An Interdisciplinary Introduction
Index # See OMB and, 82, 83–84 2-factor authentication, 57, 295, 296 Paperwork Reduction Act, 82 9/11/2001. September 11, 2001 supply chain security, 166, 170 60-Day Cyberspace Policy Review, 100–101, 130, 259 active responses to threats, 207–208, 237–238 256-bit encryption, 193 acts of law, 263 300A and 300B reports, 170 actual cost (AC), 152–154, 156, 299–300, 302 414s (hackers), 6 ACWP (actual cost of work performed), 152 1930s IT infrastructure, 185 “adequate security,” 171 1940s IT infrastructure, 75 Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 266 1950s IT infrastructure, 75–76, 185¬ advanced notices of proposed rulemaking (ANPR), 260, 1960s cybersecurity issues, 4, 76–77, 95 266 1970s cybersecurity issues, 5, 179 advanced persistent threats (APTs), 203–204, 276,- 277 1980s cybersecurity issues, 4–9, 77–81, 82, 185 Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 4 1990s cybersecurity issues, 9, 81–90, 223–225, 276 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (AR 2000s cybersecurity issues, 9, 89, 90–101, 220, 276 agenciesPANET), 4, 179 A2010s cybersecurity issues, 10, 101–104, 221–222, 276 African Network Information Centre (AfriNIC), 278 A circulars. See under civilian.audits, 241 See civilian agencies OMB budgets, 260 AC (actual cost), 152–154, 156, 299–300, 302 acceptable levels of risk, 36 classified/unclassified protective markings, 79 acceptable quality level (AQL), 145 compliance standards, 168–169 accepting risks, 16, 20, 22, 60–61 creation of, 266 access codes, 236 cybersecurity policy role, 69–70 access points, 233, 258 Federal Register rules publication, 260 accessibility of systems intelligence.FISMA requirements, See intelligence 97–98, agencies 171 corporate systems, 233 impact on projects, 123 health care systems, 224 military.
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