Environmental and Social Monitoring Report

# 4 Semestral Report November 2018

Lao PDR: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project

Prepared by the Ministry of Public Works and Transport for the Asian Development Bank.

2 Appendix 7

CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 31 October 2018)

Currency unit – kip (LAK) LAK1.00 = $0.00011 $1.00 = LAK11811.50

ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank AHs – affected households APs – affected Persons D&B – Design and Build DONRE – Department of Natural Resources and Environment DMC – Detailed Monitoring Surveys EMMP – Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism HHs – households IEE – Initial Environmental Examination LACP – Land Acquisition and Compensation Report MPWT – Ministry of Public Works and Transport PIA – Project Implementation Assistance PNP – Provincial Nam Papas PPMU – Provincial Project Management Unit RF – Resettlement Framework RP – Resettlement Plan UXO – Unexploded Ordnance WSSSP – Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project WTP – Water Treatment Plant

In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This environmental and social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

Integrated Safeguards Monitoring Report

January – June, 2018

Lao People’s Democratic Republic Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project


Summary ...... 1

Background ...... 1

Summary of EMMP/LACP Implementation ...... 2

Key Issues and Corrective Actions ...... 3

Grievances ...... 3

Recommendations...... 3

1 Introduction and Project Overview ...... 4 1.1 Project Impact and Outcome ...... 7 1.2 Project Outputs ...... 8

2 Environmental Performance Monitoring ...... 9 2.1 EMP Implementation ...... 9 2.2 Environmental Monitoring by Construction Supervisor ...... 9 2.3 Summary of Compliance with EMAP Requirements (Environmental Performance) 10 2.4 Issues for Further Action on EMAP Implementation ...... 18 2.5 Other activities ...... 18

3 LAC Performance Monitoring ...... 18 3.1 LAC Implementation ...... 18 3.2 Summary of Compliance with LACP Requirements ...... 21 3.3 Issues for Further Action on LACP Implementation ...... 23

4 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Performance Monitoring ...... 24 4.1 OHS for worker ...... 24 4.2 Public Safety ...... 24

5 Information Disclosure and Socialization Including Capability Building ...... 25 5.1 Public Consultations and Meetings ...... 25 5.2 Information Disclosure ...... 26 5.3 Capacity Building ...... 26

6 Grievance Redress Mechanism ...... 27

7 Conclusions ...... 27

8 Attachments ...... 28

List of Tables

Table 1 Basic Data of the Subprojects by Batch...... 6 Table 2 Overall Progress of the Subprojects by Batch and Implementation Phase...... 7 Table 3 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Pre-Construction Phase...... 10 Table 4 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Construction Phase...... 12 Table 5 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Operation Phase...... 16 Table 6 Summary of Land Acquisition, Affectees and Compensations...... 20 Table 7 Summary of Compliance with RP Requirements...... 21 Table 8 Details of LACR Related Public Meetings by Subproject...... 26


Attachment 1: New Namtha, Luang Namtha Province

Attachment 2: Long District, Luang Namtha Province

Attachment 3: Pha Oudom, Bokeo Province

Attachment 4: Xayabury, Xayabury Province

Attachment 5: Botene, Xayabury Province

Attachment 6: Pakxan, Borikhamxay Province

Attachment 7: Pakkading, Borikhamxay Province

Attachment 8: Lamam, Province

Attachment 9: Dakcheung,

Attachment 10: Samakhyxay,

Attachment 11: Sanamxay, Attapeu Province

Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018


The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (WSSSP) of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Executing Agency) supports the development of small district towns through the improvement of water supply and sanitation services. Consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan. The impact will be expanded access to quality and reliable piped water supply and sanitation services for the urban population in the Lao PDR. The outcome will be improved performance of participating provincial nam papa (PNP) in delivering sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The Project adopts a sector approach following a prioritized list of subproject towns based on the water supply investment plan The Project will comprise of: (i) improvements to the water supply system and (ii) enhanced community action in urban water supply and sanitation.

The WSSSP is implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport together with the PNPs or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agencies) will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, appraising, selecting and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures.

All eleven subprojects of Batches 1, 2 and 3 are classified as Category B projects and the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) reports and Environmental Management Plans (EMP) have been approved by ADB and disclosed on the ADB’s web page. Construction of Batch 1 subprojects (Long and New Namtha in Luang Namtha Province and Pha Oudom in Bokeo Province) and Batch 2 (Botene in Xayabury Province and Pakxan and Pakkading in Borikhamxay Province) are ongoing. Based on the contractors’ progress reports and PIA Consultant’s observations there are no major environmental issues in these subprojects as the contractors are following the set requirements of the EMPs.

The Updated LACPs for all Batch 1 subprojects Long and New Namtha in Luang Namtha Province and Pha Oudom in Bokeo province have been approved by ADB. ADB has also approved the Updated LACPs for Batch 2 subprojects (Xayabury and Botene district towns in Xayabury province and Pakxan and Pakkading district towns in Borikhamxay province).

The selection of independent resettlement could not be finalized as none of the applicants met the qualifications during the first round of advertising the consultancy services. Therefore, PCU re-advertised the consultant services for Independent External Resettlement Monitoring Specialist in Q4 2017. The contract was signed on 5 January 2018 and the consultant commenced the services. IERM has carried out monitoring of RP activities of all Batch 2 subprojects during Q1 2018.

No issues on occupational health and safety (OHS) or public safety have been reported. Also, no grievances on environmental or land acquisition or compensation have been made.


Originally 11 subprojects were identified to be included in the Project and to be implemented in three Batches. However, the Phu Bia Mining Limited decided to withdraw its grant financing from the Project and therefore project preparation (preparation of Feasibility Studies, detailed engineering design and bidding documents) will be prepared under the Project for all Batch 1 to

1 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

3 subprojects i.e. 11 subprojects, but construction of facilities will be carried out only for nine subprojects due to reduced financing.

Priority subprojects have been identified during the project preparatory technical assistance phase. Feasibility studies reports were completed for three high priority sample subprojects under Batch 1, namely: (i) New Namtha, (ii) Long, and (iii) Pha Oudom. Detail design of all Batch 1 subprojects have been completed at the end of Q4 2016. Works contract of Long subproject was signed on 29 December 2016 and for Pha Oudom subproject on 24 March 2017. Because none of the bidders of New Namtha subproject met all qualification requirements rebidding with relaxed qualification requirements was arranged. Bid evaluation of the bids was completed in December 2017 and contract was signed on 31 January 2018.

Civil works contracts have been awarded for three Batch 2 subprojects Pakxan on 22 June 2018 and Pakkading on 6 June in Borikhamxay province and Botene town in Xayabury province on 23 April 2018. Bid evaluation of Xayabury subproject is on-going and contract ward is anticipated during Q4 2018.

Feasibility Study reports including the safeguards documents for Batch 3 subprojects were prepared and submitted to ADB during Q1 and Q2 2018.

This report covers the period from 1 January 2018 until 30 June 2018.

Summary of EMMP/LACP Implementation

Based on the finding of the safeguards documents the all subprojects are categorized

• Environment: Category B • Indigenous peoples: Category C • Involuntary resettlement: Category B (Xayabury subproject is Category C)

During updating the LACPs Detailed Measurement Surveys (DMS) were carried out in all Batch 1, 2 and 3 subprojects and based on the findings the impacts of land acquisition are minor compared to the benefits of the sub-projects. Also public consultations have been facilitated by the PIA consultant with the affected households (AHs), local authorities and the PIU. In all sub- projects the AHs opted for timely implementation of the sub-projects to get full benefits of the subproject without delays.

During the public consultations and DMS the AHs proposed and confirmed their preference for voluntary contribution of the compensation concerning minor potential loss of income related to the construction works. PIA consultant together with PIU and PNP representatives carried out an assessment of temporary disturbances during pipeline constructions from 31 August to 4 September 2017. The potential AHs households of Long subprojects were interviewed and none of them reported any loss of income nor serious disturbances to their business as the contractor had complied with the EMP and provided them with temporary access to their premises and business.

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As part of FS study preparation, the LACPs and IEE/EMMPs for all Batch 3 subprojects have been submitted to ADB in February 2018 for Samakkhyxay and Sanamxay towns in Attapeu Province and for Lamam and Dakcheung towns in Sekong Province in June 2018.

PCU re-advertised the consultant services for Independent External Resettlement Monitor Specialist during Q4 2018 and contract was awarded on 5 January 2018. IERM reports have been prepared for all Batch 2 subprojects.

Key Issues and Corrective Actions

The IEE/EMMPs and LACPs of Batch 3 subprojects have been prepared during Q1 and Q2 of 2018 and are now in the process of being reviewed by ADB.


Grievance and redress mechanisms are in place and no grievances have been made.


No specific recommendations for the reporting period.

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Lao People’s Democratic Republic Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project, WSSP

1 Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project

Environment Category B Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018 Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Prepared IEEs/EMPs, LACP and Updated LACP for Batch 2 subprojects have been approved by ADB. The environmental safeguards and LACP documents of Batch 3 are under review and evaluation by ADB. Induction training on implementation and monitoring of EMP to the contractor and construction supervision consultant has been carried out for New Namtha, Botene, Pakxan and Pakkading subprojects. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Batch 1 • Long Subproject - 90% Key sub-project • Pha Oudom Subproject – 65% activities since last • New Namtha Subproject – 9% report: • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Batch 2 • Botene Subproject - 2% • Pakxan Subproject – mobilization • Pakkading Subproject – mobilization • Changes of Surrounding Environment: All activities within the project area (water intake, WTP and ROW), no changes to the surrounding environment • Status of Permits / Consents: Batch 3 • IEEs/EMPs still to be to be approved by DONREs. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant for Project Coordination Unit

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Location of Subprojects

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Table 1 Basic Data of the Subprojects by Batch.

Item / Batch Batch 1 Batch 2 Batch 3 Province Luang Namtha Bokeo Borikhamxay Xayabury Attapeu Sekong New Pha Subproject Long Pakxan Pakkading Xayabury Botene Samakhyxay Sanamxay Lamam Dakcheung Namtha Oudom Population (core area) Baseline, 2013 15,000 5,000 6,000 20,000 5,000 32,000 4,000 28,000 8,000 16,000 3,000 Project, 2023 17,500 6,000 7,000 22,600 5,200 34,500 4,600 28,500 9,000 17,000 3,200 Households 3,100 850 1,200 3,900 850 6,500 900 5,700 1,800 3,400 650 Design, 2034 Households WTP Capacity 6,300 1,600 2,200 6,500 1,500 8,500 1,400 10,300 2,300 9,400 1,000 m3/d Water Source River River River River River River River River River River River Pipelines, m Distribution main 55,000 6,000 8,000 30,000 7,000 65,000 10,000 35,000 50,000 35,000 19,000 (> 110 mm) Rider main (63 83.000 30,000 33,000 68,600 30,000 86,000 32,000 50,000 20,000 50,000 10,000 mm) VEI Activities Road 570 360 1,100 3,000 1,000 4,100 1,000 improvement, m Beneficiaries 2,500 1,600 4,900 13,500 4,500 17,400 4,400 Drainage 640 650 330 - - 560 - 700 70 700 improvement, m Beneficiaries 3,000 3,500 1,200 - - 2,900 - Sanitation grants

for poor HHs Public latrines Community

meeting hall

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

Table 2 Overall Progress of the Subprojects by Batch and Implementation Phase.

PRE-CONSTRUCTION PHASE CONSTRUCTION PHASE BATCH/ O&M Updated Updated SUBPROJECT FS VEI SAN WS PHASE IEE/EMP LACP Batch 1 New Namtha Approved Approved Approved 9% Long Approved Approved Approved % % 90% Pha Oudom Approved Approved Approved 65%

Batch 2 Xayabury Approved Approved Submitted Botene Approved Approved Submitted Pakxan Approved Approved Submitted Pakkading Approved Approved Submitted

Batch 3 Samakhyxay Review by ADB Sanamxay Review by ADB Lamam Review by ADB Dakcheung Review by ADB

1.1 Project Impact and Outcome 1. The Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project (WSSSP) of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (Executing Agency) supports the development of small district towns through the improvement of water supply and sanitation services. Consistent with the Government’s urban water supply and sanitation sector policy and investment plan. The impact will be expanded access to quality and reliable piped water supply and sanitation services for the urban population in the Lao PDR. The outcome will be improved performance of participating provincial nam papa (PNP) in delivering sustainable water supply and sanitation services. The Project adopts a sector approach following a prioritized list of subproject towns based on the water supply investment plan. The project will comprise of: (i) improvements to the water supply system and (ii) enhanced community action in urban water supply and sanitation.

2. The WSSP is implemented through a sector loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) and the Provincial Department of Public Works and Transport together with the Provincial Nam Papas or provincial water utilities (Implementing Agencies) will be responsible for identifying, prioritizing, appraising, selecting and approving subprojects in accordance with the Government and ADB’s policies and procedures.

3. The Project was planned to support six PNPs to improve and develop water supply systems in about two towns per province. It will provide financial support to selected PNPs that are state companies, have prepared a corporate plan, and have arrears less than 90 days. Each PNP will receive funds to rehabilitate and expand its provincial capital water supply system and to construct one new water supply system in a small district town. Each town selected will have a minimum of 4,000 residents. It was expected to improve access to water supply for 155,000 people and improved sanitation for 160,000 people in these urban areas, however, because the Phu Bia Mining company withdrew its grant financing (million USD 6.0) in December 2016, the number of beneficiaries and towns will be less than planned i.e. the number of subprojects will be reduced from 11 to 9 and the numbers of beneficiaries have been adjusted to 100,000 people for access to improved water supply and 115,000 people for improved sanitation.

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1.2 Project Outputs

4. The Project has the following five Outputs1:

Output 1: Improved sector coordination and policy implementation

5. This will continue reforms introduced under previous projects and implement new policy reforms to improve the performance of about six PNPs. This includes (i) strengthened sector coordination, including support to help coordinate the subsector working group on water supply and sanitation under the Technical Working Group subgroup on urban development, subsector biannual meetings, annual subsector performance review with development partners, and smaller subsector coordination meetings; (ii) continued implementation of policy reforms, including service agreements between PNPs and provincial governments, PNP training on corporate planning and financial management, tariff adjustments, free connection policy, issuance of district sanitation regulations, and the use of simplified corporate plans; and (iii) expanded policy implementation, including nationalizing a free connection policy and sanitation regulations; wider coordination of NRW management, asset management, and water safety plans; and the establishment of a corporate planning helpdesk in the project coordination unit.

Output 2: Improved nonrevenue water management and water supply development

6. This will integrate a comprehensive NRW reduction program with water supply development in about three provincial capitals. The NRW program applies an integrated business approach that includes both investment for physical works and support for surveys, water audits and balances, record drawings, and registers. It addresses both real losses (leakage) and apparent losses (metering losses and water theft). Participating PNPs will be required to establish permanent leak detection and repair teams and implement disconnection and meter management policies. Experts will help these teams implement the NRW program. PNPs that participate in the NRW reduction program and the policy implementation activities under output 1 will be eligible to seek financing for water supply rehabilitation and expansion of existing provincial systems to peri-urban areas. They will be eligible to receive O&M equipment and household connections and meters.

Output 3: Developed new water supply systems in small towns

7. Safe, affordable, reliable PNP piped water supply systems will be built in the core urban areas of about four small district towns. PNPs that have agreed to participate in Outputs 1 and 2 will be eligible for financing to build a new water supply system in a small district town in the same province, acquire O&M equipment, and offer free connections and meters to households during construction.

Output 4: Enhanced community action in water supply and sanitation

8. This will sustain the benefits from investments in small town water supply systems through complementary sanitation and awareness activities. The output includes (i) village environmental improvement (VEI) grants for core villages in a small town according to agreed eligibility criteria; (ii) improved household sanitation for the poor; (iii) constructed or repaired public sanitation facilities where O&M can be contracted to a business or social entity, and constructed septage disposal facilities where they are unavailable in the subproject area; and

1 The number of subprojects is adjusted based on reduced financing, original number of provincial towns is six and small district towns five. The PAM and Design Monitoring Framework is being revised.

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(iv) increased project and hygiene awareness through stakeholder consultations and community participation, and water, sanitation and hygiene behavior. Activities will be coordinated by district authorities and implemented by village development committees.

Output 5: Strengthened capacity for project implementation, operation and maintenance

9. This includes consulting services support for project implementation assistance (including safeguards), capacity development and sector reform. The support is provided by the Project Implementation Assistance (PIA) consultant. Support for operation and maintenance (O&M) will be provided to participating PNPs through a proposed water operators’ partnership with a regional water utility such as Thailand’s Provincial Waterworks Authority. This output also includes consulting services support for information technology (IT), project accounting, safeguard monitoring, as well as incremental administration support (funding) for project vehicles, project office equipment, and PNP operations and leak-detection equipment.

2 Environmental Performance Monitoring

2.1 EMP Implementation 10. During construction phase, the implementation of the EMP is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor’s responsibility includes the appropriate and timely application of the mitigating measures stipulated in the approved EMP. The application and implementation of the mitigation measures are to provide the safeguards that will control, reduce if not eliminate adverse impacts during the Subproject implementation.

11. Throughout the construction period, the contractor will submit monthly environmental compliance progress reports to the PNP, copy furnished to the PIU. The contractor should highlight the summary of the progress of construction, activities undertaken within the reporting period to implement the measures outlined in the EMP, record any community complaints received and how the complaint was resolved.

12. Regarding raw water quality PNP have collected water samples and taken them to a water laboratory for quality analyses to find out whether there are any major changes of raw water quality requiring to have adjustment to the water treatment process of the water supply scheme.

2.2 Environmental Monitoring by Construction Supervisor 13. During construction phase, the inspection, evaluation and recording of compliance to the EMP as implemented by the contractors are among the tasks undertaken by the Construction Supervisor (CS) in the field supported by the PIA Consultant’s international and national environmental specialists. The Construction Supervisor carries out daily inspections and maintains records of the contractor’s mitigating measures and activities prescribed in the approved EMP of the Subproject. The responsibilities of Construction Supervisor cover the period to the end of the commissioning stage including certifying of construction materials, equipment and items and final checking and acceptance for handing over for operation.

14. The PIU will consolidate the results of the monthly environmental monitoring through a quarterly progress report that have been submitted to the PCU which is based at the Department of Water Supply and Sanitation of the MPWT. The following sections provide a consolidated summary of the main environmental implementation and monitoring findings based on the quarterly progress reports prepared by the PIUs of the Project as follows:

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2.3 Summary of Compliance with EMAP Requirements (Environmental Performance) 15. The following Tables summarize the compliance status of the Project with EMAP requirements. Specific issues of non-compliance of Batches or a specific subproject are mentioned and explained below.

Table 3 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Pre-Construction Phase.

I. PRECONSTRUCTION PHASE Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) Impact on land acquisition and community assets In all subprojects land • Design access roads to minimum acquisition has been necessary width and installation of Yes minimized and pipelines within the Right-of-Way pipelines will be when feasible. installed within Right- of-Way. Impact of location of raw water intake on other water users There are no conflicts with other water users • The abstraction rate for the water of raw water sources of supply subproject will be limited to the subprojects, the required capacity of the WTP because there is still and do not exceed safe minimum enough water in the flow of the water source. rivers used as raw Yes water source that will meet the irrigation demand and other river uses at the downstream i.e. adequate minimum flows exceed the design flow for the WTP. For Batches 1 and 2 all Certificates have been • The Governor has issued a accordingly issued. For certification that drinking water will Batch 3 Dakcheung be assigned highest priority in Yes and Lamam Sub- terms of competing water uses. Projects (Nam Houay Thone and Nam Houay Phoung) the permits are under processing. Contamination of raw water source

• When required catch drain will be constructed to divert storm water Yes and wastewater from villages and other potential point source pollution sources further downstream of the intake. • The drainage improvement and installation of suitable toilets will be included under the Village Yes Environmental Improvement component.

Impact of WTP and reservoir location Yes

10 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

I. PRECONSTRUCTION PHASE Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) • When required slope protection will be provided to avoid landslides and sediment runoff into the raw water source.

Damage to natural resources and protected areas • The project component sites are located in areas outside of the Yes conservation areas. Sites are located on unoccupied land with no special ecological features.

Unexploded ordnance For Batches 1 and 2 all • UXO survey was conducted and a Certificates have been certification was issued regarding issued. For Batch 3 not Yes the absence of UXO at the project secured yet as of sites. current reporting period.

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Table 4 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Construction Phase.

II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: APPLICABLE TO NEW NAMTHA, LONG, AND PHA OUDOM SUBPROJERCTS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) Disruption of existing community roads, pathways, and accesses

• Provide temporary accesses to affected properties using sturdy Yes materials. Particular attention will be given to ensuring safety along roads and paths used by school children.

• Side street parking of construction vehicles on prolonged basis will not Yes be allowed.

• Install barriers and safety warning signs on road sections and if necessary deploy traffic aides/ flag persons at affected locations. Information boards at blocked roads Yes will provide information about the temporary closure of roads, schedule of works and the traffic- rerouting plan.

• Require the contractor to immediately rehabilitate the excavated areas and any damaged Yes road and path sections.

• Enclose the WTP, pump station, reservoir, and intake perimeters so that pathway use and stream Yes access remains unimpeded.

Construction of of eight (8) units of 2- room public latrines at the Village Meeting Halls of Nongbouavieng, Viengkham, Phonxay, Oudomsin, Thongchaitai, Donsamphan. School • Enclose the latrine construction site of Thongchaitai and to prevent access and limit Donsamphan in New disruption for the use of the schools Yes Namtha, and public buildings. Construction of three (3) units of two-room public toilets at village meeting halls of Taling, Nakok and the school of Ban Muangham and one (1) unit of four- room public toilet at the Temple in Ban Muangham in Botene and

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II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: APPLICABLE TO NEW NAMTHA, LONG, AND PHA OUDOM SUBPROJERCTS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) Construction of eight (8) units of two-room public toilets at the Village Meeting Halls of Thongnoy, Hongxay, Xanaxay, Anousonxay, KuayOudom (2 units), NamNgiep (2 units) and seven (7) units of four- room public toilets at the schools of Suansavanh, Thongnoy, Xanaxay, KuayOudom (2 units), Seesaad Temple of Thongnoy.in Pakkading

Air pollution • Require the contractor to cover materials with tarpaulin or other Yes suitable materials while in transit to avoid spillage of materials.

• Moisten earthen roads during dry and dusty conditions, particularly roads near residences and through Yes the town core area.

• Impose speed limits on construction vehicles. Yes

• Conduct maintenance on construction equipment and vehicles to control air emissions Yes during vehicle operation.

Noise • Limit construction activities, particularly operation of noise Yes generating equipment at night.

• Position any stationary equipment that produce high noise levels such as diesel generators as far as Yes practical from sensitive receptors.

Construction sites are • Erect temporary barriers around located away from construction sites especially near schools (except for Yes schools, hospitals, and houses. Pakxan WTP/Reservoir which is near a school), hospitals and houses. • Install noise suppression devices to noise generating equipment. Yes

• Require drivers to minimize blowing of horn and to comply with speed Yes limits.

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II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: APPLICABLE TO NEW NAMTHA, LONG, AND PHA OUDOM SUBPROJERCTS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) • Provide information to community on schedule of construction activities through billboard/signs and Yes complaint hotline.

Impact of borrow materials • The contractor will be prohibited

from quarrying materials directly Yes from environmental sensitive areas.

• Construction materials will be bought from Government-permitted Yes sources / suppliers only. Impact on ecological resources • The contractors will prohibit activities in the forest such as Yes cutting wood for cooking, hunting, or wildlife trade

Clearing of vegetation • Avoid cutting of trees as much as possible and minimize damage to native vegetation. Trees that need to be cut in private land will be compensated in cash accordance Yes with the approved Land Acquisition and Compensation Plan. Affected trees along road ROW will not be compensated but will be donated by the household.

• Roads and paths to the intake, WTP, and reservoir will only be sufficiently wide to accommodate Yes construction vehicles/equipment.

• Manual labor will be utilized in sloping terrain where use of heavy equipment would cause unnecessary damage. Steep Yes exposed slopes will be graded and covered with bush and grass to minimize erosion.

• Implement landscaping and planting of trees/vegetation at WTP site.

Sediment runoff • Construct silt traps, deviation channels, mounting barriers or Yes trenches around the stockpiles of materials.

Generation of residual chlorine during pipeline and reservoir disinfection

• Follow the recommended dosage of Not yet applicable in in chlorine during the disinfection of Botene, New Namtha, Yes pipes and reservoir. Discharge of Pakkading and water with high chlorine Pakxan.

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II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: APPLICABLE TO NEW NAMTHA, LONG, AND PHA OUDOM SUBPROJERCTS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) concentration to soil at the end of pipelines to be controlled to minimize soil erosion.

• Use chlorine test kit and use 10x15x dilution with distilled water or use high range chlorine test kit with high Yes range tablets to detect chlorine residual before flushing.

Generation of excavated soil • During pipe laying, excavated material will be utilized to cover back the trench. The contractor will Yes be required to properly reinstate the excavated trench after completion of pipe laying.

• Excess excavated material / cut soil from construction of the WTP and reservoir will be used as backfill material for low-lying areas that Yes have been identified by the village authority.

Worker’s camp • Provide adequate water supply and Provide clear signs to temporary toilet facilities at the Yes indicate male and worker’s camp. female toilets.

Generation of construction debris and other solid wastes • Provide appropriate segregation Yes bins or areas for construction wastes.

• Secured and controlled storage of All materials are stored all hazardous materials including in a temporary storage Yes fuels. building. No hazardous chemical stored. • Reuse recyclable construction wastes such as wood, steel, and Yes scaffoldings or sell to junk shops.

Community health and safety • Install barricades/barriers and sturdy plate covers in open Yes excavations during non-working time.

• Install warning signs in the area. Yes Occupational health and safety • Require the contractor to implement the construction health and safety plan in accordance with the World

Bank EHS Guidelines (http://www.ifc.org/ehsguidelines) as a minimum standard. The contractor will appoint an environment, health

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II. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: APPLICABLE TO NEW NAMTHA, LONG, AND PHA OUDOM SUBPROJERCTS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) and safety officer to ensure implementation of the plan. The plan will at minimum include:

• Provision of first-aid facilities readily Yes accessible by workers. • Provision of personal protective equipment (PPEs) such as hard hats, gloves, rubber boots, etc., Yes • Wearing of PPEs while working onsite will be a mandatory requirement for workers. • Posting of safety signs/reminders in strategic areas within the construction Yes area. • Installation of sufficient lighting at Yes night. • Employ only trained personnel in handling chlorine during the line disinfection process. • Ensure that vehicle and equipment operators are properly licensed and Yes trained. To be scheduled for • Provide staff with communicable Botene, New Namtha, disease and HIV-related awareness No Pakxan and training. Pakkading. • The contractor will be required to provide priority hiring of qualified construction workers from the villages and to consult with the local Yes to avoid conflict if migrant workers will be brought to the site.

Table 5 Compliance with EMAP Requirements During Operation Phase.

III. OPERATION PHASE – NOT YET DUE FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) Generation of incremental wastewater and increased burden on drainage systems • As project policy, water connection will be provided only if the household has an approved sanitation facility to cope with the Yes increased wastewater generated. This policy and the public awareness raising initiatives was presented to the villages under the Village Environmental Improvements (VEI) component.

• The public institution shall sign a Yes service and management

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III. OPERATION PHASE – NOT YET DUE FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS Compliance Status Comment or Reasons Issues for Further EMAP Requirements (Yes, No, for Non-Compliance Action Partial) agreement before construction and have sufficient funds to maintain the facility.

Competing water demand on raw water source • Provincial Governor issued a certification that drinking water will Batches 1 and 2 all always have highest priority on Certificates issued. river water use. When applicable Yes Batch 3 Dak Cheung the Department of Energy and and Lamam Certificates Mines has issued a Certification issued. that hydropower will discharge sufficient environmental flow after the water supply intake.

• Encourage the community to implement water conservation


Deterioration of water quality • Monitor community activities in the catchment area to check activities

at the upstream that may cause contamination of raw water quality.

• Provide laboratory test equipment and training to allow the PNP to conduct regular monitoring of raw

and treated water quality parameters.

• Follow O&M standard operating procedures in accordance with the

water treatment plant manuals.

• Use of potable grade chemicals, especially PAC, and request a Supplier product specification data sheet signed off by a reputable external laboratory. Occupational health and safety • Provide secure, dry storage facilities for chlorine and other hazardous chemicals.

Use chlorine compounds in power form, which is safer than gas.

• Training of staff and allocation of responsibility to ensure that materials are properly handled and used.

17 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

2.4 Issues for Further Action on EMAP Implementation Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports Provide staff with Budget for training to be awareness training on Contractor approved in Pha Oudom communicable and HIV- January 2018 subproject related disease.

New Issues from This Report Provide staff with communicable disease Contractor Training to be carried out and HIV-related Q3 2018 awareness training

2.5 Other activities

16. Other activities carried, but not covered above

• Other issues not covered by EMAP/EMP: No other issues.

3 LAC Performance Monitoring

3.1 LAC Implementation

3.1.1 Batch 1 Subprojects

17. Under the PPTA the Feasibility Study (FS) related Land Acquisition and Compensation Plans (LACPs) were prepared for all three Batch 1 Long, Pha Oudom and New Namtha, and approved by ADB. During Detailed Design (DD) stage PIA Consultant carried out the Detailed Measurement Surveys (DMS) and conducted Socio-Economic Surveys of Affected Households (SESAH) in order to prepare the updated LACPs for these three subprojects. They were resubmitted in December 2016 and approved by ADB during first quarter 2017. The identified AHs were compensated in cash before start of construction.

18. In the previous reporting period, PIA consultant with the PIU carried out an internal monitoring on actual land acquisition and payments of income losses in Long subproject in September 2017. All those AHs who were identified and surveyed at FS and DD stages as potential cases with a risk of potential loss confirmed that the contractor had provided access to their premises during the construction and filled back the ditches within 0.5 and 1.5 days, so that they did not experience any excessive disturbances or any loss of income due to the construction activities. Also those AHs identified during the DMS confirmed that they had signed a contribution of a loss of income (potential) before start of construction, but confirmed also in writing that they are actually no AHs anymore. There are no other cases to report in relation with the construction works of mains and distributors in the right-of-way during the reporting period.

18 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

3.1.2 Batch 2 Subprojects

19. The DD related Updated LACPs for the three subprojects Pakxan, Pakkading, Botene and the Updated Land Acquisition and Compensation Due Diligence Report (LACDDR) for the subproject Xayabury were submitted and have been approved by ADB in January 2018. All AHs received in-cash and/or in-kind compensation before start of construction. There are no cases of loss of assets or income to report because of the construction works of mains and distributors in the right-of-way during the reporting period.

3.1.3 Batch 3 Subprojects

20. The FS related LACP for the subproject Sanamxay and the LACDDRs for the three subprojects Dakchung, Lamam, and Samakhyxay were submitted as annexed reports as part of FS during the reporting period. No review comments were received yet from ADB. However, in order to expedite the project implementation, LAC surveys and consultation were undertaken in both Lamam and Samakhyxay subprojects, as they have a higher prior for were undertaken updating of LACPs have been commenced by the PIA consultant. All field work including DMS and socio-economic surveys (taking into account revisions made during the detailed engineering design) have been carried out. Submission of updated LACP/s and LACDDR/s is scheduled for 3rd quarter 2018.

3.1.4 LAC Overview

21. The following table provides a summary of land acquisition and mitigation measures of the sub-projects. The details are provided in the separately submitted LAC documents for the above mentioned subprojects.

3.1.5 Others

22. ADB has fielded Resettlement Specialist during the ADB Fact Finding Mission for additional financing from 5 to 16 March 2018.

19 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

Table 6 Summary of Land Acquisition, Affectees and Compensations.

Type of Loss Private Non-Private AH AP Amount Amount Communal Government

I. LOSS OF LAND 22 116 7,352 m2 12,355,000 LAK 20,900 m2 14,500 m2 A Temporarily Affected 11 54 597 m2 - LAK 20,900 500 m2 A-1 Agricultural Land 11 54 597 m2 - LAK 20,900 m2 500 m2 A-2 Residential Land 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 A-3 Commercial Land 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 B Permanently Affected 11 62 6,755 m2 12,355,000 LAK - m2 14,000 m2 B-1 Agricultural Land 11 62 6,755 m2 12,355,000 LAK - m2 14,000 m2 B-2 Residential Land 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 B-3 Commercial Land 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 II. LOSS OF HOUSES & OTHER STRUCTURES 2 10 - LAK C Temporarily Affected 2 10 84 m2 - LAK C-1 Houses 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 C-2 Shelter/Dwelling 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 C-3 Fence 2 10 84 m - LAK - m - m C-4 Others 0 0 - - LAK - - D Permanently Affected 0 0 - m2 - LAK D-1 Houses 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 D-2 Shelter/Dwelling 0 0 - m2 - LAK - m2 - m2 D-3 Fence 0 0 - m - LAK - m - m D-4 Others 0 0 - - - -

III. LOSS OF CROPS & TREES 25 139 2,824,000 LAK E Temporary Loss of 1 3 120,000 LAK E-1 Crops 0 0 - m2 - LAK - LAK - LAK E-2 Trees 1 3 120 pc 120,000 LAK - LAK - LAK F Permanent Loss of 24 136 2,704,000 LAK 0LAK 0LAK F-1 Crops 3 18 28 m2 504,000 LAK - LAK - LAK F-2 Trees 21 118 61 pc 2,200,000 LAK - LAK - LAK

IV. LOSS OF COMMON PROPERTY RESOURCES - - - LAK G Temporary Loss of Services 0 0 - LAK G-1 Administration 0 0 - LAK G-2 Water and Sanitation 0 0 - LAK G-3 Health and Education 0 0 - LAK G-4 Transport 0 0 - LAK G-5 Land 0 0 - LAK H Permanent Loss of Services 0 0 - LAK H-1 Administration 0 0 - LAK H-2 Water and Sanitation 0 0 - LAK H-3 Health and Education 0 0 - LAK H-4 Transport 0 0 - LAK H-5 Land 0 0 - LAK

V. DISRUPTION TO BUSINESS / COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES 20 96 1,088,000 LAK I Business Owners/Operators 0 0 0 LAK J Shop Owners/Operators 0 0 0 LAK K Restaurant Owners/Operators 5 24 630,000 LAK L Food / beverage vendor 15 72 458,000 LAK M Employees/Workers 0 0 0 LAK

VI. INCOME RESTORATION 0 0 - LAK N Material Transport Allowance 0 0 - LAK O Housing Transition Allowance 0 0 - LAK P Business Transition Allowance 0 0 - LAK Q Special Assistance for Socially / 0 0 - LAK Econ. Vulnerable AHs and/or Severely Ahs R Other Support Measures 0 0 - LAK TOTAL AHs, APs and COMPENSATIONS 69 361 16,267,000 LAK Note: Batch 3 subprojects might have one to three AHs which is subject or review during next reporting period)

20 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

3.2 Summary of Compliance with LACP Requirements 23. As required in the Loan Agreement, an external resettlement monitor should be mobilized prior to contract award to assess the integrity of the updated LACPs, who will report back to PCU and ADB. The external consultancy services were advertised in April 2016. However, the process of selection of the external resettlement monitor has been delayed because none of the applicants did meet the required selection criteria during the first round. After the consultancy was re-advertised in 4th quarter 2017, the selection of the consultant was completed during 1st quarter 2018. The Independent External Resettlement Monitor has carried out monitoring of Batch 2 subprojects.

24. At this stage of the Project the subprojects are is in compliance with the Loan Covenants.

Table 7 Summary of Compliance with RP Requirements.

Comment or Reasons for Compliance, Partial Issues for Further RP Requirements Compliance status Compliance/Non- Action2 Yes/No/Partial Compliance Establishment of personnel PCU and PIU have been Yes in PCU/PIU established. The required consultations Regular activity as part have been performed in of any LAC field work line with Resettlement including surveys. Public consultation and Framework. Yes socialization process For details refer to the LACPs and LACDDRs submitted as separate documents. Batch 1&2: Completed. Batch 3: At FS stage: no loss of Batch 3: private assets were identified.

At DD stage: LAC review including surveys was Preparation of DD Land area to be acquired is Partial performed leading for both related LACPs replacing identified and finalized Lamam and Samakkhyxay FS related LACDDRs. subprojects to one AH each. At DD stage: LAC review for Sanamxay and Preparation of Updated Dakchung to be carried out LACP expected for Sanamxay and expected LACDDR for Dakchung

Batch 1: Land acquisition completed, but independent monitoring report pending. Land acquisition completed Partial Batch 2: IERM has been carried out. Batch 3: To be completed Batch 3: Land acquisition related to Updated LACPs

2 To be elaborated further in table 3.b (Issues for Further Action)

21 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

Comment or Reasons for Compliance, Partial Issues for Further RP Requirements Compliance status Compliance/Non- Action2 Yes/No/Partial Compliance Establishment of There are no relocation Not applicable Resettlement Site(s) cases. Batch 1&2:

Compensations for subprojects have been Compensation payments completed. for affected assets is Partial Batch 3: Batch 3: completed Did not take place yet Potential compensation payments after submission and approval of Updated LACPs. Transport assistance for There are no relocation relocating affected Not applicable cases. households Additional assistance to vulnerable affected Not applicable No vulnerable AHs. households Income Restoration Not applicable No seriously AHs. Program There are no affected ethnic minority households. Equal procedures were applied for all AHs Ethnic Groups Compliant concerning LARC aspects including AHs acceptance and decision on compensation and donation concerning their loss in relation to the subproject Fieldwork confirmed that there are no temporary impacts on fixed or moveable assets. Batch II Temporary impacts have Potential AHs voluntarily been addressed (affected contribute their potential properties restored to at Partial loss of income from their least pre-project restaurants and food conditions) shops. However, no loss was reported or noticed by AHs as monitoring during construction supervision confirmed. Access ways to be reinstated. EA and IA staff were actively involved in public consultation meetings and Capacity building activities Yes surveys (DMS, SESAH). To continue regularly. In this context, they also receive a briefing into resettlement safeguards.

22 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

3.3 Issues for Further Action on LACP Implementation

Issue Required Action Responsibility and Timing Resolution Old Issues from Previous Reports

ADB concurrence of Final ’s Approval of the ADB Approved in January Updated LACP of Batch 2 Updated LACPs 2018 subprojects. During Q1 2018 ADB’s NOL to the Contracting and evaluation report prepared Consultant mobilized in mobilization of by PCU Preparation of external January 2018 and site External Contracting of the External LACP monitoring reports visits to Batch 2 Resettlement Resettlement Monitor by subprojects carried out. Monitor. PCU. During Q1 2018.

New Issues from This Report

Regular activity as part of any LAC field work Continuing activity including surveys. Batch 3:

Preparation of DD related LACPs replacing FS related GIC to submit during 4th LACDDRs. quarter 2018. Completing LAC field Preparation of Updated work and preparation PCU and ADB to approve. LACP expected for of expected three Sanamxay and expected Updated LACPs and LACDDR for Dakchung one LACDDR. GIC to prepare during 4th Batch 3: Expected land quarter 2018. acquisition related to th Updated LACPs PCU to prepare during 4 quarter 2018.

Batch 3: Potential compensation payments PCU to prepare during 4th

after submission and quarter 2018. approval of Updated LACPs.

23 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

4 Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Performance Monitoring

4.1 OHS for worker Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports


New Issues from This Report


4.2 Public Safety Responsibility and Issue Required Action Resolution Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports


New Issues from This Report


24 Safeguards Monitoring Report, January – June 2018

5 Information Disclosure and Socialization Including Capability Building

5.1 Public Consultations and Meetings

25. Disclosure of information and consultations are conducted during preparation and implementation of subprojects to ensure that stakeholders are timely informed about the Project in general, environmental management, land acquisition, compensation and resettlement. The objective is an active participation of stakeholders throughout all steps and stages of study and detailed design phase, but also during construction and the final operation.

26. Therefore, consultations and information dissemination have been an integral component of the subprojects’ surveying, planning and preparation activities. Significant information dissemination and consultations with stakeholders have been undertaken mainly through transect walks, EA/IA coordination and technical meetings, public village meetings, focus group discussions, household surveys, random interviews with villagers, and others.

27. In accordance with the Project’s Resettlement Framework public consultation meetings were held. They were facilitated and attended by representatives from the PIU, district and village authorities, and with community members as the majority of the attendees. These public meetings briefed in general and informed in details about topics including but not limited to (i) Project components; (ii) subproject features, (iii) GOL’s laws and procedures on land acquisition; (iv) ADB’s policies on Involuntary Resettlement; (v) Project’s Policy Framework and Entitlements; (vi) subproject impacts and entitlements; (vii) Cut-off–Date (CoD); (viii) voluntary contribution; (ix) mitigation measures; (x) preparation of Land Acquisition and Compensation documents, (xi) budget costs, (xii) implementation schedule, and (xiii) others. The meetings allowed the participants to raise questions to clarify the resettlement policies particularly compensation and entitlements, but also provided the opportunities to actively participate in the land acquisition and compensation planning where they could express their preferences and concerns.

28. By the end of the reporting period Updated LACPs have been approved for all Batch 1 and 2 subprojects. Concerning Batch 3 consultation took place for the 4 subprojects, but also for two subprojects (Lamam and Samakkhyxay) as part of the Detailed Design stage. In this context, information has been provided through public village meetings attended by participants composed by several ethnic groups’ participants. The provision of information will continue during the detailed design stage (subprojects Dakcheung and Sanamxay) construction phase (all four subprojects) including further public meetings during mobilization of contractor, and possibly during operation phase.

29. Summary of public LARC consultation meetings are presented in Table 8 which is extracted from the LACPs and LACDDRs submitted as separate documents.

25 Safeguards Monitoring Report t January – June 2018

Table 8 Details of LACR Related Public Meetings by Subproject.

Note: Also, environmental issues were discussed in these meetings. Separate consultations on Village Environmental Improvement (VEI) with stakeholders have been carried out during identification and prioritizing the VEI activities.

5.2 Information Disclosure

30. Updated safeguards for seven Batch 1 and 2 subprojects are approved by ADB and key information have been disclosed to the Affected Households through the public consultation meetings and individual discussions with APs.

31. ADB uploaded the Updated safeguards documents of Long subproject in Q4 2016, for Pha Oudom and New Namtha in Q1 2017 on the ADB’s web site. The Updated LACPs of four Batch 2 subprojects have been uploaded on ADB web site in Q1 2018.

5.3 Capacity Building

26 Safeguards Monitoring Report t January – June 2018

32. The PIA consultant has involved PIU members in the public village meetings; identification of VEI activities, protection of environment and assessment of land acquisition losses during the field surveys including the SESAH and DMS. This on the job training has increased the capacity of the PIU members in all subprojects. The local authorities including members of the district resettlement committees have also been sensitized on the Project’s safeguards guidelines during the Project Orientation Workshops, district meetings and public village meetings, refer to section 5.1 above.

6 Grievance Redress Mechanism

33. The Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) are defined in the Project Administration Manual and ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement (June 2009) aiming at the participation of APs throughout the various stages of Project planning and implementation of subprojects. The information for APs about entitlements, compensation and supportive mitigation options and grievance mechanisms have been provided by the Project’s relevant agencies and committees. Meetings with APs have also allowed the implementing agencies to identify the needs and preferences of APs pertaining to compensation and rehabilitation assistance and to reduce any negative potential environmental impacts caused by the subprojects.

34. In terms of grievance redresses, the consulted villagers have been briefed about rights to grievance and the procedures in case Project implementation would cause negative impacts. This have been and will be repeated through pre-construction meeting in villages near the site. The GRM mechanisms have been established for all subprojects.

35. Grievances related to any aspect of the Project will be handled through negotiations aimed at achieving consensus. Complaints will pass through maximum four stages before they could be elevated to a court of law as a last resort.

36. Summary of GRM Issues:

• Number of new grievances, if any, since last monitoring period: None • Number of grievances resolved: None • Number of outstanding grievances: None

Details Required Action, Type of Grievance (Date, person, address, Responsibility and Resolution contact details, etc.) Timing Old Issues from Previous Reports


New Issues from This Report


7 Conclusions

37. Based on the submitted information submitted by the contractors, PIU and the observations of the PIA consultant it can be concluded that:

Environmental Issues:

27 Safeguards Monitoring Report t January – June 2018

• The review of IEEs/EMPs for Batch 3 are on-going with ADB. • Induction/training of Contractors and PIA Site Supervisors have been conducted and completed by the PIA Consultants for Botene, New Namtha, Pakxan and Pakkading subprojects. • No major issues on EMP implementation, OHS or public health have been discovered during the construction of Long and Pha Oudom subprojects. • No environmental grievances have been made.

38. The overall implementation/compliance of the Project to the environmental safeguards is rated as satisfactory and compliant in this reporting period.

Land Acquisition and Compensation Issues:

• The preparation of LACP reports have been done in compliance with ADB’s and national guidelines and regulations for Batch 1 and 2 as ADB has approved disclosed the Updated LACPs on ADB web-site. • The LACP reports for Batch 3 have been prepared as part of FS reports and submitted by PCU to the ADB for approval. • AHs households have been consulted and they have signed voluntary contributions for potential losses. • The procedures to appoint the External Resettlement Monitor have been completed and mobilized to carry out external monitoring of Batch 1&2 subprojects and prepare External Independent Monitoring Report for each subproject. • There are no outstanding payments nor grievances made.

39. The overall implementation/compliance of the Project to the Resettlement Framework is rated as satisfactory and in compliance with the Loan Covenants.

8 Attachments The following attachments include information by subproject including, but not limited to the following information:

• Locations of all Subprojects • Subproject location and project components • Raw water quality results • Photos of Subprojects during data collection and preparation of safeguards documents • Photos taken during construction

28 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Attachment 1

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Long District, Luang Namtha Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 and Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Long District, Luang Namtha Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. Key sub-project • Progress of Work (% physical completion): 95% activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: No changes • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated report: IEE/EMMP on 23 November 2016. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site. Report prepared PIA Consultant by:

1 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Location of Long Subproject in Luang Namtha

2 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Main Components of Long Subproject in Luang Namtha Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Long River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamLong / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-June-17 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-December-17 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

24-January-18 NamLong / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-18 NamLong / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase

Implementation Phase Case: Water Treatment Plant Affected Household: Mr. Saengchaidong





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase

Photo 11: Health and Hygiene Dissemination Photo 12: Participants for Health and (HIV prevention) Hygiene Dissemination

Photo 13: WTP under construction Photo 14: BNP Office Construction

Photo 15: Elevated Tank under construction Photo 16: Pipe laying

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 1 January – June 2018 Long District Luang Namtha Province

Photo 17: Under construction of Elevated Photo 18: General view of WTP Tank

Photo 19: Furnishing works for WTP Photo 20: Pressure Pipe Testing

Photo 21: Rising Pipe connection from Intake Photo 22: Completion of Public Toilet

Photo 23: Furnishing works for BNP office Photo 24: BNP’s Fence Construction

7 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Attachment 2

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: New Namtha District, Luang Namtha Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project New Namtha District, Luang Namtha Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. Key sub-project • Progress of Work (% physical completion): 10% activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: No • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated report: IEE/EMMP on 23 November 2016. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

1 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Location of New Namtha Subproject in Luang Namtha Province

2 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Main Components of New Namtha Subproject in Luang Namtha Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, NamTha River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamTha / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-June-17 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-December-17 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

21-January-18 NamTha / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-18 NamTha / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 2 January – June 2018 New Namtha District Luang Namtha Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase





6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Attachment 3

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Pha Oudom District, Bokeo Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Pha Oudom District, Bokeo Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. Key sub-project • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Approximately 65% activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: No changes • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated report: IEE/EMMP on 21 November 2016. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

1 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Location of Pha Oudom Subproject in Bokeo Province

PhaOudom Sub-project

2 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Main Components of Pha Oudom Subproject in Bokeo Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Had River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamHad / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-June-17 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-December-17 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

22-January-18 NamHad / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-18 NamHad / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase





6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 3 January – June 2018 Pha Oudom District Bokeo Province





7 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Attachment 4

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Xayabury District, Xayabury Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Xayabury District, Xayabury Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. Key sub-project • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Not applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated report: IEE/EMMP on 13 March 2017. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Location of Xayabury Subproject in Xayabury Province

Xayabury sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Main Components of Xayabury Subproject in Xayabury Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Houng River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamHoung / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-June-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-July-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 28-August-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-Sep-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-December-17 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

23-January-18 NamHoung / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-April-18 NamHoung / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





7 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 4 January – June 2018 Xayabury District Xayabury Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase

8 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Attachment 5

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Botene District, Xayabury Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Botene District, Xayabury Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Re-bid, Not Key sub-project applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable report: • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated IEE/EMMP in October 2017. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site in January 2018. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Location of Botene Subproject in Xayabury Province

Botene sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Main Components of Botene Subproject in Xayabury Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Hum River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamHum/ Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 28-May-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-June-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-July-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-August-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-Sep-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-December-17 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

21-January-18 NamHum/ Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-18 NamHum/ Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 5 January – June 2018 Botene District Xayabury Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase





6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province

Attachment 6

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Pakxan District, Borikhamxay Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Pakxan District, Borikhamxay Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Re-bid, Not Key sub-project applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable report: • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated IEE/EMMP in October 2017. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site in January 2018. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province

Location of Pakxan Subproject in Borikhamxay Province

Pakxan sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province

Main Components of Pakxan Subproject in Borikhamxay Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Ngiep River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamNgiep / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-June-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-July-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-August-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-Sep-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-December-17 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

24-January-18 NamNgiep / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-April-18 NamNgiep / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd.

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 6 January – June 2018 Pakxan District Borikhamxay Province


Photos taken during Construction Phase

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Attachment 7

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Pakkading District, Borikhamxay Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Pakkading District, Borikhamxay Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Re-bid, Not Key sub-project applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable report: • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approved the updated IEE/EMMP in October 2017. ECC issued accordingly. ADB has disclosed the Updated IEE/EMP and Updated LACP on ADB web site in January 2018. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Location of Pakkading Subproject in Borikhamxay Province

Pakkading sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Main Components of Pakkading Subproject in Borikhamxay Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, NamKading River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 30-January-17 NamKading / Intake UAE United Analyst and Engineering (UAE) 26-March-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-April-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-May-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 27-June-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-July-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 29-August-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 25-Sep-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 26-December-17 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd

24-January-18 NamKading / Intake ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd 24-April-18 NamKading / Intake PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 7 January – June 2018 Pakkading District Borikhamxay Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase



6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Attachment 8

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Lamam District, Sekong Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Lamam District, Sekong Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with Key sub-project approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Not applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable report: • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approval of IEE/EMMP in progress. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Location of Lamam Subproject in Sekong Province

Lamam sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Main Components of Lamam Subproject in Sekong Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Sekong / Houay Thone River

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 23-October-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 28-November-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 25-December-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake

23-January-18 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 26-April-18 HouayThone / PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd Intake

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 8 January – June 2018 Lamam District Sekong Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Attachment 9

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Dakcheung District, Sekong Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Dakcheung District, Sekong Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 20187

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with Key sub-project approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Not applicable activities since last • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable report: • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approval of IEE/EMMP in progress. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Location of Dakcheung Subproject in Sekong Province

Dakcheung sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Main Components of Dakcheung Subproject in Sekong Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Houay Pouang

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 23-October-17 Houay Pouang / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 28-November-17 Houay Pouang / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 25-December-17 Houay Pouang / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake

23-January-18 Houay Pouang / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 26-April-18 Houay Pouang / PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd Intake

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 9 January – June 2018 Dakcheung District Sekong Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Attachment 10

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Samakkhyxay District, Attapeu Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Samakkhyxay District, Attapeu Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with Key sub-project approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. activities since last • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Not applicable report: • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approval in progress. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Location of Samakkhyxay Subproject in Attapeu Province

Samakkhyxay sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Main Components of Samakkhyxay Subproject in Attapeu Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Sekong

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 19-May-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 23-October-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 27-November-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 25-December-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake

24-January-18 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 24-April-18 Nam Sekong / PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd Intake

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 10 January – June 2018 Samakkhyxay District Attapeu Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase

6 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Attapeu Province

Attachment 11

Safeguards Monitoring Report

Subproject: Sanamxay District, Attapeu Province

Introduction and Project Overview

Project Number 45301, Project Number and Loan and/or Grant Numbers: L3041/G0363 Title: Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project Sanamxay District, Attapeu Province

Environment Category B

Safeguards Indigenous Peoples Category C Category Involuntary Category B Resettlement Reporting period: January – June 2018

Last report date: February 2018 • Activities of Proponent: Monitoring of the compliance with Key sub-project approved Updated IEE/EMMP and LACP documents. activities since last • Progress of Work (% physical completion): Not applicable report: • Changes of Surrounding Environment: Not applicable • Status of Permits / Consents: DONRE approval in progress. Report prepared by: PIA Consultant

Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Sanamxay District Attapeu Province

Location of Sanamxay Subproject in Attapeu Province

Sanamxay sub-project Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Sanamxay District Attapeu Province

Main Components of Sanamxay Subproject in Attapeu Province

3 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Sanamxay District Attapeu Province

Water quality analysis results of raw water, Nam Sekong

The Provincial Nampapa has taken water samples from the proposed raw water source and water quality analysis for 13 parameters have been carried out in a certified water laboratory. Details on sampling are given in the following tables.

Parameters analyzed:

Parameter Unit Method Chloride mg/l as Cl2 Argentometric Hardness mg/ as CaCO3 EDTA Titrimetric M-Alkalinity mg/ as CaCO3 Titration Total Suspended Solids mg/l Dried at 103 – 105 degree Celsius Turbidity NTU Nephelometric Arsenic mg/l Continuous Hydride Generation/ Atomic Absorption Spectrometric Color Pt. Co Spectrometric Fluoride mg/l as F- SPAND Iron mg/l Digestion, Direct Air-Acetylene Flame Manganese mg/l Digestion, Inductively Coupled Plasma - Nitrate mg/l as NO3 Cadmium Reduction Permanganate value mg/l Potassium Permanganate 2- Sulfate mg/l as SO4 Turbidimetric


Date Location Laboratory Remarks 19-May-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 23-October-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 26-November-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 25-December-17 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake

24-January-18 Nam Sekong / ETC Eastern Thai Consulting 1992 Co., Ltd Intake 24-April-18 Nam Sekong / PAL Phanthamit Analytical Lab Co., Ltd Intake

4 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Sanamxay District Attapeu Province

Photos taken during Pre-Construction Phase





5 Safeguards Monitoring Report, Attachment 11 January – June 2018 Sanamxay District Attapeu Province

Photos taken during Construction Phase