Spartan Daily

Volume 7 7 , Number 15 Serving the San Jose Community Since 1934 Tuesday. September 22, 1981 Rescheduled S.U. board meeting cancelled By Janet Weeks said Hon Barrett, Student Umini tcndance is unlikely Barrett an- until to lay Board of Directors meeting, but be appointed by SJSU President Gail Staff Writer director. (vied the meeting. The AS. promised to fill the apparently they got caught up with Fullerton. The first meeting of the Student Nine members must be present The meeting has been student openings by today, said the /WI issue," Barrett said. Following cancellation of the Union Board of Governors, for a quorum. rescheduled for 3:30 p.m. Oct. 6 in Barrett. Connie Magana, AS. personnel Sept. 8 meeting, Barrett sent a list of rescheduled for today, was canceled Currently there are 11 members the S. U. Pacheco Room. "I had been led to believe that officer said that because the faculty nominees to Fullerton's again because the chances of on the board and five vacant seats. Originally, the meeting was to they would have made the ap- deadline for applications was office for her selection. reaching a quorum "are not good," However, because perfect at- be held Sept. 8, but was postponed pointments at last Wednesday's A.S. delayed until 5 p.m. tomorrow and However, Fullerton was "off the A.S. Personnel Selection campus" most of last week and not Committee is required to interview available to make her choices, all applicants, that promise will not Barrett said. Spartans buck the odds be carried out. At today's meeting, the board So far, five people have applied was to select a chairman and vice for the three student positions and chairman. An update covering last 44* g kr* p # ft: I one of the applicants has been in- summer's Student Union events was " .1.=-2; I ,11111 0111Y1 Fir terviewed. Magana said. also scheduled. Ifj , Since each applicant is Discussion of Student Union =me A evaluated directly after the in- incorporation, now in its final terview, Magana said, a quorum stages, was also on the agenda. composed of three members of the "We want to hold the lease for personnel selection committee must the Student Union," to obtain legal /1 be present at each questioning status, Barrett said. session. "Now, we're a non-entity, Candidate selection is based on legally," he said. total points scored on an "interview Incorporation will give the rating form," which is completed by Student Union the same status as the the personnel selection committee other three auxiliary enterprises on members. campus: the Associated Students, The committee then forwards its Spartan Shops and San Jose State recommendations to AS. President Foundation. Tony Robinson, who makes the final After incorporation, the board of selection, Magana said. governor's name will change to the 4* "Hopefully we can bring the board of directors. Two board names before the board of directors members will be added. at their meeting tomorrow," she "Most of the other changes are said. legalistic or cosmetic," Barrett "It's kind of immaterial," said. Barrett said, referring to the student Two other committees, the vacancies, because the faculty Academic Fairness Committee and positions have not been filled yet. the Academic Senate, are also The faculty members can only lacking membership. raga. Misunderstanding causes radio/TV center $ 4,000 loss it or, By Kris F:Id red Spartan quarterback Steve Clarkson lunges forward for extra Clarkson completed 19 of 32 passes for 181 yards and two Staff Writer yardage as Stanford's Garin Veris prepares to make the touchdowns in the game, which marked the largest margin of A budget request misunderstanding caused a $4,000 cut in SJSU tackle in last Saturday's 28-6 SJSU victory over Stanford. victory by any SJSU football team over Stanford. radio/TV News Center funding, according to Ken Blase, radio news adviser. Blase said he "made a mistake of not requesting Automatic Funding Initiative funding for money we should have gotten." The mistake cost the Radio/TV News Center $4,000 of $12,000 allotted by All. Elway Last year, Blase requested $10,000 from Instructionally Related Ac- on tivities and received only swarms $3,000. This year, he SJSU asked for $8,000 in IRA funds, hoping to receive the full amount. He suspects this figure is what SJSU President Gail Fullerton used to estimate the radio/TV AFI budget. "She has the right to do it. I think what she did was look at what I requested from IRA and decided that if I didn't ask for $12,000. I didn't need in $12,000," 28-6 Blase upset of Stanford said. By Michael Liedtke Stanford Stadium. Purdue) of his already illustrious Each of the numbers Blase said he was happy to receive the $8,000, the most the center has Staff Writer A stellar Spartan defense turned career. Elway hit absolute rock represented new lows in Elway's received in at least four years. He added the larger sum could have been Throughout his collegiate a beautiful day into a gloomy affair bottom against SJSU. career. used "without wasting a penny." career, Stanford quarterback John for Elway and enabled SJSU to Harassed by a ferocious pass , His previous single-game lows "It is not a question of needing the money. We can always use the Elway has always looked like a shock Stanford 28-6 before the rush which sacked him seven times were: 17 completions, a .548 (19 of money. If we were given $12,000, $24,000, even $50,000, we could use it ef- celestial body on the football field. largest crowd ( 67,888) ever to wit- and hampered by a tendered right 33) passing percentage, 164 passing ficiently without wasting a penny," Blase said. But SJSU's hellacious defense ness a Spartan football game. ankle, the 6-foot-4 junior managed to yards against SJSU last year), and SJSU's Radio/TV News Center has old, outdated equipment, according made Elway look something less Coming off one of the finest complete just six of 24 passes for 72 four interceptions. to Blase. He said students have to line up to use pieces of machinery that than divine Saturday afternoon at performances (418 yards against yards and threw five interceptions. When football historians analyze other schools provide at a two-to-one ratio. Blase added that the center has John Elway's 1981 candidacy for the been surviving because "We gear ourselves to think small, economically." Heisman Trophy, they will point to Blase illustrated how tight the budget is with a story of a tape recorder his game against the Spartans as his that was stolen from the center. examine Waterloo and Watergate. "It took us three years to replace the one stolen recorder, and then it was CSUC trustees to from a different budget," he said. But for SJSU, a 20-point un- Blase looks at the $8,000 as a "good investment on behalf of student derdog, Saturday's game will be government." proposed changes in budget etched proudly in the school's The radio news center is going to use some of the money to install an football lore. The win was the Associated Press news wire at a cost of $72.50 per week. Blase maintained By 'Julie Pitta $7.5 million for additional staff; $2 According to D. Dale Hammer, university's fifth in 38 meetings with the wire service will improve the quality of the news. Staff Writer million for the learning assistance vice chancellor in charge of business its South Bay rivals and its first "Right now, we have to depend on the Mercury News and hope that they The California State University program; $900,000 for personnel affairs, the $50 million state-wide cut since 1975. It was also SJSU's most have been correct. With the wire, we will get news that we can filter our- and Colleges (CSUC)system Board management (affirmative action presents the board with a dilemma. lopsided victory ever against selves," Blase said. of Trustees is examining possible program ); $300,000 for alumni- "We have to see how we can Stanford. With the cutbacks, Blase said the hoped-for audio service will not be a program change proposals for the related programs; $975,000 for the reduce dollars and maintain reality this semester. 1982-83 CSUC budget. in-service training program; quality," he said. The audio service is a sound system provided by AP for a fee of $92.50 The program change proposals $600,000 for additional library Hanner said possible solutions to per week. The service provides hourly news broadcasts, on-the-scene come in the face of a $50 million volumes and $244,000 for special the problem are reducing quality, broadcasts, news conferences and other vital news information to help round budget cut requested by Gov. Ed- campus programs. reducing enrollment, increasing Elway sacked out a newscast, according to Blase. mund G. Brown Jr. as part of the student fees or introducing a Though he would like to start it next semester, he does not expect the five percent cut recommended for The last item includes un- combination of the three. seven times audio service to begin until next fall when "the budget can handle it." all state agency budgets. specified programs. These are to be Chancellor Glenn Dumke, Blase also noted the lack of tapes in the newsroom pose a problem. He determined through special requests Hanner said, has told the board he is said that the tapes radio students now use are two years old. According to Louis Messner, from specific campuses. reluctant to reduce quality, saying Blase likened the lack of good equipment and sufficient funds to teaching CSUC assistant vice chancellor in Messner described the proposed that it is an injustice to students. chemistry without test tubes. charge of budget planning and $11 million in expenditures for the Hanner said quality cuts have been Although the offense bludgeoned "The student may have the theory in his head, but he has never felt it, adrninistrotion, program change seven programs as "money that is made the past five years. Stanford for 378 yards, the victory smelt it, tasted it," Blase said. proposals were presented at the asked for every year to keep up The proposed solutions to the was carved by the Spartan defense. Blase is disappointed by the cutbacks but sees where "Fullerton took it Sept. 15 board meeting standards, but we never got it last budget cut will be examined by the By making Elway look like a ( the budget ) on good faith." The proposals will be acted upon year because there were no funds for board's committee on finance. Their farce, the Spartan defense proved "I am disappointed because no one took the time to ask us about the at the Oct. 28 meeting. them when the legislature reduced findings will be presented at the Oct. it's the real thing. change," Blase said. The proposed allocations are our budget." 28 meeting. see SPARTANS, page 4 Towing victims face City Hall second time doesn't know if each of the three will have By ('arol Peterson hearing Sept 14. 'He i the judge) laughed and said. McDonough, a claim investigator for the to go it alone or if they can file together. Staff Writer They want to fight the $18 parking 'there's not much chance of getting that city, that the council appearance wouldn't According to Howard Tyler, also a they say, it's hard to fight city citations they received in addition to the money back, said Gifford, who added get the $40 fee reimbursed. "Like claims investigator for the city, when a Betty Okamura, one of five towing charges. that the judge also advised the three they Okamura quoted McDonough as hall," said claim is filed the city investigates the issue SJSU staff members and students hit with The judge dismissed three of the could appeal to the San Jose City Council. saying "It's not a good claim" and that she had little by talking to all of the available parties $40 towing fees after parking on Fifth group's $18 parking citations. The The three, Okarnura, Gifford and chance of recovering her money city. and witnesses of the towing. Street in an area they contend was not remaining two are scheduled to appear Francis Santos, had planned to attend the from the properly marked with the required ''no Oct. 8 in Santa Clara County traffic court. City Council meeting set for 7 p.m. today "Just because the judge dismissed my The paving firm, Graham Con- parking" notices. When the group, led by Okamura and at San Jose City Hall on North First Street. case doesn't mean I'm not guilty, he told tractors, is required by the city to post the Five of the approximately eight Jack Gifford, SJSU audio-visual coor- But Okamura learned fighting city me," Okamura said. "I know I'm in- "no parking" signs 24 hours in drivers who parked on Fifth Street bet- dinator, questioned the judge about the $40 hall isn't easy. After being given what she nocent, but I can't seem to convince them advance, according to the San Jose Police ween East San Fernando and East Santa towing fees, ( three of the five paid to called "a run around" when her phone call of that." Depart- The ment. Clara streets the morning of Aug. 18 ap- retrive their cars) the judge laughed, was shunted from office to office. next step for the three is filing a city. peared together at a San Jose traffic court Gifford said. Okamura finally learned from Miles claim with the Okamura said she see PARKING, page 6 Tuesday September 22 1981 Page 2 forum Editoral Confessions of a television addict in. "Me neither," I'd fib. "My little By Janet Weeks concerts and parties were Back "I'm sure, I never watch brother was watching it while I was Staff Writer 'Did you watch 'Welcome I'd ask my high television, how dull!" reading 'Catcher in the Rye'." It all started when my parents Kotter' last night?" school acquaintances. The I was forced to make excuses for Bathroom blues junked their old Zenith black and even have a little brother. increasingly my video addiction. I don't white portable and bought the latest responses became console. Journalists believe in an at- them, rather than first ordering model RCA color Suffering an identity crisis, I mosphere of openess and full doors and then knocking the correct - was forced to hide my affinity for the disclosure. The reporter, and by sized holes. This smacks of tube by sneaking in late night extension the public, can never know chicken-and-egg controversy that programs and loitering at the large too much about what goes on behind begs a solution. We want no part 01 appliance centers of the local closed doors. it. department stores. through Well almost never. In some Fortunately, I passed What we do want is some now cases, as has recently become clear, painful adolescence, and I'm modicum of privacy. Occasionally, grips with my TV some doors should be closed, and slowly coming to we must change our lofty editorial habit. tightly. This stricture applies thrones for other, humbler ones especially in the case of restroom found in other, humbler rooms. But it still remains unpopular to doors. When this occurs, an atmosphere admit to liking television school, 1 less like that of Grand Central Racing home from something akin to not liking skiing. transfixed before Unfortunately, at least one Station is devoutly to be wished. would gleefully sit The coolest college coeds claim to -inch diagonal screen restroom door in every building on that 25 not even own one, but I have my allowing the endless parade of video campus cannot be closed. In fact, at Such moments are neither the doubts. images to carry me far from the least one restroom in every building time nor the place to meet new humdrum of sixth gra'de living. Perhaps by exposing my ad- has no doors to close. They have people or make new friends. The Through television, I found my other "tube junkies" will been removed in a remodelling distraction of encountering a total diction, niche. I could proudly boast to my finally come out of the blue-glow of project to widen the doorways. stranger or worse, a recognizeable friends the most recent Batman dens and bedrooms. Increased accessibility for the sex can their acquaintance of the opposite episode and the adventures of the disabled is the project's goal, and we be unsettling. In the extreme. support this goal wholeheartedly. Minnow crew on Gilligan's Island. Maybe times will again reverse "Of course I watched the themselves and TV will regain its However, we are less than en- There are things which neither Monkees yesterday," I'd say, hoping trendy status. Posh Greenwich thusiastic about the timing of the man nor God can hurry along no one would notice I'd been cut Village socialites may abandon their project. The doors were removed checks in the mail, end-of-term from the chorus or that I had never coffee houses and croissants, during the summer. New doors, or in grades and "parts on order." The once got on base during any recess preferring video-equipped bar some cases partitions, will not be problem will remain until the in- kickball games. rooms and Jiffy Pop smothered with installed for at least another two dividually-ordered doors and hard- Although an average student, butter flavoring. months. ware arrive. what I lacked in academia I amply made up in the knowledge of TV And perhaps soon we'll hear this When they do, we shall no longer The delay, according to the trivia. Even those at the head of the in passing conversation: forced to close our eyes to project's contractor, quoted in the be class sat slack-jawed and red-faced of public exposure. Until sure you don't like TV? Daily, is due to varying door sizes problems when I would deftly recite lines from "Are you can only urge caution and had a bad ex- and special hardware. then, we the previous night's "Get Smart." Maybe you just good humor, and look forward perience with it once. I can't believe There is most probably a very TV was my key to conformity eagerly for an end to the university's you'd rather spend the evening good case for knocking holes in the and I was hooked. new open-door policy. and dancing when sails first and ordering doors to fit Then the change came. dining TV was suddenly out cars, M*A*S"His on!" The hazards of commuting to San Jose Daily Policy By Kathy Chin essential part of my academic There's the frustration that boils the cement pillars. I have night- an The Spartan Daily reserves the Staff Writer inside me once I see a motorcycle mares of hitting a pillar, knocking it Daily would like to routine. The Spartan right to limit the number of letters The hectic life of a college have thought that parked across two spaces, a '67 over, and seeing the entire Seventh our reader. Your Who would hear from you - on a given topic after a sufficient commuter has much to offer. college life meant that studying, Chevy station wagon parked in the Street parking garage collapse on comments, criticisms and ideas, amount of comment has appeared. Staying up nights calculating how partying, and wrestling for parking "compact cars only" stall, or a my car. encouraged. By suggestions are Letters should not exceed 350 many cars will be on the road the spaces all went hand in hand? perfect parking space spoiled by the listening to our readers we feel we Other times, after I've gathered words. I have attempted other means of two other cars that are parked over can better serve the campus com- headed Opinion parking such as leaving my car on their own lines, making the space so my 36 books together and munity. narrow that not even half a Honda towards the edge of the stairs, I've the vacant spaces near campus, but Letters to the Mailbag, opinion The intent of the Spartan Daily Civic can wedge in between. heard ear-piercing sirens, which some how I can't get used to waking articles and press releases are Forum Page is to present a variety When I see the first floor of the blare from car alarms, that seem to up before dawn each morning. gladly accepted. of viewpoints of interest to the 10th Street garage, which is be echoing throughout Santa Clara I have given up the search for Our policy for accepting such campus community. reserved for faculty, empty, and I Valley. During these petrifying the rare parking stall outside the material is as follows: Editorials reflect the position V. have to park on the roof, and when I moments, my first thought is to run garage. I have admired the parking of the Daily. Opinions express the get drenched because it's the first to the nearest fallout shelter. Letters attendants who wake up at 6 a.m. to views of the writer or organization day of the rainy season, I become Letters should be submitted to go to work smiling during the 10 But once in class, I'm safe. And and will appear with a byline at- not merely angry, but infuriated. the Spartan Daily office LIC 2081 degree weather. after an invigorating day of physics, tributing the article accordingly. Feelings other than frustration On some days I drive through calculus, and organic chem., I am weekdays, or by mail to the Comments, columns and Mailbag, c/o the Spartan Daily, San next day in order to determine when are related to finding a parking the Seventh Street garage and exhausted and cannot wait to go editorials will discuss local, state of dorm imagine that the aisle is getting and international affairs. I should leave home, visiting the space. I am so jealous home. All I have to do is find my car Jose State University, 125 S. Seventh zip by with their smaller. Actually, I'm maneuvering The Daily encourages reader bank monthly to exchange bills for students who parked on 3F...3D...2D???? St., San Jose, CA 95192. stickers displayed upon the family station wagon with just comments regarding editorials, $15 worth of quarters, and fighting parking Like I said before, the life of a All letters must include the without having to inches to spare as I round the cor- opinions or news stories. dizzy spells from zooming up the their dashboards college commuter has much to of- writer's signature, major, class gates. ners hoping to avoid smashing into Guest opinions are encouraged, 10th Street garage ramps have been stop at the fer...maybe too much. standing, address and telephone but will be printed at the discretion number. Only the name, major and of the Forum Page editors. the mailbag class standing will be printed.

Weight room want to lose weight, tone up muscles Services and the human per- aloha to the humble Stanford crowd Spotlight exist, but that what they After the initiative was or become more proficient in other formance department, the room is five minutes before the end of the print may be believed. The founding challenged and declared con- open to all athletic endeavors. available for those students who game. fathers had confidence in the stitutional under the A.S. Con- Last spring many concerned would like to use it. But the greatest moment of all people's ability to separate the stitution by the A.S. Judiciary, it Editor: individuals petitioned to get ex- Don't be left out in the cold. came after the annihilation, when wheat from the chaff. I believe they seems that the next tactful step Well, it's a new semester and panded hours and days for the Inquire now and devise a program to the entire football team took a U- were right. Read The Spotlight and would have been to include the AFT everything has gotten back into the opening of the weight room. This get yourself into shape physically. turn from the locker room, and decide for yourself. in the A.S. budget. Of course, this did writing and groove of reaskag, action was immediately successful Even though the weight room isn't a came back to greet the roaring Aaron U. Goldman not happen. Thillfurtan Daily ran arithmetic. and could provide an individual with place to socialize, the people there spectacle of Spartan fans. Professor of History and an article Ion the eighth page) on the some good facilities at no direct cost are friendly and they will probably To all of those who couldn't Coordinator, Jewish Studies At last week's Board meeting, re-opening of the weight room, to themselves. answer your questions if you want to attend the Stanford game, I strongly Program the various heads of the six AFT hidden among other newsworthy Many of the spas and health design a fitness schedule. suggest a visit to Berkeley this funded departments were invited to sports-related items. clubs in the area offer enticing Women shouldn't feel left out. Saturday. explain their programs and defend In these days of rushing around, packages for those who have to be This is an atmosphere in which you Pat Murray AFI is ratified their budget requests. This gesture people rarely find the opportunity to motivated to 'work out' by spending won't be considered unfeminine if Undeclared was positive in that it brought the exercise adequately. A physical their hard-earned bucks. Many you come with serious intentions to Sophomore at last A.S. Board and the department fitness program will enhance one's thousands of dollars have only get in shape. heads together in order to com- appearance as well as creating a recently been spent for new Don Shannon Editor: municate verbally, and such situation where they will dissipate equipment for the weight room and Microbiology The Sept. 16 A.S. Board of 'The Spotlight' communication was needed and nervous tension, eat better, be more it's practically free ta fee was Senior Directors meeting set a major mentally alert and sleep soundly. buried in the amount of tuition decide yourself precedent and communicated a welcomed by all involved. But as an Resistance exercise in the form money paid by yourself). profound message to the students observer, I noticed that some of the questions of weights is not the answer, but it Through the combined efforts of Thanks for Editor: who attend this university. and responses from several will assist those individuals who the Associated Students Leisure A university has traditionally The members of the Board of the Board members fingerprints been one place where ideas of all responded to the wishes of over 1,600 demonstrated very little knowledge kinds are disseminated and ex- voters and released an additional 65 of the departments' budget proposals. Editor: changed. That is as it should be even percent of Automatic Funding A big thank you to the campus when some of those concepts are Initiative monies to the Music and police who made it possible for those repugnant. The university com- Theatre Arts departments, KSJS, Perhaps a little more research of us in the Education Department munity now has the opportunity to the Art Gallery, the Radio and T.V. conducted in that area could have applying for credentials to be confront vile and degrading ideas. News Center, and the Spartan Daily. expedited matters. Also, during one fingerprinted here on campus. How will we deal with them? I'm pleased with the Board's point of the meeting, ( while the It is cheaper than having it done They can be found in a decision to uphold one of their most initiative was being discussed) a elsewhere and so much more con- newspaper called The Spotlight inherent responsibilities as the quorum count was called by venient. which has recently been distributed elected body that is designed and Executive Assistant, Jeff Smith, and I Mary E. Smith in some parts of the campus. obligated to work toward the best the required seven members that Elementary Education Published by the Washington, D.C. interests of their constituents. must be present in order to conduct graduate based Liberty Lobby, it specializes However, I'm not quite as happy a meeting were not in the chambers. in distortion, innuendo and outright with some of the bureaucratic 1 lying. The pages of The Spotlight are tactics that the Board engaged in Since this issue not only affects Visit Berkeley filled with stories expressing its before releasing the full 90 percent such a large number of students, but brand of fervent "patriotism", anti- of the AFT monies. 110 percent was also student dollars, a more ap- next weekend communism and various conspiracy withheld in order to insure the propriate time could have been myths involving Israel, Zionists and coverage of student waivers). selected for these members to the Israeli intelligence service break. Editor: Monad, which the newspaper links An example of such a What a game! What an offense, to the Soviet KGB. bureaucratic tactic is the six months In conclusion, I commend the what a defense, what an absolute The Spotlight is one of the chief that elapsed between the request Board for ratifying the Automatic destruction of those Stanford Car- promoters of the insulting and and full release of the AFT funds. Funding Initiative, but I sincerely IL _ L. dinals! vulgar contention that millions of hope that in the future more con- I tip my hat to every member of Jews were not murdered by the I understand the Board's sideration will be given to the voice Li: It the Spartan football staff for the Nazis during World War II: that the caution concerning the unanswered of the voter, and to the education of Lerf incredible performance they holocaust never happened. questions underlying the initiative, the students. displayed Saturday afternoon. In our country freedom of but I'm also aware of the fine line The hoots and hollers of SJSU speech and press extend even to between "caution" and an un- Elizabeth McCurtis Are.e.tlear^.0 fans seemed to echo around the scurrilous rubbish. The problem is willingness to meet one's Communications t4.4c.r. -rws ispir cAUR:42141ii /" entire Bay Area as we waved a fond not that hate sheets like The obligations. Senior Tuesday. September 22 1981 entertainment

tIe Review -- 'The Pressure Is On' ras er. Jr.'s identity crisis-- continued , I the two other songs, the rest of sings, with any semblance of control crowds who once gathered ght By John McNieholas Don Helms the album is barely worth a fairly over his drug and alcohol to adore him but now came rge Feature Editor Hank Jr.'s help, the listener's time. It is humorous account of intake. His finances, to mock and laugh at him. cal Hank Williams Jr.'s latest Elektra release, replete with the obligatory Helms' life as the steel career and personal life Helms has written a funny The Pressure Is On," is Nashville name-dropping guitar player for the elder were collapsing in total song about a dying man. and big strong cowboys Drifting chaos. And it is funny until, in igh another installment in William's what may be the longest- ( read "city boys with big Cowboys band. He had reached a point the laughter, one hears the OW hats") who cry. He tells, to the tune of where if he did appear for a echoes of those crowds TV running and best - who were documented identity crisis Who cares? The Battle of New Orleans show, he was liable to fall thirty years ago in the recording industry. The two other cuts that (another Driftwood song, off the stage. He cursed the laughing too. r to Since the release in stand out both involve the made famous by the late -- 1965 of his first song, senior Williams; one is Johnny Horton), how ng. ''Standing in the Shadows written by him, the other Williams indiscriminately to of a very famous man)", about him. spent money, slept around, my Hank Jr.'s need to define himself in relation to his father has resulted in a ad- string of songs, all will dedicated to the 'Go out and be 01' Hank' , of proposition that he is not his father, and to the various emotions this stirs a-se up. In "I Don't Care (If and how he "fired my ass its In "Pressure," he tells Tomorrow Never and he fired I fiddler Jerry vich us once again that he has a Comes)," Hank Jr. is Rivers, and he fired leir famous father, but in spite joined in his father's song everybody just as hard as (Its, of or perhaps because of by another country great, he could go." bar this, Hank Jr. is okay. He's . Their duet The song remains with a good ol' boy with a streak proves that when the funny as long as one of red across his neck, a younger Williams shuts up ignores the fact that during this streak of mean in his and sings, he is a fine ar- the two years covered in country soul, and a soft tist. the song, Williams had lost spot in his heart. He shoots int///// ,ty photo straight, spits Red Man, his new album, Hank Williams Jr. shoots straight, spits Red Man, and and cries when he hears a On ex- cries when he hears a certain song. SHOP FOR YOUR [eve certain song. ling Okay Hank. What else artists, continue to make to an uninspired and un- with one of the three songs CAR INSURANCE hen is new? both the country and pop satisfying album. that save this album from BY COMPUTER His obsession to define charts. The first side begins oblivion. Williams can himself is, if not forgivable, When Hank senior died with "A Country Boy Can write melodious, moving front 40 companies in seconds. -MAN HOLDING A BIRD" at least understandable. in the early hours of 1953, Survive." It is yet another and powerful songs. The His father, both in life and his son was three years old. paean to those bucolic title cut, "The Pressure Is MIN in legend, was the quin- Five years later, the child fellows who tote shotguns On," is an interesting, tessential was pushed onstage and in four-wheel-drive pickup and almost curious subtle This original signed color woodcut le star. He lived fast, loved told, in effect, to "Go out trucks, and do everything demonstration of his he hard, and died young. He there and be 01' Hank." so damn well they can't abilities. I niciarii Azechi-Japan (1902) is one of the .rs left an entire nation who His father's fans resist telling you about it It describes a man itiain original prints to be presented by !rit had cried with him when he demanded that he be 01' over and over. One won- caught in the well-known MAliS()N LTD. at ... sang "I'm so lonesome I Hank to fill the empty ders where they find the country bind of living with Revolutionary new concept in buying all!, 150 could cry," and who cried place in their hearts left by time and energy to do all one woman and loving over him when he killed his father's death. His that plowing, so much of another. Rather than new insurance! Saves you time and money. Coil Student Union himself with drugs and mother Audry demanded both is expended patting love or old, guilt, passion or for an appointment or stop by for your fret, alcohol at age 29. His that he be 01' Hank to fill themselves on the back. hurt, the song focuses auto quote today! Special tette ily rates for full songs, covered by other the ever-expanding coffers This tired offering is instead on tension and ety 1 2 unit) students 10 a.m. of the Hank Williams in- followed by Hank's pressure building within to 5 p.m. the Spartan Daily dustry. political statement about him, ostensibly due to the White & Myatt Tuesday & Wednesday Serving the San Jose State 01' Hank was the first political statements, an situation. 701 N. 1st Street ion v.) UMversity Community The haunting, hoarse San the Jost), CA September Since 1931 blues guitar and taut fiddle 22 & 23 ion WCPS 31/9-4881 INSURANCE underline a disturbing, (408)287 8910 at- Second class postage paid at San BROKERS Jose, California. Member of Cal- Okay Hank. What else is new? unresolved glimpse of a ifornia Newspaper Publishers man coiled like a spring, rid Association and the Associated wound three times too tight ate Pre. Published daily by San Jose State University, during and ready to snap. No opinions real media superstar in unremarkable version of emotions are involved, only ler the college year. The expressed in the paper are not country music, and Hank 's oft - tension and compression in necessarily those of the Depart- Jr. was, from the begin- recorded "Tennessee an imploding world. Journalism and Mass ment of ning, a commodity. Stud" and "Ramblin' In The production and ed, Communications, the University Adminutration or any student His identity problems My Shoes," in which he backup musicians, though [on or faculty organization. Sub- are therefore un- teams up with novelty- fine throughout the album, scriptions accepted un a remain- derstandable. They are singer to shine on this cut. They aca- der of semester basis. Full however, eternally prove Willie's singing and demic year, $15 Each semester, not, frame the haunted, $7.50. Off-campus price per captivating. Threadbare writing are never going to minimal images and latent copy, 15 cents. Phone: Editorial themes couple with loosely' carry anyone home to violence implicit in the mim 777-3181. Advertising 777-3171. woven lyrics and badly- victory. lyrics. Printed by Independent Pubhca- melodies contribute side concludes exception of lions. frayed The With the was con- Con- y, it There's always step AFI did something

AFI d to happening at: end Lure the lent om- uch and s an the If you think "pads and rollers"are 'OM Bay Area's iers dge just a California craze, [get Hottest you're not ready for New Memorex. irch Niteclub. ave Pads and rollers are key corn dramatically reduce wear METAL IV. don't forget the impor one portents of a cassette's tape Our unique ultralowfrictrui I lance of those pads arid rollers. the Mondays: Football on the transport systeor polyolefer wafers help precision Enioy the music as the tape glides I a This system guides the tape molded hubs dispense arid unerringly across the head by Big Screen. past your deck's tape head It roust gather tape silently and uniformly. And reins --her getting It tr If and t do so with unerring accuracy play after play Even after 1.000 IS hall the hat Tuesdays: Ladies Night-Ladies Free. And tio cassette does it more plays luct accurately than totally new In fact ur ir new Ts. Wednesday: Wobbley Wednesday M0111()Nts Merl MIRO cas ,e.tte will always ,fellver true (els Drinks 1/2 sound reprodik but hon. or well ap- Thursday: One-buck cover charge. replace it. Free een Of course. re- to Friday: The place to be. i.e., precision Is critical. production that true and that enduring Saturday: Saturday Night Door Prizes. Ti e lies, Memorex tape trdro, owes a 101 10 Per- the ; girt system is precision erigi- mapass 'T. Our extraor die r leered to exacting tolerances dinary new binding ely Live Entertainment and Dancing. Flanged. seamless rollers guide process It even owes a the tape effortlessly and exactly little to our unique rw.u.. Ace -Saturday An oversize pad hugs the tape to fumble-free storage NOW MORI THAN (VII 4ir of Tuesday Adults 18 and over. the tape head with critical prey But when yu, . WI ASN. IS IT (IV', ON IS IT sure. firm enough for precise Merisy ex. whe'. alignment gentle enough to BIAS II. norma MEMOREX rile 510 EL PASEO de SARATOGA, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA Memo,.. Corootatton Santo Cana Optional 95052 USA OBS 378-4433 dor IIOm'

Tuesday. 22, 1981 Pays 4

S orts $) 0 was really being keyed on. yards for a touchdown. The missuali elm 75-yard drive was aided It's probably the best I've r17.41 ever been defensed." isdssethay, considerably by two 15- :el, I' yard penalties against the Even so, Nelson was Spartans. unquestionably running 902 MAR/9 against the superior In a sidelight to the defense. Spartan victory, Gerald Willhite won his personal Willhite also had one duel with Stanford running more advantage over back Herrin Nelson, the Nelson. only player in NCAA that particular history besides Willhite to On afternoon, rush for 1,000 yards and Saturday was working with catch 50 passes in the same Willhite quarterback. season. the better Nelson, coming off a hip pointer he sustained STARTS TONIGHT! last week, gained only 45 yards on 11 carries and failed to catch a pass. Gourmet Listener's osaskihrarogrowri FREE Willhite, who had Series hooted his disdain for the Concert Stanford defense earlier in the week, changed his tune TUF,S SEPT 22 after Saturday's game. c/V.11 "They played me very ‘ .‘ sa0141#10104110041111#0 well," he said. "I felt like I rgobj SAN JOSE STATE 1g:1LN HALL 8 PM '44', Photo by Gary Foonstein the worst of times. counted for the Spartans' MUSIC Pictured above is a scene which was repeated all Saturday afternoon: "As a coach, I couldn't final touchdown. When you've tried SJSU's defense (in this case, Steve McEnroe) manhandling Stanford be happier for the football In boosting its record THURS SEPT 24 team 3nd I couldn't be to 2-1, SJSU also punched in everything else... MUSIC HAI I quarterback John Elway. Below running back Gerald Whillhite slices through 15 PM happier for San Jose State on a pair of touchdown ft Cardinal defense en route to a 1 1 6 yard performance. the University," a somber- passes by Clarkson. INGRAM er 442,4.; - SKYDIVE MARSHALL OA fr it7,4#14clat74 faced Elway said. "But as One was a 14-yard toss Complete first lump course a father, I'm not very to tight end Tracy Franz Individuals 875.00 Electronic 4'1p,07 damned happy." culminating a 10-play drive Music mu ib Jack Elway, the coach, in the second quarter and Group Rates has had to be exhilirated the other was a seven-yard No Extra Costs with the continued im- pass to Kearse in the third provement of his offensive period. Nearest school to unit. Stanford's only score of the South Bay Associated StudentsJ Program Board SJSU inflicted most of the game came shortly its damage offensively by before halftime when Falcon Parachute School exploiting a weakness the fullback Rob Moore caught (209) 836-1544 AND DON'T MISS Spartan coaching staff the Spartan defense (209) 364-6430 spotted in Stanford's napping and rambled 24 linebacking corps. - Quarterback Steve Clarkson, who completed Discover 19 of '12 passes for 181 yards Your True WHAT'S with only one interception, was able to repeatedly Beauty NEW? , dump short passes right Potential - into the heart of the Car- 4asereasearsee dinal defense. WARDROBE ''.4111 Clarkson's primary targets were wide receiver & MAKE-UP Tim Kearse, who caught COLORS eight passes for 76 yards, and running back Gerald CREATIVELY Willhite, who grabbed DESIGNED Photo by Marc Ashton seven passes for 51 yards. Besides his seven ESPECIALLY HUEY LEWIS SPARTANS receptions, Willhite rushed FOR YOU! for 116 yards on 28 carries. AND THE NEWS! continued from page 1 Spartan secondary with the at the end of the game. We And the Cardinal 2 HOUR PRIVATE really drilled him." "I think we have two interceptions, retur- linebackers' chronic 5caut CONSULTATION arrived, defensive ning one 33 yards to set up Coach Elway, of tendency to overpursue on FRIDAY SEPT 25 coordinator Claude Gilbert another of SJSU's scores. course, can be excused for the strong side permitted f a 1 Color packet & S.U. BALLROOM 8 PM any biased excuses he may said. "We have now done The Spartans' the Spartans to spring their Fac.5011cS Beauty Folder 111 liFTS a CS It SINIM ibUll I 1111S 11) something (stopped defersive task may have have made for the Stanford big weapon of the day S S. lose 1141% Oil I( I Elway) which we can build been made easier by a sore quarterback. Saturday the end around. Included I on. I really think we are ankle which afternoon, after all, was an With just three-flanker , right (408) 354-7140 S35.00 $4 STUDENT GENERAL starting to develop some prevented Elway from emotionally dehabilitating sweeps, the Spartans (40e)277r2807 $5 defensive pride." practicing most of the day for the Spartan head garnered 90 yards and two ' Gilbert's unit won it week. The injury did ap- coach. of their touchdowns. The usually affable with a merciless pass rush pear to slightly hinder The first touchdown Not everyone is the same. thank gtxxlness. So That's up to you, of course. But w hen .ou which Elway was so tense after and a nickel defense Elway's mobility. came in the first quarter on at Bank of America. we don't think our Os should us you're ready to move, we'll give you the chance employed as soon as John's the game that he brushed was Jack Elway, a 35-yard reverse by wide be either. to prove it. Spartans took a 7-0 lead SJSU's head off and stalked away from receiver the father and Mervyn Fer- Fortunately. were big enough and progressive So consider Bank of America. WI., kit . areers early in the first quarter. thought there was one San Jose Mercury nandez, capping an coach, 86- enough i to want college graduates with all kinds of you can really sink your teeth into. Fulfilling a promise he no question about it. reporter after being asked yard, nine-play drive. backgrounds. Business majors. ses. But also people made earlier in the week, "I thought he was an unsettling question. A 20-yard jaunt around In Northern California. contact Ca h. Bonnit t. who are just interested in business. i7000. 7. Bob Overly led the Spartan injured," Elway said. "The For Jack Elway, it was end by Kearse, who also P.O. Box San Francisco. CA Just what opportunities are we talking about? In Southern California. contact 1)ennis rindlt . onslaught against Elway entire defense did a helluva the best of times and it was had a 35-yard run, ac- 555 S. Flower Street. los A with four sacks totalling 49 job, but it was obvious, he Well. you can work with urban community neeles.CA 9(9r yards in losses. (John) was not nearly as leaders. Or show young entrepeneurs how to set up a new business. Or advise California's farmers on Overly, who is listed as mobile as he normally FREE GROUP COUNSELING a defensive end but is would be. He wasn't even their gniwing concerns. BANK0F AMERICA tin really an outside operating at half-speed. I for And what about opportunities for,,!, ant ,nient An 'goal( )ppurluilih. Iniplcv.1 linebacker who blitzes a don't think he even should Personal Problems also intercepted one of lot, have been playing." Stress Reduction Elway's passes to set up Some of the Spartans SJSU's final touchdown of saw Elway's performance Effective Learning the afternoon. differently than their Self-confidence WE MOLD "He's one of the best coach. Black Students players I've ever "He was mobile at the International Students CAREERS TO PEOPLE. coached," Gilbert said. of the game," beginning Mother-daughter "He's tough, determined, Overly said. "But he took and very fast. He is all some really mean shots out Lesbians NOT THE OTHER YAROUND. football player." there and I think that Counseling Services, Adm. 223 Free safety Ken fatigued him. I think John Thomas starred for the was a little bit intimidated 277-2966

We have what San Jose State students want.

'1r 3,,7 . : 0

An excellent opportunity for all students at San Jose State University to meet with employers on a one to one basis and explore current and future career job opportunities. Career Exploration Days Student Union Ballroom -September 23 & 24 1()a.m. - 3p.m. sports Tuesday. September 22, 1981 Pogo- 8, Spartans on ABC -TV In a move which will the Spartans now plan to I. he early -morning doubtlessly douse many of travel to Berkeley Friday Spartan telecast will SJSU unbeaten skein ends SJSU's pre-game tailgate afternoon and find lodging precede the national the stadium as beaming of a 2 p.m. game By Mark J. Tennis knee. Defenseless, Waters end to end game that could between a Spartan and a put the Spartans back in parties, the kickoff time for "as close to according to between USC and Staff Writer then grabbed a loose ball have gone either way. Portland player in the front 2-1 in the first over- this Saturday's Spartan possible," Information Oklahoma. A rough-and-tumble 2-2 before a shot could be "San Jose deserved a penalty box area, but not as time when he took a high game against the Sports Fan. tie with Portland last taken. The Aztecs were two-goal lead in the first much as an earlier non-call pass from Tom Vischer and University of California Director Lawrence Thursday showed its ef- then granted a penalty half," Logan continued. against the Spartans Joe connected for a goal. Then, has been switched from 1 fects on Sunday as the kick. "They dominated awfully Pimentel. the Pilots scored the p.m. to 10:45 a.m. to ac- SJSU soccer team suffered Michael Holmstedt well in the second half, but "It was a cheap goal," game's last goal on the comodate regional a 3-2 loss at the hands of then tied the socre as he I felt we were a bit ahead in stated Menendez. "We had controversial penalty kick. television. ATTENTION ASPIRING MUSI( IA powerful San Diego State to booted the penalty kick the second half." a penalty and didn't get it." There were four yellow The change was made THE CLEF HOUSE end the Spartans' six-game past SJSU goalie Ryan Spartans took a 1-0 when ABC-TV expressed The Spartans also The cards and numerous The country's largest sheet unbeaten streak. Moore. dominated awfully well lead over Portland at penalties called in the very an interest in telecasting land records too) In the game against "I was running too fast - against Portland on halftime on an unassisted rough game. Saturday's contest at music store Portland, defenders Alex and felt something come Thursday, but a 2-2 tie was goal by Hector Pizarro. The loss and tie now Berkeley. Both teams 10% off all stock sheet music Guarchi and Nick Con- loose," said Waters, who the result. Pizarro made a nifty move puts the Spartans season readily agreed to the with coupon in September stantine change. were injured and broke his leg last year. Another penalty kick to elude his defender and record at 5-1-1. The Saratoga Village 867-3721 both sat out the game "It was just a reflex was the key to denying an sent a low shot into the left Spartans now return to Because of the switch, against the Aztecs. action," said Menendez of SJSU win. corner of the net. conference action with a Guarchi was cut above Waters' play. "Our guys This penalty, however, Portland then tied the game this Saturday against his left eye following a also seemed to get down on was not as blatant as game in the sencond half on Stanford. crunching collision while themselves after that Waters' play on Sunday. a goal by Mark Miller. Constantine sprained his play." There was some contact Sergio Cardoso then THE right ankle in the last The score remained minutes of the game. tied until Holmstedt scored Gurachi's cut required 12 again with 3:32 left in the stitches to close. first overtime period off an here's Something "I'm not making any assist from Dida Mendes. excuses. It was just very The Aztecs then 465" tough making adjustments frustrated the Spartans in That Everyone Wants: where it's crucial," the second overtime period Spartans' coach Julie to take the victory. SOFA Menendez said, who in- The two SJSU goals serted junior defensive were both scored in the back Vanlee Waters into first half. At 14:41, Dave ) Experience the starting lineup for the Pickett took a shot which San Diego State contest. was deflectecd by an Aztec Ironically, it was into the SJSU goal. The Waters who was involved Spartans second goal was in the play that swung scored at 22:11 by Giulio Sunday's game San Diego's Bernardi off a pass from way. Joe Pirnentel. t With the Spartans "We would like to play lb)A 4u.'.1.1 ,901101Prig Fr.911r.1 leading 2-1 midway in the a team like San Jose every The Associated Students would second half, Waters hit the week," declared Aztec LOW MONTHLY RENTAL PAYMENTS turf in front of the Spartans coach George Logan after like to offer you The Chance 48-72 HOUR DELIVERY goal clutching his right the game. "It was a very 100% OPTION TO BUY to meet New People, Learn new WIDE SELECTION OF STYLES AND FABRICS 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT PETE'S STOP GARAGE Skills, and most Important: Per Month, minimum rental requirements apply loth & 447 E. Williams Si. Gain New Experience. STUDENT DISCOUNT COUPON 10 ON II San Jose CCIffr. 10% OFF ON FURNITURE RENTAL Engine overhaul Check Todays' classified for Furniture WITH THIS COUPON Electrical a. fuel injection Rental -, One Coupon per Student Good thro Oct 198' Specializing in foreign 4%. domestic cars extended application deadlines. Does not apply to already decounted packages MOutltaln Vie* Santa Clam 2065 El Camino Peal West Mon Si o m 4995 Stevens Creek Blvd 966-1756 ,,re -Sot 9-5 30 p n1 904-0433 ASK FOR GEORGE 291-()77() Experience. The More You Have 1 CORY soils Riintal RiNum Furniture at 4075 Slovens Crook Blvd. / 964-5596 The More You Want. mg.....1 OM MEMO MEM MEIN II NEON III MEM M MESE WIDEN II El a El IN II classifieds Free Estimates Resonabie ANNOUNCEMENTS Highly motivated indiVidualS evenings 998 9935 ask tor Node 255 5550. ask tor Ken dissertations. editing All tor App SJSU Grad Stud IBM Sel Rates Call Vivian at 797 9686 with Rocky Mountain ski no Rm. No. 7 mats Deadlines guaranteed II So San Jose/Blossom Valley SPACIOUS perience required Call Summit BEAUTIFUL Neat. accurate So San Jose Janet 227 9525 Coed courtyard, STUDENT DENTAL PLAN Take JOIN THE SIERRA CLUB. Ski Tours, Parkade Plata, SWAGS WHEELS (Small) car BUILDING TYPING Kathie, 578 1316 fireplace, piano, linens, care 01 your mouth and teeth. trips, backpacking, day hiket, Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: 1 0100.00, Guitar 175.00, Burdy kitchen, CAMBRIAN/LOS GATOS parking. $SO to SOO Money, Enroll Now!! parties, bicycling. Meeting Sept. 18001 325-0439 flute-S150.00 14151 326 1016 color TV. Save JANE'S PROF TYPING Experienced typist All formats 11 st. OFFICE Information and brochures at 27, Tuesday at 730 p.m. In the weekly. 202 So. NEED PART TIME TYPIST Service Accurate high IBM correcting Selectric III. A.S. Off ice or Info desk, or call Guadalupe room. BUS. 121B TUTOR WANTED- SKI SET 185 KASTLE, Tirolla 240 172N. 5 SI. 9900223 Excellent typing skills. Tues. quality, deadlines guaranteed. Choice of type size and style. 3716911 $10/HR I will pay $10/HR for bindings, w/ski brakes size and Thurs full say GP and F Reports. theses resumes, Pica double spaced page/from Excellent pond GIANT FLEA MARKET --It 650 S. someone to assist me In going I/2Caber boots, poles excl rand YAMAHA 78 650 295 7034 Anita research papers etc Work. St. Letters/81.10. plus extras, 55 mpg SHAW'S LIGHTWEIGHT CYCLES Bascom Ave.. Sat. and Sun.. over Important concepts Prefer $220,997 3351 Only 12K performed on IBM Selectric II Resumes/from eS. Registered Call Lance 2/7 9848 Racing and Touring Specialists TYPING Professional. prompt. sent 26th and 27th. Begins all person who took Dr. Chang COpy service available with thesis typist. No heavy Specializing in bicycles tailored rn and/Or received an A or B. Call VESPA 78 P200E SS mpg ',taint. accurate, neat projects, nominal fee Here is to another numerical tabulating. Call Pat proven me before dm Wafter 10 p.m free trans $1,100. 734 3714 to the rider's needs with reports, statistical 83.3015 smashing semester! Call 251 in SJ home at 356.70115. and accessories Full SUNDAY CATHOLIC MASS --at Diane 797 7239 evenings SERVICES componts 5942 clothing and shoes. expert near Campus Christian Center. 4:00 line of CUPERTINO TYPING repair p.m in Jonah's Wall downstairs FEMALE WANTED ter two hours CHRYSLER THREE HUNDRED wlwelbuilding. complete DeAnza College IBM Selec TYPING Neat and accurate. PERSONALS privately meeting room and /110 p.m. in In morning III-10 a.m.) for With AC $020 Schwinn Varsity 10 FLUTE LESSONS taught services, tools by CarnpagnOlo many type styles SI/dbi sped Pg. reasonable rates Located in SO professional teacher/player Williams Street, San Jose. Chapel 300 So 10th lat San personal care for handicapped Speed S35 Phone 287 9331 by 131 E Like any job, good work/low San Jose. Ask for Lai at 251 musical style Carlos/ woman Nurses aid exp, All levels, any Cal. 295 5824 cost cherlene 257 0977 day/eye. 4824 THE DIRTY DOZEN Spring 'II' Reasonable prof . 249 7175 IRS 80 MOD I software Microsoft Taught on campus Was Me blot pledge class Sigma 277 8238 or 96/ 0319 campus. Daily STUDENT DENTAL PLANN- Take Fortran 50/Macro. 50. Ver 3.2 rates Call PARKING Close to R El KO'S TYPING SVC. Sunnyvale TYPING High quality. fast Turn Chi ever hadf Lots Of Love: Call 297 2960 car* Of your mouth and teeth. HELP WANTED at Spartan Shops 0100 RS Cobol, Ver 13. Mod III or monthly rates Selectric II, fast accurate, around, friendly service, free Your Pledge Mom Excellent Save money, enroll now! In Dining Commons Hrs. 7 10 a.m. also 0150. RS Advance Stet GALBOMANIA correct spelling errors! Per copy*f each report CAII Girl Rock Band! Inex HABIT 5 member Top 40 formation and brochures at A.S. II 2 p.m.. 2.5 p.m. 53.45/hr to Analysis RS Disk mail list 525. member BAD page or hourly cost PhOne 718 Friday Secretarial Service, 2/7 CARING HANDICAPPED MAN and perfect for any dance band available for Office or Into desk, or call 371 start. Call Ladle Walker at 277 MIS Curve Fit/Plot Frogs. 025 pensive 4558 9120 wOuld like to find female Will audition at your weddings and parties Come 6811 3102. 867 5551 occaSsion roommate to share his life with. convenience Call Mark 2105171 hear us play Call for auditions HAYMOND AND TYSON Rewarding benefits. Call Brian Evenings 251 8518 Jaime or 238 8765 LOS ALTOS/PALO ALTO Selectric GET THE EDGE! Prepare to take $100 PER HOUR. part time GOOD USED FURNITURE SECRETARIAL SERVICE F 298 2X4 Stuart III and Electronic typing SI 75 the GRE, GMAT, LSAT or NTE Monday thru Friday Sourdough Dinettes. /79.50 and up Sofa and aSt, accurate. prof . typing FOR EDUCATION 100 IBM per double spaced page 20 Yrs with on campus prep sessions Eatery. 8411 N. First Street. San Chair sets 0159.50 and up MONEY (edited for spelling) sources Send 510 to West NEED A GIFT quick? But no time to exper for SJSU students Outstanding faculty Lovr fee Jose Chests. 69 50 and up Lamps. proven Selectric Call Sharon at 14081 Finance Dept SO PO Box shop or wrap or deliver it? We'll Irene 94 7015 or 494 6305. Courses start everyfew weeks 5990 and up Table sets 13 pc I. Coast 9769224 between S 30 p rn. 10 30 .CA95154 do it all for you! Nol we're not Call Continuing Education, San COMPANIONS- Hourly wage 659.50 and up Bedroom Sets 15 24709.1.1 pm. weekdays and all day florist We're "Everything But BEST PRICES Best machine 287 Jose State University, OM 277 Work afternoons, evenings, pc I. 517900 and up Only a Saturdays JUSTICE Flowers" .call us! 793 GIFT fOr 4355 2182 There is no substitution for weekends with retarded persons sample of our large selection CRIMINAL Police. ballosnagrams, food fast preparation! in their homes No experience Cort Furniture Rental OPPORTUNITIES For gourmet TYPING, ALL KINDS Esp'd, it WILLOW GLEN/ALMADEN cash in needed, we train 11.56 Senor 964 Clearance Center 499$ Stevens Deputy Sheriffs and Office and win. baskets You want and accurate II 00 OBL spaced and turn competent typing and editing of ROCK THE BOAT Bay Cruise 2259 Creek Blvd . Santa Clara One positions in the U.S.A Send 16.00 we'll create it, and wrap it Page Editing, over nigtil The us! term , reports and Party 2 bars. Music by Lynx. block east of Lawrence Ex check or money Order deliver it for you Call 393 around and poor writing extra P0 from 525.00 resumes lute Univ approved Boat boards?, 4.4. Oct. 9 For TRAINEES DOorpersons, cocktail pressman WA 0433 Informer. 13 Fair Street, GIFT Unique gifts Call 98.4 7086 formats) Call Marcia at 266 more into. call Delta Sigma Phi servers Part time, apply in Box 561. Carmel, NY 10117 9415 at 292 2167 or995 5761. personSunny1 Disco. 721 Willow TOYOTA COROLLA 1971, 1800. TYPING Thesis, Term Papers. will St., San Jose Thum Thru Good mileage, new rads, in NEED CAR REPAIR? Student STEREO Etc . Experienced and fast. TYPING Done in my fiCoMe CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE Treatment Sunday, p m to la m tenor Xclt, runs geed 629 7518 do major tune up and minor reasonablerates Phone 269 Reasonable. last and accurate. program needs volunteers and engine repair at student rates 0674 ma Call Lynn 738 1914 interns. Personally rewarding WOULD YOU LIKE to build your BEDROOM FURNITURE Good Larry 24$ AUDIO ENTERPRISES has the work. Cell Dorothy or Nancy at own financial future within the quality. reasonable. prices widest Selection of the highest TYPING Accuracy, neatness, 2/9 2475. next year or two with terrific Complete bed (lull size), fidelity at the lowest prices See TYPING 22 rears experience deadlines guaranteed EsP in rewards and a tax break? Call dresser desk combo., night RESIDENT iAL AND SU bltn boards for specials Call Theses. resumes. reports theSes repnrts d.ssertat,ons Brian 11390 2305 after SOO P m stands, lamps, mirrors. chairs COMMERCIAL CLEANING for quotes on over 700 brands HELPWANTED (upholstered. and chair stands WANTED Ambitious, Goal Day 725 5851 Nights 249 5793 Oriented Individual Op 4? SPECIAL ALLOCATIONS 2 portunity for Unlimited Income HOUSING Openings, Delegate Gen Fund Prequalify for Orientation Call Print Your Ad Here: Ex Deadline Sept 23rd 277 238 94.55 between S and S M F Ad Rates (Count approximately 30 letters and sparrs for each line, 3701 Leave name and number FEMALE wanted to share house near campus 0100 mu 294 5395 Minimum three lines on one day 11111/11111/1111/11/IIIIII PROGRAM BOARD Forums 1 eves 793 4090 days Opening Sched Prod Pub FOR SALE (Me Two Three Four Five Extra Spkrs for SJSU Ex Deadline LIVE IN THE ORIGINAL WILLOW / /LIII if LI_IIII_LI_I_111/111/ I Day Days Days Days Days Day Sept 30 call 277 3201 Glen Firehouse. (Now a 1600 Sq $ 70 SF OPERA TKTS Oct 11, 'II It apt i Cathedral ceilings. linen $280 $230 $352 $400 $470 11111/111111_111111_11111111 PERSONNEL SELECTION "Lady Macbeth" Orch seats quiet, private and nice Share 4 linos $37.0 $420 $452 $472 $490 70 with I or 2 others 5215,mo and Conducts Interviews for AS S60/pr 14151 965 8050 $ lines IA 20 $490 $52!, 55 45 $5110 $ 70 Ex Deadline Sept 30 2773701 utls , deposits, ek negotiable 1//11/11/111/111///11111/ I $490 sloe $595 $60 0129 $70 REFRIGERATOR 115. Hideabed Kids ok. depending on kid No alines pets. 4 pinball machines Lots of Phone SPARTAN SHOPS 1 Opening 5150. Antique carved wood Each additional line add 0 70 Print name practice room for dancer No Maintain and Oper Shops on double bed SIM, Dinette 480.01d Address Campus Ex Deadline Sept 23 mirror $40. couch SW other stuff heavy druggies or booze freaks cits Ent Insed si For Days 377 3201 293 1029 Safe neighborhood Call Semester Rates All Issues anytime, I keep very late no." 5 lines 5,5100 10 lines 145 00 IS lines Pal 00 AUDIO ENTERPRISES has the Paul 2/3 Mt Phone 277-3175 SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER ATTENTION SKIERS Positions widest selection of the highest Iteadhne T wo days prior to publication FURS STUDIO clean guoet all OR CASH TO: available Icor to Ina fidelity at the lowest prices See Consecutive publication dates only specials 'All Oil pa 113265 plus dep 2 blks Circle a naNtification SPARTAN DAILY CI.A.SSIFIEDS Coordinators and Marketing SU bltn boards tor * No ref undo on cancelled ads Manager Part time potition for quotes on over MO brands SJSU MI 5622 San Jose State University Announcements Help Wanted Personals involves marketing and 755 5500. ask for Ken San Jose, California 95192 Promoting nigh quality ski and 2 BDRM FLAT. Walk to Campus AulonsitHe Housing Servires Travel Earn SUBARu 72 or best 5425 mo fireplace, laundry. beach trips on campus 1400" 09110 call.l Found Stereo Typing good area Call Carl 297 2960 or Sale commission plus free travel offer AC excellent cond Coil Classified Desk ocatedOutside Z.07 Paye Tuesday. September 22, 1981 MARTIN THE SPARTAN by Dean Fortunab KING, DODGE PARRY Fronn. Campus - area apartments 1,PAR, lt-EN'T I (win page RIPosr ADVANGE A VISION OF Graham General DOOM? may be converted to office \tanager Larry Decker '114 defended his company in a convert the apartments out was an SJSU student Owners of a campus- conversation earlier this offices. who moved into a dor- area apartment building into month. He said the signs ;Waro eight-unit apart- mitory, she said. plan to go before the San The were posted. Jose City Council today to ment building located at The law firm plans to "If those educated permission to 320 S. Third St. was bought locate its San Jose office in request idiots can't read, that's this spring by an Orinda- the building because of its their problem," he said. based law firm, Thomas, proximity to courtrooms "They can fight it in the Hall and Kirby, said Polly under construction in the courts. It's their money." Stevenson, a secretary for State Building at Third and the city rejects the firm. San Carlos streets, If the Stevenson is the only Stevenson said. group members' claims, current resident of the The firm represents the next step is Small Public too dependent on Claims Court, said Mc- TV, previous apartment. The clients involved in work- tenants were evicted after man's compensation Donough. He told Okamura the firm purchased the litigation, Stevenson said. that alternative is possible building. only after the city has first The last renter to move rejected the unjust towing- says 'Nightline' anchorman charge. ED STULINIS Plitv./ErtABCIARD By Julie Pitts given to those we disagree man to get Ills views." JOSE STATE UNI Staff Writer with, to those we despise. Of the American press, Human perception and "We have to give Koppel said, "We have televison's role in creating coverage to an event we some of the worst, but most perceptions was the em- despise because if we don't of the best journalism in phasis of a talk given by it creates a vacuum of the world today." ABC news anchorman Ted knowledge," he added. "It Koppel maintains it is Koppel before a capacity not only involves the right unfair to blame the crowd at DeAnza College's of 'him' to speak, but more weaknesses of the Flint Center Sunday. importantly the right of American press solely on Koppel, an Emmy 'you' to hear." journalism schools. award-winning journalist The Sirhan interview Koppel, who received for his work on ABC News conducted, according his bachelor's degree in IA was Nightline, said 50 percent to Koppel, to clear up a communications at of the American public gets number of misconceptions Syracuse Univeristy and SUN, all its news from television, about Sirhan. He said the his master's in com- SEPT. 27 increasing the respon- public was unaware that munications at Stanford. Morris Dailey Auditorium sibility of the broadcast Sirhan is up for parole said he believes journalism media to present news Sept. 1,1984. schools "are a waste of accurately. The recent controversy time." 2 SHOWS: 7:00pm & 10:00pm Koppel believes over Sirhan began when "I would tell my kids if television doesn't give all another inmate said Sirhan they want to go to jour- the coverage an informed told him he would nalism school, to get an electorate needs to make education instead. Jour- intelligent decisions. The led Koppel publicity photo assassinate Sen. Edward el, Kennedy, if released. nalism is a trade. It's not public's heavy dependence Koppel doesn't believe necessary to go to jour- on television news is to read and watch very said. Sirhan made the threat. nalism school to be a "enough to make me wish critically." "People don't un- journalist," he said. for a dictatorship," he said. Koppel recently derstand that freedom of "He is a bright, Koppel was the first "The press is free to completed broadcasting an speech means nothing if shrewd, cunning man and speaker in DeAnza's write and broadcast interview with the con- we're going to give it to he wants out," he said. "If Distinguished Lecture whatever it chooses and a victed assassin of Robert those we like, we agree he said that he knows he Series. The talks are lot of it is garbage," Koppel Kennedy, Sirhan Sirhan. with, we disagree with only won't get out." In this scheduled at 8 p.m. Sun- continued. "The only Public reaction to that slightly," he said. "It only case, Koppel said, it is days and will continue protection the public has is interview was mixed, he means something if it is "appropriate to go to the through the semester. spartaguide

The Lady Spartan Tau Delta Phi is ac- S.U. Cafeteria. For more Delta Sigma Pi will basketball team is looking cepting new members. An information, call Chuck host a coffee reception for Psi Chi, the National for a team manager. Hours informational meeting will Austin at 356-5126. Marshall Burak, the new Honor Society in for the position are 1:30 to 4 be held at 6:30 tonight in School of Business dean, at Psychology will hold a p.m. daily. If interested, the S.U. Almaden Room. The Santa Clara 5 p.m. today in the graduate school in- call Rene Lauerman at 277- You must have a minimum County Suicide and Crisis Business Classrooms formation meeting 3750. GPA of 3.2 and have Service needs volunteers Faculty Lounge. All tomorrow at 12:30 p.m. in completed at least 30 units. who are at least 21 years students are welcome. Dudley Moorehead Hall. SJSU's Sailing Club old. Training is scheduled room 308. Call Karen at 277- t will meet at 7:30 p.m. San Jose Hillel will for the first week in 3965 for more information. $7.50 ADVANCED $9.50 AT DOOR Thursday in Dudley meet at 1 p.m. Wednesday November. Earn class Moorehead Hall, room 226 in the S.U. Pacheco Room. credits for hours spent on The Concerned Library Tickets Available: A. Schedules will be There will be a speaker on the 24-hour hotline. For Students will sponsor a ATTENTION: Spa r- A.S. Box Office, Bass, San Jose Box Office available for Bay-Sails in cults and their bake sale on October 6 and recruit- further information, call taguide announcements For Info Call San Francisco Bay. ment. 279-6250 between 8 a.m. and 7 from 9 a.m. until the will run on a space- 277-2807 5 p.m. goodies run out on the sixth available basis. FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS The Computer Science The American Institute floor of Library North. Organization will have a of Industrial Engineers will general meeting at 3:15 hold an organizational p.m. Wednesday in the meeting at noon today in "Fine Submarine Sandwiches Since /968" Engineering Building, the Engineering Building, room 390. New members room 317. For more in- Why Work For and engineering majors formation, call Gabe are encouraged to attend. Castillo at 996-1687. For more information, call David Bell at 241-3448. Campus Ambassadors Just One Company will begin a Bible study on A Bible study spon- Ephesians at 1:30 p.m. sored by Campus Ministry today. Meet at the Campus will be held from noon to 1 Ambassador information Can Work Mon. -Sat. 10:30-10:00 8th 1.4'' Williams When You p.m. Tuesday in the S.U. table, located inside the Almaden Room. Sundays 11:00-10:00 297-1/.1- There will be an in- STUDENTS PROGRAM BOARD Many? Vait(NED For formal reception for JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY students Science, Elec- studying Spanish world Chemistry. Computer AMI is the acknowledged And Still More Engineering, Material Science. from 3 to 5 p.m. today at MOS LSI We work tronic leader in custom AMI offers you a wide range of Mathematics or Physics wed like to the S.U. to solve a specific prob- Council Chambers. with a client benefits including a Co-Op Honors discuss your future and AMI lem in a unique way So. by working Program where you can take upper you're involved in a variety Contact us directly College Relations "Atlantic City" will be with AMI. division or graduate courses in your of proiects with clients who make field on a part-time basis at Stanford Department American Microsystems. Wednesday Cinema's everything from large computer University There s also full tuition Inc 3800 Homestead Road, Santa feature attraction this systems to sewing machines reimbursement for approved course Clara. CA 95051, or 2300 Buckskin Pocatello. ID 83201 week at 7 p.m. in Morris work at any one of a ha:Tdozen Road. Involvement From universities nearby Dailey Auditorium. Ad- colleges and Beginning To End AMI has Medical Dental Accident You Get To Do It At rnission is $1.75. Custom work also means you sit Disability and Life Insurance pro- down with the client personto- grams along with an optional Kaiser The Women's Center is person Because specs don t alway. Health Maintenance program And sponsoring two groups tell the whole story people do you stay with a proiect until the UsWe’ll Be On women Talk To designed to help device works and the customer is At The Career deal with their body image happy Campus An Equal Opponuntly Employer m 23 & 24 and addictive relationships More Fair On September There's ii ytio re about to grao,r,o- with food. One group meets are concen- Our catalog products degree in Chemical Engineering from 7 to 9 p.m. Wed- trated in the areas of telecommuni- nesdays and the other cation, mask-programmable ROMs and microprocessors We're also a meets from 12:30 to 2 p.m. leader in uncommitted logic arrays Fridays. For further in- offering "semi-custom solutions to formation, call I,ucinda at clients' design problems 294-7265 or Cathy at 277- 3996.

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" 11tIOCI 1 Paraclitit 7 8 10 p I 75 Morris Dailey Auci For more mlo coil 277 3228 h AusIHnt