: 2009 Presidential and Provincial Council Elections Chronology of events

3 Nov. 2004 Pdt Karzai elected for 5 years with 55,4% of the vote. (turnout: 70%)

13 July 2009 Launch in of the EU Election Observation Mission (EOM), with Gal Philippe Morillon leading the largest international observer group in Afghanistan; actual deployment in 8 regional hubs starts on 22 July.

13 August The EU EOM publicly deplores the violence attributed to anti- government elements, but notes that the vigour of political debates shows that people want only peace and stability. The EU EOM warns it will condemn any serious breach of electoral rules and procedures.

20 August Voting day  highest number of attacks in some 15 years. 11 Independent Election Commission officials killed, as well as 20 civilians and 19 police/soldiers.  Independent observers almost all agree that turnout is far lower than 2004, (very/extremely low in the South).

22 August EU EOM praises the courage of the voters, and notes the IEC generally functioned efficiently. Given the level of violence, "that the elections took place at all is a notable achievement".

26 August EU EOM hints that over-zealous and unscrupulous supporters may have indulged in fraud, to such an extent that claims of massive victory by one or another candidate in the first round are not credible.

8 September IEC Preliminary results: Karzai 54,6% 28,3%

The UN-backed Electoral Complaints Commission (EEC) states it has found "clear and convincing" evidence of fraud and has ordered a partial recount.

The EU EOM states that its own findings confirm large scale ballot stuffing. The EOM deplores that hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes were included among the preliminary official results accepted by the IEC, and calls its Chairman, Dr. Lodin, to take action.

9 September Pdt Karzai claims the 1st round was honest.

16 September 's election campaign team attack as "partial and irresponsible" the statements attributed to the EU EOM according to which 1,1 million out of 3 million votes cast for Pdt Karzai was suspect. 30 September , deputy to UN special envoy Kai Eide, is recalled after a public disagreement with his superiors. M. Galbraith states: "In the end, I felt I could not be complicit in the cover-up or downplay of fraud."

20 October The IEC announces Karzai will face his rival Abdullah Abdullah in a second round on 7 November after the EEC tosses out hundreds of thousands of votes, leaving Karzai with 49,6 %.

26 October Abdullah Abdullah asks for IEC Chair, Dr Lodin, to be sacked. Pdt Karzai refuses.

31 October Afghan presidential challenger Abdullah Abdullah quits accusing the government of not meeting his demand for a fair vote.

IEC insists 2nd round to go ahead.

1 November A spokesman warns that attacks will increase in order to "ensure the election is a failure".

2 November IEC's Dr Lodin declares Hamid Karzai president.