THE EVENING STAR. Novelties Fob G*owira OMrfMI*v«NKWt«v(OMMlli otficb of Closing Ocrt WOODWARD A LOTHBOP, KttCHr II ow Am Yact , to do society n .obinsox, rnua * oa WASHINGTON: Oar. 11th * im. &, rvK «)i rr t«k», web-chm ItWBAf D*r*M»w 1 nvtl ». to t-ed. Au. I* Good Tna And tii«r» 1 lay tr<>n. .«y UJday. kUi KVKM.NM NTAU bats ullni UmJ A Tw-um of 'u fln r® »*. ( ln«l>ilH «lur la UtWwic AaA m Stmt tba Don* of Aa A btr to lh» luaiilioua nnrriwhm/nta rvf tktl PERRViS: TOBDAI.DkUBU 1889. Ttl'.ainoO" dtaeaae we w,u..i ..<1 ¦¦ AdxriMu Jirtfiaa is wink 24, >wmt taint r, u aesp tba .»«* otm old stork. »«Hl> well pnHected with Ph>.p» K e In thle ¦tare lhaa all l«*a» lioe w* **n*rvtiali l*i.d our tiiu* ¦ Ik* tend, b vali.ab * . -uiaiice, oflar- la Wa^tarn. SltTthSA A day or two ago «. almply tmcM tbt subject of twr >.<¦ PK< 'V H ! it if at I K' »M I, rt.K'kN. and oa It I to well-Torn eon»tder It rROTCX that ywu »h nid Beoepttoa Coetumee.couched to ft (ntnl way. tbat *tsreotn>sd w*U we Fm'I'I we be uoiined Tark mnmninainMaMU merely to from of the 9 ana HLV,«bleb 1M.W 11 t .» tiii'n.wa' Br* OrScei Room 93. Trihiaa Baildlng. koop yon loalgi eight propin¬ to b* oa tonight cbtcl 10 o'clock. Kit'U.1.1 NT HLA>V«huitil i- ¦ ooar. quity of the social mhos. Wa quoted mm prtoes at pat ooais. #;t is PLAlD OVBB- BBGAKDLKSS of IV-war* tktaM. Tkoinwol .imm. Tl* true w* loaded op « Of tbs nnlurkiY thirteen, fee Tomorrow a bow is rorm ofpobtubity. heavily . ML HI I I hi lis. riu (Cbnatmas) being legal Iter MtMt m kayo Beaver * light »si 54. w IXX)ISO, ao Stab will ba issued. DON'T FAIL ¦tl Bewar. ..f th* unlucky A VARlk 1 1>1 >11.ICILYthirteen. fce. Tm TO* Uiwln tf & SILKS. w« have plenty of uiw CUTAWAY . «w «S ALL-WimL BUTTE Sortbaut la a* thor¬ Brwar* Washington |«ltisf Ooode to go around. of Itit unlucky thirteen. kr oughly oat of with tho Baltimore and IttlBMlMtO INDIA BILES la til the new oolors, 50a retsrt AL.inui \»ms i\t petienoe fui Auadtr bomIv. Sw^t WIl'E WALL Vn.V STYLISH, KICM match. Ohio railroad a* South WuhinttoB ia with the AXD PERI l.CT » IT IN.. V c. Luullkd quotx nioa SUBAH SILKS. a superior quality, 75a. a yard. M. «. shall iMnnu . #| and . ¦*. bat th*l**t Ua« we Bewareof the unlu. at thirteen, fte. Baltimore Fot»mac. Northwest Washing- WUl B* FAILLE FBANCAISE, in Evening Shadee, $1 to 98 virtaally boatkl , i i..mi ix Brarythtav a GRAND FIVE-DAY llKliR LIGHT IN i.