33rd YEAR, NO. 89 ASTORIA, , SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1908 PRICE FIVE CENTS take them unaware another battle is opposition measure far the of fast right. This is the last time 1 purpose anticipated. Sheriff Smith took misleading the people. will ever box in a prize ring. This is JIMMY steps tonight to prevent the men get- A STATEMENT "Hence, we, the people of the cen BRin no 'Patti' farewell. I am through for Mm ting into eastern Oregon through the ter of the Columbia River salmon in all time." Snoqualmie Pass. Wires were sent ditstry, beg of our fellow citizens McFarland in a statement after you, to Cle Cllum, Easton and several of Oregon to ; testifying to Unit's gamencss says in other town that are only a short dis- BY CITIZENS "Vote on Initiative Bill 332, X OUTCLASSED the next he to lots of CAPTURED year hopes gain tance from the East side of the Pass yes.' experience and that time he ex- by asking that officers be sent to inter "Vote on Initiative Hill 319, X No pects to be ready to take Joe Cans' cept the men if they should succeed "We leave our just cause in your measure. in getting through the Pass before hands, fully convinced that the vot being overtaken by the Starwick crs of next June will put BY WIRELESS. At the Mass Meeting Frl-- Oregon posse. top to the wanton salmon destruc McFarland Wins in The The South Dakota is 200 miles Sheriff Shatters His Knee fish convinc tion by the wheels; fully south of the Columbia River and . OUTLAWS ROUTED. . day Evening. that once the of ed, primary principle Sixth Round. bound for the Bremerton navy yard Cap for our salmon, viz, the protection expecting to arrive there on the 13th MANILA, April II. A Despatch of at head of tide is stoppage fishing inst. to the constubulary from Bayon re- established, the will rear Legislature The station here was in communi ports that the detachment sent against this foundation such VOTE "YES" ON BILL 332 upon legislation cation with the station at Sitka, Alas- Lihgay, the outlaw leader, whose as will increase manifold the salmon 1 WOUNDS JUDGE STOREY ka, at a. m. They were Also work- band treacherously murdered a police- of the Columbia. PRACTICAHY KNOCKOUT yield ing with the Tennessee at Bellingham man has been attacked and a sharp "We for remain, yours the.protec and also in touch with Portland. fight ended in the rout of the out- - - tion- ol the natural sources ot our las who left nine dead. State: STOCK MARKET STRONGER. Twenty-Fi- ve Thousand People Three of the Men Were "Citizens of the Columbia River, in Seated FINALLY on Salmon He Fought Wildly at Times And PORTLAND WON. Depend Industry mass assembled, ll.-- meeting , April The stock at a Camp Fire When the -- "HERMAN WISE, Displayed Much Weakness for a Living. market moved out of sluggish irregu Officers At Portland 7, San of Chairman. In Appeared "Mayor Astoria, His Clinches. - larity early in the week into growing Francisco 0. 1908." "Astoria, April 10, strength. The Eric settlement help- At Los Angeles 9, ed the market although the Unexpect- Oakland 3. As- BREAD-WINNIN- Hon, Herman Wise, mayor of of G VS. GRAFTING ed manner the settlement gave rise toria, in obedience to the resolution BLOODHOUNDS ON THE TRAIL "I AM THROUGH FOR ALL TIME" to much puzzled conjecture over the ou last, at the passed Friday night inferences to be drawn from the ap- FORREST great fisheries meeting, has named the parent conflict of position between SITHSON as a committee following gentlemen the Morgan and Harriman groups The Will Rear This fish-bi- Legislation Upon to solicit funds for the ll cam- over the to be in Erie as policy adopted The Sheriff Took Steps Tonight to Puondation Such Legislation paign and generally manage the con At the Count of Nine he Struggled to affairs. The favorable crop report on Prevent the Men Getting into Will Increase Manifold the Salmon duct of the same; those named hav- His Feet and Tried to Make a Game winter wheat by the government was Eastern Oregon the Yield of the Columbia River. their to take Stand McFarland Wa Suogualine ing signified willingness Right a substantial factor in the increase of Pass. Lowered The World Record For After Him. over the work: confidence. Iron and steel trade ad- ' S. S. Dr. Frank High Hurdles. ; Gordon, Vaughan, vices as are unfavorable and the price John E. Gratke, John H. Whyte, The is the full text of of copper declined. Railroad traffic following Ed. W. Charles Wilson, Rosenberg, showed no Re- . 11. ll.-P- acky appreciable expansion. SEATTLE, April Deputy the public statement adopted by the E. Schimpf, Charles V. Brown, John COLMA, Cal., April turns of earnings showed continued Sheriff Starwick and K. C. Storey, the in C. G. C. M. Ccllcr. McFarland, the ON citizens of this city, mats meeting McCuc, Wingate, Chicago light weight heavy shrinkage. Money was easy EVENT NOT THE PROGRAM G. Van C. justice of the peace of Ravensadale assembled Inst Friday evening, and Morris Staples, H. Dusen, made short work of Jimmy Britt this and some improvement in the invest t H. Abcrcrombic, and Herman Wise. and Special deputies in the hunt for speak for themselves in plain and con- afternoon in a scheduled 20 round ment position was perceptiable. The committee will its work the of Marshal Miller of begin contest. Britt was sent to the floor slayers Kent, vincing terms: and it is not ex- tomorrow morning in captured one of the Kent highwaymen The Meet Held on In- Voters of three times the sixth and last round Was the Big "To die Oregon: pected, in the light of the exceeding this afternoon a batle by a powerful right wallop on the after pitched door Track of Columbia University "The salmon fisheries of the Colum- importance and popularity of the HENEY'S ADDRESS in which was wounded. point of his jaw. He took the count Judge Storey in Portland University of Oregon-Oth- ers will be at the cause they very long time-keep- er The bia, one of the great industries of this of nine twice and after the fight occurred near camp Fve Competing. task of a handsome figure to raising had counted five, Britt's father of the Milwaukee construction gang, commonwealth, have declined year contribu merge with the generous Mc seven miles above North Bend. The after year. Their total destruction is jumped into the ring and waved tions on Friday night. , ma was was in unless the intercede Farland away. It was practically a nwho captured shot inevitable, people 11. out-mass- He Reiterated of His Past the knee and one of the PORTLAND, April Forrest and at the coming June election vote Icar knockout. McFarland Many byStarwick other highwaymen was shot in the under the col- carefully upon the initiative salmon Britt from the start to the Charges Against Fulton. C Smithson, running in side. The man who was ar- ors of the Multnomah Cub bills proposed. R E BATTLESHIPS inish. It was easily seen early right today rested is believed to be the leader of 2-- 5 a the world's "This is not a fight of the lower the contest that Britt, who faced Mc loweerd by of second the That he is one of the high- hurdles for the dist- river against the upper river, as has Farland this afternoon, was not the gang. record for high deter-ioate- the officers have been been claimed. Britt of old and that he had d waymen that ance of 50 yards. The event was a PRAISED AND CENSURED U'REN for two is almost cert the "This is not a fight of gillnctters greatly in every respect. He hunting days special number and not on pro- Hobson Pleads for Four Battle- did not seem able to his blows; ain from the fact that he had recent and was arranged for the pur against other fishing interests. x gauge gram times and dis ly been shot through the tip of his Smithsoii a chance to "We arc not asking special privi- ships Instead of Two. e fought very wild at pose of giving weakness in his clinches nose. Storey was not seriously better the time made in a ; leges. Put we demand the same pro- played much regular was in His the bullet tection that the salmon industry re- nd close range fighting. McFarland He unhesitating Urging wounded, passing through event in which he equalled the world's Their Law Pro- the of his Star- sanc- ceives from other nations and, states. on the other hand had remarkable Hearers to Guard eflshy part right leg. record. The event was fully wick took the trail of three "The Dominion of Canada abso- ipced, his judgment of distance seem viding for the Nomination of U. Si and Storey tioned. The meet was held on the big REGARDS WAR AS INEVITABLE a Senators a Direct Vote. men answering the description of indoor of Columbia University lutely prohibits fishing for salmon ed infallible and he displayed great by track three of the five who shot between above head of tide. punching power. McFarland showed desperados in this city. The contest as - Miller and followed them the "The Government, also that he was a wonderful two- along the University of Oregon and Oregon man line of the Seattle Water Sys- December last, established the prin- hand fighter. He started for his pipe Agricultural College and Multnomah,, and when the PORTLAND, April ll.-Fr- ancis J. tem up Cedar river, overtaking them who came out third best and the oth- ciple of prohibition of salmon fishing He Pointed Out That From Now on from he very outset who came from San Francis- - at two o'clock this afternoon. Three to above tide water in the territory of the United States Sholud Have a irst round terminated, Britt went to Heney, er contestants not getting enough oc for the delivered a "Good of the men seated at a for hon- Alaska. Fixed Policy With Regard to Its lis corner with an anxious look on purpose, were, camp really make them candidates 4 he address before an aud- fire when the officers Star- scores X "The State of Oregon itself pro- - Naval Construction. his face. In the second round government" appeared. ors. The final stood, Oregon seemed to realize that he had met his ience established at 40000 people in wick at once commanded them to University, 46; Agricultural 36; Mult- out- - He further attention to throw their hands and surrender. stood 36 rivers become narrow. master. McFarland outboxed, night. paid up nomah. When the (Varsity - S. in him com- U. Senator Charles W. Fulton, One of the men an order , 'candidates were "So does and Washing- WASHINGTON, April 11. The punched and outgeneraled gave points, Corvallis letely and Britt began to break and reiterated many of his charges Austrian to the others to open fire three behind. ton. debate on the naval appropriation bill points times stalled for against that and adding and at the same time reaching for SO dash Forrest Smithson, M. t "The only exception from this groitnd and at pro legislator yard in the house today resolved itself in understook rule is the Columbia. tection. McFarland gave Britt no others. He eulogized president his gun. Starwick Jhe A. A. A.; Huston", U. O., second; Dart, the main into a discussion of the pos in the fourth and Roosevelt and U. S. Senator La Fol- - order and fired at the leader, blow- Portland third. Time: 5:25 "Mark you, on the Columbia waste chance to rest third, High, - - him mer- lette: He warned his hearers off his knee The Other two ful destruction continues, where tnrcc- sibilities of war between the United fifth rounds.- He hammered against ing cap. seconds. blows the of and the men and shelter behind U. Green-sha- w, fourths of the salmon of the State are States and Japan. In line with his cilessly, his principal being greed corporations ran securing ,440 yard run Reid, O.; 9? vitftu'a this snhtPft. Toward the close .concentration of wealth, land a and fire on the offi- O. A., Smith, Mult- rnuulit. On the Columbia, where well Known on "j rights. to the jaw. great stump opened second; 2-- in- - for four of the fifth a smash to gave the government land swindlers cers. Storey was shot with the first third. Time: 0:54 5. 000 people depend on the salmon Hobson pleaded battleships round, right nomah, the mat and and several local a severe but continued to fight. Star- Pole vault U. of O., 10. ft. .w.,.., ? tivincr On the Columbia instead of two tor tne next nscai the jaw sent Britt to only politicians volley Mullen, - of the saved down. He was wick fired several shots at the men as 9 O. A. 10-- 5; Kuy-kenda- ll, where the salmon industry brings an- year and pointed out that from now the timely clang gong dressing unhesitating inches; Swann, C, re- in their for shelter and 10., j United States should have a him from counted out, His urging his hearers to guard they were running U. of 0 third, nually over $3,000,000 into the State, on the' being with to' naval was McFar- law providing for the nomination of one 6f the men was wounded in the Shot Wolff, 6. A., 42 feet; e, "Why is this discrimination against fixed policy regard spite only temporary. put him in the sixth U. S. Senators a direct vote of the tside. After continuing the bat- U. 39 feet 61 inches; salmon industry of the Columbia. construction, War with the yellow land went for again by righ O., the 1- inevit-owner- be- ef- s was a of time that without their' tle for half an hour the two 38 feet I inch. "Because a handful of rich fishwheel jand white races he regarded as and it only question pcopel, saying nearly Zacharias, third, - must succumb. the of this state had se- hind the and forced into the 880 run O. Dod-so- n, have been able to blind legis- able and he asserted that Japan's fore the Californian fort people stump yard Davolt, A.; is unhooked a wick- cured a which was ob- woods. Starwick following them and U. U. O., third. lators and send scores of hirelings present military activity with a Finally McFarland jewel only O., second; Mays, on the in California after ten of to fire at 2:06. the State to misrepresent view to the supremacy of the Pacific ed right that caught James tained years continuing every opportu- Time: throughout and the fellow effort. until he ran out of ammunition. 50 hurdle Smithson, Moores, conditions. v land the natural cure would be clash point of the chin, poor nity yard as U. fishwheels 'at arms with the United States, Arnnnii -like a loc. Heney while he did not devote Storey and the wounded prisoner U. O., second; Kttykendall, O., "They say to remove ) of nine he much time as was to Fulton, were taken to the construction camp third. 6 4-- 5 seconds. (Equals means confiscation. On the other hand, Burton of Ohio xAt the count struggled expected Time, ob-'an- d tried to make a took time to read from a bulky and left while Starwick went to North world's "But we answer; To remove Kitchin of North Carolina to his feet and game yet srecord). him bear- more and as- O. - McFarland was after letters and documents Bend for ammunition jump Chapman, that destroy- the saimon puted that contention, each of them stand. right envelope, Running high - would another' to the same tender on the "Hold-up- " session of the sistance. He reached North Bend A., 5 feet 9 inches; Harbert, Astoria as approach the spawn- avowing that the clash not only and right ing just they Smith-so- n, of but that the United States sent Jimmy down again for the Oregon legislature of 1897 and dis- about five o'clock and secured rigs High, second, 5 feet 8 inches; ing grounds for the purpose laying not come, spot - in the forefront of count. His became glazed and cussed the alleged methods used in and organizing a fresh posse returned third, '5 feet 7 inches. their eggs, does not mcaii confisca- should remain eyes ' unconscious of his the effort to return the late senator to the scene of battle.. 220 dash Schroeder, O. A., Besides, have they not already modern civilization as an exponent he seemed totally yard 'tion. back Sheriff Liner and P. C. Pet- U. U. j were He rolled on his Mitchell to office. Deputy Moores, O., second; Meon, O., made the value of their destructive 0f peace. Others who spoke surroundings. J who criticised and made a fruitless effort to regaiii W. F. Matthews, T. Cader Powell, erson,. Iwell known woodsmen of third. Time: 24 4-- 5. s wheels, over and over again. Congressman Litley for his feet and it was then hat the elder Pierce Mays and several other poli- North Bend and two other men re- Running broad jump Smithson, 20-fe- "We ask you, our fellow citizens: , the navy department maintaining and ac- of came in turned with fully armed. 2 Moores, second, 19 feet would the cattle business several useless navy yards: Gill, of Britt stepped into the ring ticians state prominence $tarwick, inch; how long be- 19 presi-ki- ll the defeat of his son. for around and W. S. U'Ren, The took two bloodhounds 81 inches; Lounsberry, O. A., feet last if a band of cattle thieves were to Maryland who denounced the knowledged scoring, party Ad a remarkable exhibition the "Father of statement No. 1" re- to Peterson and they will 41 inches, third. the cbws, just as they were about dent for his treatment of Rear Britt gave longing the contest. ceived both words of condemnation take the trail at the point where the Mile Davolt, O. A.; Downs, U. O., ? miral Brownson: Dawson of lowa, of gameness throughout I yfo calve of - of Both winner and looser were cheered and the highest tribute. Some of battle occurred. Three the men second; Robinson, Pacific University, How long will Oregon's great sal- who advocated the consolidation I in well 4:46. . . ! ii. . 1 t...... nt now ftpnnrt--- as left the After the fight U'Rcn's principles, Heney does not who engaged the fight were third. Time: mnn mriustrv survive, ii inese icw several uwt.m v " w r they ring. fav-- stammered out the following: of, but he declared U'Ren armed and apparently intend to fight 50 yard hurdle, special event men are permitted'to kill the salmon ment: Loud of Michigan who Britt approve V e is for me to I be one of brilliant men of to the death to resist capture. Unless Smithson; Kuykendall, second. Time: a program oi two oaiuc-"Th- "There nothing say. to the.most uear their natural spawning grounds? navy 2-- jored beaten. He has an awful this the officers can surround them and 6 3 seconds. (World's record). 'interests' have introduced an .ships a year for ten years: was clearly country.