd turned out to give the boys a hearty The Kelowna men also made another record by scoring 6 . FOR THE CONSTRUCTION, REPAIR, EXTENSION OR IMPROVE­ wounds and scars of their madness will be always send-olt.” three wins in four years, being successful in 1932, 1934 MENT OF BUILDINGS ON THE FARM, on the security of fann with them., so that generation after generation and in'1935, while in 1933-the B.C. Telephones beat them “Departure of the draft to join the 11th Canadian by the margin of one lone point.’ The semi-finals w6re implements. will know what the destruction of war can mean. Mounted Rifles leaves the headquarters strength of the played at Kelowna on Thursday and Friday, March 21 In the labor of reconstruction they may find 30th B.C. Horse, at Vernon, i;educed to about 52 men. and 22, against Trail. The first game was a hard struggle, Major Clarke, coirimanding, •wnshes to recruit up to a won by Kelowna by a single point, 37-36, biit the nekt ^ Interest rate — 5% simple interest the pattern of a new w a y of life, a pattern which permarient strength of 78, and any men, who wish to go night the local boys got really going and outscored the they can follow constructively and compatibly ultimately on overseas service and are physically fit and Kootenay squad 43-27. The following night Kelowna had suitable in other ways will be taken on. Would-be re­ to face the Forsts Radio, of Vancouver, in the first game alongside the neighbors they haye made enemies. cruits must pay their own way to Vernon, where they of the final, and they veiny naturally showed signs of REPAY by convenient instalments over one or more years* Does such a hope seem too high? W e think not. will be medically examined.” tiring but fought a goc^ battle against their fresh op­ ponents, losing by only three points. 'The rest on Sunday depending on the shie of the loan and its purpose. Saturation bombing has at least provided the Leslie V. Rogers, principal of the Kelowiia High was a great help to the Kelowna players, and on Monday peace planners with a start on hobbling and con­ School, was the unanimous choice of a nominating con-. night they turned on the heat and soon overtook the I vention as Liberal candidate for South Okanagan at the Forsts’ total, but the Vancouver men fought back and for F o r further particulars consult the Manager of any branch. trolling Germany’s war-making power. To the. next provincial general election. a time the score was. tied at ’)4 points for the series, with extent that that power rested on productive cap­ excitement among the large crowd of spectators at TWENTY YEARS AGO fever pitch. Eventually Kelowna drew ahead and main­ acity of her heavy industries, bombing has hob­ tained a small lead until the end, taking the second game 'Thursday, March 26,1925 by 40-32, or 87-82 for the series. bled it, and for long enough, perhaps, for a new “Twenty-five cock pheasants from the Provincial Game « • • THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA generation to mature in peacable use of it. Farm, Saanich, sent by M‘. B. Jackson, chaiman of the Reports submitted at the annual meeting of the Provincial Game Conservation Board, arrivied here on Gordon Campbell Preventorium, held on Marchi 20, show­ Kelowna Branch— F, J. W ILLIS, Manager Tuesday and are being distributed by Game Warden ed that seventeen ailing children had received trCathient The mainspring of the watch on the Rhine Sulivan. The birds are being banded before being let at the Preventorium betvteeh May 1 arid Octoher 15, seems to have been badly broken. loose.” 1934, with muqh resultant iiri'prri^ement. THE KELOWNA COURIER PAGE THREE THUKSDAY, AI^KIL- S, 11M5

KEBOBT ANO AUTO COUHT April 5 and «. Invitations to attend PEACHLAND OWNEllS' CONVENTION have been aent to 370 resort ond JUNIOR HIGH auto court owners. II. B. Williams. IRR. DISTRICT Tlio llrst B‘-*nerol convention of ihe Provincial President, and F. K. Bra- recently organized Auto Court and STAMPEDE llesorto AHWK’latlon will be held at F.on. Executive Director and Mana­ ELECTS TRUSTEE Kamloops on ThurEday and l*'rJday, ger. will be In uUendanco. TOPS QUOTA G. W . Hawksloy Re-elected at FOR S P B W fi Annual Meeting of Irrigation Students Use Novel Methods MIM District — To Use Cement of Stimulating Sales of W ar S E E U S F O R Flumes Savings — Quota of $1,200 SPELL REAL SAVINGS FOR EVERYONE DURING APRIL Exceeded by $321 G. W, Hawksley,-retiring trustee SPRAYS Lime Sulpliur— Oil Emulsion etc. of tlio Peuchlund Irrigation Dist­ Kelowna Junior High School rict, was ro-electcd at tho annual sludctda this year are surely out mooting of that body on Saturday, The carload of Furniture m entioned in for future sceurityl March 31. Tho oUior trustees are CLEAN-UP Sulphate of Ammonia and FERTILIZERS A Stamp-cdo has just wound up W. B. Sandorson and C. F. Bradley. 16-20-0 ChcBol R. Hukcr Is secr-ctai'y-trcus- our advertisem ent o f last "week is on hand a most successful series of drive.'-' urcr and collector. TIME for War Savings w^dch started In ITio rncollng was devoted to dis­ September. L^ist year’s Stamp-edo cussing the problems of the system, and w ill take a few days to sort out and proved to be so successful tliat by and volunteers wore enlisted ns R SEEDS a good stock on hand. popular re

Mr. and Mr& O. Twiname and w ■ ■ . EAST KELOWNA daughter, of Westbank,. >’»cere over­ night iguests on Ssitdrday at the The National Film Board pictures home of Mrs. T. Twiname. were shown to the school children on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ibbotson and ■ • • • ■ daughter, Justine, returned from I A/Seaman L arry Neid is - -on Friday^----- a leave at his home. * • • Mrs. F. Fawley left on Friday John Bean has sold his orchard for a visit to North Battleford. s - M a H v T T recently to Mr. Bauer, and Frank , i» ' • ■ • Turton has sold the Graham-Brown Mrs. O. Wells left on Thursday to place to Mr. Stremel, of Rutland. spend the Easter holiday at the The. Taylor orchard has also been Coast. sold, George Booth having bought Mrs. A. M. Haker spent the Eas­ Life InsuroDce Foods the lower h^f. ter week-end at the home of her son, C. R. Hdker. Spark the ' M i^ Gwen Clark returned from Nelson last week to spenci the holi­ day at the home of her parents, Mr. ef theMatieo and Mrs. E. C. Clark. Miss M. F. Bailey left on Thurs­ Life insurance dollars are never.atacked up,, all in day to spend the holidays at the I one place, doing nothing. Instead, they are vitaliz­ Coast » 5 ing sparks flowing through the channels of tradp, Mr. and Mrs. R. Caldow and child­ and ready to turn the neiv wheds which initiative, ren spent Easter Sitaday at the home of .Mrs. T. Twiname. mterprise and ability provide. When highways are to he hnilt— or brides, of harbors, or schools, or hospitals . . . wh'eR money is needed to devdop oiir resqprbes, to fexpadd I S W O U N ^ 1 ^ 1 transportation, to launch great m d ^uial projectt In ihe dettcioiiK; b ^ e d . . . when municipalities need fin^cing, or a Nature and Extent of Wounds farmer or a househidder wants a mortgage • • you mahe vdth this Unknown then the funds which the people o f Cw ada hav^ placed in life insurance are turned into the Mr. and Mrs, Micha.^! Feist, Ben- Vitamin B Wbite Flour voulin, receiy^ wo:^^ |(tie week that power-lines of progress. WOEN A COID Btnfte W their son, Gpl, fipgene Feist, has The laws of our country properly restrict the causes mouttai breathing, throat. been ■ reported w bi;^(^ in action very day make sure your family gets plenty of the important «ckle types of investment in whidh policyhdders* funds this time-tested Vicks, treatment overseas. Cpl. Feist, who is 24, went E B vitamins r— in a way they’re sure to enjoy. Bake them gptef to'wdrk InSMatly.. • overseas in 1941 with , the artiUery nay be placed and state requirements which cakn, pies aiid bread with Kitchen Craft Vitamin B White and later transferred to the Para­ At bedtimb rub good Old OTcte troopers. The wire stated that at svery such investment must fulfil. These laws are a Flpur (Canada approved). VapoRub on the present' time thb nature and ex­ nlid safeguard to policyholders, who are assured, This fine white flour is milled by a new process that keeps in tent, of Cpl, Feist’s wounds were still unknown. through continuous Government supervision, .most of the B vitamins of the whole wheat germ. Eveiy pound from distress. that life insurance funds are safely as well as contains at least ■400 International Units of vitamin Bj, actually It praETMits to upper tng passages with soothing usefully employed. 5 timer more vitamin than pretOar white floursl Also contains medicinal vapors. It SHMIltelw more niacin, more riboflavin, and still other B vitamins! chest and back surfaces Ilka a warming, conifortlng poultice... What’s more, Kitchen Craft Vitamin B White Flour works and It keOTs on workjtog tor hours, evsn wblls yo.ifl Slaep.r-t;o ease like a charm in all your regular white flour recipes. It gives your coufdffng spasma relieve mUQBU^ baked foods pn appetizing creamy-white color, a rich wheaty ieir sormeira and tightness—tmd i,t,m LIFE IRSBBEirCE bring grand comforti TOy It to­ MAKES It is good flavor everyone lovw. night .. .Vicks VapORuh. BLACK WHITE AM ^ageJnm ihe Life Insurance Companies in Canada Thousands of Canadian housewives now do all their baking (U-t9«4X with this Canada-milled flour. Try it at our risk. If you aren’t ddighted with the results Kitchen Craft Vitamin B AVTiite Flour-gives you every okanaganbiiission ion for the past five months, have time, you can return BEAUTiFY AND_ PROTECT rented a house on the lakeshore at Fasciaux Bay. the unused flour and a e • get all your money Mrs. Hume left for the Coast at In the Cow Testing Association’s the beginning of the week to at­ results last year, Ed Coelen’s herd back...at SAFEWAY. tend the wedding of her daughter, had the best production record for /> m s e m e s s o s s o m l Saf««niy Stores Umitod Barbara, which took place yester­ small herds in this district. day, April 4, in Vancouver. Rbbin Young, who is studying at Cpl. Winifred Baldwin, R.C.A.F. “ Hficdth authorities ^ we all pried w r e Alto Kitchen Craft the Coast at present, spent his Eas­ veootables in our diet, 'rhat’a why wmo motbeis REGULAR White Flour HOUSE PAINT (W.D.), spent the Easter holiday at ter holidays at his home in the A y lm e r Vemtable Borolies her home in the Mission, returning Mission. , o f vegetable benefite itt —the top quality to Vancouver on Sunday. S & “c ^ .“Potat^C^bto^^ all-purpote patent flour Rliuntirti House Paint protects yoiir . ,o • • Mrs. Tailyour, who for the past oE^jaiboOT— - —and -inions—Onions—plus otbrir fine ingre­ btiteide surfaces with a paint film that The Department of Public Works month had been the guest of her dients.______Tastes.'______------i defies cold and expanding has a large bulldozer at work brother-in-law and sister. Major and Canadian CanneCanneie (Western) heat. Combmed with this, you have straightening out the bed of Sawmill Mrs. K. Tailyour, of Trepanier, re­ Ltd., Vancouver. ; a hequtifpl fi^ ''^ ^ * will make your Creek. turned to her home in the Mission I Home the envy of your neighbours. last week-end. B u y Miss Mabel Kuipers left for the • . A. • OUnfP ^aaiuM tl pfioducU Coast last Monday to attend the Mrs. P. V. Tempest and small GLASSITE— KWICKWORK—SOFTONE wedding of her cousin. Miss Cor- daughter are spending the Easter ^ * * * * M r e , linne Ootmar, which takes place holiday at their camp on the lake- J i y L M E a "Your Nearest Elasiica Dealer*' next Saturday evening. Miss Kuip­ shore. ers will be the guest of Miss Joy VEGETABLE SOUP ’ O. L. JONES FURNITURE CO., LTD. Mitchell during her stay in Vancou­ **"»* m i b Veterans of the present war rnay Phonp 435 , Kelowna, B.C. ver. YOUR FAMILY DESERVES AYlMBt W M ITY e e e now obtain insurance at low rates In ______• ,______i _____;_____' I NT E R N ATI O N A L V A R NIS H C O M PA N Y, LIMITE D Mr. and Mrs. Griflen and family, multiples of $500 up to $10,000 un­ .K i.il'r 0 tVe 0:3^0'1 0 “U't ^ who ha've been residing in the Miss­ der the Veterans’ Insurance Act, administered by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. THURSDAY. AI'IUL 5,1045 PAGE FOUE THE KELOWNA COURIER

Mor« About F O R S A L E KELOWNA FUM ERT(3N’S TAX 20 acres good l*arni J^aiul. 5 acres in bearing orchard. 5 room bungalow with electric light, Garage, workshop, From I’uge 1, Column U house, stock and Istrution; $5,050 for trans/ormerB, haysiuid, bam for 8 head, diicken meters und supplies; $050 for con­ HAVE JUST spent nn IntoresUng clpallUcs, I believe, work on the discount iinplement.s. struction of a lino on Morrison Ave­ ten minutes working out what my discount system. It Is used by tlm nue; $1,210 for debenture expense. March electricity bill would have Okanugan Telephone Company, for been In a town In Ontario. The uc- Instance, and I think byvthe muni­ P a A j C ij d e > Water Works Hopartnient tion was prompted by seeing In the clpallty of Penticton. Wouldn’t the The Water Works Depurtment has hometown paper tho schedule of rut- City Fathers howl If some nrm the $ 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0 estimuted Its revenue ut $51,800 and ea that went Into operation there city did business with charged them Us expenditures ut $48,400.47, on April 1st. The truth of tho com- a penalty of ten per cent because .TD. 'n»e expenditures include: $9,- parlson Is rather sad. My clcctrlelty there had not been n Council meet­ Tlic smartest of Spring Fasliions— In Junior, 350 for jjenei’ul maintenance; $12,- bill In March was $9.23. Hud the ing in time to have "tho bill okay­ Misses and Women’s sizes. E.M.CARRUTHERS&S0N 010 for operating; $5,300 for admin- rates that are In force In Plcton ap- ed? .... SUIT MORTGAGES - REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE istrution; $3,250 for capital oxpen- oly bore the bill would huvo been r p m diturc such us the purchase of met- $2.01—believe It or notl ITiero Is a GEITING BACK to Uio quesUon DRESSES $12.95 $25.00 — LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US — ers, etc.; $4,725 for renewing water dllTcrcnco pf $6,42 between the two Pf rates, a little figuring shows that main, 2,700 feet, on Glenn Avenue, bills! ITiat amount' Is eight cents tho commercial user hero pays $0.00 ★ Richter to Vernon Road; $1,750 for more than twice what the bill would for tho fh’st hundred k.w.h.; in Plc­ renewing water main on Vernon have been In -the Ontario townl Is- ton ho would pay $1.70. If he used Soft imported Camel Hair—and wool— Crepes and Road, 1,000 feet; $2,275 for renewing n’t that somethlngl .... two hundred here ho would pay water main on Borden, 1,300 feet; r P ni $11.00; there ho would pay $2.20. COATS Suedes arc the materials you’ll find in our range. $2,275 for renewing water main on t h e first place tho local com- And don't forgot to deduct ten per- Light and Dark Shades. Sizes 12 to 20. 38 to 46 GAY. FRESH DcHnrt, 1,300 feet; $1,050 for com- binntlon rate Is eight cents for tho cent on the Ontario, bill, too! Pow- PRICED plctlng Wilson Avenue; $1,695 for 25 kilowatt hours. Tho rate In or users hero get a bit of a break F R O M ...... to completing water mains on Mor- pidon Is two cents for the first six- on service charges, jxiying only 50 $14.95 $35.00 rlson and Abbott; $4,088.47 for deb- fy k^.h. Then the charge for tho cents per horsepower; tlicro they enturo expense. usage over 25 Is three cents; there puy $1-00 per horsepower. How- ★ Pink Clnver thc charge for usage over 00 Is ever, on tho power consumed the olght-tcnths of n cent. Thus, if one local rate Is 5 cents per k.w.h. fo.r USE THE COURIER WANT ADS. used sixty k.w.h. here ho would bo the Hist 100 k.w.h.; 4 cents for the SMART charged $3.05; there tho charge noxt hundred and three cents for the In fine quality Pleated Styles finished with neat Enchanting fragrance of next hundred, with tho rate drop­ would be $1.20. Hero the minimum waistband, and Zipper .side-fastening. Sizes 14 to 20. clover fields at dawn captured is one dollar; there It is 83 cents. ping to 2 cents for the next 700 and SKIRTS YOU’LL Water heater charge here is threp- thereafter ll/j cents. Down in Plc­ in a refreshing cologne, quarters of a cent per k.w.h.; there ton tho rate is 1.0 cents for tho first PINK FEEL WELL It is a straight 40 cents flat for 100 60 k.w.h., 1.2 cents for the next 50 k.w.h. ’The difference Is the diff­ k.w.h. and then .33 cents for all ad­ (10V(R i o z. size. ditional. Let’s consider that a firm coi.oon« erence between 75 and 48 cents. IF YOUR , r p m uses 1000 k.w.h. Hero the bill would be $26.00 and no discount. LIVER’S WELL HERE A penalty of ten per cent There, so help me,—and I have fig­ * 1 .1 0 Toot liver i> Ihe la^gerl organ in yonr body and Is added if your bill is not paid ured it twice and am sure I am BRIGHT COTTONS by the 10th of the month. There you moil impoilanl lo your heallb. Il poura onl bile to right—it would be $4.52, But wait, the Cottons you love, to wear for 1 ? digest food, gelt rid of wule, snppliea new energy, get a discount of ten per cent if that isn’t all! ’There there,is a local Yes, these :ire allowa proper nourishment lo reach your blood. When the account Is paid before the due discount of twenty-five per cent, Sportswear- or around the home— Checks, Stripes jout liver Kla onl of order, food decomposea in your date. Rates are rates, but that pen­ which would reduce the bfll by $1.13 mteslinca. You become coostipaled, alomach and kid- alty clause always has burned me to $3.39! And yet that isn’t all! and florals. nen can'l work properly. Yon may just feel tired— up. I have wondered if the city There Is still that ten per cent S P E C IA L . or Wo headaches, backaches or even ihcnmalic pains. could actually collect it, if someone prompt payment discount which $3.95 For over 35 years thousands have won proi^l had the foolhardiness to fight it. would reduce the bill by another 34 relief from these miseries—with Fniil-a-livcs. M I doubt it. But, it seems to me, the cents to bring It down to $3.05. I f canyoj aow. Try Fruit-a-tives--yon’ll bo simply the principle is all wrong. There seems incredible that the local bill R. H. BROWN, Phm.B., "The Modern Apothecary’’ delisted how ^Aly yonli feel like a new person, must be many people penalized be­ would be $26.00, but there it Is as M nilNERY happy and.well again. Accept no tnbstilules. Insist on cause they happen to be out of town, I figure it and the rates are here In FnnI-a-lives. 25c., 50c. or other similar circumstances that front of me and I do not think my Fine Straws, Felts, Satins, BROWN’S PHARMACY LTD. are obviously unfair. The penalty arithmetic is THAT bad...... Whatever your figure system is unfair; the discount is, Phone 180 Prompt Delivery ‘.‘Fruit-a-tives” r p -m there’s a hat here to meet LIVER TABLETS fair. Most corporations and muni- THIS ALL started when I noticed your requirements. Perky the new rate announcement In the Sailors, Berets, Turbans, Picton Times. For my own satis­ New Assortments for this faction I worked my own house ac­ count out on their rates. I did not week end. Priced intend to start any discussion as to the merits of that system or the merits of ours. Both have their $2.49o$5.95 points and both are operated from different viewpoints. Theirs is a ‘WHERE CASH BEATS CREDIT’ service at cost system; ours is make a little profit so that the non-tax- NO W AN O IL TH ATS payers contribute a little to the city revenue. ’The Picton Public Utilit­ ies in the first place purchase its and parcels for R.C.A.F. personnel, power from the Ontario Hydro, at • • * $31.50 per h.p. per year. I am not LJL.C. J. W. Jennens, R.CA.F., at the moment jufet sure of the figure son of J. Jennens, Royal Avenue, which Kelowna pays the West Koot- has been transferred to Vancouver enay, but tiiaf is something easily from Boundary Bay. ZO^Acre Orchard checked on. 'Then, too, included in ^ A# the city rates is a profit which + hv FOR SALE a l l o y e d :. KEEPS equals about 13 ihills on the tax rate. That may be a good idea. It RO.AF. from Dauphin to C - ^ Full bearing and planted mostly to Macs, Delicious and all depends upon the point of view niox, B. C. , ^ „ — Romes-with-some-pears-and-prunes;—The-orohard--and- and a good~case can be made for Pilot Officer L. S. Ashley, who either viewpoint. That is not what has been serving with the R.C.AJF. flumes are in good repair. I started out to argue. HoweVer, it in Southern Rhodesia, has been The 5-room house needs ren­ does seem that there is a very great transferred to England. ovating. difference in the rates of the two * ,• * places. So great a difference as to Leading Seaman Allan Ta^ell, make one wonder just a little. It R.C.N., son of W. H. Tassell, Kelow­ F O R Q U IC K S A L E this prop­ would seem the difference is so na, has been promoted to the rank erty is offered f o r ...... ENG IlIBCLEAin great that Kelowna should be able of Petty Officer and is now station­ f tou change that penalty clause to a ed at Halifax. -discount-clause—at—leasts—■ —■ — — FIsring Officer E. J. Foot, son of McTAVISHrWniUJS jrGADDESTTD: F. J. Foot, East Kelowna, who is attached to the RA.F., is now serv­ Phone 217 —; — Kelowna, B.C ing with the South-East Asia Air W ITH THE Command. ' m ■ m m m w S-pdnt-praMss Lieut. J. E. James, R.C.N.V.R., has been transferred from Com- walliis, N.S., to Halifax. ' a • PEERLESS MOTOR OIL Cpl. H. O. Paynter, of Westbank; Mr. and Mrs, W. B: Hughes-Gam- arrived at his home on Saturday es recrived word' this . week that This year don’t delay I Get your spring change-over early^ from Fort Nelson, B. C., on farm their son, Sgt. 'A. S. W. Hughesi- NOTICE leave. Games, R.CA.F., who has been over­ before that dirly Tvom-out oil in your car causes serious damage I • • • .■ ■ seas for the past three years, has And when you change, switch to B-A’s.new, Canadian* Lieut. R. Knox, R.CJ Q U eud^i Mr. and Mrs. H C. Mallam, Okan­ Sgt. Pilot Bobin Kendall gradu­ agan Mission, had a letter from their ated as a pUot at the R.CA.F. sta-' son, Capt. Peter Mallam, who is now IMPERIAL SERVICE STATION THIS YEAR IS CRUCIAL tion at Caigaiy on Thur:^ay, March serving in Belgium, in which he / • 29. Mrs. K^dall attended &e grad­ stated that the day before he board­ It is particularly important, when uation ceremonies, and Sgt. and Mr. W . Magee, having other interests which will U m VAOMm Diataiation . . . Purfarat ed a plane for England for further Proceaa , -i i M.B.K. Sobnnt. . . Catalytio most of us are driving cars which Mrs. Kendall returned to Kelowna mprfipnl treatment he met Ijia cous­ take his full time, has sold the above business to the the followingBatuiday. Bgt Kendall Clajr {part o t thia plant ia ahown aboval have already given abnormal service, in, Nursliiig Sister Sheila Imies Po- theao a n each impoitant atepa in tha will report to Vancouver later in cock

IlME NOW TO raptaoa old, worn-out winter DM 0E7IER SERVICE and batter produot YOU ALWAYS BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ^ada oii with B-A Paarlaaa Afofor OH- —produota like Paarlaaa—ah a n » now ti Dalay may be ttiaaatraiuat Driwm in In the event of the war in Europe coming to youx Britiah American Oil DaaSau AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG B-A tomorrow to tha aign o t the big B^At an end through the surrender of Germany \ or through the Allied Commander-in-Chief declaring that all organized resistance has ceased, the people THE BRITISH AMERICAN OIL COMPANY LIMITED of the City of Kelowna are urged to gather at ^the Oval in the City Park to participate in appropriate GET YOUR SPRING CHANGE-OVER TO PEERLESS MOTOR OIL HERE ceremonies that have been arranged. This ceremony will be the function around which our general thanksgiving will centre and will GROWERS’ SUPPLY CO., LTD. UPSETT MOTORS take place as soon as possible after the announce­ ment of the W a r’s end is tnade. If such anMunce- 206 Ellis St. Comer Bernard Ave. and Ellis St. ment should come in the morning, the service take place the same afternoon. Citizens are advised to listen for an announcement as to the hour of the service over CKOV. FERRY SERVICE STATION Tho service will be under the general direction HI-WAY SERVICE STATION of the Ministerial Association. In the evening there S T E V E W O O D A. HOLMWOOD will be special services in most of the churches.. Bernard Ave. and Vernon Road At Ferry Wharf Persons from the rural areas are cordially in­ vited to join with the citizens of Kelowna on this ELLIS STREET SERVICE STATION occasion. , STU GREGORY 1

\. PAGE FIVE t h e KELOWNA COURIER TUtJKSDAY, APKIL 5. 1M5 RUTLAND FARMER WILL IT STOP NOW? OR GO ON? Classif led Advertisements DIES IN CITY ORDON*S ...... Loie Asher Passes Monday rimt twenty-ftT« word*. nity «ci>u; tlonel woide one cent cecL..cu. NOTICE Following Operation li Copy i» eccoinpenled by iMh or ROCERY U ^id wilbln two week* Irom ^ iMU^ B dltcounl ol iweuly-fire ce^ UIt JACKETS made from your Loie Asher, 50, of Rutland, passed wiU be nude. Thu. a old fur coats; three new pruc- away In Kelowna General Hospital PHONE 30 — KELOWNA ■d«erli.eineiit accorouanlcd bX Ftlcol lengths to choose from—latest on Saturday, March 31, following paM within two weelci eoet. tweuly-B*e patterns. Fur repairs and alterations an opeiullon. Hu hud been larminH cent*. . Miolonun charge. 3 ^ ___ our specialty. E. Malfct, 175 In Rutland district for several years When U U deiired that reptle. be addraMM nard Avenue. S l-ii and was a native of Hungary, hav­ to a boa at The Courier Olfice. an addi­ ing come to Canada when a young tional charge ol ton cenU l« made. ltTlIRllTC pallia quickly forgot­ COMPETITIVE PRICES ten with “Wlntrol Rubbing Oil”. Surviving are his wife and two ASl.OO and ?1.«5 sizes at Wllllts' Drugchildren. Including a married daugh- PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE WANTED Store. ter who lives at Princeton, and a ten year old son at Rutland. “Serve Yourself Or Ask The Clerk” ILL PAY CASH for snutU bual- DB WOKIIC—Prompt and cHlolent Funcrol services were held at the Wncflfl In town or country. Ono F repairs and altcrntlona to furs Roman CuUiollc Church at Rutland •with living accommodation prefer­ and fur coats. Reasonable prices. on ’Tuesday morning, at 0 omock, red. Write, giving full detullB, to E. Malfct, 176 Bernard Avc. 32-Op and burial was in the Roman Cath­ Box 317, Kimberley, B.C, _ 37-3-P UB "Soml-Flnlshed" Service Is olic cemetery there. a n t e d —■Bualnesa In the Inter­ economical and convenient. Your ior. Grocery Store preferred. whole family wash done for only Write, giving full purtlcularo to John Oc, per lb. For highest quaUty, Hhthawoy, 442 Garrett St., New Phono 123, The Kelowna Steam WORKING PARTY Westminster, B.C. Laundry 33-tfc at •f. ' AN'PED—Shot guna, SO-SO rifles, ORNS Instantly relieved with KELOWNA GOLF ,5' r ond .22 rifles. Spurriers, Sport­ Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salvo CLUB ing Goods and Stationery. B2-tfc —thoC oRoctlvc corn remedy. 50c at Wllllts’ Drug, ______10 AlNTED—L awn mower and tri­ at 9 a.m., W cycle parts. J. R. Campb^, t h e Plumber Protects tho Health SUNDAY, APRIL 8 Campbell's Bicycle Shop, phono 107. of tho Nation. For good protec­ 45-tfo . I tion, Phono Scott Plumbing Works, All members and those in­ 104 or 659-L. Plumbing, Heating and B Did you know that you can get epccial ANTED—For . liberal trade-ins terested in golf are reques­ ■■•♦.T ...... Sheet Metal worfc______B-tfc TtfriirL cards for-folks who have had an acch on your second-hand furniture, ted to lend a hand. , ’.Kg W«co O. L. Jones Furniture Co., Ltd. E can fix Itt—Badloo, Washing 37-1-c dent, an appendicitis operation, a ton- 00-tfco Machines. Refrigerators, etc. WMe & Me Repair Dept. Is at your This picture of an anxious group <>* London citizens is taken from^ sUeetOmy? ANTED—See us before dispos­ jiervlce. Phono 44 and ask for Law­ Wing of your household furni­ rence Walrod. 40-tfc Wo also feature many other “spe- ture, ranges, etc. We v poy ''ciols” among our complete selection of prices for used furniture. O. L. BDBELII^’B MAIL ORDER Jones Furniture Co. Ltd. 00-tfc FINISHING DEPAB’PMENT YOUR Cheer Cards— -you can always find spme- Any roll of 0 or 8 exposures printed Izatibns of robot attacks in England which ^ has been produced.__ . . ANTED to Buy—^Used Bloyoles EYES thing appropiriate for anyone who is ill In any condition. Cosh prices 25c or shut-in. V Wpaid. Campbell’s Bicycle Shop, cor­12 reprints and enlargement, 35c. ner Abbott and Park. Phone 107. and return postage 3c. GYRO OFFICIAL MARCH WAS LOCAL PIONEER Ma i l o r d e r o n l y , MURDOCH WANTED TO RENT Reprints, 3c each. P.O. Box ls56 VISITS HHIE COLD AND WET PASSES AFTER TIMBER SALE X33015 McLEOD a n t e d to Itent by June, house Registered Optometrist, Second Vice-President of Gyro MONTH COLORFUL LIFE in Kelowna. Phone 793, Kelow- There will be offered for sale at International Visits ITlVFi" 1. lx W of Vancouver, will be at n a . ______. 37-1-PPublic Auction in the Ranger’s of­ Club fice at Kelowna, B.C., at 12 noon on T H O M S O N ’S Rainfall Was Cohsiderably H. B. Biirtch, Who Came To a n t e d t o r e n t o r b u y — the 20th day of April, 1945, Timber Man’s bicycle. Will rent for JEWELRY STORE Gregory Yorke, Vancouver, Sec­ Greater Than in March Last Okanagan 50 Ye^s Ago on Sale X33915, on an area situated on ond Vice-President of Gyro Inter­ Wany period. Reply, stating price of Venner Creek, to cut 1,916,000 board Kelowna on Year— Froze on 24 of the 31 a Cattle T ram, Died Simday rental. Box 163, The Courier, Ke- national, paid an. official visit to the feet of Yellow Pine, Douglas Fir Kelowna Gyro Club on Tuesday. Nights _____ A real Kelowna pioneer, Henry iowna. ______^ ^ and Spruce. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY He was accompanied by Mrs. Yorke. Two years will be allowed for re­ April 11 and 12 An after-five‘after-five party was ^vengiven in That it has ben a cold, wet moval of timber. a l l d a y their honor at the home of the club s spring is weU demonstrated by the being in failing health for FOR SALE “Provided anyone who is unable president, W. T. Li Roadhouse, and March weather re^rt as submitted colorful old-timer ENGLISH COMPLEXION to attend the sale in person- may the club directors and th^r wives Weather Recorder D. Chapman, Okanagan Valley o r s a l e — t h e “t r ia n g l e submit a sealed tender to be opened entertained Mr. and IVto. Ywke at Although there was only a trace of ^ cattle train. Kelowna STRAIN” is the superior quality at the hour of sale and treated as dihner at the Royal Anne. In the snow on one day, the seventh, it ^ ^ hamlet of but a POWDER ofF Rhode Island Red and New Hamp­ one bid.” on . . . evening, Mrs. Roadhouse entert^- rained on eight days and the mois- having been laid out BY edMxs. Yorke and a m ^ter of .Gy- ture prwipitation totalled 1.06 inch- so^^.^ by ® he Lequime es- shire chick—an Okanagaq product Further particulars may be ob­ QuaUty $4.00 for 25, $8 for 50, $15.00 for 100. tained from the Chief Forester, Vic­ rettes at her home, while the Gyros gg considerably in excKS of that ^ ^ The pioneer whs born Y A R D L E Y George Game, R.O.P. Breeder, Arm- toria, B.C. or the District Forester, Meats frvr March, 1944, wten only. .33 inch ;f^;^"j^.;corner% t Mount Pleas- stropg. _____ 36-TFC Kamloops, B.C.______was recorded. The heaviest ramfafi “^„f“S r i o . wh4re‘ a monument^ the International official. was on the 17th, when .65 in ^ fell, ^^^s to his family, which was o f, o r s a l e —Chicks of ' all ages. EAT The average maximum tempera- Empire Loyalist stbek- • Now in the brooders, Rhode Is­ STOLE BICYCLE ture was only 47.1 de^ees, and number ofyears Mr. Burtch "BOND STREET" Fland Reds and ' New Hampshires. THE CHURCHES MEAT A transient juvenile was con- two days, the 4th and 5th, the mer- fgr T. W. Stirling, at Good stuff. Write for prices. George at victed on Saturday of having stol^ gury did not climb abovq the free^ Bankhead Ranch. He iriarried Gert- $|22 Game, R.O.P. Breeder, Armstrong. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE a bicycle while in Kelowma. IV^- ing mark. On the 27th the mercury Hayward, of Peachland, in 36-’TFC least istrate McWilliams ordered the ^ y climbed to 57 for the wannest day Later he purchased the S SCOTT’S SOCIETY ONCE returned to his father, the latter ot the mpnth. Hawksdale property at Five Bridges, ^ '-1? ' SHADE S T 0 S UIT Y 0 U R: C 0 M P L E X10 N o r s a l e —Potato CUp machine, Torner Bernard Ave. and Bertram St. having arranged to pay the lads The minimum better known to old-timers as the complete with Rock Gas burner. A D A Y ! fare home. ' , ' _ aged d e m and it S ^ e r p K he also carried EMULSION FIdeal for small restaurant or bug^ This 5=;ncigty Is a branch'of TOe ----- ...... — ^ —oL/-1Jie_31_mghtSj— PP ^^^*^^^^y._fUe-quDDlv-of-natiu?al-ace,-which_ ness. Phone 584R1 or write P.O. Box Mother Church, ’The FlrsTChurcb of ” Or^CT”frdm ~tKe~^ I OST—Willys car ignition key in dropped to 13, which was .consider- the winter. —OrBetiei^Way— Soft as a flBOcy Cloud! 217. V, 36'i4-c Christ. Scientist in Boston, Massa­ L siiiexc; single leather keytainer.----- Rew^d. - ably colder than most of the wnter Burtch, who was outstanding to take chusetts. Services: Sunday^ 11 ajn.j for return to Kelowna r., Courier „of- days. thp for his generosity aiid kindliness, Cod liver on o r SALEI-t-IO room dqplex, 135 Sunday School, 9.45 a.m.; first and flgg. 37-1 ------. Lawrbnce Ave. Two small build­ ^ was a keen sportsman, being espM- Contains third Wednesdays, Testimony Meet­ A&B ’— ,------^ ^------— 7 — ~ — ~ monthlOnth waswas 38.3538.35 degreesdegrees. iniiv interested in curling and fl^- Fings on the property go with the ing 8 p.m. Reading Room open ’ANTEDANTED -— Five or ten nunareahundreU The dailvdaily recordings vwere: ^ Ing h? wash past m e ^ r of the VKamlns A and D property. Upper floor can be oc­ Wednesday afternoon, 3 to 5 pjn. • MEAT MARKET W-- feet of chicken wire. Anyone , Min. Rain Total Hospital Board and of the cupied any time. Will bring a good having same please contact V. J. 1 .... 42 28 Board of Trade. Ife^wM a Past Wor- ' t h e UNITED CHURCH Phone 2ZXt — Free Delivery 5 8 ^ and 9 8 ^ revenue. Will accept three or four Kolodychuk. R.R.2, Kelowna. 37-lc 2 40 30 .10 ‘ .10 shiptul Master of St. George’s Mas- room cottage; as part payment. Ap- _o e _ c a n a i >a _ 3 ..... :...41------32_ ^ onic Lodge and an active member "rtyW Sris“StrWfitrP;OrBoxl333r First United, comer Richter St. md of the Kelowna Club. Kelowna, B.C. " 36-2-p Bernard Avenue. Surviving are his wife and five , children, including Robert, of GalL o r s a l e —Modem 8 room stuc­ Minister: Dr. M. W. Lees. Ont., Cpl. Arthur, now with the 12 pads co house. Two lots in grapes. Canadian Army overseas,-Margaret, Organist— xx m O W N A FASTBALL LEAGUE FAvailable April 1. Price $5,500. Ap­ E. B. BEA IE. of Vancouver, Mrs. F. W. Pridham NuLfFE In box ply I. Pioli, 181 Coronation Ave. ■ TEAM SPONSORS ATTENTION! R E M E DI » - •* IM O O E S S OE L T S Z5<^ SUNDAY, AKtBL 8th .08 .08 and Kathleen, of Kelowna. One 36-3-p brother, Henry Burtch, is living in 11 a.m.—Sacred Cantata, “Olivet to Schedule of games to be.drawn by April 20. Ontario. J. M- Houlding and Harry e a d h o w o t h e r s succeed Calvary”. Entry deadline April 15. .04 .04 . Chapin, of Kelowna, are cousjns. with poultry. Practical writers 7.30 pju.—^Womerfs Federation Ser- Fvmeral services were held at Rsolve your problems every month in vice. .' All entries by mail to league secretary, Archie Mor­ i the First United Church on Wednes- this popular Western magazine. Ed­ R. TRENCH, LTD. rison, General Delivery, Kelowna. ' , day afternoon, Rev. D^. M. W. Lees ited by poultrymen. 1 year $1.00: .69 .69 officiating, and graveside rites were DRUGS and STATIONERY 3 years $2.00; 5 yeiars $3.00. ‘Send ' Entry Fee of $5.00 per teanf. in charge of members of St. George s money order to Canada P.oultry- Masonic Lodge, with Tom Hill, of PHONE 73 Kelowna, B.C. man. New Westminster, B.C. 29tfc .02 -02 Coldstream, formerly of Kelowna, .07 .07 conducting. - ■ Listen to the Daily,, Province Modern Kitchen over B s a l e —Heavy wrapping pa­ CKOV every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. F per, in large sheets. Useful for insulation and laying under cai^ts BIRTHS and linolaum. Ldmited Quantity. 25c per roll. Kelowna Courier. CREUZOT—At the Kelowna Geri-. .05 eral Ho^tid, on Thursday, March COR___.Sale—Pipe, Ftttiiifs, Tnbex 236 Bertram St. 29, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Grorge Special low prices. Active Trad­ A SU Pastor G. GREATORBX Creuzot, Kelowna, a son, ing Co., 916 Powed St, VancoiWw. COLLINSON—At ttie Kelowna Gen­ 26-tfc THE OKANAGAN FASHION CENTRE B.C. ■ Average maximum; 47.1 degrees; eral Hospital, on Thursday, Mart* R s a l e —Government approv(ed 9.55, a.m.—Simday School, and Average minimum, 29.6 degres. 29,1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Ian Coll- New Hampdiire chicks. 100, Bible Class. Mean temperature, 38.35 degrees. inson, Kelowna, a daughter. F $15.00; 50. $8.00; 25. $4.00; F i ^ s Total precipitation, 1.06 inches. F R A N l^ C U m —At the Kelowna 11.00 a.m.—DevotionaL Poult)^ Farm and Hatchery, P.O. DRESSES General Hospital, on Friday, Box 114, Vembn, B.C., (R.OP. 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic. . NO DRIVER’S l ic e n c e - f in e d March 30, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Breeder). 32rllp In Beautiful Floral Jerseys, we have For failing to have a driver’s li­ ■ Lpuis Francescutti, Mission Creek, k ' . ■ • - --- r , - -- A’TTEND A LIVE PROGRES­ cence, Ewald Hanet was fined $5 a son. * h ic k s of quality and vigor ' — a nice range of patterns, new styles, in in Police Court here recently. SIVE CHURCH GEEa^—At the Kelowna General New Hampshire, S, C. W. Leg­ soft and bright colors. , Hospital, on Monday, April 2, Chorn, Leghorn and New Hampshire Wanted! Men and 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Geen, first cross. Government approved, Size^ frbm 11 to 20 and large sizes Belgo, a son. blood-tested stock. First hatch Feb­ Women Who Are from 38 to 44. “* f h il l —At tiie Kelowna General ruary 15th. Bomford Hatchery, Pen­ Hard Of Hearing Hospital, on Tuesday, April 3, ticton, B.C. 27-tfc To make this simple, no risk h i r ­ 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Waltef Hill, Sale—Cut Flowers. Corsages. FURS ing test. If you are temporarily , Southooum Kelowna,n,.«;xuwiic>, a oson.»a... Floral Dedgns for weddings or deafened, bothwed by ringing, buz- tjje Kelowna General funerals. Call us for prompt and Storage! Repairs! zing head noises due to hardened Hospital, on Wednesday, April 4, rfficient service. Richter St. Green­ or coagulated wax (cerumen), ^ 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brew, Remodels! BLOUSES th'e Aurine Home Method test that Kelowna, a daughter, house. Phone 88. Member F.TX). so many say has enabled them to ------—. "Say It With Flowers.” 49-tfc A complete range of blouses in all hear well again. You must nPIlTAVAT For expert workmanship shades, short and long sleeves in better after making this siinple test n i| A lQ r T W / ^ I N ship your furs to the lar­ or you get your money back at ^ CARD OF THANKS correct materials, all sizes, at gest manufacturing furrier once. For sale at all good druggists. |j|S CATS popular prices. ARD OF ’TH A N K ^ I desire to in the Interior! C convey my sincere thanks to Free estimates! No ob­ The noted author, Mark Twain, the many friends who so kindly ligation. Ship to . was very fond of anjimals, espec-i sent expressions of sympathy to me ially cats. One summer there were at the announcement of the death eleven cats at his farm. Often. on of my son, Lance-Sergeant Robert H o r l i c k ’s a pleasant evening there would he H. Morgan. Mrs. H. M. Morgan. SMART BONNETS 37-1-p what Mark ’Twain -called a “cat F i n e F u r s procession,” around the ground. h e ANNUAL MEE’TING of the Smart Bonnets now on display in all First came Mark Twain * and nis Trail, B.C. wife, followed by their’ three daugh- Kelowna Lawn Tennis Club will 1447 Bay Ave. the latest styles. Colors galore, in Tbe held at the office of the Sun Life 35-tf-c ters, a donkey;, and all the cats. TOe Insurance Company on Tuesday, Straws and Felts, a lovely assortment jlDco’teuflFcr children declared the cats under- stood what their father said to^mem. 10th of April, at 8 p.m. All interested at ' be coo* are invit^ to attend. 37-1-p Lemon Juice Recipe ftieed M to irtiicfa At one time Mark Twain had a _____r Stamina to buy. to Vita-Vim klHen called “Bambino” who was Checks Arthritic trained to wash his face m a bowl COMING EVENTS ^$2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 of water every morning. Mark Pain Quickly ’Twain also taught Bambino to put OMING EVENTS—’The Okanag­ If you suffer from arthritic, rheu­ K f of Vlta-VUn out the small light at the head of Price' matic, or neuritic pain, try this sim­ the bed at night. When his master Can Valley Musical Festival, Ke­ ple, inexpensive home recipe. Get a Moltiple Capjnto. - lowna, May 3rd, 4th and 5th. Clos­package of Ru-ex Prescription from 2S iloy tuppiy went to bed. Bambino jumped up $19.95 ing date has been extended to Ap­ SO day supply ^ •***, „ beside him, waited untilv everything Sold at SPRING COATS |Um |bI|w UzUf 800 copsuluSf $7.50 was ready, and when Mark 'Twain ril nth. Late entries April 16th. of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. roarlfyMt Prurf4i»^^ Syllabus and entry forms can be It’s easy and pleasant. - , A grand array of new Spring Coats, correct styles, in bowed twice. Bambino jumped to obtained at ’The Kelowna Couijier You need only 2 tablespoonsful Dressy, Tailored and Casuals. They are made up in a big the table, put his paw on the lamp INZOLA HARDIE, LTD. two times a day. Often within 48 Office, Capital News, Kelogan Radio and turned out the light. One door from Royal Anne Hotel and Electric, or the Secretary, Mrs. hours—sometimes ovemightr-splen- variety’ of materials, and a big range of sizes, 11 to 20 Your Nyal Drug Store H. L. Arbuckle. • 36-2-c did results are obtained. If the pains and 28 to 44, very good values from . Orders recalling members of the WATCH THEHt WINDOWS ^ are not quickly relieved and If you B R O W N ’S p h a r m a c y Royal Canadian Air Crew Reserve h e KELOWNA Girl Guide Com­ do not feel better, Ru-ex Prescrip LIMITED T tion will cost you nothing to try. to duty have beeh sent out. This pany and Brownie Pack BAZ­ .0 W. Pdlw, ^ ,ttrU ‘b1enteVn".7,Sp;f; ftour, ha^e b.e. canple^ . Your money-refunded if it does not $19.95 $39.95 Phone 180 AAR, ENTERTAINMENT AND help you. Ru-ex Prescription is for TEA, April 5th. in the Women’s sale and recommended by ™ p iS f irV ew i.erso.u.di »h o .e ^ ? E THE COmOEIt CLASSIFIED Institute Hall from 2.30 :p.m. Ad­ P. B. Willits & Co., Ltd. mission 10c. Tea 2,5c. 35-3-c and other leading druggists. THE KELOWNA COURIER THURSDAY, APRIL 5. RH3 P A O B SIX

TKADE LICENCES OiRANTEIJ $10 accompanied the application. The final readings . of certain WINTER SPORTS Frank Boyne was granted a A licence to do busfnesa us a laws were held up on Monday ANNUAL MEET REBEKAHSHQLD Frai^ Boyne was granted a . j aweeu was granted to Tom night, as Aldermen Jones and New SEE US FOR QUALITY X “,„™.rtcd U,« b, were . b » „ . ,ro,„ U „ Cl., C„u„- END AT CENTRE W A T e USERS INITIATION Monday nJgl»t. 'Hie licence fee of fee of $5.00 with hl» application. cll meeting. ______• CEMENT Badminton and Volley-ball AT RUTLAND_____ The regular .meeting of the Reb- ckah Lodge was held on Wednesday, • FLUE LINING Seasons End— ^TciuiIb Ready > March 28th witli Mrs. D. Cornmet, -Bride-elect Honored at Expected Noble Grand, In the choir. • VITRIFIED BUILDING BEWER FIFE Shower Home from OverseaB— Ralph Slater Commet and Sister Moi­ _____ Smith Wounded sted wore appointed to represent • FIRE BRICK Indoor winter sports at Okanagan the lodge at a meeting regarding • FRE88ED BRICK Centre were finislicd for U»o scawm Tile annual mt'cling of the water the advisability of forming a locol lust week, The volleyball clubs users of the Black Mountuin Irri­ postwar rclmbllltution committee. • OYFROO lield a tournament on I ’ucsday ev­ gation District was Jjcld in tlie Com­ The "Dlmc-A-Tlme” committee SUPPLIES WALL BOARD ening, and on tlie preceding Sun­ munity Hull ojj Wednesday, March reported u successful meeting at the day evening the Badminton Club 20. Trustee C. J. Duncan occupied home of Sister M, Downing, and U»o staged a “lust evening” party, with tlie choir, wIUx D. McDougall acting next meeting will be hold at the refrcstimcnts. us secretary. 'Hic meeting was well home of Sister A. M. Hill, 272 Ver­ • « • attended but was unusually quiet non Rond, April 10. Wm. HAUG SON After u clean-up “bee” at the ten­ and uneventful, U»o trustees' report A report was given to the meet­ Established 1892 nis courts one day at the end of and tlie llnuaeial statement being ing In regard to Uio Community the month, tlio members of the Cen­ adopted us read wlUiout comments COAL DEALERS tre Toimls Club were all set to open or discussion. Centro meeting, and the general Phono 66 Kelowna, B.C. the season on Saturday last, but The trustees’ report indicated tliat feeling of tl»o lodgo was that the u cold wind from the north discour­ for Uio second year in succession Council should bo urged to purchase aged the would-be players, although current taxes and tolls liad been the lakc.shorc property ns well as the courts were In excellent shape. paid up one inmdied per cent. Work tho proposed piece for the civic on the new low level ditch la contin­ centre site. Among the teachers and students uing and it is expected that the Plufis were made for moving Uio holidaying at their respective homes concreting will bo completed this property of the .Rebeknhs at the In tlie Centre tills week are: Miss year, if labor Is available. During same time as tho Oddfellows move Ellen Glccd, of the Oliver High tlie past winter a crew has been at their equipment to tho Women's School stall; Miss Doris Glced, of work widening the tunnel. Institute Hall, which will bo tem­ the Kelowna Junior High School Trustee A. E. Harrison, wlioso porary quarters. Brother J. Smith was asked to be responsible for tho stall, and the Misses Cheesman, term of office expires this year, was \ o n v e m e n t Hare, Nuyens and S. Kobayashl, all rc-Olcotcd by acclamation. transfer. pupils In the Kelowna schocls. « » Mrs. L, Moulton was received into • • • The. Woman's Association held tho lodgo by initiation. Those tak­ In anticipation of her approach­ their monthly meeting at the homo ing part in the initiation team were A N D EFFECTIVE ing marriage. Miss Beryl Harrop of Mrs. George Cross on Thursday Sisters D. Commet, L, Patterson, H. was the guest of honor nt a very last. A sale of homo cooking and Ross, E. Flack, E. Rankin, E. Mc­ charming shower given In the Cen­ sewing was discussed, and a tenta­ Neill, M. Downing, M. Day and A. tre Community Hall on Monday, ev­ tive date set for Saturday, May 12, M. Hardlc. Sister Moisted acted as If you boltovo In freedom— tho right to work, ening, the hostesses being Mrs. R. the sale to be held in the Ford Gar- degree enptoin. / earn and save— you must also believe in pro­ Reddick and the Misses Ellen and age show room., After the meeting the members Doris Glced. • • • gathered at the home of Mrs. Com­ tecting what you accumulate os the fruits of The spring motif of decoration Mr. and Mis. E. Mugford are an­ met, where refreshments were ser­ your labour. was beautifully carried out with ticipating the early return from ov­ ved and a pleasant social hour was bowls of celandines ‘centring the erseas of their son James, who is enjoyed. > small tea tables, daffodils on the in the R.C.A.F., stationed in Eng­ There will be another initiation Providing a convenient and effective means piano and flanking a three-tiered land. They received a cable a few on April 11, at the Women’s Insti­ of protection for tho property of worthy people, wedding cake on the large table, days ago saying: "Stop writing- tute Hall, Glenn Avenue. while the windows ,held' simulated start cookingl" Jim has been serving whoso courage, industry and thrift ore so vital to window boxes fllled with pussy with the “Radar” branch of the willows, alder catkins and pfeach R.C.A.F. tcnstrauch. the stability and progress of our notion. Is the • • • tree branches gay with flowers of * * * principal business of The Royal Trust Company. various hues. Mrs. Olive Fulton, of Vernon, is Art. Reed, R.CA.F., physical in- A large number of beautiful and visiting at the home of h^r parents, stuctor at Claresholm, All^rta, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Stafford. Mrs. Reed, arrived last Thursday useful gifts, testifying to the esteem • • • . You ore Invited to moke use of our services, in which Miss Harrop is held in the to spend the long -Easter week-end Sgt. Harry Smith, R.C.A.F., is with friends in Kelowna and with which you would find most valuable yet inexpen­ community, in which she has resid­ home on leave, following his gradu­ ed for most of her life, were.pre­ the former’s mother, Mrs. G. W. H. sive, and to regard The Royal Trust Company ds ation* as a pilot at Calgary. His Heed', In Glenmore. sented by a wee couple dressed as mother, Mrs. Jim Smith, was pres­ yo u r Trust Company— always available to advise bride and groom, three-year-old ent at the wings ceremony. Judy' Hunter and Herbert Fallow, ♦ * ♦ and assist you or your family when needed. who pulled in a laden wagon twice Miss Alwina Kitsch, of Princeton, during the evening. arrived on Friday to spend the Eas­ I Here’s a SENSIBLE way Safaguarding family tacurlly 1$ our primary Later in the evening refreshments ter , holidays at the home of Mr. to relieve MONTHLY were served to over twoscore and Mrs. A. W. Gray. fu n ction , acting in trust for ofhart, guests. Mrs. Bemau and Mrs. Hare , ' • * • poured. Mrs, W, Stranaghan and son, Billy, accompanied by Bobby Camp­ Mrs. F. W. Parker, of the Royal bell, are visiting at Palliser, B. C. MISERY Bank staff in Kelowna, was the * • • .Mrs. H. Angle left on Sunday for Lydia E. Pinkham’s VegetableCompound THE ROYAL TRUST guest of her mother, Mrs. Venables, not only helps relieve monthly pain but for the Good Friday and Easter holi­ Seattle, where she will board a also accompanying nervous, tired, high- CORPORATE PERSONAL days. United Airlines plane for Chicago. SECU RITY COMPANY SERVICE • # • « * ' 4> strung feelings—when due to functional Mr. Penkeath is a Coast visitor Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith have re­ periodic disturbances. It’s one of the most effective medicines for this purpose. VANCOUVER during the holiday season. ceived word that their son Ralph, Pinkham’s Compound Aelfis naturet who is with the Westminster Regi­ Follow label directions. Try ill 626 PENDER W., MA 8411 Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Nuyens are ment, has been slightly wounded, A. M. J. ENGLISH. MANAGER having a fortni^t’s holiday in Van­ couver. • • • Several members of the local teaching staff ^ spending the Eas­ ier holidays in Vancouver, includ­ ing IVIrs. G. FarreU, who is accom- pMied by her ^n, Jackie, Miss Ada Anderson, Miss Mary Bloclk and Miss Dodie Spears. Mrs. F. D. Smith is spending her holidays in Chilli- wack. • • • - s j ^ m Mi^ Geraldine Oslun4 js visit ing in Peachland, at the home of Ulr. and Mrs. Jack White, former rodents of the Rutland district. Make Rodgers your headquarters for clothing and shoes, for all your family. Wheth­ • • 'The annual Pro-Rec display took er for dress, work or play, jrou’ll find it at Rodgers, and you’ll save on every pur­ place in the Conununily Hall on chase. Tuesday evening, April 3, with good attendance of spectators. On behalf of the' Pro-Rec group, Bobbie Husch presented Instructor Bill Wil­ cox with a writing case as a token of their apprireiation. Fay Grummett was chosen as the outstanding pupil EXTRA SPECIAL ANKLE SOX 25c.o 65c of the Rutland gpoup. Members of 250 pairs Factory Rejects New shipment of Ankle Sox just arrived the Women’s Institute sold hot dogs and coffee at the close of the dis­ Priced a t ...... $2.95 — wide range of colors and you’ll be want- play. *ing several pairs for Spring and Summer Just Arrived— re­ wear. , ' . Sgt. pick Andrews, of the Canad­ jects from lines to ian Scottish, arrived home' last Girls Knee Sox ...... — 45c week-end on leave to visit his sell at ^6.00 to FLANS FOR PEACE mother, Mrs. E. Andrevys. Sgt. And­ $8.00. Shoes that Boys Knee Sox ...... 45c rews landed in France on D-Day are almost perfect Boys Anklets .....i-...... 29c with the 3rd Canadian Division and — ^Style and Qual­ was wounded in the arm while serv­ M U C H has been said, and a great deal has been written, on the need of planning ing with the division in France. ity along with the .M for fptpre, and for, the iniprovement of labour, living and social conditions better shoes, but VELVASUEDE A A The English bride of Pte.- Harold priced with the BRAS SLIPS ...... - in a world restored to sanity and peace. ' Duncan arrived recently from the bid Countiy to join her husband, cheapest. 48 only just arrived in white and tea rose. who preceded her some months ago Come early to get your size. when he returned on leave after five yeare Service. Mrs. ^ Duncan GOODRICH British ColunAia H as Plans will reside with her husband’s par­ VELVASUEDE ents here pending his discharge. P A N T IE S ...... 75c Fro;i» the outbreak O f hostilities, its whole industrial organization ha? been. RUNNING SHOES 48 only Panties in white and tea rose, and ^,,,:ed to tlie war effp Every resource has been pledged and every other interest Running Shoes for ladies, girls, boys and with elastic. GLENMORE OKAYS children have just arrived. Sizes will not subordinated to war’s compelling needs. PRISONER USE la^ long so be early to get, your require­ ments. ALL WOOL WHITE M QC Never for a moment has tlier^ heeii overlooked the importance of planping for BLANKETS Each ...... peace, ifitish ; Qolumbia finds itself today with a complete programme. It is ready Onl^ of Growers Vote oh Approval Resolution and 7 lb. all wool W hite Blankets to implement thet programme the moment it is opportune. RHUMBAS just arrived. N ow is the time to buy your In last week’s i^sue of The Cour­ next winte’s needs—-don’t delay to get ier, your Glenmore reporter gave yours. the facts as she had obteined ^em of the recent meeting of the Glen The Prograrhm e more Local, B.CJ’.G.A., held in connection with the proposal to GREY WOOL BLANKETS 1. Widespread electrification of rural areas, to make power available at low bring in German prisoners of wair to work in the orchards. She Has Each ...... - cost to farmers, communities and industries. now been asked to sta^ anottier angle of the meeting, arid to ^ve 2 . Expansion of facilities at the University of British Columbia, introduction of the re^lution which was submitt­ special courses“for es?service^en7~and~establishment of new faculties. ed, as follows; “This meetihg is In favor of importing ^ . iinuted nuiirir MEN'S WEAR ber of German prisoners of war for For comfort and style you’ll like the ARMBANDS 3. High salary levels for teachers in rural schools. orchard labor.’’ This was passed, Rhumbas— ;soft, cool and comfy and in Each ...... with seven growers voting in favpr all sizes. 4 . '?Tie setting up of “pools” to make land-clearing machinery easily available of the resolution and three against 30 only Armbands— arid they’re all elastic it. There were twenty growers Tan Calf— Beige Linen ...... $3.95 to fanners. present, and the other ten did not Red Satin— Black . Satin ...... $2.95 too. They won’t last long so be early to vote. get yours. 1 pair to customer. 5. The guaranteeing of loans to villages for sewers and waterworks, to give * • • ■ " ■ Fruit growers have begun to ap­ them the advantage of low-cost financing. ply the dormant spray. ' , ^ • • • ' ' rs WEAR 6 . Substantial grants for the construction of new schools and hospitals. Miss Catherine Comer, who is DRESS M H C atten^ng.scl^ppl in Victoria, arrived OXFORDS FELT HATS $2.95 last ’Thmsday to spend the Ea^er Y ou’ll find just the style and weight in 7. Development of Provincial Scenic Park areas. Shop our large stock of Dress-Oxfords holidays with her parents, Mr. and our large group of dress hats. Wide range Mris. R. IIV. Comer. for Style-Hard Wear and Fit. Comfort 8. Construction of new highways to give readier outlets to the Coast for the o^ colors and all. sizes. Miss Leona Reed is a patient in in every pair. great agricultural areas of the Peace River District and the South Okanagan. the Kelowna General Hospital. 9. Improvements to existing roads in order to prepare for the resumption of Rex Marshall, of the University SHOWERPROOF of B, C., Vancouver, spent tiie long JACKETS to<;$6.95 tourist travel. Easter week-end at the home of jackets for rain and wind in large range WORK BOOTS $5.95 his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. of styles and colors. N ew ones arriving For hard wear and comfort w'ear Rodgers m Marshall. " . • * « daily to add to our large stock. Work Shoes— Leather and Panco SoleS. The Government of Mrs. E. Snowsell is spending a few days at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mre. Percy Geen, who is a pa­ tient in the Kelowna General Hos­ THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA pital. 49 Miss Vemice Carlson, Kelowna, is spending a few days with friends in Glenmore. Mr. and Mrs. W. Leftrook and 221 B E R N A R D family arrived from Winnipeg re­ cently, and have purchased the property lately 6wned by Mr. Rau-, PAGE SEVEN t h e KELOWNA COURIER

THimSDAY, A1>111L 5, 1045 PKOJECTOIIS FOR BIUTAIN’8 PEN TiaO N FISH BCnOOLS I 7 r ■ IVY/ W.. N-rr«w SOUTH GROWERS Films are to play a big part In the CANADIAN GIRIS Son of Local Woman Has Narrow COMMITTEE education of British children after RENEWAL OP ASSN. OFFICERS tho war, according to a recent Rcut- ers dispatch from London. UNEMPLOYMENT NOW IN FORMER Escape From Massacre By Japs _ Q p CO-ORDINATION Gordon ToOimbo Rotirca Afthr A committee has been set up by Fourteen Years • tl»e Ministry of Education, tho film prisc, wore killed to tho last man trade, and tho National Union of INSURANCE BOOKS NAZIBUHDING 243 of tlicm. Our losses were two W ill DiacuBS Problems Affect­ Mark Hygu, well known Pentic­ Teachers, to advise on fltona In Details of Rescue by Para­ killed, about five wounded and tliree troops Given by Son of Mrs. ing Area ton business man, was elected Prcol- schools. It Is hoped tlrnt five y «»^ internees wounded. dent of tho Penticton and District after tho war 15,000 to 20,000 schools German Writing on the W alls J. R. Beale "Wo have good reason to boUevo Flsli, Game and Forest Protective f0f /Ul Smploif*tr at the mmnent the roll call bell A co-ordinating committee, for tho will have projectors. and Supplies Loft Bchmd purpose of providing for a greater Associulloil at tho annual meeting From special film libraries, prin­ Interned in a Japanoao camp at rang at seven o’clock on tho nu>m~ of tliat body last week. Ho succeeds cipals and local education author­ Lob Bunoe, In tho Philippines, three Ing of tho 23rd that 2,140 of us (in­ liulsoti between the growing, shl^ "It Bceim Btrango to bo Hvlng in ping, and marketing phases of tho Gordon ToombiJ, who has headed tho ities will bo able to hire 10-mlUl- AJI Unemployment Insurance Books for tho tho natno buildings os tho Germans yearn ago, John N- But^, ^ n of ternees) liad but a five minute loose organization during tlic past four­ metcr films on subjects Including Mrs. J. K. Beale, 316 Abbott Str<»L on life. Tho Joptmeso had planned fruit Industry in tho soutHcm area, year ending March 31st, m S , must be ei- did only a few months ago,” w r i^ was formed at Penticton last week, teen years. geography, natural science, biology, a Canadian lied Croso welfare offlc- apparently was saved, along with a mass —a brutal massacre G. Everett Craig was elected Vice- domestic science, history, language, 2,145 otlior. Internees Just a few following two prior orgonlzatlonal dianged for new books. cr, Helen Gowan, from a Canadian of us—at Uiat call. President, Cliff Huitgren will con­ sport and travel. military hospital In Franco, where niinutes before a planned mass exe­ "Witliln five hours, Los Banos meetings. tinue as Secretary and Grenville she is serving, "nicre Is a lot of cution of them by the Jupimcsc. Camp, was a remnant of burning Present at these mcoUnga were Kindly coriununicatc immediately with die growers and packing house repre­ Smith was re-elected ns ’Trcatiurer. German wrltlnjl all over the walls A letter written to Mrs. Beale by embers. Every one of tlio 2,140 In­ The eight Directors elected were: nearest Employment and Selective ^nacc and many supplies which they left her son since his release was iwolv- ternees was safe cn route here. The sentatives from orchard commun­ ities from Pcachland south to the Don Campbell, Juan Puddy, Archie behind in their haste." cd this week, giving some of Uic de­ entire rescue of us had been accoan- Fend, Granville Morgan, Cyril Too- a v o i d t h e r u s h Office if you have not already exchanged your From Newfoundland to Italy, tails of camp Internment and how plishod from twcnty-flvo miles BE­ border and Including Kcrcmc

For Third Month in Row Over $8,000— February $8,601 In the case of chronic diseases such as acute rheumatism, arthri­ Sufferers report good results. Many now enjoy iui- War Savings sales in February proved health. Free from pain first time m years, again went over the $8,000 mark tis, catarrh, and sepsis conditions, the poison in the system uses following a course, of Lantigen which treats and for the third consecutive month. up or destroys the whole or nearly the whole of the hydrotropms December and January were both Broncliial Aslhma, Anlrain, Sinas, immunises, without vaccination by injection. over the figure, while the February in the body system, thus rendering the ordinary type of vaccine sales totalled $8,601.50, the highest Organs Catarrhal and Bronchial Colda. recorded in some months. when taken orally or by injection, either partially or.totally infected with The banks accounted for $4,168 of Cataahal J a n t i ^ e n Dccl2. 1944. Poisons Laotisen Laboratories, the total. Their amoimt was made ineffective, due to the fa a that there are little or no hydrotropms 12 Richmond St.‘East,...... - . - up of 38 appplicatiohs sold over the UsuaUy the first catarrhal infection is due t^the TORONTO, ONT. * ' counter-for-$360;-seven_applicahc)^ u n a b le to dissolve th e vaedne, which results-in-the_antigemc_ -n 4 le « of-a-simple cold.__Rai>Jdly„the^ •spreads, and develops sent to Ottawa for $2,560, and 225 sleep the whole nijght bought through bank pledges for fluid not being irdeased from the body of the organisms, which fiammation in the mucous hning and toe more rest the ren^nder o f^ ^ h t . • It is a wona^^^ Other winters $1,248. • 3 ' ^ „ passages become blocked. , 5 The firms operating on the payroll forther results in a complete failure to produce the necessary ire dislodged by blowing the nose often fall baA plan reported $1,876 purclmsed, and into the throat, infect toe tonsils, ani result in the post offices in the district re­ acute laryngitis and inflammation of toe threat. antibody resistance to destroy the toxic poisons, and either to SSddeSto/ head, noises ^ t o e ported Certificate sales of $156 and dose to about three times a week. I r ^ fwlwith whst lthM War Savings Stamps sales of $2,401.- make th e poison gemas innocuous, or to actually kill them off. patient’s fife a misery. LAN'TIGm ^B ^ dissolved Vaccine wiU 50. ■ ■ ' . condition and create a fieeling of weu-beinjS^

ASK POWER RATE THESE PICTURES SHOW HOW LANTICEN OPERATES eiy truly. INVESTIGATION 366 A Balliol St«. ” TORONTO. ONT. Southern Boards of Trade 60 Sibley Arenu*. Want West Kootenay Rates neuritis, Sciatica, and Lumbago Lantigen laboratories, TORONTO 13. Ontario. 12 Richmond St. East, Norember 29,1944. Surveyed - ;£'«Kr.T!SS!KW.SBS!S TORONTO I, Ontario. Dear Sir: An investigation into the rate relink of pein and a or*«t ^ % a andtherriore aU their stringent regulations have m benefiteci by relief from poisoning 1 ain writing to let yon I duced by the Oliver representatives k ^ h t f^ t o T Lantigen is not a patent mediane—and « T.ntipen “B".. 36 hustond r and read as follows: . d^Sid“ r«hSgs. La&gen is an oral vaedne in a DIS- “Whereas the West Kootenay ISor^PcSSfoietely Oral Dissolved Vacdne.it is opemtive Power and Li^t Company has en­ taken It is operative in two ways, firstly Taken by Mouth—Ads Immediately joyed a good many years of unre­ OISTRIBUTORSt K fo fd id s 'S S V K «ih S e rim e .“ shailbegtadofaj^ stricted price control over the areas represented by this Associate MALTBY BROS. - 5 Boon Avenue; Toronto LRUMARY. Boards of ’Trade; and whereas it is BARHAM & SANDS, 56D Cambie St., Vancouver the sincere belief of this associa­ Price $6-1111 CONTRIBUTION TO THE WAR EFFORT— 80.000 Chinese solillers are being tion that the rates present charg­ J. E. WASSON - 9 5 fdney St., St. John, N.B. render the . treated each month free of charge with LANTIGEN Oral Anti-Typhoid Vaccine. ed, *on aU places of business are un- pdison germs harmless. Per Bottle ■ necessarily high and are substant­ ially In excess of similar rates for MAIL'THIS COUPON TODAY , Lanridhn is available from DRUGGISTS only - • • II unable hydro-electric power in other parts Treatsfirst—ihen im m unises to obtain same post this coupon to: of the Dominion; and whereas oiy LANTIGBN LABORATORIES^,___ P»rovincial Government, through tts 560 CAMBIE STREET. VAMCOUVEk, B.C. Utilities Commission, has thorough­ PRODUCT OF ly investigated the B.C. Electric M EDINBURGH LABORATORIES *^'^asesend me...... botriies of LANTIGEN...... Limited, and has ordered several for the treatment of...... J ' monthly refunds, thereby lowering SYDNEY - AUSTRALIA ■Name...... the rates charged by that compmy, A law odd coses may nel ratpend solUfocldillv lo lenMgpn Address...... even though in many instants ttiey City or town...... are already lower than the^ West In ett such cotm you con ebioln o W l Cosh Refund by The name of my usual Druggist is...... Kootenay Company; and, whereas -ipplying by M lsr to UmOgen Uboraloriat, . If you want further informarion write us. the Provincial Govemment has 560 CAMBIE STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. adopted a policy of better control over monopolistic companies e^ec- ially hydro-electric; therefore^ be it resolved that Ihls Associate of Trade does demand that some PHBON/U. WRITTEN REPORTS M-c ; immediate steps be taken to aUevi- y • i-. w . ate the rates referred to and re­ quest that action on similar relates FROM USERS OF lANTIGEN - - - * referred to above be demanded^oi f... w*. _ ’ the company in question, and tnat . X^y*’*'** CAwfH.1^ j y c a— ■ , the Utilities Commission commence 44^iva ^toAd0£oA without further dday a complete -- ^ - investigation of the West Kootenay 'Z L 'X iX Z Power and Light Company, Ltd., in­ 'Z* . ^ ^ ^ sofar as the matters to which this Xf*/- iLaU— — p6..ra-t. w-e-y Z#-' resolution concerns.” J _ ^ * t ' i tiJ A - V ,JUA yy/J,.*-— J- -A., * ~U Two boys were quarrelling. One said: "Anyway, you’re a he^en. C-. 4- yy— - ioAjtmo, S Jiomdd ^ fn/, A* Z -r** YouVe never been baptized. TTah! /' ---- „■ s SeU trU ^ shouted the other.“ That’s all you CLaJT' dtA know. I can riiow you the marks on J* my arm hbw!” ■ ^ --0 ^ r . ^_i J| I ■ tfii

W. R. TRENCH, LTD. - - - - > PHONE 73 is sold in Kelowna by BROWN’S PHARMACY LTD. P H O N E 180 aLINIMENT S i K ? 1 L A N T I G E N FOR fASf£R Rf£l£F THE KELOWNA COURIER THUKSDAY, APRIL 6, 1M5 PAGE BIGHT C a n a d a’ a Farm Improvements from lucol banks ot S per cent inter- P E A R P S Y IM BEAVEN HEADS Loan Act, now in clTeet, provides est, with up to ten years for repay- fur loans tigp to $8,000 obtainable me«it. PROFESSIONAL REFLECTIONS CONTROL HAS VERNON BOARD By B. B. Melville Beavim, of Western Can­ and BUSINESS ada Pad & Drum Co., Ltd., was the Quality You’ll En|oy Who knowsr a moimtuln? n e w s ™ unanimous choice for llio presid­ One who has gone ency of llio Vernon Board of Trade To worship its beauty . Canadian Agriculturist Takes at the udjoiurncd annual mealing, In tlio dawn; Over When U.S. Officials held last week. One who has slept Other officers for 1045 are: Vice- Directory O n its breast ut night; Give Up Control President, A. W. Howlott; Executive, One who has measured Dolph Browne, T. Kaljto Bulman, Ills strength to its height; ’The eradication campaign on pear Gordon Fox. J. S. Monk, J. G. Stro­ C A T A n A ’ One who Ivas followed psyllu in'too South Okanagan has Us longest trail, ther, J. B. Woods. A spirited contest M n i i n l U n AUTOMOBILES CONTRAaORS And lauj^od in the face been l•cllnquiBhod by United States for rnembertiliip of the executive Of Us llerccsl gale; officials after throo years and Is now resulted from nomination from the One who has scaled its peaks. in the hands.of a Canadian agricul­ floor of the meeting in addition to LADD GARAGE LTD. ICSEPH ROSSI the slate of candidates selected by And has trod turist. This was revealed at a recent Dealer for CONTRACTOR a nominating commlltco. < T T E S JPIkt Ita.cloud-swept summits mooting hold in Kolowna of Can­ STUOEDAKSB and AUSTIN Plasteiing and Masonry Alone with God. OARS and TRUCKS • • • adian and U. S. officials, members Interruptions can be, and often Moosoy Harris Form Implements OfOce - D. Chnpmpn Dam of the Co-operative Pear Psylla This little article applies to the uro, horribly annoying tilings, es- Project, the work being turned l t * s great to be here.. • Have a Coca-Cola Lawrence Ave. Pbono iSZ P.O. Box 12 muny people who operate apartment pccially when one is in the midst blocks and rooming houses and will of something which "just must bo over to H. F. Olds, of the Domin­ give a general idea of the best way llnlshcdl” But these same interrup- ion Plant Protection Division, Van­ to report your income tlierefrom for tions ore occasionally the voice of couver, and a newly appointed com­ HAROLD A. FOULDS Income Tax purposes. On Form T.I opportunity, even though wo fall mittee working co-oiporatlvcly with CARTAGE I* too Provincial and Dominion De­ Licenced Electrical Special ($3,000 and under) you will to recognize it. It is not difficult to nil in your not income Section 12D, ovcr-csUnuito the importance of the partments of Agriculture. D. CHAPMAN & CO. Contractor attaching stntomont of receipts and thing wc are doing and allow an In- Canadian authorities, with onq FUONE 808 LTD. oxponscs. On Form T.I General torrupUon to become an annoy- . U. S. representative, comprlso a now Haulage Contractors. Warehous­ PHONE 682 (ovor $3,000) the section you use is once. That is being short-sighted. committee, with H. F. Olds, chair­ ing and Distributing. Local and Residence Phene 760 15, which is headed “Gross" Income, If a neighbor calls to share some man. The other members of too long-distance lurnituro moving. but it is really simpler to delete little difficulty or pleasure, we are coommittco arc: L. L. Reed, special Fumituro packing, crating and "Gross" and substitute “Net," at- liable to be abrupt lest the thing roprosontatlvc of too Dominion De­ ihipplng. taching two copies of receipts and with whlcli we arc absorbed at the partment of Agriculture, located at GEO. FETTES expenses. Under “Hccolpts" you on- moment has to bo postponed. Sym- Penticton; I. J, Ward, Provincial En­ Builder and Contractor ter the gross rentals which you re- pathy, encouragement and consld- tomologist, Vernon; R. P. Murray, ceivo from your tenants and. If eratlon arc of inestimable value and District Field Inspector, Penticton, you occupy a suite, add the rental worth so much more than a burned and L. G. Davia, of the U. S. Depart­ DAIRIES Estimates Furnished which you ordinarily would charge cake, a floor not washed, an account ment of Agriculture. for this suite. Now you list your not balanced or merchandise not U. S. officials guaranteed their GET TOUR PURBv ' 200 Ethel SL — Phone 688L1 expenses such as depreciation, mort- sold. Opportunities to grow men7 fullest co-operation in future by gage Interest, etc., if you own the tally, spiritually and flnanclally supplying spray mixtures and equip­ MILK AND CREAM property, or, If you yourself rent Imock repeatedly in the guise of ment. — from —' the property from the owner, then interruptions. Don’t let them catch Present at the Kelowna meeting INSURANCE AGENTS you can charge this rent as an ex- you napping on the wrong side of were W. A. Ross, chief of Domin­ pense. You also add cost of repairs, your activities, ion tree fruit insect investigations; TUTT’S DAIRY fuel. Janitor service and all other „„„ „i* ____ Dr. James Marshall, head of the S. R. DAVIS Tree Fruits Insect Laboratory, Ver­ ,ohed...7E^.; non; Harry Andison, Dr. Manhall’s . o r helping a sold ier fe e l a t h o m e J. C. KENNEDY, C.L.U. assistant; William Read, Dominion Fruit Inspector, Vernon; William When on furlough, three words, HavE a Coke, bring a soldier’s DENTISTS Maclaren Blk. - Phone 410 Fleet, Dominion Fruit Inspector, earlier life back to mind—his days after school or work, and with ible c iX iL to h S e 3 ria ^ n ' Penticton; W. H. Robertson, Pro­ his girl. Ice-cold Coca-Cola holds a friendly .place in everyday life. SUN LIFE OF CANADA T# An. nn* In* +hnn fhron They not only aid production but vincial Horticulturist, Victoria; Ben r n L n vonr release cars fo^ shipment 6f Uoy, District Field’ Inspector, Ke­ It should have a place in your family icebox. Coca-Cola stands for DR. MATHISON v n ^ oniv ttiird of rent hecessary supplies to be sent to the lowna; John Tait, District Field In­ tkEpoBsa that ntfretbes—ti symbol of our friendly way of liifc. L boys and girls on the fighting fronts. spector, Summerland; G. A. Barrat, DENTIST C. M. HORNER, C.L.U. If you rent half your house to « Vjeto^ ga^ens are not p^ B. C. Fruit Board, Kelowna; A. K. liOyd and David McNair, B. C. Tree Authorized Bottler of "Coca Cola" YOU lutunUly lictr Cocs-CoU Friiits Limited, Kelowna, and six tailed by in ftiendlir abbterUtioa Willits Block Phone 89 .District Representative, Northern McCULLOCH’S AERATED WATERS VERNON *'G>k«. Both mean the quality Okanagan X ia tio n f repairs, m ortgagfin4- shipped for home^consumption. members of the U. S. Department of product of The Coca-Cola est and general expends p e^in - How deli^tful it is when people Agriculture. Compaoy of Canada, limited. ^94 MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA in thereto, and proportionately if grant favors graciously! The majori- you rent more or less. ty of people do not enjoy asking DR. t Question Box them and, when there is hesitancy Q. I receive alimony through a ou the part of the one doing the J. W. N. SHEPHERD OPTOMETRISTS court order for judicial separation, favor, it detracts very much from Dental Sturgeon Do I-have to include this in my In- the graciousness of the act. Grace is M A N Y W A Y S come Tax returns? closely allied to charm, and who Shepherd Block - Phone 223 A Yes. Yoim husband deducts amongst us does not wish to add the Pendozi and Lawrence Ave. this' from his taxable income and latter' to our personality? Gracious flies a return as a single man, and refusal is also worthy of study, yoif • add this amount to your in- Those who can turn down requests FREDERICK JOUDBY CQjjjg and yet send the person making Optometrist BETTER THAN Q. I use my car as a means of -them away with a smile are masters for B em R SIEEP... Phor.e 373, Royal Anne Building earning my livelihood, but have of the art It takes years for the lost aU the receipts for gas, oU, re- majority of us to learn that we B E rm t O lE B tlO III- pairs, etc., in a fire at my hoilse. "ever do anything that we do not BETTERM EEinU What can I do’ S^t it back with interest—^be it a PENTICTON SETS A. I think the best thing for yoii good or a bad thing we have done— to do is to take the total mileage yet it is one of the laws of life RED CROSS MARK you traveUed in your car for the which never fails to work. As we _____ year, and from this deduct the mUe- -exert_ourselYes„ to„be . gracious-to- Penticton’s Bed Cross drive has age used for pleasure and nbt en- be sure that later pafs^^^^XSng-a-Urely-for^busin^-a^^^^ new record for that area, which in 4/. cents per mUe on toe b ^ c e of our thP pamnaien a vear aeo collected as yoiur total, expenses. Say, for m- “ lavor—^ u graciousryj^ or, ^ year ago coueciea ^ ^ if it js not possible to do the thing ^ Vernon figure, at the same 1944. of which you consider .7,000 to be charming in your date, Wednesday, March 28, stood at nules was entirely for busmess, ^eiusai. $23 946 02 then you allow yourself 4J4 cents Oliver had collected $3,600 and per mile on 7,000 miles, i.e., $315.M. Naramata something over $1,300. Q. I am a widow hwing. a self- MAY TAKE TRIP On the corresponding date, the contained domestic establishment Kelowna flgSSe^as $28,762.85:^------^and l support rny little son. Can T TOMOONYET claim him as a dependent as well Goebbels calls upon his pdople to as mamed status for myseM? Current Outlook for Aircraft "fight to the last man. Ihere is a A. Yes, By m ^radm ent in leaking suspicion, of course, that 1944, you are the marned Of Future Promises Great he is a candidate for that position, status, also tlm $28.00 ^ d $W.OO de­ Things pendent’s deduction for the child M anaging a farm is in m any ways sim ilar to one and a half billion sheets of upon whom you base your claim for Jet-propulsion experts don’t pro­ writing paper, three-quarters of a married status. ____mise___ trips______to toe moon. Neither do m anaging any other busiiaess. That is why billion envelopes, nearly four mil- Q. i own and_ live.in an apart- they laugh at the idea, reserve sayings in liquid form are so helpful to lion postcards. . . ment house, renting the balance of They already have “turbo-jet” a f a r m e r . CANADIAN YJU.CJL OVERSEAS Other equipment distributed in- the accommodation to other ten-: power plants capable of pushing air- WORK eluded 53,964 hockey sticks, 75,000 ants. I am paying off a mortgage on craft at speeds in the 600-700 miles ■ softballs, and ..thousands of other this property which was registered an hour range. Ttoe limitations are in Victory Bonds provide the handiest form in Since the outbreak of war the items. In 1944 the “Y” operated 17 in 1941. Can I deduct the principal the airplane rather than the engine. which savings be kept with safety. Their r;ftna>Unn V w r A.. War Services hostels, 93 towns or urban centres, payments from my Compusory Sav- in fact, one type of engine call^ have distributed to the members 1,706 recreation centres and served ings? . the athodyd (a contraction of “aero- security is without question. They represent of the armed forces free of charge, men at 506 outposts. A. Yes. A^ apartniCTt house. them o-^am ic duct”) tegins to m oney owing to you by the Dom ihioh of Canada, f ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■• ^ .______• •______;___ though a portion of it is rented to attain efficiency at speeds above other tenants, is counted as a resi- 1,000 miles an hoiur. Its oivn speed ju st as dollar bills do. A n d . . . better than dollar dential property. compresses air in the combustion bills . . . they earn interest for you every day Q. I employ several men on my chamber, farm whom I board. Could you tell xhe current outlook for aircraft you hold them; even when put away for safe do that me how much I should enter for power advances appears to lie in­ keeping in a bank vault or in a safe. They pay board and lodging for each one? some combination of two or mofre Y O U C A N Rem odeling A. The rates set are from;$13iOO“typesrsincereach'Ts superior within double hank interest. to $17.00 per month, according to certain limits of speed and altitude, or circumstances; so that $15.00 per En^neers are considering a corn- You can get cash for Victory Bonds if you need month is considered a very fair av- bination of piston engines, which cash in an emergenQr. An^ b a ^ will buy them erage charge. ^ require a propeller, and the turbo- Repair Job I Q. I celebrated my sixty-filth jet propulsion engin^ which lately from you. You can hoirow on them, without birthday on September 15th, 1944, have come into service in combat any formality. Shhply take them to any bank Construction of residences is' restricted by Federal Order and on the same day my insurance aircraft, ’Ibey also are developing, You will want cash if you plan to improve your to $500.00 but this does not interfere with that remodel­ premiums ceased. How do I s ^ d if not secretly using, gas tturbine en- home when the war ends . . . and get the Ip ^ you need. The interest the ling or repair job- with regard to Compulsory Sav- gines, which exert thrust both bonds earn pays a large part of the bank inter- “ ings? through a propeller and jet propul- est on the loan. WE HAVE THE NECESSARY MATERIALS: A. You do not have to pay any sion. Compulsoiry Savings, providing your Along with those, the combiha- - sixty-flfih birthday was attained tions may include rocket propulsion So, realize this fact, Victory Bonds are better CEDAR SHINGLES: during or previous to 1944 and your (this already is in use on military than cash because they earn interest. taxable income was under $5,000. planes to assist take-offs); the atho- No. 1, 2 and 3 Grade iff 5X and 3X. dyd or continuous firing engine, and the “buzz” or intermittent firing Buy Victory Bottds to have cash where you type used in German V-1 robot need il, when you m ay need it. Buy Victory ASPHALT SHINGLES: WARM WELCOME Ipombs and now being produced bn Johns-Manvillje asbestos base and Ace-Tex Rag;felt this continent. • : Bonds to help maintain your country's w ar effort.; base. FOR DUTCH QUEEN When Europe Anally efuiets down ON HER RETURN it will be rather a waste ,of breath LUMBER: to inquire of any German if he is a war veteran. He will be. /. 'Dimension, Sheathing, Siding, FI oring, inclu.ding Queen Wilhelmina Tours Free Trim and Mouldings. Holland Area Made on an ASBESTOS base HARDWOOD FLOORING: Queen Wilhelmina, first of Eur­ ope’s exiled monarchs to return Oak, in various sizes arid g^rades. home, has visited liberated areas of Holland and received a tremendous ovation from her people. WALL COVERINGS: The Queen toured freed areas Insul-Board, Ace-Tex Board, Johns-Manville Insul­ after a plane trip from London to ating Board, and various other economical W all- Brussels which contrasted strongly with her hurried flight in May, boards. 1940, wlmn German parachutirts at­ tempted to capture her ais they in­ FOR PLASTERING: vaded the Netherlands. ' Woodlath, Tentest Lath, Donnacona Lath, In- News of her return was believed ^ ; sul-Board Lath. * already, sweeping via underground channels through occupied sections WE APPRECIATE YOUR ENQUIRIES. of Holland, where hundreds of thou­ sands of Dutch citizens still are un­ der the Nazi yoke. Her appearance in the homeland FLUME LUMBER: « was expected t& act as an inspir­ ation not only to those of her peo­ Do not delay in placing your orders. ple who already are freed but to • Combining eoloxiul boauty and lasting satUiactlon, I-M “Flazalona** You will want ca8h If you. plan to build Uiose still awaiting liberation. Her Jlaphall ShinglsB ara mad* on a flzo-. most frequent message to her peo­ proof Aabostos baao for oalza protoo- bama or inotall new bam equipment. . . ple has been: lion and waar. A*lc for frao foldar. “The fl^ t goes, on. We have no fear of the outcome.” THE

“What’s the matter, AU?” asked KELOWNA SAWMILL Kelowna Sawmill CO., LTD. his friend "You’re looking worried.” eth VICTORY lOAN OPENS APftll 33rtf. “I am. It’s nothing but work, work, AM work, work, from morning till iM AriONAl WAR PINANCff C O M M IT T tt Company, Limited headquarters for PHONE 221 PHONE 160 night,” came the reply. BUILDING a.26 "Oh, so you’ve got a job, then?” JOHNS-MANVItLE IMATERIALS “ Yes. I start tomorrow.” PAGE NINE TUB KBZ^OWNA COURIBR THiniSDAY, AJ'IIJL 8, 1945

HITHER AND YON Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Spurrier xxj- SAFEWAB turned on Tuesday from a sliort holiday spent at tlio Couat. • • • Miaa Ruth Wataon, Seattle, opent a few days in Kelowna this week visiting relatives and frlcndo. * • • Miss Margmrot Burtch nrrivod in Kelowna on Tuesday from Van­ couver, to attend the funeral of her father, II. B. Burtch. • • • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hopkins, Sas­ katoon, spent a few days in Ke­ lowna this wcclc visiting friends. • « • Mrs. Anne McCJymont is spend­ ing this week in Vancouver, a guest KIBP IMB of the Hotel Vancouver. ALWAYS * * P At liAND to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fumertop HBLP YOU and ftunlly luo visiting In Vancou­ ver this week, guests of the Hotel Vancouver. • • • Mrs. R, H. Wilson and her two- daughters wlU rctuim \ to Kelotyna this Week-end from Vlmcouvor, Where they have i^n t the past three months. ★ PURE PORK SAUSAGE " 27c • • • H ow 1 o Cii«h Pork Miss Eileen Hughes, Penticton, Is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. t O K g o and Mrs. A. J. Hughes, Pendoaii ^ BEEF SAUSAGE . . .b. l « c Street, this week. To obtain thb full deli­ * • • cious flavor In Pork Sau- Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Watson, of Saskatoon, were visitors in Kelow­ ★ WEINERS.^...... 25c sagei, tftey should be na during the week-end. thoroughly cooked. First, THE MODERN ANTISEPTIC • * • . place in a and cover h r Mrs. Lilian Gagne spent the Eas­ ter week-end at her homo in Lum- ★ RING BOLOGNA,? 22c with watdr, bring to boll • CUTS • BITES • SCRATCHES by. . . . then pour off water • SORE THROAT " • * • and brown all around. Mr. tmd Mrs. G. A. McKay left AND AU . and on Tuesday for Vancouver, where ★GARLIC RINGS,. 25c •PERSONAE USES $ 1 .5 0 , they will spend a holiday, staying at the Hotel Georgia. • • • ★UVER SAUSAGE,. 29c Mrs. Betty Bletcher returned on Monday from Calgary, where she had attended the wedding of her COMMERCIAL BEEF I. Kllk Germs Fast 2. Won’t Hurt You son, Sgt. R. Bletcher, R.C.A.F. « • B POLISH BLADE R O L L E D R IB Dr. Anne Norrington, Crescent Bay, ROAST ...... lb. I N S I D E ...... lb. is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Blackie, S A U S A G E ...... lb. 2 7 c ... 2 5 c .. 4 0 c 327 Abbott Street. Infra Bed Lights— $15.00 • V • SUMMER ROLLED R O L L E D R IB Screw into any socket' lb Miss Margaret Bennett returned S A U S A G E ...... lb. SHOULDER ... ,b.'25c O U T S ID E ...... 3 0 c on Tuesday from Vancouver, where 3 3 c she had spent the week-end. CROSS-RIB TRIPE NEW! * • • BLOOD Mrs. Gordon Bennett, Vancouver,, S A U S A G E ...... lb. 2 2 c R O A S T ...... lb. 2 8 c L b ...... 1 2 c spent the week-end in Kelowna RUMP visiting her husband, who is en b o l o g n a P R IM E R IB pension at the Willow Inn...... lb. ROAST .... lb. 3 1 c ROAST ...... - ...lb. 3 7 c * * * ' S A U S A G E ...... 2 0 c Mr. and Mrs. Vic DeHart have returned from the CoEist, where they '4 ^ a i k a t spent several weeks. * • • Tomato Juice ■ in iSa d o oj SHAVING Miss Madeline Wagner, Kam­ FOR loops, spent the week-end in Ke­ Bensons, 20-oz. can ^ For your new spring costume there Is on CREAM lowna visiting her parents. ★ GUARANTEI•D PRODUCE * Mrs. Curtis Cook leaves this Green Beans Elizabeth Arden lipstick perfectly attuned— one ★ Bestovall, size 3, O FOR week-end for the Coast, where she JUICY SUNKIST Q lbs for SPEED cut. 20-oz. can ...... O IM P O R T E D O K t f * that gives an exhilarating "lift" to both you and will spend a holiday. O R A N G E S ,...,,.... O O i i/ COMFORT and 0 0 9 T O M A T O E S ...... — lb. your ensemble. The Elizabeth Arden Lipstick Color Miss Kay Henderson has returned Peas ECONOMY from the Coast, where she spent Gardenside, Std. O FOR UTAH GREEN “| r j ^ CALIFORNIA the Easter week-end. Size 5, 20-oz. can .... « Chart shows the shades for the new spring . ■ 0 0 ■■* . C E L E R Y ...... lb. i I X GRAPEFRUIT ...... lb. i/ Miss Audrey Edwards, who spent costume colors, especially the exciting pastels Quick Serve Beans IMPORTED JUICY SUNKIST ii f7]n the 'Efester holiday at the Coast, -Van-Camp’s;--- — —rt-FOR- has returned foT^Ielowna. C A B B A G E ...... Ib .O t ^ T.EMONS ...!...... - lb. X I X . • • • ■ 12-oz. pkt...... “ i f ; learn from on Elizabeth Arden Consultant how to Miss-Dorothy_JBruce,_Lumby,_and_ r* A T TIT UTT'NTr'XJ F R E S H * ------begin with the right lipstick and buiid an entire Miss Jean Kerr, Shuswap, are the PINEAPPLES ...... lb. I X guests of the latter’s father, Gc^rdon Rolocream. CARROTS . lb. •pring-fresh, new makd-up. 1.60 Diamond Dyes—for wool, O C n Kerr. 3-lb. pkg...... -V Yellow Newtown y| IbsO K ,^ cotton or silk .... . 2 for AitPt * * • CANADA B i A0>s Q Q ^ Miss Mildred Lloyd Jones, Van­ Baby Cereal P O T A T O E S JLVf O O i / APPLES . .:..... ^ D C couver, spent the week-end at her Nutrim ' home in Kelowna with her parents, GOLDEN RIPE 1 9-oz. carton...... ,...... - LOCAL DRY 4 lbs Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Jones, Ethel B A N A N A S ...... lb. X t l i / Street. O N IO N S . ^ • • • Nabob Coffee The Merry Mac”Cifcle”of the^Fifst United Church held its regular l-lb. bag ...... :... —.....1..... U P M Ilf monthly meeting on Wednesday af­ O v e n ^ c e iA ternoon, at the home of Mrs. W. E. ■ VifAMIN-MINiRM Adams, 340 Abbott Str^t. Pears Highway. Standard Bartlett. 20-oz. can ..... 18c REmrOROMENnKHl .RESTRICTED DIETS., JOAN CUSHING J EDWARD’S Campbell’s Tomato. 10-os. 4 for 3Sc

SALES T AXE R E E • P O'S T A G E P A I U BECOM ES BRIDE J HANDV OVERSEAS PACKS - SPECIALLY PRICED COFFEE Spork Basra’s. 12-oz. eaa ______^______5 0 DAYS SUPPLY for >2.75 OFTRAEMAN WHOLE BOAST A PRODUCT or Swift’s 1-H). carton- AYEBST. McKEWNA > HARRISON tTD. Pretty Ceremony Performed In Lard 2 for 29c Puretest Vitamen B Complex United Church on Tuesday m A M H i A A Enqnress, Pure Seville Tablets— I v l m i l l a I C i C i @ Orange, 24-fl. oz. glass The First United Church was the 100’s ...... scene of a charming .wedding on FO R THE WHOLE P A M K K w Tuesday afternoon, April 3, at 4 o’­ clock, when Joan Hazel, daughter of PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 6TH TO APRIL 12TH Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Cushirtg, becamie the bride of Mr. Donald Willison r ’/nrAf/AO ' Bruce, of Trail; B.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bruce, of Victoria. Rev. Dr. M. W. Lees officiated. Given in.inarriage by her father, ( bi^ t i n kcm— 144 the bride wore white satin and sheer with a finger tip veil, and her only "OUR BUSINESS IS- ornament was a pearl necklace, the Smart .ewUien ef today Inow ite taportooce of gift of the groom. She carried a 99 bridal bouquet of white carnations. , M AN’S W ORLD aore that evo«y M onter of tin f d a ^ 9rti Mrs. Derrell Varner, Vancouver, SPRING BUYING FOR YOU sister of the bride, was her only at­ Gordon Finch returned from the anpt>ly of vltomliM ENwy dcy. The V flA M IN S Ptoe ROOSad tendant, and she wore blue sheer Here is a practical solution to your shopping problems. Per- m For Backtche^ Headachy Ni{^t Coast last week., " sonal shopping is now available in Vancouver’s leading shops,; ^ consists of two liny, ptoceant to toke copmiiae...efaii and her bouquet consisted of pink COATS Risingt Tired Feeling, Leg Puna, carnations. Archie Blackie, 327 Abbott Street, by simply sending .us your list. We charge 10% , of the total purchase price. C.O.D. or cash with order. Minimum $1.00. rntae A i Bt C 0, E, and 0 ...pfw ftter ooeceeltooo « M l iBOft RliCiiitnatic Pains, During the signihg of the register, returned on Wednesday from a busi­ FOR Kidney and Bladder C A a Mrs. H. Blair sang “I Will Walk Be­ ness trip to Winnipeg. Write for conlplete information. MAM. Mto n u m o m oaoim rtuco Troubles. side You,” accompanied by Mr. F. T. • • • BOYS AND GIRLS Marriage at the organ. A. S. Burdekin, formerly of Tre- panier, has moved to Okanagan SELECT SHOPPING SERVICE ® Rubber Gloves— Mr. Gordon Finch was the grooms­ Per pair ...... 50c man, and the ushers were Mr. Alan Mission. ^ Dominion Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C. Marine 1855 RB Gilroy and Mr. Munro Fraser; The 34-TP-C church had,been beautifully decor­ L. Gaddes, Grand Forks:, is a COTTON ated for the occasion with spring .visitor in Kelowna' this week, the flowers. • -guest of his brother and sister-in- S o l d i e r s FoVWing the ceremony, a recep­ law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gaddes, tion whs held at the home of Mr, Maple Street. DRESSES NEED and Mrs. G. L. Finch, Riverside Av­ br. H. L. Brittain, Toronto, spent ARRIVINGT DAILY enue, where the tea table was cen­ a short visit in Kelo-i^a, the THIS AFTERNOON . tred with the three-tier wedding of his niece, Mrs. Peter _ Murdoch, cake, decorated with spring flowers Vimy Avenue. Dr. .Brittaiii, v^o is ® a THURSDAY, APRIL 5th from 2.30 p.m. and pink tapers. Presiding at the with the Municipal Research Coim- tea table were Mrs. J. B. Knowles cil of Toronto, has been in Vancou­ KELOWNA GIRL GUIDES AND BROWNIE and Miss Norma Ross, and the s*r- ver for the past two months revis­ For 50c viteurs were Miss Heather Stewart, ing the' Brittain-Gough tax report KIDDIES Miss Norma Goudie, Miss Mary for the city of Vancouver. Sore Feel Blisters Vance, Mrs. Hugh Shirreff and Mrs. TOGGERY BAZAAR ANDTEA Ormando Gri. O. St. P. Aitkens returned at the Chafing Scratches WOMEN’S INSTITUTE HALL Rexall White Cough M a ­ Bynova, the Allenbury’s Chapped Slcin Alhinto’s Fool For travelling the bride wore a week-end from a business trip to LIMITED ture, contEiins no sugar 50c health drink, hot or eold 49c brown tailored suit with British tan California. , , , accessories. After a honeymoon Musical Programme Dancing by Miss Elkays it^h Crystals— spent at Banff and Victoria, Mr. and J Dayton Williams left on Satur­ Admission 10c Pratten’s Pupils Per tin ...... 49c Mrs. Bruce will reside in 'Brail. day for Vancouver, where he will Out of town guests included: Mr. visit his son-in-law and daughter, with six of them in British Colum­ O N E d DAY and Mrs. H. S. Bruce, Victoria; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Francis Buck. bia planned for Women’s Institute Dorothy Bruce, Lumby; Mr. and audiences and others interested in Women’s Meetings Vitamin xH l Products l O E E P i m P E Mrs. Morton Paige, Kamloops; and _the.war work of British women. Lieut. Dorothy Smith, W.R.C.N.S. BRITISH W O M ^ J ^ s . V. S. MacLachlan, B. C. Sup­ Women’s meetings, for which PIMPLES no admission chiDrge is made, I TryCaUcwTrv Cuticura for the prompt relief of ONE^A-DAY erintendent of Women’s Institutes, I vnstgbtly.t■ " ■■ ’.blotchy pimples; Cuticura *^ONE-A-DAY ONE-A-DAY m ienifiEiJi No. 100 COMPANY, P.CJVI.R. WILL SPEAK HERE will accorhpany Miss Christmas, may be advertised free of cost I .prompUytr helps clear up. Vitamin A & D Multiple Vitetmin VltdfMiri KELOWNA RANGERS who is the first of a series of key imder this heading. Copy must be given The Courier Capsules Pkg 60c British women to be sent out by Tablets B-.Compound Tablets Orders For the Week Commencing N E X T W ^ before 5 p.m. Tuesdays. The cod*UTee-