A Lifetime Dedicated to Hockey

Scott Westgate (Kitimat, BC) is one of those guys who makes hockey happen around . His dedication to minor hockey is something spectacular. For over 50 years, Scott has been actively involved in hockey across the province. From player to coach to evaluator, his love for the game has never stopped.

Prior to joining the BC Hockey High Performance Program, Scott played and coached hockey for many years. His minor hockey career spread over numerous towns across BC including Vancouver, Penticton, Cranbrook, Kelowna and Castlegar. He then went on to play Junior hockey with the Grandview Steelers, where he was named team . After Junior, Westgate spent seven (7) years playing Senior hockey before switching to the other side of the bench and started his coaching career. Coaching took him to many communities across the province over his 25 year career including Kitimat, Burns Lake, Vanderhoof and Grandview.

Scott has watched as some of the best players from BC go through the High Performance Program and carry on to national and international teams/events. From new guys like Curtis Lazar and Sam Reinhart to (NHL) veteran Dan Hamhuis who went through the program in 1998/1999. He has also watched and evaluated stars like Brent Seabrook, Tyson Barrie and Jamie Benn at various stages in their Minor and Junior hockey careers.

As District Evaluator for the Northwest District since 2000, Scott is BC Hockey’s second-longest serving District Evaluator. He has also held other roles including: District Head Coach in the Male U16 program and Assistant Coach, Manager and Director of Operations with the Male U17 program. He has participated in numerous provincial competitions, including BC Cups, the BC Games and some national events including the Winter Games.

His knowledge of the game, and his love for hockey and the players is just part of what makes Scott Westgate an important part of BC Hockey. His dedication has made the High Performance Program so successful over the past years and his ability to recognize the talents of young players has helped launch many hockey careers.

BC Hockey is grateful for all the Scott has done for the organization and the Male High Performance Program.

BC Hockey chatted briefly with Scott. Click here to watch the clip