SIR SANDFORD FLEMING A Life Worth Celebrating

Canada's first adhesive postage stamp, the Please join us for a Sesquicentennial Threepenny Beaver, designed I1y Fleming in 1851. Celebration of Sir Sandford Fleming's arrival in our region.

andford Fleming arrived in this region, travelling by way of City and SMontreal to Kingston, and continuing by boat to what he described as " a nice healthy little town", . The 18-year-old Sandford and his older brother, David, arrived in Peterborough by horse-drawn cart on June 17 1845,where Sandford made his home with Dr. and Mrs. John Hutchison. Sandford Fleming contributed much to this area. His drawings and maps accurately depict the community as it was in the mid-1800s, and his copious diaries provide

Sir Sandford Fleming (seated, right) as part of the enlightening detail. In turn, this community enriched his life - his wife Jeannie Hall, Intercontinental Rililway Group. whom he married in 1855,was a Peterborough native. But Fleming was always searching for broader horizons and greater challenges. His keen intelligence and scientific and artistic ability involved him in many significant accomplishments, which included:

Surveys and maps of the harbour of Advocacy of iron railway bridges over Knighthood by , the towns of Peterborough and wooden, for safety and durability. in 1897 as part of her Diamond Jubilee Cobourg, and the Grand Trunk, Ontario, celebrations. Simultaneous supervision of the Simcoe and Huron railways. sur.;eys of both the Intercolonial and Advocacy of a submarine cable which Design of a working prototype of an lines between 1872 would link all the nations of the British in-line skJlte in 1848. and 1876. Empire by telegraph. Pacific Cable was finally completed in 1902. Foundation of the Royal Canadian Establishment of Universal Standard Institute in Toronto in 1849. Time, which he recommended to the Royal Naming of Peterborough's community Canadian Institute in 1879, and which was college in his honour. Sir Sandford Fleming Design of 's first adhesive adopted universally in 1884. College was established in 1967. postage stamp, the Threepenny Beaver, in 1851. Appointment as Chancellor of Queen's University in 1880. Fleming held Appointment as Chief Engineer of the this position for 35 years, until his death. Northern Railway in 1855. '1, I ',I jar Appointment to the Board of Proposal for a coast to coast railway Directors of Canadian Pacific. Fleming was line spanning "British North America" present when Donald A. Smith drove in the in 1858. "last spike" in 1885. Appointment as sole engineer to Companion of the Order of St. supervise the survey of the proposed Michael and St. George in 1887. , linking the Fleming realized a lifelong dream when Pacific Cable connected the I1y telegraph in 1902. Maritime Provinces with Quebec.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday June 10, 12.15p.m. -1.45 p.m. Thursday, June 13, 7.30p.m. Slide show "Ocean to Ocean" tells the ~~~~:::r:e ~~~~;~rr~¥~ii~~::i.\\ :~:~:::' ~~s~:::~;d Fleming at story of Fleming's life Sir Sandford , Cobourg Cobourg Harbour,.: ..:·:...... King St., Cobourg Greeted by Mayor Joan @&~~YiC:h!.Wd'f"· ·;:;••:.M9:hgay June 10, 2 p.m. Friday June 14, Noon

Town Crier, Tom M~MiJimI·Y . v .. ···:Flkilifug visits students at Sir Sandford Fleming is the special guest .·v'··' ... ·'·'··.~f;_~'s High School, Cobourg of the Cobourg Rotary Club Saturday June 15, 10 a.m. !~.i.3.:\.I..:.i..~i.~..:•••. !!!!li!:fiiflaay June 13, U.15 p= -1.45 p.m. ~~;:?,;:izdll.. ;....r,..':.•• In-line skate safety rodeo Art Gallery of Northu~b~ifW.'.!.!~I=~:::~r~~r~~,n:~:;:u:~:7ing at Location TBA, Cobourg Monday June 10, 10.30 :;i("'iim~,..';$~ King 51. Cobou>"g Saturday June 14, Noon Fleming visits history students at Cobourg Thursday June 13, 2.15 p.m. Sir Sandford Fleming departs for District Collegiate West . Fleming visits students at Peterborough by horse-drawn cart

Sir Sandford Fleming College, Cobourg more events on other side ... Thursday June 20, 1.30 p.m. Sunday June 23, 1 - 4 p.m. Walking Tour and Afternoon Tea Scottish Tea at Hutchison House

Hutchison House Sunq

::::~;:::~ ~:~t::e~p.m. :;t~~ff~~Jt;~eLa:::::~unity "The Unfolding of Canada" ':,:,:,: stag~§%"bl¢~~ of the famous photo- Local historian Bob Bowley uses stamp~ '~~:':'gr~P~::*f:~8h~ldA. Smith driving in to tell the story of Fleming".,:'::::. ;;!~!':::::li:Jlf~Bt~fC::>Itb.Canadiane This Canadian Pacific Railway survey party is typical of those that Fleming would have visited as supervising engineer of the coast-to-coast CP survey. ::=:::,~::~~::;::O;:h .,,::.::::. '::;:::';:1:: .:I.I::.i:...:i.:~. ,:IJ.:· ..I.J:.::i:::li::~::.:·::I ..'~.~.~::: !.:.:~.J...:::•.:~:Ofi.•'••:::.'.::'.'.~:o...' •.•::•.::_:;·:·,:~.,.:;:::.;.:.·~::•..::~.::·:.·~:i.s:·:L:·.:.·~:·.:.~:~.:• •.::..·".::.·::~..·",::.::r::::.I~:w:;:·,.· J:a.:•. .•:;.:~:.::~ .•J,:.•.:I:~·:(:'.'r·.. •....:~...:d.•!.·J.•..::..=gt~ the Chamber Slide presentation: "Ocean to O@@:m~•::::• ~J:: ,-,,,:••,,,,,,-t .•.•. ~~~!f :>' ::::::::::;::: ::;::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.," ,", . '::':';::': Saturday June 15, Noon tells the story of Fleming's life \.~:::: Official Opening and Exhibit: I. II:.::ilIIOING EXHIBITS "Fleming the Surveyor" Kent Street Mall, Lindsay;'>:::i.!!/i!!I::::' •. qJIijlDISPLAYS Kent PlaceMall, Lindsay :~:;~:::~:i::~:yle:;::tr~~fbh{:,::::.i·i,1ti~~jiig·¥he Man and his Family" Saturday June 15, Noon Greater Peterborough Chamber of ·::::' •.,:,:·:•• ••.•~~M~y5 through October Exhibit: "Surveying - Old and New" Commerce Photographs, exhibits, extracts from 'Stroll around' by Sir Sandford Fleming The Old Station, Peterborough Fleming's diaries and his own sketches and Queen Victoria Saturday June 22, 1.30, 2.30 and 3.30 p.m. help us to understand Fleming as a Victoria Park, Lindsay Readings from Sir Sandford Fleming's person, and as a committed family man. Sunday June 16, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. diaries, followed by Scottish Tea Hutchison House, Peterborough OfficialOpening Ceremonies with Hutchison House, Peterborough "Cobourg in the time Mayor Jack Doris of Sir Sandford Fleming" Rotary Park, Peterborough June 1-23 Tuesday June 18, 1.30 p.m. This interesting exhibit enlightens us on Walking Tour and Afternoon Tea what day-to-day life was like in the time Hutchison House, Peterborough of Sir Sandford Fleming. Tuesday June 19, 6.30 p.m. Art Gallery of Northumberland, In-line Skate Party Victoria Hall, Cobourg The Bubble, Sir Sandford Fleming College, "With Compass and Chain" Lindsay June 15- 22 Wednesday June 19, 7 p.m. Surveying equipment and Walking Tour Fleming was an outspoken, and successful. advocate of iron artifacts typical of the Fleming era Hutchison House, Peterborough trestles over wooden,for Canada's railway bridges. Kent Street Mall, Lindsay

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'·~a::~~il1.~II~'i!'!~:~::~:~::b~::~fa~~e~~~~:~:::;~~~~bits, lecfd~~r~~a,y G9~t~~HP~mifskating events and much more. An actor ~~;@~~~h~:Mi§~h~fordFleming will visit area schools, service clubs, shopping districts, restaurants and, yes, his namesake, Sir Sandford Fleming College. Sir Sandford Fleming Sesquicentennial Sir Sandford Fleming as Chancellor of Queen's Sunday June 9 - Saturday June 23 1996 University in Kingston, a position which he held for 35 years until his death in 1915.

For more information about the Fleming Sesquicentennial, please contact:

Barbara Truax (705) 324 6257 At ti,e age of21. Sandford Fleming designed this prototype of an in-line skate, which he tested and pronounced "altogether The father of nine children (six of whom survived childhood). Susan Paul (705) 7495530 satisfactory". and many grandchildren, Sir Sandford Fleming was a devoted family man. IN COBOURG:

(705) 742 2956 (705) 324 6257 Cath Oberholtzer (905) 372 2005

Stephanie Ford-Forrester (705) 743 9710 (705) 799 6672 Chamber of Commerce (905) 372 5831 Kim Reid (705) 7435180 C8IJURS PUBLIC LIBRARY