Chapter 8

The New Rural Reconstruction Movement

A4575_City and Countryside in China_Week9 Philip A. Kuhn, Origins of the Modern Chinese State, Stanford University Press, 2003 | 躬 耕 者 |

The Tillers The Rural Reconstruction Movement

RRM, Republican Era, the First Generation

Philip A. Kuhn, "The Rural Reconstruction Movement," P353-360 in John K. Fairbank and Albert Feuerwerker, eds., The Cambridge History of , vol. 13, Republican China 1912-1949, Part 2, Cambridge University Press, 1986. 翟城村治

The Zhaicheng Programme

The starting point of RRM Zhaicheng Village, Dingzhou(Ding County), Baoding, Hebei Province Mi Chunming(米春明,字鉴 山) and Mi Digang(米迪刚 ) Zhaicheng Village, published by Zhonghua Daily, 1925 育正学堂,清光绪 三十年 Yuzheng School, 1904

《教育普及计 划书 》,清光绪 三十年 Educational Popularization Plan, 1904

《看守禾稼规约 》,清光绪 三十年 Crop Guarding Agreement, 1904

农 隙识 字会,清光绪 三十一年 Villager Literacy Classes, 1905

《保护 森林规约 》,清光绪 三十一年 Tree Protection Agreement, 1905

《提倡凿 井条规 》,清光绪 三十二年 Well Digging Agreement, 1906

《翟城村保护 公有井泉规约 》,清光绪 三十二年 Well and Spring Protection Agreement, 1906

《学生贷 款章程》,清光绪 三十四年 Student Loan Regulation, 1908

因利协 社,民国三年(孔子:“因民之所利而利之”) Yinli Cooperative, 1914

农产 物制造物品评 会,民国三年 Agricultural Products Contest, 1914

《翟城村村治组织 大纲 》,民国四年 Outline of Village Governance, 1915

义仓 ,民国四年 Public Granary, 1915

《卫 生所规约 》,民国四年 Public Health Agreement, 1915

《公同保卫 章程》,民国四年 Common Defense Agreement, 1915 山西村治

The Shanxi Programme

led by Sun Chunzhai(孙莼斋 )and Yan Xishan(阎锡 山) from 1917

_Experimental system of local administration _Gentry activism _Education _Transformation of public moral _Anti-footbinding and Anti-opium

Yan Xishan(阎锡山 , 1883-1960) “反观井田意义的制度,既公道而能 永久,大同理想之学说,复超乎今古。 倘吾人本其意义及遗教,发扬光大,规 定制度,使适合今日之实际,则所谓经 济问题,自不难迎刃而解。非特可以救 中国,且可以救世界。”

Yan Xishan Yan Xishan(阎锡山 , 1883-1960) 定县实验

The Dingxian Project

1926-1937 Dingzhou(Dingxian, Ding County), Baoding, Hebei Province Dingxian Project(定县实验), 1926-1937 At Carnegie Hall in NYC, in 1943, James Yen received a Copernican award with nine other "modern revolutionaries" including Albert Einstein, Orville Wright, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, and Y.C.James Yen died in 1990 “In 1928 he began seeking financial support for his movement. John D. Rockefeller Jr. made a personal gift of $100,000 that became the catalyst for others to contribtute.

Dr. Yen's work in China was disrupted by the Japanese invasion of 1937 but after World War II he was instrumental in getting the United States to spend $27.5 million for rural reconstruction in China.” In 1948, he persuaded the United States Congress to fund an independent Sino-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, of which he became one of the Commissioners. The "Jimmy Yen provision" was ten percent of the U.S. 1948 aid package to China. The Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction (JCRR) was a very effective rural program in China before 1949, though it lasted only a little over one year, spent only four million dollars of its total allotment (US$ 27.5 million), and supported only a small number of workers. Three Cs

Confucius Christ Coolies 中国四大病 China’s Four Great Ills

贫 Poverty 愚 Ignorance 弱 Physical Weakness 私 Lack of Public Spirit

生计 教育 Career Education 文艺 教育 Art Education 卫 生教育 Health Education 公民教育 Citizen Education

Mass Education Association (中华平民教育促进会),1923, Beijing

Y.C.James Yen(晏阳初 , 1893-1990) Y.C.James Yen(晏阳初 , 1893-1990) Y.C.James Yen, Alice Ordania Yen(Huie)(许雅丽)and their children in Dingxian International Institute of Rural Reconstruction(IIRR) Silang, Cavite, Phillipines, found in 1960 International Institute of Rural Reconstruction(IIRR) Silang, Cavite, Phillipines, found in 1960 International Institute of Rural Reconstruction(IIRR) Silang, Cavite, Phillipines, found in 1960

晓 庄师 范

Xiaozhuang Teachers School

1927-1930 Xiaozhuang, , Jiangshu Province Tao Xingzhi(陶行知, 1891-1946) Columbia Teachers College, 1915-1917

Tao Xingzhi with John Dewey in in 1919. Front row from left: Shi Liangcai, Dewey's wife Alice and Dewey. Back row from left: Hu Shi, Jiang Menglin, Tao and Zhang Zuoping. From left, Xu Zhimo, Zhu Jingnong, Cao Chengying, Hu Shi, , Tao Xingzhi, , Alice Dewey and Chen Weizhe in in September 1924. Plow Hall(犁宫), Xiaozhuang Teachers School, Nanjing, 1927-1930 Tao Xingzhi, Xiaozhuang Teachers School, Nanjing, 1927-1930 With a heart to come, Without a half grass to go. Wang Hongyi(王鸿一, 1874-1930) and Village Governance Monthly, 1929 “中国经济重心在农业,中国者,一小农制之农业国也 ,盖以古代开田阡陌各种制度之推演,蔚成大致均平之 农业社会,全国人民,除最少数之大地主,及在都市作 工营商者外,十九营乡村农业生活,故欲谋人民经济 巩固,非先谋农业巩固不可。惟农业非一人所能担任, 欲谋农业巩固,又非先有极安定和谐之家庭不可。有安 定和谐之家庭,则兄弟互助,夫妇协调,各尽所能,外 出则宣力于社会,族里则又有极乐之家庭,此农业社会 之精神,全赖人伦维系之力。故农业社会根本不变, 而人伦观念之变动亦不可能也。”

Wang Hongyi 村治派 Village Governance Group 华 北士绅 North China Landed Gentries

王鸿 一(Wang Hongyi), 米迪刚 (Mi Digang), 米阶 平(Mi Jieping), 彭禹廷(Peng Yuting), 梁仲华 (Liang Zhonghua), 尹仲材(Yi Zhongcai), 王怡柯(Wang Yike), 孙莼斋 (发绪 ) (Sun Chunzhai), 梁漱溟(Liang Shuming)

山东 (Shandong),山西(Shanxi),河北(Hebei),河南 (Henan),北京(Beijing) Facilitator The Christian General Marshall (冯玉祥 , 1882-1948) Han Fuqu(韩复榘 , 1890-1938) 河南村治学院

Henan Village Governance Academy

镇 平自治

Zhenping Self-Governance

1929-1933 Zhenping, Nanyang, Henan Province Peng Yuting(彭禹廷 , 1893-1933) The badge of Henan Village Governance Academy,1929 The Overview of Zhenping Self-Governace, 1933 Zhenping Self-Governance Office found.1930 邹 平实验

Zhouping Project

1931-1937 Zhouping County, Binzhou, Shandong Province Liang Shuming(梁漱溟, 1893-1988) was 28 year old when his book Eastern and Western cultures and their philosophies published in1921 Liang Shuming was writing the book Essentials of Chinese Culture 1948, Liang Shuming visited the village governance projects in Shanxi, 1929 Agricultural Fair,1931 Zhouping Project(邹 平实验 ), 1931-1937 山东乡 村建设 学院 Shandong Rural Reconstruction Institute

乡农 学校(乡 学与村学,政教合一) Village Schools

县 政改革 County Administrative Reform

新乡约 New Villager Agreement

合作经济 Cooperative Economy

美棉运销 合作社 American Cotton CO-OP

农 展会(1931,1932,1933) Agricultural Fair

乡 村自卫队 (乡 射礼) Villager Self-defense Force

“⋯⋯前人云:‘为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平’,此正是我一生的使命。《人 心与人生》等三本书要写成,我乃可以死得;现在则不能死。又今后的中国大局 以至建国工作,亦正需要我;我不能死。我若死,天地将为之变色,历史将为之 改辙,那是不可想象的。乃不会有的事!”——Liang Shuming, 1942 Liang Shuming and Yan’an Meeting, Reformist vs Revolutionist, 1938

“杀人有两种,一种是用枪杆子杀人,一种是 用笔杆子杀人。伪装得最巧妙,杀人不见血的,是 用笔杀人。你就是这样一个杀人犯。”

“梁漱溟反动透顶,他就是不承认,他说他美 得很。你一生一世对人民有什么功?一丝也没有, 一毫也没有。而你却把自己描写成了不起的天下第 一美人,比西施还美,比王昭君还美,还比得上杨 贵妃。”

“梁漱溟是野心家,是伪君子。他不问政治是 假的,不想做官也是假的。他搞所谓‘乡村建设’ ,有什么‘乡村建设’呀?是地主建设,是乡村 破坏,是国家灭亡!”

Mao Zedong,1953 Selected Works of Mao Tse-Tung, Volume 5 Guy S. Alitto, The Last Confucian: Liang Shu-ming and the Chinese Dilemma of Modernity, University of California Press, 1986. Liang Shuming and Guy S. Alitto The First Conference on Rural Reconstruction Zouping County, Shandong Province, 1933 By 1934, official statistics show that there were more than 600 rural reconstruction groups and over 1,000 experimental across China. Newspapers and magazines were filled with reports, commentaries and debates on rural reconstruction.

Xiangcun jianshe jingyan [Lessons from Rural Reconstruction] (Shanghai: Zhonghua Book Company, 1935), 19. Wang Gongbi(王拱璧), Henan

Lu Zuofu(卢作孚), Chongqing

Huang Yanpei(黄炎培), Jiangsu

Gao Jiansi(高践四), Jiangsu

Huang Zhanyun(黄展云), Fujian


Criticism on RRM

Qian Jiaju(千家驹, 1909-2002) Chen Xujing(陈序经, 1903-1967) Mushanokōji Saneatsu's idea of Atarashiki Mura (‘New Village’, 新しき村) The New Rural Reconstruction Movement

NRRM, since 2000, the Second Generation

Zhaicheng Village, 1952

Wen Tiejun(温铁军 ) in 1980’ Dingzhou, 2009 Zhaicheng Village, 2009 James Yen Rural Reconstruction Institute, 2003-2006 James Yen Rural Reconstruction Institute, 2003-2006 Wen Tiejun and Qiu Jiansheng(邱建生) Peitian(培田) Community College, 2010, Fujian Province Qiu Jiansheng, Peitian Community College, 2010, Fujian Province Peitian Village, Fujian Province, 2010 He Huili(何慧丽 ), Lankao(兰 考) County, Henan Province, 2010 He Huili with villagers, Lankao County, Henan Province, 2010 Community Center designed by Taiwanese architect Hsieh Ying-Chun Nanmazhuang(南马 庄), Lankao County, Henan Province, 2010 Nanmazhuang Cooperative, Lankao County, Henan Province, 2010 Nanmazhuang Cooperative, Lankao County, Henan Province, 2010

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Little Donkey Farm, Beijing Little Donkey Farm, Beijing

Shared Harvest Farm, Beijng Shi Yan with farmer. Shared Harvest Farm, Beijng Service by the Shared Harvest Farm, Beijng Li Changping(李昌平), I Spoke the Truth to the Premier, Guangming Daily Press, 2002 “The peasants’ lot is really bitter, the countryside is really poor, and agriculture is in crisis.”

Li Changping Sun Jun(孙 君) “Make the village more like a village, not an urban community.”

Sun Jun

Built-in Finance

(内置金融) Haotang Village(郝堂村), Henan Province Haotang Village, Henan Province Haotang Village, Henan Province Haotang Village, Henan Province Sun Jun, Haotang Village, Henan Province A Map of China’s NRRM