ADDINGTON VILLAGE CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL AND MANAGEMENT PLAN SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT CROYDONi COUNCIL CONTENTS ISSUE Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) endorsed for adoption by Cabinet on XXXX and adopted as a SPD at full PART 1: INTRODUCTION PART 2: MANAGEMENT PLAN Council on XXXX. 1.1 What is a Conservation Area? 02 7.0 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS 34 This document is available to view and download online at: 1.2 What is a Conservation Area 02 7.1 Statutorily Listed Buildings and Locally 34 Appraisal and Management Plan? 02 Listed Buildings conservationareas 1.3 What is the document’s status? 02 7.2 Registered Park and Garden: 34 1.4 Community Involvement 02 Addington Palace PUBLISHED BY 1.5 Designation Background 02 7.3 Archaeological Priority Area 34 CROYDON COUNCIL 1.6 Statement of Special Character 04 7.4 Trees in Conservation Areas and TPOs 34 Bernard Weatherill House 1.7 Character Areas 04 7.5 Green Belt 34 8 Mint Walk 7.6 Nature Conservation 34 Croydon CR0 1EA 8.0 DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES 35 Email:
[email protected] PART 1: APPRAISAL 8.1 Use 35 Tel: 020 4071385 8.2 Demolition 35 2.0 CONTEXT 06 8.3 New Development Affecting the 35 IMAGE CREDITS 2.1 Location, Topography & Setting 06 Conservation Area’s Setting Historic photographs supplied by the Croydon Local Studies 2.2 Historic Development 07 8.4 Extensions 36 and Archives Centre unless otherwise specified. 2.3 Archaeological Significance 12 8.5 Window Replacement 36 8.6 Doors 36 All other photographs supplied by London Borough of Croydon.