COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT Community Selection Process Ar,ea r,esidents voice concerns during clean ,air workslhops IMPERIAL,COU INTY AB 617 SE ECTED CORRIDOR Calexico, Heber, El Centro 201 ,8 Community R,emmmiendations Imperial Pres!. 12 Jul 2018 BY CHFtlS CDANl~L Staff Wnter

el land E. Evin Hewes ~

, of Brawley Councill Member Sam Couchm.ufl on 'Wedilncilay aftemo,on speaks during a, worlkshop i1n W,utmo•l'll.andl pr•senmd W11dne.sday by th• Imperial C0u1nty .Air Polllution, Control Diilitrict. Searted at riglht Andrea Jluuez;, Air Re-sources Bo111rd air...

East Neighborhoods, ----=----= ,--,i;.--Muscoy. Boyle Heights San Bern ard ino

I • ·- :i Barrio Logan. Wm ational City, Calexico, El Centro, Me,

IVAN Monito:ring Station

Our Community

Community Steering Committee Members C'ommunly Alternates

co .. chair (APCD) Matt Dessert co.. chair R,eyes Rom ell"o

Co ~Ch air (CCV) ILuis Olmedo Co~Chair Christian Torres

Community Corridor Mersedes. Ma rtrne·z El Centro Rosa Guerrero - - - - . - ~ · .,. ..-;. , - Community Corridor [VACANT ·- . ✓ : 'IA'. - 'Ii .. Co·mm,unity Corridor loiahna Garcia1-Ruiz Hieber Bob Fischer

Community Corridor Rene Felix Calexk o Tomas Olliva

Community Corridor !Mireya Diaz El Centro Sandra Mendivil

Community Corridor Kristian Sa !gado Calex~co Chris G,omez Wong_ Community Corridor Islake Plourd Hieber Steven Snow Community Corridor Hieber Michael Moore

Communit Corridor Mark Baza EI Ceintro VirgJnia Mendoza

Community Corridor Aide 1Fulton El Centro Di,ego Gamboa

Community Corridor !Mary Sal,azar Ca lex1ico Ir ne Ga rc1a Communlty Corridor El Ceintro Paul Mo,narrez Community Corridor J:ose Celaya E:I Centro Juan Villla


New AB 617 steerin 1g committee s,et: to tackle air quality issu 1es INPUT 1rnpe-na va l y Pr~ss 17

ASS1BMBLY BILL 617 CAlEXrco HEBEi-EL CENTRO CO'RRIBOR PUBLIC WORKSHOPS, Hosted by Imperial County Air Po llution Control Distinct ,& Com·t e c wvko del vane Join Ule Impel"-al County APCD & Com ite Civico dei Vale-fm public workshops on A$;sembay Bil I [AS] 617_ This collabor-a tia M! v.111 emplay prO'J81 and -nnova ive strategies to reduce exposu e o afr paUu ion he Calexico-Heber-El Ce11trocmridot-. endee5 -ti also have an oppail'l: 1.0 speak to al r quaI ity and comm e,q:,ens from local and state agencif!5.. WORK SHOPS Wednesday, June 19, 2019

~irst works hop 2:00 PM - 4.-00 PM Second worksh.op 5;30 PM - 7:30 PM

Location I Centro egio I edicaJ C(mt ~r Community E cation Ce ter (Loi;ated next to the Food Co rtJ 3.t.Sl Dogwood Pood El Centro, CA 92243

For m ore mrnrmatiton, vls;it www.lCAB617Commu _org o contact he APCO a 2] 265-1800 or APC Projects a r.ager. Bele leon, at Belen L.etJn@co.•m pe, ia


installls first air filtration s,yste,m in Grace Elem,entairy Sch,o,ol.

By: BIIIV Klla g B i Po ted• Sep 05, 2019 06:52 PM ST Updated:a a Sepa OS, 2019m 06: S2 PM MST