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^ ^ 0^«r 1^ Thiafc (tf ,iti A oonvlite I^JSO »et of tliiB tonpM E q r^ vacaam’*^ attachtnanta will be given away- gbacM td? free w i& avery piucfaaae.of a Grand Prize EmwL *nii8 gii^ i® made to impress . npon w o n ^ evenrwhere the remazlrat^e efiBdaacy'Wthe^onAa Ti^^»- ’»;< vacanm". attachmenta «*< ' tre88^uphol8teredfiirniture,etc,OrderyoarE(ui^tDdayand8ave$8»50.‘ S4 AXlSolte^ See the Famous Emrdca Test *>^iNcw^* Ywk, ^tie powei^r^NavaI> eight won the Poargbkeepeie- ju st: after crossed ^ ‘ i^«ms|lvania SP:-si^; the. Wararingtbn crew by a half length. Uie boats-Me shown was foBrth. ^ Wbftoyoo >U»Ot»ndPii«oBqrria(withte beg °a )| W *KED TEETH. the Rev. Dfv N. D. McDonald, of the seventy babies and tiny tots of the B O Y Mail This Free Trial Cradle Roll age, besides a hundred teeth< in its broadest School of ^Pedagogy, Hartford. Only Coupon Today y means "teeth, that' do the parent and brother of the bride and thirty older and O F A l Send] I details of J^together or meet proper- witnessed: the ceremony. A recep­ adults, including the mothers, fill­ krial oHar. upper teeth may be too tion was held at the of the ed the Sunday School room to Its Nabi*. ent, protruding from under bride in the afternoon at which capacity. The Little Light Bearers, the infant missionary group of the upper lip lu a manner that only Immediate relatives were pres­ A d d ra a a . the lowers about one halt ent. Mr. Worden of WUUmantlc church, were also present for their i # ' was caterer. The bride and groom annual mite box opening. P i -^4:. behind. Or, the condition be reversed and the lowers left during the afternoon, presum­ The program opened at three Big Time For Scont OIBclals At ably for New York. o’clock with a song by the Junior and lift vson. Seontmaster Lawson ,ch the uppers in the same Camp Pioneer wiB.. i^lL-roast a ehicken. Scoutmas­ Miss Talbot was a graduate of Choir of thirty voices. Even the This condition is known The annual ou,tlng for Scout- ter BAtjehihson win demonstrate the occlusion.” Windham High school, and later of crying babies were soothed and Officials of the Hartford' County is the Hartford hospital. She also charmed by the singing of the art of paking tumber Jack or hole te eases of malocculusion may scheduled for Saturday and Sunday beads; ''Bob’’ Loojnls will weld to- 'direct result of falls, blows took a special course at a children’s youngsters. The Scripture passage June 27_ and 28 at Camp-^Pioneer. found In Matthew’s Gospel,, the gethi^Nioine of kls famous. Camp ' bnth before the permanent hospital in New York, and studied This is the big time of the year for for' some’ time at the ’Theological first flve versea of the 18th chap­ ple.Bf,ad|d ‘fiJoc’’ ' Lane will manu-. teeth I still present, or perhaps Scout Masters, Assistant Scout Mas­ faotrmltConcoetlQns of corn bread gymingster has been uudemour-Seminary in Hartford. Mr. Wil­ ter, 'Was read by the Associate Pas­ Save Money by Bu3nbg liams recently graduated from the tor, Mr. Waitt. Prayer was offered ters and all Committeemen, to .en­ and‘ iTO|^^len pUib” ’ The latter is lih l^ ^om ach trouble ,indigestlon, joy a regular scout week end. The a ny^arf^ hat iS'guaranteed to Die poor.speech and embarrassment School of Pedagogy In Hartford. by the Pastor, Mr.^ Cooper, after During his coarse at that school be which all, from tte youngest prattl­ following letter has been received pak^b|e..and vrilMw a good “end doo to lack of facial harmony are from A. L. Brown of the publicity of ■mesil' tf idi^ to malocclusion and its accom- rtR^fOr of the Ai^over CoU'. ing child to the oldest saint pre­ gregatlonal church. ’Ilie young sent, united in the Lord’s Prayer, committee of the Hartford Council. ter Chittenden of jnuying lack of proper food masti­ ’This letter tells the whole story: cation. couple have many frlends^Tn An- ’The Junior pholr then sang, “ Away mdos ^able to give Your Piano Now ! “ Have you reserved Saturday and .4iS^“ All of these conditions are of and surrounding towns, and In a Manger’’. s- on outside the best of good wishes followed The remainder of the program Sunday, June 27th and 28th for the enough importance to cause the pa- Annual Jamboree M d Outing., gt" * reht lo think seriously of the child’s them on their visit to New York. was In charge of Mrs. Louis St. »g damp-flre at They leave In September for the Clair Burr, Superintendent of the Camp Pioneer of tb.s Sooutmasters $^h-Sthoke up and ..,den^il w elfi^ , and u thorough ex- Troop, to which your assistahts and *:.laTUljidMo^ of the growing young- South, where Mr. Williams will Cradle RoH Department. With very jlerles.. This New Upiigl^ take up his work of teaching.. pretty, colorful exercises, during committeemen are also invited and x'r boats, cano s, r^atds tbeir proper urged to attend? If la-ke. ^beis^l other will often which the children marched Roseoe, Talbot, railroad tele­ through a beautiful white gate, advice of an old timer and ! Cjpldk bakninu grapher, has bid In the first trick at sixty of the Cradle Roll were grad­ at once for this is to jie the toilet aril- Clubhouse and began work Wednes­ and beat since Ca'mp.J^ois^r qt ^futii aents; uated Into the-PrImary Department' b ac^ in 1920, ^ ‘ ' A b ^ on b i day morning at that place. . and given certificates of gradua­ p;^ atYbu ere win Idehtai de- Mr, and Mrs..Harry SMW oC-Wap- tion. Hubert T., Edinondispni viminB] plnriS^i^Snnday wHl^Jlti^

ancheeter 'dpeht' rSdnd^ tor being the p^hool work, mental develop- with Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Whitcomb. As a result for, barring blow- icefoiroike^lf^'i it, and I physical gain'all depend Mr. and Mrs. Peck motored to Ing among the Little Light Bearers, geT you back for .elthe^,or , ^lyctop No. 6 had the proper . food and nourish- Norwich Sunday. Master Douglas Gordon and little When you return to; "" .^meaUnkAs usual. Tha it, and it is up to you t see that Wallace Jones, John Phelps, Miss Dorothy Case were presented you will have a raft a t su meeilliif opened tfy the roll call, r youngsters can advance prop­ Eleanor Coville and Martha Bart­ with silver tokens for bringing In ideas for hikes and.ovfiiiiight tbsre T ere twenty-one scouts pres­ in each of these lines without lett are all 111 with whooping cough. their boxes, the largest and next for your scouts which \?ill be like ent, Al tei’ the roll call the scout­ fearful handicap of poorly meet- Mrs. Thomas Lewis an'’ son visit­ largest amount respectively. adding Interest to the prlncdple o f master talked about the over night dental arches. ed in Mansfield Tuesday evening A group of Primary children pre­ pleasures represented by your in­ hikewiiich is gting to be up co i^Isn’t It much better for your child There will be a special town meet­ sented a very pretty little play for vestment of time taken for the trip. Covwitiy J^Ake At the Community wear a few wlre|^ and appliance ing in the town hall Wednesday eve­ the eatortainment of the mothers, First, will be the erection of an Camp on Thursday, Friday and Sat­ the teeth for a year or so, and ning. but owing to considerable vocifer­ Adirnadack lean-to which will be a urday iiorhlng. -‘The scouts of troop so doing gain those straight pret Arthur Merritt, was seriously ous competition among the Cradle permanent fixture at Camp Pioneer No, 5 are going with thi scou of teeth that make smiling a real burned one day recently when some Roll members during the perform­ and a working model for the scouts troop N o. 3.- Aften the scoutmaster ^ 'delight, than to neglect this and matches with which he was playing ance, It is planned to repeat the who are after the Merit Badges of talked j^bout th ^ '^ ke the sjouts ■.^'[“^^I'iiiaive that same boy or girl grow to set fire to his clothing. He was play as a part of the special Sun­ Pioneering etc., and will be useful lined uj^ by patrols; Then there was fe3i:3;i)!^B>aturlty in poor health and with taken to St. Joseph’s hospital In day School program for the first to you for the future instruction of a game I period fo r three quarters of :>V^i,r|ibe ever present thought that a llt- WUUmantlc. His condition is still Sunday in July. . your troop. an hour. Each tried to 'leat attention on the par of his or serlo.us. Mrs. Burr’s very able corps of Second, will be the exceptional the othp. They playeo Candle out, r.'i' ther parents would have prevented Mrs. Faulkner visited in Hartford assistants served cookies and Ice and varied demonstration of Camp Candle | light. ’Tbiey alsu played Tuesday. koch conditions. cream to the “ kiddles,” and tea and Cookery by such experts as “ Doc” another game called Candle race. i;F|'1V . Exaihlne your child's mouth and wafers to the adults present. For Munger, “ Bob" Loomis, “ Doc” The meletlng closed by saying the $198 you find that the teeth are not MACBI TRIAL. the sake of maintaining community Lane and Scoutmasters Hutchinson Scout ^awa and Scout Oath. ' '.^eetlng as they should go to your peace, general child welfare, and have him fit the proper New Haven, Conn., June 24.— for the safety of the Judges, no "wW,A!»PPlIanceB tor that particular case. Arguments as to a change of Venue 1 prizes were awarded to the prettiest ton, William C. Stone, George CENjSUS BUREAU REPORT. .jyjlAvi It is a matter of a few months’ in the trial of Olympia Macrl for baby or the youngest mother. The the murder of John Bagnano, Smith, Harriett M. Taggart, Ward jt.tlme, and a few dollars, but the sat- following were graduated from Tedford, Avis B. Palmer, Dorothy I ------■^■/jjlsfactlon that will come to you from which occurred on February 26th, the Cradle Roll into the Primary Washiington, June 24.— The Cen- last, will be heard before Judge L. Van Haverbeke, Frederick J. Improved health, mental facil- Department of the Sunday School: Waldo, Edna M. WInerdig, Prank sns Bureau today Issued the follow­ 'dty, facial appearance and, above John R. Booth, of Danbury, In the Eunice M. Bidwell, Doris E. ing seed products report for the ten Good'Used Piano, Walnut case. In Used Player, Superior Court here this afternoon. K. Wigren, Walter N. Weir, Bernice •11, from the knowledge that you Chapman, Mervin W. Cole, Clayton B. Wilson, Elinor M. Young, months perioAending May 31, 1925 good condition. Has fine tone. A bar- Plfiys wen. Has good tone. WUl IwC •re taking advantage of every op­ If the change of venue is granted E. Chadwick, Elaine G. Chapman, and 1924; the trial will take place by next gain at price quoted. for years. Step in and hear it. portunity to give your child a better Ruby E. Cordner, Wilbur B. Dowd, SEIZE ALB CANGO. Cotton seed: •tart in life will more than compen- fall but if Judge Booth decides a Dorothy E. Earle, Robert D. Ford, Received at mills, excluding ro- fair trial may be had in New Ha­ Rochester, N. Y., June 24.-:—Sur­ .Mte for the time and money In­ Annabelle M. Flavel, Doris L. Gib­ prising the crew in the act of un­ shlpments, tons: 4,553,780 and volved. ven the trial wifi be held here this son, Charles G. Grimes, Eileen 3,286,760; crushed, tons: 4,514,216 summer. loading a cargo of Canadian ale The longer you allow the teeth to Grlmley, Douglas J. Gordon, Doro­ early this morning near Nine Mile and S,225.90«.'; develop in the wrong position the Witnesses who have testified thy A. Gustafson, Earl R. Hamp­ Point, custom officials arrested Products manufactured: New Gulbr2insen harder It is for your dentist to cor­ before Judge Booth that in their ton, Robert H. Holman, Mildred J- nine men, seized a 30-foot boat and Crude oil,^pounds: 1,372,356,- rect them. If your child is suffer­ opinion a fair trial cannot be had Hotchkiss, Marjorie B. Inman, 600 cases of contraband goods. 286 and 953.866.632. ing from malocclusion see your den­ in New Haven are Judge John R. Ronald E. Jones, Alfred C. Hotch­ Two other men escaped in the Refined oil, pounds: 1,205,783,- tist at once. Booth, of the New Haven County kiss, Ernest B. Kloter, Anna M. darkness despite shots fired by the 416 and 708,032,793. Common Pleas Court; Philip T. Player-Piano Question— I have nervous sick Krob, Dorothy M. E. Lennon, raiders. All of the men gave their 1 Cake and meal, tons; 2,078,697 u headaches about every four weeks Smith, chief of the New Haven po­ Dorothy E. Lewis, LeRoy E. LIpp, homes as Rochester except Joseph and 1,478,530. h tf#/ which last for two days. I vomit lice department; Jacob D. Walter, Doris E. Little, Jane Hubbard, Al­ Thompson, Hamilton, Ontario, be­ Hulls, tons: 1,294,526 and ' ‘ ' green, bitter fluid. I have tried United States marshal for the Dis­ thea L. Melnke, Marion A. Meinke, lieved to have been the skipper of 914,429. . . - every pill on the market with no trict of Connecticut; Frank T. Put­ Wesley F. McMullen, Ernest H. the craft. Linters, 500 pound bales: 877,- results. Can I do anything to pre­ ney, prohibition enforcement agent Moseley, Jr., Muriel E. McConkey, 055 and 6,62>108. vent them? Mrs. O. I. Nebr. ' for Connecticut; Judge Alfred C. only $450 v>t' SiS Winslow R. McLaughlin, Earl W. IN BANKRUPTCY. Hull flbije, 500 pound bales: 'v'v Answer— Probably you have Baldwin, of Derby, about to go on Matchett, Ruth L. McCormick, New Haven, Conn., June 24.— ^A 82,174 w d 36,372. ;■ never tried a systematic search for the Superior Court bench; Rev. Dr. Clifford M. McKinney, Clarissa M. voluntary petition In bankruptcy / Stockb May 31: Product of the world’s largest piano factory. ' the condition causing those head Oscar E. Maurer, roctor of Center Keeney, Florence A. Maguire, was filed with the clerk of the Seed ! at plants, tons: 53,259 45,000 pianos built every year. A standard aches. You must have a complete Congregational church of New Alice D. M. Newman, Samuel R. United States District court here and 66,182. player-piano. Not a cheap stenciL Finest ma­ ‘ physical examination made, includ­ Haven, and Errol M. Augur, of Pratt, Mabel I. Steele, Merrll J. today by John Massarl, a house Crude Oil, pounds: 44,247,425 terials used. .Beautiful mahogany case, and ing teeth, throat, eyes, chest, abdo- New Haven, former assistant clerk Powers, Horace R. RIsley, William painter, of . West Haven, who listed, and 52,,130,49A- . men and pelvis in order to deter­ of the Superior Court for New C. Squires, Frederick A. Steele, best o f aU,' his liabilities as $2,331 and his Refinjed-oll, pounds:' 346,033,- ' '1 mine the cause of your trouble. Go Haven county. Irene M. Shields, Lewis E. Strat- assets as $1,055. 644 ant. 195,AID,244. Easy To Play. Al Three Yale Crews Defeat Crimson Eights on the Thames HEAR THIS PLAYER TODAY. ' K E ir S MUSIC H O m 691 MAIN STRE^ OPEN EVENINGS

..>K' . -.v. ' * SOVIETS BESIH^^UBI. uproar In which the labor members howled down the foreign mtiilster, London, Jude 24.— ^The British -“ Great Britain is giving'closest government, is'in possession of evi­ attention te the situatibn,” Cham­ dence that the Ohihese disorders berlain said. have been foiqfmt^d “ the agents State of another gAvenunent.’’ Foreign MAY BE HUBDER Minister Austen Chamberlain tptd Friday , tbe House of Cbmmoim today. Homer, N. T.. Jnne 24vt^ ■ 'Was 'While Ghanxberlaih did nqt iden­ Alton Howe, 14. whose bpdy .was tify the “other government” his found hanging In the ‘ * statement led to immediate mention Nhw Homer Academy hi gafkiA IsiiffUu Yale defeated its traditional rival, Harvard,' ■ •'■■ ■ , ■-. ■. ^ ■ ■ M i -i' ■4 ..'H - •'’N .'i brainy, resourceful, loyal to an Idea m - i »V AtmrI|[;Btfr PRESIDENT ON VACATION. it Is yMrii. and self-sacrificing to a high degree. Today, witk the complete ap« ’cantiued tbo ftfst n i^ t ad- mm Enntins 3Rrralii Otherwise they would not have beSn proval of the entire nation, Preti* last jUAt as ooQ^oMy an chosen for their arduous task. They dent Coolidge begins kis summer .nseM- Adwrn comedy coold .. , POBUBHBD BT merit a respectful salute. dAa. Thn tay '01111 -S ta rin g THX obrald printing c a vacation at Swampscott. htasSaebn- , varo 'Sb portfibUy Gu* F on adcd B y Elwood & sia setts. That It will be a real vaca­ „ 1%'art at tkoir best in this .3'i^ D ec 1. 18S1 A REAL TRAGEDY. tion In the ordinary acceptance of -4^ atipwUdly eoib prodnetien isad the Belatedly perhaps, but also ap­ the term Is not supposed by anyone V Brnn Booker prorents dttg'tiwm rognttinf too sorleusiy Every IBrenlnc Except Bcntfayt end preciatively, we take occasion to who has an Inkling of the Presi­ HoUdeye. W tkiir Uke oQior OUbortian announce that we never rip up the Entered at the Poet Office at Matt* dent’s heavy duties and his thor* MklgybmiBtg, was a o t m eoUabo- Chester as Seoohd Class Rail Matter. pages of an esteemed contemporary ough devotion to them. All the ,^New VdrJi--i^ Thg fkBott ‘Witk SoUivan. M ateria Von- realism df thdifiimg jg who played tbo loading role SUBSCRIPTION RATES; By Mall without an anticipatlve thrill. Sort change virtually means is a shift­ -'1 six dollars a year; sixty jents a of: what is going to happen next? ing of the executive office from fa Tbo Stagots’ first production. month for shorter perloda struck lagoaaq wko Bine Peter,” is again at the By carrier, elchteen cents a V'eeh. feeling. In the latest to hand we Washington to Swampscott, not a leaping ohogms topi of tke east in “ Engaged,” with Single copiea three oenta find under a well arranged and en­ radical relief from work. But the storm owopt rooki iii Aatoiaetto Perry. J. M. Kerrigan SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ tirely praiseworthy headline the whole country is as one in hoping *rt. It ig foaiouuag qoifii and Jay Fassott as loading support. SENTATIVE: iBEraham-Powers, Inc., sometimes to those 350 Madison Ave., New Tork, 19 So. thrilling story of a marital tragedy that the arduous burdens of the LaSalle street. Chicago. motion Picture bl«w u » THE VALUE OF BIOVIBS that Laura Jean Libbey would have presidency will rest a little lighter freighter hero In tbo 1 The Manchester Evening Herald Is found handy for an opening chap­ upon the shoulders of Mr. Coolidge on sale In New York City at Schulte’s to wovos with (From Current History) News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 12nd ter. in the atmosphere of tbs ocean 300 yards aroonds. it AS tbo motion picture habit grew Street and 42nd Street entrance of slve, reallstle sod Grand Central Station. It has all the elements of the hu­ breezes of one of the most attrac­ and andiencss increased the world there was llttlo ro m iS o over, the motion picture phidneers *Tntematlonal News Service has the man interest yarn. The man In tive resorts of the state of which the actors. To begin, exclusive rights to use for republlca- the case, 34 years of age, came to he was at one time an exceptionally bad to provide an audience of mil- tion In any form all news dispatches was a terrlilfl wiml at tho Hobs with a new pley for every credited to it or not otherwise credit­ the city not mentioned last winter efficient and trustworthy governor. for the dynaiblting and ed In this paper. It Is also exclusively night in tfie yeah In Onb year re­ entitled to use for republloation all and worked there consistently until That he will relax a little, and bene­ thunderstorm exploded th cently 700 program features were the local or undated news published recently divorced from his no doubt fit thereby, may be expected and it tion of the fireworks to produced. No troubadours singing horela." actors all got seasick i ' conscientious labor by confinement is the general wish* for nobles in their castles, no epm- oped that their nerves , pcsers of orchestral scores, no pro­ Sketched in the city jail. It seems he has larly sensItlTe when It- from Stdek. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1926. BOY FLAPPERS. ducers of plays, have ever had to the misfortune to possess a “ pleas­ lightning flashes. M oiw, answer a call for each inventiveness ing personality’’, one, result of We see by the papers that one Of cook himself gave- up in tkl and novelty. which was that he become extreme­ the latest things on the clothing the storm and fOr 36 htai Thbt the producers have produc­ ARCTIC NOTES. party engaged in watohkliffi ly attracted by “ an estimable young market is “ the boy’s flapper suit.” ed a vast quantity of inferior work Knud Rasmussen, a Dane whd ing and In Uking part rT^ woman and member of a well- Presumably, the advertisement is is not to be wondered at.-That much has contributed quite a little to the a yacht near the scent, excellent work, has been done must known and very respectable fami­ not Intended for the eye of the boy, frightened and possessed also be granted. The iraportabt fact sum total of Arctic exploration, re­ parUcuiar kind of dosoaitr Stained ly.” Her parents accepted him on at anyrate not of the cultured on the. art side of the movies is marks that Amundsen’s experience his face value and the two were Fauntleroy type we are accustomed comes with seasicbnesl. y this: Such talent or genius as there demonstrates that the time has married after full advertisement of to see around here. may be today among directors finds rome to use airplanes In polar re­ On top of the scathing ready to its band a highly perfect­ Intention and due compliance with d irects at flappers o f ^ M hy J search work. He thinks that the ed and responsive medium. the law. CLOSE THE T7NECONOMIO New York pastor eomoi t i t com­ Whatever the future of the- mo­ Willow Arm Chedrs planes in future must work in pairs, Then, how mournful and how MINES. plaint of Francis Hellshw so tion pictu «' may be as an art, its a sensible method which already years of age, filed in reply to a anit strange! They weiM to live at the future as a means of conveying has been emphasized In the plans news, as a medium o f education, of i old homestead of the bride, a sus­ When John L. Lewis, president s i '■'1, 2 of the MacMillan expedition. Ha of the coal miners’ union, urged In 55, IS too ardent a dapn*^' hm scientific Investigation and rec6rd picious enough occurrence in Itself avers. Bobbed hair. ja z T S u S ^ S believes that Amundsen’s success in his new book, the closing of the is beyond all question. Just as the but a complete fatality for the mines that are uneconomic, he automobiles have led to b * newspaper,, the magazine, the flying within 150 miles of the pole ed lack of domesticity, ^ com­ young bridegroom. He was caught strikes at one of the sore spots of Steamship, the electric ^telegraph, and returning, meanwhile making plains,• In addition, to whlU the even more effectively than others the mining business and makes a the railway, have served to make valuable scientific observations and suggestion that should be carried much quoted “economic, fidonen- the United States one, so the movie of his ilk. He was no longer a dence of woman” has its | an In iHESE big, comfortable Wil- A chair of this size mid type would discoveries, will have a revolution­ out. although we feel that he news weeklies, serving as an Inter­ visitor from an adjacent rooming would be one of the first to oppose her waywardness (mildly aotak- national newspaper, are helping to lo-w Chairs have broad arms ary effect on the methods to be em­ ordinarily sell for $16.00. Only 25 house. He was one of the family the plan. If It were put in practice. ofiy)- for it IS the o ilie r make the whole world one. For as shown in our sketch ployed In further Arctic explora­ of their eldest daughter wit: i, orbom at this price. Store open at 8 :30. and his business was everybody There are too many mines in oper­ school purposes, educational no­ above, and are extra large, having tion. ation, too many miners employed, the mother most frequentl y cnea tion pictures are winning a place else’s. autoing. Mr. Kellaher oo, q p ig j’; a seat 21 inches wide by 19 inches No charges or reservations. Lim­ It may be so but the accounts of too many lost days, tbo little sys­ as aids toward making textbooks Scarcely stilled were the mar­ tem to the industry and It is right So if young women (the d sS^ter real, Na-Ionally famous educators deep, and high back. They are ited two to a customer. Any re­ the Amundsen expedition up to riage bells when insistent telegrams there that Mr. Lewis holds his job. is 36. herself) didn’t go into busi­ and visual instruction societies stained a light brown, and shel­ ness, mothers would kavo M #or in­ maining after 9:30 will be sold by date do not encourage dreams of from a Massachusetts source began If conditions were ideal he would point that out. laced. Only by making a big pur­ an airplane passenger and freight have a sinecure and If he enjoyed ducements outside the konio. Jnst Movie seeing enlarges experience; 'phone and delivered C. 0. D. to arrive. A datitul, loving wife as the conservatives alwnyU said. chase through ouF buying sjoidi- service between the continents a sinecure his job would soon be It aids doing by demonstrating pro­ promptly opened them as they eliminated. cess; it makes the past more real; cate is it possible to offer these (Pads and cushions to fit these across the pole. The shifting ice came and found they were signed If there was better understand­ Cross word puzzles and t|io sari- It brings the remote near; It makes chairs at this extremely low price. chairs, $1.50 to $4.) Induced by the powerful ocean cur­ “ Mother” and one and all contain­ ing and more system coal would be ous-minded tournaments t^slr fol­ the unfamiliar familiar. To the lowers put on have eneunraged rents, as restless in the Arctic as mined in a much less expensive scientists in certain fleluS the mo­ ed the Information that “ baby is other pastimes to com a' into the elsewhere, makes the establishment manner. The miners hardly care tion picture is proving indispensa­ dying.” Almost immediately after­ for the system as It enables them open with their gatherings; and in­ of aerial landing fields a difficult vite the public to come jon it. ble. With the aid of the ’ *.roscope, ward the personable young husband to get all the traffic will bear out the slow moving picture camera Ing. problem. Should MacMillan make was put under arrest at his place of of the work and the mine owners Therefore the announotmobt that records germ life the b ographlcal WATKINS BROTHERS, good his and Peary's dream of a are satisfied to let things go along the Limerick Society of work by request of the Massachu­ will hold Its first public Plotting development of plants and animals. vast land continent lying between as they know that this uncertainty Motion picture? have been taken' of NOT ONLY BETTER BUT CHEAPER AT WATKINS BROTHERS setts authorities on a charge of and difficulty gives them the op­ and Limerick carnival ■ this ggmth. • Alaska and the North Pole it would p e fete Is to be given at .tkii Sdtei major operations performed by abandoning his wife and six chil­ portunity to charge top prices for maater surgeons. Motion pictures, simplify future aviation calcula- Roosevelt and the publ^ m ’ pot dren. their product. The coal mining too, are used by scientific expedl- Uons considerably. business is a public hold up by the only to attend but to com pd^tg au Somewhere in this story there contests— with priaw. ttona In making records of vanish­ The Canadian claim to all undis­ may be a moral. Where it lies miners, by the raflroads and by the ing cultures In different parts of the operators. They are all taking earth. covered territory north of its north­ we confess we do not know clearly Woman suffrage has as what they can grab out of It and All told, then, considering them Funeral Directors^ ern boundg.ry need not be taken too enough to enunciate authoritatively. the prices that we conaumSrs have on up the home” or takoal away from consideratio*' from every angle, motion pictures seriously. Neither should undue The case Is described as one of to pay for fuel are outrageous. are.^ of the essence of modem life. Most of the trade investigations husband’s will so far ao value be attached to the endow- “ cruel duping.” whJU:h la eerUinly concern* Bora o f modern science and inven­ .RURit ifttli pviBlblT usAMlred. au- tion, reared and organized by mod­ G n « ^ it Rot RB .RRkpix em finapeft,^lth all their faults 'if GOVERNMENT PAYS KR&ibil^dun "^ d omission.' they are t t d ' ______S i t liBiiR^ign ______bringing to a worldwide audience Bthte"* of MilM to take poaeea6ion taWfi affair. Bh(, it does seem that fill* hi* wHta u 4aei»# w JswiHt glimpses of world events, modern Washington.— ^The government,' bin, is seized upon to reap big prof­ ‘^menftfSTTTlii^ reason which for several years has played of all lands he views and discovers interpretations of the past and the PLAIN FACTS a strange young man In a strange its. Just look at the estimated cost Blumenthal’s husband,-wmaBij an an official game of tag with codlteh advocate of woman sulK ^ Images ef modern day dreams come in the royal name of the Pine Tree city should not so easily have got of a ton of coal, as It comes to the true. off the Atlantic coast, has extended State. Those things will be work­ by on a six months’ courtship. surface at the mine and then see jected to his wife’s gojlkigi lor its operation to crabe. what profit taking there has been political positions, or for Mldfiig The Bureau of Fisheries has an- - ed out later and not by either Com­ Girls and p.'.rents alike have an un­ them If they were thxuSS dp & her. ABOUT INVESTMENTS made out of it. The ’ineconomlc nounced that tags were attachCM} mander MacMillan or Governor avoidable responsibllty in such mines are only a part of the whole “ He is in favor of woman, l gnning GIRL, 1», BOSSES TRUCK to 250 mature crabs In Mobjack Brewster. cases. miserable scheme that makes the for public office so long ag. akb Is DRIVERS. Bay, Virginia, in the first tagging That Arctic exploration is rapidly production of coal a farce.— Meri­ not his wife,’’ Mrs. B liu stttm ex experiment. den Journal. plains, “ but while the boasnand of - Denver.— Girls will be men, and “ Fishermen have been requested assuming a new Importance is un­ THE MOROCCAN WAR. the organization is most peruiasive New York.— It Is not unreason-G pany, etc. Some of these stocks even act aa loading bosses. are not available to Investors, to co-operate in the InvestlgatlDn doubted. The airplane manifestly The only comment that seems to the desire and exceptional . judg­ able to state that the purchaser of Miss “ Billie” Nelson, a diminu­ since they are closely held by the by reporting all takes of tagged has changed things considerably be necessary or adequate on Pre­ POPULAR SONG HITS. ment of my husband in £hOi» mat­ tive nineteen year old girl in over­ an automobile, a house, a pair of crabs to the Bureau of Fisheries ters at least IS supreme.” Jnd kis geniuses who made such in­ since the bones of Sir John Frank­ mier Painleve’s statement that alls bossing a grading gang on a shoes or a pocket knife should at creases in value possfiile. But in­ at Washington,” Commissioner Although her father is a moon­ judgment was that hie wtfe[^onld paving project here, is all of that. Henry O’Malley announced. lin and his men sunk Into the France will use every possible effort least see what he Is buying before vestment experts are frequently in shiner, I love her still. remain In private life. She is a draftsman by profession, A reward of twenty-five cents wilt frozen North. Another Amundsen to repulse Abd-el-Krim’s “ aggres­ She was only an electrician’s paying out his money for the a position to direct ^he investor to having only recently left the em­ investments in com'mon stocks of be paid for each tag returned whea expedition is promised In the near sion” is: “ Who began the dirty (laughter, but she'gave me a shock. The Stagers, whose pfdsebtation ploy of an engineering company same. He should take the opportu­ accompanied by information as to I didn’t like her apartments so I of Ibsen’s “Rosmersholld” his just worthy industrial or utility enter­ future. Grettir Algarsson Is re­ business anyway” With French here. nity of phasing his own personal the time and locality of the cap­ knocked her flat. been ended, have added lao& er judgment as to the value of most prises which have the promise of ture. ported on the way to try out his Billie’s job is to keep the trucks continued increase in earnings and acclamations of the great African He kissed her on the forehead star to their immediate au eoesses moving and to see that they are articles entering into daily con­ It is hoped by these experimenta lighter-than-alr blimp. There is empire, ranging from BIzerta to and got a bang in the mouth. with W. S. Gilbert’s “ Encaged property filled. sumption, occasionally soliciting a favorable record of the distribu­ to trace the migration o f crabs. a rescue expedition being organized Dakar and through Tlmbuctoo to the advice, and counsel of his tion of past earnings with tbelr stockholders. to look for Wallace Nutting and his the hinterland of the mouths of the friends anil acquaintances who may be expert In one or more di­ Speculative activity in the listed adventurous friends, two of whom Niger, ringing in the ears of the MOTHER EARTH: “OH. DEAR! IF IT ISN’T AS' IT’S MUSIC LOVER SENDS______hail from Hartford, who vanished rections in determining values stock, exchanges are, of coarse, re­ LETTER TO BEETHOVEN. world, one wonders who Is the ag­ EUROPE OR AFRICA AND SOMETIMES ALL EE and passing judgment on market sponsible for the bulk of mar^nal from human ken a year ago as they gressor and who the aggressed. PLACES AT ONCE.” by iVJ ORRIS prices. trading in stocks. While a few Vienna.— The Vienna post oSoe left the trail of Leif Ericsson be­ The evidently extorted statement It is surfirlslng to what extent fortunate ones have made large recently handled a letter addressed tween Greenland and Labrador. from the puppet Sultan f Morocco otherwise sensible and conserva­ profits through marginal stock to Herr Ludwig ran Beethoven, The MacMillan adventure will be tive people, habitually frugal in trading it Is safe to say that the Professor at the Conservatoire, ' that he does not like his people to their living and careful in the ex­ vast majority lose. The function Schwarze Panierstrasss 16. regarded as a somewhat prosy fight for the ashes of their fathers penditure of their hard - earned of the listed stock markets, ac­ The letter was retUr-.ed to the' affair until its data is thoroughly and the temples of their gods is not money, will nevertheless exchange cording to their sponsors, is to dis­ sender. In Oalcla, with the inscrip­ examined and possibly surprising going to help Marshal Lyautey to their money for “securities” of tribute securitiee ‘ to investors. tion: “ Moved in 1837, address ua- good or doubtful value, but about Most of the investment experts are known." conclusions drawn therefrom. We conquer men who havq. made up do not for a moment expect that the which they know absolutely noth­ of the opinion that the New York Before it was returned the let*, their minds to be free. ing. Errors of equal magnitude oc­ Stock Exchange Is ' a very much ter was opened and contained a re­ party will not be able to overcome Imperialism works its way in cur in placing orders through un­ overrated in^tution; that more quest that the “ eminent professor” , the generally underestimated physi­ strange fashion. Its unrestrained known "brokers” and In entrust­ real money would go Into invest­ should give music leMona to the writer’s daughter. . cal difficulties In Its path. And we savagery very oftin outdoes any­ ing funds to swindling concerns ments AND STAY THERE. If the are perfectly convinced that the whose principal source of revenue American people could be kept thing opposed to It. The Chris­ is Che un'wary investor or specu-r away from dally attendance on the spirit Insp" Ing and sustaining these tian civilization must preserve it­ lator. Severe losses are also in­ st<^k markets; that mere securi- BALDWIN GETS TOBACCO ____ pioneers will remain with them un­ self, so start up the machine guns! curred by buying of Industrial Uee Are really DISTRIBUTED out­ FREE; GIFT OF PETO,:' til they come back. Some import­ Yesterday it was England that was Stocks, on "thin” margins, thus side. of the stock sxchange than ant newspaper opinion pretends to converting what appear to be tn- through the facilities afforded by Dundee, Scotland. — StanleF- laid open to universal condemna­ It; that brokers encourage specula­ see nothing in the MacMillan ex­ vestffient operations Into pure Baldwin, British premier. Is an ln-« tion. Today it is France, In all speculation, where the chances of tion by many people of limited veterate pipe smoker, > but' he pedition but plain foolishness and the centers of national unrest from profit are very much minimized. means who can 111 afford to take doesn’t pay for bis tobaceo. extravagance. We believe other­ Shanghai to Tanglers, who is sub­ These, then, are the three , moat the risk It Involves. The Premier, in making a speech common errors of Investors seek­ wise. When the results are tabu­ jected to blame, not only by Moslem It goes without saying that In­ here, stated that all o t his tObeoee ■ lated, intangible as they may seem ing a return on their funds vestors should not be caught with was given him by Lord Haldane end critics but by Christian critics as through the purchase o f industrial the bait of liberal dlvldSad OF­ now. It Is certain that a big chapter that U was labeled “ Olesgovr Pree^ well. common stocks: FERINGS on either naw stock Is- byterlan Mlxtnte. ” The mixture la. will have been written In the his­ France Is the most powerful mili­ 1. Buying through UNKNOWN Ikes or listed stoeke which . have made by a Scotch Fresbyteriaa m ia» tory of the planet that houses us, tary nation on earth today and BROKERS. declined in prices to such an ex­ Ister. however temporarily. i. Buying stocks of which little tent that current diyidends saem there Is little doubt that she will or nothing Is known. to promise an Income return of Arctic weather is no Joke and iinish the Moroccan disturbance In 3. Buying stocks on thin mar­ from 3 to 10 Of 16 per cent. The there are difficulties and obstacles, gins. t h e l o v e 1 KNOW efficient fashion, even If It should feet that Bueb diyldefids arc pos­ ■ [1 i flpaii unimaginable here, that add com­ A few w’eeks ago the Amerloaa sible , la the plalaeat of daager demand the tactics of the noted investment community was greet­ You are In the kacret plaoea plications. An enthusiastic send- signals sad is .almost a sure ladl* Where I love to ge. northern king who created a soli­ ed with the aaacnneemsBt that eatjofi that dividends srlll be pe- off from Wlscasset, Maine, Impress­ tude and called it peace. But, it the First National Bank ef Naw duood or dlieoatlaued. in the fp« There’s a hillside where fom es the ordinary reading world as a is very liable to be a Pyrrhic vlc- York had declared dlvldands plac­ tttfe. Ob the other head, some ing the stock- on.a bail# Of'1,00 per cheering farewell— until we meet tofy. Italy, Britain and Spain are stoeks on which the current re- In the winds that bleW»;- again— to a sort of junketing pleas­ cent per annum. This did not turn Is only 2 to S H por sent are not in unison with France on Eu­ mean that all who purchased the Changing leaves to lovely WMT v ure party. But, the rigidly select- eagerly purehssefi on the prospeot Weaving to and tre. ropean developq;ients and the Mo- ateek NOW would rOealTo 100 pw of aa hpward revisioa of paymsuts ed men of the Bowdein and the roeetn war Is not going to cre&ts cent dividsods. for tbg curraBt TO Steokholders at som* future market price of the stock Is about Swift design that aaeh'dlM^l Peary take it calmly. They know any additional charity. But, what time. Like the lava X kasMT*.: what they have got to face the min­ (3,700 a share o f 1100 par valuer it Is creating Is the foundation of It rnsant. bbwavar, that tha orlg« Is a thing of alrp graeeg> ute they reach Etah in northern the oft predicted Islamic Holy War, inal lAvaeterr in tha etook at llOO And I want tt wo. IKM, FEXOBTENED V t •' 'Gf Greenland. And that will be no Involving the thoughts, tears and a sbara, who had “ itibred with it^* V"-'. STOlOli HAN by DO means fantssUc, thoudb 9f the covered wagoh. Their pw- F r^ cb imperialism is due for t few Of them appfosch In real per- to have leaped when It saw a flash hlstoHee telle ns that thdy are wen (onnanoe that' of the Eastman Ro- of-ltgbtnikt and, eatoblni Its ltiiad| dalr Oonpaag, |>Mri Matat in M IMlfiap. was

s'lS's REPORT OF SCHOOL NURSES ON MONlBY APPROPRIATED BT EDUCATIONAL CLUB FOR COR­ GEEENIOLL TERRACE IS DEAL RECTIVE WORK. Ninth District— Miss Ferderber Appropriated by Educational SECnON FDR BEAU rm HOME club ...... ?50 Spent for removal of tonsils, Harry Maidment, tabulating super­ glasses, medication for goiter, Senator Smith Adds 15 intendent at Cheney’s, Read Rich­ and ear conditions...... $32 ardson, of The Manchester Trust Loaned for removal of ton­ Co., Norman Cubberly, superinten­ sils and for glasses. Refunded Acres to Handsome De- dent of the Weaving mill timestudy to Club by paren ts...... $18 department, Charles Felber, assis­ Most of the tonsil operations were done at the Memorial tant production manager in the Hospital for the small sum of Yelopment—Slopmg Farm silk mills, and F. A. Verplanck, $10. superintendent of Ninth District Eighth District — Miss Moore. Schools. Appropriated by Club .... $50 Land Makes Appealing To Rush Development This with a generous appropriation Senator Smith intends to devote from Child Welfare made it pos­ considerable of his time the next Site for Fine Houses — sible to have the following correc­ two months supervising the de­ tions attended to: Well Known People Pur­ velopment of the Terrace and in 20 cases of removal of tonsils at disposing of those lots which he has Memorial Hospital. left. He has a standing invitation to 14 cases of defective vision— the people of Manchester and any chase Lots. corrected by glasses. others Interested to drive or walk to 7 children taken to dentists for the tract. He will be ; his office at extraction of abscessed teeth. 1009 Main street or at his home at with the acquiring ol 15 more 27 Elwood street to quote terms 1 case of mastoid. acres 6f land tn Pitkin and Porter and prices on the lots on the ter­ race. LIGHTNING BOLT itreets Senator Robert J. Smith, SEARS BOY’S FOOT local real estate dealer, has com­ pleted his original plans to develop Gardner, Mass.— ToimI Taavlt- sainen aged ten is In a hospital a home-site for the better typo of HEBRON (Bt a Atlantic) with a badly burned left foot, as houses. Greenhill Terrace, an ideal Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ward of The nine best, children spellers in the United States were received on the Wbild House lawn by the Presi­ a result of being struck by a holt lay-out on the beautiful hillside Hartford spent the week-end here dent. They are (1. to r.) Dorothy Karriek, Detroit, Mich.; Helen Ilsher, Akzoi, 0,; Edna Stover, Tren­ of lightning. ■which runs back from Pitkin and and were at Columbia lake Sunday ton, N. J.; Patrick Kelly, New Haven, Conn.; the President, I/>rin Mackey, Qlcl uom a; Frank Neuhauser, The bolt entered the house and struck the boy’s foot tearing off Porter streets,, is now one of Man­ afternoon with a party of relatives Louisville, Ky.; Almeda Pennington, Houston, Tex.; Mary Daniel, Hartnnn^ (poon., and Mary Coddens, South Bend, Ind. tho shoe. His mother was knocked Maltop Blend Maltop Wurzburger chester’s beauty spots. The fine and friends. While bathing, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Cummings in prac­ down, and the hoy’s pet collie, In homes now on the tract, those In ticing the swimming stroke became the yard, was toppled over. A Maltop Bohemian Maltop Redemixt I farmhand in the doorway of a process of construction and the frightened and losing control of DOUBLE FEA'TURE BILL herself sank twice. The screams of barn across the street was Maltop Double Strength many new ones planned, are evi­ AT THE PARK TONIGHT knocked over as the bolt sped on her sisters attracted the attention dence that local home builders ap­ A i teat show and you certainly its way. of a cottager who dove In and swam get yc ur money’s worth at the Park preciate the value of the spot for to her rescue. She was unconscious theatre— that was what the folks Dental service for Eskimo and In­ their houses. when brought to shore but quickly were laying as they were leaving Best You Cdu Buy dian children living in scattered regained her senses. The water- the,P* rk last night, for this Is the Is BeauUful Faiun Land villages of Alaska has been started ■ It seems unusual, but neverthe- was not very deep where she was big ah )w they had just seen: Clyde Since The Country WentI ^ by the Government. logical, that one of Manches- bathing but In her frightened con­ FitehV I great play, “ Lovers’ Lane,” finest farms should evolve into dition she narrowly escaped drown­ one 0 1 the best love stories that M e of Manchester’s finest residen­ ing. waA e rer known and then for the At Hardware Stores, Department Stores tial sections. The Pitkin farm was Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Porter SACKCLOTH AND SCARLET GAY PARISIAN STORY men. t hey saw one of the fastest AUGUSTA COTTAGE always a rich, attractive and invit­ have bought the store property be­ lyeatei n dramas of the season, ‘‘The Sound View, Conn. and Grocery Stores. ing spot. Its rolling green fields, longing to the estate of the late AT THE STATE THEATER AT CIRCLE TOMORROW Band!' 'a Baby,” with that popular sloping gradually up to meet the Miss Ellen Buell. The stctre was weateia atar, Fred Thompson; also Make reservations now for woodlands which topped Green HUii formerly operated by the late on -th s, aame bill a Comedy and your summer vacation at the — Real old-time satisfaction — always produced tall hsalthy grass, George S. Bestor and since that “ She Wolves” Opens Two Day News was shown. This bill will be Shore. Mi3S Agnes Tammany, time it has been operated by many Tender Story of a Girl’s Devo­ and generously bearing fruit trees. tion to Shield Another — Engagement on Thursday. praaaj ted again tonight at 7:45 and P. 0. Box 194, Sound View, Ct. It was one of those spots where others. It is being put into shape if you are down street tonight drop It Takes The Best you’d be tempted to just loll around for occupancy by the new owners. Stirring Scenes of Canada in an< we are sure that you will en­ The complete list of teachers for Barbara La Marr, with Bert Ly- enjoying the beauty of the place. and Washington, D. C. tell, will be seen for the last time joy th a three-hour show. To M ake The Best And that impression, which pros­ the Hebron schools is as follows: I f ' raa a very pleased audience Center schools. Misses Mertelle at "The Circle this evening in First pective builders get, is the reason The emotion which reaches the National’s highly dramatic plcturi- th a t! ift the Park theatre last night Goodwin and Dorothy Foster; Am- for the rapid construction of fine heart the quickest of all— unself­ :«aticn of a wife who lived a mys­ aftttf the showing of “ Lovers’ homes at Greenhill Terrace. ston. Miss Alice Whitney; dagger ish love— is the theme of the splen­ terious double life, “ Saudra.” This Lane, I film version of Clyde Fitch’s Modem In Every Way school. Miss Tillle Friedrich; Jones did photoplay, ‘‘Sackcloth and production is without question one fa n a m stage play. Milk This new tract, located In the sec- Street, Miss M. Elizabeth Stick; Scarlet,’’ at the State theatre to­ pf the best of recent First National Par laps Phil Rosen was r.o ■\ tlon of Manchester which goes fur Lord school. Miss Esther Lord; night and' tomorrow afternoon and releases and it als) presents Miss blaiQb, for he directed it. Then, ’wd Diet thest back in history, has every Wh’ae school, Miss Marcia Zabris- evening. The story is an adaption of La Marr in her greatest role. The again, it may have been the stor?,’, FortnfantM^ O IY PAPER CO Distr3)utors modern convenience. It is provided kle; Gilead Hill, Miss Parmelia George Gibb’s famous novel. The Pathe News and Film Fun are be­ or at « the cast. It is very diffi­ Inoalidi, with sewer, water and lights. Gas Brousseau. There has as yet been leading role is taken by Alice Terry, ing shown in conjunction. Tonight’s cult ' b determine which factor ______The Aged 218 State Street H artford pipes are being, laid today. It is in no teacher engaged for the Advent star of ‘‘Scaramouche’’. "The Four performance Is at 7:45 and thO really was responsible for making Nourishing—^^igestible—No Cookhig. the heart of the most rapidly grow­ school at Hopevale. Horsemen,” and “ The Prisoner of prices are 10 and 25 cents. this inch a thoroughly enjoyable 1 9 * A tcw Imitations — Sabstitotes ing section of Manchester, just a A ball game was played at Co­ Zenda.’’ Dorothy Sebastian, of Paris— gay capital of frolic and picttt* K. Most likely, it was the step from the most traveled lumbia on Saturday with a team “ The Follies,” and Orville Caldwell, fun, broken hearts and blasted for­ cobahi nation of all of them. thoroughfare In Manchester. Pitkin from Willimantlc resulting in a vic­ of “ The Miracle,” are in the sup­ tunes— forms the picturesque locale “ Lc vers’ Lane” is a heart interest Elwood, and Porter streets are com­ tory for the Hebi on team in a score porting cast. of VJilllam Fox’ production of “ She dnuOM > of rural life, done with sim- pletely graded and paved hlghw.ays of 15 to 0. A game played on Sun­ The plot unfolds in absorbing de­ Wolves,” which opens a two day pHdtb- and reality, yet sparkling On or bordering the tract while day In Yantlc between a picked tail the life and love stories of two engagement at the Circle theatre w «l: a certain something that Robert, Richard, Raymond, and team from Hebron and Hampton talented girls, and the startling ap­ tomorrow. '’u s : more than the common-I h a v e y o u e v e r seen Wkranoke roads are either staked and the Yantic team resulted in a peal lies in the fact that it deals Peris— famed to ■uai-a^MaaMaartr Bi.:the inci- with experiences common in every out or being constructed. A steam victory for Yantit, score 11 to 7. of the earth for its, ; To one Harold Holcomb and family of day life. Many beautiful scenic ef­ of the shovel will be at work next week fects are Introduced, scenesrlir the of gaiety, witfr its- THE IDEAL HOME SECTIOIi^^^ ur the~E>oil for the builfl- Hartford spent- Hk t - week-end at tiveness concealing their "Stone House’’ cottage near Canadian Rockies, and a close-up of Richard Road. of the political and social happen­ wolves— Is vividly brought to the lawdnt— . - ' All Large Lota the Marlborough line. Mr. and screen in this latest Fox Special ’ Roqert Ellis and Gertrude 01m- Mrs. C. G. Allyn of Hartford were ings in Washington. D. C., where ateadlppbtray the leading roles of Senator Smith first bought the the action takes the leading char- attraction. five acre plot where hli own home, at their Burroughs Hill place for Beautiful Alma Rubens portrays Dr. Ton^ filnglfitoo Mary Larkin GREENHILL TERRAG3&? the week-end. With aWcerity and unquestioned on3 of the handsomest on the ter­ ‘Sackcloth and Scarlet’’ was the role of a loveless bride who race, now stands and sold all the Casualties continue to be report-^ abandons her country husband to ability. Had tbeae two well-known ed concerning the storm of Satur­ adapted for the screen by Tom The lots'measure 100x200 feet and 90x200 feet at regular prices. lots there. He next acquired the Geraghty, Jules Furthman and the dangers of Paris. Jack Mul- playere never been heard of before, .five acres just south of his original day afternoon. At the Sltklns farm hall is cast in the leading role op­ this ^eture would have brought on Burnt Hill a cow was struck by Julie Herne from the novel by Read These Restrictions ^purchase. Due to the size of the George Gibbs and also ran serially posite the stately star and, with them |0 the foreground. Under the lots, 90 feet front and 200 feet lightning and killed. Near that extreme finesse, • interprets the circuinatances, it simply sets them One-tamlly dwellings ol the belter type. Forty-lye-toot lihlldlnf p S ’J S ? in the Red Book Magazine. It deals Not more than one house on one lot. No lot sold for business purposes. deep, he had but ten lots to sell in Place over the Andover line a valua- with the lives of two girls, sisters, outcast husband, Harfy Myers a littlb higher. veranda lines. this addition and they are sold. Now hie calf owned by Louis Whitcomb lends his buoyant personality to a It ib n Warner j^ros. Classic of was killed In the same way. all alone in the world. The younger he has purchased the rest of the of the two is of the flighty sort who humorous role— a companisa to the the Scjreen, directed by Phil Rosen, Does Greenhill Terrace Have— terrace, 15 acres In all, south to Mrs. Sherwood Miner, her son. luckless husband among the hu­ famona for his direction of “ Abra­ Charles, her daughter. Mrs. Harold does her leaping first and thinking Porter street. All the lots on this afterward. Out in the wild and man beasts. ham Lincoln” and “ Being Re- High Elevation? Yes. Gray, and two children, visited Miss Concrete 'Walks? Yes. new section will be large. Most of wooly west in search of advdnture Diana Miller Is seen as the spectajble.”______Good Neighbors? Yes. Hannah Fuller in East Haddam on Electricity? Yes. them are 90 feet front and 200 feet she gets into trouble with a hand­ “ Queen of the Pack.” Judy King is Graded Streets? Yes. Fine Homes? Yes. Sunday. Moderate. Prices ? Yes. deep, while some of them are 100 some young mountain guide and de­ a bewitching little girl of the cafes. City Water? Yes. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Hewitt and Easy Terms? Yes. by 200 feet. Senator Smith be­ camps East when he asks her to “ She Wolves” was adapted from Sewers? Yes. lieves that the man who builds a Mrs. George Mitchell went on a marry him. Later a baby boy is the stage play, “ The Man in Eve­ Trolley Convenient? Yes. motor trip on Sunday visiting sev­ ning Clmnes.” F rd A. Moorlioiise Gas? Yes. costly home wants plenty of room born in a little French Village owing to the extra large size of these choice lots the number offered for sale is not large. to set It oft with trees and shrubs eral of the • beaches along the where Joan (Alice Terry) takes The Fox News and a two reel ARCHITECT AND Sound. Gold Seal Comedy are being offered after It Is completed. her sister. ENGINEER We advise you to Inspect this property at your earliest convenience. Handsome Homes Back in Washington with friends. in conjunction, the program to be Buy now for the future. There Is a limited number of these^beautlful home sites offered Those homes which are finished Joan meets and falls in love with shown twice daily, at 2:15 and 647 «treet Room 1 ] Telephone 782-2. for sale now When they are gone higher prices will have to be paid. al Greenhill Terrace are beautiful AVE.ATHER CONDITIONS. the same fellow who has made good 7:4.'i o’clock, at the regular popu­ t o n c a " b u ll or alter any kind of a house b u t-th e house lot is fixed forever. Use car. In. and set a high standard for those and is now representing his town- lar prices. who are to build there In the fu­ Don't forget Tom Mix on Satur­ The westein disturbance Is cen­ folk in Congress. But the other girl T,rr.«e 1. located on the ...I .Id. ol Pttkln straat hetw«n.Ea.t CMttr «.d Porter ture. Senator Smith’s restrictions, tral this morning over Iowa and comes back from France and all day, and on Monday, for a three imposed upon the purchase of a lot, moving slowly eastward. It is but ruins the of her sls- day stay, comes Buster Keaton in Str66*s« have kept the type of homes on the causing unsettled weather with lo­ ter. ‘•Seven Chances.” S p r TESTING Drive or walk up Elwood Street or Robert Road. terrace the best that can be found cal showers and thunderstorms The manner In which everything in any one section of Manchester. from Colorado eastward to Ohio is straightened out In the end, and For farther particolars see Beside the home of Senator Smith and from Tennessee northward to how Joan, who had willingly given which stands on Elv'ood street Canada. The greatest amount of up everything even her good name Serald AdYS. Bring Result! £hsses Fitted those houses already completed are rain reported for the last 24 hours to protect her sister, finally finds owned by Robert Webber, James was 2.74 Inches at Omaha, Neb. love and happiness Is shown in a Stevenson, Major Ha ry B. Bissell, Moderate temperatures continue In manner that makes “ Sackcloth and Walter Oliver Raymond Joyner and l^ed Carpen­ all the northern districts. Scarlet,” as Is claimed by its mak­ ter. Raymond Goslee, James Irving, ers, one of the most humanly ap­ ROBERT J. SMITH Conditions favor for this vicinity Optometrist Laberge Geer and Judge Raymond pealing an dreal pictures in many OW5EB ResldeBce, 87 Blwood Street. fair followed by unsettled weather 915 ll|riB ttiMB Bo. Manchestor Office, 1009 Main Street A. Johnson have homes being built and probably local showers. seasons. now. Those which are completed Bar. Then. Dorothy Sebastian, new to the Beartt 10:15 A. M. to 8 P. M. follow the.Colonial style, with the Atlanta, pt cloudy . .. 20.02 74 screen, plays Polly, Alice Terry’s Telephone 80-8 exception of Major Blssell’s which Atlantic City, clear .. 30.10 68 wayward sister in the production. is a handsome brick swelling. Bloc Island, clear . . . 30.16 62 Orville Caldwell, prominent stage actor, is the man In the case. Other All Have View West Bos(,on, pt c ld y ...... 30.16 64 big names appear in support. The streets and lots on the ter­ Buffalo, pt c l d y ...... 30.10 64 race are so laid out that every Cincinnati, raining , .. 29.84 70 Satisfaction Guaranteed home will have a beautiful view to Chicago, pt cldy...... 29.86 66 sphone 742-5 the west. The slope of the hillside Denver, c le a r ...... 30.22 60 to the east is just at the right de­ Detroit, pt c l d y ...... 29.98 64 gree so that each , lot seems placed Duluth, c lo u d y ...... 30.00 48 on a terrace higher than the one Hatteras, clou d y ...... 29.94 78 just west. Green Hii. itself at the Jacksonville, pt cldy.. 30.08 78 ‘m s o top of the Smith layo-it affords a Kansas City, cloudy .. 29.80 72 beautiful backgrou-d for the new Memphis, cloudy .... 29.88 80 S w im m in g homes. On the hill are located sev­ Nantucket, cloudy . . . 30.12 66 eral fine residences including the New Haven, clear .... 30.18 64 Suits Ela estate, which Frank H. Ander­ New Orleans, clear . .. 30.08 80 son will occupy, and the handsome New York, clear ...... 30.14 66 Qeaning istinctly better for home of W. R. Tinke.', Jr. Norfolk, cloudy ...... 30.04 74 Well Laid y company, Mr*. Mabel Rogers, JOHNI.OLSON fTahh Crocker, aeeUUht to Howell ‘H e iiiiionizmg Cheney e« afiperitttendOnt of the NOTICE. 6 9 9 M A IM ST. Rlbboh HUl, William Remig, .on­ I hereby give notive that I will Sn.MAMCHFSTERcoNN Who Gets Slsppe^ er

'C■'•L.t .-Iff-.- 4’ u « k c h £ ^ I p :

F B o n a o i . TO R E ^ Gas Buggies-—I f s D iffereuf TO RENT—^Four room flat, second k* , phOM la aar«idsaB«Dts for ttiflra floor with improvements, gas and Sundry tray. Apply D. F, Thlbodieau, r HAVEKfr 'lOO G0T onhnmii art lagao r fd to oall CM 86 CUnton stre^ ifS ABOUT TIME I OLD PNMNEV!^ <3OT| I before U o^dock If tkey wUi their iSENSE BIOUGH 1 N0I1CE FOR RENT—Large single room. y W GOT HERE-A( m o f i MOOR ! adTerttoemeats laaerted la that fronting Main atrem, runnmg water. PARK T IE BEAT rrvRiR i m s m t and fWUllam Rublnow, BEEN A C$ GA^GE—tEU MM | daj*e k n o . 847 Street, telephone 826-8, HALF-HOUR FOR ICAR IN THE A 3 BOOH AS TOU COMEi I5A54/JF./-THIS OUT OF TiE W TCTj-i , D ND SCHOOL DISTRICT. this column from any one EDUCATICWAL whose name Is on our books, TO RENT—Five room flat with all POPSA.YSTHATA TROUNCED HANIfILY Notice is hereby given to all legal Improvements Inquire at 43 Hollister voters of the Second School District payment to be made at street. LOT OF COLLEGE — — —— I jarllest convenience. In other of the Town of Manchester that the TO RENT—^Two room suite In John­ annual school meeting will be held jases cash must accompany son Block. All modern Improvements, GRADUATES ARE CROSS WORD PUZi order. including settubs and pantry. Apply Pospisfl, Vfiganowsld and in the Assembly Hall of the school Albert Harrison, 83 Myrtle street or JUST OEGINrilNQ building on Monday evening, June to the Janitor. TO STUPV HOW 29th, 1926, at 7 o’clock. Standard By Robert K. Speer, Assistant Direetiv TO RENT—Four room flat, all Im­ Roach Hit Hard While time, for the following purposes: FOR SALE provements, new house, first floor at 1. To choose a Moderator. Bnrean of Educational Serviee. 168 Oak street Inquire 164 Oak street 2. To hear the report of the Dis­ Dr. J. Ralph McGaughy, Professt^ o f or call 616-6. At Lake Wamgumbaug for sale or FOR RENT—^Two furnished rooms trict Auditor. Education, Columbia University. rent. Brooks Casino, three cottages, for light housekeeping, with improve­ 3. To hear the report of the Dis­ 10 building lots. Geo. Brooks, South ments, also garage, 109 Foster street The purpose of THE EDUCATIONAL GROSS WORD POZZIdD Is to t o e * Coventry, Conn. Pinches. trict Collector. corner Blssell street 4. To hear the report of the Dis­ the meaning and use of words. i this the regnlw cra « w««d pmsto is FOR SALE—Red currants, order now. Poseph Albi8ton» Groon UllL Tol« TO RENT—A six room tenement on trict Treasurer. defective. Dr. Edward L. Thorndike ot Oolombla Untoeestty, the wosld* Lincoln street all modern Improve­ 5. To hear the report of the Dis­ famoiu psychologist, has scanned over 6,000,000 words ftom the RINe, 1186-‘2 . ______ments Inquire at 18 Lincoln street Trade School paid W iodBor trict Committeeman. classics, novels, trades, and newspapers. He luui selected the HMKM ~FOR SALE—Standing grass, very FOR RENT—Six room tenement Locks High school a visit yes erday reasonable price. Apply 6. To elect the following officers Smith, 1009 Main street. Telephone Inquire 750 Main street and took the High school into( camp for the district for the ensuing most common words. Onr EDUCATIONAL PUZZLE is ccmfliied IrUttistt 750-2. ______for the second time by the large year:. 10,000. The average person’s vocabnlary Is 2,600 words. ifhjr ao« TO RENT—Tenement all Improve­ score of 18 to 5. As they ez jected FOR SALE — Special purchase, ments, at Manchester Green opposite District Treasurer increase yonrs? young mens all wool summer sweat­ school, newly renovated. 550 Middle they received great training f >r any District Clerk Turnpike, East Manchester Green. track meet that may be held to the ers, assorted colors for $2.98, High­ Tel. 345-14. District Collector land Park Store. PlKJne. 785-2 or near future but it was a Jokit District Auditor 785-3.______TO RENT—6 rooms, all improve­ MISCELLANEOUS ball game. , j ments, ready for occupancy last of District Committeeman FOR SALE—White tea and coffee July. Inquire 96 Foster street Regarding reservations for your Windsor Locks played a much 7. To see if the District will levy cups and' saucers, first quality, all vacation write Ml.ss Elizabeth NolaT, better game in the field than they perfect, $1.98 per dozen. Highland a tax. TO RENT—Five room tenement, "Imperial Cottage” Pleasant View, did here two weeks ago but they S. To see if the District will vote Park Store. Phone. 785-2 or 785-3. with garage, to adults only, also new Westerly, R. I. had the same old weakness' 1 n the six room, with garage on Elro street to authorize Its Treasurer to borrow FOR SALE—A surplus of white C. R. Bronson, painter and paper- box and two pitchers were i naUe Cory, Bantom Evergreen, Lymours Inquire 25 Elro street sufficient money to meet the neces­ nanger. is now located at 209 Hilliard to stop the hard hitting of tie lo­ sary obligations of the District, or Pride, and Black Mexican seed corn TO RENT—Cottage on Maple Ave. street Phone 79-8. cals. Wlganowskl made two a lnglgg /S at reduced price. Highland Park Store. at Myrtle Beach, Porch and windows (By Padflo A AtluUe) to take UP existing note, notes or Phone. 785-2 or 785-3. screened. By week, month or season. Auctioneering In all Its branches, and two home runs, Roach 1 t'vfo FOR SALE—Tomato and pepper Bonny Murray is a bonny lassie other obligations of the District, Call 1193-3 or Mrs. Mosher, 145 Flor­ experienced services at a minimum singles, a triple and a home and give the District’s obligations plants $3.50 a thousand, 10 cents a ence street cost Geo. L Grazladlo and Co., 264 and Pospiall a double and from tbe bntter-and-egg regions dozen, late cabbage $4. a thousand. No. Main street TeL of Des Moines, la., where she re­ therefore, when in his opinion it is 10 cents dozen, celery 15 cents doz­ Stores to lease on Main, Just north singles while most of t h e ___ cently won a beauty contest. for the Interest of the District so en, variety flower plants, 20 cents a of Center $25 and $35. also 6 room Anyone desiring Information con­ made a hit or more. The basierun- According to all mles of the dozen. Station 22. Burnside Green­ tenement on corner Main and Wads­ cerning the Ku Klux Klan write to ners ran wild on F. O’Leary! and to do. house, East Hartford, Michael Plna- worth streets. Apply 415 Main street P. O. Box, 264 So. Manchester. K me, any beauty winner should 9. To hear the report of the Spe­ tello. or telephone 1489. Thurz, though hit hard, kept tha si^ed by a producer of girlie cial Committee on additional land Furniture and mattresses repaired hits. well scattered. Pospisll Made shows. Miss Murray is no excep­ for school and playground purposes. FOR SALE—Gas range, four burn­ TO RENT—Three room apartment, by factory experta Call phone 785-3 a spectacular one-hand catc]^ in er, oven and broiler, practically new. all modern Improvements, In Selwltz and our representative will call with tion and so will appear in revue 10. To see If the District will vote 211 So. Main street. Building. Inquire Selwltz Shoe Shop. samples and give you an estimate tree center field and completed a fast . this fall. to authorize a Committee to pur­ of charge. Manchester Upholstering double piey by a fast and ac( urate 1 0 FOR SALE—Barstow cook stove. TO RENT—Six room single house, Co. 16-17 Maple street So. Manoboster. peg. chase land adjoining to the school, Tel. 744-5. high elevation, garden, two car Manufacturers of high grade furni­ CHABGiS'S DESE'mOK^ for school and playground pur­ garage, reasonable rent Inquire of ture. Chase seemed to be unabls to poses. FOR SALE—Fine Bay Colt, 8 years Arthur Knofla, 647 Main street stop the baserunners and had slit Stamford, Conn., Juno 24.— S3 old, broken to harness, weighs 1000 Furniture repairing, refinUhlng stolen bases chalked up ai gainst' 11. To see if the District will vote lbs., price $75. Estate John Proctor. Charging that her husband has left to appropriate a sum of money for TO RENT—Two or three furnish­ and upholstering, chairs caned and him. Manchester'pn^iticfllly ;von her four sick eblldren to care Phone. 820. ed rooms for light housekeeping, with reflnished. Work called tor and de­ the — ~ - - playground purposes. all improvements. Inquire 18 Wil­ livered. Basey & Brainard. 77 North Bings t9r,i9^. 'TbQinj|ft Sy<£hey, of . Pacific 12: To transact aiiy other business FOR SALE—Cypress flat bottom liams street School street Phone 163-2. wh6 Jboif streht» toda^ seour^ a wairant-for -boat. 14 ft by 4 ft, nearly new. Brass SCO] proper to come beforo said meeting. screws throughout. Call telephone TO RENT—Apartment In Purnell STOLBN bf JlMr haiband, eaid tp " ■- (Signed) 1114. Bulldlhg. Apply to O. E. Keith. ^ BoHm hool b«’ a-eaptaln amployed by the Red Will the person seen taking a JOHN JENSEN, FOR SALE—New Perfection oil Columbia wheel from Trade school A E Star New York. FOR RENT—Five room tenement Lupacchlno, 2b 4 S 2 4 2 1 Police hatd ethried extradition pro- District Committeeman. Stove; two refrigerators and a chest All Improvements, $20 rent near return It to the same place without HORIZONTAL. refrigerator; hall rack with mirror, Cheney mllla Inquire at Maisels'. 1 any further trouble. Pospisll, cf .. 6 3 3 f 1 0 ceedMlBB toneedre the man’s return Manchester Green, Conn., I f ; ready • single bed, chairs, mattress, bed Walnut street or telephone 676.< Wlganowskl, 3b8 S 4 6 0 1 froni New York, they announced to­ June 24, 1925. I. She Is still a ------child. 21. Daar'------, lounge, table. Come and see for your- 5. The play begins at 8:15 selvea 29 Strant street. Phone 1174-3. FOUND Roach, lb . .. 8 2 4 8 0 0 day. Ywo of th e^ d n ey children FOR RENT—Two garages, and shop Pesci, If .. .. 4 1 2 7. He clenched his ------at the room. Apply to Aaron Johnson, 62 FOUND—Shepherd dog with un­ 1 0 0 are under treatment in a hospital FOR SALE—Good used gas ranges Linden street or Albert Harrison, 88 marked collar has strayed to 19 Abraitis, rf .. 8 1 1 0 0 0 and two are 111 , according memory of the Insult. $12 to $26. Oil stoves, screen doors, Myrtle street 10. Sixty is th e------age. organ, china closet, lawn-mower. Homestead street. Owner can obtain Pagani, ss . .. 2 t 0 2 i 0 1 to poUee. HeraU Adrs. Brinf Results. dog at above address on satisfactory Heffron, ss .. 1 1 0 1 0 0 11. This car is equipped with---- — Spruce street, second hand store. Teh TO RENT—8 room front apartmenr proof and payment of expense to 1325-5. in Midland Apartments. Call Manches­ Lawrence Smith. Chase, c .. . . . 3 1 0 8 1 0 wheels. ter Construction Company. TeL 782-8. Thurz, p . . 12. Sioux City,------. FOR SALE—Celery, cabbage and .. 4 2 2 1 0 0 aster plants, 621 Hartford Road. TeL AUTOMOBILES Hulbert, i .. 1 0 0 0 0 0 13. Shun------companions. 87-8. WANTED 15. ------. is a compass direction. FOR SALE—Ford touring In good 43 18 18 16. We live In the North Temper­ For the summer cottage or camp, WANTED—Two girl boarders. Home condition, $100. Inquire 211 So. Main 27 4 3 all sorts of furniture, oil stoves, re­ cooking. Apply 6 liewis street. street. Windsor Locks ate ------. fi N » a frigerators. Special value In dining AB R H PC A E 17. Return------It Is too late. tables, chalra Manchester Furniture WANTED—Housework by the hour FOR SALE—1924 Four Door Fr>rd Micha, p . . .. 6 0 2 1 0 0 H o H yw o o d Is the abbreviation for Exchange, 28 Oak street. or day, 237 Oak street. Sedan In very good condition, price $425. Inqlre 81 Wells street. Larson, 3b .. 5 0 1 1 8 0 Railway. FOR SALE—Used coal atoves of all WANTED—Fluff rugs made to F. O’Leary, c . . 6 1 2 9 2 0 20. The ------, Honorable Ramsey makes. All In good condition. All the order from your old carpets, write FOR SALE—Reo Speed v/ igon, fine for particulars. C. Schulz, 6 Chamber- H. O’Leary, lb 6 1 1 11 1 0 McDonald. used stoves we have have been taken condition, price very reasonable, sold Burwood, rf in trade for new combination Bar- lain street, Rockville, Conn. with a guarantee. W. Harry Eng­ . . 4 2 2 1 0 0 Manchester’s Finest 21. The Berengarla was leav- stow-Rlchmo d Ranges Edward Hess land, Manchester Green Store. Phone. Cerl, 2 b .. .. 2 1 1 3 >2 0 ing the pier, 6 33 Main street. So. Manchester. WANTED—Shampooing, hair curb Ing, and facials. Call for appoint 74, Lodvla, p-rf . 8 0 2 1 0 0 Rain was dripping BOLVnON OF FOR SALE—Lanndryette washing ment at your own home. Katherine FOR SALE—Reo speed wagon. 1926 Marconi, ss . . 5 0- 3 0 1 1 PUZZLE. machines Tou can do your washing, M. Gardner. Phone. 641. model, small mileage, perfect condi­ Polvdylo, cf . 4 0 0 0 1 0 Homelsuid 23. The — is a bishop’s head- rinsing, blueing, and drying without WANTED—School girl wishes tion, will sell cheap, terms If de­ dress. 6. She wore a pair of high getting your hands wet. Seeme Im­ sired. Tel. 311-6. ' • possible but let ue show yoa Edward take care of children, wlllln to 39 5 14 27 10 1 We are now sellin? the Porter Street frontage on I’ll be • — home this evening. Hess, 533 Iain street. So. Manchester. to shore. Call 920. FOR SALE—Ford touring, excel­ S. M. T. S. , . . . 870 101 501— 18 One — 2 pka 5. The examination showed' WANTED—By experienced woman, lent condition, hardly been used, very Windsor Locks 010 300 100— 6 this beautiful subdivision. Lots have frontage of 75 to Providence, ------for service. reasonable price for quick sale, phone Two base bits, Pospisll, Abraitls, REAL ESTATE supply work by day or hour or vouid 889-4. 115 feet and are restricted to one-family houses of Colo­ in the stilly night.’* 9. He did not wish to — help care for Invalid. Address P. O. Thurz, Marconi; three b a ^ hits. He bought an ice cream accusers. Box 266, So. Manchestei. 7 passenger touring car In good Roach; home runs. Roach Wlgan­ nial design. Nothing to compare with this location in 2. “ For ever and ever, — —i running order for sale very cheap, for for nimself. FOR SALE—Single 6 room house, WANTED — Young lady desires cash. Call at Pickett Motor Sales,' 21 owskl 2; hlts^oft, Thurz 14, Lodvla ------was one of the 12 tribes 4. ------. is a compass dire on East Center street, steam heat, room and board with private family, Manchester, and the price is lower now than it will ever oak floors and trim, a wonderful Maple street. Ask for Mr. Pickett. 8, Micha 10;* stolen bases, Man­ of Israel. 6. They lived In a ----- weekly, from Monday noon through chester 7, Windsor Locks 8; double be again. For terms and particulars see our agents or side of the mountain. home. Stuart J. Wasley, J09 Main St. Friday noon, starting August 8rd. FOR SALE—1923 Jewett coupe, fine He suffered Must be within 10 minutes walk of bargain for somebody, everything In plays, Wlganowskl, Pospisll and FOR SALE—At Coventry Lake, five Center. Please state terms. Address A NO-1 order. Will sell very cheap. Lupacchlno; first base on {balls, room cottage, all furnished, situated Room In care of South Herald office. I have a will — my own. In best location. Just 20 minutes from Phone 736-2 or call at 44 Woodbridge Micha 4, Thurz 2; hit by piixher, street. Several ------were put In the Packard’s store, 100 feet on shore WANTED—Tou to save your Junk. Lupacchlno, Pescl, Heffron, Lodv-^ smoke bouse. " H e front. Price $1600. Stuart J. Wasley, It will pay you to have me call for 709 Main street. FOR SALE—1924 Harley Davison la; struck out, ’Thurz 8, Mic^h 9; j EDWARD J. HOLL Does that your chief ob­ your Junk. I will pay you reasonable motorcycle, fine condition, run only umpires. Stones and Oates. i ' W ho Gets Slappcdr prices for rags, bundle paper, maga­ 400C miles. Price $160, Manchester Owner jection to the candidate? FOR SALE—Two family flat on zines and metals. A. Orensteln, 133 Motor Sales Co., Main street at Mid­ is a compass direction. Main street, large lot, 11 rooms, rea­ Oak street. Phone 157-3. sonable If taken at once. See Stuart dle Turnpike. YESTERDAY’S HOME RUN& 865 Main Street T e l 560 19. I live on Elm State Theatre. J. Wasley, 709 Main street. WANTED—Young school girl de­ Reo Speed Wagon for hire. Parties 10. The train leaves sires housework during the summer. National Friday and Satnr^ FOR SALE—Level house lot 60x160, accommodated, also moving and o’clock. Ideal spot, with cellar, brick, stone Call 758-13^______trucking. H. Jones, 19 Brainard Place. Fournier, Dodgers ...... 1 VERTICAL. TeL 1126. and few thousand feet of lumber, all WANTED—^Tour piano or player Harper, Philadelphia ...., 1 2. Pat is a true son o f ------. for $700 cash If taken at once. Inquire piano to tune, repair and put in per­ Wheat, Dodgers ...... [1 124 Birch street. FOR SALE—Steams-Knlght tour­ 3. I recommend him without any fect order. Phons or write Edward R. ing, $200, 1921 Chevrol :t touring $160, American ------whatsoever. Couch, 156 Main street, Manchester. 1918 Ford touring $75, Ford light de­ Wambsganss, Red Sox . . FOR SALE—10 room double house, Telephone 1024. 4. Tea, coffee, milk,------. excellent condition, double garage, livery $60, 1923 Indian motorcyole Rice, Senator...... Piuinbiiig, extra lot, hen coop. Good location. $100. Crawford's Auto Supply, East 5. I bare a ------engagement. WANTBD-^ustomers for marcel Center and Walker streeta Phone League totals: National League. 6. He ------to do the right thing Also household furniture for sale, 8 waving, manicuring, and facials, hot 332-4. or 10 Hemlock streeL oil shampoo’s a specialty. Residential 296; American League. 280. always. work solicited. Call Mra E. B. Inman, Individual leaders: Hornaby. The lecturer charged a nominal and Tbiaig FOR SALE—Five room bungalow 1447, Cardinals, 18; Hartnett, Cubs. 18; Just completed, all improvements. TeL Sued Service of the Besi Kind, 686, 113 Wells street or see your own WANTED—A few washings, For Meusel, Yankees, 18; Wil To buy the last lot owned by us in Pinehurst, located on A Senate committee will ------sgent particulars call 1272-8. Browns, 16; Slmnlons, Ath! Cambridge Street, near Main Street. A bargain at the scandal. 11; Cobb, Tigers, 10; Robe: FOR SALE—Single 6 room bunga­ WANTED—^Tbree direct factory $1»250. ------constantly while cooking. low, five minutes from Manchester salesmen with autos for this state. Browns, 10; Kelly, Giants, 9; Exercise will ------your Depot, price only $4,000. A neat little Address Factory, Box 882, Manches­ Foamier, Dodgers, 9; Bottomley, home. Call Arthur A. Knofla. Tele­ ter, Conn. muscles. phone 782-2, 647 Main street. Cardinals, 9; Goslln, Senators, 9; Two 10-room, two-family houses on Benton Street, 14. T h e------of the castles on the 28 SprUCC sw WANTED—I pay highest prices for Wright, Pirates, 9; Brooks, Cnbs, Greenaores. New and thoroughly modem. Liberal Rhine are Interesting. So. ” Maneheeter. FOR SALE—Dandy three acre place, rags, papers, magazinessines andam...... all kinds 9. 8 room bouse, 1 mlndte from trolley. of metala M. a . Lessner, 26 Birch terms—smidl amount of cash required. Every Inch of ground tillable. Some atreet. TeL 882-4. nice a ^ le and ahade treaa Price The first of a series of inen’s 16500. This Is a bargain. Don’t wait. WANTED—In and outside painting, golf tournaments will be mn off Two single houses, on Oxford Street, Pinehurst sec­ iH iiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiuiiiH iiiiiininiiiiiiiniiiiiiuiiuiniH iiiiiiiiiitiam iji !lall Arthur A. Knotjfliu “TeL ■ 782-2. 647 “ paper hanging and sign work. Henry this week starting tomorrow at tbe tion, good elevation, npw, and a bargain. Gash required, Iain. w. Uhlman, 48 Foley street, Soutl Manchester. Telephone 445-1. Manchester Conntry Club. The tour­ $500. BISSEIiL STREET—Four famllT, ney will continue Friday and 8at> I Good Manchester Investmoits dxteen rooma large lot, house strict, WANTED—Wo par highest pnoes urday. It will be played over the (y modem. At ■- the surprisingly low for j>»sra p^srs, magaslnoa _ ilnoa rags___ and _ Business Sites located on Main Street, For Sale or S MILL STREET—8-room house, bam and three acres of ge m os $8900. Small amount of cash. Junk. Ws also buy and sell furniture full 18 holes and handidapg w, Lease. s tillable land, frult’^ ea also. Price Is only $6,600. (VaUacs O. Robb, 852 Main strsst and stovea New York Furaltnre Ex­ given by the club’s hasdicapi s BAST CENTER STRSu TT—Right on the car line, six-room change, 41 Oak street oomsr of Cot- mlttee. Play will be for NORTO OF CENTER—Largs two taga Tslephono 16. A fine colonial house located on Greenacres, with a 3 gle, hot water heat and other modem improvamsais.' Munlly twelve room house, strlotlr twQfCar garage, large lot. Price away below value. s fine location and boms for $8,000. nodem. In the pink of oondltlon. ex- WANTED—Lawn mowers for sharp­ RED CHAPMAN WINS. 3 CHURCH STREET— Largs tingle house, 18 rooms, OM' ^ *®**_^1* *■ no oxceptlonal ening and ropalra Phonographs and Liberal terms, immediate possession. tuy. W allaos D, Robh^ 868 Main strsst. elooks repaired. Keys fitted, saws 3 garage, lot 110x160. A fine homo for a bnslnsss filed, rasor blades sharpened. Braltb- Cleveland, Ohio, Jon* S4W ‘R«d” a Price la only $16,000. WEST BIDE—Six _wora______single, waits, 141 Center strsst Chapman, of Boston, Mass^, 4sinad **We Cut The Bartb To Suit Your Taste.” 3 PITKIN STREET—Near East Csnter, the iN^md 2Msrr. Itrlotly modem Inolndlng steam beat. a popular decision o m .A ) QofiMtt, PUnty of fruit and Robert Webber, 10 rooms, 1 baths, 8 Ito'* ohioksn houssa MISCELLANEOUS of Cleveland, ten rotmdib hwe^lalt hot water beat, Rndd gas water heater, npe for lail Sau^'uMunTM night ash. Wallaea Maroel waving and facials, Mrs. enamel trim; 8-oar garaga attaohsdf All Robb, lit Mala St Jdlla Olson, 128 Walnut street TeL for appointment, to Inspeet. Most bO i 286-3. Owner has left tOwn.