Chapter No. 1

Introduction and Importance of Publication Industry in Human life. Chapter No. 1

Introduction and Importance of Publication Industry in Human life. Contents

1.1 Knowledge is Power 1.2 Written manu-script and the difficulties encountered in its Preservation. 1.3 Role of Vedas and Pur anas 1.4 Definition of: (a) Book (b) Publication (c) Publisher (d) Printing. 1.5 Invention of Printing Machine - its progress and development. 1.6 History of B ooks and Printing. 1.7 Review of Literature 1.8 Presentation of knowledge in the form of books and Publications. 1.9 Forms of Publications 1.9.1: Newspaper 1.9.2; Calendar 1.9.3: Diary 1.9.4: Book 1.9.5: Brochure / Pamphlet / Handbill 1.9.6: Notebook / Register 1.9.7: Periodical 1.9.8: Dictionaries 1.10 Publication as an Industry. 1.11 Concept of Administration. 1.12 Need of Administration for Publication Industry 1.1 Knowledge is Power

In the context of fast moving and the competitive environment today, among all the available resources, it is “Knowledge” which has become predominantly pivotal factor in assuming power. Although, the everlasting importance of resources like manpower, money, machines and material can not be underestimated, it is the increasing quest for knowledge, which in the recent times, has become a determinant factor in achieving rapid progress and thereby becoming a power-centre.

The above observation has been rightly collaborated by Aristotle who stated that “Knowledge is the power which governs the human life.” How true it is ! The close analytical preview and the comparative study of past three centuries reveal that the 19th Century was dominated by manpower that is human resource being the most important basis for amazing power. Imperatively, those having more manpower became the power centers and ruled the world. In the 20^*^ Century however, the scenario changed and manpower was replaced by money. Those having more money enjoyed a commanding position in governing the universe. It is quite interesting to note that towards the fag end of the 20^^ Century and the beginning of 21^^ Century there has been abrupt shift of progressive paradigm and knowledge and information upsurge as trump-cards in proclaiming the entire attention of the world. Obviously in the 21^^ Century the power is titling towards knowledge and information. It implies that persons having more knowledge have greater impact and influence in every wake of human life. Mr. Bill Gates has incontrovertibly ascertained the values of knowledge and information through his magnificent role as a chairman of MICROSOFT company. Although, Mr. Bill Gates was bom and brought up in an ordinary family, he acquired enormous wealth by sheer dint of his knowledge in the field of computer and software and earned the distinction of being the richest person in the world!

Q Q Q Q 03 Q CQ Q 03 Q EQ Q ca oa ca Q ca CQ Q CQI ca ca CQ Q Q Q fflcacafflCQcacQfflQQmfflCQQGaQMQQGacaaQCQcaQQQacacQCQ

In consonance with the above references, the researcher of this thesis wants to prove that the knowledge of different subjects can empower human beings to achieve an astronomical success in his own field. Knowledge can propel human beings to earn and manage money, manpower, machines and materials, create innovative ideas and as such, power path to gigantic success.

1.2 Written Manuscripts and the difficulties encountered in its preservation

Knowledge and information are required to be stored and preserved so that the same can be retrieved and referred to, as and when required. Knowledge is also required to be spread among people. However, in ancient times, the knowledge and information was written down on leafs, stones, sand and floor which could hardly be preserved and percolated down among the people owing to various limiting factors. When the paper was invented, people began writing on it. But again, the written manuscript not only had the limitation in preservation due to its deteriorating quality but also in circulating among the people as only few people could have access to the original manuscript. Since the original written manuscript was only one, it could not be used by many people and it became necessary to copy it down. Copying original manuscript in written form became a roaring business in in the Century which originated at Varanashi. For copying the written text, the writer used to get compensation called ''Likhnavar} Subsequently, it became necessary to create some machinery to present knowledge and information in printed form with multiple prints in order that the same could be circulated to the society at large.

1. Mr. Sharad G ogate "Prakashan Vyavasaya Parichay ” Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Prakashaic Sangh, Dilipraj Prakashan, Pune. (1999) Page.3

EQ CQ CQ ca Q oa CQ Q Q Q GQ Q ca ca ca ca 03 CQ CO! CQ Q Q Q CQ Q Q CQ 1.3 Role of Vedas and Puranas

Ancient Vedas and Puranas are the scriptures of great value as they expound enormous knowledge logically and methodically. Vedas and Puranas can be described as scientific exposition of knowledge and information. Vedas and Puranas do not rely upon their preceptor. It is the vast knowledge which is embedded in Vedas and Puranas describe their authority and authenticity undoubtedly, our ancient Vedas reflect pragmatic knowledge which has universal application and implication in human life on a large scale.

There are four main groups of Vedic texts viz. Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda. Each of them has different recensions or branches, among them thirteen are still being practised. Ayurveda or science of medicines in Rigveda, Dhanurveda or Science of archery in the Yajurveda, the Gandharvaveda or the Science of music in the Samveda and the Sthapatyaveda or architecture of the Athervaveda are some of the Upvedas or branches.

It is well established fact that innumerable Granthas (books) have been created by various great people which are recognized as the great guiding force to the society. To cite few examples, Shreemad Bhagwad Geeta which has been accepted as the quintessence of all the Vedas. The Geeta which is based on the philosophy of human life is unique because, unlike any other religious scriptures, it depicts the dialogue between none other person than Bhagwan Shri Krishna himself and Arjuna. Dnyaneshwari is another scripture written by Sant Dnyaneshwar which continues to influence the human life with its domestic sermons.

Other original scriptures like Bible and Kurana also have the practical implications on the lives of human beings. In Puranas, different epics and stories are mentioned, the conclusions of which still assist us to make accurate and bold

CQ CQ CD! Q CQ Q ca ca Q Q m Q Q Q ca ca Q Q Q Q Q Q ca Q Q Q Q decisions in our day to day life. Various Mantras are also given in Vedas and Puranas which are repeatedly chanted by religious people popularly known as Mantra-Japa or Mantra Anusthana.

After the invention of printing machine, the enlightening contents of Vedas and Puranas were transformed into printed forms and the number of copies could be made available to the society at large.

At the outset of printing machine invention in the 15th Century, the initial publications were Bible, Kurana, Bhagwad Geeta, Dnyaneshari, Vedas and Puranas. Puranas include Brahma Pur ana, Padma Purana, Vishnu Pur ana. Shiv Purana, Vayu Purana, Shrimad Bhagwat, Narad Purana, Markandeya Purana, Agni Purana, Bhavishya Purana, Brahma Vaivart Purana Ling Purana, Varah Purana, Skand Purana, Vaman Purana, Karm Purana, Matsya Purana, Garud Purana and Brahmand Purana.

The Vedas and Puranas played very important role in ancient days and also continues to act as a fulcrum to propagate the guiding principles to the mankind.

1.4 Definitions and Concepts of :

(A) Book (B) Publication (C) Publisher (D) Printing

(A) Book :

According to the “Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867”, “ Book includes every volume, part or division of volume and pamphlet, in any language and every sheet of music, map, chart or plan separately printed.” ^

2. Shri Arun Naik, “What printer should know” of “Nashik Mudra", Publisher Narendra Shaligram, Nashik June 2004, Page 9 to 11

Q ca ca Q Q m GS CQ Q CQ ca Q Q Q Q oa Q Q Q Q ca 03 Q CQ Q GQ G3 CQEQcacQCQcacQcacQCQCQCQCQCQcacQCQCQacQCQcacacQCQicacacacQaaca

UNESCO has defined book as “A non-periodical printed publication of not less than 49 pages exclusive of cover.” ^

According to the Dictionary, a “Book means a written or printed work consisting of pages fastened together along one side and bound in cover or a main division of a literary work or a bound set of blank sheets for writing in.” ^

Clubbing the gist of all aforesaid definitions the researcher enunciates that, “A book is any publication of more than 49 pages which are fastened together in a cover.” (B) Publication

“It is a process of getting written manuscript from the author, making necessary arrangement to transfer it into the printed form and selling and distributing the same to the people who are ready to purchase for appropriate consideration.”^

Another way to define publication is, “Organizing the written material, printing the same and making it available to the right people by strategy of proper distribution” ^

Publishing is the process of preparing, manufacturing and distributing books, magazines, newspapers or other printed materials. This article describes book publishing. After concluding the above definitions, the researcher deduces that, “Publication is a process whereby combination of skills of author, printer and marketing personnel is done so that it reaches the proper reader. The meaning can be represented with the help of flow chart as under:

3. Shri Sharad Gogate, “Prakashan Vyavasaya Parichay" Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Prakashak Sangh, Diiipraj Prakashan, Pune (1999) Page 2

4. Oxford Dictionery thesaurus, Oxford University Press, New York, 2004, Page No. 91

5. Principal Dr. Ram Kulkami, article read in seminar in December, 2004. Oraganised by Pragati College of Commerce, Dombivli

6. Mr. Behachar, Printer by profession in his interview taken in February 2005.

7. The World Book International, Indian Edition Enclyopedia, 1996 Page No. 843

GQ ca ca oa Q CQ G9 CQ ca Q G3 Q Q CQ Q 09 ca Q 03 Q CQ Q Q Q ca Q ca Flow Chart No.l of Publishing Cycle THE PUBLISHING CYCLE

Source: The Chart From “A career in book publishing” by Samuel Israel Pg. No. 10

Cycle of investment starts with investment by publication firm than books are produced. After sale of these books income is generated out of which after keeping profit again the reinvestment is done.So publishing is a continues process.

(C) Publisher

A person who collects the books from well known authors, subsequent by making qualitative and accurate printing and brings out the same in a good environment of market. *

The Dictionary meaning of Publisher is - “A person who publishes the book” ^

The researcher derives that “A Publisher is a person who makes publication of book in the market after its quality printing”.

S.Shri Manohar Mahadeo Kelkar, Autobiography “Swa6/iawa/a- 4 Nahi" P'Chapter, “Maza Prakashan \^avasaya”Psige 6 9. Shri Oza and Bhatt, Dictionary R.R. Sheth & Co, June 1998 Page 275 ca ca ca oa G3 ca ffl Q ca GQ CQ CQ ca 03 Q Q 09 Q 09 oa p 03 Q Q (D) Printing :-

According to “The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867” Printing means-

“Cyclostyling and Printing by Lithographically”

Another definition of printing is, “copying of written material by using Machine

into number of editions and copies so that it is made available to many.”"

According to the Dictionary, “Printing means an Art of impressing letters or


On the basis of these three definitions, as outlined above, it can be stated that

“Printing is an art and also is a process whereby copying of written material is

done through copy work, carbon paper, Ink Pads, Cyclostyling etc.”

After examining the above definitions, researcher redrafts that “Printing is an

Art and a process where copying of written material is done through

cyclostyling ”.

10. Shri Arun Naik, “What Printer Should Know”, "'Nashik Mudra", Publisher Narendra Shaligram, Nashik June 2004, Page 9-12

11. Shri Sharad Gogate, “Prakashan Vyavasaya Parichay" Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Prakashak Sangh, Dilipraj Prakashan, Pune, (1999) Page 2

12. Shri Oza and Bhatt in their Dictionary R. R. Sheth & Co., June 1998, Page 275 ca Q ca Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ca Q oa ca Q Q CQ CQ ca GQ ca ca 1.5 Invention of Printing Machine Its Progress and Development

Prior to 15th Century, tried to print its material by using wooden

blocks. However, printing as a machine and as a technology was introduced only in the middle of 1 S'*’ Century by John Gutenberg. He has been regarded as, “Father of modern printing techniques.” Following is the drawing of Printing Press machine developed by Gutenberg in about 1440. “The said machine was used to print 300 copies a day, on which by 1456, the famous 42 line Gutenberg Bible was completed”.'^

This new technology of printing spread all over the world veiy fast but the onset of printing with the help of machine was very slow in India. It took almost 100 years to distribute printed message in regard to Christian religion in India. European

Picture No.l Johnn Guteuberg’s Printing Press Machine Source 1. - Samuel Israel, “How books are m ade”National Book Trust in the year 1998 Page.30,

13. The World Book International, Indian Edition Enclyopedia, 1996 Page No. 787 ca ca oa Q Q Q G3 CQ ca Q £9 G3 Q Q Q 03 CQ CQ Q Q Q Q Q CQ Q Q Missionaries installed first printing machine in India in the 16‘*^ Century. In 1610 Father Stiffen printed “Christi Puranas”’"^ in Roman Language. The record indicates that Mr. Patwardhan from Miraj City printed "'Bhagwad Gita" by using metal block. Even there is a record that the first Marathi Book titled as “Marathi Grammar” was printed in the year 1805 in Shrirampur (Bengal) by William Carry. 15

In 1822, Governor Mount Stuart Elphinston” started “Committee of Hindu School Book” for the purpose of providing knowledge and information to the Indian Society. This is how gradually printing technology started its momentum in India. Slowly but steadily Printing has made commendable progress after its onset. Eventually Printing Business spread its tentacles in every Village, Town and City of India. In the good old days, printing was done traditionally by nails and wooden blocks. The example of entire page printed from wooden block in Germany around AD 1470 is shown in the following picture:-

idniu liammiliia tti

^ n m cOrmr


Source! : Samuel Israel “HowBooks are made” National Books Trust, New , 1980. Page.24 Picture No.2

14. Shri Sharad Gogate “Prakashan Vyavasaya Parichay” for Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Prakashak Sangh Dilipraj Prakashan, Pune, D ec., 1999 Page 5 15. Shri Sharad Gogate “Prakashan Vyavasaya Parichay” for Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Prakashak Sangh Dilipraj Prakashan, Pune, D ec., 1999 Page 6 CQ Q CQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q ca ca CQI ca Q CQ Q Q ca ca ca Q CQ ca Q Q ffl Q Q “Initially it was only in two colour that is black and white”.Subsequently

the printing machine was subjected to various modifications as result of which

the multicolored printing was made possible. It is now possible to make four

colour printing jobs easily.

The introduction of advanced printing machine also known as Offset

Machine was possible only after the introduction of computers in India. The

Computer printouts were converted into negative from which the plates were

made. “Prior to the introduction of Offset printing, Photocomposing & Lino

machine technique was used, but with a passage of time composing and printing

can be now done on the same machine”.'^ With the above historical data, as

outlined above, Researcher noticed that printing has undergone several changes

and modifications that is from blocks, nail printing to offset printing, from

black and white printing to colour printing as of date.

Printing follows specific stepwise process which is explained in the

following manner;

16. Vilas Aher “ Prakashan (^av5a/’Business opportunity “ Udhyojak ” Sept. 1996 Page . 17

17. Samuel Israel “Carrier in Publishing” National Books Trust,New Delhi 1996,Page.44 ca ca ca ca Q CQ ca cQ Q ca CQ ca Q Q ca Q CQ E9 £Q CQ £Q ca Q Q ca Process of Printing

There are certain steps that are common to all printing process.'^ These steps includes

1. Typesetting 2. Proofing 3. Preparing illustratation for reproduction 4. Page Making 5. Printing 6. Binding Composition

1. Typesetting:

It is process of putting into type the words to be printed. It is also called composition. It can be classified as

(A) Manual Typesetting:

Workers called compositor took individual pieces of metal type from compartment in a shallow drawer called a case. They assememble the type by piece and by line in a small tray called as ‘Composing Stick’. When the stick was full, they transferred the type to a larger tray known as a galley. Today, typesetting by hand is still necessary for certain type and large sizes of metal type, which can not be set by machine.

(B) Hot Metal Typesetting :

When above process of typesetting done by use of machine then it is

called as “Hot Metal Typesetting"’.

18. The World Book International, Indian Edition Enclyopedia, 1996 Page 781, 782.

Q Q CQ CQ ca ca £Q £3 ca ca Q £a Q Q Q ca CQ Q CQ CQ Q Q Q CQ Q ca CQ Q QQCQCQcaQQQCQacaQCQaaacQaQcacacaaQCQCQQCQCQcacQQ

(i) Linotype :

It is also called as Line Caster, in which from an entire line of type at one time. When an operator presses a key on the keyboard, matrix (mould) for the corresponding character is placed in its proper position in the line of type. When all the moulds for a line are assembled, hot metal is forced into the moulds, casting the line as a single unit called a slug.


Source^:- Samuel Israil “How books are made” National Book Trust, New Delhi 1998 Page 28 Picture No.3 (ii) The Monotype casts each character as a separate unit. When a key on its keyboard is pressed, the machine punches a code of holes in a paper tape. This tape is then fed through a casting machine. The holes in the tape

“© indicate to the casting machine which characters are required. The machine then selects the proper mould and casts each character individually. Monotype Caste

Source4; Samuel Israil “How Books are made” National Book Trust, New Delhi, 1998 Page 28 Picture No.4 C. Photo Composition: It is also called as a phototypesetting it includes all typesetting methods that do not set metal type. It produce images of type character on photosensitive paper. Most Phototypesetting machines generate images from Fount Masters which is a Film negative of all the character in particular type face. Developing the Film or paper produces a positive image of the character. Photo Composition

Source 5 Samuel Israil “How books are made” National Book Trust, New Delhi 1998 Page 34 Picture No.5 fflfflQfflcaaQcaEQGacQcaGacaQcaQGacaGacacacQQQQGacQCQcacacQ

Writers for some newspapers and magazines compose articles on a television like screen called a visual display terminal (VDT). The VDT is connected to a computer that stores each article as it is written. Editors then can call up an article on their VDT’s and make changes in it. The edited article is fed electronically to the typesetting machine, which sets the type. This process saves time and money by making it unnecessary for a person to retype the story into the typesetting machine. Some other typesetters have optical character recognition units. These units can read typewritten copy electronically and feed the text into a typesetter automatically.

D. (D.T.P.) Laser Type Setting :

It is this combination of Personal Computer (P. C.) With Laser Printer that makes D.T.P. Desk top publishing possible. It is less expensive device, it supplies fairly sharp images of typeset matter from a computer disk to the Laser Printer. DeskTop Publishing

Laser Type Setting

Source 6 Samuel Israil “How Books are m ade” National Book Trust, N ew Delhi 1998 Page 37Picture No.6 ea ea ca B3 G3 £3 ea ca ea ea ca ea ca G3 G3 ca C3 ca ffl ca ca ca ca ca 03 CQ 2. Proofing :

After type is set, printers make a proof (Copy) from the type and check it for errors. Metal type is placed on a small press and inked. Paper is laid on the inked type, and a cylinder is rolled over the paper. A proof is then pulled (stripped off). When using photographic type, typesetters produce a proof from the film by making a photographic print.

A proof reader checks all proofs for accuracy. If any errors have been made, the proof goes back to the typesetter to be corrected.

3. Preparing illustrations for reproduction.

Printers use photographic processes to prepare illustrations for printing. Depending on the type of artwork to be reproduced, one of two methods is used; Line reproduction or Halftone reproduction.

Line Reproduction .

Line reproduction is used to copy illustrations that consist only of solid areas or lines. Such illustrations include line drawings, maps, and diagrams. The artwork is photographed using a special camera and high contrast film, producing a negative of the desired size.

Halftone Reproduction :

Halftone reproduction is required when the illustration contains a range of tones or shades from dark to light. Such material is called continuous tone copy and include paintings, photographs, and charcoal drawings. A printing press can print only solid colours, not continuous tones. The illusions of shading, however, can be created by printing artwork as a pattern of tiny solid dots. The illustration is photographed through a halftone screen. This illustration is photographed through a halftone screen. This screen forms an image on the negative that is composed of many tiny dots.

Q ca ca Q Q Q £Qi Q oa CQ 03 Q Q ca ca CQ Q Q ca ca ca £9 £Q ca ca CQ cacacacacQcacafflcacacacaeagaagaaQacQCQcaQBacaeaeQcacacQeaeaca

4. Page M aking:

Once the process of composing comes to an end, Page Making process will start. Page Making is a proper chronological arrangement of typed pages or galley made by Typesetting process. Page Making is done by expert like Artist who uses cutting and pasting technique for designing each page. He uses his knowledge of commercial art, graphic designing as per size of page so that pages can be ready for printing.

5. Printing :

There are many changes that have taken place in the technology of printing machine, which the researcher has explained in a following manner:

(1) Letter Press Printing :

To print composed matter the surface of the type was inked and sheet of paper carefully placed in a position over it. The sheet was then evenly pressed over the type by a simple hand-powered machine. After the presser was released, the sheet was lifted off and put aside to dry. This process is called

as Letter Press Printing. Letter Printing Press

Source 7; Samuel Israil “Ho w Books are made” National Book Trust,New Delhi 1998, Page No. 30.PictureNo.7 No. Q ca EQ ca EQ ca Q G3 Q Q oa 03 CQ 03 Q EQ 09 Q 03 Q 03 Q 09 ca Q oa ca GafflB3G3CaCQfflB3QCQCaGaCQQ3CaQEQQQCQQacQQCacaaG3QQmfflB3

2. Offset Printing Press : -

It is modem technology which is used for printing matter in any colour

as per need of individual. On the basis of use of FOUR prime colour, multicolour

worked can be done very easily. This type of machine is very speedy and gives

output of twenty thousand printed paper in one hour. Now a days publishers for

getting done quality, speedy and multicolour books make use of Offset Printing

Press only.

Offset Printing Press It is one of the latest technology which is cost effective and very economical for the publishers. The plate which is made is readable. There are two types of machines in this.

(1) Sheet fed offset

(2) Web offset.

a CO £□ Q £Q 09 Q £Q Q Q Q Q 03 ca Q 03 CQ 03 Q ca CQ 03 G3 Q I By use of three cylinder that is plate cylinder, blanket and impression

cylinder. In this type of printing 8000 to 10000 papers are kept at one moment

of time. With the pressure of air in cylinder paper, water and ink come into

contact with each other and colourful printed paper will be in the hands of the


Printing can be done by way of screen printing and digital printing

machine also. This is a recent concept which came in to existence. In digital

printing machine direct matter of author is taken in Floppy/Compact Disc,

publisher scans the same in the computer, Editor make necessary changes in

computer itself, after this directly the main printing process will begins this

process help the publisher to get the final copy of book within a short span of


ffl ca ffl £□ ca ca ea ea Q ca ca EQ ca £□ Q ca ffl ca ca ea ca ffl ffl ea ea ea ca ca 1.6 History of Books and Printing

In the ancient days, the spoken words got mingled with an atmosphere, the

written scripts could not be preserved and circulated among many people; sharing

of ideas was almost an impossible task. Some people were inclined to feel that the

knowledge and information they possessed were important and interesting for the

mankind and as such, they should not be just vanished in an oblivion. They were of

the opinion that it would be quite prudent to share and communicate their ideas

enmesh to the people and perpetually transmit to the next generations. The era in

which the people were devoid of writing tools like words was called as “Oral

Tradition”.'^ Obviously, the emergence of a concept of a book was on account of

flickerence of thought to transmit the knowledge and information to others.

With an onset of writing skills, the number of scriptures and ancient literature

like Vedas, Mahabharat, Ramayan etc. Were written on unconventional materials

like copper plates, stones, clay, leaves etc. And were circulated from person to

person and from place to place. However, the lack of knowledge of paper making

could not enable copying to be done.

“Later in the copper age, writing was by way of inscription on the plates

of copper metal, held together by ring, giving indentical outlook to modern

spiral bound books for preserving important records and documents”.^®

Nevertheless, writing on stone and metals was not convenient and it required

exclusive people with special skills. Subsequently, soft clay was used for the

purpose of writing with a pointed rod, called “Stylus” which was baked hard in an

oven and whole book was written and preserved in this manner. The best and the

19. Samuel Israel “How booksare made”National BooksTrust, New Delhi 1998 Page.9 20. Samuel Israel “How Books are made” National Books Trust. New Delhi 1 998,Page. 10 ca Q ca ca Q Q Q Q Q CQ CQ ca Q Q Q Q ca Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q oldest example of such type of book was found in the valley between the Tigers and

Euphurates rivers in Iraq. “A Library of 30,000 tamlets has been discovered which was set up by King Ashubanipal 2500 years ago”.^' Even this practice of writing books was inconvenient for both writers and the readers. In order to overcome this difficulty, the writing in India was started on leaves, on the Bhojpatra, on the bark of trees, on an animal skin and on clothes. The palm leaf manuscript book which was one of the most commonly available book available in ancient India has been preserved by “Book Picture From the Collection of National Museum, Delhi.”

Although, with a passage of time, writing was made more convenient, this did not preclude the difficulty in spreading knowledge and information as multiple copy-making was not feasible as each additional copy was a mechanical phenomenon besides being a costly affair.

Around five or six thousand years ago, Egyptians had discovered making of paper from the stalks of a tree that grew in the marshes of the river Nile, called as

Papyrus. The Papyrus used to be exported from Egypt to Mediterranean countries, but the supply was limited to combat the non availability of Payrus, Europe and

Arab developed a substitute which was called as panchment which was long lasting and the quality was so good that the written text could be survived for thousand years and more. The Bible written in Hebrew Language which was discovered in

1947 during an excavation on the banks of the dead sea in Israel serves the best example of written manuscript on Parchment Archaeologists believe that the Bible might have been written two thousand years ago.

Undoubtedly, it was the reorientation of paper making which attributed a perfect outlook to a valuable written document of an ancient era. What we have

21. Samuel Israel “How Books are made” National Books Trust, New Delhi 1998. Page. 11

Q 03 Q oa ca Q Q Q 03 Q Q 03 Q Q ca ca Q Q 03 03 Q Q cQcacacacQQcacQQEQacacQCQacQafflQSfflQQQcaQacaQQaQQCQQ

today in the form of a book was invented by Chinese more than two thousand years ago. The raw material used to make paper was straw and bamboo, dried and smothered wood. In the seventh century after Christ the art of making paper was known in India which eventually got spread. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century paper making industry got established all over the world with a simultaneous increase in the demand for papers. Thus, with the revolutionary invention of paper, knowledge could be written down on paper and could be preserved in the form of a book. This is how book came into existence. The story of a book does not end at this juncture, since one book cannot fulfil the reading requirement of all the people and a transcription of a book over again and again is a maratheneous task. Writing of a book can certainly be more meaningful when a number of copies of a book are made available so that they can reach to masses. This is things are made possible by the process which is known as Printing. The process of printing was first initiated by “Hand Printing” with the help of seal and blocks which is evident by the discovery of seals at Mohen-

Jo-Daro about 200 B.C. in Indus Valley Civilization.

CQI Q GQI oa Q GBI Q Q Q Q Q E9 Q Q Q ca Q GO! CQ Q GQ QQCQcacacQCQcacQcacQcacQcacacaQCQCQifflcaQcacacQcacaQcacacaca

1.7 Review of Literature

1.7.1 Introduction

As a matter of importance to have knowledge of established literature in the area of interest in conducting research an attempt was made to scan and understand the written materials which are in the fonn of Books, Magazines and Newspapers. The review of Literature could provide a better foundation to understand the research topic in a batter manner.

Review of Literature is done in addition to the understanding of reporting of literature incorporated in the spread of this research reporting.

1. Granth Vyavahar(1952) - A. H. Limaye

The book was published by Vinas Book Stall, Pune, in 1952 although this book is very old, this one of the valuable books for those who wishes to enters into the business of publication as it provides important guidelines and information.

The book is made into Eight Chapter each one beginning with a good quotations like for history of printing author quoted that ‘History is a cream of present period, which come on the milk of paste period’ is quite attractive. While describing partnership, author quoted that, ‘Instead of selling what customers like, creating interest for what is being given to the customer is a Best Seller’.The book also consists of quality infomiation about history of printing machine, importance of printing aspects, authors and writing skill, legal and accounting aspects of publication, bookselling aspect, History of Marathi literature.

(I) Observation of the researcher:-

The book is useful for the beginners who wish to start their own publication business. The entire book is scientific application of experience and knowledge of the author. Such books in Marathi are very rare. ca 03 Q Q Q Q 03 Q G3 Q Q G3 EQ ca £9 Q Q Q Q Q Q caca£acaQQcacQC3acQmQcaQ3CQQacaQ3caQcaQ3caaQQQG3QQ

2. '‘''Mudran Vyavasthapan (1970) -Yashwant Joshi

The author, who by profession is a well-known printer and the publisher in Pune has choose to write on a rare subject on ‘‘"Mudran Vyavasthapan'" A book published by Pumima Publications and Anand Printer owned by the author himself is divided into following points;

(a) Technical Division Department:-

There are nine sub-chapters emphasising on the theoretical base of this business which includes objective, administrative aspects, Leadership qualities. Rules for Delegation of authorities. Industrial Discipline and its Importance are explained with examples, use of charts, pictures.

(b) Practical department ;

In continuation to above, there are eight chapters more, the gist of which is as underneath, in which author narrated about nature of business, Tips before entering in the business, ‘Accounting aspect of printing press’, Introduction to production expenses. Planning of Expenditure, deciding pricing of the final book, work culture laws relating to printing are explained in detail.

(c) Observation by researcher:

This book has been written by none other person than the one who has wide spread experience for twenty five years in printing and publishing field. It is quite obvious that the reader can get valuable information in the field of printing . It is pertinent to know that management is a base for every activity performed by anybody which is quite essential for quality growth of the organisation. Printing and publishing business is no exception for this. This book is useful for those who are pursuing their studies in printing and also for those who wish to venture into printing business. With the use of various examples, tables, references and a simple language the author has made the book systematic, useful and memorable.

CQ CQ CQ ca Q ca CQ ca CQ Q ca CQ Q Q Q Q £Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q cacQcaQGacaQcaca£aicaca£acaQCQiQcacQQcacaQcaQ£QicacQ£QQCQQQ

3. “Johann Gutenberg ”(1980) -Michael Pollard.

The publisher of this book feels that the contributions by the scientists who have change the world should reach to every book and comer of the world and therefore he has brought out the series of scientist which include Johann Gutenberg, the Master Mind who invented the first printing machine which led to explanations of knowledge all over the world. The entire book consists of many important events in the life of Gutenberg who has been regarded as the father of Printing Technology. The entire book has superbly described all the events right from the birth of Gutenberg to his death, including the manner in which the printing machine uses invented and how the knowledge explanations spread in different parts of the world.

Observation by researcher:

A book of sixty pages is a story of the invention of movable type printing machine and how printing led to a knowledge explosion. This book satisfies those who have thrust for knowledge of inventions. This book gives all the information as to how the printing machine was developed, how printing process started, what problems Gutenberg came across and how more inventions were made. The researcher has observed that the cover-page is most appropriate and suitable. The photocopies of machines and bible have made the book very attractive. The author has provided bibliography of important events. This book is important and worthy of being kept in the library for reference.

4. History of Printing & Publishing in India Volume 1-1985 - B. S. Keshavan

On the occasion of its silver jubilee in 1982, National Book Trust among few special publication undertook to mark multi volume “History of Printing and publishing In India” authored by B. S. Keshavan which were released by the Hon’ble

Shri P.V. Narsimha Rao at the World Book Fair.

ea a ca ca £□ ea ea £□ ea ffl ca a ca ca ea £a ea ca ea £9 ea ca £3 £□ ea £Q ca ea £9 The printing was introduced in India in 1557. Since then, the development of printing and typography has progressed concomitantly with the growth of our publishing. A great part of our nature, past and present, is synonymously with what has been written and recorded” in the books.

B.S. Kesavan, Indian Library educator and administrator, was the librarian of the National Library. Undoubtedly, he has put in great efforts to write the book in 3 volumes which are of immense use to the printers, publishers, libraries, researchers and the students, particularly of journalism and book publishing.

The Volume-I titled as “ South Indian Origin of Printing and its efflorescence in Bengal” deal with the origin, historical background and the development of printing and publishing in South India. This volume contains a topic on a development in the 19th Century as well as printing of literature on Karnataka Music which the author has stupendously explained in two parts. The First part highlights on South Indian origin of printing, story of printing in India, development in the 19th Century and printing of literature. Second part deals with the explanation on printing in Bengal, newspapers scenario.

Volume 11-1986 - B. S. Keshavan

The author has written on the origin of printing and publishing in Karnataka, Andhra and Kerala, which is divided into three parts. The part which deals with Karnataka’s printing and publishing, the author has explained in detail about right from introduction to the landmark and achievement with establishment of press, journalism in Karnataka in different stages. In Part two the author has also elaborated on the progress of printing and publishing in Andhra.

Volume III-1986 - B. S. Keshavan

In this part three on similar parameters the author has explained printing and publishing in Kerala.

Q ca Q ca Q 03 Q CQ ca CQ ca Q G9 03 Q Q Q G3 Q G3 Q Q Q Q Q 03 Q This volume has the origin of printing and publishing in heartland with a superb touch of cultural reawakening as a result of introduction of Art and technique of printing in India.

The volume has nothing to do with the technology of printing but spells out basic aspects of printing and typographical skill.

This volume deals primarily with the delineation of the historical process of printing in Hindi language and Glyptography which finally led to progress in other language like Devnagari, Tamil etc.

Observation by researcher

The three volumes of printing and publishing, is infect a package information on the origin as well as the progress in the field of printing and publishing in the State of South India, viz Karnataka, Andhra and Kerala with their respective state languages. The author of this book, Shri B.S. Kesavan was an Indian Library Administrator & also the librarian of National library, Kolkatta, First Director and Indian National Scientific Documentation centre. He used his wide experience in writing three other books in addition to three volumes on publishing.

5. The Story of Our Newspapers (1986) -Chanchal Sarkar

The above captioned book has been published by National Book Trust in 1986 and printed at International place. New Delhi. The author Chanchal Sarkar answered to the questions as to who invented and introduced the newspapers. What is the history of the newspapers are elaborately given. Which is quite eloquently clear from the title of the book itself, although, a book is very short and comparison of only 64 pages. The qualitative aspects of the newspapers have been outlined magnanimously in a simple language with the pictorial depictions.

03 03 09 Q Q Ca CQ 03 CQ 03 Q CQ Q Q Q Q Ca Q 03 03 Q Q Ca 03 While touching upon the qualitative aspect of newspaper, the author initiates that, ‘The Front Page of a Paper is like show window of a shop’. The author pinpointing the negative aspect of the newspaper has blatantly criticized quality aspect

With these points author has elaborated his views and has stated that only originations i.e. press itself can prevent and make necessary improvement. The author encompasses the future of the newspapers, based on the authors study, knowledge and experience. The author feels that selfless and fearless operation of newspapers can indeed cross swords with those who indulge in injustice and expose evils and dishonesty. He strongly feels that any person entering the field of journalism, sky is the limit for excellence. According to the author journalists have a very special responsibility and hence they are expected to be fair and fearless having extra ordinary conscience.

Observations of the researcher:-

The research study finds that although the book is small it is very informative with each page interesting and endowed with quality infomiation, based on a good study, research and observation of the author. The price of the book is negligible i.e. Rs. 8.5 only. The researcher finds the book very informative and useful for journalism students and researcher.

6. The Business of Book Publishing (1990) -UNESCO

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) discovered that the major obstacles in the book publishing industry is the lack of trained and qualified personnel on account of which UNESCO has started number of training programs for publishers, booksellers and an editors. This is the first book in the series of training manuals developed jointly by the “UNESCO Foundation Book House”, a training centre in London and UNESCO. In India this

ca Q ca Q 03 Q Q oa £9 Q £Q 03 ca Q 03 G3 Q Q 03 03 03 G3 QfflEaGaEaGaQQQQcaQcacQEaEQcafflcacQCQcacacaQQcacQcacacaca

book is published by “Sultanchand & Co.", New Delhi the said book is a compilation of tutor’s notes and lecture material for the management training course in publishing. The book is subdivided into six units in which functions of Publishing management, Editorial Management, Financial Management, Business Analysis, Staff recruitment is provided deeply. The author also provided a case study to explain all terms thoroughly.

Observation of researcher

A book of 160 pages is a manual for course of publisher consisting of required information on publication in simplified manner. The quality of the

publisher is consistent in this book. In the entire book Flow Charts, Charts, Tables

and formats are used for proper understanding of the reader. The various illustrations

have made study quite easy. It was has found the manual to be very useful for the

purpose of studying financial and management aspects of publication firm in


7, “Bakhar Eka Prakashanachi”(1992) -Pandit Anant Kulkarni

A book published by Menaka Prakashana, Pune in the year 1992 gives

the detailed version of author’s experience of fifty years right from the

start of publication business, in the form of autobiography. Starting his

business in 1948, he soon attained the recognition as the best and popular

publisher and humanitarian who created excellent relationship with the

authors and distributors.

His rich experience in the field of publication business can be of

use the authors, publishers, printers and even the researcher. This book

has been segregated into twelve topics. He has narrated some of the

problems which were being faced by publishers and the publishing firms.

Q 03 Q GQ CQ Q Q Q Q Q G3 G3 CO Q Ca Q Q Q Q G3 £9 03 CQI CQ CQ cacacacaEaeacacacacacaeaeaeaBacacaGafflcaEQEaeaQcacacacacQfflcaea

A quotation, “People always pray to the rising sun” is significant and

catchy, which he has quoted while narrating about problems .

Observation by researcher:-

The entire book as a auto biography of the author is on overview of the

journey through his own life with the details of various problems faced by him in

his personal and professional life. The entire book is o f548 pages with am attractive

cover and creative back page. In order to get natural impact the author has given

real photographs of his family members. The book instituted an insight into an

important aspect of the problems faced by the author with well-known firms.

(8) Africa & India (1996) - Sukumar Das & Other Coauthors-

An exclusive report of a seminar organised in 1996 has been published by National Book Trust where a central theme, is Africa & India having many things in common geographically and topographically with vast and heterogeneous land, complex culture and both being developing countries. It is therefore, clear that both Africa & India can go together in the sphere of publishing. The papers were presented and discuss at the aforesaid seminar.

(9) Editors on Editing (1998) - H. Y. Sharda Prasad & Others

The book captioned book has been published by National Book Trust in

1993 which, is a collection of five papers presented at a seminar on “Editing”

organised by “National Book Trusf ’, the papers being coauthored by H. Y. Sharda

Prasad, Rukun Adwani, Davidar, Ravi Dayal, Urvashi Butalia and Samuel Israel.

In the first presentation part, Sharda Prasad has explained the job of Editors

and how it is important, with the help of several examples of Pandit Nehru, Scientists’

papers and greatest writer Editor .

ea ca ca ca ca ea ca Ea B3 G3 G3 G3 ea a £3 ca Ea ffl G3 ea G3 G3 G3 ea ca ea £3 ca cacQBacaBacacacacQEQCQQacacQgQgQgQcacacacagQeagacagQcacacacQCQea

The second paper by Rukun Adwani specifics the job of an editor which, although, is very important but has narrowly been defined in India by Indians & Publishers. The author emphasis’s on how the scripts are acquired by the editor and how the evaluation is done by him.The author has stated seven reasons to indicate the importance of the job of an editor as an evaluator.

David Davidar in his paper called 'The process of Editing” has explained

the functions of editorial department. He has also explained the types of editor.

While explaining the variety of skills that the editor should posses, he states that

some basic steps which an editor is required to follow by the process of self­

introspection, which he has termed as principles.

The subsequent paper by Ravi Dayal which is titled as “The Editor-Author Relationship” through which he has established the editor author relationship as a link was the former actually carves the book in such a way that it glitters like a diamond. Urvashi Butalia in her paper, “Interaction between Editorial and other Departments” has emphasised on the need to have good coordination among all departments of publication organisation in order to attain good results.

Samuel Israel in his paper “The Making of an Editor” has emphasized, with several examples, that the cost of printing can be reduced by the editors .

Observation by researcher:-

A book is concluded with a short autobiography of all the authors with a narration as to how they all became the editors. On the whole the book enriches us with the experiences of all editors representing finest tradition of editorial experience. While conducting the research in the field of publication it was observed that the editing is one of the important and essential aspects before the publication of the book. The research study has obtained the views of all the five authors of the above referred papers.

EQ ca Q Q Q CQ ca G3 G3 ca 03 Q ca Q Q 03 Q Q Q 03 CQ Q Q caeafflcacacacacacaGaEacacacacacacQGacacQEacacaEacacaeacacacaeaca

(10) “How Books are made ?” (1998) Samuel Israel

The book under review by the researcher “How Books are made?” Written by Samuel Israel (1998) and published by National Book Trust, Delhi, has been written in the form of a story with an explanation how books have happened to come into existence.

The author has described the origin and various tools of writing. Subsequently the author has enlightened the origin and making of a paper in ancient time. He has magnificently explained the history of printing and progress in printing till date.

While describing the actual process of making of book, the author has dwelt about editors to binding process. The author has also significantly touched upon the evolution of colors i.e. black and white to multicolor printing. The author has justified the title of the book as “Author, Publisher and Copyright” by giving the meaning of each term. He has also upon bookseller’s discount and royalties.

Observation by researcher:-

To conclude, the study found that the book was very useful, as it provides a complete base for good study in the field of printing. It is worthwhile to mention that the book has served as a key element in the study, though the book is not directly related to subject of researcher.

(11) Prakashan Vyavasay Parichay - (1999) - Sharad Gogte

Sharad Gogte’s book titled as “Prakashan \^avasay Parichay” and published by M/s. Dilipraj Prakashan, Pune in 1999, gives detailed information schematically segregated into Eight Chapters, about publication business related to Marathi Literature a quotation cited by an author at the beginning of each chapter is quite appealing. ca ca G9 Q Q ca ca Q oa Q oa £a ca Q ca 03 oa Q ca 03 Q 03 oa ca Q Q CQ (a) The World of Book:-

In the first chapter, an author Sharda Gogate enlightens on various initial and primary aspects of book and publication that is phase before invention of printing machine and the subsequent progress made often its invention and the nitty-gritty of publication business on the whole.

(b) Book its nature and Type:-

This author also explains about the classification, nature and layout of books, doctrine of initial pages including Title, Imprint Page, Preface, contents, Dedication, Epigraphs, Prologues etc. An author also explains elaborately on Appendices Notes, Glossary, References, Index, ''Shuddhipatrd’’’ etc. An author exemplifies cover printing with the help of diagram which makes understanding easy.

(c) Editing:-

According to an author, editing is the mental process of discerning and acquainting oneself with the subject not known to him. While emphasising the process of editing, author categorically explains various tasks to be accomplished by the publishers.

(d) Arrangement of proof before printing:-

This chapter descriptively elaborates on book arrangement, printing proof pages and its types. Author concludes the chapter by giving six valuable Tips for Elimination of Errors before final printing.

(e) Making of books:-

The Vth Chapter encompasses various aspects of making of book which according to the author, is a creative process having focus on proof reading, plate making arrangement of paper and printing. (f) Publication as a business:-

In the Chapter, author emphatically brings forth the issue of publication as a business and exceptionally discusses the comparative pie diagram of each product of publication from the commercial point of view. Author fervently states that although commercialisation of publication business is gradually making its way towards progress.

(g) Distribution and sale of book:-

Through this chapters author focus on various types of distribution and ways of advertising the book in the market. Author also explains about subsidiary rights and copyrights in detail.

(h) Administration of publication

In this last chapter, author specifies the accounting aspect of publication . He further revels on various legal procedures governing publication.

Observation by researcher:-

To conclude, the research report has indeed obtained valuable information on the nature, various types and aspects of procedures involved in making of the books.

12. “Desk-Top Publishing”(2002) -Rajendra Mantri

The author of this book has, so far, written eight books in his career. He is the person with multidimensional personality, having involved himself in multifaceted activities. He is having his own publication firm, “Anubhav Publication”, Vile Parle, Mumbai. He has been conducting seminar on ‘Seven strategies for success’ all over Maharashtra. He is having a working experience in a well known organisation as a HRD Manager. The author has been awarded for his two books viz. ‘What is computer’ and “America” by the state Government. The book has been ea ea ea £□ ea ea ea ea a ca ea ca ea £3 £ 0 (^ 3 ^ ca ca ea ea ea £□ £3 ca ea £□ ea ffl ca ea ea published by his publication firm which is in third addition and is useful for; (1) Those who want to know what Desk Top Publishing is.

(2 ) Those who want to venture into Desk Top Publishing Business.

(3) Publishers, Printers and computer operators.

The book has five different chapters which have been summarized by the researcher in the following manner

(1) Computer and its parts:

In his 56 pages description, the author has dealt with different parts of computer.

It is easy to comprehend tedious descriptions on computer parts because of the use of simple language, pictorial illustration by the author. The chapter has further been subdivided into 17 sub-chapters.

(2) Marathi Publication Business:

The author explains that every publication business is interrelated and interdependent with D.T. P. and printing business. The entire chapter depicts the information pertaining to the job description and the role responsibilities of author, publisher, operator, expert operator, proof reader, editor the press and the binder. The author also has elaborated on the publication process, along with technical use of words, meaning, data, use of English words etc.

(3) D.T.P.:

With an explanation for meaning of application, the author has

described the computer application as ‘Task to be performed by Computer

Programmers” the author further opinion that computer can not be operated untilits application is known. Likewise, for the effective use of various packages the commands must be known. The author has elegantly

described the application and packages available in D.T. P. Business . CQ ea ca ca ca ca £3 ca ea ea Q ca Q Q ca ca ea ea £□ £□ ca ca ca ca ca ca ca ffl ca (4) Other matter :-

The title of this chapter is misleading since it outlines the detailed information about the packages and not unimportant or insignificant matter as may appear from the title. As an introduction to this chapter author provides the information about PageMaker, Ventura, Marathi packager and their availability along with in-depth information regarding the quality, size, quantity and prize of the paper. The latter part of this chapter represents the process in D.T. P. Work and the people working for each process. The valuable information on Zerox-offset and screen printing has also been provided along with the benefits of D.T. P. The researcher observes that the book provides qualitatively and very useful infomiation for the purpose of acquiring technical knowledge and business details.

(5) Parishitya:-

In the concluding chapter the outer has provided the details of various English and Marathi Fonts, parts of words, graphics of D.T.P., menu of packages, Marathi correction chart etc.

In the last part of the book author has made a thought provoking statement that “making available new technology does not necessarily mean skill of this technology is learnt instantly” one is required to have talent, dedication, creativity and perseverance.

Observation of the researcher:-

It was found that this book to be great importance since it’s provides valuable information about area of printing in Marathi publication business. The researcher has been able to obtained new views and approach in her study.

13. Prakashan Vishwa- 2004 -By Mohan Vasant Vaidhya

This book has been published by Mudra-Rekha, Shivajinagar, Pune, 2004

which provides detailed information about various publishers and authors along ca ffl ca ca ea S3 ca ca ffl ca ea ffl B3 ffl C3 C3 ca ffl ca £Q ffl ffl C3 ea ca ea ca ca with their addresses in Maharashtra. This book is a systematic collection of information and data relating to publication which is useful and systematically published every year, so that, it can be used by those who are dealing in publications.

Incontrovertibly, the researcher has found this book of immense use as this book has given data of authors, distributors, booksellers and publishers all over


14. “Dare To Publish (2006) - Dina N. Malhotra

This book has been written by none other person than the one who claimed

International book award of UNESCO, who brought about paper bank revolution in

India, who made scintillating reference book called ‘50 years of book publishing in

India’ and the one who enriched himself with valuable experience in publication business for 55 long years.

The entire book is in the form of autobiography of an author and of a publisher.

This book comprises of 222 pages having been translated by Supriya Vakil and published by Mehta Publication Firm, Pune in Sept. 2006.

The author has written autobiography giving the detailed account right from his childhood to higher education and as a lecturer and later on his entry in the field of publication. While writing his experience, he has not only given his views but also speh out guidelines on how publication business can be handled and controlled.

He has also explained paper bank evolution that he had brought about and given his viewpoint about world of publication in America and Japan. He has dealt on book sharing concept in small villages.

The author has explained narrated his experience of meeting, publishers of

Rome, France and Europe in seeking valuable information from them. He has also narrated success story of Hind Pocket book in English and in other languages.

GQ ffl G3 ca Q CQ ca Q Q 03 Q Q Q 03 GQ CQ Q Q Q ca Q The book contains narration about how pubHshers faced problems when political

instability was prevailing in India in 1976.

Observation by researcher:-

The book is written by well qualified and experienced publisher containing

qualitative information in simple language in a lucid manner the book is very useful.

This is latest book which profoundly spells about speaks about the problems faced

by publisher as well as a success story of a publisher in her thesis.

1.7.2 Review of Articles:

(1) Udyojak (1966) - B.V. Rathod

Udyojak is a magazine edited by B.V. Rathod. In the issue of Sept. 1996, the researcher found a useful article, “Opportunities in Publication Business” written by Mr. Vilas Aher. For new comers in the field of publication, this article is beneficial as it covers all the details of publication, such as history, process and relationship with other business. The data relates to the period of 1996 which is covered by the previews of researcher i.e. 1995 to 2005 which researcher has included as a secondary data.

(2) Nashik Mudra (2004) -Narendra Shaligram

The editor of this magazine has been able to fulfill his dream of bringing all printers together by launching this quarterly magazine :”Nashik Mudra”. In the said magazine there is a useful and infonnative article by Mr. Arun Naik which covers various Acts, definitions of a book, printing, editor, newspaper etc. Legal provisions and list of relaxations in the fonnat of Form IV relating to press printing and publications. Researcher has used definitions and acts in her thesis whenever required.

£a ea ea ca ea ca ca ca ca Q ca Ea ffl ea ffl ca C3 ca ffl ca ca ea G3 ffl B3 ca ca ca ca (3) Ekta (2006)

The 58th issue of Ekta magazine (Jan. 2006) has published interview of

Ravindra Ghatpandya of Sehal Publication and Mrs. Amruta Kulkami of Continental

Publication. The former has given detailed information of history, background and

growth of his firm where more than 300 books were published, including the

information relating to problems of his own and the other firms with the solution

to reduce cost of advertising and publicity. The second interview of Amruta Kulkami

is based on a problem of a high rate of commission charged by bookseller. She

treats commission as a course to publication business. She has provided explanation

to solve the problems. This article has helped the researcher to gain qualitative

information on problems and solution of large scale publications firms.

1.7.3 Review of Newspapers

(4) Times of India, August 30 - 2004

An Article published in education Times of 30th August, 2004 by Anahita

Saxena titled as “Fine Print” gives information about prospects problems current

trends and courses relating to publication industry and what is required to a

good publisher. The explanation regarding the role of global publishing house

and information about department of giant publishing house i.e. Tata Magrew

Hill-India is quite interesting. This article has been useful to the researcher to

get an overview on growth, problems and prospect publishing firms all over

India. This article has been of immense use for the researcher for the purpose

of comparative study and Marathi Publication firms with the National

Publication Firms. ca £Q ca CQi £Q ea ea ca ca ca ea ffl ffl ffl ca ca ca £Q ca £a ea ea £3 £3 ca ea EQ £Q ea (5) Loksatta - 14th Aug. 2005 - Ujwalla Gokhle-Kumar Ketkar

On the occasion of completion of 200 years of printing Mrs. Ujwalla

Gokhale has written an article titled as "‘200 years of Marathi Printing” which reveals, history of Marathi Printing, contributions of William Carry and Pandit

Vajanath Sharma for printing. First book in Marathi, Progress of printing of

Marathi dictionary to the finest newspapers and books and the contribution of publication firms giving am impetus to the change. This is on excellent article which is being used by the researcher in the first chapter depicting history of printing 2nd edition, researcher could also lay hands on a list of various books for the purpose of her own reference.

(6) Hindustan Times - 21st August, 2005 - Gitanjali Dang

The article named “The Reading Habit” is a true reflection of detail study and research by the author Gitanjali Dang where she has provided exhaustive data regarding number of booksellers and the population having reading habit.

From this article the researcher has not only been able to capture a list of popular bookstores in Mumbai but also the comparative picture of English readers with that of Marathi. '\\\ \ M H O

(7) Loksatta - 26th Sep. 2005 - Yogesh Mhedhale

The article titled as “Alergy of E-Commerce to Marathi Publisher” describer the important aspects of publishing firms, where in rapid sale to the extent of 98% of English books alone is mentioned. Whatever Marathi books sold, are on account of Websites advertisement given by the author and not by the publishers. It has been very carefully pinpointed by Yogesh Mhedhale that the publishers are neglecting the vast International market which otherwise would account for easy distribution and sale. Moreover the attitude for adoption of new technology is not positive which the researcher has also experienced during the research process. The information provided in this article has been of immense value to the researcher.

(8) Maharashtra Times 13th Nov. 2005 - Pandurang Kumatta

As senior book seller has written this article with the title of “Problem of Marathi Book Advertisement Publicity and Distribution”. This raises questions to the readers as to how these problems can be sorted out. The publisher in reality, are far from the reach to the readers and also face many financial difficulties on account of high commission to be given to the booksellers in addition to publication cost. The researcher has used this article in Chapter number 3 of her thesis under the chapter “Administrative Problems of Publishing Firm”.

(9) Loksatta-18th Dec., 2005 - Vijay Tendulkar

A well known author, Vijay Tendulkar, through his articles, has suggested that Marathi Publication Firms to take Marathi literature on the war footing and the preference should be given to . He has further suggested that like, African, Japanese, Chinese and Latin books are translated in English the books of Marathi Literature should also be translated in English in order to create on impact in the International Market. The views of Kumar Ketkar have also been presented in the said article where in a unique example of Gandhiji has been sighted who made ardent efforts to reach each and every person in

India and also at International level without having support of any media and cacacacafflEacacacQcacQcacQcacaQQcacaQCQCQQCQCQcaQQcacacQca

communication system. If it is so, Marathi Publication Firms should also

reach the masses with the help new technology and media. The luminary author

and journalist have expressed their views regarding connecting links between

Marathi and International publisher. The researcher is very much benefited

for getting useful expert suggestion.

1.7.4 Conclusions:

Review of Literature could provide not only a bird’s eye view into the

subject matter but also an understanding the publication management with the

specific and focused knowledge.

The Review of Literature could crystallize the scattered thoughts which

could help in focusing this study.

The Review of Literature clearly indicated that not much have been done

in the area of publication, with reference to Marathi Literature in the form of

books and Novels. This fact revealed from the Review of Literature has further

strengthened to have “A Study of Administration of Publication Industry with

reference to Marathi Books and Novels’*. The geographical span taken into

consideration that covers Thane, Dombivli and Kalyan, which falls under Thane

District, Maharashtra State.

ca ca ca ea ca ea ca ea Q ea ga ca £3 03 ea ca ca ea ca ca C3 ea ffl G3 ca ca ffl ea ca 1.8 . Presentation of knowledge in the from of Books of Publication

In the ancient days intelligent people, always felt need to preserve their knowledge or to transmit it though various techniques like, communication to the society, writing on the leaf etc was in practice. All these techniques failed because preservation was of the greatest limitation of any technique they have used.

Books and publications today available in various forms play an important

role to present scenario for the current generation. Forms may vary, but publication

industry is actively involved in the process of presentation of various types of

knowledge to various category of the people. It is correct to state that the

presentation of knowledge is a foundation on which entire epidice of the publication

industry is built.

Knowledge is the valuable resource which segregates human being from that

of animal. It is a greatest investment which will pay h’s returns in the long run also.

So the need has arised that, knowledge should be spread over to all, to maximum,

to whom so ever required. This transmission is possible only with the help of

publication firms and not otherwise. Publication uses different modes for different

type of knowledge to satisfy readers like newspaper are published to communicate

daily facts of the society. Magazines are published by covering certain special issues

weekly, monthly, quarterly and books of variety of subjects are published to enhance

information and knowledge. There are other such forms like dictionaries, calendars,

pamphlets - handbills etc., also uses as a tools to present information and knowledge

for the society at large.

The Researcher wish to state that only making a research is not sufficient, it

is needed to convey the research through writing thesis which means that knowledge

is presented in the form of publication of thesis.

Q CQ G9 Q Q Q 03 Q Q Q Q 03 03 Ca £Q Q CO 03 CQ Q Q Q Q Ca Q QQCQQaaQQQafflmcaacacacaQQEacaGaQaQCQaQaQcaQQQ

1.9. Forms of Publications

Publication is a routine part of everyday’ activity of an individual. Publication is an integrated part of everyone’s life. Each and everyone in some way or other come across different forms of publication. Forms may vary according to the nature of requirement of an individual. The Researcher makes an attempt to explain some of the forms of publication which are universally been accepted and used.

1.9.1 Newspapers

According to dictionary definition of News Paper it is “A daily or weekly publication containing news, articles and advertisement”^- The meaning of newspaper can be interpreted as information collected from North, East, West & South with a purpose of transferring the same to the Society for their information, education and knowledge. The origin of newspaper was found in 59 B.C. by Julies Caesar a great Roman started issuing handwritten Public 9 "X announcement called the “ActaDiuoma” which means “Daily Events”. After the invention of Printing Machine between 15th and 16^h Century the first newspaper appeared in the 16th Century which was contained only commercial news. Likewise first newspaper of general interest, the “Avisa Relation older Zeitung” was published in 1609 in German. The first News Sheets came in India when the British had set up their presidency administrations in Colcata and Madras to keep the two distant outposts informed about what was happening to their fellow countrymen.

“The first Indian newspaper was started by Shri Gangadhar Bhattacharjea, he 24 published the Bangal Gazette in 1816 in Bengali” He was soon followed by Raja Ram Mohan Roy who used his Persian and English Publications to spread ideas of Social change, such as appeal against evil practices like Sati. With the proliferation of Newspaper Printing, innumerable Newspapers were bom with multifarious

22 Oxford Dictionary, Indian Edition Oxford University Press-2005, Page 598 23. Mr. Chanchal Sarkar “The story of our newspaper" National Boole Trust, India.New Delhi 1986, Page 4. 24. Mr Chanchal Sarkar “The story of our newspaper" National Book Trust, India.New Delhi 1986, Page 8. CQ Q CQ £9 Q CQ ca C3 CQ Q CQ CQ ca Q ca CQ CQ CQ CQ ca ca CQ Q ca CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ objectives such as for impressing tiieir views, fostering patriotism among the people for pursuing the fight for freedom of the country. The best examples for such news publications are Dadabhai Navroji’s ""Rastra G o fta f and Surendranath Banerjee’s “Bengali” , “Young India” was started in 1919 and was edited by Shri Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Shri Bal Gangadhar Tilak promulgated ""Kesari ” in Marathi which served as a mouthpiece in the state of Maharashtra was published in 1908.

Above stated News Publications were the true pioneers or explorers of

Newspaper. A newspaper is a mixture of many items such as feature articles, opinion

columns, editorials, sports news, financial news, photographs, advertisements etc.

As of date, 18 languages are officially approved and we have news publications in

almost all the 18 languages. To site few examples, we have “Times of India” in

English, ‘''Loksattd” in Marathi, "'Mumbai Samachar” and ''Gujarat Samachar” in

Gujarati, "Manorama’’' in Malayalam etc. Empirically, the newspapers are not only

based on languages, but also are predominantly object based depicting, classified

reading material. For example “Business Standard” is for those who need business

related news, Economic Times and Financial Express are meant for those who need

to keep themselves abreast with the latest development in the subject matter of

economics and finance respectively. “Employment News” for those who are in

service or those aspire for job opportunities etc. The growth of newspaper has

further been extended up to a local level. For example "Thane Plus" is added to

Times of India. The local newspapers are also available separately like "Thane

Janata'", "Sanmitra" in Thane and “Dombivli Express” in Dombivli etc.

The newspaper has become a necessity for every individual. People read newspaper for diversified reasons. Some read for solving puzzles, for knowing stock exchange or business information, for reading believable or unbelievable stories like “Crime Stories”, “Police Reporter”, "Sandhyanand' etc.

CQI Q ca ca Q Q Q CQ G3 Q 03 03 Q CQ 03 Q G3 Q Q Q Q Q Originally, freedom fighters accepted newspaper as a strong weapon for torching the inspiration and patriotic feelings of the people. Later on, small investors barged in this field for earning profits and today the newspaper publication industry has acquired mega commercial status. “The long standing “Times of India” which has completed 145 years was born under the leadership of Mr. Thomas Bennet” There are some newspaper firms publishing "'Samna'\ "'SakaF etc, which are owned by the politicians.

The newspaper industries have undergone tremendous changed and

enormous growth because of the following factors;-

(1) Enhancement in the literacy rate

(2) Increase in the coverage area

(3) Increasing attention by the politicians.

(4) Economical way of advertising all the products.

(5) Availability of colour on papers. (6) Freedom of expression and speech for all the citizens including the


It is worth mentioning that the newspaper industry which emerged on a small scale to start with, has attained astounding proportions in India.

1.9.2 Calender

According to the dictionary definition. Calender is:

1. “ A chart series of pages showing the days, weeks and months of a particular year.

2. “A type of “Panchang” publication which is being used by all path or a planner for one year.

25. Mr. Chanchal Sarkar “The Story of our Newspaper” National Book Trust. India, New Delhi 1986, Page 13 26. Oxford Dictionary, Indian Edition Oxford University Press-2005, Page 115 m ca ca Q 03 Q CQ ca ffl Q 03 Q Q Q G3 Q CQ 03 Q CQ Q G3 Q CQ 03 According to the above definitions, “Calender means a subdivision of year into Twelve months and each month subdivided further into weeks and days.” For the purpose of ceremonious and religious practices, the ancient Indian people acquired knowledge to calculate auspicious days and exact hours for sacrifice.“ InAtharvaveda, twenty eight Nakshatras (Constellations) have been m entioned,w hich are considered as the guiding star for making Calender in India. Indian astronomers made remarkable calculations and divided the sky into twelve months and made a calender of twelve month, each month comprising of thirty days. An addhional month of 25 or 26 days was added every five years. Thus, the length of the five normal years was brought up to 1825 or 1826 days which is close to the present day five year period. “The great ancient Indian astronomist who profounded basis of calender were Shri Aryabhatta (476 A.D.) and Varahamihira (5thCentury A.D.). This is how calenders were made and today it has become a necessity of every home, family and individual. One of the famous Calender Publication is "'Kalnirnay" which is published in many languages. There are many publications involved in the making of calenders viz. ''M ahalaxmr, "'Nir nays agar"" etc. The basic purpose for which the calender is used, is to know day, date and month. The popular period for selling of calender is from January to December, every year, though the new year for different communities commences on different dates. The Calendar has also supplementary use as a Planner since it helps to device schedule or a plan. It also acts as a guide to various interest groups of people to provide astrological and astronomical information month after month, complied by a well known personality, Shri Jayant Salgaonkar.

In the recent times, the calender is being used as a marketing tool to promote various products specially by the Pharmaceutical Industry where besides the object of product promotion, also serves as a gift to the doctors. In

27. K. D. Pavate “The Wonder Chip” Popular Science Series National Book Trust, New Delhi. Page 24 28. K.D. Pavate “The Wonder Chip” Popular Science Series National Book Trust, New Delhi. Page 25 fflQcacQQfflCQcafflQfflQCQca fflfflBacaGacafflGacafflGacaGaeaca caafflQQQQfflaacaaaQaaafflaQfflaacaacaacaQCQcaEQ

the fast growing competitive environment giving some gift to the client has

become quite imperative. Calender serves this purpose. Life Insurance

Corporation of India gives diaries in which the Calender of the year is printed.

Likewise, a number of companies use Calender for speciality advertising as

while they are used by the customers recall value is enhanced in the marketing

parlance. The calenders have been brought out in different sizes viz. Large size

for office use, medium size wall calender and for pocket use mini size calenders

are printed.

To conclude, it can be safely emphasized that Calender is a very important

form of publication which governs the human life.

1.9.3 Diary

According to the dictionary “A Book in which one keeps a daily record of

one’s experiences, a book marked with each day’s date, in which note appointments,

70 and a book for maintaining a record”

As is explicitly clear from the definition, a diary is used by people for

recording daily events of happening or for writing accounts or planning their

schedule for the next day or month. Some people use diary for noting appointments

while some use for writing their experiences. Diary is used in varieties of ways.

The Diaries are invariably printed for one year that is from January to December.

However, it does not mean that they are printed only once in a year. Depending on

the commencement of a new year, for different religion, they are printed seasonally.

Example : For Hindu religion, Diwali is a new year occasion and therefore the

diaries are published in November. Diaries are also used as a specialized advertising

29. Oxford Dictionary - Indian Edition,Oxford University Press. 2005 Page No. 242 GaeaeacacacacaeacacacaGacaeaeacaGaGacacaEaGacacacaeaGaGaeaeaEaGa

strategy. Some companies publish the diary with their names embossed on it so

that publicity can be gained for example Life Insurance Corporation of India, Indian

Oil, Hindusthan Lever, British Airways, Khadi Bhandar etc. Diaries are available in

different sizes like pocket diaries, hand book diary, or '/^ page size etc. They are

also available in different forms like Executive Diary, Gift Diary Standard Diary,

attractive leather cover Diary.

In addition to providing, day, date and year, a diary also provides useful

information. On the front page space is provided for writing user’s Name, Address,

Phone No., Credit Card No. Bank A/c. No., Driving Licence, Date of Birth, Blood

Group etc. So that this information can be used at the time of emergency. Besides,

additional valuable information such STD/I SD Code Number, List of Hospitals

with addresses and telephone Nos., important Telephone Numbers of Government

Office, Currencies, measurements, List of Airports, Table for rate of Interest,

Payment of Income Tax, Metric information, Temperative Charts, World Time,

Important Holidays, Calender etc.

“ A person will never be able to hit a target that he can not see”^° For

achieving the desired goals and target, a concrete plan of action is necessary which

can be frequently seen or reviewed. Diary acts like a daily reckoner for review of

action plans on a day to day basis. The professionals people always prefer to write

their action plan for the next day which not only helps them to target their goals for

the next day, month or a year but serves as a constant reminder for accomphishment

of the goal.

30. Mr. Robin Sharma, "The Monk Who Sold his Ferreris" Jaico Publishing House, Mumbai, 2004, Page 80. ca £3 ca ca ca ca ea £3 ca ca Ga G3 G3 ea cq[^4^ oa ca ea ca ea ea oa ca Ga oa ea ca ca Ga ea QQ3aQQfflG3GQQ3aaaacQaD3CQacQQQmacacaQ3fflcaQacaG3

Diary is an important publication wliich can help each and every individual

to plan, to review, to act and succeed in accomplishing their tasks. Diaries not only

provide useful information but also on every page at the bottom provide quotes

from philosopher or well known personalities which provide food for thought and

can be a motivating factor. Hence diary can be informative, motivating, action oriented planner which can help individuals to achieve different goals in their lives.

1.9.4 Books

Key reason of starting publication industry is nothing but a book. In order to

trasmit knowledge to layman in the society, by various ways all scripture’s

knowledge, was duplicated, which later took the form of book. The definitions and

meaning is explained in the Chapter in 1.4. A. The first book published in India was

European Missionaries in 18th Century and First Marathi Book was '"Marathi

Vyakaran” which was published in Nashik by Shila Press in the year 1835-36 till

then the book has its own image in the hearts and eyes of people. India falls eight to

tenth in a world ranking of book publishing countries it ranks third after the USA 31 and Britain in English language book.

In India books are published by public sector as well as by private sector. For

example publication division, a department of Ministry of Information and

Broadcasting of , National Book Trust India at state level,

State Publication Board Etc. At the same time Private Sector of Indian Book

publication firms are many that there are small scale, medium scale publishers.

According to a data of 1966 of world Book fair at Delhi, there were 1062 book

publishing Indian Companies that participated.

31 Samuel Israel, “A Career in Book Publishing” National Book Trust, India, Page 99. Q CQ Q ca CQ £Q CQ Q Q Q Q CQ Q ca £9 Q ca ca Q CQ Q ca ca Q Q ca CQ ca There are different types of book publications e.g. well known publications like NAVNEET and VIKAS Publication provides books for children like fun - Colour- Shape and activity books etc. For learners various books in their own subject are available that is Taxman of Sighaniya for Tax learners etc. Books like novels are also provided to those who want to enjoy leisure time. Those who need quality reading for them publishers provide literature for example for ‘‘‘'Ahe he asa ahe ” by Gauri Deshpande, Vapurzah by V. Kale. Variety of books are available for reading in our routine life. Some books are of special nature like, cooking books by Tarla Dalai or personality development by Dr. Ram Kulkarni’s books on Health and Public speaking etc.

This means that books as a publication is available in many forms like Kids Books, Students Books, Leisure time books, Literature book. Guiding books, activities books. Note Books, Practical Note Books, Reminder Pads Attractively designed, featuring Jokes, General knowledge,Graph Drawing Books. It is available for every individual to whichever above mentioned category he or she belongs to.

The researcher emphasises on popularity of books and different publications which provides books from all categories. It informs, entertains and educates human beings on a large scale. Books is a power, the principle to 32 live life successfully is that books, it are the best Friend of the wise.”

1.9.5 Pamphlets/Handbills/Brochures

The word Pamphlet has its origin from the name of a 12^*^ Century Latin

love poem “Pamphilus” The Dictionary meaning of Pamphlet is “A small leaflet 33 containing information about a single subject”

32. Robin Sharma, The Monk who sold his farrari” Jaico Publication. Page 117 33. Oxford Dictionary -Indian Edition Oxford University Press, 2005 Page 638

Q Q ca Ga CQ Q oa ca Q Q Q 03 Q Q £Q Q Q 03 ffl Q 03 Q Q Q Q ca QQfflfflQcafflcacQicacQcacacacacQQfflcacaQQcacaQcacacacQcacaca

“According to the source Pamphlet includes booklets, brochure, bulletin, catalogue, circular, flyer, folder, handbill, handout leaflet notices”^"^

It means the word Pamphlets is not inclusive. It is exclusive which includes number of forms of publications which is useful, and required by people in number of ways.

Handbill is a small printed advertisement or notice distributed by hand. Where as brochure is a small magazine containing information about product or service.

This means that Pamphlets, Handbills and Brochures are various advertising publications used for advertising any product and services For example to launch a new product, to inform about exhibition. Handbills and Pamphlets are distributed at Public places. It is a economical way of publications which is easy to use, to print and to distribute. Normally people have use and throw attitude for this type of publications. It is possible to make these types in various sizes like A4, A8 size .

It is type of advertising publication containing pages or folded with an attractive Art paper, multicolour, cut work, pictures which is readable with interest. Such publications are attractive, cheaper, economical & popular in local market. These publication tells about product details, types of product, range of product, features of product, price of product etc. These publication is not used only by relative sources but also by nonprofit making. Organizations. For example politicians use pamphlets for giving their details about themselves,

political party and contribution of the party towards the society at the time of elections. Some times Government also make use of this publication for providing or circulating certain information or certain reminder to public for like Polio dose, schedules, are printed in the form of pamphlets and distributed

34. Oxford Dictionary -Indian Edition Oxford University Press, 2005 Page 639

CQI Q Q CQ ca C9 Q Q Q Q Q Q £3 ^^^5^ Q 03 03 03 Q Q 03 Q Q 03 03 Q caQQQQQQfflCQaQfflEaQQaafflCQafflcacafflcaQcaQQQQa

in concerned areas. So that polio camp can be conducted successfully. This means it is a type of publication which is required by Government, Non- Govemment organization, profit making and nonprofit making private and public sectors so that it can be easily, quickly and economically reach to the masses.

1.9.6 Note Books/Registers

It is defined as “An official Record”. The File, Catalogue, Journal, Ledger or a Record-Book which is used for various purposes like storing of data, for writing valuable thoughts, speeches, notes and thereafter using the same as knowledge, information, feed back, for further processing, as an evidence, for personal growth etc.

It can also be explained as a bunch of papers or fullscape papers having a thick binding. It is a Long-Book used at many places in Banks, Factories, Companies and Government offices. This is a General example but we can consider direct examples like Salary Register, Cash Register, Stock Register, Daily collection Book etc.

There are different types of Note Book, Registers available in Soft cover - hard cover books, graph books, drawing books, practical books etc. In the market, companies exist to print, publish and distribute these types of Notebooks, Register, Forms etc. Some of well known as “Tax-Print” for tax purpose and “Bapuji Printers” mainly print and distribute the Register & Note Book-forms for Industrial factories and Octroi purpose. In their field they have monopoly in the market. But today the scenario has changed. Many companies stand in the market with its goodwill, for example Navneet Publication, Vikas Publication and ITC Ltd. etc. They create Note Books, Long Books, Registers with attractive designs, featuring jokes and general knowledge.

35. Oxford Dictionary -Indian Edition Oxford University Press, 2005 Page 751

Q a ca CQ CQ Q CQ CQI CQ CQ CQ Q CQ CQ £3 ca Q CQ CQ Q Q Q Q Q Q CQI CQ Q In the earlier period to make registers and Note Book, Paper elemental

chlorine was used which was not eco-friendly but today a superior eco-friendly papers which are free from elemental chlorine.

With the reference of above information, the researcher accentuates that today publication firms take care of needs and health of prospects. “The one better example of this is, some publications of note book and register gives a support to

rural education with the profit of each sale of Note Book & Register”.^^ So, today

publisher make such quality that their presence is felt in market, in the minds of

target audiences. They create a brand that enrich the quality of life of every Indian.

1.9.7 Periodicals

“A magazine that is published at regular intervals is called as Periodical”. It

can be understood as a periodical publication containing Articles and Pictures”.^^

This meaning can also be stated as, "After a specific period - time which is

published regularly with specific subject

Magazines and Periodicals are available on various subjects and almost in all

languages. One way of classifying magazines would be according to their duration,

namely weekly, fortnightly, monthly and quarterly, half-yearly and yearly. As per

the demand from the readers magazines are available as “Stardust”, “Police Times”

etc. To cater to the needs and interest of each individual, various types of periodicals

are made available by many publishers in the market. It is affordable and economical

and provides all information and knowledge to everyone regularly.

36. “The Times of India” Sunday, 1-5-2005 37. Oxford Dictionary -Indian Edition Oxford University Press, 2005 Page 538 ca ca ca ffl ca C3 £□ a C3 ca C3 ca ca ea C3 ffl ca ca Ea ca ffl ffl ea B3 ffl ca G3 ca Ea eacacQcacacacacQEacacacacacacQcacQcacacacacacacafflCQcacacacacaca

The difference between book and periodical is, books contain one subject

which will not change though there are more than one edition but periodical topics

and its material changes with every edition. Periodicals are used but books are

prepared for longer period of time. Periodicals deal with latest issues which has

impact on every social aspect of individual and so there is too much competition

for magazine in the market.

A number of Strategies are implemented for sale of Magazines like Diwali

Magazines given Free of Cost or with specific subscription. Also Compact Discs

or gift items are given free on purchase of Magazines. These magazines are easily

made available to the readers at newspapers and magzines stall, books stall.

Magazines help people to enhance the quality of life with new information,

ideas, views. It some times also helps to kill time effectively and qualitatively.

“Magazines have a long histoiy the First Hindi Weekly was launched in Nagari

Script named ''Oodunt Martand’’’ dated 30*'’ May 1826 edited by Manna Thakur in

"X his own press, at a monthly subscription of Rs. Two”. As this was first Hindi

periodicals, editors noticed number of difficulties in running this periodicals. Like

this the “first Hindi weekly called '"Simla A khbaf’’ started in 1848 from Himachal

Pradesh”.^^ ''Malva Akhbar'" the first Hindi weekly from central India in 1949.

One of the most remarkable periodical was ''Harischandrd' Magazine of 1873,

a monthly magazine having a title page in English. There were hundred or more

periodicals from different villages, cities, states etc, but many of them were closed

down by British Rule, Financial difficulties, non availability of regular authors, to

much of interference of political parties etc.

38. Mr. B. S. Kesavan“History of Printing and Publication” volume HI,National Book Trust, New Delhi, page 269 39. Mr. B. S. Kesavan “History of Printing and Publication” volume III,National Book Trust, New Delhi, page 271 __ Q ca E3 ca Q Q ca ca ca ca ca Q ca ca Q Q Q ca ca Q ca £3 £3 ca ca Q ca Q Researcher concluded that though many magazine pubHcation firms have been closed down even than many firms are involved exclusively in publication of magazines which means magazine plays important role for readers in the researcher’s jurisdiction.

1.9.8 Dictionary

The word Dictionary comes from Latin origin “Dictionaries Liber” which means book of words.

The Dictionary meaning of Dictionary is “A book that lists the words of a language and gives their meaning or equivalent in a different language.”"*® William

Kirkpatric in regarded as the father of Dictionary. He is the person who has given birth to the Dictionary. William Kirkpatric was a Private Secretary of Lord Wellesley in between the period of 1799 and 1801. Kirkpatric was the translator of many books from the Persian. He also translated a selection of Tipoo’s letter. In the year

1785, Persian, Arabic and English vocabulary was published.

The full title of the first Dictionary was “A vocabulary Persian, Arabic and

English containing such words as have been adopted from the two former languages and incorporated into Hindi, London 1785 with an appendix of 194 pages, printed and published by Joseph copper in London 1789.”“^'

Dictionary as a publication governs important role in human life, as it is has an universal use. Every thought link with word and all words with its meaning is available in Dictionary. Above quoted is a first dictionary type. After this, in various form the Dictionary was published. Some of the important and popular forms of dictionary published are:

40. Oxford Dictionary -Indian Edition, Oxford University Press. 2005, Page 242 41. Mr. B. S. Kesavan “History of Printing and Publication” volume III,National Book Trust, New Delhi, page 23 (1) A Dictionary of Hindustani Language by John Fergusson, 1773

with two parts

(a) English-Hindostani

(b) “Hindostani EngHsh - Printed & Published in London”."*^

43 (2) “A Dictionary English and Hindoostani”

This is the History of Dictionary publication apart from this latest and popular

example of dictionary is Oxford Dictionary “Oxford University Press is the

publisher of Oxford English Dictionary.” They have completed more than 100 years.

This Dictionary is available as a 20 Volume print edition on CD-Rom and also

online at They have continuous upgradation and revision This means

that Dictionary is changing its form from book to CD-Rom to online availability

but it’s publication meets the needs of the user. It helps to increase word power of

an individual.

1.10 Publication as an Industry

Book publishing is one of the easiest industries for a individual to setup. In

this industry the researcher observed that setting up is easy, as very less

documentation and formalities are involved in it. There is no need to secure License,

Permit, etc. There is no need of having any kind of formal office and does not need

to be a registered firm. The few requirements to enter this industry is finance to

publish atleast the first book,a keen interest in literature and confidence.In this

industry publishing firm should prepare their format of information in which details

of finn can be provided for various reasons like for registration, licencing, getting

order etc. The format is of details is as follows:

42. Mr. B. S. Kesavan “History of Printing and Publication” volume II,National Book Trust, New Delhi, page 23 43. Mr. B. S. Kesavan “History of Printing and Publication” volume II,National Book Trust, N ew D elhi, page 2 3 ___ ca Q GQ ca Q Q Q ca oa Q Q G3 ca Q ca ca Q Q ca Q Q Details of Publication

1. Name and Address of Write

(Professional and Residential Address, Telephone Numbers etc.) 2. Proposed Heading of book 3. Educational and Professional Details: (a) Education-Degree and Educational Institute

(b) Research / Area of research for writing, Subject for P.hd

Published Research Books

Published Notes

Prizes Received by writer

(c) Profession - Area of Profession

4. Proposed Book / Educational:

(a) Style of book

(b) Agewise Readers

5. Details New Publishing and republishing

(a) Details regarding No. of books, Publisher-address, Printing by whom etc.

(b) Year of Last Edition

(c) Estimate Time of last edition which is not available

(d) Re-reeding of New Edition

(e) Notable Topics of New Edition

(f) Reason for New Edition

6. Additional details:

(a) Comparable books (With Heading, Writer, Publisher, Size and Price)

(b) Importance of new proposed book

(c) Importance of book by Advertisement thinkig

(d) Useful education of book ca ca ea £3 ea G3 ca ca ea ea ea ca ca ca ca ca ca ca GQ oa G3 ea ca ffl ca ea ca G3 G3 This industry is governed by certain acts which are stated as follows:

Legal Rules for Publication

1. The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867 2. The Copyright Act, 1957 (As amended up to 1994) 3. The Indian Penal Code Sec. 292 & 293 for Unlegal Publication 4. Young persons Harmful Publications Act, 1956 5. Rule No. 124 6. Rule No. 153 7. Agreement with Writer 8. Agreement with Distributors

This industry is too near to knowledge, information and literature and can not be compared with other industries which are continuously growing obtaining challenges and using infomiation and technology as a base. There is no great demand in this industry or industrial sector but opportunity still exists in this industry. As in the 2 P'Century the importance of knowledge and education is increasing, which will definitely result into growing demand for books, newspaper and magazine in near future.

In respect of above some important aspect of this industry should not be ignored i.e rising cost of paper. Ink and other labour charges, material in the market, influence of other sector which results into low rate of reading. These are external factors which affect publication business at the same time there are some internal factors like inadequate editorial skill, lack of trained and professional staff, adherence to minimum production standard etc.

It is essentional to note that Marathi Literature publishing industry in the researcher’s jurisdiction produces an edition of hardly 1000 to 2000 copies which is very less as compare to other languages and other publishing houses of India and abroad.

Q Q ca Q Q £Q CQIQ Q G3 03 ca Q Q 03 £Q £Q ca Q ca Q ea Following Table will illustrate number of copies sold on the subject “ How to become millionaire” in India.

Name Author Copies Sold 1. Rich Dad Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki 8.75 Million 2. The automatic Millionaire David Bach 4,68,000 3. Secrets of Millionaire miad T. Harv Eker 1,57,000 4. Cracking the Millionaire Code Mark Victor Hasen 31,000

5. Missed fortune log Doyglas R. Andrew 37,000

Source 1- Nileson Book scan, publishers.

The above information is only about single subject book published by the

publisher and sold in India. This information gives an idea that publication firms as

an industry, in the jurisdiction of researcher are lacking behind, as compared to

other international publisher.

One more noted aspect of researcher jurisdiction is that of all firms are

small scale in nature.

As compared to the pre-globalisation period, the publication industry is

showing good growth in terms of its sales, demand, quality, quantity and efficiency.

There is a need of a new generation which can come up with tradition of India,

that is a “Publishing” to coming generation.

Though there is a great impact of new technology like Computer, Internet,

E-mail etc, yet it cannot replace reading ofBooks, Magazines and Newspaper as

part of information, knowledge and education.

Q Q Q Q GQ Q Q Ca Q Q EQ G3 CQ 03 Ca Q Q CQ Q Q Q Q G3 03 CQ 1.11 Definition and concept of Administration

The word “Administration’' has been derived from Latin word “Administritio”

where “ad” means “to” and “ministration” means “to give service”^"*

Administration in the context of efficient management system, can be

defined as the “Universal process of arranging people and resources with the intent

of directing activities towards the attainment of common goals and objectives of a

business enterprise”

In the words of Dr. William R. Spriegel, “Administration is that phase of a

business enterprise which concerns itself with the overall determination of

institutional objectives and the policies necessary to be followed in achieving

business objectives.”'*^ In the words of Oliver Sheldon, “Administration is the

function in an industry concerned with the determination of the corporate policy,

the coordination of finance, production and distribution, the settlement of the

compass of the organization and the ultimate control of the executives”'*^

44. Source : Internet meaning of administration

45. Business administration and mangement, Dr. S.C.Saxcena,Sahitya Bhawan 1986.Page No. 7,

46 Dr.Wiiliam R. Spriegel, Principals of business organisation and Operation. Page No.545.

47. Business administration and mangement, Dr. S.C.Saxcena.sahitya bhawan 1986 Page No. 8. ca ea ffl ea £a ca ffl ea ffl ea ffl EQ ca ca CQ ea CQ C3 ca ffl ca C3 ca ca ffl ca ca ca ca The concept of administration can be better understood by the following organizational Flow chart No.2 Organisation

Top Level Function:-

Top Level management function is a conceptual function which involves lot of thinking in determining organizational policies and procedures and make relevant decisions for implementing the same.

The concept of administration is a subject of conflicts when compared with management functions on many grounds. As opined by many experts in the field of management administration is a higher level management function. According to the management experts like Henry fayol, William Newman, Theo Harimann both the concepts are synonymous and interchagable.

To solve this conflict of terminology, British management expert E.F.L. Brech brought the concept o f:

ca £□ ca ea C3 C3 a ca ea Q ea ea ea ca ca ea £□ ca ca ea ea £□ ffl ca ca ea ca ca (a) Administrative Management which is concerned with framing of policies deciding plans and fixing standards and

(b) Operative Management which is concerned with the actual implementations of these policies and plans by utilizing resources for the purpose of attaining fixed standards and delivering goals. This eloquently means that the brass of management can be decided into two categories:-

(i) A top level administrative management and

(ii) A lower level operative management.

To conclude in brief administration would mean:-

(1) A function which is concerned with making policies, tools and not concerned with its direct implementation or any human efforts for the execution of policies designed to achieve the organizational goal.

(2 ) A function, which is related to the Top level Management.

(3) A function which can bring about co-ordination and control of all the organizational activities after designing the appropriate management structure for smooth conduct of the business.

(4) A function which requires intelligence rather than an technical knowledge.

(5 ) A functional term which is used by government and public sectors.

(6) A function meant to manage, handle entire affairs and matters of the


(7) A function meant to govern like a ruling power, to delegate authority and

responsibility to the subordinates and ensuring the achievements of

organizational tasks form them.

EQ CQ Q G9 Q E9 Ca Q Q Q Q 03 Q 03 Q Ca CQ Q Q Q G3 Q Q Ca 1.12 Need of Administration in Publication

In every business organisation administration is an important, indispensable

and inevitable function. It is only through the process of proper administration

success, survival and growth of any organization can be achieved. In publication

industry too administration function is required.

Explanation to the above chart:-

(1) To coordinate various activities: -

Like in any other organization, in a publication firm too, there are various

people undertaking different activities in different departments.

It therefore becomes imperative to handle them and control their activities.

A need for administration in publication industry can be explained with help

of following Flow chart No. 03

Administration in Publication firm

Financial Production Personnel Marketing Printing Storing & Distribution

1.12.1. Administration of financial activities:-

Assessment of financial need, study of financial sources, their scrutiny and choosing the best source and using the finance in the best possible manner.

1.12.2. Administration of production Activities:-

There are numerous authors and their manuscripts are available for the publication firms. However, to choose the best author and the manuscript

ca ca £□ ca ea ca ea ea ca G3 ca ca ca Ga ca £3 G3 £□ ca ea ffl £3 ea m ca ca ca ca ca requires and administrative skill. The decision of selection of best author or the manuscript depends on various factors which are required to be scrutinised aptly considering the necessity, requires administrative skills rather than make mere mechanical selection.

1.12.3. Administration of Personnel:-

Administrators are the policy makers. They are not physically involved in the implementation of various policies and procedures. The actual implementations of various policies and procedures is done by various people working in an organisation. In Publication firm too, human resources management is an important aspect. It is an administrative function which involves selection recruitment, placement, induction, training and development, fixing salaries, annual increments, promotions etc.

1.12.4. Administration of Marketing and Distribution:

As far as publication industry is concerned each book is a new product. Despite the fact that publication of Marathi books are comparatively of a small scale operation, the administrative process becomes imperative so that proper marketing, advertising and distribution can be done to enhance the coverage of readers. For marketing and distribution of Marathi books limited sources are available. Administrative tool becomes necessary to select best channel of distribution.

1.12.5. Administration of Printing:

Typing and Printing are the most essential criteria for emulating the final product i.e. the book. It is therefore mandatory that proper typing and printing is carried out without any mistake. A small typographical error at the time of preparing D.T. P. or typing can result into an ambiguity. The book can become attractive and may catch attention of the readers only when good

Q CQ CQ Q Q ca GQ C9 Q Q ca ffl ca 03 ffl Q Q Q 03 Q Q EQ Q ca CQ CQ art work is available for the cover page. Undoubted by, printing is the soul of publication. At every stage from typing up to binding, selection, decision making coordinations and control of an administrator is necessary.

1.12.6. Administration of stock:

Once the printed copies of the book are ready, until the time of supply, maintains, storage and preservation of stock has to be takencare off into. The stock of books is required to be preserved in the manner that untoward factors like climatic condition, whether does not affect the book. In publication firms therefore, administration of storage becomes a necessary requirement.

(2) To face increasing competition successfully:-

‘ Survival of the fittest’ is the phrase which is applicable for any firm including the publication firm, to compete the ever increasing competition and to survive in the business. Specially for the small business enterprises, it becomes difficult to continue with the business in the absence of proper knowledge, techniques and strategies. It is only through the implementation of excellent market strategies, it is possible to stand out in the competition among the publication firms.

(3) To meet the challenges of modern technology.

The major crux of modern business activities is the application of fast developing modern technology. The publication firms have seen many continuous changes of deploying modern techniques e.g. from typing machine to computers and from black and white printing machines to colour printing machines etc. Many technical devices are deployed in the publication firm the selection and installation of which requires sound administration knowledge. ca CQ ca Q E9 CQ ca Q Q Q CQ Q CQ Q CQ Q CQ ca Q Q CQ Q Q Q Q Q (4) To ensure smooth conduct and survival of publication.

Publication firm needs good and qualitative administration for smooth conduct of its activities. For all the management functions such as planning, organising, directing and controlling, better administration is a necessity which ultimately would result into survival and growth of the firm.

(5) To face challenges of globalization:-

Due to globalisation, many challenges are required to be faced by the publication firms. This includes the books available in other languages, change in the reading habits, reading of books in different languages etc. To face these challenges, the publication firm has to predominantly adopt various administrative methods.

Administration in publication is also required:

(a) For effective use of resources.

(b) For reducing wastages.

(c) For creating new authors or to bring the authors in the limelight.

(d) For creating a new generation of administrations.

Q ca GQ Q GO! ca Q ca Q ca Q ca Q Q Q oa Q Q CQ Ol CQ ca CQ Q 03 03 CQ Q