Public Document Pack

Shropshire Council Legal and Democratic Services Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND

Date: 8th July 2014 My Ref: Your Ref:

Committee: Gobowen, Selattyn, and St Martins Local Joint Committee

Date: Tuesday, 15 July 2014 Time: 7.00 pm Venue: Weston Rhyn Institute, Bronygarth Road, Weston Rhyn, SY10 7RQ

You are invited to attend the above meeting.

Members of the Committee

Shropshire Councillors Steve Davenport - St Martins David Lloyd - Gobowen, Selattyn and Weston Rhyn Robert Macey – Gobowen, Selattyn and Weston Rhyn

Parish Councillors Angela Bright - Weston Rhyn Sue Crow - Selattyn and Gobowen Sue Schofield - St Martins

Website for further information:

Your Community Enablement Officer is:

Corrie Davies Tel: 01691 677306 Email: [email protected]


1 Election of Chairman

2 Appointment of Vice Chairman

3 Welcome and Introduction from the Chairman

4 Apologies for Absence

5 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate.

6 Notes of the Previous Meeting (Pages 1 - 4)

To confirm the notes of the meeting held on 25 th February 2014. Report is attached, marked 6.

7 PACT Meeting (Partners And Communities Together)

A representative from West Police will be in attendance to hear any concerns or issues you may wish to raise.

8 Site Allocations and Development Management

To receive an update from Adrian Cooper, Team Leader, Environmental & Economic Policy, Shropshire Council.

9 External Funding Opportunities

Shropshire Towns and Rural Housing Funding -a representative of STAR housing will be in attendance to talk about the funding opportunities that they currently have available.

Shropshire Marches LEADER -Julie Jones LEADER Development Officer will be representing. A chance to help shape the Shropshire programme for this locally managed European fund for rural development. LEADER is about small scale local activities and includes support for rural tourism. 10 Locality Commissioning

To receive an update from Kate Garner, Shropshire Council’s Locality Commissioner Manager.

11 Public Question Time

To receive public questions from the floor. You are reminded that if you do not want to ask a question at the meeting itself, a feedback form can completed and handed in at the conclusion of the meeting.

12 Update from Community Enablement Officer

To receive an update from Corrie Davies, Community Enablement Officer, Shropshire Council.

13 Date of Next Mee ting

This page is intentionally left blank Committee and DateAgenda Item Item 6 Gobowen Area Local Joint Committee 6 15 th July 2014 Public 7pm


7.00 p.m. – 8.30 p.m.

Responsible Officer: Julie Ruler E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 01743 252727

Present: Members of the Committee:

Officers: Julie Ruler

There were approximately 45 members of the public in attendance.


1. Welcome and Introduction from the Chairman

Cllr Davenport, Cllr Lloyd, Cllr Crow, Cllr Bright, Cllr Macey, Cllr Schofield, Cllr Davenport gave an overview of the LJC achieve over the last 5 years.



3. Disclosure Pecuniary Interests

Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the debate. Gobowen &St Martins street scheme interest declared Sue Crow in respect St Martins centre Sue Schofield/ Steve Davenport. Selattyn & Gobowen pavilion – Sue Crow St Martins School – Steve Davenport/ Sue Schofield

4. Notes of the Previous Meeting

To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 22 nd October 2013 Confirmed: Schofield Seconded: Cllr Davenport

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Gobowen Area Local Joint Committee: Note of the meeting held on 25 Feb 2014 5. Pact Meeting (Partners and Communities Together)

P.C. Kate Le Clare CSO Dan

Low crime over the last 3 months. PACT email address for contact and this can be found in village magazines.

Q Reduced Street Lighting is this causing any issues – A National stats show that there is no effect on crime.

Ade Bowen Shropshire Fire and Rescue Services. reduction in chimney fires. New starters make team to 16. Sister stations are not closing. Concern over empty property fires. Woodland and leisure centre are under investigation to make safer with land owners. Flooding has not affected the area.

6. Future Role of Gobowen Area LJC The committee members will facilitate focus groups to discuss the following:

Cllr Davenport impressed the importance of interface between parishes, county and local people. He explained that the LJC had funded local pilot projects and supported the local community. Discussions took place and the following was considered important.

- Aims and purpose of meetings Format could be less formal and follow the Lets Talk sessions that operates pre LJC . Dialogue public parish and Shropshire councillors’ opportunity for community to come together. Loose agenda so that important things can be discussed Cluster villages together attract unitary councillors and staff to escalate issues. Meeting should be themed and speakers invited

-Frequency of meetings 3 / 4 a year 3 per year 1 major meeting 2 build on.

-Membership of the committee Present mix seemed appropriate. 2 from each Parish and open to wider group. Reps from community group. Page 2 3 Gobowen Area Local Joint Committee: Note of the meeting held on 25 Feb 2014 Issues : • Room hire needs to be covered • Funding is important and Community Action Officer will support access to funding • Ensure voice of groups is heard • Shared advertising and promotion • Finance for meetings and support

7. Big Local Update

Nick Heard taken ill in November and hospitalized. Making a contribution from hospital. Next step is to appoint 2 part time posts to take the programme forward. One of the posts is to formulate a 3 parish plan. The other is to promote the programme and make ti available to the wider public.

25 completed plans done in other areas and the local partnership are keen to have an inclusive plan. A public meeting will take place in April/May 2014.

Local trust is organising some workshops that cover topics such as housing, transport etc. If people would like to attend please book a place and participate.

Chairman wished Nick Heard a speedy recovery

8. Public Question Time

To receive public questions from the floor. You are reminded that if you do not want to ask a question at the meeting itself, there are pro-forma’s that can be completed and handed in at the conclusion of the meeting

Planning is the 5 year plan signed off. 1. Due to go through council on 26/02/14 2. If council can demonstrate there is adequate land supply it may support the case.

9. 2013/14 Financial report, Including Update on Funding Requests for consideration

Green Room Youth Project – Equipement and Development - £1300 Gobowen& St Martins Parish council – Streetscene - £2000 Fairfields Close – Fairfields Activities - £200 St Martins Centre – Flagpole/ Village News/ ECDL - £1928 Gobowen Scout and Community Hall - £2400 Page 3 4 Gobowen Area Local Joint Committee: Note of the meeting held on 25 Feb 2014 Shropshire Scouts Jamboree - £200 Selattyn & Gobowen Playing Field Committee - £2000 St Martins School – E readers and Science equip - £4203 Lakelands Academy – NOT FUNDED

Total - £14231

10. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on 24 June at 7pm at Weston Rhyn village Institute, Weston Rhyn, SY10 7RE



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