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Preview of The TR IN 0DUCTI By Steve Jackson O I. over the destructive is an all-creative I love this book. I found a copy at a trip composed of both order and friend’s house, years and years ago. I disorder.” had to beg and grovel before he’d let me borrow it. He said he’d already lost four III. copies that way . I kept groveling, and Think good thoughts about the people I got the book, and lo, I was enlightened. who helped put this book in your hands. And I didn’t give it back until I had got- Greg Hill (Malaclypse the Younger) and ten a copy of my own. So there. Kerry Thornley (Omar Khayyam Then I read the Illuminatus! trilogy, Ravenhurst) were the ones whoN origi- which draws very heavily from nally committed the Principia, and put Principia Discordia, and goes in all it in the public domain so everybody directions from there. (If you’ve read could get in on the fun. Good on them. Illuminatus! but not Principia, you Robert Shea – Eris rest his gentleman- know nothing yet. Nothing.) ly soul – and Robert Anton Wilson used Then Dave Martin and I shared a cou- a lot of Principia material in their ple of bottles of wine and babbled Illuminatus! trilogy. When Illuminatus! madly about an Illuminati game, and lo became a cult classic, the Word of Eris and behold I wrote it and he painted the spread wider and wider. (A lot of people cover, and it was pretty good, if I say so still think the Principia is imaginary, myself. and that Shea and Wilson just made up And so it all comes back to the the quotes in their chapter headings. But Principia. Fnord. then, a lot of people think the govern- ment is there to help you.) II. And the people at Loompanics I really love this book. It’s incredibly brought Principia back into print when funny. Parts of it are incredibly stupid. nobody could find it at all. Good on But there’s also a consistent, coherent them, too. philosophy here, and if enough people got it, got even a clue about it, the world IV. would be a better place. And a lot more Still, this book is too damned hard to interesting, too. find. The Loompanics edition is still in Different pages speak to different print (so buy it). Kerry Thornley’s people. The page that spoke to me was IllumiNet Press1 has an edition out, too The Curse of Greyface: (so buy it). But never, ever have I “To choose order over disorder, or walked into a bookstore and found one disorder over order, is to accept a trip on the shelf. Well, we’re going to fix composed of both the creative and that. 2 destructive. But to choose the creative STUCK FOR AN ADVENTURE? NO PROBLEM. e23 sells high-quality game adventures and supplements in PDF format. G Get complete sample adventures free for GURPS, In Nomine, and Traveller! G PDFs from the major players in online publishing: Ronin Arts, Ken Hite, Atlas Games, and 01 Games. G New gems from up-and-coming publishers, like Atomic Sock Monkey Press and Expeditious Retreat Press. G Digital editions of out-of-print classics, from Orcslayer and the complete run of ADQ to GURPS China and GURPS Ice Age. G Fully searchable files of GURPS Fourth Edition supplements. G Original material for Transhuman Space and In Nomine, with new GURPS supplements from Phil Masters, David Pulver, Sean Punch, and William Stoddard! G Buy it once, have it always. Download your STEVE JACKSON GAMES purchases again whenever you need to. Download G Print G Play STEVE JACKSON GAMES e23 is part of Warehouse 23, the online store at Steve Jackson Games. Warehouse 23 is also the official Internet retailer for Atlas Games, Ninja Burger, and many other publishers. Visit us today at for all your game STUFF!.

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