Ôa Ôc gge

Doon Doon Homestead 88 km Kununurra 160 km 15À 129¾ 00À Ôa Alluvium_unconsolidated silt, sand, and gravel in channels and g Strongly porphyritic, tonalite to monzogranite dyke; coarse phenocrysts of plagioclase and K-feldspar 36ôôôôÜE 45À 38 128¾ 00À 40 42 44 30À 46 45À Ôc Colluvium_unconsolidated rock fragments in soil; includes scree deposits 127¾ 30À 48 50ôôôôÜE QUATERNARY ge Fine- to medium-grained, even-textured biotite granite dyke 17¾ 00À 17¾ 00À 3 ìgPrp 75 ìmTpn 21 ìdh Ób Ôa Ócv Ós q Ós ìmTh ìgSob Ós 1 Johnny êac Ós Mistake ìmTgd Ób ìgSob Óc Óc Ós W ìdhg 15 ìSv Ós ìpc q 71 Óc ìgPob 73 Ôc WH Darla Darla ð12ôôôôÜN Ób Óc Ók Ól Ón Ós ìa ìdh Creek ìw ìpc q 1 Ócv Texas Downs Ôa ìf ìEm Ócv ìSb P ìgSp Ôa Ócv 1 2 Mile B TURKEY HILL 34 êa 56 Aboriginal reserve ìat ìap ìSl Ócv Ps Óc Ós Óc êa Yd 6 Osmand Range Asbc Ós Blackfellow Blackfellow WH 30 ìw Ôa 70 ìgSkd d q ìgSvv Ób Roadhouse R 22 ìmTa ìx B Cake êa êGh 5 d Ós P Ócv U ìgPe q ìgSkd ìpc ìmTpn ìmTgk Z 50 East Ób Black soil_clay and silt; includes swelling clay soil (gilgai) on basalt ìKl Ób Ós Antares q d Ócv ìgSog 239 m ìEo Creek ek ìa Undivided maficÊultramafic layered intrusive rock Óc Ós ìgSkd Creek 4 ìEo re ìSl ìSv q ìpg Ócv 84 C Óc Colluvium and rubble_sand, gravel, conglomerate, and sedimentary breccia forming sheetwash fans and scree deposits ìSo ìdh 3 75 10 ìSn Ôa q 82 Creek Ôc 6 ORD ìat Massive troctolite, olivine gabbro, and olivine gabbronorite ìdh Long P 3 ìpg Ós D (abd) 66Warmun Aboriginal Community 6 ìEo Horse Creek W R B Ócv Colluvium and alluvium_clay, silt, sand, and gravel as dissected, partly consolidated valley-fill deposits

ìdh ìdhg P Ós ìgSvv 1 88 85 MT BU q Ós M Malley S ìEoe Ós ìEo TTON ìap Peridotite ìw Óc ìw Ós P q ìmTn 74 (Turkey Creek) 11 ìHo Ók Calcrete_sheet carbonate associated with alluvium and colluvium Óc Óc Ós Ps Óc 72 Yd 5 2 Yd ìEk ìSv Ôa 3 êGn Ócv Lightning Creek Yd P P P ìpg d q ìgSms 82 Ób ìmTa Ós Osmand Range ìEoj 9 ìEm DUNCAN êGl AD Ól Laterite ìSo ìpg ìpg Ós ìgSkd 86 ìx Ôa Ób ìEoe RO êGps CAINOZOIC ìdhg Óc 4 4 6 ìSo ìSn ìw Cu q Ócv 1 78 45 ìEm Yd ìgSg Ós P 73 Óc 15 Killarney B Ób D Cu,Pb,Zi MOONLIGHT18 Ón Unconsolidated and partly consolidated sandplain deposits ìgSco ìgShl ìgSkd ìgSko ìgSmd ìgSms ìgSsb ìgSsd ìgSvv ìgSe ìgSp q 5 80 Ós 78 ìxb Moonlight B ìw q Ós 82 ìmTn 3 79 ìEk ìf RIVER êGp Ps ìw 47 30 5 Ós 71 Ós 83 VALLEY ìEk Ós Alluvium and colluvium_partly consolidated clay, silt, sand, and gravel; adjacent to drainage; local calcrete 1835_1805 Ma Creek 5 7 5 Óc Base Metal ìpg ìpg ìgSog M 70 ìEoe Ós ìEf Junction ìw Óc Ós Ós ìpg Yd Yd 6 êGpc Ócv ìw 27 Óc 78 ìmTh ìmTh 77 ìmTgk 24 14 ìdw ìgSob ìgSog ìgSow P ìpg Ós 70 73 80 Z ìEf NEGRI 5 ìmTh 1 68 ìh q Ôa Ps Ós ìpg Ós Óc d 78 81 8 Creek 11 15 êGp Quartz veins, of various ages; youngest generation postdates Devonian 26 q ìgSkd HIGHWAY 3 Ós Walis 1 ìmTn 3 ìEoj ìgSvv 87 ìgSms 3 34 Óc ìpg ìgPe ìpg q ìmTpn 2 72 ìh ìEfc Ós ìHo Junction Yd Bull Top Water RH 6 êac ìpg 78 Ób 73 ìmTon 60 Turkey RIVER ìgSg Undivided granitoid rock ìdh ìSn ìw Greenvale 5 q P 79 ìxb 6 ìu ìSv WILSON P Ós q ìmTh Ócv 1 40 ìEk ìHo Ós 83 81 Ós d ìgSvv H ìEm ìf ìsj ìgSco CORRARA GRANITE: medium-grained, even-textured biotite(Êhornblende) tonalite Óc Ôa ìmTh 3 Cu McHales 60 (abd) 1 ìEf Creek 18 ìt êGe ìdhg ìw ìw Yd d 4 48 çMb BOLL CONGLOMERATE: pebble to boulder conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, quartz arenite, and minor siltstone ìgShl McHALE GRANODIORITE: medium-grained, even-textured biotiteÊhornblende tonalite and biotite granodiorite; extensive magmatic brecciation and associated alteration Ós Óc ìw 80 q ìgPe ìpg Ós 87 81 ìic 19 Ôc MT DECEPTION Pelican P Óc 5 ìgSob 4 ìmTpc BOUNDARY KNOB ìgSkd KEVINS DAM MONZOGRANITE: medium-grained, even-textured and weakly porphyritic biotite monzogranite Ós Ós 82 ìgSkd 73 Fargoo ìpg Castlereagh ìpg 85 50 Horse Ób ìw 10 20 5 ìgSkd Ócv Óc Ócv 1 Cu ìgSko KOONDOOLOO MONZOGRANITE: foliated to massive, medium- to coarse-grained biotite monzogranite P ìSt ìw Ps P 4 67 Killarney Ôa ìh Ób Óc q ìgSkd ìgSp ìmTh ìmTgd Creek Yd WH Cu ìhs ìu çMg GLASS HILL SANDSTONE: medium- to fine-grained quartz arenite; minor pebbly sandstone, conglomerate, and siltstone ìgSmd MABEL DOWNS TONALITE: medium- to fine-grained, foliated, hornblendeÊbiotite tonalite; extensively recrystallized; abundant flattened inclusions of mafic rock 3 ìw Ôa ìgSmd 3 ìgShl 9 êGp Ób 4 Ób 5 ìgSvv Ócv Ós RIVER 6 Mile B 3 Duck Hole 5 10 Ós 79 28 ìgSob ìgSms MAGOTTY SPRINGS MONZOGRANITE: medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite monzogranite; medium-grained, even-textured hornblendeÊbiotite granodiorite

Ós ìu Bow River batholith 58 ìs FRASNIAN Óc ìpg Ós Ób 1 4 Ós 52 87 82 32 Helicopter S êa P Halls Creek 295 km ìpg Ób ìgSvv 69 ìgSog 48 P Mahony Group ìgSsb SHEPHERDS BORE GRANITE: weakly porphyritic biotite monzogranite and syenogranite Rocky q 3 70 ìmTh Sally Downs supersuite

Ós ìgSms LATE DEVONIAN Ós Creek Óc ìgSkd 1 ìh ìu êGh çMp PURRALILI SANDSTONE: medium- to very thick-bedded, medium-grained quartz arenite WH Ób 4 4 ìgSsd SALLY DOWNS TONALITE: medium-grained, even-textured biotiteÊhornblende tonalite; minor biotite-bearing quartz diorite and biotite leucogranite ìpg 85 d q 77 Ób ìic 21 ìdh 25 ìw Ôa ìgSkd 68 74 ìuc ìgSvv d ìgSkd Ôa 1 ìgSmd Flying Fox Yd Ón VIOLET VALLEY TONALITE: fine- to medium-grained, weakly porphyritic biotite granodiorite and biotiteÊhornblende tonalite; massive to moderately foliate ìdh P ìSv Ób Ób d d d 1 Ôa ìuc ìh 5 Yds ìgSkd Ób ìgSvv P Ós N Ós 67 Cu ìEm êGe ìgSe Medium-grained, even-textured biotite monzogranite Creek ìpg d ìgSog 66 15 Ós ìgSkd P 3 ìf ìta Ps P ìw Ób q Ós 81 Ócv ìxb ìx ìta ìEk êGo OVERLAND SANDSTONE: white, fine- to medium-grained lithic arkose ìgSp Medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite monzogranite and granodiorite 1 30

1 60 RTHER 3 ìSo ìSn 13 Turkey Nest D q V I O L E T V A L L E Y ìmTh d Ós O ìgSob Biotite-bearing norite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, and minor gabbro 5 N Ócv 4

5 ìt ìs Óc Óc Ób Ós 82 ìpg 58 76 ìmTpn ìgSog ìmTa ìx ìhs WH 20 83 82 Z MT JOHN u çMg ìgSog Biotite-bearing norite, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, and minor gabbro with veins of intermediate hybrid rock; mafic and intermediate hybrid rock cut by abundant veins of coarse-grained porphyritic tonalite and granodiorite Ós ìpg Ós Ós Yd 3 Óc çMg ìw ìpg 81 ìmTgk 4 êGe EAGLE HAWK SANDSTONE: fine-grained, micaceous, feldspathic sandstone; minor siltstone ìgSow WILD DOG CREEK GABBRO: magnetite gabbro and magnetiteÊquartz gabbronorite with veins of biotite diorite; mafic rock and diorite cut by veins of biotite tonalite ìSt Ós 4 êGo Ób 2 êGo 5 3 12 D ìpg 66 63 4 ìmTn ìt Elder Subgroup 15 ìgSg Ôa Ós ìgSms ìmTpnTurkey 76 Wad Ds 74 78 60 ìh e êGn Ós 3 Ób Ós Óc 10 Ócv 54 Ôa 3 78 ìmTon 50 20 ìSv Óc Ób 84 Ób Ós ìgSog 73 ìgSms 3 ìt ìt êGe êGN Undivided Negri Subgroup: siltstone, mudstone, sandstone, dolomite, and chert (section only) c. 1830 Ma ìama ìamgìamt ìamp S ìk ìkb PHANEROZOIC q ìpg Ós Ób ìgSp 77 ìkb Ócv ìgSkd 66 Mabel Downs 3 MT PARKER 15 WHs ìsj WHs Creek 30 4 Óc WHsìEf Creek Ós 4 ìs 10 q Ti,V ìgSob 80 71 ìxb ìsj C WHITE çMg Óc 10 5 q Ós M ìayg d 84 ìxb ìx ìk re McIntosh, Armanda, and Creek intrusions Óc Ós 75 3 ìi ìx Ós Yd 2 32 ek S 10 êGp PANTON FORMATION: siltstone, mudstone; minor feldspathic sandstone and limestone q ìgSkd 6 ìgSob 15 5 Óc Óc ìgSms ìmTgk ìkb ìgShl ìi ìk ìsa R A N G E ìEo ìama Leucogabbro, leucogabbronorite, anorthosite, and minor troctolite; rhythmic cycles 79 3 Winnama S ìk 34 10 80 Ób 4 ìmTon Winnama Yd 70 ìs ìamg Gabbro, gabbronorite, olivine gabbro, olivine gabbronorite, magnetite gabbro, magnetite gabbronorite, and magnetiteÊolivine gabbro; rhythmic cycles Óc 30 ìpg Ós 84 ìmTpn ìi 85 41 18 ìf 5 q d GREAT ìmTon d 68 ìiCu WHs ìsa q Ós 4 ìmTog ìic Ól ìamt Troctolite, olivine gabbro, olivine leucogabbro, and olivine gabbronorite; rhythmic cycles 85 3 ìmTa MOUNTAIN Ób Norton B M 4 86 78 Ós ìic 4 Creek 39 êGe Parkes Yd êGpc Corby Limestone Member: grey, micritic limestone and chert Horse ìw ìgSkd ìgSp Ócv 40 d 62 15 6 16 ìsc ìEm ìamp 5 ìi S Ahern S êGh Peridotite and troctolite 15 15 MT Ós q Ós A B O R I G I N A L Ób 1 56 ìic ìus ìu Foal Ób Ós 87 ìgSob ìmTa 80 1 ìEf 25 êGe Ón ìgPe q ìgSob BOW Z ìgShl ìgSob ìic 5 4 ìmTog ìgShl ìSn REMARKABLE ìSn ìgPrp ìgPrp ìpg Ócv ìgSob 72 43 Osmond Valley ìgSob 68 ìSn 5 S 77 7 MT ELDER 747 m Ób 4 ìayg Rockhole q q ìmTao ìmTa Fe Osmand 38 çMg Óc 65 78 2 ìgSobNi,Cu ìic ìEk Osmand 270 m Goose Hole Group

82 65 ORD BASIN 68 74 76 ìgSg ìgSmd DIXON2 RANGE 4Pb Paradise Creek 24 êGps Shady Camp Limestone Member: fossiliferous (oncolitic) limestone ìgPai ìgPmc ìgPpy ìgPpa ìgPsa ìgPsc ìgPtg ìgPtw q ìgSob 88 84 4 49 HILLS ìgPsm MIDDLE CAMBRIAN ìpg Ób PALAEOZOIC ìpg ìgPpy 4 75 1 46 59 3 87 Pb Cree 1 2 ìgSog 341 m ìu 1865_1850 Ma ìgPg Ós q ìgPob 80 ìgSg 4 d ìmTgk ìk Ós Osmond Creek Ôa Creek q q q 5 ìmTh 73 84 ìmTgl 86 ìi 70 Ós ìic ìEf êGo Óc 5 ìgSkd 4 M 85 45 ìuc k ìEk Ón 60 Ócv 1 57 56 d 82 ìmTog Creek ìi Cu,Pb,Zn Ób Negri Subgroup ìgPgo ìgPob ìgPog ìgPto 3 83 Ócv ìus êa ORDIAN TO BOOMERANGIAN LINNEKAR LIMESTONE: laminated micritic limestone, shale, and calcareous shale; local chert, stromatolites, Ós ìgSkd 45 ìmTao 13 3 Pb 58 Ós ìgPtu ìgPe ìgPp ìgPrp q q Ós q 75 1 65 59 77 80 Cu 80 ìi 20 Cu Yd (abd) êGn êGl P ìgPgo ìgSob Ós ìgSms 64 Magotty Springs B Palms Yd ìsc çMg and macrofossils 4 30 Ôc ìSt p ìgSob Ôa 4 Little Brim WH (PD) ìu Óc ìgPog 2 Osmand Yd êGp ìpg ìgPe 4 VIOLET HILL 78 Ób ìmTpc ìk Osmand S ìgPg Undivided granitoid rock ìSv ìSt q ìgSe ìmTpn ìmTao ìmTon R 21 80 58 48 ìic Big Brim WH (PD) êGn 15À Ós d 60 59 15À ìSv q ìgPog ìgPogìgPp 86 ìgSob Óc ìk ìta êGn NELSON SHALE: purple siltstone and mudstone; minor feldspathic sandstone ìgPai AIRFIELD GRANODIORITE: medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite granodiorite and monzogranite ìmTpn 63 4 êGp 47 1 517 m ìmTog ìkb êGh 10 ìgPmc MUSSEL CREEK GRANITE: medium- to fine-grained, weakly porphyritic biotite monzogranite Ós d 3 Ós 4 80 Ób çMg Ôa Foal Creek Yd 4 ìayg ìmTpc ìmTpc ìt 60 Ós 60 9 Mile Yd Ócv 4 80 ìgPpy PANDANUS YARD MONZOGRANITE: medium-grained, even-textured or weakly porphyritic biotite monzogranite ìSo ìdh 12 Ós Óc ìgPsc ìpg 68 62 ìmTpn White Ób 9 Mile B 30 ìEm êGh HEADLEYS LIMESTONE: onzogranite and granodiorite; locally rich in inclusions of mafic rock Ób Óc 32 ìmTpn Ti,V Ócv d ìmTa 3 Ps ìEo êGo grey, massive to laminated limestone; minor chert and stromatolites locally ìgPpa PAPERBARK GRANITE: medium- to coarse-grained, rapakivi-like granite; medium- to fine-grained biotiteÊhornblende m ìdh ìdh 1 1 1 5 GLASS HILL Mountain ìasa ruins ìmTn 3 d O S M A N D ìdh ìw ìgPob 55 1 ìgSob 83 25 Pb êGpc ìgPsa SANDY DAM MONZOGRANITE: foliated, medium- to coarse-grained biotite monzogranite; minor biotite granodiorite Ós ìasg Ób R E S E R V E ìmTon 62 Ôa ìmTog ìayg 62 ìkb çMp Foal q Frog Hollow S d ìdhg Ób 4 70 êGh Creek ìgPsm Fine- to medium-grained, even-textured granodiorite and tonalite with small clots of biotite, and hornblende granodiorite ns 6 km 6 ns Ôa Óc ìgPgo Óc 64 ìmTon 4 75 ìkb Trend êGp êGe 7 Mile Yd ìSt Ós 4 32 ìSv Ócv 88 p 52 3 75 3 Cu êGe Creek êar Blackfella Rockhole Member: fine-grained basalt and basaltic breccia ìgPsc SURVEY CREEK MONZOGRANITE: medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotiteÊhornblende monzogranite Ós 7 Mile B ìw Ócv 62 1 68 ìayg d ìmTa 52 Ón q 37 1 1 ìmTon John ìto Ós Creek êGe Ón ìgPtg TOGO MONZOGRANITE: moderately to strongly foliated, medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite monzogranite and minor granodiorite 7 Mile T q 66 Bow River batholith

ìgPog ìgPob 77 Ni,Cu Keller Creek Ti,V CorkwoodìmTpc Golt êGe Creek êGps ìSv Crosland Yd (abd) Óc M 68 56 ìk REE N Ób Ós ìgPsc 33 4 2 Mile Yd Ni,Cu êGh 8 Mile Yd Paperbark supersuite ìgPtw TOP WATER TONALITE: medium-grained, quartz-phyric biotite tonalite and granodiorite; metasedimentary rock inclusions are abundant near contacts with MARBOO FORMATIO 4 ìs Crosland S Ni,Cu,Zn 82 Ócv 50 Corkwood Yd REE ìk çMg Boll Ób ìgPob CreekìgPrp 76 êab Bingy Bingy Member: Bedford Dow Bedford 10 ìdh ìayg d Óc 28 glomeroporphyritic basalt ìgPtu TUMAGEE GRANITE: medium-grained, even-textured or weakly porphyritic biotite monzogranite and granodiorite; minor tonalite 24 5 60 Corkwood Yard êGe Ós 5 ìgSko 4 Ós ìka ìka ìu ìgSe 2 çMg

ìdh 85 87 Ób ìpg 72 ìmTpn 2 êGp ìgPe Medium-grained, even-textured biotite granitoid rock 5 ìSo ìgPog ìgPsc q Z 32 d Alluvials ìk Rock ìSo q ìgSkd 1 ìmTpn Eagle Hawk B (abd) Kurrajong ìgPp Medium- to coarse-grained, porphyritic biotite granitoid rock Ós Ós Óc ìgSg 45 Ón 32 çMg ANTRIM PLATEAU VOLCANICS: massive or amygdaloidal, locally porphyritic, basalt and basaltic breccia; ìdh Ós q ìgPgo Ós ìmTon 58 ìmTgk ìk ìk MT BUCHANAN êa ìgPrp Rapakivi-like granite; coarse-grained, foliated, biotite-bearing Ós Óc ìgPrp ìgPsc g g 50 ìmTfn d ìgSmd Buchanan includes thin interbeds of sandstone, siltstone, and stromatolitic chert ìSo Campbell B ìw Ós Ôa ìgSob ìk ìkb êGh 1 31 ìmTon ìHoc ìLo Óc êGo ìgPgo Net-vein complexes; abundant granitoid veins in mafic igneous rock; numerous rounded to angular inclusions of mafic igneous rock in granitoid rock Ób ìdh ìgPsc 70 d 2 Óc êa 4 EARLY CAMBRIAN Ck d ìgPpy 74 54 ìmTa ìk ìHoc 30 WHs ìgPob Biotite-bearing norite, gabbronorite, and minor gabbro g Creek ìSv q 62 d 3 Spring ìmTon 54 ìgPrp Ócv Ócv 85 ìgSog ìmTpc 70 ìmTpc Ôa ìEm 3 çMg êGe êac Mount Close Chert Member: laminated, stromatolitic chert, and chert breccia ìSo ìgPrp 1 50 ìHoc Bungle Bungle Kelly ìgPog Biotite-bearing norite, gabbronorite, and minor gabbro with veins of intermediate hybrid rock; mafic and intermediate hybrid rock cut by abundant veins of coarse-grained porphyritic 13 q ìgPog g 79 Óc 52 ìayg 4 ìmTpc Ôc ruins Óc ìSl P 5 5 ìgSg ìgSob 2 48 64 Ôa MT MAHONY 2 tonalite and granodiorite 5 ìmTpn ìLb Outcamp Creek 20 Ós 1 çMg 68 Ócv Ós W 1 67 Tickalara ìSl 40 Óc 5 ilson 64 Sally Malay d 3 Yd çMg Ós 5 ìgPsc ìgSko 40 Ós Ôa 75 Óc ìHo ìEoj êGh B ìgPto TOBY GABBRO: fine-grained, subophitic biotite- and quartz-bearing gabbro and gabbronorite ìSb Ós ìSt 66 q Ós g ìgPgo Ni,Cu,Co 2 2 ìayg Cu,Zn Ôa 5 ìgSg Ós 5 ìgPog 64 d 15 ìgPob 61 ìgSkd 52 74 ìmTon ìgSg 59 ìLb Red êGl d f pu ìdh g ìmTpn ìEm 16 êGpc êGn Western zone 08 ìgSog Ti,V 44 61 Fe êar Ós c. 1855 Ma ìasa ìasg ìast ìasp ìSb Óc ìgPog 5 ìgPsc 82 g Fish Hole WH Yds Ób ìSv Yd ìgPob 64 67 Sally Malay B 65 Ôa ìLe 2 ìSl ìgPsc ìmTpn 08 Wyndham 315 km 21 A ìpd ìgPob Óc ìmTon ìgSog ìmTpc 20 29 ìgPsc Survey ìayg Yd ìkb d Dolerite dyke ìgSg 3 d FRANK

ìSo Ób ìgPpy ìgPob 1 40 ìgSg ìayg 2 Creek Fletcher Ól 69 ge DAVE HILL çMb 3 P f Microgranitoid dyke Springvale, Wilagee, and Foal Creek intrusions ìdh ìSl 5 ìgSko ge Ób 74 ìmTpn ìmTpc ìHo çMg çMg ìgSg Creek 55 80 R 20 Ócv Ôa 57 Ôc 70 ìLo Yd p Pegmatite dyke and sheet ìasa Leucogabbro, anorthosite, and minor troctolite, olivine gabbro and chromitite layers; rhythmic cycles Óc g 61 Óc Óc ìgPpy Óc p Ôa d ìmTpc ìkb 65 ìHoc 20 New Ord River ìSb 379 m ìmTa 32 ìHoc 45 ìEo Ôa Ôa u Ultramafic rock of unknown age ìasg Olivine gabbro, olivine gabbronorite, troctolite, gabbro, and gabbronorite; rhythmic cycles q 5 g 30 ìmTpc S 65 Ón ìgPob Óc g ìgPog ìgSog ìgSmd 85 60 3 80 êa ìSb P ìSn g Creek ìgSe p p 44 71 P U R N U L U L U N A T I O N A L P A R K ìast Troctolite, leucogabbro, and gabbro; minor chromitite layers; rhythmic cycles ìSl Óc Óc ìgPpy Óc ìgSg p ìmTa ìk 2 2 çMp 2 Old Ord River 3 Ós 4 60 4 ìEm Cu Yd Ób ìasp Peridotite and troctolite ìdh Idamere Yd q ìgPpyYd (abd) ìama ìayp D ìmTpn ìgShl Óc êGe ìL Undivided Albert Edward Group: sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, dolomite, and conglomerate (section only) 65 g Tickalara B d 2 u BUNGLE ìSl ìSo ìmTpn 2 Cu 80 Ôa Óc ìat ìamg 55 69 ìmTpc 1 13 q ìayg 63 Ôa 2 60 21 Ób ìgPpy ìgPob P ìgSg 57 74 68 16 Walangindy 1865_1850 Ma ìpg ìpc Ós 74 3 Ps 4 2 ìmToa Ós Ós ìgSko Koondoolo Yd ìama ìgSp Yd ìEm ìEk lookout Piccaninny 3 NYULESS SANDSTONE: Óc 4 ge 3 ìgSmd 28 ìLy quartz sandstone and lithic sandstone; minor siltstone and conglomerate ìdh ìSo q ìgPog P 83 Óc ìgSe 55 4 57 30 êGpc Ób ìSv Ps Ps Óc Óc E ìamt F 64 61 48 ìmTss Cu Calico Spring RANGE 20 P P Ps ìgSe ìgSko ge ge ìgShl ìEf 80 CALM êGps P Ps WH ìgPg 3 Cu êGp ìpg GREENVALE PORPHYRY: massive, dark grey quartzÊfeldspar porphyry; medium to coarse phenocrysts of quartz, K-feldspar, and plagioclase ìdh ìgSe 59 54 56 3 52 4 Piccaninny Gorge WH Óc q g 77 ìmTog Cu,Ni Three Ranger Kittys Knob Yd Ób Ób ìSo 61 B g g g 60 83 M ROAD ìpc CASTLEREAGH HILL PORPHYRY: massive, fine-grained feldspar porphyry; fine phenocrysts of plagioclase and K-feldspar 51 P ìgPob 5 P 76 3 40 ìmTgl ìmTpc ìLj TIMPERLEY SHALE: grey-green mudstone and siltstone; minor sandstone Ós 74 33 3 Ways Station 10 çMp êGn Óc ìgSe 4 p ìmTpn 76 ìmTpc Bulldust ìmTps ìk ORD ìgSe ìgSkd 5 ìgSog 2 Ón Ób q 5 Óc g g Ócv 85 4 ìmTa ìgPpy Ps Old 3 Óc ìEo çMg BUNGLE Forrest B LCANICS: elded ignimbrite; minor agglomerate, 5 WHITEWATER VO Ós ìgPog ge Óc 86 3 Flat thick-bedded, massive, fine- to medium-grained quartzÊfeldspar rhyolite to dacite porphyry and w Óc 5 ìgPog 5 Han S 86 ìmTpn 1865_1850 Ma ìw RIVER Óc g ìgSog 5 72 ìmTpn 82 ìSv ìpd 59 38 59 g 5 5 ìayg ìayg Cu 13 ìLb BOONAL DOLOMITE: yellow or grey laminated dolomite, dolorudite, and argillite lapilli tuff, and volcaniclastic sedimentary rock ìgPob 82 82 ge 45 60 3 54 ìk 3 ìHoc ìSt Óc g ìgPog Ós g ìgSg ge 3 71 73 ìmTgm çMg Óc ìgSob ìayg74 ìmToa 48 4 êGh Óc 5 83 30 Z 20 71 3ìmTa 20 Ós 77 83 P M Albert Edward Group ìgSko ìgSp 2 ìmTa ìEo 4 Ós 60 ìgPog 4 3 3 51 JURIES BORE GRANITE: fine- to medium-grained, biotiteÊcordieriteÊsillimanite-bearing granodiorite and monzogranite with abundant migmatitic metasedimentary 52 47 76 4 ìgSmd Ócv S M RIVER q Óc 4 ìgSog 55 39 Ni,Cu 40 5 Company ìLe ELVIRE FORMATION: thin-bedded siltstone and mudstone; minor quartz sandstone ìgjb Óc Pandanus Yd 4 ìmTpc 75 2 74 ìmTpn 3 ìEk êGe Ós Óc 79 g 81 3 Ócv 69 Cattle 1 40 inclusions ìgPe 5 2 q êGo B ìpd 30 ìgPog ìgPog ìmTpn ìayg Ók 2 83 ìkb 50 êGh ìSv ìgPp g 71 ìgSg 77 Creek Yd 1 3 24 5 Óc 73 ìgPob g 5 2 5 ìgSko Ós ìgSmd 52 MT RANFORD 40 ìgPto Óc W ìgPog P P ìmTpn 79 4 26 15 2 4 70 ìSn ge 1 P 3 1 Ni,Cu NICK BITE 479 m Creek MOUNT FORSTER SANDSTONE: fine- to medium-grained quartz sandstone; minor pebbly sandstone and 3 ìgPog 48 ìayp 43 2 êGpc Ócv MARBOO FORMATION Óc ìmTpc 2 Ón RIVER ìLo ìSt 5 68 61 ìEf Ón ìw 64 57 84 Óc 83 3 76 B 53 516 m conglomerate c. 1870 Ma ìmn QuartzÊK-feldsparÊplagioclaseÊbiotiteÊcordieriteÊandalusite(ÊmuscoviteÊgarnetÊsillimaniteÊspinel) granofels and hornfels, and hornfelsic schollen (raft) migmatite 40 40 g g 42 80 38 58 80 2 80 ìmTgdìayg Yd Piccaninny Óc 5 ìgPob ìmTod Ni,Cu 3 3 ìHoc çMg ìgSko Z 2 Cu,Zn ìmTpa 30 ìpd Ób ìmTgl 2 ìLo 2 ìSt Óc g 1 72 Creek 1 60 Lees ìgPob g 69 Ni,Cu Dougal B 2 q26 çMg g 4 62 p Ócv 47 Ócv êGh ìgPg 63 ìmTpn ìmTa ìmTa ìmTgl48 4 70 RANFORD FORMATION: thin-bedded siltstone and thin- to thick-bedded quartz sandstone, dolomitic quartz ìSn 59 70 4 66 ìgSsd 57 ìEo q d g ìgPpy g ìayg 1 44 30À B 59 McKenzies Spring ìmTog ìmTpc ìgSsd Ócv 15 ìEo êGe 30À sandstone, and dolomite c. 1840 Ma ìayg ìayp 66 4 1 2 êa Ócv 82 Óc Ób Óc ìgPpy Ócv 50ìgSp 63 80 53 ìmTgm ìmTgm ìmTpc ORD Ós d ìgPp Óc ìgSmd ìmTgd 50 P Óc Óc ìgPto 4 d Ni,Cu 3 15 ìHo 4 4 ìk ìmTpa Johnny Cake Shale Member: green to reddish purple siltstone, locally micaceous; minor thin-bedded, ìgPog ìmTpc 83 3 76 DUNCAN ìpd ìgPob 4 ìgPog 77 63 2 70 çMg êGp ìEoe Óc ìw 2 73 HILLS ìEm êGh 2 fine-grained quartz sandstone and mudstone Sally Malay intrusions ìSn 69 ìgSog 72 Yd 1 Ócv ìmTa ìmTa Marty B ìgPg 60 ìmTpc 4 75 Ôa 37 5 Ôa 60 to rhythmic cycles Ós 4 Ós 74 60 ìayg Olivine gabbro, olivine gabbronorite, gabbronorite, troctolite, leucogabbro, leucogabbronorite, and anorthosite; weakly layered Yds 15 d Óc ìmTpn Ócv ìmTgl 87 ìHo BLACK POINT I Óc DOUGHBOY HILL ORD HILL 30 q d 58 ìmTpc ìk 4 65 75 60 çMg êGn Jarrad Sandstone Member: thin- to thick-bedded, fine- to medium-grained, dolomitic sandstone and quartz ìayp Peridotite, dunite, wehrlite, harzburgite, and olivine gabbro 40 ìat ìgSog ìmTpc P êGo Snake 83 Sally Downs W Sally Downs W (Govt) ìgSob Ócv Wills 3 ìmTpa 75 P êGe 230 m ìEoj WOLFE CREEK BASIN ìgPpa ìgPto Óc 86 Óc 45 ìmTgd ìmTpc ìmTpc 82 70 70 Ós sandstone, and siltstone and mudstone Ób 5 Óc 74 4 70 ìSn d Cu,Pb,Zn 4 d ìgSog 68 ìmTpc Ós Ôa 80 5 ìgPtg 2 33 P êGl Fine-grained, schistose to massive, hornblende-bearing rhyolite to dacite sheet-like intrusions; flow-banded at margins 06 Óc 60 ìmTa 3 Óc Creek ìgf Ós 2 ìmTa ìSt ìgPob 4 48 61 57 3 2 ìmTa ìEm Linnekar Yd MOONLIGHT VALLEY TILLITE: massive, matrix-supported, polymictic pebble to boulder conglomerate and ìgPob ìgPto ìgPsm 42 57 50 85 P êGl Ôa Ócv 06 c. 610 Ma ìEm 54 4 62 ìmTpn ìLj G poorly sorted, massive sandstone; larger clasts in conglomerate are polished and striated locally d 63 4 24 Forrest Yd ìast 60 4 73 ìgSsd ìmTa 1 ìmTpc ìpd ìw ìgPpa ìgPtg Yds WHìgSmd 3 ìHov Blue Hole Yds (abd) çMg Dry Swamp Yd (abd) êGpc Ócv Ós Yd ìgPpa ìgPg 78 Óc Ócv 74 ìmTpa ìk êa W Bamboo Yd 3 70McKenzie B 38 êGn êGe Duerdin Group Óc ìgPe 4 ìgSco 85 ìmTpa Monkey Yd ìmTpa P Óc Ób FRANK RIVER SANDSTONE: poorly sorted lithic sandstone and dolomitic sandstone, pebble to cobble sandstone, c. 1845 Ma ìe d Ós 4 76 Ós 52 ìmTgm ìLo Ócv Ós ìEk ìef ìeb ìei ìek ìeh ìgPpa 70 ìgPto d Shady Camp WH 2 ìgSco ìmTa 75 êa ìehx Óc 2 ìmTgl 80 2 ìEo êGn êGh conglomerate and siltstone; minor thin-bedded dolomite Óc d (PD) 76 69 Creek ìSn Óc d 50 McKenzie S q ìmTss Creek Ós Forrest 60 ìmTpc 2 ìmTgm 30 d 4 4 êar LAMBOO COMPLEX

ìgPtg PROTEROZOIC ìgPg Óc ìmTgy ìmTgs 40 2 38 ìe KOONGIE PARK FORMATION: afic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, clastic sedimentary and carbonate rocks, chert, and banded iron-formation ìgPob d 50 Ócv BLACK B FARGOO TILLITE: massive, matrix-supported, polymictic pebble to boulder conglomerate and poorly sorted, metamorphosed felsic and m ìap 4 d ìmTpc ìgSco ìmTpc ìmTpc ìmTog 87 47 êGn Óc ìEf Ób Ócv d Óc 54 Z 75 massive sandstone; larger clasts in conglomerate are polished and striated locally ìef Metamorphosed felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks ìgPg d ìmTa 2 ìmTgy 4 ìw Ócv Ós d 63 6470 2 3 74 ìHov Óc ìgPto 35 Ós ìmTpc 4 ìmTa 54 WH Brook ìeb Metamorphosed basaltic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks ìgPpa Yd 30 ìast Ócv 70 ìHo Creek 4 Ócv Melon Patch ìmTps 54 65 êGh Ón Wilagee B ìgSco 3 81 S ìei Metamorphosed chert; banded, and locally iron-rich ìmTa ìgSog 59 4 M 2 ìmTa 7 g g 74 71 ìgSco Ni,Cu 43 Ós 4 ìEfc Dolomitic conglomerate ìasp 4 Melon Patch Well Cu ìaag 2 Yd g g 3 3 ìmTgm ìek Metamorphosed carbonate and calc-silicate rocks 4 B 5 Ós ìgPob ìgSog Melon Patch W ìmTpc 64 Z 81 47 68 4 81 g ìgSob White Rock W 60 ìeh Hornfelsed metasedimentary rock, locally migmatitic Óc 2 77 Toby South 3 77 85 d 4 Yd Cr ìmTps êGp ìgPg 63 Ós 74 32 ìamg 70 2 53 81 68 4 73 Yd (abd) T D Ób Toby D (abd) ìasa ìgPog 2 Ób 64 B ìehx Hornfelsed metasedimentary rock, intimately veined by granitoid and gabbro 2 ìLo 4 HIGHWAY Óc Yd ìmTpc 70 ìama 4 Whitewater Yd 67 53 3 Cr ìgPpa 70 ìgPtg75 80 72ìgSog 60 ìmTgy Ós c. 800 Ma ìP Undivided Ruby Plains Group: sandstone, dolomite, siltstone, and conglomerate (section only) ìasg 4 37 Ós ìaap Cr ìmTgs 65 q ìgPe 4 73 59 ìmTa êGn 4 ìgPpa 4 Ós ìgPog D ìast 47 79 3 77 74 W Óc ìmTa 80 êa P ìgPpa Ós ìgPob ìmTpn ìgSco Ni,Cu ìmTa 20 ìi WINNAMA FORMATION: metamorphosed (low- to medium-grade) greywacke, lithic sandstone, siltstone, mudstone, basalt, dolerite, and minor carbonate rock q Óc ìgPog 57 4 Ós 2 Ós 40 4 Togo S (PD) ìgSow ìmTss Óc Wine Creek B 4 66 Reedy ìgSob Ôa Ós ìgPpa d 38 54ìmTpc ìmTa 74 18 Ók Ócv 60 4 55 ìEo 40 Ócv ìPk MOUNT KINAHAN SANDSTONE: quartz sandstone; minor conglomerate; includes minor ELLIOT RANGE DOLOMITE 44 Sandy 88 Ni,Cu Billymac S (PD) ìgPtg 76 ìmTpc ìmTgm ìkb ìEm êGp Ón Goosehole Yd B 1 ìmn 77 40 85 ìmTps 40 çMg Ôa 72 Billymac Yd 66 Óc ìmTps êGh êGl ìgPog ìgSco 3 Round WH (PD) 60 êa Ruby Plains Group ìic Metamorphosed carbonate rock, and calcareous siltstone and sandstone Óc 73 ìgPpa 72 4 60 Cr 65 ìEf Ón Piccaninny Yd (abd) Wire 4 ìgSob P ìgPog D Togo B Yd d 50 40 êGo ìgPg ìgPpa ìat Ni,Cu 84 50 B 65 2 2 êGp Creek ìgPpa Óc 81 Ós Óc White65 Rock Well Zn,Pb,Ni,Cu 75 P êGo êGe Ôa HELICOPTER SILTSTONE: green and grey micaceous siltstone, fine- to medium-grained quartz sandstone, ìgPtu d D d 85 ìaag êGn Creek ìh Cu Black Hills W d Óc B Ób ìmTog 12 B êGh and mudstone Óc d ìmn ìgPog 24 Ós 4 80 d 50 ìaap Ócv 35 R A N G E Yd Ócv 4 Cr ìmTgr ìmTu ìgPob Creek 3 Z 4 5 Ós ìamg êGp 5 Goose Hole WH Creek 85 33 Odens WH (PD) ìmTh Alice Downs 2 B Ngiling Anjaru c. 1855 Ma ìaag ìaap ìgPob ìgSsd 73 Ób ìaag Ni,Cu 55 4 Ócv Ób Ócv D Óc Ócv ìhs Óc ìmn 50 4 ìmTpc ìaag ìmTh 40 47 Ón êGp Aboriginal Reserve Thin- to thick-bedded, fine- to medium-grained quartz sandstone, and siltstone and mudstone Ós ìgPtu 68 ìgPpa ìgPsm MABEL HILL 80 Óc êGl êGl Ós ìamg 3 Ón ìaap 77 ìmTps Ób d Dave Turner S (PD) d ìaap ìgSow 2 5 Panton intrusions ìgPpa 84 4 R 19 ìgSco ìmTh 35 SPRINGVALE77 HILL Juries B 3 40 ìaag Metamorphosed and locally foliated anorthosite, leucogabbro, leucogabbronorite, gabbro, melagabbro, ferrogabbro and magnetite gabbro, gabbronorite, and norite; minor peridotite Ós 521 m 60 28 32 20 AHERN FORMATION: fine- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone; minor pebbly sandstone, conglomerate, 627 m 83 43 B H I L L S 28 58 êGe D I X O N ìf ìgSow ìmTps Ób ìmToa ìmTpa 28 70 Slinkey Hill êGp B c. ?800 Ma with chromitite layers; rhythmic cycles 4 and siltstone ìmn 38 15 80 Au Ócv Ôa Mountain Yd ìmTps 44 8 5 Ôa ìaap Dunite, wehrlite, lherzolite, peridotite, and minor harzburgite; rhythmic cycles; chromitite layers; metamorphosed ìgPob ìgjb Ócv ìgPsa ìgSco Cr,Ni,Cu 40 53 êGo NORTHERN 3 êar 84 34 ìLo ìmn 75 4 ìaag 22 5 Ócv ìgPtu Sandy D Bottle Tree 85 85 38 16 ìEo 40 Ócv Ób B ìgPtw 2 65 Óc êGl WADE CREEK FORMATION: fine- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone, lithic quartz sandstone, pebbly sandstone, Newman B d ìgPpa ìgSow 14 Mile B 64 5 êGe ìs

D B 63 ìmTgr 3 êar êGe ìmTh ìmTss ìmTgs Yd ìmn 78 M 30 CrìmTh 75 êGh conglomerate, siltstone, and mudstone ìcCx 54 3 Ôa ìgPtu Ós Óc 55 35 ìmTgf Black êa The Island Yd RIVER Ós d ìmn ìgPtw Ócv Ós 17 Ós ìmTu 50 êGh ìgPtw 23 ìmTgr Ób d 4 38 O ìmTh Strongly sheared mylonitic rocks Ócv Óc RD RIVER ìsj Mount John Member: green-grey siltstone, mudstone, and fine- to coarse-grained sandstone d 82 B VICTORIA RIVER BASIN 1 9 êGn 83 4 d C 4 58 ìmTu ìHov êGp 04 4 ìgPpa 45 Eileen Bore Ób ìmTss QuartzÊK-feldsparÊplagioclaseÊbiotiteÊcordieriteÊandalusite(Êmuscovite) hornfels and hornfelsic schollen (raft) migmatite 5 d 5 80 50 Óc ìLb Ós Ók Ócv Ók d ìaag 70 Ós 70 P ìmTgs Strongly sheared granitoid rocks; mylonitic d Óc CrìmTu B Ni,Cu ìLe êGh 04 d d 77 Yd Ób 84 ìEo 66 Ócv Óc ìmTpa15 ìmTa Ócv Creek ìsa Siltstone and thin-bedded sandstone ìgPob83 4 2 71 ìkc 10 êGl 4 Ócv ìmn 36 D ìaag Z d 85 ìEm êGp d 60 ìasg ìgSco ìaap 40 55 ìLo 14 Ób c. 1850 Ma ìmTg ìmTod ìmTog Paperbark B 78 85 ìmTpa 4 Edle ìmTgd ìmTgf ìmTgk ìmTgl ìmTgm ìmTgy ìmTfn 84 ìgPpa Cr 2 70 RIVER 4 Palm P (PD) Ól êa 4 Cr Ób 80 ìmTgf 58 48 70 P d ìasg Panton ìaap 85 70 5 Duck 80 17 Ôa 45À 2 80 Creek ìPk ìLj 45À 5 Óc 53 70 Óc 20 4 êar ìsc Ós ìgPsa Óc Cr ìaag 32 Alice 65 85 êGh 10 êGl Bucket Hole Yd êar Chert breccia; angular to rounded chert fragments in a ferruginous chertÊsandstone matrix ìmTg Undivided, foliated and metamorphosed granitoid rock ìgPtu d 50 32 Cr Yd 80 85 Yds 80 80 40 d Ós Downs 5 êGl ìmTgd DOUGALLS TONALITE: foliated and metamorphosed hyperstheneÊhornblendeÊbiotite tonalite; abundant clinopyroxene amphibolite inclusions, and inclusions of country rock Central zone 78 ìmn 1 Cr Queensland Creek B 45 4 Cr 4 5 Ós Óc ìkb 4 P 60 65 20 êGp P 5 8 êGl êa ìmTgf DEAD FINISH TONALITE: metamorphosed hornblendeÊbiotite(Êepidote) tonalite; relict orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene may be present; inclusions of metadiorite and amphibolite; ìasa 38 Springvale 56 ìgPsm ìaag d d 74 Ós Cr ìgSow 68 ìamp ìmTpa ìk ìdw êGn 3 BUNGLE BUNGLE DOLOMITE: thin- to thick-bedded dolarenite, dololutite, and dolorudite; commonly stromatolitic; ìmn 4 Ób 74 3 ìu large inclusions of amphibolite are intimately veined by metatonalite and metadiorite Ób 74 ìmTpn ìaap d 2 Óc dolomitic quartz sandstone, siltstone, and stromatolitic chert Óc 78 ìka ìkc 30 80 50 ìLe ìmTgk CORKWOOD TONALITE: foliated and metamorphosed biotite(Êhornblende) tonalite and granodiorite; locally garnet-bearing 4 Cr d DIXON RANGE 1 68 Óc ìap Yd ìmTgr ìmTa ìmTa 65 15 17 4 ìk 45 70 Ób êGn ìgPtu 4 Yd Rose B 20 ìmTgl FLETCHER CREEK MONZOGRANITE: foliated and metamorphosed leucocratic biotiteÊmuscovite(ÊgarnetÊmagnetite) monzogranite; rounded to angular inclusions of amphibolite and country rock 4 ìgPtw 495 m Springvale 60 80 78 Creek Ócv êGn 63 Yd 1 66 ìmTgr 5 ìHov ìasg 25 ìgSco Cr d ìmTpc ìHr Ób Ócv Ós ìus Thin- to medium-bedded, fine- to medium-grained quartz sandstone ìmTgm MONKEY YARD TONALITE: foliated and metamorphosed hornblendeÊbiotite(Êepidote) tonalite; inclusions of epidote amphibolite 6 Mile W 30 Yd D Cr ìmTpn 59 GRANT PEAK 79 77 P PROTEROZOIC ìmTgy BLACK DUCK TONALITE: foliated and metamorphosed leucocratic biotiteÊmuscovite(Êepidote) tonalite to granodiorite; inclusions of epidote amphibolite Óc 81 Yd D ìgPmc RIVER B Ós ìHov 25 N Ós d ìasg 74 Cr d 81 Grants ìHo H I L L S P êar GREAT 53 êGn 4 M c I N T O S H Ós ìmTfn QuartzÊK-feldsparÊplagioclaseÊbiotiteÊsillimanite(ÊandalusiteÊcordierite) felsic gneiss ìmTa ìmTpn ìmTa 3 70 Ócv 5 Óc d 4 4 4 Óc B d êa Chert breccia; angular fragments of laminated and stromatolitic chert in a silicified sandy matrix; commonly 76 d PANTON ìmTgr 3 Óc PANTO ìmTod d Ócv 71 d ìkc 60 P êa ìuc Orthopyroxene(Êclinopyroxene)ÊhornblendeÊplagioclaseÊbiotiteÊquartz dioritic to gabbroic granulite ìmn Ócv ìgPai Cr ìka PANTON (Grants Patch) N ferruginous; quartz sandstone locally 4 Bullock WH 62 71 3 WH êa ìmTog Metamorphosed (hyperstheneÊ)hornblendeÊbiotite diorite and amphibolite intimately veined by metatonalite and metatrondhjemite 67 Óc Ôa 82 76 ìk Lone Hand B I S C A Y O d 78 Óc ìgPob 2 30 70 65 60 WHs LS ìgPtw 4 60 O Linacre 57 ìaap 44 ìHov 80 H 3 ìkb P P 4 d d UPPER 70 ìaag ìmTg Lady Kimberley 50 WH IC ìt MOUNT PARKER FORMATION: fine- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone, pebbly sandstone, and conglomerate 74 d ìgSob ìmTpc Scottish Chief O F 40 P Ós Yd N Ób c. 1865 Ma ìmTgr ROSE BORE GRANITE: foliated biotiteÊmuscovite syenogranite; migmatitic and sillimanite-bearing in high-grade metamorphic zones ìap 78 D Comet OSMOND BASIN ìgPg 43 Ócv ìmn 76 2 Óc ìHov 70 P êGh Óc ìgPai d ìa P 7 4 Ós 75 Moodys Caledonian ìLb Turner Outcamp ìgjb M-20 B 84 Creek 5 Ôa d ìmTa 68 80 50 75 Yd (abd) 2 (abd) Yd 7 Mile Yd 4 ìmTpn 35 60 67 WH ìta Green-grey mudstone, siltstone, and thin-bedded quartz sandstone 78 4 Star of Kimberley WHs êa çMg ìgPtu Óc ìgjb ìgPmc q 67 Nellie Spring B ìgf ìmTi ìmToa B A Y 68 ìmToa ìmTon ìmTao ìmTu ìgPob 82 ìgSco Perseverance 55 4 ìgSco ìgSob ìkb H A R D M A N êar ìHr ìEo 5 Tickelara Metamorphics d 79 4 Ócv Óc 80 ìLeP Poorly sorted, oligomictic pebble to boulder conglomerate, pebbly sandstone, and coarse-grained sandstone; 76 WH WH WHs 70 TUR 4 WHs Sugar Bag Yd ìto ìmToa Amphibolite; includes garnet or clinopyroxene; relict primary layering and gabbroic textures ìmn ìgSob 56 30 sandstone clasts 4 62 NER 4 Óc 74 ìgSob Ók 80 ìmTa 8 WH WH P ìLb ìmTon ClinopyroxeneÊorthopyroxeneÊplagioclaseÊquartz(ÊhornblendeÊbiotite) mafic granulite; local relict gabbroic textures ìgSob Cr 86 ìEo Ós 40 M-3 B 52 43 3 Chinamans Garden WH ìLo W Ób Ól 82 ìmTpc 86 WHs TURNER HILL ìmTao Norton intrusion: clinopyroxeneÊorthopyroxeneÊmagnetiteÊplagioclaseÊquartz(ÊhornblendeÊbiotite) mafic granulite; metamorphosed gabbro ìgPai West Robin Soak 4 Ócv 411 m NMF 268 AD 78 3 40 ìmTu Ultramafic schist 4 3 3 68 Katy Yd WH çMg Chara Yd c. 1790 Ma ìdh ìgPtw Óc Cr Lemonade S Ós ìHov 45 P RIVER êGh 488 m RO ìdhg d ìgPg ìgSog 86 ìmTa 70 Little Panton B WH WHs 70 ìEm Ós 83 4 Ni,Cu 81 ìk RIVER 60 R A N G E d 4 50 Ócv WH Óc 4 ìgSob Ócv 67 80 Ób WHs 70 35 Ób Ós 60 83 d g d Yds Ócv PANTON 80 85 Ós Kartung Pija WH Chara RH ìdh HART DOLERITE: dark grey dolerite c. 1865 Ma ìmTn ìmTa ìmTpa ìmTpc ìmTpn ìmTps ìmTi d 74 q Ós ìmTpa 85 ìEm P êa êGn ìmn Emu B ìaap Ócv 84 ìkb ìLb Ós Aboriginal Reserve 5 ìdhg Pink to grey granophyre 2 d TREE HILL 4 ìgPg Ócv Ós ìa Yd ìgSco ALICE HILL ìgf ìdw ìHo ìLe ELVIRE Óc 45 Rocky D ìgPob ìmTa g ìgSog 85 20 P ìmTn Migmatitic pelitic gneiss; interlayered with mafic granulite R 18 ìgSsb 70 P Creek Óc ð02ôôôôÜN ìgPtw ìa Robin Sk 2 ìmToa 8 Mile Yd OPT B KING LEOPOLD SANDSTONE: white to pale brown, medium- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone and pebbly 86 g 508 m d 40 80 edium- to high-grade pelite, 36 85 ìEo J T DUNCAN ìKl ìmTa Amphibolite; includes epidote, garnet, or clinopyroxene; local pillows and fragmental volcanic textures with interstitial carbonate; interlayered with m RIVER 75 70 ìgf 70 WHs 25 75 4 Ócv 65 80 Ócv Ôa êab ð02ôôôôÜN quartz sandstone BASIN Ós 81 68 ìmTa Ób êar êa Group psammite, calc-silicate rock, and marble 4 g RIVER ìmTpa Ps ìgPmc ìHo KIMBERLEY 81 ìgSg 56 Blanjie WH (PD) 84 82 ìEm Kimberley Ós 3 25 êGh ìmTpa Interlayered pelite and psammite, with banded iron-formation, calc-silicate rock, and marble; minor amphibolite; includes crenulated biotiteÊmuscovite(Êandalusite)Êquartz and ìgPg 70 RIVER 4 g g ìdw 85 85 ìLb Ós 3 60 4 Ócv 85 WH P Clean Óc Óc g 71 ìmTpc Ós TEXAS DOWNS FORMATION: fine- to coarse-grained quartz sandstone, pebbly sandstone, conglomerate, garnetÊstauroliteÊbiotiteÊmuscoviteÊquartz schist 77 4 4 ìPk Ól ìx 5 ìmn 80 Ós g f ìgSow Cr Ócv 60 WH siltstone, mudstone, basalt flows, and basaltic breccia ìmTpc Calc-silicate rock and marble; minor banded iron-formation, quartzite, and amphibolite 4 Ôa Óc Saunders Ôa 3 WHs 73 d ìaap 2 80 Óc q 4 45 g ìHov ìLb ìmTpn BiotiteÊplagioclaseÊquartz(ÊK-feldsparÊsillimaniteÊgarnetÊcordieriteÊspinel) migmatitic pelitic gneiss; numerous layers, pods, and angular to rounded schollen (rafts) of mafic ìgjb Ós ìgSog 4 ìe 75 êa 76 ìgSog 4 d êar P BASIN q ìehx ìzs ìz 85 ìLo Ól Skin granulite, psammitic gneiss, and calc-silicate rock; may be retrogressed to muscoviteÊsillimaniteÊbiotiteÊquartz(ÊandalusiteÊgarnetÊK-feldsparÊplagioclase) assemblages; D Ós Ôa 84 79 73 80 55 75 ìxb Massive to amygdaloidal basalt flows and basaltic breccia, and dolerite; minor sandstone, siltstone, and mudstone Yd MARGARET ìgPp d g Óc q q Ós Cr ìaag 85 êa 54 d TEXAS DOWNS 86 4 ìgSob d Ós q 47 ìzi Dry Creek Au ìHov intruded by discontinous syn- to post-metamorphic mafic to intermediate dykes Sisters D 4 f 4 70 30 ìEo RANGE 82 Pb 68 45 Ós Ôa ìmTps Interlayered pelite and psammite, with banded iron-formation, calc-silicate rock, and marble; minor amphibolite; includes sillimaniteÊgarnetÊstauroliteÊbiotiteÊplagioclaseÊquartz W Top Sisters D 82 ìgSg ìgSob 55 85 MT FORSTER ìgPob q f ìeh Au 45 Ól schist, sillimaniteÊbiotiteÊmuscoviteÊquartz(ÊstauroliteÊkyaniteÊgarnet) schist, and sillimaniteÊbiotiteÊmuscoviteÊquartz schist PANTON ìgSg 45 ìe ìe ìHr Maude Headley 30 ìLb 4 Ôa ìei 80 P Ób Creek RED ROCK FORMATION: fine- to coarse-grained lithic quartz sandstone, pink feldspathic quartz sandstone, pebbly 80 ìkb 80 ìEm ìEm 15 êGh ìk ìmTi Banded iron-formation, ferruginous chert, and ferruginous pelite and psammite ìmn 50 ìgSp 43 ìgSsb ìeb 65 80 ìgSg Ós 86 4 4 ìgSog sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, mudstone, basalt flows, and basaltic breccia 4 4 47 4 70 ìEo êar 4 Ób 61 73 65 2 ARD êa Lighthouse Yd 4 84 W Carrington S (PD) 66 q 60 ìHrb P Ós Ós Ós 4 68 ìzc ìHr ìgPg ìgSp Ób 60 Palm Spring ìHrb EDW ìz 4 83 Ós 78 85 ìdw ìHo ìHo Ps ìkc Carbonate rock ìzc ìzi ìzs ìeb 3 ìef ìHrb Ós Óc 85 THREE SISTERS HILL d 4 ìe ìdw 85 ìHr Marella WH Drew B Ócv548 m LITTLE Zn,Cu,Pb ìz 80 ìHov 45 ìLj Lighthouse RH ìgSob ìehx Palm W 70 ìEm ìLb ìLj q Ób ìgSg ìef 55 80 Ôa ìz MILBA FORMATION: metamorphosed (low-grade) interlayered mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, and carbonate, calc-silicate, and basaltic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks ìgSg 46 ìzs ìHrs ìLo 7 êar ìgSog 75 ìk ìHr 80 70 ìHovv 80 9 Ób No 9 B Ós Massive to amygdaloidal basalt flows and basaltic breccia, and dolerite; minor lithic sandstone, siltstone, Ós ìeh ìgSsb ìeh p ìek 35 ìgSsbYd ìamg 55 50 ALBERT ìLy Ps Ób ìkb ìzc Metamorphosed carbonate rock 18¾ 00À 18¾ 00À and mudstone ìzi Banded iron-formation and ferruginous chert 127¾ 30À 36ôôôôÜE 45À 38 128¾ 00À 40 42 44 30À 46 45À 48 50ôôôôÜE RED ROCK BASIN ìzs Metamorphosed mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone 15À Mudstone, siltstone, thin- to thick-bedded lithic or feldspathic quartz sandstone; massive to amygdaloidal Moola Bulla Homestead 26 km Halls Creek 37 km Halls Creek 32 km 129¾ 00À ìka basalt flows locally ìdw WOODWARD DOLERITE: metamorphosed medium- to coarse-grained dolerite

Copperhead Albitite 'Carbonatite' Complex: albitite, albiteÊcarbonate fenite, carbonate veins, and Ýcarbonatite' c. ?1820 Ma ìcCx OLYMPIO FORMATION: metamorphosed (low- to medium-grade) thin- to very thick-bedded, fine- to coarse-grained turbiditic lithic sandstone, greywacke, quartz wacke, breccia c. 1845 Ma ìHo and arkosic sandstone, and siltstone and mudstone; minor pebbly sandstone

ìpd Dacite porphyry; fine-grained, massive or flow-banded ìHoc Grey dolomite, commonly jaspilitic; metamorphosed and recrystallized SYMBOLS Maude Headley Member: atrix; ferruginous chert ìSb BEDFORD SANDSTONE: white to pale brown, well-sorted quartz sandstone c. 1855 Ma ìHov metamorphosed andesitic to trachytic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks with carbonate-rich m Geological boundary ìHovv Metamorphosed massive felsic lava flows and lava domes DIAGRAMMATIC SECTIONS Igneous flow banding, showing strike and dip Eastern zone SIMPLIFIED GEOLOGY exposed...... 30 ìSl LUMAN SILTSTONE: green and brown siltstone and grey shale inclined...... ìK d êa ìfh ìE çM Mahony Group concealed...... ìdh ìgPg ìx ìtu ìHo êa Igneous contact, showing strike and dip LANDSDOWNE ARKOSE: purple-brown, grey, and white feldspathic sandstone and arkose; minor quartz sandstone Fault ìgSo Structural symbols are labelled according to the sequence of 66 ìSo c. 1880 Ma Halls Creek Group ìHr inor metadolerite sills ìgSg ìE êa êG Goose Hole Group ORD BASIN and micaceous siltstone BISCAY FORMATION: metamorphosed (low- to medium-grade) basaltic volcanic rock and sedimentary rock; m ìS ìmTm ìE deformation events, where known inclined...... ìw ìmTh Fault ìgSg ìfh êG êa Antrim Plateau Volcanics A B C D Way-up indicator c. 1835 Ma ìp ìgSg ìs Alice Springs Orogeny (Ý400Ê300 Ma) ìE Greenvale Fault Springvale Fault sedimentary structure...... ìSv VALENTINE SILTSTONE: grey and green, flaggy, laminated siltstone; minor rhyolitic ashstone and tuff ìHrb Metamorphosed basaltic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks; minor pelite and metadolerite, and carbonate rock and chert lenses ìfh d Dolerite dyke GREAT NORTHERN HIGHWAY McINTOSH HILLS Dï...... 7 d ìgSo SPEEWAH BASIN ìx çM ORD RIVER Foliation, showing strike and dip Speewah Group ìmTa ìtu u u Ultramafic intrusion of unknown age King Leopold Orogeny ( c. ÝÝ560 Ma) 74 ìtu inclined...... TUNGANARY FORMATION: buff and grey feldspathic sandstone and quartz sandstone; brown and green siltstone Fault ìfh ìs ìSn ìmn ìgPtw Dí...... 6 ìSt ìw ìgSg d ìL Albert Edward Group ìSb ìdh ìSl ìSt ìaap ìmTgr ìmTa ìmTg and phyllite; minor chert ìHrs Metamorphosed interbedded mudstone, siltstone, and sandstone ìmTo d Osmond ìs çM Yampi Orogeny (c. Ý1000 Ma) vertical...... Greenvale ìi ìk SEA LEVEL ìdh g SEA LEVEL ìgSo ìE ìE Duerdin Group WOLFE CREEK ìSo ìmTa ìaap trend of foliation...... O'DONNELL FORMATION: grey, white, and purple-brown granule sandstone and coarse-grained quartz sandstone, ìS ìE BASIN ìSv ìmn ìaag ìmTgf Dë...... 5 ìSn Creek ìk ìSn ìgSe ìmn Gneissic banding, showing strike and dip and laminated siltstone; minor arkose and pebble conglomerate d ìgSo ìP Ruby Plains Group q q ìgPsa ìmTa ìmTpa Halls Creek Orogeny (Ý1835Ê1805 Ma) 80 ìdh ìa d inclined...... ìmTm ìtu ìw Dé...... 4 ìgPg Ahern Formation and Helicopter Siltstone ìpd g ìgPmc ìgPob ìgSow ìa Zone ìHo ìfh VICTORIA RIVER ìw ìgSco vertical...... ìp ìk êa ìSt Dç...... 3 Halls ìL ìs BASIN ìgPsm ìmTgr d d ìs Wade Creek Formation ìgPob ìgPog ìHr Hooper Orogeny (1865Ê1850 Ma) strike and dip estimated from aerial photography Shear ìmTo d ation and 15Ê45¾...... ìS ìk êa êG ìtu Mount Parker Form OSMOND BASIN ìmn ìmTpn DÛ...... 2 ìgPo ìgSo d Bungle Bungle Dolomite trend of gneissic banding...... ìw d Fault Syncline 5 km 5 km DÕ...... 1 ìgSg Highway ìdh Hart Dolerite ìa ìE Fault Cleavage, showing strike and dip ìgSg Piccaninny Fault showing relative displacement Strike-slip fault_ movement towards viewer movement away from viewer 73 ìdh Ranford ìK Kimberley Group KIMBERLEY BASIN inclined...... Fault ìmTo Structure exposed...... ìgSg ìmTm TEXAS DOWNS vertical...... Mount ìx Texas Downs Formation concealed...... N.T. GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA ìgPo ìmTa BASIN Crenulation cleavage, showing strike and dip ìgPo d normal, tick on downthrown side...... HON. NORMAN MOORE, M.L.C. çM ìk Red Rock Formation RED ROCK BASIN inclined...... 68 SHEET INDEX d d ìmTg thrust, triangle on upthrown side...... Qld MINISTER FOR MINES ìS ìgPg ìgSg ìmTs ìS Speewah Group, includes dacite porphyry (Øpd) SPEEWAH BASIN vertical...... d ìa ìmTa ìHo êG reverse, triangle on upthrown side...... GSWA REPORT 134 ìmTa ìmTg Lineation, showing trend and plunge direction W.A. GIBB SULLIVAN KARUNJIE ELGEE DUNHAM RIVER ARGYLE DOWNS NEWRY KILDURK BAINES d g E F G Strongly foliated rock...... G IC A L S U êa Hardman ìa Layered maficÊultramafic intrusion O R d Black Rock Halls Creek 30 PLATE 1 L V Fault êG stretching lineation; inclined...... 4165 4265 4365 4465 4565 4665 4765 4865 4965 O E Greenvale ìmTog Highway Shear Zone Alice Downs Fault Anticline Fault Fold, showing axial trace and generalized plunge direction S.A. E Y Spring Creek Fletcher Creek FRANK RIVER MOUNT ELIZAB G ìk ìgSg ìgSo 24 ETH LISSADELL WATERLOO beddingÊcleavage intersection; inclined...... W

ìw GREAT NORTHERN HIGHWAY anticline; exposed, concealed...... A BLACK HILLS E d d ìmTs SE 52-1 SE 52-2 SE 52-3 I ìgSg L Granitoid rock axis of crenulation; inclined...... 50 S d ìgPg êG êa (1835ÝÊ1805 Ma) ìkb BARNETT SIDDINS SALMOND CHAMBERLAIN BOW LISSADELL WATERLOO KIMON WICKHAM RIVER T A ìgSo ìHoc syncline; exposed...... N.S.W. R ìgSo Gabbroic rock ìgSg ìgSp ìgSg ìayg ìk êGn êGl êGe E T ìgjb Airphoto lineament R N A U S overturned anticline; exposed...... 4164 4264 4364 4464 4564 4664 4764 4864 4964 Fault ìgSg ìmTg ìmTs ìgPg ìgPo SEA LEVEL ge d êGp SEA LEVEL A.C.T. ìm Creek ìL structural trend...... GSWA REPORT 134 PRODUCT OF THE NATIONAL Fault ìamt ìgSmd overturned syncline; exposed...... d ìgPg ìmTs ìa ìk ìE ìgPg Granitoid rock ìgSog ìgSmd êa êGh Vic. Bow River batholith fracture pattern...... DEPARTMENT OF MINERALS GEOSCIENCE MAPPING ACCORD d d (1865ÝÊ1850 Ma) ìgSko ìayg ìmTpn Small-scale fold axial surface, showing strike and dip MOUNT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF supersuite supersuite ns Paperbark Sally Downs ìLo ìgPo Gabbroic rock ìmTa ìmTa 68 GLENROY TABLELAND BEDFORD REMARKABLE TURKEY CREEK OSMAND NEGRI LIMBUNYA GREGORYS DEPOT d ow ìama ìEo Meteorite impact structure...... AND ENERGY WESTERN AUSTRALIA D ìHr ìP ìgSog ìmTgl ìmTgl inclined...... PLATE 2 d ìa ìp Greenvale and Castlereagh Porphyries ìamg ìmTgm ìEm 4163 4263 4363 4463 4563 4663 4763 4863 4963 ìgPg ìmTog ìmTpa Fossil locality...... L. C. RANFORD, DIRECTOR GENERAL DAVID BLIGHT, DIRECTOR d d d ìmTa d ìgSg vertical...... Tas. LANSDOWNE DIXON RANGE LIMBUNYA Alice Halls ìw Whitewater Volcanics ìHo Stromatolite fossil locality...... ìgSog ìgSog ìmTa Small-scale fold axis, showing trend and plunge SE 52-5 SE 52-6 SE 52-7 d ìgSg Western zone ìmTa ìmTpc 25 LERIDA LAPTZ TUNGANARY McINTOSH DIXON LINACRE NAPIER INVERWAY MOUNT BARTON ìgSo ìmTo çM ìgjb Juries Bore Granite ìmTgd ìmTpn ìmTpa anticline...... Compiled by I. M. Tyler, A. M. Thorne, and S. Sheppard 1996ÝÊ1997 ìgf ìHr 42 4162 4262 4362 4462 4562 4662 4762 4862 4962 d êa 5 km 5 km syncline...... ìm Marboo Formation M Highway with national route marker...... Geology by I. M. Tyler, A. M. Thorne, S. Sheppard, D. M. Hoatson (AGSO), SCALE 1:Ý250ÝÝ000 ìHo 40 WESTERN AUSTRALIA

ìdw ìm M-vergence...... Formed road...... Mining centre...... PANTON ìP S T. J. Griffin, D. H. Blake (AGSO), and R. G. Warren (AGSO) 1992ÝÊ1994 ìz êa ìgf Felsic intrusive sheets 60 ELMA MOUNT CUMMINGS ANGELO HALLS CREEK ANTRIM NICHOLSON BIRRINDUDU NONGRA STYLES 0 10 15 20 25 30 S-vergence...... Track...... Mine ...... Wilsons 5000 5 d ìE Z and after GSWA maps (see sheet index) ìgSo ìe Koongie Park Formation Z-vergence...... 34 Alluvial workings...... 4161 4261 4361 4461 4561 4661 4761 4861 4961 Springvale d ìa ìL Landing ground...... ìe Bedding, showing strike and dip Prospect...... MOUNT RAMSAY GORDON DOWNS BIRRINDUDU Edited by C. Strong and G. Loan Metres Kilometres ìi Winnama Formation 10 Homestead...... Texas Downs inclined...... Mineral occurrence SE 52-9 SE 52-10 SE 52-11 TRANSVERSE MERCATOR PROJECTION BOHEMIA RAMSAY DOCKRELL RUBY PLAINS COW CREEK GORDON DOWNS PHIBBS WARE MOUNT WINNECKE LAMBOO COMPLEX Building, yard...... Yd Cartography by P. Taylor and B. Williams ìmTh ìmTg ìmTo ìmTm ìmTa ìmTs vertical...... Asbestos, chrysotile...... Asbc HORIZONTAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN GEODETIC DATUM 1984 Locality...... Chinamans Garden 4160 4260 4360 4460 4560 4660 4760 4860 4960 ìmTh Metasedimentary rock, hornfelsed Topography from the Department of Land Administration Sheet SE 52-6, VERTICAL DATUM: AUSTRALIAN HEIGHT DATUM H I horizontal...... Microwave repeater station...... Chromium û Platinum Group Elements...... Cr +3¾ 30À +4¾ 00À ìmTg Felsic intrusive sheets 75 with modifications from geological field survey Osmond Fault Hardman Syncline Piccaninny overturned...... Cobalt...... Co Grid lines indicate 20ÝÝ000 metre interval of the Australian Map Grid Zone 52 ìmTo Mafic granulite, and amphibolite Fargo Creek OSMAND RANGE Rock Creek BUNGLE BUNGLE RANGE National park boundary...... 1:100Ý000 maps shown in black strike and dip estimated from aerial photography Copper...... Published by the Geological Survey of Western Australia. Copies available from the SCALE 1:1Ý000ÝÝ000 ìmTm Metasedimentary rock, migmatite, Osmand Creek Reserve boundary...... Cu Published 1Ý:Ý100Ý000 maps used in compilation 0 ìEoj ìta ìk ìto ìkb ìto 0Ê5¾...... Gold...... Au Mining Information Centre, Department of Minerals and Energy, 100 Plain Street, 10 20 30 40 50 and mafic granulite ìEmìEf ìhs ìh ìt ìkb ìt ìkbìk ìus ìu ìuc ìt ìkb ìEm êGn Horizontal control; major, minor...... 1:250Ý000 maps shown in brown ìmTa Amphibolite, and metamorphosed ìu ìka çMb 5Ê15¾...... Iron...... Fe East Perth, WA, 6004. Phone (08) 9222 3459, Fax (08) 9222 3444 Kilometres SEA LEVEL ìh ìf ìka êGe çMg êGo SEA LEVEL Project maps used in compilation shown in green Tickalara Metamorphics êa sedimentary and carbonate rocks ìi ìt ìk 15Ê45¾...... Lead...... Pb ìk ìka See current GSWA map catalogue for full range of published products This map is also available in digital form ìmTs Metasedimentary rock ìka ìka ìic ìk ìs êGn 45Ê90¾...... Watercourse; pool...... P Nickel...... Ni ìkb ìu ìL êa Printed by the Land Information Centre, Bathurst, New South Wales ìz Milba Formation ìi horizontal...... Rockhole, waterhole, ...... RH WH Rare Earth Elements...... REE ìu ìta ìEo The lines indicate magnetic declination, 1995 ìdw Woodward Dolerite ìt ìEm trend of bedding...... Soak, spring, swamp...... Sk S Titanium...... Ti + means declination is east and correction must be The recommended reference for this map is: SHEET SE 52Ý-Ý6 ìgShl ìgSob ìP Igneous layering, showing strike and dip Bore, well, windpump...... B W Uranium...... U added to compass bearing to give true bearing TYLER, I. M., THORNE, A. M., SHEPPARD, S., HOATSON, D. M., GRIFFIN, T. J., ìHo Olympio Formation ìHo ìEf ìEk 26 - means declination is west and correction must be SECOND EDITION 1998 ìk ìkb ìHo inclined...... Dam, tank...... DT Vanadium...... V subtracted from compass bearing to give true bearing BLAKE, D. H., and WARREN, R. G., 1998, Dixon Range, W.A. Sheet SE 52-6: Group

ìHr Biscay Formation Eastern zone Central zone 5 km 5 km Annual change is 1À easterly Halls Creek trend of igneous layering...... Abandoned, position doubtful...... (abd) (PD) Zinc...... Zn Western Australia Geological Survey, 1:250Ý000 Geological Series. ¦ Western Australia 1998