IN THIS ISSUE U.S. Election 2016: Trump and the Evolution of the GOP (Duration 14:21) U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is a strong contender for the White House. To his supporters he is a self-made man who tells it like it is. To his detractors he uses paranoia and personal attacks to make impact statements lacking credibility. His style and tactics have polarized the “Grand Ole Party” with many Republicans coming out against him. His candidacy reveals an identity crisis within the party, but some say Trump’s approach may actually be an evolution of what the GOP has done for decades.

News in Review Study Modules Related CBC Programs Clinton’s Campaign: Who Is Hillary? Anger in America September 2016 Barack Obama, Great Expectations The Trump Card: Is Donald a Presidential The Bush Years Contender?, January 2016 The Fire Breather: The Rise and Rage of Donald U.S. Election: Obama Re-elected, December 2012 Trump Americans Choose a New President, November How Social Media Is Shaping the U.S. 2008 Presidential Race U.S. Election: Choosing a President, November 2004 Bush and Gore: What Went Wrong, December 2000

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News in Review – October 2016 – Teacher Resource Guide U.S. ELECTION 2016: Trump and the Evolution of the GOP


Before Viewing

Define the following words and terms. The easiest way to define these words and terms is to go to Google and type in “what is…” or “define:..” and the answer will pop up (for example: define: pariah).: galvanize pariah

watershed year swing vote

G.O.P. pundit

The Southern Strategy vitriol


1. How has Donald Trump played the race card to galvanize his supporters?

2. Why was 1968 a watershed year in U.S. politics?

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3. According to author Michael Cohen, what strategy did Nixon exploit in 1968?

4. How does Lee Atwater explain the evolution of the Southern Strategy?

5. What did Donald Trump say about Mexicans when he announced his presidential candidacy in 2015?

6. a) Why are Ann Coulter’s ideas considered a blueprint for the Trump campaign?

b) Why is Coulter considered a pariah by most media outlets?

7. a) Which is the largest ethnic group in the state of California (and the fastest growing ethnic group in the U.S.)?

b) Why are the votes of this particular group so important?

c) Who do members of this group tend to vote for?

d) What does journalist Pilar Marrero believe the Republicans would need to do to win the votes of members of this group?

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8. Why are white voters considered the only swing voters when it comes to the 2016 U.S. election?

9. How has Trump updated the Southern Strategy?

After Viewing

1. Ann Coulter says that she has been shunned by the media. She told the CBC’s Keith Boag:

There are a few shows that will have me on, but it’s madness that I wrote the book that launched the“ presidential campaign that just got more delegates, more votes than any Republican primary in history, and I can’t be interviewed on TV. Which is why I keep writing about how, you know, every time he wins, he wins, he wins, and all the pundits sit around saying, ‘Well, none of us saw this coming.’ That's because you wouldn't let the people who saw it coming on your airwaves.” Coulter is a controversial figure whose inflammatory rhetoric is offensive to many people. Do you think the media is protecting themselves and their audience from Coulter’s vitriol or shutting out a potentially valuable source of information when it comes to the rise of Donald Trump? Explain your point of view.

2. Why do many people feel that 2016 will be a watershed year in U.S. politics and for the Republican Party in particular?

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Minds On

Donald Trump’s detractors have accused him of all of the following: Xenophobia – when a person is unduly fearful of things that are foreign, especially people of foreign origin.

Islamophobia – when a both negative and positive — than Republican person feels extreme fear and expresses presidential candidate Donald Trump. prejudice toward Muslims. Misogyny – when a person exhibits contempt Fit to be president? and/or extreme prejudice against women. Is the string of disturbing labels directed at Trump typical of an election campaign or do Bigotry – when a person stubbornly clings to they point to a deeper cause for concern? He has their opinions and refuses to entertain the been referred to as a xenophobe, an perspectives of others. Islamophobe, a misogynist, a bigot and a racist. Racism – when a person believes their ethnic Some would argue there is evidence supporting origin is superior to all others and demonstrates all of these assertions. This had led a variety of this through their words and actions. critics and commentators to ask the question: Is Donald Trump fit to be president of the United Leaving aside the question of whether or not you States? would agree with applying any of the above labels to Donald Trump’s campaign, consider In the run up to the election, USA Today the larger question of why an individual might (a national newspaper that does not choose to display the above when seeking traditionally endorse candidates for the election? What would he or she stand to gain? presidency) declared that Donald Trump was Can you imagine circumstances where a voter might be swayed by such an approach? “unfit to be president.” In its 34‐year existence, the newspaper has never taken such a stand. A divisive political figure Critics portray him as the worst thing to happen No need to tell the truth? to U.S. politics. Supporters say he is giving Accompanying the appalling labels aimed at voice to long running grievances against corrupt Trump is a body of rhetoric that has political politicians and the powerlessness of the voting pundits around the world shocked by his class. Either way, you are not going to encounter willingness to say just about anything that pops a political figure that inspires more emotion — into his head. The following page lists a few of Trump’s greatest hits:

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Trump’s Contentious Comments

Before entering politics, Trump When he launched his campaign Trump criticized the military record started the so-called “birther” to run as a presidential candidate of former Republican presidential movement when he claimed that for the Republican Party, Trump candidate John McCain who was President Barack Obama was not claimed was sending captured and tortured during the born in the U.S. This assertion criminals, drug dealers and rapists Vietnam War. He said he preferred was repeatedly challenged, and across the border into the U.S. The people who don’t get captured. Obama eventually produced his solution to the problem: build a birth certificate to quell the huge border wall to keep the irrational assertions made by Mexicans out — and make the Trump and his backers. Mexican government pay for it!

The day after 14 people were After he won the Republican Trump accused a judge of not being gunned down in San Bernardino, nomination, Trump criticized the able to rule fairly on a case because of California, by two assailants who Muslim family of a decorated his “Mexican heritage.” The judge in claimed to be inspired by the soldier killed in Afghanistan. The question, Gonzalo Curiel, was born in terror group ISIS, Trump declared: criticism came after the soldier’s Indiana. “Donald J. Trump is calling for a mother and father defended their total and complete shutdown of son and attacked Trump during a Muslims entering the United speech at the Democratic National States until our country’s Convention. representatives can figure out what is going on.”

Trump warned his supporters that He told a radio talk show host that Throughout his campaign Trump has Democratic candidate Hillary President Obama founded the repeatedly made statements that were Clinton was likely going to throw terrorist group ISIS. When given derogatory to women. In his run for the out the Second Amendment — the the opportunity to clarify that he Republican candidacy he said of opponent provision that supports the right of probably meant that Obama’s Carly Fiorina, “Look at that face! Would citizens to bear arms. He glibly policy’s inspired ISIS, Trump said anyone vote for that face? Can you imagine added after the warning, “By the NO: Obama founded the that, the face of our next president?” Of his way, if she gets to pick her judges, organization. Later he said he was Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, nothing you can do folks. being sarcastic. Trump told his supporters that she has a Although the Second Amendment “short circuit” in her brain, adding, people, maybe there is, I don’t “Honestly, I don’t think she’s all there.” He know.” Many took this as a also said she doesn’t have a “presidential suggestion that Clinton might be look.” Seeing that no woman has held the shot by gun rights advocates office of president, many feel he was taking because she could potentially a shot at her gender. He also “fat-shamed” meddle with the Second a former Miss Universe candidate (Trump Amendment. owns the pageant) who gained weight after winning the title. This topic came to light during his first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton.

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These are just some of the contentious things out the reasons why Trump’s star may be on the Donald Trump has said and done. In fact, in rise. The short answer: Trump knows his voters response to Trump’s repeated controversial — mostly older, white, working class males — remarks, the Toronto Star started running a and he is appealing to their sense of disgust and feature outlining the “false things” Trump has alienation from the U.S. political process. The said publicly on a daily basis. fact that he is willing to say just about anything that will get him attention shows his lack of When it appeared that Hillary Clinton was going concern for political correctness. The more to escape prosecution as a result of an email critical the media becomes of him, the more his scandal while she was Secretary of State, Trump supporters rally around him because they believe called on ’s Vladimir Putin to direct his the media are controlled by the left (the cyber‐espionage unit to dig up 33 000 missing Democrats) and they are out to get Trump. He emails that the Republican nominee claimed can be as racist and sexist as he wants as long as Clinton was hiding. Many critics called this an he continues to vow to bring an end to illegal act of treason. Do you agree with this immigration and restore jobs in the U.S. — actions that Trump and his supporters believe perspective? will indeed “Make America Great Again.”

Gaining ground? Trump is speaking straight to the grievances of Continuing controversy does not seem to have some white Americans. He is catering to the diminished Donald Trump's appeal, and he bigoted belief that Mexican immigrants are could well assume the highest office in the U.S. criminals, that Muslim immigrants are terrorists, Despite Hillary Clinton’s mostly reasoned that the economy is tanking (mostly because responses to Trump’s theatrics, she is believed immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans), to be losing ground to him as the election and that, without his leadership, the U.S. will approaches. become an irrelevant player on the international stage. None of these assertions can be So, who are all the people rallying to support substantiated in fact. Trump is taking common Donald Trump? At a glance, Trump supporters concerns and stretching them to the extreme in are the disenfranchised and disillusioned who the hopes of assuming the presidency — in what have felt the brunt of the economic problems some critics are calling “white America’s last that have plagued the U.S. since 2008. They are stand.” There are those who believe that if the the workers who have seen their wages stall Trump campaign can scare white America while America’s wealthiest people have become enough, they just might win the election. super rich. They are the people whose towns are littered with empty factories, relics of the days Many critics believe Donald Trump doesn’t before globalization and free trade sent stand a chance of winning the U.S. presidential manufacturing overseas. They are grass roots election. They cite the fact that over 70 per cent isolationists who believe America is losing of the electorate — namely women, minority ground because they have let global interests dictate how the U.S. economy should work. groups and younger voters — are so disgusted by his message that they will give Hillary Clinton But the distinction goes deeper. In a poignant a landslide victory. Others worry that Trump article entitled “Make America White Again” supporters are more motivated to vote and will (and the documentary featured in this edition of flock to the polls on election day. News in Review), CBC reporter Keith Boag lays

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To Consider

1. Review the table of contentious comments made by Donald Trump. Recall the definitions discussed in the Minds On section (xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, bigotry, racism). Do you think any of these labels apply to the contentious comments/actions by Trump listed in the table? If so, use the blank (blue) space provided above each section of the table to insert the label you think is appropriate. If not, write “not applicable” in the blank space. Be prepared to discuss your rationale for choosing or not choosing a label. 2. Do you feel Keith Boag’s “Make America White Again” is a fitting description of the Trump campaign? Or is it an unfair characterization? Explain your point of view.

Try This!

 Find three (3) other controversial actions or statements made by Trump. Make your own chart. Do any of the labels discussed in the Minds On section (xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, bigotry, racism) apply to the statements (or actions) you were able to discover? If so, note the label of your choice.  Go to and complete an interactive activity with your classmates. Create a padlet and type up one of the Trump statements/actions found in your research. Invite your classmates to consider whether or not they believe the Trump statement/action you’ve chosen deserves any of the labels discussed in the Minds On section (xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, bigotry, racism). If so, they can add a note to your padlet with the label of their choice. Your teacher will guide a class discussion based on your padlet and the padlets of others.

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Minds On

The political spectrum is a model used to differentiate between political extremes. In Canada, politics tends to fluctuate in and around the centre or moderate position on the spectrum with the Liberals, the NDP and the Conservatives all taking a more or less centrist approach to governance. In the U.S., the two parties that vie for power — the Democrats and the Republicans — find themselves more on the right side of centre (Democrats) and clear right of the spectrum (Republican).

The Political Spectrum

Communism Liberalism Conservatism Fascism LEFT RIGHT

Socialism Centre Libertarianism


Working with a partner:  Define the terms listed from left to right on the political spectrum (for example: go to and type in define: communism).  Conduct additional research and determine the best spot for the various Canadian and American political parties on the spectrum.  On a blank sheet of paper, create an illustration showing the political parties and their place on the political spectrum. OR  Use an online flow chart program to create an illustration showing the political parties and their place on the political spectrum.

Moving right The emergence of Donald Trump on the U.S. political stage is a reflection of the progressive move to the right that the Republican Party has been taking for generations. While some have found Trump’s rise implausible or even shocking (he seems to be able to say or do almost anything he wants without traditional political repercussions), the movement of the party to the far right of the political spectrum is no surprise at all.

The Southern Strategy Some say the far-right approach of the Republican Party today is the evolution of what scholars refer to as The Southern Strategy. Put simply, when the civil rights movement assumed the national spotlight across

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OCTOBER 2016 – U.S. ELECTION 2016: TRUMP AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE GOP the U.S. in the 1950s and 1960s, old battle lines — lines that stretch back to their Civil War — began to resurface. White Americans in northern states demonstrated a tolerance towards civil rights for black citizens while much of the U.S. south clung to a “white nostalgia” — a racist position that held white people as superior to black people. This did not escape the notice of politicians and out of it came the Southern Strategy.

The politics of race The Republican Party became the main beneficiary of this perspective. They knew that their conservative approach to politics best suited white voters (particularly in the south) who wanted to preserve the privilege afforded to their group since the nation was founded. In short, if the Republicans could dominate the south by rallying white voter support, they could potentially carry Congress, the Senate, and even the presidency. The Southern Strategy is essentially the unofficial political approach that pits powerful whites (who tend to vote Republican) against the black population in the U.S (who tend to vote Democrat).

Despite the fact that the U.S. elected its first black president, Barack Obama, in 2008, the Southern Strategy has returned with a vengeance in 2016. Donald Trump has appealed to the nostalgia of white voters, causing many critics to accuse the Republican nominee of blatant racism. Some point out that Trump has taken the Southern Strategy a step further: in his appeal to white voters, he has also targeted immigrants — particularly Mexicans and people from Muslim-dominated countries. The coming weeks will reveal whether or not this approach will prove successful and sweep him into the White House.

To Consider

1. What is the Southern Strategy?

2. Why is it seen as an inherently racist political approach?

3. Do you think Donald Trump has updated the Southern Strategy? Explain your perspective.

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