Alan still has entries for 10 June. Please support our major Club event! spalding classic car club and news east elloe No 49: June 2012 edited by Adrian Cunnington, SEECCC Co-ordinator — 01775 761520 — [email protected]

FORTHCOMING EVENTS Sunday 1 July Sunday 10 June Baston Classic Car Show ANNUAL CLASSIC CAR RUN Not to be confused with Boston, this event is at Baston between and Bourne. Nigel Mann is Our big event of the year, organised by Alan Lyon, co-ordinating a Club presence at this one. Please starts at Johnson’s Garden Centre on the A52 at contact him on 01775 723856 on [email protected] Boston and heads into the Wolds. A choice if you can bring a car along for our display. of carvery or picnic lunch will be at the Waggon & Horses at South Reston and the run concludes at the National Trust’s Gunby Hall near (below). Tuesday 10 July ‘Walkabout’ quiz: Helpston

Entries are still available – CALL NOW!. Full details Alan Lyon’s clubnight has an easy run from The Vista are on the Club website or available from Alan on the in Spalding heading to Helpston, where there will be a number below. The entry fee is £23/car. Marshalling quiz for us to undertake round the village on foot. After assistance would also be appreciated if you are unable we are at the Bluebell Inn for food: pre-booked only at to take part. Call Alan on 01406 380698. £5/head. Joy has the menu choices on 01775 723856.

Ma y events:

Spalding & East Elloe Classic Car Club celebrated its 4th Anniversary on Sunday 13th May with a display and road run from Baytree Garden Centre at Weston. Members dropped by with cars dating from the early 1960s to the 1980s, so the display was constantly changing during the course of the day.

Tuesday 12 June Clubnight run: Spalding – Moulton Mill

Our clubnight this month, organised by David & Bruce Buck, gathers at The Vista in Spalding (PE11 2RA) and journeys to Moulton Mill, now resplendent with sails added at the end of 2011. Supper is included at £7.50 per person. Please book with Joy Mann on 01775 723856 by 10 June latest. Meet from 6.30 for a 7pm departure from Spalding. Many participated in a navigation and observational test Saturday/Sunday 16/17 June which circumnavigated Spalding via Springfields, Surfleet, Money Bridge, , and Weston Hills Vintage Rally before returning to Weston. The challenge, in addition to Steve Saunders and Liz Bollons are organising our the navigation, was to sort 15 photographs into the correct Club stand. Please support them on either day, or both! order as taken around the route. – contact Steve at [email protected] or on 01406 424735. Joint winners were Peter & Ann Foster (1963 Standard Ensign Estate), and David & Bruce Buck (1986 Jaguar

Spalding & East Elloe Classic Car Club — a specialist section of East Elloe Motor Club Ltd A company limited by guarantee, registered in No 1874444. Registered office: 5 Estella Way, Spalding. PE11 1HS

XJS cabriolet) who successfully sorted all 15 into the Clayton Banks’ 1922 Rolls Royce (pictured with correct sequence. Thanks go to Baytree for their Sally and Phil Tucker’s Panther), Eric continued help and hospitality and everyone who Bellingham’s Rover P6, Robin Clarke’s Porsche supported the day. 944 and Gordon Mills’ Ronart were all new Steve Saunders & Liz Bollons additions to our ranks and it was great to see so many of you supporting our local event. Adrian Cunnington

 Entries are still available for the following events to which SEECCC members are invited:  King’s Lynn & DMC 35th Classic Car Rally, Sunday 8 July, see or call 01406 363350.  Petwood Concours d’Elegance, Woodhall Spa, Sunday 12 August. Call 01526 352411.

Thanks also to everyone who came along to the Club stand at Springfields on 6th May. We had OTHER EVENTS IN 2012 WITH SEECCC a good, if slightly chilly, day supported by many of Date Event Venue/Organiser you who brought your cars along for our stand. Club stand: Boston Su 12 Aug Kirton/Committee CCC show Evening run + Spalding - Moulton*/ Tu 14 Aug barbeque Adrian Cunnington Club stand: Moulton Moulton/ Su 02 Sep* Park Show Steve Saunders Tu 11 Sep Norfolk pub night* Paul Haylock Tu 09 Oct Clubnight Joy Mann* Raymond Mays talk: Tu 13 Nov WMH/Ian Stancer Michael McGregor Su 09 Dec Xmas lunch tbc/Joy Mann * subject to confirmation. SEECCC organised events in blue.

NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING: Tuesday 31st July 33 Grange Drive, Spalding, 8.15pm


Forthcoming events: THE 6 Jun: Gymkhana at King’s Lynn & DMC. See

20 Jun: Gymkhana at Glebe Farm, Roman Bank, Saracen’s Head. 7.30pm start. Venue courtesy of Robert Oldershaw. For details of this and other events this summer call Dave on 01366 383860. ROMER 4 Jul: Gymkhana at King’s Lynn & DMC.

KLDMC/EEMC Gymkhana Results May 2012 organiser: Nick Way

Driver Passenger Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Total Pos Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Run 1 Run 2 Ian Pollard Paul Pollard 37 28 24+5 26 44 42 39 38 36 37 38 38 432 1st

Ed Haylock Paul Haylock 27 26 21 23 50+5 46 41 39 47+5 38 38 39+5 450 2nd Paul Haylock Ed Haylock 38 28 26 23+5 46 44+5 39 38 39 37 42 38+5 453 3rd Paul Pollard Ian Pollard 40 30 27 25 46 48 38 36 38 40 44 42+5 459 4th John Peterson David Smalley 31 31 23 25+5 43 30+5 39 39 47 47 40+5 39 464 5th SpaldingDavid & Smalley East JohnElloe Peterson Classicwd46 Car30 Club27 — 25+5a specialist48 50 section45 49+5of East49 Elloe37 Motor40 Club42 Ltd498 6th A companyDavid limited Pollard byAdam guarantee, Calvert registered42 31 in England27+5 26 No 1874444.52+5 57+5 Registered44 41 office:43 5 Estella41 Way,50+5 Spalding.40 PE11514 7th 1HS