Initial Environmental Examination

Project Number: 45021-002 December 2020

PRC: Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project — Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Avenue Widening Component

Prepared by Municipal Highway Administration Bureau for the Asian Development Bank

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of the ADB website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area


(as of 22 December 2020) Currency Unit – Chinese Yuan (CNY) CNY1.00 = $0.1529 $1.00 = CNY6.5400


Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.5.1 National Laws, Regulations and Rules ...... 2 1.5.1 Local laws and regulations ...... 3 1.5.2 Technical guidelines and policy ...... 3 Domestic laws and regulations ...... 4 1.5.3 ...... 4 1.6.1 Environment quality standards ...... 5 1.6.2 Pollutant discharge standards ...... 7 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT ...... 14 2.3.1 Construction contents and scale ...... 15 2.3.2 Total construction investment ...... 18 2.9.1 Identification of environmental impacts during construction ...... 25 2.9.2 Identification of environmental impacts during operation ...... 26 3 OVERVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE ...... 28 3.1.1 Topography and geology ...... 28 3.1.2 Meteorology and climate ...... 29 3.1.3 Hydrology, water system ...... 30 3.2.1 ...... 31 3.2.2 Soil ...... 32 3.2.3 Vegetation ...... 33 3.2.4 Animals ...... 33 3.2.5 Current land use ...... 33 3.3.1 Water environment quality ...... 34 3.3.2 Air quality ...... 37 3.3.3 Acoustic environment quality ...... 37 3.3.4 Soil ...... 41 3.4.1 Socioeconomic structure ...... 43 3.4.2 Education, health and culture ...... 43 3.4.3 Cultural relics ...... 44 4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...... 45 4.2.1 Ecological impact ...... 46 Impact on vegetation ...... 46 Impacts on agricultural ecology ...... 47 Impact on water body for agricultural irrigation ...... 47 Analysis of the impacts on the water system and water conservancy facilities along the line during operation ...... 48 Impact on wildlife ...... 48 Soil and water conservation ...... 50 4.2.2 Impact on surface water ...... 52 Surface water impact during construction ...... 52 Surface water impact during operation ...... 53 4.2.3 Atmospheric environment impact ...... 54 Increase in dust pollution ...... 54 Asphalt smoke pollution ...... 56

II Impact on air quality during operation ...... 56 4.2.4 Noise impact ...... 56 Noise impact during construction ...... 56 Traffic noise impact during operation ...... 61 4.2.5 Solid waste impact ...... 87 4.3.1 Ecological protection measures ...... 87 Animal and plant protection measures ...... 87 Temporarily occupied land restoration measures ...... 88 4.3.2 Water pollution prevention and control measures ...... 88 4.3.3 Air pollution prevention and control measures ...... 88 4.3.4 Noise pollution prevention and control measures ...... 90 Noise prevention and control measures during construction ...... 90 Noise prevention and control measures during operation ...... 90 Community and workers’ health and safety ...... 93 Physical and cultural resources ...... 93 5 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ...... 94 5.1.1 Objectives of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) ...... 94 242. 5.1.2 ...... Implementation arrangement 94 Staffing required for environmental management ...... 95 5.1.3 Environmental management plan ...... 96 5.2.1 Monitoring purpose ...... 105 5.2.2 Monitoring Agency ...... 105 5.2.3 Monitoring plan ...... 105 5.2.4 Monitoring cost ...... 107 5.2.5 Environmental monitoring reporting ...... 108 5.3.1 Supervision purpose ...... 109 5.3.2 Scope of supervision ...... 109 5.3.3 Contents of environment supervision ...... 109 5.3.4 Environmental supervision procedure ...... 110 5.3.5 Supervision work framework ...... 110 5.3.6 Key points of environmental supervision ...... 111 5.3.7 Supervision cost during construction period ...... 114 5.4.1 Staff training during construction ...... 115 5.4.2 Staff training during operation ...... 115 5.5.1 Information exchange ...... 116 5.5.2 Recording ...... 117 5.5.3 Reporting ...... 117 6 ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ...... 118 7 PUBLIC CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE ...... 119 7.2.2 Public participation survey ...... 121 7.2.3 Basic information on public participation ...... 122 8 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ...... 134 ...... Conclusions ...... 137 APPENDIX I: ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT TEMPLATE ...... 138



1 Introduction

1.1 The Project 1. This is the Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report for the proposed Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project (the Project) - Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Avenue Widening Component (the Component) using the Project loan savings. Jiangbei Avenue is also funded under the Project. The Component is one of the sections of National Highway G347 (Nanjing-Delingha), which is one of the newly added east-west horizontal lines in “National Highway Network Planning (2013~2030)” and is also one of the 12 eastbound trunk highways in “Infrastructure Planning for Demonstration Area of Wanjiang City Belt to Undertake Industrial Transformation”. The national highway G347 passes through a number of counties and cities, including Hexian County, Wuwei County, Zongyang County, City and Wangjiang County of Anhui Province, which plays an important role in social and economic development of Anhui Province. 2. In March 2017, Anhui Transport Consulting and Design Institute Co., Ltd. (ATCDIC) carried out the preparation work of the feasibility study report. ATCDIC contracted Shanghai Energy Conservation of Environment Co., Ltd. (SECEC) to carry out the environment assessment work for the Component. Site reconnaissance and data collection were conducted during the preparation of the IEE. In March 2019, the draft IEE was completed.

1.2 Consulting firm of the environmental assessment work 3. Shanghai Energy Conservation of Environment Co., Ltd. (SECEC). As a high-tech company in Shanghai, SECEC was established in 1985, which possesses more than ten patented technologies with independent intellectual property rights, and has obtained ISO9001, 14001 and OHSA18001 management system certifications. The company has more than 100 professional and technical personnel, and owns many technical consulting qualifications such as Class B qualification for EIA and Class A qualification for environmental protection engineering.

1.3 Overview of environmental assessment work 4. The Component involves municipal road widening works and is located in of Wuhu City. According to relevant requirements of the “Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of ”, “List of the Classified Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Project”, and Amendment Decision on “List of the Classified Management of Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Project” (Ministry Order No.1), a tabular environmental impact assessment (EIA) needs to be conducted. According to ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009), an IEE is required to be prepared for the Component.

1.4 Objective 5. The objective is to conduct EIA for the Component in order to implement the sustainable


development strategy, prevent the adverse impacts of the Component on the environment after implementation and promote the coordinated development of economy, society and environment.

1.5 Environmental Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework, National Laws, Regulations and Rules

6. Applicable national laws and regulations are as follows: (1) “Environmental Protection law of the People’s Republic of China” (January 2015) (2) “Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People’s Republic of China” (December 2018)

(3) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution From Environmental Noise” (December 2018)

(4) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution” (January 2016) (5) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution” (January 2018) (6) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste” (January 2016.11)

(7) “Highway Law of the People’s Republic of China” (Amendment) (November 2016) (8) “Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China” (August 2004) (9) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Wildlife” (July 2016)

(10) “Regulations on Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects” (October 2017)

(11) “Law of the People’s Republic of China” on Protection of Cultural Relics (Amendment) (April 2015)

(12) “Law of the People’s Republic of China on Urban and Rural Planning (Amendment) (April 2015) (13) “Classification Catalogue for Construction Project Environmental Impact Assessment”, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, No. 1 document of the Ministry, April 2018

(14) “Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment” (January 2019)

(15) “Notice of the State Council on the Issuance of a Three-Year Action Plan to Win the Battle of Blue Sky”, July 2018

(16) “Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distribution of the Action Plan for Soil


Pollution Prevention and Control”, Guofa 〔2016 〕 No. 31, May 2016

(17) “Notice of the State Council on Printing and Distribution of the Action Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control”, Guofa 〔2015 〕 No. 17, April 2015

1.5.1 Local laws and regulations

(1) “Regulations of Anhui Province on Environmental Protection” (January 2018) (2) “Regulations of Anhui Province on Protection of Agricultural Ecological Environment” (Amendment) (June 2006) (3) “Implementation Plan of Three Years Action Plan to Win the Battle of Blue Sky in Anhui Province” (September 2018) (4) “Implementation Measures of Anhui Province for the Land Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China” (March 2015)

(5) “Regulations of Anhui Province on Protection of Agricultural Ecological Environment” (Amendment) (June 2006) (6) “Work Plan of Anhui Province for Water Pollution Prevention and Control” (December 2015) (7) “Regulations of Anhui Province on Air Pollution Prevention and Control” (March 2015).

(8) “Implementation Plan of Wuhu Municipality for Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan” (April 2014) (9) “Implementation Rules of Wuhu Municipality for Prevention and Control of Dust Pollution in Construction Projects” (June 2014)

1.5.2 Technical guidelines and policy (1) Asian Development Bank – Safeguard Policy Statement 2009

(2) Asian Development Bank - Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines (2003) (3) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects — General outline” (HJ2.1—2016)

(4) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Atmospheric Environment” (HJ2.2-2018)

(5) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Surface Water Environment” (HJ2.3-2018) (6) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Acoustic Environment” (HJ2.4-2009) (7) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Groundwater Environment” (HJ 610-2016)


(8) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Ecological Impact” (HJ19-2011) (9) “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Risk Assessment of Construction Projects” (HJ169-2018) (10) “Specification for Assessment of Environmental Impact of Highway Construction Projects” (JTGB03-2006)

(11) “Design Code for Highway Environmental Protection” (JTGB04-2010) (12) “Technical Specification For Division of Drinking Water Source Protection Zones” (HJ338-2018)

(13) “Land Use Indexes for Highway Engineering Construction Projects” (Jianbiao [2011] No. 124)

(14) “Technical Specification for Division of Acoustic Environment Functional Zones” (GB/T15190-2014)

(15) Environmental, Health, and Safety General Guidelines (16) Technical Guidelines for Environmental Noise and Vibration Control Engineering (HJ2034-2013) (17) Feasibility Study Report of Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Widening Project (May 2018) 1.5.3 Domestic laws and regulations

Table 1.5-1 Domestic laws and regulations and requirements

Law Main protection requirements

Enterprises, institutions and other production and business operators shall take effective measures to prevent and reduce air pollution and bear responsibility for the damages caused.

When enterprises, institutions and other production and operation operators construct projects that influence the “Law of the People’s Republic atmospheric environment, they shall conduct environment of China on the Prevention and impact assessment and make the environmental impact Control of Air Pollution” assessment documents public in accordance with the law.

Where there are emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, the emissions shall comply with the air pollutant emission standards and meet the control requirements for the total amount of key air pollutant emission.


Where there is discharge of water pollutants, the discharge shall not exceed the national or local standard for water pollutant discharge and control indicator for the total amount of key water pollutants discharged. “Law of the Pe ople’s Republic of China on the Prevention and It is forbidden to stack and store solid waste and other Control of Water Pollution” pollutants on beaches and bank slopes below the highest water level of rivers, lakes, canals, channels and reservoirs. It is forbidden to clean vehicles and containers having contained oil or toxic pollutants in water body.

Units and individuals that collect, store, transport, utilize, and dispose of solid waste must take measures to prevent the spread, loss and leakage, or other measures to prevent “Law of the People’s Republic environment pollution; must not dump, stack, discard, or leave of China on the Prevention and solid waste without approval. Control of Environ mental It is forbidden for any unit or individual to dump or stack solid Pollution by Solid Waste” wastes at places such as rivers, lakes, canals, channels, reservoirs and beaches and bank slopes below the highest waterline, where dumping and stacking of wastes are prohibited according to the provisions of laws and regulations.

Any unit or individual has the obligation to protect water and “Law of the People’s Republic soil resources, prevent and control water loss and soil erosion, of China on Soil and Water and has the right to report the actions of damaging water and Conservation” soil resources and causing water loss and soil erosion.

“Law of the People’s Republic The state protects wild animals and their living environment, of China on the Protection of and any unit or individual is prohibited from illegal hunting or Wildlife” destruction.

1.6 Assessment criteria 1.6.1 Environment quality standards

(1) Surface water environmental quality standards 7. Class III standards in the “Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water” (GB3838-2002) is implemented for Yuxi River (within the scope of assessment of the Component), and the Class V standards is implemented for Jiazhuang River. The specific standard values are shown in Table 1.6-1.


Table 1.6-1 Surface water environmental quality standards Unit: mg/L

Quality item Class III standard Class V standard

pH value (dimensionless) 6~9 6~9

COD 20 40

BOD 5 4 10

NH 3-N 1.0 2.0

TP 0.2 0.4

Petroleum and the like 0.05 1.0

(2) Ambient air quality standards 8. According to the “Atmospheric Environmental Function Zoning of Wuhu Municipality (2013~2020)”, the component area is classified as Category II functional area, and Class II standards of “Ambient Air Quality Standards” (GB3095-2012) are implemented.

9. The World Health Organization (WHO) Air Quality Guidelines are recognized as international standards and are adopted by the World Bank Group’s EHS Guidelines. In addition to guideline values, interim targets (IT) are given for each pollutant by the WHO as incremental targets in a progressive reduction of air pollution. The WHO guidelines and corresponding PRC standards are presented in Table 1.6-2 .

10. From Table 1.6-2, it can be seen that:  For TSP, there are PRC standards but no corresponding WHO guidelines.  For PM 10 , PRC Class 2 annual average and 24-hour average standards meet WHO IT-1 guidelines (there are no 1-hour average standards or guidelines for either PRC or WHO).  For PM 2.5 , PRC Class 2 annual and 24-hour standards meet WHO IT-1 guidelines (there are no 1-hour standards or guidelines for either PRC or WHO). 3  For SO 2, WHO only has a 24-hour average guideline (0.125 mg/m ), which is 3 slightly lower than the PRC standard (0.150 mg/m ). However, SO 2 levels are low in the component area, and the component will only contribute low levels of SO 2, so the very minor difference is inconsequential.  For NO 2 ,the PRC standard is equivalent to the WHO annual average guidelines, there is no WHO 24-hour average guideline; and the 1-hour average PRC standard is equivalent to the WHO guideline.

 For O 3, the PRC class I 1-hour average standard is equivalent to the WHO 1-hour average guideline and PRC 1-hour average class II standard is equivalent to the WHO IT-1 1-hour average guideline.  For CO, there are PRC standards but no corresponding WHO guidelines.


Table 1.6-2 PRC Ambient Air Quality Standards and WHO ambient air quality guidelines, μg/m 3

PRC Ambient Air Quality WHO/EHS Guidelines Air Quality Averaging Standard parameter period Interim Air quality Class I Class II Targets guideline annual 80 200 NA NA TSP 24-hour 120 300 NA NA

annual 40 70 30-70 20 PM10 24-hour 50 150 75-150 50

annual 15 35 15-35 10 PM2.5 24-hour 35 75 37.5-75 25

annual 20 60 NA NA

SO 2 24-hour 50 150 50-125 20

1-hour 150 500 NA NA

annual 40 40 NA 40

NO2 24-hour 80 80 NA NA

1-hour 200 200 NA 200

8-hour 100 160 160 100 O3 1-hour 160 200 NA NA

24-hour 4,000 4,000 NA NA

CO 8-hour NA NA NA NA

1-hour 10,000 10,000 NA NA Note: NA= not applicable. Source: WHO Air Quality Guidelines (2006) in IFC Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines (2007), and PRC GB 3095-2012.

11. Overall the PRC standards show a high degree of equivalency to the WHO guidelines or IT-1 values and are adopted for use in this IEE report. (3) Acoustic environment quality standards 12. Table 1.6-3 presents the relevant PRC Noise Standards compared with relevant international guidelines as presented in the EHS Guidelines. The classes within the standards are not directly comparable, but the PRC Category I standards are equivalent to WHO Class I


standards, Category II standards are less stringent than WHO Class I standards and Category II and III standards are stringent than WHO Class II standards. Because Category II standard is applicable to the component areas along the road alignment and Category I standard is applicable to the nearby sensitive receptors, Category II for component area and Category I for sensitive receptors are utilized in this IEE report. Class IV standards will be implemented for the range within 35 meters of the red line on both sides of the traffic trunk line, Table 1.6-3 PRC Environmental Quality Standards for Noise (GB3096-2008) and relevant international guidelines PRC Standards International Standards Comparison Leq dB(A) One Hour Leq dB(A) Category Day Day Night Night 06- 07-22h 22-07h 22-06h 22h 0: Areas needing extreme quiet, such 50 40 as special health zones WHO Class I: WHO Class I: Classes are not residential, Residential, I: Mainly residential; directly institutional, institutional, and cultural and comparable, but 55 45 educational: educational: educational PRC Class II 55 45 institutions standards exceed WHO II: Mixed residential, Class II commercial and 60 50 WHO Class WHO Class standards. PRC industrial areas II: industrial, II: Industrial, standards are utilized in this III: Industrial areas 65 55 commercial: Commercial: 70 70 report. IV: Area on both sides of urban trunk 70 55 roads Source: WHO Noise Quality Guidelines (1999) in IFC EHS Guidelines (2007), and PRC GB3096-2008. 13. Table 1.6-4 presents the relevant PRC and international standards (US EPA, there no such WHO or EHS Guidelines standards) for on-site construction noise. The PRC standards are more stringent than international guidelines and are utilized in this IEE report. At sensitive receptors, the component will apply World Bank EHS Guidelines. The PRC’s Emission Standard of Environmental Noise for Boundary of Construction Site (GB12523–2011) regulates construction noise, limiting construction noise levels at the construction site boundary to 70 dB(A) in the daytime (06:00–22:00 hours) and 55 dB(A) at night (22:00–06:00 hours).


Table 1.6-4 PRC Noise Emission Standard for Construction Site Boundary (GB12523-2011) and relevant international Guidelines Day Leq dB(A) Night Leq dB(A) International Comparison Standards Leq dB(A) IFC EHS Guideline: Occupational Health and US EPA: 85 (day, 70 55 Safety: 85 (Equivalent level 8-hour exposure) LAeq,8h) 110 (Maximum LAmax, fast) Source: US EPA, IFC Occupational Health and Safety standard and PRC GB 12523-2011. 14. During operation noise at site boundaries should comply with Class II of the PRC industrial Enterprise Boundary Noise Emission Standard (GB12348-2008, Table 1.6-5). 1.6.2 Pollutant discharge standards (1) Sewage discharge standards 15. Wastewater follows Class I standards of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) shown in Table 1.6-4.

Table 1.6-4 Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standards (GB8978-1996) Unit: mg/L Animal and Petroleu Pollutant name pH COD SS NH -N 3 vegetable m oil Maximum allowable emission 6~9 100 70 15 10 5 concentration (2) Air pollutant emission standards 16. Air pollutant emission implements Class II limits in “Integrated Emission Standards of Air Pollutants” (GB16297-1996).

Table 1.6-5 Integrated emission standards of air pollutants (GB16297-1996) Pollution factor Unorganized emission limit There shall not be significant fugitive Asphalt smoke emissions from production equipment Particulate matter 1.0mg/m 3

(3) Noise standards 17. During construction, noise limit set out in the “Emission standards of environment noise for boundary of construction site” (GB 12523-2011) is implemented, that is, 70 dB(A) in daytime


and 55 dB(A) in nighttime.

1.7 Assessment scope and main environmental protection objectives 18. The scope of environmental impact assessment and the main environmental protection objectives of the component are shown in Tables 1.7-1~1.7-4.

Table 1.7-1 Assessment scopes

Assessment Assessment scope content

Ecological 300m on each side of the road centerline and the range of environment groundbreaking along the component area

Acoustic 200m on each side of the road centerline environment

Ambient air quality 200m on each side of the road centerline

Surface water 500m upstream and 1000m downstream of Jiazhuang River and environment 1000m on both sides of the River

Table 1.7-2 Main ecological protection targets

Protected Characteristics of Main impacts target protected target

They are common species that adapt to the daily activities of human beings. According to field The habitats of wild animals along the road wild animals investigations, no national or during construction may be impacted. provincial key protected animals and large mammals have been seen.

Permanent and temporary land occupation Cultivated Occupation of cultivated during construction will result in reduction in land land cultivated land. Temporary land use will cause vegetation loss and damage, but can be gradually recovered with the completion of


Protected Characteristics of Main impacts target protected target


Vegetation along the road Artificial alignment mainly crops, as Land occupation will result in loss of vegetation well as some forestry vegetation. and crops vegetation, mainly farmland, trees around the villages.

Excavation and filling during the construction period will destroy the surface vegetation, Excavation and filling road Water and causing water loss and soil erosion, but will sections, borrow pits and soil be gradually controlled with the construction sites, etc. implementation of water conservation measures.

Table 1.7-3 Water environment protection targets

Protected Function of SN Location targets water body

Jiazhuang The component crosses Jiazhuang River and the crossover Agricultural 1 River location is located around K12+350. irrigation


Table 1.7-4 Main acoustic and atmospheric environmental protection targets

Distance Households Characteristic from the in class IV A s of sensitive Present Assessment Name of centerline Elevation area * total receptors and Detail of Photo of Pile Form of condition, standard Main noise sensitive * distance difference households Location characteristics sensitive sensitive Mileage subgrade assessment during source receptor from road (m) to be of receptor receptor standard operation boundary assessed surrounding line within 200m environment

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, facing the proposed Noise of K6+806~ Embankm Right of Class IV A/ Class IV A/ road, and the existing N1 Lingwei 33.5*5 0.6 2*6 K6+840 ent the road Class II Class II houses are Tongjiang scattered. They Avenue are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, the Noise of Both houses are K7+040~ Class IV A/ Class IV A/ existing N2 Xiaoshang 33.5*5 Roadcut -0.8 19*32 sides of tidily, facing the K7+250 Class II Class II Tongjiang the road road. They are Avenue mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

- 13 -

In rural areas, the villages are medium in scale, the houses are Noise of scattered, K7+720~ Right of Class IV A/ Class IV A/ existing N3 Lingwan 39*10.5 Roadcut -0.6 18*58 facing the K8+500 the road Class II Class II Tongjiang proposed road. Avenue They are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, facing the proposed Noise of K8+590~ Embankm Right of road, and the existing N4 Xiaozheng 163*134.5 0.8 0*7 Class II Class II K8+750 ent the road houses are Tongjiang scattered. They Avenue are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the quarters are relatively small in scale, facing the proposed Noise of Zaoying K9+050~ Embankm Left of Class IV A/ Class IV A/ existing N5 45*16.5 1.3 136*328 road, and the Lvcheng K9+300 ent the road Class II Class II houses are Tongjiang arranged Avenue neatly. There are six 6-storey and two 11- storey buildings

- 14 -

with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, facing the proposed Noise of K9+260~ Embankm Right of road, and the existing N6 Xiaoli 115*86.5 2.2 0*12 Class II Class II K9+350 ent the road houses are Tongjiang scattered. They Avenue are mainly two- storey brick houses with better structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, the Noise of houses are K9+500~ Embankm Left of exising N7 Wangye 90*61.5 1.0 0*7 Class II Class II arranged tidily. K9+550 ent the road Tongjiang They are Avenue mainly two- storey brick houses with better structure.

There are 20 inpatient wards, distributed in the second floor of the Noise of Bo’ai K9+560~ Embankm Left of existing N8 52*13.5 0.9 - Class II Class II outpatient Hospital K9+630 ent the road building and the Tongjiang building in the Avenue southwest side. They are mainly 3-storey brick houses

- 15 -

with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, with the back to the Noise of K10+290 proposed road, Left of existing N9 Xiangdian ~K10+36 163*134.5 Roadcut -1.4 0*4 Class II Class II and the houses the road Tongjiang 0 are scattered. Avenue They are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are medium in scale, mainly facing the Noise of K11+570 proposed road Embankm Left of existing N10 Huangcun ~K11+92 69*40.5 1.0 0*53 Class II Class II sideway, and ent the road Tongjiang 0 the houses are Avenue scattered. They are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively big in Noise of Xiushi K11+600 Embankm Right of Class IV A/ Class IV A/ scale, the existing N11 residential ~K11+73 49*20.5 0.9 25*115 ent the road Class II Class II houses are Tongjiang quarter 0 arranged Avenue neatly. They are mainly two- storey brick

- 16 -

houses with good structure.

In rural areas, the villages are relatively small in scale, facing Noise of the proposed K12+360 Both existing Class IV A/ Class IV A/ road, and the N12 Jiajia ~K12+60 38*9.5 Roadcut -0.8 13*45 sides of Tongjiang Class II Class II houses are 0 the road Avenue scattered. They are mainly two- storey brick houses with good structure.

- 17 -

2 Description of the Project

2.1 Project location (1) Project Name: PRC: Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project - Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road of Jiangbei Avenue Widening Component

(2) Project Implement Unit: Wuhu Municipal Highway Administration Bureau. (3) Project administrative unit: Wuhu Municipal Highway Administration Bureau.

(4) Nature of the project: widening of existing road with total length of 6.1 km.

(5) Project construction site: Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, the project location is shown in Fig. 2.2-1.

(6) Project construction period: 2 years.

Fig. 2.2-1 Location Map (red line)

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2.2 Construction scope 19. The Component is located in Jiujiang District, Wuhu City, Anhui Province. The Component is proposed to start from Jiangbei Avenue, and ended to Heshen Road, passing through a section of an existing road, with a length of 6.1685km. The Component is to widen the side separation belts and auxiliary roads of the existing national highway G347, which is a highway of Grade A.

2.3 Construction contents and scale 2.3.1 Construction contents and scale

20. Based on the functions and traffic forecast, the technical standards and scale are shown in Table 2.3-1.

Table 2.3-1 Main engineering technical standards and project scales

Item Unit Value

Line length m 6168.5

Grade of road Urban arterial road

Design speed km/h Main driveway 80, secondary road 40

Subgrade width m 57

Two-way 6 lanes plus secondary Number of lanes - roads on both sides for the main driveway

Type of pavement - Asphalt concrete

Culvert number 11

Rainwater pipe 16.668/sewage pipe Water supply and drainage work km 14.413

Traffic engineering m 6168.5

Greening work m 6168.5

Lighting work m 6168.5

- 19 -

Main plane intersection (signal light number 3 control)

Permanent land occupation mu 328.7

Temporary land occupation mu Around 90

Investment estimate CNY 10,00 0 56783.88

1 mu = 666.67 m2

21. Construction include road works, water drainage works, culvert works, traffic works, greening works and lighting works.

1. Road works 22. Road construction includes subgrade works, pavement works and cross-works, etc. The total length of the road works is 6168.5m. (1) Subgrade works 23. The Component will be constructed according to the standards of urban trunk roads. The widened sections on both sides are 4.75m separation zone + 8.0m auxiliary road + 2.5 (4.0) m sidewalk + 21.5m green belt (not part of the Component); the auxiliary road adopts high and low section compared to the main lanes. The sidewalk of general road is 2.5m. For the sections K8+020~K8+620, K9+095~K9+695, which pass through the towns with more pedestrians, the sidewalk will be 4.0m wide. The 21.5m wide green belt on both sides is only for long-term planning.

(2) Pavement works Auxiliary lanes:

24. Top surface: 4cm fine grained modified asphalt concrete AC-13(C), modified emulsified asphalt adhesive layer . 25. Subgrade : 7 cm medium grained modified asphalt concrete AC-20(C), 36cm cement stabilized gravels, and the subbase is made of 20cm low content cement stabilized gravels.

Structure of sidewalk pavement: 26. Surface: 6cm ecological permeable bricks

Adhesive layer: 3cm cement mortar (1:3) Base layer: 10cm C20 fine aggregate concrete

Subbase: 20 cm graded crushed stones

(3) Cross works

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27. Most of the roads crossed along the whole line are the county/town roads and some are municipal roads, and traffic channelization design will be adopted. Total one grade separation without ramps will be set up along the whole line, passing under the section of Shangqiu-- Hangzhou high-speed railway. 2. Water drainage works 28. The Component will be constructed following municipal road standards. The municipal water drainage design mainly includes municipal rainwater and sewage pipelines and integrated section design of pipelines. According to relevant specifications for road drainage, the road width shall be ≥40m, and the main road is the existing road, the rainwater and sewage pipes are arranged on both sides. In order to facilitate the access of rainwater and sewage branch pipes for construction land on both sides, rainwater and sewage branch pipes are reserved at a certain distance (about 120m).

(1) Rainwater pipeline 29. The Component is located in Guansigang, Madu Drainage Zone, Sanchahe Drainage Zone and Wanggang Drainage Zone. The rainwater is discharged into the Yuxi River through the flood drainage pumping station of the drainage zone. The rainwater collected areas are the drainage of roads and construction land parcels within the catchment area of each section on both sides of the road centerline. 30. Starting point – Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou Railway section, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K7+143.5 from both ends to the center. For K8+840 section of Shangqiu-Hefei-Hangzhou Railway, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K8+214 from both ends to the center. 31. For the section of K8+840—K10+450, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K9+314 from both ends to the center.

32. For the section of K10+450—K11+140, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K10+818 from both ends to the middle. For the section of K11+140—K12+740, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K11+749 from both ends to the middle.

33. For the section of K12+740—K12+975, rainwater pipes are laid along both sides of the road, and are connected to the current ditch at K12+982 from both ends to the middle. (2) Sewage

34. A new main sewage pipeline will be built according to the special plan. Sewage will be discharged to the existing downstream sewage pipe network through the planned sewage pumping station, and finally discharged to the sewage treatment plant.

35. Sewage pipes will be laid along both sides of the road. The sewage is connected from

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the west to the east to the existing sewage pipe network of Jingsan Road, and finally discharged to the existing sewage treatment plant eastward. 3. Culvert works

36. There are 11 culverts in the Component which are all extension of old culverts at both sides of the culverts, and reinforced concrete box culverts are used for the extension.

4. Traffic works and traffic safety facilities

37. Traffic signal control system will be set up for the Component at the intersections of Jingyi Road, Tangma Road and Xiushi Road, including signal control system, snapshot system of traffic violation, road monitoring system, and pipelines reserved and pre-buried system.

38. The design contents of traffic works mainly include traffic signs, markings, pedestrian guardrails, blocking posts, and object markings.

5. Greening works 39. The greening works involves the greening and planting of 4.5m wide separation zone, 3m wide green belt and planting trees. 6. Lighting works 40. The trunk road with low standard is adopted in the Component. The 13.5m double-arm street lamps will be arranged symmetrically on the separation zone close to the motorway on both sides of the road with the interval of 40m. 15m intersection lights are used at the corners of the intersections. Box-type transformers will be set up along the road to supply power to the street lamps, and the nearest 10KV line is connected to the transformers. 2.3.2 Total construction investment 41. The total estimated cost of the Component is CNY 567,388,000, of which, the counterpart funding is CNY 474,938,800, accounting for 84.43% of the total cost, ADB loan is USD 13.6 million, equal to CNY 88.4 million, accounting for 15.57% of the total cost.

2.4 Construction plan 1. Preparation work

42. Preparation work includes restoration of the midline, leveling and cleaning of the site, and procurement and transportation of materials, etc. The procurement and transportation of materials runs through the entire construction stage. 43. Restoration of the midline: the “table of straight lines, curves and corners”, “table of road lands”, “table of control point results”, “table of pile-by-pile coordinates”, etc. provided by the design institute are used to restore the midline. 44. Leveling and cleaning of the site: Within the scope of road acquisition and temporary land occupation, except for physical objects designated for protection in the design drawings and

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by the engineer, all trees (including stumps), shrubs, stones, garbage, wastes, fences, structures and all artificial or non-artificial obstacles above the ground should be removed. The cleared ground debris should be transported to the designated location for stacking. The stripped topsoil should be transported to the area within the scope of land occupation for central temporary storage, which will be used for land reclamation and greening of side slope, central separation zone, etc.

45. Material procurement and transportation: The subgrade soil is taken from the vicinity of the road and the transportation distance is relatively close. Other road construction materials basically need to be purchased. The variety, specifications and quality of various road construction materials should meet the design requirements. The subgrade of the whole road section is mostly the filling, which is generally borrowed nearby.

46. The materials are generally transported mainly by trucks, and local transportation method can also be used for some of the materials. The contactor needs to make reasonable arrangement and dispatching plan for specifications, quantity to be used and temporary storage area of various materials. 2. Subgrade works

1) Earthwork

47. The subgrade earthwork is mechanically constructed. Subgrade construction should be carried out strictly in accordance with the “Technical Specification for Construction of Highway Subgrades” and design requirements. Particularly, stratified inspection should be strengthened to ensure compaction of the fill by heavy-duty roller compactor and mechanized construction.

2) Protection and water drainage work

48. The water drainage work of subgrade is mainly composed of water drainage ditch and side ditch, etc., which should be carried out at the same time with the subgrade work. The subgrade protection work is mainly stone preparation and grouting work, which can be carried out after the implementation of the earthwork and last to the final stage of the Component. The construction of protection and drainage works should be coordinated with culvert works and greening works, and the greening and drainage system should be completed before rainy season. 3. Pavement works

49. Before the commencement of the pavement works, the quality of the subgrade construction (including elevation, degree of compaction, etc.) must be inspected and confirmed before the construction work proceeds.

50. The construction of the subbase will be started as the completion of the subgrade. The pavement work adopts asphalt concrete pavement, which should be carried out strictly in accordance with the design requirements of “Code for construction and acceptance of asphalt concrete pavement”. The materials of each structural layer of the pavement should meet the

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design requirements, and the construction unit should conduct corresponding tests and provide data for the construction site in time to check the quality of the works at any time. 4. Culverts

51. The existing old culverts are mostly reinforced concrete box culverts, some of which are the culverts with reinforced concrete covers. The old culverts are in good condition and meet the requirements of the flow cross-section, but the lengths of culverts cannot meet the road width. In the design, the entrances of the old culverts (splayed wall, “—”-shaped wall) will be dismantled first, and extended by using the reinforced concrete box culvert. The elevations of the auxiliary roads in some sections are too low, when the culverts are extended normally, the filling height cannot meet the requirements of the specification. Therefore, the culverts with left and right extension need to sink to meet the requirements of the specification. To ensure the flow cross section, the extended culverts will be appropriately widened. The new culvert is connected with the old culvert by box culvert, and the settlement joint needs to be provided at the joint.

5. Cross works

52. In order to reduce the impact on the traffic of the crossed roads, the construction plan should be carefully arranged to shorten the construction period as far as possible.

6. Landscape greening

53. The green space should start from sight angle, visual effect and experience psychology of pedestrians and drivers, and create humanized urban space. Local native tree species shall be selected, and landscaping trees suitable for local growth will be used for afforestation and beautification.

2.5 Temporary facilities 54. Two borrow pits will be set for the Component, covering a total area of 7.23 hm 2, and the land type is cultivated land. The borrow pit is also used as a spoil ground. The spoil is used to renovate the borrow pit after borrowing and restore it to cultivated land.

Table 2.5-1 Basic conditions of the borrow pits for the project

Land occupation Average Average Land type Borrow Excavation Borrow Backfill type and borrow haulage amount after SN Pile mileage 2 area elevation amount Terrain area (hm ) 2 depth distance 4 3 restoratio (hm ) (m) (10 m ) 4 3 (m) (km) (10 m ) n Dryland

Plain Cultivated 1 K7+400 3.83 3.43 3.0 8.5 2.0 8.82 10.0 type land

Plain Cultivated 2 K10+600 4.30 3.80 3.0 9.70 3.0 9.75 11.13 type land

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Table 2.5-2 Rationality analysis and restoration measures for borrow pits Comment on Restorati Locatio Schematic diagram of the condition SN site selection on land n surrounding the borrow pit rationality type

The present type of the occupied land is cultivated Left land; the site Cultivated 1 side of selection is land K7+400 unreasonable and the site should be reselected.

The present type of the occupied land Left is cultivated side of land; the site Cultivated 2 K10+60 selection is land 0 unreasonable, and the site should be reselected.

55. Two construction sites will be established to store construction materials and equipment, covering a total area of 0.8hm 2, land and will be restored to cultivated land after completion. Table 2.5-3 Condition of construction sites

Occupation Occupation Restoration SN Central pile No. Location area (hm 2) type land type

Right Cultivated 1 K7+100 0.40 Cultivated land side land

Cultivated 2 K11+500 Left side 0.40 Cultivated land land

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Table 2.5-4 Rationality analysis and restoration measures for construction site

Schematic diagram of the general Comment on site S Locatio Restorati condition of surrounding environment selection N n on type of the construction site rationality

The present status of the occupied land is cultivated land, and the Restored Right closest distance to to original 1 side of the nearby village cultivated K7+100 is 40m. It is land recommended to optimize and adjust it.

The present status of the occupied land is cultivated Left land, and the Restored side of closest distance to to original 2 K11+50 the nearby village cultivated 0 is 30m. It is land recommended to optimize and adjust it.

56. The Component will not establish water stability and asphalt mixing station. Residential houses will be rented as the construction camps. The bituminous concrete are mainly from the existing mixing stations along the Road G347.

2.6 Building materials 57. The construction materials come from the market procurement; therefore, no dedicated stockyard will be set up.

2.7 Construction schedule 58. The construction period of the project is 2 years.

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2.8 Process flow 1. Construction process flow for widening the auxiliary roads on both sides:

Note: N - construction machinery noise; G1 - construction dust; G2 - asphalt smoke; S - construction waste soil. Figure 2.1-1 Diagram of secondary road construction and pollution generation process

2. Sidewalk process flow:

Note: N - construction machinery noise; G1 - construction dust; S - construction waste soil Figure 2.1-2 Diagram of sidewalk construction and pollution generation process

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3. Culvert construction process flow

Note: N - construction machinery noise; G1 - construction dust; S - construction waste soil

Figure 2.1-3 Diagram of culvert construction and pollution generation process

4. Pipeline laying construction process flow

Note: N - construction machinery noise; G1 - construction dust; S - construction waste soil Fig. 2.1-4 Diagram of pipe network work construction and pollution generation process

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5. Greening construction process flow

Note: S – construction waste soil.

Fig. 2.1-5 Diagram of greening construction and pollution generation process

2.9 Environmental impact identification

2.9.1 Identification of environmental impacts during construction 59. The Component involves urban road construction. Borrow pits and construction sites will be set up along the road. Therefore, a certain amount of temporary land will be occupied, which will increase the risk of water loss and soil erosion, and generate noise, wastewater and solid wastes. The impact factors and the degree of impacts during construction are shown in the table 3.2-1. Table 2.2-1 Table of environmental impacts identified during the construction of the project

Main impact Nature of Factor Brief analysis of impact factor impact

Construction a. There are many construction machinery in noise highway construction, construction noise such as construction machiner y noise is a Short term, sudden unsteady noise source, which has Acoustic reversible, certain impact on the surrounding acoustic environment Construction unfavorable environment; b. almost all road construction transport materials will be transported by trucks, traffic vehicle noise of transportation vehicles will affect the acoustic environment along the road.

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Main impact Nature of Factor Brief analysis of impact factor impact

Increased dust a. During loading, unloading, transportation and stacking of powdered materials, and demolition of buildings, dust is released into Short term, the surrounding atmosphere; b. dust caused Ambient air reversible, by the construction transport vehicles; c. Asphalt smoke unfavorable asphalt smoke generated during asphalt pa ving process contains toxic and hazardous substances such as THC, TSP and benzo[a]pyrene.

Subgrade a. Sediment-containing sewage will be construction produced due to subgrade construction in rainy season; b. oil stain running, emitting, dripping and leaking from construction Short term, Water machinery and open-air machinery will reversible, environment Wastewater on produce a ce rtain amount of oily sewage unfavorable construction after being washed by rainwater; c. site washing of sand and gravel materials will produce flushing sewage; d. co nstruction workers will produce domestic sewage.

Permanent Long term, a. Roadside bushes and cultivated land will land unfavorable, be occupied and acquired during acquisition irreversible Ecological construction; b. the occupied and acquired land will decrease the quantity of land; c. environment Temporary Short term, temporary land occupation will imp act on land unfavorable, ecological environment, land vegetation as well as agricultural production. occupation reversible

Construction Waste sand and gravel, con crete and spoil waste and generated by construction and trench Short term, spoil excavation. Solid waste unfavorable, reversible Domestic Construction workers produce garbage. garbage

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2.9.2 Identification of environmental impacts during operation

60. The Project is an urban road construction project; hence, the traffic noise will become the most important environmental impact factor during the operation period. For the identification of specific engineering impacts, see Table 3.2-2.

Table 2.2-2 Environmental impacts during operation

Environment Impact Nature of impact Analysis of impact al factor factor

Traffic noise will affect the residents Long term, Acoustic Traffic within a certain range along the road , unfavorable, environment noise interfering with their normal pro duction irreversible and life.

Long term, Automobile Vehicle exhaust emissions have an Ambient air unfavorable, exhaust impact on air quality along the road. irreversible

The road runoff sewage due to rainfall Long term, Water Pavement scouring of the roa d surface is unfavorable, environment runoff discharged into the river, causing slight irreversible pollution of water body.

Permanent a. The project mainly occupies roadside land bushes and c ultivated land, and the occupation destruction of vegetation will not be Long term, Ecological and conducive to the restoration of the local unfavorable, environment temporary ecological environment. b. Occupying irreversible land part of the farmland will reduce the occupation, absolute amount of local cultivated land etc. and the per capita cultivated land.

Dangerous Vehicles loaded with dangerous goods Long term, Environment goods pollute the water body due to leakage in unfavorable, al risk transportati traffic accidents, but the probability of irreversible on accidents is very low.

61. It is shown in Table 3.2-1 and Table 3.2-2 that the impacts of the Component on environment is comprehensive and diverse, with long-term and short-term impacts. Because the

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construction period is short, noise, wastewater and impact of exhaust gas generated during construction can be effectively controlled. Therefore, the adverse impacts are mostly reversible, short-term and controllable. During operation, the traffic and transportation will be greatly improved, and it will play an active role in promoting regional economic development, but it will still generate traffic noise and automobile exhaust gas, which affect the environment along the highway.

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3 Overview of the environmental baseline

3.1 Natural environment 3.1.1 Topography and geology

62. The Component is located in the lower reaches of the River and in the eastern part of Anhui Province, which belongs to the Jianghuai undulating plain area, where Yangtze River runs through from southwest to northeast.

63. The Component area belongs to the alluvial plain of the Yangtze River. The terrain is flat and wide with an elevation of 5.0~7.0m, most of which is farmland. 64. The Component is mainly located in the floodplain along the rivers, and is classified as the floodplain micro-geomorphic type according to the classification principle of the geomorphic type.

65. It is widely distributed in the area and is part of the plain along the Yangtze River. It is mainly composed of high floodplain and side shoals. The constituent rock includes Quaternary al Holocene (Q 4 ) silty clay, clay, muddy silty clay, muddy clay, muddy silty soil, silty sand, fine sand, medium coarse sand and sand pebbles.

66. The Component is located on the northwestern bank of the Anhui section of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. According to the regional data, the upper strata at the Component site is mainly the Quaternary loose sediments. The bedrock is mudstone and siltstone of the Cretaceous Pukou Formation, which are described from top to bottom as follows:

a) Quaternary loose sediment

al-l 67. The Quaternary Holocene (Q 4 ) clay and sub-clay, sandwiched with a large amount of silty sand lenticels and a thickness of 35~40m, which is the cause of the lacustrine alluvium.

al 68. The Quaternary Late Pleistocene Alluvial (Q 3 ) gravel, gray, with good roundness, its main components are quartz and limestone, with a thickness of 5~10m.

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p b) Cretaceous Pukou Formation (K 2 ) siltstone, mudstone, brown red~red brown, hard, silty sand structure, calcareous, argillaceous cement. 69. From the paleogeographic analysis of the lithofacies, since the Quaternary Holocene epoch, the rise of sea level in the road alignment area has made the original low-lying area become a lake basin, widely receiving fine substance brought by the Yangtze River and the western mountainous areas of Anhui Province. As a result, the stratum structure of this area is dominated by soft soil, sandwiched with a large amount of silt layer or lenticels, and it is mostly multi-layered, and the structure is relatively developed.

70. The proposed road widening section is located in the Yangtze River compress crushed zone in the east wing of the anterior deflection of Huaiyang epsilon-type structure, with weak activity, belonging to the “Yangzhou-” seismic zone, which is a seismogenic zone of weak earthquake, where the seismic activity is weak and earthquake frequency is medium and the magnitude is 2~3. The maximum magnitude is less than 4.3. According to “China Earthquake Intensity Zoning Map”, the basic intensity of the earthquake in the area is Class VI.

71. The intensity and frequency of seismic activity in the Component area is relatively low, which belongs to the medium weak seismogenic zone. According to the record of multi-year seismic data, there are 25 earthquakes occurred in the assessment area and surrounding areas since 1507, and no destructive earthquake occurred, and these earthquakes were mainly due to the impact of earthquakes in neighboring areas. 72. According to the “Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China” (GB18306- 2015) implemented on 1 June 2016, the characteristic period of the ground motion response spectrum in the area is 0.35s, and the ground motion peak acceleration zone in the map is 0.05g (equivalent to the original seismic intensity Class VI zone). 3.1.2 Meteorology and climate 73. Wuhu belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate, with northerly winds mostly in winter and southerly winds mostly in summer. The highest air temperature in summer is 41 ℃, and the perennial frost-free period is 210~240 days (from April to October). The annual sunshine time is 2000h, and the annual average precipitation is 1200mm.

(1) Air temperature

Average air temperature over the years: 15.9 ℃

Highest air temperature over the years: 41.2 ℃ (August 1966)

Lowest air temperature over the years: -14.2 ℃ (February 1969)

(2) Precipitation

Annual average precipitation: 1200mm

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Annual max. precipitation: 1779.1mm

Annual min. precipitation: 697.9mm Maximum daily precipitation: 233.2mm

(3) Wind condition Prevailing wind direction: east wind Frequency 15.45% Secondary prevailing wind direction: ENE, Frequency 10.61%

The maximum wind speed over the years: 24m/s Annual average wind speed: 2.6m/s

(4) Fog and snow

The fog generally occurs from September to May in next year, and the annual average foggy days are 7 days The annual maximum and minimum foggy days are 20 days and 2 days, respectively Average snowfall days over the years: 9.8 days

(5) Ice condition

There is no freeze history (6) Humidity Average absolute humidity over the years: 16.3%

Max. absolute humidity over the years: 41.6% Min. absolute humidity over the years: 0.8%

Average relative humidity over the years: 78% Min. relative humidity over the years: 8% 3.1.3 Hydrology, water system

74. Wuhu City is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, where there is a humid climate, abundant rainfall, numerous rivers, and abundant surface water and groundwater resources. The Yangtze River and Qingyi River are the main surface water bodies in this region. The water surface area of the whole city reaches 478km 2, accounting for 14.4% of the total area. The Yangtze River passes through Wuhu City and is rich in water. The average annual runoff over years reaches 892.1 billion cubic meters. 75. The banks of the Yangtze River in the Wuhu section are straight and stable. It is the main water supply source for Wuhu City, and it is a multi-purpose water body that has the functions such as drinking, industry, family business, fishery, shipping and tourism, and regulation of ecological balance. The hydrology statistic data shows that the average flow of the Yangtze

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River in Wuhu section is 28,300 m 3/s, the maximum flow is 92,600 m 3/s, and the flow in driest season is 4,620 m 3/s. The groundwater is rich in the assessment area and belongs to the submersible type. It comes from precipitation and surface water replenishment. The groundwater level is shallow, the depth is about 1.1m, and the pH is about 7.0~8.0. It is non-erodible groundwater.

76. 2.36km north away from the project is the Yuxi River. Yuxi River, known as Ruxu water (means the benevolent water) in the ancient time, is the earliest water course connected to the Yangtze River in Lake and belongs to the tributary of the Yangtze River. It starts from the Chaohu Sluice and enters the Yangtze River at the mouth of Yuxi River. The flow direction is east-west and the whole length is 60.4km. The total drainage area is 12,938 km 2.

3.2 Ecological environment 77. The component is located in Jiujiang District of Wuhu City in the southeastern part of Anhui Province. According to the Ecological Function Zoning Map of Anhui Province, the component area is class IV3-1 and the agri-ecological functional area without low plain, and its ecosystem service function is agricultural production. The natural and geographical conditions in the component area are good that the abundant land resources and perfect farmland and forest have laid a good foundation for agricultural production. Due to the impact of human life, the native vegetation has basically disappeared, mostly replaced by artificial vegetation, wild animals are rare, and the regional ecosystem type is farmland ecosystem. The urbanization rate of the project area is high and the ecosystem is relatively stable.

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Fig. 3.2-1 Zonation map of ecological function areas

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3.2.2 Soil

78. The soil in the territory of Wuhu city is yellow brown soil, which is distributed on the remnant hills. The diked area in the plain is paddy soil, and the low terraces, river floodplains along the Yangtze River and channel islands are fluvio-aquic soil. 3.2.3 Vegetation

79. Wuhu belongs to the zone of mixed deciduous broad-leaved forest and evergreen broad-leaved forest in the north subtropical and mid-subtropical zones. The component area is mainly agricultural vegetation. There are poplar trees on both sides of the existing highway, and the shrub herbosa is distributed in ditches, field ridges and field edges, and the main species are Vitex negundo, Loropetalum chinese, paper mulberry and japanese silvergrass, cogongrass, Cynodon dactylon, Conyza canadensis, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, shrubs and shrub herbosa, etc. The main plant species in the area can be divided into four categories, which are crops, protective trees on both sides of the road, artificial economic trees and wild plants. Crops mainly include wheat, rice, cotton, beans, rape, peanuts, watermelon, garlic, as well as a small number of vegetables, such as lotus roots, etc. Economic trees include pear, peach, jujube, persimmon, etc. Artificial trees are mainly paulownia, Robinia pseudoacacia, poplar, dryland willow, Chinese scholar tree, mulberry and so on. Wild plants include mainly Vitex negundo, Loropetalum chinense, paper mulberry and japanese silvergrass, cogongrass, Cynodon dactylon, Conyza canadensis, Artemisia lavandulaefolia, shrub herbosa and so on. Aquatic plants mainly include reeds, Potamogeton malaianus, Spirodela polyrrhiza, Salvinia natans, and cattails. 3.2.4 Animals 80. The component area are mainly villages with frequent human activities where native vegetation has been replaced by artificial vegetation and animals are mainly farmed livestock and poultry, and the wild animals are mostly the species adapting to the cultivated land and settlements, such as birds, hares, and mountain rats, etc. There are amphibians and reptiles living in rice fields and preying on insects and rodents, main animal species include birds such as sparrows and common small, and medium-sized animals such as rodents, frogs and snakes. Domestic animals and poultry mainly include pig, cattle, sheep, rabbit, chicken, duck and goose. Fish, shrimp and crab are mainly distributed in the ponds along the component area; and in the irrigation ditches there are wild fish, frogs and plankton, etc. No rare and protected wild animals are found along the component area, nor are their habitats and migration routes discovered. 3.2.5 Current land use

81. The main affected area by the component is Jiujiang District of Wuhu City. The types of land are divided into agricultural land and construction land. Agricultural land includes dryland and plantation land, while the construction land includes homesteads and water conservancy facilities, ditches and ponds. According to the “Master Plan of Wuhu Municipality for Land Use ” (2006~2020), the total land area of the city is 600,496.57 ha. The agricultural land is 442,541.98 ha, accounting for 73.70% of the total land area, of which the cultivated land is 266,912.20ha is

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cultivated land; 109,068.20 ha is construction land, accounting for 18.16% of the total land area; and land of other types is 48,886.39 ha, accounting for 8.14% of the total land area.

3.3 Current environmental quality

3.3.1 Water environment quality 82. The surface water in the component area mainly comes from Jiazhuang River and Yuxi River. Water quality monitoring was conducted on 18 November and 19 November 2017. Class III standard in the “Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water” (GB3838-2002) is implemented for Yuxi River, and Class IV standard in the “Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water” (GB3838-2002) is implemented for Jiazhuang River. Monitoring results are shown in Table 3.3-1.

83. The monitoring results indicated that the pH value, COD, BOD5, ammoniacal nitrogen and total phosphorus in the monitored section of Jiazhuang River and Yuxi River meet the corresponding requirements in the “Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water” (GB3838- 2002).

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Table 3.3-1 Monitoring results of surface water quality Unit: mg/L

Sampling location Standard value Jiazhuang River Yuxi River (Jiazhuang River Sampling Location where Section of Section of Yuxi River on implements Class V Compliance Indicator Section of date the proposed intersection of north side of the standard, Yuxi River with standard Yuxi River at road crosses Yuxi River and starting point of the implements Class III Xuezhuang Jiazhuang River Houhe River proposed road standard)

Nov. 18 7.9 7.9 8.0 7.9 Class III: 6-9 Complied pH value Nov. 19 7.9 7.9 8.0 8.0 Class V :6-9 Complied

Nov. 18 33 17 14 16 Class III: 20 Complied COD Nov. 19 31 17 15 13 Class V :40 Complied

Nov. 18 5.2 3.8 3.4 3.3 Class III: 4 Complied

BOD 5 Nov. 19 5.1 3.6 3.3 3.5 Class V :10 Complied

Nov. 18 0.32 0.22 0.18 0.16 Class III: 1.0 Complied Ammoniacal nitrogen Nov. 19 0.33 0.22 0.15 0.18 Class V :2.0 Complied

Nov. 18 0.16 0.14 0.13 0.12 Class III: 0.2 Complied Total phosphorus Nov. 19 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.13 Class V :0.4 Complied

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3.3.2 Air quality

84. Air quality monitoring was conducted from 18 November to 24 November 2017. One monitoring point was set up in the monitoring, which is located in Bo’ai Hospital (G1). The monitoring results are shown in Table 3.3-2.

Table 3.3-2 Statistical table of monitoring results of present status of atmospheric environment quality

Concentration Standard Compliance Monitoring % of the Pollutant range value with point standard ug/m 3 ug/m 3 standard

SO 11~16 500 0.03 Yes Hourly 2 value NO 2 21~26 200 0.13 Yes

G1 SO 2 11~16 150 0.11 Yes Daily

averag NO 2 22~25 80 0.31 Yes e value PM 10 59~86 150 0.57 Yes

85. The monitoring data shows that the SO 2, NO 2 and PM 10 indicators all met Class II standard, and the ambient air quality of the component location is good.

3.3.3 Acoustic environment quality

86. Noise monitoring was conducted on 18 November and 19 November 2017. The component involves widening of existing road, which is also financed by ADB. The noise source is mainly the traffic of the existing road. 10 representative sensitive receptors were selected. The monitoring results are shown in Table 3.3-3.

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Table 3.3-3 Noise monitoring results Unit: dB(A)

Monitoring result dB(A) Monitoring Nighttim Assessment SN Monitoring location Day time Day time Nighttime date e conclusion

Leq L90 Leq L90

2017.11.18 62.6 48.1 53.6 42.6 Xiaoshang (second floor of the first row Meet Class IV building along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 62.1 47.2 53.9 42.9 1 2017.11.18 55.3 45.3 49.4 41.4 Does not Xiaoshang (second floor of the building 40m meet Class II away from boundary line of the existing road) 2017.11.19 55.9 45.8 50.3 41.3 standard

2017.11.18 61.1 46.2 52.2 43.2 Lingwan (second floor of the first row building Meet Class IV along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 61.3 47.5 52.8 42.8 2 2017.11.18 53.8 44.5 49.7 41.5 Lingwan (second floor of the building 40m Meet Class II away from boundary line of the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 54.4 45.5 48.9 41.9

2017.11.18 51.2 44.3 45.2 40.5 Xiaozheng (second floor of the first row Meet Class II 3 building along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 50.8 43.8 44.4 41.1

2017.11.18 59.2 45.1 51.5 42.2 Zaoying Lvcheng (first floor of the first row Meet Class IV building along the existing road) A standard 4 2017.11.19 59.5 45.5 52.4 42.4

Zaoying Lvcheng (third floor of the first row 2017.11.18 61.2 44.6 54.2 42.7 Meet Class IV

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building along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 61.1 46.9 53.7 43.4

2017.11.18 60.4 45.4 53.2 42.9 Zaoying Lvcheng (sixth floor of the first row Meet Class IV building along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 60.6 46.5 53.8 42.1

2017.11.18 60.5 45.2 53.6 42.6 Zaoying Lvcheng (tenth floor of the first row Meet Class IV building along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 60.1 45.3 52.3 42.6

2017.11.18 52.2 43.5 45.4 41.8 Zaoying Lvcheng (ground floor of the second Meet Class II row building along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 52.8 44.4 46.4 41.5

2017.11.18 54.4 44.5 48.8 42.6 Zaoying Lvcheng (third floor of the second Meet Class II row building along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 54.8 45.3 48.6 42.4

2017.11.18 53.6 44.1 47.8 41.4 Zaoying Lvcheng (sixth floor of the second Meet Class II row building along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 54.2 45.5 47.1 42.1

2017.11.18 52.1 43.6 45.6 41.1 Xiaoli (second floor of the first row building Meet Class II 5 along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 51.5 44.5 45.1 41.6

2017.11.18 54.1 44.5 48.5 42.2 Wangye (second floor of the first row building Meet Class II 6 along the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 54.5 45.1 47.1 41.4

7 Bo’ai Hospital (ground floor of the first row 2017.11.18 56.7 46.7 50.7 42.4 Does not

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building along the existing road) meet Class II 2017.11.19 55.3 46.3 49.8 42.1 standard

2017.11.18 57.5 47.2 51.5 42.8 Does not Bo’ai Hospital (third floor of the first row meet Class II building along the existing road) 2017.11.19 58.3 47.3 51.8 42.5 standard

2017.11.18 56.4 46.8 50.2 41.5 Does not Huangcun (second floor of the second row 8 meet Class II building along the existing road) 2017.11.19 55.6 46.6 51.2 42.0 standard

2017.11.18 60.9 48.9 51.2 42.6 Xiushi residential quarter(second floor of the Meet Class IV first row building along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 60.2 47.6 52.7 42.8 9 Xiushi residential quarter (second floor of the 2017.11.18 56.1 46.5 49.2 42.1 Meet Class II building 40m away from boundary line of the standard existing road) 2017.11.19 56.0 47.4 49.9 42.5

2017.11.18 61.1 47.5 52.6 42.2 Jiajia (second floor of the first row building Meet Class IV along the existing road) A standard 2017.11.19 61.7 47.7 54.1 42.6 10 2017.11.18 53.6 44.6 49.4 41.4 Jiajia (second floor of the building 40m away Meet Class II from boundary line of the existing road) standard 2017.11.19 51.4 45.4 49.6 40.6

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87. The monitoring results show that noise level at the 10 monitored sensitive receptors in day time is within the range of 50.8~62.6 dB(A), and that in night time is within the range of 44.4~54.2 dB(A). Part of the buildings in Xiaoshang, Lingwan, Zaoying Lvcheng, Xiushi residential areas and Jiajia are located in Class IV A noise functional area, and the noise value of the first row buildings along the road meets the requirements of Class IV A in “Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard” (GB3096-2008); noise level at three sensitive receptors do not meet Class II standard in “Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard” (GB3096-2008), and others all meet Class II standard.

3.3.4 Soil 88. Soil monitoring was conducted on 29 November 2018. Three surface samples were collected. The monitoring results and analysis are shown in Table 3.3-4. Table 3.3-4 Soil Monitoring Results

Front Door, Anhui Xuhong Anhui Screening Machinery Sanchahe Wanyou value SN Indicator Unit Equipment Gas Cotton Co., Ltd. Front station Type II Industry Co., Door land Ltd.

1 As mg/kg 6.72 7.17 7.72 60

2 Cd mg/kg 0.19 0.24 0.20 65

3 Cr 6+ mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 5.7

4 Cu mg/kg 33 33 36 18000

5 Pb mg/kg 18.3 14.5 18.7 800

6 Hg mg/kg 0.065 0.035 0.139 38

7 Ni mg/kg 26 24 31 900

8 CCl ₄ μg/kg <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 2.8

9 CHCl 3 μg/kg <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 0.9

10 CH 3Cl μg/kg <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 37

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11 1,1-C2H4Cl 2 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 9

12 1,2-C2H4Cl 2 μg/kg <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 5

13 1,1-C2H2Cl 2 μg/kg <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 66

14 Cis-1,2-C2H2Cl 2 μg/kg <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 596

Trans-1,2- 15 μg/kg <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 54 C2H2Cl 2

16 CH 2Cl 2 μg/kg <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 616

17 1,2-C3H6Cl 2 μg/kg <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 5

18 1,1,1,2-C2H2Cl 4 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 10

19 1,1,2,2-C2H2Cl 4 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 6.8

20 C2Cl 4 μg/kg <1.4 <1.4 <1.4 53

21 1,1,1-C2H3Cl 3 μg/kg <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 840

22 1,1,2-C2H3Cl 3 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 2.8

23 C2HCl 3 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 2.8

24 1,2,3-C3H5Cl 3 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 0.5

25 C2H3Cl μg/kg <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 0.43

26 C6H6 μg/kg <1.9 <1.9 <1.9 4

27 C6H5Cl μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 270

28 1,2-C6H4Cl 2 μg/kg <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 560

29 1,4-C6H4Cl 2 μg/kg <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 20

30 C8H10 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 28

31 C8H8 μg/kg <1.1 <1.1 <1.1 1290

32 C7H8 μg/kg <1.3 <1.3 <1.3 1200

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1,3-C8H10 &1,4- 33 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 570 C8H10

34 1,2-C8H10 μg/kg <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 640

35 C6H5NO 2 mg/kg <0.09 <0.09 <0.09 76

36 C6H7N mg/kg <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 260

37 2-ClC 6H4OH mg/kg <0.06 <0.06 <0.06 2256

38 C1 8H12 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 15

39 C20 H12 (BaP ) mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1.5

C20 H12 40 (Benzo[b]fluoran mg/kg <0.2 <0.2 <0.2 15 thene)

C20 H12 41 (Benzo[k]fluoran mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 151 thene)

42 C18 H12 mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1293

C22 H14 43 (Dibenz[a,h] mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1.5 anthracene)

C22 H12 44 (Indeno(1,2,3- mg/kg <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 15 cd)pyrene)

45 C10 H8 mg/kg <0.09 <0.09 <0.09 70

89. The results showed that all the monitoring factors meet the screening requirements of Table 1 in Control Standards of soil pollution risk in Construction Land for Soil Environmental Quality (trial).

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3.4 Overview of the social environment

3.4.1 Socioeconomic structure 90. In 2018, the city’s GDP achieved CNY 327.853 billion, with an increase of 8.4% against 2017; among which, the primary industry realized an added value of CNY 13.303 billion, with an increase of 3.1%; the secondary industry realized an added value of CNY 171.064 billion, with an increase of 8.6%; and the tertiary industry realized an added value of CNY143.486 billion, with an increase of 8.5%.

3.4.2 Education, health and culture

91. There are 10 colleges and universities, with a total of 6400 full-time teachers, 170,000 students, 55,000 new enrolled students, and 4,9500 graduates. There are 215 junior middle and senior high schools, with 13,100 full-time teachers, and 160,400 students. There are 23 secondary vocational schools with 54,600 students; there are 288 primary schools with 11,800 full-time teachers and 193,200 students; there are 520 kindergartens with 99,300 children in the kindergartens. The enrollment rate of children at the age of primary school is 100%, and the enrollment rate of the population at the stage of junior middle school is 100%.

92. The city has 757 various types of health institutions. Among them, 81 hospitals and health centers, 9 disease control centers, 8 maternity and childcare centers, institutions and stations, 33 community health service centers, and 136 community health service stations. The health institutions have 21,448 beds and 22,527 health technicians. 93. The city has 1 art performance group, 8 cultural centers, 10 public libraries with a collection of 2.4925 million books, including 1.2169 million books in the city libraries, and 13 archives with 17,7000 volumes open to the public. There are 5 radio stations and 5 TV stations with the coverage rate of 99.9%. 3.4.3 Cultural relics

94. No cultural relics were found within 500m on both sides of the road of the Project.

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4 Environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures

4.1 The existing main problems 95. Though the National Highway G347 has completed the mergence of two roads and road upgrading, it also bears high traffic burden from motor vehicles, non-motor vehicles and pedestrians due to the fast urbanization and crowed shops on both sides of the road, and as well as the transverse traffic interference from intersecting village roads .

96. The drainage and irrigation ditches are distributed in the vertical and horizontal directions in the diked area on both sides of the existing road, which are all soil-based open ditches. Rainwater flowing through villages, farmland and other plots are collected into the open drainage ditches and ditch ponds.

Fig. 4.1-1 Drainage and irrigation water system along the old road

97. Independent confluence drainage pipes are set for the road section passing villages and towns, but the design standard of the pipes is low and there are no sewage treatment facilities. Rainwater and a little of domestic sewage are collected by the pipes and then discharged into nearby water bodies.

Fig. 4.1-2 Buried pipe trenches for the sections passing the villages and towns 98. The component will widen the existing road with auxiliary roads on both side to reduce

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the transverse interference to the main driveway and meet the mixed traffic demand, ensure the rapid passage of the main driveway, and improve the traffic capacity and service level of the road and meet the needs of rapid growth of road traffic volume. At the same time, it will improve the surrounding water drainage and reduce the impact on water environment.

4.2 Analysis of main environmental impacts

4.2.1 Ecological impact Impact on vegetation

99. Due to the long history of agricultural development in the component area, the native vegetation in the assessment area has been destroyed, and the existing vegetation is mainly planted forest and shrub herbosa.

100. The impact on the vegetation during construction mainly comes from three aspects: permanent land occupation, temporary land occupation, mechanical roller compaction and construction workers during the construction. Among them, the permanent land acquisition damage to vegetation is long-term and irreversible, while the damage of temporary land occupation and construction disturbance to vegetation is short-term and reversible.

1. Impact of permanent land acquisition

101. Land acquisition will damage the vegetation along the component area. Based on the survey on the current status of vegetation distribution, the types of vegetation directly affected by construction are mainly crops and planted forest.

(1) Loss of agricultural crops 102. Land to be acquired is mainly dryland, which will cause loss of crops, including wheat, cotton, beans, peanuts, rape and other vegetables. (2) Forest loss

103. A small amount of mountainous planted forest land will be occupied, and the lost forest is mainly the shelterbelt on both sides of the existing road. 104. In addition, construction activities will also cause damage to farmland and planted forest around the villages. The damaged tree species are mainly poplar, paulownia, Chinese scholar tree, willow and some shrubs. 2. Impact of temporary land occupation

105. The borrowing area will occupy a total land area of 7.23 hm 2, and the construction site will occupy a land area of 0.8 hm 2. The temporary works will occupy the cultivated land, damaging the existing crops in a short period of time. After the completion of the works, the temporarily occupied land needs to be re-cultivated. 106. During construction, dust generated by the transport vehicles will have a direct impact

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on the growth of surrounding plants. The dust falls on the leaves of plants, which can block the pores and affect the photosynthesis of plants, so that the plants grow slowly or even die. In addition, the stacking of raw materials and vehicle oil spills will also contaminate the soil, which will indirectly affect the growth of plants. Therefore, proper mitigation measures need to be taken to avoid/minimize the impacts.

107. In summary, the impact of temporary land use on vegetation is temporary, and effective measures must be taken to ensure that the vegetation is restored for the temporarily occupied land as soon as possible. Impacts on agricultural ecology

1. Impact of land acquisition 108. The component area includes plains and micro-hills, and is mostly cultivated land. Due to the constraints of the existing road route, it is inevitable to occupy a certain amount of cultivated land. The land occupation will reduce the absolute amount of cultivated land along the line, but the cultivated land occupied is relatively small. Therefore, the component will not change the current land use status of the area, and will not produce a significant impact on the local agro- ecology.

109. As for the permanent land acquisition, the impact is greater. Therefore, the IA should coordinate with the local government and affected persons (Aps), and provide proper compensation; conduct the trainings to those urbanized APs and help them to find new jobs to ensure the new income sources and livelihood standards. 2. Analysis of the impact on agricultural production

110. For APs whose farmland are directly occupied, the IA and the local government should take effective measures to directly compensate to the farmers, or directly allocate the land to them so that they can restore agricultural production as soon as possible.

111. Although the component has certain impacts on the local agricultural economy, the convenient transportation makes the transport-out of agricultural products easier, which is conducive to the sales of agricultural products, making the output of products of the non-acquired farmland accelerated, and the output value per mu increased. In addition, a considerable number of retail and other employment opportunities will also change the current situation of slow local economic development. The losses caused by the component to the local primary industry can be compensated for by promoting the development of related tertiary industries. Impact on water body for agricultural irrigation

112. During the subgrade construction, if the temporary side ditches are not excavated concurrently in the rainy season, it is easy to cause erosion of the farmland and siltation of the irrigation channels along the line, especially during the construction of limestone subgrade bedding, lime may be washed into the nearby irrigation water bodies and farmland along the line during storms. If the construction materials stockyard does not take temporary protective

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measures, the construction materials may be blown by the wind or washed by rainwater into the nearby water bodies and farmland; and if no protective measures are taken during the transportation process, the powdery construction materials will be blown to the nearby farmland along the line by the wind, all these factors can produce an impact on water body and soil along the line.

113. According to the feasibility study report, the construction period of the subgrade will be from late 2019 to 2020. During the period, the component may encounter one rainy season. Therefore, temporary windproof and rainproof measures should be taken for the material stockyard, and covering measures taken for the construction transporting vehicles to minimize the impact on soil and irrigation water bodies. The good topsoil of plough layer is most important for land reclamation work. Therefore, before the construction of the subgrade and at the temporary construction site, the contractors should strip, transport and centrally pile up the soil pf the surface plough layer. After construction completion, it should be used as greening soil or for land restoration and reclamation. Analysis of the impacts on the water system and water conservancy facilities along the line during operation 114. The farmland irrigation facilities in the component area are developed. The impacts on rivers, water systems and water conservancy irrigation facilities along the line were taking into account in the design. A large number of culverts have been included in the design, which will minimize the impacts on the irrigation systems. After completion, the culvert system can maintain the agricultural irrigation system in the area. When the rainfall forms road runoff, the rainwater will all be discharged through the rainwater pipe system and will not be poured into the farmland. Therefore, the road runoff will not produce significant impact on the subgrade and farmland. Impact on wildlife

115. As the original road corridor has existed for a long time, and the development along the road is relatively high, no animal passage is found to be occupied. Therefore, the impact on wildlife during implementation is mainly during construction.

a. Amphibians 116. Amphibians generally require water for their reproduction, and their eggs are produced in the water bodies of streams and ditches. They are usually active in the shelters from dusk to dawn, and they get through the hot or cold season in the manner of estivation or hibernation. They generally take insects as their main food sources. Fish, snakes, birds, beasts, etc. are their natural enemies. The impact on their reproduction is mainly human disturbance and possible water pollution caused by construction sewage. 117. The amphibians within the assessment scope are mainly lentic and terrestrial types. The lentic type (foraging for food in still water or slow flow): they are mainly distributed in the vicinity of the road sections where there is a water body around the component site, and in ponds and rice fields within the assessment scope. The main impacts on them are mainly from the oily

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sewage and other sewage caused by the machinery operation and repairs around the water body, environment pollution caused by the discharge of the waste, and construction noise, hunting and killing by the construction workers, etc. which will force these amphibians to temporarily leave their habitats. Terrestrial type (looking for food on land): they mainly move on the land not far from the water bodies within the scope of the assessment and are closely related to human activities. They are widely distributed along the component site, and mainly rest in farmland, ditches and nearby grasses, and move around in the vicinity of water bodies. Construction activities, including noise will disturb them on the habitats and result in the leave of them. But, since the impact is short-term, and there are many similar habitats in the assessment area which can be used for the transfer of these species. After the completion of construction activities, the living environment of the amphibians will be gradually recovered. 118. The survey results show that Bufo gargarizans are the dominant species of amphibians in the assessment area, but they mainly inhabit in the dark and humid forest, grasses, farmland, river ditches, and vicinity of village houses, feeding on insects. During construction, they will move to the habitats away from the construction area, therefore, the construction will not pose a threat to their survival. The decline in the populations in the assessment area is temporary and recoverable. In general, the impact of construction on amphibians is short-term, and the temporary impact on their habitats is also reversible. b. Reptiles

119. Reptiles generally lay eggs in shrubs and stone crevices. Their breeding seasons are mostly in spring and summer. Some of them live in water, some live in the stone crevices on the land, and some live near the houses. The residential type is only Gekko japonicus. They mainly move around in the residential area within the scope of assessment, their habitats highly coincide with human activities, and their adaptability is very strong, so construction has almost no impact on them. In addition, because the existing road have existed for a long time, the reptiles such as lizards and snakes involved in the assessment scope are common species, which have already adapted to interference of human activities. They mainly inhabit in artificial or semi-artificial inhabits such as village forests, forest shrubs and farmland. They have a wide range of foods and feeds on insects, frogs, birds and rats. During the construction period, if the construction materials and spoil are poorly managed, they will change the turbidity and other physical and chemical properties of the water in the water area involved, making the living environment of the reptiles destroyed or even disappear. But they will migrate to non-construction areas, so their survival will not be threatened. In general, the reptiles may temporarily leave the construction area and move to similar habitats in the assessment area. The impact during the construction period is temporary. c. Birds 120. There are many bird species in the component area, among which the forest birds are the most, and their distribution is also wide. They are distributed in the forests at the edges of villages and the forest land at the edges of the waterfronts. Because forest birds are good at

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flying, it is easier for them to find alternative habitats during the construction period, so the component has little direct impact on them. The impact is limited to the reduction of their range of activities and habitats due to construction activities. These impacts are limited to the surrounding forest land, so the scope of impact is small. 121. There are also a certain number of land birds in the assessment area, including birds such as pheasant, which have strong adaptability and wide distribution. They are distributed on forest land along the component area, the rural forest network, the edge of the residential area, and the farmland. The impact of construction is mainly illegal hunting and noise. Because the existing road has existed for a long time, most of the inland birds in the component area are the species highly adaptable to human disturbances. They are more often seen in the habitats such as villages and farmland. In the assessment area, many same or similar habitats can be found. The impact during construction is temporary. 122. Spring and summer are the breeding seasons for most birds. If temporary placement of construction materials during construction occupies their habitats, these activities will have certain impact on their spawning and nesting. Considering that there are similar habitat nearby, the impact of the component on the parturition of birds is short-term. Secondly, the high noise during construction should be avoided in the spring as far as possible to reduce the impact of noise on bird parturition. d. Animals 123. The animals in the assessment area are mostly the species of semi-underground type. They are generally small in body size, and they mainly forage for food on the ground, inhabit and avoid enemies in caves, and some of them also look for food underground. Representative species include hedgehog and grass hare, Apodemus agrarius, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, yellow weasel and other species. They are widely distributed within the scope of assessment. A few species, such as Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus, are closely related to human beings and are concentrated in the vicinity of urban settlements and farmland. Some rodents and rabbits like to move around in the scope of human activities such as villages and vegetable fields. 124. The noise, lighting and human disturbance during construction cause certain shrinkage of the habitat of the animals. The construction activities have certain impact on their activities and food sources, but the animals are all the species with strong mobility and wide eating habits. In addition, there are many alternative habitats in the vicinity of the component area, so it is easier for the animals to find habitats. The scope of impact on animals is small and the impact time is relatively short. Therefore, construction will not produce a major impact on animals, and they can migrate to similar habitats nearby. After the construction is completed, they can still return to their original habitats. However, the increase in human activities, construction noise, wastewater and exhaust emissions resulting from construction activities will also have an indirect impact on the animals in the assessment area.

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1. Present status of water loss and soil erosion 125. The component area belongs to the southern red soil hilly area. The Anhui Province Zone is the area for farmland protection and human settlement maintenance in the hilly land along the Yangtze River. The soil erosion type is mainly hydraulic erosion, and the hydraulic erosion in the component area is characterized by surface erosion and gully erosion. According to the “Soil and Water Conservation Plan of Anhui Province (2016-2030)” (Wan Zheng Mi [2016] No. 250), the current status of water loss and soil erosion at the component site is shown in Table 4.2-1.

Table 4.2-1 Present status of water loss and soil erosion in Jiujiang District

Area without Erosion area (km 2) Total area obvious (km 2) erosion Very Slightly Moderately Strongly Severely Total (km 2) strongly

870.65 869.83 0.69 0.09 0.03 0.01 0 0.82

Percentage 99.91 0.09 (%)

126. The main vegetation types along the existing road are farmland vegetation, roadside vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, etc. The greening on both sides of the road are mainly arbor and shrubs. According to the “Standard for Classification and Gradation of Soil Erosion” (SL190- 2007), the allowable loss of soil in the component area is 500t/km 2•a. There is basically plant or crop coverage in the component area, and the background value of the native soil erosion modulus is about 300~400t/km 2•a, which is slight erosion. 2. Analysis of soil The disturbed surface area for construction is 72.26hm 2, and the area of facilities for damaged soil and water conservation is 72.26 hm 2. Due to construction activities, the total amount of water loss and soil erosion may be 7139.96 t, including 926.86t of background water loss and soil erosion and 6211.30t of new water loss and soil erosion.

3. Soil and water conservation measures 127. A comprehensively plan for water loss and soil erosion prevention and control measures will be developed, focusing on taking prevention of water loss and soil erosion, vegetation restoration, improvement of the ecological environment within the scope of responsibility of the component for soil and water conservation, and ensuring normal and safe implementation as the ultimate goal; prevention of negative impact on the surrounding environment and safety at the starting point; and taking the main construction area and the borrowing area as the key points according to the results of analysis and assessment of soil and water conservation and the

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prediction of water loss and soil erosion in the main engineering design, and combining the existing soil and water conservation facilities in the main engineering design at the same time so as to develop a complete protection system. 128. On the basis of the water conservation functional works of the component, corresponding measures shall be taken according to the terrain, geology and water loss and soil erosion characteristics of each prevention and control area to well do the water loss and soil erosion prevention and control works. Engineering measures will be taken to control large-area and high-intensity water loss and soil erosion, and greening will be implemented, which shall match the engineering measures to improve water conservation effect, reduce engineering investment, and improve the ecological environment. 4. Soil and water conservation prevention and control measures

a. Main engineering area Engineering measures: topsoil stripping and back-covering; setting of subgrade drainage pipes (ditch). Planting/greening measures: planting arbor and shrub vegetation on the road separation zone and on both sides of the subgrade. Temporary measures: Temporary blockage, covering and water drainage of topsoil.

b. Borrowing area Engineering measures: topsoil stripping and back covering, water interception and drainage, land consolidation, bank, etc. Planting/greening measures: Vegetation planting in accordance with landscape standards.

Temporary measures: temporary blockage with bagged soil around. c. Construction site Engineering measures: topsoil stripping, land consolidation.

Planting/greening measures: Planting shrubs and laying turf at the construction site.

129. Temporary measures: topsoil blockage; excavate temporary simple drainage ditch around the site, and connect it with the natural ditch, and set up sedimentation tank at the end of the ditch; hardening of the site with macadam. 4.2.2 Impact on surface water Surface water impact during construction 130. During the construction, the impacts mainly include construction wastewater and domestic sewage on the surrounding surface water. 1 Construction wastewater

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131. Construction wastewater mainly includes oil from construction machinery and oily wastewater generated from flushing of open-air machinery by rainwater, sprinkled water on the road and wastewater generated from flushing of construction materials by rainwater. The wastewater mainly contains petroleum and suspended solids. If it is discharged directly without treatment, it will cause water pollution.

132. Prevention and management measures should be taken for oil leakage from construction machinery. At the construction site, the amount of oily sewage generated by construction is small with an annual production of about 1~2 tons. It is necessary to set up collection barrels to collect oily sewage generated by maintenance of construction machinery. It should be recycled, and its discharge is strictly prohibited. 133. Since the materials, oil etc. required for subgrade construction will be piled at construction site, if they are not managed strictly and covered tightly, they may be washed into the nearby water bodies during the rainy season or rainstorm period. If there is no sheltering, covering and other measures at the powder materials stockyard, the powder materials will also enter into water bodies with the floating dust and cause pollution. If the height of the material stacking place is lower than the water level of each ditch during the flood season, the materials may be submerged by the ditch water, or enter into the water body, rainstorm washing, resulting in pollution of rivers and ditches. Residual substances in waste building materials stockyards can also cause water pollution as the surface runoff enters the water body.

134. Storage facilities for fuels, oil, and other hazardous materials are within secured areas on impermeable surfaces with 110% volume of the materials stored, and provided with bunds and cleanup kits.

2 Domestic sewage 135. The domestic sewage generated during comes from the catering and toilet sewage of the construction workers. There are about 50 construction workers, and the construction period is about 24 months. The domestic water consumption is 50L/person day, and the pollutant production coefficient is 80%. Therefore, the amount of domestic sewage generated is about 3 3 2m /d, 600m /a. The main pollutants in the domestic sewage are COD, NH 3-N, SS and animal and vegetable oils. The concentrations are generally COD: 300mg/L, NH 3-N: 25mg/L, SS: 200mg/L, animal and vegetable oils: 25mg/L.

136. The daily discharge volume of domestic sewage from construction waters is 2m 3/d, the construction personnel rent the private houses, and the domestic sewage is treated through the dry toilets and used for fertilization of the surrounding farmland. It is strictly forbidden that the fecal sewage directly enters the surface water bodies such as river channels along the road. Surface water impact during operation

137. The impact on the water body during operation mainly comes from road runoff. The road surface runoff pollutants mainly come from vehicle exhaust gas, vehicle part wear and tear, road surface wear and tear, transport spillage and atmospheric dust fall. The pollutants in the exhaust

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gas of various types of vehicles are deposited on the road surface, the particles worn off from the automobile tires, the earth adhered on the chassis, the pollutants dropping off during braking, and oil leaking when vehicles are in poor working conditions, which will enter into the drainage system of the road with the road runoff generated by the rainfall and eventually enter into the surface water body. The main pollutants are petroleum, organic substances and suspended solids. Generally, the concentration of suspended solids and oil in rainwater is relatively high within 30 minutes from the initial stage of rainfall to the formation of runoff. After half an hour, the concentration decreases rapidly with the extension of rainfall duration. After 40~60 minutes of rainfall, the road surface is basically cleaned thoroughly, and the concentration of road runoff pollutants is relatively stable at a low level. In the actual drainage process, the concentration of pollutants in the road surface runoff when the pollutants reaches the water body has been greatly reduced due to dilution by precipitation, adsorption of pollutants by silt, silt sedimentation and other effects when the road surface runoff is naturally drained into the drainage ditch or side ditch through the cross slope of the road surface, or centrally drained into the drainage ditch through the side slope torrent gutter. Therefore, road runoff has less impact on the water environment during the operation.

4.2.3 Atmospheric environment impact

138. Air pollutants during construction are mainly from demolition, stockyards and construction vehicles, and the asphalt smoke generated during asphalt paving, etc. Increase in dust pollution 139. Increase in dust pollution mainly occurs in the pre-construction demolition and filling process, which is mainly the raise dust caused by construction vehicle transportation and the raise dust in the construction area. (1) Increase in dust of road construction 140. Increase in dust during road construction is mainly caused by the transportation of construction materials, especially the transportation of powdery materials. There are many influencing factors, mainly related to vehicle speed, wind speed, dust deposit volume and dust humidity on the road area, of which, wind speed also directly affects the transport distance of the dust. Stone materials, sand materials and cement will all be transported by trucks, mainly through the existing roads. The amount of road dust deposit in a road section is related to humidity, speed of construction machinery and transport vehicle, wind speed, etc. Wind speed and wind direction also directly affect the pollution range of road dust.

141. In addition, if the road construction materials, especially the powdery materials, are not covered properly, they will also produce dust with the wind during transportation, which will affect the residents on both sides of the road, especially in windy weather, the impact will be more serious. (2) Dust from the stockyard

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142. During construction, the materials stockyard is generally set up at construction site. The type and properties of the materials at the stockyard and wind speed have a great influence on the amount of dust generated. Materials with small specific gravity easily generate dust when they are disturbed, and the amount of dust generated is also large accordingly when the proportion of fine particles in the material is large. Dust from the stockyard includes dust from the stockpile blown by wind, loading and unloading and the secondary dust from the dust deposited on the road surface caused by vehicles. This will generate a heavier dust pollution and have a certain impact on the surrounding environment. The dust can be effectively suppressed by timely sprinkling, which can be reduced by 70% (according to the monitoring results of dust reduction test by water sprinkling during construction of G3 expressway). In addition, some wind-proof measures such as covering can be taken to effectively reduce dust pollution for some powdery materials. 143. In order to reduce the impact of dust pollution from stockyard on sensitive receptors, by referring to the location setting of the material stockyards for highways, the construction materials stockyard of the component should be located away from the sensitive receptors. (3) Dust generated by demolition 144. According to the analogy analysis, the daily average concentration of TSP in the demolition process is about 2.7mg/m 3, and the impact range is about 150m around the construction site. The demolition amount of the component is relatively small, about 15,575m 2. The demolition process is a short-term behavior. As long as the demolition work is carried out under the conditions of no wind or small wind, that the demolition waste is timely cleaned up, and enclosure and water sprinkling measures will be taken, and transport vehicles will be covered with the tarpaulin, dust emissions will be reduced by 50%. In this case, the adverse impact of the demolition on the sensitive receptors can be minimized.

(4) Dust from construction site

145. The intensity of dust generated by construction is related to many factors such as construction site conditions, construction methods, construction equipment and construction season, meteorological conditions and soil quality in the construction area, whereas taking appropriate mitigation measures is an important way to control dust pollution. Due to numerous influencing factors, it is difficult to determine the intensity of the dust. In assessment, the analogy method was used to analyze the impact of dust generated during construction based on the monitoring data. The results of site monitoring of dust generation compared with multiple construction sites are shown in Table 4.2-2.

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Table 4.2-2 Monitoring results of dust pollution in construction site

TSP concentration (μg/m 3)

Downwind distance of the site Fencing Upwind 20m 50m 100m 150m 200m reference point

No 1540 891 535 354 265 259

Metal baffle 940 510 282 275 258 Constru ction s ite Encircling 270 color strip 1104 535 289 278 264 cloth

146. It can be seen from Table 4.2-1 that with non-enclosed construction, TSP concentration is 354~1540ug/Nm 3 within the range of 20~150m downwind of the site, which is 1.37~5.95 times of the reference point; when the downwind distance is more than 200m, the TSP concentration is 265ug/Nm 3, which is close to the reference point; with metal fences, TSP concentration is 510~940ug/Nm 3 when the downwind distance is 20~50m, which is 1.89~3.48 times of the reference point; when the downwind distance is 100~200m, TSP concentration is 289~258ug/Nm 3, which is close to the reference point. The TSP concentrations beyond the range of downwind 200m all meet the limits for fugitive emission in Table 2 of the “Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants” (GB16297-1996). Therefore, in general, after taking the measures such as timely water sprinkling, reasonable arrangement of construction time and setting up enclosures, the component may have some noise impact on the sensitive receptors close to the construction site. Asphalt smoke pollution

147. Asphalt mixing building will not be set up at the component site. The asphalt concrete will be purchased from outside, so there is no asphalt smoke produced by asphalt melting and mixing operations. However, the impact of asphalt smoke still exists during road paving. By analog with the monitoring data of the impact on the surrounding environment during the asphalt paving of the same type of road, the impact of the asphalt paving on atmospheric environment is slight, thus it will have a very little impact on the sensitive receptors. Impact on air quality during operation 148. The airborne pollutants generated during operation are mainly NOx from automobile exhaust gas. Analogy analysis method is used to analyze the impact of NO 2 on air quality.

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149. According to the data of the monitoring report of the existing road and the forecast of traffic flow in the feasibility study report of the component, analogy method is used to assess the impact on air quality during operation. The average daily concentration of NO 2 within the range of 200m of the component will be 0.0418mg/m 3 (the existing daily average monitoring value of 3 NO 2 is 0.022mg/m ), which meets the requirements of Class II standard of “Ambient Air Quality Standard”. In addition, with China’s emphasis on environmental protection, advances in science and technology, and the extensive use of clean energy, the pollutant emission of a single motor vehicle in the future may be greatly reduced. The current ambient air quality along the road of the component is good and the atmospheric environment carrying capacity is large. Vehicle exhaust gas has less impact on air quality along the road. 4.2.4 Noise impact Noise impact during construction 150. The main noise source during construction is mainly from construction machinery and the radiation noise of vehicles. The noise impact is temporary, but due to long construction period, if no measures are taken, the construction will cause significant noise impact on the nearby villages. The road construction process is mainly divided into three stages, namely foundation construction, road surface construction, and traffic engineering construction. The main construction techniques and construction machinery for these three phases are introduced below. 1. Foundation construction: This will take the longest time, use the most machinery and the noise level will be the strongest. It mainly includes foundation treatment, subgrade leveling, earthwork excavation and filling and layered compaction. The construction machinery used are mainly excavators, bulldozers, road rollers, graders, etc. 2. Pavement construction: This will be carried out after the completion of the subgrade construction, which is mainly to spread asphalt concrete. The construction machinery used are mainly large asphalt pavers. According to the domestic noise monitoring during road construction, the road construction noise at this stage is small compared to the subgrade construction.

3. Traffic engineering construction: This mainly involves installation of the road traffic communication facilities and improvement and finalization of the marking lines. The procedure basically does not require large construction machinery, so the noise impact is smaller.

151. The above construction activities are all accompanied by traffic noise caused by transportation of building materials. When building materials are transported, some existing roads will be used near the sensitive receptors. The radiation noise emitted by these transportation vehicles will have certain impact on the sensitive receptors along the line. 152. Based on the analysis above, the noise source distribution of the component is as follows: 1. Road construction machinery such as road rollers, bulldozers, graders, etc. are mainly

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distributed in the road area

2. Loaders are mainly concentrated in the culvert area 3. Excavators and loaders are mainly concentrated in the borrow area

4. The transport vehicles mainly run on the access roads between the borrow area and the component site, the access roads set up along the component alignment, and the existing roads connecting the construction site

(1) Prediction and analysis of noise impact during period 153. The construction period will be 24 months. Some high-noise construction machinery will be used during construction, which will have certain impact on sensitive receptors nearby.

1. Construction noise source 154. The noise during road construction mainly comes from construction machinery and transportation vehicles. 155. According to the noise source intensity of common construction machinery and the characteristics of the component in Annex A.2 of the “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Noise and Vibration Control Engineering” (HJ 2034-2013), the intensity analysis of noise sources of the component is shown in Table 4.2-3.

Table 4.2-3 Noise level of main construction equipment Unit: dB(A)

Equipment 5m from noise source 10m from noise source SN Remarks name (max.) (max.) 1 Excavator 90 86

2 Loader 95 91 Subgrade 3 Bulldozer 88 85 work 4 Vibrator 88 84 5 Road roller 90 86 6 Paver 86 82 Pavement work Concrete 7 95 90 delivery pump Culvert 8 Crane 110 105 work Transport 9 85 81 vehicle

156. Noise generated from road construction has the following characteristics:

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1) The construction noise source is different from the general fixed noise source. There are both fixed noise sources and mobile noise sources. Construction machinery is often exposed outdoors, and they will move within a small range for a certain period. However, construction noise pollution is still within the local range compared with the mobile source. 2) Construction equipment is relatively small compared to the range of its influence. Therefore, the construction equipment noise can basically be regarded as the point source.

2. Prediction model of noise impact during construction 157. The following model is adopted for calculations for noise level from construction machinery:

Where: LP — A-weighted noise level dB (A) at a distance of r from the noise source

LP 0 — A-weighted noise level dB (A) at a distance of r0 from the noise source 158. The synthesized noise level generated by each noise source at the prediction point uses the following calculation model:

3. Analysis of noise impact of single construction machinery operation 159. The noise prediction results of different construction machinery at different distances are shown in Table 4.2-4. The noise of a single construction machine can meet the corresponding standard in the “Emission standard of environment noise at boundary of construction site” (GB12523-2011) at a distance of 110m from the construction site, and can reach the standard limits at a distance of 630m at night. However, at construction site, it is usual that a variety of construction machinery work together. Therefore, the noise at the construction site is the result of combined noise of various construction machinery and the noise of various vehicles entering and leaving the construction site. The distance of noise meets the standard limit is much more than 110m during day time and 630m during night time.

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Table 4.2-4 Noise levels at different distances from main construction machinery Unit: dB(A)

Type of Construction 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 150 200 300 machiner 5m stage m m m m m m m m m m m y

76. 74. 72. 70. 67. Excavator 90 86 80 66 62.5 60 56.5 5 0 0 4 9

81. 79. 77. 75. 72. Loader 95 91 85 71 67.5 65 61.5 5 0 0 4 9 Subgrade work 72. 70. 68. 66. 63. Bulldozer 88 82 76 62 58.5 56 52.5 5 0 0 4 9

Vibrating 74. 72. 70. 68. 65. 88 84 78 64 60.5 58 54.5 tamper 5 0 0 4 9

Road 76. 74. 72. 70. 67. 90 86 80 66 62.5 60 56.5 roller 5 0 0 4 9

72. 70. 68. 66. 63. Pavement Paver 86 82 76 62 58.5 56 52.5 5 0 0 4 9 work

Concrete 80. 78. 76. 74. 71. delivery 95 90 84 70 66.5 64 60.5 5 0 0 4 9 pump

74. 72. 70. 68. 65. Culvert work Crane 90 84 78 64 60.5 58 54.5 5 0 0 4 9

Transport 71. 69. 67. 65. 62. 85 81 75 61 57.5 55 51.5 vehicle 5 0 0 4 9

4. Analysis of noise impact of simultaneous operation of construction machinery

160. The subgrade of the component is 57m wide. The construction machinery operates in mobile way and are considered as a point source located at the centerline of the road, and the minimum distance from the road boundary is about 28.5m. Construction time is considered as the continuous operation at the same load during day and night. According to the characteristics of different construction stages, the noise impact at different construction stages at the construction site boundary is predicted by assuming that the construction machinery work at the same time, see Table 4.2-5. 161. According to the prediction results, in the case of multiple machinery working together at different construction stages, the max. noise at the boundary of road construction site

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in day time exceeds the “Emission standard of environment noise for boundary of construction site” (GB12523-2011) by 11.7dB(A), and the maximum noise in night time exceeds the standard limit by 26.5dB (A). During construction, low-noise equipment will be selected, the construction position will be reasonably arranged, and the sound-absorbing enclosure of 2.5m height will be installed at the construction site boundary. The enclosure can serve as a sound barrier to reduce the noise impact. Therefore, the construction noise impact of the component is mainly concentrated at night, and the construction at night has a significant impact on the acoustic environment at the site boundary. Mitigation measures for noise impact at night should be taken around the construction area.

Table 4.2-5 Noise level at the construction site boundary at different construction stages Unit: dB(A)

Predicted Exceedan Exceedanc Construction noise level Nightti ce over Daytime e over the Constructi machines at me the standar standard on stage operate construction standa standard d during simultaneously site rd during daytime boundary nighttime Subgrade Loader ×1 11.7 above constructio Bulldozer ×1 81.7 70 the 55 26.7 n Excavator ×1 standard Paver ×1 Road roller ×1 11.5 above Pavement Concrete 81.5 70 the 55 26.5 work delivery pump standard ×1

5. Analysis of noise impact at sensitive receptors during construction period

162. The nearest sensitive receptor of the component is 33.5m away from the road centerline. According to the construction stage and construction machine operations described in Table 4.2-3, the predicted noise levels at the closest sensitive receptors at different construction stages are shown in Table 4.2-6. Table 4.2-6 Combined noise values produced by various construction machinery at the closest sensitive receptor Unit: dB(A)

Closest sensitive receptor Subgrade work Pavement work

33.5 m from the centerline of the road 80.3 80.1

163. According to Table 4.2-6, when the construction machinery is working at the same time,

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the construction noise has a great impact on the sensitive receptors. According to the Class II standard of the “Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard” (GB3096-2008), the maximum value at the sensitive receptor exceeds the standard by 20.3dB(A) in daytime, and at night time by 30.3dB(A). Since most of the residents at the sensitive receptors work on the land or work outside during daytime, the construction noise impact during day time is smaller than that at nighttime. The nighttime construction produces a significant impact on the acoustic environment quality at the sensitive receptors. After low-noise equipment is used and solid enclosure is installed, the impact can be reduced. Therefore, during the construction, measures including prohibiting construction at nighttime (22:00-6:00) should be taken. If it is difficult to avoid night construction, approval has to be obtained from relevant department and the local residents should be informed prior to construction. 164. With the completion of the construction, the impact of construction noise will also end. The environmental impact of construction noise is acceptable when construction enclosures and no-night construction measures are taken. Traffic noise impact during operation 165. The noise impact during operating mainly comes from traffic noise. There are residents living along the road alignment. Therefore, it is necessary to predict and assess the overall noise level in the near, medium and long term after the project is completed and is open to traffic, and the noise impact on the sensitive receptors in the surrounding assessment range, so as to develop reasonable noise reduction measures according to the actual situation of noise impact and local conditions, and provide a scientific basis for future related planning within the project area.

(1) Strong noise source 166. According to the feasibility study report, the prediction results of traffic volume in each prediction year after the completion of the completion (near term 2021, mid-term 2027, and long- term 2035) are shown in Table 4.2-7. Table 5.2-7 Predicted traffic volume Unit: pcu/d

Year 2021 2027 2035 Road section

Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of 17,181 19,477 21,983 Jiangbei Avenue

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Table 4.2-8 Composition of absolute type of vehicle Type of vehicle Small vehicle Medium vehicle Large vehicle Proportion

2021 70.40% 19.60% 10.00%

2027 71.20% 16.20% 12.60%

2035 72.00% 15.70% 12.30%

Note: Small vehicles include small passenger cars and pickup trucks; medium-sized vehicles include medium-sized trucks; and large-sized vehicles include buses, large trucks, and trailers. 167. According to Annex A.2.1.1 classification method in “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Acoustic Environment” (HJ2.4-2009), small-sized vehicles include small passenger cars and pickup trucks, medium-sized vehicles include medium-sized trucks, and large vehicles include buses, large trucks and trailers. The hourly traffic volume of the component during daytime and nighttime is calculated according to 4:1. The hourly traffic volume for each prediction year and each vehicle type during daytime and night time is shown in Table 4.2-9.

Table 4.2-9 Prediction traffic volume Unit: vehicle/h

2021 2027 2035 Type of Road section vehicle Day Nightti Day Nighttim Day Nighttim time me time e time e

Tongjiang Small vehicle 481 120 545 136 627 157 Avenue to Medium Heshen Road 134 34 124 31 137 34 vehicle Section of Jiangbei Avenue Large vehicle 68 17 96 24 107 27

168. Noise during operation mainly comes from the traffic noise generated by the motor vehicles. After the road is put into operation, the noise source of the motor vehicles running on the road is an unsteady source. When the vehicle is running, its engine, cooling system and transmission system, etc. will generate noise; the airflow turbulence caused by driving, the exhaust system and the friction between the tires and the road surface also generate noise. 1. Calculation formula 1) Radiated noise level

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169. The average radiated noise level of the “i” type of vehicle at the reference point (7.5m) is calculated by referring to the highway traffic noise prediction model recommended by the “Specification for Assessment of Environmental Impact of Highway Construction Projects” (JTG B03-2006):

Small vehicle: LW,s =12.6+34.73lgVs

Medium vehicle: LW,m =8.8+40.48lgVm

Large vehicle: LW,l =22.0+36.32lgVl

Where: LW,l, LW,m, LW,s — represent the average radiated noise level of large, medium and small vehicles, respectively Vl, Vm, Vs — represent the average driving speed of large, medium and small vehicle, respectively, km/h.

2) Driving speed 170. According to the “Specification for Assessment of Environmental Impact of Highway Construction Projects” (JTG B03-2006), the value of vehicle speed is calculated according to the following formula:

Where: vi — predicted speed of the i th type of the vehicle, km/h; the designed speed for the component is 80km/h.

ui — the equivalent number of this type of vehicle ηi — ratio of this type of vehicle vol — traffic volume of single lane, vehicle/h mi — weighted coefficient for the other 2 types of vehicle

K1, k 2, k 3, and k4 are coefficients, respectively, as shown in Table 4.2-10.

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Table 4.2-10 Coefficients for vehicle speed calculation formula

Type of k1 k2 k3 k4 mi vehicle

Small - -0.061748 149.65 -0.02099 1.2102 vehicle 0.000023696

Medium - -0.057537 149.38 -0.01245 0.8044 vehicle 0.000016390

Large - -0.051900 149.39 -0.01254 0.70957 vehicle 0.000014202

2. Calculation results 171. The average speed of various types of vehicles and the radiated noise level at the distance of 7.5m is calculated according to the calculation formula. See Table 4.2-11, Table 4.2- 12 for details.

Table 4.2-11 Average speed of different types of vehicles

Unit: km/h

2021 2027 2035 Name of road Type of section vehicle Day Nighttim Day Nighttim Day Nighttime time e time e time

Small 66.84 67.81 66.65 67.78 66.37 67.74 Tongjiang vehicle Avenue to Medium Heshen Road 48.36 46.76 48.54 46.83 48.76 46.93 vehicle Section of Jiangbei Avenue Large 48.14 46.94 48.31 47.00 48.49 47.08 vehicle

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Table 4.2-12 Average radiated noise levels of different types of vehicles Unit: dB

2021 2027 2035 Name of road Type of section vehicle Day Nighttim Day Nighttim Day Nighttim time e time e time e

Small 75.98 76.20 75.94 76.19 75.88 76.19 vehicle Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Medium 76.99 76.40 77.05 76.42 77.13 76.46 Section of Jiangbei vehicle Avenue Large 83.11 82.71 83.16 82.73 83.22 82.76 vehicle

(2) Noise prediction model

172. Highway noise prediction model recommended in the “Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment — Acoustic Environment ” (HJ/2.4-2009) is used for prediction.

1. Classification of vehicle types The classification of vehicle types (large, medium and small vehicles) is shown in Table 4.2- 13. Table 4.2-13 Classification of vehicle types

Type of vehicle Total vehicle mass (GVM)

Small vehicle (s) ≤3.5t, M1, M2, N1

Medium vehicle (m) 3.5t-12t, M2, M3, N2

Large vehicle (L) >12t, N3

Note: M1, M2, M3, N1, N2, N3 is classified the same as those in GB1495.

2. Basic prediction model

1) Prediction model of the equivalent noise level of the i th type of vehicle

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L h)( Where: eq i — hourly equivalent noise level of the i th type of vehicle, dB(A)

(L0 )iE th — speed of the i type of vehicle is Vi, km/h; the average noise level A at the horizontal distance of 7.5 meters, dB(A)

th Ni—average hourly traffic volume of the i type of vehicles passing through a prediction point during day and nighttime, vehicle/h r — distance from the centerline to the prediction point, m; the above equation applies to the noise prediction at the prediction point of r>7.5m

th Vi — average speed of the i type of vehicle, km/h T — time for calculating the equivalent noise level, 1h

ψ1, ψ 2 — the opening angle and the radian from the prediction point to both ends of the section of limited length are shown in Fig. 4.2-1.

Fig. 4.2-1 Correction function of limited road section, A—B is the road section and P is the prediction point

△L — The amount of correction caused by other factors, dB(A), can be calculated as follows:

ΔL= ΔL1−ΔL2 + ΔL3

ΔL1 = ΔLslope + ΔLpavement

ΔL2 =Aatm +A gr +A bar +A misc

Where: ΔL1— correction amount caused by alignment factors, dB(A)

ΔLslope — correction amount of highway longitudinal slope, dB(A)

ΔLpavement — correction amount caused by road pavement materials, dB(A)

ΔL2 — attenuation caused by acoustic wave propagation path, dB(A)

ΔL3 — correction amount caused by reflection, dB(A). The equivalent noise level of the total traffic flow is:

173. If a certain prediction point is affected by the traffic noise of multiple lines (for example,

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the prediction point around the viaduct is affected by multiple lanes on the bridge and under the bridge, and the prediction point of the high-rise building on the roadside is affected by multiple lanes on the ground), the sound level of each lane to this prediction point should be calculated respectively, and the contribution value is obtained by superimposition of them. 3. Calculation of correction amount and attenuation amount

A. Calculation of correction amount (ΔL1) 1) Longitudinal slope correction Calculation formula:

The correction factor of the highway longitudinal slope ΔLslope can be calculated as follows:

Large vehicle: ΔLslope = 98× β dB(A)

Medium vehicle: ΔLslope = 73× β dB(A)

Small vehicle: ΔLslope = 50× β dB(A) Where: β — the slope of the highway longitudinal slope, %.

Parameter correction involving sensitive receptors: 174. According to the design and the current status, the longitudinal slope of road section at each sensitive receptor is small, and the impact of the longitudinal slope can be considered negligible.

2) Pavement correction

The value of intensity correction amount △Lpavement of traffic noise source caused by road pavement is shown in Table 4.2-14.

Table 4-2-14 Correction value of conventional pavement △Lpavement

Correction amount for different driving speed km/h Type of pavement 30 40 ≥50

Asphalt concrete 0 0 0

Cement concrete 1.0 1.5 2.0

The component uses asphalt concrete pavement, and the value of △Lpav uses 0.

B. Calculation of attenuation amount (ΔL2)

1) Attenuation due to air absorption ( Aatm ) The attenuation due to air absorption is calculated using the following formula:

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175. Where: “a” is a function of temperature, humidity and acoustic wave frequency. In the prediction calculation, the corresponding air absorption coefficient is generally selected according to the perennial average temperature and humidity of the area where the project is located (Table 4.2-15).

Table 4.2-15 Atmospheric absorption attenuation coefficient α of octave band noise Temperatu Relative Coefficient α of atmospheric absorption attenuation, dB/km re humidity Center frequency of octave band (Hz) ℃ % 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

10 70 0.1 0.4 1.0 1.9 3.7 9.7 32.8 117.0

20 70 0.1 0.3 1.1 2.8 5.0 9.0 22.9 76.6

30 70 0.1 0.3 1.0 3.1 7.4 12.7 23.1 59.3

15 20 0.3 0.6 1.2 2.7 8.2 28.2 28.8 202.0

15 50 0.1 0.5 1.2 2.2 4.2 10.8 36.2 129.0

15 80 0.1 0.3 1.1 2.4 4.1 8.3 23.7 82.8

2) Ground effect attenuation ( Agr ) Calculation formula: 176. The ground type can be divided into: i. solid ground, including paved road surface, water surface, ice surface and tamped ground; ii. loose ground, including ground covered by grass or other plants, and ground suitable for plant growth, such as farmland; mixed ground, composed of solid ground and loose ground.

177. When the sound wave propagates across loose ground, or mixed ground, most of which is loose ground, the octave band attenuation caused by the ground effect can be calculated by the formula under the premise that only the A-weighted sound level is calculated at the prediction point.

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r — distance from the sound noise to the prediction point, m;

hm— average height of the propagation path from the ground, m; can be calculated 2 according to Fig. 4.2-2, hm = F/r ; F: area, m ; r, m;

If Agr is a negative value after calculation, Agr can be replaced with “0”.

Fig. 4.2-2 Method for estimating the average height h m

3) Attenuation amount of obstacle ( Abar )

178. The attenuation Abar of the sound shadow area on both sides of the high embankment or low roadcut is the additional attenuation caused by the prediction point.

179. When the prediction point is in the sound irradiation area, Abar =0

180. When the prediction point is in the sound shadow area, Abar is determined by the sound path difference δ.

Calculation of δ is shown in Fig. 4.2-2, δ=a+b-c, Abar in Fig. 4.2-3.

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Fig. 4.2-3 Schematic diagram for the calculation of acoustic path difference δ

Fig. 4.2-4 Relationship between noise attenuation amount Abar and acoustic path difference δ (f = 500Hz)

4) Estimated value of additional attenuation amount of rural houses 181. The attenuation amount of rural houses can be calculated by referring to Annex A of GB/T17247.2. In the range of the sound shadow zone of the first-row houses along the road, the value can be taken in the approximate calculation according to Fig. 4.2-5 and Table 4.2-16.

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S is the sum of areas of the first row of houses and S 0 is the area of the shaded part (including the houses)

Fig. 4.2-5 Schematic diagram for estimating amount of noise reduction for rural houses

Table 4.2-16 Estimated value of additional attenuation amount of noise for rural houses

S/S 0 Attenuation ΔL

40%~60% 3dB

70%~90% 5dB

One row of houses will be 1.5dB added later Max. attenuation ≤10dB

5) Greening attenuation 182. The additional attenuation of greenbelts is related to factors such as tree species, structure and density of forest belt. Green belts near the noise source, or green belts near the prediction point, or both, can attenuate sound waves, as shown in Fig. 4.2-6.

Fig. 4.2-6 Schematic diagram of noise attenuation when passing through trees and shrubs

183. Noise attenuation caused by leaf propagation increases with the increase of the leaf

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propagation distance d f, where d f=d 1+d 2. In order to calculate d 1 and d 2, the radius of the curved path is assumed to be 5 km. 184. The attenuation caused by dense leaves with a total length of 10m to 20m is given in the first row in Table 4.2-17. The attenuation coefficient when passing through dense leaves with a total length of 20m to 200m is given in second row. When the length of path passing through the dense leaves is greater than 200 m, the attenuation value for 200 m can be used.

Table 4.2-17 Attenuation of octave band noise when passing through dense leaves Propagation Center frequency of octave band (Hz) Item distance df (m) 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000

Attenuation (dB) 10 ≦df<20 0 0 01 1 1 1 2 3

Attenuation 20 ≦df<200 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.12 coefficient (dB/m)

6) Calculation models related to Amisc attenuation term.

185. Other attenuations of Amisc include the attenuation when passing through industrial sites, and attenuation when passing through housing groups, etc. In the acoustic environmental impact assessment, generally, additional corrections caused by changes in natural conditions (e.g., wind, temperature gradient, fog) are not taken into account.

C. Correction amount (ΔL3) caused by reflection, etc. 1) Correction amount of noise (impact) at intersections of urban roads

The noise correction values (additional values) at the intersections are shown in Table 4.2- 18. Table 4.2-18 Additional value of noise at intersection

Distance of noise affected point from central axis of Intersection (dB) the intersection of the closest fast lane (m)

≤40 3



>100 0

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2) Correction amount of reflected sound of buildings at both sides 186. When the spacing between buildings on both sides of the line is less than 30% of the total calculated height, the amount of reflected sound correction is:

When the buildings on both sides are reflective surfaces:

When the buildings on both sides are general absorption surfaces:

When the buildings on both sides are fully absorption surfaces:


w — spacing of the reflective surfaces of the buildings on both sides of the line, m

Hb — average height of the structures, h, which is calculated by taking the average height of the lower side of the two sides of the line and substituting it into the formula, m. (3) Prediction results of traffic noise impacts at different distances along the road during operation 187. Based the prediction models and in combination with various parameters determined by the engineering design, the predicted value of traffic noise along the line is calculated with a range of 40~200 m from the centerline on both sides of the road. 188. As the road surface elevation changes constantly, the ground forms on both sides of the road also change constantly. Therefore, the traffic noise under the condition of flat subgrade and open area (without considering obstruction of obstacles) is predicted for 2021, 2027 and 2035, respectively. The prediction results are shown in Table 4.2-19.

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Table 4.2-19 Traffic noise levels during operation Unit: dB(A)

Distance to centerline of the road (m) Time Year interval 40 50 60 70 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

Day time 61.8 60.5 59.4 58.6 57.9 56.7 55.8 55.0 54.3 53.7 53.2 2021 Nighttime 55.7 54.3 53.3 52.4 51.7 50.6 49.6 48.8 48.1 47.5 47.0

Day time 62.7 61.3 60.3 59.4 58.7 57.5 56.6 55.8 55.1 54.5 54.0 2027 Nighttime 56.5 55.1 54.1 53.2 52.5 51.4 50.4 49.6 49.0 48.4 47.8

Day time 63.2 61.8 60.8 59.9 59.2 58.1 57.1 56.3 55.7 55.1 54.5 2035 Nighttime 57.0 55.7 54.6 53.8 53.1 51.9 51.0 50.2 49.5 48.9 48.4

189. Near term (2021): the noise level at the boundary line of the road will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise level beyond 54m from the centerline will meet Class II standard in day time; the noise level beyond 45m from the centerline will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise level beyond 111m from the centerline will meet the standard Class II in night time. 190. Mid-term (2027): the noise level within the boundary line of the road will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise level beyond 63m from the centerline will meet Class II standard in day time; the noise level beyond 51m from the centerline will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise level beyond 130m from the centerline will meet Class II standard in night time.

191. Long term (2035): the noise level within the boundary line of the road will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise level beyond 69m from the centerline will meet class II standard in day time; the noise level beyond 56m from the centerline will meet Class IV A standard, and the noise beyond 146m from the centerline will meet Class II standard in night time. (4) Prediction results of noise level at sensitive receptors along the line

1) Background noise value at sensitive receptors

192. The so-called background noise in assessment refers to the noise other than the traffic noise of the proposed road, including the superimposed effects of other various noise sources such as social life noise.

193. According to the site investigation, the existing noise sources at the 12 sensitive receptors are mainly from the existing road. Therefore, L 90 was recorded while the continuous equivalent A-weighted sound level was recorded during monitoring. The L 90 value in the acoustic environment quality monitoring results at each sensitive receptor was used to reflect the

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background noise in this assessment. 194. Noise monitoring was conducted twice in day time and night time, respectively. The larger value of L 90 is taken as the background value. If the sensitive receptors of the same road section have similar characteristics and similar background environment, their background values use the monitored value of the monitoring points arranged for the same road section. The background noise levels at the sensitive receptors are shown in Table 4.2-20.

Table 4.2-20 Background noise levels at sensitive receptors

Background value Analogous sensitive dB(A) SN Name of sensitive receptor receptor Day Nighttime time 2nd storey at Xiaoshang (Class 2nd storey at Lingwei 48.1 42.9 IV A area) (Class IV A area) N1 2nd storey at Xiaoshang (Class 2nd storey at Lingwei 45.8 41.4 II area) (Class II area) 2nd storey at 2nd storey at Lingwan (Class IV Xiaotancun (Class IV 47.5 43.2 A area) A area) N2 2nd storey at 2nd storey at Lingwan (Class II Xiaotancun (Class II 45.5 41.9 area) area) 2nd storey at Xiaozheng (Class 2nd storey at Xiaodian N3 44.3 41.1 II area) (Class II area) Ground storey at Zaoying 45.5 42.4 Lvcheng (Class IV A area) 3rd storey at Zaoying Lvcheng 46.9 43.4 (Class IV A area) 6th storey at Zaoying Lvcheng 46.5 42.9 (Class IV A area) 10 th storey at Zaoying Lvcheng N4 45.3 42.6 (Class IV A area) Ground storey at Zaoying 44.4 41.8 Lvcheng (Class II area) 3rd storey at Zaoying Lvcheng 45.3 42.6 (Class II area) 6th storey at Zaoying Lvcheng 45.5 42.1 (Class II area) 2nd storey at Xiaoli (Class II 2nd storey at Luoyecun N5 44.5 41.6 area) (Class II area)

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Background value Analogous sensitive dB(A) SN Name of sensitive receptor receptor Day Nighttime time 2nd storey at Wangye (Class II N6 45.1 42.2 area) Ground storey of Bo’ai Hospital 46.7 42.4 (Class II area) N7 3rd storey of Bo’ai Hospital 47.3 42.8 (Class II area) 2nd storey at Huangcun (Class II N8 46.8 42 area) 2nd storey at Jiajia (Class IV A 47.7 42.6 area) N9 2nd storey at Jiajia (Class II 45.4 41.4 area) 2nd storey at Xiushi Quarter 48.9 42.8 (Class IV A area) N10 2nd storey at Xiushi Quarter 47.4 42.5 (Class II area)

195. The predicted noise levels at the sensitive receptors is formed by superimposing the predicted value of the traffic noise with the background noise levels by considering the acoustic environment influencing factors and making appropriate correction. When correcting the traffic noise value, factors such as the terrain at the sensitive receptors, the height difference to the road surface, and the greening vegetation should be comprehensively considered. As the houses along the line are multi-storey, according to the characteristics of the road and conditions of the sensitive receptors, the most serious cases of the noise impacts of the proposed component on the sensitive receptors are predicted. The prediction results are shown in Table 4.2-21.

196. There are total 12 sensitive receptors along the alignment, including 11 residential areas and 1 hospital. Based on Table 4.2-21, the specific assessment of noise levels during operation is as follows. 197. There are 6 residential areas involving Class IV A area. By mid-term of the operation, noise levels will range from 62.1~65.8dB(A). No sensitive receptors exceed the standard during the day time. Noise levels during nighttime will be 56~59.6dB(A). 6 sensitive receptors exceed standard by 1~4.6 dB(A).

198. There are 11 residential areas involving Class II area. By mid-term of the operation, the range of predicted noise levels during day time is 55.4~60 dB(A). There is no sensitive receptor exceeding the standard during the day time. Predicted noise level during night time is

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49.6~54.4dB(A), and there are 9 sensitive receptors where noise levels exceed the standard by 0.1~4.4 dB(A). 199. By mid-term of the operation, the predicted value of Bo’ai Hospital during day time is 63.7 dB(A), and the over-standard value reaches 3.7 dB(A). The predicted value during night time reaches 57.5 dB(A), and the over-standard value during night time reaches 7.5 dB(A). 200. The component will have certain noise impacts on the sensitive receptors, proper mitigation measures need to be taken.

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Table 4.2-21 Predicted noise levels at sensitive receptors

Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction (m) within the point (m) Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Contribution 64.9 58.7 65.7 59.5 66.2 60.1 value Predicted value 65.0 58.8 65.8 59.6 66.3 60.2 Short Over -standard standard in day time, - 3.8 - 4.6 - 5.2 value exceed the standard in

Mid Class IV A 4.2 33.5 48.1 42.9 standard in day time,

Increased value 2.4 4.9 3.2 5.7 3.7 6.3 exceed the standard in Number of households exceeding the K6+806~ Embankmen Right of the 33.5*5 0.6 2*6 t road Contribution K6+840 58.8 52.7 59.6 53.5 60.2 54.0 value Predicted value 59.0 53.0 59.8 53.7 60.3 54.2 Short Over-standard standard in day time, - 3.0 - 3.7 0.3 4.2 value exceed the standard in

Mid Class II 4.2 76 45.8 41.4 standard in day time, Increased value 3.1 2.7 3.9 3.4 4.4 3.9 exceed the standard in

Number of households exceeding the standard is

Contribution 63.8 57.6 64.6 58.4 65.1 59.0 value K7+040~ Both sides of 33.5*5 Roadcut -0.8 19*32 Class IV A 4.2 33.5 48.1 42.9 Predicted value 63.9 57.8 64.7 58.6 65.2 59.1 the road Short K7+250 Over -standard - 2.8 - 3.6 - 4.1 standard in day time, value

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope exceed the standard in

Mid standard in day time, Increased value 1.3 3.9 2.1 4.7 2.6 5.2 excee

Number of households exceeding the standard is

Contribution 59.0 52.8 59.8 53.6 60.3 54.2 value Short Predicted value 59.2 53.1 60.0 53.9 60.5 54.4 standard in day time, exceed the standard in Over-standard - 3.1 - 3.9 0.5 4.4 value Mid Class II 4.2 69 45.8 41.4 standard in day time, exceed the standard in

Increased value 3.3 2.8 4.1 3.6 4.6 4.1 Number of exceeding the standard is

Contribution 62.8 56.6 63.6 57.4 64.1 58.0 value

K7+720~ Right of the 39*10.5 Roadcut -0.6 18*58 Class IV A 4.2 39 47.5 43.2 Predicted value 62.9 56.8 63.7 57.6 64.2 58.1 Short road K8+500 standard in day time, Over-standard - 1.8 - 2.6 - 3.1 exceed the standard in value

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope

Mid standard exceed the standard in Increased value 1.6 4 2.4 4.8 2.9 5.3

Number of households exceeding the standard is

Contribution 58.0 51.9 58.9 52.7 59.4 53.3 value Short Predicted value 58.3 52.3 59.1 53.0 59.6 53.6 standard in day time,

Over-standard exceed the standard in - 2.3 - 3.0 - 3.6 value

Class II 4.2 82 45.5 41.9 Mid standard in day time, exceeds the st

Increased value 3.9 2.6 4.7 3.3 5.2 3.9 Number of households exceeding the standard is

Embankmen Right of the Contribution 163*134.5 0.8 0*7 Class II 4.2 163 44.3 41.1 54.5 48.4 55.3 49.2 55.9 49.7 K8+590~ t road value

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope K8+750 Predicted value 54.9 49.1 55.7 49.8 56.2 50.3 Not exceed the standard in both day and night time. Over-standard - - - - - 0.3 value

Increased value 3.7 3.9 4.5 4.6 5 5.1

Contribution 61.2 55.0 62.0 55.8 62.5 56.4 value Short - Predicted value 61.3 55.2 62.1 56.0 62.6 56.5 in day time, exceed the standard in 1.2 45 45.5 42.4 Over-standard Mid-term: not exceed the standard in - 0.2 - 1.0 - 1.5 value day time, exceed the standard in

Increased value 1.8 2.8 2.6 3.6 3.1 4.1 Short - in day time, exceed the standard in Contribution 64.3 58.2 65.1 59.0 65.7 59.5 value Mid-term: not exceed the standard in day time, exceed the standard in K9+050~ Embankmen Left of the Predicted value 64.4 58.3 65.2 59.1 65.7 59.6 45*16.5 1.3 136*328 Class IV A K9+300 t road 7.2 45 46.9 43.4 Short - Over-standard - 3.3 - 4.1 - 4.6 in day time, exceed the standard in value Mid-term: not Increased value 3.2 4.1 4 4.9 4.5 5.4 day time, exceed the standard in

Contribution 64.6 58.5 65.5 59.3 66.0 59.9 Short - value in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 64.7 58.6 65.5 59.4 66.0 59.9 16.2 45 46.5 42.9 Mid-term: not exceed the standard in day time, exceed the standard in Over-standard - 3.6 - 4.4 - 4.9 value Number Increased value 4.1 4.8 4.9 5.6 5.4 6.1

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Contribution 64.6 58.5 65.5 59.3 66.0 59.9 value Predicted value 64.7 58.6 65.5 59.4 66.0 59.9 28.2 45 45.3 42.6 Over-standard - 3.6 - 4.4 - 4.9 value Increased value 4.2 5 5 5.8 5.5 6.3

Contribution 54.7 48.6 55.5 49.4 56.1 49.9 value

Predicted value 55.1 49.4 55.8 50.1 56.3 50.5 1.2 83 44.4 41.8 Over -standard - - - 0.1 - 0.5 Short - value in both day and night time. Increased value 2.3 3 3 3.7 3.5 4.1 Mid-term: not exceed the standard in day time, exceed the standard in Contribution 56.2 50.0 57.0 50.8 57.5 51.4 value

Predicted value 56.5 50.8 57.3 51.5 57.8 51.9 Class II Short - 7.2 83 45.3 42.6 in day time, excee Over-standard - 0.8 - 1.5 - 1.9 value Mid-term: not exceed the standard in Increased value 1.7 2 2.5 2.7 3 3.1 day time, exceeds the standard in

Contribution 58.4 52.3 59.3 53.1 59.8 53.6 value Short - 16.2 83 45.5 42.1 Predicted value 58.6 52.7 59.4 53.4 59.9 53.9 in day time, exceed the standard in

Over-standard - 2.7 - 3.4 - 3.9 value

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Mid-term: not exceed the standard in day t

Increased value 4.4 4.9 5.2 5.6 5.7 6.1 Number of households exceeding

Contribution 56.7 50.5 57.5 51.3 58.0 51.9 value Short - in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 56.9 51.0 57.7 51.8 58.2 52.3 K9+260~ Embankmen Right of the 115*86.5 2.2 0*12 Class II 4.2 115 44.5 41.6 t road Over-standard Mid-term: not exceed the stand K9+35 0 - 1.0 - 1.8 - 2.3 value day time, exceed the standard in

Number of households exceeding Increased value 4.8 5.4 5.6 6.2 6.1 6.7

Contribution 57.8 51.7 58.6 52.5 59.2 53.0 value Short - in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 58.0 52.1 58.8 52.9 59.3 53.4 K9+500~ Embankmen Left of the 90*61.5 1.0 0*7 Class II 4.2 90 45.1 42.2 t road Over-standard Mid-term: not exceed the standard in K9+550 - 2.1 - 2.9 - 3.4 value day time, exceed the standard in

Number of households exceeding Increased value 3.5 3.6 4.3 4.4 4.8 4.9

Contribution 60.1 54.0 60.9 54.8 61.5 55.3 K9+560~ Embankmen Left of the value 52*13.5 0.9 - Class II 1.2 40 46.7 42.4 K9+630 t road Predicted value 60.3 54.3 61.1 55.0 61.6 55.5

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Short - Over-standard 0.3 4.3 1.1 5.0 1.6 5.5 standard in both day and night time. value

Increased value 3.6 3.6 4.4 4.3 4.9 4.8 Short - standard in both day and Contribution 62.7 56.6 63.6 57.4 64.1 58.0 value

Predicted value 62.9 56.8 63.7 57.5 64.2 58.1 7.2 40 47.3 42.8 Over-standard 2.9 6.8 3.7 7.5 4.2 8.1 value

Increased value 4.6 5 5.4 5.7 5.9 6.3

Contribution 54.2 48.1 55.1 48.9 55.6 49.5 value

Predicted value 54.7 48.9 55.4 49.6 55.9 50.0 K10+290~K1 Left of the 163*134.5 Roadcut -1.4 0*4 Class II 4.2 163 44.3 41.1 Short - 0+360 road Over-standard - - - - - 0.0 th e standard in both day and night value

Increased value 3.5 3.7 4.2 4.4 4.7 4.8

Contribution 59.5 53.4 60.4 54.2 60.9 54.7 K11+570~K1 Embankmen Left of the value 69*40.5 1.0 0*53 Class II 4.2 69 46.8 42.0 1+920 t road Short - Predicted value 59.8 53.7 60.5 54.4 61.1 55.0 in day time, excee

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Over-standard - 3.7 0.5 4.4 1.1 5.0 value Mid -

Increased value 3.4 2.5 4.1 3.2 4.7 3.8 Number of households exceeding

Contribution 61.9 55.7 62.7 56.5 63.2 57.1 value Short- in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 62.1 55.9 62.9 56.7 63.4 57.2 night time. Mid Class IV A 4.2 49 48.9 42.8 standard in day time, exceed the Over-standard - 0.9 - 1.7 - 2.2 standard in night time. value Number of Increased value 1.2 3.2 2 4 2.5 4.5 K11+600~K1 Embankmen Right of the 49*20.5 0.9 25*115 1+730 t road Contribution 56.5 50.4 57.3 51.2 57.9 51.7 value Short - in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 57.0 51.0 57.7 51.7 58.2 52.2

Class II 4.2 69 47.4 42.5 Over-standard Mid-term: not exceed the standard in - 1.0 - 1.7 - 2.2 value day

Number of Increased value 0.9 1.1 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3

Contribution 62.8 56.7 63.7 57.5 64.2 58.0 K12+360~K1 Both sides of value 38*9.5 Roadcut -0.8 13*45 Class IV A 4.2 38 47.7 42.6 2+600 the road Short - Predicted value 63.0 56.8 63.8 57.6 64.3 58.2 in day time, exceed the standard in

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Households Background Distance of first Closest 2021 2027 2035 in Class IV A value (dB) row from the Relationship distance Pile Elevation area * total Height of centerline * Form of with the Assessment from Analysis of prediction difference households prediction Item mileage distance from subgrade position of line criteria prediction Day Night Day Night Day Night Day Night (m) within the point (m) No. road boundary location point to the time time time time time time time time assessment line center (m) scope Over-standard - 1.8 - 2.6 - 3.2 value Mid-term: not exceed the day time, exceed the standard in

Increased value 1.3 2.7 2.1 3.5 2.6 4.1 Number of households exceeding

Contribution 57.9 51.7 58.7 52.5 59.2 53.1 value Short - in day time, exceed the standard in Predicted value 58.1 52.1 58.9 52.8 59.4 53.4

Class II 4.2 84 45.4 41.4 Over-standard Mid-term: not excee - 2.1 - 2.8 - 3.4 value day time, exceed the standard in

Number of households exceeding Increased value 4.5 2.5 5.3 3.2 5.8 3.8

Remarks: Over standard value = predicted value - standard value, increased value = predicted value - current value

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4.2.5 Solid waste impact

201. Solid waste during construction mainly includes the spoiled soil produced by excavation, domestic garbage and waste generated by demolition of buildings.

a. Domestic garbage 202. Construction domestic garbage will be collected by the environmental sanitation department and transported to Wuhu Lüzhou Environmental Protection Energy Co., Ltd for disposal. b. Spoiled soil generated by excavation

203. The spoiled soil includes the topsoil at the main component area and the topsoil and sludge at the construction site. 204. The topsoil of the main component area will be piled up in the temporary topsoil stockyard set up in the main component area, and will be used for soil covering for greening in the later stage. The topsoil at the construction site area will be piled up in the temporary topsoil stockyard set up at the construction site, and will be used for the soil covering for re-cultivation of borrow pits in the later stage. Sludge cannot be used for subgrade filling, but part of it can be used as the bottom soil of the green belt, and part of it can be transported to the borrowing site for land remediation. Therefore, the spoiled soil will not cause negative impact on the surrounding environment. c. Construction waste produced by demolition

205. Construction waste includes the remaining construction materials, including lime, prefabricated components, asphalt concrete, etc., which shall be recycled as much as possible. For those that cannot be recycled, it shall be transported to urban construction garbage dump for treatment following the PRC regulations. Construction waste has small impact on the environment. 206. Therefore, solid waste produced during the construction will not have a significant impact on the surrounding environment.

4.3 Pollution prevention and control and ecological protection measures 4.3.1 Ecological protection measures Animal and plant protection measures 207. Vegetation protection

(1) For artificial plantations affected by the component construction, they should be transplanted as much as possible before construction, and it is strictly prohibited to destroy them. (2) Strengthen construction management, and strictly prohibit construction workers and construction machinery from destroying local vegetation.

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(3) Select native species, plant them immediately after the completion of the earthwork, and provide necessary maintenance at the beginning of planting. If the three-dimensional green slope protection engineering is adopted, pioneer species with strong fixation can be selected first, which shall be gradually replaced with the local species during the operation. (4) Land for temporary use shall be restored in time according to local actual conditions and residents’ requirements, and ecological restoration shall be completed before completion and acceptance of the component. 208. Wildlife protection 209. Through site investigation, there is almost no big wild animals along the alignment. There are small wildlife moving around in some areas such as birds and rodents, and there are no national key protected wild animals. The assessment recommends to protect the animals in accordance with the following requirements during construction. (1) Place a billboard before commencement of construction: before construction workers enter the construction site, place temporary billboards at the construction site and surrounding areas, and succinctly introduce relevant laws and regulations regarding nature conservation. (2) Reduce environmental disturbances and protect wildlife 210. Use special device for road lamps during construction to prevent the light from being emitted outside construction site to reduce the interference to wild animals. If protected animals are encountered during construction, it is strictly forbidden to harm them. If wild animals are accidentally injured, immediately contact the local wildlife protection department and have professionals to handle the issue. Temporarily occupied land restoration measures 211. Temporarily used land, as the construction site, borrow and spoil areas occupied during construction, shall be restored by the peeled topsoil. It is recommended to plant alfalfa, white clover, etc. after land leveling and soil loosening on the restored land which shall be restored to grassland first, and then restored to cultivated land after 2~3 years. 4.3.2 Water pollution prevention and control measures 212. During construction, set up sedimentation tank at the construction site for preliminary treatment of wastewater. The solid waste generated from the sedimentation tank will be treated together with the construction waste. The place for stacking and dumping building materials (including abandoned building materials), residue and domestic garbage must be approved by the local environmental protection department. It is strictly forbidden to pile up and litter casually. Domestic sewage will be returned to the field after being treated by the dry toilet, and it is forbidden to directly discharge domestic sewage into surface water body.

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4.3.3 Air pollution prevention and control measures

213. (1) Dust 1) During construction, the contractors shall set up the site layout plan, project overview board, safety production board, fire protection and guard board, civilized construction board, environmental protection board, board for name list of management staff and supervision phone number, etc. according to the provisions of the “Regulations for Construction Management of Construction Site”. When demolishing houses or other buildings (structures), fences shall be set up, and water sprinkling measures should be taken to suppress the generation of dust. 2) Earthwork excavation or filling and transfer, etc. shall not be carried out when forecast wind will reach scale 4 or above. 3) If construction waste cannot be cleared and transported out completely within 48 hours, a temporary stockyard should be set up at the construction site, which should have dust-proof measures such as use of enclosure and covering with dust-proof net. Stockyard for sand should have regular water sprinkling measures and cover with tarpaulins. Materials such as lime which cannot be sprinkled with water should be stored in a stockyard with three sides closed and rainproof roof provided above the stockyard.

4) For the land at the construction site unused for more than 3 months, the constructors shall temporarily green or pave the bare land. 5) During construction, a vehicle washing platform shall be installed at the entrance of the construction site for cleaning of the transportation vehicles. Before the vehicle leaves the construction site, the tires and vehicles shall be cleaned on the vehicle washing platform, the vehicles are not allowed to run on road with mud on them. Vehicle washing platform should be provided with overflow prevention pedestal, waste water diversion channel, wastewater collection tanks, sedimentation tank and other control facilities to collect waste water and mud generated during vehicle washing, construction and water level reduction. The sticky soil from the transportation vehicles on the paved road at the exit of the construction site shall not exceed 10m, and shall be cleaned and washed in time. 6) Transportation vehicles for materials, soil and garbage entering and leaving the site should use closed hopper as far as possible, and ensure that no materials are spilled. If there is no closed hopper, the loading height of materials, garbage and muck should not exceed the upper edge of the vehicle trough, and the hopper should be covered with tarpaulin. At least 15cm below the upper edge of the groove should be covered with tarpaulin to ensure that the material, muck, garbage, etc. are not exposed. Vehicles should transport materials, muck and garbage according to the approved route and time. 7) The dust deposited on the roads at the construction site shall be cleaned by water spraying. It is not allowed to clean the roads directly without the dust suppression measures such as water sprinkling.

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8) During the construction, for the ground exposed on the construction site, when the weather is fine, the water should be sprinkled on the ground 2~7 times a week, depending on the situation. When dust is heavy, the frequency of water sprinkling should be increased. 9) The range of the contractors’ cleaning responsibility area should be determined according to the influence of construction dust, and is generally set within the range of 20m around the construction site.

10) Install the GPS positioning system for the muck transport vehicles, strictly implement the closed transportation, and implement the washing and cleaning measures. 11) It is forbidden to burn asphalt, linoleum, rubber, plastic, leather, garbage and other substances that produce toxic and harmful smoke and malodorous gases at the construction site. 214. Asphalt smoke

The paving of asphalt pavement should be carried out in favorable weather condition to facilitate rapid dissipation of asphalt smoke and minimize its pollution to the atmospheric environment.

4.3.4 Noise pollution prevention and control measures Noise prevention and control measures during construction 215. Use low-noise mechanical equipment, maintain and repair the equipment often to avoid noise increase due to deteriorated equipment performance.

216. Reasonably select transportation route and transport as far as possible during day time when using existing roads for transporting construction materials to reduce the impact on the residents along road at night. In addition, when vehicles pass through villages/towns, they should slow down and honking is prohibited. Since the transportation route cannot be determined at present, it is recommended that the IA should require the contractors to provide the route. The IA should carry out supervision according to the finalized transportation route, and strengthen the supervision together with the local environmental protection department if needed.

217. Compared with the operation period, noise impact during construction is short-term and temporary. Based on the assessment, noise emission of the construction machinery does not meet the limits set in the “Emission standard of environment noise for boundary of construction site” (GB12523-2011), and Class II standards set in the “Acoustic Environmental Quality Standard” (GB3096-2008). Therefore, high-noise machinery should stop operation near sensitive receptors during nighttime (22:00-6:00). If it is unavoidable, relevant approval must be obtained and the public should be informed prior to construction. During daytime, proper noise reduction measures shall be taken, for example, installing 2.5m high solid enclosure, etc. to ensure that of the noise levels will meet the “Emission standards of environment noise for boundary of construction site” (GB12523-2011). 218. For the sensitive receptors close to the construction site , construction shall not be conducted at nighttime, and construction monitoring should be strengthened as well during the construction. If the noise levels at the sensitive receptors do not meet corresponding standards,

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temporary noise reduction measures, such as setting temporary sound insulation barrier, shall be taken. 219. During construction, the “Emission standards of environment noise for boundary of construction site” (GB12523-2011) should be strictly implemented. 220. Strengthen the noise monitoring during the construction period and take effective measures to prevent and control noise pollution in a timely manner. Noise prevention and control measures during operation 221. Measures to mitigate the impacts of noise

222. Traffic management measures

1. By strengthening traffic management, including erecting signs for speed limit and no honking near sensitive receptors, etc., the traffic noise pollution can be effectively controlled. 2. Strengthen the management of roads, and often maintain the road surface to avoid traffic noise caused by bumps due to poor road conditions. 223. Planning control recommendations

224. When planning the villages and towns along the line, pay attention to the following aspects:

225. According to the prediction of the traffic noise in the mid-term of the component, , it is recommended that no new schools, hospitals, nursing homes, residential buildings shall be built close to the road. But since there are densely distributed buildings close to the road, commercial buildings , warehouses, factories, etc., with the height not lower than these buildings can be planned in the future. 226. When planning and constructing residential areas along the line, it is recommended to optimize the house layout design with kitchen, corridor, bathroom, living room close to the road site and bedroom on the side away from the road. 227. Due to the multi-factor influence in software simulation calculation, the degree of impact of actual noise may be different from the prediction. The IA shall engage a licensed environmental monitoring company to regularly carry out noise monitoring at sensitive receptors. 228. Noise prevention measures at the sensitive receptors 229. In combination with the actual situation and in line with the principle of due consideration to fairness, the assessment intends to take effective and practical noise reduction measures at the sensitive receptors where noise exceeds the standards in near-term and mid-term of operation, so that the acoustic environment (outdoor or indoor) at the sensitive receptors can meet the standards. Considering the predicted traffic flow is only for reference due to modeling constraints, noise monitoring shall be conducted at the sensitive receptors. In case of non- compliance, additional mitigation measures shall be taken.

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230. There are 12 acoustic sensitive receptors within the assessment scope. Considering the constraints of noise impact modeling, it is proposed to install sound-insulation window at the sensitive receptors where noise exceeds the standard by over 3dB in the medium term, and reserve fees and monitor the first row of sensitive receptors where noise exceeds the standard by less than 3dB along the alignment. If there are sensitive receptors where noise exceeds the standard, additional measures such as installing sound-insulation windows should be taken, and the increase in the cost will be included in the noise prevention and control costs. 231. The cost of ventilation and sound-insulation window is estimated as CNY 500 per m2, and the window area is generally 2 m2. Each household normally has 5 windows. The cost is estimated at CNY 5,000 per household. 232. The sound-insulation window of 600 m2 (60 households) will be installed at three residential areas, and the sound-insulation window of 40m 2 will be installed in the hospital. Noise monitoring will be conducted at sensitive receptors where predicted noise level exceeds the standard by less than 3 dB in the mid-term. If the monitoring results show non-compliance, sound-insulation windows shall be installed at 5 locations (830m 2 (83 households)) (not including Zaoying Lvcheng). 233. It is proposed to limit the vehicle speed of 60km/h for the road section of Zaoying Lvcheng as prevention and control measures. After speed reduction of vehicles, the noise over- standard value will be lower than 3dB. therefore take tracking and monitoring measures for this road section. If monitoring results indicate non-compliance, 2080 m2 (208 households) insulation windows shall be installed.

234. Sound-insulation windows can generally reduce noise by 25dB. Therefore, according to the prediction results, the indoor acoustic environment of the buildings installed with sound- insulation windows can meet the limits of 55dB (A) during daytime and 45dB (A) during nighttime.

235. Noise reduction measures at sensitive receptors should be implemented completely before operation. 236. The main measures and cost estimates are shown in Table 4.3-1: Table 4.3-1 Main noise prevention and control measures

Sensitive point Measures Budget

4 sensitive receptors Ventilation and sound-insulation window (Linwei, Xiaoshang, Bo’ai CNY 320,000 640m 2 Hospital and Huangcun)

5 sensitive receptors Reserve budget for sound insulation window (Linwan, Xiaoli, Wangye, 830 m2 (83 households) in case of non- CNY 465,000 Xiushi Quarter, Jiajia) compliance

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Installation of speed limit sign (60km/h). Reserve budget for sound insulation window CNY Zaoying Lvcheng of 2080 m 2 (208 households) in case of non- 1,060,000 compliance

Total (9 sensitive Total CNY - receptors) 1.845 million

237. The total cost of noise prevention measures for sensitive receptors is estimated to be CNY 1.845 million. Considering the uncertainty of the traffic flow in the medium-term and long- term, additional investment may be required. Therefore, 30% contingency cost will be added. In total, CNY 2,398,500 shall be reserved for implementing noise reduction mitigation measures. Community and workers’ health and safety 238. Contractors will undertake Health and safety risk assessment of construction works and implement relevant construction phase Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) plan in line with construction good practice as set out in EHS Guidelines on Construction and Decommissioning and Occupational Health and Safety guidelines.

239. Transportation routes and delivery schedules will be planned during detailed design to avoid densely populated and sensitive areas and high traffic times.

240. Vehicles transporting construction materials or wastes will slow down and not use their horn when passing through or nearby sensitive locations, such as residential communities, schools and hospitals.

241. Signs will be placed at construction sites in clear view of the public, warning people of potential dangers such as moving. All sites will be made secure, discouraging access by members of the public through appropriate fencing with safety guards whenever appropriate.

242. Contractors shall identify and minimize the causes of potential hazards to workers. Implement appropriate safety measures.

243. Training shall be provided workers on occupational health and safety, , especially with respect to using potentially dangerous equipment and storage, handling and disposal of hazardous waste. Induction will be conducted before construction and no worker is allowed on site without induction. Regular safety meetings with staff shall be conducted. 244. All equipment is maintained in a safe operating condition. Proper PPE shall be provided to workers.

245. Provide procedures for limiting exposure to high noise or high temperature working environments in compliance with PRC occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in work place Part 2: physical agents (GBZ 2.2-2007) and EHS Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines.

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246. Contractors will follow relevant government regulations and guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and control, or with international good practice guidelines as updated in the future.1 The contractor shall implement COVID-19 prevention and control measures, including disinfection/cleaning of offices, construction sites and labor camps, on-site temperature checks, social distancing measures, mandatory use of personal protective equipment such as facemasks, provision of handwashing stations and hand sanitizers etc., and procedures to be adopted in the event any worker is infected with COVID-19. Physical and cultural resources

247. If any physical and cultural resources are identified during construction, a construction phase chance find procedure will be established and activated if any chance finds of PCRs are encountered:

 construction activities will be immediately suspended if any PCRs are encountered.  destroying, damaging, defacing, or concealing PCRs will be strictly prohibited in accordance with PRC regulations.  local Cultural Heritage Bureau will be promptly informed and consulted; and,  construction activities will resume only after thorough investigation and with the permission of the local Cultural Heritage Bureau. In case of any PCR is found, ADB SPS 2009 requirements as well as PRC laws and regulations will be followed.

1 See e.g.: World Health Organization. 2020. Considerations for public health and social measures in the workplace in the context of COVID-19. Geneva. Available at: measures-in-the-workplace-in-the-context-of-covid-19 . HM Government. 2020. Working safely during COVID-19 in construction and other outdoor work. Guidance for employers, employees and the self-employed. Available at: during-covid-19-construction-outdoors-110520.pdf . The Canadian Construction Association – COVID-19 Standard Protocols. Available here: content/uploads/2020/04/CCA-COVID-19-Standardized-Protocols-for-All-Canadian- Construction-Sites-04-16-20.pdf

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5 Environmental Management Plan

5.1 Environmental management plan

5.1.1 Objectives of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 248. The EMP is prepared for the proposed Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project — Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Avenue Widening Component.

249. The objectives of the EMP are to ensure (i) implementation of the identified mitigation and management measures to avoid, reduce, mitigate, and compensate for anticipated adverse environment impacts; (ii) implementation of monitoring and reporting; and (iii) compliance with the PRC’s relevant environmental laws, standards and regulations and ADB’s SPS 2009. Organizational responsibilities and budgets are clearly identified for implementation, monitoring and reporting.

250. The EMP is to be implemented in all phases of the project cycle, including design, pre- construction, construction, and operation. In the detailed design stage, the EMP will be used by the design institute for incorporating mitigation measures into the detailed designs. The EMP will be updated at the end of the detailed design, as needed. 251. The EMP will be included as a separate annex in all bidding and contract documents. The contractors will be informed of their obligations to implement the EMP, and to provide for EMP implementation costs in their bids for component works. 5.1.2 Implementation arrangement

252. According to “Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China” and the “Regulations on Environmental Protection Management for Construction Projects” (Order No. 682 of the State Council), the EA is the Anhui Provincial Government responsible for overall guidance during component preparation and implementation. The IA is Wuhu Municipal Highway Administration responsible for implementing the environmental management, environmental monitoring and mitigation measures, and administering and monitoring contractors and suppliers.

253. ADB will conduct regular review missions. The EA will prepare semi-annual environmental monitoring reports and submit them to ADB. ADB will review the reports and disclose them on ADB’s website. If the component is incompliance with the EMP’s requirements, appropriate corrective actions shall be taken following ADB’s requirements. Setting of environmental management bodies 254. Roles and responsibilities for EMP implementation is shown in Table 5.1-1.

Table 5.1-1 Organizations for environmental management system

Organization Role and Responsibility EA Main responsibilities include: - Ensuring component’s compliance with loan and project ag reements, and with the safeguards requirements as specified in the IEE. - Monitoring the component ’s physical and financial progress, and

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compliance with component’s reporting requirements, ensuring the component’s environmental monitoring reports are prepared and submitted on time. - Addressing complaints received from APs. - Coordinating the activities of and meeting the requirements of the ADB review missions. - Supervision the implementation of EMP and environmental monitoring plan (EMoP) of the component. - Conducting regular site visits and safeguard review missions. - Submitting semi-annual environmental monitoring reports to ADB. - Requiring IA to prepare corrective action plans in the event of noncompliance with EMP or EMoP IA Main responsibilities include: - Contracting and administering contractors and suppliers. - Ensuring compliance with EMP, EMoP. - Preparing component progress reports and submit to EA. - Operation and maintenance of the component. - Addressing complaints received from APs. - Preparing semi-annual envi ronmental monitoring reports and submit to EA Environmental - A qualified independent environmental monitoring company will be Monitoring recruited to conduct environmental monitoring. company ADB Responsible for the following: - Conducting regular review missions. - Monitoring the implementation of EMP and EMoP. - Monitoring status of compliance with loan and subproject covenants, including safeguards. - Reviewing environmental monitoring reports and disclosing them on ADB website. - Requiring EA to develop corrective action plan for any non-compliance issues Local Main responsibilities include: environmental - Environment compliance monitoring of the component. protection - Inspect the component during construction and operation to ensure department compliance. - Enforce applicable PRC’s environmental laws and regulations. - Conduct an environmental acceptance inspection after a three months trial operation period. Project Main responsibilities include: supervision - supervise and manage the contractor’s daily construction activities, company including environmental safeguards. Staffing required for environmental management 255. In order to implement the EMP effectively, all organizations shall be equipped with relevant personnel according to the requirements of Table 5.1-2.

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Table 5.1-2 Staff setting for implementation of EMP

Organization Staff setting Main responsibilities

 ensure that planning, design and environmental protection meet both PRC and Director and one ADB requirements. EA-PMO environmental officer  coordinate with relevant departments.  supervise and guide the implementation of mitigation measures.  conduct supervision and inspection on the implementation of EMP by the contractors.  preparing environmental monitoring reports One Director, one semi-annually during construction and annually environment officer, one contact. GRM coordinator with  coordinate with local environmental IA environmental protection department and other relevant management or stakeholders. environmental sciences  prepare correct action plan in case of non- background compliance.  act as the focal for complaints and coordinate with relevant stakeholders to address the complaints.  implement mitigation measures as required in the EMP. One qualified on-site Contractors  inspect, record, and archive the environmental engineer implementation of the mitigation measures.  provide inpu ts on EMP implementation to the progress report.  prepare environmental supervision plan.  supervise and inspect the implementation and effectiveness of the mitigation measures. Construction One designated staff for  timely solve the environmental problems supervision environmental safeguard that arise unit supervision  file and record the inspection/su pervision findings.  provide inputs on EMP implementation t o the progress report.

5.1.3 Environmental management plan

256. The objectives of the EMP are to ensure (i) implementation of the identified mitigation and management measures to avoid, reduce, mitigate, and compensate for anticipated adverse environment impacts; (ii) implementation of monitoring and reporting; and (iii) compliance with the PRC’s relevant environmental laws, standards and regulations and ADB’s SPS 2009.

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Organizational responsibilities and budgets are clearly identified for implementation, monitoring and reporting. (1) Design stage

257. The design institute should incorporate the environmental protection measures in the EMP into engineering design. IA be responsible for the review of the engineering design.

(2) Tendering and bidding stage

258. IA should ensure that the EMP is incorporated in the bidding document and contracts for the component and supervise the implementation of the EMP by the contractors.

(3) Construction period

259. IA should provide training to the contractors on implementation of the EMP and GRM and timely handling of environmental pollution accidents and pollution disputes. 260. The contractors should accept supervision and instruction of the IA and local environmental protection department, and implement the mitigation measures set in the EMP. Contractors should be equipped with at least one full-time environmental staff to supervise and manage the implementation of environmental protection measures. 261. After the completion of construction, the IA should organize a comprehensive inspection of the EMP implementation and the environmental restoration of the construction site, and urge the contractors to timely clean up the construction site and dismantle temporary facilities. (4) Operation period 262. IA is responsible for implementing the mitigation measures set in the EMP during operation. 263. Environmental protection is the responsibility of the contractors during construction. Therefore, the IA should (1) select competent contractors to ensure that the EMP is effectively implemented.

(2) provide training to training on contractors and construction supervisors on environmental protection and environmental management before construction. (3) include mitigation measures/EMP in the contractor’s bidding documents and construction contract as contractual requirements. (4) require the contractors to implement environmental management activities and provide a monthly environmental performance report, which will be reviewed by the IA and construction supervision unit. (5) require the contractors to equip with a full-time environmental staff.

(6) require the contractors to conduct effective communication with the local residents and inform the public of the specific construction activities and construction time; and to place a notice

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board at the construction sites with construction information and contact information to receive complaints from the public.

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Table 5.1-3 Environmental Management Plan

Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

Detailed Design Stage

Environmental mitigation and pollution control measures identified in the IEE, the Detailed Design IA EA-PMO EMP and the domestic EIA will be incorporated into the detailed design. Budget

Incorporate Environmental mitigation measures identified in the IEE, EMP and the domestic Mitigation EIA will be incorporated in the bidding documents for the project and will be Detailed Design IA EA-PMO Measures and included in contract documents for civil constructions and equipment install ations. Budget Monitoring in All contractors shall be required to strictly comply with the EMP. Detailed Design and Bidding and Environmental monitoring program will be incorporated into the design to ensure Contracting that environmental impacts are closely monitored and activities of the project Detailed Design construction and operating are closely supervised against the PRC environmental IA EA-PMO Budget laws, regulations and standards, ADB SPS, and the component EMP and approved domestic EIA.

Construction Stage

(1) Protect cultivated land and vegetation, reduce temporary land occupation, and make restoration work for temporarily used land. EA-PMO, IA, Wuhu (2) Before construction, forestry personnel should be consult ed to identify the Municipal working belt and surrounding plants. I f there are key protected plants, avoidance Contractor Ecological Environmental or transplantation protection should be considered. Contractors construction environment Protection budget (3) If ancient and famous trees are involved during construction , protective Bureau (EPB) , measures such as fences and signage should be placed. Jiujiang District EPB (4) Protect wild animals and prevent killing of protected animals, if any; avoid high- noise operations such as piling in the morning, dusk and at night, and the peak

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

hours of the activities of wild animals.

(5) Before construction, train construction workers so that they are able to identify and protect the animals through posters and pictures, and strengthen the legal awareness of animal protection.

(6) If injured wild animals are found, contact the local wildlife protection station immediately for treatment.

(7) Areas with diverse habitats such as natural water bodies are the concentrated areas of wild animals, so make efforts to avoid changing natural landscapes and protecting important habitats.

(1) Local private houses will be rented as the construction camps, which will be equipped with domestic garbage collection and storage facilities, the domestic garbage will be re gularly cleared and transported away. Domestic sewage and fecal sewage will be treated by dry toilet.

(2) Strictly inspect the construction machinery from time to time to prevent oil EA-PMO, IA, leakage. It is strictly forbidden to pour waste oil into the water body. Wuhu (3) It is forbidden to set up building materials stockyard within the highest water Municipal level line of the river. Building materials should be piled up a way from water Contractor Surface water Environmental bodies . The stockyard must be equipped with a canopy cover, and a fence, if Contractors construction pollution Protection necessary; cons truction waste water generated needs to be preliminarily treated budget by sedimentation tank and must not be discharged directly into surface water Bureau, bodies or fish ponds. Jiujiang (4) All necessary measures will be undertaken to prevent construction materials District EPB and waste from entering drainage system. (5) No on-site machine repair, maintenance and washing shall be allowed so as to reduce wastewater generation. (6) Storage facilities for fuels, oil, and other hazardous materials are within secured areas on impermeable surfac es with 110% volume of the materials

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

stored, and provided with bunds and cleanup kits.

(1) Strengthen management of the stockyard, erect the windshield wall (net) EA-PMO, IA, around the material stockyard, reasonably arrange the stacking position, and take Wuhu covering measures such as covering tarpaulin. Municipal Contractor (2) Water will be sprayed on active construction sites including where fugitive Environmental Air Pollution Contractors construction dust is being generated on a daily basis, and more frequently during windy days. Protection budget Bureau, (3) During loading and unloading, use, transportation, transfer and temporary Jiujiang storage of easy-to-spill bulk materials , windproof covering measures should be District EPB taken to reduce increase in dust.

(1) Use low-noise machinery and often maintain them.

(2) Construction activities, an d particularly noisy ones, are to be limited to reasonable hours during the day and early evening. Construction activities will be strictly prohibited during the nighttime (22:00 h to 06:00 h). Exceptions will only be allowed in special cases, and only aft er getting approval of the surrounding residents, local EPB and other relevant departments. And nearby residents should EA-PMO, IA, be notified of such night time activities well in advance. Wuhu Municipal (3) At sensitive receptors such as school and hospital, contractors should c onsult Contractor Construction Environmental with them to arrange high-noise construction on weekends, and accelerated the Contractors construction noise Protection construction speed and shorten the construction period in order to reduce the budget Bureau, impact time. Jiujiang (4) When performing high-noise operation for a long time, set up the mobile sou nd District EPB barrier at noise-sensitive receptors to reduce the impact.

(5) Transportation routes and delivery schedules will be planned during detailed design to avoid densely populated and sensitive areas and high traffic times. (6) Vehicles transporting construct ion materials or waste will slow down and not use their horn when passing through or nearby sensitive locations, such as

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

residential communities, schools and hospitals.

(1) All construction wastes must be transported through the closed special garbage lanes or transported in closed containers to the disposal site following the PRC regulations.

(2) Used sand and grav el, building materials, steel and packaging materials, etc. should be recycled as much as possible.

(3) Set up closed garbage stations at the construction site, and store the EA-PMO, IA, construction waste and domestic garbage separately according to their Wuhu classification. Municipal Contractor Environmental Solid waste (4) Centrally collect the domestic garbage generated by the construction Contractors construction Protection according to its clas sification, which should be cleared, received and transported budget Bureau, by the local sanitation department. Jiujiang (5) Littering by workers will be prohibited. District EPB (6) Excavated soil will be backfilled onsite to the extent possible. Excess spoil that cannot be used on-site will be transported to an approved spoil disposal site. (7) Contractors will be held responsible for proper removal and disposal of any significant residual materials, wastes, spoil, waste from contaminated soils that remain on the site after construction.

(1) Transportation routes and delivery schedules will be planned during detailed EA-PMO, IA, Community and design to avoid densely populated and sensitive areas and high traffic times. Wuhu Municipal Contractor occupational (2) Vehicles transporting construction materials or wastes will slow down and n ot Contractors Environmental construction health and use their horn when passing through or nearby sensitive locations, such as Protection budget safety residential communities, schools and hospitals. Bureau, (3) Signs will be placed at construction sites in clear view of the public, warning Jiujiang

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

people of potential dangers such as moving. Al l sites will be made secure, District EPB discouraging access by members of the public through appropriate fencing with safety guards whenever appropriate.

(4) Each contractor will undertake H&S risk assessment of construction works and implement relevant construction phase EHS plan in line with construction good practice as set out in EHS Guidelines on Construction and Decommissioning and Occupational H&S guidelines. (5) Identify and minimize the causes of potential hazards to workers, and implement appropriate safety measures. (6) Provide training to workers on occupational health and safety, emergency response, especially with respect to using potentially dangerous equipment and storage, handling and disposal of hazardous waste. (7) Induction will be conducted before construction and no worker is allowed on site without induction, and ensure regular safety meetings with staff. (8) Provide proper PPE to construction workers. (9) Ensure that all equipment is maintained in a safe operating condition; and

(10) Provide procedures for limiting exposure to high noise or high temperature working environments in compliance with PRC occupational exposure limits fo r hazardous agents in work place Part 2: physical agents (GBZ 2.2-2007) and EHS Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines. (11) Contractors will follow relevant government regulations and guidelines on COVID-19 prevention and control, or with international good practice guidelines as updated in the future. Contractors shall implement COVID-19 prevention and control measures, including disinfection/cleani ng of offices, construction sites and labor camps, on-site temperature checks, social distancing measures, mandatory use of personal protective equipment such as facemasks, provision of handwashing stations and hand sanitizers etc., and procedures to be ad opted in the event any worker is infected with COVID-19.

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

A construction phase chance find procedure will be established and activated if any chance finds of PCRs are encountered: (1) construction activities will be immediately suspended if any PCRs are Physical encountered. EA-PMO, IA, Contractor Cultural (2) destroying, damaging, defacing, or concealing PCRs will be strictly prohibited Contractors Wuhu Cultur e construction Resources in accordance with PRC regulations. and Tourism budget (3) local Cultural Heritage Bureau will be promptly informed and consulted; and, (4) construction activities will resume only after thorough investigation and with the permission of the local Cultural Heritage Bureau.

Project Operation Phase

EA, Wuhu Wastewater IA’s operati on (1) Strengthen the maintenance of rainwater pipe network. IA EPB, Jiujiang pollution budget District EPB

(1) Implement motor vehicle emission reduction policies to reduce vehicle EA, Wuhu emissions. IA’s ope ration Air Pollution IA EPB, Jiuji ang budget (2) Strengthen greening, and use local plants that absorb sulfur dioxide and District EPB nitrogen oxides for roadside and pavement greening.

(1) Install signage board for speed limit and no honking near sensitive receptors. EA, Wuhu IA’s operation Noise pollution (2) Maintain the road surface to avoid traffic noise caused by bumps due to poor IA EPB, Jiujiang budget road conditions. District EPB (3) When plannin g the villages and towns along the line, new schools, hospitals,

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Supervised Issues Mitigation measures Implemented by Source of Funds by

nursing homes, residential buildings shall be built close to the road.

(4) For the new, optimize the house layout design with kitchen, corridor, bathroom, living room close to the road site and bedroom on the side away from the road.

(5) Regularly monitor the noise monitoring at sensitive receptors where the predicted noise level exceeds the standards.

(6) Install sound-insulation windows at sensitive receptors where the predicted noise level exceeds the standards by 3 d(B)A;

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5.2 Environmental monitoring plan 5.2.1 Monitoring purpose

264. The environmental monitoring will be conducted during both construction and operation periods. Its purpose is to comprehensively and timely grasp the pollution dynamics caused by the component during construction, understand the degree of environmental quality change and the scope of impacts and the environmental quality situation during operation, and provide feedback to ADB and relevant government authorities.

5.2.2 Monitoring Agency 265. The IA will engage a licensed environmental monitoring company to conduct the monitoring work following the PRC regulations.

5.2.3 Monitoring plan 266. The monitoring focuses on noise, water and ambient air. Conventional monitoring is required to be carried out in the manner of combination of spot and non-spot monitoring and regular and irregular random inspection. Therefore, the monitoring time of different monitoring points should be adjusted properly according to the construction time. The specific monitoring plan is shown in Tables 5.2-1, 5.2-2 and 5.2-3.

Table 5.2-1 Environmental monitoring plan (surface water quality)

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Samplin Implemented Supervised Stage location item frequency duration g time by by

Location Ammonia where the nitrogen, SS, Licensed Pre- Project petroleum, Twice environmental Once Two days IA construction crosses permanganat every day monitoring Jiazhuang e index or company River COD, pH

Location NH 3, SS, where the Licensed petroleum, Construction component Twice environmental permanganat Quarterly Two days IA period crosses every day monitoring e index or Jiazhuang company COD, pH River

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Table 5.2-2 Environmental monitoring plan (Air quality)

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Supervised Stage Implemented location item frequency duration time by Licensed Pre- Once every environmental Bo’ai Hospital TSP, NO 2 Once Three days IA construction day monitoring company Qualified Construction Once every Once every monitoring unit Bo’ai Hospital TSP, NO 2 Three days Employer period quarter day commissioned by the owner Qualified Operation Once every two Once every monitoring unit Bo’ai Hospital TSP, NO 2 Three days Employer period years day commissioned by the owner

Table 5.2-3 Environmental monitoring plan (Noise)

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Sampling Implemented Stage Supervised by location item frequency duration time by Once Licensed Boundary of during day Construction environmental construction Leq Quarterly Two days time and IA period monitoring site once during company night time Lingwei, Zaoying Lucheng, Once Licensed Bo’ai Five during day Operation environmental Hospital and Leq Once/year consecutiv time and IA period monitoring other e days once during company sensitive night time receptors if needed

267. In addition to the monitoring conducted by the licensed environmental monitoring company during construction, the contractors will also carry out daily environmental monitoring; the specific monitoring methods are as follows:  Monitor the noise around construction machinery and sensitive receptors with portable noise meters.  Through visual inspection, check dust caused by the construction road, the stockyard of powdery materials, the disturbed ground surface, and trucks that transports the materials.

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 Check the water quality of the upstream and downstream reaches of river, water quality of the river that receives the sewage from the construction site, and the water quality of the irrigation canals by inspection. 268. The contractors shall submit a report on environmental protection to the IA PMO monthly. In addition, in the event of an unexpected environmental pollution accident, the contractors shall immediately report to IA so that the IA and the contractors can take appropriate measures, including conducting environmental monitoring. 5.2.4 Monitoring cost 269. Following the “Notice on Reducing the Charge Standard of Environmental Monitoring Service in the Province” (Anhui Province Price Bureau (2014) 139) issued by Anhui Province Price Bureau & Department of Finance, the total cost of environmental monitoring during pre- construction and construction is 47,848 yuan. Detailed construction costs are shown in table 5.2- 4. The cost of environmental monitoring during the operation period is CNY 5297 per year as shown in Table 5.2-5.

Table 5.2-4 Monitoring costs during pre-construction and construction periods

Charge Point Subtotal SN Category Item Frequency Days (yuan ) location (yuan) I Monitoring items and costs pH 18 1 1 2 36 COD 58.5 1 1 2 117 Pre- Ammonia construction: 81 1 1 2 162 nitrogen surface water Petroleum 81 1 1 2 162 SS 54.8 1 1 2 109.6 1 pH 18 1 8 2 288 COD 58.5 1 8 2 936 Construction Ammonia period: surface 81 1 8 2 1296 nitrogen water Petroleum 81 1 8 2 1296 SS 54.8 1 8 2 876.8

Pre- NO 2 126 1 1 3 378 construction: atmospheric TSP 139.5 1 1 3 418.5 2 environment

Construction: NO 2 126 1 8 3 3024 atmospheric TSP 139.5 1 8 3 3348 environment

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Construction 3 Leq 135 1 8 2 2160 period: noise II Transport and labour costs (sampling) Subtotal SN Item Unit Fee scale (yuan) Frequency (yuan) 1 Transport / 1000 9 9000 2 Labour cost 4 500 9 18000 Tax administration fee 6240 Total (yuan) 47848

Table 5.2-5 Monitoring costs during operation Checking Charge Point Subtotal SN Category Frequency Days item (yuan ) location (yuan) I Monitoring items and costs

Atmospheri NO 2 126 1 1 3 378 c 1 environme TSP 139.5 1 1 3 418.5 nt

2 Noise Leq 135 3 1 2 810

II Transport and labour costs (sampling)

Subtotal SN Item Unit Fee scale (yuan) Frequency (yuan)

1 Transport / 1000 1 1000

Labour 2 4 500 1 2000 cost

Tax administration fee 690

Total 5297 (CNY)

5.2.5 Environmental monitoring reporting

270. During the construction period, IA will engage a licensed environmental monitoring

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company to conduct environmental monitoring, and submit the monitoring report to local EBP. The contents of report should include progress of the project, main construction contents and methods, environmental impacts and the implementation of environmental impact mitigation measures. The licensed environmental monitoring company will issue an environmental monitoring report every quarter during construction and submit it IA and local EPM.

271. During operation, environmental monitoring should be carried out, and the monitoring report should be submitted to the local EPB. The contents of the monitoring report mainly include: (1) Monitoring time, frequency, location, monitoring items and methods.

(2) Monitoring data and statistical analysis. 272. The IA will submit environmental monitoring reports semi-annually during construction and annually during operation to EA-PMO and PMO will then submit to ADB for disclosure.

5.3 Environmental supervision 5.3.1 Supervision purpose

273. The purpose of environmental supervision is to ensure that the mitigation measures proposed in the IEE can be smoothly implemented and the contractual provisions on environmental protection in the contracts are effectively implemented by the contractors. 5.3.2 Scope of supervision

274. The supervision area includes the construction area and the component-affected area, including the construction site (land area, water area), construction area, and the areas where the construction activities cause environmental pollution and ecological damage. 5.3.3 Contents of environment supervision

(1) Design stage

a. Review the environmental protection measures in the detailed engineering design. b. Review the prevention and control technologies, measures, final disposal methods and sites in the design. c. Review the special provisions on environmental protection in the construction contract. d. Review the compliance of the road construction plan, pollution characteristics, emission characteristics and pollution control measures with the environment impact assessment report and the approval documents.

e. Review the establishment of environmental management system and environmental management plan during the road construction. f. Participate in tendering and contract preparation, include relevant environmental protection clauses in the tender documents, and clarify the environmental protection

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responsibilities and obligations of the IA and contractors.

(2) Construction period a. The environmental supervision company should supervise the behavior of polluting the environment and destroying the ecology. b. Carry out environmental supervision on the consistency of the construction contents of the road works with the original approval and design documents, check the changes of the construction contents, and make environmental compliance judgments, and if necessary, send a letter to IA and the contractor to make corrective actions.

c. If there is a major change or a major environmental hazard, the environmental supervision company should report to the IA and local EPB immediately. d. Supervise the implementation of the EMP.

e. Provide information to the IA and contractors on the key points of environmental protection and environmental supervision, remind and supervise the IA and contractors to implement their respective environmental protection responsibilities.

f. Inspect the compliance with the environmental standards, and the preparation of environmental engineering personnel and instrumentation and equipment; review the environmental protection documents of the contractors for commencement of the component.

g. Participate in the first site meeting with the IA, contractors and, and prepare meeting minutes.

5.3.4 Environmental supervision procedure (1) Selection of environmental supervision company shall follow applicable PRC regulations. (2) After selection, the IA should sign an environmental supervision contract with the selected environmental supervision company. The environmental supervision company should carry out supervision according to the scope of work agreed upon in the contract. (3) According to the scale and nature of the component and the requirements of IA for environmental supervision, the environmental supervision company prepares an environmental supervision work plan as agreed in the contract, and simultaneously carry out the environmental supervision work at the design stage. (4) The environmental supervision company should carry out environmental supervision work following the workplan, and prepare environmental supervision reports during the construction period. The environmental supervision report is the indispensable material for applying for environment protection acceptance on completion of the component.

5.3.5 Supervision work framework (1) Establish and improve a sound organization system for environmental supervision and protection

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275. Environmental supervision work has a dual nature. In terms of its relative independence, it is necessary to engage a full-time organization and equip full-time staff with qualified professionals. The environmental supervision work should be included in the scope of overall component supervision work. The supervision company should have one full-time environmental protection staff to carry out total quality management according to the dual requirements for component quality and environmental protection quality. The environmental protection work and environmental supervision work will be supervised by local EPBs. (2) Formulate relevant environmental protection management measures and implementation rules

276. Formulate relevant environment protection systems such as “Environmental Protection Management Measures for Construction Areas of Projects” and “Implementation Rules for Environmental Protection Work” on the basis of implementation of national environmental protection policies and regulations, and the EMP.

(3) Establish a sound environmental supervision system

277. A work record system, namely, the “supervisory diary”, which describe the inspection findings, environmental issues, analyze the causes of the problems and the responsible units and proposed measures, etc.

278. Reporting system. This is an important channel for internal and external communication and top-down communication and information transmission, including monthly, quarterly and semi-annual monitoring reports. 279. Memo system . Matters to be handled by the contractors and the supervision company shall be exchanged and confirmed through memos. For urgent issues, oral notice can be given first followed by memo. 280. Regular meeting system. An environmental protection meeting shall be held once a month to review and summarize the environmental protection work in the past month. Contractors, the environmental engineer from supervision company, IA’s environment staff shall participate to discuss the implementation of the EMP and any issues to be solved.

5.3.6 Key points of environmental supervision 281. Table 5.3-1 summarizes the environmental supervision requirements.

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Table 5.3-1 Summary of Environmental Supervision

SN Supervisi on Key supervision contents location ● Supervise whether the subgrade excavation and filling operations are strictly controlled within the scope of construction work, and whether measures are taken to prevent the waste soil from rolling into the cultivated land; ● Supervise transportation of the subgrade earthwork and rockwork, whether the earthwork and rockwork transportation plan are strictly implemented, and whether there is casual abandoning of waste soil along the line; ● Supervise the handling process of physical and cultural resources; ● Supervise whether nighttime construction is avoided as far as possible as. If it is necessary to carry out construction at night, whether it is approved by the local environmental protection department. ● Supervise the transportation and temporary storage of easily spilling Subgrade bulk materials such as lime at the construction site, and whether 1 pavement windproof covering measures are taken to reduce dust generation; work ● Supervise whether the construction site is sprinkled with water to reduce dust as required; ● Supervise the implementation of temporary soil and water conservation measures; ● Supervise whether sedimentation tanks are temporarily set up on both sides of the subgrade when excavating the subgrade at the concave location of the longitudinal section of the subgrade or the location of rainy ground where there is surface runoff, and there is a river channel or pond near the subgrade; ● Supervise whether the construction workers have the behavior of cutting down or destroying the vegetation and crops outside the construction area and destroying local ecology; ● Check the compliance of noise at the sound sensitive receptors.

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● Check whether contractors strictly implement the training requirements in the bidding documents; ● Check whether the setting of temporary construction land avoids the basic farmland protection area; ● Check whether the sewage is directly discharged into surface water Temporary bodies, and whether domestic sewage (especially fecal sewage) is collected and treated in septic tanks; land for 2 constructio ● Check whether the stacking of construction materials and the n construction waste on the temporary construction land avoids the inner side of the emban kment along the line and nearby rivers and lakes or the upper limit of the highest water level line; ● Check whether the domestic garbage is dumped at the designated location, whether the selection of the dumping site is reasonable, and whether the domest ic garbage is centrally collected and treated by the sanitation department regularly;

● Check whether the construction site is reasonably arranged, from the concentrated residential area and nearby towns; ● Check whether n ighttime construction is prohibited, and whether construction vehicles are prohibited at night; Villages 3 along the ● When construction vehicles work at night, measures such as alignment slowing down and prohibiting honking should be taken; ● Avoid construction at night as far as possible where there are concentrated sensitive receptors along the line, especiall y, prohibit high-noise construction operations such as prohibiting pile driving, and arrange construction time reasonably.

5.3.7 Supervision cost during construction period

282. Cost estimates for environmental supervision are shown in Table 5.3-2.

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Table 5.3-2 Cost estimates of environmental supervision

Item Cost (CNY 10,000) Remarks

Service fee 24 10000 Yuan/month × 24 months × 1 person

Cost of office 10 Based on 50,000 Yuan/year tentatively facilities

Cost of living facilities for 6 Based on 30,000 Yuan/year tentatively supervision staff

Cost for training and transportation 10 Based on 50,000 Yuan/year tentatively facilities

Total 50

5.4 Training 5.4.1 Staff training during construction 283. The successful implementation of the EMP relies on environmental management knowledge and work experience of the environment management staff. Staff training can be conducted at home and abroad, and location for overseas training will be selected in the countries with mature highway construction and operational management systems. For domestic training, experts from universities, environmental research institutions and professional advisory bodies will be invited to give lectures.

284. The contractors must strengthen the self-inspection of environmental protection. Even if such self-inspection is not the ultimate goal, it can help to establish the awareness of environmental protection, and help the environmental management and supervisory agencies to better carry out supervision. For the contractors to conduct more favorable self-inspection, training shall be provided to the contractors.

The specific contents of the staff training plan are shown in Table 5.3-1.

Training contents include: (1) Regulations, documents and related requirements of the RRC, ADB, and Anhui Province concerning environmental protection in the construction management. (2) Environmental protection measures proposed in the design and environmental protection requirements during construction.

(3) Environmental protection guidelines during construction.

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5.4.2 Staff training during operation 285. During operation, the training of newly recruited environmental protection full-time and part-time staff should be provided by IA, and relevant environmental protection experts from universities, research institutes and operation management units may be invited to give lectures. These full-time and part-time staff may also participate in short-term training courses. The environmental protection staff training plan is shown in Table 5.4-1. Table 5.4-1 Staff training plans

Form of Fee Stage Training content Personnel Total Time training (CNY)

Environmental Overseas Construction 1 management and related 2 persons 2018~2019 120,000 training period month policies 1. Envir onmental protection laws and regulations and policies. 2. Environment and physical and cultural resources protection. Prior to 3. Environmental 2 persons 3 days 100,000 construction Domestic Construction management plan. training period 4. Environmental protection measures proposed in the design. 5. Daily environmental monitoring methods. Environmental emergency response plan and 2 persons 3 days 2018 20,000 measures 36 Total 6 persons 240,000 days

5.5 Information exchange, summary and reporting 5.5.1 Information exchange 286. Environmental management requires the necessary information exchange between different departments and different positions within the organization, and the organization should also report relevant information to the outside (related stakeholders, the public, etc.). 287. Internal information exchange can be conducted in various ways, such as meetings and internal reports; a formal internal meeting must be held per month, and all exchanged information should be recorded and put on file. 288. The external information exchange should be conducted semi-annually or annually, and the information exchange with relevant stakeholders should form minutes of meeting and should

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be put on file.

5.5.2 Recording 289. In order to effectively implement the AMP, the IA must establish a complete recording system and keep the records in the following aspects: (1) Requirements of laws and regulations.

(2) Various kinds of license documents.

(3) Environmental factors and related environmental impacts. (4) Training activities.

(5) Inspection and assessment activities.

(6) Monitoring data. (7) Remedial measures. (8) Information of related parties. (9) corrective actions.

(10) Audit and review records.

290. In addition, necessary control must be carried out on the above various types of records, including identification, collection, cataloging, archiving, storage, management, maintenance, inquiry, shelf life, disposal, etc. of the records.

5.5.3 Reporting 291. The contractor, monitoring company and IA should record the progress of the component, the implementation of the EMP, and the results of environmental quality monitoring during the component implementation process and report them to the relevant departments in a timely manner. The reporting mainly includes the contents of the following four parts: (1) The monitoring company and the contractor should make a detailed record of the implementation of the EMP and report it to the IA in a timely manner. (2) The progress report prepared by IA (such as monthly report, quarterly report, annual report, etc.) must include the contents of the EMP implementation. (3) EA shall submit environmental monitoring reports semi-annually during construction and annually during operation to ADB. Template for environmental monitoring reports is shown in Appendix I.

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6 Analysis of Alternatives 292. The existing road is one of the newly added east-west horizontal lines in “National Highway Network Planning (2013~2030)” and is also one of the 12 eastbound trunk highways in “Infrastructure Planning for The Demonstration Area of Wanjiang City Belt to Undertake Industrial Transformation”. With the increasing traffic volume, the current road grade and technical specifications cannot meet the traffic demand, the construction of the component is imperative. In order to avoid occupying the cultivated land, woodland as well as avoid the sensitive area of sound environment, the plan for extension the width of the existing road is proposed.

6.1 Without Project Alternatives 293. If other alignment is selected, the extra land acquisitions especially acquisition for cultivated land will be increased, which may lead to more agricultural production loss. In addition, more lands will be temporarily occupied for road construction, which may lead to more interferences. The alignment of the existing road is straight, which will decrease the length of the road, the land acquisition and occupation as well as environment protection indicators.

294. The existing road is a first-class road. Through extending the width of the existing roads, the new land acquisition and occupation will be reduced, thus reducing the impact on agricultural production. In addition, the existing linearity is in line with regional urban planning and traffic planning, and can better connect with the surrounding road network. Therefore, the option for widening the existing road is selected under the project.

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7 Public consultation and information disclosure

7.1 PRC and ADB requirements for public participation and information disclosure 1. PRC Requirements 295. Relevant provisions in the PRC Environmental Impact Assessment Law (revised in 2016) and the Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (No. 253 Order of the State Council, 1998, revised in 2017) require that an EIA study for a construction project shall solicit opinions from affected residents, as well as other organizations and concerned stakeholders. However, the requirements for public consultation are different for various sectors and projects. For an environmental Category A project a full EIA report is required including two rounds of public consultations, while for a Category B project only a simplified tabular EIA is required without the need for public consultation. 296. The “Provisional Regulations on Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment” (2006) promulgated by State Environmental Protection Administration further improved the legislation of public participation in EIA in China. It provides detailed requirements for the public participation process, including information disclosure standards, consultation methods, and public enquiry process. It is significant since it was the first document clearly regulating public participation in EIA in China. 2

297. In 2014, former Ministry of Environmental Protection released “Guiding Opinions on Promoting Public Participation in Environmental Protection” (2014, No. 48) which defines public participation as ‘citizens, legal persons and other organizations’ voluntary participation in environmental legislation, enforcement, judicature and law obedience, and the development, utilization, protection and transformation activities related to environment. 2. ADB Requirements 298. ADB’s SPS (2009) has specific requirements for information disclosure and public consultation. Information disclosure involves delivering information about a proposed project to the general public and to affected communities and other stakeholders, beginning early in the project cycle and continuing throughout the life of the project. Information disclosure is intended to facilitate constructive engagement with affected communities and stakeholders over the life of the project. 299. The SPS requires that borrowers take a proactive disclosure approach and provide relevant information from environmental assessment documentation directly to affected peoples and stakeholders. In addition, in order to make key documents widely available to the general public, the SPS requires submission to ADB for posting on the ADB website as follows: (i) a draft full EIA (including the draft EMP) at least 120 days prior to ADB Board consideration for Category A projects, and/or environmental assessment and review frameworks before project appraisal, where applicable.

2 Wang Ya Nan, 2012. Public Participation in EIA, SEA and Environmental Planning in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Research Centre.

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(ii) the final EIA/IEE. (iii) a new or updated EIA/IEE, EMP and corrective action plan prepared during project implementation, if any; and (iv) environmental monitoring reports. 300. The SPS also requires that the borrower carry out meaningful consultation with affected people and other concerned stakeholders, including civil society, and facilitate their informed participation. Consultations should include presentations on environmental impacts, benefits and mitigation measures, the project GRM, and ADB's Accountability Mechanism. For category A projects, such consultations should include consultations both at an early stage of EIA field work and when the draft EIA report is available.

7.2 Public participation process 301. According to the PRC and ADB requirements, public participation activities of the component included online information disclosure, consultation with related departments, questionnaire survey of APs, etc.

a. Information Disclosure 302. The first online information disclosure of the EIA was conducted November 20, 2018 on the website of Wuhu City Traffic and Transportation Bureau ( ), as shown in Figure 7.2-1. 303. The information includes the general profile and the alignment of the component, the contact information of IA and EIA preparation agency, contents of public participation. The online disclosure lasted for 10 days.

Picture 7.2-1 Screenshot of Online announcement

304. Project Information was also disclosed near the affected towns and villages as well as environment sensitive areas. Meanwhile, component overview, EIA and public participation

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issues have been informed and described to APs.

Picture 7.2-2 Photos of Public participation

7.2.2 Public participation survey

The contents of the survey are shown in Table 7.2-1 below.

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Table 7.2-1 Survey contents

Objects Main ways Contents

1. Do you think the Project can promote regional economy and social development?

2. What is the quality of the ecological environment along the project?

3. During the construction of the project, what concerns you most about the environmental impact (multiple options):

4. During the project construction period, it’s necessary to hire the labor Affected Field force, purchases the raw material. What aspects do you think will be village consultation, promoted? committee questionnaire 5. If your institution needs to be expropriated, demolished, your institution s , etc. would like to:

6. After the completion of the Project, the main adverse environmental impact is (multiple options):

7. What measures do you wish to take to mitigate the environmental pollution and ecological damage caused by the construction of the Project (optional)?

8. Your institution's attitude towards the Project Construction:

1. What do you think of the living and working environment?

2. What do you think of the traffic conditions in the area where the proposed project is located?

3. In order to improve transportation and economic development, do you think the project is necessary?

Personal 4. What environmental problems do you think there will be during the Affected interviews, construction of the project (multiple options) ? persons questionnaire 5. If your house needs to be expropriated, demolished, you would like to: s, etc. 6. After the completion of the Project, the main adverse environmental impact is (multiple options):

7. What measures do you wish to take to mitigate the environmental pollution and ecological damage caused by the construction of the Project (optional)?

8. Your attitude towards the Project Construction:

7.2.3 Basic information on public participation 305. Public participation has been conducted with distribution and collection of the

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Questionnaires. A total of 102 questionnaires (for individual) were distributed, 102 valid questionnaires were collected, 1 questionnaire (for organization) and 1 valid questionnaire was received as summarized in Table 7.2-2. The age of the respondents covers from 36 to 59, and the main source of income was agricultural cultivation. Table 7.2-3 and Table 7.3-4 present the summary data on the respondents and the participants list.

Table 7.2-2 Summary of questionnaire distribution

Public opinion questionnaire Objects Total Affected public APs along the alignment 102 Affected institution Bo’ai hospital 1

Table 7.2-3 Summary data on questionnaire respondents

Number of persons Percentage of valid Base situation (persons) questionnaires

Under 18 0 0.00%

18 - 35 22 21.57% age 36 - 59 72 70.59%

Over 60 8 7.84%

male 83 81.37% gender female 19 18.63%

university 20 19.61%

senior middle school 31 30.39% degree of education junior middle school 42 41.18%

primary school 9 8.82%

peasant 53 51.96%

worker 30 29.41% occupation the masses 14 13.73%

cadre 5 4.90%

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Table 7.2-4 List of respondents

Attitude towards Educational SN Name Age Gender Occupation Address project background constructio n

Deming 1 54 male university cadre Zaoying Lvcheng Agree Zhu

junior middle Agree 2 Min Rui 25 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng school

Linghua junior middle Agree 3 44 female worker Zaoying Lvcheng Tao school

Jiagang senior middle Village Agree 4 44 male Zaoying Lvcheng Rui school cadre

Chuansh Agree 5 50 male primary school worker Zaoying Lvcheng en Sun

Liangfu Agree 6 48 male junior college worker Zaoying Lvcheng Zhang

Pengche Agree 7 30 male university worker Zaoying Lvcheng ng Rui

Yanshan Agree 8 44 male university cadre Zaoying Lvcheng Wu

Haibo Agree 9 53 male junior college teacher Zaoying Lvcheng Yu

Xiuhua junior middle Agree 10 51 male chef Zaoying Lvcheng Rui school

Chengbi Agree 11 47 male junior college teacher Zaoying Lvcheng n Zhang

12 Xiaolong 38 male junior college teacher Zaoying Lvcheng Agree

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senior middle Agree 13 Shilu Liu 47 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng school

Jiacai senior middle Agree 14 47 male chef Zaoying Lvcheng Huang school

Minde junior middle Agree 15 48 male chef Zaoying Lvcheng Zhang school

Ping Agree 16 50 male junior college cadre Zaoying Lvcheng Wang

Shidao Agree 17 52 male junior college teacher Zaoying Lvcheng Liu

Dayong Agree 18 53 male junior college teacher Zaoying Lvcheng Tan

technical Agree Guobao 19 48 male secondary] worker Zaoying Lvcheng Jia school

Yusheng Agree 20 51 male university cadre Zaoying Lvcheng Xu

Ailing Agree 21 46 female university cadre Zaoying Lvcheng Xie

Yanchua Agree 22 50 male university teacher Zaoying Lvcheng n Zhang

Yongguo senior middle Agree 23 42 male traffic police Zaoying Lvcheng Yu school

Jiayuan junior middle Agree 24 36 male chef Zaoying Lvcheng Rui school

senior middle Agree 25 Jie Liu 25 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng school

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26 Lulu Liu 29 female junior college worker Zaoying Lvcheng Agree

Zonghua junior middle Agree 27* 49 male worker Banqiaoxiaoshang Log school

Zongbao junior middle Agree 28* 54 male worker Banqiaoxiaoshang Lin school

Zonghao Agree 29* 51 male primary school worker Banqiaoxiaoshang Lin

Peizong junior middle Agree 30* 58 male worker Banqiaoxiaoshang Cao school

Fangpin junior middle Agree 31* 41 male worker Banqiaoxiaoshang g Cao school

Guangw junior middle Agree 32* 53 male farmer Banqiaoxiaoshang en Ling school

Yecheng Self- Agree 33 58 male primary school Maweixiaozhuang Zhang employed

junior middle Agree 34 Ziling Lu 52 male farmer Maweijinzhuang school

Zongmin senior middle Self- Agree 35* 30 male Maweijinzhuang Zhan school employed

Guangyu senior middle Agree 36 54 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Lu school

Daozong junior middle Agree 37 56 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Wu school

Yeping junior middle Agree 38 56 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Lu school

senior middle Agree 39 Yun Ren 28 female farmer Maweijinzhuang school

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Yezhu junior middle Agree 40 67 male farmer Maweixiaozhuang Zhang school

Xiaoxiao senior middle Agree 41 28 female farmer Maweijinzhuang Lu school

Baobin junior middle Agree 42 62 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Jia school

Baolin junior midd le Agree 43 65 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Jia school

Shenjing senior middle Agree 44 38 male farmer Maweijinzhuang Ren school

Jiayue senior middle Agree 45 25 male farmer Maweijiaozhuang Qin school

Kuancui junior middle Agree 46 55 female farmer Maweijiaozhuang Lu school

Cheng Agree 47 21 male undergraduate farmer Maweijiazhuang Zhang

Liangsha senior middle Agree 48 40 female farmer Maweijiazhang n Wu school

Shaojun junior middle Agree 49 37 male farmer Maweixiaozhuang Zhang school

Chengxi junior m iddle Agree 50 54 female farmer Maweixiaozhuang a Yao school

Xingnan senior middle Agree 51 55 male farmer Maweixiaozhang Lu school

Bihua senior middle Agree 52 56 male farmer Maweixiaozhuang Yao school

Jiayu junior middle Agree 53 55 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng Xiao school

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Yonghui senior middle Agree 54 27 female worker Zaoying Lvcheng Xu school

Shiling junior middle Agree 55 47 female worker Zaoying Lvcheng Liu school

Menghu senior middle Agree 56 27 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng an Ge school

Yiyou senior middle Agree 57 53 male worker Zaoying Lvcheng Xiao school

Daxing junior middle Agree 58 54 male farmer Xiaozheng Zheng school

Damu Agree 59 72 male primary school farmer Xiaozheng Zheng

Bensi senior middle Agree 60 40 male farmer Xiaozheng Sun school

Wenjin junior middle Agree 61 78 male farmer Xiaozheng Sun school

Naiquan junior middle Agree 62 78 male farmer Xiaozheng Tong school

Changxi junior middle Agree 63 49 male farmer Lingwan n Tong school

Changyu junior middle Agree 64 50 male farmer Lingwan n Tong school

Changyu junior middle Agree 65 50 male farmer Lingwan Tong school

senior middle Agree 66 Yu Ling 40 male doctor Lingwan school

Jialin junior middle Agree 67 45 male farmer Lingwan Ling school

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Daojun senior middle Agree 68 34 male farmer Wangye Ye school

Dejing senior middle Agree 69 55 male farmer Wangye Wang school

Deming junior middle Agree 70 44 male farmer Wangye Rui school

Debao senior middle Agree 71 55 male farmer Wangye Rui school

Daoqian senior middle Agree 72 34 male farmer Wangye Ye school

Mincui Agree 73 50 female primary school farmer Xiangdian Qian

Qihao Self- Agree 74 25 male undergraduate Xiangdian Sun employed

Guqing junior middle Agree 75 54 male farmer Xiangdian Sun school

Qipu Agree 76 72 male primary school farmer Xiangdian Sun

Guoping junior middle Agree 77 53 male worker Xiangdian Yao school

Jingxia Agree 78 52 female primary school farmer Xiangdian Xiao

Hui Agree 79 29 female junior college worker Xiangdian Yuan

Xiaofeng junior middle Agree 80 28 male worker Xiangdian Yao school

Qihai Agree 81 65 male primary school farmer Huangcun Sun

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Mingfei senior middle Agree 82 29 female worker Xiangdian Yao school

Xiubing senior middle Agree 83 32 male farmer Xiangdian Li school

Xinwen junior middle Agree 84 52 male farmer Xiushi Sun school

Duanhu junior middle Agree 85 52 male farmer Xiushi Fu school

Jinfeng junior middle Agree 86 54 female farmer Xiushi Sun school

Zhengba junior middle Agree 87 43 male farmer Xiushi o Cui school

Jinjie junior middle Agree 88 56 female farmer Xiushi Luo school

Qibiao senior middle Agree 89 46 male farmer Xiushi Sun school

Ziyi Agree 90 24 female undergraduate student Xiushi Wang

Haibo Agree 91 28 male undergraduate worker Xiushi Sun

Xiaobin junior middle Agree 92 42 male worker Xiushi Qi school

Shunron senior middle Agree 93 52 male farmer Xiushi g Li school

Gaoxian senior middle Agree 94 30 male worker Huangcun g Yang school

senior middle Agree 95 Deyi Yao 54 male farmer Huangcun school

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Dairong junior middle Agree 96 54 male farmer Huangcun Zhu school

junior middle Agree 97 Jun Lu 48 male farmer Huangcun school

Shaoxie junior middle Agree 98 47 female farmer Huangcun Xie school

Weiqing senior middle Agree 99 52 male farmer Huangcun Yang school

Qihe junior middle Agree 100 54 male farmer Huangcun Sun school

Jifeng Agree 101 53 female primary school farmer Huangcun Yu

Daxin Self- Agree 102 29 male undergraduate Xiangdian Sheng employed

SN Interviewed institution Attitude towards project construction

1 Bo’ai Hospital of Wuhu City approve

Remark: * AP impacted by house demolition.

7.3 Results and analysis of public participation survey 306. The survey results are shown in table 7.3-1. 100% of the participants supported the component.

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Table 7.3-1 Public consultation questionnaire results

Question Option Quantity Percentage

1. Do you know the clear 83 81.37% Reconstruction Project for the Section from Jiangbei Avenue of know a little 19 18.63% Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road? unknown 0 0.00%

satisfied 64 62.75%

2. Are you satisfied with the Quite satisfied 38 37.25% current state of environmental quality in the region? Dissatisfied 0 0.00%

Quite dissatisfied 0 0.00%

air pollution 12 11.76%

3. What are the outstanding noise pollution 83 81.37% existing environmental pollution in the Project area ? Wastewater pollution 3 2.94%

others 4 3.92%

Strengthening Environmental Manage ment 68 49.28% during Construction and Operation 4. What measures do you wish to take to mitigate the environmental Atmospheric control 2 1.45% pollution and ecological damage Wastewater control 2 1.45% caused by the construction of the Project (optional)? Noise prevention 45 32.61%

landscaping greening 21 15.22%

others 0 0.00%

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Increase employment 10 8.70% opportunities

boost the economic 5. What do you think is the effect 71 61.74% development of the project on the local area? ?

Raise the condition of living 34 29.57%

Not very useful 0 0.00%

acceptable 98 96.08% 6. Are the environmental Basically acceptable 4 3.92% protection measures provided in the report acceptable to you? Unacceptable (please 0 0.00% explain why)

agree 102 100.00%

7. Your attitude towards the No matter 0 0.00% construction of the project : Objection (please state the 0 0.00% reasons)

307. According to Table 8.2-3, 70.59% of the respondents were between 36 and 59 years of age, 51.96% of the respondents were peasants, 29.41% of the respondents were workers, and the respondents were residents near the project area. In general, the composition of the public involved in the survey is reasonable, which can reflect the preference of the nearby public on the construction of the project. 308. According to Table 7.3-1, 61.74% of the respondents think that the project can promote the local economic development, and their main concerns are noise disturbance and air pollution during the construction and operation periods. They are also concerned about the ecological restoration of the components. None of the respondents opposed the construction of the component, and 100% of them agreed to the construction.

309. Public consultation is an ongoing process. During the construction period and within 3 years after the operation, public surveys will be conducted annually at sensitive receptors. 310. Based on the survey results, additional mitigation measures may be taken if needed.

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8 Grievance Redress Mechanism

311. A Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) will provide a convenient, transparent, fair and effective way to address the complaints of the APs.

ADB’s GRM Requirements

312. The ADB’s SPS 2009 requires a project to establish a GRM to receive and facilitate resolution of AP’s concerns and complaints about the project’s environmental performance during construction as well as operation phases of the project. The GRM should be scaled to the risks and adverse impacts of the project; should address affected people’s concerns and complaints promptly, using an understandable and transparent process; should be readily accessible to the community at no cost and without retribution; and, should not impede access to the PRC’s judicial or administrative remedies.

Current GRM Practices in the PRC

313. At the national level, a framework to address grievance has been established. State Council Decree No. 431 “Regulations on Letters and Visits” (January 2005) establishes a complaint mechanism at all levels of government, and safeguards the complainants from any retaliation. The former Ministry of Environmental Protection Decree No. 34 “Environmental Letters and Visits System” provides specific guidelines to establish a system and address environmental complaints. When APs are affected by project activities, they may complain to the contractors and the project company by themselves or through their community organizations, or complain directly to local EPBs. If the issue is not resolved they may take legal action, though that is typically considered as a last option.

Project Level GRM

314. The objective of the component GRM is to prevent and address community concerns, reduce risks. In addition to serving as a platform to resolve grievances, the project level GRM has been designed to (i) open channels for effective communication, including the identification of new environmental issues of concern arising from the component; (ii) demonstrate concern about community members and their environmental well-being; and (iii) prevent and mitigate any adverse environmental impacts on communities caused by component implementation and operations. The GRM will be accessible to all members of the community through public information disclosure at IA’s website, component site and community centers, etc.

315. The overall approach of the GRM is to deal with grievances at a local level first in an efficient manner and escalate to higher level of authority if the grievance cannot be resolved. The designated person from the IA will be responsible for implementation of the GRM. 316. The GRM will be implemented through five escalating steps, advancing to the next level

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only if the grievance was unable to be redressed at the previous level. (i) Step 1 : If a concern arises, the AP can try to resolve the issue of concern either directly with the contractors or via GRM access points (community leaders, IA, local EPB) during the construction phase, and/or IA during the operation phase. If the concern is resolved successfully no further follow-up action is required. Nonetheless, the contractors (during construction) and/or the IA (during operation) shall record any complaint and actions taken to resolve the issues and report the results to the EA and the AP. If no solution is found within 10 working days or if the AP is not satisfied with the suggested solution under Step 1, proceed to Step 2. The AP may also skip Step 1 and directly file the complaint with the PMO.

(ii) Step 2: IA will record the grievance, assess its eligibility and report back to the AP within 5 working days. If the grievance is eligible, the IA will give a clear reply to the AP within 10 working days with the suggested solution, and the IA will ensure that implementation of the agreed-upon redress solution begins within 10 working days. If no solution is found or if the complainant is not satisfied with the suggested solution under Step 2, proceed to Step 3.

(iii) Step 3: The IA will inform the EA the grievance and will organize a multi- stakeholder meeting within 10 days, where all relevant stakeholders, including the complainant, EA, IA, and local EPB, can discuss the issue. The multi-stakeholder meeting will aim to find a solution acceptable to all and identify responsibilities and an action plan. The IA will ensure that the implementation of agreed-upon redress solution begins within 10 working days of the completion of the multi-stakeholder meeting.

(iv) Step 4: If the complainant is still not satisfied with the suggested solution under Step 3, the EA can organize a hearing process and shall determine a solution acceptable to all. Based on the hearing results, an action plan shall be developed and the IA will ensure that the implementation of the agreed-upon redress solution begins within 5 working days of the completion of the hearing.

(v) Step 5. If the complaint is still not addressed, AP may access to ADB’s Office of Special Project Facilitator (OSPF) or Compliance Review Panel (CRP), or seek legal redress through local legal system.

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Figure 8-1: Six Step Project GRM

Step 1: Resolution at Local Level AP tries to resolve issue directly with the Complaint Redressed contractor or operator within 10 days.

Complaint Not Redressed or AP wishes to submit directly to PMO

Step 2: Official Complaint to PMO AP submits complaint to PMO, who AP Informed Complaint Not assesses its eligibility within 5 days . Eligible.

Complaint Eligible

Step 3: PMO Complaint Resolution PMO has 10 days to investigate and develop a solution (with support from local EPB), and IA Complaint Redressed has 10 days to initiate implementation.

Complaint Not Redressed

Step 4: Multi-Stakeholder Meeting PMO informs EA and organizes stakeholder meeting within 10 days . IA has 10 days to Complaint Redressed initiate solution implementation.

Complaint Not Redressed

Step 5: Public Hearing EA organizes public hearing. IA has 5 days Complaint Redressed to initiate solution implementation.

If Complaint Is Still Not Addressed, AP May Access to ADB’s OSPF or CRP, or Seek Legal Redress Through Local Legal System.

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9 Conclusions 317. The component is to widen Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Avenue, which was also funded by ADB and is a section of G347. The component was approved by Wuhu Municipal Government, with a total length of 6.1685 km. 318. G347 is one of the newly added east-west horizontal lines in the “National Highway Network Planning (2013~2030)”, and also one of the 12 eastbound exit trunk highways in the “Infrastructure Planning for The Demonstration Area of Wanjiang City Belt to Undertake Industrial Transformation” of Anhui Province. It is an important traffic passage and urban industrial distribution belt in the region, and plays an important role in the social and economic development of Anhui Province. 319. The component will be constructed according to urban road standard. The design speed for the main driveway is 80km/h (using the original Grade I highway), and the design speed for auxiliary road is 40km/h. The subgrade width is 57m. The main driveway has 6 two-way lanes plus auxiliary roads on both sides. The construction period is 2 years. 320. The Component has: (i) identified potential negative environment impacts and appropriately established mitigation measures; (ii) received public support from the affected people; (iii) established effective project GRM procedures; and (iv) prepared a comprehensive EMP including environmental management and supervision structure, environmental mitigation and monitoring plans, and capacity building and training.

321. The environment impact assessment reveals that the component will not result in adverse environmental impacts that are irreversible, diverse, or unprecedented. Any minimal adverse environmental impacts associated with the component will be prevented, reduced, or minimized through the implementation of the EMP.

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Environmental Monitoring Report

Semi-annual Report {Month Year}

PRC: Anhui Intermodal Sustainable Transport Project — Tongjiang Avenue to Heshen Road Section of Jiangbei Avenue Widening Component

Prepared by the Ministry of Energy for the Asian Development Bank for the Asian Development Bank.

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CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of {Day Month Year})

Currency unit – Mongolian Tughrik MNT1.00 = $ $1.00 = MNT



NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Ministry of Energy ends on 31 December.

(ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

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Executive Summary

 Brief description of the Project

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Description of scope of report, reporting period, and overall project implementation progress

2.0 Compliance to National Regulations

2.1 Environmental Impact Assessment Law, etc.

3.0 Compliance to Environmental Covenants from the ADB Loan Agreement

3.1 Schedule x Environment (prepare a matrix to show how compliance was achieved)

4.0 Progress in Implementing the Environmental Management Plan/Environmental Monitoring Plan

5.0 Significant Events or Issues Encountered, Changes in Project Scope, and Corresponding Safeguard Measures Undertaken, if Applicable

6.0 Implementation of Grievance Redress Mechanism and Complaints Received from Stakeholders

(Summary of any complaint/grievance and the status of action taken)

7.0 Conclusion and Recommendations

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