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Only Anglo-Jewi1h Newspaper in Rhode Island

Hillel lo Celebrate "Silver Jubilee Week" Wise to Defend The "Silver Jubilee :Week" of the Rhode Island B'nai B'rit h Melishes Sermon Hillel F oundations, March 20-27, in will feature the interpretive dance NEW YORK- R abbi Stephen S. artists, Delakova and Berk ; "Hillel Wise, who was seventy-five yes­ Nite"; t he "Silver Jubilee Ball", terday discussed freedom of the and a brunch in honor of Hillel 't>ulpit and , two major parents. The festivities are in themes in his forthcoming auto­ celebration of Hillel's 25th anni­ biography. versary in America and its second birthday on Rhode Island campu­ In his apartment the tall, thin ses. theologian was at work on his sermon at the Free , K atya Delakova and Fred Berk. which he founded in 1907. His the only dance team in America subject will be "The Melish Case devoted to the J ewish Dan ce, will and the Cause of Pulpit Free­ return in a n ew program Tuesday, dom." March 22, at 8 o'clock in Alumnae Hall. Pembroke. The public is in­ " I will defend the Melishes' vited free of charge to the con­ right to speak as they do," Dr. cert which is made possible by Wise said. "Dr. Melish is doing the Hillel Hassenfeld Memorial what one minister of religion can Fund. B'nai ffrith men and wo­ to a void or avert the greatest m en will be present as Hillel's tr agedy in human history, th e guests of honor. third world war." In his own refusal to accept the Hillelites will in turn be feted rabbinate of Temple Em anu-El NATHAN ROSEN by a B'nai B'rith ''Hillel Nite" in 1907 because he would have ,! Wednesday, March 23, at · 8:00 been "subject to and under the o'clock at Plantations Auditorium . control of the board of trustees Rabbi Arthm J. Lelyveld, national of th e con gregation ." Dr . Wise Einstein Elected director of the Hillel Foundations. found a parallel to th e case of will be guest speaker on the pro­ Dr. John Howard Melish. Dr. To Harmony Societies gram which will also include "A Melish 's ouster as rector of the Ballad for Hillel" to be sung by Holy Trinity Protestant Episco­ Theodore Einstein, son of Mr. the Hillel choral society : Ra bbi DR STEPHEN S. WISE who observed his 75 th birthday pal Church in Brooklyn h ad been land Mrs. Arthur Einstein, of Mor­ Nathan N. Rosen. Director of the yesterday is completing his biography, "Challen ging Years." voted by nine m embers of th e ves­ Rhode Island Hillel Foundations. try and ordered by the Righ t Rev. ris Avenue, a senior at Yale Uni­ and Bert Bernhardt, president of versity, has been elected to Phi James Fernette De Wolfe. Bishop (Continued on Page 2) Bill to Ban Bias of Lon g Island. Beta Kappa honorary liberal arts Schwarh Gives "At that time," Dr. Wise re­ fraternity and to Sigma Xi hon­ Voted in N. J. Senate called, "I said th at I must r emain orary scientific scholastic fraterh­ Israeli Vessel .Centerland $1000 a free m an in the pulpit. Nothing ity. Mr. Einstein is majoring in TRENTON- The State Senate gives u minister of religion power Dedicated in N. Y. Harry A. Schwartz of 281 this week adopted a civil-righ ts except freedom , his inalienable physics. Rochambeau Avenue h as given law m aking r acial and r eligious dower and right." NEW YORK- T h e Haifa. first to Camp Centerland, Country discrim,ination in employment, (Continued on Page 6 ) trans-Atlantic cargo ship in · th e Day Camp of the Jewish Com­ public admissions and education Israeli merchant marine. was de­ munity Center, a gift of $1000, subject to a m aximum fine of PICTORIAL STORY dicated this week a t ceremonies according to Milton Kay, chair­ $500, a j ail term of one year, or BEGINNING NEXT WEEK! at the vessel's berth. man of the Center Camp Com­ both. The ceremonies were attended mittee. The Center h as under · consideration at the present The legislation, backed by more "The Herald Goes by some 500 civic, political and than fifty organizations in New 'Your GJC In Action' shipping leaders who applauded time several urgently needed construction projects at Camp, J ersey, was sponsored by Assem­ predictions m ade by every speaker blywoman Grace M. Fr e em an , A series of interesting arti­ to a that the Haifa will be followed by notably a lodge and shelter for cles outlining the year-'round the junior camp of 4 and 5 Republican, of Essex County. It many other ships flying the Is­ h ad passed the Assembly Feb. 7, activities of the General ­ Dancing School" raeli flag in trans-Atlantic ship­ year olds, bath houses, and a porch addition to the recrea­ but was amended in the Senate ish Committee of Providence, ping lanes. The Haifa is the form­ before adoption there. The am­ in next week's er Canadian Liberty ship Fort tion hall. Mr. Schwartz's timely its allocations and the story gift will be used toward one of endments provide for special ad­ Yukon , purchased by th e ­ visory committees in each munici­ of several of its major benefi­ Herald America Line of Haifa as the be­ these projects, Mr. Kay has stated. pality to r eport violations to the ciary agencies. ginning of the new nation 's m er­ State Commissioner of Education, ch ant fleet. who is the enforcing agent. Sons of Abraham Dinner Pays Tribute to Rabbi Chill

Shown at the dinner honoring Rabbi Abra ham Chill of Congrega­ tion Sons of Abrah am . held Satur­ day nigh t at the Narragansett Hotel are : Seated left to right. Mrs. Samuel Mossber g, Gov. J ohn 0. Pastore. Rabbi and Mrs. Chill. Mayor Dennis J . Roberts. M. Shul­ kin and Louis TrostonofI. Standin g. Mr. Mossberg, presi­ dent of the con gr egation: Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Lazurus; Archie Sil­ verman, Walter Sundlun. Mr. and Mrs. M. Orzech . Mrs. M. Shul­ kin: Rev. and Mrs. Moses Chill. m other and father of the honored rabbi: and Rabbi Samuel Chill. his brot,her . Not shown nre Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Kirshcnbnum. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Nozick, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Austern. and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore z·ilman. Ph oto b y F1·ed Kelman Presidents' -... Corner .-\.l t.houg.h it has been mentioned - in th.i..s co. u.mn before. it is on.ls 8 proper Li:lat ..-e menti n Hillel :; 2.gain 2t th.is time. c T he occa.s ·on of the ce.ebrati n t": o: t.he 25th annh·ersa.ry of the ~ founding oi B'..illel, is a time for .-, some refie{: t ·on on the wo.r ls '-hlch ._ ha.s 'been accomp!.is.hed by the tire- ~ less effo:-s oi B'na._j B'rith men :; anC. women. ~ '.\I. GOLDS'.\.ITTH. VOL 2 :KO. 5 :\1.-\RCH. 1949 G EORGE Editor ~ oday the Hille F oundation is _2:i n~ y rffognized as t.he best :sc_ -~pped. by experience and re- ~ ces. to ca.rn· t.he resoonsibilit, .,. Plans Completed Rabbi Lelyveld To Address Lodge for Je..-ish students Ser.ice. and ~ milit i the ct.her group.s who ha,e ;:; btt:i expe:imen·ing in the field _ For Institute Wednesday At Hillel Silver Jubilee ru~ \·e ,;.,-it.hcra. ~ - ~ ~ oti.er .: ac· speaks so e.lo- ::: TI:e :L-s1 B'::ru B'n · h Instirnte I q:...:en~ly for Lhe ·eadership f Hil- ~ meeting w b€ ht>! d in tbe R.rio

rr: ::m o: e:= :-1 and a~ :.he sa_rr:. e 1::g cs.n ac:ua y be traced to a I tiYe D:...:- ec o: 2.. · ~ a:.iona~ \ ·:C't - :.s :-2.:·ely ~- v..-ee k PG,S...'es tbac some t~e ace- ::1;:,Esl m ore a:1C be:tate in some L°'l' .;s. ~~e :1:"st H U:.e l F dati n ~as j nity fo :- Pa :esune o f the Zior::.s: ~::~e act.:\·ity r program . p .:.p:-e-..::.er.t.3.:.IYt?S of a:' t!:e :odg--es es:.?..b:1.5·_ea on Lt"le camp s - he t I Org:3..niza.10:1 of :-\.menca. In t~ . ..:.: -~ head of Roger \\-: 1am.s and c::a; :ers 1n 1: .e z ne w~ be 'Cr:.~ \·e:-s.ny of n:1n Ls by a C ri_:- ·, _ po.st he t:-a~,.-e!ie-d · o e\"ery s·.a.te o: - Lxige. I 'ee pro ·ct o! wha· ·ne:sc . :-exnt. Toe entire as..scrnb:y ~ uar. ed:1ca tc :- . Dr. E-d "ard C . B ad- 1 the Cruo n an· d1r~:ffi a r: auo:-.- ::-. er:r:.bers a..~ dot.Lg a:id - k.-r:1 w meet :.:.~ :_'-12 s:i ·::{Jrium o: :a: p,c win a.:}d a &lf-s.2.cn.ficmg young wide prog-ram of ffi· ca io:1 s.r. · ,ha; >;\·bee. I promL·1 :r conun··e co c· .c s·· :::, oon s :.g:b : o :- a s.hor: :-esume· of ":.a: ' R abbi. Ben_, ami:.. F'TankeL It LS R_IBBI :.\. J . Lil \.~~D m ·e:-pretat1 .. o f the :Ct:a o f 2. :, :-.eecs. r u c , be ci.:.sap;)o ·r::,~d. w';e I.r..s:.iru:..e ~J.l ac- mp.~n aft.er t is eYent the.: U:e me-e-ing "i'l ------J e" 1 sh S:ate. In Om ahs. r.e Ccng-ra. :u2ati9r.s to Hllie n 25 wh:c:1 :...~e g:- up w-_:i dl\ide ce.':'brat.e . It ·\;-as not UJlti! _ however. heacie-d ·_he Ind r..:str.2. Rels.t1·r.s m--0 947 ye.,.:-, o i sen--: e. Roger \Y: ·,ams . '.! se=or..s--one : r eac-:1 oi Lr-it> Si:1 e tha: day, Lhe H e 1dea . -~ - 1 _ . . . Comrrut:ff o: ,r:e Omarrn Crba.n ya: 10 u, o:=ice- , : corr-rrJi·.e-e r:.;..s spread to almOS-! '.?00 colle£e trn:t ~ n · _e _Founaauon w~s estao- Le-ague. wa.s chairm an of t.he L.:X::g e plc-<:ges anew. ·ts dete:-min- ::::ai:":ne::. l cs.mouses ill Yer the wor·d. Tne"se 1 11;£!1ea on tne campus O! Br own Om aha F--air Emp oymem Practice 2.t on to advar.ce tr.<' i ·ea1.s or: which ·~ -~·as founded. Hille U!1!LS, each headed by a I t,; __ ,e_rs.2 _Y--c:- D~1:-_g u~h~. ten:= ~~ Council and 5er.-ed as Pub""c Pane· 1 A..._-::.)ci:g tte ~c k.::_o_\.TI pc:-, lr"",:1• .1-.ed rabbi or oro:e.s.s ona youth ?resice ..... £..j . :·_.'-.... nC. · ~sc:crG-. L""narrman for the \"\-ar Labo r i3 E:R :R."'-.\. L. BER.'-n _-vu.., "i" sons..2..lties ~h ~J.1 p:es1_ e a the ! ~e-a Cer. ser'"e as ·c~nual. reilgious yea_rs of plan:1-LT)_g ~e to inu_uon Boa.rd. He ts a membt:r of cl:e ;· _;,_--: ll3 se= r.s ..-:.l oe Osca.:- a.r.d social weliare cer.ters - and a.no ocs.1_ B nal B_r: lh memoers CommLajon on J ustice and P eace G '.ds·.ei::,. ~u-s. Bess Bu:-SL.em. reach thousands of Jewish co ege can no-;,,· see HiLe. Ill acuon. of the Cenu----d Conference Herb Le,y_ Lo".l.ls Herms.n. Ber,,.. men and w men ,;.·ith a p:og:-arn Rabbi :-;- athan N. Ro sen was American Rabb·, _ Lodge Nominates = L Be:-n::is.:c:: . Al B'a.zs..:-. Jee des1gnec: to msprre them ;.ith an choxn as di.rector oi the local .-\ iounder o: Lrie :' local com - : r Je-..~h c-ul,ure and · 7,.ditions long before students at Bn-am .. on orary member of t:.e :-;- auor:a mi: ;.ee in m.;.k.:ng :.he a!Tang-e- ,rnd i-0 prepa.:-e hem to take their Co lege and R. I. State c o· ege Board of t.:;a organiz2.tion. he _.,_ . the Boa.:-d o Go,·ern -, n:: ents : o~ the a.fla.i.:- are h e B'naj ;)lace in the iab: 1c· of communal ..-ere c amoring for f'.il ei acu, · · was at one time ediw r of ·· Tr.e me-eting he"d on Febrnar-v Q· h B ·:-1tb Young Women. ;.·ho -...:J :eadersj,.ip. Du.ring m os of this ies. Tney are n ov. a pan of the Yo th Leader··. o bli<'":ed b,· t:,e seph Finkle. chai.7llan · of th~ help -..,::::i regisu-auon and keep '.'5 year .,e"i ·. Hil el has been p:ogram in Rhode l5land. Cnion oi A.mericzn Heb!t'"- ·con ­ n ..i mina·ing comminee. oresen·ed reco:-ds on the ,·a.nous sess.i ns. w .der the guida.rice o' B'nai B'ri ,!'I. T o she" a few of Ll!e m any pro- ,,.egations. and is a member o' s s:ace of o=: ec!'"s :or L'l€ con::L.-:ig jects "hich occupy much of the the E-XE-{: Uti,·e Committee of t.:-.e year. Elec· n oi the:sc o rnce.rs ,.i_u spare time o' these st udents. the .-\merican Zion's y uth Com.m.1.5 . be he.d at the .-\ prL meeting --it.h m e-e ·ing ,.iJl a..L'-0 feature he loca.! sion. 1:-.sta la ·io:1 ce~emonies scheduled Announcement Extra Ordinary - H illel c:1ora and cirama · ·c groups. .-\ .. ath·e of :-;- ew York c1c,·. :· o~ :\fay 12L. at the Narra.2an.."2· t Rabbi Re&n will tell about his P.2 bbi Lely,;eld attended Co umbi2. H :el. - '\S'Ork since assuming the local Cni,·e1-sity where r:e rffeiYed his ~he slate as st.1.::-ageste na- elec ed to ? hi Beta Kaooa in · 933. lows : Pres.i ·em . Bertram L. Bern­ uona !e,·e - Cor. · i.n ·mg his stud:e:s ·a·t the R eb­ r:a:dt. \" ice-presidents. George :\!. Se,·e. ~l hur.dred students hHe re ..· ·nion Coi"ege in Cmcmn2.t . G :ctsmi th. S ciney Rabinowitz !l.Ild :-:1g-mfiea t h_e1.r mtenuons o~ bemg be was ordau.ed as Rabbi and re­ Co:e ma,--1 Zllnmer:nan: Recording p:-eSent :- · a ' rem any one or them. cen·ect the degree oi '.\LH.L u:; 3ect>ta.ry. Ini.ng, \V a tlil:lan : Tres­ B. a 1 B nt.h members c.an learn 1939 st::er. Benjamm R ut enberg: F in - ''AL CAPP ~t fi..--s t hand . Just what H Ile! has I Rabb 1..e· ~·,eld came to Hille 2.:-: c:a Secretary_ George Ksu : acne. as Associate Na 1onal Di.re<' o:- :::1 C..aplain. E . '.\fax Weis.,_ :\.:s,·, ,an· F o o ..,ng t.he forma . meeon,g 19 ~6 and succeeaea Dr. .-\ . L-. Cr·.spl.lui. Rona · &lpkin. and there --i be ds . cing. w1th TmUSJc I Sachar in the :'< a ·:orial, Directo~­ W;.:·den. B to . F berg. and the Shmoos'' bei g supp 'ed by Al a nd J.n·mg ship o Jan ary 1. 1948. A i:e­ -n.LSte-es me: de the io·· ..- mg _ Rosen·s Or chestra. I quent co. tr1bu,or to the Je,;.··sh BcnJ:;.m:n B:ier. J seph '.\.L P i.nkle. One of the Rare Public Appearances of period c p::-ess. he 1s t.he au hor or '.\[2.x L Grant. Henry RaSSenie d. Al Copp, the g ifted cartoonist se,·eral articles 1n the tJn h·e:-sal '.\[ err Hassenft>ld . W illiam P . ADL Briefs Jew sh Encyc_!o pedia. Herman. Dr. Car Ja,rnl nzer -\r ­ th..u K a an. '.\! ax K o-t er. Ch~ es C o er I L AB ER , DAISEY MAE and e C tlzens of Plo!·1 da these days ' za uons. churches a d ci\"Jc grou , Ro thman. 1'athsn Samors. '.\ii. . fomo s SH OOS--One o t e 6 19 1 s 1n Rod,c­ are m ore than a !Jttle fed up w1 h and ADL"s F onda regiona - o:::ce . o n Sapin ey . .-\.inn A. Sop!iln and the K Klux Kla n . The at nude oi these orgam~a ­ .-\~thur E. W inkleman. A Fu n ond co v, ncing speoke '.\! embers ,_· h ,·e an pp r - ln the wake of a hooded m otor- ions was ptly and terse y ex ­ t""ntty to nom nate her c-an ·1 - cade which passed thro eh t he pres...raniza­ '. ol owm£ men .-\ bert Loeber. Sid­ commiss10n also reacted a few ions.·· He complamed that the ney Rab1now1 . E. '.\! ax \\"eL«;. 8:00 P. M . days later by passing unammously s a e had no aw -.·tuch wo ld pre­ ., nd 1'orman Feinberg. , on the firs reading an emergency ,·cnt a " mob of potential murder­ measure which contains anll-ma k er from paradmg m Flonda:· A i ndanc l!.rn 1 d o Paid-up members. heir w1\'eS 1t1 on . Rep. \·a ghn T err-e'l of and our spe-cl81 1 n1.ed guests--a group of disabled pronsrnns and also outlaws cross- In con rn. t wnh Florida the Floyd County -..·ho said he feared v.ar ,·eu,rans I burning on pri\·a1.e property. , ac 10n of the Gt>org1a state legi.s ­ an an 1-ma - measure -.-o ld tn · S upport for all these or~inance lature whic h tabled mdefin nely an terfere wi h t he rellg10 < fre€- 1------J came from local ,·eterans organ!- anti-mask bill Typical of he op- o --of Mos e "·omen = The Herald is New England's friends and family reading it reg- Our most modern newspaper. Are your- ularly? Younger Set Western Electric SOUND SYSTEMS ...CD ...CD CAMP BAUERCREST SOUND SYSTEMS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE ATTITASH AMESBURY, MASS. FURNISHED 00 ... One of the most beautiful and completely equipped Any Occasion Camps in New England Recordings Made Anywhere A SAFE AND HEALTHY PLACE FOR YOUR E. M. MONAHAN BOY FOR THE SUMMER Bayview 0669 - 0356 FEATURING A JEWISH CULTURAL PROGRAM ~yl~OIC::!GIGIGIG!G!Gl:;1:;1:;10101G!G!ca( 19th Season Opens July 3, 1949 RA TE $300 PER SEASON (same as in 1948) JAMES All land and water sports, Dramatics, Nature Study, Photography, Large Arts and Crafts Work Building, Camp Newspaper, Camp Orchestra, Sabbath Observance, Dietary GOLDSMITH Laws, Red Cross Life Saving Program, Nurse and Doctor in attendance, Mature Experienced Counselor Staff, Tutor­ Insurance of ing in Hebrew and School Subjects. Every Type Send for Application to: JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD, Director 805 Industrial Trust BldC', 10 Brookside Drive, Cranston, HO 1498

YOU'LL SAY: • "It's One of the Best Plays ,I$ tlfll'- 41 I Have Ever Seen" w;l Robert Rosenberg, 21 months, Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rosenberg of 188 Byfield Street. Photo by Sargent ~ ~ I Fix Jewelry, Hosiery, Clocks , Handbags, Zippers, Irons, Toastm. i 'The Male Animal' In tact, almost anything. >~ ~ By James Thurber and Elliot Nugent The new Ahavath Sholom Syna­ Archie Smith, president of the >~ gogue, now rapidly n earing com­ Congregation. are serving e x - ~~ A BROADWAY AND HOLLYWOOD HIT pletion, will be formally opened officio. $ for religious services this Pass­ PROUDLY PRESENTED BY THE over. In conjunction with the Mrs. A. L. Rosenstein. presi­ opening, a series of dedicatory \~~ dent of the Congregation's Sister­ exercises will be held, starting on hood, will designate a committee Sunday, A.pril 10, with the ritual from that group to assist the pro­ CENTER PLAYERS of the transfer of the Holy Scrolls gram committee. Dr. Irving Kap­ Providence or Torahs and climaxed with a lan will head the banquet com­ I banquet in the new auditorium. mittee. JAckson 280~ ~ Saturday and Sunday Evenings Most of the exercises will be ~ opened to the general public, it which contributed so generously L March 26 March 27 A PROGRESSIVE }.~>-" to make possible the building of >1 NATHAN BISHOP JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL the modern edifice. For Sessions Street at Elmgrove Avenue The committee planning the program arrangements is headed CURTAIN AT 8:30 by A. Louis Rosenstein, with Sam­ BOYS ,, uel Olshansky as co-chairman. I~.. ADMISSION-$1.20 including tax Other members of the committee and ~ are Samuel Kaplan, Dr. Irving Tickets on sale at Axelrod's, 45 Snow Street Kaplan. Morris Ross, Morris Fish­ s bein, Irving Koffler, Sol Koffler, GIRLS ,~,"' Halmar's Delicatessen '7 - 15 Yeau or Are ,~ 778 Hope Street Dr. Aaron Gershkoff, Dr. Benja­ man Garfinkel, David Steingold, , WI1"'DSOR, CONN. i~ and Samuel Orenstein, with Ben­ jamin Winicour in charge of pub­ Ideally Situated-Choice of Direct Transportation- licity. Rabbi Morris G. Silk and 2 Hours Ride from. Providence , Expertly Direl'ted By ExpC'rien("ed Professional Group \\1 orken "OFFER~ A REAL ADVENTURE IN LIVING FOR YOUR C HILD" • Exten,ive Acreage & \Vatcr F ront • F r ee frorn Schedule-s and _ • All Land and 'Wa ter Sport~ Rt"flmentation BOSTON OPERA HOUSE • Naturo Lore • '.Arts & Crarts • One Sta(( !vrember E:1-·h ~ Children Olympic Bowling • C r eatl\'e Dramatics • c~unp C raft • Resident Registered !\: :1 • , ,. and HUNTINGTON AVENUE. BOSTON, MASS. • Je\\·isli Cultural ProJ?rammrn.it D o.- t,('· :,:.; {·:·\"ice By SIDNEY GREEN • Folk Da1wing • Q\·crnight H ikt~s : g1~!~!.~.ur3 ~=cibeter\!~~1t ~rh ·~ • Orche-stra • Camp Fire Prograrr:.s • S L.'rcened Cabins wit h ~·fodern 2 PERFORMANCES ONLY The Gordons really re-enacted • Sabbath Services:, et al Plumbinf the almost forgotten Black Sox $300. Inclusive (Except Laundry) - No Uniforms Required scandal in their match against , \\o'EEK. (Half Season) REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED Sunday Matinee and Evening, March 20 the front-running Rodyn five by dropping four very important Chas. M. Browdy, Dir. David Cohen, Asst. Dir. EDWIN A. RELKIN points--important, that is, to the 846 Farmington Ave. 30 Harvard Avenue West Hartford 7, Conn. Providence, R. I. presents Levines and the Cohens. Capt. Gordon's alibi is that he's been 33 - 1087 PLantations 5129 The Funniest Man in Town up every nite with the new addi­ tion, but ALL the others couldn't have been keeping him company. MENASHA The A vens finally stopped the Limited Registrations Available on-rushing Schwartzes by taking two points, while the Lobels los t SKULNIK 3-1 to the J acobsons. Only two men were available at the start In the Hilarious Musical Comedy so the Jacobson subs included the Misses · Kaplan and Carlin, and FOR JEWISH GIRLS, 7-15 YEARS OF AGE Mrs. J acobson the all-impor­ Operated on a non-profit basis by the tant fi ght for second place ended A Guy'' in a stalemate as the Cohens a nd New England Section-Jewish Welfare Board ''What Levines split. Complete Original Cast, Production and Chorus The Rodyns took HT3 h onors Direct from Second Ave nue Theatre, New York with 1539 and the Avens' 539 was Horseback Riding Boating. Canoeing. Swimming tops for tenm sin gle. Misch Sat­ Jewish anct General Cultural Activities Mature Only New England Appearance lo !T 's total pinfall of 347 was high Leadership Excellent Kosher Food Trips Fun. for the nite a nd Reeve Zatlo!T a nd Tickets SHAPIRO'S BOOK and RECORD SHOP Winn shared high single h on ors Enroll Through Your Community Center or 'Y' or 7 Beach Street, Boston- Tel. HA 6-3687 with 128. Other good scores in­ Now: Mail Orde rs Accepted- Send cluded J. Hochman- 124. S. Hoch­ Write o r ca ll CAMP NAOMI, 228 Park Square Building, Self-Addressed Envelope man- 123. Rodyn- 119, H. Coh en - 122. I. Levlne- 116. and Jncob­ son- -114 . ' tion. Congregation Sons of J acob I GOVERNOR PASTORE and the Hebrew Free Loan Associ­ ation. and Community Calendar Survivors are his wife, Ida (Abedon) Bezan : three sons. Ben­ jamin. Max and George; a daugh­ MAYOR ROBERTS The Jewish Herald Is co-operating with the R. I. League of ter, Mrs. Staniey Graboves; a sis­ ...00 Jewish Women's Organizations in the publication of the Com­ ter. Mrs. Bessie Lev in. a nd three Endorse Educational Work munity Calendar. grandchildren . Dates and clearances for women's organization meetings MRS. KA TIE SORRENTINO of Providence should be cleared through Mrs. Alfred D. Steiner, HOpkins 9510. Funeral services for Mrs. K a tie Monday, March 21

saucy or classic;. to match your personality . . . tailored [ . Emanuel Bowling to perfection . . . and always By JACK PLATKIN smartly styled ... are yours at this new and differ ent Salon! The Tigers, captained by Baby Chase and with bowlers such as M. Weinberg, Mike Miller, Babe DRESSES LOOK! Silverman and Joe Primack, are - - sure \vorth thei1· weight in wild­ from I cats. Joe had the Athletics num­ $14-95 AT TH ESE LOW PRICES ON ber last Monday night. However. with competition like Dave Ettine, Luscious Cuts of Choice Beef! Abe Press, Blackrpan, Albert Chase Open Evenings until and Frank Goldstein coming up, 9 P .M. - Also Mondays they've got a tough schedule. But I'll add-Good luck to the young fellows al'ld more power to the I' aged ones. Irving Chase almost took off CHUCK steer th at high single with a neat 146, ~ !Siil,_;,~~ 59 and 348 for three. Zucker had a ~ .II.I 1'-w-.4 a ...... •f c.a.-a...... FLANKEN steer lb C good single of 130, and 342 for ; -~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '- \ ,,, , , ,,, , ...... ,, ...... ' ...... ,...... ,,..__ ...... ' ' ..,_,,' three. Other good threes were Blackman 338, Al Chase 329, Ross Corned Beef Brisket · 322 , Press 331, and Lang 328. Sam ,, · ~~~ ~ ~ SINGLE OR DOUBLE Gordon and Mel Paynor chipped in with their usual good strings. Quite a few of the boys will be I S. P. BLACK'S ~ in attendance at the testimonial dinner for Leo "Radio" Miller S Delicatessen and Groceries § next Wednesday at the Narra­ ~ ~ gansett. Roast Beef 1b6Sc ~ 1033 BROAD STREET ~ And Happy Birthday to that (BONELESS) aged but able capta in of the Ath­ SPECIAL FOR THE WEEK: letics, Morris Kramer. tf ~~ t~ LADIES CHOICE ~~, Pawtucket New S KOSHER STYLE PICKLES qt. jar 29c ~, STOP IN--BUY AND SAVE g SALAD PACK $ Merchandise Sale t~LIGHTMEAT TUNA FISH can 39c ~~ No aggravating pinfeathers A new merchandise sale will be ,, MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb. 54c ,, held March 22 through 24 at 357 ~ ~ Main Street, Pawtucket, it was ~; HUNT'S ~~ when you buy your poultry here~ announced a t an executive board meet ing of t he Pawt ucket-Cen tral ~~ PRUNE PLUMES No. 2½ can 23c ~~ Call DE 9595 For Delivery Fall s chapter of Hadassah held ~; HALIV AH lb. 35c ~~ Monday night at the home of Mrs. ~ ~ Harvey Epstein, Fourth Street. ~~ GOOD NEWS! ~~ Providence. Proceeds will go to ,, \\le ha,·c Jewish bread and rolls every Monday ,, the Hadnssah Medica l Or ganiza ­ ~ ~ tion in Israel. ,, We will be open S undays from 9 A. M. to I P. M. ~~ H. SERLINSKY In charge of the sa le arc Mes­ ~~ Rem ember spring and t he h olidays fire around the ,, dames Abe SinclnikofT . chairman ; ,) corner. Make a date \\' ith Mr. Black and request the ,, 252 WILLARD AVENUE Charles Scheer, Max G rossm an . ~~ day yo u won t t he bcau(iful Elec tric J ohnson 's Floor <-,', J ack Crovitz. Harry Por tney, Hillel ,, Polisher. We rent it- a dollar n day. Call WI 9861. Spang kt. J oseph Elowi t.z , a nd \,t . FREE DELIVERY! ,,~' Harry Gcrsh_ma n . ~~-Y~~~~~o~,~,~~~~»~~~~~~~~- r ,, home of Sheila Gershman. Her .... Make the most of your ad\er- tising dollars-use the J e w I s h I Hilda Yatsing Yen father, Harry Gershman showed Herald. movies after lunch. Marcia' Dim­ ond a nd Madelyn Rosen also took "',;;;;;======i part in the program for all Girl .... Center Lecturer Scouts in Pawtucket at East ~ For ~"6- '------High School. ~l 1 Bar Mrs. Greenberg is the former Miss Hilda Yatsing Yen, colorful . LJR 8 b Chinese, formerly of the U. N ~G~ y O O Ytiu•,._: r~ Morton Yale Schieffer, son of Gladys Brotman. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schieffer of Celebrate Anniversary secretariat will deliver the An­ WEDDING-­ Edgewood, became Bar Mitzvah Mr. and Mrs. David Levine of nual World Affairs Lecture at the < February 20 at the Jewish War 49 Edgehill Road celebrated their Jewish Community Center on Sun- INVITATIONS ~ DIAPER SERVICE Veterans Hall at 100 Niagara 16th wedding anniversary March 7. day at 8:15 o'clock. Her topic will 4-llour Printing Senice 10 be "Is World Peace Possible?" Printed - Embossed, Street. Guests were present from w dd" A · '.: of Rhode Island, Inc. e mg nn1versary ::: 'j~ · Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cohen Miss ,Yen wa,s educated in this Engraved Q Massachusetts and RJ:iode Island. of 22 Donelson Street celebrated country and in her nactve land Bar-Mitzvah Invitations '"' • Supplies soft, snowy-white, including Rabbi and Mrs. Abra- their 33rd wedding anniversary She was hostess at the Chinese BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ sterilized, borated diapers. ham Chill and Mayor Dennis J. Tuesday. Embassy in Moscow for qer Am­ SHOWER CARDS '"- • Delivers dependably twice- Roberts. New Home bassador Uncle Dr. W. W. Yen FAVORS Q a-week. Change of Address Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rosen ·and former Minister of Foreign Affairs THANK YOU INFORMALS :;; • Individually folds all diapers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rosen, their daughter, Sandra, formerly and Premier of China. From 1935 All Types of Printinc • Returns the same diapers to formerly of 380 Lloyd Avenue. of 261 Doyle Avenue, have moved to 1937 she represented China at TECHNOPRINT ~ the League of Nations on the ~ you every time. h ave changed their address to 601 into their newly-built home at 8 Empire St.. Cor. Weybosset :C • Uses "FABRASEPTIC•" on 94th Street, Surfside, Mi a m i 253 Highland Avenue. question of the Status of Child 1'111 all diapers. Beach. Florida. Welfare. a •Germproof, rashproof. Announce Engagement The program was arranged by and odorproofs all diapers. Announce Birth Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bell of Mrs. A. Budner Lewis, Sunday • Installs porcelain-enameled, Mr. and Mrs. George Lowen- Willard Avenue announce the en- Evening Program chairman of the rustprocif containers with liq- stein of Brooklyn, New York, an- gagement of Mrs. Bell's sister, Miss Center in cooperation with the Breakfasts and Uid deodorant. nounce the birth of a son , Stephen Edith Locke. to Sidney Smith, son ~ R. I. World Affairs Week Council. u ay, on March 8. Mrs. Lowenstein of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel The lecture is jointly sponsored by Luncheons Served z Diaper Service of R.l. is the former Miss Ethel Strelow, Smith of Fall River. Miss Locke the Center and the Bahai Assem­ ~ Daily Q !:ST. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter is the daughter of the late Mr. and bly. The public is invited. Clarence ... ,. cho•r, nl ,,,,,.1,rnin ,· M nll•n• Strelow of Sixth Street. Mrs. Morris Locke . ~ 11 Sherman, president of the World 0 BLACKSTONE 4433 Announce Birth Honored at Party Affairs Council, will open the • ~ 1040 Charles st., Pawtucket Announcement has been made Mr. · and Mrs. David Exter of meeting. • SAVE TIME- Q,, Used and Approved by leading by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Greenberg 155 Dudley Street were honored SAVE ENERGY E-<,._~ ______,_ :c Hospitals and Doctors of the birth of their first child, a at a party celebrating their 35th son, Howard Mack. on March 7. wedding anniversary Sunday at Pawtucket Brownies OUR DELICIOUS their home. A gift was presented to the couple from their children Mark Anniversary Blintzes - Knishes and grandchildren. As part of the 37th anniversary Saltzman-Shapiro of the Girl Scouts of America. the Gefilte Fish The marriage of Miss Evelyn Brownies of T roop 6 in Pawtuc­ Chopped Liver Shapiro. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ket presented an original play Abraham Shapiro of Apponaug, to Saturday on Anita's Playtime Chopped Herring Daniel Howard Saltzman. son of Studio over WRIB. Those taking ARE Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saltzman of part were : Lorimer Avenue. took place March Meryl Dann, Anita Orleck, AVAILABLE WEEKENDS 6 in the Narragansett Hotel, with Sheila Gersh man. Rhoda Boren , 1 Rabbi Eli A. Bohnen officiatmg. Marcia Dimond, Sheila Portney. I assisted by Cantor Jacob Hohe­ Meredith Marks, Geraldine Aug­ l nemser. ust. J ean Wiener. J anet G abar, I Given in marriage by her par­ Donna Levin. Madelyn Rosen , Halmar's , ents. the bride was attended by Susan G abar, Janet Wolfson, I her sister, Miss Avis Shapiro. Mil­ Donna Fishman, Wendy Miller, l ton Rakusin was best m an and Robert Wittner, Fredelle Sand­ Learn the Secret I ushers were Robert Chavis Sarn­ ler. Mrs. Irving A. Wiener. leader; Delicatessen and i uel Goldfarb. Samuel Gar:. Nor­ Mrs. George T. Dann, assistant in 5 minutes I man Saltzman, Irwin Chorney, leader ; a nd Helene Young. pro­ Arthur Pivnick, Sanford Kessler gram aid. Sandwich S·hop Our Unique Method Makes It EASY! and Malcolm Rosenthal. Following the broadcast. tne 778 HOPE STREET After '1 wedding trip to New troop were served lunch at the • You NEED to know the Rumba to get in York, the couple will live on Pem­ MA 3285 on tun and popularity t hii; \\'inter. And it'a broke Avenue. stein, Mrs. Anna Kaufman. and ALL OUR MEATS ARE so eas)' to learn ..• You get the i;ecret of Announce Marriage Louis and Charles .Rothberg, :i. 11 of STRICTLY KOSHER the real Rumba movement in the first 5 min­ Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Meyer of Providence. ute,. Talented, charming experts make learning auch fun, too. And in a few houu Forest Hills, Long Island. have you'll do a smooth. sophi!ticated ·.Rumba t ha t announced the marriage of their looks as if you'd been raised op South Amer· daughter. Miss Geraldine Cecile can rhythm. Meyer, to David Joseph Fineberg, son of Mr. Samuel Fineberg of 't .J;to'tf. H URRY! Holiday partie! are around lhe cornPr. Phone DE 0968 Weybosset Street. The ceremony

I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Levy of Co\\ KOSHER CA TERING Johnston, R. I. announce the birth . 72,95 of their second child, a son , K en­ MAnn1ng UNDER THE neth Roy Levy, on Marcb 10. Mrs. Levy is the former Betty Roy of Supervision of the Woad Hacashruth Providence. Gabrllowitzcs Entertain The Narragansett Is the Only Hotel in Rhode Island Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gabrilowitz of 284 Willard Avenue entertained Approved by the Official Kashruth Orgonization last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Gabrilowitz' sister and brother ­ WITH ALL TIIE CONVENIENCES OF in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sch­ wartz of New BecUont- who had HOTEL ANH DOWNTOWN LOCATION Just returned from a six weeks Bookings for Spring and Early Summer Now Being Accepted vacation in Florida. Other mem ­ George J{\ffee bers of the family at the party Service Mgr. included Mr. nm! Mrs. Abe Eln- The Jewish Herald Historic The Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode l5land. Published Every ''One Man's Opinion" ~ Week in the Year by the Jewish Press Publishing Company, 76 Dorrance St.. Tel. GAspee 4312, Case-Mead Building. Ramblings ~ Subscription Rates: Seven Cents the Copy; By Mail, $3.00 per Made in Israel By JOHN SOLOMON ~ Annum. CHAPTER II < Bulk subscription rates on request. By BERNARD SEGAL I grew up in the town of East S Walter Rutman, Managing Editor; Syd Cohen, News Editor. The Hebrew dailies in Israel, postage stamp of the new State. Greenwich where my father con- J'.!l Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post Office, Providence, and there are twenty of them, are It is to have an outline of the ducted a clothing business for ~ R. I., Under the Act of March 3. 1879. fond of featuring little bits of wit map of Isi·ael, and a picture of many years. He was considered J'.!l The Jewish Herald invites correspondence on subjects of interest and humor sent in by readers. Ben Guryon, the Prime Minister , one of Rhode Island's early cloth- .._ to the Jewish people but disclaims responsibility for an in­ Mothers write in of the wisdom on horse back, with the horse iers. Many years ago, while read- l:!l dorsement of the views expressed by the writers. of their children. Teachers jot standing on its hind legs. ing some early history of that ~ down spontaneous quips of their "Why on the hind legs?" he was town , I came across a most in- iii teresting phrase which stated that ::C pupils. Most of them r e v o 1 v e asked. Opening the Way to Peace around some turn of a phrase or "Because there is no room for t he house standing at the corner ::c twist of a word, and they lose the front legs on the map", quip­ of Main and Long Streets was l:!l The agreement made at Rhodes Friday for a "complete and their meaning in translation. ped the fellow, hinting at the piti­ built by Dutch J ews. Nothing more ~ enduring" cease-fire pact between Israel and Transjordan marks But I have here a few that are ful size of the State. was said, so it leaves a lot to the t:"' imagination as to when it was t::, a further step toward the consolidation by Tel Aviv of its posi­ based on recent events in Israel, No Treasury Either. tion. It stands to reason that the truces between Israel and its An old faithful worker, who built, what they did there or how • and they are characteristic of the long they remained. It is a sturdy ; two most important Arab neighbors tend to open the way to mood of the people in the young was away on a mission somewhere brick structure of Dutch colonial definite peace pacts. The success of the current negotiations State. in South America while the posts 5 design and has always been oc- ;ii, constitutes a tribute to the work of Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, Acting U.S. A. in the cabinet of the State of Is­ cupied. ~ United Nations Mediator for Palestine. An American Jew visiting Jeru­ rael were distributed, came to see the Prime Minister, and very in­ East Greenwich was a town of • That the negotiators at Rhodes plan to go ahead in an effort salem was delighted to see a jeep a pproximately 1000 souls in early to settle pending disputes was indicated when the pre­ with the letters U.S.A. dignantly complained. S colonial days, having a fairly good ~ "Ah , good old Uncle Sam. I .. After all the years of service sented demands for what they call their rights in Jerusalem. The harbor · OJ1 an arm of Narragan- C".> representatives of Transjordan will make counter-proposals. It knew that our America will give to the party, is this to be mt re­ ward? Not even a place in the sett Bay. Early history of the ::C is recognized that accord between Israel and Transjordan on you a hand. Even jeeps they sent town says it carried on consider- .,. the future of Jerusalem would mark an important step toward a you from U.S.A." cabinet? Not even the post of Am­ bassador?" able trade with Surinam, a . Dutch !"' definite settlement of the status of the new state. It is possible A native dampened the enthu­ colony in South America. now ... that the reported desire of King Abdullah to take over that part siasm of the Yankee by remarking; "You are right"-replied Ben Guryon-"you deserve to be re­ called Dutch Guiana. i of Palestine which is not incorporated in Israel may play a role "This is not the same U.S.A. you Quite likely much of this trade "' In the discussions concerning Jerusalem. are thinking of. These three let­ warded. I will appoint you to the post of Secretary of the Colonies." was in Jewish hands. which may ters mean Unzer Shtikel Arbet". be the reason why these Dutch It is, all in all, the general expectation that truces will be

. .. AND 4 Y ou'll like the convenience of d oing business a t Plantations IT'S JUST PLAIN "HORSE SENSE" Bank ... particularly in Provi­ dence where customers enjoy Buying from a thoroughbred outfit like ONE Hou R's FREE PARKING. \ East Side Pharmacy . To il et articles, photo· graphy suppli es, patent medicines, etc, for OPEN FO R YOUR CON VENIENC E any purse or purpose You con bet you r EACH FRIDAY UNTll 5 30 PM. * PAWTUCKET - UNTIL 5 30 P M . THURSDAYS lost two bucks, East Side's low mark-up policy *WES T WARWICK - 6 TO 8 P.M . O N FR IDAYS wi ll a lways turn out winners in value . Race ri ght over See what we hove to show' Tel. Plantations 1000 • PLANTATIONS BANK o/Ritde§~ 61 W EYBOSSET ST. EAST SIDE PHARMACY PROVIDENCE 756 HOPE STREET GA 8618 Free Pick-Up and Delive ry of Prescriptions ,~------~~---~ ~ ~ ======····--·--·---- FREE LOAN MEETING I to be held at the Sheraton-Bilt- ,.. ) ------Featured in "The Male Animal" Mrs. Leo Schachter will give a more Hotel, Wednesday at 2 ,.. Dr. A. Nemtzow reading a t a meeting of the Ladies o'clock. Mrs. David Baratz will Hebrew Free Loan Associatioh preside. Optometrist TIii·: 111-:ST I.'\ "I.SIi" FOIi Al.I, >-iOC'IAI, ,\1-'F:\IHS 29 ABORN ST. GEORGE JfifFEE ... t"l w eddings, parties, :E bar Call JAckson 9780 -(FJ 140 P embroke Avenu~ - Providl'nce, R. I .

,. Listen to "The Eternal Light" ALAN OSTER GERTRUDE WEISINGER The Center Players will present " The Male Animal", their A program series drawn from first production of the season, on Saturday a nd Sunday cven­ ? the rich s torehouse of .Jewish ini:-s, March 26 and 27 at Nathan Bishop .Junior High School. literature, history, a nd music. Al~n Oste r and Gertrude Weisinger are featured me m b e r s • EVERY SUNDAY of the cast. 12:30 to 1 I'. M. Watch for the SUNDAY, MARCH 20 Boston Women IZFA to Sponsor "Jessica, My Zionist Forum Daughter" To Address Hadassah SURPRISE AT FREDDIE'S! Mrs. Cha rles Specter of Boston. ··How do the Various Zionist a na tiona l board member and a F actions Differ in Their Sta nd WJAR Toward Israel?" wi ll be discussed former president of the Boston by prominen t m embers of Zionist ch apter of Ha dassa h. wi ll be the organizations in Rhode Isla nd at guest speaker at a dessert-meeting a n open forum sponsored by the 3"Ae 01'tltfet of capta ins and workers of the Inter-Collegiate Zionist Federation Umpcmq Providence chapter March 24 at oi America. The forum will be Chickens lb 4&c· 1: 15 o"clock a t the Narragansett held in the F aunce House theatre I Hotel. lounge. Brown University. next NET WEIGHT NO HALF POUND ADDED Thursday. The panel will include ta lks by Killing Charge 35 Cents Instead of 40 Centi, Senator Frank Licht, regional 1 Which Also Saves You Money! chairma n of t he Zionist Organi­ ! JEN JEWELRY CO. zation of America: Alter Bayman, I. cha irman of the La bor Zionist DIAMONDS - WATCHES Council of America, and Morris WE HAVE KOSHERED HAMBURG PLATINUM - GOLD MOUNTINGS Shoha m. Miss Henny Wenka rt. 1 Diamonds Reset - Jewelry Repairing secretary of IZFA at Brown. will At All Times--Ground While You Wait. be moderator. Spec ial Designs - Orders in Quality Jewelry Planned for the purpose of ac­ quainting the public with opinions Ask For It. Priced to Save You Money a nd even ts be hind the current rift in Zionist factions, the forum will J. KENNER, Prop. be open to discussion and ques­ lb 69c Room 203 76 Dorronce Street tions by the audience. LAMB CHOPS '--- Menasha Skulnik TURKEYS Net Weight lb. 75c Musical in Boston THE QUEEN ESTHER Most of the dialogue a nd son g I' lyrics in " What A Guy··, the Am­ er ican-Yiddish musical comedy, lb. &oc which is to star the noted comic, CORNED ·BEEF Purim Dance Committee Menasha Skulnik, in Boston. is spoken in English . The New York OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER smash hit will be presented by Edwin A. R elkin for only two performances Sunday matinee and evening, Ma rch 20, at the Boston Wishes to thank the fol lowing donors Opera House. his only N. E. a p­ pearance. for their help and generous gifts In '"What A Guy". which is the work of Abe Ellstein and Isidore your in making Tuesday's Purim Friedma n , Skulnik has a fi eld-day in a laugh-provoking fun fe st order which lasts throughout the two and Dance a success: acts and 12 scenes of this tuneful it will a nd colorful musical production. BE READY Allen Stationery Co. Grossinger's Advance ticket sale and mail Anthony of Miami Kay .Jewelry Co. orders are at Shapiro·s Book Shop AT FREDDIE'S Anton's Kays-Newport 7 Beach Street, Bos ton. T elephone Baird-North Klitzner Emblem Co. Hancock 6-3687. Banner Lodge Kroll Florist Beacon S hops Mills S iste rs (/~ spiet.u, MEAT&" POUL TRY Berry's Ll'ather Co. MufTett's Music S hop Name Chairman of Biltmore Florist Narragansett llotel Boulev;Lrd Florist Peerless of Pawtucket Masquerade Party Benjamin Brier ltanc h llouse l'aul Brookner Betty ltand Mrs. All en Asher is cha irma n Ccntn l'i;Lye rs T. W . ltounds and Mrs. Leo Frye is co-cha irman Check the Floris t S tadium llosll'ry o[ the T emple Beth Israel P urim Club 65 Superbc Case masquerade party. sponsored by Coro, Inc, Nat S wartz the Sisterhood. to be held March Ev,rn s Case Co: Temkin's Tobacco Co. 20 in the T emple ves try. Fashion llouse Trifari Krussman 11ncl Music will be by T ommy Mnsso Fleishmann's Drugs Fislu·I. Inc. a nd his orchestra. Entertainment, · Gaylord S tudio Vogue Florist refreshments a nd prizes a re fea ­ Gensrr Mfg. Co. tured , and the party is open to I 190 \VILLARD AVENUE GAspee 8555 the public. Sy Levy will r ntert.a in. --- . . ------~ • 2} l man Simons, recording secretary; ~ Glantz Family Al Siegel, financial secretary; Bar­ Miriam Hospital Linen Shower Committee Elects at Party ney Buckler, treasurer, and Irving .., Jack Glantz was elected presi- Glantz, chaplain. cl: dent of the Glantz Family Circle A Purim party was held after '"' at a meeting held March 13 at the business portion of the meet­ "° the Jewish Community Center. ing. Earlier in the day a Purim '"' Other officers elected were Charles party was held for the children :i: Parness, vice president; Mrs. Hy- of the Circle. 0 ------· ~.< ~ PROVIDENCE CARPET CLEANING COMPANY Call DE 8086 RUGS and UPHOLSTERY Expertly cleaned in your home or a t., our modern plant. We specialize in rug repairing a nd altering. Binding - Sewing Fringing FREE ESTThIATES Reasonable Prices All Work Guaranteed 5-Day Service "Now Is the Time To Clean Your Rugs11

A meeting was held recently a t the home of Mrs. Philip Joslin of the a r ea chairmen of the Miriam Hospital Women's "You Furnish The Baby . .. Association annual Linen and Equipment Shower to he h eld April 5 at the Narragansett Hotel. Shown are, left to right, first Something row, Mesdames Thomas Goldberg, George Levine, Albert Sh atkin Mal's Will Furnish The Nursery" and Murray Trinkle. Second row, Mesdames Lloyd Bazelon, New!! Mr. and Mrs. Manuel H yman , Samuel Fabricant, Hyman B. Stone, Louis Blattle, a nd E. Scoliard. Not shown are Mesdames Marshall Leeds, David CANDIDS Field and Joseph Eisenberg. P hoto by Fred K elman MAL by and JOE chairman of the Division of R eli­ gious Activities of the Nation al CUTLER Sons of Abraham J ewish Welfare Board, which is t h e organization through which ~abe r~~t'I,~ the American J ewish community ._)ludw Honors ·Rabbi Chill a ppoints full and pa rt-tim e Jewish ':J Large Selection of Baby Furniture! chaplains for t h e a rmed forces. 10 Different Poses • BASSINETS • CRIBS • BATHINETTES Rabbi Abraham Chill was pre­ Complete With Album EMANUEL CELLER TO SPEAK • CARRIAGES • HIGHCHAIRS • PLAY PENS sented with a life contract as Taken in the Home Ema nuel Celler will be the prin­ rabbi of Con gregation Son s of ~pectah.c, ,.,, • BABY WALKERS • TOYS • DOLLS Abraha m Saturday nigh t at the cipal speaker a t the annual Third Clnld.,...,.' • Portrait, S e dar of t h e J ewish National Congr egation's 11 t h anniversary 169 Weybosset Streel OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK dinner at the Narragansett H otel. Worktrs Allian ce, April 17 at the Mor e than 250 m embers of the Na r ragansett Hotel, it was an­ DE 5946 - WI 5250 Con gregation and civic and reli­ noun ced t his week. gious leaders of Rhode Island a nd New York were present at the dinner arranged this year as tri­ bute to Rabbi Chill. spiritual lead­ er of the Congregation for the LILLIAN'S RESTAURANT past six years. Amon g th e speakers were Gov. John 0. Pastore; Mayor Dennis J . Roberts; the R ev. Moses C. H . and DELICATESSEN Chill of Brooklyn, the Providence Rabbi's father ; Rabbi Samuel J. AT 23 BURRILL STREET 1935's Chill of Kingsway, N . Y., his bro­ ALL Plat t h er; a nd the R ev. Abraham K a p­ MODELS TO lan of B rooklyn , his father-in­ ALL 1948'1 law; Walter Sundlun, Alter Boy­ NOW FEA TU RI NG: m a n a nd Archibald Silverman . MAKES UIID C _ A fram ed copy of the resolu­ tions embodied in t h e life con­ Business Men's Lunch GUARANTEED TO BE COMPLETELY tract, which were ad opted by the RENEWED and RECONDITIONED BY OUR board of directors a nd officers of FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS the Congr egation, was presented I to the R a bbi by Samuel Mossberg, 75c and up president of the Con gregation. For That Top Dollar In Trade-In Aaron Goldin of Pawtuc- ket, presiden t of t h e R. I. R a bbi­ Thousands of Lill ian's Friends are Familia r With For That Luxury Ride n ical Association. gave the invoca­ tion. and Rabbi Kaplan said grace. Her Cooking of Jewish Di shes. Since Her Association THIS TIME IT'S HUDSON Rabbi Chill's father sang tradi­ W ith Zinn's and the Many Jewish Parties She Has tional songs of blessings for the Catered, Her Reputation for Good and Tasty Food THIS TIME IT'S occasion in H ebrew. Mitch ell Shul­ has Won He r Countless Friends. ! kin of the con gregation ·s board I of directors was toastmaster . I t R abbi Chill. mindful of t h e I f honor bestowed upon him, prayed A Delicious Treat! ! f for g- uida n ce. wisd om . and healt h ! 1 I to car ry on his work. ! I) I~ X '1 I~ ll f SUNDAY DINNERS ! f I f Served from 12 Noon I ~ Name Rabbi Lewis ! AUTO SALES r ! Part-Time Chaplain ! S:\ LES SEH\111.:F. f I f Appointmen t of Rabbi T h eo- I and for CATER I NG dore Lewis of the Touro Syna­ ! 400 DEXTER STREET • CENTRAL FALLS, R. I. ~ !(Og ue. Newport. as the part- time ! ! Jewish chaplain at Fort Adams , Lillian Is Still Tops SAM STEINGOLD BL 2426 U. S . Naval Training- Station. New­ IRVING BLUM port. has been annou nced by Dr. For Information Coll MAnning 679S ~,=.;:::n:~~,;::::.:,=.;:::n:::.;=:u:::i,;::::.:~:::n:::/J:::,i=:liA:~+::/J:::n::l;J:::l;.::lJC+::/J:::n::lil::il~ I So lorn on B . Free h of of P ittsburgh .

I ------...... ,~

= The Herald is New England's friends and family reading it reg- Our most modern newspaper. Are your- ularly? Western Electric Younger Set SOUND SYSTEMS

CAMP BAUERCREST SOUND SYSTEMS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE ATTITASH AMESBURY, MASS. FURNISHED One of the most beautiful and completely equipped Any Occasion Camps in New England Recordings Made Anywhere A SAFE AND HEALTHY PLACE FOR YOUR E. M. MONAHAN BOY FOR THE SUMMER Bayview 0669 - 0356 FEATURING A JEWISH CULTURAL PROGRAM ilSJIOOE**;tS1()1GIOIGl:::rv1::;10101010101~ 19th Season Opens July 3, 1949 RATE $300 PER SEASON (same as in 1948) JAMES All land and water sports, Dramatics, Nature Study, Photography, Large Arts and Crafts Work Building, Camp Newspaper, Camp Orchestra, Sabbath Observance, Dietary GOLDSMITH Laws, Red Cross Life Saving Program, Nurse and Doctor Insurance of in attendance, Mature Experienced Counselor Staff, Tutor­ ing in Hebrew and School Subjects. Every Type Send for Application to: JOSEPH BLOOMFIELD, Director 805 Industrial Trust Bid&'. 10 Brookside Drive, Cranston, HO 1498 Residence DE 4275 ~Sr.i i':- PROUDLY PRESENTED BY THE ?~ over. In conjunction with the Mrs. A. L. Rosenstein, presi­ ii ;~ opening, a series of dedicatory dent of the Congregation's Sister­ exercises will be held, starting on hood, will designate a committee Sunday, April 10, with the ritual from that group to assist the pro­ CENTER PLAYERS ~ of the transfer of the Holy Scrolls 212 Union !lltreet I gram committee. Dr. Irving Kap­ Providence or Torahs and climaxed with a lan will head the banquet com­ banquet in the new auditorium. mittee. JAckson 280rs § Saturday and Sunday Evenings !j Most of the exercises will be opened to the general public, March 26 March 27 which contributed so generously 'r.~ $)' to make possible the building of r. ~ , NATHAN BISHOP JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL )' the modern edifice. j ? For '- Sessions Street at Elmgrove Avenue The committee planning the ?~ program arrangements is headed •~ CURTAIN AT 8:30 ~·, by A. Louis Rosenstein, with Sam­ C BOYS ~ ~ uel Olshansky as co-chairman. , ADMISSION-$1 .20 including tax '< Other members of the committee and ' ~ are Samuel K aplan , Dr. Irving ~ Tickets on sale at Axelrod's, 45 Snow Street ~< Kaplan, Morris Ross, Morris Fish­ GIRLS Halmar's Delicatessen bein, Irving Koffler, Sol Koffler, g ~~ Dr. Aaron Gershkoff, Dr. Benja­ 1 - 15 Yean or Ap 778 ~ Hope Stre~t ?~ man Garfinkel. David Steingold, Wl1'DSOR, CONN. ~~~~~~ and Samuel Orenstein, with Ben­ Ideally Situated- Choice of Direct Transportatlon- jamin Winicour in charge of pub­ 2 Hours Ride from Providence licity. Rabbi Morris G. Silk and Expe rtly Olrer ttd B y Expt'ritn c-e d Professional Group \V orken ""OFFER~ A REAL ADVENTURE IN LIVING FOR YOUR C HILD" • Extensive Acreage & ·water J-' ront • Free from Sc h edul~s and _ • All Land and \Vater S port.! R<'rlmentation BOSTON ,OPERA HOUSE • Nature Lore • A1 t~ & Crarts • One Starr Member F..t.·11 !\ Ch1ldr~n Olympic Bowling • C rcati\·e Dramatics • C:1mp C r a ft • Resident Regis tered ~ :1, , ,. and HUNTINGTON AVENUE. BOSTON, MASS. • J ewish C ultural Programm1n~ D o,:\(, S t·r\"l ce By SIDNEY GREEN • Folk Dandng • O vc-rnir(hl H ik~R : g~~!:!.~.ura~;mibesrer~~~ll ~Ill'\'.' I • Orche-stra • Camp F ire Progra n:s • Sc reened Cabins \ \· it11 Modern 2 PERFORMANCES ONLY The Gordons really re-enacted • Sahhath ScrvlC'es, et al Plumbinf the almost forgotten Black Sox $300. Inclusive (Except Laundry) - No Uniforms Required scandal in their match against 4 WEEK (Halt Season) REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED Sunday Matinee and Evening, March 20 the front-running Rodyn five by Chas. M. Browdy. Dir. David Cohen. Asst. Dir. dropping four very important 846 Farmington Ave. 30 Harvard A venue EDWIN A. RELKIN points-important, that is, to the West Hartford 7, Conn. Providence, R. I . presents Levines and the Cohens. Capt. PLantatlons 5129 Gordon's alibi is that he"s been 33 - 1087 The Funniest Man in Town up every nite with the new addi­ tion. but ALL the others couldn't -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0-(i~ have been keeping him company. MENASHA. The A vens finally stopped the ~! limited Registrations Available on-rushing Schwartzes by taking ', two points, while the Lobels lost ', SKU:E.NIK 3- 1 to the J acobsons. Only two ii men were available at the start eaHlf-1- hao,,u ~ In the Hilarious Musical Comedy so the J acobson subs included the ~ g Misses Kaplan and Carlin. and ~' FOR JEWISH GIRLS, 7-1 S YEARS OF AGE ~ Mrs. Jacobson the all-impor­ ,, Operated on a non-profit basis by the tant fight for second place ended ~ I ' I A Guy" in a stalemate as the Cohens and ~ New Eng lonq Section- Jewi sh W e lfare Board ...~ ''What Levines split. § ENTIRE SEASON- $230 FOUR WEEKS-$115 Complete Original Cost, Production and Chorus T he Rodyns took HT3 honors i Direct from Second Avenue Theatre, New York with 1539 and the Avens' 539 was ~~ Horseback Rldi.ng Boating. Canoeing. Swimming , tops for team single. Misch Sat­ ~: J ewish and General Cultural Activities Mature ~ Only New England Appearance lol!"s total pinfull of 347 wus high Leadership Excellent Kosher Food Trips Fun. for the nite and Reeve ZutlofI and S ?; Tickets SHAPIRO'S BOOK and RECORD SHOP Winn shared high single honors ~! Enroll Through Your Community Center or 'Y' or i< 7 Beach Street, Boston- Te l. HA 6-3687 with 128. Other good scores in­ Now: Moi l Orde rs Accepted- Send cluded J . Hochmun- 124. S. Hoch­ ~ Write or coll CAMP NAOMI , 228 Pork Square Building, i~ Se lf-Addressed Enve lope man- 12:l. R odyn- 119, H . Cohen - 122. I. Levlne- 116. and Jucob­ tt Boston 16, Moss Hubbard 2 -4620 ~ ~ ... son- -114 . ~~~~~~, I I

I Organization of America and gen­ nificance of Purim; and Mr. Ser­ .... Pioneer Women Plan .Donor Supper-Dance eral secretary of the Alliance, who abnick of New York, who is tour­ "" related his experiences in Israel; ing New Engla nd for organiza­ Alter Bayman, chairman of the tional purposes. Labor Zionist Council; Solomon Mrs. Sidney Factor sang, ac­ '"3 Lightman, who talke.d on the sig- compained by Mr. Einstein. =l:"l '-~~.,, ~ "YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, , 0 I < j NOW TRY THE BEST" •...:::, l:"lz ~ ~ WASHINGTON PARK CLEANSERS l:"l ... l 1674 Broad Street STuart 8807 l:"l SPECIAL! ~... 00 DRESSES PLAIN 89c CLEANED = EACH ~ =l:"l SKIRTS and SWEATERS 40c ~ s ~ ;j FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE ~ ~ ~ DAVE KRAKOWSKY, Proprietor ~ .., ';.~~~#Y~~o/~~ ..~ i::, > !< ~ ~ABY CANDIDS" > ~ By ~ =.... $"' FRED KELM-AN ...... Wedding Gifts (: the J ewish Community Center. meeting at Temple Emanuel every () Sons of Abraham () (, Cantor Jacob Hohen em ser , music Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. COMPLETE SE LECTIONS OF Synagogue director of Tel Noar Lodge. will again be in charge of the proceed­ () Is Now Available for ings. The highlight of the evening Workers Allia nee WATCHES - FOUNTAIN PENS Showers, Wedding-s, will be the showing of a n ew pic­ ;~ Bar Mitzvahs, Banquets ture. "Tomorrow Is A Wonderful 1'. SILVER HOLLOWARE and FLATWARE ( , tionwide campaign, which resulted th e annual Purim celebratipn and in the shipping of a $50,000 gar­ KAPLAN'S "For QUALITY and SERVICE" supper of th e J ewish Na tional . '~ m ent factory and a farm tractor Workers Alliance Sunday at the JEWELERS to Israel by Nationa l Masada. Narragan sett Hotel. Max Berman ( , i 199 WEYBOSSET STREET E. S. CRANDALL Radio Raffle m ade the presentation. < Lois Andelman, Raffle chairman Speakers for the evening were ' GOING INTO OUR 47TH YEAR DAIRY of the Bia likites Y.J., Club. an­ Louis Segal, m ember of the acti­ nounced th at the club has sold Properly Pasteurized over fifty books of tickets for a v i ti cs committee of the Z io nis t 'K>IOIOIGIGl'.',ic+OIOIGIOIOl0101010tolc+01SO-o+O!G!01010!010IOl'.:.C+CO~c+ot-'l+-'l+-'o+C Radio Raffle to be h eld April 7 at f,"';"',"',"';"',"',O"'V,"';"',~"","',"';"',"~Y~~~~~~~'f'/4~.>.~°'~~~,"'Y,"'~,"',"'Y/4o/,•~ Milk and Cream 28 1 Oln ey Street. Welcome Co-Leader A Friend to the The Emma Lazarus Y.J. Club Jewish People welcomed Miss Florence Berman. IThe Veterans Affair of the Year! I their new co-leader, at their last 12 Lowell Ave. EL 0700 meeting. Miss Berman will hel1) i~ 2nd ANN UAL VETERANS' BENEFIT BALL ~- direct the Purim P lay a nd will as- ~ SPONSORED BY ~,, I'I ~ EUWIN SOFORENKO and MORTON SMITH or ii REBACK-WINSTEN Post No. 406 ~~ ~ ~ INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. i~ JEWISH WAR VETERANS, Pawtucket, R. I. ~~ ;~ SHERATON-BILTMORE HOTEL BALLROOM ~~ COMMERCIAL and PERSONAL ANALYSIS li Saturday, April 2, 1949 ~~ ~~ Featuring : INFORMAL Admi ssion . "~ 93 Eddy Etrt>et lJNlon 1923 ;t A SPARKLING $1.75 PER PERSON ~~ New York Ortlre-2fi Platt Street , N. Y. Whitehall 3-5770 ,, FLOOR SHOW DANCING 8- 12 (Tax Incl.) \' ~ t i)y,,,?",'~"',"'',''"~i","J",';',"'P,~~~~~;~00~;~~.,.1';";1','J';,",';"-.~~ dinner Wednesday evening at 6: 30 F ashion Show of the Providence o·clock at the Narragansett Hotel. Section . National Council of J ew­ Reservations for the dinner, ish Women given at a meeting which is given in recognition of last Friday announced further ~ THE IIIL0~!!o!.!A~~DATJON I Mr. Miller's many years of faith­ plans of the affair to be held dedicated to beauty ful service and his efforts in sell­ March 29 at the Narragansett ;~ Announces the ing two million dollars worth of Hotel. I in America's Homes War Bonds during the past war, A fashion show, presented by m ay be obtained by calling Char­ Fredleys of Boston and Provi­ ~~ SILVER JUBILEE BALL ~ les Coken, secretary, at HO 7738, dence, will feature professional or contacting Leo Greenber g. Isi-· models. music and a skilled n ar ­ ~~ SHERATON-BILTMORE HOTEL I EMPIRE dor Leitner. Leo Waldman, George rator. ;~ March 26, 1949 ~ Wall Paper & Paint Co. Rice or Abraham Levin. Preceding t.he show which strats at 2 o'clock will be a dessert h om ?~ Semi-Formal Subscription S 94 Empire St. GA 3378 H pays to ad vertise-in the al 12:30 o'clock. >< No Flowers $3.60 per couple lt J ewb h Herald. Admission to the show is a ~~~~~,,...... ~~ ..... <,_~ 1,.~tA°,~>~~~~ bundle of used clothing or house­ hold articles of a minimum esti­ mated r esale value of $15 in the for furs -- for discriminating Council Thrift Shop. FREE CALL AND DELIVERY Mrs. Sanford Zarum and Mrs ON ALL Pred Kenner are in charge of de­ Women . .. Visit .' . corations. • CLEANSING Committee members are: Mes­ • TAILORING dames Morris Baruch and Isad01 S. Low. ch airmen of Fa shio n • LAUNDERING Sh ow; assisted by Mesdames Wal­ • BOND FUR STORAGE HARRY WEINBERG & SONS ter Adler , treasurer ; Louis Efros reser vations; Archie Finkle, pub­ licity: Joseph Pulver, secretary John J . Rouslin, pr inting, and SCOTT CLEANSERS 3rd Floor, Conrad Building Jacob F ogel, h ostesses. On the Thrift Shop Committee ST 1230 385 WESTMINSTER STREET :: PROVIDENCE, R. I. are Mesdames Adah Schwartz chairman ; Sidney Rabinowitz, Na ­ 981 BROAD STREET 832 PARK AVENUE GAspee 6593 than Perlow. Joseph Smith, A. H 180 ELMWOOD AVENUE Klein and S. Rothschild. Associate chairmen for the af- fair are Mesdames Samuel F a bri­ _can t. Louis Rosenstein, J . Aronson C. Friedman , L . Efros, A. Finkle Walter Nelson, J ack Queler. B STAR . ., rt'~ Finberg, B. Zeman . W. Adler and J . Pulver. Just To Let The World Know Assisting on the general com­ mittee are Mesdames A. Adler Delicatessen and Restaurant Co. Louis Adler. B. Bernhardt, M Bernstein, Peter Bardach, Leo 21 Douglas Avenue I ' • ' Col-ien , J ack Davis. Herman Fein­ stein, H . Fisher, I. Gordon , S SANFORD. . . Gray, B. Goldberg, L. Kortick, L An Unsolicited Testimonial! K atz, S. L. K essler, Charles Pot­ Gentlamec: ter, David Pollock, Max Kesten ­ I wish to taka this opportunity to exprase my m an, H. Levaur, S. Markoff Is the Cheapest in Town elnce re apprec iation f or the excellent reception you Charles Miller, B. Ross, A. l;te{·n­ a~ranged for my Ber Mltzvah, herz, B. Rosseau, Harold Stanz er It was complete le avery detail. Not only wae Lester ,Siegel, J . Schreiber. E. So­ the re plenty of f ood but each llttla hor d'oeuvrae, forenko, B. Schneider, W. P . Wein­ tha dog mad~ with cola _slaw, tha bible of potato stein, A. Weiss, H. Weiner, s • ealad, the liver in the form of a turkay, atc., aach Yulo ff, J . Young ·and B. Rantz. wae an 1nd1 vldual work of art. I t not onl y 1mpraeeed my loc8l gue sts but thoee HONOR GREBSTEIN AT USC that c ame from New York aad 86 far Weet 88 Wieconein, Sheldon Grebstein, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sigmund G rebstein Youre sincerely. of Vermont Avenue. was installed SANFORD LIQUORS as vice president of the English Honorury Society at the Univer ­ sity of Southern California. Mr 1290 Broad Street ~·~ G rebstein. an assistant of Dr ( htro ~· · (/) Frunk C. Baxter, professor of STuart 8844 En glish a t USC, will graduate in June. \.I

'° To Direct Sing Auxiliary Bowling By TEDI GREEN With the ch ampionship of the second half depending on the out­ come of each ball rolled, the Steingolds fough t back after dropping the first two strings to win the final string from th e Hochmans and the right to meet the Levines in the play-offs. The final standings of the teams show­ ed the Steingold's with 26 points, the Hochmans-25, the Cohens­ ! 1, and the unpredictable Levine five-10. With defeat starin g the Stein­ gold ga ls . squarely in the eyes. and with the chips definitely on the line, Louise Boren a nd Helen Lehrer really showed the stuff Be a Generous Host! that champs a re made of by bowl­ GOLDEN ROSE ing 105 and 90 respectively, and Pass on t he good news this proved to be the margin of TEA about ' Golden Rose and victory. H omeland Tea - the luxury Golden Ro! e is a 1ich teas wilh the t h,ilty prices. JACOB HOHENEMSER To finish off our first season in blend 9f Pekoe and grand style, an informal banquet First National Teas, rich in i:.. Cantor Jacob Hohenemser, Orange teas. It"s the flavor - the kind of teas -.-> leader of many Zionist Youth will be held on Thursday night, kind of tea tha t folks that fo lks praise, You'll ~ Sings throughout Massachusetts March 24, at J ohnson's Grill. at praise . . . and at a appre ciate the 'iavings, too, S and Rhode Island, will lead the 7 o'clock. All lea gue members are sav·ng price, too. • ..,. third Providence Sing tomorrow cordially invited to a ttend. a nd trophies will be given out at t h at 8 oz o evening at 8:30 o'clock at the PKG 49c ~ J ewish Community Center on 65 time. i:i.. Benefit St. The Sing sponsored t by the Young Judaean Leaders' Council in cooperation with Ma­ Wise to Defend HOMELAND TEA sada, Junior Hadassah, Senior Homeland lea Pags have gained great Judaea a nd IZFA, will feature Melishes in Sermon popularity. It's so easy to get a perfect the showin g of a new movie, (Continued from Page 1) cup of tea every time. "Tomorrow ls A Wonderful Despite statehood being a fait Economy 48 BAGS 39 Day". Zionist Youth Sin gs are accompli. Rabbi Wise said. the Ctn of 75c IN CTN C free and open to the public. work of Zionism must continue. 100 Bags "Jews who are timid and non­ Jews who are unfriendly." Dr. Wise said. "profess to fear th at --MEAT VALUES--· -FRESHER PRODUCE ATalk J ews will be guilty of dual a lleg­ Heavy Corn Fed W< stern Steer eeel i::mce now that the s tate of Israel FLORIDA BABIJUICE h as been establish ed. Nothing Rib Roast LB 59c With The Rabbi could be remoter from reality. My Bone in - Popular O ven or Pot Roast America nism compels me to seek ORANGES By RABBI J . GOLDSTEIN for Jews everywhere the freedom Chuck Roast LB 53c Natural Tree Ripened O ranges t"A Talk with the Rabbi" is a and equality which are my own. Young Roasting Po,k - Whole or Either r nd series of commentaries made by "To that end the state of Israel 8 LB MES~ BAG GOOD SIZE Rabbi J. Goldstein, upon various is establish ed . It belongs to its own Pork Loins 55c scriptures and literature f.ound. in citizenship_- J ews in other lands, Boned and Rolled ii Desired DOZ his personal library. Presefftly, the such as these United States. have 55c -33c talk will be devoted to the works no political or national conn ec­ Lamb Fores LB 45c found written in the book, "The tion with it. They are-or ought to Commandments", by N. Mindel, be- well meaning friends and gen­ Light Firm Meat Juicy Florida Indian River - Large Size published by Kehot Publication erous supporters of it as it be­ LB59c For Society, N. Y.) com es the home for homeless Veal Legs Grapefruit 3 2 9c The Divine Revelation on Mount J ews." Smoked or Fresh- Reg. ~ tyle - Lean ~hort Shank Sinai took place in the presence Fancy Northwe!.t W inesap Shoulders · LB 45c of ALL Israel. BROWNIE TROOP ELECTS Apples 2 Lbs 29( To quote ( Hile­ Donna Fishman was elected Fresh Young Broilers or Fr)ers choth Yesodei Hatorah, Ch. 8): Shce fo; Winter S•lads president of Brownie Troop 6 of LB "Not because of the sign s that Pawtucket Ma rch 8. Others elected Chickens 49C Cel,o Moses p erformed did Israel believe were Meryl Dann, vice president; Fresh Ground Lean Beef Tomatoes Pltg 19c in Moses . . but at the Revelation Wendy Miller . scribe and Madelyn LB Andy Boy Fa ncy Green on Mt. Sin ai, when our own eyes, Rosen , treasurer. Hamburg 53C and not a stranger's, saw; and Fancy Skinless - S ure To Be Tende r - Bunch 35c when our own ear s, and not a ny Broccoli LB one else's, h eard, the fire, thunder matter of trust and tradition, but Frankfurts 53( Ready For the !:alad a nd lightning, and he (Moses) en­ a fact, the authenticity of which Cello tered into the cloud, a ncl the Voice has been c;ontinually reaffirmed = LENTEN SEA FOOD VALUES= Salad Bowl Pkg 19c spoke unto him, and we heard, by the daily 11rayers ancl the ob­ Ft'esh Slewing l=re sh Meaty Slices "Face to face. did G-d speak unto servan ces of the commandments Oysters Pt 59c Cod Steak Lb29c Fresh, Sweet, Tender by all Israel, generation a f t e r you .. " Thus, they to whom Fancy White Me at generation. Fancy C ape Carrots 2 Bchs1 9C Moses was sent were the attestors Ma eke rel Lb 19c Halibut Lb 49c to his prophecy . . . " TALMUD TORAH HONOR ROLL Maimonides goes on to say that AND SCORE LIST should a ny "prophet" attempt to HONOR ROLL (all 100) Mark, Recllick, Garfinke l, Hay­ refute the prophecy of Moses by RECENTLY REDUCED • EVANGELINE any sort of "proof", we would not man, Berm.in, Blau, Rubin, ·weiss, Popular Lenten food Favorites listen to him, for It would be the M i I I e r , Wein stein , Blankstein, Goldstein, ShifTman, N o um an , MILK same as if some on e were to try Finast Deep Red 7¾ oz 53 to convince us a gainst som ething Ferclm an, Land. Steak Salmon CAN C we had seen or heard with our SCORE LIST 4 g~~ 49c own eyes and ears. We should re­ Wasserman, 80; Swartz, 75; Richmond 7¾ oz 39 gard his "proof" a s nothing but Berger . 75 ; llassenfcld, 90. Steak Salmon Fine Qu•lily CAN C trickery and deceit. (To be continued) Advertisem ent Ready For 5oz 35 Says the a uthor of Sefer Ha­ MARGARINE the C howde r CAN C chinuch In his preface; " It is the Maine Clams establish ed practice of a ll civilized Cloverdale 2 LB 47c Meatless Spoghettl peoples of the world to accept the I l able Qu•lity PKGS PKG Chef Boyardee Dinner 36( eviden ce of two or more witnesses as conclusive proof, even to the MACARONI extent of sentencing a man to '------..! Franco-American AND CHEESE I~~~· 1sc his cleath . . . That is why G -d (Continued from Page 2) CHEESE FOOD ga ve the Torah to Isra el in the Mrs. Loretta Louisa Reinherz, Mrs. Fi1st presen ce of 600,000 male adults, Kraft Macaroni Dinner 2 PKGS 29( Helena Evelyn Monti. Mrs. Doro­ N•tion•I so tha t they could bear testimony thy Edna Colagiovanni and Mrs. to the fact." G loria Virginia Masi. As for the g-cncratlons following Also surviving are seven sisters, the Revelation on Mt. Sinai down Mrs. Rose Dressler . Mrs. Annie Those Pr ices Effective •• First N•tionol Self-Se rvice Super Marlets in Th i, Vic inity - Subiect to Market Ch•nqes to our present day, all those gen ­ G insberg, Mrs. F a nnie Bronstein, erations of Jews who clld not Mrs. Celia Eisenberg, Mrs. Rena the mselves sec the Revela tion but Sommerstein, Mr:~. Sarah Kalver heard a bout it from their fathers an cl Mrs. lcla Kapla n, and two ill·lilli and grandfathers, acceptance of brothers. Louis a nd A b r a h am the Torah Is for the m not Just a Goldstein.

J ------

clared a huge success by the 350 ..., members there. Gertrude Tarnapol was chairman of the affair. CLASSIFIED Mrs. Horty Cohen proved that OPPORTUNITIES sh e's one step ahead of high style -'l - sh e was wearing one of the very ;; ~ Classified Advertising Rates: 7c outfits that was modeled at the per word: Sl.25 minimum. Call show! t ;J GAspee 4312. Deadline Tuesday With ARLENE SUMMEB · New Parents o night at 5 P. M. The Harold Robinsons (she was ;:S Considerate Stork thing in her life, recently broke Norma Goldis) became parents for o Lt. Lewis Forbes, home on leave the jinx at the exposition at the the first time on March 9. It was t:o:l DRESSMAKING, TAILORING, drivers. Auto driving the easy for two weeks from the station Cranston Armory when she won a a baby girl and they've named ~ I ALTERATIONS of all IQ,nds. way. Relax while you learn. GA hospital, Camp Lee, Va., had his three day trip to New York-all her Jill Karen. t:,,i _-, Men's and boys' shirts. All work 4848. ufn leave well timed. During his visit, expenses paid! guaranteed. PE 3829-R. 3-18 his daughter, Mrs. Lester Bern­ Mr. and Mrs. To-Be HAVE YOUR DRESSES, suits and stein, gave birth to a second child, Best of luck to Frimette Rubin ------;;...~ LEARN TO DRIVE. The average gowns done by expert French David, on March 1. The Bern­ and Fred Fishman who will be BARRINGTON 00 person receives his license with­ dressmaker. Work at its best. steins have another son, Richard. married Sunday : . . and to Ann­ Plumbing and Heating = in ten days with approved BL 3445-J. ufn Sorority Dance ette Morgenstern and Leo Green­ m e th o d s at Albright Auto The Beta Sigma Gamma sor­ feld, who'_!! become bride and 3 YEARS TO PAY-F.H.A. School. GI approved, certified MARSHALL'S EXPRESS - Local ority at Bryant is having a Gay groom the same day. WA 0515-M and long distance moving. 90's Dance at the Bryant gym Television Debut James Lemoi Stoves and refrigerators a spec­ tomorrow night. Friends of the Louis Dresses ialty. Package delivery service. First Anniversary were surprised to see the couple WEDDINGS - BANQUETS JA 4119. 3-18 The Irving Kushners of Goddard appear on the Paul "Jerry Ma­ and ALL OCCASIONS SCREENS Street celebrate their first wed­ honey" Winchell television show Custom Built SPENCER CORSETS, all types. last week. Phyllis and Lou at­ ding anniversary March 21. Mrs. Porch and Window Screens Fitted in your home. Mrs. Alice K . is the former Bernice Glass­ tended the show while in N . y _ UNITED Concannon, TE 3777, after 4:30 man of Dorchester. Fashion Show UNION SCREEN CO. MUSICIANS and ARTISTS or TE 2894. 3-25 Finally Won The Fashion Show sponsored Screens _ Doors _ Windows ~ BUREAU Mrs. Samuel Woolf, who has last week by the Roger Williams 125 Summer St. DE 3523 ~ Furnish the BEST in Music, FOR RENT- two furnished rooms, said that she's never won anY-. Chapter of B'nai B'rith was de- ______~ Singing and all forms of Smith Hill. Kitchen privileges, ------= Entertainmeht suitable for couple or single No affair too Big or person. PL 0062. ufn too small Also Music Arranging Ser vice LICKER, Plumbing and H eating TRANSPOSITIONS Service. General line of plumb­ (vocal and orchestral ) ing. All kinds of piping and Suite 37, Conrad Bldg. plumbing supplies. Call JA 3389. 385 Westminster St. 4- 1 Contact CURTAINS EXPERTLY LAUND­ SHERWOOD ROSEN ERED to your satisfaction. Call­ ~~ JA 5028 ed for and delivered. DE 5811. "If you furnish the time-­ 4-! We'll furnish the talent_" RIDERS WANTED-Providence to Boston. Leaving Providence 7: 30 OUR 43rd YEAR A. M . daily; returning, leaving Boston 4 :30 P . M . Phone DE 5754. GOOD NEW~ ROOM FOR RENT-at Pier with private family. Kitchen privi­ leges. Call ST. 3587 . ffe! BABY--SITTER s ERV ICE­ children, invalids. Trained, de­ pendable workers. Day, night, week-ends. Providence, E. Provi­ A SUCCESS STORY dence, Cranston, Pawtucket. Call EL 6473. 3- 18 by V/i]ff~ GIRL WANTED for light house­ keeping and care of school-age child. Live in. Good home. Call HO 1572. DOROTHY WILLIAMS, with head­ quarters at 200 Wayland Square, FLOOR SERVICE cleaning and waxing. A good job well done. OPENS A NEW BRANCH SHOP Reasonable charges. John F. TOMORROW on the third floor of Prior, EL 8270. 3- 25 the Lapham Building in the heart of WINDOW CLEANING. Since 1929. Prompt service. Homes, stores, downtown Providence ... only .the factories and office bulldings. patronage and loyalty of thousands 585 NORTH MAIN ST. Industrial Window Cleaners, EA 2144. 4-8 of satisfied DOROTHY WILLIAMS customers has made this possible ... SPRING DANCE our policy in both stores will con­ KORB BAKING PRODUCTS T h e Sh alshalets' spring dance, May be Obtained at The '49ers, will be h eld a t the tinue to be the same ... the finest J ewish Community Cen ter April 9, it was announced last week by in fashion at the fairest of prices. Halma r's Miss Elinor Gleckman, corres ­ ponding secreta ry. Pla ns a nnounc­ Come in and see us in either of 778, HOPE STREET ed include music by J i mm y our shops Ba ron e.

For persons of discriminating tastes our watches command the respect of precision workmanship and beauty

COTTONS ) 0.95 let 49,95 STRt:):T l>Rt:$!i t:S . .. 19.9? 1"65. A ll our Platinum d iamond pi eces are styled a nd g3sT11m:s. ma nufactured a t our own factory W:ll .~.. 39.95 1" 165. HARRY BALLON and CO. 73 Dorrance Street, 4th fl oor DOWNTOWN SHo, ••• LA,HAM BUILDING,,, EAST SIDE SHo,, •• 200 WAYLAND SQUAII.E .~ .' L i 00 Recent Engagements I "Pleasing Patterns in Pop_ular Music" en DUKE HALL'S ""'en ... ORCHESTRA 00 ... A splendid, well-organized group-playing every type of =0 dance-thoroughly reliable-­ =< references. ,a ,. For available dates call ~ PErry 0813-W < ..Q The "Center" Orchestra = "'i:i ~ WI 0391 =i:.:i = For Good Furniture ... See Your Old Friend ...00 ~ SHffiLEE PORT i:.:i JUDITH RODINSKY DOLORES BLAU ADELE PAUL HARRY BLA~CK ... Announcement has been made Announcement has been made Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Port of i;.:i Georgia Avenue have announced Mr. and Mrs. Max RodJnsky by Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Blau by Mr. and Mrs. James Paul of l l 89 Eddy Street 0 of Orms Street announce the of Ayrault Street of the en­ Camden Avenue of the engage­ the engagement of their daugh­ ~ engagement of their daughter, gagement of their daughter, ment of their daughter, Miss ter, Miss Shirlee Port, to Her­ Providence, R. I. Q · Miss Judith Rodinsky, to Jerome Miss Dolores Blau, to William Adele Paul, to Stanley F. Turco, bert Edinburg of Worcester. The ~ Ritter. son of Mr. and Mrs. Melzer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ab­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham couple plan a fall wedding. 0 Henry Ritter of Fall River . raham Melzer of Chester Ave. N. Turco of Dartmouth Avenue. ~ ,, ~ Miss Rodinsky is a graduate Photo by S argent Studios Jal of Hope High School. Mr. Rit­ You Haven't Tasted Delicious = ter graduated from Durfee High Plan Paid-Up Fried Chicken Until You've Tried E-< School a nd is now a student at To Discuss Plans the RCA Institute in New York Membership Party City. Photo by Colonial Studios For New Hospital Plans for a paid-up member­ CHOPPY'S ship La wn Party of the Ladies Dr. Herman P. Grossm an and FRIED CHICKEN Fineman-Trinkle Post Association of the J ewish Home Mrs. G en evieve Nesby will discuss Joseph M. Choptowy plans for the new Miriam Hospital 313 WARWICK AVENUE, CRANSTON WI 9342 for t h e Aged were m ade at a board at the Women's Association meet­ Plans Stunt Night m eetin g h eld W ednesday after­ Right at the Pawtuxet River Bridge ing March 21 at Froebel Hall. Open 12 noon to 2: 30 A. M. Fineman-Trinkel Post Jewish noon at t he home of Mrs. H. War Veterans 439 will m eet at Aisenberg on Emeline Street. The TO ENTERTAIN Orders to Take Out T emple Emanuel Monday. March party will be h eld at the Home Miss Anita B ornstein. w e 11 - < 21. The progr a m planned for the known children's story- teller of Fried Chicken Is Our Specialty on June 1. evening includes an original per­ Playtim e Studios, will entertain Our Customers Say It's the Finest in Town ' formance of skits and stunts with A final r eport of the recent at t he Children's Theatre of the m embers of the post and auxiliary Straw B onnet Festival was pre ­ J ewish Community Center Sunday ALL OUR CHICKEN IS FRESHLY KILLED participating. sen ted by Mrs. Irving L. Solomon. after~oon at 2 :30 o'clock. ·1v'fC+8!GIGIGIGl: t~!0181818!2i:18f018l8!8!2!X!:Y.O!O!G!G+G!OIG181'.:;IO!GIGIC+G!O!OOOOG~' OF HOPE STREET MILLER'S Is Coming Your Way! Delivery Service To All Parts of PROVIDENCE -- CRANSTON -- PAWTUCKET