Unfinished Statue of Akhenaten kissing one of his daughters

E6-88a Osirid Colossus of Akhenaten

E6-88b E6-48a Akhenaten in the blue crown, with wearing the double crown (!)

E6-88c Nefertiti

E6-89 186 Tut as a child n.b. elongated skull

E6-90 E6-48a Tut and Ankhesenpaaten ()

E6-90a Tut in the Blue Crown

E6-90b E6-91 The Book of the Dead

E6-92 The Book of the Dead

E6-93 E6-93a Tut as in the atef crown

E6-94 Striding Statue of Tut carrying a staff and a mace

E6-95 Howard Carter

E6-96 E6-97 The Valley of the Kings

E6-97a The Valley of the Kings

E6-98 Diagram of Tut’s Tomb, with the tomb of Ramses VI overlaid

E6-98a The Entrance to Tut’s Tomb

E6-98b The Entrance to Tut’s Tomb

E6-98c E6-99 Howard Carter peering inside Tut’s tomb

E6-99a E6-99b E6-100 E6-101 Tomb Materials in situ

E6-102 Tomb Materials in situ

E6-103 Tomb Materials in situ

E6-104 Tut’s Mummy

E6-105 The Death- Mask of Tut E6-106 Tut’s Death- Mask after being cleaned up

E6-107 E6-48a as the Nile God

E6-107a 187 E6-107b E6-48a Horemheb and his wife

E6-108 Horemheb as a scribe

E6-109 Colossus of Akhenaten defaced by his successors

E6-110 E6-111 Amarna Fresco: ducks in a papyrus marsh

E6-112 E6-113 E6-115 Fragment of painted pavement from El-Amarna: a duck walking through a marsh

E6-117 Ptah


E6-119 191 Bust of Seti I

E6-120 Statue of Seti I

E6-121 The Abydos Frieze of Seti I

E6-122 Wall Relief of Seti I at Karnak: the king kneels before Amun and makes an offering

E6-123 Wall Relief: Seti I carries off Canaanites in fetters

E6-124 The Mortuary Temple of Seti I

E6-125 Tomb of Seti I

E6-126 Mummy of Seti I

E6-127 192 E6-128 Kneeling Statue of Ramses II

E6-129 Ramses II as a child protected by the Horus falcon

E6-130 Seti I and the young Ramses

(Abydos Frieze)

E6-130a Ramses II as a young king

E6-131 Striding Statue of Ramses II

E6-132 E4-05 E4-05 Abu Simbel

E2-05b A B U


E6-133 Ramses’ Colossi at Abu Simbel

E6-134 E6-135 Abu Simbel

Ramses and E6-136 his wife New York

Ramses and E6-137 my wife Temples carved into the face of the cliff

E6-137a E6-138 E6-139 Ramses smiting an enemy

E6-140 Hallway of Osirid Statues, with altar at the end

E6-141a The Aswan Dam

E6-141b The Aswan Dam

E6-141c The Aswan Dam

E6-141d The Aswan Dam

E6-141e E6-142 E6-143 The Tomb of

E6-143a The Ramesseum

E6-144 “Ozymandias”

E6-141 I met a traveler from an antique land Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

P.B. Shelley, 1817-8

E6-145 The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed: And on the pedestal these words appear: “My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!” Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.

P.B. Shelley, 1817-8

E6-145 The Ramesseum

E6-145a The Hypostyle Hall of the Ramesseum

E6-145b The Ramesseum

E6-146 The Ramesseum

E6-147 E6-148 E6-149 The Battle of Qadesh

E6-151 The Battle of Qadesh

E6-152 The Battle of Qadesh

E6-153 The Egyptian Army

E6-154 Relief of Captives

from Saqqara

E6-155 Blue Faience Cup

from the Syro-Palestinian area but with Egyptian influence

E6-156 Head of an Ammonite King, wearing the atef crown (ca. 1100 BCE)
