TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 JAMADA ALTHANI 1, 1435 AH Cabinet resents Pakistan ‘Anyone but Dutch double US official’s court indicts Modi’: Many down on remarks against Musharraf Indian Muslims England’s justice 2minister for11 treason fear14 the worst T2020 misery Oil tanker attacked Max 27º Min 12º in Strait of Hormuz High Tide 00:53 & 12:52 Low Tide Gulf region still risky for investors 07:07 & 19:33 40 PAGES NO: 16122 150 FILS

conspiracy theories Media-sense

By Badrya Darwish

[email protected]

edia, media, media and its effect and role on our lives. That was the topic at a Mdiwaniya I attended last night hosted by KHASAB, Oman: A cargo ship cruises towards the Strait of Hormuz off the shores of Khasab in this Jan 15, 2011 file photo. — AFP Osama Al-Duaij and his wife Elvisa Al-Duaij in Qadsiya. The moderator and speaker was well- DUBAI: Assailants on a speedboat near Oman opened fire known German TV host and journalist Ali Aslan. I on an oil tanker in a rare attack in the strategic Strait of am sure that many Europeans, and especially MP threatens to grill Hormuz, a seafaring body said. In Sunday’s attack, “six per- those who watch German channels, are familiar sons in a skiff armed with machinegun approached a with his international talk show. tanker underway and fired twice towards the accommo- Ali touched upon humanitarian issues and tol- information minister dation and bridge,” said the International Maritime Bureau. erance between cultures and nations. Ali, who is The crew sounded the alarm and activated fire hoses of Turkish descent, has initiated a program called before altering the vessel’s course, the IMB said on its web- German Islam Conference that is dedicated to By B Izzak the ministry. In other developments, the National Assembly’s site, adding the assailants then aborted their attack. the integration of Muslims into German society. Continued on Page 13 Anyone who thinks that the media does not KUWAIT: MP Abdulkareem Al-Kandari yesterday stateless or bedoons committee yesterday discussed shape the world we live in is naive. I did not have threatened to use “all constitutional tools” against with officials from the public authority for the handi- time to debate with Ali, due to limited time and Information Minister Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al- capped a proposal to include bedoon handicapped Kuwaiti embassies many guests. The fact is that the media nowa- Sabah over allegations that he has demoted and dis- people under the authority. Head of the committee days is our life. It is both a useful and a very dan- missed a number of senior officials at the ministry. MP Abdullah Al-Tameemi said the director general of to issue visit visas Kandari, who provided no names, said that the meas- the authority Jassem Al-Tammar informed the com- gerous tool. Just like Ali mentioned, the media KUWAIT: In collaboration with the Foreign Ministry and the ures against these officials had been taken while the mittee that the inclusion of bedoons requires amend- can have a constructive or destructive role. Just hospitality sector, Deputy PM and Interior Minister Sheikh like what we have been watching since 9/11 on ministry has been waiting to undergo a new organi- ments to the law, specifically the clause that restricts Mohammed Al-Khaled Al-Sabah authorized his undersecre- how the Western media attacks Islam and zational structure. The lawmaker also accused the coverage to Kuwaiti nationals and foreigners whose tary Lt Gen Suleiman Al-Fahd to contact the citizenship and Muslims and portrays them in an ugly way. They minister of giving contracts to private production mothers are Kuwaiti. Tameemi said that it was agreed passports department and the immigration departments to companies although the ministry has an army of that the authority’s officials will provide committee depict Islam as a savage and terrorist religion. allow Kuwaiti embassies and consulates abroad to issue young Kuwaiti employees specialized in these fields. members with all necessary amendments to the law The media can spoil nations or educate tourism, commercial, family and other types of visas. The The MP however did not set an ultimatum for any so they can present a request to the Assembly to make nations. It depends on the agenda it has. Rarely authorization includes granting embassies the responsibili- possible action against the minister, but urged him to the amendments. you see independent media corporations. Most ty to issue visas according to standard laws, procedures, rectify the decisions that harmed senior employees in Continued on Page13 conditions and documents needed. of them are either commercialized or politicized. Either way, you can question the objectivity of such media. It is simple mathematics. Look at us. We are Erdogan targets enemies after thumping win affected by the ads we see on TV although we ANKARA: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip tone of his balcony address suggested are educated and well-travelled. The media Erdogan looked a step closer to a presi- he felt he now had a mandate for strong decides for us which food to eat and which dential bid and to gaining the upper action against his enemies. “From tomor- detergent to use. Which shampoo to use for my hand in a bitter power struggle yester- row, there may be some who flee,” he hair and which lotion to put on my face and day, casting strong local election results said. what chips and chocolates my kids should eat. It as a mandate to hunt down enemies The election campaign has been could be worse than that. The media decides for within the state “in their lair”. His AK dominated by a power struggle us the trips we take, the venues we go and in Party swept the electoral map in between Erdogan and US-based cleric which resort we spend our holidays, what airline Sunday’s polls, retaining control of the Fethullah Gulen, whom he accuses of to fly and which hotel to stay in. Even the food two biggest cities Istanbul and Ankara using a network of followers in the you give to your cat or dog is influenced by ads and increasing its share of the national police and judiciary to fabricate graft and commercials. vote as his pugnacious leadership style, smears in an effort to topple him. Leave alone politics. I am only focusing on the beloved by a loyal, conservative voter Erdogan, who has long drawn support commercial aspect of things. The list here goes base, trumped a stream of corruption from the same Muslim professional class on and on. I do not think my editor will give me allegations and security leaks. that reveres Gulen, has purged thou- the space to mention it all because my list will be From a balcony at AKP headquarters sands of police officers and hundreds of as long as the distance from Kuwait Times’ offices at the end of a long and bitter election judges and prosecutors since anti-graft in Shuwaikh to the Al-Duaij diwaniya in Qadisiya! that became a referendum on his rule, raids in December targeted business- CAIRO: Al-Jazeera English producer Baher Mohamed (center left), bureau What if we move towards the politicized Erdogan told thousands of cheering men close to the premier as well as the chief Mohammed Fahmy (center) and correspondent Peter Greste appear in media? Tell me which media is independent of supporters that his enemies in politics sons of some government ministers. court along with several other defendants during their trial on terror political influence and is 100 percent free from and the state, whom he has labeled “trai- Investors, who have been unnerved charges yesterday. — AP political influence? Maybe CNN or Al Jazeera or tors”, “terrorists” and “an alliance of evil”, by the turbulence, took solace in the BBC for instance? Or maybe TV 5 has no political would pay the price. “We will enter their election result, seeing it as a sign of issues? How about our local channels in the Gulf lair,” he said, before a huge firework dis- political continuity. The lira rallied to its Court rejects Jazeera or the Middle East, all across from Oman to play lit up Ankara’s midnight sky. “They strongest in two months and stocks hit a Mauritania? Can we really boast and say that we will be brought to account. How can you 3-month high. journalists’ bail plea have a free media source? I will tell you which TV threaten national security?” The harsh Continued on Page 13 does not have any political issues - the Israel TV CAIRO: An Egyptian court yesterday installed authorities. Australian news channel. They bomb people in Gaza, kill rejected a plea for bail by jailed Al- reporter Peter Greste also pleaded to hundreds of children and women and the broad- Jazeera journalists, who denied links be released on bail, telling the judges caster presents an Israeli victim whose balcony with the blacklisted Muslim “we only desire at this point to contin- was destroyed. Brotherhood in a trial that has sparked ue to fight to clear our names outside Switch on CNN. Does Fox news ever talk international condemnation. The jour- prison”. “We would like to emphasise about the peace process or Palestine? Even nalists, who have spent nearly 100 days that we are more than willing to social media has its own agenda depending on in jail since their arrest, are charged with accept any conditions that you impose the source of financing and interests. The chan- spreading false news and supporting on us,” he added. Producer Baher nels twist their serials and movies in the direc- the Islamist movement of deposed pres- Mohamed said he wanted to be with ident Mohamed Morsi. “Please, get us his wife during her pregnancy. “My tion they want. Even the movies we watch are out of jail, we are tired. We’ve been suf- wife is pregnant and she visits me in politicized. fering in prison,” Mohamed Fadel Fahmy, jail with the children. It is exhausting,” I think I have to put a full stop. I am sure many the Cairo bureau chief of Al-Jazeera he said. “I want to be released on bail readers will have other things to contribute to English, told the judges. He and his sev- so I can be by her side.” At the end of my article. Whether we like it or not, the media is en co-defendants, dressed in white the session Mohamed told AFP that a part of our life now and we have to live with it. prison uniforms, were briefly allowed “we are here representing freedom of Maybe the solution can only come from the out of the caged dock to address the expression”. “It’s not only about us.” news recipients, be it of TV, online or newspa- court, in a rather unusual move. The judges ordered that two defen- pers. Education is the answer. At the end of the The trial, in which 20 defendants dants who claimed they had been tor- day, a well-informed reader can differentiate stand accused, has sparked an interna- tured be examined by “independent between the various agendas and form his or tional outcry and fuelled fears of a forensic doctors”. her own judgments. ANKARA: Turkey’s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan greets his supporters late Sunday. — AP media crackdown by the military- Continued on Page 13 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 LOCAL

KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and other ministers attend the Cabinet meeting yesterday. Cabinet resents US official’s remarks against Al-Ajmi All forms of terrorism rejected KUWAIT: The Cabinet yesterday expressed Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al- with all brotherly and friendly countries and the summit, in which he stressed the signifi- renaissance on all tracks. Meanwhile, the cabinet “resentment” at recent allegations by a US offi- Mubarak Al-Sabah said in a statement following international organizations in the fight against cance of exerting concerted efforts to face major approved a draft decree promoting Maj. Gen. cial against Minister of Justice Nayef Al-Ajmi. The the meeting. terrorism, Sheikh Mohammad Al-Abdullah said. problems and challenges haunting the Arab Mohammad Al-Khidr to Lieut. Gen. and deputy remark was made during a routine weekly cabi- Al-Ajmi affirmed that all his activities and The cabinet then welcomed a planned visit by world. chief of the army staff. It also consented to net meeting held at Bayan Palace under efforts are part of Kuwait’s well-recognized offi- Turkish President Abdullah Gul to the State of They also hailed the Kuwait Declaration another draft decree authorizing a supreme civil Chairmanship of His Highness the Prime cial and unofficial efforts in charitable, religious Kuwait on April 3, wishing him and his wife a issued following the summit which called for aviation council including its makeup, powers, Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- and humanitarian realms. very pleasant stay here. resolving differences and divisions among Arab competence and statute. Furthermore, the min- Sabah. He added that this comes just out of Kuwait’s On the recent Arab summit in Kuwait, the countries through fruitful and constructive dia- isters congratulated Saudi Prince Miqren bin During the meeting, Al-Ajmi, who also dou- commitment to the religion of Islam and its tol- ministers highly commended the outcomes of logue based on frankness, actuality and trans- Abdulaziz Al-Saud on having been appointed as bles as minister of Awqaf and Islamic affairs, erant teachings, and to the noble cultural val- the Arab gathering held last Tuesday and parency. deputy crown prince. briefed the ministers on all details pertinent to ues. The cabinet, in turn, reiterated Kuwait’s firm Wednesday. The Kuwaiti Cabinet, therefore, vowed to Finally, the cabinet discussed recent reports such accusations and allegations which he rejection to all forms of terrorism regardless of They hailed His Highness the Amir Sheikh stick to the declaration in order to cement Arab on the latest Arab and international political rejected as “baseless and groundless,” Minister of its justifications, while reaffirming cooperation Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah’s speech at integration and achieve Arab comprehensive developments. — KUNA Bureau ignores notes in own final account

By A Saleh Strategic payroll alternative Meanwhile, head of the human KUWAIT: The Audit Bureau ignores the resources committee MP Yaqoub Al- Finance Ministry’s notes when it pre- Sane announced that a final report pares its own final account, which is a containing a ‘strategic alternative’ for violation of its law that regulates moni- the public sector’s payroll will be ready toring spending of state departments, within two weeks. The panel met yes- a lawmaker said yesterday. “The bureau terday with representatives from the fails to include notes registered by the Supreme Council of Planning and Finance Ministry despite earlier Development as well as the Kuwait demands to do so,” said MP Adnan Economic Society in order to study Abdulsamad, the head of the parlia- solutions that address labor complains ment’s budgets committee following in the public sector concerning the panel’s meeting yesterday. unequal pay. The panel discussed the bureau’s Employees in state departments final account as part of its ongoing often complain that wages paid to KUWAIT: Dignitaries attend the Bangladesh Independence and National Day celebration at Hotel Crowne Plaza.—Photos by Joseph Shagra review of state departments’ final workers in certain fields are different accounts for the fiscal year. While the compared to their peers who work in bureau provides statements of all state the same profession but at another Big participation at Bangladeshi reception departments, the Finance Ministry is state department. This has led to sever- assigned to provide the statement of al labor protests and work stoppages KUWAIT: The 43rd Independence and National Day of Bangladesh was observed in a the Bureau. Abdulsamad said that the in the past, leading the government to befitting manner by the Bangladesh Embassy bureau’s representatives explained that study a system that unifies pay for and the Bangladesh community in Kuwait on article 22 of its law gives its president employees with similar job classifica- March 26 at the Chancery. To celebrate the the right to choose which notes to be tions. The project is often referred to as day, the Mission hosted a reception on March included in its final account. “This argu- the ‘strategic alternative for payroll in 30 at Hotel Crowne Plaza. Anas Al-Saleh, ment is invalid since the Finance the public sector.’ Minister for Commerce and Industry was the Ministry has control over monitoring In a related note, MP Khalil Abdullah Guest of Honour at the reception. Minister of the bureau, including the right to announced plans to prepare a law that Information and State Minister for Youth choose notes that are included in its ‘resolves [Kuwait’s] demographic Affairs Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah also graced final account,” he said. Abdulsamad did imbalance’, an issue that he said is the reception. The Undersecretary of the not specify the nature of the notes that closely associated with job classifica- Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour were omitted from the bureau’s final tions in the public sector. Several MPs Mohammad Al-Kandry also attended the pro- account, but hoped that such notes are had previously proposed bills to cut gram. Diplomats from different foreign mis- not ignored in future statements. the number expatriates in the public sions and regional and international organiza- sector and replace them with Kuwaiti tions in Kuwait, dignitaries from different min- Amir to visit Russia employees. istries and departments, business leaders, HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- investors, professionals, defence attaches from countrymen from all strata had participated in billion by 2020; Goldman Sachs highlighted Ahmad Al-Sabah is set to visit Russia Pro sports different missions attended the colourful the Liberation War in 1971 and achieved the Bangladesh as one of the next 11 emerging this fall, said the Russian ambassador Head of the parliament’s youth and event. A big number of dignitaries from within victory on Dec 16, 1971 through a economies and JP Morgan identified to Kuwait Alexey Solomatin. sports committee MP Abdullah Al- the Bangladesh communities also attended nine-month long armed struggle under the Bangladesh as a ‘Frontier Five’ economy. Ambassador Solomatin did not provide Turaiji announced in the meantime the program with lots of enthusiasm. The unparallel leadership of the Father of the Bangladesh has been included among the top a specific date for the visit which he that representatives of local clubs are embassy officials, officers of the Bangladesh Nation. 5 countries of the world in the field of eco- said is “very important” as it is expected invited to its meeting next week in Military Contingent (BMC) to Kuwait, The ambassador briefed that Bangladesh nomic growth by achieving an average growth to feature “signing a number of cooper- order to discuss “their recommenda- Bangladesh Biman and a quite large number has established a globally competitive gar- rate of 6.38 percent during the past four years, ments industry, moved ahead of many of the the Ambassador mentioned. ation agreements in various fields”. “We tions to improve the sports sector in of foreign and local journalist of print and neighboring countries; in particular areas of hope to achieve progress with regards Kuwait”. The discussion is expected to electronic media also graced the celebration. On the arrival of the distinguished guests human development and gender parity, New initiatives to the agreement between Kuwait and address proposals to help athletes Ambassador Mohammed Ashab Uddin along extended micro-credit to 25 million women, The ambassador also highlighted that Russia over cooperation in atomic achieve more independence from civil with other senior officers of the embassy and drastically reduced aid dependency Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait has been energy, which was halted following jobs en route to adopting professional including Brig Gen Md. Nasimul Gani, Defence through the robust growth in remittances. implementing a number of initiatives in order Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster,” he sports in Kuwait, in addition to com- Attache; S. M. Mahbubul Alam, Counsellor Bangladesh is now producing sufficient food to ensure welfare and awareness on issues said in a recent press statement. pleting sports facilities. (Political) and Head of Chancery; K.M. Ali Reza, to feed its 160 million people. It has i8 million pertaining to the Bangladesh expatriates in First Secretary (Labour); M.A. Jalil, First self-employed women in rural areas, with a Kuwait including Help Lines to provide neces- Secretary; Md. Sakawat Hossian Patwary, further 4 million women working in the ready- sary assistance and information to its expatri- Sonali Bank Representative (SBR) received made garment sector. He continued as saying ates in Kuwait, Open Day Forum, Health them. that there are about 8.5 million Bangladesh Awareness program, Blood Donation program nationals working overseas, in 155 countries in and various cultural and sports events including WANTED Rich tributes the world. They remitted more than $18 billion Football, Ha du du and Cricket which are draw- The ambassador delivered a brief speech in 2013. Bangladesh is also a leading global ing huge crowds from every level of the com- with some excellent and relevant pictures on exporter of ready-made garments, second to munity. In conclusion the Bangladesh the big screen to showcase Bangladesh and to China and earned over $21 billion in last year. Ambassador extended his sincere gratefulness highlight the history and significance of the Bangladesh is exporting medicine to more to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah AI- celebration. He paid rich tributes to the Father than 83 countries mainly in Euro~e he added. Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Editors & Reporters of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur It has become one of the leading ship builders Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmed Al-Jaber Rahman, 3 million martyrs, 200,000 women, and ship exporting country and there are Al-Sabah, HH the Premier Sheikh Jaber Mubarak and all the freedom fighters for their magnifi- around 100 million cell phone subscribers in Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, and Deputy Prime Minister cent and unique contributions, sacrifices and Bangladesh, the envoy continued. He further and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah AI- indomitable heroisms during the Liberation cited that McKinsey recently predicted that Khaled Al-Sabah for their continued support to Full time, must be in Kuwait, War of Bangladesh in 1971. He mentioned that apparel exports of Bangladesh could gross $36 Bangladesh Embassy in Kuwait. have transferrable 18 visa Kuwait hosts meeting of GCC finance officials

and writing experience KUWAIT: The State of Kuwait is gearing up to ing at monetary and economic integration, GCC Joint Market Committee, and of the host the 43rd meeting of the Committee of follow up regarding the Kuwaiti proposal to team tasked with presenting a study regard- Gulf Cooperation Council Undersecretaries of amend standing order, as well as discussions ing privileges and incentives for the private Finance and Economy tomorrow. on competencies of the Financial and sector and the team’s findings. The undersec- Send CV, letters of reference A statement by the Finance Ministry, Economic Cooperation Committee. The offi- retaries would also consider recommenda- Monday, said this meeting is in preparation cials are also to review memos of meetings tions regarding governance and recommen- and 3 writing samples for the upcoming 98th ministerial meeting of by the Committee of Governors of Central dations of the team tasked to draft a GCC the Financial and Economic Cooperation Banks and Monetary Institutions, and by the joint tax system. Committee due in Kuwait also, planned for Customs Union Authority, and other GCC The Kuwaiti delegation to the meeting to [email protected] May. bodies. would be headed by Finance Undersecretary Only those who are shortlisted will be contacted The agenda, the ministry said, covers Also on the agenda are the memos of Khalifah Hamadah, who is also to preside issues including follow up on measures aim- meetings of the Customs Union Committee, over the two-day sessions. —KUNA LOCAL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

KUWAIT: His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah visits the stalls after inaugurating Kuwait’s fifth International Prize for Quran yesterday. Kuwait Prize for Quran kicks off

KUWAIT: Kuwait’s fifth International Prize for Quran kicked off yesterday under the patronage of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah with the presence of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. The opening ceremony of the competition organ- ized by the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs was held at the International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO) theater. The opening speech was given by Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Nayif Al-Ajmi, and Undersecretary of the min- istry and Chairman of the Prize’s supreme committee Dr Adel Al-Falah. The ceremony also included the playing of a docu- mentary movie showcasing the Prize’s previous com- petitions and achievements of participants, followed by honoring the prime minister, who also inaugurat- ed the prize’s exhibition, containing publications by private and public sectors about Holy Quran sci- ences. The prime minister praised the Amir’s attention towards the Prize to spread the teachings of Islam and Quran-memorizing internationally, and the Jahra Reserve to be open for visitors soon efforts of the Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs to organize the event. KUWAIT: Director General of the versity. Al-Mudhi said that visitors to protect animals and plants threat- that it will reach 25 percent after the The ceremony was attended by Amiri Diwan Environment Public Authority Dr would be allowed to enter for the pur- ened with extinction through the completion of new reserves. Advisor and Chairman of the IICO Abdullah Al- Salah Al-Mudhi said yesterday that poses of documentation, photogra- relocation and preservation of their He explained that the large size of Matoug, Advisors of the Diwan of His Highness the the Jahra Reserve would soon phy and practicing bird-watching kinds. these reserves has led the EPA to pro- Prime Minister Faisal Al-Hajji, Sheikh Salim Jaber Al- become a semi-park allowing entry of hobby according to certain controls. He added that the size of nature pose the establishment of an inde- Ahmad Al-Sabah, and Sheikha Rasha Al-Humoud Al- visitors, stressing keenness of the EPA He confirmed that the EPA’s keen- reserves in the country has reached in pendent body to manage them in Sabah, Arab ambassadors, and prominent Kuwaiti on development of natural reserves in ness to develop reserves in Kuwait the last period to 19 percent after it order to keep pace with the process figures. — KUNA order to maintain balance and biodi- and follow-up is in line with its efforts was only three percent, indicating of development. —KUNA No visit to work visa transfer from April 1 Ministry working on new regulations

KUWAIT: The government will not reportedly plans to introduce new flee their employers’ homes, often by open transfers of commercial visit measures to prevent violations com- employees at the recruitment office visas to work permits on April 1 as mitted by domestic workers’ recruit- that brought them to Kuwait, so that expected earlier. A Ministry of Social ment offices, based on changing reg- the maid can work for another Affairs and Labor official announced ulations to transfer a housemaid’s visa. employer for higher pay. Sunday that the process of transfer- The measures are based on two stud- An office in this case would make ring commercial visit visas to work ies prepared by Maj Gen Sheikh Faisal profit by collecting additional fees permits - suspended since Feb 15 - Al-Nawaf Al-Sabah, the assistant from a new employer for the same will remain closed for an undeter- undersecretary for citizenship and maid they had previously hired. This mined length of time. passports affairs. The first study sug- process has been compared to human Jamal Al-Dousary, the ministry’s gests that a domestic worker can only trafficking, and has become a source assistant undersecretary for the labor transfer her visa once, and the process of criticism against Kuwait by rights department, noted that the ministry is has to be done within 60 days after groups inside and outside the coun- working on a set of new regulations arriving in Kuwait. try. that would facilitate private sector The second study suggests anoth- recruitment of foreign workers, but Main objective er measure which extends the office’s the new regulations are not yet final- Following that period, the maid sponsorship period over a domestic ized. would have the choice to either trans- helper from 100 days to a year. The Apart from a few specialized fields fer her visa under her employer’s current period is considered a ‘trial’ exempt from this rule, no company in sponsorship immediately, or leave period after which an employer is Kuwait can hire expats here on a com- Kuwait. If her visa is transferred during required to transfer the maid’s visa mercial visit visa and transfer their this period, she would not have the under his sponsorship. Extending the visas to work permits. This forces com- option to transfer to another employ- period to one year also helps prevent panies in Kuwait to recruit directly er until her visa expires. According to ‘manipulation’ on the part of recruit- from abroad and severely limits the sources with knowledge of the study, ment offices, which in some cases number of visitors who can success- the main objective behind this meas- encourage maids to abscond shortly fully find work in Kuwait. ure is to prevent cases in which after their visas are issued, the sources Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry housemaids are often encouraged to said. Kuwait eager to develop police sport relations

KUWAIT: Kuwait is continuously devel- Mohammad Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. (IPSU) and Kuwait Police Sports oping police sports ties and boosting The Ministry of Interior said in a press Federation Chairman Sheikh Ahmad awareness about the latest security statement yesterday that Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah for the suc- measures, according to Deputy Prime Mohammad congratulated Chairman of cessful First World Police Sports and Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh the International Police Sports Union Security Conference recently held in Kuwait. The conference which was organized Kuwait hosts meeting of by the ministry under the supervision of the IPSU showcased the important role GCC finance officials Kuwait plays in the field and its efforts to create cooperation between interna- KUWAIT: The State of Kuwait is gearing proposal to amend standing order, as tional federations to resolve challenges up to host the 43rd meeting of the well as discussions on competencies of facing police sports, said Sheikh Committee of Gulf Cooperation Council the Financial and Economic Cooperation Mohammad Khalid. Undersecretaries of Finance and Committee. The officials are also to The IPSU Chairman on his turn Economy tomorrow. review memos of meetings by the praised the efforts of Sheikh A statement by the Finance Ministry, Committee of Governors of Central Mohammad in supporting and funding today, said this meeting is in preparation Banks and Monetary Institutions, and by the conference. for the upcoming 98th ministerial meet- the Customs Union Authority, and other The two-day conference which con- ing of the Financial and Economic GCC bodies. Also on the agenda are the cluded on March 25 saw the participa- Cooperation Committee due in Kuwait memos of meetings of the Customs tion of 50 countries, and came out with also, planned for May. Union Committee, GCC Joint Market a number of recommendations includ- The agenda, the ministry said, covers Committee, and of the team tasked with ing establishing an international police issues including follow up on measures presenting a study regarding privileges sport apparatus that would adress the aiming at monetary and economic inte- and incentives for the private sector and perennial problem of hooliganism at gration, follow up regarding the Kuwaiti the team’s findings. — KUNA sports events. — KUNA TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 LOCAL

wIn my vie kuwait digest The multibillion Fight against purchase deal ‘terrorism’ The housing problem By Abdullatif Al-Duaij is solved!! We were able to knock down he Kuwait Declaration announced at the conclu- sion of the Arab Summit that the country hosted the wall!! By Labeed Abdal Trecently contained two contradicting issues, or it seems to be the case for those who are ever skeptical about Arab regimes’ positions. In addition to the usual promises of ‘asserting Arab cooperation and resolving the Palestinian issue,’ the recent summit made sure to announce ‘combating and uprooting’ terrorism, while [email protected] at the same time supporting the ‘Syrian revolution’, and the Syrian people’s right of freedom and democracy. acebook purchased WhatsApp, a smart Fighting terrorism and supporting the Syrian revolu- phone application that is only five years old

Al-Anbaa tion are two opposing things that cannot meet. ‘Syrian Fand has nearly 400 million subscribers, for revolutionists’ that Arab states are supporting today $19 billion. This deal gives us a glimmer of how the are the same fundamentalists and leaders of terrorism economy of the future will be like, after mobile that those states claim to be fighting. And while the phone networks have improved. summit’s declaration mentions supporting the Syrian While this is not the first acquisition for coalition, it does not specifically describe the coalition Facebook, which had previously bought photo and as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian peo- video sharing app Instagram, the deal to acquire ple. This point, which has been noticed by editors of WhatsApp was interesting for many reasons, the local press, means that the door is left open for including the realiable instant messaging service it ‘other’ legitimate representatives that receive support provides for millions of people around the world, from Arab countries, and Gulf states in specific. In this its growing usage which reportedly increases by 1 case, those representatives are the same representa- kuwait digest tives of extremism and terrorism that the Arab League claims to be fighting. WhatsApp and Nicely delivered heavy meal Until now, the situation could be a little bit accept- Facebook are considered able. But when countries that in the most part lack By Arwa Al-Wagayan democracy demand that the Syrian people enjoy free- features of superiority in dom and democracy, the same freedom and democra- the development of the watched two Egyptian movies at the cinema in one week. The based, societies still direct endless accusations, much cruelty and cy that the people of countries supporting the ‘democ- first one was titled ‘La Mo’akhtha’(Excuse Me), which was writ- unfair presumptions to women. Despite the tough political situa- ratic revolution’ are deprived from, then we can say modern digital world. Iten and directed by Amr Salama starring child actor Ahmed tions Egypt is going through, the Egyptian cinema production was that those demands are strange and doubtful. Dash. The plot deals with a very important issue - religion - and generous, deep and beautiful with great direction, well-written how a Christian child avoids revealing his religion in fear of being plots and creative acting because true creativity knows not wars alienated by his schoolmates. and peace. Therefore, I really salute Egyptian dramatists for address- Single opinion million users a day, as well as the volume of the Such a complicated topic was masterly and simply dealt with ing such sensitive and important social issues. After all, that is the This means that the terrorism that Arab states claim deal that surpassed all expectations. through simple social situations and nice narration. This film really real role of drama - to highlight injustice befalling on others. to be fighting is the one which is targeting the stability WhatsApp and Facebook are considered fea- provides a ‘heavy’ meal lightly. Thanks to the simplicity by which of Arab regimes. But the ‘terrorism’ practiced by the tures of superiority in the development of the the story is dealt with, it really addresses all age categories high- Gulf dreams regimes themselves when they reject others’ right of modern digital world, which continues to serve lighting the danger of being different from the majority and fear- Meanwhile, I feel so sorry for Gulf dramas, namely that of expressing opinions and force their own beliefs on oth- humanity by eliminating distances. But while they ing exclusion. It is actually a good film in terms of acting, direction Kuwait which has not gone any farther than silly series with over- ers, this form of ‘terrorism’ is acceptable. and screenplay. The second movie was also Egyptian, titled ‘The used themes and plots that discuss insignificant uses. have helped people all over the world to stay in Arab states issued legislations to ‘legalize’ oppres- Factory Girl’. It is directed by Mohammed Khan and stars Yasmeen Unfortunately, despite the financial abundance and availability of touch with their families and loved ones who live Raees and Hani Adel. The story is about a girl who falls in love all potentials, Gulf cinema has not gone far beyond some coy sion and force a single opinion, and even went as far as thousands of miles away, it is ironic that those digi- with a young man working in the same factory. She is over- attempts. We do wish that drama can be dedicated to address protecting them such as the case of Kuwait’s media tal tools have also made countless people ‘prison- whelmed by her passion and reveals her love to him. She cares our real problems in Kuwait and tend to find solutions, or at least law. This is terrorism in particular the source, founda- ers’ of their smartphones, and a reason to detach for him, which pleases him though he ignores her and gets discuss issues related to facts around us, not the silly untrue imag- tion and roots of which these regimes make sure to them from reality and coexistence with their fami- engaged to another girl, which marks the start of the poor girl’s ination of some untalented writers! feed and take care of. lies. agony. She gets pale because of her one-sided love. Everybody Finally, I hope Kuwaiti series would stop showing rich or poor The first step to fighting terrorism is to spread toler- starts suspecting her. Rumors spread about her chastity and peo- uncles, repeated family problems, marble-clad houses, faintings, And when we talk about the influence of social ance and allow others to express their opinions freely, ple start to believe she is pregnant with her beloved’s child. hospital scenes or grief and fear because of the presence of a cru- side by side with the ruling party or ‘majority’s’ opinion. networks on human life, we must also mention This movie handled a very important topic, which is how socie- el family member. There are more important issue to tackle such applications that read and calculate millions of ty deals harshly with a woman who reveals her true feelings as the housing problem, soaring real estate prices, unemploy- Arab regimes which claim to be fighting terrorism are messages every day to serve marketing, advertis- towards a man and starts considering her a loose woman. All that ment and political instability. These are all issues that need to be fighting different opinions, disdain others, and ban ing or security purposes. cost her reputation was falling in love, while a man boasts of such simply exposed without overacting, over-directing or overuse of pluralism and the right to be different. And this, once love and gains more respect for it. Though feelings are not gender- makeup! —Al-Jarida again, is terrorism in particular. —Al-Qabas

in my view American role in Mideast

By Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg S President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia It is important after Geneva’s failure to go back to the (March 28-29) was a well-timed and urgently need- basics in which most Syrians believe, as well as a majority of Ued opportunity to discuss US policies in the region, nations as evidenced by the voting at the United Nations in particular with regard to Syria and Iran. One objective of and the Arab League meeting in Kuwait last week. First, the the visit was to ensure that whatever differences of opinion Syrian regime has lost its legitimacy and that the Syrian existed between Saudi Arabia and the US should not be people have chosen the National Coalition for the Forces of allowed to weaken their strategic partnership. Equally Resistance and Revolution as their legitimate representa- important, the meeting was an occasion to reassess the sit- tive. Second, all means of support should be accorded to uation in Syria in light of the failure of Geneva II and Russia’s the Coalition; a reversal is needed soon on the ban on pro- actions in Ukraine. viding the opposition with sophisticated weapons, to neu- Last month, Saudi Arabia and the US marked the 69th tralize the regime’s airpower, which it has used to destroy anniversary of the historical meeting between President indiscriminately whole towns and neighborhoods. Franklin Roosevelt and King Abdul Aziz, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, which took place on Feb.14, 1945. Robust approach That historical meeting laid the foundation of a special Stepped up training of opposition fighters is also essen- strategic relationship that has endured many crises and dis- tial. So it was welcome news from Washington last month agreements over the past decades. that the Obama administration was rethinking its options in However, as I pointed out last month (“Will Saudi-US Syria. The region was looking for a more robust US relations endure Syria’s debacle?”, the Syrian conflict has approach to the problem. Similarly, the interim nuclear deal tested the Saudi-US pact as never before. The US decision to the US and its western allies have reached with Iran has not embark with Russia on the “Geneva process” turned out to reassured its neighbors, nor has it led to improvements in be failure. Instead of bringing Syria closer to peace, it has Iran’s regional behavior. Iran and its regional allies have allowed the Assad regime to intensified their efforts to desta- escalate its onslaught against bilize the region. civilians and regain much of the US officials have repeatedly ground it had lost to the opposi- The US belief in the asserted that they “will not make tion. That reversal of the opposi- a bad Iran deal,” that “no deal is tion’s fortunes is due in part to Geneva process turned better than a bad deal,” and that the fact that while the US out to be misplaced. For they were determined to stop reduced its support for the Iran from acquiring a military opposition, Assad’s allies upped one, the Syrian regime nuclear capability. But what do their support for the regime, cynically exploited the these words mean? Is a “good with heavy weapons, military deal” one that ignores the frac- advisers and fighters. process to gain time and tious nature of Iranian politics The US belief in the Geneva and the fact that a deal reached process turned out to be mis- reverse opposition gains. may not bind other forces in the placed. For one, the Syrian country? Is a good deal one that regime cynically exploited the takes the words of Iran’s new process to gain time and reverse opposition gains. It hid government at face value, without requiring robust and behind the “respectability” of Geneva, while continuing its permanent international supervision of all its nuclear facili- brutal attacks. It refused to discuss the formation of the ties? “transitional governing authority,” which was the main prin- Without ironclad guarantees that Iran would not devel- ciple underpinning Geneva I and the key objective of op a military nuclear capability, the deal would not reassure Geneva II. It was understood that Assad will have no place Iran’s neighbors and could lead to a fervent regional nuclear in that authority, after he has slaughtered tens of thousands arms race. Equally important, is a “good deal” one that slows of his own people, made millions of them homeless and down Iran’s development of nuclear weapons while freeing inflicted unspeakable torture on the tens of thousands that its hand in Syria, to enable the regime to annihilate its he has detained. But Assad’s supporters now openly flout opponents, at unspeakable human cost? Is a “good deal” that understanding and insist on a role for him in upcoming one that allows Iran to continue its efforts to arm and fund “elections.” In other words, the regime has made a travesty sectarian militias and stir religious divisions throughout the out of Geneva. Similarly, Russia seems to have drawn the region? wrong lessons. Its annexation of Crimea and saber-rattling The US President has surely heard during his visit to elsewhere in Ukraine appear to be inspired by that process: Riyadh over the weekend what Saudis and others think of Its actions are premised on a belief that the US would not US policies in the region. More importantly, the facts on the try to stop them, and could not if it wanted to. As in Syria, by ground in Ukraine, Syria and the region as a whole, make it utilizing its veto power at the UN Security Council, it also clear that those policies are due for a reassessment. Saudis prevented attempts to mobilize international action. and the region as a whole are awaiting the fulfillment of US The Syrian regime’s actions during and since Geneva promises of exploring new approaches to the region’s prob- make it clear that diplomacy is not a substitute for action on lems, which could rehabilitate the US image and interna- the ground to bolster moderate opposition, in the face of tional role and return the Saudi-US strategic partnership to both the regime and extremist groups. its historical path. TUES DAY, APRIL 1, 2014 LOCAL Olympic scholarships initiative ‘success’

KUWAIT: An Olympic initiative which pro- medals, comprised of four gold, one silver “I congratulate Sheikh Ahmad and all the Olympic Solidarity, IOC and the Olympic athletes they got some medals in Sochi and vides training scholarships to Olympic ath- and five bronze medals. In addition, 11 of the members of this commission on the great movement,” said Sheikh Ahmad. we are very happy.” The meeting also letes in their discipline has “proved a success” larger NOCs were given tailor-made scholar- success of the Sochi Winter Olympics and Following the meeting, the Director of “approved a plan to support the NOCs to cre- judging from their results in the recent Sochi ships to distribute at their discretion. Four of can only encourage you in this way,” he the Olympic Solidarity Commission, Pere ate their website for those who have not (got Winter Olympics, said International Olympic the 11 NOCs won a medal, comprised of added. He added that, as time goes by more Miro, explained that three main topics had a website)” as around 45 NOCs in the world Committee chief Thomas Bach. three gold and one silver. Japan NOC funding is being needed in order to support been discussed, namely to assess the results do not have a website and the commission At a speech he made at the opening of received this tailor-made grant and focused this initiative. of scholarship recipients in the most recent hopes that they will all have one in a year’s the Olympic Solidarity Commission meeting on four athletes, one of whom, Yuzuru Sochi Winter Olympics, media and communi- time. The commission will also help some in Kuwait he said that as recipients of the Hanyu, won the men s figure skating gold Right direction cations assistance and budget issues pertain- NOCs in creating a database containing two-year OSC-funded scholarships were win- medal. Hanyu is from Sendai, and his home For his part, OSC Chairman Sheikh ing to NOCs. “Here today we have analysed information on athletes, coaches and offi- ning medals at Sochi 2014, this was a very ice rink was destroyed in the March 2011 Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah said the scholar- the results of all those scholarship holders cials, he added. clear signal that these efforts were “on the earthquake and tsunami; Japan NOC used ship for winter sports athletes had proved to and I guess the results are very satisfactory In conclusion, the commission discussed right track”. Of the 76 National Olympic the OSC scholarship to pay for him to train in be a great success at Sochi. for the members of the commission,” added budgetary issues between NOCs and the IOC Committees, 71 qualified for Sochi 2014 and Toronto, Canada, for two years. Of 15 team “The roadmap proposed for this commis- Miro, who is also the IOC National Olympic for the fiscal 2009/12 year, and “everybody 244 of the 382 scholarship athletes qualified support grants, 11 teams qualified for Sochi sion is going in the right direction and we Committees Relations Director. has justified that the money they received to take part in the Games. Of these, 10 won and one NOC won a bronze medal. will keep working to achieve the goals of “It’s not our objective but some of these has been used with high efficiency.” —KUNA

A group picture of visitors and Dasman Diabetics Institute officials. DDI recognized as a GCC diabetes reference center Great awareness efforts needed

Dr Kazem Behbehani, Direcot Dr Qais Al Duwairi, Dr Kazem Behbehani and Dr Tawfik Khoja General of Dasman Diabetes Duwairi said. ing in children as young as 10 years, Institute The Dasman Diabetics Institute has “which is unfortunate”. This will have carried out major efforts against dia- an effect not only children, but also By Abdellatif Sharaa betes and prepared awareness, edu- on parents. “The country depends on cational and treatment programs, the future of these nationals, who will KUWAIT: Dasman Diabetics Institute while the health ministry gave its sup- be having difficulties to make it to the (DDI) is celebrating yet another port by providing manpower and the age of 40,” he warned. The important achievement since it was established requirements needed for success. thing is how to deal with this, how to in 2006 by the Kuwait Foundation for Duwairi said the institute is a bright educate, how to make sure they exer- the Advancement of Sciences (KFAS), spot at the Gulf level in research, edu- cise and how can we ensure behavior after it was officially recognized as a cation and treatment, and hoped that changes in schools, he added. GCC reference center for diabetes it will be recognized internationally “We are doing a lot of research on care. too. He also called for effective social diabetes, and there is a scientific advi- The recognition was announced by contributions. sory board which advises us on how member of the executive board of the Meanwhile, Sheikha Intisar Salem to approach schools. We can even GCC health ministers’ council Dr Qais Al-Ali Al-Sabah said, “We are proud to look at the problems that will lead us Al-Duwairi, who said the health min- have such a credible institution in to make the changes, along with istry is not the only body that is con- Kuwait that is recognized all over the behavioral changes,” Behbehani said. cerned with diabetes, but the disease world, and it is a great honor for us to “We educate children in schools and has been tackled by various societal become a reference center in the invite them to the Dasman institute. institutions too. “We are interested in GCC.” Dasman Diabetics Institute We are noticing a gradual understand- the new generation that is exposed to Director General Dr Kazim Behbehani ing, and hope they will take what they stress as well as physical inactivity and told Kuwait Times that because of the learn home, so parents will under- smoking, all of which require great type of food and changes in behavior stand the issue and be more aware,” awareness efforts and programs,” and lifestyle, diabetes is now appear- he said. Help to ehnance GCC industrial sectors MUSCAT: GCC Secretary General Abdullateef Al-Zayani asserted yesterday GCC countries’ keenness on improving Gulf industries through adopting programs and strategic plans that would help enhance the industrial sector. Al-Zayani said in a statement, at the opening session of the 14th GCC Industrialists Conference in Muscat, said that the GCC Industries’ system is based on integration and building modern Industrial areas that would support giant development projects and faciliate exports. “The Industries are also based on bolstering the private sector and speed up implementations of GCC Customs Union, and principes of joint GCC markets,” Al-Zayani added.—KUNA TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 LOCAL Prostitute to ‘teens’ nabbed at local hotel Murder threat at Riqqa school KUWAIT: Police arrested an Arab worked for a Kuwaiti citizen living in ed red-handed as police document- dent who she saw putting the flyers woman Sunday morning on charges Fahd Al-Ahmad. According to the ed the process. Police detectives in the science lab. Preliminary inves- of offering sexual services to investigations, the man was reported simultaneously detained his friend tigations indicate that the student teenagers for money. According to missing on June 19, 2013, or 9 who admitted to planning to who has disputes with the teacher the police report, detectives at the months before his body was found. escape to his home country of mentioned in the flyers is allegedly Juveniles Investigations Office And while investigations are still Egypt before he is convicted for responsible for the threats. began recently looking into infor- ongoing to determine the circum- rape he committed in Kuwait. Police Nevertheless, they are taking the mation about a prostitute who tar- stances behind his death, police sum- referred the two to the public pros- threats seriously as they plan to geted underage boys. Investigations moned his employer for questioning ecution, and provided photo and summon the student identified dur- soon confirmed that the woman’s regarding the circumstances behind video evidence showing the first ing questioning with teaching staff phone number was circulated by a his disappearance. suspect handing the bribe money for questioning. ‘considerable number’ of teenagers. to the officer. Following a monitoring period, Bribe offered to exit Kuwait Fatal crash police obtained a warrant to raid an A man faces charges after he Murder threat A man died in an accident on Mina hotel apartment they believed the offered a bribe to airport police in Riqqa detectives are looking to Abdullah road. The circumstances suspect used to practice her illegal order to help a fugitive exit the identify a suspect who threatened behind the accident remain undeter- activity. The woman was arrested country. According to the police to burn down a girl’s high school in mined. Paramedics and police headed inside the apartment where police report, a passports counter officer the area and kill students on April to the scene in response to an emer- also found two teenagers. She was approached the chief detective at 15. Police were called to the school gency call, which reported that a vehi- taken to the authorities for further the Kuwait International Airport after teaching staff found leaflets cle lost balance and overturned at the action. and told him that an Egyptian man containing warnings to set the side of the road. The Asian man was Body identified offered him KD 1,200 to help his school ablaze and ‘assassinate’ stu- pronounced dead at the scene before Detectives were able to identify a friend bypass his travel ban and get dents in revenge against a teacher criminal investigators were called. The man whose body was found recently out of the country. The officer who was named in the leaflets. One body was taken to the forensic depart- at the Adaire’a desert, discovering received permission to lure the sus- of the teachers gave police during ment and a case was filed for investi- that he was an Asian man who pect into a trap. The man was arrest- questioning information of a stu- gations. Stage ready for Gulf Petroleum Forum KUWAIT: The Secretary-General of the Organization all territorial and international fields to tackle all role in bolstering coordination among the con- of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) issues related to oil resources and the challenges cerned authorities which manage energy cases to Abbas Ali Al-Naqi stressed the strategic importance which such vital industry confronts. Moreover, it serve the interests of OAPEC member countries. This of GCC countries as they provide the entire world seeks devotedly to reinforce the concept of ‘energy manifests clearly through the coordinative meet- KUWAIT: Hawally Municipality Emergency team raided a food warehouse, that with 23% of its oil needs and about 12% of its needs security’ in the region and the entire world to keep ings which the organization convenes in different belongs to a mill in Salmiya that contained 1451 tons of expired food stuff, 105 liters from natural gas, indicating that GCC countries pos- fields among which the climate changes. Add to sess 39% of the international oil reserves and 21% of this the daily meetings which are held among of oil and dates vinegar. Head of Hawally emergency team Riyadh Al-Rabee said the the natural gas reserves. OAPEC member countries, OPEC member countries, expired food included beans, thyme, dried apricots, dates pastery, white chocolate, In a press statement during his participation in the Arab League and Gulf Cooperation Council to various spices in addition to the oil and vinegar. —By Hanan Al-Saadoun the 2nd Gulf Petroleum Forum, Al-Naqi said this tackle cases of mutual concern. He also hailed the term of the forum, which is held on April 7 and 8 in role which OAPEC member countries play to rein- participation of several GCC and Arab governmental force common collaboration among each other to authorities and companies from the public and pri- activate such pioneering role. vate sectors, succeeds the first term which man- With reference to the importance of the 2nd aged ostensibly to spotlight the strategic impor- Gulf Petroleum Forum, Al-Naqi said the activities of tance of the Arabian Gulf area. In addition, it the forum this time coincide with an increasing con- stressed the necessity of coping with the territorial cern in the development plan of the Gulf oil sector changes and their reflections on the international to provide an appropriate opportunity for the inter- oil markets. national companies to be acquainted with the latest He clarified that the importance of this forum is developments in the Gulf oil sector in general and stemmed out from the significant role which the the activities and huge projects which will be - State of Kuwait plays along with other GCC coun- Abbas Ali Al-Naqi ed in the State of Kuwait in particular. He indicated tries in the oil sector, as Kuwait possesses huge oil the forum is tasked with handling issues regarding reserves; in addition, it seeks to bring and apply the providing the supplies of oil and gas from the oil and gas industry and petrochemical industry latest technologies applied in exploration, drilling, Arabian Gulf area and countries of the Middle East technically, economically and commercially; in addi- transport and export fields. to the entire world believing that the concept of tion to discussing the substantial role of such vital He further confirmed that the State of Kuwait is ‘energy security’ means security of supplies and industry in the process of comprehensive develop- keen on enhancing coordination among GCC coun- security of demand on energy. ment which is taking place in GCC countries particu- KUWAIT: Empty liquor bottles found in the stairway of a commercial and res- tries and all OAPEC member countries concerning He went on to say that OAPEC plays a pioneering larly in the State of Kuwait. idential complex in Kuwait City. NATO, Gulf states to celebrate 10 years of ICI

BRUSSELS: NATO and four Gulf coun- the moment are not members of the ICI isters in their meeting tomorrow will dis- tries, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and the UAE, should they wish to join.” cuss the situation around Ukraine and will celebrate the tenth anniversary of But the official added that “we don’t review relations with Russia and prepare the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) expect a discussion on this topic.” the agenda of the next NATO summit in this week on sidelines of a two-day NATO He said he did not have the names of Wales in early September. foreign ministers meeting which begins the officials representing the Gulf coun- NATO ministers will also meet the for- here today. tries at the meeting tomorrow but said eign minister of Ukraine followed by a The event will be held tomorrow, that “for the most part it will be at minis- meeting on the NATO-Ukraine NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu terial level.” Commission. told reporters yesterday. NATO’s Istanbul Cooperation EU High Representative Catherine “This is an opportunity to build on Initiative, launched at the Alliance’s Ashton has also been invited to join the our cooperation and also mark the tenth Summit in the Turkish city in June 2004, NATO foreign ministers meeting. anniversary of this initiative,” she noted. aims to contribute to long-term global Tomorrow, NATO foreign ministers Meanwhile, a senior NATO official and regional security by offering coun- will discuss Afghanistan with their coun- speaking on the condition of anonymity tries of the broader Middle East region terparts from non-NATO countries con- told journalists that the ICI “format is practical bilateral security cooperation tributing troops to ISAF in the presence open to addition of the other two Gulf with NATO. of Afghan foreign minister Zarar Osmani, states (Oman and Saudi Arabia) which at Meanwhile, Lungescu said NATO min- she said. —KUNA Gulf widens between Qatar, neighbors

DUBAI: US President Barack Obama visited Saudi Arabia at a crit- push its government to adopt such a declaration. For the time ical moment for the country. Its recent decision to withdraw its being, harsh policies toward the Muslim Brotherhood are likely ambassador from Qatar has revealed the gravity of the crisis in to be confined to Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The problem for the the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), composed of Saudia Arabia’s Saudis is that simply “correcting” the Qatari position cannot most immediate neighbors. Gulf politics is shifting toward a new change the political trajectory within the region - particularly in balance in the wake of the Saudi-United Arab Emirates rap- Syria and Egypt. prochement and the recent attempt to isolate Qatar. Moreover, the Saudis’ imposition of their preferred policies on The UAE and Bahrain have joined Saudi Arabia in downgrad- the GCC, together with the possibility of sanctions on Qatar, risks ing relations with Qatar. This is an unusual move, considering the jeopardizing all that the GCC (which already has fallen into politi- Arabian Gulf states’ tradition of treating political disagreements cal decline in the wake of the Arab Spring) has achieved the past as a family matter, to be handled behind the scenes. Oman is 33 years. Although Qatar’s rulers are concerned about the Saudis’ keeping its distance from the situation, while Kuwait has growing antipathy toward them, they have shown no indications attempted to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Qatar. of submitting to Saudi demands that they change course. Several factors are driving Saudi Arabia’s moves against Qatar, Given the impact on regional geopolitics of the recent interim which include a ban prohibiting Saudi intellectuals from con- nuclear deal between Iran and the West, Saudi Arabia’s alienation tributing to Qatari newspapers. There is Qatar’s support for the of its neighbors is all the more hazardous. Muslim Brotherhood (in Egypt and elsewhere); the speeches by Making matters worse, it is clear that disagreements within the Islamic theologian Yusuf Al-Qardawi and the broadcasting the GCC can no longer be resolved behind closed doors, and that policy of Qatar-funded Al Jazeera since the Arab Spring; and the member states are unable to air them publicly without risking a credence given to the view that Qatar is hosting Western institu- diplomatic rupture. tions with the intent of orchestrating a coup in Saudia Arabia. Across the region, minorities are feeling more empowered That view reflects the Saudis’ tough stance against the and citizens are making ever-stronger demands for better gov- Muslim Brotherhood, which they have declared a terrorist organ- ernment. There is a burgeoning desire for a future that dispenses ization. The Saudis perceive the Brotherhood’s influence in Arab with traditional policies based on fear and anger. countries, particularly the Gulf states, as a serious threat to their internal stability and survival. Power broker The voluntary abdication by Qatar’s Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa In this context, Saudi policy seems to be stuck in the past, and Al Thani in June 2013, and his replacement as Amir by his son the Saudis have chosen to adopt a strategy of self-help in order Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, failed to satisfy Saudi expec- to isolate itself from problems outside its borders, though it con- tations of change in Qatari foreign policy. And now the Saudis tinues to regard itself as the region’s power broker. The sudden have made it clear that they have reached the limits of their rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and the UAE resulted not patience. from the attractiveness of Saudi policy, but from their rulers’ But Saudi Arabia’s attitude toward Qatar may generate some shared perception that there is a dearth of political options. difficulties for its own policy. There is considerable transnational It would, of course, be wiser to address the real problems fac- movement of goods and services, and billions of dollars of cross- ing GCC governments, which range from embittered minorities border investment, across the Gulf - economic activity that to economies that are unable to create enough jobs for young would be endangered by the GCC’s further disintegration. people. But resolving these issues would require an inclusive and accommodating approach, both domestically and regionally, Harsh policies and Saudi Arabia, in particular, is not prepared to take that route. The Muslim Brotherhood is not a violent organization, and it The gulf impasse will exacerbate the already-fragile situation has not engaged in illegal activities in the Gulf countries. Other in the Middle East. Regional political realities, transnational inter- GCC states, eager to avoid escalating political tensions in their action and the common search for a better future should, even- own countries, are unlikely to declare it a terrorist organization. tually, prevail over policies geared for repression, discipline and Even Saudi Arabia’s special relationship with Jordan will not order. —Gulf News TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Kerry in Israel as peace Pakistan court indicts Musharraf for treason talks near collapse

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PARIS: In this May 17, 2012 file photo, French President Francois Hollande, center, and Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault, 5th left first row, pose with ministers after the first weekly cabinet at the Elysee Palace in Paris. France’s govern- ment has resigned yesterday ahead of a reshuffle that comes 24 hours after President Francois Hollande’s Socialists suffered losses in nationwide municipal elections seen as a referendum on his leadership. — AP Hollande names new PM after poll rout

PARIS: French President Francois Hollande chose Questions were raised over whether he would stick centrist Interior Minister Manuel Valls as his new with the reforms as left-wingers said the record prime minister yesterday, a coalition source said, abstention rate in the town hall vote showed that replacing Jean-Marc Ayrault who quit after the ruling working-class voters wanted Hollande to return to his Socialists were trounced in local elections. Socialist roots and abandon the pact. The 51-year-old Valls has been compared with “Don’t be afraid to abandon this path,” said an open “New Labour” former British premier Tony Blair both letter to Hollande posted on the website of Paris for his pro-business ideas and his dashing style. He is Socialist senator Marie-Noelle Lienemann and signed a bogeyman to the Socialist left, having proposed by fellow left-wingers Jerome Guedj and Emmanuel changing the party’s name and criticised the flagship Maurel. 35-hour work week it pioneered over a decade ago. “Job creation comes from a re-launch of public The choice of Valls, the Barcelona-born son of investment and consumption,” it said, urging Hollande Spanish immigrant parents, suggested Hollande is set to end a freeze on public sector salaries, raise the min- to amplify an EU-mandated shift towards pro-market imum salary and pensions. economic reforms and public spending cuts rather Weeks before France must present the EU with new than turn back as left-wingers demanded. detailed plans to bring down its public deficit, the let- Political commentators have compared Valls, who ter said the government should simply ignore the has taken a tough line on crime and Roma migrants, demands of the EU stability pact committing it to a with former conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy, deficit under three percent of output. who earned his spurs as a security hardliner in the Data released yesterday showed the public deficit same ministerial position. stood at 4.3 percent of gross domestic product in Speculation of a cabinet reshuffle mounted after 2013, above the government’s 4.1 percent target. Ayrault acknowledged he and his ministers bore part Provisional results from Sunday’s voting showed of the blame for Sunday’s defeat, which saw 155 the anti-EU National Front party of Marine Le Pen tak- towns swing to the centre-right UMP and the far-right ing control of 11 towns across the country plus one National Front claim 11. district in Marseille, surpassing a past record in the The coalition source confirmed local media reports 1990s when it ruled in four towns. of Valls’ nomination in a brief text message. Minutes “Punishment”, read a front-page headline in the earlier, Ayrault’s office announced the prime minister left-leaning Liberation newspaper. The National had tendered his resignation to Hollande, who was to Front’s wins were largely in the south, which has a tra- broadcast a recorded message to the nation at 8 p.m. dition of anti-immigrant feeling. But it also took pow- (1800 GMT). er in northern towns such as Henin-Beaumont and “I don’t see how there won’t be a major reshuffle,” Hayange, which are suffering from France’s industrial Francois Rebsamen, a Socialist senator and long-time decline. Hollande ally, told Reuters, noting that polls show the “This result is proof that we can win on a grand French did not trust the government to turn around scale,” Le Pen told BFM TV, adding that the vote unemployment of more than 10 percent. showed her party could win European Parliament elections due in late May. Pollster Ipsos on Sunday put ‘Punishment’ the FN narrowly behind the UMP for the EU vote, with Facing the lowest popularity levels of any president the Socialists trailing in third place. The FN now has a in the 56-year-old Fifth Republic, Hollande changed fresh chance to show it can be trusted with power tack earlier this year towards a more pro-business after its attempts to run towns in the 1990s were stance aimed at spurring investment and jobs widely judged to have exposed its failings, hurting its through cuts in corporate social charges. electoral fortunes for years afterwards. The president has said a mid-April vote in parlia- In some consolation for Hollande, Socialists ment on his “responsibility pact” package of 30 billion retained control of Paris city hall, with their candidate euros ($41.35 billion) in tax cuts for companies will Anne Hidalgo due to become the first female mayor also be a vote of confidence in his government. there. — Reuters Six killed in blast in Kenyan capital

NAIROBI: An explosion in an area of Kenya’s capital it added. Nairobi that is popular with Somalis killed six people Nairobi’s police commander Benson Kibui told and wounded several others yesterday, the National Reuters the incident might have involved twin blasts. Disaster Operations Centre said. He confirmed the five dead and said he was seeking There was no immediate claim of responsibility. In confirmation of a sixth killed. the past, such attacks in the Eastleigh area of Nairobi Ambulances and private cars ferried injured to hos- have been blamed on Somalia’s al Shabaab Islamist pital, a witness said. On Sunday, a man suspected of group, which attacked a Nairobi shopping mall in assembling a bomb was killed when it went off where September and killed at least 67 people. he lived near Eastleigh, Kenyan newspapers reported. “Police are securing the area for emergency The Standard daily, which cited police and wit- response services,” the disaster organisation said on its nesses, had said three men who lived with the victim official Twitter site. Nine people were critically injured, fled in a car shortly after Sunday’s blast. — Reuters TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Bahrain jails 13 for life over protest, attack: Lawyer MANAMA: Thirteen Bahrainis were sen- The sentences, handed out on three blasts this month killed three Qadeem. Lawyer Mohammed al-Tajer journalist Ahmed Humaidan, his lawyer tenced to life in prison after they were Sunday, come days ahead of Bahrain’s policemen, including one from the said he would file an appeal. “Of course I Fadhel al-Sawad said, adding that his convicted of trying to kill two policemen Formula One Grand Prix - an annual United Arab Emirates. am going to ask for an appeal. Most of client was innocent and had not been by attacking their vehicle and of taking event which has been cancelled once, Bahrain has accused Shi’ite power the accused didn’t even admit that they present at the scene of the attack and part in an illegal protest, their lawyer then staged amid heavy security since Iran of fomenting the unrest. Iran denies committed the crime,” Tajer told Reuters, that he would appeal. said yesterday. the demonstrations began. having links to Bahrain’s opposition or adding that the accused ranged in age Two more Bahrainis were given Another man was jailed for 10 years The island kingdom, home to the US any hand in the violence, but it says it is from 16-34. The government had no three-year jail sentences for possessing over the same attack and protest - one Fifth Fleet, quelled early mass protests supportive of Shi’ites there. Bahraini immediate comment. Last week, the flammable containers, he said. Unrest in of a string of clashes that have contin- with help from forces from neighbour- media said Sunday’s defendants were country’s criminal court sentenced 26 2011 forced the cancellation of the ued to erupt since mostly Shi’ite ing Sunni power Saudi Arabia. accused of attacking two officers in Bahrainis to 10 years in jail each for annual Grand Prix, but the event went Muslims took to the streets in 2011 to But sporadic protests have continued March 2012 as young men threw attacking a police station in Sitra in ahead in 2012 and 2013, alongside demand more say in the Sunni-ruled, and security forces have come under Molotov cocktails at police during a Bahrain’s northeast, a defence lawyer unrest. The next race is due to take place Western-allied kingdom. attack from home made bombs. One of protest in the Shi’ite village of Bilad al- said. Among those convicted was photo on April 4-6 .—Reuters 11 ancient burial boxes recovered in Israel

JERUSALEM: The Israeli Antiquities nighttime transaction involving two The Antiquities Authority already has Authority unveiled 11 ancient burial cars, four individuals and the 11 box- in its possession over 1,000 of these boxes yesterday that were recovered es. Once police realized the boxes ancient boxes. But deputy director of by the Israeli Police early Friday morn- were of archaeological significance, the authority Dr. Eitan Klein said that ing. they alerted the Antiquities Authority. each box was significant. Officials say the boxes are 2,000 It is not yet clear how the suspects got “We can learn from each ossuary years old. Some are engraved with hold of the boxes. about a different aspect of language, designs and even names, giving clues Two of the suspects are still being art and burial practice,” he said. “And to their origin and contents. The boxes held and the others are under house we can learn about the soul of the contain bone fragments and rem- arrest, according to the authority. person.” Some of the boxes feature nants of what experts say is pottery These boxes, or ossuaries, are believed elaborate engravings, which Klein buried with the deceased. to originate from the Second Temple says is indicative of wealth and a high The authority says the boxes were Period. social status of the deceased. Two recovered last Friday in Jerusalem Experts say they are from within a were inscribed with names - Yoezer when police observed a suspicious 1.3 mile (2 km) radius of Jerusalem. and Ralphine. According to common Jewish prac- tice of the time, the deceased were not buried but laid out in a cave for one year. Afterword the bones were then gathered and stored in the spe- cial boxes. Dr. Klein offered two potential pos- sibilities for how the sellers obtained JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State John Kerry, right, meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in these boxes. The first he said was that Jerusalem, yesterday, for a previously unannounced stop in Israel to continue working on talks about the Middle thieves had actively gone looting in East peace process. — AP an old cave. The second possibility is that a burial cave was uncovered inad- vertently during a construction proj- ect or excavation. Kerry in Israel as peace According to Israeli antiquities law, all antiquities discovered or found within Israel are considered property talks near collapse of the state. The boxes were recovered in the vicinity of the Shafat police station ‘Israel is practising a policy of blackmail’ near the Israeli settlement of Neveh Yaakov. Dr. Klein assumes that they JERUSALEM: US Secretary of State accepting a framework proposal involve only common law criminals JERUSALEM: Israeli archeologist Eitan Klein of the Antiquities Theft originated near Mt. Scopus. John Kerry flew yesterday to Tel Aviv which would extend the negotiations and not sick detainees, women or chil- Prevention Unit points at an engraved detail on one of the 11 ancient In the past, allegations of forgery on his latest mission to salvage peace beyond April 29 to the end of the year. dren. And it would not include politi- coffins containing Jewish bones from the Second Temple period after they have been made over certain ossuar- talks after the Palestinians rejected an But the question of extending the cal heavyweights. were recovered from thieves, yesterday at the Rockefeller Museum in ies and their inscriptions. But Dr. Klein Israeli proposal for extending negotia- talks has become intricately tied up And although the Israelis were Jerusalem. Police and antiquities inspectors have arrested a gang accused took careful note of their engravings tions. US peace efforts are teetering with the fate of the 26 prisoners. offering a partial settlement freeze in of looting the ancient Jewish burial caskets from a cave in the Jerusalem and contents. “These ossuaries are on the brink of collapse after Israel Just a day ahead of the expected the West Bank, it would not be area, the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) said. — AFP authentic,” he said. “Everything here refused to free a group of 26 veteran releases, Israel said it would not free extended to annexed east Jerusalem, smells authentic.” — AP Palestinian prisoners under an agree- detainees convicted of deadly attacks nor would it cover construction where ment which brought the sides back to unless the Palestinians would commit tenders had already been published. the negotiating table in July 2013. to extending the negotiations. But the “The Israeli proposal aims to con- Furious Palestinian officials have Palestinians say they will not even dis- tinue the negotiations indefinitely, warned that unless Israel changes its cuss any extension of the negotiating without any results, in parallel with stance on the prisoner releases, it period unless Israel frees the prison- continued settlement building,” he could signal the end of the talks. ers. The impasse has triggered charged, saying such policies posed a Kerry’s arrival in Tel Aviv came as “intense” US efforts to resolve the dis- “real danger” to the peace process. the Palestinian leadership was to pute, with Kerry speaking with both On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister meet in the West Bank town of sides earlier yesterday. Benjamin Netanyahu said the fate of Ramallah to discuss the latest stand- the US-brokered peace process would off. The unscheduled visit to Israel and Israel’s ‘blackmail policy’ likely be sealed within the coming the Palestinian territories came soon Ahead of Kerry’s arrival, a days, telling ministers: “Either the mat- after a Palestinian official confirmed Palestinian official told AFP the leader- ter will be resolved or it will blow up.” Ramallah had rejected an Israeli offer ship had rejected an Israeli proposal And he said any deal to extend the to extend talks beyond an April 29 to resolve the dispute that was laid negotiations would have to be put to deadline. out at a meeting of the two negotiat- the cabinet. Also on Sunday, Kerry With his work cut out, Kerry is likely ing teams in Jerusalem on Sunday said the US would reserve judgement to hold meetings in Jerusalem and the night. on the issues but that the time to West Bank town of Ramallah today. “Israel made a proposal which was make decisions was at hand. US State Department spokes- refused by the Palestinians,” he said. “We’ll see where we are tomorrow woman Jen Psaki said Kerry’s team “Israel is practising a policy of black- (Monday) when some judgements had been working with both parties mail and linking its agreement to have to be made,” he said. It was to “agree on a path forward”. releasing the fourth batch of prisoners Kerry’s first visit to Israel and the “After consulting with his team, with the Palestinians accepting to Palestinian territories since early Secretary Kerry decided it would be extend the negotiations,” he said. January, although he has held face-to- productive to return to the region,” In exchange for Palestinian agree- face meetings with both Netanyahu she told reporters in Paris shortly ment to continue the talks, Israel had and Palestinian leader Mahmud before departing for Tel Aviv. offered to free the fourth batch of Abbas in Europe and the United Washington has been fighting an detainees and to release another 420 States. He also met Abbas last week in uphill battle to coax the two sides into others. But that number would Amman.— AFP Former Israel PM convicted of bribery TEL AVIV: A Tel Aviv court yesterday sonally received bribes to the tune of website reported. found former premier Ehud Olmert 560,000 shekels ($160,000/116,000 There has been no date set for the guilty of bribery linked to a Jerusalem euros at the current exchange rate), sentencing, although the court has property development, in one of the most of which was given to his brother ordered deliberations to begin on April worst corruption scandals in Israeli his- Yossi by a middleman who later turned 28 in a process which is likely to last tory. state’s witness. several weeks, legal sources said. At a lengthy hearing in Tel Aviv Liat Ben Ari, one of the prosecuting District Court presided over by Judge Possible jail sentence lawyers, said it was “still too early” to David Rosen, Olmert was convicted on “The state ‘s witness bought say whether they would ask for the two counts of bribery, making him the (Olmert’s) ‘services’ at a price of 500,000 maximum sentence of seven years. first former premier to be convicted of shekels which was transferred to him “Usually the punishment for bribery the offence. through his brother,” it said of the main is prison. Obviously, we have to look at The trial, which included 16 defen- sum, saying the transfer involved eight all the circumstances and the full ver- dants and took place over two years, post-dated cheques of between 50,000 dict in order to reach a decision,” she was linked to the construction of the and 80,000 shekels. told public radio. massive Holyland residential complex Rosen also said the 68-year-old had Commentators said it was possible when Olmert served as the city’s may- lied to the court in a bid to “blacken the Olmert could face a jail term. “You are or. In 2010, Olmert was named the key name” of the state’s witness in a verdict talking about a man who has already suspect in the so-called Holyland affair which found 13 of the 16 defendants been convicted of corruption in a pre- on suspicion that he received hundreds guilty. vious case at Jerusalem District Court,” of thousands of shekels for helping Olmert’s spokesman Jacob Galanti said Moshe HaNegbi, legal commenta- developers get the construction proj- vowed to appeal, the Haaretz news tor for public radio. —AFP ect past various legal and planning obstacles. The towering construction project, which dominates the city’s skyline, is seen as a major blot on the landscape and widely reviled as a symbol of high- level corruption. “We’re talking about corrupt and filthy practices,” Judge Rosen said in the 700-page verdict which branded Olmert as a liar. Olmert reportedly sat expressionless throughout the verdict as the judge spoke at length of a “cor- rupt political system which has decayed over the years... and in which hundreds of thousands of shekels were transferred to elected officials”. TEL AVIV: Former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, center, arrives to the According to the verdict, excerpts of District Court to attend his hearing for a corruption case, in Tel Aviv, Israel, which were seen by AFP, Olmert per- yesterday. — AP INTERNATIONAL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

US ambassador to India quits after rift

WASHINGTON: The US ambassador to India resigned yesterday in the wake of a bitter rift between the usually friendly countries following a diplomat’s arrest in New York. The announcement by Nancy Powell, a veteran diplomat with extensive experience in South Asia, comes days before India heads into elections in which the Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi-formerly a US pari- ah-is forecast by polls to become prime minister. Powell, in a brief statement, did not elaborate on her reasons but said that her decision was “planned for some time” and that she will retire by the end of May in the eastern US state of Delaware. She is in her late 60s. Powell, who has been ambassador for less than two years, submitted her resignation to President Barack Obama and announced her decision at a meeting of staff in New Delhi, said the statement issued by the embassy. She is leaving after the worst crisis between the United States and India since they start- ed building a warmer relationship in the 1990s. India voiced out- rage in December when one of its diplomats, Devyani Khobragade, was arrested and strip-searched in New York on charges of underpaying her servant. US diplomats expressed regret over the diplomat’s treatment but appeared to have been DARRINGTON: A dump truck passes the Darrington Fire Station in early morning light yesterday, in Darrington, Wash. Crews have cleared a path through the muck and dev- blind-sided by the decision taken by prosecutors. Khobragade astation wrought by Washington’s deadly mudslide, making the painstaking search for victims easier. The makeshift road completed over the weekend links one side of the returned to India under a deal, but prosecutors went ahead in 300-acre debris field to the other. — AP March with a second indictment. In February, Powell took the lead in US policy by meeting with Modi, the chief minister of the western state of Gujarat and candidate for prime minister of the right-leaning Bharatiya Janata Party. Emergency crews face toxic The United States had earlier refused Modi a visa on human rights grounds over anti-Muslim riots in 2002 in which more than 1,000 people were killed. Critics accused Modi of turning a blind eye or worse to the violence, although investigations challenge in Washington cleared him of personal blame. Despite the controversy in Washington over Modi, most policymakers agreed that the United States needed to reach out to him due to the likelihood he will become prime minister. Powell, who holds the presti- 30 still listed as unaccounted gious title of career ambassador, served as a US diplomat for 37 years and was previously the top US envoy in Ghana, Nepal, OSO: Recovery teams struggling through thick mud up to ing dozens of homes on the outskirts of the town of Oso in say covers 1 square mile (2.6 sq km). Pakistan and Uganda. — AFP their armpits and heavy downpours at the site of the dev- the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Scores of recovery workers, including National Guard astating landslide in Washington state are facing yet Jason Biermann, program manager for the Snohomish troops just back from Afghanistan, picked through the another challenge - an unseen and potentially dangerous County Emergency Management Department, said late on swampy, rubble-strewn mud on Sunday as overcast but stew of toxic contaminants. Sunday that the official loss of life so far included 15 vic- dry weather provided a welcome respite from heavy rains Sewage, propane, household solvents and other chemi- tims whose remains have been identified by medical of recent days. Weather forecasts for the week ahead cals lie beneath the surface of the gray mud and rubble examiners and six more still awaiting positive identifica- showed a continued drying trend, “which will help crews that engulfed hundreds of acres of a small, rural communi- tion. He said four additional sets of remains were found on and reduce the risk of flooding and additional slides,” the ty and left dozens dead and missing northeast of Seattle Sunday that for reasons not explained to reporters were county said in a statement. on the morning of March 22. The official death toll stood at being left out of the official tally of dead. Some parts of the slide area, buried beneath 15 to 75 21 yesterday, with 30 people still listed as unaccounted for feet (5 to 23 meters) of mud, twisted tree trunks and nine days after a rain-soaked hillside collapsed above the No signs of life wreckage, were still too dangerous to enter, Burke told north fork of the Stillaguamish River. County officials Authorities have offered conflicting casualty figures, reporters. Like most workers at the site, Burke’s boots planned to present their next update on the status of the and the process of accounting for the number of dead has were sealed to his trousers with duct tape, a precaution recovery operations at 11 a.m. local time on Monday. likely been complicated by the condition of some bodies to keep toxic sludge out of his clothing. National Guard Managers of the recovery operation were taking special that rescue workers have said are not always found intact. troops also set up a decontamination station where work- measures to protect the hundreds of workers on the scene They have in recent days reported locating a number of ers scrubbed themselves with soap and hot water before from chemical exposure and to prevent toxic sludge from bodies that have not been included in the official death leaving the site. “This is going to be a hazardous materials being carried offsite. toll, previous to the four reported on Sunday, but have not site for many years while we try to get this cleaned up,” “We’re worried about dysentery, we’re worried about provided further updates on the status of those remains. Burke said. Governor Jay Inslee, who toured the disaster CARACAS: Protesters confront with police during a protest tetanus, we’re worried about contamination,” local fire No one has been pulled out alive and no signs of life zone by helicopter on Sunday, said relatives had not giv- againt Venenzuelan president Nicolas Maduro in Caracas Lieutenant Richard Burke, a spokesman for the operation, have been detected since the day the landslide hit, when en up all hope of finding a “miracle” survivor, and neither on Sunday. The student-led protests erupted February 4 in told reporters visiting the disaster site on Sunday. “The last at least eight people were injured but survived. had authorities.“We’re looking for that miracle right now,” the western border city of San Cristobal and quickly thing we want to do is take any of these contaminants out Officials have conceded it may be impossible to the governor said during a stop at an airfield in the spread to Caracas. At least 39 people have been killed in of here and take them into town, back to our families.” account for everyone lost in the disaster, and that some neighboring town of Arlington. “If we don’t find that mir- clashes with security forces since the start of the unrest, The torrent of mud released by the slide roared over victims might end up being permanently entombed under acle, they’re also looking for the knowledge of the fate of the worst challenge yet to the year-old government of both stream banks and across state Highway 530, flatten- the mound of muck and debris, which county authorities their loved ones.” — Reuters President Nicolas Maduro. — AFP New battle rages over death toll from Venezuela crisis

CARACAS: After her bus was stopped at a barricade set up by sition says the toll is 28. More than 550 people have been protesters in Venezuela one night last week, a pregnant 28- injured. The dead include supporters of both camps and mem- year-old got off to walk home in the dark. bers of the security forces. Prosecutors have accused at least 20 Adriana Urquiola, who worked as a sign language inter- people in connection with the deaths, but in most cases have preter at a TV station, was returning from a shopping trip. not released enough details to verify who is responsible. Moments later, she was shot several times and died. Witnesses Few details are universally agreed on in any of the other say she was hit by a man who got out of a black SUV at the bar- cases. Both sides’ lists show that at least 18 victims were killed rier and opened fire with a pistol. But the exact circumstances by unidentified gunmen, although they blame their foes. are unclear and that is often the case when trying to identify The government says 10 people were killed while trying to the killers in Venezuela’s worst unrest in a decade. Both sides get through or dismantle barricades, many of them felled by blame the other in many of the roughly three-dozen deaths, gunshots that it blames - without definitive proof - on armed and each suspects hardliners among their rivals of morbidly opposition hardliners wanting to keep the barriers in place. desiring a higher toll for political reasons. The government Also without compelling evidence, opponents blame bands accuses the opposition of wanting more fatalities to make their of pro-Maduro militants on motorcycles for opening fire on case of state-sponsored violence against peaceful rallies and protesters. And the government includes among victims of the justify international sanctions against members of President protests two elderly women who died because the ambu- Nicolas Maduro’s administration. lances taking them to hospitals for emergency treatment were The opposition says the government wants a higher toll as held up in traffic gridlock caused by protesters’ barricades. it blames the chaos on opposition gunmen and hooded demonstrators blocking roads, and to distract from the issues Rival claims that started the protests, such as high inflation, food shortages Confusing matters further, both sides accuse each other of and crime. The drip-drip of new fatalities, and fierce disagree- sending disguised troublemakers to infiltrate their ranks. ments about what caused them, are driving the political Prosecutors have attributed five deaths to members of the debate and are being used by both sides to rally supporters. security forces and 17 are under arrest for crimes including In a country with at least 15,000 homicides last year, there is brutality, torture and murder. Eight members of the forces ample scope for confusion and propaganda. Many of the have been killed, all but one of whom were National Guard deaths occurred in chaotic circumstances, often after dark, troops shot while taking down barriers, according to the gov- amid clashes between opposition protesters on one side and ernment. Eight of the dead appear to be reliably identified as pro-government militants or National Guard troops on the oth- opposition supporters, and five as pro-government. In the oth- er. “Each and every fatality is the fault of the crazy ‘guarim- er cases, the victims’ political affiliations are in dispute and hard beros’,” Maduro said last week, using the local term for demon- to prove. strators who barricade streets. There is little agreement even The murder of Urquiola - the recently married, pregnant on how many deaths can be attributed to the turmoil, which woman killed after stepping off the bus in Guaicaipuro on the began with student protests and intensified when three peo- outskirts of Caracas - is among the most-fiercely debated. ple were shot dead after a Feb. 12 opposition rally in down- Urquiola and another woman were shot by a suspect who town Caracas. got out of a black SUV, opposition leader Henrique Capriles The government says 39 people have died while the oppo- said that night, stressing that her death was not linked to protests. Some local media said the gunman was a convicted kidnapper who found the barricade blocking his way home. They said he fired 17 rounds in the attack, and has since fled the country. In a phone call to a newspaper, a man admitted killing Urquiola in panic after being shot at himself and having his car pelted with bottles and stones by hooded protesters as he drove up to the barrier. The next morning, the municipality’s pro-government mayor blamed her death squarely on the demonstrators who blocked the street, and declared three days of mourning. Capriles accused Maduro’s government of being content to watch the death toll rise, because it distract- ed people from the country’s economic and political crisis. “The violence only suits one side,” he said. Another much- discussed death was that of Jimmy Vargas, a 34-year-old who fell from a roof during clashes in the western city of San Cristobal. Some witnesses said a teargas cannister or buckshot fired by the National Guard hit him first, but prosecutors say there is no proof of that and a cellphone video of the incident shows him appear to stumble and then plunge backward while climbing down from a ledge. One of the most controver- sial - and still somewhat mysterious - deaths was either the first, or the second. Juan Montoya, a pro-government militant, was among a group of bikers who turned up in the center of Caracas on Feb. 12 just as masked, stone-throwing demonstra- tors broke away from a peaceful opposition rally to clash with riot police. Amid the fighting and swirling teargas, videos show several members of the Sebin national intelligence agency arriving on the scene. Two are seen firing pistols towards the melee. — Reuters INTERNATIONAL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Timbuktu hosts reconciliation meetings for Mali

TIMBUKTU: Hundreds of Malians are gathering in the will be highlighting the reasons for the crisis and still afraid of coming back because of the insecurity ethnic Tuareg rebels who have long sought independ- northern desert town of Timbuktu this week in an what can be done to advance reconciliation and the and the Malian army thinks they are rebels,” said ence for northern Mali, which they call Azawad. In attempt to reconcile wounds in this country, which return to peace to Mali,” said Oumou Sall Seck, the Hamata El Ansary, who is representing the Malians still January, the rebels withdrew from peace talks with was divided in two for nearly a year by Islamic extrem- mayor of Goundam, who is attending this week’s in Burkina Faso. “The state should understand there is Mali’s government, saying they were intended to ists who amputated the hands of suspected thieves talks. “But it’s a long process of reconciliation that no problem between the communities, but there is a emphasize reconciliation without addressing the and whipped women for going out in public without starts today.” problem between them and the government, and group’s political grievances including their push for veils. The fabled town of Timbuktu fell under the control between the communities and armed groups in the autonomy. After the militants were chased from the cities by of Al-Qaida militants and other jihadists in early 2012, area.” “The state is going to listen to local groups and French troops, Malian soldiers killed civilians suspect- who soon began imposing a harsh interpretation of take their requests into consideration. It’s on this basis ed of having links to the jihadists on the mere basis of Islamic Shariah law. A French-led military operation Promote development that the government is going to sign agreements with their ethnicity, prompting a mass exodus of Arab and ousted the militants from power in January 2013, In addition to talks on reconciliation, this week’s the armed groups who claim to represent Azawad,” Tuareg residents who fled for their lives. More than a though the area has remained roiled by insecurity. conference also will discuss ways to promote develop- said Chirfi Moulaye Haidara, who is representing the year later, some 200,000 have yet to return from Remnants of the radical Islamic groups have attempt- ment in northern Mali, where a lack of economic Malian government at this week’s meetings. refugee camps in neighboring Mauritania, Niger and ed suicide bombings and other attacks in recent opportunity over generations helped foment the The conference will give people a chance to talk, Burkina Faso. months. And amid the insecurity, there has been little rebellion. And organizers hope the talks will allow said Silvia Chiarelli from the Center For Civilians in The talks in Timbuktu are being held to try to get movement made toward seeking justice for the Arab communities to share their opinions with Mali’s gov- Conflict, which is taking part in the discussions. “It’s a all Malians to reconcile. “There will be representa- and Tuareg victims who were killed in reprisal attacks ernment on how to proceed with reconciliation. good starting point for a discussion,” Chiarelli said, “but tives from all the communities in the region, and we after the Islamic militants fled. “Malian refugees are The top issue remains stalled negotiations with the putting it into action will be another thing.” — AP Russian forces ‘gradually withdrawing’ from Ukraine Medvedev makes surprise visit to Crimea

KIEV: Ukraine yesterday reported a gradual with- Paris talks Ukraine’s acting President Oleksandr Turchynov drawal of Russian troops from its border that Kerry’s hastily arranged meeting with Lavrov told reporters yesterday. “There are no grounds may be linked to Washington’s latest push for a concluded without any evident shift in either for Ukraine’s federalisation,” the acting president diplomatic solution to the worst East-West stand- sides’ stance. Lavrov reiterated Moscow’s said. off since the Cold War. demand that Ukraine be turned into a federation The announcement came in the wake of a in which the regions enjoyed broader autonomy Medvedev in Crimea four-hour meeting in Paris on Sunday between from Kiev and had the right to declare Russian as Kerry stressed on Sunday that Washington US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russia’s a second official language. still viewed Crimea’s annexation as “illegal and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that ended with Washington is not against the idea of consti- illegitimate”. But analysts note that the West an agreement to resolve the Ukrainian crisis tutional changes but remains wary that the appears to have accepted Ukraine’s loss of the through talks. Kremlin wants to use decentralisation as a tool strategic region as a fait accompli and is now Both Western powers and the new pro- for vetoing Kiev decisions in southeastern more concerned about the Kremlin’s perceived European interim leaders in Kiev have been regions whose Russian speakers Putin has vowed attempts to splinter the rest of the nation of 46 increasingly worried that the Kremlin intended to “protect”. Kerry insisted after the talks that he million. Medvedev reasserted Russia’s claim over to seize heavily Russified southeastern parts of did not discuss the federation idea with Lavrov in Crimea on Monday by leading a major delega- Ukraine after annexing its Crimea peninsula in response to the fall in February of the ex-Soviet state’s Moscow-backed president. But any sign of an easing in Russia’s position was countered by an unannounced visit to CAPE TOWN: In this Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 file photo, South African president Jacob Zuma, Crimea by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev-the front, stands before a guard of honor at Parliament before the yearly State of the Nation most senior Moscow official to visit the Black Sea address in Cape Town, South Africa. Zuma says that he has done nothing wrong despite a peninsula since its March 16 vote to join Kremlin. scandal surrounding costly state upgrades to his private home that have ignited a debate The Ukrainian defence ministry said the start about alleged corruption ahead of May 7 elections. — AP of the troop drawdown appeared to coincide in timing to a phone call that Russian President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly placed to US Scandal hits South President Barack Obama about the crisis on Friday evening. Africa president “In recent days, the Russian forces have been gradually withdrawing from the border,” the Ukrainian defence ministry’s general staff JOHANNESBURG: A scandal surrounding blaze. They are delighted, in turn, by a YouTube spokesman Oleksiy Dmytrashkivskiy told AFP in a more than $20 million in state spending on the parody of the catchy “Gangnam Style” song by South African president’s private home has South Korea’s Psy. telephone interview. ignited a debate about moral leadership and “Nkandla Style” doesn’t feature any trade- Dmytrashkivskiy said he could not confirm alleged corruption ahead of May elections, mark dance, just a revolving view of a pile of how many soldiers were involved or the number of troops still stationed in the border region. US even prompting satirical songs based on smash coins and cartoons of a pulsating transistor SEVASTOPOL: Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (L) speaks with local residents in Sevastopol, and EU officials had earlier estimated that hits such as “Gangnam Style.” radio. yesterday. Medvedev is the first Russian leader to travel to the Black Sea region after Moscow seized it The uproar comes at a pivotal time for The lyrics include, “If you’re number one, Russia’s sudden military buildup had reached from Ukraine. — AFP President Jacob Zuma and his ruling African you get to drive the gravy train,” and “Yes I’m 30,000 to 40,000 troops. National Congress party, the former anti- swimming in your money but I don’t know, I Kiev’s Centre for Military and Political Studies detail because Ukrainian officials had not been tion of cabinet ministers to its main city of apartheid movement that has dominated don’t know, skinny dipping with all my honeys, analyst Dmytro Tymchuk said on Monday that his invited to Paris. Simferopol and then planning a side trip to South African politics since the end of white cool in the pool, my fire pool.” sources had told him that Russia had only 10,000 “We will not accept a path forward where the Sevastopol-an historic port that has housed racist rule two decades ago. Opposition parties Another spoof came from South African DJ soldiers stationed near Ukraine by Monday legitimate government of Ukraine is not at the tsarist and Kremlin navies since the 18th century. hope to make inroads against the electoral Gareth Cliff, who riffs off American rapper Jay morning. table. This principle is clear. No decisions about He promised to modernise Crimea’s crum- front runner by driving a wedge between ANC Z’s “Empire State of Mind” with a chorus that “If earlier, we estimated the chances of a Ukraine without Ukraine,” Kerry told reporters. bling infrastructure by turning the region into a supporters and the president, whose tenure goes, “Secret jungle where dreams are made Russian invasion at 80 percent, then now we put Ukraine’s new leaders have been willing to “special economic zone” of Russia that attracted has been hit by allegations of state graft. of/There’s nothing you can’t do/Now you’re in it at 50 percent,” Tymchuk said in comments give more authority to local legislatures and investments through lower tax rates. President Jacob Zuma said government Nkandla.” posted on his Facebook account. A Ukrainian allow the regions to elect their own governors- Medvedev said he had come to “assess the sit- security officials controlled the project at his The scandal follows the suspension last year defence ministry official said that Kiev had not administrators who are appointed by Kiev today. uation and the scale of tasks ahead of us, and of home and that efforts by the political opposi- of some security officials after a chartered been formally notified of the drawdown by But they also refuse to give regions the power course just to talk to the residents of the penin- tion to bring criminal charges against him for plane carrying 200 guests from India to a lavish Moscow and therefore could not tell why the sol- to set up their own economic and social policies sula and support them.” alleged misuse of state money will fail, South family wedding was allowed to land at a South diers were being moved. “This could be linked to that could theoretically boost their reliance on The close Putin ally had earlier visited a chil- Africa media reported yesterday. African air force base. Critics said it was an “There is no case,” The New Age newspaper example of inappropriate links between big a regular rotation of soldiers,” said Russia. “Lavrov, Putin and Medvedev can suggest dren’s hospital in Simferopol and promised the quoted Zuma as saying at a campaign stop business and top government ranks. Dmytrashkivskiy.”Or it may be linked to the as many ideas as they want for resolving Russia’s doctors it would be modernised with new ambu- near opposition-held Cape Town. “They can The executive committee of the ruling par- Russian-US negotiations.” problems-but not for resolving our problems,” lances. — AFP look for me even under the trees. They are nev- ty, which includes Zuma, said Monday that it er going to find me because I never did any- was committed to accountability and it had thing wrong.” noted the watchdog report on the president’s France in new tack On March 19, South Africa’s state watchdog home. There are “processes that need to be giv- agency released a report concluding that Zuma en a chance,” including a report from Zuma as inappropriately benefited from state funding well as a separate state probe, it said. to fight roots and should pay back some money for the Some prominent figures in the African alleged security upgrades at the president’s National Congress, however, have lamented of terrorism rural Nkandla residence. Some construction the Nkandla spending in a country with a deep had nothing to do with security, including an divide between rich and poor. Last week, PARIS: To stop the stream of French youths pursuing jihad in amphitheater, a visitors’ center, a chicken run Business Day newspaper published a column Syria, France is preparing to try to tackle terrorism before it starts, and an area for cattle, according to the report. by Pallo Jordan, a former Cabinet minister who by involving schools, parents and local Muslim leaders, The criticized ministers in charge of the project and Associated Press has learned. ‘Fire pool’ said Zuma bore “moral responsibility.” Jordan This is part of a still-confidential plan prompted by fears that Many South Africans are incensed by the wrote: “Even though it has many commendable young radicals who travel to Syria could return home with the building of a swimming pool at Nkandla that achievements in healthcare, education and skills and motivation to carry out attacks - a Europe-wide concern. was described by project officials as a “fire social security, the record of his administration French officials say the plan will be made public soon. pool,” or a reservoir to be used to douse any is littered with scandal.” — AP The fears resurfaced last week when authorities revealed the discovery near Cannes of three soda cans packed with nails, bolts and explosives plus bomb-making instructions at the apartment BAGA: This file picture taken on April 30, 2013 shows Nigerian troops patrolling in the of a 23-year-old man who had returned from Syria. Memories are streets of the remote northeast town of Baga, Borno State. Nigeria’s military yesterday still fresh of a radical Muslim Frenchman who gunned down chil- dren at a Toulouse Jewish school in 2012, after training in denied claims from Amnesty International that its troops may have committed war crimes Afghanistan and Pakistan. To combat terrorism, France amassed and crimes against humanity in the fight against Islamist insurgents Boko Haram. — AFP one of the West’s toughest legal arsenals following terror attacks in the 1990s, focusing on prosecuting proven extremists instead Nigeria under pressure to of trying to prevent radicalization. That’s about to change, according to several top government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the plan is explain ‘jailbreak’ deaths still being finalized. They spoke after President Francois Hollande ABUJA: Nigeria’s secret police faced ques- told the Raypower 100.5 FM radio station. convened a special council last week and adopted a strategy to tions yesterday about how 21 detainees were Ogar said the gun seized by the inmate counter the accelerating threat posed by hundreds of French killed during an attempted jailbreak from had more than 90 rounds of live ammunition heading to Syria. “We are working upstream,” said one high-rank- their headquarters, with claims of a cover-up and that he had fired it sporadically. Gunfire ing security official. “That’s new in France.” Another government about exactly what happened. heard for several hours in and around the official said France is “not on the forefront when it comes to the The detainees, reportedly suspected Boko headquarters were simply warning shots in prevention of radicalization.” They said France has consulted Haram insurgents, died Sunday after the case the detainees had outside help, she British authorities to try to learn from similar efforts there. Department of State Services said that one added. The new French push will be a challenge in a country where inmate overpowered a guard and seized his Nigeria’s presidency played down the inci- distrust runs high between police and minority youth in hard- weapon. The DSS, which is Nigeria’s intelli- dent but several media outlets questioned scrabble housing projects, and provokes occasional riots. And it gence agency, has not revealed the charges the official version of events. A report on the could prompt controversy if it is directed solely at Islam. France, a secular nation that demands a clear separation between church the suspects faced or exactly how they came widely read Premium Times website ques- and state, has been accused of stigmatizing Muslims with meas- to be killed. tioned why so much heavy weaponry was ures such as banning face-covering Islamic veils. The new French But the agency’s spokeswoman Marilyn required to subdue one inmate. Any security government plan also includes tough measures to bolster intelli- Ogar said in an interview: “All of the 21 were breach at DSS headquarters would be an BERLIN: German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (R) stands together with his gence and border surveillance, including restricting minors from killed by... operatives of the DSS. “The investi- embarrassment for the government but even French counterpart Laurent Fabius (C) and Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski (L) at leaving France, the officials said, confirming a report in Le Monde. gation is still ongoing. We will determine who more so if it involved Boko Haram, which has the beginning of a meeting of the Weimar Triangle in Berlin yesterday. The ministers took Authorities also want to improve cooperation with counterparts shot who and at what point and how many been waging a violent insurgency in Nigeria’s part in a panel discussion titled ‘Which voice for Europe’. — AFP in Turkey, a key route into Syria for fighters.—AP were shot by whom and for what reason,” she north since 2009. —AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 INTERNATIONAL Pakistan court indicts Musharraf for treason Charge carries maximum penalty of death

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistani court yesterday indicted former military ruler Pervez Musharraf for treason-a milestone for civilian authority in a country long dominated by the army. The charge carries the maximum penalty of death. But observers are uncertain whether authori- ties will allow the trial to be completed and risk GUWAHATI: Chief Minister of the western Indian state of Gujarat and Bharatiya angering the powerful military, which has ruled Janata Party (BJP) prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi (C) wears a Japi, a tra- Pakistan for half its history. ditional Assamese hat, as he appears onstage during a campaign rally in Biswanath Musharraf had missed most of the trial’s hearings Chariali, some 256 kms from Guwahati yesterday. — AFP due to ill-health and security threats. But he appeared fit and confident after arriving Monday in a long convoy of SUVs with more than 2,000 security officials deployed on the route from an army-run Modi targets Gandhi hospital to the special court. The ex-general, who seized power in 1999 and over Italian marines case resigned in 2008, pleaded “not guilty” as Tahira Safdar, one of three judges hearing the case since NEW DELHI: Indian opposition leader Narendra Congress which is fighting a tough election December, read the charges relating to his 2007 Modi launched a direct attack on rival Sonia under the leadership of Sonia’s son and the imposition of emergency rule. Gandhi yesterday, suggesting she had sought fourth generation member of the Nehru- “I honour this court and prosecution, I strongly to shield Italian marines accused of killing two Gandhi dynasty, Rahul Gandhi. believe in law and don’t have ego problems, and I Indian fishermen in a case that has strained ties India has vowed to put the two Italians on have appeared in court 16 times in this year in with Italy. trial but has dropped a plan to prosecute them Karachi, Islamabad and Rawalpindi,” the 70-year-old Gandhi is Italian-born and Modi’s Hindu under a tough new anti-piracy law. said, referring to a slew of other legal troubles. nationalist party has in the past questioned her The sailors, part of a military security team He made an emotional speech highlighting the credentials to lead the country. Such attacks protecting a privately owned cargo ship, say country’s achievements under his tenure-which ini- have since ceased and the powerful head of the they mistook the fishermen for pirates and fired tially encompassed economic reforms and rapid Congress party is accepted as an Indian. warning shots into the water during the inci- growth, but ended in rising Islamist bloodshed and a But in a campaign speech ahead of next dent in February 2012, off the coast of Kerala series of confrontations with an increasingly vocal week’s election, Modi appeared to rake up her state. judiciary. RAWALPINDI: Pakistani students demonstrate in support of former military ruler Pervez foreign origins again as he questioned the gov- Modi demanded the government come “I am being called a traitor, I have been chief of Musharraf outside the Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology, where Musharraf is currently ernment’s handling of the 2012 case involving clear on the whereabouts of the sailors, who are army staff for nine years and I have served this army being treated, in Rawalpindi yesterday. A Pakistani court March 31 indicted Musharraf for the Italian marines who are facing trial in India. thought to be at the Italian embassy as they for 45 years. I have fought two wars and it is ‘treason’? treason, a landmark move in a case seen as a test of civilian authority in a country long domi- He criticised the government for letting the await trial. “Which prison are they in? Who is “I am not a traitor. For me traitors are those who nated by the military. — AFP two men go home during Christmas in 2012 responsible?” he said. loot public money and empty the treasury,” he respond to this request in a written order later yester- Asia director. and said they returned to India only after the Modi, a polarising figure, has throughout the added, in a veiled reference to civilian politicians day. Yesterday’s hearing was only the second time Supreme Court cracked the whip. campaign trained his guns on India’s most pow- long accused in Pakistan of feathering their own After the hearing, chief prosecutor Akram Sheikh Musharraf had appeared in person before the court, “Who was it in Delhi who allowed them to erful family, attacking Rahul as a privileged “she- nests while in power. said Musharraf’s main defence rested on the claim delaying proceedings and raising speculation of a flee? On whose direction was the government hzada,” or prince. that he acted on the advice of then-prime minister face-saving deal between civilian and military pow- acting?” Modi asked at a campaign rally in the Opinion polls suggest Modi’s Bharatiya ‘Acted on advice’ Shaukat Aziz and the cabinet when suspending the ers to take him out of the country. remote northeastern state of Arunachal Janata Party-led alliance is increasing the lead Musharraf declared a state of emergency in constitution. Military analyst Ayesha Siddiqa said the question Pradesh. over the ruling Congress party and its allies and November 2007, suspending the constitution shortly “He has taken the defence that he did not take of how far the trial would be allowed to go ahead is best placed to form a coalition government before the Supreme Court was due to rule on the these steps independently,” Sheikh said. “On this I remained “a big question mark”. Patriotism after the elections, set for April and May. legality of his re-election as president a month earlier have submitted before the court that it is now for “If the military and civilian (leaders) are not on the He spoke a day after Gandhi accused the The BJP-led coalition could win 233 seats out while he was also the army chief. him to prove that he did this on the advice of the same page in how far you can go, you will have insta- opposition of pursuing a divisive ideology in a of the 543 at stake, within striking distance of He then arrested and sacked the country’s top prime minister and the cabinet.” bility,” she said. nation rich in diversity. the 272 required to rule, a poll by ABP News- judges, including the chief justice, who challenged Musharraf came to power in a bloodless coup in “Will Sonia Gandhi teach us patriotism? I Nielsen said at the weekend. The ruling alliance his decision. Question marks 1999, deposing then-prime minister Nawaz Sharif, urge you madam, never question the patriotism could slip to 119 seats, it said. Musharraf’s defence team requested the court The International Commission of Jurists hailed who won re-election in 2013 when Pakistan under- of the 1.5 billion Indians in the country,” Modi Modi’s personal ratings remained the high- adjourn for eight weeks to allow them to prepare the indictment of such a senior military figure as went the first civilian handover of power since its said. est, with 54 percent of those polled in March their case, and repeated a call for the retired general “unprecedented” for Pakistan. independence from Britain in 1947. “Italian soldiers kill our fishermen, they are picking him for prime minister. The rating was to be allowed to visit his ailing mother, who is in her “This is an opportunity for Pakistan’s judiciary to Facing impeachment following elections in 2008, allowed to go. Is that defending the country’s down from 57 percent in February, however. 90s, in the United Arab Emirates. demonstrate that no-one is above the law and that Musharraf resigned as president, going into self- interest? And you are trying to give us a certifi- “You gave them 60 years, give me 60 “He has come voluntarily to the court and he has everyone accused of an offence has the right to a imposed exile in Dubai. He returned to Pakistan in cate in patriotism.” months. I promise I will change the country,” pleaded not guilty. He will come back voluntarily,” trial that is, and is seen to be, impartial, independ- March last year on an ill-fated mission to run in the There was no immediate comment from the Modi told Monday’s rally. — Reuters lawyer Farogh Naseem said. The court was likely to ent and expeditious,” said Sam Zarifi, the group’s general election. — AFP INTERNATIONAL TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

North Koreans to celebrate birthday of Kim Il Sung

The Korean people celebrate April 15, and the permanent International insti- his hospital days. He was miraculously the House of the Sun, as he was in his birthday of President Kim Il Sung (1912- tute of the Juche idea. fetched from the jaws of death by the lifetime. The Korean people designated 1994); as the Day of the Sun. President Kim Ii Sung, possessed sincere devotion of the Korean doctors. April 15, his birthday, as the Day of the The President, founder of Socialist with ardent love of people, adminis- Very pleased at this, President Kim Ii Sun and, acclaimed him as the eternal Korea, is likened to the sun as he was tered benevolent politics throughout Sung took all necessary measures for his President of the country. possessed at the highest level with light, his life. recuperation. And what the Guinean Ubiquitous in the DPRK are the slo- heat and attraction, attributes of the Regarding “The people are my God” was returning home, he ensured that a gans “The Great Leader Comrade Kim Il sun. as his lifetime motto, he always mixed chartered plane of the DPRK carried him Sung Will Always Be with Us” and “Let Us He illumined the way for mankind to with his people. He ensured that free as far as Guinea with Korean doctors Arm Ourselves Firmly with the follow in the era of independence. medical care and education were attending to him. Revolutionary Ideas of the Great Leader It was a historic event which ushered enforced across the country and taxes When Kreisky, former Austrian Comrade Kim Il Sung” and portraits of in a new era in human history, an era of were abolished once and for all. As the Chancellor and honorary chairman of him with beaming smile. The April independence, that he authored the father of the grand family, i.e., Korean the Austrian Socialist Party, was unable Spring Friendship Art Festival, an Juche idea, which asserts that the mass- society, he took affectionate care of all to walk in his twilight years owing to a International Art Festival, continues to es of the people are the masters and the members of the family. It is not for- disease President Kim Il Sung sent be held on the occasion of his birth driving force of the revolution and con- tuitous that the Korean people Korean doctors to Austria with expen- anniversary. And the International struction, i.e., they are the masters of addressed him by the “fatherly leader” sive Koryo medicines. Friendship Exhibition House in Mt their destiny and have the force to carve rather than by his official title in his life- Thanks to his benevolent care, the Myohyang, a celebrated mountain in it out. time. Austrian statesman could be cured of Korea, increases its display of the gifts He also showed warm benevolence the disease. presented to him after his death by for- By the evolution of the Juche idea, Kim Il Sung the oppressed peoples, who had to foreigners in disregard of nationality, President Kim Il Sung’s noble person- eign heads of state and political and writhed in the agony as colonial ideology, political view and religious ality was fascinating. During his lifetime, be wanted to be or not, US evangelist social figures. slaves, could emerge as the masters of belief. he met’ more than 70,000 foreigners Billy Graham, too, likened him to god, In April 1995. he next year of his their destiny, and the strong current The following are typical examples. from all walks of life among them were saying that the DPRK led by him was a death, a ceremony of conferring the title of independence swept across the In September 1964 the president of a such prominent figures as Stalin, Mao country in which God had nothing to of the patriarch of the Sun’s Tribe was world. radio station of Guinea contracted a Zodong, Zhou Enlai, Fidel Castro, do. held in Nigeria. In the ceremony the The Juche idea gripped the hearts of fatal disease during his visit to the DPRK Norodom Shihanouk, Ho Chi Minh, Tito When President Kim II Sung died King of Ummuozzi Community said, the people the world over. as the head of a delegation of journal- and Lansana Conte. Some foreigners suddenly in July 1994, many people “President Kim Il Sung is the greet sun Organizations for studying and propa- ists. Informed of this, Kim Il Sung gave were so enchanted by his personality around the world felt as if the sky had that illumines the way ahead of gating the idea have been formed in out an order to save the patient at all that they visited the DPRK out of hope fallen in and the sun set. mankind. Although he passed away, he many countries — over 1,100 such costs. A number of competent doctors to see him again. Among them was will always be with us as the sun is organizations in more than 100 coun- were sent to him. He received an opera- Luise Rinser, a German writer. After However, the sun is immortal immortal.” tries, national committees in scores of tion lasting seven hours and blood meeting him, she said that President President Kim Il Sung is preserved in As the sun is immortal, so is President countries, an institute in each continent transfusion on over 50 occasions during Kim Il Sung was a godlike man whether the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, called Kim I1 Sung in the hearts of mankind. Chinese media call for rationality over MH370 ‘Finding aircraft and analysing data to take time’

BEIJING: China should treat the disappearance of Malaysian officials to confirm that finding the plane passengers held hostage. Scores of Chinese rel- Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 “rationally”, a commen- intact on land was a real possibility. atives were allowed by authorities in Beijing- tary in state media said yesterday, after days of They reacted angrily when Malaysia Airlines’ who normally keep a tight lid on public dis- lurid accusations by relatives insisting their loved commercial director Hugh Dunleavy told them sent-to protest at Malaysia’s embassy last week, ones could still be alive. there was “no guarantee that we will find the air- shouting that Kuala Lumpur authorities were Under the headline “Treat MH370 tragedy craft or the black box. It is a very large ocean and it “murderers”. rationally”, the commentary in the China Daily is very deep”. A day later, relatives called the Malaysian ambas- newspaper, which is run by the government, said: One man accused Malaysia of engaging in a sador to Beijing a “liar” and a “rogue” during a meet- “It is certain that flight MH370 crashed in the “wild goose chase”, saying the search would be ing. In the first days after the plane’s disappearance Indian Ocean and no one on board survived.” considered a “crime that will go down in history” Chinese officials were critical of the Malaysian “We should not let anger prevail over facts and unless it shifted its focus to land, rather than sea. response, but have since moderated their tone, rationality,” it said. “We need to comply with the Some family members have embraced con- although they still talk of there being a “glimmer of fundamental norms of a civilised society and need spiracy theories involving the plane being hope” and are urging Kuala Lumpur to bring Chinese to show the demeanour of a great power.” hijacked and taken to a secret location and the experts into the investigation. — AFP Irrational words and behaviour would “not help NONTHABURI: Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra (C) arrives at the National Anti- matters”, it added, and those involved should “pre- Corruption Commission (NACC) in Nonthaburi province yesterday. Yingluck is set to pare to make arrangements for funerals”. defend herself against negligence charges linked to a controversial rice subsidy scheme “Although the Malaysian government’s han- that could lead to her removal from office and a ban from politics. — AFP dling of the crisis has been quite clumsy, we need to understand this is perhaps the most bizarre inci- Thai PM defends negligence dent in Asian civil aviation history. It is understand- able that as a developing country, the Malaysian government felt completely at a loss.” charges as economy falters It stressed that finding the aircraft and analysing technical data would take time. “Why BANGKOK: Thai Prime Minister Yingluck tal. Mathee Supapongs, senior director with cannot we be patient and just wait until they find Shinawatra yesterday defended herself the central bank, said he expected tourism the wreckage and get the evidence?” it asked. against negligence charges linked to a to pick up if there was no further violence “Public opinion should not blame the Malaysian ruinous government rice pledging scheme from street protests. authorities for deliberately covering up information that could lead to her removal from office, Twenty-three people have been killed in the absence of hard evidence,” it added. the latest development in a political crisis and hundreds wounded in sporadic vio- The author, Mei Xinyu, is a researcher at a com- that has gripped the country for months. lence since the protests kicked off in merce ministry institute who is known for his As the country stumbles along, the cen- November. analyses of international trade disputes. tral bank said Southeast Asia’s second- The Bank of Thailand’s private consump- largest economy, heavily reliant on tourism, tion index dropped 1.2 percent in February Clinging to hopes was expected to contract in the first quar- from January and 2.5 percent from a year His tone was in stark contrast to that of many ter after consumption and investment fell. earlier. Its private investment index was 1.9 relatives of the 153 Chinese on board the flight, Yingluck has been charged with derelic- percent lower on the month and was down who are still clinging to hopes that they could tion of duty for overseeing the rice-buying 7.7 percent on the year. somehow still be alive. Some have demanded that scheme, a policy that brought her to power Mathee told a news conference that Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak withdraw in the 2011 election with the help of the growth could contract in the first quarter and apologise for his announcement, based on rural poor but that has since run up huge from the fourth but might rebound in the PETALING JAYA: Chinese relatives of passengers from missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 satellite data and other calculations, that the plane arrive at the Buddhist temple in Petaling Jaya yesterday. Australian premier Tony Abbott said losses and left hundreds of thousands of second quarter. was lost in the southern Indian Ocean. farmers unpaid. “Overall economic activities in February there was no time limit on the search for MH370 and that the world deserved to know what At a meeting at a hotel in Beijing yesterday happened, as a ship equipped to locate the “black box” prepared to set sail. — AFP The charges were brought against her 2014 softened further from the previous anguished family members repeatedly pressed by the National Anti-Corruption month owing to prolonged political Commission (NACC) which, should it for- protests. Households and businesses con- ward the case to the Senate for possible tinued to hold back spending, while impeachment, would mean Yingluck being imports and manufacturing production China charges Japan, N Korea talks end suspended from official duties. contracted,” the Bank of Thailand said in a It was unclear when such a decision statement. former senior military would be made, but it could take weeks. Kasikorn Research cut its full-year on positive note: Official Yingluck spent 30 minutes at the commis- growth forecast to 1.8 percent yesterday, officer with graft sion’s headquarters. Her legal team carried down from 3 percent in January. It also pre- BEIJING: Government-level talks between return to Japan, but Pyongyang has insisted, three cardboard boxes filled with docu- dicted an economic contraction of about 2 BEIJING: China has charged former senior army officer Gu Japan and North Korea ended yesterday in without producing solid evidence, that the ments to present to anti-graft officials. Her percent in the first quarter of 2014 from the Junshan with corruption, state news agency Xinhua said Beijing on a positive note, with Pyongyang eight others are dead. main defence document was 150-pages previous three months. yesterday, in what is likely to be the country’s worst mili- apparently prepared to discuss the Japanese Ihara said he had presented “our basic long. Thailand has really been in crisis since tary scandal since a vice admiral was jailed for life for citizens kidnapped by its spies decades ago. ideas” on the abduction issue. “The North Yingluck asked for more time to call on Thaksin was ousted in a 2006 coup. The embezzlement in 2006. At their first formal meeting in 16 months, Korean side responded in a manner not to 10 witnesses and to submit further docu- conflict broadly pits the Bangkok-based In a renewed campaign on graft, Chinese President Xi diplomats from the two countries spoke on a refuse discussions.” ments to support her defence, NACC mem- middle class and royalist establishment Jinping has vowed to go after both powerful “tigers” and range of issues over two days, including The Japanese side also protested against ber Prasart Pongsivapai told reporters fol- against the mostly poorer, rural supporters lowly “flies”, warning that the issue is so severe it threatens North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme, the communist state’s launch of ballistic mis- lowing the meeting. of Yingluck and Thaksin. the ruling Communist Party’s survival. Gu has been officials said. siles and its threat to conduct more nuclear The commission will decide today Yingluck criticised the NACC last week charged with corruption, taking bribes, misuse of public “We had serious and frank discussions on tests, he said. whether to extend the deadline. “The for not giving her enough time to gather funds and abuse of power, Xinhua said on one of its official wide-ranging pending issues of mutual inter- Pyongyang for its part renewed its prime minister submitted documents in evidence and for fast-tracking the investi- microblogs. He will be tried by a military court, it added. est,” Junichi Ihara, head of the Japanese for- demand that Tokyo compensate Koreans for her defence and gave a short statement,” gation. Three sources with ties to the leadership or military, eign ministry’s Asian and Oceanian affairs their suffering during Japan’s 1910-1945 colo- said Prasart. “We have to consider whether Government supporters accuse the speaking on condition of anonymity, said Gu also sold mil- bureau, told reporters. nial rule over the Korean peninsula, according (those) witnesses and documents relate to courts and independent agencies, includ- itary positions. Gu has been under investigation for cor- “We agreed to continue government-to- to Japanese sources quoted by the Jiji and this scheme. The commission will act with ing the NACC, of bias and say several ruption since he was sacked as deputy director of the government consultations with the next Kyodo news agencies. The Beijing meeting justice toward the prime minister and in a judges are aligned with the conservative logistics department of the People’s Liberation Army in round to be arranged through our embassies took place after diplomats held informal talks straight-forward manner.” establishment. Her allegations prompted 2012, sources have said. in Beijing,” he said. on the sidelines of a humanitarian conference Yingluck has come under pressure over the anti-graft commission to issue a state- Sources told Reuters this month that Xu Caihou, 70, The meeting came as Pyongyang’s troops in the Chinese city of Shenyang between Red the past five months from protesters who ment defending the way it has handled who retired as vice chairman of the powerful Central traded hundreds of rounds of live artillery fire Cross officials from the two countries earlier have occupied state offices and parts of Yingluck’s case. Military Commission last year and from the Communist across their disputed maritime border yester- this month. It was held at the North Korean Bangkok in a bid to remove her and rid the “As there were suspicions that Yingluck Party’s decision-making politburo in 2012, was under vir- day. South Korea’s defence ministry said the embassy on Sunday and at the Japanese country of the influence of her brother, abused her position... the NACC has had to tual house arrest while helping in the probe into Gu. North fired some 500 shells during the drill, embassy yesterday. ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra. investigate the suspicions to get to the As one of Gu’s main supporters in his rise through the around 100 of them landing on the south The meeting comes amid recent mixed Protesters disrupted a Feb. 2 general truth,” the NACC said in statement. ranks, Xu is being implicated in ignoring, or at least failing side of the sea boundary. signals from Pyongyang over its willingness election, halting voting in parts of Bangkok “Yingluck has received just and fair treat- to report, Gu’s alleged misdeeds. Reuters has not been While relations with South Korea continue to re-engage in diplomacy with the outside and the south. The Constitutional Court ment (by the NACC) under the framework able to reach either Xu or Gu for comment. It is not clear if to be testy, Pyongyang’s approach to its deal- world. Talks were suspended in late 2012 nullified the election this month, throwing of the constitution.” they have lawyers. ings with Japan appears to have softened in when Tokyo reiterated its demand that Thailand into deeper turmoil and leaving Thais voted on Sunday for half of the In January, the respected Chinese magazine Caixin said recent months, especially on the emotive Pyongyang come clean on the abduction Yingluck in charge of a caretaker govern- country’s 150-seat Senate in a key test of investigators had seized objects, including a solid gold issue of abductions. issue. ment with severely restricted powers. Yingluck’s government. A Senate dominat- statue of Mao Zedong, from Gu’s mansion in the central North Korea outraged Japan when it They officially called off the talks in ed by anti-government politicians could province of Henan. He also secured professional favours admitted more than a decade ago that it had December 2012 when Pyongyang launched a Toll on tourism hasten her exit but any decision to remove for members of his family, including his brother Gu kidnapped 13 Japanese in the 1970s and long-range missile, drawing international The protests have also taken a heavy toll Yingluck would require the votes of three- Xianjun, who was arrested last August for bribery, the 1980s to train its spies in Japanese language condemnation. Formal ties with Japan could on the tourism industry with visitors stay- fifths of the senators. The results are magazine said.—Reuters and customs. bring huge economic benefits to the impov- ing away from the normally bustling capi- expected in a week. — Reuters Five of the abductees were allowed to erished state. — AFP NEWS TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Court rejects Jazeera journalists’ bail plea

Continued from Page 1 They didn’t make it up or fabricate it,” he told AFP. Media watchdog Reporters Without Borders (RSF) They then adjourned the trial to April 10 without urged the authorities to release the journalists and granting bail to any of the accused. Prosecutors insist the respect freedom of expression. “The authorities must Al-Jazeera journalists colluded with the Brotherhood, stop invoking the fight against terrorism in order to per- now designated a “terrorist” group, and falsely sought to secute dissident journalists,” RSF’s Lucie Morillon said. portray Egypt in a state of “civil war”. Fahmy said he can- Interim president Adly Mansour has in letters to families not be considered as a terrorist or a Brotherhood mem- of Greste and Fahmy assured that the authorities would ber as he is a “liberal man” who drinks alcohol. work for the speedy resolution of the case in line with Greste also denied any links with the Brotherhood, Egyptian law. saying he and fellow jailed journalists posed no threat to The trial of the journalists from the Qatari-owned Al- Egypt. “The idea that I have a connection with the Jazeera network comes against the backdrop of strained Muslim Brotherhood is frankly preposterous,” Greste told ties between Cairo and Doha since the army ousted the judges, adding he had arrived in Cairo just two Morsi in July. Qatar was a close ally of Morsi’s government weeks before his arrest. Eight defendants are in custody, and the Brotherhood, and Egypt accuses the gas-rich and the rest are either on the run or abroad. Greste and Gulf state of backing the Islamist movement, including Canadian-Egyptian Fahmy were arrested on Dec 29 in a through Al-Jazeera. The authorities banned the pan-Arab Cairo hotel suite they used as a bureau after their offices broadcaster’s Egyptian channel after Morsi’s removal. BANGKOK: Aria Al-Ruwaili, brother of slain Mohammad Al-Ruwaili, speaks to reporters at the Criminal Court were raided by police. Monday’s hearing comes a day after Interior Minister yesterday. — AP Before the proceedings began, Greste’s brother Mike Mohamed Ibrahim accused an Al-Jazeera editor of help- said the award-winning journalist was “strong... but 100 ing to leak classified intelligence documents, in a sepa- days in prison must have left its effect on him”. Defence rate espionage trial involving Morsi. The minister Thai court dismisses lawyer Mokhles El-Salhy said his clients had been doing charged that Amin El-Serafi, secretary to Morsi, leaked their “job professionally and objectively” when they were the documents to Ibrahim Mohamed Hilal, who he said arrested. “They were covering violent clashes between was Al-Jazeera’s news editor and also a Brotherhood Saudi killing case protesters and security forces, as were all other channels. member. — AFP BANGKOK: A Thai criminal court yesterday dismissed a plained most of the returned gems were fake. Erdogan targets enemies after thumping... case against five men, including a senior police officer, Saudi authorities, distrustful of the Thai police investi- charged with murdering a Saudi businessman over pre- gation, sent Ruwaili to Bangkok to investigate the case. Continued from Page 1 about government control of its own security appara- cious stones worth millions of dollars stolen a quarter of Three Saudi diplomats were shot execution-style in tus and speculation about further damaging leaks. “The a century ago. The theft of the jewels worth $20 million in Bangkok days before Ruwaili vanished in 1990, and Saudi “From a market perspective, the election result prime minister takes this extremely seriously,” the 1989 and subsequent disappearance of Mohammad Al- Arabia has long suspected official involvement in the appears to be more or less what the doctor ordered: a source close to the government said. “Such a structure Ruwaili, a businessman with ties to the Saudi royal family, killings. Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation, solid win for the AKP which shores up the position of can not be allowed within the state and before he strained Thai-Saudi relations severely. Bangkok’s the Thai equivalent of the US FBI, has denied that the Ratchadaphisek Criminal Court ruled there was insuffi- murders and disappearances are related to the 1989 jew- Turkey’s ruling party,” said Nicholas Spiro, head of Spiro makes a move for the presidential bid he needs to cient evidence to try the five men who were accused of ellery heist. The abduction and disappearance of Ruwaili Sovereign Strategy. The main opposition CHP said it make sure that these people will be carved out of the kidnapping and killing Ruwaili, who had gone to and the murders of the three diplomats remain unsolved, would challenge the result in Ankara, which was a par- state institutions.” Bangkok to investigate what became known as the “Blue and yesterday’s court verdict will likely strain Saudi-Thai ticularly close race. But no major changes were expect- Erdogan, lacking trained personnel loyal to himself, Diamond Affair”. relations further. ed in a nationwide tally which put the AKP on some filled government departments with Gulen supporters The gems and jewellery were stolen from a Saudi In 2010, the Thai police planned to promote former 45.6 percent with almost all the votes counted, a robust when he first was elected in 2002. Gulen, who runs a prince’s palace by a Thai gardener, Kriangkrai Techamong, police Lt Gen Somkid Boonthanom - who was acquitted increase on its 39-percent share at local elections in huge network of schools and businesses, is widely who shipped the loot back home to Thailand. Kriangkrai yesterday - to be an assistant national police chief, 2009. credited with having helped Erdogan break the politi- was arrested soon after the theft but he had already sold prompting strong criticism from Saudi Arabia, which said Erdogan has made no secret of his ambition to cal power of the armed forces using allies in the police many of the stolen gems, including a priceless 50-carat the move could jeopardize efforts to restore normal become Turkey’s first directly elected president in an and judiciary. But in recent years friction has grown blue diamond. Some of the jewels were eventually diplomatic relations. Somkid later declined to accept the August ballot, but the feud with Gulen, the corruption between the two men and came to a head when returned to their owner but Saudi Arabia later com- promotion. -— Agencies allegations and street protests last summer had all Erdogan moved to curb Gulen’s influence and close the raised questions over how easily he would secure a schools that are a key source of income and influence. majority in the first round. “Of course this has rein- He now seems likely to step up his drive against Gulen. Oil tanker attacked in Strait of Hormuz forced Erdogan’s bid for the presidential polls,” one “Let me tell you, Erdogan’s response is coming,” said source close to the government said of Sunday’s elec- Tesev think-tank chairman Can Paker, seen as close to Continued from Page 1 nities in the Gulf, said the report, which was sponsored by Merck Serono, the biopharmaceutical division of Merck. tion result. “He was in need of a vote of confidence, Erdogan. “He will harshly and fully clean up the police Separately, the NATO Shipping Centre said six assailants Experts quoted in the report said that Arab Spring protests both from the people and for those who have been and judiciary. And he will purge the press that support- on a skiff armed with machineguns attacked a “merchant have scared investors, even though the Gulf region did not critical of him within the party.” ed the leaks. He will most certainly do that. He will say vessel” in the Strait of Hormuz, adding the vessel was now experience the kind of upheavals seen in Yemen, Egypt, A senior government official concurred, saying there ‘I was elected to eliminate them’. He is not going to safe. The attackers and the vessel were not identified, and Syria and Libya. Protests by Shiites in the tiny island-nation were now “no obstacles before him” on the road to the soften.” it was unclear if both sources were referring to the same of Bahrain threatened to spill over into Saudi Arabia’s east- presidency, although the official said rooting out The authorities have already begun an espionage incident. The Bahrain-based US Fifth Fleet could not imme- ern region, where the kingdom’s minority Shiites mostly Gulen’s influence within the state would remain investigation following the leaked Syria recording, and diately confirm the reports. reside. Erdogan’s priority. He could, instead, choose to run for on Monday the Cihan news agency and the Zaman Heavily armed pirates using high-powered speedboats “The Arab Spring has had a negative impact on per- a fourth term as premier in a parliamentary election newspaper - both affiliated to Gulen - claimed they had have operated in the nearby Gulf of Aden for years, prey- ceived stability. Even where you haven’t had a major event, next year in order to finish off that battle. “Erdogan is come under “cyber attack” during their election night ing on ships and at times holding them for weeks before political risk is more on investors’ minds than before,” chief certainly much closer to the presidency,” the official coverage. Pro-government newspapers heaped scorn releasing them for large ransoms paid by governments or economist for the Middle East at Citi Group, Farouk Soussa, ship owners. However, the number of pirate attacks has said. He said in some cases capital has flocked from the said. “But he makes his own agenda. Very soon he will on Erdogan’s opponents, with one, Yeni Safak, showing diminished since international warships began patrolling wider Middle East to Gulf countries seen as stable, like the begin his assessment of what needs to be done togeth- pictures of opposition leaders and Gulen under the waters off the Horn of Africa. United Arab Emirates. The Arab Spring has also opened er with the party’s ruling echelons.” headline “Buried at the Ballot Box”. “It’s already clear But such attacks are rare in the Strait of Hormuz at the opportunities for wealthy Gulf governments to reinforce The crisis reached a new level at the end of last week from his speech this evening that he’s basically threat- entrance to the Gulf, a key gateway for global oil supplies. ties and influence with countries like Egypt, where billions when a recording of a top-secret meeting of security ening society,” said Gursel Tekin, CHP Vice President. Iranian speedboats had sometimes swarmed around US of dollars have been invested and given in aid. officials about possible intervention in Syria was post- “This shows his state of mind isn’t to be trusted, and warships passing through the strategic waterway. The With rising unemployment and a population of which ed anonymously on YouTube. The action, for which these obvious threats are not something that we can Pentagon has gradually strengthened its naval forces in nearly half is under the age of 25, Saudi officials have Gulen denies any responsibility, raised serious concern accept.” — Reuters the Gulf region in the past year after Iran at one point promised more than $100 billion in state jobs and other threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz. handouts. The kingdom’s Gulf neighbors have also opened Separately, despite improvements in regulations and their treasuries to literally buy time and avoid protest moves to diversify Arab economies away from natural demands for wider reform. The Economist Intelligence MP threatens to grill information... resources, global investors remain wary of doing business Unit says this kind of economic model “tends to crowd out Continued from Page 1 inactive for the past several years after the airline ceased in Gulf countries because of regional upheaval and other entrepreneurship” by keeping the focus on oil extraction, operations due to financial difficulties. Wataniya Airways potentially destabilizing factors, according to a report by which is the main source of revenue. MP Rakan Al-Nasef meanwhile asked Communications recently offered the building for sale, apparently as a The Economist Intelligence Unit released yesterday. The The report says that foreign investment is still less Minister Essa Al-Kandari if the issue of the purchase of the way of repaying parts of its debt. report found that investors are also “moving cautiously” in than before the 2008 financial crisis across most of the building of Sheikh Saad Airport by the Amiri Diwan has Meanwhile, the court of misdemeanors yesterday the region because of concerns over government trans- six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council, comprised of been studied by the government’s legal department and acquitted 14 citizens including 8 former opposition MPs parency, foreign ownership restrictions and difficulties in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. the Audit Bureau. The lawmaker also demanded copies from charges of taking part in an illegal demonstration enforcing commercial laws. The exception is Kuwait, where as in Bahrain, the majori- of all the contracts between the Civil Aviation Authority in Sabah Al-Nasser over a year ago. The court however However, successful bids by Dubai to host the World ty of foreign investments have come from other GCC and the communications ministry with Wataniya fined four former opposition MPs and a citizen KD 100 Expo in 2020 and by Qatar to host the FIFA World Cup in countries, according to the latest data provided in the Airways to lease and operate the airport, which has been each over the same accusation. 2022 have helped put a spotlight on investment opportu- report. — Agencies TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 ANALYSIS


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Issues Anyone but Modi: Indian Muslims fear the worst

By Adam Plowright, Annie Banerji

ome recoil at his name, while others still refuse to acknowl- edge his popularity. India’s Muslims have watched the rise Sof election frontrunner Narendra Modi anxiously and are now united in their wariness. Many of the worshippers at the Jama Masjid Terhi Bazaar mosque in Ayodhya, a kilometre from India’s most notorious religious flashpoint, were too young to remember the 1992 riots which left more than 2,000 people dead. Not Mohammad Sageer, a teenager at the time of India’s worst post-independence violence. “What could be worse than seeing Muslims being beaten up, cut up and burned to death?” he told AFP in front of the small blue-coloured mosque bathed in harsh midday sunshine. The dispute in Ayodhya, which boiled over when zealots tore down a mosque believed to have been built over the birthplace 10 ways Ukraine crisis may change world of the Hindu god Ram, left deep scars but vaulted Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to national prominence. The enduring By Paul Taylor 3) Energy diversification: The energy Afghanistan and strategic “pivot” European unity, “but in the face of a sensitivity can be judged by the police presence today. Each visi- map of Europe is being redrawn with towards Asia, events have pushed new threat of war in Europe, EU states tor negotiates five layers of security as they proceed under caged s Moscow and the West dig in for a accelerated action to reduce depend- Obama back into the old-fashioned role have indeed agreed on a joint strategy walkways topped by razor wire to the shrine at the centre. From prolonged stand-off over Russia’s ence on Russian oil and gas. EU states of “Leader of the Free World” in an East- towards Russia”. Some EU diplomats say watchtowers and gathered in groups, paramilitary police keep Aannexation of Crimea, risking are set to build more liquefied natural West crisis in Europe. The crisis has Poland may speed up slow-motion guard, automatic weapons at the ready. It is a potent reminder of spillover to other former Soviet republics gas terminals, upgrade pipeline net- swept aside European anger over US moves to join the euro, seeking sanctu- the consequences when religious tensions in one of the world’s and beyond, here are 10 ways in which the works and grids and expand a southern spying on global communications and ary in Europe’s inner core as the Baltic most diverse countries, bound together by a secular and liberal Ukraine crisis could change attitudes and gas supplies through Georgia and put a new premium on cooperation. In states have done. Polish entry would constitution, are given vent. Now wrapped up in India’s famously policy around the world. Turkey to southern and central Europe. Brussels last week Europeans appealed hasten the spread of the single currency inert legal system, the once-explosive dispute over ownership of The EU gets a third of its oil and gas to Obama to sell them shale gas, and to almost all EU countries, including the site has cooled in litigation. “But if the BJP comes to power 1) Russia diminished: Russia’s role in inter- from Russia, and 40 percent of that gas both sides agreed to speed talks on a Denmark, though probably not Sweden with a full fledged majority, then the atmosphere will become a national affairs is diminished, at least is pumped across Ukraine. Europe may transatlantic free trade and investment or Britain. bit tense here,” warned Sageer, now aged 36. temporarily. Moscow has been de facto now look to tap its own shale gas pact. Yet US strategists say American excluded from the Group of Eight indus- reserves and expand nuclear power, economic interests and the security 8) Contest for Central Asia: Both Putin Manifesto Pledge trialised powers. Its bids to join the despite environmental concerns. “I see challenges of managing a rising China and the West are wooing central Asian For long a central plank of its agenda, the BJP manifesto still Organisation for Economic Cooperation the danger of more nuclear - which is mean Asia will remain the priority and autocrats in energy-rich Azerbaijan, contains a pledge to construct a Ram temple on the site of the and Development and the International C02-free, which is also part of the dis- Europe will have to do more for itself. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and old Babri Masjid mosque. Although largely overlooked due to his Energy Agency are frozen. Western sum- cussion, but it is the wrong path,” said Uzbekistan, drawing a discreet veil over association with a more recent religious conflagration - riots in mits with Moscow are cancelled until Gerhard Roiss, chief executive of 6) German leadership: The Ukraine affair their human rights records. If Russia his home state of Gujarat in 2002 - Modi has links to this struggle further notice. President Vladimir Putin’s Austria’s OMV, a big importer of Russian has cemented Berlin’s leadership role in weakens economically, they will want at too. The 63-year-old, tipped to become prime minister after elec- attempt to use the BRICS group of gas into central Europe. Europe. Germany is already the domi- least a foot in the Western camp. tions starting April 7, was an organiser in Gujarat for BJP leader L emerging powers to mitigate isolation nant economic power, calling the shots K Advani who began a nationwide march to demand a temple by the West faltered over Chinese and 4) China factor: The diplomatic alliance in the euro zone crisis, and Chancellor 9) US-Russian cooperation: Some coop- for Ram in 1990. Biographer Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay said it was Indian unease at the Crimean precedent between Russia and China, which often Angela Merkel has become Europe’s eration on global security issues will a role which enabled Modi “to burst onto the national political for disputes about Tibet and Kashmir. A vote together in the UN Security main interlocutor with Putin. Her disen- continue because Moscow has an inter- stage” as the huge agitation galvanised public support for the joint BRICS statement condemned sanc- Council, could change in one of two chantment with him has shaped an est in keeping it on track to avoid temple. “The Muslim community is anxious about Modi,” said tions but made no mention of Crimea or directions - either rapprochement increasingly firm crisis response after greater isolation. But tensions are possi- Mujibur Rehman of the Centre for Minority Studies at Delhi’s Ukraine. through a stronger energy partnership, initial hesitancy. German willingness to ble over Syria, Iran, Afghanistan or Jamia Millia Islamia university. “What scares Muslims is essentially with new pipelines being built to pump reduce energy dependency on Russia North Korea, and Moscow has levers it that they are convinced that this is a person who doesn’t have 2) NATO revived: Just when it looked to be Russian oil and gas spurned by Europe will be the yardstick of how far the rest could activate such as contracts to sup- much respect for them, for their lives and for their future.” losing relevance as its mission in to Beijing; or a cooling if China dis- of the EU goes. Merkel is also the rela- ply S300 air defence missiles to Modi’s background, and his lack of outreach to religious Afghanistan limps to a close, the US-led tances itself more from Putin’s behavior tionship manager with the volatile Yulia Damascus or Tehran. minorities even during campaigning, gives them reasons for con- military alliance is back in business. An and sees less benefit in closer ties with Tymoshenko, whose presidential bid cern, Rehman said. The strict vegetarian, who does yoga every increase in allied air patrols and war an economically weakened and rela- may heighten tension in Ukraine. 10) Putin’s future: Russia’s leader is near the day, joined a grassroots Hindu nationalist group as a boy, entered games showing the flag in Poland and the tively isolated Moscow. For now, peak of his popularity, riding a wave of the BJP at a time of deteriorating inter-religious ties, and is taint- Baltic states is on the agenda, and Warsaw President Xi Jinping is refusing to take 7) EU united: The European Union has nationalist pride over Crimea. However, ed by the 2002 riots. In that spasm of violence, more than 1,000 wants faster deployment of US missile sides in public. been reunited, at least for now, by the instability may grow if he comes under people, mostly Muslims, died. Modi had just become chief minis- defence systems in central Europe. Under return of a common external threat. This pressure from magnates angry at losing ter of Gujarat at the time and has been repeatedly investigated - US pressure, some European countries 5) US leadership: Washington’s global may have helped EU leaders overcome value on their businesses, forfeiting for- and never found guilty - over suspicions he did too little to pre- may rethink cuts in defence spending. leadership role, weakened by the rise of some long-running disputes. Greens eign investment in Russia and facing vent the bloodshed. A woman he later appointed as a cabinet Neutral Sweden and Finland, perceiving emerging powers and by retrenchment European Parliament member Rebecca travel restrictions and asset freezes in minister was jailed for life for orchestrating some of the worst of Russia anew as a potential threat, may under President Barack Obama, has Harms joked that it was too early to the West. Most are 150 percent loyal for the killing. When his aide Amit Shah called for a Ram temple in increase security efforts and cooperate been partially restored. Despite his dis- nominate Putin for the annual now, but things may look different in six Ayodhya while visiting last July, some worried that the dispute’s more closely with NATO. engagement from wars in Iraq and Charlemagne prize for services to months’ time. —Reuters embers could be reignited. “Not Modi. I wouldn’t want to see someone like Modi in my lifetime,” says Haji Mahboob Ahmad, head of the group defending the right of Muslims to worship at the contested site in Ayodhya. “Anyone but him.” Erdogan set to tighten grip on Turkey

Toilets, Not Temples By Dilay Gundogan ernment will crack down on the has now become “Tayyip-Land”, said European Commission spokesman rule has driven strong economic During campaigning, Modi has presented himself as a mod- opposition further, with the potential the critical Taraf daily. “Going forward said Monday that EU candidate growth. “In the end nothing was able erate nationalist focused on economic development and good urkey’s premier is bound to of a deadlock and regime crisis.” Erdogan will see himself as invincible, Turkey “now urgently needs to re- to dent Erdogan’s allure,” Sasley told governance. “For me my religion is ‘nation first, India first’,” he has tighten and extend his grip on and as deeply wronged by his rivals,” engage fully in reforms in line with AFP. “It seems that the Turkish public told rallies, adding that the constitution was his “only holy book” Tpower, emboldened by sweep- ‘Erdogan’s Allure’ said Brent Sasley of Texas University. European standards on rule of law was simply not ready to take a chance and that toilets should come first, “temple later”. He also came as ing local poll wins that came despite Even though Sunday’s nationwide “He might feel safe now, and so relax and fundamental rights”. on an uncertain future.” close as ever to apologising for the 2002 riots, saying he felt damaging graft claims and Internet polls were for city mayors and munici- his grip a little on Turkish media. More Amid Turkey’s bitter standoff, “grief” and “misery”. But his decision to contest a seat from the clampdowns, analysts said yesterday. pal officials, they were seen by all sides likely he will seek revenge against Erdogan has accused Fethullah ‘Treason and Traitors’ Hindu holy city of Varanasi was a reminder to supporters that he Recep Tayyip Erdogan, after delivering as a crucial popularity test for Erdogan those who, in his view, tried to take Gulen, an influential US-based The vote result exposed deepen- had not forgotten his roots. And he has also spoken about how a rousing “balcony speech” to thou- and his Islamic-rooted Justice and him down but failed.” Muslim cleric, and his loyalists of ing faultlines in Turkey, between a “75 percent of people” in India - meaning Hindus - have been sands of jubilant followers overnight, Development Party (AKP). Nationwide, Erdogan has earned rebukes from being behind the leaks that went viral secular and globally connected urban ignored by the Congress party, in power for the last decade. is now almost certain to run for presi- the AKP garnered 45 percent of the NATO partners for heavy-handed on social media. Despite the turmoil, middle class and the vast country’s Muslims account for around 13 percent of India’s population. Any dent this year or seek a fourth term as vote compared with 28 percent for the police action against Gezi protesters, millions of Turkish voters shrugged of conservative Muslim heartland. Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) agenda he might seek to project in prime minister, they said. Needled by CHP; scored a crushing victory in and for blocking Twitter and YouTube such concerns and preferred to take Turkey’s first mayor wearing a Muslim power would likely be limited by the compulsions of coalition months of corruption claims spread megacity Istanbul; and claimed a nar- to stop a torrent of corruption claims their chances with the man often headscarf - long banned for civil ser- politics. A BJP parliamentary majority is highly unlikely, although via Twitter and YouTube, Erdogan has row win in the capital Ankara. Turkey against his allies and relatives. A dubbed “the sultan”, whose 11-year vants under previous secular govern- some supporters still dream of what it could lead to. vowed to go after hidden enemies in ments - won office in a district of the “If a Hindu party wins a majority of votes then we will ask that the police, justice and media whom central AKP stronghold of Konya. a law be passed by parliament to free Ram’s birthplace and it be he blames for the online leaks and Meanwhile Twitter user Gizemm56, given to the Hindu community,” Sharad Sharma from the Vishva pursue them “in their lairs”. defying the ban, wrote: “My biggest Hindu Parishad (VHP, World Hindu Council) told AFP in Ayodhya. “Emerging strongly from the elec- concern is, this man shut down Around him, stone carvers chiselled away at pieces of an under- tions, Erdogan will likely run for presi- Twitter before the elections, I cannot construction Ram temple overseen by the VHP which many hope dent during the summer,” said Soner imagine what’s going to happen after will one day take form on the site of the former mosque. —AFP Cagaptay of the Washington Institute the elections.” think-tank. With memories fresh of last Finansbank economist Deniz Cicek June’s violence - when eight people noted that, while post-election “bal- died, thousands were injured and cony speeches” are usually conciliato- All articles appearing on these clouds of tear gas wafted through ry, Erdogan’s midnight address “was Istanbul’s Gezi Park - many feared fur- peppered with references to treason pages are the personal opinion of ther dangerous tensions ahead. “The and traitors”. “The tone of the speech the writers. Kuwait Times takes no government says it will launch a suggests that Erdogan is unlikely to responsibility for views expressed witch-hunt against the media (and) back down from his confrontational therein. Kuwait Times invites read- civil society,” said the head of the secu- stance and a highly charged political lar opposition Republican People’s environment is set to continue until ers to voice their opinions. Please Party (CHP), Kemal Kilicdaroglu. “We the presidential elections in August,” send submissions via email to: opin- will monitor this carefully. We will Cicek said. He added that Erdogan, [email protected] or via snail stand by our people if their rights are rather than run for president in a violated.” direct popular vote, may opt for mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. Cagaptay predicted that “Erdogan another strategy, saying “the safer The editor reserves the right to edit will become more authoritarian. choice seems to be changing the any submission as necessary. Turkey will be polarised further, with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses a crowd of supporters from the bal- bylaws of his own party and run for a unrest and demonstrations. The gov- cony of the Justice and Development (AKP) Party headquarters in Ankara yesterday. —AFP fourth term as prime minister”. —AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 SPORTS

Stinging rebuke on Benitez Magnussen eyes record Valdes to miss World Cup BARCELONA: Barcelona goalkeeper Victor Valdes will miss the rest of the season ITALY: Juventus coach Antonio Conte has issued a stinging rebuke to Napoli coach Rafael Benitez after BRISBANE: New coach Jacco Verhaeren says a world 100-metre and Spain’s defence of the World Cup as he will be sidelined for seven months fol- the two bickered over which team had spent the more money. freestyle record is possible for James Magnussen in this week’s lowing knee surgery. Conte, whose side lost 2-0 to Napoli on Sunday, was angry that Benitez had labelled Juventus as the Australian Commonwealth Games swimming trials in Brisbane. “Victor Valdes underwent surgery on his torn anterior cruciate ligament yesterday big-spenders in the run-up to the game. “We were facing a squad which has spent more than 100 million Brazilian Cesar Cielo holds the world record at 46.91 seconds with doctors Ulrich Boenish and Ricard Pruna in Augsburg, Germany,” Barcelona said euros ($137.5 million) and which was built to win, not to take part,” Conte told reporters. from the 2009 Rome world championships, but Dutchman “We have invested 25 million euros in our team, they have spent more than 100. They have spent in Verhaeren says Magnussen is at a “fantastic level” ahead of today’s in a statement on Monday. “They made an incision in the internal meniscus of the one year what we have spent in three, but they are 17 points behind us and out of Europe. “People need six-day selection trials. right knee and the surgery was completed in a satisfactory to get their facts right and not spread misleading messages. I hope Benitez Magnussen, the world 100m champion, has clocked four sub-48 manner. “The estimated time out will be seven months.” will check his calculations.” Juventus are 11 points clear of AS Roma at the second times ahead of the trials and is FINA’s top-ranked sprinter in the The 32-year-old had been primed to push Spain cap- top of Serie A and on course to win their third successive title under event with a year’s best time of 47.59 set in Perth in late January. His per- tain Iker Casillas for his place in goal at the World Cup Conte. They are also in the quarter-finals of the Europa League and sonal best is 47.10. “It’s hard to talk about times but he’s at a fantastic lev- in Brazil later this year given the Real Madrid man’s their stadium will host the final. Napoli, in their first season under el,” Verhaeren said ahead of the trials. “For me, the first objective is to lack of first team action this season. Benitez, are third, a further six points behind Roma, and were knocked make the (Commonwealth Games) team. That might look easy for him Instead, Manchester United’s David de Gea is out of the Europa League by Porto in the last round. Benitez made ref- but it isn’t. “Is he able to improve on that 47.10, and go 46? Maybe. Time likely to go as back up to Casillas and Napoli’s Pepe erences to Juventus’s revenue in the run-up to the game and said they will tell.” Magnussen said he has been working hard on his fitness ahead Reina. It is expected that Valdes has also played his had more strength in depth than Napoli, a remark the Spaniard of the trials. “My general aerobic fitness is at a better level this year to last game for Barcelona when picking up the injury repeated after the match. “It’s not easy, as we don’t have as much what it has been in the past,” he said. “We’ve focused a lot less on speed... in a 3-0 win against Celta Vigo last week after declar- strength in depth as Juventus and it becomes even tougher when so it’s a matter of whether doing all that work on fitness has taken away ing his intention to leave the club when his contract you see Roma ahead of us aren’t making any mistakes,” he said. Napoli from my speed in the first 50. “I’m hoping as I get older and bigger and expires in June. Valdes has been linked with a number of stronger, speed will take care of itself.” Verhaeren, the former coach of were Serie A’s biggest spenders in the summer as they splashed out 37 clubs including Monaco and Manchester City, but has dual Dutch Olympic 100m freestyle champion Pieter van den million euros on Gonzalo Higuain, 12 million on Raul Albiol and over nine made no official announcement on where he will play Hoogenband, took over as Australia’s head coach last October. —AFP million each on Jose Callejon and Dries Mertens. —Reuters next season. —AFP Quiet appreciation Penguins down Blackhawks for new F1 engines PITTSBURGH: Sidney Crosby scored twice in the final five minutes, helping SEPANG: Sebastian Vettel bluntly swore seen. And five years down the line we’ll all the Pittsburgh Penguins to a 4-1 vic- when asked about the new sound of be driving them in our cars back home.” tory over the injury-riddled Chicago Formula One but a more measured Blackhawks on Sunday night. response elsewhere at the Malaysian GET USED TO IT The Blackhawks also lost captain Grand Prix suggests it is not all bleak for Denmark’s Steffen Moller, a former rac- Jonathan Toews to an upper-body the sport’s quiet, hybrid engines. ing driver who now manages new talent, injury in the second period. Toews The engineering marvels that are pro- said Formula One simply had to embrace was hit hard by Penguins defense- pelling F1 cars faster than before, but at a a future of more fuel-efficient motoring. man Brooks Orpik and was holding fraction of the noise and with less fuel, “I know there’s a lot of criticism about his left arm on the bench before have not been widely welcomed in a the sound but we see a lot of electrical heading down the runway. world that revels in the roar of machinery. cars on the road now and Formula One James Neal and Lee Stempniak But even F1 supremo Bernie must be the point where all the manufac- also scored for the Penguins, who Ecclestone, initially a critic, toned it down turers look to find new ideas,” he said. “So won their second straight and after hearing the cars trackside for the for me it’s not about the sound, it’s more snapped a three-game home losing first time this weekend at Sepang. about the top of the performance for streak. Marc-Andre Fleury made 25 “It’s a little better than we thought,” what you can do engineering-wise.” saves in his 36th victory of the sea- said Ecclestone, who watched this year’s Australian sales manager Tim son. Orpik drilled Toews in the corner first race, in Australia, on TV. While F1’s Anscombe, from Perth, said he missed the with 6:30 remaining in the second ear-splitting V8 engines are gone, the tur- old sound but was resigned to the fact period while the two went for a loose bocharged 1.6-litre V6s bring out different that Formula One had to move on. puck. sounds: squealing tyres, the roar of the “You miss that thunder of the old V8s It’s been a rough stretch for injuries crowd and the previously inaudible race but I suppose the times are changing and for the defending Stanley Cup champi- updates over the tannoy. Spectators and that’s the way it’s going to be. Certainly ons, who will be without star forward officials can watch without earplugs, and you miss the atmosphere of that roar Patrick Kane for the rest of the regular the fear of hearing damage, and parents going through you,” said the 47-year-old. season due to a lower-body injury. can bring young children to the track Others were less philosophical. Pete Bryan Bickell is out with an upper- CHICAGO: Blackhawks center Jonathan Toews is hit in the face by a high stick from Pittsburgh without wondering if the noise will Visagie of South Africa, who heads an body injury but is expected to return Penguins left wing Chris Kunitz (14) as Michal Rozsival (32) and Sidney Crosby (87) watch during reduce them to tears. engineering company and races produc- soon. Sheldon Brookbank scored for the first period of an NHL Stadium Series hockey game. —AP tion cars in his spare time, said: “It’s not the Blackhawks, who have lost three LOW EXPECTATIONS the spectacle it used to be. The sound was straight in regulation for the first time scored for the Bruins. Rick Nash and Mats Zuccarello scored goal for Washington. The Capitals have In Malaysia, the response among visit- much nicer. “Even the safety car and the since February 2012. two goals apiece to lead New York to its lost three straight. In the tiebreaker, ing fans was mixed but rarely as damning medical car sound better than the F1 cars RED WINGS 3, LIGHTNING 2 sixth win in seven games. Nashville goaltender Carter Hutton as world champion Vettel’s four-letter going past, honestly.” BRUINS 4, FLYERS 3 David Legwand had a goal and an Derek Brassard also scored for the denied all three Washington shooters. reaction, indicating quiet engines may By the end of this year, Formula One Patrice Bergeron scored in the sec- assist as Detroit held off Tampa Bay to Rangers, who moved two points ahead not be quite the disaster that some in the will sound noisy compared to the futuris- ond period and also tallied in the move into seventh place in the Eastern of the Philadelphia Flyers for second SENATORS 6, FLAMES 3 sport had feared. tic whine of Formula E, a worldwide series shootout, leading Boston to the victo- Conference. place in the Metropolitan Division. Milan Michalek and Kyle Turris had Ross Hainan, an IT analyst who flew for electric cars which debuts in Beijing in ry. The Bruins have won nine straight Joakim Andersson and Gustav The Rangers tied their franchise two goals apiece, leading the Senators out for the race from Glasgow, had low December. road games, a single-season club Nyquist also scored for Detroit, and record for road wins with 24 this sea- to the win. Jared Cowen gave Ottawa a expectations after watching the And Claire Williams, the deputy team record. Jonas Gustavsson stopped 26 shots. son. The Oilers have lost four of their lift with a tiebreaking goal on a wrist Australian race on TV. “When we came out principal of Williams who has grown up Reilly Smith, the fifth Boston shoot- Valtteri Filppula and Sami Salo scored last five games. It was the ninth time shot 1:12 into the third period, and the initial expectation was that it was around Formula One, predicted people er, clinched the victory in the tiebreak- for Tampa Bay and Ben Bishop made 27 this season that the Oilers have been Clarke MacArthur made it 5-3 with a tip- going to be really poor. However, actually would soon get used to a sound that has er. The Bruins went 15-1-1 in March. saves. Legwand assisted on Nyquist’s shut out. in at 12:22. Turris then scored his 25th being here and hearing it live with your been disparagingly compared to vacuum Vincent Lecavalier scored twice for the goal that gave Detroit a 2-1 lead with goal into an empty net. own ears, it’s far, far better than we cleaners and carts. Flyers, including the tying goal with 25 4:36 remaining in the first. He made it 3- PREDATORS 4, CAPITALS 3 Robin Lehner made 37 saves as the expected,” said Hainan, 35. “Personally I like the sound of the seconds left in regulation. Lecavalier’s 1 on a power-play score with 3:24 left in Craig Smith scored the only goal in Senators won back-to-back games on His wife Julie added: “It’s not quiet engines, but then I love Formula One and first goal was the 400th of his career. the second period, tipping in Johan the shootout to lead Nashville over home ice for the first time since they when they’re all out running and they’re I love watching cars go round a racetrack,” Kimmo Timonen scored for Franzen’s shot for his 13th goal. Washington. Patric Hornqvist scored won three straight in late December on full throttle, it’s definitely not. “Plus she said. “We’ve had so many changes Philadelphia, which has lost three of two goals and Shea Weber added and early January. Matt Stajan, Paul Formula One should be the pinnacle of over so many decades of motor racing four to remain in third place in the RANGERS 5, OILERS 0 another for Nashville, which has won Byron and Sean Monahan scored for technology in motorsport, and they are and you very quickly forget what a previ- Metropolitan Division. Andrej Backup Cam Talbot stopped 26 two of three. Troy Brouwer scored twice the Flames, and Karri Ramo made 31 the most amazing hybrids you’ve ever ous engine sounds like.” —AFP Meszaros and Zdeno Chara also shots for his third career shutout and and Nicklas Backstrom had the other saves. —AP Mercedes march on as Red Bull closing in

SEPANG: With two wins from two races direction for a team that looked in disar- Red Bull team principal Christian ishes in Australia. Even struggling Lotus to them. “A lot of the issues are software under their belt in the new Formula One ray during winter testing after their Horner was optimistic that they had managed to finish a race, with Romain related so hopefully the steps can be season, Mercedes are powering confi- Renault power unit suffered reliability made progress in bridging the gap on Grosjean ending in 11th in Malaysia. made and we can close that gap down.” dently toward another speedster’s para- woes. the Formula One pace setters. However, they were all second best to For that reason, Hamilton knew it was dise in Bahrain this week, albeit with a “The last day of testing was four “Considering where we were a month Mercedes, whose pace on the quick vital to take advantage before the pack watchful eye on fast improving rivals Red weeks ago or something and they were ago, to be on the podium with Sebastian Sepang straights was too much for the inevitably caught up, much like Jenson Bull. absolutely nowhere and now he (Vettel) in Malaysia in a dry race, is an incredible Red Bulls. Button did en route to winning the 2009 Lewis Hamilton’s pole-to-flag victory was right in the back of me, pushing me,” performance,” he said. With similarly long straights awaiting championship with Brawn when his six on Sunday ahead of team mate Nico Rosberg told reporters after moving fur- “We knew that we had some ground them in Manama before they head to race victories came in the first seven Rosberg looked comfortable in the ther clear in the drivers standings ahead to catch up to the Mercedes, so to finish another Hermann Tilke designed circuit races. scorching Sepang sunshine, but quadru- of Hamilton. as close as Sebastian did today was a in China after that, Horner was thinking Hamilton is also wary of allowing ple world champion Sebastian Vettel had “The way they’ve ramped up their really positive performance and, while small in the short term. complacency to creep into the team, managed to split the pair in a wet quali- pace, very impressive, so we need to we know we’ve got a lot of work to do, “Their advantage in Bahrain will obvi- who claimed their first one-two since fying session. keep on it to keep our advantage.” we can begin to realise the scale of our ously be bigger than it was here because 1955. Mercedes suffered reliability prob- The German Red Bull driver fell Rosberg leads the drivers championship challenge.” that is a very powered dominated circuit,” lems in the season-opening race which behind Rosberg before the first corner on 43 points, ahead of Hamilton (25) and he said. forced Hamilton to retire early after quali- on race day in Malaysia but managed to Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso (24). ‘ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN’ “For Bahrain, I don’t think there is fying on pole in Melbourne. “It’s great to push his compatriot for long periods Vettel’s team mate, Daniel Ricciardo, Adding fuel to the Renault-powered going to be a solution and it doesn’t see Mercedes leading the championship before the gap widened in the final also showed promising signs before a revival was Russian rookie Danil Kvyat tend to rain much in Bahrain so we are but we know that we have to make these stages of the 56-lap race. Vettel’s 15 botched pit stop, damaged front wing grabbing 10th to give Toro Rosso a sec- obviously going to try and make us early races pay,” the Briton said after his points for third place were Red Bull’s first and punctured tyre led to him retiring ond weekend of points after both he and much progress as we can in the week 23rd career win. “Anything can happen, of the season and a jump in the right on lap 49. team mate Jean-Eric Vergne’s top 10 fin- and hopefully we can nudge a bit closer as we saw in Australia.”—Reuters

SEPANG: Lotus driver Romain Grosjean of France turns a corner in this file photo. —AFP TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 SPORTS Play Ball! MLB heats up with slate of openers

NEW YORK: After a brutal winter of arctic played openers on two continents and have help handing out some hardware ed setup man, will be the first pitcher to Chapman when it opens against NL blasts and blustery snowstorms, put $215 million ace Clayton Kershaw on from two key members of that team: make his first major league start in a sea- Central rival St. Louis for just the second is ready to heat up late yesterday with its the disabled list. Los Angeles swept a pair Barry Bonds and Jim Leyland. son opener since Fernando Valenzuela in time in 20 years, the Reds have eight play- first full slate of games this season. from the Diamondbacks at the Sydney Bonds, the ‘92 NL MVP, will be on hand 1981 for the Dodgers. Scheppers will ers on the DL - a major league high head- David Ortiz and the World Series Cricket Ground on March 22-23, with to honor 2013 MVP Andrew McCutchen. have new slugger Prince Fielder at first ing into the season. Texas is right behind champion Boston Red Sox begin their Kershaw winning the first regular-season The recently retired Leyland, a two-time base when the Rangers host Cliff Lee and with seven. title defense in Baltimore against home major league game in Australia before an Manager of the Year with Pittsburgh, is the Philadelphia Phillies in an interleague The Brewers get back star run king Chris Davis and the AL East rival upper back muscle acted up. The going to present Clint Hurdle with his game. slugger Ryan Braun for their home open- Orioles. Robinson Cano makes his Seattle Dodgers lost 3-1 at San Diego in the Manager of the Year award for guiding Scheppers got the nod because major er against the Braves. Braun is returning Mariners debut, looking to live up to a North American opener Sunday night. the Pirates to a 94-68 record and wild- league strikeout leader Yu Darvish is on from a 65-game suspension he accepted huge contract - just like Miguel Cabrera Still, ballparks around country will be card berth. the disabled list with a sore neck. Atlanta’s last season for his involvement in the and Mike Trout. buzzing with optimistic fans and, other The son of Hall of Famer Ralph Kiner, Kris Medlen, Oakland’s Jarrod Parker and Biogenesis performance-enhancing drug Behind the scenes, umpires at all six than in Oakland, sunny skies and season- who died in February, will throw out the Arizona’s Patrick Corbin are out, too. While scandal. replay stations in New York will be at the ably warm temperatures are expected to ceremonial first pitch. Kiner will be hon- Darvish may miss only one start, Medlen, Braun will take his position at Miller ready for the first time in baseball history. provide a wonderful backdrop - what a ored in New York, too, where the Mets Parker and Corbin are out for the season Park, on grass grown under heat lamps The start of Derek Jeter’s retirement tour relief! - for the days’ festivities. host Stephen Strasburg and the after having Tommy John surgery. imported from Europe because the win- will wait one more day. The New York “Should be a pretty good day for a Washington Nationals, a World Series One pitcher who escaped serious ter temperatures in were too Yankees, with baseball’s oldest roster, will ballgame,” said Richard Bann, a meteorol- favorite once again. Dillon Gee will make injury is Reds closer Aroldis Chapman. cold - even with the roof closed. face the youngest tonight in Houston. ogist at the Weather Prediction Center. his first opening day start after New York He’s sidelined at least a month more after “But regardless of what Mother Nature By the time Detroit’s Justin Verlander The Pittsburgh Pirates certainly will be City Mayor Bill de Blasio throws out the being hit in the forehead by a line drive gave us here, we’re going to have it ready throws a pitch in the first of 13 games late celebrating their first winning season and ceremonial first pitch. during spring training. for opening day,” said Michael Boettcher, yesterday, the Dodgers will already have trip to the playoffs since 1992, and they’ll In Texas, Tanner Scheppers, a convert- Not only will Cincinnati be without the team’s director of grounds. —AP Bowditch wins Texas Open

TEXAS: First-time winner Steven Bowditch continued a season of surprises on the PGA Tour, claiming the $6.2 mil- lion Texas Open by one stroke on Sunday. The Australian, who came into the event ranked 339th in the world, sur- vived a windswept final round with a four-over-par 76 at the TPC San Antonio. It was the highest closing score by a winner of a tour event since 2004, but Bowditch had no complaints after securing his first victory in 110 starts, earn- ing $1.116 million, along with a prized invitation to the Masters in two weeks. “It’s so hard out there. I’ve never really felt that way for a whole day,” he told Golf Channel after tapping in from six inches for a bogey at the final hole to finish at eight-under 280 and edge Americans Will MacKenzie (70) and Daniel Summerhays (71). Bowditch is the third Australian to win on the tour this year, joining Jason Day (WGC Match Play) and John Senden (Tampa Bay Championship). The 30-year-old from Queensland, the same state as Day, Senden and Masters champion Adam Scott, was a top junior player whose professional career temporarily was CARLSBAD: of Sweden raises the after winning the KIA stalled as he battled depression. “Everyone’s dealt with Classic at the Park Hyatt Aviara Resort on. —AFP something,” Bowditch said. “You just move on and keep learning and growing.” Bowditch started the final round with a three-stroke lead but surrendered his advantage in Nordqvist bags Kia Classic only four holes to fall back into a tie with Matt Kuchar. Six-time PGA Tour winner Kuchar remained tied for the CARLSBAD: Anna Nordqvist rallied to win the Nordqvist changed equipment and start- lead after nine holes, but faded with bogeys at the next two Kia Classic on Sunday at Aviara for her second ed working with instructor Jorje Parada dur- holes and eventually finished two strokes behind, equal victory in her last four LPGA Tour starts. ing the offseason after considering leaving fourth. Two strokes behind leaders Cristie Kerr and the tour. Bowditch, displaying a deft short game whenever he Lizette Salas entering the round, Nordqvist The former Arizona State player made a missed a green, birdied the par-five 14th to take a two- closed with her second straight 5-under 67 for short birdie putt on the par-4 first hole and stroke lead that held up down the stretch when none of his a one-stroke victory over Salas. added birdies on the par-5 eighth and par-4 rivals could sustain a challenge in the difficult conditions. “I’m very excited. I still can’t believe it,” ninth to make the turn at 11 under. She also But Bowditch remained patient to become the latest in Nordqvist said. “I was a couple of shots back birdied the par-4 13th, par-3 14th and par-4 a line of long-shot winners on tour. Zach Johnson and going into today, but this morning I told 16th before dropping a stroke on the par-5 Bubba Watson are the only major champions to triumph myself to give it a shot and I ended up making 17th. this calendar year. quite of bit of birdies out there. I’m very excit- Lexi Thompson was third at 11 under SAN ANTONIO: Champion Steven Bowditch with the trophy during the Final Round Kevin Na received a two-stroke penalty for grounding ed to have two wins this season.” after a 68, and Chella Choi was another his club in a fairway bunker at the fifth hole. He shot a 76 to The 26-year-old Swede won the LPGA stroke back after a 69. Kerr closed with a 73 of the Valero Texas Open at TPC San Antonio AT&T Oaks Course. —AFP finish five shots back. —Reuters Thailand last month to end a five-year victory to finish fifth at 9 under. drought, holding off top-ranked Inbee Park. In Park, preparing for her title defense next 2009, Nordqvist won the LPGA Championship week at Mission Hills, had a 68 to join third- and LPGA . ranked Stacy Lewis (71), Se Ri Pak (69) and KOTC shooting tourney concludes Projected to jump from 16th to ninth in Eun-Hee Ji (71) at 8 under. the world, Nordqvist finished at 13-under 275 Dori Carter, the 244th-ranked player who By Abdellatif Sharaa Air pistol - women 50m pistol - men and earned $255,000. She two-putted for par shot a course-record 64 on Friday, finished Iman Adel Bouland Hamad Abdallah Al-Namshan on the par-4 18th, holing a 2-footer. with a 73 to tie for 10th at 7 under. Michelle KUWAIT: Kuwait Oil Tankers Shooting Huthama Ali Al-Baghli Hasan Abdelaziz Al-Mulla “My hands were shaking a little, I’m not Wie had a 70 to tie for 16th at 5 under. Tournament concluded on Saturday, with the Israa Redha Bahman Mideth Obaid Al-Sahli going to lie,” Nordqvist said. “You never know Laura Diaz had a hole-in-one for the sec- closing ceremony held at Kuwait Shooting Sport with the sun setting you see every little spike ond straight day to become the second Club. Air rifle - women Air rifle - shooting school - junior men mark. So I tried not to focus on that and see player in LPGA Tour history to make two Deputy chief executive officer for fleet affairs Heba Mohammad Irzouqi Yousuf Marzouq Al-Dawas the hole.” The Kraft Nabisco, the first major aces in a tournament. Ali Shihab and Director General of Public Mariam Mohammad Irzouqi Abdelrahman Khalifa Al-Khalifa tournament of the year, is next week in Diaz aced the par-3 third hole Saturday Relations Abdelrahman Al-Ghanim, President of Fatima Emad Abdelmalek Duaij Mohammad Al-Khalifa Rancho Mirage. in the third round, then holed out on the Kuwait and Arab Shooting Federations Engr. “I really love the majors,” Nordqvist said. “It’s par-3 sixth on Sunday — a shot she fol- Duaij Al-Otaibi, Secretary General of Arab and 50m rifle - 3 position - men Air rifle - shooting school - junior women a tougher set up on course and I feel more lowed with an eagle on the par-4 seventh. Kuwait Federations Obaid Al-Osaimi as well as Abdallah Awadh Al-Harbi Haya Sami Al-Dhamir pressure, more spotlight on the tournament She also had an eagle Saturday on the par-5 KSSC board members attended the ceremony. Khalid Share Al-Subai Sheikha Khalifa Al-Khalifa and I like that. I like the test and it seems like it fifth. Jenny Lidback is the only other player Shihab said “we thank KSSC officials for Majid Obaid Al-Osaimi Reem Luai Al-Bughaili is going to be pretty windy next week which with two aces in an event, accomplishing organizing the tournament, and as KOTC we par- will make it tougher. I’m very happy with the the feat in the 1997 Tournament of ticipate in the shooting sport activities.” He said 50m rifle prone - men Air pistol - shooting school - junior men way I’m playing and can’t wait to tee it up.” Champions. we saw a group of new shooters who scored Turky Abdallah Al-Shimmari Saud Ali Al-Thafiri Salas birdied the 18th for a 70. Diaz used a 6-iron Sunday on the 157- good numbers, and wish them all success. Mohammad Al-Daihani Omar Ghadeer Al-Enezi “I’m going to put this in the back of my yard sixth. “I was trying to hit it a little left to Meanwhile, Engr. Duaij Al-Otaibi said we are Majid Obaid Al-Osaimi Othman Khalid Al-Mutairi mind, but know I can make putts down the right high and take a little bit off of it,” Diaz honored to organize the KOTC tournament stretch,” Salas said. The former Southern said. “And, yeah, I did it. It went in.” annually, and it is on the agenda of the club. He Air pistol - shooting school - junior women California player is winless on the LPGA Tour. On the eagle on No. 7, she holed out thanked KOTC chairman and his deputy for their Hajer Abdelrahman Al-Mutairi “Obviously, I can’t control what Anna does,” from 122 yards with a 50-degree wedge, continued support to Kuwait shooting activities. Lujain Sami Al-Dhamir she said. “She’s been playing awesome this year the club she used to hole out twice Assistant secretary Engr. Mohammad Al- Razan Abdelrahman Al-Mutairi and already had a win, congrats to her. That’s Saturday. She’s the first tour player to fol- Ghurba said KSSC appreciates the major role just golf. Sometimes things go your way and low an ace with an eagle on the next hole. KOTC played towards the shooting club since its Olympic bow - general - men sometimes they don’t. Luckily, I finished with a The 38-year-old Diaz shot 2-under 70 in establishment until now. He said the company is Fahad Kamel Al-Rashidi birdie on a good note, and off to the Kraft.”” each round to finish at 2 under. —AP keen on holding the tournament because of its Ahmad Al-Shatti Al-Tamimi official’s belief in supporting youth. Al-Ghurba Mohammad Abdallah Muslim lauded the large participation in this cup in the air pistol and rifle as well as Olympic Archery. Olympic compound bow - men Fearsome Final Four Muslim Faisal Ibrahim Final results of the tournament are as follows: Ahmad Al-Shatti Al-Tamimi head to North Texas Air pistol-men Abdelaziz Bushehri Hamad Abdallah Al-Namshan TEXAS: The road to redemption goes through of the past three seasons. Mideth Obaid Al-Sahli Olympic bow - general - beginners - men North Texas for a fearsome Final Four of power That changed when the Gators (36-2) rode Suhail Jassim Suhail Khalid Haidar Qambar programs with something to prove. Florida, the their chomping defense through a 30-game Athby Rashid Khalid top overall seed, returns to the Final Four for winning streak capped by Saturday’s 62-52 win Air rifle - men Abdelrahman Ali Al-Failakawi the first time since winning consecutive titles in over Dayton. Abdallah Awad Al-Harby (scored a new 2006-07, this time without all those first-round “We didn’t start off the exact way that we Kuwaiti record) Olympic bow - juniors NBA picks. should have, but coach Donovan continued to Bandar Nahar Al-Mutairi Air Rifle Junior Shooter Zaid Salem Al-Saeed, Mohammad Khalaf Al- Waiting for the Gators at Jerry Jones’ billion- remind us and humble us and help us see that, Mohammad Adel Abdelrahman Yousuf Marzouq Al-Dawas Mutairi, Ali Khalaf Al-Mutairi dollar stadium on Saturday will be Connecticut, in order to get where we want to get to, the back near the top of the bracket under Kevin end goal, we have to continue to chase great- Ollie after being barred a year ago. ness every single day and stay in the moment,” Wisconsin and coach Bo Ryan will be there, Florida forward Patric Young said. To win too, finally in the Final Four after so many near- another title, the Gators will have to go misses. Bo knows the Final Four - even if his through the last two teams to beat them this father won’t be there to join him this time. season (UConn and Wisconsin) or their biggest Facing the Badgers in the other national SEC rival (Kentucky). semifinal will be all those Kentucky kids, once The Huskies won the 2011 national title written off as too young and inexperienced to with coach Jim Calhoun and Kemba Walker. play for a title before they head off to the NBA. Things went sour in Storrs after that. Calhoun This Final Four contains no upstarts or mid- retired in 2012 and UConn was barred from the major party crashers, just big boys with big NCAA tournament last season for failing to chips on their shoulders. Donovan won a pair of meet the NCAA’s academic progress measure. national titles in Gainesville with Joakim Noah, UConn’s upperclassmen decided to stick it Corey Brewer and Al Horford, all top-10 NBA out instead of transferring and put together picks in the 2007 NBA draft. After that second another magical bracket run behind another title, he accepted the head-coaching job with do-it-all-player, former Walker understudy the NBA’s Orlando Magic, then changed his Napier. With their 60-54 win over Michigan mind after the introductory news conference. State on Sunday, the Huskies (30-8) became Donovan continued to produce winning the first No. 7 seed to reach the Final Four since teams at Florida, but the biggest wins eluded the tournament expanded to 64 teams in KUWAIT: KOTC and KSSC officials in a group picture with winners. the Gators. They lost in the regional final each 1985. —AP TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 SPORTS Power opens IndyCar season with victory

ST. PETERSBURG: For the fourth time in six races dating to last season, Will Power jumped from the top of his car to celebrate a win in Victory Lane. It was a strong opening salvo Sunday in St. Petersburg for Power, who struggled through most of last season until finally breaking out of his INDIANAPOLIS: NASCAR driver Kurt Busch drives down the front straightaway slump during the homestretch. He won three of in this file photo. —AP the final five races, including the last two of the season. Now he has opened 2014 with a win. Busch’s victory raises hope “Obviously, the perfect way to start,” the Australian driver said. Power passed pole-sitter after 83-race winless streak Takuma Sato for the lead with an outside move headed into the second turn on Lap 31, and was MARTINSVILLE: Kurt Busch couldn’t be more “I think the lack of security in our own car kept us never really challenged again. delighted with his move to Stewart-Haas Racing. Six from feeling more racy and putting a bumper to He had to beat Team Penske teammate Helio races into the marriage, he ended an 83-race winless someone or really getting inside someone aggres- Castroneves off pit lane during stops under cau- streak Sunday at Martinsville Speedway and said sively,” Johnson said of the rather gentlemanly finish. tion, and the only hiccup was on the first restart he’s learning that a better approach to being an Dale Earnhardt Jr. was third, followed by Joey of the race. He was the leader and was slow to actual participant in a team pays big dividends. Logano and Marcos Ambrose. restart the field with 28 laps remaining. It caused “I ran a lot of my early part of my career as an traffic to stack up behind him and led to a crash individual and I didn’t respect my team, my team Here are five other things to know involving rookie Jack Hawksworth and Marco owners,” Busch said, adding that working with co- after NASCAR’s sixth race of the season: Andretti. owner Tony Stewart is helping him learn a better STILL NO REPEATS: Through six races, there Andretti got out of his car with a limp and was way. Busch won by passing Martinsville master have been six different pole-sitters and six different favoring his wrist following the accident. “It’s hard Jimmie Johnson for the lead with 10 laps to go and race-winners, a trend that is causing some winners to see because I was pretty far back, but Will just ST. PETERSBURG: Race winner Will Power (center) of Australia, poses with second- holding off the eight-time winner to win at the track to rethink their stance that with a win, they’re stopped. Once you go, you gotta go,” he said. “It place finisher Ryan Hunter-Reay (left) and third-place finisher Helio Castroneves for the first time since October 2002. It was his 25th essentially in the 16-driver playoffs for the final 10 looked like an accordion effect. I had a good (right) of Brazil, in Victory Circle after the IndyCar Grand Prix. —AP career Cup-level victory, and Busch seemed races of the season. Winning certainly gives each of restart going, but we were junk all day, so what enthralled that it came in the most unlikely of ven- them a leg up because of how much weight it car- are you going to do?” Power said he never braked recovered. things we have to do better. It’s going to be a lot ues. ries in determining the Chase field, but as long as and was confused because the field went green So it was important to the Andretti Autosport of work, but I am very excited.” “You’ve got to put life in perspective, and you new drivers keep doing burnouts after each race, earlier than it should. driver to start this year strong, which he did with a NEW FACE IN THE 10: The season-opener have to learn from your mistakes and you can’t just there’s no telling how many winners there will be. “They actually threw the green before I was second-place finish at St. Pete. marked a changing of the guard at Target/Chip sit there and try to muscle your way individually There are 26 races before the Chase. even in the (restart) zone, so it was confusing to NO REPEAT WINNER: James Hinchcliffe was the Ganassi Racing, where defending Indianapolis through certain situations,” he said about 450 laps THE DOUBTING MACHINE: Gene Haas was not me,” Power said. Castroneves didn’t buy Power’s breakout winner a year ago, but failed to find 500 winner Tony Kanaan is now driving the red after a pit road confrontation with Brad Keselowski, present for the first victory by the team he funds, version and said he was fooled by his teammate. much success in his return to the site of his first No. 10. He got the seat when good friend Dario whose on-track retaliation had Busch threatening to and admitted by telephone after Busch’s victory “Will and I know each other for a long time. He IndyCar victory. Franchitti was forced to retire because of injuries rearrange his face. “And so you rely on your experi- that he was resigned to Jimmie Johnson prevailing. knows my tricks,” Castroneves said. “I didn’t quite He ran in the back most of Sunday because of suffered in an October crash. ence level, you rely on your team, and this is a great “I was thinking that we would probably pull out know that trick from him, and he got me.” IndyCar an electrical issue and finished 19th. Qualifying It’s a tall order to replace Franchitti, the four- day for me to be able to lift the trophy in Victory in front of Jimmie Johnson and be there for a few said the restart in question was acceptable, but was also tough for the Canadian, who spun and time series champion and three-time Indy 500 Lane for Stewart-Haas Racing.” laps, but (Johnson) was better on the long run,” race control did review Power’s second restart hit the wall and failed to advance out of the first winner. Kanaan’s first time out of the gate ended Johnson, with eight wins in 25 career starts on Haas said. “I was kind of like going, ‘Well hey, at least and issued him a warning for going too early. He round. He started 19th in the 22-car field. with a sixth-place finish. He started second. the 0.526-mile oval, led 11 times for 296 laps. He we made a good show.’” Busch also told his new was not penalized, but IndyCar said he will be if JPM’S DEBUT: Juan Pablo Montoya finished CLOSE FINISH: Mike Conway finished 16th in seemed on his way to another victory when he took boss via text earlier in the week that Martinsville he does it again. 15th in his return to IndyCar for the first time his debut with Ed Carpenter Racing, but could the lead from Busch with 17 laps remaining. But was his worst track, and then was hardly able to since he left for Formula One following his have been on the podium if not for a communica- Busch stayed close, ducked underneath Johnson practice because all of Saturday’s activity was Five other developments from Indianapolis 500 win in 2000. He spent almost five tion issue. seven laps later and Johnson had no means to chal- rained out. “He doesn’t practice on Saturday and he Sunday’s season-opening race: seasons in F1 and seven in NASCAR before return- Conway did not hear a call to pit from his lenge again. wins,” Haas said. “We have a new formula here.” STRONG START: Ryan Hunter-Reay won two ing to open-wheel with Roger Penske. crew and stayed on the track during the first “That’s all I had,” Johnson said. “Man, I ran the POINTS RACE: Don’t look now, because it’s still races last season, but considered it a failure Although expectations are for Montoya to win caution, when everyone else pitted. So Conway rear tires off the car. I flipped every switch and knob really early, but Dale Earnhardt Jr., the sports’ most because he didn’t defend his 2012 series cham- immediately, he believes he needs several races pitted on the last lap of the caution period, but I could in there to get front brake and turn fans off popular driver, leads the points race and leads with pionship. His season began to unravel over a to get fully up to speed. “I think it went pretty passed the pace car to enter the pit area. He was and try to help bring my balance back.” four top-5 finishes in six races. Could this be the three-race stretch in July, when he tumbled from good,” he said. “We will learn and pass some peo- issued a penalty that cost him any shot at a Busch held on, his first top-10 finish at year that Dale Jr. finally has the year his fans have second to third in the standings and never ple and some people passed us. There are a few strong finish. —AP Martinsville in his last 17 starts there. The race fea- been waiting for? tured an event-record 33 lead changes, and Johnson FALLIBLE JIMMIE? Johnson led 11 times for 296 expected there would be one more when he retook laps on Sunday. When it was noted that Johnson the lead with 17 laps to go, but on a slippery day has had several instances in recent years where his Nets snare Timberwolves after a rainy weekend on the smallest circuit in dominance in a race hasn’t always led to a victory NASCAR’s premier series, the cars at the end weren’t like he’s accustomed to, he first joked about it, then conducive to typical short-track racing. agreed. —AP NEW YORK: Paul Pierce scored 22 points as the Brooklyn Nets moved to the brink of a playoff spot by beating the Minnesota Timberwolves 114-99 on Sunday for their club record-equaling 13th straight home victory. Pierce scored 16 in the first quarter, two nights after putting up 17 in the period, and didn’t miss a shot in either. Joe Johnson added 19 points for the Nets, who would clinch a playoff spot if the New York Knicks lost to Golden State later Sunday. Brooklyn equaled the longest home winning streak in the NBA this season and the best in the history of the franchise. Corey Brewer and Kevin Martin each scored 21 for the Timberwolves, who had won two in row and were coming off the highest-scoring game in the NBA this season, when they scored a franchise-record 143 points in a rout of the Lakers on Friday.

CAVALIERS 90, PACERS 76 Dion Waiters scored 19 points and Luol Deng added 15 as the Cleveland Cavaliers kept their playoff push going India XI cricket team with a 90-76 win over the Indiana Pacers, who are losing their grip on the No. 1 seed in the Eastern Conference. Tristan Thompson had 16 rebounds as the Cavs snapped a nine-game losing streak against Indiana. Cleveland came in three games behind slumping, idle Atlanta for the con- ference’s final playoff spot. With seven games left - six against teams with losing records - the Cavs still have a NEW YORK: Brooklyn Nets’ Paul Pierce (right) protects the ball from Minnesota chance. The Pacers, meanwhile, are falling apart. They lost Timberwolves’ Corey Brewer during the fourth quarter of an NBA game. —AP their fifth straight road game and now lead Miami by one game for the East’s top record and home-court advantage. outscored Golden State 34-12 in the second quarter to go Lakers shot 53 percent from the field, avoiding what would Paul George scored 15 and David West 14 for Indiana, ahead 56-44 at the half, and then held off a furious rally by have been Phoenix’s first season sweep over them since which fell behind by 21 in the fourth quarter. Stephen Curry and the Warriors in the closing minutes. 2004-05. The Suns won the first three meetings by an aver- Curry scored 32 points, including a tying 3-pointer with age margin of 13.3 points, including a 117-90 rout on Dec. THUNDER 116, JAZZ 96 2:42 remaining. But he missed from long range in the final 23 at US Airways Center. The 25-48 Lakers, returning home Kevin Durant had 31 points and nine assists to help the minute and also had a pass stolen by Raymond Felton on from a 143-107 loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves on Oklahoma City Thunder defeat the Utah Jazz. Durant Golden State’s final possession. New York (31-43) is a game Friday, beat a team with a winning record for only the scored at least 25 points for the 38th consecutive game, behind fast-fading Atlanta, which has lost six straight, for eighth time all season. Gerald Green scored 22 points off the longest streak since Michael Jordan did it in 40 straight the final playoff seed in the weak Eastern Conference. the bench for the Suns. games for the Chicago Bulls during the 1986-87 season. Russell Westbrook scored 19 points, Serge Ibaka had 17 LAKERS 115, SUNS 99 TRAIL BLAZERS 105, GRIZZLIES 98 Pakistan XI cricket team points and Caron Butler added 15 for the Thunder, who LOS ANGELES (AP) - Chris Kaman had 28 points along LaMarcus Aldridge scored 28 points in his third game have won six of seven. Oklahoma City shot 55 percent with 17 rebounds while starting at center for the vertigo- back from injury as the Portland Trail Blazers extended from the field and made 11 of 18 3-pointers and 23 of 26 stricken Pau Gasol, helping the Los Angeles Lakers end the their winning streak to three games with a victory over the India, Pak clash for free throws. Enes Kanter had 18 points and 12 rebounds Phoenix Suns’ six-game winning streak. The undermanned Memphis Grizzlies. —AP Platinum Cup title for the Jazz, who have lost four in a row. RAPTORS 98, MAGIC 93 NBA results/standings KUWAIT: Cricket crazy fans of Kuwait will now Sri Lankan team highly pumped up to outwit DeMar DeRozan had 28 points, Jonas Valanciunas wait eagerly to watch the traditional clash of the the rivals played enterprising cricket and gave a added 20 points and nine rebounds, and the Toronto Oklahoma City 116, Utah 96; Cleveland 90, Indiana 76; Brooklyn 114, Minnesota 99; Toronto 98, titans match to be played between Pakistan XI & tough time to the Indian team as Yohan Raptors escaped with a victory over the Orlando Magic. Orlando 93; Chicago 107, Boston 102; NY Knicks 89, Golden State 84; Portland 105, Memphis 98; Indian XI on Friday, April 4, 2014 at 1:30 pm. Chandana led from the front to crack a solid 58 Trailing 96-93 with 8.9 seconds to play, the Magic had LA Lakers 115, Phoenix 99. In a keenly poised match played between runs with 4 sixes & 4 boundaries. Indika the hard the ball and an opportunity to tie the game. But coming Eastern Conference Western Conference Indian XI & Sri Lankan XI, the Indian XI held their hitting batsmen played a cameo knock of 28 runs out of a timeout they failed to inbound the ball, turning it nerves to notch a thrilling 23 runs victory over a in just 12 balls and till he was at the crease the Sri over on a 5-second violation. DeRozan was fouled and hit a Atlantic Division Northwest Division spirited fight back from the Sri Lankan team, right- Lankans were on the brink of victory but the pair of free throws to provide the final margin. The win was W L PCT GB Oklahoma City 54 19 .740 - ly known as Lions so as to advance to meet experienced Indian bowlers kept on applying the Raptors’ third in a row and seventh straight over the Toronto 42 31 .575 - Portland 48 27 .640 7 Magic. Toronto swept the season series 3-0. Nik Vucevic led Pakistan in the Finals. pressure and Sri Lankan team folded for 163 runs Brooklyn 39 33 .542 2.5 Minnesota 36 36 .500 17.5 Batting first, the Indian XI openers Usman Patel in 20 overs. the Magic with 22 points and 10 rebounds. NY Knicks 31 43 .419 11.5 & Alwyn D’souza played steadily and took the Roshan & Sajid Kalam took two wickets each Denver 32 41 .438 22 Boston 23 50 .315 19 score to 48 and as the pair was about to settle, a while Faisal, Nawaf & Nikhil bagged a wicket each. BULLS 107, CELTICS 102 Utah 23 51 .311 31.5 sudden rush of blood saw Alwyn caught at long Mohd Nisar was rightly judged Player of the DJ Augustin scored 15 of his career-high 33 points in Philadelphia 16 57 .219 26 on. Hansen Vaz, the talented one drop bat joined match for his marvelous batting display. the fourth quarter, helping the Chicago Bulls held off the Pacific Division Usman and the duo continued to play attacking The highly rated Pakistan XI notched an easy slumping Boston Celtics. Augustin was perfect from the Central Division LA Clippers 52 22 .703 - cricket and ran some quick singles to unsettle the victory over Bangladesh XI and will meet Indian XI foul line on 10 attempts and was 10-for-14 from the floor, Indiana 52 22 .703 - including a 3-pointer late in the period to break a 96-all tie Golden State 45 28 .616 6.5 Sri Lankan fielder. in the final to be played on April 4, 2014. Chicago 41 32 .562 10.5 Usman was at his very best driving and pulling Bangladesh batting first could score only 110 runs and give Chicago the lead for good. He followed that with Phoenix 44 30 .595 8 Cleveland 30 45 .400 22.5 with precise timing and Ansan thumped the cher- as Abdulla Khan the leg spinner bowled extreme- six straight free throws to help the Bulls close out the LA Lakers 25 48 .342 26.5 ry with great authority to score a valuable 23 runs ly well (4-0-9-3) to wreck the Bangladesh batting Celtics. Joakim Noah finished with 13 points, 13 assists and Detroit 26 47 .356 25.5 Sacramento 25 48 .342 26.5 before being run out. As the score read 105 for 2, order while Raheel & Ali Zaheer took 2 wickets eight rebounds for the Bulls, who will try for a three-game Milwaukee 14 59 .192 37.5 Mohammed Nizar along with Usman Patel thrilled each. season sweep against the Celtics on Monday night in the crowd with some lusty hitting to take the Toufique was the star batsman for Bangladesh Chicago. Rajon Rondo had 17 points and 11 assists for Southeast Division Southwest Division Boston, which has lost four straight and nine of 10. Indian XI total to 199 runs in 20 overs. Mohd. as he fought a lone battle to score 37 runs with 3 Miami 50 22 .694 - San Antonio 57 16 .781 - Nizar’s scintillating knock of 75 (not out) con- mighty sixes. Pakistan wrapped up 111 runs in just Houston 49 23 .681 7.5 tained 7 huge sixes and 2 fours and a beautifully 12 overs as Asghar & Yasser Butt flayed the KNICKS 89, WARRIORS 84 Washington 38 35 .521 12.5 timed on drive to the mid- wicket boundary was Bangladesh attack, dispatching eh ball to all cor- JR Smith scored 21 points and Carmelo Anthony added Charlotte 35 38 .479 15.5 Dallas 44 30 .595 13.5 the shot of the day. Usman ended up with a pol- ners of the ground. Asghar scored 47 (6x3) while 19 points and nine rebounds as the New York Knicks Atlanta 31 41 .431 19 Memphis 43 30 .589 14 ished 53 runs to his credit. Sasanka, Indika & Rifkas Yasser blasted a hurricane 42 in just 28 balls to moved within one game of the final playoff spot by beat- Orlando 21 53 .284 30 New Orleans 32 41 .438 25 got a wicket each. claim the Player of the match award. ing the undermanned Golden State Warriors. The Knicks TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 SPORTS United face ultimate challenge in Bayern

LONDON: Manchester United, comprehen- captain Philipp Lahm told sively outplayed by local rivals Liverpool “We will travel to Manchester in order to and Manchester City at Old Trafford recent- play attacking football and score goals. I ly, face an even tougher challenge when don’t think it matters if you play the away holders Bayern Munich come calling in the leg first. Last year we played at home first a Champions League today. lot of the time and still managed to win the Languishing seventh in the Premier trophy. League after a dismal first season under “The most important thing for us will be manager David Moyes, United are huge to score goals in the away leg,” added underdogs to get through the two-legged Lahm, whose side overcame Arsenal on the quarter-final against the Bundesliga cham- basis of their away results in the last-16 this pions. Moyes will take little comfort from season and last. results at the weekend when Bayern’s 19- Moyes can take heart from his team’s match league winning streak ended in a 3- recovery in their last-16 tie against 3 home draw with Hoffenheim after surren- Olympiakos Piraeus when they won 3-0 at dering a 3-1 lead while United thrashed Old Trafford thanks to a Robin van Persie Aston Villa 4-1 in the Premier League. hat-trick after losing the away leg 2-0. United are a far cry from the team who Van Persie will miss both games against commanded unreserved respect around Bayern through injury but Wayne Rooney is Europe during Alex Ferguson’s heyday but enjoying a prolific run, the England striker’s their home form in the Champions League two goals against Villa taking his tally to this season has been good, in marked con- five this month and 15 in the league this trast to their woeful Premier League record season. at Old Trafford. Moyes does not see playing the first leg The English champions have won their at home as a disadvantage. “The way the SPAIN: Atletico Madrid’s midfielder Koke (center) and his teammates take part in a training session at the stadium on first four home matches in the competition, game’s going now with counter-attacking the eve of the UEFA Champions League quarter-final first leg football match. —AFP something they last did in the 2007-08 football and a different approach by teams campaign when they made it six out of six away from home (means it is not so impor- and went on to lift the trophy for the third tant),” he said. time in Moscow. The tie brings together two teams who Martino, Simeone renew But Bayern, managed by Pep Guardiola have lifted the European Cup eight times who outfoxed United in the 2009 and 2011 between them and they met in the 1999 finals as Barcelona coach, have won their final in Barcelona when United snatched an their old rivalry in Europe last seven Champions League away games. extraordinary 2-1 victory from the jaws of They also beat United on the away goals defeat with two stoppage-time goals. rule when the teams met at the same stage The defeat rankled with Bayern for years MADRID: Barcelona coach Gerardo Martino and They have already played each other three in an interview published on Atletico’s website in 2010. but they have beaten United every time his Atletico Madrid counterpart Diego Simeone times this term, with very little to choose ( on Sunday. “We cannot allow Manchester United’s they have met since and it would be a huge clashed as rival players in their native Argentina between the sides. Barca pipped Atletico to the “Simeone has instilled an extraordinary win- current position in the Premier League to surprise if the German team fail to make and there will be no quarter given when they season-opening Spanish Super Cup when ning mentality in the team and they have affect our mindset for this game,” Bayern the semi-finals. —-Reuters meet in the last eight of the Champions League Neymar’s goal in a 1-1 first-leg draw in Madrid absolute faith in what they are doing,” added today. was enough for Barca after the second leg end- the Spain international. A callow Simeone was not yet 18 when he ed 0-0. Their game at the Calderon in “It will be a very close tie, with few scoring faced Martino, nearly 10 years his senior, in a January also finished goalless. chances due to the way Atletico play. “It is nev- league match between Velez Sarsfield and Barca warmed up for today’s last eight, first er fun playing them. They don’t allow you any Newell’s Old Boys in January 1988, when leg with a laboured 1-0 win at city rivals space, they cover our creative areas very well. Martino was sent off for a challenge on fellow Espanyol on Saturday thanks to a Lionel Messi “They don’t leave room down the wings, midfielder Simeone, who was himself dismissed penalty, while Diego Costa and Koke scored for they deploy people very effectively in the mid- 10 minutes later. Atletico in a 2-1 comeback win at Athletic dle of the pitch and they are good on the count- No stranger to controversy during his play- Bilbao. er attack.” ing career- Simeone was involved in the send- Simeone’s men will need to demonstrate the The goals of Atletico’s Brazil-born forward ing off of England midfielder David Beckham at same intensity they showed at the San Mames if Costa have underpinned the team’s success this the 1998 World Cup-he admitted last year he they are to get the better of a Barca side buoyed season and he notched his 25th of the La Liga had indulged in a spot of play-acting to try to by this month’s 4-3 win at Real Madrid in the La campaign at Bilbao, three behind top scorer provoke a red card for Martino. Liga ‘Clasico’. Messi, whose season was disrupt- Cristiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid and two ahead “There was an incident in the middle of the ed by a two-month injury layoff either side of of Messi. pitch,” Simeone recalled in an interview with the New Year, appears to be coming into top Costa will be up against a host of new team Argentine television. “He reacted to something, form at exactly the right time, while playmaker mates from his adopted country Spain today, I exaggerated a bit and they ended up sending Andres Iniesta is also looking close to his scintil- including defenders Gerard Pique and Jordi him off,” added the 43-year-old, said to play lating best. Alba and midfielders Xavi, Sergio Busquets and “with a knife between his teeth”. Messi, the four-times World Player of the Iniesta. “They sent me off about 10 minutes later, the Year who comes from Martino’s home town of “Costa is a lad who is improving day by day, referee compensated a little for his earlier deci- Rosario, has scored 20 goals in 19 matches he has enormous physical strength,” Simeone sion.” Almost three decades later and the older against Atletico, including three hat-tricks. told a news conference. “The way the team LONDON: Manchester United Scottish manager David Moyes (second left) and wiser Martino and Simeone are in charge of plays is a consequence of what he can give us two Spanish teams with a genuine chance of WINNING MENTALITY and he feels comfortable in the side.” The winner takes part in a team training session at their Carrington training complex on achieving a rare double of Champions League Barca playmaker Xavi said he would have of the tie following next week’s second leg in the eve of their UEFA Champions League first leg quarter-final football and La Liga titles. preferred not to meet another Spanish team in Madrid will go into the draw for the semi-finals match against Bayern Munich. —AFP Atletico are a point clear of Barca at the top of Europe and praised Simeone for the way he has on April 11. In the other three quarter-finals, Spain’s domestic league with seven games left transformed Atletico since taking over at the Real Madrid play Borussia Dortmund, Paris St and their final match of the campaign is another end of 2011. Germain take on Chelsea and holders Bayern Japan ready to take over trip to Barca’s daunting Nou Camp arena in May. “Atletico Madrid know us very well,” Xavi said Munich face Manchester United. —Reuters Qatar WCup-JFA chief

TOKYO: Japan is ready to hold the 2022 the manager’s future yet. When the World World Cup if FIFA strips Qatar of hosting Cup is over we will analyse everything and rights over corruption allegations, the coun- think about what kind of team we need to try’s football chief told AFP. build for the next World Cup,” he said. “When Japan Football Association (JFA) president we know that, we’ll know what kind of man- Kuniya Daini said the country, whose capital ager we need.” Tokyo will stage the 2020 Olympics, would Daini also admitted he was shocked after step in if required. a racist “Japanese only” banner targeting for- “If FIFA look for an alternative country, we eign fans was unfurled at Urawa Red already have the stadiums that would meet Diamonds’ Saitama Stadium. the criteria to host it,” he said in an interview. The incident prompted the J-League to “We have the Olympics in 2020. If there is a take the unprecedented step of forcing chance, we’d like to do it, although I don’t Urawa to play their next home game behind know how likely that would be.” closed doors. The chance of Qatar losing hosting rights “After the Urawa incident I thought, ‘So appears remote despite an investigation by something like this has finally happened in FIFA’s ethics committee, headed by former Japan’,” Daini said. “I thought that nothing like US district attorney Michael Garcia, into the this could happen in Japan, so it was a shock. much-criticised bidding process. Qatar has “Japanese football and the J-League are also come under fire for its treatment of for- known for being a safe environment with eign construction workers, with figures lots of women and children attending obtained by AFP in February showing that games, so this has created a dangerous 450 migrants from India alone had died over image and lowered the prestige of Japanese the past two years-about 20 a month. football.” And there is a row over whether to hold And he said unproven match-fixing suspi- the Qatar World Cup in the intense heat of cions, following unusual betting patterns on the desert summer or in winter, which is mid- a March 8 game between Sanfrecce season for many domestic leagues. Hiroshima and Kawasaki Frontale, were a Japan, one of the countries that lost out wake-up call for Japanese football. to Qatar for the 2022 World Cup, has experi- “With regards to the match-fixing suspi- ence of organising the tournament after co- cions, it was a good warning for if something KEY BISCAYNE: Rafael Nadal of Spain and Novak Djokovic of Serbia pose for photographers after the final of the Sony Open at hosting the 2002 edition with Asian neigh- were to happen for real. We all thought that bours South Korea. something like this couldn’t happen in the Crandon Park Tennis Center. —AFP Japan reached the knock-out stages that Japan, but it showed us that it is possible and year and again in 2010, and Daini said the for that reason it was very effective,” he said. team hopes to take another step forward by Japan’s J-League has so far remained Djokovic lifts fourth Miami title making the quarter-finals at this year’s com- largely untouched by match-fixing scandals petition in Brazil. that have hit several neighboring leagues. A MIAMI: Novak Djokovic tamed grown into one of tennis’s great one would expect except from a Djokovic quickly put his oppo- “We are looking to perform better than J-League probe into the recent game found world number one Rafa Nadal 6-3 rivalries with the Spaniard holding matchup between the world’s best nent under pressure, starting the we did the last time,” said Daini at the JFA’s no evidence to indicate match-fixing. —AFP 6-3 to claim his fourth Sony Open a 22-18 edge. with a title on the line, Nadal and second with a break and that was Tokyo offices. “In South Africa we got to the title on Sunday, denying the But the Miami title continues to Djokovic trading thundering all he would need with Nadal last 16 so that means this time we want to Spaniard a maiden win on the be one of the few to elude Nadal, groundstrokes right from the first unable to find a crack in the Serb’s reach the quarter-finals. Miami hardcourts. who has now finished runner-up point. But on this day, a confident armor. “That would be a successful result, but The win was the second straight four times at Crandon Park, twice Djokovic, his game firing on all The match ended on another first we have to advance from the group Matches on TV Masters series title for the second beaten in the final by Djokovic. cylinders, kept Nadal on the defen- break and a dazzling rally, Djokovic stage. It’s a difficult group, so that’s the first ranked Serb, who defeated Roger “Miami is the same level as sive ending the drama quickly by sealing a clinical victory with text- aim.” (Local Timings) Federer in the BNP Paribas Open Indian Wells, same level as winning all the big points. book half-volley, then falling onto two weeks ago in Indian Wells. Cincinnati, Toronto, Monte Carlo, “I played a few games and a few his back and punching his hands ASIA’S BEST CHANCE UEFA Champions League Daini said Japan also hoped to bring back “That was a great confidence Rome, Madrid,” said Nadal when points with right way, with right into the air in celebration. Barcelona v Atletico 21:45 boost for me that I carried on in this asked to explain his inability to intensity,” said Nadal. “But for the “I didn’t have any letdowns the Club World Cup, which it has hosted six week, and this tournament has hoist the Miami trophy. “The quality rest, easy to analyse. The opponent throughout the match,” said times before, and hold the 2023 Women’s beIN SPORTS 1 been perfect from the beginning to of the tournament is Masters 1000 was better than me. That’s it. Djokovic. I was in a very high level: World Cup. beIN SPORTS 3 the end,” said Djokovic, after hoist- that I won 26, so I cannot have a “He was better than me in every- serve, backhand, crosscourt, fore- At this year’s World Cup, Japan are consid- ered as Asia’s best chance with a squad that beIN SPORTS 1 HD ing his 43rd career title. mental block on that. thing. “I feel that I didn’t move as hand. I mean, I have done every- beIN SPORTS 3 HD “The matches that I have played “No, no frustration. That’s tennis. well as I do normally. I feel that he thing right, and I’m thrilled with my boasts Manchester United’s Shinji Kagawa, I played really well, and I elevated That’s the sport.” Both Nadal and was having too much success with performance. “I did not want to Keisuke Honda of AC Milan and Yuto my game as the tournament pro- Djokovic were well-rested after every shot.” lose focus for a second, because I Nagatomo of Inter Milan. Man United v Bayern 21:45 Daini said nothing had been decided gressed. “The best performance of receiving walkovers into the final Both players had one break knew that Rafa is a kind of a player beIN SPORTS 2 the tournament came in the right after opponents withdrew from the opportunity in an entertaining that if you allow him, if you give about the future of Italian manager Alberto beIN SPORTS 4 moment on Sunday against the semi-finals, giving the tournament opening set and it was the Serb him a chance, he’s going to capi- Zaccheroni, who will attempt to steer Japan biggest rival.” a mouth-watering championship who made his count breaking talise, he’s going to get that through Group C against Colombia, Greece beIN SPORTS 2 HD The world’s top ranked players matchup. Nadal to go up 4-2 and then hold- chance, and he’s going to come and Ivory Coast. beIN SPORTS 4 HD added another line to what has The contest featured everything ing serve for a 1-0 lead. back to the match.” —Reuters “We haven’t decided anything regarding TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 SPORTS Five ways Rodgers has revitalised Liverpool

LONDON: Liverpool’s 4-0 win over Liverpool back to their roots, instituting a last year, but he has emerged as one of the has rewarded the Northern Irishman by starting berth with both hands. Tottenham Hotspur at the weekend took patient, possession-based game and urg- deadliest strikers in the country, scoring 34 producing the best season of his career, them to the top of the Premier League ing his players to play the ball out from the goals in his first 43 games for the club. scoring 29 league goals and developing a 5. TACTICAL FLEXIBILITY table, raising hopes of a first English title back even when they are put under pres- Brazilian playmaker Philippe Coutinho, superb understanding with Sturridge. He Rodgers learnt at the knee of Jose since 1990. sure. “Under some of the previous man- signed from Inter Milan for �8.5 million, signed a new contract in December and is Mourinho during his time as a youth Their title tilt has been masterminded agers, when things haven’t been going has also proved a shrewd acquisition, the overwhelming favourite to be voted coach at Chelsea and he is forging a repu- by manager Brendan Rodgers, who over- well, we’d tend to go more direct and get although of the six players who arrived last the Professional Footballers’ Association tation as a similarly resourceful tactician. saw a seventh-place finish last season in the ball forward more quickly,” captain year, only goalkeeper Simon Mignolet has Player of the Year. Liverpool have used a variety of different his first campaign since succeeding Kenny Steven Gerrard told FourFourTwo maga- been able to hold down a first-team place. playing systems this season, deploying a 3- Dalglish in July 2012. zine last year. “But Brendan wants us to 4. SQUAD ROTATION 4-1-2 formation during the autumn and Here, AFP Sports looks at some of the play from the back and improve our 3. BEST OUT OF SUAREZ Raheem Sterling disappeared from view alternating between a 4-3-3 and a 4-3-1-2 methods that the 41-year-old has used to angles so we pass with more incision and There was a time during the close sea- mid-way through last season after bursting in recent weeks. Speaking after the victory turn Anfield into a fortress once again: pace. He wants us to stick to Plan A.” son when the prospect of seeing Luis onto the scene, with Rodgers explaining over Spurs on Sunday, Rodgers said: “The Suarez in a Liverpool shirt again seemed a that he was worried about him getting last four games we played a diamond (4-3- 1. A NEW IDENTITY 2. SHREWD SIGNINGS distinctly remote possibility. Having been burnt out, and the 19-year-old winger’s 1-2); today it was 4-3-3. We have got flexi- Liverpool have long been associated Four consecutive seasons without banned for 10 matches after biting electric displays this term have vindicated bility and that is what we are trying to with pass-and-move football, but the club Champions League football have hit the Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic, the the manager’s cautious approach. After a develop, and the players are comfortable lost their way during Dalglish’s second stint club in the pocket, but Rodgers has helped Uruguayan complained about his treat- rocky start to his Anfield career, former with that.” His commitment to fielding two as manager, typified by the club-record get around the problem by showing an ment by the British press and then Sunderland midfielder Jordan Henderson strikers has enabled Liverpool to plunder �35 million ($58.3 million, 42.4 million eye for a bargain in the transfer market. accused Liverpool of breaking their word has blossomed under Rodgers’s guidance, 88 league goals in 32 matches, while 33- euros) acquisition of target man Andy Daniel Sturridge cost only �12 million by denying him a move to Arsenal. while 21-year-old full-back Jon Flanagan year-old Gerrard has been a revelation in a Carroll in January 2011. Rodgers has taken when he signed from Chelsea in January Rodgers stood firm, however, and Suarez has grasped the opportunity to claim a new midfield holding role. —AFP Buffon heroics can’t save Juventus from rare loss

ITALY: Goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon’s heroics were not enough for Juventus as the Serie A leaders lost 2-0 at an inspired Napoli on Sunday, only their sec- ond league defeat of the season. Jose Callejon and substitute Dries Mertens, who had only been on the pitch for two minutes, handed Juventus their first league defeat since Oct. 20 to give a glimmer of hope to chasing AS Roma. Second-placed Roma cut Juve’s lead to 11 points after a controversial 2-0 win at lowly Sassuolo where play was delayed for five minutes as the referee changed his mind over a penalty decision. Juventus have 81 points from 31 games and seven left to play while Roma have 70 and Napoli, in the Champions League playoff spot, are on 64. PORTUGAL: Porto’s forward Ricardo Quaresma (right) vies with Nacional’s They are followed by Fiorentina (52) and Inter defender Joao Aurelio during the Portuguese League football match. —AFP Milan (48) who visit Udinese late yesterday. Although Juventus still have a huge lead, there were enough signs of fatigue in their performance Porto suffer shock defeat to give encouragement to Roma who have a game in hand. PORTUGAL: Porto forward Ricardo were awarded a penalty for a foul on “Until it becomes mathematically impossible, Quaresma missed a penalty, was booked for Quaresma but the forward struck his effort we have to keep looking forward,” said Roma diving and ended the match arguing with against the post. coach Rudi Garcia. Controversy erupted in the opponents as the titleholders suffered a Martinez had a goal disallowed for push- 36th minute of Roma’s game when Italy World shock 2-1 defeat at Nacional in the ing before Quaresma had an appeal for Cup referee Nicola Rizzoli initially awarded Portuguese league on Sunday. another penalty turned down in stoppage Sassuolo a penalty for a foul by Mehdi Benatia on A furious Quaresma had to be restrained time and this time was booked for diving. Nicola Sansone but then gave Roma a drop ball ITALY: Juventus’s Montenegrin forward Mirko Vucinic (center) fights for the ball with by his team mates and club officials as he The defeat left Porto in third place with after five minutes of protests. Napoli’s Italian forward Lorenzo Insigne (left) and Napoli’s Spanish defender Raul went to remonstrate with Nacional players 49 points, 15 adrift of leaders Benfica who Roma were 1-0 ahead through Mattia Destro’s Albiol during the Italian Serie A football match. —AFP following the final whistle. He was appar- won 1-0 at Braga to claim their eighth suc- 10th goal of the season at the time and a late goal ently unhappy with some of the Nacional cessive league win. by Brazilian Michel Bastos secured the win. gave Lazio the lead but Parma hit back through Insigne’s cross past Buffon in the 28th minute. tackling. An early goal from Brazilian forward Sampdoria coach Sinisa Mihajlovic was sent off Jonathan Biabiany and a bizarre Michael Ciani Juventus playmaker Andrea Pirlo failed to hit The Madeira-based hosts went ahead in Lima was enough for the Eagles and not as his side drew 0-0 at home to Fiorentina but said own goal. the target with his usually dependable free kicks the 19th minute when Daniel Candeias, even a late penalty miss by their striker he did not mind as he would be suspended when Ciani made a complete hash of an attempt to and even sent one crossfield pass straight to the who was raised at Porto and did not cele- Rodrigo could spoil their day in a game of they play Lazio next week. control the ball and sent it between Lazio goal- opposition in a weary-looking first-half display. brate his goal, chested the ball down and few chances. “The last time I won at Lazio, with Catania, I was keeper Federico Marchetti’s legs. The visitors improved after halftime but, just as fired home from the edge of the area. “Braga didn’t have a single scoring also suspended,” said the Serb. “I’m one of the few At the San Paolo, Napoli piled into Juventus they were threatening an equaliser, Napoli broke Colombia forward Jackson Martinez lev- chance, nor did they create any real danger, coaches who stand up for referees and I didn’t from the start and only 36-year-old goalkeeper clear and Mertens fired an angled shot past Buffon elled for Porto at the start of the second half but it’s also true that we didn’t have many offend anyone.” Buffon kept them at bay as he made a point blank with nine minutes left. only for Venezuelan Mario Rondon to put chances,” said Benfica coach Jorge Jesus. Lazio, again playing in a half-empty Stadio save from Callejon and brilliantly turned Marek “We have too often lacked the determination the hosts back in front within two minutes Benfica stayed seven points clear of Olimpico as fans continued to boycott the team in Hamsik’s effort over the bar. and intensity we showed this season,” said Benitez. after being set up by Candeias. Porto Sporting who beat Vitoria Guimaraes 1-0 on protest at president Claudio Lotito, beat Parma 3-2 Hamsik also had a goal disallowed but Rafael “We’ve played plenty of games at a very high level should have equalised again when they Saturday. —Reuters thanks to a stoppage-time winner from Antonio Benitez’s side were finally rewarded when Callejon but we haven’t been able to maintain that stan- Candreva. Senad Lulic and Miroslav Klose twice got in front of Kwadwo Asamoah to turn Lorenzo dard for the whole season.” —Reuters Sociedad, Villarreal falter MADRID: Real Sociedad and Villarreal lacked efficiency in front of goal. “We went River defeat Boca Juniors 2-1 failed to capitalise on defeats for European after the win from the first minute, we con- qualification rivals Athletic Bilbao and trolled the majority of the game, showed Sevilla when they were held to 1-1 draws some good moments and had chances to BUENOS AIRES: River Plate ended by Osasuna and Elche respectively in La score,” he said. a 10-year wait for an away victory Liga on Sunday. “We just needed to be a bit more accu- over Boca Juniors in the Argentine Sixth-placed Sociedad took the lead in rate in putting the ball between the posts.” “superclasico” with a 2-1 win at La the eighth minute at Osasuna through With seven matches left, Bilbao are on Bombonera on Sunday. Gonzalo Castro before Oriol Riera levelled course for a place in Champions League Left back Ramiro Funes Mori, for the home side just before the hour. qualifying on 56 points, six ahead of Sevilla playing only because of Leonel Villarreal, who are seventh, had to come and Sociedad. Villarreal have 49, nine Vangioni’s suspension, headed the from a goal down to rescue a point at ahead of eighth-placed Espanyol and winner five minutes from time from home to regional rivals Elche at the Valencia, who are ninth after they lost 3-1 playmaker Manuel Lanzini’s corner. Madrigal. Fourth-placed Bilbao lost 2-1 to at home to Getafe in Sunday’s late kickoff. Lanzini had put River ahead 13 leaders Atletico Madrid at their San Mames Tempers frayed in the final stages of the minutes into the second half before stadium on Saturday after Sevilla, in fifth, game at the Mestalla and Valencia captain Juan Roman Riquelme scored a had their six-match winning streak Jeremy Mathieu was sent off after clashing brilliant equaliser with a trademark snapped in a 1-0 reverse at Celta Vigo. with Getafe forward Pedro Leon. free kick 10 minutes later. “It’s hard to maintain control at this sta- In the bottom half of the table, just four River, winning away for the first dium,” Sociedad coach Jagoba Arrasate points separate Granada on 34 in 12th time since September, climbed to told a news conference at Osasuna’s El place from Almeria, Osasuna and Real within one point of leaders Colon, Sadar arena in Pamplona. Valladolid in 17th through 19th. who were pegged back in a 1-0 “We had our chances in the second half Real Betis, who host Malaga on defeat at Arsenal. and they did too,” he added. “Looking at it Monday, are eight points adrift at the After 10 matches, just past the objectively I think a point each was a fair bottom, while Madrid-based Getafe halfway stage in the Final champi- result.” climbed to 16th on 31 points thanks to onship, the second of two titles in Arrasate’s Villarreal counterpart their first win in 17 matches in all compe- the season, Colon have 18 points, Marcelino Garcia said his players had titions. —Reuters River, Velez Sarsfield and Estudiantes 17 each. Title-holders San Lorenzo, win- ners of the Inicial championship, Zamalek give Nkana can join the second-placed trio with a win at Tigre later on Sunday. “It’s not easy to win in this stadi- five-goal thrashing um,” River captain Fernando Cavenaghi, who scored the only JOHANNESBURG: Egyptians Zamalek gave Libyans Al-Ahly Benghazi, who eliminated goal when his team last won at Zambians Nkana a 5-0 hiding at the weekend to defending champions Al-Ahly of Egypt Boca in 2004, told Futbol Para storm into the CAF Champions League group Saturday, Tunisians CS Sfaxien and Sudanese Al- Todos. stage. Hilal complete the lineup. “This win came at just the right Mesmerising penalty-area passing created Zamalek, forced to play behind closed doors moment, the team were tactically four of the goals for the ‘White Knights’ at a because of recent clashes between their sup- smart, we blocked (Fernando) Gago spectator-less Air Defence Stadium in Cairo. porters and police, led 2-0 at half-time. who is the (Boca) player who gen- The other goal came direct from a free-kick A third goal just after the break settled the BUENOS AIRES: Boca Juniors forward Juan Martinez (left) vies for the ball with River Plate erates most football,” said River defender Gabriel Mercado during their Argentine First Division football match. —AFP as five-time African champions Zamalek main- outcome and from then on it was a matter of coach Ramon Diaz referring to tained a three-decade dominance over Nkana. how wide the victory margin would be. Ahmed Argentina’s World Cup midfielder. The visitors broke the deadlock his free kick, awarded for a foul on out Lanzini’s corner. It was the fifth time the clubs have clashed Tawfik, Momen Zakariya, Omar Gaber, Hazem It was an exciting ‘superclasico’ when their Colombian trio of Martinez which he curled over the Boca’s post-match complaints in the premier CAF club competition and the Emam and Ahmed Gaafar scored for the club played in a Bombonera packed defender Eder Balanta, winger wall and in off the underside of the that the corner had been awarded fifth time the Egyptian have emerged aggre- whose last Champions League title came 12 only with Boca fans, with away sup- Carlos Carbonero and striker Teo bar close to the far post with mistakenly were borne out by tele- gate winners. years ago. porters banned in a government Gutierrez combined on the right Barovero stranded. vision replays which showed the Zamalek qualified 5-0 overall after the first Young coach Ahmed ‘Mido’ Hossam will be measure to curb hooligan violence. wing to set up Lanzini whose low But River, looking to avenge ball had gone over the line off leg of the last-16 clash ended goalless on the particularly happy with five goals in 90 minutes River goalkeeper Marcelo finish beat goalkeeper Agustin Boca’s 1-0 victory at the Monumental Lanzini’s heel. Zambian Copperbelt last weekend. after five previous matches yielded four goals. Barovero made two good saves Orion. in October, had the last word with Velez crushed Gimnasia 5-1 at El Other former title-holders who will go into Veteran goalkeeper Abdel Wahed El-Sayed has from Boca forward Juan Manuel Riquelme thought he had avoid- Funes Mori heading past Orion, Fortin on Saturday and Estudiantes the April 29 mini-league draw are Democratic not conceded a goal in six games against Martinez to keep River level in the ed his first home defeat to River in Argentina’s third-choice goalkeeper, were held 0-0 at home to Olimpo Republic of Congo duo TP Mazembe and Vita, Nigeriens Douanes, Angolans Kabuscorp and first half. nine derbies at La Bombonera with who had come out looking to cut on Friday. —Reuters Tunisians Esperance and Algerians Entente Setif. Nkana. —AFP Bowditch wins United face Texas Open ultimate challenge in Bayern

TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 16 18

Japan ready to take over Qatar WCup — JFA chief Page 18

CHITTAGONG: Netherlands cricketer Mudassar Bukhari (center) celebrates the victory over England with teammates during the ICC World Twenty20 tournament cricket match. — AFP England humiliated by Netherlands

CHITTAGONG: England slumped to an embar- ball, taking the openers out while van Geek (3-9) chance there.” Broad, who said he was unsure if he rassing 45-run defeat by the Netherlands at the accounted for the lower middle order as England would continue leading the team, took three World Twenty20 yesterday to end a dismal few capitulated to be all out with 14 balls to spare. wickets for 24 runs as the bowlers restricted the months at a new low point. “The whole tournament I hadn’t taken any Netherlands to 133 for five wickets after opting to England, already eliminated from the tourna- wickets and this was the game for me actually,” field first. ment after defeats by New Zealand and South Bukhari said at the presentation ceremony. “The Wesley Barresi top-scored for the Dutch with a Africa, were bowled out for 88 chasing a modest wicket did help me a bit. 48 and added 50 for the second wicket with open- 134 for victory in their final Group One super 10 “At the halfway stage, I thought it’s going to be er Stephan Myburgh (39) to lay the foundation for match in Chittagong. England’s 88 was the lowest hard work out there but when we took four wick- their total. total ever posted by a full-member test side ets in powerplay, we thought we had a good Meanwhile, former England captains Michael against an associate nation in the shortest format Vaughan and Michael Atherton rounded on the of the game. World Twenty20 standings current side after they bowed out of the World “It sums up our winter really. It was pretty simi- CHITTAGONG: World Twenty20 Super-10 round Twenty20 with a humiliating 45-run loss to the lar to our batting displays when we lost the Ashes standings after yesterday’s matches (played, won, Netherlands in Chittagong yesterday. in Australia,” a dejected England captain Stuart lost, tied, N/R, points, run-rate): Bowled out for just 88 with more than two Broad said at the presentation ceremony. overs to spare in reply to the Netherlands’ 133 for Group One “Lack of commitment in the shots and a very Sri Lanka 4 3 1 0 0 6 +2.233 five, defeat set the seal on a miserable tour pro- disorganised chase it was. The bowling and field- South Africa 4 3 1 0 0 6 +0.075 gramme for England, already unable to reach the ing was ok, we just lacked a bit of hunger with the New Zealand 4 2 2 0 0 4 -0.678 semi-finals of this event, following their 5-0 Ashes bat by the looks of it. England 4 1 3 0 0 2 -0.776 series loss in Australia. “No one got going, no one took responsibility Netherlands 4 1 3 0 0 0 -0.866 Early in the match, former batsman Vaughan and Netherlands took the chance. It was a rela- told his Twitter followers: “I have a feeling this tively simple chase but a shocking chase in the Group Two could be an embarrassing sort of day.” SCOREBOARD end.” India 4 4 0 0 0 8 +1.280 But it arguably proved worse than even West Indies 3 2 1 0 0 4 +1.223 Pakistan 3 2 1 0 0 4 +0.893 Vaughan forecast, with only three England bats- CHITTAGONG: Scoreboard from the World Twenty20 Super-10 group one match between NEW BALL DAMAGE Australia 3 0 3 0 0 0 -1.549 men making double figures-Ravi Bopara ‘top-scor- England and the Netherlands at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury stadium in Chittagong yesterday: Logan van Geek and Mudassar Bukhari took ing’ with a meagre 18 — in an innings featuring Bangladesh 3 0 3 0 0 0 -2.315 The Netherlands: M. Lumb c T. Cooper b Bukhari 6 three wickets each for the Dutch, who also defeat- Note: Top two teams in each group qualify for just four fours and no sixes. And after England’s M. Swart c Parry b Broad 13 Moeen Ali c T. Cooper b Borren 3 ed England by four wickets in the opening match semi-finals. innings ended in the 18th over with a farcical run- S. Myburgh c Hales b Bopara 39 E. Morgan c Borren b van der Gugten6 of the World Twenty20 at Lord’s in 2009. Today’s matches: Bangladesh v Australia; Pakistan out, Vaughan tweeted: “That sums it up.... W. Barresi b Jordan 48 J. Buttler c Seelaar b van Beek 6 Bukhari (3-12) did the damage with the new v West Indies, in Dhaka. — AFP #Garbage”. —AFP T. Cooper c Jordan b Broad 8 R. Bopara c Seelaar b van Beek 18 P. Borren c Parry b Broad 7 T. Bresnan run out 5 Mudassar Bukhari not out 1 C. Jordan c Swart b van Beek 14 SCOREBOARD Sri Lanka romp into semis B. Cooper not out 0 S. Broad c Barresi b Bukhari 4 Extras: (b4, lb7, w6) 17 J. Tredwell run out 8 Total: (five wickets; 20 overs) 133 S. Parry not out 1 CHITTAGONG: Scoreboard in the World Twenty20 CHITTAGONG: Left-arm spin wizard Rangana Did not bat: L. van Beek, T.van der Gugten, Super-10 Group one match between New Zealand and Herath conjured up astonishing figures of 3-5 to P. Seelaar, Ahsan Malik Extras: (lb2, w3) 5 Sri Lanka played at Zahur Ahmed Chowdhury stadium help Sri Lanka demolish New Zealand by 59 runs Fall of wickets: 1-34 (Swart), 2-84 Total: (all out; 17.4 overs) 88 yesterday. yesterday in the race for the World Twenty20 semi- Fall of wickets: 1-18 (Lumb), 2-19 (Hales), 3- Sri Lanka (Myburgh), 3-110 (T. Cooper), 4-131 finals. (Borren), 5-131 (Barresi) 26 (Morgan), 4-32 (Ali), 5-42 (Buttler), 6-52 K. Perera c Ronchi b Boult 16 (Bresnan), 7-74 (Bopara), 8-76 (Jordan), 9-86 T. Dillshan c Ronchi b Boult 8 The spinner rocked New Zealand, chasing a Bowling: Ali 1-0-13-0, Bresnan 2-0-11-0 M. Jayawardene b N. McCullum 25 modest 120-run total, in his 3.3 destructive overs to (1w), Jordan 3-0-13-1 (1w), Broad 4-0-24-3 (Broad). K. Sangakkara c Anderson b Boult 4 bowl them for 60 in 15.3 overs in Chittagong-the (2w), Tredwell 4-0-23-0 (1w), Parry 2-0-23-0, Bowling: Swart 1-0-8-0, van der Gugten 3- L. Thirimanne c Guptill b Neesham 20 Black Caps’ lowest total in T20s. Bopara 4-0-15-1 0-11-1 (1w), Bukhari 3.4-0-12-3, Malik 3-0- A. Mathews c Ronchi b McClenaghan 6 The victory gave the 2012 runners-up their 14-0, Borren 3-0-18-1, van Beek 2-0-9-3, T. Perera c Williamson b Mills 16 England: Seelaar 2-0-14-0 (2w) N. Kulasekara c N. McCullum b McClenaghan 0 fourth successive semi-final place. They play the S. Senanayake c Williamson b Neesham 17 winners of Tuesday’s game in group two between A. Hales b Bukhari 12 The Netherlands won by 45 runs. R. Herath not out 1 defending champions the West Indies and Pakistan. L. Malinga b Neesham 0 The first semi-final will be in Dhaka on Thursday. Extras: (lb2, nb1, w3) 6 Total: (all out; 19.2 overs) 119 The 2007 champions India take on South Africa in Rangana Herath Saqlain factor spices up Fall of wickets: 1-20 (Perera), 2-29 (Dilshan), 3-35 the second semi on Friday, with the final to be After playing four dot balls, New Zealand’s most (Sangakkara), 4-65 (Thirimanne), 5-81 (Mathews), 6-85 played in Dhaka on Sunday. dangerous batsman Brendon McCullum jumped out Windies-Pakistan decider (Jayawardene), 7-92 (Kulasekara), 8-116 (Thisara), 9- Stand-in captain Lasith Malinga hailed Herath. “I off Herath and was stumped. 119 (Senanayake). trusted my spinners and Herath was unbelievable,” Herath then trapped Ross Taylor (nought) leg DHAKA: The West Indies have an ace up their how to play the turning ball. West Indies cap- Bowling: Mills 4-0-30-1, Boult 4-0-20-3 (1nb, 1w), said Malinga. “We were waiting for an occasion like Anderson 3-0-13-0 (1w), McClenaghan 4-0-24-2 (1w), before and bowled Jimmy Neesham off successive sleeve in Saqlain Mushtaq as the defending tain Darren Sammy said Saqlain’s serene pres- Neesham 2.2-0-22-3, N. McCullum 2-0-8-1. this and we pulled through. Rangana was waiting deliveries to push New Zealand on the back foot. champions take on Pakistan in a make-or-break ence and knowledge had proved a huge boost for his chance and he proved himself really well.” It became 5-29 in Herath’s third over when he World Twenty20 encounter in Dhaka today. for his team, which will face a four-pronged New Zealand It was fourth time unlucky for New Zealand who had Luke Ronchi (two) leg before wicket to improve The winner of the night clash at the Sher-e- Pakistan spin attack led by the prolific Saeed M. Guptill run out 5 played the semi-final only in the inaugural edition of on his previous best figures of 3-25 in the 2012 semi- Bangla stadium will join India in the semi-finals Ajmal. “Saqlain has a lot of experience on the K. Williamson run out 42 the World Twenty20 in 2007. Skipper Brendon B. McCullum st Sangakkara b Herath 0 final against Pakistan in Colombo. from group two of the Super-10s, condemning slow wickets that one gets in Bangladesh,” he R. Taylor lbw b Herath 0 McCullum rued their batting failure. Fellow spinner Sachitra Senanayake took 2-3 in the loser to an early flight home. said. “He’s very calm guy who knows a lot J. Neesham b Herath 0 “”We knew there was a lot of hard work to go,” he his three overs. New Zealand’s previous lowest Saqlain, the former Pakistan off-spinner, is a about the game. He has been a good addition L. Ronchi lbw b Herath 2 said. “It was a bit drier than we expected and Herath Twenty20 total of 80 came against Pakistan at key member on the West Indies bench as their to our coaching staff.” N. McCullum c Mathews b Senanayake 2 and Sachitra, the way they bowled was outstand- Auckland two years ago. It also becomes the third spin bowling consultant for the tournament, Pakistan captain Mohammad Hafeez said K. Mills lbw b Senanayake 4 ing.” T. Boult c Jayawardene b Herath 3 lowest total ever in all T20s, behind the Netherland’s and his advice has benefited the team Saqlain was entitled to work with other teams- M. McClenaghan not out 0 Just when they needed some sensible batting to 39, also against Sri Lanka here last Monday and 56 immensely. just like compatriot Mushtaq Ahmed was Extras: (w2) 2 overhaul a paltry total, New Zealand performed in a by Kenya against Afghanistan at Sharjah last year. The West Indies, better known for its bat- doing with England-but that did not worry his Total: (all out; 15.3 overs) 60 dismal manner with opener Kane Williamson the Earlier left-arm paceman Boult and Neesham tery of fast bowlers, now boast of two of the team. Fall of wickets: 1-18 (Guptill), 2-18 (B. McCullum), 3-23 only man to reach double figures with 42. took three wickets apiece to wreck Sri Lanka for a finest spinners in Twenty20 cricket in Samuel “He was a world-class spinner,” Hafeez said (Taylor), 4-23 (Neesham), 5-29 (Ronchi), 6-33 (N. He was the eighth man out and with Corey McCullum), 7-51 (Mills), 8-60 (Williamson), 9-60 (Boult). paltry 119 in 19.2 overs after they were sent into bat. Badree, who opens with the new ball, and of Saqlain, who retired 10 years ago with 208 Bowling: Kulasekara 3-0-15-0 (2w), Mathews 4-0-26-0, Anderson unable to bat due to a finger injury sus- Left-armer Mitchell McClenaghan took 2-24. Sunil Narine. Test and 288 one-day wickets. “But he does not Herath 3.3-2-3-5, Malinga 2-0-13-0, Senanayake 3-0-3-2 tained while fielding, Herath wrapped up the match Boult had opener Kusal Perera (16) in his first over Saqlain, the original master of the “doosra”- have a magic formula, nor can he come and Note: Corey Anderson could not bat after dislocating a with Trent Boult’s wicket. and then dismissed Tillakaratne Dilshan (eight) and the off-spinner’s version of the googly-has also bowl himself. “We believe in ourselves and I finger while fielding in Sri Lankan innings. New Zealand lost opener Martin Guptill (five) in Kumar Sangakkara (four) to give New Zealand a proved a calming influence on the usually cav- think our players are good enough to win the the fourth over, run out in Herath’s first over. headstart to the match. — AFP alier Windies batsmen, giving them tips on match,” Hafeez said. — AFP Kuwait bourse witnesses variance in indices

Page 24 Business Mercedes-Benz Kuwait opens new body and paint facility TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 Page 26 Marks & Spencer opens third branch in Kuwait Warba Bank’s General Assembly ratifies auditors’ report and balance sheet Page 23 Page 22

KUWAIT: KIPCO officials are pictured at the annual Shafafiyah (transparency) Investors’ Forum where KIPCO presented a review of13 20 and guidance for 2014 to an audience of share- holders, financial analysts and institutional investors. (Inset) KIPCO’s Vice Chairman, Faisal Al-Ayyar KIPCO to deliver double-digit growth KIPCO poised to continue profitability and dividend paying in 2014: Vice Chairman KUWAIT: At its annual Investors’ Forum, KIP- this year and start construction of its Aswar CO - the Kuwait Projects Company - said it residential project in Egypt. The real estate expected its core companies to continue to company’s projects coming into operation deliver double digit revenue growth in 2014. in 2014-2015 will step up rental income by Dubai World sees more The announcement was made at the com- $35 million. TAKAUD, KIPCO’s pensions and pany’s annual Shafafiyah (transparency) savings company, is expected to expand to Investors’ Forum where KIPCO presented a other markets in 2014 following its success- review of 2013 and guidance for 2014 to an ful launch in Bahrain, targeting a $500 mil- early debt payments audience of shareholders, financial analysts lion contribution in the next five years. and institutional investors. KIPCO’s industrial arm, UIC, will continue The forum followed the company’s its path of good performance in 2014 and its DUBAI: Dubai World, the conglomerate at the centre of the emirate’s some bankers are not entirely sure. General Assembly meeting where KIPCO revenue and operating profit are both debt crisis, has the means to make its first big repayment on time next In the run-up to this week’s creditor meeting, there has been specu- shareholders approved a cash dividend of expected to grow by 20 percent by 2016. year and expects to pay off more of its debt ahead of schedule, a top lation among some bankers that it could discuss a “Plan B” - perhaps 20 percent (20 fils per share) and a stock div- Meanwhile, United Education Company will executive said. Mohammed Al-Shaibani, chief executive of sovereign some form of refinancing involving Dubai banks - in case the May 2015 idend of 5 percent. As part of its review of continue to bring the best private education wealth fund Investment Corp of Dubai and a key figure in negotiating maturity is not paid in full. But Shaibani’s comments to Reuters sug- the last 12 months, KIPCO said that 2013 to Kuwait, developing its new K-12 school in the emirate’s debt restructurings in recent years, said Dubai World gested he saw no need for any further restructuring of the debt. was its twenty-second consecutive year of 2014, and expanding its existing schools would be able to meet a $4.4 billion loan maturity in May 2015 and to He did, however, say various “options” would be discussed with cred- profitability. The company met its objectives and the American University of Kuwait. make some other repayments early. itors, including some affecting another big debt maturity for Dubai for 2013 and delivered on its promise to Speaking at the Forum, KIPCO’s Vice Quoting sources, Reuters reported earlier this month that state- World, about $10 billion in 2018. “We are sitting with lenders to discuss achieve double-digit growth for its core Chairman, Faisal Al-Ayyar said: “At last year’s owned Dubai World had repaid $284.5 million of its debts ahead of options. We even have some plans for the debt maturing in 2018 that companies. KIPCO’s revenue grew 34 per- Shafafiyah Investors’ Forum, we said we schedule. Shaibani confirmed this and said more early repayments we will discuss with them in due course,” Shaibani said. Shaibani did not cent from KD 414 million ($1.47 billion) in expected to see double-digit growth in were likely to be made. “Around $280 million has already been paid elaborate on proposed plans for the 2018 debt but some bankers have 2012 to KD 553 million ($1.96 billion) in 2013. During the year, our major core oper- ahead of maturity, and we will continue to do so,” he said without elab- speculated Dubai World could offer to buy back some of it before matu- 2013, and its profitability grew 27 percent ating companies have delivered on this orating. rity at a discount, satisfying foreign banks which wanted to remove it from KD 32 million ($114 million) in 2012 to promise. Burgan Bank’s revenue increased Dubai World ran into trouble during the emirate’s 2009 property from their books. KD 40 million ($142 million) in 2013. 33 percent while Gulf Insurance Group’s rev- market collapse and had to restructure $25 billion of debt, of which Dubai World has made over half a dozen asset sales since the crisis. KIPCO expects Burgan Bank to continue enue was up 13 percent. OSN increased its about $14.4 billion was owed to around 90 local and foreign banks, and Last December the group sold a 50 percent stake in Miami Beach’s to grow its assets by 10 percent and increase revenue by 29 percent. These results reflect the remainder to the Dubai government. The restructuring plan aims to Fontainebleau hotel back to south Florida developer Turnberry. The its operating profit by 15 percent in the peri- the positive performance trends in our core buy time for the prices of Dubai World’s assets to recover, allowing it to price was not disclosed, but Dubai World originally paid $375 million od 2013-2016. OSN will continue its impres- sectors. They are also evidence of the raise money for debt repayments through the sale of some assets. The for the stake in 2008. The conglomerate still has a vast array of domes- sive growth in revenue, EBITDA, net profit growth of our companies in 2013 and their May 2015 maturity is being seen as the first major test of this strategy. tic and international assets, including nearly 80 percent of local ports and cash flow, and is expected to double its sound profitability.” “We have the means to pay off the first tranche of debt maturing in operator DP World, stakes in MGM Resorts International of the United revenue in the next three years with indus- Commenting on the outlook for 2014, Al- 2015 given the group’s precise and successful asset disposable plan,” States and the CityCenter development in Las Vegas, and holdings in try-leading EBITDA margins and profits. KIP- Ayyar said: “We enter 2014 with profitable Shaibani said. He spoke to Reuters ahead of an annual meeting of financial advisory firm Perella Weinberg and Canadian entertainment CO said Gulf Insurance Group will further its and growing businesses across the sectors Dubai World’s creditors, which is expected to occur this week, and group Cirque du Soleil. regional expansion with entry into the in which we operate. We expect to continue before top Dubai executives and officials visit London next week for a Rebounding stock and real estate markets have strengthened Dubai Algerian market through the acquisition of a to deliver double digit revenue and profit roadshow with international investors. World’s balance sheet. DP World’s market capitalization, for example, 49 percent stake in Algeria Insurance, and is growth in the next three years. Indicators The approach of Dubai World’s May 2015 maturity is being closely has nearly doubled since 2011 to $14.7 billion. A report by regional expected to double its gross premium writ- point to gradual local and regional econom- watched by local and foreign creditor banks which lent the conglomer- investment bank EFG Hermes last week said most Dubai banks had ten to $1 billion in the next five years. ic recovery, and our companies are poised to ate billions of dollars before it and other state-linked Dubai firms ran reclassified their exposure to Dubai World debt to “performing” because KIPCO’s real estate arm, URC, is due to benefit from this improvement in their into trouble. A sharp drop in the yields on Dubai debt in the past six of the improved outlook, except Emirates NBD, which was expected to complete its Abdali Mall project in Jordan respective markets and to continue to be months suggests financial markets believe the strategy will work, but do so soon. — Reuters and the Raouche at 1090 project in Lebanon profitable and dividend paying in 2014.”

Egypt extends profit-taking bout

MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS DUBAI: Egypt’s bourse posted its biggest investors started booking profits; the shares equivalent to 2.6 percent of the vatization drive. percentage loss in seven months yester- move was amplified by an earnings bank but retains a stake of 6.5 percent Bahrain’s benchmark, on the other day as local investors continued to book report by EFG Hermes, which swung to a and a seat on the board, CIB said. hand, rose 0.9 percent as Ahli United Bank profits on positions built in anticipation net loss in 2013 because of one-off started recovering from its ex-dividend of former army chief Abdel Fattah Al- charges. Oman, Bahrain slump, adding 2.0 percent. Yesterday, Sisi’s run for president. The main Cairo “In this case I think we need to rely on In the Gulf, Oman’s index fell 0.8 per- Moody’s Investos Service changed its out- index tumbled 3.6 percent to 7,805 some technical guidance,” said Chamel cent largely because of Raysut Cement, look on Bahrain’s banking system to stable points, dropping for a third session in a Fahmy of Cairo-based HC Securities and which dropped 3.5 percent as its shares from negative, saying it expected banks’ row, as all but two of its 30 constituent Investment. “Most technical analysts see went ex-dividend. NBK Capital last week capital metrics to remain broadly stable. stocks closed in the red and trading vol- 7,800 points as a key support level.” Also reiterated its “sell” recommendation on the Local telecommunications firm Batelco ume surged again after declining on among the sellers yesterday was private stock, saying Raysut had direct exposure gained 3.1 percent after the country’s Sunday. equity firm Actis, which sold shares in “to the massively oversupplied UAE mar- industry watchdog said it would no longer The market has dropped 8.0 percent Commercial International Bank “in the ket” and also to very volatile export mar- need regulatory approval to change its over three days. It is still up 15.1 percent open market to a group of international kets such as the Horn of Africa and Yemen. consumer broadband prices. Among other year-to-date, having surged on hopes investors”, the bank said. The bank’s Shares in telecommunications operator Gulf markets, only Qatar made significant that Sisi, seen by many investors as the shares fell 4.2 percent. Actis, which Omantel fell 0.3 percent to 1.50 rials as the gains, adding 0.7 percent on the back of best guarantor of stability, would run in bought into Egypt’s biggest listed bank government started selling 71.25 million blue chips and stocks that will pay 2013 this May’s elections. When Sisi finally did in July 2009 when it traded at less than a shares to Omani individual investors at the dividends in early April, such as Widam announce his candidacy last week, half of yesterday’s closing price, sold price of 1.35 rials per share, part of its pri- Food Co and Barwa Real Estate. — Reuters TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 BUSINESS

2014 could prove breakout year, claim US economists WASHINGTON: Once this year’s harsh weather has faded, the US economy could be poised for a breakout year - its strongest annual growth in nearly a decade. The combina- tion of an improving job market, pent-up consumer demand, less drag from US government policies and a brighter global outlook is boosting optimism for the rest of 2014. Many analysts foresee the economy growing 3 per- cent for the year, after a weak first quarter that followed a stronger end of 2013. It would be the most robust expan- sion for any year since 2005, two years before the Great Recession began. One reason for the optimism: The gov- ernment estimated Thursday that the economy grew at a 2.6 percent annual rate in the October-December quarter, up from its previous estimate of 2.4 percent. Fueling the gain was the fastest consumer spending for any quarter in the past three years. The numbers pointed to momentum entering 2014 from consumers, whose spending drives about 70 percent of the economy. Analysts cautioned that the brutal winter weather has depressed spending in the January-March. And they think economic growth has likely slowed to an annual rate of 2 percent or less this quarter. Yet that slow- Marks & Spencer opens third branch in Kuwait down could pave the way for a solid bounce-back in the April-June quarter. Many think growth will be fast enough the rest of the year for the economy to grow at least 3 per- By Ben Garcia cent for all of 2014. “We think that once temperatures return to more nor- KUWAIT: The third branch of Marks & mal levels, we will see a lot of pent-up demand released,” Spencer in Kuwait was inaugurated yester- said Gus Faucher, senior economist at PNC Financial day at The Avenues. The new store is Services. “People will be buying cars and homes and mak- 12,594 square meters in size and located at ing other purchases that they put off during the winter.” the ground floor (First Phase) of The Economists have suggested before that the recovery Avenues. Kuwaitis and expatriates alike appeared on the verge of acceleration, only to have their looking for a quality international retail expectations derailed by subpar growth that left unem- experience will enjoy the brand’s inviting ployment at painfully high levels. and inspiring store design offering a wide This time, there’s a growing feeling that the improve- range of stylish and innovative products in ments can endure. “We are looking for progressively faster exceptional quality and at great prices. growth as the year goes on,” said Doug Handler, chief US Speaking with the Kuwait Times, Mark economist at IHS Global Insight. The National Association Senior - Operations Manager said the new for Business Economics predicts that the economy will branch will offer just exactly the same with grow 3.1 percent this year, far higher than the lackluster 1.9 the twist of more selections at the biggest Mark Senior - Operations Manager, KUWAIT: Marks & Spencer’s officials are pictured at the opening of the new store. percent gain in 2013. mall in Kuwait. “The Avenues is the most Marks & Spencer —Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat If that forecast proves accurate, it would make 2014 the strongest year since the economy, as measured by the attractive mall in Kuwait so far and to be in happy to see us here. We have a line of Secret Support (TM) lingerie which creates “Political issues are no longer an issue for gross domestic product, expanded 3.4 percent in 2005. this place is simply invigorating. We’ve products which are lined up in the upper flattering silhouette, Stormwear(tm) finish businesses like ours. I think, M&S is situated Since the Great Recession ended in June 2009, annual been checking and coming here for years class quality and customers love our brand. denim and coats, a revolutionary fabric in a very stable region and economy is growth over the past four years has averaged a weak 2.2 now and trying our best to secure a suit- For example, our lingerie has been very treatment which repels water and Insolia booming everywhere. I think the challenge percent. The US economy has been hit by a series of blows able place for us. When we heard they have famous amongst women and the same (TM) technology in its footwear ranges we face is the growing number of competi- since then - from a Japanese tsunami and European debt this space, we were thrilled and very happy goes for men’s suits and formal shoes as which improves comfort and stability in flat tors; they are coming in hordes. Market is crisis, which hurt US exports, to Washington budget fights, about it. So here we are! Starting today, we well. We are very comfortable because we and high heeled shoes. huge but so is the rapidly growing compe- which fueled uncertainty about the government’s spend- are going to serve our valued customers have a good place in the Kuwait market,” he In addition, apart from the wide range tition,” he said. Following a traditional rib- ing and tax policies. here,” Senior noted. reiterated. of women clothing, M&S also offers acces- bon-cutting ceremony led by the Head of Tax increases and deep spending cuts that took effect Senior added Marks & Spencer in Kuwait sories and footwear for a complete stylish Operations, Mark Senior and Store in 2013 subtracted an estimated 1.5 percentage points has been the second strongest market in Stylish fashion look. The new store is a one-stop destina- Manager, Ibrahim Qarmeesh, the new from growth last year. With Congress having reached a the Middle East next to the United Arab Currently offering its spring collection tion for those seeking timeless fashion as Marks & Spencer store welcomed enthusi- budget agreement and a deal to raise the government’s Emirates. “Business in Kuwait has been very in-store, women can celebrate the season well as a complete range of beauty prod- astic shoppers and media to experience borrowing limit, companies now have more certainty good. Kuwaitis are our strongest market; in in style with Marks & Spencer’s sub brands - ucts to suit their beauty needs. Marks & pleasant interiors and extensive product about federal fiscal policies. fact, the Kuwaiti market is our second M&S Collection personifies elegance in Spencer’s standard setting ethics continue offering. “We now seem to have a truce on budget issues, which largest in the Middle East. We have wit- timeless hues, Autograph range embodies to inspire innovation and design whilst “The store opening is part of UK brand’s means uncertainties have faded.” Faucher said. “That is a nessed growth over the last few years and luxury and sophistication, ‘per una’ collec- championing the heritage and core values regional expansion drive and strategy to big reason growth will be stronger.” Also helping will be an we are happy to be in this part of the tion reflects feminism and vibrancy while of Marks & Spencer in perfectly edited col- build a stronger presence in the Middle improving outlook overseas. Economies in Europe are globe,” he mentioned. the Indigo collection encapsulates the lections. “Our brand for ladies ‘Indigo’ is a East region. The Avenues is Kuwait’s luxury strengthening, which should boost US exports. In addition, According to Senior, Marks & Spencer is shopping mall which houses strong inter- the US job market is improving. The Labor Department casual cool look. The gorgeous M&S lin- casual chic brand, Californian 1960’s is said Thursday that the number of people seeking unem- a famous and well-established brand in gerie section displays beautiful basics, jeans and lots of denims. We have national brands and attracts more than 20 ployment benefits last week reached its lowest level since Kuwait. “We’ve been here since 1998 and indulgent matching sets and pretty ‘Autograph’ brand to contrast ‘Indigo’. million visitors every year. The popularity November - an encouraging sign that hiring should be most of our customers have been very shapewear - perfect for every occasion. The ‘Autograph’ is mostly party dresses and and prominence of this mall makes it an picking up. familiar with Mark and Spencer. We have store’s clothing collection also features a looks, formal wear, real nice colors and very obvious choice of location for the latest In February, US employers added 175,000 jobs, far more the brand in the UK and people who are host of clever product innovations includ- bright. We have ‘per una’, a combination of Marks & Spencer store. We want to create than in the two previous months. Though the unemploy- coming from this part of the world are very ing suits that are fully machine washable, formal and casual wear with amazing remarkable international shopping experi- ment rate rose to 6.7 percent from a five-year low of 6.6 designs and the colors are excellent. We ences and with this opening we hope to percent, it did so for an encouraging reason: More people have ‘Classic, and its designed for more attract an ever increasing number of cus- grew optimistic about their job prospects and began seek- relaxed customers; the idea is to cater to tomers, “Mark Senior added. The opening ing work. The unemployment rate rose because some did- classic fashion, some of them are longer was attended by Al-Futtaim who said, n’t immediately find jobs. sleeves, beautiful combinations as well,” “Kuwait is a growing market for Marks With more people working, more consumers will have Senior added. &Spencer and we have capitalized this money to spend to boost the economy. “The last missing “This season’s various kinds of quality huge retail opportunity by opening two link to a stronger recovery was income growth, and now designs are to invade Kuwait for more fash- big stores in Kuwait this year including the we are seeing that,” said Joel Naroff, chief economist at ionable but also elegant style and quality. largest international store at The View in Naroff Economics. Unexpected events might yet prove that Customers buy because it is quality and February. This significant investment reiter- analysts are overly optimistic. But at the moment, econo- not just a mere trend,” Senior pointed out. ates our commitment to the country. The mists don’t expect the standoff with Russia over Ukraine or Marks & Spencer constantly introduce new new store exhibits an excellent interplay of the Federal Reserve’s paring of its economic stimulus to and interesting designs. “The reason why lovely interiors, attractive display windows destabilize global markets or derail the US recovery. Naroff and exceptional lighting scheme comple- said the consensus view might even prove too pessimistic. we transferred from our old place in He said he thought economic growth could achieve a vig- Salmiya to a new location (also in Salmiya) mented by a convenient customer shop- orous 4.4 percent annual rate in the April-June quarter if was to live up to our promise of constant ping experience. The collection displayed pent-up consumer demand tops estimates. And he said change. The place is wonderful,” he men- at the store offers confident style, innova- growth could exceed 3.5 percent in the second half of this tioned. tion and outstanding quality designs at year. “Once we get past this winter of our discontent, Senior said, political turmoil is not an fantastic value while focusing on timeless things should be looking a lot better,” Naroff said. —AP issue for their businesses elsewhere. fashion trends for women.


Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Syrian Pound 2.948 Sierra Leone 0.000069 0.000075 Nepalese Rupees 3.930 Singapore Dollar 0.220941 0.226941 South African Rand 0.020773 0.029273 ASIAN COUNTRIES Malaysian Ringgit 87.100 COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Chinese Yuan Renminbi 45.855 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.001867 0.002447 Japanese Yen 2.747 Australian Dollar 265.59 262.59 Thai Bhat 9.670 Taiwan 0.009134 0.009314 Indian Rupees 4.733 Canadian Dollar 259.39 260.39 Turkish Lira 129.095 Thai Baht 0.008345 0.008895 Pakistani Rupees 2.880 Swiss Franc 323.24 321.24 Arab Srilankan Rupees 2.158 Euro 391.92 392.92 Bahraini Dinar 0.742483 0.750483 Nepali Rupees 2.953 US Dollar 281.90 284.90 Egyptian Pound 0.036799 0.039899 Singapore Dollar 224.650 Sterling Pound 473.32 476.32 Bahrain Exchange Company Iranian Riyal 0.000078 0.000079 Hongkong Dollar 36.416 Japanese Yen 2.80 2.82 Iraqi Dinar 0.000181 0.000241 Bangladesh Taka 3.633 Bangladesh Taka 3.631 3.901 CURRENCY BUY SELL Jordanian Dinar 0.394014 0.401514 Philippine Peso 6.327 Indian Rupee 4.728 5.028 Europe Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Thai Baht 8.726 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.158 2.593 Belgian Franc 0.007338 0.008338 Lebanese Pound 0.000138 0.000238 Irani Riyal transfer 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.957 3.492 British Pound 0.463511 0.472511 Moroccan Dirhams 0.023421 0.047421 Irani Riyal cash 0.273 Pakistani Rupee 2.900 2.790 Czech Korune 0.006025 0.018025 Nigerian Naira 0.001193 0.001828 GCC COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 76.82 77.28 Danish Krone 0.047971 0.052971 Omani Riyal 0.727344 0.733024 Saudi Riyal 75.363 Bahraini Dinar 750.30 752.37 Euro 0.383198 0.391198 Qatar Riyal 0.076845 0.078058 Qatari Riyal 77.653 Egyptian Pound 39.92 40.52 Norwegian Krone 0.043088 0.048288 Jordanian Dinar 401.21 406.86 Saudi Riyal 0.074657 0.075357 Omani Riyal 734.150 Romanian Leu 0.081470 0.81470 Omani Riyal 733.12 740.42 Syrian Pound 0.001751 0.001971 Bahraini Dinar 750.630 Slovakia 0.008076 0.018076 Qatari Riyal 77.85 78.40 Tunisian Dinar 0.174395 0.182395 UAE Dirham 76.965 Swedish Krona 0.039555 0.044555 Saudi Riyal 75.30 75.70 Turkish Lira 0.126402 0.133402 ARAB COUNTRIES Swiss Franc 0.312249 0.322449 Turkish Lira 0.126402 0.133408 UAE Dirhams 0.075892 0.077041 Egyptian Pound - Cash 39.700 Yemeni Riyal 0.001282 0.001362 Egyptian Pound - Transfer 39.922 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd Australasia Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.319 Australian Dollar 0.252949 0.264449 Tunisian Dinar 179.370 New Zealand Dollar 0.238331 0.247831 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate America Al Mulla Exchange Jordanian Dinar 399.100 US Dollar 282.250 Canadian Dollar 0.250233 0.258733 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.896 Canadian Dollar 258.310 US Dollars 0.278250 0.282600 Syrian Lira 2.014 Sterling Pound 470.115 Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Morocco Dirham 35.535 Euro 389.615 US Dollars Mint 0.278750 0.282600 US Dollar 281.950 Asia EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES Swiss Frank 318.715 Euro 390.900 Bangladesh Taka 0.003246 0.003846 US Dollar Transfer 282.500 Bahrain Dinar 751.235 Pound Sterling 470.850 Chinese Yuan 0.044297 0.047797 Euro 389.850 UAE Dirhams 76.825 Canadian Dollar 256.850 Hong Kong Dollar 0.034319 0.037069 Sterling Pound 471.350 Qatari Riyals 78.405 Indian Rupee 4.712 Indian Rupee 0.004375 0.004776 Canadian dollar 256.580 Saudi Riyals 75.540 Egyptian Pound 39.920 Jordanian Dinar 397.775 Indonesian Rupiah 0.000020 0.000026 Turkish lira 130.180 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.156 Egyptian Pound 40.452 Japanese Yen 0.002668 0.002848 Swiss Franc 319.750 Bangladesh Taka 3.628 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.157 Kenyan Shilling 0.003247 0.003347 Australian Dollar 261.740 Philippines Peso 6.267 Indian Rupees 4.720 Korean Won 0.000254 0.000269 US Dollar Buying 281.300 Pakistan Rupee 2.878 Pakistani Rupees 2.876 Malaysian Ringgit 0.082132 0.08132 GOLD Bahraini Dinar 750.650 Bangladesh Taka 3.628 Nepalese Rupee 0.002940 0.003110 20 Gram 240.000 UAE Dirham 76.750 Philippines Pesso 6.263 Pakistan Rupee 0.002629 0.002909 10 Gram 121.000 Saudi Riyal 75.300 Cyprus pound 693.260 Philippine Peso 0.006391 0.006671 5 Gram 62.500 Japanese Yen 3.740 *Rates are subject to change TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 BUSINESS Stronger economy in payback of harsh winter


KUWAIT: The dollar was back in favor this litical situation in Europe does not seem to be accelerations in PCE and in exports, a deceler- to be ever changing in the euro-zone going Asia & Commodities week against the low yielding currencies as worrying investors. ation in imports, and acceleration in nonresi- into next week as investors await the inflation Australia: Transition from a mining led the slight GDP miss was seen as broadly posi- dential fixed investment. report as well as the ECB meeting on growth to domestic consumption Reserve tive and Initial jobless claims dropped some- Disappointing pending home Thursday. Bank of Australia’s Stevens said that there what unexpectedly. Indeed, the US Q4 GDP sales for wrong reasons Europe were encouraging signs of a transition from was revised higher to 2.6 percent and claims The US February pending home sales data The ECB might target the currency level as French confidence on the rise mining-led growth to domestic consump- printed at 311k versus a 323k consensus, provided a mild disappointment falling 0.8 part of their Price Stability Assessment. French consumer confidence climbed in tion. He played down the risks of a sustained bringing the four-week average to its lowest percent m-m versus expectation of an During the latest ECB meeting, the council March to the highest level since July rise in domestic inflationary pressures, while level since late September. improvement of 0.2 percent. Last few months did not seem much worried about a possible 2012.The data for consumer confidence rose cautioning investors against getting carried There are more and more evidence that trend across all regions including the west deflation in Europe in order to introduce to 88 from 85 last month. Economists had away in Australia’s frothy housing market. normalization of the US economy continues were weak relative to September and unconventional measures. However, now expected the figure to stay unchanged from The economic data however continues to in 2014. As last year marked the beginning of November, again consistent with softer that the deleveraging in emerging markets the earlier month. Households’ opinion about point to a robust domestic economy over the the end of quantitative easing and therefore underlying existing home sales. Analysts has decelerated, and Inflows into EMU’s sov- savings surged in March as the measure for near term with real GDP growth above trend. initiated the long process of Fed exit, the argue this is still a story where the impact of ereign debt and equities have reached multi- current saving capacity increased to 16 from Stevens omitted any mention of the AUD FOMC meeting last week added a new softer sales volumes impact of prices will be year highs, while Spanish bond yields 10, while the index for the expected saving being too high, though he did note that its change into the thinking of the committee, constrained by limited inventories on the trajectory was, as always, a significant source that is the deletion of forward guidance on market. Ultimately, the house prices are the of uncertainty. unemployment and inflation. This new devel- crucial part for the wider economy. So until opment took some of the pressure out of the there is more construction, home sales are China: Pressure on dollar. In consequence, investors chose to likely to show only incremental improve- government to intervene renew pressure on the euro as we head into ment. The lack of meaningful supply is the Potential RRR (Reserve Requirement Ratio) Europe’s inflation report on March 31 and the primary factor pushing home prices higher. cuts are rising in China as the government ECB meeting scheduled on April 3. seeks to manage growing defaults: Following Investors also seem to be more inclined to PMI disappoint the weaker than expected HSBC flash manu- buy the dollar this week as spreads in rates The US manufacturing activity slowed in facturing PMI this week, a number of commen- between the euro and the US are shrinking, March after nearing a four-year high in tators have been calling for policymakers to which bring investors to use the euro as a February albeit the rate of growth and the loosen policy either through fiscal or monetary funding currency of choice. The other high- pace of hiring remained strong. Looking clos- means. However, from a fiscal standpoint, light of the week was the return of emerging er at the data, the US Manufacturing Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said last week that market currencies whereas commodity cur- Purchasing Managers Index slipped to 55.5 the government will not resort to fiscal policies rencies rallied strongly after South Africa from 57.1 in February. The data was short of to boost growth and will instead focus on the Reserve Bank kept rates unchanged unex- economists’ expected reading of 56.5 but was quality of growth. This has been partly coun- pectedly, hence sending a message to still comfortably ahead of 53.7 in January, tered by recent suggestions from the State investors that the economic situation was suggesting the effects of a harsh winter have Council that they could accelerate programs in normalizing. started to fade. The new orders component a bid to shore up growth in the immediate The risk premium that was placed on fell to 58.0 from 59.6 in February, partly the dropped to an eight-year low and Italian and capacity jumped to 2 from 7. Intention to term emerging market currencies continued to result of a decline in overseas demand. Greek government securities rallied as the save for the next 12 months fell slightly to 20 Gold plummets amid stronger US recovery collapse this week and we saw a sharp appre- Output slowed down to 57.5 from 57.8 while euro data has been coming better or as from 21. The number of households who felt After reaching a high of $ 1,392 by the mid- ciation in high yielding currencies this week. firms added workers for a ninth consecutive expected; there are room for investors to it was a suitable time to make big purchases dle of the month, the change in the direction It is most probable that investors are taking month start attempting to take profit on their Euro increased and they were less concerned of the US data put tremendous pressure on some comfort from the rebound in Chinese positions. about future joblessness. The view on past as gold prices. On the other side, according to the equities and a lessening of growth concerns. GDP at 2.6% after harsh winter weather Add on this the most explicit and impor- well as future general economic situation IMF data, emerging markets central banks con- This easing in foreign exchange pressure in After harsh winter weather, the combina- tant statement on that front. The Vienna also increased. Fewer households also felt tinued to increase their gold holdings. Russia emerging markets also decreased the need tion of an improving job market, stronger speech by ECB President Draghi a few weeks that inflation is on the rise has increased its gold holdings by 7.247 tons to to hike rates and thus helped stabilize emerg- consumer demand, less drag from US gov- ago where for the first time he became 1,042 tons in February. Turkey and Kazakhstan ing versus developed markets. Federal ernment policies and a brighter global out- explicit on the currency. He mentioned “ The UK grows at steady 2.7% in Q4 also raised their bullion reserves. Turkey’s gold reserve Bank of New York, William Dudley look is boosting optimism in the US. Indeed strengthening of the effective Euro exchange UK gross domestic product rose 0.7 per- holdings rose 9.292 tons to 497.869 tons, the added that emerging market countries are although GDP data came at 2.6 percent at an over the past one and a half years has cer- cent in the fourth quarter of 2013 according data showed. It is also worth watching China’s well positioned to handle any Fed tightening annualized pace in Q4 from 4.1 percent in Q3, tainly had a significant impact on our low to data released on Friday. From a year earlier, physical gold imports going forward. China’s but signaled a relaxed stance on Fed policy. personal consumption growth accelerated to rate of inflation and, given current levels of the economy expanded 2.7 percent, the most gold imports from Hong Kong increase on In summary, on the foreign exchange side, 3.3 percent annualized from 2.0 percent. inflation, is therefore becoming increasingly in almost six years, and there was an annual import quotas. Indeed, China’s net gold markets closed the week with a stronger dol- Economists expected a GDP growth and per- relevant in our assessment of price stability.” imports rose 30.6 percent m/m to 109.2 tons in 8.5 percent increase in business investment. lar against the low yielders. After reaching a sonal consumption growth of 2.7 percent Additionally, investors have continued February amid increasing demand as the coun- high of 1.6647 on Wednesday, the pound annualized. raising concerns over the liquidity in the The largest contribution came from net trade try allowed more banks to import gold. For ended the week at 1.6638. Euro on the other It seems that the deceleration in real GDP euro-zone in recent weeks. The ECB released while the Bank of England Governor Mark now, prices continue to be depressed closing side behaved in a more bearish way. After growth in the fourth quarter reflected a the M3 money supply numbers for February, Carney plans to keep the benchmark interest the week below $1,300 as investors continue to dropping to a low of 1.3705, the currency downturn in private inventory investment, a which showed although an uptick has been rate at a record low until the economy uses ignore the global geopolitical situation closed the week near the low of 1.3752. In larger decrease in federal government spend- realized in broad based M3 money supply, up more of its spare capacity, and policy mak- the commodity complex, gold continues to ing, a downturn in residential fixed invest- money failed to reach the real economy, ers Spencer Dale and David Miles said sepa- Kuwait lose ground again as the situation in the US ment, and a deceleration in state and local something that is critical for inflation and rately this week that rate increases aren’t The USDKD opened at 0.28165 on Sunday continues to normalize, whereas the geopo- government spending. These were offset by growth in euro-zone. The picture continues imminent. morning.

KUWAIT: Warba Bank officials are seen during the Annual Ordinary General Assembly Meeting held yesterday. —Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Warba Bank’s General Assembly ratifies auditors’ report and balance sheet Revenues grow by 27.48 percent to KD 10.323m

KUWAIT: Warba Bank announced fol- strong financial position, and quality cluded by distributing 12 brand new lowing the conclusion of its Annual assets, whereas the bank’s capital ade- cars to the winning customers. We Ordinary General Assembly Meeting quacy ratio reached 47.54 percent as also launched “Lean on Warba” cam- held yesterday, ratification of the audi- at the end of 2013. This has con- paign whereby Warba managed to tors’ report for the year ending on tributed significantly to strengthening provide a special range of offers and December 31, 2013, and approval of the bank’s position locally, and sup- financial products to attract a new the balance sheet as well as the profit porting its endeavors to achieve its segment of customers. It is important and loss account for the same period. main goal; which is to be the bank of to note that Warba Bank is the first Additionally, board members were choice for the people of Kuwait.” bank to offer the “Qardh Hasan” prod- discharged from any liability for the It is noteworthy that Warba has uct to its customers locally. same year; and AbdulAziz Saud Al- gone the extra mile for recruiting tal- In continuation of its keenness to Bader complementary board mem- ented national cadres, whereas the serve customers inside and outside of bers were elected for the current ses- Kuwaitization level exceeded the set Kuwait, Warba Bank has, during 2013, sion of Warba’s Board of Directors. The 60 percent of the bank’s total employ- enhanced the role and effectiveness General Assembly has re-appointed ees. In light of its keenness to bridge of its Call Centre, developing its sys- Ernst & Young and KPMG as external the gap between the youth seeking to tems and training its employees on auditors for the bank for the fiscal year join Warba, from one side, and the dealing with customers in a profes- 2014, and authorized the Board of Human Resources Group, from the sional and efficient manner. With a Directors to determine their fees. other side, Warba has launched a flexi- view to get closer to customers, The Bank’s total assets grew by 81 ble and user-friendly “Careers” portal. Warba has launched two new branch- percent as at the end of 2013, reach- Al-Thaqeb added that: “Warba es; in Farwaniya and The Avenues, and ing KD405.5 million compared with Bank seeks to develop the customer we is set to launch further two KD223 million as at the end of 2012. service level and fulfill customers’ branches; in Jahra and Ahmadi. The bank’s realized losses reached financial and investment require- Expressing his appreciation and KD3.7 million as at the end of 2013, ments. With this end in view, we have thanks to Kuwait Investment while customers’ deposits reached successfully launching many Sharia- Authority and the Central Bank of KD246.86 million as at the end of compliant products and services that Kuwait for their constant support, Al- 2013, compared with KD78.21 million meet customers’ expectations.” Thaqeb said: “I would like to thank my as at the end of 2012. On the front of the online services, fellow board members for their sin- On this occasion, Imad Al-Thaqeb, Warba online banking service has cere efforts and continuous devotion Chairman of Warba Bank, said: been launched to give real added val- to elevate this promising institution. I “Despite the challenges posed by the ue for our customers. During 2013, would like also to thank the honor- local and global economic conditions Warba has distributed its special offers able chairman and distinguished as well as the fierce competition booklet of coupons to be used with members of the Sharia Supervisory among local banks, Warba’s business our credit cards to allow customers 50 Board, as well as the Group Heads, indicators showed a remarkable percent discounts in local and interna- and all Warba Bank’s employees for improvement reflected on the bank’s tional hotels and companies. In addi- their efforts and dedication to work.” performance, which marks Warba’s tion, “La t7aty” campaign was con- BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 Kuwait bourse witnesses variance in indices

KUWAIT: Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) ended gains for its three indices, especially KSX-15 first half of the month, where it dropped to its distribution for year 2013, which had a sector, recording 3.85 percent loss rate as the month of March with variance on its indices. index, which realized big gains enabled it to lowest level since last September, while the positive impact on both the Weighted its index closed at 1,095.83 points, fol- The Price Index closed at 7,572.81 points, down reach its highest level ever since its inception in Weighted Index and KSX-15 Index losses were Index and KSX-15 in particular, where both lowed by real estate sector as its index by 1.56 percent compared to the closings of the May 2012, whereas it grew by 9.99 percent relatively lighter. ended March trading with good gains. recorded 3.54 percent loss rate as its index month before. The Weighted Index increased by compared to its year-end closing level, whilst Moreover, the stock market general index On the other hand, a general watch closed at 1,359.64 points, The consumer 3.91 percent after closing at 483.13 points, the Weighted Index increased by 6.68 percent was able to compensate some of its earlier loss- controlled a large segment of the traders goods sector was the least sector which whereas the KSX-15 Index closed at 1,175.11 by the end of the period, and the Price Index es during the second half of the month, sup- in the market during the month of March, record decrease as its index close at 0.98 points increasing by 6.73 percent. Furthermore, was the least gainer during the first three ported by the purchasing activity that the mar- as the investors were watching for the list- percent, ending the month at 1,262.46 last month’s average turnover decreased by months of the current year, as its gains reached ket witnessed then and included many stocks ed companies’ 2013 financial results, points 11.32 percent, compared to the preceding 0.31 percent since the beginning of the year. in different sectors, however was not enough to which caused the trading activity to month, reaching KD 27.79 million, whereas trad- In addition, Kuwait Stock Market initiated push the index to close the month’s trading in decline compared to its February level. Sectors’ activity ing volume average was 208.40 million shares, the month with relatively strong losses due to the green zone. On the contrary, many leading The financial services sector dominated recording decrease of 21.05 percent. the random selling operations witnessed then, and blue-chip stocks witnessed active trading Sectors’ indices total trade volume during last month with Despite the market mixed performance wit- and was concentrating on the small-cap stocks, and strong purchasing and collection opera- Seven of KSE’s sectors ended last 1.81 billion shares changing hands, repre- nessed during March trading, the stock market which negatively affected the Price Index per- tions, especially the stocks of the companies month in the green zone. And the other senting 39.46 percent of the total market was able to end the first quarter with good formance in particular to decline steeply in the that announced positive results and dividends five sectors ended in the red zone. Last trading volume. The real estate sector was month’s highest gainer was the banking second in terms of trading volume as the sector, achieving 2.25 percent growth rate sector’s traded shares were 30.44 percent as its index closed at 1,098.67 points. of last month’s total trading volume, with Whereas, in the second place, the oil and gas sector’s index closed at 1,215.13 a total of 1.40 billion shares. points recording 1.47 percent increase. On the other hand, the banking sector’s The industrial sector came in third as its stocks where the highest traded in terms index achieved 0.95 percent growth, end- of value; with a turnover of KD 202.64 mil- ing the month at 1,192.59 points. The lion or 33.15 percent of last month’s total telecommunication sector was the least market trading value. The financial servic- growing as its index closed at 871.65 es sector took the second place as the sec- points with a 0.24 percent increase. tors last month turnover of KD 154.41 mil- On the other hand, the last month’s lion represented 25.26 percent of the total highest loser was the consumer services market trading value.

PHNOM PENH: A boat sails as the sun rises over a hotel building under construction in Phnom Penh. The Southeast Asian nation, written off as a failed state after the devastating 1975-79 Khmer Rouge regime and years of civil war, has mainly used garment exports and tourism to help improve its economy. — AFP Hackers exploit ‘bug in bitcoin’ system TOKYO: Two years before Mt Gox filed for they estimated to be rising. Those costs bankruptcy, a half dozen employees at the included rent in a Tokyo high-rise that also Tokyo-based bitcoin exchange challenged housed offices for Hulu and Google, high- CEO Mark Karpeles over whether client tech gadgets such as a robot and a 3-D money was being used to cover costs, printer and a souped-up, racing version of according to three people who participat- the Honda Civic imported from Britain for ed in the discussion. The question of how Karpeles, people who have reviewed Mt Gox handled other people’s money - the expenses said. issue raised by staff in the showdown with Unlike Karpeles, the employees say they Karpeles in early 2012 - remains crucial to did not have access to the financial records unraveling a multi-million dollar mystery of Mt Gox. They asked for a formal meeting under examination by authorities in Japan. with the then-26-year-old Karpeles in early A bankruptcy administrator and police 2012, those involved said, and asked him to are seeking to determine how a Tokyo respond to their estimate that Mt Gox was start-up that shot from obscurity to domi- spending more than it was taking in. They nate global trade in bitcoin managed to were also concerned that company expens- lose more than $27 million in old-fashioned es were being paid from the same bank cash held in a bank as well as bitcoins account used for customer deposits. worth close to $450 million at today’s Karpeles told the group that customer prices. The still-unresolved issue has money was not being used to fund the thrown a spotlight on how Mt Gox func- business, but declined to provide details on tioned as a hybrid between an online bro- how the business had covered any loss. The kerage and an exchange. Essentially, the meeting broke off after about an hour, more than 1 million traders who used Mt those who participated said. Several of the Gox at its peak had entrusted a 3-year-old staff say they left the inconclusive meeting firm to hold their money safely until they frustrated that Karpeles would not share decided to cash out. proof that client deposits had been pro- A court-appointed bankruptcy adminis- tected. For his part, Karpeles believed he trator on Friday said an initial examination had thwarted a challenge to his leadership of Mt Gox - key to determining whether Mt by staff who had no right to see the books Gox’s users will be able to recover some of of a firm he owned and was funding, a per- what they had on deposit with the son familiar with his thinking said. exchange - would not be complete until Mt Gox referred questions to its lawyers May, citing the involvement of authorities who had no immediate comment. The for- in the case. mer Mt Gox employees who spoke to Reuters asked not to be named because of Growing strains potential legal complications. Tokyo police In interviews with Reuters, current and have taken evidence from Mt Gox in recent former employees at Mt Gox described the days as part of an early-stage inquiry into strains that emerged over the handling of what the company has described as possi- customer money just as the firm was gear- ble theft. It is unclear how Japanese law ing up for expansion and bitcoin was edg- would treat any such diversion of customer ing out of the shadows as an investment funds as Mt Gox was not regulated as a and a means of online settlement. By early financial institution. As a private firm in 2012, a small group of Mt Gox employees, which Karpeles held an 88 percent stake all of whom worked on one-year contracts, with no declared debt, Mt Gox was under began to worry that customer funds had no obligation to share any details on its been diverted to cover operating costs that finances. — Reuters TUES DAY, APRIL 1, 2014 BUSINESS

BMW Group expands US plant in South Carolina Investment of $1 billion by 2016 MUNICH/SPARTANBURG: The BMW Spartanburg, Manfred Erlacher. between all markets and continents. The the site will create 800 new jobs, bring- lion on the state economy. The BMW Group is expanding capacity at its US Spartanburg plant is an important build- ing the total workforce in Spartanburg Group’s presence in South Carolina sup- plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina. “To BMW X7 to be built in Spartanburg ing block in our international network of to 8,800,” Reithofer explained. “It will also ports a total of 30,000 jobs. The study meet strong global demand for our BMW X3, X5, X5 M, X6 and X6 M mod- 28 production and assembly facilities in make Spartanburg the largest plant in also cites the importance of the BMW BMW X models, we will invest a total of els have been manufactured so far in 13 countries today. It makes a vital con- terms of production capacity in our Group for South Carolina’s economic $1 billion in our Spartanburg plant by Spartanburg, BMW’s centre of compe- tribution to profitable, globally-balanced global production network,” he added. standing, improving technological and 2016. This will increase annual produc- tence for X vehicles. Friday’s event cele- growth.” Kruger continued: “The BMW According to a study released by the manufacturing competitiveness and tion capacity by 50 percent up to brated the start of production of the plant in Spartanburg is the best example US Department of Commerce, the annu- establishing a high level of training. 450,000 vehicles from 300,000 current- BMW X4. Norbert Reithofer also of our successful strategy of ‘production al export volume of BMW’s Spartanburg Since the start of production in 1994, ly,” explained Chairman of the Board of announced a further expansion of the X follows the market’. The state of South plant totals $7.5 billion - which makes Spartanburg has built more than 2.6 mil- Management of BMW AG, Norbert model family: “With the BMW X7, we are Carolina has supported us as a valuable the BMW Group’s American facility the lion vehicles for BMW customers around Reithofer, at a special ceremony in developing another, larger X model, and reliable partner throughout our 20- largest vehicle exporter in the United the world. The models BMW X3, X5, X5 Spartanburg on Friday commemorating which we will produce at our US plant year involvement in the region and States, based on total exports excluding M, X6 and X6 M are all produced at the 20 years of production in the US. for our world markets - once again played a decisive part in making the US NAFTA. Approximately 70 percent of plant. In the near future, a plug-in hybrid Among the guests attending the cere- underscoring our commitment to the our second home.” Spartanburg’s production is exported to version of the BMW X5 will also be pro- mony held on the plant grounds were US.” During the ceremony, BMW Board BMW markets around the world. duced here. A total of 297,326 vehicles US Secretary of Commerce, Penny of Management member for Production Spartanburg workforce A recent analysis published by the were manufactured in Spartanburg in Pritzker; Governor of the state of South Harald Kruger talked about the impor- increases to 8,800 Moore School of Business at the 2013, with around 1,100 vehicles cur- Carolina, Nikki Haley; Board of tance of the US to BMW Group’s overall The plant’s expansion will also University of South Carolina found that rently produced per working day. The Management member for Production, production strategy: “The BMW Group increase the number of employees at BMW Group activities in South Carolina Spartanburg site presently employs Harald Kruger; and head of BMW Plant aims for a good balance of growth the US facility significantly. “Expansion at had a total impact of around $16.6 bil- around 8,000 staff. Markaz examines trends in GCC bonds and sukuk primary market MARKAZ FINANCIAL REPORT

KUWAIT: Kuwait Financial Centre ‘Markaz’, in its issuances. Saudi Arabian entities raised the sec- issuances during 2013 had issue sizes ranging recent research report titled GCC Bonds & Sukuk ond highest amount during 2013, $17.2 billion from $2.0 million to $4.0 billion. Bonds and Market Survey, has highlighted the trends per- while Qatari entities raised $6.7 billion. From sukuk with issue sizes equal to or greater than $1 taining to aggregate issuances in the GCC region Kuwait, United Real Estate Company was the billion, raised the highest amount at $19.8 bil- during 2013. sole corporate issuer which issued a 5 year bond lion with 15 issuances, representing 43.1 percent with fixed and floating tranches, raising a total of of the total amount of issuances. Saudi Arabia’s $97.7 billion issued during 2013 KD 60 million ($210 million). General Authority of Civil Aviation Sukuk was The aggregate primary issuance of bonds and Sovereign vs corporate: During 2013, corpo- the largest issuance in 2013, raising a total of ATHENS: People line up outside a pharmacy on duty in Athens as pharmacists contin- sukuk in the GCC totaled $97.7 billion in 2013, a rate issuances dominated the majority of the SAR15.2 billion ($4.1 billion). ue their strike yesterday. —AFP 14.5 percent increase from the total amount amount raised, with $42.9 billion or 93.0 percent Currency profile: The GCC bond and sukuk raised in2012. The month of March predominat- of the total amount raised. Sovereign issuances market in 2013 was dominated by the dollar ed in terms of issuance frequency with 44 raised $3.3 billion representing 7.0 percent of denominated issuances: a total of $31.1 billion Greek MPs adopt bill issuances; however, October witnessed the high- the total amount through 4 issuances compared was raised, representing 67.4 percent of the total est value as $13.5 billion was issued, represent- to $6.7 billion raised in 2012 through 8 amount. Saudi Riyal-denominated issuances fol- ing 13.8 percent of the total amount issued, issuances. Three of the four sovereign issuances lowed with $10.6 billion, followed by euro tied to EU-IMF loans through 29 issuances. were from UAE while the fourth one was from denominated issues which raised $1.2 billion. Bahrain. Saudi Arabian corporate entities were Rating: During 2013, a total of 61 issuances, ATHENS: Greece’s parliament late on Sunday was rejected. As the parliament debated the CBK raised $25.4 billion - 49 the leading corporate issuers in GCC during or 36.9 percent of the total Sovereign and narrowly approved an omnibus bill of reforms bill up to 7,000 people protested outside. percent of total CBLI issuance 2013 in terms of value, raising $17.2 billion Corporate issuances, were rated by either one or tied to the country’s next tranche of EU-IMF Finance Minister accused Syriza of Central Bank Local issuances are debt securi- through 22 issues. UAE was close behind, raising more of the following rating agencies: Moody’s, loans, the parliament speaker said. Despite attempting an “unprecedented parliamentary ties issued by GCC central banks in local curren- a total of $17.1 billion and continuing to domi- Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, and Capital Intelligence. 11th hour attempts by the opposition to coup” adding that the government “had an cies and maturities of less than 1 year, to regu- nate the market in terms of number of issuances Listing: During 2013, 73 bonds and sukuk, delay the vote, parties backing the govern- appropriate reply to those who chose pop- late the levels of domestic liquidity. A total of with 108 issues. representing 44.2 percent of all the bonds and ment carried the tough articles that had ulism.” Greece wanted the bill ratified ahead $51.5 billion was raised by the central banks of Conventional vs sukuk: Conventional sukuk issued and a total of $39.9 billion, were caused dissent within the coalition partners of meetings with EU finance ministers in Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman during 2013, issuances raised $23.7 billion, or 51.4 percent of listed on exchanges. The number of regional by a slim majority. The first article including Athens today in order to formally conclude with the Central Bank of Kuwait raising the high- the total amount raised in GCC bonds and sukuk bonds and sukuk listed on international controversial reforms for milk passed with the agreement for the new tranche of EU-IMF est amount: $25.4 billion, representing 49.3 per- market during 2013.This was an increase of 2.5 exchanges were 61 issues with a total value of 152 votes against 135 in the 300-member loans by the second half of April. cent of the total CBLI amount through 66 percent as compared to 2012. Conventional $28.3 billion versus 12 issuances listed on parliament. The legislation will unlock for Greece some issuances. The Central Bank of Qatar raised a issuances slightly surpassed the value raised by regional exchanges with a total value of $11.6 The second article including the reforms 8.5 billion euros ($11.7 billion). On Saturday, total of $16.20 billion, a considerable increase of sukuk which totaled $22.3 billion in 2013. billion. for the banks was passed by 151 votes Greece’s deputy minister in charge of rural 172.55 percent from $5.94 billion raised in 2012. Sector allocation: The financial services enti- against 136. Former Greek Prime Minister, development and food, Maximos ties accounted for the largest amount raised dur- Bonds and sukuk total amount George Papandreou, member of the PASOK, Charakopoulos, resigned over new milk regu- GCC bonds and sukuk market ing the year, with $19.8 billion representing 42.9 outstanding in GCC the socialist party member of the ruling coali- lations, while other coalition government’s The GCC bonds market is composed of sover- percent of the total amount raised, through 122 As of 31 December 2013, the total amount tion, refrained from voting for this article. lawmakers have threatened to vote against eign and corporate bonds and sukuk issuances issuances. The government sector accounted for outstanding of corporate and sovereign bonds “With great optimism and strength we are the bill for the same reason. denominated in local and foreign currencies. A the second largest amount with $7.3 billion issued by GCC entities was $241.8 billion. moving ahead ...We made a huge step for- Greek prime minister Antonis Samaras has total of $46.1 billion was raised by Sovereign and through five new issues. Corporate issuances make up the majority of the ward for the Greece of the future”, Greek emphasized the bill represents the final bout Corporate bond and sukuk issuances in 2013, an Maturity profile: Bonds with tenures of five- total amount outstanding with $177.4 billion, or Prime Minister said in a statement after the of austerity measures adopted since 2010, increase of 2.3 percent from the total value years raised the highest amount, $13.3 billion, 73.4 percent of the total amount. Sovereign omnibus bill was ratified by the Parliament. when Athens was forced to apply for an EU- raised in 2012. through 30 issuances, representing 28.8 percent issuances amount to $64.39 billion or 26.6 per- Antonis Samaras also announced the IMF bailout to stave off bankruptcy. The gov- Geographical allocation: Issuances by UAE of the total amount raised. There were three new cent of the total amount. expulsion of a New Democracy-the other rul- ernment has come under pressure from pro- entities raised the largest amount in 2013 repre- GCC issuances with 30-year maturity, raising a Of the amount outstanding as of December ing coalition party-lawmaker, Nikitas fessional groups about measures in the latest senting 41.4 percent of the total amount, or total of $2.0 billion. 2013 also witnessed the 31, 2013, $116.7 billion, or 48.3 percent, were Kaklamanis who didn’t vote for the first article bill. $18.8 billion, and were the most active in terms issuance of five perpetual issues which raised a issued by UAE entities. Bonds and sukuks by containing milk and other reforms based on Pharmacists launched last week an indefi- of issuance frequency with 111 issuances repre- total of $3.1 billion. Kuwaiti entities represented $4.11 billion, or 1.7 the OECD toolkit to improve competition in nite strike and the Greek Seamen’s Union senting 67.8 percent of the total number of Issue size profile: GCC bonds and sukuk percent of the total amount outstanding. the country. Earlier, Greece’s main opposition (PNO)are also protesting against the latest Syriza party had called for a dissent and cen- reforms. Greece has announced plans to sure motion against Finance Minister Yannis return to borrowing on financial markets in Stournaras, in an attempt to push back the the second half of the year, and it could be Ooredoo supports network-sharing crucial vote on reforms. much sooner, according to media. “What is of Syriza’s leader Alexis Tsipras who branded interest to us is for (the agreement on the the new bill “a crime committed against the debt arrangements) to take place immediate- Company looks to provide best-in-class network experience people and our country”, accused Stournaras ly, in the most realistic way, taking into con- of being “the main administrator of the death sideration... all the lenders,” he said in an DOHA: Ooredoo is set to take its network transfor- with other operators, Ooredoo aims to drive signifi- completed a network modernization program contract against Greek society”. The motion interview with Real News on Sunday. — AFP mation strategy to the next level, using network cant cost efficiencies, on a scale that has not been worth $400 million (KD 113 million). The company sharing to help maximize the impact of its modern- achieved before in a “green-field” rollout. now has one of the best 3G network data rates in ization program. Network-sharing is seen as a key issue for the the world, and supports the rapid expansion of 4G, Citi Foundation to aid 10 US cities Across a diverse range of markets, the company communications industry, as companies split the according to a report by Omnitele, the consulting is investing in data services as a key part of its contri- costs of developing and operating key infrastruc- company, Wataniya Kuwait completely rebuilt the NEW YORK: The Citi Foundation, the philan- Boston, San Francisco, Miami, Dallas, St Louis, bution to human growth and development. Mobile ture. The potential savings - which are made on both network, and has seen data utilization jump by more thropic arm of Citigroup Inc, will donate $50 Newark, NJ, and Washington. The donation will data is at the heart of Ooredoo’s long-term vision, operational expenses such as site rent and network than 20 percent. million to improve youth employment oppor- be directed to nonprofit organizations that will and became the single largest contributor to staffing and capital spending such as equipment Ooredoo Algeria recently launched Algeria’s first- tunities in 10 large US cities, the chairman of work in tandem with local mayor’s offices. Ooredoo’s revenue growth in 2013. Dr Nasser costs - can enable companies to upgrade networks ever commercial 3G network, delivering Algeria’s the organization told The Associated Press. The There will be three major components to the Marafih, Group CEO, Ooredoo, said: “Ooredoo has a faster and across a larger area. fastest and most reliable Mobile Broadband service commitment, which will be funded over three project’s first wave that should help about long-term vision of being the leader in data market Rolling-out 4G networks across its footprint pres- ever offered in the country. Beyond the Middle East years, has been dubbed “Pathways to Progress” 100,000 people in total, Skyler said. share across our footprint. By enhancing networks, ents an ideal opportunity for Ooredoo to effectively and North Africa, Indosat in Indonesia became the and will launch in June. The organization has The foundation and Points of Light, a volun- providing new services and data packages, and deploy network sharing. Ooredoo has taken the lead country’s first telecommunications operator to com- partnered with the big-city mayors and non- teer organization, will launch AmericCorps pro- making smartphones available for all, we can trans- in providing 4G networks in Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, mercially operate 3G+ on the UMTS 900MHz net- profits to train teens for the workforce, create grams in all 10 cities. Teenagers will develop form daily lives, boost knowledge-based economies, and the Maldives, and Ooredoo plans to bring 4G to work, and has also prepared its network for future summer job opportunities and encourage leadership and team-building skills through and make a positive impact on GDP.” additional markets in the coming months. At the 4G services. Ooredoo’s efforts in this area have been entrepreneurship for young adults to form their volunteer and community service programs As Ooredoo seeks to become a global leader in same time, Ooredoo has been “turbocharging” its 3G boosted by the signing of an MoU on infrastructure own businesses. “We know that a bank can’t such as school revitalization projects, creating network quality, modernization, and development, networks to 3G+ across the board, using the U900 sharing with a number of other major operators, create permanent jobs directly; if the federal care packages for veterans and seniors, and the company is supporting an open approach to MHz frequency to enhance network speeds and including Bharti Airtel, MTN Group, Etisalat, STC government can’t do it, what hope do we have organizing food drives. network sharing. Open network sharing anticipates coverage, especially indoors. Group, Orange, Vodafone Group and Zain Group. it?” Edward Skyler, chairman of the Citi In five of the cities - New York, Miami, Dallas, new customer demands and competitive threats, Nawras, Ooredoo’s company in Oman, is rolling- The agreement was reached following a major Foundation, told the AP in an interview. “But we Chicago and San Francisco - the grant also will while sharing the investment risk in re-working lega- out 4G coverage across the country, and has invest- meeting at GSMA Mobile World Congress in want to help young people gain skills so they directly create paid summer jobs for teenagers cy networks, and negotiating with non-traditional ed OAR 80 million in its countrywide 3G+ tur- Barcelona, Spain in February. For Ooredoo, this can join the labor force,” said Skyler, a former and young adults who otherwise would be communications players. bocharging program since 2012. Nawrashas tripled agreement has the potential to enhance the compa- deputy mayor under Michael Bloomberg. “As unemployed and more susceptible to the In Ooredoo’s newest market of Myanmar, 3G+ capacity on the Al-Batinah coastline, and is ny’s rollout of Mobile Broadband across its footprint people get older, that gets harder and harder. temptations of the street. The jobs, which for Ooredoo Myanmar is in active discussions with a planning to cover the entire population with 3G+ by in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia, This is the best opportunity we have.” many will be their first for a paycheck, include range of industry players to share as much passive the end of 2014, while also implementing its “Go reducing expenditure, expanding network cover- The program being announced yesterday staffing summer camps, parks, cultural organi- infrastructure in the country as possible, including Green” environmentally-friendly guidelines. age, driving sustainability, and supporting the will launch in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, zations and government offices.—AP towers and fiber. By sharing passive infrastructure Wataniya, Ooredoo’s company in Kuwait, recently launch of innovative mobile services. BUSINESS TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Mercedes-Benz Kuwait opens new body and paint facility

Cutting-edge customer care taken to new heights in Al-Rai

KUWAIT: AR Albisher and Z Alkazemi Co - the exclusive gener- matching any one of the thousands of shades of paint finish. al distributor for Mercedes-Benz in Kuwait - has taken a major Separate work bays exclusively handle aluminum repairs, step forward in its commitment to setting new benchmarks in whilst high technology drying facilities are able to harden and customer care with opening of a new 2,900 square meter cure the paintwork for the perfect polish every time. state-of-the-art Body & Paint Shop at Al-Rai, attended by Particularly impressive is the Naja diagnosis electronic meas- media. urement system, which uses computer controlled sensors and With 22 painting bays, 58 work bays, and factory trained Bluetooth technology to achieve highly accurate measure- technicians using the latest cutting-edge Mercedes-Benz tools ment verification, with or without the need to remove a car’s and only the best manufacturer paints, the new body and major assemblies; all in the time it takes to drink a coffee. paint shop is able to handle any level of car repair work from AR Albisher and Z Alkazemi Co’s Mercedes-Benz Kuwait Al- paintwork scratches to major body work rebuilds. The Rai Body & Paint Shop is open 7:30 am to 6:00 pm from Mercedes-Benz Kuwait Al-Rai Body & Paint Shop will provide Saturday to Wednesday, and 7:30 am to 3:00 pm on Thursday. customers with the highest standard of vehicle repairs, capa- ble of restoring damaged vehicles back to the pristine condi- tion in which they left the factory. Commenting on the new facility, Michael Ruehle, CEO, Abdul Rahman Albisher & Zaid Alkazemi Co said: “We have an ongoing commitment to provide our customers in Kuwait a first-class customer experience as a Mercedes-Benz owner. With the opening of this world class facility we are setting new benchmarks in Kuwait, offering customers faster, economical repairs that maintain the sparkling three pointed star’s ‘fresh from the factory’ standard.” Utilizing the latest high-tech equipment, the Mercedes- Benz Kuwait Al-Rai facility includes measuring apparatus to ensure accurate chassis alignment, the latest welding systems to work with modern metals, and three spray booths to main- tain temperature control for optimum results. Each and every color is matched as per factory standard using computerized color matching technology, with advanced paint mixing and application facilities capable of — Photos by Joseph Shagra TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 technology BlackBerry revenue falls below $1 billion

TORONTO: BlackBerry reported a steep $2.7 billion in the same quarter last year. porate networks. He is also emphasizing design and manufacture most ter - 2.3 million of which were the older 7 drop in profit and revenue Friday as it It is the second quarterly results under BlackBerry’s popular BlackBerry BlackBerry devices and manage invento- models. He said customers are asking for transitions from a smartphone company Chen, who is deemphasizing the hard- Messenger application that is now also ry of the devices in an agreement that old BlackBerrys. BlackBerry had $2.7 bil- to a software business under its new ware business after last year’s launch of available on Apple and Android devices. will offload much of BlackBerry’s manu- lion in cash and investments - down chief executive. Shares rose five percent the BlackBerry 10 failed to spark a turn- And he is trying to highlight Blackberry’s facturing costs. Chen has said he’ll be from $3.2 billion in the last quarter. in morning trading as CEO John Chen around. The BlackBerry has been ham- embedded QNX software systems, happy to break even or make a small Shares rose 31 cents to $9.36 in morning cut expenses quicker than expected. The mered by competition from the iPhone which are used in-vehicle infotainment profit on the device business. trading. The BlackBerry, pioneered in Canadian company lost $423 million, or as well as Android-based rivals. systems and industrial machines. 1999, changed the culture by allowing 80 cents per share. Adjusted for one- “The guy is on the move fast,” said “I see this as a good turnaround plan,” Unpopular BlackBerry on-the-go business people to access time items, however, the company lost 8 Colin Gillis, an analyst at BGC Partners. Chen said on a conference call with ana- The revenue breakdown for the quar- wireless email. The company formerly cents per share, much better that the “He can control expenses but you can’t lysts. “Knock on wood I’m hoping that it ter included about 37 percent from known as RIM was once Canada’s most losses of 56 cents per share that Wall magically make revenue happen.” Chen, will also slow down the erosion.” hardware, 56 percent for services and valuable company with a market value Street had expected, according to a poll who is credited with turning around BlackBerry announced last December seven percent for software and other of $83 billion in June 2008, but the stock by FactSet. Sybase, a data company that was sold to that it’s entering into a five-year partner- revenue. In another sign of just how has plummeted since, from over $140 Revenue fell to $976 million, the first SAP in 2010, is putting more emphasis ship with Foxconn, the Taiwanese com- unpopular BlackBerry’s new phones are share. The company now has a market time the company has seen revenue fall on BlackBerry’s mobile device manage- pany that assembles products in vast Chen said he’ll restart production its old- value of about $4.9 billion. Its decline is below $1 billion since late 2007, and ment business, a collection of software factories in China. Foxconn, known for er model 7 models, which are more pop- evoking memories of Nortel, another short of the $1.1 billion analysts had pro- that allows IT departments to manage its manufacturing contract work on ular than the new phones. The company Canadian tech giant, which ended up jected. Blackberry reported revenue of different devices connected to their cor- Apple’s iPhones and iPads, will jointly said it sold 3.4 smartphones in the quar- declaring bankruptcy in 2009.— AP Twitter appeal wanes in parts of Asia Facebook losing steam in S Korea and Japan

SEOUL: Too open. Too crowded. Too difficult. are losing steam,” said Justin Lee, an analyst of few years, he has been silent on Twitter since That’s why some Twitter users in South Korea mobile messengers and games at BNP Paribas. June 25. Choi said he has been busy running his and Japan say they are spending less time on “Closed social networking services where mes- startup company but still found time to share the site or have quit for other services. Waning sages are shared among a small group of people pictures of his birthday cake and a homemade appeal in parts of Asia, once the fastest growing will become more popular.” shepherd’s pie with friends on KakaoStory, an market for the social network that revolves Twitter remains blocked from China’s vast Instagram-like mobile application that has been around users posting 140-character messages market but another giant, India, is open to a hit in South Korea. online, shows the challenge Twitter faces in Twitter and it has amassed 27 million users “Twitter is for news and information but there keeping overseas users engaged. And in gener- there, according to Semiocast. Yet Twitter are other channels to get news,” Choi said. “I ating enough advertising to be profitable. acknowledged in IPO filings that low use of don’t feel like I need to come back.” In Japan, International users accounted for about three smartphones in the poor country could hamper Twitter’s status was elevated after it functioned quarters of Twitter’s members but only a quarter the ability of advertisers to deliver compelling as a virtual lifeline for many people following the of revenue in the first nine months of this year. advertisements and hurt its earnings potential. 2011 tsunami. Japanese were able to communi- About 25 percent of Twitter’s 232 million active “Indian people are still warming up to Twitter,” cate with others through Twitter immediately users are in Asia. Led by Japan, Indonesia, South said Karthik Srinivasan, Bangalore-based head of after the disaster as the Internet kept working Korea and India, Asia was the fastest growing social media at Ogilvy & Mather. but phones didn’t. It remains a go-to destination region for Twitter in summer 2010, according to The concept of interacting with strangers for discussing popular television shows. Twitter Semiocast, a Paris-based social media research instead of friends and colleagues takes getting is a special arena for “when a certain incident MICHIGAN: Two robots are pictured during the 2014 FIRST Robotics District company. used to in a society that remains family-oriented, calls for everyone’s participation at one time,” Competition held at St Joseph High School, in St Joseph, Mich. The event features 40 Millions of new users joined in the wake of he said. “People probably don’t know what to do said Will Tachiiri, a social media producer and high school teams and their robots from across the state. — AP the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in on Twitter, since you don’t see your friends and CEO of Logkr Media. Japan and during election campaigns. family on it right away.” In South Korea the num- But a trend for defections and growing dor- Celebrities, pop stars, politicians and opinion ber of new users signing up has plunged since mancy of accounts in Japan partly reflects that US top court mulls patent leaders flocked to Twitter, turning an experimen- December while more Twitter citizens are going Twitter has also become a nasty battleground, tal playground for early adopters into a dynamic dormant, according to CYRAM, a Seoul-based with users hiding behind anonymity to launch protections for software online forum. But growth has slowed in South analytics company that specializes in social net- vitriolic attacks on those they disagree with. Korea and Japan, a red flag for Twitter since both works. Some 40,000 new users signed up in “Sometimes one can be forced to leave the WASHINGTON: The US Supreme Court will responsibility for interpreting patent law, countries are wealthy and have high rates of August, about a quarter of new users in space or close the account since they were seri- delve into the hotly contested question of has struggled to adopt a test that judges mobile device usage - now the predominant December. ously offended, annoyed or traumatized,” Tachiri when software is eligible for patent protec- can use to review software patent claims, way Twitter is accessed. New mobile applications It estimates there are 7 million Twitter users in said. There are bright spots as Twitter courts tion. The nine justices will hear a one-hour with various judges reaching different con- from companies such as South Korea’s Kakao South Korea and only 1 million of them send advertisers overseas including the social net- oral argument in a case of interest not just clusions. Corp and Japan’s Line Corp, have experienced more than one tweet a month. In August, 64 per- working service’s ability to draw people who set to software companies but also to a wide explosive growth, making them potent competi- cent of Twitter accounts based in South Korea trends and influence opinion. In South Korea, range of businesses that sell products con- Record proportion of IP cases tors for eyeballs and advertising. had not sent a tweet for more than six months, “Twitter is SNS of 1 million people,” said Song taining computer-implemented features. The case before the high court involves A desire for a less open, more exclusive social up from 56 percent in December of last year. Seulki, a consultant at CYRAM. “But its impact is The ruling, expected by the end of June, Alice Corporation Pty Ltd, which holds networking experience is part of the explana- South Korean entrepreneur Richard Choi is one valid given that it is the SNS used by people will affect companies involved in such patents for a computer system that facili- tion. “In South Korea and Japan, open type social of those dormant users. After sending more than from the 20s to the 40s who are public opinion industries as healthcare, IT, communica- tates financial transactions. The patents are networking services like Twitter and Facebook 18,000 messages to his 8,200 followers in the last leaders.” — Reuters tions and high-tech engineering. challenged by CLS Bank International, Google Inc, Dell Inc, Verizon which says they are not patent eligible. In Communications Inc, Microsoft Corp, May 2013, the federal appeals court ruled Hewlett-Packard Co and engine manufac- for CLS but the judges were split 5-5 on Canon ME and partners focus turer Cummins Inc , are among the compa- which legal test to adopt. The issue comes nies that have filed legal papers weighing before the Supreme Court at a time when in on the issue. Companies vary over what the court is hearing the highest proportion on CSR during Earth Hour 2014 kind of eligibility threshold they would pre- of intellectual property cases in its history, fer. Those that often get sued for patent including eight during the nine-month infringement, such as Google, favor a term that ends in June. Environment-themed family event hosted at Fairmont The Palm tighter definition. Those that want to pro- The legal question boils down to how DUBAI: Canon Middle East, a world leader in tect their own patents, such as IBM Corp, innovative an invention should be to imaging solutions, and Canon Emirates, organ- would prefer that most software be patent receive legal protection. The US Patent Act ized a community event at Fairmont The Palm to eligible. states that anyone who “invents or discov- observe Earth Hour 2014, encouraging partners With the rise of computer-based prod- ers a new and useful process, machine, and customers to conserve electricity usage by ucts, courts have struggled to apply patent manufacture, or composition of matter,” or taking part in the global initiative and switching law. Some legal experts, including the an improvement of an existing one, can get off lights for one hour. A conservation partner of Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital civ- a patent. An invention related to an World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), the initiators il liberties group, say that too many patents abstract idea can be patented, but it must of Earth Hour, and a member of Emirates Wildlife are issued by the US Patent and Trademark include a way of applying the idea. Society in association with WWF (EWS-WWF), Office and courts are too keen to uphold Trading Technologies International Inc, Canon supports conservation efforts at a local them. In 2011, almost 125,000 software which sells software for use in derivatives and international level in line with is commit- patents were granted by the patent office, trading, is one of the companies that favors ment to be a socially responsible and environ- up from about 25,000 in 1991, the US broad patent eligibility. Steven Borsand, mentally conscious company. Government Accountability Office (GAO) the company’s executive vice president for Anurag Agrawal, Managing Director, Canon said in an August 2013 report. intellectual property, said his company Middle East, said: “Our participation in Earth Tech companies are especially con- relies heavily on its patents. It successfully Hour 2014 supports WWF in its objective of pro- cerned about litigation brought by so- sued a unit of Cantor Fitzgerald LP for moting sustainable living through education called “patent trolls,” defined as companies infringement and has settled other cases, and conservation initiatives. It is also aligned to that hold patents only for the purpose of he said. our Kyosei philosophy of living and working suing other companies that are seeking to Borsand said he was concerned that in together for the common good. At Canon, this develop new products. The resulting litiga- seeking to target patent trolls the high corporate mission spans from our innovative tion stifles innovation, the companies say. court also would hurt businesses that are technology development to waste recycling and Congress is considering legislation aimed making legitimate use of their patents. improving the energy efficiency of not only our at reining in patent trolls. “We spend a lot of money developing organization, but also that of our partners.” Between 2007 and 2011, trolls account- stuff. Once it’s out there, it’s pretty easy to through cost saving and document security, but mentally responsible.” Canon’s Earth Hour event was attended by ed for an estimated 19 percent of all patent copy,” he said. “That’s what happened.” also support sustainability goals. Innovative In recognition of Canon’s CSR commitment employees and partners, and featured a fun- infringement lawsuits, according to the Daniel Nazer, an attorney with the solutions offered by Canon that support the the organization received the Dubai Chamber filled evening of family activities themed around GAO report. Patent owners that do not Electronic Frontier Foundation, said that environment includes the Uniflow Solution CSR Label in 2013 for the second consecutive protecting the planet for future generations. manufacture products are much likelier restrictions on patent eligibility would which controls an organization’s printing and year and was recertified to ISO 14001 Children enjoyed a dedicated arts and crafts than ones that do to bring lawsuits based lead to greater innovation because com- allows them to account for the number of trees Environmental Management Standard. area, quizzes and balloon modeling before the on software inventions, according to a panies would be forced to come up with saved per year. Honoring Canon’s regional CSR efforts, The Arab lights were switched out from 8:30 to 9:30 pm. study released last week by RPX , a publicly new products instead of relying on patent Shadi Bakhour, General Manager, Canon Organization for Social Responsibility recently Canon Emirates and their customers also traded patent clearinghouse. The US Court protections. “That’s how people get Emirates said: “By encouraging our customers to awarded Canon Middle East for ‘Best focused on raising awareness on climate change, of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in cheaper, better products,” he said. “You implement energy efficient practises, and involv- Environmental Practices in the Arab World.’ at the event venue - Fairmont The Palm, which Washington, DC, which has primary stay a step ahead.” —Reuters ing customers in awareness initiatives like Earth Canon Group is ranked 8th in the World’s Most was the first major hotel to appoint Canon Hour, we are working towards the common goal Reputable Companies (2013), 30th on Emirates as an exclusive printing solutions of protecting the planet. Our innovative prod- Interbrand’s 2013 Best Global Green Brands and provider. The benefits offered by managed print ucts and solutions provide a platform and the its score on the Climate Counts scorecard is services transcend not only business operations, tools for our partners to become more environ- 66/100. Another year, another $1 for Google co-founders

SAN FRANCISCO: Google paid co-founders held in their respective companies. Schmidt did such a good job last year that he Larry Page and Sergey Brin their customary $1 Page, 41, and Brin, 40, each own Google received his maximum cash bonus of $6 mil- salaries last year while Executive Chairman stock currently worth about $26 billion. lion to supplement his $1.25 million salary. Eric Schmidt’s compensation more than dou- Schmidt, 58, has accumulated wealth estimat- None of the other Google executives listed bled to $19.3 million. Most of Schmidt’s raise ed at $9 billion by Forbes magazine. He also in the proxy statement qualified for their max- stemmed from stock grants valued at $11.4 limited his salary to $1 annually while he was imum bonuses last year. Google and its stock- million. Google issued them to make up for an CEO. The pay scale has changed dramatically holders fared well last year. The company’s administrative error in the handling of anoth- since Schmidt turned over the CEO’s job to earnings climbed 20 percent from the previ- er large award given to Schmidt in February Page three years ago. In 2011, Schmidt ous year to $12.9 billion and its stock price 2011, according to regulatory documents received compensation valued at $101 mil- gained 58 percent. The Standard & Poor’s 500 filed Friday. lion, with most of the money tied up in index increased by 30 percent last year. If not for the mix-up, Schmidt’s pay restricted stock designed to keep him work- The Associated Press formula calculates an package last year would have risen 4 per- ing at Google. Last month, Google disclosed executive’s total compensation during the last cent from the $7.6 million that he got in that Schmidt is receiving another stock award fiscal year by adding salary, bonuses, perks, 2012. Page, Google’s CEO, and Brin, anoth- valued at $100 million this year. above-market interest that the company pays er top executive, have insisted on capping on deferred compensation and the estimated their salaries at $1 annually since Google Big bonus value of stock and stock options awarded dur- PASADENA: A ground robot designed and created by a team of mechanical engineer- Inc went public nearly a decade ago. It’s a As Google’s executive chairman, Schmidt ing the year. The AP formula does not count ing students climbs a steeply inclined ramp at the 29th Annual Engineering Design symbolic gesture that many other Silicon primarily deals with regulatory issues, govern- changes in the present value of pensions, a competition, themed “Raiders of the Lost Can,” at California Institute of Technology, Valley executives have made after amass- ment relationships and company acquisitions. benefit that Google and most other technolo- Caltech’s Brown Gym in Pasadena, California. — AP ing fortunes through the stock that they The Mountain View, Calif, company thought gy companies don’t provide. —AP HEALTH & SCIENCE TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Guinea battles to contain Ebola as death toll rises

CONAKRY: Guinea’s President Alpha Conde five in Macenta. Deeply concerned deadly,” he said. warned yesterday of a “health emergency” as In Conakry, the fear of contracting the virus has The EU’s aid offer came after a plea for assistance Guinea is one of the world’s poorest nations authorities raced to contain a spiralling Ebola epi- prompted many residents to stay home or limit from the Economic Community Of West African despite vast untapped mineral wealth, with a stag- demic which has killed 78 people and prompted their movements. States (ECOWAS). The regional bloc said it was nating economy, youth unemployment at 60 per- neighbouring Senegal to close its border. A concert by Senegalese music star Youssou “deeply concerned” about the epidemic, which pre- cent and a rank of 178th out of 187 countries on Guinea’s health ministry said that 122 “suspi- N’Dour scheduled for Saturday night was post- sented a “serious threat to the region.” the UN’s Human Development Index. cious cases” of viral haemorrhagic fever, including poned in solidarity with the victims of Ebola and to The tropical virus-described in some health pub- The World Health Organisation said Liberia had 78 deaths, had been registered. avoid the “enormous” risk of contamination, organ- lications as a “molecular shark”-leads to haemor- reported eight suspected cases of Ebola fever, President Conde said his country was facing a isers said. rhagic fever, causing muscle pain, weakness, vomit- including six deaths, while Sierra Leone had report- “health emergency” but that “thanks to the interna- The European Union has pledged 500,000 euros ing, diarrhoea and, in severe cases, organ failure ed six suspected cases, five of them fatal. tional community, all measures have been taken to ($690,000) to fight the contagion, while the and unstoppable bleeding. Ebola can be transmitted to humans from wild effectively fight this epidemic.” Latest information Senegalese interior ministry said border crossings No treatment or vaccine is available, and the animals, and between humans through direct con- on the outbreak “allows us to be optimistic and to Guinea would be closed “until further notice.” Zaire strain detected in Guinea-first observed 38 tact with another’s blood, faeces or sweat, as well as confident about achieving a final and rapid success The order affects crossings at Kolda and years ago in what is today called the Democratic sexual contact or the unprotected handling of con- in our response to this problem,” he said on public Kedougou in the south of Senegal that are heavily Republic of Congo-has a 90 percent death rate. taminated corpses. television, urging people not to panic. used by traders, particularly during a weekly mar- Sakoba Keita, who heads the Guinean health Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Samples taken from a number of the suspect ket attended by thousands from neighbouring ministry’s prevention division, said it remains Borders) said the spread of the disease was being cases include 22 that tested positive for Ebola, countries which has now been cancelled. unclear how Ebola had arrived in Guinea. exacerbated by people travelling to funerals in three more than previously reported, according to Those infected have been placed in isolation to Tests on the other cases of haemorrhagic fever which mourners touch the bodies of the dead. the latest official figures. prevent the virus from spreading, while aid organi- are still ongoing to determine their origin. Guinea has banned the consumption of bat soup, a Of these, half were in the capital Conakry, and sations have sent dozens of workers to help the “We hope to get (the results) quickly as these popular delicacy in the country, as the fruit bat is the others in southern towns-six in Gueckedou and poor west African country combat the outbreak. cases should be treated like Ebola as they are also believed to be the host species. — AFP India declares victory in battle against polio A public health signpost

NEW DELHI: India was officially declared polio-free and China spends $155. of oral police vaccine reached every village and recently, clocking three full years after its last polio Even as recently as 2009, nearly half the world’s hamlet in a vast country. case was reported in 2011. It is a healthcare land- new polio cases were being reported from India. Millions of health workers waded through mark for a country of 1.3 billion people to be pro- The debilitating disease is carried through tainted rivers, climbed up hills and crossed sandy stretches claimed free of the disease by the World Health food or water. The virus attacks the central nervous to reach every family. They battled widespread Organization. Other than Afghanistan, Pakistan system, paralyzing muscles and stunting superstition against vaccination and allayed fears and Nigeria, the rest of the world is currently rid of appendages. that the polio vaccine was a tool to sterilize people. polio. The event could be a signal for global drug The country has purged itself of the disease by While boosting routine immunization, the firms - in that it proves that India’s market is big treating it as a public health crisis situation. The country has guarded its borders from importing and real, and that there is a possibility of reaching government mounted a concentrated campaign of the virus from the neighboring territories. It recent- every Indian if the price is right. never-before proportions, financing it with over ly made it mandatory for travelling coming in from Polio is a vaccine-preventable disease that has $2.5 billion of public money as well as funds from countries with polio to produce certificates as long been eradicated in the West. But its purging non-profit organizations. A newer, more efficient proof of vaccination. from India, a populous country with a significant vaccine helped too. Polio’s eradication is a public health signpost for number of poor and illiterate people, is particularly India. To be sure, if mass vaccinations are discontin- NEW DELHI: A health worker administers the vaccine as part of India’s massive free momentous. The challenges are not just poor sani- Widespread superstition ued and the government drops its guard, the dis- polio vaccination program. — AP tation and polluted water. The government launched the Pulse Polio ease could return with a vengeance. For now, the Public health systems are inadequate and the immunization campaign in 1995, bombarding success could be the foundation stone on which per-capita spend on healthcare is among the low- cities and towns with the message about vaccinat- more such intensive and routine immunization est in the world. India spends $43 per head on ing the most vulnerable segment - all children programs could be built to protect the world from Test accurately rules out healthcare while neighboring Sri Lanka invests $87 under the age of five. The message about the drops disease and death. — AP heart attacks in the ER Diabetes risk factors WASHINGTON: A simple test appears of, plus unnecessary tests. very good at ruling out heart attacks in The study included nearly 15,000 peo- increase bladder people who go to emergency rooms ple who went to the Karolinska with chest pain, a big public health issue University hospital with chest pains over cancer severity and a huge worry for patients. two years. About 8,900 had low scores on A large study in Sweden found that a faster, more sensitive blood test for tro- ISTANBUL: Doctors at the Okmeydani Training and the blood test plus the usual electrocar- ponin, a substance that’s a sign of heart Research Hospital in Istanbul analyzed the cases of more diogram of the heartbeat were 99 per- damage. The test has been available in than 500 people who had bladder cancer surgery at their cent accurate at showing which patients Europe, Asia and Canada for about three hospital between 2005 and 2011. People with larger waist- could safely be sent home rather than be years, but it is not yet available in the lines, low HDL cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood admitted for observation and more diag- United States. pressure and/or high fasting blood sugar - conditions asso- nostics. The patients were 47 years old on ciated with metabolic syndrome - tended to have more seri- Of nearly 9,000 patients judged low average and 4 percent had a previous ous forms of bladder cancer. risk by the blood test and with normal heart attack. About 21 percent of them “The patients with metabolic syndrome were found to electrocardiograms, only 15 went on to wound up being admitted. have statistically significant higher T stage and grade of suffer a heart attack in the next month, Researchers later looked back to see bladder cancer,” concludes lead author Dr. Emin Ozbek. and not a single one died. how the blood test and electrocardio- The new study was published in the Asian Pacific Journal “We believe that with this strategy, 20 gram would have predicted how they of Cancer Prevention. Most of the bladder cancer patients to 25 percent of admissions to hospitals fared over the next month. were men and most had urothelial cell carcinoma (also for chest pain may be avoided,” said Dr. They figured that in order to find one called transitional cell carcinoma), the most common form NEW YORK: Caregiver Center Director Randi Kaplan, center, of Montefiore Nadia Bandstein of the Karolinska heart attack in patients like this, 594 of bladder cancer among diabetics. Medical Center, talks with Janet Lipson, left, acting as a caregiver, and volunteer University Hospital in Stockholm. would have to be admitted - a huge “Although we know that diabetic patients face higher David Wolffe, during a training session at the hospital in The Bronx borough of She helped lead the study, published waste of resources. risk of bladder cancer, not much has been written about New York. — AP in the Journal of the American College of A test like this would be “enormously bladder cancer and metabolic syndrome,” says Alex Strauss, Managing Editor of Cancer Monthly. “This study is yet Cardiology and presented Sunday at the useful,” and the study’s results are “almost another reason for people with these kinds of metabolic risk Retirees help caregivers cardiology college’s annual conference in too good to be true,” said Dr. Judd factors to address them now.” To read the details of the Washington. Hollander, an emergency medicine spe- study, including what made the bladder cancer tumors cope with hospital stays Chest pain sends more than 15 million cialist at the University of Pennsylvania. more serious in the metabolic syndrome patients, see people to emergency rooms in the He believes the test should be avail- Metabolic Syndrome Linked to Bladder Cancer Severity, United States and Europe each year, and able in the US and that the amount of WASHINGTON: Edwin Pacheco was in and out talization only adds to the stress. Yet research available now on the Cancer Monthly website. of the hospital for months. He’d survived one shows that patients who have supportive care it usually turns out to be due to anxiety, evidence that regulators are requiring to For over ten years, Cancer Monthly has been the only indigestion or other less-serious things approve it is too high. organ transplant and desperately needed anoth- from family or friends during a hospitalization centralized source of cancer treatment results. Patients can er. But he wasn’t the only one suffering. Few peo- fare better. than a heart attack. Yet doctors don’t Dr. Allan Jaffe, a cardiologist at the see the actual survival rate, quality-of-life indicators, and ple asked how his wife was holding up as she “You don’t eat right, you don’t sleep right,” want to miss one - about 2 percent of Mayo Clinic, said the problem is not what other key data for approximately 1,500 different cancer kept vigil, cornered hard-to-understand doctors said Pacheco, who hadn’t known she could seek patients having heart attacks are mistak- the test rules out, but what it might false- treatments. Cancer Monthly provides timely and ground- and held job and family together. “Everybody help for herself as her husband worsened enly sent home. ly rule in. It’s so sensitive that it can pick breaking news on the causes, diagnoses and treatments of was like, ‘Oh, you’re a good caregiver.’ But inside, between his first transplant in December 2012 up troponin from heart failure and other the most common cancers including Bladder, Brain, Breast, I’m dying,” Minerva Pacheco of New York recalls of and the one that finally restored his health last Expensive care problems and cause unnecessary tests Colon, Kidney (Renal), Liver, Lung (NSCLC), Ovarian, Prostate those tumultuous days. summer. “You’re scared to ask what’s next.” People may feel reassured by being for that. and Rectal Cancers, Melanoma, Mesothelioma, and Non- Then one day in the intensive care waiting Families need an advocate, said Dr. Paul Levin, admitted to a hospital so doctors can “I think the strategy long-term will be Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Written for patients and their loved room at Montefiore Medical Center, a pair of Montefiore’s vice chairman of orthopedic sur- keep an eye on them, but that raises the proven,” but more studies underway now ones, Cancer Monthly helps families make more informed strangers introduced themselves as volunteer gery, who tells the volunteer coaches, and med- risk of picking up an infection and having in the U.S. are needed to show that, he treatment decisions. —- AP coaches for caregivers and offered a shoulder. It’s ical students, how caregivers can get lost in the expensive care they’ll have to pay a share said.—- AP part of an unusual program that recruits retirees shuffle. Years ago, Levin’s oldest daughter had a and specially trains them to help overwhelmed roller-blading accident and was run over by a family members cope with a scary hospital stay - bus, suffering life-threatening injuries while at for their own health, and so they can better care college hundreds of miles from home. In a hospi- for their loved one. tal where he knew no one, even Levin had a hard “The caregiver needs to be taken care of, too,” time cornering doctors, got conflicting reports said Montefiore coach Dave Wolffe, a retired high and once watched his daughter wheeled off to school guidance counselor who spotted deal with a dangerous complication without any Pacheco’s distress. “If they’re sick, or they break explanation. down, feel helpless or hopeless, they’re not “I’m a trauma specialist who knows the sys- going to be too helpful to the patient.” tem, knew the questions to ask, but I couldn’t get The coaches offer more than emotional sup- a straight answer,” Levin said. Many hospitals port and a sympathetic ear. They’re trained to offer support groups for caregivers, or services help people navigate a complex hospital system from a social worker or other professional. and to help them locate community resources The volunteer coaches are different: that may ease the strain, too. Retirees with no background in health care undergo training to support caregivers in Medical jargon hopes that families will let their guard down They can track down a doctor to answer a with a peer. They make daily rounds through caregiver’s questions. Or find someone to trans- Montefiore’s waiting rooms and nursing sta- late all the medical jargon. Or alert a professional tions to offer the services of the support cen- to signs of depression. Or gently probe about just ter, where families can talk with a coach or a how prepared the family really is for continuing social worker, research caregiver resources care at home: Are they comfortable giving injec- online, or just relax in a quiet room. There are tions, or cleaning a wound - or might they need no statistics on similar volunteer initiatives, but some more planning with the discharge team? Montefiore and a handful of community hospi- Today’s caregivers “are being asked to do a lot tals have modeled programs on one at of things they’re really not equipped to do,” said Northern Westchester Hospital in New York. social worker Randi Kaplan, who directs the “This caregiver coach idea is very innovative,” Montefiore Caregiver Support Center. The pro- said Lynn Feinberg of AARP, who tracks efforts gram evolved as the hospital realized, “we’re to help caregivers - and says too often what’s ignoring a very, very overstressed population.” missing is someone to call at a moment’s Millions of Americans regularly care for older notice, rather than awaiting a monthly support FLORIDA: Hundreds of participants assemble to kick off the 9th annual Florida AIDS Walk and Music Festival in Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday. — AP or impaired adult relatives or friends, and a hospi- group meeting. —AP HEALTH & SCIENCE TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 Increase in mothers over 50 raises health fears

LONDON: The number of women giving birth over the careers rather than settling down to have a family. increasing numbers of older women who are having UK found 31 per cent think the current age limit of age of fifty has more than doubled in the past five years, Changing medical advice and IVF treatment also babies and these women tend to have more complica- 42 for IVF on the NHS is too old. with three children being born to a woman in their fifties mean more are willing to risk delaying having children. tions than younger women. Josephine Quintavalle of Comment on Reproductive every week. Other women are starting new relationships later in “This is more pronounced as women have babies at Ethics said: “The older the mother, the higher the risk of The huge leap raises health fears as older women are life and are choosing to have more children with their increasingly greater ages. Older mothers are more likely complications. Having a child at such an old age also has more likely to suffer miscarriages and ectopic pregnan- new partner. to have increased rates of miscarriage and ectopic preg- implications on the time these mothers will have to cies while their offspring are more susceptible to genetic Medical professionals consider someone who has a nancies and genetic problems in the child and other enjoying being a grandparent. defects. child aged over the age 35 is considered an ‘older moth- issues such high blood pressure, diabetes and problems “This doubling of births to over-fifties isn’t something The National Health Service is also being put under er’. Around 20 per cent of babies are born to women with the placenta.” which would have happened naturally, as there’s no way increased pressure as older mothers and their babies aged 35 or older, the highest proportion since records She warned that without more midwives the health there has been that significant a change in natural require a higher level of medical care, according to mid- began in 1938. service would struggle to cope with the changing pat- menopause in the past five years.” wives. At the same time, only 23 per cent of births were to terns of women delaying motherhood. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Health ministers revealed the sharp increase in older women aged under 25 in 2012, down from almost half in “Because of these risks it is crucial that these women Gynaecologists has warned that those over the age of 40 mothers in a parliamentary question, the Daily Mail the early 1970s. get the right level of care, advice and support they need are up to three times more likely to lose their baby than reported. In some areas of Britain, including Windsor and in their pregnancy. younger mothers. Their babies also face a greater risk of The figure has more than doubled since 2008 when Maidenhead, Brighton and East Renfrewshire, around Greater risk ill-health or abnormalities such as Down’s Syndrome. there were 69 births to women aged 50 and over. In one in three mothers was over 35. “Every woman, no matter what her age, deserves A Department of Health spokesman said: “We know 2000 the number was 44. Earlier this year, actress Tina Malone of Shameless the best possible care and this is one of the reasons that more older women are giving birth now than 20 gave birth to daughter Flame at the age of 50, after trav- behind the RCM’s call for more midwives in the years ago and research shows that older women have a New relationships elling to Cyprus for IVF treatment. In 2007, Desperate NHS.” Last month a survey found almost three-quar- higher risk of developing complications during pregnan- The number of births to mothers aged 40 and over Housewives star Marcia Cross had twin daughters in ters of people do not think women should receive cy and may need more support. has also risen, up 13 per cent from 26,419 in 2008 to 2007 at the age of 44. IVF to help them conceive beyond their natural That is why we have invested in over 1,500 more mid- 29,994 in 2012. It means one in 25 are born to mothers childbearing years. A quarter believe women should wives since 2010 with another 5,000 in training. who have turned 40. More complications stop trying to bring babies into the world past the “This will ensure that every mother has a The increase in older mothers is believed to be the Louise Silverton, director for midwifery at the Royal age of 40. named midwife who is responsible for person- result of women choosing to concentrate on their College of Midwives told the Daily Mail: “There are an The survey of more than 2,000 people across the alised care.’ — AP WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

International Week at AUK, an annual celebration of diversity

nternational Week at the American University AUK. She explained that the International Week Lebanon, Syria, and Armenia. Kuwait and Egypt of Kuwait (AUK) is an annual event that takes provides a venue for members of the AUK com- were declared the winners of the competition. Iplace on the University’s campus to celebrate munity to embrace the cultural diversity that International Week ended withthe Parade of cultural diversity within the AUK community. exists at the University. Nations, led by Kuwaiti flag, which was followed This year marks the 9th consecutive Each year, representatives from the countries by 32 other flags of countries represented in International Week, which included such activi- are assigned booths in the Central Hallway of AUK. Following the Parade, Dr. Nizar Hamzeh, ties as cooking competitions, a Global Village the campus to showcase their cultures and cre- AUK President, introduced the cultural show- where international students got the opportuni- ate a “Global Village”. Like every year, the booths case, which featured performances from 8 dif- ty to showcase their own countries’ traditions, competed for the Best Country Representation ferent countries. The Best Cultural Showcase and the Parade of Nations. by displaying traditional clothing, books, music, title went to Armenia, while second place went International Week is organized each year by and, of course, food. This year’s winners were the to Palestine, and third place to Kuwait. This con- the Office of Student Life with the aim to pro- Iranian, Pakistani, and Egyptian booths. cluded the week-long celebration of diversity. mote cultural exchange and understanding with- Cultural diversity was expressed through a The American University of Kuwait (AUK) is in the AUK community, and to enhance global variety of activities and competitions that took an independent, private, equal opportunity, and and social awareness among its students. This place throughout the Week. One of the more co-educational liberal arts institution of higher year’s week began with students competing in a competitive activities was the cooking competi- education. The educational, cultural and admin- trivia quiz that tested their general knowledge of tion. Each participant was required to present istrative structure, methods and standards of the different countries in the world. traditional dishes from their own countries. AUK are based on the American model of higher “This year we saw so many students proudly Although not all the countries participated, learning. The language of instruction is English. representing their countries and cultures,” said there was a variety of cuisines for the judges to More information on the American University of Dr Carol Ross, Vice President of Student Affairs at sample from; Kuwait, Egypt, Iran, Pakistan, Kuwait can be found

The Pakistan English School and College held a graduation day for KG students. The fuction was attended by the students’ parents and other officials from the Ministry of Education. WHAT’S ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

For 6th consecutive year The Avenues participates in Earth Hour

n joining the worldwide movement for support by stating: “The Avenues take the planet, The Avenues participated in prides in engaging with global environ- Ithe Earth Hour event which took place mental issues by joining Earth Hour move- last Saturday evening effectively at 8:30 ment among many others towns and cities pm and for a period of 60 minutes. on this planet. We take this initiative main- Outdoor lights where switched off from ly to create awareness on the effect of The Avenues facades and front lawns on electricity consumption on global warm- the Shaikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan ing, in addition to joining forces with all Road as well as the backside of the shop- governmental institutions, private busi- ping center. nesses and individuals to take necessary The Avenues continues to support action for reducing climate changes by global environmental issues by commit- switching off non-essential lights and oth- ting to this annually awaited event which er electricity consumption for a period of aims primarily at encouraging individuals, 60 minutes.” communities, households and businesses Organized by the World Wide Fund for to switch off their non-essential lights and Nature (WWF), Earth Hour was first other energy consumed appliances for a debuted in Sydney, Australia by 2007 period of one hour as an initiative of through launching a lights-off event from reducing climate change and as well as 8:30 pm till 9:30 pm for a period of I hour. further prevention from greenhouse effect Today, more than 7000 cities and towns and global warming. have engaged in this global initiative all to For the sixth consecutive year, The preserve and protect our planet from cli- Avenues management continues their mate changes from global warming. KTAA Spring Bazaar 2014 TAA Spring Bazaar 2014 at Historic Beit Al Sadu on Saturday Kthe 5th of April from 10 am to 5 pm. Original designs, quilts, bags, table linens, silks, designer jewelry, shawls, crochet, hHand embroidery, frankin- cense & myrrh and lots more! Sadu House, on the Gulf Road next to the National Museum and the National Library, Kuwait City. Announcements Soorya India Festival on April 10 oorya Kuwait Chapter will present ‘Soorya India Festival 2014’ at 7 pm on April 10 at the Indian Community School Auditorium, Senior, Salmiya. This Stime, Soorya is coming up with a mix of three oldest dance forms of India - a Bharatanatyam recital by well-known danseuse Dakshina Vaidyanathan, a Mohiniyattam recital by exponent Aiswarya Warrier and an Odissi performance by leading Odissi dancers Arupa Gayatri Panda and Pravat Kumar Swain. In addi- tion, a solo fusion by Mridangam maestro Kuzhalmannam Ramakrishnan will also be presented. Indian Ambassador Sunil Jain will inaugurate the festival that aims to promote international integration through culture. Entry is free. KSNA Ad-Hoc committee d-Hoc committee of the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi’s (KSNA) Kuwait Chapter will be reconstituted at a meeting at 4 pm on AThursday, April 10 at Indian Community School (Senior), Salmiya which will be presided over by KSNA Chairman Soorya Krishnamoothy. Malayali associations in Kuwait are requested to depute one or two representatives of their associations to participate in the meeting. IOC Arts Festival ndian Overseas Congress (IOC) will conduct Arts Festival 2014 on April 10, 11, Technicians from Honda Alghanim 2014 at the United Indian School, Abbassiya. Preparations are on to host this Imega event among the Indian expatriates in Kuwait. Entry forms are also avail- receive HQSP certification able on request through email. Entry forms can be sent to fax no. 24331461. Filled entry forms can be emailed to: [email protected]. Also, the final registra- taying true to its commitment to provid- Honda customers consistently receive proper To showcase their distinguished achievement, tion date has been extended till Saturday, 5 April 2014. All Indian children are ing quality service to all of its customers, diagnosis and excellent service through highly the certified technicians will be easily identifi- invited to participate in the various competitions to be held on April 10, 11, 2014 SGeneral Maintenance Technicians at trained, certified technicians. As such, the able with the HQSP badge on their outfits. at the United Indian School, Abbassiya. Honda Alghanim recently received the Honda trainers are responsible for ensuring that Alghanim Motors, the sole distributor of Qualified Service Personnel (HQSP) Certification, Honda procedures and standards are imple- Honda automobiles, motorcycles, power prod- which was awarded by HAMER - Honda mented across the facility. ucts, and marine products in Kuwait, is commit- Super hit play Automobile Middle East Representative office in With the certification, Alghanim Motors adds ted to providing customers with flexible pay- Dubai. another component to their winning customer ment solutions and efficient and cost-effective ankaar Arts super play will be staged after 5 years by public demand ‘Biwi The move to certify general maintenance satisfaction formula by having qualified service services. The waiting lounge offers entertain- Jawaan Miya Pareshan’ on April 19, Saturday from 6 -9 pm at the Indian technicians, which entailed bringing in two advisors, highly trained and skilled technicians ment and comfort for customers with gaming FEmbassy. full-time certified Honda trainers, reinforces and a state-of-the-art facility that is equipped consoles, digital satellite TV, free wireless inter- Honda Alghanim’s direction in ensuring that all with the most advanced equipment and tools. net and relaxing massage chairs.

Sheraton Kuwait & Four Points by Sheraton UFE Kuwait thank sponsors

Kuwait participate in ‘Earth Hour’ event he UFE Kuwait Section would like to extend its grat- attended by a large number of the French community itude and warmest thanks to all our generous spon- members, their families & friends and all praised the or the sixth consecutive year Sheraton Kuwait & Four As usual, Sheraton Kuwait & Four Points By Sheraton Tsors of the PÈtanque tournament held on the 21st sponsors for their generous participation in this event. Points by Kuwait participated in the global event “Earth Kuwait always considers the guest as a member of the hotel’s of March 2014. This tournament was held at The Copthorne Hotel & FHour”, to send to the community a clear message that family, in this event guests were part of this important contri- Resort in Jahra in the presence of the President of the each one of us, sharing this responsibility and working alto- bution by displaying awareness boards in the lobby and The sponsors of the event were: International PÈtanque FÈdÈration -member of the gether, can make a difference on climate change. informative letters were distributed to all guest’s rooms to The Crowne Plaza Hotel, the Marina Hotel, the IBIS French National Olympic Committee - Claude Azema, All hotel’s staff & guests shared that hour using environ- share this responsibility as one entity. Hotel, Chili Beans, Upper Crust Pizzeria, Decathlon, Christian NakhlÈ French Ambassador, Matthew Tueller, ment friendly energy bulbs switched down the hotel’s main During this hour, associates shared their dinner together, Thales, Tanagra, Beidoun, Burgan Bank, Al Kazemi Travel, US Ambassador and Douglas George, Canadian electric generator and turned off the hotel’s exterior signage wishing that the earth resources will always be available GÈant, Ahmadiah, whose names were acknowledged Ambassador and Michael J. Adler, Deputy Chief of lighting & non essential interior lighting. when needed today, everyday and in the future. during the event and prizes distribution which was Mission US Embassy. TV PROGRAMS TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

11:00 BBC World 13:00 How Tech Works 12:00 BBC World 13:30 Sci-Trek 13:00 BBC World 14:20 Mythbusters Taboo-breaking 14:00 BBC World 15:10 Scrapheap Challenge 03:15 From Pound Pups To Dog 15:00 BBC World 16:00 Mega World Basque comedy is Stars 16:00 BBC World 16:50 What’s That About? 03:40 From Pound Pups To Dog 17:00 BBC World 17:40 Kings Of Construction Stars 18:00 BBC World 18:30 Mega Builders blockbuster in Spain 04:05 My Pet’s Gone Viral 19:00 BBC World 19:20 The Gadget Show 04:30 My Pet’s Gone Viral 20:00 BBC World 19:45 How Tech Works panish filmgoers are queuing up for a surprise hit 04:55 Animal Cops Philadelphia 21:00 BBC World 20:10 Mythbusters comedy about Basques and separatist guerrillas - 05:45 Animal Maternity Ward 22:00 BBC World 21:00 Stuck With Hackett 23:00 BBC World Scomplete with jokes about car-bombings - in a 06:35 Call Of The Wildman 21:25 Stuck With Hackett film that would have been unthinkable in Spain before 07:25 Earthquake: Panda Rescue 21:50 Rocket City Rednecks now. The movie, “8 Apellidos Vascos” (8 Basque 22:15 Rocket City Rednecks 08:15 Mutant Planet Surnames), has viewers in stitches over the cultural 09:10 From Pound Pups To Dog 22:40 Sci-Trek Stars 23:30 Space Pioneer divide between a slick-haired young man from southern 09:35 From Pound Pups To Dog Spain and his Basque girlfriend. “It is very, very healthy Stars for all of us that we are laughing at ourselves and espe- 03:30 The Killer Speaks 10:05 Shamwari: A Wild Life cially that people in troubled areas of the country are 04:30 Private Crimes 10:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 05:00 Beyond Scared Straight able to laugh at themselves,” Enrique Gonzalez Macho, 11:00 Animal Precinct 06:00 The Devil You Know president of the Spanish Film Academy, said in a televi- 11:55 Dark Days In Monkey City 07:00 Private Crimes 03:00 Couples Who Kill sion interview yesterday. 12:20 Steve Irwin’s Wildlife Warriors 07:30 Private Crimes 03:45 Nightmare Next Door The Basque separatist movement ETA declared an 12:50 From Pound Pups To Dog 08:00 Private Crimes 04:30 Murder Shift end to its armed struggle in 2011, after decades of vio- Stars 08:30 Private Crimes 05:20 Forensic Detectives 13:15 From Pound Pups To Dog lence in which more than 100 people were killed. 09:00 Private Crimes 06:10 Disappeared Stars Hundreds of ETA members have been jailed for life. The 09:30 Private Crimes 07:00 I Was Murdered 13:45 Man, Cheetah, Wild pro-ETA newspaper Gara, which was not amused by the 10:00 Fatal Vows 07:25 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 14:40 Shamwari: A Wild Life movie, ran a scathing review. But the taboo-breaking 11:00 Beyond Scared Straight 07:50 Dr G: Medical Examiner 15:05 Shamwari: A Wild Life 12:00 Evil Up Close 08:40 Disappeared film racked up 16 million euros ($22 million) at the box 15:30 My Cat From Hell 13:00 My Evil Sister 09:30 True Crime With Aphrodite office in its first three weekends - a boon for the stricken 16:30 The Animals’ Guide To 14:00 Fatal Vows Jones national film industry where it is rare for a Spanish Survival 15:00 Fred Dinenage: Murder 10:20 Murder Shift movie to gross more than 10 million euros. 17:25 Crocodile Hunter Casebook 11:10 Forensic Detectives After two recessions and a tax hike that hit ticket 18:20 Predator’s Prey 16:00 Curious & Unusual Deaths 12:00 Disappeared 18:50 Predator’s Prey prices, movie attendance has fallen to record lows. But 16:30 Private Crimes 12:50 I Was Murdered 19:15 Animal Clinic crisis-weary Spaniards seem to enjoy an opportunity to 17:00 Homicide Hunter 13:15 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 20:10 Animal Maternity Ward laugh at themselves. The humor is particularly poignant 18:00 The First 48 13:40 Dr G: Medical Examiner 21:05 Shamwari: A Wild Life right now as a surging independence movement in 19:00 The Devil You Know 14:30 Disappeared 21:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 20:00 Beyond Scared Straight 15:20 True Crime With Aphrodite has caused deep political rifts in Spain. The 22:00 Animal Clinic 21:00 Private Crimes Jones Basque region and Catalonia both have their own lan- 22:55 Animal Maternity Ward 21:30 Evil Up Close 16:10 Murder Shift guages, distinct cultures and nationalist histories. 23:50 Animal Cops Philadelphia 22:30 I Killed My BFF 17:00 Forensic Detectives 23:30 Casanova Killers 17:50 Extreme Forensics Long surnames 18:40 I Was Murdered The movie takes its title from the notion that a true 19:05 Stalked: Someone’s Watching 19:30 Dr G: Medical Examiner Basque’s great-grandparents all bear the region’s dis- 20:20 Disappeared tinctive surnames such as Goirigolzarri, Billelabeitia or 03:25 Spooks 21:10 True Crime With Aphrodite Etxeberria. Protagonist Rafa, played by Dani Rovira, 04:15 The Weakest Link Jones must pretend he is Basque and invent a family history 05:00 Tweenies 03:00 You Have Been Warned 22:00 Dates From Hell complete with complex surnames to court Amaia, 05:20 Teletubbies 03:50 Border Security 22:25 Dates From Hell played by Clara Lago, whose rough, fisherman father 05:45 Jollywobbles 04:15 Storage Hunters 22:50 Swamp Murders would not approve of a “foreign” suitor. 05:55 Show Me Show Me 04:40 Container Wars 23:40 Most Evil Rafa, who has never before left his native Sevilla, 06:15 Tweenies 05:05 How Do They Do It? Turbo chases Amaia to her village, where he struggles with the 06:35 Teletubbies Specials Basque language and falls in with separatist militants 07:00 Jollywobbles 06:00 One Man Army 07:10 Show Me Show Me BATTLEGROUND ON OSN MOVIES HD ACTION depicted as bumblers with piercings - a take on them 07:00 You Have Been Warned that is risky in a country deeply scarred by bombings 07:30 My Family: The Heart Of 07:50 Flying Wild Alaska Christmas and assassinations. Directed by Emilio Martinez-Lazaro, 08:40 Fast N’ Loud 03:15 Extreme Close-Up 08:00 Warrior Road Trip 11:00 The Blacklist 07:00 Class-PG15 08:00 The Vicar Of Dibley the film draws heavily on gags about supposedly easy- 09:30 Border Security 03:40 Extreme Close-Up 09:00 Chasing UFOs 12:00 Emmerdale 09:00 The Odd Life Of Timothy 08:30 Rev. 09:55 Storage Hunters 04:10 E!ES 10:00 Brain Games 12:30 Coronation Street Green-PG going Andalusians from the arid home of flamenco and 09:00 Eastenders 10:20 Container Wars 05:05 THS 10:30 Diggers 14:00 Necessary Roughness 11:00 Magic Journey To Africa- dour Basques from the damp region known for industry, 09:30 Doctors 10:45 How Do They Do It? Turbo 06:00 THS 11:00 Megastructures 16:00 Emmerdale PG15 hearty cuisine and beret-wearing farmers. 10:00 Upstairs Downstairs Specials 07:50 Style Star 12:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 16:30 Coronation Street 13:00 The Call-PG15 The movie has broken several rules of the Spanish 10:55 New Tricks 11:35 Gold Rush 08:20 E! News 13:00 Animal Intervention 19:00 Once Upon A Time In 15:00 Phil Spector-PG15 11:45 My Family: The Heart Of film industry. Fueled by word-of-mouth, it has made 12:25 Alaska Gold Diggers 09:15 Opening Act 14:00 Helicopter Wars Wonderland 17:00 The Odd Life Of Timothy Christmas more money each weekend since its debut, which is 13:15 Gold Divers 10:15 Married To Jonas 15:00 My Dog Ate What? 20:00 Grey’s Anatomy Green-PG 12:15 The Vicar Of Dibley unusual. Also it has been a huge hit in the Basque coun- 14:05 Border Security 10:40 Chasing The Saturdays 16:00 China’s Great Wall 21:00 Mistresses 19:00 Parental Guidance-PG 12:45 Rev. try’s biggest city Bilbao - where Spanish films are not 14:30 Storage Hunters 11:10 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 17:00 Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy 22:00 True Detective 21:00 Take This Waltz-18 13:15 Eastenders usually successful. “People are coming to see it out of 14:55 Container Wars 11:35 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 18:00 Hunter Hunted 23:00 Breaking Bad 23:00 Taken 2-PG15 13:45 Doctors 15:20 North America 12:05 E! News 19:00 Air Crash Investigation morbid fascination because everyone is talking about 14:10 Upstairs Downstairs 16:10 Fast N’ Loud 13:05 Extreme Close-Up 20:00 Ultimate Survival Alaska it,” said Manu Idarraga, 54, who saw the movie in Bilbao 15:05 New Tricks 17:00 Ultimate Survival 13:35 The E! True Hollywood Story 21:00 Engineering Connections on Sunday. 15:55 The Vicar Of Dibley 17:50 Wheeler Dealers 14:30 Style Star 22:00 Air Crash Investigation “It was good for a therapeutic laugh, but it’s a bit 16:25 The Weakest Link 18:40 You Have Been Warned 15:00 Keeping Up With The 23:00 Big, Bigger, Biggest 04:00 Rescue Me over-the-top,” said Idarraga, who could not see the film 17:10 Eastenders 19:30 One Man Army Kardashians 05:00 Good Morning America 04:00 3 Holiday Tails-PG the first time he tried, because it was sold out. 17:40 Doctors 20:20 How Do They Do It? Turbo 16:00 Keeping Up With The 07:30 Coronation Street 06:00 The Wishing Well-PG15 The film’s success has taken Basque screenwriters 18:10 Being Erica Specials Kardashians 10:30 Coronation Street 08:00 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Borja Cobeaga and Diego San Jose by surprise even 19:00 Last Of The Summer Wine 21:10 Storage Hunters 17:00 Eric And Jessie: Game On 12:00 Royal Pains Chrome-PG15 19:30 Me & Mrs Jones 21:35 Game Of Pawns 17:30 Eric And Jessie: Game On though they had never shied away from politically sen- 14:00 Live Good Morning America 10:00 The Arrangement-PG15 20:00 Upstairs Downstairs 22:00 Dual Survival 18:00 The Drama Queen sitive material during years of co-writing the Basque tel- 17:00 Royal Pains 12:00 Red Dawn-PG15 20:55 Mistresses 22:50 Bear Grylls: Escape From Hell 19:00 E!ES 03:45 Python Hunters evision comedy “What a Week.” “We thought it might fill 19:00 24 14:00 Interview With A Hitman- 21:45 The Omid Djalili Show 23:40 Yukon Men 20:00 #RichKids Of Beverly Hills 04:40 Bug Attack a need right now because comedies are going down 20:00 Royal Pains PG15 22:15 Five Daughters 20:30 Giuliana & Bill 05:35 Shark Men pretty well. But we didn’t expect full houses or that it 21:00 Zero Hour 16:00 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & 23:05 The Weakest Link 21:30 Giuliana & Bill 06:30 Fish Tank Kings 22:00 Rescue Me Chrome-PG15 would be hard to find someone who hasn’t seen it,” 23:50 Eastenders 22:30 Fashion Police 07:25 Python Hunters 23:00 Hemlock Grove 17:45 Fast & Furious 6-PG15 Cobeaga told Reuters. — Reuters 23:30 Chelsea Lately 08:20 Expedition Wild 09:15 Caught In The Act GPU 20:00 Prometheus-PG15 22:15 21 & Over-18 03:35 Sci-Trek Reversions 04:30 Space Pioneer 10:10 Leopard Queen 05:20 Scrapheap Challenge 11:05 Night Stalkers 06:10 What’s That About? 12:00 Hooked 12:55 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 04:00 Grosse Pointe Blank-PG15 03:00 BBC World 07:00 Space Voyages 06:00 Dangerous Attraction-PG15 03:00 Super Rugby 04:00 BBC World 07:55 Joe Rogan Questions 13:50 Animal Intervention 05:00 NRL Premiership 03:00 Megastructures 08:00 Arctic Blast-PG15 05:00 BBC World Everything 14:45 Python Hunters 07:00 HSBC Sevens World Series 04:00 Light At The Edge of The 10:00 Red Eye-PG15 06:00 BBC World 08:45 Sci-Trek 15:40 Expedition Wild 10:00 PGA Tour Highlights World 12:00 Soldiers Of Fortune-PG15 07:00 BBC World 09:40 What’s That About? 16:35 Dangerous Encounters 11:00 Golfing World 05:00 The Numbers Game 14:00 Arctic Blast-PG15 08:00 BBC World 10:30 Mega World 17:30 Man v. Monster 12:00 AFL Premiership 06:00 Megastructures 16:00 Deep Rising-PG15 09:00 BBC World 11:20 Space Pioneer 18:25 Built For The Kill 13:00 Super Rugby 07:00 Megacities 18:00 Soldiers Of Fortune-PG15 10:00 BBC World 12:10 Scrapheap Challenge 19:20 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 15:00 Super Rugby 20:10 Animal Intervention 20:00 Layer Cake-18 22:00 Battleground-PG15 17:00 PGA Tour Highlights 21:00 Python Hunters 18:00 Golfing World 21:50 Expedition Wild 19:00 AFL Premiership 22:40 Dangerous Encounters 20:00 NRL Full Time 23:30 Man v. Monster 20:30 Futbol Mundial 04:00 Ghostbusters II-PG 21:00 NRL Premiership 06:00 Hit List-PG15 23:00 Premier League Darts 08:00 The Producers-PG15 10:15 Summer School-PG15 12:00 Ghostbusters II-PG 14:00 Snowmen-PG 03:00 How I Met Your Mother 03:00 AFL Premiership Highlights 16:00 Summer School-PG15 03:30 How I Met Your Mother 04:00 Indy Car Serier 2014 18:00 The Naked Gun: From The 04:00 All Of Us 07:00 Golfing World Files Of Police Squad-PG 04:30 The Tonight Show Starring 08:00 Premier League Darts 20:00 A Smile Like Yours-PG15 Jimmy Fallon 11:30 Top 14 Highlights 22:00 Tough Guys-PG15 05:30 Better Off Ted 12:00 NRL Premiership 06:00 The War At Home 14:00 PGA Tour Highlights 06:30 Arrested Development 15:00 Indy Car Serier 2014 07:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 18:00 NHL 08:00 All Of Us 20:00 Bellator MMA 2014 New novel 22:00 Super Rugby 08:30 Better Off Ted 03:00 The Twilight Saga: Breaking 09:00 How I Met Your Mother Dawn Pt. 2-PG15 explores unsolved 09:30 2 Broke Girls 05:00 Dark Horse-PG15 10:00 Trophy Wife 07:00 Muhammad Ali’s Greatest 10:30 Arrested Development Fight-PG15 murder from 1876 11:00 The Tonight Show Starring 09:00 Carnage-PG15 Jimmy Fallon 11:00 The Twilight Saga: Breaking n 1876 in San Francisco, amid a heat wave and small- 12:00 The War At Home Dawn Pt. 2-PG15 00:35 House Gift pox epidemic, an idiosyncratic frog-catching, pants- 12:30 All Of Us 13:00 Snow Flower And The Secret 13:00 Better Off Ted 01:30 Emmerdale Iwearing, bicycle-riding woman is fatally shot Fan-PG15 02:25 Coronation Street through the window of a railroad boarding house. This 13:30 Arrested Development 15:00 The Speed Of Thought-PG15 14:00 How I Met Your Mother 02:55 Holiday: Heaven On Earth real-life unsolved murder is the basis of Emma 17:00 Me And You-PG15 Donoghue’s new novel, “Frog Music.” The story is told 14:30 2 Broke Girls 19:00 Comes A Bright Day-PG15 03:25 Agatha Christie’s Marple 15:00 Trophy Wife 21:00 Another Happy Day-18 05:15 Ade In Britain through Blanche Beunon, a burlesque dancer who is in 15:30 The Daily Show Global 23:00 Liars All-18 06:10 House Gift the same room when her friend Jenny Bonnet is killed. Edition 07:05 Holiday: Heaven On Earth The novel goes back and forth between the shell- 16:00 The Colbert Report Global 07:30 Agatha Christie’s Marple shocked, mystery-solving Blanche and her earlier, erot- Edition ic-dancing, carefree self. Along the way, Donoghue mas- 16:30 The War At Home 09:20 Ade In Britain 17:00 Late Night With Seth Meyers 10:15 May The Best House Win terfully transports readers to an era of dung-covered 18:00 The Simpsons 11:10 Emmerdale cobbled roads, unspeakably cruel baby farms, deep sus- 03:00 Things We Lost In The Fire- picion of Chinese immigrants and unruly saloons. 18:30 Raising Hope PG15 12:00 Coronation Street 19:00 The Crazy Ones 05:00 96 Minutes-PG15 12:30 House Gift What “Frog Music” lacks, however, is the gripping 19:30 Trophy Wife 07:00 Flower Girl-PG15 13:25 Ade In Britain storytelling that made Donoghue’s previous novel 20:00 The Tonight Show Starring 09:00 Hold Fast-PG15 14:20 May The Best House Win “Room” - about a mother and son held captive - such a Jimmy Fallon 11:00 Saving Grace B. Jones-PG15 beautifully poignant read. The premise of “Frog Music” is 21:00 The Daily Show With Jon 15:10 Holiday: Heaven On Earth 13:00 Encounter With Danger- 15:35 Trevor Mcdonalds Queen & wild enough, and yet Donoghue pushes it over the top Stewart PG15 with explicit sex scenes, then bogs it down with daily 21:30 The Colbert Report Country 15:00 Regarding Henry-PG15 minutiae that does little to enhance the story or its char- 22:00 The Big C 17:00 Saving Grace B. Jones-PG15 16:30 Endeavour 22:30 Web Therapy 18:20 May The Best House Win acters - or make us care for them much. Even the central 19:00 Switchback-PG15 whodunnit question doesn’t garner much suspense and 23:00 Legit 21:00 Rachel Getting Married-PG15 19:10 Coronation Street 23:30 Late Night With Seth Meyers 23:15 True Confessions-PG15 19:35 Trevor Mcdonalds Queen & is ultimately resolved without much satisfaction. Ironically, the Author’s Note section of the book, which Country explains what characters and facts came from historical 20:30 Endeavour records and newspaper articles, was a more interesting 22:20 Coronation Street 03:00 Game Of Thrones read than the novel that preceded it. — AP 04:00 Revenge 03:15 Bernie-PG15 22:50 Emmerdale ZERO HOUR ON OSN FIRST MORE 08:00 Necessary Roughness 05:00 Sky Force-FAM 23:45 May The Best House Win Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 FANAR-5 DIVERGENT (DIG) 5:15 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 1:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 8:15 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 2:45 PM HAUNT (DIG) 4:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 10:30 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 4:45 PM THE DOUBLE (DIG) 6:00 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:15 AM SABOTAGE (DIG) 7:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 8:00 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: DIVERGENT (DIG) 9:45 PM NO WED THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 8:00 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:30 AM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 10:30 PM WED NO WED CAPTAIN AMERICA: SHARQIA-2 BLOOD TIES (DIG) 12:45 AM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 10:45 PM MINUSCULE: VALLEY NO SUN+TUE+WED OF THE LOST ANTS (DIG) 12:30 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: 360º- 1 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 2:30 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 8:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 2:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG-3D) 5:00 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: DIVERGENT (DIG) 5:00 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 7:00 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 10:45 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 8:00 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 9:30 PM NO WED CAPTAIN AMERICA: MARINA-1 DIVERGENT (DIG) 11:00 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG-3D) 9:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 12:05 AM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 2:45 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: NON-STOP (DIG) 5:00 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 8:00 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 7:15 PM SHARQIA-3 CAPTAIN AMERICA: NON-STOP (DIG) 9:30 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 1:30 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 10:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 11:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 3:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED NON-STOP (DIG) 6:00 PM 360º- 2 FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 1:00 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 8:15 PM MARINA-2 BLOOD TIES (DIG) 10:30 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:45 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 3:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:45 AM DIVERGENT (DIG) 2:45 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 5:30 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 7:45 PM THE PUBLIC SABOTAGE (DIG) 5:45 PM FOR SALE Prayer timings MUHALAB-1 DIVERGENT (DIG) 7:45 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 10:00 PM AUTHORITY FOR 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:30 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 10:30 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 12:15 AM Fajr: 04:21 NON-STOP (DIG) 2:30 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: Mitsubishi Lancer 2012 - CIVIL INFORMATION BLOOD TIES (DIG) 4:45 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 10:30 PM 360º- 3 GLX, dark grey color, excel- Automated enquiry Shorook 05:41 NON-STOP (DIG) 7:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 12:30 AM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 2:15 PM lent condition, km 62,000, BLOOD TIES (DIG) 9:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED BLOOD TIES (DIG) 4:30 PM aboutthe Civil ID card is Duhr: 11:53 CAPTAIN AMERICA: BLOOD TIES (DIG) 6:45 PM KD 1950. Mob: 50994848. (C 4681) THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 9:30 PM MARINA-3 BLOOD TIES (DIG) 9:00 PM 1889988 Asr: 15:23 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 12:30 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 11:15 PM MUHALAB-2 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 3:00 PM AL-KOUT.1 Chever Tril Plazer 2008 - Maghrib: 18:05 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 2:00 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 5:30 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 12:30 PM black color, excellent con- NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 4:30 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 7:30 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 2:30 PM dition, KD 2200. Tel: Isha: 19:23 LEGEND (DIG) (Telugu) 4:30 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 10:00 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 5:00 PM 66729295. (C 4682) LAMO AKHZA (DIG) (Arabic) 7:45 PM CAPTAIN AMERICA: 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 7:30 PM 112 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 9:45 PM THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG-3D) 10:00 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 9:30 PM 1-4-2014 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 12:45 AM CAPTAIN AMERICA: MUHALAB-3 THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG) 9:30 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:30 PM AVENUES-1 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 12:05 AM SITUATION VACANT No: 16122 DIVERGENT (DIG) 2:30 PM MINUSCULE: SABOTAGE (DIG) 5:15 PM VALLEY OF THE LOST ANTS (DIG) 2:00 PM AL-KOUT.2 DIVERGENT (DIG) 7:15 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 4:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 2:00 PM An experienced person SABOTAGE (DIG) 10:00 PM LEGEND (DIG) (Telugu) 4:00 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 4:45 PM seeks an opening in 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 7:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 7:00 PM accounts/stores. Call FANAR-1 LEGEND (DIG) (Telugu) 7:00 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 9:45 PM 97835420. (C 468) NON-STOP (DIG) 1:30 PM LEGEND (DIG) (Telugu) 10:00 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 11:45 PM 31-3-2014 MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN (DIG) 4:00 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 1:00 AM NON-STOP (DIG) 6:00 PM AL-KOUT.3 Lady Indian physiothera- FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 8:15 PM AVENUES-2 NON-STOP (DIG) 1:45 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 10:15 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 2:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 4:00 PM pist B.PT, M.Sc (UK) 4 years NON-STOP (DIG) 12:15 AM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 4:30 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 6:15 PM experience, transferable FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 6:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 8:15 PM visa, ready to join. Please FANAR-3 FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 9:00 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 10:30 PM call 99651572. (C 4677) FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 11:15 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 1:00 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:30 AM 27-3-2014 SABOTAGE (DIG) 3:00 PM FACTORY GIRL (DIG) (Arabic) 1:15 AM DIVERGENT (DIG) 5:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED AL-KOUT.4 SABOTAGE (DIG) 7:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 1:00 PM AVENUES-3 DIVERGENT (DIG) 9:45 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 3:30 PM ACCOMMODATION NON-STOP (DIG) 1:15 PM HAUNT (DIG) 5:45 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 12:30 AM NON-STOP (DIG) 3:30 PM BLOOD TIES (DIG) 7:45 PM 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 5:45 PM Accommodation available BLOOD TIES (DIG) 10:00 PM FANAR-4 NON-STOP (DIG) 8:00 PM in Kuwait city (Maliya) bed NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 2:15 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 10:15 PM HAUNT (DIG) 12:15 AM space/sharing room avail- 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE (DIG) 4:45 PM NON-STOP (DIG) 12:30 AM able for decent Goan bach- NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 6:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED BAIRAQ-1 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 9:15 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 1:15 PM elor from 1st April with CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER (DIG- AVENUES-4 NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 3:15 PM kitchen facility. Contact: 3D) 9:15 PM DIVERGENT (DIG) 2:15 PM SABOTAGE (DIG) 5:45 PM 50195621. NEED FOR SPEED (DIG) 11:45 PM NEED FOR SPEED (DIG-3D) 7:45 PM 31-3-2014

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on Tuesday 1/4/2014 KAC 514 Tehran 13:45 Departure Flights on Tuesday 1/4/2014 MSR 611 Cairo 14:00 Airlines Flt Route Time FDB 057 Dubai 13:50 Airlines Flt Route Time UAE 872 Dubai 14:15 BBC 043 Dhaka/Doha 00:05 QTR 1078 Doha 13:55 AIC 976 Goa/Chennai 00:05 FDB 058 Dubai 14:30 JAI 574 Mumbai 00:10 KAC 546 Alexandria 14:05 PIA 206 Lahore 00:10 QTR 1079 Doha 14:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam/Dammam 00:30 SVA 500 Jeddah 14:30 AXB 490 Mangalore/Kochi 00:15 KAC 673 Dubai 15:05 JZR 539 Cairo 00:40 KNE 472 Jeddah 14:35 JAI 573 Mumbai 01:10 KAC 741 Dammam 15:20 THY 772 Istanbul 00:45 JZR 325 Al Najaf 16:05 BBC 044 Chittagong/Dhaka 01:45 KAC 617 Doha 15:30 QTR 1084 Doha 00:55 KLM 411 Amsterdam 01:45 UAE 857 Dubai 16:40 KNE 473 Jeddah 15:30 PIA 239 Sialkot 01:05 DLH 637 Frankfurt 02:10 QTR 1072 Doha 16:40 SVA 501 Jeddah 15:45 DLH 637 Dammam 01:10 PIA 240 Sialkot 02:20 ETD 303 Abu Dhabi 16:50 KAC 773 Riyadh 16:05 PGT 858 Istanbul 01:30 ETH 621 Addis Ababa 02:45 KAC 562 Amman 16:50 JZR 238 Amman 16:55 ETH 620 Addis Ababa 01:45 THY 773 Istanbul 02:55 RJA 640 Amman 16:55 ETD 304 Abu Dhabi 17:35 GFA 211 Bahrain 02:10 UAL 982 IAD 17:05 PGT 859 Istanbul 03:20 THY 764 Istanbul 02:15 TAR 328 Tunis 03:45 QTR 1073 Doha 17:40 SVA 510 Riyadh 17:15 JZR 267 Beirut 02:30 UAE 854 Dubai 03:50 JZR 538 Cairo 17:50 ABY 127 Sharjah 17:25 UAE 853 Dubai 02:35 ETD 306 Abu Dhabi 04:00 UAE 858 Dubai 17:50 GFA 215 Bahrain 17:30 ETD 305 Abu Dhabi 02:45 OMA 644 Muscat 04:05 RJA 641 Amman 17:55 KAC 542 Cairo 18:05 JAI 576 Kochi/Abu Dhabi 02:50 MSR 613 Cairo 04:10 ABY 128 Sharjah 18:05 JZR 177 Dubai 18:20 TAR 328 Tunis/Dubai 02:55 QTR 1085 Doha 04:15 SVA 511 Riyadh 18:15 KAC 742 Dammam 18:20 OMA 643 Muscat 03:05 FDB 068 Dubai 05:00 UAL 982 Bahrain 18:20 QTR 1080 Doha 18:40 MSR 612 Cairo 03:10 QTR 1077 Doha 05:15 GFA 216 Bahrain 18:20 KAC 786 Jeddah 18:45 RJA 642 Amman 03:15 JZR 560 Sohag 06:20 JZR 184 Dubai 18:40 FDB 063 Dubai 18:45 QTR 1076 Doha 03:45 FDB 070 Dubai 06:30 JZR 134 Bahrain 19:10 KAC 678 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 18:55 FDB 067 Dubai 04:20 JAI 575 Abu Dhabi/Kochi 06:45 FDB 064 Dubai 19:25 KAC 618 Doha 19:00 THY 770 Istanbul 05:35 JZR 164 Dubai 06:55 QTR 1081 Doha 19:40 KAC 166 Paris/Rome 19:10 DHX 170 Bahrain 05:40 THY 765 Istanbul 07:05 AXB 3942 Kozhikode 20:15 AXB 393 Kozhikode 19:15 FDB 069 Dubai 05:50 RJA 643 Amman 07:05 GFA 218 Bahrain 20:15 KAC 674 Dubai 19:25 KAC 416 Jakarta/Kuala Lumpur 06:25 KAC 545 Alexandria 07:15 KAC 283 Dhaka 20:30 KAC 774 Riyadh 19:30 BAW 157 London 06:40 GFA 212 Bahrain 07:15 FDB 062 Dubai 20:45 GFA 217 Bahrain 19:30 KAC 412 Manila/Bangkok 06:45 THY 771 Istanbul 07:30 OMA 648 Muscat 20:55 KAC 104 London 19:35 KAC 206 Islamabad 07:40 FDB 054 Dubai 08:30 ABY 120 Sharjah 21:00 OMA 647 Muscat 19:55 QTR 1086 Doha 07:50 BAW 156 London 08:45 KAC 361 Colombo 21:00 FDB 053 Dubai 07:50 MSR 618 Alexandria 20:05 QTR 1087 Doha 08:50 MSR 607 Luxor 21:05 KAC 302 Mumbai 07:55 FDB 061 Dubai 20:05 SVA 513 Riyadh 09:15 KAC 351 Kochi 21:10 KAC 352 Kochi 08:10 JAI 572 Mumbai 20:10 KAC 513 Tehran 09:25 JAI 571 Mumbai 21:10 SVA 512 Riyadh 08:15 ABY 129 Sharjah 20:20 ABY 126 Sharjah 09:40 IRA 604 Esfahan 21:20 KAC 332 Trivandrum 08:15 IRA 605 Esfahan 20:25 KAC 101 London/New York 09:50 KAC 343 Chennai 21:30 UAE 855 Dubai 08:40 DLH 636 Frankfurt 20:55 UAE 856 Dubai 09:55 KAC 362 Colombo 08:45 ALK 229 Colombo 21:10 ETD 302 Abu Dhabi 10:05 DLH 636 Dammam 21:35 KAC 284 Dhaka 08:50 MEA 402 Beirut 21:20 FDB 056 Dubai 10:20 DHX 171 Bahrain 21:50 ABY 125 Sharjah 09:00 ETD 307 Abu Dhabi 21:35 QTR 1071 Doha 10:55 ALK 230 Colombo 22:10 ETD 301 Abu Dhabi 09:20 UAE 859 Dubai 21:40 IRA 618 Lar 10:55 MEA 403 Beirut 22:20 FDB 055 Dubai 09:40 GFA 219 Bahrain 21:45 KAC 561 Amman 11:25 ETD 308 Abu Dhabi 22:20 QTR 1070 Doha 09:55 FDB 059 Dubai 22:00 GFA 214 Bahrain 11:25 GFA 220 Bahrain 22:30 IRA 619 Lar 10:05 QTR 1074 Doha 22:00 KAC 541 Cairo 11:30 KAC 301 Mumbai 22:35 GFA 213 Bahrain 10:40 KLM 415 Amsterdam 22:05 KAC 165 Rome/Paris 11:50 FDB 060 Dubai 22:40 JZR 165 Dubai 11:30 JZR 135 Bahrain 22:05 KAC 677 Muscat/Abu Dhabi 12:20 UAE 860 Dubai 22:50 MEA 404 Beirut 11:55 UAL 981 Bahrain 22:10 JZR 324 Al Najaf 12:40 KAC 381 Delhi 22:50 TMA 213 Beirut 12:10 JZR 239 Amman 22:20 MEA 405 Beirut 12:55 KAC 205 Islamabad 22:55 UAE 871 Dubai 12:50 AIC 981 Chennai/Hyderabad/Ahmedabad 22:30 KAC 785 Jeddah 13:00 KLM 415 Dammam/Amsterdam 23:05 JZR 561 Sohag 12:55 JZR 185 Dubai 23:20 JZR 176 Dubai 13:45 QTR 1075 Doha 23:10 MSR 610 Cairo 13:00 ETH 3718 LGG 23:30 TMA 223 Dubai/Beirut 13:45 KAC 411 Bangkok/Manila 23:55 DIAL161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 CROSSWORD 504 STAR TRACK

Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22)

You may want to make your office space neater or more attractive at this This could be a challenging day so keep your cool and practice going with time. There is one thing in being professional and thinking professionally the flow. You or someone near you could be feeling irritable-this will pass rel- but there is another process to unfold as you think in creative ways and that is to have an atively quickly. It could be that a project is behind schedule. The afternoon is busy, but not uncluttered area. Now is the best time to rearrange or change the colors, posters, pictures too stressful. Obtaining and exchanging information takes on more emotional significance. or whatever is needed so that you are at your best creatively and professionally. Avoid the Let intuition guide you while dealing with a hardheaded individual today. Time in reflection job politics and you will be a happy camper. You are wise to keep your own counsel when of issues is important for you to adopt at this time. Finding the truth and communicating it comes to professional issues. You have your own creative mind as well as the internet, feelings are becoming most important. You could become involved in helping some friends books, experience and examples that will help lead the way to a successful business year. later today. You will find yourself happily involved in some fun interaction with neighbors or siblings this evening; enjoy. Personal affairs have the green light. Happy birthday!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Good fortune will come from your creative skills-opportunities await you. A Your personality and your way of living may be changeable at this time. You big project is at hand. Because of your creative abilities-you are able to land a special proj- may be impulsive and restless so you would be wise to avoid important deci- ect for yourself. This is the opportunity for you to make lots of money and have recogni- sions just now. Concentration may be difficult. Perhaps some sort of temporary obstacle has tion. There are many opportunities now for you to improve your talents and deepen your appeared and may create a feeling of frustration-this will soon pass. You draw emotional sus- tenance from ideals, friends and social involvement. You can become truly relaxed when it appreciation of your own abilities. After a bit of garden work or team sport or some other comes to socializing with your friends. You are compassionate and giving to all around you. exercise later today, you will be able to relax and enjoy affairs of the heart. There is mam- This evening, at home, you take some time to be a chemist in your kitchen. This may include moth pleasure in group activities that involve your friends and family, if that is what you some mixing of ingredients that create a nourishing meal, rendering some soothing good desire. Quiz games or some other group entertainment can be enjoyed. You will find a sta- smells-gingerbread perhaps. bilizing factor for your relationships now.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You may gain knowledge through reading about another person’s experi- There may be a great deal of panic with regard to your finances. You should be aware of things or people that seem to offer easy answers to life’s deepest ences. You may shine in your particular position in the business and find yearnings. An elevator going up and down may be easier to gauge than your financial affairs ACROSS DOWN that many people appreciate and respect your opinion. Although others appreciate your at this time. It may be good to hire an accountant to help with some suggestions regarding 1. A dark-skinned member of a race of people 1. A communist state in Indochina on the insight, you will benefit most from the humble attitude that you take. You could represent finances. For a fee, some accountants will keep everything for you and then give you an your family or profession in some community activity today. This could mean sports, poli- living in Australia when Europeans arrived. South China Sea. allowance-building up the finances. It is important to keep communications clear all day tics or some other competition. Through observation, you will find new techniques that long, by listening to conversations you will know when to rephrase, if necessary. Keep a list 4. A dealer in seeds. 2. A coffee cake flavored with orange rind and can be added to your own abilities. This afternoon you might have to set aside your own raisins and almonds. of the things that need your attention and use the list to guide you throughout the day. A 12. An honorary law degree. wishes for a time as you struggle to maintain the balance between fun, competition and friend influences you for the positive tonight. 15. Tag the base runner to get him out. 3. A religious belief of African origin involving responsibilities. Find constructive ways to teach the young people around you. 16. A salt or ester of arsenic acid. witchcraft and sorcery. 17. A plant hormone promoting elongation of 4. The capital and largest city of Yemen. stems and roots. 5. A period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event. 18. The compass point that is one point east ) Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 6. Electronic warfare undertaken under direct Cancer (June 21-July 22 (clockwise) of due north. control of an operational commander to You have an increased need to rid yourself of the restrictions you think are 19. An embroidered rug made from a coarse Some projects progress in a steady manner today. A co-worker friend comes locate sources of radiated electromagnetic to you with some great ideas. You may find it easy to listen and give up some placed on you now. You are the ideal candidate to take charge of a project Indian felt. energy for the purpose of immediate threat of your time and perhaps money to go along with the idea but it would be wise to check out around your neighborhood; your creativity and originality are abnormally high. You could 20. Lacking either stimulating or irritating recognition. all aspects before acting. Improvements and corrections in private matters are scheduled for be a great help to a friend this afternoon-your compassion is heightened. You express your characteristics. 7. A visual presentation showing how some- the rest of the day. You are highly productive but you should take care to keep a balance in enthusiasm in life through your service to others. You are extremely ambitious and hard- 22. Jordan's port. all of your affairs. This may mean you will paint one room at a time instead of the whole working, no matter what the goal or project. At this time, you must take care to return any thing works. favors that others have extended in helping you reach the success that you now enjoy. You 24. An organization of countries formed in house. Mealtime should be a time of relaxation and nourishment-certainly never hurried. 8. The act of catching an object with the Soft music in the background is a wonderful way to relax and digest a good meal. Make it a have a keen interest in religion or even mysticism and feel great empathy for others. 1961 to agree on a common policy for the hands. point to discuss nonessential things at meal times. Mentoring young people is a positive activity now. sale of petroleum. 9. Produced by a manufacturing process. 26. (prefix) Within. 10. A highly unstable radioactive element (the 27. Chinese ephedra yielding ephedrine. heaviest of the halogen series). Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 29. The battle in 1806 in which Napoleon 11. A long projecting or anterior elongation of Leo (July 23-August 22) decisively defeated the Prussians. an animal's head. Watch the extra expenses today and you will still be able to finance a future 30. Wild sheep of northern Africa. 12. A woody climbing usually tropical plant. This is a great time to be with others and to accomplish things together. You dream trip. The time is ripe for some sudden and unexpected change in the demonstrate good practical ideas and are encouraged to communicate with 36. A piece of land held under the feudal sys- 13. Relating to or characteristic of or occurring normal routine of family life. It could be that a vacation is in order, a family member moves in on land. others and describe your thoughts. You are moved to express your sensitivity to the needs or leaves home or a move happens. This could also be a time where the home is used as a tem. of others just now and are in a good position to communicate concerning others. Having 14. Panel forming the lower part of an interior place other than a home. Others could be put off by your seriousness today-you may have 39. Wood of a pecan tree. and appreciating things of beauty and value play a big role in your life. Provided you do not lots on your mind. Some of your ideas are creative ways to move forward with a political or 40. Great brightness. wall when it is finished differently from the spend it all on the fancy things that catch your eye, this can be a financially favorable period. rest. professional issue. You will not want to be held back. Try to loosen up with a special relation- 42. A unit of dry measure used in Egypt. Create regular exercise times, whether it is by yourself or with your friends. This will help you ship this evening. Don’t be afraid to express your wants and desires. Your devotion and self- 21. United States tennis player (born in to have an avenue of release from your frustrations. Your dreams are very revealing tonight- lessness will reap unexpected rewards. 44. A river in north central Switzerland that Czechoslovakia) who won several singles take notes. runs northeast into the Rhine. championships. 45. Aircraft landing in bad weather in which 23. A piece of furniture that stands at the side the pilot is talked down by ground control of a dining room. Virgo (August 23-September 22) using precision approach radar. 25. Rare (usually fatal) brain disease (usually in Pisces (February 19-March 20) 46. Disparaging terms for the common peo- middle age) caused by an unidentified slow ple. A need to be respected is an emotionally charged issue in your life. You Today you will be able to tackle some of those unfinished chores that you virus. have been putting off for so long. This is also a time of correcting an imbal- 48. Military action involving the use of electro- 28. (Greek mythology) Goddess of the earth develop a knack for bringing people together and completing difficult tasks. You may find yourself expressive and able to communicate well. It is possible you will be lecturing or ance. You may decide sometime today to shop for items that will help you become more magnetic energy to determine or exploit or and mother of Cronus and the Titans in teaching in a spiritual atmosphere this day. This afternoon you may find an opportunity to organized. Someone may give you tickets to a play, a show or the dinner theater for next reduce or prevent hostile use of the electro- ancient mythology. take a short trip to the country or enjoy some fun-filled times with your family at a park. weekend. You seek excitement and adventure in your personal relationships. You will proba- magnetic spectrum. 31. Fiddler crabs. Consider taking pictures. This evening may be a good time to make your plans for this next bly find that some of your friends are more than willing to join you this afternoon after 51. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 32. A challenge to do something dangerous week. Tomorrow is a good time to obtain a loan, or ask for a raise, if needed. Emotional secu- school or work. Some type of adventure is just around the corner. Be open to the activities and enjoy the benefits that come from having good friends. This is generally a good day-the 52. (computer science) A kind of computer or foolhardy. rity and a sense of belonging and nurturing are the issues felt instinctively now. Sing with young people this evening. good outweighs anything else. Positive energies are inevitable. architecture that has a large number of 33. Again but in a new or different way. instructions hard coded into the cpu chip. 34. A covered passageway. 55. A landlocked republic in eastern Africa. 35. The upper house of the parliament of the 56. English theoretical physicist who applied Republic of Ireland. WORD SEARCH PUZZLE 37. A native or inhabitant of Iran. Yesterday’s Solution relativity theory to quantum mechanics and 38. The younger brother of Edwy who became predicted the existence of antimatter and the king of Northumbria when it renounced positron (1902-1984). Edwy. 58. English writer and a central member of the 41. Growing old. Fabian Society (1858-1943). 43. An indehiscent fruit derived from a single 61. Having a specified kind of border or edge. ovary having one or many seeds within a 62. A small cake leavened with yeast. fleshy wall or pericarp. 63. Worn or shabby from overuse or (of pages) 47. Of or relating to the stomach and intes- from having corners turned down. tines. 65. A city in east central Texas. 49. American novelist (1909-1955). 68. A ballroom dance of Latin-American ori- 50. A genus of Ploceidae. gin. 53. A sharp blow. 70. Type genus of the Alcidae comprising 54. A ductile gray metallic element of the lan- solely the razorbill. thanide series. 74. Spin or twist together so as to form a cord. 57. On a ship, train, plane or other vehicle. 76. Mild form of diabetes mellitus that devel- 59. Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influ- ops gradually in adults. ence. 78. A river in north central Switzerland that 60. Capital and largest city of Iraq. runs northeast into the Rhine. 64. An exhibition of cowboy skills. 66. (prefix) Opposite or opposing or neutraliz- 79. Essential oil or perfume obtained from ing. flowers. 67. Wearing or provided with clothing. 80. (plate tectonic theory) A hypothetical con- 69. A former copper coin of Pakistan. tinent including all the landmass of the earth 71. Set down according to a plan. prior to the Triassic period when it split into 72. (of a young animal) Abandoned by its Laurasia and Gondwanaland. mother and raised by hand. 82. An agency of the United Nations affiliated 73. An Arabic speaking person who lives in with the World Bank. Arabia or North Africa. 83. Scottish sea captain who was hired to pro- 75. A federal agency established to coordinate tect British shipping in the Indian Ocean and programs aimed at reducing pollution and then was accused of piracy and hanged protecting the environment. (1645-1701). 77. An adult male person (as opposed to a 84. The trait of lacking restraint or control. woman). 85. A young woman making her debut into 81. The blood group whose red cells carry society. both the A and B antigens. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 Armenia 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 PRIVATE CLINICS Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014

Features Iran director screens film to save man on death row n Iranian film director is to hold a private spare a convict from the hangman’s noose in screening of his latest movie on Saturday return for blood money. “The blood money (in Ato raise funds to save the life of a 26-year- this case) amounts to three billion rials old on death row. Mostafa Kiaei, director of ($100,000) and so far we have collected one “Special Line”, said he had learnt by accident of third of it,” Kiaei said. Kiaei said he has invited the young man’s case and wanted to help raise scores of VIPs to the fundraising event in Tehran, the “blood money” to be paid to the family of a including artists and athletes. murder victim. “I didn’t know the convict before “Since this is a case of a precious human life, and I learned about the case through a contact it requires our outmost efforts. Whatever we do in the judiciary,” Kiaei told AFP. is valuable as this spreads positive energy to According to Mehr news agency, the society and helps a family see their child again,” unnamed convict and two of his friends were he said. “Considering that he is not guilty, the involved in a street fight which led to the mur- judiciary has a positive view on his case and is der, but he did not kill the victim. The case willing to pardon him,” he said. “The fewer exe- became more complicated after his accomplices cutions, the better.” UN chief Ban Ki-moon in died in a car accident, leaving him the only per- March voiced alarm over the high number of son accountable for paying the blood money. hangings in Iran, saying at least 500 people had The convict has been in jail for the past seven been executed last year, including 57 in pub- years. Under the country’s interpretation of lic.—AFP Islamic shariah laws in force since its 1979 revo- lution, murder is punishable by death. However, the victim’s family has the right to Actor Johnny Depp attends a promotional event for his new movie “Transcendence” in Beijing yesterday. Engaged Johnny Depp shows off ‘chick’s ring’ ohnny Depp showed off a diamond mind into a computer? It also stars Rebecca Garfield, Emma Stone and Jamie Foxx. engagement ring that he called a Hall as Depp’s wife and Morgan Freeman. “With regard to Hollywood, China is quite a J“chick’s ring” yesterday - indirectly con- “The technology that exists within the large market, certainly,” said Depp, who was firming rumors of his engagement to film, what I find most fascinating is that a on his first visit to China. “I think there will actress Amber Heard. lot of it exists already and by all accounts be a lot more films coming here, a lot more Asked whether he was engaged, the from scholars and professors and scientists people coming here and continuing the “Pirates of the Caribbean” star replied: “The that species of technology is not far away, trend.”—AP fact that I’m wearing a chick’s ring on my that kind of artificial intelligence,” said finger is probably a dead giveaway. Not Depp in an interview. “It’s one of those films very subtle.” He laughed as he lifted up his that one person is forced to make a choice left hand and displayed a single diamond in an instant, when your loved one is dying on a band around his ring finger. and you have a split-second decision if you His comments follow months of uncon- have the ability to upload their conscious- firmed reports of his engagement to ness into a computer, would you do that? actress Heard, 27, who starred alongside It’s quite a strange decision to make but for Kevin Costner in “3 Days to Kill” released in love I think we would all do it.” the US earlier this year. Depp and Heard “Transcendence” comes out in China on starred together in “The Rum Diary,” filmed April 18 - the same day as the US release. in Puerto Rico in 2009. In 2012, Depp split China is the only country currently where with his partner of 14 years, French model- “Transcendence” will be showing in 3-D - a singer Vanessa Paradis. They have two chil- format popular with Chinese audiences. ‘New Look’ launches its dren. China is also the only international stop In a trademark off-the-wall comment, Depp is making as part of the movie’s pro- Depp said: “I think that I would be better at motion tour, illustrating the growing atten- fresh season collection making women’s shoes than I would be at tion Hollywood is paying to the country wedding planning, I can’t plan anything. I’m that now has the world’s second-biggest hrug of those winter blues and bask in the crimson reds, burnt orange and luxe metallics. really bad at that stuff.” The 50-year-old box office after the United States. fervent features of spring-summer as New The Inspire range brings gorgeous trends to actor was in Beijing to promote his new Last Monday, Chris Evans, Scarlett Actor Johnny Depp, with a diamond ring SLook launches its season collection. plus-size women, with stylish dresses, jeans and movie “Transcendence.” Depp plays a termi- Johansson and Samuel L Jackson promoted on his left hand, attends a promotional Shuffled off the runway New Look presents its tops available up to size 28. nally ill scientist who downloads his mind “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” in key collection for women and men. New Look For menswear spring-summer, skater is the event for his new movie into a computer in the sci-fi drama that Beijing, followed the next day by “The “Transcendence” in Beijing, China, yes- has spring-summer 2014 all stitched up in a high fashion trend for SS14. Leather paneling asks: What if we could upload a human Amazing Spider-Man 2” stars Andrew stand-out womenswear collection. remains prominent throughout but is highlight- terday.—AP photos ed with both tropical and dark floral patterns. Tomorrow’s yesterday Matching bold prints on sweats and jackets cre- Tomorrow’s yesterday is monochrome at its ate an urban edge whilst the bomber hails as best; polka dots, gingham and stripes infused the hero-item of the collection. Updated in vivid with flashes of baby pink. Blouses tuck into dis- tropical prints it takes centre stage and injects a tressed mom cut denim and chunky buckle dose of ‘wow’ factor. belts. This cutting-edge fashion story is packed Colorful printed snapbacks, contrast high with intriguing contradictions such as its mix of tops and bright bold backpacks are on hand to sporty mesh with glamorous chiffon or the deli- add flashes of color into the range. The casual cate lace trims that edge bold graphic prints. fashion collection uses muted primary colours and understated prints throughout. Checked California dreaming shirts, chinos in blue, mustard, navy and bur- Eclectic is key to California dreaming - a gundy and lightweight knits form the base of mash-up of ethnic and tribal influences that re- the trend, with shorts adding an update to the defines boho-chic. Think richly coloured patch- SS14 wardrobe. works and paisleys, elephant-motif prints and SS14 focuses on the fit and cut of the classic neo-vintage florals. Loose silk tees are teamed suit in the tailoring collection. Tweed and cot- with rustic beaded jackets and print matching is ton suits are offered in various colours and key in harem trousers and crop tops. prints. Matched with tropical shirts, this allows Underpinned by tough ankle-boots or chunky- for a different dimension to the usual occasion strap sandals and accessorised with printed wear. Shorts and blazers in pastel colours are backpacks and bold ethnic-look jewellery. worn together with desert boots, enabling a casual feel to an otherwise classic look. Seattle grunge Lightweight trench coats are an added bonus to Seattle grunge mixes mottle-wash denim an already complete collection, worn alongside with surf-inspired tropical florals and palm printed light scarves and pocket squares to cre- prints. Combining urban grit with resort glam- ate a sleek and suave look. our, this collection is packed full of statement pieces. Acid wash jeans and jackets sit with Tokyo laundry flashes of neon pink and a touch of pretty Tokyo laundry, one of New Look’s newest embroidery adds a feminine edge. brands, introduces casual and relaxed basics that effortlessly complement New Look’s SS14 Neon bloom menswear collection. The collection focuses Neon bloom is a high summer story, combin- heavily on the surf scenes of Hawaii, with prints Al-Jothen unveils world-class ing sugary shades and delicate fabrics in a new flowing through shirts, shorts and graphic print spin on the art of floral dressing. Skirts are mid- tees. Teamed perfectly with brightly printed length and intricate in delicate lace and board shorts, they allow a laidback feel to come slouched jersey jumpers are updated with through the range. Bold primary colors inject a ‘LCN Nail Polish’ across the region statement necklaces for a modern clean look dose of vibrancy, helping to transform classic that is incredibly pretty - but fresh too. These chinos with shades of scarlet, cobalt and canary he rise of nail polish brands in the Middle East emphasizes on uously focus on excellent product quality, high-end ingredients big fashion stories are complemented by New yellow. These tones are highlighted on smart the traditional importance to this sector across the region as and raw materials, and develop ongoing innovative market orient- Look’s stand-out shoes and accessories, ultra- shirts and polo tees. Denim shirts are worn and Tthe nail beauty sector continues to witness a healthy growth ed products. These are top priorities for us and we look forward to feminine lace and floral-print lingerie, and retro distressed, and best teamed a crew neck with the glow of this sector growing in spite of competitive making a mark for ourselves in the region.” inspired swimwear. sweater to allow for a relaxed cool. Tokyo laun- upheavals in the region. The high quality LCN products, ingredients, tolerability and the dry also offers an urban edge for the forward Al-Jothen, one of the leading distributors of well-reputable pro- constant development of innovative, market-oriented products Pops of neon fashion thinking man whilst creating sporty sil- fessional beauty brands across the entire Middle East, announced make LCN a class of its own. Developed by professionals and rec- Pops of neon, graphic print and clean, struc- houettes. Head soon to the New Look stores the launch of LCN, the world’s leading manufacturer of nail prod- ommended by experts, LCN untaps the greatest professional and tured shapes revitalise shoes and accessories located at The Avenues and Al-Bairaq Mall, ucts across the Middle East which had been ranked Europe’s num- retail opportunity for nail polish colors and of course nail care prod- this season. Delicate detailing on pretty pastels Fintas. ber 1! ucts. adds femininity with embellishment and state- The launch of ‘LCN Nail Polish’, held at the Emirates Towers Hotel ment jewels. Tribal is revisited with ethnic bead- in Dubai, was very well attended by Sheikhs, dignitaries, company ing, Aztec prints and a rich colour palette of officials, well-known salons from KSA, Qatar, Kuwait and UAE, beau- ty experts, distributors, leading retailers and members of the media. A winner of eight beauty and industry awards within the past two years, LCN offers a large selection of over 180 Nail polish colors additional to a minimum of six seasonal collections every year. The color shades are designed based on the world’s top fashion capi- tals with a unique long lasting wearibiity and extremely shining formula like no other brand, re-assures that German standards is always on top when it comes to quality.. A 100 year old company, LCN, has carved a niche in the nail industry and is currently present in over 80 countries across the globe. LCN represents a full brand portfolio with a wide range of products from hand and foot spa to nail art trifling down to all what nail sculpting and coloring requires. Mohammed Madi, President of Madi International Group (Known as Al-Jothen in Kuwait), said: “The Middle East region is a key area of interest for global brands, and we see an emerging trend for world-class brands. We are proud to bring Europe’s lead- ing nail brands such as LCN to the Middle East and we are confi- dent that the brand will be very successful within the beauty-con- scious consumers in the region.” Michael Kalow, President of LCN, said: “We are excited to be part of this partnership with Madi International, which has carved a niche in the regional beauty business. We are committed to contin- lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014


Tegan and Sarah perform during the Juno Awards in Winnipeg, Sunday. —AP/AFP photos Members of the band a Tribe Called Red celebrate their Juno for Breakthrough Group of the Year. Justin Bieber was booed at the Juno Awards

he ‘Boyfriend’ singer was honored with the Fan He tweeted: “We won #JUNOFanChoice for the 4th year is.” In other controversy at the show, Robin Thicke - who both Album of the Year and Alternative Album of the Year Choice Award for the fourth time at the Canadian in a row! Love to all my beliebers. Thank u. Love u (sic)” was nominated for three awards - cancelled his planned for ‘Reflektor’, and Drake, who took home the Rap Tmusic awards ceremony, but it seems he wasn’t a Justin was later defended by Serena Ryder when she performance at the last minute, citing a need for vocal rest. Recording of the Year award for ‘Nothing Was the Same’. popular choice with all of the audience at Winnipeg’s MTS picked up her award for Songwriter of the Year. Serena - However, a petition had been online calling to have the Randy Bachman, Fred Turner, Robbie Bachman and Blair Center as his name was met with “a surprising mix of who also picked up Artist of the Year when some winners ‘Blurred Lines’ singer axed for “blatant sexism”. Thornton of Bachman-Turner-Overdrive were inducted into cheers and audible boos”, The Hollywood Reporter reports. were announced on Saturday - said: “I really think that Meanwhile, twin stars Tegan and Sara were the biggest the Canadian Music Hall of Fame. The ceremony was jointly The 20-year-old star’s prize was collected by Canada’s Justin Bieber is an amazing musician and he deserved winners, picking up Group of the Year, Single of the Year for hosted by nominees Serena, Classified and Johnny Reid. Olympic women’s curling team and the singer later took to every bit of that award because he’s been working his ass ‘Closer’ and Pop Album of the Year for ‘Heartthrob’. Other twitter to thank fans for their support. off his entire life and we need to support how awesome he winners at the Junos included Arcade Fire, who took home

Juno Awards 2014 list of selected winners: FAN CHOICE AWARD: Justin Bieber

SINGLE OF THE YEAR: ‘Closer’, Tegan and Sara

INTERNATIONAL ALBUM OF THE YEAR: ‘Unorthodox Jukebox’, Bruno Mars

ALBUM OF THE YEAR: ‘Reflektor’, Arcade Fire


Brett Kissel, second from right, arrives with an unidentified companion holding the Members of Bachman Turner Overdrive pose with their Juno for their induction into GROUP OF THE YEAR: Breakthrough Artist of the Year award. the Music Hall of Fame during the Juno Awards. Tegan and Sara




COUNTRY ALBUM OF THE YEAR: ‘Crop Circles’, Dean Brody

ADULT ALTERNATIVE ALBUM OF Members of the band Walk off the Earth perform on stage. Members of the band A Tribe Called Red celebrate their Juno Award for Breakthough THE YEAR: Group of the Year play with their award. ‘Forever Endeavour’, Ron Sexsmith


POP ALBUM OF THE YEAR: ‘Heartthrob’, Tegan and Sara

ROCK ALBUM OF THE YEAR: ‘Coyote’, Matt Mays

RAP RECORDING OF THE YEAR: ‘Nothing Was the Same’, Drake

DANCE RECORDING OF THE YEAR: ‘This is What it Feels Like’, Armin van Buuren & Trevor Guthrie Armada

Serena Ryder celebrates her Juno for Songwriter of the Tegan and Sara celebrate their three Juno Awards for Johnny Reid kisses his Juno for Adult Contemporary VIDEO OF THE YEAR: Year. Pop Album of the Year, Group of the Year and Single of Album of the Year. ‘Feeling Good’, Matt Barnes—Bang the Year. Showbiz

Serena Ryder celebrates her Junos for Songwriter of Dean Brody performs on stage. The Arcade Fire Bobbleheads arrive on the red carpet. the Year and Artist of the Year. lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014


This undated image released by Atout-France shows a close up of the Bayeux Tapestry in Bayeau, France. This Oct 12, 2013 photo released by Jim MacMillan shows pedestrians outside the cathedral in Bayeux, France. — AP Bayeux boasts ancient tapestry, D-Day history

By Kathy Matheson and outdoor venues throughout the town. stones and the grateful comments left in the guest The searing images inspired us to pay our registry by tourists from around the world. “Thank here’s a digital clock on display outside the respects at the reporters memorial, about a 10- you for my freedom!” was written more than once. visitors center in the charming Normandy minute walk from the heart of Bayeux. The quiet To reach the actual invasion beaches about 10 Ttown of Bayeux - but it doesn’t tell the time. grove features a path lined by dozens of stone pil- miles away (16 kilometers), you’ll need to rent a car It’s counting down the days until the 70th anniver- lars engraved with the names of 2,000 correspon- or reserve a spot on any of several organized tours. sary of D-Day in June. My husband and I visited dents who have died on the job since World War II. Each of the five “plages du debarquement” - Utah, Bayeux last fall to spend the weekend at a confer- Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword - has its own memo- ence. The “clock” seemed to indicate we had landed ‘Thank you for my freedom’ rial or museum. The American cemetery above in the right place to squeeze in some historical Nearby sits Bayeux’s museum of the Battle of Omaha beach in Colleville-sur-Mer is the final rest- sightseeing, since we weren’t far from the beaches Normandy, marked by several tanks parked out- ing place of 9,400 service members, its graves where Allied forces invaded on June 6, 1944. side. It’s an analog affair by today’s standards - marked by somber, meticulous rows of crosses But we soon learned that World War II-related instead of interactive iPad displays there are overlooking the English Channel. A German bat- tourism comprises only part of the attraction of department-store mannequins dressed in battle tery at Longues-sur-Mer, between Omaha and This June 6, 2011 file photo shows tourists visiting the US military cemetery in Colleville Normandy, a region rich in history and natural gear - but the building is packed with information, Gold, still has its original guns. Along that same sur Mer, western France, for the D Day Anniversary. beauty. The countryside also features quaint cities wall maps, military equipment and period artifacts. stretch of shore, you’ll find remains of the Allies’ and centuries-old chateaus, as well as apple farms Across the street lies evidence of the true cost artificial harbor at Arromanches. and windswept coastlines. Bayeux, about three of war: a British cemetery and memorial for soldiers hours by bus from Paris, is a great place to start. killed in the campaign to liberate France. It’s hard Cider tastings not to be moved by the young ages on the head- Without access to a port to unload the tons of The Bayeux Tapestry supplies needed to support D-Day, officials realized Billed as the first major town liberated by the they’d have to create their own. So they floated Allies, Bayeux was miraculously spared damage over pontoons and other structures from England during the war. Today, the old town center boasts to create roadways from ships to shore; some are cobblestone streets, upscale shops, small eateries still rusting away on the beach. You can learn more and picturesque mills along the narrow Aure River; at the waterfront war museum or, farther down the lacemakers practice the intricate local art across road, at a 360-degree movie theater. from a cathedral with stunning Norman architec- Our quick trip did not leave time for many other ture. regional highlights, including the abbey on the And visitors flock to see the town’s namesake rock at Mont-St-Michel; the artist Claude Monet’s tourist attraction: the Bayeux Tapestry. The nearly house and gardens at Giverny; and the renowned Tourists walk outside the D-Day Museum (Musee du Debarquement) in Arromanches. thousand-year-old treasure, which is actually more Gothic cathedral in Rouen, which took nearly 400 of an embroidered scroll, depicts the story of how years to build. William, the duke of Normandy, became king of Many of the region’s farms offer tours, tastings England. I admit to being skeptical about how and demonstrations of cider making. It’s a favorite impressive this would be - textiles are not usually local product, and bottles of cider - as well as apple high on my list of sightseeing priorities. Yet as I liqueurs known as calvados and pommeau de moved through the dimly lit museum where the Normandie - are frequently found in souvenir tapestry is displayed, the 230-foot-long (70-meter- stores. Such shops also have no shortage of war- long) piece of fabric came to life like a graphic nov- related mementos, from cheap “Operation el. A quickly paced, handheld audio narrative con- Overlord” wallets to old bullets and even “D-Day” veyed an engaging tale of power, intrigue and dou- branded beer. ble-crossing that culminates in William’s triumph at Tourism is expected to be heavy for the 70th the Battle of Hastings in 1066. anniversary of D-Day - “Jour J” in French - with The threaded illustrations of battle proved a fas- President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth cinating contrast to the reason we had come to among the heads of state expected to mark the Bayeux. day. But the history and beauty of Normandy We were attending events for the 20th anniver- can be experienced long after the clock ticks sary of the Prix Bayeux-Calvados, journalism down. — AP awards given each year to honor war coverage in print, photo, radio and video. Prize-winning pic- A visitor inspecting the remains of an artificial harbor used by Allied forces during Pedestrians along the River Aure in Bayeux. World War II on the sand at Arromanches. tures of global conflicts were exhibited at indoor American Impressionism story told at Monet gardens

ottled brushstrokes capture the sunset on a haystack, Outdoors painting gilded age in America - they were much more interested in But the exhibit also suggests that Americans didn’t just con- vivid hues fragment forest grass, while hazy edges The first American artists to experiment with preserving a kind of bourgeois beauty in art and in life. No tribute to a movement which produced some of the world’s Mgive life to Normandy trees as they dance in the Impressionism were John Singer Sargent and Mary Cassatt, signs of industry or factories. And more sentimental,” said most famous paintings - including “Water-Lily Pond” and breeze. These are typical scenes of the renowned 19th century who both worked closely with Monet. Cassatt was the only Katherine Bourguignon, exhibit curator. “Poppies at Argenteuil” by Monet. It hints that an American, French art movement Impressionism. But there is one major American to exhibit with the Impressionists in their shows in James McNeill Whistler, might well have been Impressionism’s difference: they’re all painted by Americans. A new exhibit at the 1870s and 1880s. She struck up friendships with painters Desire for beauty actual starting point. Normandy’s Impressionism Museum tells for the first time the Edgar Degas and Camille Pissarro, whose work she introduced American Impressionism often straddled two continents. Whistler’s 1866 seascape painting “Nocturne,” which cap- little-known story of American Impressionism from where it to hungry American collectors. Some paintings in the exhibit had the mottled scenes of tures dark, moody light almost in monochrome, was seen by all began - at the picturesque water lily-filled Giverny gardens As the Impressionist style fired the imaginations of French landscape painted in Giverny, and were transported to Monet and was thought to have profoundly influenced him where master Claude Monet painted his best-loved works. Americans in Boston, Philadelphia and New York, American the US to have American figures painted on later. The other years before Impressionism was even a word. “Impressionism “From the very beginning of this movement which began artists not only flocked to and colonized Giverny to learn the big difference between the US and French versions was that and Americans” runs until June 29. — AP here in Giverny, there were Americans here at the forefront. techniques of outdoors painting, light and color, but went Americans often refused to blur out the faces in order to show The French don’t always like to admit it,” said museum director back home with their own brand of the movement tailored for off their recently-acquired academic techniques. Diego Candil. The collection of 80 paintings, loaned from top the audience at home. An American colony existed in varying “They are very proud of their training, and they will not dis- galleries in the United States and Britain, shows not only how size in this sleepy French village for some 30 years. solve the figure completely. They will not do speckled brush- Americans exported Impressionism to the US, but how they in “The Americans stayed then went back home with the strokes all over a woman’s face. Because there is more of a turn developed their own Americanized version. Impressionism they learned at Giverny. But because it’s the desire to do something pretty, pleasing,” said Bourguignon.

People cross the Japanese bridge at the waterlily pond at the Claude Monet People look at the painting of American painter Edmund Tarbell, 1862-1938, in People look at the painting of American painter Edmund Tarbell, 1862-1938, in museum in Giverny, 70 km north west of Paris, Friday. — AP photos the Orchard, 1891, during the exhibition, ‘American Impressionism: A New the Orchard, 1891, during the exhibition, ìAmerican Impressionism: A New Vision’. Visionî. lifestyle TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014


‘Space Without Borders’

Disabled models display clothes designed for disabled people during ‘Space Without Borders’ show of a Fashion Week in Moscow yesterday. — AFP photos ‘Mama Kanga’: Nigeria’s ‘well woman’

ortified by a faith in God Ololade Rabiu reckons she tanker deliveries for their water or private wells. Purification which once saw her drill to a depth of 130 feet (40 meters) in wants in life. Rabiu’s living room is strewn with the tools of must have dug hundreds of wells in her time. But the to eliminate disease is not guaranteed and street vendors the Akute area of Ogun state. “She drilled my well more than her trade: a wheel-barrow, water-pumping machine, a hose, F46-year-old mother of six is a rarity in Nigeria, where selling “sachet” water in cellophane bags are a common seven years ago and she did it so well that I have so far had spade, iron bars, shovels, buckets and two generators. The forging deep into the red earth to find precious drinking sight-as are the discarded empty packets on the streets. no problem with it,” said Ben Kunle Omodein, from Igbogbo. job is dangerous and back-breaking, she admitted, but said water has historically been a male preserve. “I am extremely “She is gifted in the art of well-drilling. I am sure she does it that her faith in God had helped her overcome the chal- happy that I am the only woman so far in this profession of ‘The well woman’ better than many men,” said her former landlord, Yisa Abdul. lenges. well-drilling. I love and enjoy it,” she told AFP at her home in The shortfalls in public supply mean there is plenty of Nothing, she said, gives her as much pleasure as digging Igbogbo, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) east of Lagos. business for well diggers like Rabiu, who first began drilling ‘Our hero, our mother’ wells. “I feel elated when we have a meeting of well-drillers “There is no well I cannot drill or enter,” she said proudly. for water in 1997. She learnt her craft from her Ghanaian Rabiu’s third husband, Saliu, died at the age of 64 last in Lagos and I am the only woman in the midst of hundreds Megacity Lagos and its surrounding state are crippled by second husband, Daniel Ajiraku, and has since carved out a month but she said that the setback would not stop her of men. “I am well respected because they all see me as over-burdened and neglected infrastructure, with safe, niche for herself along with a nickname in the Yoruba lan- working. “Life must continue. I cannot allow the death of my their mother. They are my children,” she added. Yusuf clean drinking water in particularly short supply. A study by guage: “Mama Kanga”-”the well woman”. “The beginning husband to kill my career,” she said. Rabiu’s children, one of Mainasara, a well-driller from Niger, agreed. “‘Mama Kanga’ is the Lagos State Water Corporation found that the city’s 18 was difficult but now I thank God that I have overcome my whom lives in Spain, have followed their mother into the our queen, our hero and our mother. We are really proud of million people needed 540 million gallons (2.5 billion liters) initial fright and I have made a success of my chosen career,” well-digging business. Fourteen-year-old Kobina proves the her,” he said. — AFP against actual production of just 210 million gallons in 2010. she explained. “Daniel taught me all the rudiments of well- point by jumping into a nearby water-filled well, only to re- It has vowed to dramatically increase production to 745 mil- drilling: how to locate the water bed, determine depth, how emerge a few minutes later. lion gallons per day by 2020, by which time the city is much to charge, the implements to be used and how to As for the job’s male bias, Rabiu, who is from Ile-Ife in expected to be home to 29 million people. overcome challenges.” southwest Nigeria and originally trained as a designer, said But in the meantime, households are forced to rely on Neighbors and clients are full of praise for her ability, she had never let her gender stop her from doing what she Justin Bieber was booed at the Juno Awards

TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 2014 37

Ruler of Sharjah attends premiere of Clusters of Light

heikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, Supreme and urged their neighbors in the city to become brothers of Council Member and Ruler of Sharjah, attended the first the new emigrants from Makkah. Events concluded beautiful- Sperformance of the spectacular oratorio Clusters of ly with the first prayers of Bilal Al-Habashi, the first muezzin, Light at the Majaz Amphitheatre in Sharjah. The oratorio, after building the first mosque. which portrays the beginnings of Islam through poetry, music, drama and dazzling audiovisual effects, marked the Fruitful efforts beginning of Sharjah’s year of celebrations after being named The narrative then reached the battle of Badr, one of the Capital of Islamic Culture and drew an audience of over 3,500, few battles specifically mentioned in the Holy Quran. The last including numerous VIPs from the United Arab Emirates and sermon of the Prophet (PBUH), known as the “Khutba al elsewhere. Wada”, was a moment the audience will never forget. As the Clusters of Light is based on a respectful new work by curtain fell, the following words were spelled out in light - Saudi poet Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Ashmawi, based on the biog- Here is dawn, shining like silver. Here is the sun, the bright- raphy of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), from his ness at both ends of the world. Clusters of light still shine with birth until his death. Its music is by the Bahraini composer a pure and soothing light. Khalid Al-Sheikh and it is performed by more than 200 artists H Sheikh Sultan bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, Crown Prince from around the world, led by top Arab stars Hussein Al- and Deputy Ruler of Sharjah, said, “Today, after a year of hard Jasmi, Lotfi Bouchnak, Ali Mohammed Hajjar and work, great effort and the focusing of considerable resources, Mohammad Assaf. we are able to stand with great joy and pride before this The audience enjoyed the show from the opening exceptional event - an event which can only cement Sharjah’s moments, beginning with a cinematic journey back in time position as an emirate which spreads Islam’s message of from Sharjah to the holy lands. The word IQRA - the first word peace among the people of the world”. the Prophet (PBUH) received from God - was emblazoned on “Sharjah has achieved a great deal for the advancement of the screen and sung with passion by the performers in a spec- Islamic culture in the last 20 years,” the Crown Prince said, tacular ‘4D’ performance. “thanks to the vision of Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Mohammad Al- The spectators were then taken to Umm Al-Qura, destined Qasimi, member of the Supreme Court and ruler of Sharjah. - once the sun of Islam rose in the sky - to become the place of The success of Clusters Of Light, and everything else we cele- light and revelation known to Muslims everywhere as the brate today, is a reward for all his efforts over the years to sup- “Qibla”. Above music and the voices of the singers, the narra- port and sponsor cultural events in Sharjah, ensuring the tor told of the time of ignorance and idolatry that reigned preservation of Sharjah’s art and traditions and promoting there, culminating in an attempt - in the Year of the Elephant - tourism in this great emirate of ours.” — WAM to demolish the Kaaba itself. At the very same time, the Prophet (PBUH), was born. The drama showed Muslims leaving the doors of Makkah carrying the torch of faith - a light in the darkness to give them hope on a dangerous journey, ordained by the Prophet (PBUH) to save them from torture and oppression. The spectators watched them cross the desert from Makkah to Madinah and saw how the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr As-Siddiq spent three days in the cave at Jabal Thawr, where the Quraysh couldn’t find them despite being just a few steps away. They later saw how the believers wait- ing in Madinah welcomed the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr,