Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Centennial Mills Post-Demolition Sampling 1362 NW Portland,

ECSI No. 5136

Prepared for Prosper Portland

July 10, 2017 15825‐01 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Centennial Mills Post-Demolition Sampling 1362 NW Naito Parkway Portland, Oregon

ECSI No. 5136

Prepared for Prosper Portland

July 10, 2017 15825‐01

Prepared by Hart Crowser, Inc.

Christopher W. Martin, PE Richard D. Ernst, RG Senior Project Engineer Principal

6420 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239-3517 Fax 503.620.6918 Tel 503.620.7284 Contents


1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Purpose 2 1.2 Scope of Work 3 1.3 Limitations 3

2.0 BACKGROUND 3 2.1 Site Description 3 2.2 Previous Environmental Activities 4 2.3 ROD Requirements 5


4.0 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND RESULTS 6 4.1 Analyses Performed 6 4.2 Chemical Results 6




TABLES 1 Soil Chemical Analyses Results: TPH and Metals 2 Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PAHs 3 Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PCBs

FIGURES 1 Vicinity Map 2 Site Plan 3 Sample Plan 4 Human Health Exceedances (Occupational) 5 Portland Harbor Cleanup Level Exceedances

APPENDIX A Field and QA/QC Procedures and Photograph Log APPENDIX B Quality Assurance Review and Analytical Laboratory Reports

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BaP Eq Benzo(a)pyrene equivalency cPAHs carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons CMMP Contaminated Media Management Plan CLs cleanup levels DEQ Oregon Department of Environmental Quality ECSI Environmental Cleanup Site Information EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ESA Environmental Site Assessment FFS Focused Feasibility Study HHRA Human Health Risk Assessment mg/kg milligrams per kilogram MPU Mounted Police Unit PAHs polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PCBs polychlorinated biphenyls PDC Portland Development Commission Portland Harbor Portland Harbor Superfund Site ROD Record of Decision QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control RBC risk‐based concentration SCE Source Control Evaluation TPH total petroleum hydrocarbons UST underground storage tank

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Centennial Mills Post-Demolition Sampling 1362 NW Naito Parkway Portland, Oregon ECSI No. 5136

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) presents the analytical results on soil exposed during demolition activities at the Centennial Mills site in Portland, Oregon (Figure 1). Mill buildings have covered these soils for 75 to 107 years. As limited chemical data are available on these soils, Phase II sampling and analysis was performed to assess the chemical quality of the newly exposed soils. These data were then compared against various criteria to inform soil management requirements during future redevelopment of the site. A summary of the investigation and results is presented below. Please refer to the main body of this report for a detailed discussion.

 The Centennial Mills site is a historical flour mill located at 1362 NW Naito Parkway in Portland, Oregon. Construction of the mill buildings occurred between 1910 and 1940 (Figure 2). The mill operated until 2000, when the Portland Development Commission (PDC), now Prosper Portland, purchased the mill property. PDC redeveloped a portion of the mill for the Mounted Patrol Unit (MPU) in 2001; however, due to the structural instability of the buildings, the MPU moved out in 2015 and demolition of most of the buildings commenced in 2016.

 Environmental investigations were completed at the site that have mainly focused on areas outside of the mill building complex. Because chemical contamination in site soil poses unacceptable human health risks, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) selected a remedy in its Record of Decision (ROD) in 2014 that required capping of contaminated soil with hardscape or clean fill. The mill foundation was considered a cap. Due to building demolition, soil is being exposed that has not been adequately assessed. Additionally, the site lies along the Portland Harbor Superfund Site (Portland Harbor), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a ROD in 2017 which has cleanup levels (CLs) for riverbank soils to protect the river from upland soil erosion. To determine how these soils would need to be managed, the sampling program for this Phase II ESA was conducted.

 From April 2016 through May 2017, Hart Crowser completed sampling of newly exposed soil as buildings from the Centennial Mills complex were demolished and their basement slabs were removed. A total of 64 samples, shown on Figure 3, were obtained within the upper foot of exposed soil. Samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel and oil, eight metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). After an area was sampled, the exposed soil was capped with approximately 1 to 2 feet of concrete rubble, and covered with 1 foot of topsoil and hydroseed.

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 Chemical analyses detected generally low or modest concentrations of TPH and PAHs, although occasionally there were higher detections (Tables 1 and 2). Most metals concentrations were typical of regional background concentrations, although elevated concentrations were more frequently detected for lead and mercury (Table 1). PCBs were also detected in approximately a third of the samples, but at relatively low concentrations (Table 3). Overall, the predominant contaminants detected were oil‐range TPH, PAHs, and elevated lead.

 To determine if chemical concentrations would require a cap per the Centennial Mills ROD, data were compared against human health risk‐based concentrations (RBCs) for likely future land uses. Arsenic and carcinogenic PAHs (cPAHs) were found to pose an unacceptable risk under most future land uses primarily at or adjacent to Elevator B and from Warehouse B to the Loading Dock (Figure 4); therefore, a cap would be required in these areas. Comparing the data to Portland Harbor ROD CLs showed exceedances of arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, zinc, cPAHs, and/or PCBs in most of the building areas, except Warehouse A (Figure 5); thus, erosion controls or capping is needed. As stated above, a temporary cap is currently present pending redevelopment.

 We also evaluated the data against DEQ’s clean fill criteria to determine whether any soil, if excavated, could be considered clean fill and be allowed for unrestricted upland re‐use on or off the site. Most soils did not meet clean fill criteria due to elevated metals and/or cPAHs, however, our assessment indicates that soil beneath the Warehouse A area and the northeastern portion of Warehouse D area would likely meet clean fill criteria. Management of any excavated soil is still subject to the Contaminated Media Management Plan (CMMP) for the site.

1.0 INTRODUCTION This Phase II ESA presents the analytical results on soil exposed during demolition activities at the Centennial Mills site in Portland, Oregon (Figure 1). As mill buildings were demolished, Hart Crower obtained soil samples to characterize the chemical quality of the exposed soils and compare the results against various criteria that would inform future management of the soils. Hart Crowser completed these activities for the Prosper Portland (formerly PDC) under Work Contract No. 213061. The DEQ has assigned Environmental Cleanup Site Information (ECSI) No. 5136 to the site.

1.1 Purpose Due to structural instability of the Centennial Mills buildings, Prosper Portland demolished most of the buildings in the mill complex before they collapsed. In doing so, soils beneath the buildings were exposed for the first time in at least 75 years. The DEQ’s ROD for the site (DEQ 2014c) requires capping of soils that pose an unacceptable risk to future site users. Additionally, because the site lies along the Portland Harbor, soils exceeding Portland Harbor ROD CLs (EPA 2017a) would need to be managed to prevent erosion to the . The purpose of this Phase II ESA was to characterize these exposed soils to inform soil management requirements during future redevelopment of the site.

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1.2 Scope of Work From spring 2016 through spring 2017, the majority of the Centennial Mills building complex was demolished, leaving only the original Flour Mill and Warehouse E. As the buildings and their basement slabs were removed, Hart Crowser was on call to provide sampling and chemical analysis of the newly exposed soils. The scope of work for this Phase II ESA consisted of the following tasks:

 Collecting a total of 64 samples from within the first foot of exposed soil following removal of a building basement slabs;

 Analyzing the soil samples for TPH as diesel/oil, eight metals, PAHs, and PCBs;

 Screening the chemical results against various screening criteria that will inform future soil management requirements; and

 Preparing this report discussing the findings and analytical results of the sampling activities.

1.3 Limitations Work performed by Hart Crowser for this project and the preparation of this report were conducted in accordance with ASTM E1903‐11 and generally accepted professional practices in the same or similar localities, related to the nature of the work accomplished at the time our services were performed. This report is for specific application to the referenced project and for the exclusive use of the Prosper Portland. No other warranty, express or implied, is made.

2.0 BACKGROUND This section presents a summary of the Centennial Mills site, previous environmental activities completed at the site, and the soil management requirements set forth by the ROD for the site. More detailed information about these topics is provided in the Upland Source Control Evaluation (SCE), Focused Feasibility Study (FFS), and the ROD for the site (Hart Crowser 2013b, 2014; DEQ 2014c).

2.1 Site Description The Centennial Mills site is located at 1362 NW Naito Parkway, just north of its intersection with NW 9th Avenue, in Portland, Oregon (Figure 1). The site is located along the southwest bank of the Willamette River at approximately river mile 11.4, placing it along the Portland Harbor Superfund Site that extends from river mile 1.9 to 11.8. The property covers a rectangular area of about 4.75 acres, of which 3.5 acres are upland property and 1.25 acres are along the Willamette River shoreline.

The mill site has a history spanning more than 100 years. From 1910 through 2000, Centennial Mills (and its predecessor Crown Mills) operated a flour mill on the site. Fill material was added to the site with construction of the mill buildings between 1910 and 1940. By 1940, the mill covered roughly two‐thirds of the property and consisted of 12 joined buildings, including the flour mill, a feed mill, three grain elevators, blending bins, and six warehouses. Figure 2 shows the layout of the site prior to its demolition. Filling of the southeastern third of the site continued until the early 1960s, creating the

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 4 | Phase II Environmental Site Assessment mill parking lot. In 2000, the PDC purchased the mill property and, in 2001, redeveloped the parking lot and southeastern portion of the former mill for housing horses of the City of Portland MPU. The MPU moved out of the site in 2015. A detailed history of the site is presented in the Upland SCE (Hart Crowser 2013a).

The geology beneath the site consists of fill material placed on native alluvium. Fill is present up to 20 feet thick and consists primarily of silt, silty sand, and sandy silt; however, other fill materials and anthropogenic debris have been encountered including silty gravel, bricks, concrete, wood, and glass. The origins of the fill are unknown, except a notation on a 1920s plan indicating “Dredge Filled” where Warehouse CA and the northeast half of Warehouse E were later constructed (Figure 2). Buried wood piles have been encountered in explorations within the southeastern portion of the property. Native alluvium consists of sandy silt, silty sand, and sand deposited by the Willamette River.

2.2 Previous Environmental Activities In 1999, Hart Crowser completed a Phase I ESA of the site for PDC as part of its environmental due diligence for acquisition of the property. Since that time, numerous environmental activities have been completed at the site. Environmental investigations and the associated generated data are summarized in the Upland SCE (Hart Crowser 2013a).

The first investigation was a Phase II ESA conducted in 1999 as a screening‐level assessment of soil and groundwater conditions beneath the site. In 2001, soil was sampled during construction of the MPU horse paddock and during the removal of an underground storage tank (UST). In d2008 an 2009, a data gap investigation was performed, which included subsurface explorations, removal of another UST, and limited soil removal from a former UST nest. The SCE also included field investigations in 2010 and 2011 including groundwater sampling from four monitoring wells; stormwater and riverbank soil sampling; and assessing building sewer piping and municipal sewers crossing beneath the site. Of all these investigations, only six soil samples were obtained from beneath the mill buildings.

Chemical results indicate that the primary contaminants in soil and groundwater at the site are TPH as diesel and oil, PAHs, and lead. Volatile organic compounds, TPH as gasoline, and elevated concentrations of cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, and zinc have been infrequently detected. PCBs were not previously detected. The majority of the contamination has been detected within the southeastern third of the site, particularly in backfill along the Tanner Creek Sewer where free product has been observed. Small areas or occasional detections of contamination have also been found, such as at a former UST location along the southwest side of the mill. Limited data are available on soil from beneath the mill basement slab, but chemical analysis has occasionally detected TPH, PAHs, and elevated concentrations of cadmium, chromium, lead, and mercury.

Due to its proximity to the Portland Harbor, an Upland SCE was prepared for the site in 2013 to assess whether upland sources of chemical contamination at the site posed an environmental concern to the Willamette River via groundwater, stormwater, and erosion pathways (Hart Crowser 2013a). TheE SC found that, except for contamination in Tanner Creek Sewer backfill, the site did not pose a concern to the river. The DEQ agreed with this conclusion in their Source Control Decision for the site (DEQ 2014a).

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To assess for risks to people using the site, Hart Crowser completed a human health risk assessment (HHRA) in 2013 to evaluate risks to people considering four possible future land use scenarios, including a site‐specific park user scenario (Hart Crowser 2013b). The HHRA identified unacceptable risks in soil from up to five cPAHs and/or lead under each of the land use scenarios.

2.3 ROD Requirements Because of the potential unacceptable risks posed by contaminated soil at the site, Hart Crowser prepared an FFS in 2014 (Hart Crowser 2014). Three remedial alternatives were evaluated, with the FFS recommending removal of hot spots and capping of the site with hardscape or two feet of topsoil for landscaped areas. The DEQ selected this remedy in their ROD for the site (DEQ 2014c), specifically stating that the selected remedial actions for site‐related soil contamination are as follows.

 Excavation and off‐site disposal of limited hot spot‐level contamination identified in site soil.

 Capping of contaminated site soil with hardscape with base course or 2 feet of clean fill, as applicable. Where flooring for the historical flour mill building is left in place, its integrity will be assessed to ensure that it is an acceptable cap.

 Placement of institutional controls on the site identifying site hazards, and requiring inspection and maintenance of the cap.

The second criterion determines how exposed contaminated soil must be addressed. The FFS also indicated that “if portions of the existing mill are demolished, any soils that are exposed will be analyzed to confirm that the engineered cap, whether new hardscape or top soil with demarcation layer, is needed or sufficient to protect both upland and aquatic receptors.” Based on limited previous data and a need to determine soil management requirements, a sampling program was implemented.

3.0 FIELD ACTIVITIES From April 2016 through May 2017, Hart Crowser completed sampling of newly exposed soil as buildings from the Centennial Mills complex were demolished and their basement slabs were removed. Figure 3 shows the areas of demolition and soil sample locations. As demolition occurred in phases, we worked with the demolition contractor to complete soil sampling following demolition in a specific area. Field procedures and photographs taken during sampling are included in Appendix A.

Sample Locations. Demolition included the removal of two former grain elevator buildings (Elevator B and Elevator C), five former warehouse buildings (Warehouse A, Warehouse B, Warehouse CA [also referred to as the Warehouse C – Courtyard Addition], Warehouse D, and Warehouse X [previously called Warehouse F]), and the Feed Mill. Sample names used the full or an abbreviated version of the building name followed by sequential S‐series designation (e.g., Whse A S‐1). Soil sampling was only performed where a basement slab over soil was removed; no samples were obtained from portions of warehouses over the water or riverward of the seawall (Figures 2 and 3). Soil sampling also occurred at the Loading Dock on the southeast end of the building and on the northwest side (NS) of the former mill building near the property boundary.

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Sample Collection Method. With the exception of the northwest side samples, soil samples were collected within the first foot of exposed soil on a grid pattern in each sampling area. Spacing between samples varied from approximately 15 to 45 feet, generally averaging approximately 25 feet. A track hoe was used to dig small test pits at most sample locations, however, in some areas a shovel was necessary to dig through the first foot of soil. Undisturbed soil for sampling was exposed by scrapping away soil from test pit or shovel‐dug sidewalls. Soil was transferred into laboratory‐supplied sample jars using a decontaminated stainless steel spoon. Sample jars were fully filled, leaving no headspace.

Undisturbed soil for the northwest side samples were collected as described above, but each sample location (NS‐1 through NS‐6) was dug using a shovel and consisted of a two‐point composite sample. Soil from two discrete locations were homogenized in a decontaminated stainless steel bowl prior to transferring into laboratory‐supplied sample jars.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC). QA/QC was practiced throughout the field activities. All sampling equipment was decontaminated between sampling events. All laboratory containers were marked with the project number, a unique sample identification number, the date and time of collection, and the sampler’s initials. Each soil container was packed in a cooled ice chest for storage and transport to the analytical laboratory. Standard chain of custody protocols were followed at all times.

4.0 CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND RESULTS Soil samples were submitted to Apex Laboratories of Tigard, Oregon, for chemical analyses to assess for chemical contamination. A QA review of analytical data and a compact disk of the laboratory reports are included in Appendix B.

4.1 Analyses Performed Soil samples were analyzed for chemicals of potential concern based on previous data from the site (and consistent with the SCE investigation) and with the addition of PCBs due to the site’s proximity to the Portland Harbor. The following analyses were performed on all samples:

 TPH as diesel and oil by Northwest Method NWTPH‐Dx with silica gel cleanup;

 Metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc) by EPA Method 6020A;

 PAHs by EPA Method 8270D‐SIM; and

 PCBs by EPA Method 8082.

4.2 Chemical Results Chemical results from the above analyses are presented in Tables 1 through 3. A brief discussion of results for this Phase II ESA follows. Detected concentrations were generally low or modest, although occasionally there were higher detections. These data are evaluated further in Section 5 to assess whether they exceeded screening criteria, thereby requiring future management.

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TPH as Diesel and Oil. TPH was detected in various samples collected throughout the site (Table 1). Diesel‐range TPH was detected in fewer samples (primarily in Elevator C and Warehouse D areas) and at generally lower concentrations than oil‐range TPH. The highest diesel‐range TPH concentration was detected in the Elevator C area at an estimated 111 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Oil‐range TPH was detected in soil beneath all demolished buildings except Warehouse A. Concentrations ranged up to 1,130 mg/kg in the former loading dock area, with relatively higher concentrations (greater than 300 mg/kg) being also detected beneath the northwestern portion of the former mill, beneath Elevators B and C and Warehouses D and X.

Metals. Soil samples were analyzed for arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc. Because metals are naturally occurring, these metals were generally detected in all samples with the exception of mercury, which was detected in approximately half of the samples. To assess whether metal contamination is present, detected metals concentrations were compared to regional background metals concentrations for the Portland Basin (DEQ 2013), as presented below. Metals results and background concentrations are presented in Table 1.

 Arsenic. The background concentration for arsenic is 8.8 mg/kg and was only exceeded at Warehouse B and in five of the six samples collected from this area. The highest arsenic concentration was 29.1 mg/kg.

 Cadmium. Cadmium exceeded its background concentration of 0.63 mg/kg in four samples: one collected from Warehouse B (0.724 mg/kg); two from Warehouse CA (0.948 and 1.09 mg/kg); and one from Warehouse D (0.706 mg/kg).

 Chromium. Chromium was not detected above its background concentration of 76 mg/kg.

 Copper. The background concentration for copper is 34 mg/kg and was only exceeded in eight samples: one collected from Elevator C (42.2 mg/kg); one from Warehouse B (108 mg/kg); four from Warehouse CA (40.6 to 93.9 mg/kg); and two from the Feed Mill (37.2 and 44.5 mg/kg).

 Lead. Lead exceeded its background concentration of 79 mg/kg in a total of 15 samples from beneath Elevators B and C; Warehouses B, CA, and D; and the Feed Mill. These exceedances were generally modest, being no more than 120 mg/kg; however, two samples from Warehouse B were 234 and 320 mg/kg.

 Mercury. Nine samples exceeded the background mercury concentration of 0.23 mg/kg, with the exceedances being in samples beneath Elevators B and C, and Warehouses B, CA, D, and X. Mercury concentrations ranged up to 0.829 mg/kg (Warehouse X).

 Nickel. The background concentration for nickel is 47 mg/kg. There was one exceedance of this concentration in a sample collected from Warehouse B (57.5 mg/kg).

 Zinc. Zinc exceeded its background concentration of 180 mg/kg in five samples: one from the northwest side of the former mill (480 mg/kg); two from Warehouse B (359 and 346 mg/kg); one from Warehouse CA (349 mg/kg); and one from Warehouse D (192 mg/kg).

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PAHs. Various PAHs were detected in samples collected across the site. Individual PAH concentrations are presented in Table 2. PAHs were less frequently detected on the northwest side of the former mill and beneath Elevator A, and relatively higher concentrations (one or more PAHs greater than 1 mg/kg) were detected in four of eight samples from Elevator B and one sample each from Warehouse CA, Warehouse D, and the Loading Dock.

PCBs. PCBs were detected in one sample on the northwest side of the former mill and in one or more samples from beneath Elevator C; Warehouses CA, D, and X; the Feed Mill; and Loading Dock. Total PCB concentrations ranged from 0.00540 mg/kg (northwest side) to 0.121 mg/kg (Warehouse X). Of interest is that Aroclor 1242 (with 1254 and/or 1260) was only detected beneath Elevator C, Warehouse X, and the Feed Mill. These buildings were all constructed in 1928 or 1929. Aroclor 1254 was also the only Aroclor detected beneath Warehouse CA, Warehouse D, and the Loading Dock. Warehouse CA and the Loading Dock were constructed in 1940, and the repairs were made to Warehouse D about this time.

5.0 DATA ASSESSMENT The purpose of this Phase II ESA was to characterize exposed soils to inform soil management requirements during future redevelopment of the site. Chemical data on the soil were compared to screening criteria used in the HHRA to evaluate whether a cap would be necessary under a certain future land use scenario. We also assessed the data against Portland Harbor CLs and clean fill criteria. Our assessment of the data is presented below.

5.1 Soil Quality Criteria As indicated in Section 2.3, the ROD for the Centennial Mills site requires a hardscape or clean fill cap if chemical concentrations exceed human health RBCs for the particular future land use. Potential future land uses considered in the HHRA included a greenway along the top of the riverbank and buildings with possible ground floor retail shops and upper floor residences. Future human receptors would thus include park users, occupational workers, and urban residents, and if RBCs for these receptors are exceeded in the area of use, a cap would be necessary. Additionally, contact with soil by construction or excavation workers could occur during redevelopment or maintenance activities, respectively.

The DEQ uses current toxicity data and standard exposure factors to calculate RBCs for TPH and numerous chemical constituents for various exposure pathways and human receptors (DEQ 2015). The DEQ has developed RBCs for occupational and construction workers, but not park users. RBCsk for par users were developed by adjusting the exposure frequency for an urban resident to 28 days/year based on using a greenway park for 2 hours a day. For TPH, the sum of diesel and oil concentrations were compared to the diesel RBC as the oil RBC is for mineral/insulating oil. Total benzo(a)pyrene equivalents (BaP Eq) were also calculated per DEQ policy (DEQ 2010). For contaminants that do not have DEQ RBCs, we used EPA regional screening levels (EPA 2017b). These human health screening levels are listed in the tables.

Other criteria were also identified that could apply to the exposed soils at the site. Because the site is adjacent to the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, soils exceeding Portland Harbor ROD CLs (EPA 2017a)

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment | 9 would need to be managed to prevent erosion to the Willamette River. These CLs are included in the tables. If soils were excavated for off‐site transport, chemical concentrations would have to meet DEQ’s clean fill criteria for unrestricted upland re‐use (DEQ 2014a); otherwise, soil would have to be managed as contaminated in accordance with the CMMP for the site (Hart Crowser 2015).

5.2 Screening Comparison We evaluated the chemical data on soil against the soil quality criteria described in Section 5.1 to determine the soil management requirements that may apply during future redevelopment of the site. Various colors of shading are used in Tables 1 through 3 to show if a detected concentration exceeded a certain criterion; the criterion was also shaded. For metals, we only considered those metals data exceeding regional background concentrations. A discussion of our findings is presented below.

Centennial Mill ROD – Human Health RBCs. A hardscape or clean fill cap would be required in any area where urban residential, park user, or occupational worker could be exposed above their respective RBCs. Arsenic and up to five cPAHs (benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, and indeno(1,2,3‐cd)pyrene) exceeded RBCs for these human receptors (green shading in Tables 1 and 2).

Arsenic was above RBCs for all receptors in soil from the Warehouse B area. For cPAHs, total BaP Eq is a measure of the total risk posed by cPAHs. Total BaP Eq exceeded its urban residential RBC in all areas except Warehouse A (this building is one of the first buildings built in 1910, with the Flour Mill and Elevator A). The BaP Eq RBC for park users and occupational workers is fairly close at 0.21 and 0.29 mg/kg, respectively. These RBCs were exceeded in most samples from Elevator B and Warehouse CA, with one or two exceedances from Elevator C, Warehouse D and X, the Feed Mill, and Loading Dock. Figure 4 shows the location of arsenic and cPAH (i.e., BaP Eq) exceedances under an occupational land use; a cap would be required over these soil sample locations. Currently, a temporary cap has been placed over the soils exposed by demolition activities.

For future construction workers, there were four samples that had exceedances: arsenic in one sample from Warehouse B (S‐2) and total BaP Eq from two samples from Elevator B (S‐1 and S‐4) and one sample Warehouse D (S‐6). There were no exceedances of excavation worker RBCs.

Portland Harbor ROD CLs. In 2017, the EPA issued the ROD for the in‐water portion of Portland Harbor (EPA 2017a). Table 17 of the ROD presents CLs for riverbank soil, which are listed in Tables 1 through 3. CL exceedances are indicated by orange shading, but also include green shading for arsenic and BaP Eq because CLs are comparable or lower than RBCs. Figure 5 shows the sample locations where metals, cPAHs, and/or PCBs exceeded their respective CLs. There was also one Elevator C sample that had diesel‐range TPH slightly above its respective CL. Collectively, approximately 72 percent of the samples had an exceedance of at least one CL. Appropriate erosion controls or capping will be necessary to ensure soil from these locations does not erode to the river. Currently, a temporary cap is present over these locations to prevent soil erosion.

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For metals, there were several CL exceedances for arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, and zinc. The locations of these exceedances are as follows.

 Arsenic. Arsenic showed exceedances only in Warehouse B and in five of the six samples collected from this area.

 Cadmium. Cadmium had five exceedances: one in the northwest side of the former mill, one each in Warehouse B and D, and two in Warehouse CA.

 Lead. As with arsenic, lead only had exceedances in Warehouse B (two of the six samples).

 Mercury. Nine samples had exceedances of mercury: one sample from Warehouse CA, and two samples each from Elevators B and C, and Warehouses B, D, and X.

 Zinc. Zinc had only one exceedance in a sample from the northwest side of the former mill.

The CL for cPAHs (as BaP Eq) is relatively low (0.012 mg/kg) and thus, exposed soil from beneath the demolished buildings, except Warehouse A, had cPAHs exceeding this CL. Two of the five samples from the northwest side of the former mill also were slightly above the CL. Total PCBs also has a very low CL of 0.009 mg/kg. This CL was exceeded in two samples each from Warehouses CA and X, the Feed Mill, and the Loading Dock; three samples from Warehouse D, and five samples from Elevator C.

Clean Fill Criteria. If soil is excavated from the site during future redevelopment, it will need to be managed per the CMMP for the site (Hart Crowser 2015). For unrestricted upland re‐use, soil would need to meet DEQ’s clean fill criteria (DEQ 2014a). While future excavation would likely be greater than the one‐foot depth of the sample locations, evaluation of the sample data against clean fill criteria provides an indication if clean fill criteria could be met.

Chemical results that exceed clean fill criteria in Tables 1 and 2 are generally indicated by yellow shading, but because data exceeded ROD criteria, would also include green shading for arsenic and PAHs, and orange shading for cadmium and mercury. There were no PCB exceedances (Table 3) and no clean fill criteria for TPH or BaP Eq. Contaminants more likely to exceed clean fill criteria were lead, mercury, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, indeno(1,2,3‐cd)pyrene, and naphthalene.

We evaluated each sample location against clean fill criteria. Samples meeting clean fill criteria included all samples from Warehouse A, six samples from Warehouse D (S‐3, S‐5, and S‐8 through S‐11), two samples from Elevator C (S‐3 and S‐5), and four samples from the northwest side of the former mill (S‐1, S‐2, S‐3, and S‐6). Based on this comparison, soil from the Warehouse A area and the northeastern portion of Warehouse D area is likely to meet clean fill criteria.

6.0 CONCLUSIONS Surface soil sampling was completed from April 2016 through May 2017 from beneath nine former mill buildings and from the northwest side of the former mill complex. Samples were analyzed for TPH as diesel and oil, eight metals, PAHs, and PCBs. Following sampling of each area, the exposed soil was

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment | 11 capped with approximately 1 to 2 feet of concrete rubble (and in some places up to 4 feet), and covered with 1 foot of topsoil and hydroseed to prevent direct contact and minimize the potential erosion. Perimeter fencing provides additional measures to prevent access to the site.

Chemical analyses detected generally low or modest concentrations of TPH and PAHs, although occasionally there were higher detections (Tables 1 and 2). Most metals concentrations were typical of regional background concentrations, although elevated concentrations were more frequently detected for lead and mercury (Table 1). PCBs were also detected in approximately a third of the samples, but at relatively low concentrations (Table 3). Overall, the predominant contaminants detected were oil‐range TPH, PAHs, and elevated lead.

The purpose of this Phase II ESA was to assess the chemical quality of soil beneath the demolished buildings and along the northwest side of the former mill in order to inform soil management requirements during future redevelopment of the site. The ROD for the Centennial Mills site (DEQ 2014c) requires a hardscape or clean fill cap in areas where soil poses an unacceptable risk to human receptors applicable to the developed land use (e.g., park, condominiums). Arsenic and cPAHs would pose an unacceptable risk under most future land uses, primarily at or adjacent to Elevator B and from Warehouse B to the Loading Dock (Figure 4); therefore, a cap would be required in these areas.

Additionally, because the site lies along Portland Harbor, soils exceeding Portland Harbor ROD CLs (EPA 2017a) would also need to be managed to prevent erosion to the Willamette River. Our review of the results showed that any exposed soil beneath most of the building areas (except Warehouse A) would need erosion controls or be capped (Figure 5). This was due to CL exceedances from arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, zinc, cPAHs (as BaP Eq), and PCBs.

We also evaluated the data against DEQ’s clean fill criteria (DEQ 2014b) to determine whether the soil, if excavated, could be considered clean fill and be allowed for unrestricted upland re‐use. Most soils did not meet clean fill criteria due to elevated metals and/or cPAHs; however, our assessment indicates that soil beneath the Warehouse A area and the northeastern portion of Warehouse D area would likely meet clean fill criteria. Still, management of any excavated soil is subject to the CMMP for the site (Hart Crowser 2015).

7.0 REFERENCES Anchor QEA 2012. Work Plan, Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment, NW Natural Gasco Site. March 2012.

DEQ 2010. Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance. October 2010.

DEQ 2013. Background Levels of Metals in Soil for Cleanups. March 20, 2013.

DEQ 2014a. Source Control Decision, Centennial Mills, ECSI #5136. March 7, 2014.

DEQ 2014b. Clean Fill Determinations. July 23, 3014.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 12 | Phase II Environmental Site Assessment

DEQ 2014c. Record of Decision for the Centennial Mills Site, Portland, Oregon. December 2014.

DEQ 2015. Excel® Spreadsheet for Risk Based Concentrations for Individual Chemicals. November 1, 2015.

EPA 2017a. Record of Decision (Table 17) for the Portland Harbor Cleanup Site, Portland, Oregon. January 2017.

EPA 2017b. Regional Screening Level Summary Table (TR=1E‐6, HQ=1). June 2017.

Hart Crowser 2013a. Final Upland Source Control Evaluation, Centennial Mills, 1362 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon. March 21, 2013.

Hart Crowser 2013b. Final Human Health Risk Assessment, Centennial Mills, 1362 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon. November 14, 2013.

Hart Crowser 2014. Focused Feasibility Study, Centennial Mills, 1362 NW Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon. April 16, 2014.

Hart Crowser 2015. Contaminated Media Management Plan, Centennial Mills, 1362 Naito Parkway, Portland, Oregon. June 10, 2015.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Page 1 of 2

Table 1 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: TPH and Metals Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

TPH Total Metals

Sample Sample Depth Collection Sample Name (feet) Date Diesel-Range Oil-Range Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc Concentrations in mg/kg NS-1 0-1 14-Apr-16 <12.0 94.2 0.630 J 0.252 4.67 16.5 7.52 <0.0459 8.63 84.5 NS-2 0-1 14-Apr-16 <12.0 <23.9 1.05 J 0.253 6.30 18.8 6.53 <0.0482 12.5 59.7 NS-3 0-1 14-Apr-16 <12.0 <24.1 <0.569 0.227 4.99 16.0 4.28 <0.0482 8.00 61.3 NS-4 0-1 14-Apr-16 <12.1 151 1.89 1.93 10.5 26.0 58.4 0.0606 J 16.6 480 NS-5 0-1 14-Apr-16 <11.9 121 0.610 J 0.211 J 4.31 18.1 28.9 <0.0469 9.93 58.0 NS-6 0-1 14-Apr-16 <11.7 <23.3 1.20 0.278 6.20 16.5 15.5 <0.0463 10.6 76.6 Elevator B S-1 0-1 11-Jul-16 <13.0 261 J 3.88 0.379 14.6 32.8 95.8 0.285 16.5 111 Elevator B S-2 0-1 11-Jul-16 <12.6 95.6 3.40 0.208 J 12.1 23.3 50.6 0.0987 14.2 86.2 Elevator B S-3 0-1 11-Jul-16 <13.0 46.4 J 2.26 0.134 J 12.3 17.2 39.9 0.127 18.6 65.4 Elevator B S-4 0-1 11-Jul-16 <13.0 78.3 2.81 0.211 J 17.2 20.8 83.9 0.128 19.7 72.4 Elevator B S-5 0-1 11-Jul-16 19.6 J 443 2.91 0.217 J 9.97 19.8 51.9 0.0744 J 11.3 120 Elevator B S-6 0-1 11-Jul-16 <13.4 449 3.46 0.352 14.5 20.1 61.4 0.168 16.6 142 Elevator B S-7 0-1 11-Jul-16 <15.0 120 2.88 0.249 J 17.4 28.9 70.6 0.228 18.0 109 Elevator B S-8 0-1 11-Jul-16 <14.6 130 1.59 0.172 J 13.4 24.9 83.6 0.781 12.6 95.5 Elevator C S-1 0-1 12-Aug-16 35.4 J 349 J 3.81 0.451 10.0 33.2 119 0.175 16.1 137 Elevator C S-2 0-1 12-Aug-16 88.4 J 401 J 5.28 0.520 11.2 33.7 110 0.162 19.4 147 Elevator C S-3 0-1 12-Aug-16 <11.4 <22.7 1.72 0.102 J 9.16 12.2 3.28 <0.0813 13.1 32.2 Elevator C S-4 0-1 12-Aug-16 <11.6 270 2.34 0.127 J 8.51 14.1 17.5 0.0500 J 11.8 46.3 Elevator C S-5 0-1 12-Aug-16 <12.0 34.1 J 1.85 0.213 J 5.86 7.88 9.43 <0.0948 8.41 44.8 Elevator C S-6 0-1 12-Aug-16 <12.7 66.6 2.10 0.190 J 7.57 11.9 16.7 0.0557 J 10.8 59.4 Elevator C S-7 0-1 22-Aug-16 111 J 389 6.42 0.523 14.4 42.2 118 0.300 23.1 152 Elevator C S-8 0-1 22-Aug-16 70.8 J 367 4.41 0.392 11.6 29.1 66.2 0.217 16.1 97.2 Elevator C S-9 0-1 22-Aug-16 13.6 J <24.1 1.87 0.196 J 9.38 10.7 18.4 <0.0412 11.0 55.4 Elevator C S-10 0-1 22-Aug-16 18.8 J 121 2.95 0.196 J 12.1 20.5 30.4 0.0831 J 16.4 64.6 Elevator C S-11 0-1 22-Aug-16 <11.9 <23.8 1.87 0.210 9.52 8.33 6.80 <0.0421 11.1 56.8 Elevator C S-12 0-1 22-Aug-16 <13.2 126 3.97 0.312 12.7 15.5 28.4 0.363 15.7 97.5 Whse A S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.2 <26.4 3.13 0.193 J 8.69 14.6 9.48 0.0552 J 21.8 43.7 Whse A S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.5 <27.0 2.70 0.161 J 9.09 15.9 4.99 0.0575 J 20.6 42.6 Whse A S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <14.9 <29.8 5.12 0.214 J 13.6 18.6 15.4 <0.0503 17.2 61.9 Whse A S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.9 <27.7 2.65 <0.127 8.95 15.3 4.36 <0.0508 19.2 39.8 Whse A S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <14.3 <28.5 3.78 0.179 J 11.2 17.8 6.33 <0.0511 20.1 50.9 Whse A S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.3 <26.7 2.97 0.166 J 9.66 16.7 5.07 <0.0475 23.7 41.9 Whse A S-7 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.3 <26.6 3.34 0.228 J 11.4 18.6 9.68 <0.0481 25.4 55.9 Whse A S-8 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.6 <27.2 3.07 0.199 J 11.1 17.8 6.38 <0.0498 22.4 54.3 Whse A S-9 0-1 3-Aug-16 <14.5 <28.9 3.68 0.213 J 12.4 19.0 11.5 <0.0500 21.3 60.5 Whse B S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <14.0 89.8 9.52 0.319 112 108 234 0.232 57.5 125 Whse B S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <12.9 114 29.1 0.224 6.56 29.4 320 0.240 11.4 127 Whse B S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <14.7 67.2 7.69 0.724 17.1 32.3 48.5 0.0664 J 16.3 359 Whse B S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <16.1 <32.2 9.86 0.351 17.9 24.7 26.1 <0.0585 17.7 124 Whse B S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <15.3 136 9.21 0.570 18.3 33.7 54.3 <0.0570 17.6 346 Whse B S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <15.5 51.2 J 8.93 0.445 18.4 30.8 84.7 J 0.0588 J 16.8 172 Whse CA S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <14.8 85.4 5.17 0.948 12.1 40.6 74.9 0.149 18.6 110 Whse CA S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <14.8 183 5.71 1.09 15.1 93.9 92.9 0.456 20.2 349 Whse CA S-3 0-1 11-May-17 <14.8 265 5.02 0.429 14.3 45.6 80.4 0.216 15.8 100 Whse CA S-4 0-1 11-May-17 <14.0 165 5.28 0.624 15.0 41.2 101 0.189 17.4 129 Whse D S-1 0-1 27-Sep-16 19.6 J 353 2.66 0.475 8.31 22.3 83.3 0.108 11.0 149 Whse D S-2 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.4 121 2.63 0.206 13.6 J 16.2 18.3 0.0957 16.2 76.3 Whse D S-3 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.9 <25.8 1.37 0.188 8.74 J 21.4 3.55 <0.0884 10.2 79.8 Whse D S-4 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.7 54.8 2.60 0.243 12.1 17.1 6.76 <0.0885 15.1 54.5 Whse D S-5 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.7 <25.4 2.07 0.107 10.2 J 11.7 2.62 <0.0857 14.2 36.2 Whse D S-6 0-1 27-Sep-16 24.8 J 553 3.65 0.706 11.0 30.8 83.9 0.117 14.6 192 Whse D S-7 0-1 27-Sep-16 <13.0 179 4.73 0.251 15.0 20.2 23.6 0.189 16.2 85.1 Whse D S-8 0-1 27-Sep-16 18.0 J 38.8 J 3.74 0.147 11.4 J 12.7 5.02 <0.0907 14.7 42.7 Whse D S-9 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.5 <25.1 2.42 0.131 9.57 J 11.7 2.62 <0.0874 13.8 35.3 Whse D S-10 0-1 27-Sep-16 14.0 J <25.0 2.36 0.217 13.1 13.7 4.88 <0.0828 17.1 45.3 Whse D S-11 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.6 <25.2 2.10 0.135 9.42 J 11.8 3.24 <0.0832 14.2 35.6 Whse D S-12 0-1 27-Sep-16 <12.5 202 3.04 0.299 12.4 16.1 23.7 0.107 14.8 81.0 Please see notes on next page. Page 2 of 2

Table 1 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: TPH and Metals Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

TPH Total Metals

Sample Sample Depth Collection Sample Name (feet) Date Diesel-Range Oil-Range Arsenic Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Zinc Concentrations in mg/kg Whse X S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <13.4 689 3.35 0.234 J 13.3 24.8 75.0 0.829 12.8 114 Whse X S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <12.5 987 2.26 0.211 J 8.25 16.7 40.2 0.0662 J 13.0 77.6 Whse X S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 16.5 J 94.9 1.91 0.459 8.85 16.5 44.2 J 0.299 12.0 164 Feed Mill S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <14.2 81.4 5.44 0.423 11.0 37.2 85.1 0.126 15.1 168 Feed Mill S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <14.4 72.7 4.26 0.433 14.6 44.5 79.7 0.149 20.0 173 Loading Dock S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <12.7 71.1 <1.15 0.218 4.01 13.2 6.62 <0.0919 4.00 29.8 Loading Dock S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <13.6 1,130 3.57 0.320 14.1 19.2 31.4 0.0507 13.2 107 Background Metals Concentration - 8.8 0.63 76 34 79 0.23 47 180 Clean Fill SLs - 8.8 0.63 76 34 28 0.23 47 180 Human Health RBCs Direct Contact - Urban Resident 2,200 1.0 160 230,000 "3,100" 400 47 3,100 "23,000" Direct Contact - Park User 14,000 6.6 61,000 1,500,000 - 400 290 420,000 - Direct Contact - Occupational 14,000 1.9 1,100 1,700,000 "47,000" 800 350 22,000 "350,000" Direct Contact - Construction Worker 4,600 15 350 530,000 - 800 110 7,000 - Direct Contact - Excavation Worker 120,000 420 9,700 15,000,000 - 800 2,900 190,000 - Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels 91 ‐ 3 0.51 - 359 196 0.085 - 459

Notes: Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) by Northwest Method NWTPH-Dx for diesel and oil. Total Metals by EPA Method 6020A. Results reported on a dry weight basis. Bold denotes a detected concentration. Shading denotes an exceedance of one or more applicable screening levels and, for metals, is also over background concentration. The exceeded screening level is also shaded. mg/kg = Milligrams per kilogram. J = Estimated concentration. < = Not detected above the indicated laboratory method detection limit (MDL). - = Not available. Background metals concentrations from DEQ (2013) for Portland Basin. Clean fill screening levels (SLs) from DEQ (2014b). Human health risk-based concentrations (RBCs) from DEQ (2015). Park user RBCs developed using DEQ (2015) by substituting 28 day/yr exposure frequency for an urban resident. As no RBC for oil-range hydrocarbons is available, the RBC for diesel is used as the RBC for total diesel and oil. Chromium screening values are for chromium (III) as no chromium (VI) sources are known and site concentrations are below natural background concentrations. RBCs in quotes ("") are from EPA Regional Screening Levels (2017) for residential and industrial soil. Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels for riverbank soils from Record of Decision Table 17 (EPA 2017a). Page 1 of 2

Table 2 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PAHs Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

Non-Carcinogenic PAHs Carcinogenic PAHs

Sample Sample Depth Collection (feet) Date

Sample Name Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Dibenzofuran Fluoranthene Fluorene 2-Methylnaphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene Benz(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1-Methylnaphthalene Naphthalene Total Carcinogenic PAHs (BaP Eq) Concentrations in mg/kg NS-1 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00475 <0.00475 <0.00475 <0.00475 0.0101 <0.00475 <0.00475 0.00571 J 0.0121 <0.00949 0.00826 J 0.0114 J 0.00973 <0.00475 <0.0114 <0.00475 0.00847 J <0.00475 <0.00475 0.0103 J NS-2 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.0225 NS-3 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00917 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.0214 NS-4 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00503 0.00626 J 0.00677 J <0.00503 0.0389 <0.00503 0.0155 0.0326 0.0424 0.0224 J 0.0251 0.0330 J 0.0240 0.0105 J 0.0399 J 0.00629 J 0.0219 0.0127 0.0137 0.0395 J NS-5 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00474 <0.00474 <0.00474 <0.00474 0.0152 <0.00474 <0.00474 0.0114 0.0157 0.00986 J 0.00895 J 0.0125 J 0.00832 J <0.00474 0.0122 J <0.00474 0.00820 J <0.00474 <0.00474 0.0121 J NS-6 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 0.00573 J <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 0.00589 J <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.00524 <0.0245 Elevator B S-1 0-1 11-Jul-16 0.500 0.367 1.49 0.0388 5.20 0.260 0.126 5.62 6.52 2.34 2.17 2.40 J 1.28 0.949 J 3.12 0.197 1.28 0.198 0.217 2.99 Elevator B S-2 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.0486 0.183 0.254 J <0.0486 1.24 <0.0486 0.0738 J 0.75 1.33 0.623 J 0.686 0.807 J 0.475 0.416 J 0.837 J 0.0836 0.446 0.117 0.0938 J 0.967 Elevator B S-3 0-1 11-Jul-16 0.0405 0.0427 0.0991 J 0.0111 0.538 0.0226 0.0444 0.445 0.670 0.248 J 0.265 0.282 J 0.154 0.119 J 0.308 J 0.0232 0.155 0.0521 0.0515 0.360 Elevator B S-4 0-1 11-Jul-16 1.18 0.612 1.86 0.0630 7.35 0.511 0.228 7.33 9.29 3.52 3.17 3.41 J 1.61 1.25 J 4.64 0.299 1.72 0.424 0.377 4.37 Elevator B S-5 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.0269 0.0310 J 0.0421 J <0.0269 0.161 <0.0269 0.142 0.108 0.239 0.107 J 0.131 0.210 Q 0.0946 - 0.128 J <0.0269 0.0961 0.107 0.122 0.173 Elevator B S-6 0-1 11-Jul-16 0.0529 0.0497 0.106 0.0340 0.585 0.0438 0.0175 0.569 0.570 0.244 0.223 0.269 J 0.122 0.123 J 0.308 0.0253 0.129 0.0368 0.0432 0.315 Elevator B S-7 0-1 11-Jul-16 0.0589 0.0977 0.187 0.0312 1.49 0.0344 0.0967 0.915 1.88 0.574 0.815 0.851 J 0.688 0.281 J 0.743 0.0619 0.592 0.109 0.144 1.09 Elevator B S-8 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.0284 0.0537 J 0.0863 J 0.0322 0.501 J <0.0284 0.0802 0.336 0.622 J 0.251 J 0.299 0.304 J 0.227 0.160 J 0.336 J <0.0284 0.210 0.0894 0.117 0.380 Elevator C S-1 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.0546 <0.0546 0.0834 J 0.0880 J 0.426 <0.0546 0.234 0.420 0.399 0.220 J 0.160 0.222 J 0.117 0.0821 J 0.244 J <0.0546 0.119 0.245 0.159 0.218 J Elevator C S-2 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.0288 <0.0576 0.0578 0.128 0.409 <0.0288 0.438 0.469 0.436 0.231 J 0.200 0.291 J 0.144 0.0834 J 0.268 J 0.0334 J 0.145 0.438 0.251 0.303 J Elevator C S-3 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.00498 <0.0116 Elevator C S-4 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00512 <0.00512 <0.00512 0.0213 0.0432 <0.00512 0.112 0.0414 0.0412 0.0228 J 0.0180 0.0267 J 0.0173 0.00936 J 0.0262 J <0.00512 0.0160 0.0864 0.0680 0.0248 J Elevator C S-5 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00515 <0.00515 <0.00515 0.00529 J <0.00515 <0.00515 0.0108 0.0302 0.0271 0.0125 J 0.00865 J 0.0117 J 0.00687 J <0.00515 0.0143 J <0.00515 0.00683 J 0.0115 0.00664 J 0.0118 J Elevator C S-6 0-1 12-Aug-16 0.00535 J <0.00511 0.00727 J 0.00549 J 0.0785 <0.00511 0.0126 0.0418 0.0804 0.0350 J 0.0358 0.0431 J 0.0298 0.0167 J 0.0415 J <0.00511 0.0274 0.0124 0.00968 J 0.0469 J Elevator C S-7 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.0177 <0.0277 0.0550 0.124 0.337 <0.0166 0.452 0.454 0.353 0.193 J 0.183 0.295 J 0.121 J 0.0846 J 0.262 0.0348 0.125 0.438 0.290 0.281 J Elevator C S-8 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.0501 <0.0251 0.146 0.112 0.829 <0.0501 0.354 0.551 0.711 0.340 J 0.205 0.311 J 0.101 0.0935 J 0.410 J 0.0301 0.107 0.413 0.201 0.313 J Elevator C S-9 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00443 <0.00443 0.00481 J 0.00669 J 0.0570 <0.00443 0.0280 0.0612 0.0622 0.0262 J 0.0324 0.0382 J 0.0254 0.0126 J 0.0342 J <0.00443 0.0241 0.0245 0.0366 0.0417 J Elevator C S-10 0-1 22-Aug-16 0.0108 <0.00527 0.0118 0.0206 0.0836 0.00820 J 0.0523 0.0888 0.0763 0.0339 J 0.0292 0.0420 J 0.0224 0.0132 J 0.0470 J <0.00527 0.0210 0.0570 0.0311 0.0393 J Elevator C S-11 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00441 <0.00441 <0.00441 <0.00441 0.0322 <0.00441 <0.00441 0.0238 0.0322 0.0135 J 0.0164 0.0217 J 0.0110 0.00740 J 0.0183 J <0.00441 0.0120 <0.00441 0.00526 J 0.0213 J Elevator C S-12 0-1 22-Aug-16 0.00927 J 0.00710 J 0.0429 0.0116 0.133 0.00953 J 0.0243 0.100 0.120 0.0511 J 0.0521 0.657 J 0.0443 0.0235 J 0.0792 J 0.00783 J 0.0388 0.0198 0.0223 0.135 J Whse A S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.0225 Whse A S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.0234 Whse A S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.00569 <0.0265 Whse A S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.00511 <0.0237 Whse A S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.0241 Whse A S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.0229 Whse A S-7 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 0.0107 <0.00494 <0.00494 0.0054 J 0.0120 0.00794 J 0.00783 J 0.0105 J 0.00758 J <0.00494 0.00913 J <0.00494 0.00751 J <0.00494 <0.00494 0.0105 J Whse A S-8 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.00491 <0.0228 Whse A S-9 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 0.0169 <0.00542 <0.00542 0.00767 J 0.0144 0.00862 J <0.00542 0.00910 J <0.00542 <0.00542 0.00892 J <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 0.00178 J Whse B S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00514 0.0154 0.00915 J <0.00514 0.0710 <0.00514 0.00691 J 0.0373 0.0821 0.0496 J 0.0748 0.0964 J 0.0793 0.0285 J 0.0682 J 0.0136 0.0638 0.00521 J 0.0159 0.111 J Whse B S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.0247 <0.0247 <0.0247 <0.0247 0.0853 <0.0247 <0.0247 0.0500 0.105 0.0673 J 0.0836 0.105 J 0.0782 0.0354 J 0.0811 J <0.0247 0.0706 <0.0247 <0.0247 0.102 J Whse B S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00568 0.0106 J 0.00646 J 0.00843 J 0.0636 <0.00568 0.0268 0.0526 0.0667 0.0341 J 0.0343 0.0517 J 0.0278 0.0182 J 0.0462 J 0.00591 J 0.0266 0.0213 0.0377 0.0520 J Whse B S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 0.0188 <0.00564 <0.00564 0.0162 0.0197 0.00984 J 0.00835 J 0.0125 J 0.00752 J <0.00564 0.0116 J <0.00564 0.00722 J <0.00564 0.00652 J 0.0114 J Whse B S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00613 <0.00613 <0.00613 <0.00613 0.0190 <0.00613 0.00853 J 0.0235 0.0196 0.00822 J 0.00820 J 0.0123 J 0.0121 J <0.00613 0.0120 J <0.00613 0.00938 J <0.00613 0.0182 J 0.0113 J Whse B S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00533 0.00639 J 0.00635 J 0.0205 0.0336 J <0.00533 0.117 0.0423 0.0357 0.0158 J 0.0148 0.0227 J 0.0167 0.00656 J 0.0199 J <0.00533 0.0136 0.0813 0.0896 0.0203 J Whse CA S-1 0-1 11-May-17 0.0116 0.0225 0.0364 0.0118 0.256 0.0121 0.0363 0.152 0.262 0.143 J 0.197 0.304 J 0.114 0.108 J 0.159 J 0.0200 0.113 0.0356 0.0470 0.275 Whse CA S-2 0-1 11-May-17 0.0506 0.529 0.104 0.0362 0.330 0.0665 0.0822 0.413 0.417 0.231 J 0.243 0.290 J 0.122 0.101 J 0.233 J 0.0243 0.123 0.0620 0.130 0.334 Whse CA S-3 0-1 11-May-17 0.0389 0.0440 0.0890 0.0167 0.455 0.0482 0.0499 0.427 0.544 0.274 J 0.308 0.349 J 0.158 0.118 J 0.290 J 0.310 0.155 0.0386 0.0901 0.699 Whse CA S-4 0-1 11-May-17 0.227 0.0926 0.340 0.0527 1.37 0.223 0.2180 1.76 1.31 0.746 J 0.726 0.808 J 0.354 0.273 J 0.809 J 0.0634 0.351 0.170 0.325 0.987 Whse D S-1 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.101 <0.101 <0.101 <0.101 0.267 <0.101 <0.101 0.217 0.287 0.178 J 0.179 J 0.240 J 0.171 J <0.101 0.257 J <0.101 0.171 J <0.101 <0.101 0.240 J Whse D S-2 0-1 27-Sep-16 0.0106 0.0254 0.0374 <0.00511 0.212 0.00777 0.00667 0.142 0.267 0.113 J 0.116 J 0.127 J 0.0797 J 0.0439 0.137 J 0.0168 0.0775 J 0.00708 0.00866 0.166 J Whse D S-3 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.00501 <0.0116 Whse D S-4 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00514 0.00529 J 0.00757 J <0.00514 0.0728 <0.00514 <0.00514 0.0365 0.0717 0.0431 J 0.0402 0.0505 J 0.0264 0.0174 J 0.0511 J 0.00614 J 0.0269 <0.00514 <0.00514 0.0589 J Whse D S-5 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 0.00568 J <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 0.00654 J <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.0117 Whse D S-6 0-1 27-Sep-16 0.126 J 1.34 1.30 0.549 9.34 0.928 0.245 9.00 7.69 2.99 3.15 3.84 J 1.79 1.33 J 3.51 0.431 2.02 0.236 0.530 4.50 J Whse D S-7 0-1 27-Sep-16 0.0168 0.0102 0.0276 0.0141 0.147 0.0155 0.0232 0.129 0.147 0.0648 J 0.0654 0.0774 J 0.0463 0.0294 J 0.0842 J 0.0113 0.0458 0.0194 0.0223 0.0963 J Whse D S-8 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00510 <0.00510 <0.00510 <0.00510 0.0263 <0.00510 <0.00510 0.0191 0.0264 0.0132 J 0.0123 0.0146 J 0.00929 J 0.00553 J 0.0144 J <0.00510 0.00986 J <0.00510 <0.00510 0.0152 J Whse D S-9 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.0115 Whse D S-10 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00516 <0.00516 <0.00516 <0.00516 0.0160 <0.00516 <0.00516 0.0100 J 0.0175 0.00971 J 0.00830 J 0.00935 J 0.0693 J <0.00516 0.00798 J <0.00516 0.00618 J <0.00516 <0.00516 0.0115 J Whse D S-11 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 <0.00500 0.0131 <0.00500 <0.00500 0.0102 0.0155 0.00952 J 0.00779 J 0.00845 J 0.00534 J <0.00500 0.00832 J <0.00500 0.00560 J <0.00500 <0.00500 0.0102 Whse D S-12 0-1 27-Sep-16 0.0209 0.0143 0.0307 0.0148 0.162 0.0171 0.0305 0.133 0.170 0.0684 J 0.0676 0.0784 J 0.0492 0.0257 J 0.0876 J 0.0132 J 0.0475 0.0261 0.0311 0.101 J Please see notes on next page. 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Table 2 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PAHs Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

Non-Carcinogenic PAHs Carcinogenic PAHs

Sample Sample Depth Collection (feet) Date

Sample Name Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Dibenzofuran Fluoranthene Fluorene 2-Methylnaphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene Benz(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1-Methylnaphthalene Naphthalene Total Carcinogenic PAHs (BaP Eq) Concentrations in mg/kg Whse X S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.0508 <0.0508 <0.0508 <0.0508 0.135 <0.0508 <0.0508 0.0849 J 0.133 0.0646 J <0.0508 0.0715 J <0.0508 <0.0508 0.114 J <0.0508 <0.0508 <0.0508 <0.0508 0.0137 Whse X S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.0466 <0.0466 <0.0466 <0.0466 0.189 <0.0466 <0.0466 0.107 0.194 0.103 J 0.0683 J 0.108 J 0.0625 J <0.0466 0.197 J <0.0466 0.049 J <0.0466 <0.0466 0.0951 Whse X S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 0.0285 0.0395 0.0463 0.0222 0.404 <0.0182 0.0936 0.292 0.523 0.163 0.219 0.230 J 0.234 0.0675 J 0.218 0.0245 0.180 0.0868 0.160 0.304 Feed Mill S-1 0-1 11-May-17 0.0134 0.0493 0.0504 0.0157 0.302 0.0217 0.0351 0.284 0.279 0.169 J 0.195 0.197 J 0.122 0.127 J 0.203 J 0.0254 0.145 0.0319 0.0989 0.274 Feed Mill S-2 0-1 11-May-17 0.0138 0.0369 0.0508 0.0172 0.405 0.0165 0.0428 0.203 0.393 0.242 J 0.288 0.321 J 0.180 0.199 J 0.182 J 0.0264 0.171 0.0325 0.0766 0.392 Loading Dock S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00937 <0.00937 0.00513 <0.00937 0.0307 <0.00937 <0.00937 0.0175 0.0335 0.017 J 0.0204 0.0246 J 0.0132 0.0119 J 0.0222 J <0.00937 0.0127 <0.00937 <0.00937 0.0261 Loading Dock S-2 0-1 11-May-17 0.199 <0.0944 0.525 0.0857 2.10 0.211 <0.0944 J 1.49 2.17 0.804 J 0.765 0.906 J 0.360 0.386 J 0.837 J 0.0883 0.364 <0.0944 <0.0944 1.07 TEFs to Calculate BaP Eq ------0.1 1 0.1 0.01 0.01 0.001 1 0.1 - - - Clean Fill SLs 29 - 29 17* 29 29 310 - 1,700 0.15 0.015 0.15 - 1.1 14 0.015 0.15 0.738 0.087 - Human Health RBCs Direct Contact - Urban Resident 9,400 - 47,000 "73" 4,800 6,300 "240" - 3,600 0.34 0.034 0.34 3.4* 3.4 34 0.034 0.34 "18" 25 0.034 Direct Contact - Park User 9,400 - 290,000 - 30,000 39,000 - - 22,000 2.1 0.21 2.1 21* 21 210 0.21 2.1 - 160 0.21 Direct Contact - Occupational 70,000 - 350,000 "1,000" 30,000 47,000 "3,000" - 23,000 2.9 0.29 2.9 29* 29 290 0.29 2.9 "73" 23 0.29 Direct Contact - Construction Worker 21,000 - 110,000 - 10,000 14,000 - - 7,500 24 2.4 24 240* 240 2,400 2.4 24 - 580 2.4 Direct Contact - Excavation Worker 590,000 - 2,900,000 - 280,000 390,000 - - 210,000 660 67 670 6,700* 6,700 67,000 67 670 - 16,000 67 Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels ------0.012

Notes: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270D-SIM. Clean fill SLs from DEQ (2014b). *The 0.002 mg/kg criterion for dibenzofuran listed in DEQ (2014b) incorrectly used a chlorinated dibenzofuran Results reported on a dry weight basis. for its derivation; the DEQ has calculated an alternative value of 17 mg/kg (Anchor QEA 2012). Bold denotes a detected concentration. Human health risk-based concentrations (RBCs) from DEQ (2015). Park user RBCs developed using DEQ (2015) by substituting 28 day/yr exposure Yellow shading denotes an exceedance in clean fill screening levels (SLs) only. The exceeded clean fill SL is also shaded. frequency for an urban resident. Other shading denotes an exceedance of one or more applicable screening levels. The exceeded screening level is also shaded. RBCs in quotes ("") are from EPA Regional Screening Levels (2017b) for residential and industrial soil. mg/kg = Milligrams per kilogram. Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels for riverbank soils from Record of Decision Table 17 (EPA 2017a). J = Estimated concentration. TEF = Toxicity Equivalency Factor. Q = Per laboratory qualifier, results reported as a combined total of benzo(b) and benzo(k)fluoranthenes. BaP Eq = Benzo(a)pyrene equivalence per human health risk assessment guidance (DEQ 2010). < = Not detected above the indicated laboratory method detection limit (MDL). - = Not available. Page 1 of 2

Table 3 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PCBs Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon


Sample Depth Sample

Sample Name (feet) Collection Date PCBs Total Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor Concentrations in mg/kg NS-1 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 NS-2 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 NS-3 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 <0.00460 NS-4 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 <0.00486 NS-5 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00489 <0.00489 <0.0156 <0.00978 <0.00978 <0.00978 0.00540 J 0.00540 J NS-6 0-1 14-Apr-17 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00969 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.0233 <0.00485 <0.0233 Elevator B S-1 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.0101 <0.0101 Elevator B S-2 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 <0.00505 Elevator B S-3 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 Elevator B S-4 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 <0.00559 Elevator B S-5 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.0145 <0.0112 <0.0558 <0.0179 <0.0190 <0.0324 <0.0123 <0.0558 Elevator B S-6 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.0164 <0.0109 <0.0536 <0.0230 <0.0339 <0.0415 <0.0219 <0.0536 Elevator B S-7 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 <0.00607 Elevator B S-8 0-1 11-Jul-16 <0.00567 <0.00567 <0.0113 <0.00567 <0.00567 <0.0170 <0.0113 <0.0170 Elevator C S-1 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00508 <0.00508 <0.00508 0.0124 <0.00508 <0.00508 <0.00508 0.0124 Elevator C S-2 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.0104 <0.00520 <0.00520 <0.0114 <0.00104 <0.0114 Elevator C S-3 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 <0.00451 Elevator C S-4 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00525 <0.00525 <0.0168 0.00973 J <0.0105 <0.0105 <0.0105 0.00973 J Elevator C S-5 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00452 <0.00452 <0.00452 0.00765 J <0.00904 <0.00904 <0.00452 0.00765 J Elevator C S-6 0-1 12-Aug-16 <0.00466 <0.00466 <0.00466 0.0115 J <0.00466 <0.00466 <0.00466 0.0115 J Elevator C S-7 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 Elevator C S-8 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00479 <0.00957 <0.00479 <0.0115 <0.00479 <0.0115 Elevator C S-9 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 <0.00438 Elevator C S-10 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00477 <0.00477 <0.00477 0.0136 J <0.00477 0.0281 J 0.0124 J 0.0541 J Elevator C S-11 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00434 <0.00434 <0.00434 <0.00434 <0.00434 0.00532 J <0.00434 0.00532 J Elevator C S-12 0-1 22-Aug-16 <0.00478 <0.00478 <0.00478 0.00884 J <0.00478 0.0229 J 0.00870 J 0.0404 J Whse A S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 <0.00530 Whse A S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 Whse A S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 <0.00564 Whse A S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 <0.00503 Whse A S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 <0.00502 Whse A S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 <0.00532 Whse A S-7 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 <0.00496 Whse A S-8 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 <0.00495 Whse A S-9 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 <0.00542 Whse B S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00551 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.00504 <0.0110 <0.0110 Whse B S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 <0.00506 Whse B S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 <0.00586 Whse B S-4 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 <0.00624 Whse B S-5 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 <0.00625 Whse B S-6 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 Whse CA S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00582 Whse CA S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00596 <0.00596 <0.00119 <0.00596 <0.0119 0.0177 <0.00596 0.0177 Whse CA S-3 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00582 <0.00582 <0.00116 <0.00582 <0.0116 0.0306 J <0.00582 0.0306 J Whse CA S-4 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00591 <0.00591 <0.00118 <0.00591 <0.0118 0.00778 <0.00591 0.00778 Whse D S-1 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00950 <0.00475 <0.0114 <0.0114 <0.0143 <0.0295 <0.0124 <0.0295 Whse D S-2 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00468 <0.00468 <0.00468 <0.00937 <0.00937 0.0186 J <0.00937 0.0186 J Whse D S-3 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 <0.00484 Whse D S-4 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 <0.00493 Whse D S-5 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 <0.00485 Whse D S-6 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00998 <0.00499 <0.0140 <0.00998 <0.00998 <0.0130 <0.00998 <0.0140 Whse D S-7 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00954 <0.00477 <0.0210 <0.00954 <0.0277 0.0241 J <0.00954 0.0241 J Whse D S-8 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 <0.00482 Whse D S-9 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 <0.00458 Whse D S-10 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00969 <0.00485 <0.0155 <0.00969 <0.0116 0.0309 J <0.00969 0.0309 J Whse D S-11 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00448 <0.00448 <0.00448 <0.00448 <0.00448 0.00833 J <0.00448 0.00833 J Whse D S-12 0-1 27-Sep-16 <0.00466 <0.00466 <0.0121 <0.00932 <0.00932 <0.00932 <0.00466 <0.0121 Please see notes on next page. 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Table 3 - Soil Chemical Analyses Results: PCBs Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon


Sample Depth Sample

Sample Name (feet) Collection Date PCBs Total Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Aroclor Concentrations in mg/kg Whse X S-1 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00519 <0.00519 <0.00519 0.0342 J <0.00519 0.0607 J 0.0265 J 0.121 J Whse X S-2 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00459 <0.00459 <0.00459 0.0134 J <0.00459 0.0322 J 0.0125 J 0.0581 J Whse X S-3 0-1 3-Aug-16 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 <0.00494 Feed Mill S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00570 <0.00519 <0.00519 0.00712 <0.00519 0.0201 J <0.00519 0.0272 J Feed Mill S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00593 <0.00519 <0.00519 0.0129 J <0.00519 0.0168 J <0.00519 0.0297 J Loading Dock S-1 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00518 <0.00518 <0.00518 <0.00518 <0.00518 0.0152 J <0.00518 0.0152 J Loading Dock S-2 0-1 11-May-17 <0.00545 <0.00545 <0.00545 <0.00545 <0.00545 0.0876 J <0.00545 0.0876 J Clean Fill SLs ------0.2 Human Health RBCs Direct Contact - Urban Resident ------0.33 Direct Contact - Park User ------3.8 Direct Contact - Occupational ------0.74 Direct Contact - Construction Worker ------8.4 Direct Contact - Excavation Worker ------230 Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels ------0.009

Notes: Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082. Results reported on a dry weight basis. Bold denotes a detected concentration. Shading denotes an exceedance of one or more applicable screening levels. The exceeded screening level is also shaded. mg/kg = Milligrams per kilogram. J = Estimated concentration. < = Not detected above the indicated laboratory method detection limit (MDL). - = Not available. Clean fill screening levels (SLs) from DEQ (2014b). Human health risk-based concentrations (RBCs) from DEQ (2015). Park user RBCs developed using DEQ (2015) by substituting 28 day/yr exposure frequency for an urban resident. Portland Harbor Cleanup Levels for riverbank soils from Record of Decision Table 17 (EPA 2017a). Document Path: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC Phase II Demo Env Oversight\GIS\1582501_VMap.mxd Date: 7/10/2017 User Name: melissaschweitzer C a l i f W o P r a n o s i O a h r t i n l R a g 0 n t E o d n G O 1 N , 0 N 0 e 0 v a d a 2 , I 0 d 0 a h 0 o 4 , 0 0 F 0 e e t N C M E S s o o a r u m p i

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i t , n O a e

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n N r s d e R 7 e ) / r , C 1 7 a n , Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon LEGEND

Remaining Buildings and Structures 0 50 100 Site Plan

APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 15825-01 7/17 Figure Sources: Historical building plans and Microsoft Bing aerial photograph. 2 File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC Phase II Demo Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Layout:SitePlan Date: 07-10-2017 Author: melissaschweitzer Author: Date: 07-10-2017 Layout:SitePlan Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Phase II Demo File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC 0 40 80



NS-6 Soil Sample

S-10 S-9 S-4 S-3 Composite Soil Sample S-6 S-5

NS-5 S-11 S-8 S-5 S-2 S-1 S-2 S-4 S-2

S-4 S-3

S-12 S-7 S-6 S-1 S-2 S-1 S-3 S-1

NS-4 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1 S-2 S-1


S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-8 S-7 NS-3

S-11 S-12 S-6 S-5 S-3 S-6 S-5

NS-2 S-9 S-10 S-3 S-4 S-2 S-4 S-3


S-7 S-8 S-2 S-1 S-1 S-2 S-1 Source: Historical building plans.

Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

Sample Plan

15825-01 7/17

Figure 3 File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC Phase II Demo Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Layout:SamplePlan Date: 07-10-2017 Author: melissaschweitzer Author: Date: 07-10-2017 Layout:SamplePlan Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Phase II Demo File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC 0 40 80



NS-6 Soil Sample

Exceedance of Occupational RBC for S-10 S-9 S-3 S-4 S-6 S-5 Direct Contact

Arsenic Exceedance NS-5 S-11 S-1 S-2 S-8 S-5 S-2 S-2 S-4 cPAH Exceedance S-4 S-3

S-12 S-7 S-6 S-1 S-2 S-1 S-3 S-1

NS-4 S-2 S-1 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1


S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-8 S-7 NS-3

S-11 S-12 S-6 S-5 S-3 S-6 S-5

NS-2 S-9 S-10 S-3 S-4 S-2 S-4 S-3


S-2 S-1 Source: Historical building plans. S-7 S-8 S-2 S-1 S-1

Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

Human Health Exceedances (Occupational) 15825-01 7/17

Figure 4 File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC Phase II Demo Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Layout:Occupational Date: 07-10-2017 Author: melissaschweitzer Date: 07-10-2017 Layout:Occupational Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Phase II Demo File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC 0 40 80



NS-6 Soil Sample

Portland Harbor Exceedances S-10 S-9 S-4 S-3 S-6 S-5 Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, and/or Zinc NS-5 S-1 S-2 S-2 S-11 S-8 S-5 S-2 S-4 cPAHs S-4 S-3 PCBs S-12 S-7 S-6 S-1 S-2 S-1 S-3 S-1

NS-4 S-2 S-1 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1 S-9

S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-8 S-7 NS-3

S-6 S-5 S-11 S-12 S-3 S-6 S-5

NS-2 S-9 S-10 S-3 S-4 S-2 S-4 S-3


S-2 S-1 Source: Historical building plans. S-7 S-8 S-2 S-1 S-1

Centennial Mills Portland, Oregon

Portland Harbor Cleanup Level Exceedances 15825-01 7/17

Figure 5 File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC Phase II Demo Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Layout:Harbor Cleanup Levels Date: 07-10-2017 Author: melissaschweitzer Author: Date: 07-10-2017 Levels Cleanup Layout:Harbor Env Oversight\CAD\1582501_SamplePlan.dwg Phase II Demo File: F:\Notebooks\1582501_PDC APPENDIX A Field and QA/QC Procedures and Photograph Log

15825‐01 July 10, 2017

APPENDIX A Field and QA/QC Procedures and Photograph Log

This appendix presents the procedures that Hart Crowser used to complete the fieldwork for the post‐ demolition sampling activities at the Centennial Mill site in Portland, Oregon (Figure 1). Field quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) is also discussed. Photographs of the site activities are included at the end of this appendix.

1.0 FIELD AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES Field and sampling procedures included the following:

 Field screening;

 Soil sampling;

 Sample management (e.g., containers, storage, and shipment);

 Decontamination procedures; and

 Handling of investigation‐derived waste (IDW).

1.1 Field Screening Soil obtained from test pit explorations and hand‐dug holes were visually screened in the field to be representative of newly exposed soil (i.e., free of construction debris and gravel) and for olfactory indications (i.e., odor).

1.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected from the sidewalls of test pit explorations or from hand‐dug holes using a clean stainless steel spoon to expose undisturbed soil for sample collection. Undisturbed soil was collected continuously from the ground surface to 1 foot below ground surface into a clean stainless steel bowl. Soil was homogenized and then transferred into laboratory‐supplied sample jars.

1.3 Sample Management Clean sample containers for soil were provided by Apex Laboratories of Tigard, Oregon, ready for sample collection. A sample label was affixed to each sample container and marked with a unique sample number, date of collection, project number, and sampler’s initials. These samples were placed in a cooler with ice until delivered to Apex Laboratories by local courier. Chain of custody was maintained and documented throughout the sample handling process.

1.4 Decontamination Procedures Personnel Decontamination. Personnel decontamination procedures included replacing disposable sampling gloves in‐between sampling locations. Field personnel thoroughly washed their hands at the end of the day and before taking any work breaks.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 A-2 | Appendix A

Equipment Decontamination. Clean sampling equipment (e.g., stainless steel spoons and bowls) were used only once during each sampling event to prevent cross contamination between sampling locations and events. Equipment was decontaminated following each sampling event by washing in a detergent (Alconox®) solution, a tap water rinse, followed with a deionized water rinse. The shovel was thoroughly brushed off before and after each sample location.

1.5 IDW Handling IDW consisted of personal protection equipment (PPE) and soil stockpiled from test pit explorations and hand‐dug holes. PPE (e.g., gloves) were disposed of as solid waste. Excavated soil was returned to the location where removed.

2.0 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL QA/QC was practiced throughout the field activities. As discussed above, all sampling equipment was decontaminated or disposed of between sampling events. All laboratory containers were marked with the project number, a unique sample identification number, the date and time of collection, and the sampler’s initials. Each soil container was packed in a cooled ice chest for field storage and transport. Standard chain of custody protocols were followed at all times.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Photograph Log

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Photograph 1 – The Centennial Mill’s Flour Mill while demolition equipment breaks apart the building foundation in the former Elevator C area. Photograph taken facing south.

Photograph 2 – Former Elevator B area with test pits prepared for soil sampling. The concrete aggregate used to prevent direct contact and erosion of the soil can be seen in the foreground. Photograph taken facing west.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Photograph 3 – Former Warehouse A area prepared for soil sampling. Warehouse E is at left and the Flour Mill is at right. Photograph taken facing southwest.

Photograph 4 – Test pits within the former Warehouse B area in the foreground. The excavator used to dig the test pits can be seen on the right. Photograph taken facing west.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 Photograph 5 – A sample location on the northwest side of the former mill building. Demolition equipment can be seen in the background. Photograph taken facing southeast.

Photograph 6 – Warehouse CA and Loading Dock areas prior to sampling. Excavation equipment was not available to complete test pits at these locations. Warehouse E can be seen on the right. Photograph taken facing southeast.

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 APPENDIX B Quality Assurance Review and Analytical Laboratory Reports

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 APPENDIX B

Quality Assurance Review and Analytical Laboratory Reports This appendix documents the results of a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) review of the analytical data for samples collected during the 2016 and 2017 field work. Apex Labs, of Tigard, Oregon, performed the soil sample analyses. Analytical laboratory reports are included in this appendix on compact disk. The following table summarizes the reports from the laboratory.

Sample Location Date Sample(s) Collected Laboratory Reference No.

North Side 4/4/15 A6D0541 Elevator B 7/11/16 A6G0433 Warehouse X, Warehouse A, 8/3/16 A6H0125 Warehouse B Elevator C 8/12/16 A6H0426 Elevator C 8/22/16 A6H0678 Warehouse D 9/27/16 A6I0789 Feed Mill, Warehouse CA, 5/11/17 A7E0453 Loading Dock

The QA review included examination and validation of the laboratory’s summary reports, including:

 Analytical methods;

 Reporting limits;

 Sample holding times;

 Custody records;

 Surrogates, spikes, and blanks; and

 Duplicates.

The QA review did not include a review of raw data.

1.0 ANALYTICAL METHODS AND REPORTING LIMITS This section describes the analytical methods and detection/reporting limits for the chemical analyses.

1.1 Analytical Methods Chemical analyses of soil samples consisted of the following:

 Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel and oil by Northwest method NWTPH‐Dx with a silica gel cleanup; B-2 |

 Total metals (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, and zinc) by EPA Method 6020A;

 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270D‐SIM;

 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082A; and

 Percent solids by EPA Method 8000C.

1.2 Method Reporting and Detection Limits Reporting limits are set by the laboratory and are based on instrumentation abilities, sample matrix, and suggested reporting limits by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). In some cases, the reporting limit is raised because of high analyte concentrations in the samples or matrix interferences. Reporting limits are generally consistent with industry standards and below promulgated standards (if not raised as discussed above). When sample results are between the method detection limit and the reporting limit, the laboratory flagged the result with a “J”. Reporting limits were reviewed and are generally acceptable for this project. However, the following qualifications were made.

 PAHs. The reporting limits were elevated due to coeluting compounds and qualified by the laboratory with R‐02. The R‐02 qualifier was changed to U or “<” in the following samples:  NS‐1: Chrysene  Whse X S‐3: Fluorene  Elevator C S‐7: Acenaphthene, Acenaphthylene, and Fluorene

 PCBs. The reporting limits were elevated due to coeluting compounds and qualified by the laboratory with R‐02. The R‐02 qualifier was changed to U or “<” in the following samples:  NS‐5, Whse D S‐12, and Elevator C S‐4: Aroclor 1232  NS‐6, Elevator B S‐8, Elevator C S‐1, Elevator C S‐2, Elevator C S‐6, and Elevator C S‐8: Aroclor 1254  Elevator B S‐5 and Elevator B S‐6: Aroclors 1016, 1232, 1242, 1248, 1254, and 1260  Whse D S‐1: Aroclors 1232, 1242, 1248, and 1260 e Whs D S‐6: Aroclors 1232 and 1254  Whse D S‐7 and Whse D S‐10: Aroclors 1232 and 1248

2.0 DATA QUALITY ASSURANCE Data quality is indicated by assessing their completeness, representativeness, accuracy, precision, and comparability. An evaluation of the data follows.

2.1 Completeness Completeness is defined as the percentage of measurements made that are judged to be valid. The completeness goal is essentially that a sufficient amount of valid data is generated to meet the objectives of the project (i.e., assess groundwater conditions). Seven laboratory reports were received | B-3 and are included in this report. No sample results were rejected, and the data completeness for these samples is 100 percent for all requested analyses.

2.2 Representativeness Representativeness is a measure of how closely the results reflect the actual concentration of the parameters in the medium sampled. It is not possible to measure this directly, so representativeness is controlled and ensured by using standard protocols for sample handling and custody, analyzing samples within prescribed holding times, and analyzing blank samples.

Sample Handling and Custody. We collected samples in general accordance with industry standards, including requirements for collection, containers, labeling, packaging, shipping, and storage. Compliance with these procedures was documented on chain of custody (COC) forms. A copy of the COC form is included with the laboratory report. The following anomaly was noted.

 A7E0453. The sampling time on the container for sample Whse CA‐S4 was 1458, while the sampling time on the COC was 1449. The sample was appropriately entered into the laboratory LIMS with the time on the COC. Sample quality was not affected, and no results were qualified.

Holding Times. Collection dates for all samples submitted are documented on the COC form. Collection and analysis dates are indicated in the laboratory report. Holding times required by EPA Contract Laboratory Program protocols were met for all applicable analyses.

Blanks. Blanks are analyzed to check for the possibility that the sample may become contaminated during the analysis process. No analytes were found in the laboratory blanks, with the following exceptions:

 PAH Method Blank 6040482. The method blank had detections for 1‐methylnaphthalene and 2‐methylnaphthalene above the reporting limit. The associated samples (NS‐1, NS‐2, NS‐3, NS‐4, NS‐5, and NS‐6) were evaluated as follows.

 NS‐3, NS‐5, and NS‐6: The samples did not contain those analytes and were reported and not qualified.

 NS‐1, NS‐2, and NS‐4: The samples were re‐extracted within method recommended holding time with a clean method blank. The samples were not qualified.

2.3 Accuracy Accuracy or bias measures the closeness of the measured value to the true value. Accuracy is the agreement between a measured value and its true or accepted value. While it is not possible to determine absolute accuracy for environmental samples, analyzing standards and spiked samples assesses accuracy indirectly.

Surrogates. In a surrogate analysis, a known amount of a compound similar to the constituent of interest is added to a sample and measured. The surrogate analysis assesses the accuracy of a B-4 | chemical measurement by comparing the measured value to the actual spiked value. Up to three surrogates are added to each sample. Surrogate recoveries were within laboratory control limits with the following exception.

 PCBs. Laboratory duplicate of Elevator C S‐7. The recovery of the surrogate in the duplicate analysis fell below the control limits. The recovery of the surrogate was within control limits in the source sample, and no results were qualified.

Matrix Spike Samples. Matrix spike (MS) analyses are performed on samples submitted to the laboratory that are of the same matrix as the actual sample. The sample is spiked with known levels of the constituents of interest. These analyses are used to assess the potential for matrix interference with recovery, detection of the constituents of interest, and the accuracy of the determination. The spiked sample results are compared with the expected result (i.e., sample concentration plus spike amount) and are reported as percent recovery. All MSs were within laboratory control limits with the following exceptions.

 PAHs. Elevator B S‐8. The recoveries for fluoranthene and pyrene failed high in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analytes in the source sample with Q‐42. The Q‐42 qualifier was changed to J.

 PAHs. Loading Dock S‐2. The recoveries for benzo(k)fluoranthene and 2‐methylnaphthalene failed high, while the recoveries for fuoranthene, pyrene, and phenanthrene failed low in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analytes in the source sample with Q‐42. As the amount of fluoranthene, pyrene, and phenanthrene spiked into the sample nwas less tha the amount of those analytes present in the sample, the Q‐42 qualifiers for those analytes were removed. The Q‐42 qualifiers on benzo(k)fluoranthene and 2‐methylnaphthalene were changed to J.

 Metals. Whse X S‐3. The recovery for zinc failed low, while the recovery for lead failed high in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analytes in the source sample with Q‐42. As the amount of zinc spiked into the sample was less than the amount of zinc present in the source sample, the Q‐42 qualifier on zinc was removed. The Q‐42 qualifier on lead was changed to J.

 Metals. Whse B S‐6. The recovery for lead failed low in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analyte in the source sample with Q‐42. The Q‐42 qualifier on lead was changed to J.

 Metals. Whse D S‐2. The recovery for zinc failed low in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analyte in the source sample with Q‐42. As the amount of zinc spiked into the sample was less than the amount of zinc present in the source sample, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 Metals. Whse CA S‐2. The recovery for zinc failed low in the MS. The laboratory qualified the analyte in the source sample with Q‐42. As the amount of zinc spiked into the sample was less than the amount of zinc present in the source sample, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

Laboratory Control Sample. A laboratory control sample (LCS) is also analyzed by the laboratory to assess the accuracy of the analytical equipment. The sample is prepared by spiking the analyte‐free matrix with known levels of the constituents of interest (i.e., a standard). The concentrations are | B-5 measured, and the results are compared with the known spiked levels. This comparison is expressed as percent recovery. All LCS recoveries for the target analytes were within control limits.

Sample Notes. The laboratory flagged analytes due to matrix interferences that prevented accurate quantitation are as follows:

 PAHs. The analyte could not be accurately quantified due to matrix interferences, and the results were flagged with M‐02 by the laboratory as estimated results. The M‐02 qualifier was changed to J on the following analytes in the following samples:  NS‐1, Whse A S‐7, and Whse B S‐5: benzo(k)fluoranthene  Whse X S‐1: Chrysene  Whse B S‐4 and Whse D S‐1: benzo(b)fluoranthene and chrysene  Elevator C S‐2, Elevator C S‐6, Elevator C S‐8, Elevator C S‐9, Elevator C S‐10, Elevator C S‐12, Feed Mill S‐1, Feed Mill S‐2, Loading Dock S‐1, Loading Dock S‐2, NS‐4, Whse B S‐1, Whse B S‐3, Whse CA S‐1, Whse CA S‐2, Whse CA S‐3, Whse CA S‐4, Whse D S‐2, Whse D S‐4, Whse D S‐7, and Whse D S‐12: benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and chrysene  Elevator C S‐1, Elevator C S‐4, Elevator C S‐5, Elevator C S‐11, NS‐5, Whse X S‐2, Whse B S‐6, Whse B S‐2, and Whse D S‐8: benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, and chrysene  Elevator B S‐1, Elevator B S‐4, Elevator B S‐6, Elevator B S‐7, and Whse X S‐3: benzo(b)fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene  Elevator B S‐2, Elevator B S‐3, and Elevator B S‐8: anthracene, benz(a)anthracene, Benzo(b)fluoranthene, benzo(k)fluoranthene, and chrysene  Elevator B S‐ 5: benz(a)anthracene and chrysene  Elevator C S‐7: benz(a)anthracene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, and benzo(k)fluoranthene  Whse D S‐6: acenaphthene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, and benzo(k)fluoranthene

 PAHs. Elevator B S‐5. The results for benzo(b)fluoranthene and benzo(k)fluoranthene were reported as a total benzo(b+k)fluoranthenes and qualified with Q‐26. The qualifier indicated that “Peak separation for benzo(b) and benzo(k)fluoranthenes does not meet method specified criteria. Reported result includes the combined area of the two isomers and should be considered the total of benzo(b+k)fluoranthenes”. The Q‐26 qualifier was changed to Q and footnoted in the table in the report.

 PCBs. The result for the Aroclor was estimated due to the presence of multiple PCB Aroclors and/or matrix interferences, and the results were flagged with P‐10 by the laboratory as estimated results. The P‐10 qualifier was changed to J on the following Aroclors in the following samples:  Elevator C S‐10, Whse X S‐1, and Whse X S‐2: Aroclors 1242, 1254, and 1260  Elevator C S‐12 and Feed Mill‐S‐1: Aroclor 1254  Feed Mill S‐2: Aroclors 1242 and 1254

 PCBs. The result for the Aroclor was estimated as the pattern does not match the calibration standard due to weathering and/or the presence of an unknown mixture of PCB congeners, and the results were flagged with P‐09 by the laboratory. The P‐09 qualifier was changed to J on the B-6 |

following Aroclor 1254 in the following samples: Whse CA S‐3, Loading Dock S‐1, Loading Dock S‐2, Whse D S‐2, Whse D S‐7, and Whse D S‐10.

2.4 Precision Precision is the degree of reproducibility or agreement between independent or repeated measurements. Analytical variability is expressed as the relative percent difference (RPD) between field or laboratory replicates and between the primary and duplicate MS and LCS analyses. For the laboratory analyses, only the results of laboratory duplicates were reported.

Laboratory Duplicates. A duplicate is a second laboratory sample taken from a submitted sample and prepared along with the original. It is analyzed and compared with the first to assess the precision of the analytical method and the potential variability of the sample matrix. This comparison is reported as the RPD. The laboratory duplicate RPDs were within the acceptability criteria or not applicable when the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, with the following exceptions:

 TPH. NS‐1: The RPD for oil‐range TPH exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. As the results for oil‐range TPH in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 TPH. Whse D S‐12: The RPD for oil‐range TPH exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. As the results for oil‐range TPH in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 TPH. Elevator B S‐1: The RPD for oil‐range TPH exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. The Q‐42 qualifier was changed to J.

 Metals. Whse X S‐3: The RPD for mercury exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. As the results for mercury in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 Metals. Whse CA S‐2: The RPD for mercury exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. As the results for mercury in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 PAHs. Elevator B S‐5: The RPD for anthracene exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. As the results for Anthracene in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifier was removed.

 PAHs. Elevator C S‐7: The RPD for benzo(ghi)perylene exceeded the laboratory control limit, and was qualified with Q‐42. The Q‐42 qualifier was changed to J.

 PAHs. Whse D S‐1: The RPDs for fluoranthene, phenanthrene, and pyrene exceeded the laboratory control limit, and were qualified with Q‐42. As the results for those analytes in the sample and duplicate were less than five times the reporting limit, the Q‐42 qualifiers were removed. | B-7

2.5 Comparability Generally, all samples were analyzed in accordance with accepted methods of the EPA or DEQ. Because similar or the same methods were used, the quality of the data collected is consistent for all data sets and is, therefore, comparable.

Sample Notes: As part of the NWTPH method, the laboratory is required to compare the chromatographic patterns of the samples to the fuel standards. The laboratory flags sample results with comments. These flags are reviewed and qualifiers modified in the tables presented in the report as follows:

 Elevator B S‐1, Elevator B S‐2, Elevator B S‐4, Elevator B S‐5, Elevator B S‐6, Elevator B S‐7, Elevator B S‐8, Elevator C S‐1, Elevator C S‐2, Elevator C S‐7, Elevator C S‐8, Elevator C S‐10, Whse X Se‐3, Whs B S‐3, and Whse CA S‐3: The oil‐range TPH results were qualified with F‐03, which stated that “the result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported.” The F‐03 qualifier was removed from the samples.

 Elevator C S‐1, Elevator C S‐2, Elevator C S‐7, and Elevator C S‐8: The diesel‐range TPH results were qualified with F‐13, which stated that “the chromatographic pattern does not resemble the fuel standard used for quantitation.” The F‐13 qualifier was removed from the samples.

 Elevator C S‐1, Elevator C S‐2, Elevator C S‐7, and Elevator C S‐8: The diesel‐range TPH results were qualified with F‐15, which stated that “Results for diesel are estimated due to overlap from the reported oil result.” The F‐15 qualifier was changed to J.

 Elevator C S‐1 and Elevator C S‐2: The oil‐range TPH results were qualified with F‐16, which stated that “Results for oil are estimated due to overlap from the reported diesel result.” The F‐16 qualifier was changed to J. Analytical Laboratory Reports

15825‐01 July 10, 2017 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Monday, May 9, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6D0541, which was received by the laboratory on 4/14/2016 at 12:30:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received NS-1 A6D0541-01 Soil 04/14/16 10:05 04/14/16 12:30 NS-2 A6D0541-02 Soil 04/14/16 10:15 04/14/16 12:30 NS-3 A6D0541-03 Soil 04/14/16 10:25 04/14/16 12:30 NS-4 A6D0541-04 Soil 04/14/16 10:30 04/14/16 12:30 NS-5 A6D0541-05 Soil 04/14/16 10:40 04/14/16 12:30 NS-6 A6D0541-06 Soil 04/14/16 10:45 04/14/16 12:30

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Work Order: A6D0541

Amended Report Revision 1:

Reporting the Method Detection Limits (MDL)-

This report supersedes all previous reports.

The final report has been amended to report all data to the method detection limits (MDLs).

Lisa Domenighini Client Services Manager 05/09/16

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-1 (A6D0541-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 12.0 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 21:34 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 94.2 23.9 50.0 " " " " Q-42 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

NS-2 (A6D0541-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 12.0 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 22:17 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 23.9 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

NS-3 (A6D0541-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 12.0 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 22:39 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 24.1 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

NS-4 (A6D0541-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 12.1 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 23:01 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 151 24.1 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 108 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

NS-5 (A6D0541-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 11.9 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 23:23 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 121 23.9 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

NS-6 (A6D0541-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040530 Diesel ND 11.7 25.0 mg/kg 1 04/19/16 23:45 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 23.3 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-1 (A6D0541-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.79 9.57 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 12:25 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

NS-2 (A6D0541-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.02 10.0 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 13:01 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

NS-3 (A6D0541-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.60 9.20 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 13:36 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.60 9.20 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

NS-4 (A6D0541-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.86 9.71 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 14:12 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.86 9.71 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-5 (A6D0541-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.89 9.78 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 14:47 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.89 9.78 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 15.6 15.6 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 9.78 9.78 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 9.78 9.78 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 9.78 9.78 " " " " Aroclor 1260 5.40 4.89 9.78 " " " " J Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

NS-6 (A6D0541-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040505 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.85 9.69 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 15:23 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.85 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 9.69 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.85 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.85 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 23.3 23.3 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 4.85 9.69 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-1 (A6D0541-01RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040591 Acenaphthene ND 4.75 9.49 ug/kg dry 1 04/21/16 10:54 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 9.49 9.49 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 8.26 4.75 9.49 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 11.4 4.75 9.49 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.73 4.75 9.49 " " " " Chrysene ND 11.4 11.4 " " " " R-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Fluoranthene 10.1 4.75 9.49 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8.47 4.75 9.49 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.75 9.49 " " " " Phenanthrene 5.71 4.75 9.49 " " " " J Pyrene 12.1 4.75 9.49 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 86 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-2 (A6D0541-02RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040591 Acenaphthene ND 4.82 9.64 ug/kg dry 1 04/21/16 11:48 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 89 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-3 (A6D0541-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040482 Acenaphthene ND 4.59 9.17 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 13:51 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Chrysene ND 9.17 9.17 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.59 9.17 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 95 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-4 (A6D0541-04RE2) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040591 Acenaphthene ND 5.03 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 04/21/16 12:15 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 6.26 5.03 10.1 " " " " J Anthracene 6.77 5.03 10.1 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 22.4 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 25.1 5.03 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 33.0 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 10.5 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 24.0 5.03 10.1 " " " " Chrysene 39.9 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 6.29 5.03 10.1 " " " " J Dibenzofuran ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 38.9 5.03 10.1 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 21.9 5.03 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 12.7 5.03 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 15.5 5.03 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene 13.7 5.03 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 32.6 5.03 10.1 " " " " Pyrene 42.4 5.03 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-5 (A6D0541-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040482 Acenaphthene ND 4.74 9.49 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 14:44 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 9.86 4.74 9.49 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 8.95 4.74 9.49 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 12.5 4.74 9.49 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8.32 4.74 9.49 " " " " J Chrysene 12.2 4.74 9.49 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Fluoranthene 15.2 4.74 9.49 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8.20 4.74 9.49 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.74 9.49 " " " " Phenanthrene 11.4 4.74 9.49 " " " " Pyrene 15.7 4.74 9.49 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 90 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-6 (A6D0541-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040482 Acenaphthene ND 5.24 10.5 ug/kg dry 1 04/19/16 15:11 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Fluoranthene 5.73 5.24 10.5 " " " " J Fluorene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.24 10.5 " " " " Pyrene 5.89 5.24 10.5 " " " " J Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-1 (A6D0541-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic 0.630 0.573 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:26 EPA 6020A J Cadmium 0.252 0.115 0.229 " " " " Chromium 4.67 0.573 1.15 " " " " Copper 16.5 0.573 1.15 " " " " Lead 7.52 0.115 0.229 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0459 0.0917 " " " " Zinc 84.5 2.29 4.59 " " " " NS-1 (A6D0541-01RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Nickel 8.63 0.573 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:37 EPA 6020A NS-2 (A6D0541-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic 1.05 0.602 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:29 EPA 6020A J Cadmium 0.253 0.120 0.241 " " " " Chromium 6.30 0.602 1.20 " " " " Copper 18.8 0.602 1.20 " " " " Lead 6.53 0.120 0.241 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0482 0.0964 " " " " Zinc 59.7 2.41 4.82 " " " " NS-2 (A6D0541-02RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Nickel 12.5 0.602 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:40 EPA 6020A NS-3 (A6D0541-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic ND 0.569 1.14 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:32 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.227 0.114 0.227 " " " " Chromium 4.99 0.569 1.14 " " " " Copper 16.0 0.569 1.14 " " " " Lead 4.28 0.114 0.227 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0455 0.0910 " " " " Zinc 61.3 2.27 4.55 " " " " NS-3 (A6D0541-03RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-3 (A6D0541-03RE1) Matrix: Soil Nickel 8.00 0.569 1.14 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:43 EPA 6020A NS-4 (A6D0541-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic 1.89 0.598 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:35 EPA 6020A Cadmium 1.93 0.120 0.239 " " " " Chromium 10.5 0.598 1.20 " " " " Copper 26.0 0.598 1.20 " " " " Lead 58.4 0.120 0.239 " " " " Mercury 0.0606 0.0478 0.0957 " " " " J Zinc 480 2.39 4.78 " " " " NS-4 (A6D0541-04RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Nickel 16.6 0.598 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:46 EPA 6020A NS-5 (A6D0541-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic 0.610 0.586 1.17 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:38 EPA 6020A J Cadmium 0.211 0.117 0.234 " " " " J Chromium 4.31 0.586 1.17 " " " " Copper 18.1 0.586 1.17 " " " " Lead 28.9 0.117 0.234 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0469 0.0938 " " " " Zinc 58.0 2.34 4.69 " " " " NS-5 (A6D0541-05RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Nickel 9.93 0.586 1.17 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:49 EPA 6020A NS-6 (A6D0541-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Arsenic 1.20 0.579 1.16 mg/kg dry 10 04/27/16 23:41 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.278 0.116 0.231 " " " " Chromium 6.20 0.579 1.16 " " " " Copper 16.5 0.579 1.16 " " " " Lead 15.5 0.116 0.231 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0463 0.0926 " " " " Zinc 76.6 2.31 4.63 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-6 (A6D0541-06RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040765 Nickel 10.6 0.579 1.16 mg/kg dry 10 04/28/16 17:52 EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes NS-1 (A6D0541-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 89.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C NS-2 (A6D0541-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 88.9 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C NS-3 (A6D0541-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 92.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C NS-4 (A6D0541-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 86.9 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C NS-5 (A6D0541-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 90.2 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C NS-6 (A6D0541-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6040552 % Solids 89.1 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 04/21/16 08:12 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040530 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Solid Blank (6040530-BLK1) Prepared: 04/19/16 13:00 Analyzed: 04/19/16 20:50 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6040530-BS1) Prepared: 04/19/16 13:00 Analyzed: 04/19/16 21:12 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 120 12.5 25.0 mg/kg 1 125 --- 96 70-130% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6040530-DUP1) Prepared: 04/19/16 13:00 Analyzed: 04/19/16 21:56

QC Source Sample: NS-1 (A6D0541-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.9 25.0 mg/kg 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 201 23.9 50.0 " " --- 94.2 ------72 30% Q-04 Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040505 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6040505-BLK1) Prepared: 04/19/16 07:06 Analyzed: 04/19/16 11:14 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6040505-BS1) Prepared: 04/19/16 07:06 Analyzed: 04/19/16 11:32 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 217 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 87 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 290 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 116 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 108 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6040505-DUP1) Prepared: 04/19/16 07:06 Analyzed: 04/19/16 12:25 C-07

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0531-01) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 5.22 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 5.22 10.4 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 5.22 10.4 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 ND 5.22 10.4 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1248 ND 5.22 10.4 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1254 ND 5.22 10.4 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1260 5.65 5.22 10.4 " " --- 10.5 ------60 30% Q-05, J Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6040505-MS1) Prepared: 04/19/16 07:06 Analyzed: 04/19/16 13:36 C-07

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0567-01) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 202 5.70 11.4 ug/kg dry 1 285 ND 71 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 290 5.70 11.4 " " " ND 102 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040482 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6040482-BLK1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 11:13 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene 18.3 4.17 8.33 " " ------B 2-Methylnaphthalene 29.0 4.17 8.33 " " ------B Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 107 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6040482-BS1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 11:40 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 812 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 101 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 802 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 32-132% ------Anthracene 862 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 108 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 815 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 102 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 843 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 105 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 833 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 104 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 851 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 106 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 748 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 43-134% ------Chrysene 858 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 107 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 812 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 101 45-134% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040482 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6040482-BS1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 11:40 Dibenzofuran 830 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 104 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 827 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 103 50-127% ------Fluorene 819 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 102 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 753 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 833 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 104 40-120% ------B 2-Methylnaphthalene 823 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 103 38-122% ------B Naphthalene 763 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 827 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 103 50-121% ------Pyrene 828 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 104 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 99 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6040482-DUP1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 12:33

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0526-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 3400 3400 ug/kg dry 20 --- ND ------30% R-02 Acenaphthylene ND 1140 1140 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Anthracene ND 608 608 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Benz(a)anthracene ND 243 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(a)pyrene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene ND 267 267 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran 5200 122 243 " " --- 5400 ------4 30% Fluoranthene 529 122 243 " " --- 562 ------6 30% Fluorene 8460 122 243 " " --- 8880 ------5 30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 122 243 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 82700 122 243 " " --- 85900 ------4 30% B 2-Methylnaphthalene 127000 122 243 " " --- 132000 ------4 30% B, E Naphthalene ND 1120 1120 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Phenanthrene 21100 122 243 " " --- 22300 ------6 30% Pyrene 954 122 243 " " --- 1060 ------10 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 94 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040482 - EPA 3546 Soil Duplicate (6040482-DUP1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 12:33

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0526-01) Surr: p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 54-127 % Dilution: 20x

Matrix Spike (6040482-MS1) Prepared: 04/18/16 11:10 Analyzed: 04/19/16 15:36

QC Source Sample: NS-6 (A6D0541-06) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 738 5.02 10.0 ug/kg dry 1 802 ND 92 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 726 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 90 32-132% ------Anthracene 817 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 102 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 737 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 92 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 758 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 94 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 745 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 93 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 759 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 95 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 662 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 83 43-134% ------Chrysene 762 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 95 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 719 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 90 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 754 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 94 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 777 5.02 10.0 " " " 5.73 96 50-127% ------Fluorene 752 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 94 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 682 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 85 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 750 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 94 40-120% ------B 2-Methylnaphthalene 731 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 91 38-122% ------B Naphthalene 709 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 88 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 778 5.02 10.0 " " " ND 97 50-121% ------Pyrene 779 5.02 10.0 " " " 5.89 96 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 90 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040591 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6040591-BLK1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 10:00 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 99 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6040591-BS1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 10:27 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 763 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 95 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 748 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 32-132% ------Anthracene 832 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 104 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 768 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 811 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 101 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 771 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 796 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 725 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 43-134% ------Chrysene 813 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 102 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 794 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 45-134% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040591 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6040591-BS1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 10:27 Dibenzofuran 786 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 98 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 796 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 50-127% ------Fluorene 769 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 738 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 782 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 98 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 762 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 38-122% ------Naphthalene 737 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 798 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 50-121% ------Pyrene 797 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6040591-DUP1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 11:21

QC Source Sample: NS-1 (A6D0541-01RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.71 9.43 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Acenaphthylene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Anthracene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 8.26 ------*** 30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 11.4 ------*** 30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 9.73 ------*** 30% Chrysene ND 9.43 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Fluoranthene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 10.1 ------*** 30% Fluorene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 8.47 ------*** 30% 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Naphthalene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- ND ------30% Phenanthrene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 5.71 ------*** 30% Pyrene ND 4.71 9.43 " " --- 12.1 ------*** 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 90 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040591 - EPA 3546 Soil Duplicate (6040591-DUP1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 11:21

QC Source Sample: NS-1 (A6D0541-01RE1) Surr: p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 54-127 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6040591-MS1) Prepared: 04/21/16 07:18 Analyzed: 04/21/16 12:43

QC Source Sample: NS-4 (A6D0541-04RE2) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 739 5.03 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 805 ND 92 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 739 5.03 10.1 " " " 6.26 91 32-132% ------Anthracene 848 5.03 10.1 " " " 6.77 105 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 778 5.03 10.1 " " " 22.4 94 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 811 5.03 10.1 " " " 25.1 98 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 825 5.03 10.1 " " " 33.0 98 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 774 5.03 10.1 " " " 10.5 95 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 631 5.03 10.1 " " " 24.0 75 43-134% ------Chrysene 837 5.03 10.1 " " " 39.9 99 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 730 5.03 10.1 " " " 6.29 90 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 755 5.03 10.1 " " " ND 94 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 852 5.03 10.1 " " " 38.9 101 50-127% ------Fluorene 762 5.03 10.1 " " " ND 95 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 676 5.03 10.1 " " " 21.9 81 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 773 5.03 10.1 " " " 12.7 95 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 756 5.03 10.1 " " " 15.5 92 38-122% ------Naphthalene 713 5.03 10.1 " " " 13.7 87 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 817 5.03 10.1 " " " 32.6 98 50-121% ------Pyrene 852 5.03 10.1 " " " 42.4 101 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 94 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040765 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6040765-BLK1) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/27/16 22:37 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

Blank (6040765-BLK2) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/28/16 17:34 EPA 6020A Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Q-16

LCS (6040765-BS1) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/27/16 22:40 EPA 6020A Arsenic 50.0 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 100 80-120% ------Cadmium 51.4 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 103 " ------Chromium 50.0 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 100 " ------Copper 51.5 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 103 " ------Lead 49.5 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 99 " ------Mercury 1.10 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 110 " ------Nickel 49.5 10.0 20.0 " " 50.0 --- 99 " ------Zinc 53.1 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 106 " ------

Duplicate (6040765-DUP1) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/27/16 22:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0531-04) EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.561 1.12 mg/kg dry 10 --- ND ------40% Cadmium 0.179 0.112 0.224 " " --- 0.143 ------23 40% J Chromium 11.6 0.561 1.12 " " --- 10.1 ------13 40% Copper 17.0 0.561 1.12 " " --- 14.8 ------14 40% Lead 2.57 0.112 0.224 " " --- 2.39 ------7 40% Mercury ND 0.0449 0.0897 " " --- ND ------40% Nickel 34.4 11.2 22.4 " " --- 27.7 ------22 40% Zinc 22.4 2.24 4.49 " " --- 19.3 ------15 40%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040765 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6040765-MS1) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/27/16 23:00

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0531-04) EPA 6020A Arsenic 53.3 0.561 1.12 mg/kg dry 10 56.1 ND 95 75-125% ------Cadmium 56.4 0.112 0.224 " " " 0.143 100 " ------Chromium 65.4 0.561 1.12 " " " 10.1 99 " ------Copper 70.2 0.561 1.12 " " " 14.8 99 " ------Lead 56.1 0.112 0.224 " " " 2.39 96 " ------Mercury 1.19 0.0449 0.0897 " " 1.12 ND 106 " ------Nickel 82.6 11.2 22.4 " " 56.1 27.7 98 " ------Zinc 76.4 2.24 4.49 " " " 19.3 102 " ------

Matrix Spike (6040765-MS2) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/27/16 23:47

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0769-01) EPA 6020A Arsenic 65.8 0.630 1.26 mg/kg dry 10 63.0 4.68 97 75-125% ------Cadmium 62.8 0.126 0.252 " " " 0.131 99 " ------Chromium 78.3 0.630 1.26 " " " 29.7 77 " ------Copper 166 0.630 1.26 " " " 101 103 " ------Lead 215 0.126 0.252 " " " 133 129 " ------Q-03 Mercury 1.30 0.0504 0.101 " " 1.26 ND 103 " ------Zinc 312 2.52 5.04 " " 63.0 200 179 " ------Q-03

Matrix Spike (6040765-MS3) Prepared: 04/26/16 11:26 Analyzed: 04/28/16 18:06

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0769-01RE1) EPA 6020A Nickel 76.1 0.630 1.26 mg/kg dry 10 63.0 13.0 100 75-125% ------Q-16

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040552 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6040552-DUP1) Prepared: 04/20/16 16:01 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0658-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 39.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 39.9 ------0.5 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP2) Prepared: 04/20/16 08:48 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0531-09) EPA 8000C % Solids 89.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 90.7 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP3) Prepared: 04/20/16 08:48 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0567-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 77.1 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 75.9 ------2 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP4) Prepared: 04/20/16 08:50 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0609-07) EPA 8000C % Solids 83.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 83.4 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP5) Prepared: 04/20/16 08:50 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0624-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 77.3 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 77.4 ------0.2 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP6) Prepared: 04/20/16 16:01 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0667-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 85.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 88.2 ------3 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP7) Prepared: 04/20/16 18:10 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0674-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 89.1 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 90.7 ------2 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP8) Prepared: 04/20/16 18:10 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6040552 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6040552-DUP8) Prepared: 04/20/16 18:10 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0679-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 78.2 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 77.8 ------0.5 10%

Duplicate (6040552-DUP9) Prepared: 04/20/16 18:15 Analyzed: 04/21/16 08:12

QC Source Sample: Other (A6D0684-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 80.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 80.2 ------0.2 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6040530 A6D0541-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:05 04/19/16 13:00 10.46g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6D0541-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:15 04/19/16 13:00 10.46g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6D0541-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:25 04/19/16 13:00 10.39g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6D0541-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:30 04/19/16 13:00 10.37g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6D0541-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:40 04/19/16 13:00 10.48g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6D0541-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 04/14/16 10:45 04/19/16 13:00 10.72g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6040505 A6D0541-01 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:05 04/19/16 07:06 11.64g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6D0541-02 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:15 04/19/16 07:06 11.21g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6D0541-03 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:25 04/19/16 07:06 11.82g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6D0541-04 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:30 04/19/16 07:06 11.85g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6D0541-05 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:40 04/19/16 07:06 11.34g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6D0541-06 Soil EPA 8082A 04/14/16 10:45 04/19/16 07:06 11.58g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6040482 A6D0541-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:25 04/18/16 11:10 11.85g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6D0541-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:40 04/18/16 11:10 11.69g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6D0541-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:45 04/18/16 11:10 10.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93

Batch: 6040591 A6D0541-01RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:05 04/21/16 07:18 11.74g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6D0541-02RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:15 04/21/16 07:18 11.67g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6D0541-04RE2 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 04/14/16 10:30 04/21/16 07:18 11.44g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 29 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6040765 A6D0541-01 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:05 04/26/16 11:26 0.486g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A6D0541-01RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:05 04/26/16 11:26 0.486g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A6D0541-02 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:15 04/26/16 11:26 0.467g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.07 A6D0541-02RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:15 04/26/16 11:26 0.467g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.07 A6D0541-03 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:25 04/26/16 11:26 0.478g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6D0541-03RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:25 04/26/16 11:26 0.478g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6D0541-04 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:30 04/26/16 11:26 0.481g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6D0541-04RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:30 04/26/16 11:26 0.481g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6D0541-05 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:40 04/26/16 11:26 0.473g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A6D0541-05RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:40 04/26/16 11:26 0.473g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A6D0541-06 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:45 04/26/16 11:26 0.485g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A6D0541-06RE1 Soil EPA 6020A 04/14/16 10:45 04/26/16 11:26 0.485g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6040552 A6D0541-01 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:05 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6D0541-02 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:15 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6D0541-03 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:25 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6D0541-04 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:30 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6D0541-05 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:40 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6D0541-06 Soil EPA 8000C 04/14/16 10:45 04/20/16 08:48 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 30 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19

Notes and Definitions


B Analyte detected in an associated blank at a level above the MRL. (See Notes and Conventions below.)

C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. E Estimated Value. The result is above the calibration range of the instrument.

J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

Q-03 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to the high concentration of analyte present in the sample.

Q-04 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to a non-homogeneous sample matrix.

Q-05 Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample and duplicate concentrations that are below 5 times the reporting level.

Q-16 Reanalysis of an original Batch QC sample.

Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.) R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor. Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 31 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 32 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/09/16 09:19

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 33 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Monday, July 25, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825.00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6G0433, which was received by the laboratory on 7/11/2016 at 2:40:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Elevator B S-1 A6G0433-01 Soil 07/11/16 13:02 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-2 A6G0433-02 Soil 07/11/16 13:04 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-3 A6G0433-03 Soil 07/11/16 13:06 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-4 A6G0433-04 Soil 07/11/16 13:08 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-5 A6G0433-05 Soil 07/11/16 13:11 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-6 A6G0433-06 Soil 07/11/16 13:14 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-7 A6G0433-07 Soil 07/11/16 13:17 07/11/16 14:40 Elevator B S-8 A6G0433-08 Soil 07/11/16 13:20 07/11/16 14:40

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 13.0 25.9 mg/kg dry 1 07/19/16 22:42 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 261 25.9 51.9 " " " " F-03, Q-42 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-2 (A6G0433-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 12.6 25.2 mg/kg dry 1 07/19/16 23:22 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 95.6 25.2 50.3 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-3 (A6G0433-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 13.0 26.1 mg/kg dry 1 07/19/16 23:42 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 46.4 26.1 52.2 " " " " J Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 13.0 26.0 mg/kg dry 1 07/20/16 00:02 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 78.3 26.0 52.0 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 91 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel 19.6 13.6 27.1 mg/kg dry 1 07/20/16 00:22 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 443 27.1 54.2 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 13.4 26.8 mg/kg dry 1 07/20/16 00:42 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 449 26.8 53.6 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-7 (A6G0433-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 15.0 30.1 mg/kg dry 1 07/20/16 01:02 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 120 30.1 60.2 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070561 Diesel ND 14.6 29.3 mg/kg dry 1 07/20/16 01:42 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 130 29.3 58.6 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.04 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 08:49 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 10.1 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-2 (A6G0433-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.05 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 09:24 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-3 (A6G0433-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.03 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 10:00 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.59 11.2 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 10:35 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.59 11.2 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 14.5 14.5 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 11:11 EPA 8082A R-02 Aroclor 1221 ND 11.2 11.2 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 55.8 55.8 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 17.9 17.9 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1248 ND 19.0 19.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1254 ND 32.4 32.4 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 12.3 12.3 " " " " R-02 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 16.4 16.4 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 11:46 EPA 8082A R-02 Aroclor 1221 ND 10.9 10.9 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 53.6 53.6 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 23.0 23.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1248 ND 33.9 33.9 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1254 ND 41.5 41.5 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 21.9 21.9 " " " " R-02 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 109 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-7 (A6G0433-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 6.07 12.1 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 08:49 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 6.07 12.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070555 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.67 11.3 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 09:24 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.67 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 11.3 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.67 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.67 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 17.0 17.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 11.3 11.3 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene 500 25.7 51.4 ug/kg dry 5 07/19/16 20:04 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 367 25.7 51.4 " " " " Anthracene 1490 25.7 51.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 2340 25.7 51.4 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 2170 25.7 51.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 2400 25.7 51.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 949 25.7 51.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1280 25.7 51.4 " " " " Chrysene 3120 25.7 51.4 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 197 25.7 51.4 " " " " Dibenzofuran 38.8 25.7 51.4 " " " " J Fluoranthene 5200 25.7 51.4 " " " " Fluorene 260 25.7 51.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1280 25.7 51.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 198 25.7 51.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 126 25.7 51.4 " " " " Naphthalene 217 25.7 51.4 " " " " Phenanthrene 5620 25.7 51.4 " " " " Pyrene 6520 25.7 51.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 114 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-2 (A6G0433-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene ND 48.6 97.2 ug/kg dry 10 07/19/16 20:33 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 183 48.6 97.2 " " " " Anthracene 254 48.6 97.2 " " " " M-02 Benz(a)anthracene 623 48.6 97.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 686 48.6 97.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 807 48.6 97.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 416 48.6 97.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 475 48.6 97.2 " " " " Chrysene 837 48.6 97.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 83.6 48.6 97.2 " " " " J Dibenzofuran ND 48.6 97.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 1240 48.6 97.2 " " " " Fluorene ND 48.6 97.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 446 48.6 97.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 117 48.6 97.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 73.8 48.6 97.2 " " " " J Naphthalene 93.8 48.6 97.2 " " " " J Phenanthrene 750 48.6 97.2 " " " " Pyrene 1330 48.6 97.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 120 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-3 (A6G0433-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene 40.5 5.23 10.5 ug/kg dry 1 07/19/16 21:02 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 42.7 5.23 10.5 " " " " Anthracene 99.1 5.23 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benz(a)anthracene 248 5.23 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 265 5.23 10.5 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 282 5.23 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 119 5.23 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 154 5.23 10.5 " " " " Chrysene 308 5.23 10.5 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 23.2 5.23 10.5 " " " " Dibenzofuran 11.1 5.23 10.5 " " " " Fluoranthene 538 5.23 10.5 " " " " Fluorene 22.6 5.23 10.5 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 155 5.23 10.5 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 52.1 5.23 10.5 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 44.4 5.23 10.5 " " " " Naphthalene 51.5 5.23 10.5 " " " " Phenanthrene 445 5.23 10.5 " " " " Pyrene 670 5.23 10.5 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 83 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene 1180 24.4 48.9 ug/kg dry 5 07/19/16 21:31 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 612 24.4 48.9 " " " " Anthracene 1860 24.4 48.9 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 3520 24.4 48.9 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 3170 24.4 48.9 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3410 24.4 48.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1250 24.4 48.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1610 24.4 48.9 " " " " Chrysene 4640 24.4 48.9 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 299 24.4 48.9 " " " " Dibenzofuran 63.0 24.4 48.9 " " " " Fluoranthene 7350 24.4 48.9 " " " " Fluorene 511 24.4 48.9 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1720 24.4 48.9 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 424 24.4 48.9 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 228 24.4 48.9 " " " " Naphthalene 377 24.4 48.9 " " " " Phenanthrene 7330 24.4 48.9 " " " " Pyrene 9290 24.4 48.9 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070607 Acenaphthene ND 26.9 53.9 ug/kg dry 5 07/21/16 14:17 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 31.0 26.9 53.9 " " " " J Anthracene 42.1 26.9 53.9 " " " " J, Q-42 Benz(a)anthracene 107 26.9 53.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 131 26.9 53.9 " " " " Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene(s) 210 53.9 108 " " " " Q-26 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 94.6 26.9 53.9 " " " " Chrysene 128 26.9 53.9 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 26.9 53.9 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 26.9 53.9 " " " " Fluoranthene 161 26.9 53.9 " " " " Fluorene ND 26.9 53.9 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 96.1 26.9 53.9 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 107 26.9 53.9 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 142 26.9 53.9 " " " " Naphthalene 122 26.9 53.9 " " " " Phenanthrene 108 26.9 53.9 " " " " Pyrene 239 26.9 53.9 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 94 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene 52.9 4.91 9.81 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 14:58 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 49.7 4.91 9.81 " " " " Anthracene 106 4.91 9.81 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 244 4.91 9.81 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 223 4.91 9.81 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 269 4.91 9.81 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 123 4.91 9.81 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 122 4.91 9.81 " " " " Chrysene 308 4.91 9.81 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 25.3 4.91 9.81 " " " " Dibenzofuran 34.0 4.91 9.81 " " " " Fluoranthene 585 4.91 9.81 " " " " Fluorene 43.8 4.91 9.81 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 129 4.91 9.81 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 36.8 4.91 9.81 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 17.5 4.91 9.81 " " " " Naphthalene 43.2 4.91 9.81 " " " " Phenanthrene 569 4.91 9.81 " " " " Pyrene 570 4.91 9.81 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 98 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-7 (A6G0433-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene 58.9 5.62 11.2 ug/kg dry 1 07/20/16 15:28 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 97.7 5.62 11.2 " " " " Anthracene 187 5.62 11.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 574 5.62 11.2 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 815 5.62 11.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 851 5.62 11.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 281 5.62 11.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 688 5.62 11.2 " " " " Chrysene 743 5.62 11.2 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 61.9 5.62 11.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran 31.2 5.62 11.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 1490 5.62 11.2 " " " " Fluorene 34.4 5.62 11.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 592 5.62 11.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 109 5.62 11.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 96.7 5.62 11.2 " " " " Naphthalene 144 5.62 11.2 " " " " Phenanthrene 915 5.62 11.2 " " " " Pyrene 1880 5.62 11.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070422 Acenaphthene ND 28.4 56.9 ug/kg dry 5 07/19/16 00:39 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 53.7 28.4 56.9 " " " " J Anthracene 86.3 28.4 56.9 " " " " M-02 Benz(a)anthracene 251 28.4 56.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 299 28.4 56.9 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 304 28.4 56.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 160 28.4 56.9 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 227 28.4 56.9 " " " " Chrysene 336 28.4 56.9 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 28.4 56.9 " " " " Dibenzofuran 32.2 28.4 56.9 " " " " J Fluoranthene 501 28.4 56.9 " " " " Q-42 Fluorene ND 28.4 56.9 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 210 28.4 56.9 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 89.4 28.4 56.9 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 80.2 28.4 56.9 " " " " Naphthalene 117 28.4 56.9 " " " " Phenanthrene 336 28.4 56.9 " " " " Pyrene 622 28.4 56.9 " " " " Q-42 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 99 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 3.88 0.574 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 18:43 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.379 0.115 0.229 " " " " Chromium 14.6 0.574 1.15 " " " " Copper 32.8 0.574 1.15 " " " " Lead 95.8 0.115 0.229 " " " " Mercury 0.285 0.0459 0.0918 " " " " Nickel 16.5 0.574 1.15 " " " " Zinc 111 2.29 4.59 " " " " Elevator B S-2 (A6G0433-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 3.40 0.576 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 18:46 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.208 0.115 0.231 " " " " J Chromium 12.1 0.576 1.15 " " " " Copper 23.3 0.576 1.15 " " " " Lead 50.6 0.115 0.231 " " " " Mercury 0.0987 0.0461 0.0922 " " " " Nickel 14.2 0.576 1.15 " " " " Zinc 86.2 2.31 4.61 " " " " Elevator B S-3 (A6G0433-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 2.26 0.608 1.22 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 18:58 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.134 0.122 0.243 " " " " J Chromium 12.3 0.608 1.22 " " " " Copper 17.2 0.608 1.22 " " " " Lead 39.9 0.122 0.243 " " " " Mercury 0.127 0.0486 0.0973 " " " " Nickel 18.6 0.608 1.22 " " " " Zinc 65.4 2.43 4.86 " " " " Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 2.81 0.587 1.17 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 19:01 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.211 0.117 0.235 " " " " J Chromium 17.2 0.587 1.17 " " " " Copper 20.8 0.587 1.17 " " " " Lead 83.9 0.117 0.235 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury 0.128 0.0469 0.0939 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A Nickel 19.7 0.587 1.17 " " " " Zinc 72.4 2.35 4.69 " " " " Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 2.91 0.602 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 19:04 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.217 0.120 0.241 " " " " J Chromium 9.97 0.602 1.20 " " " " Copper 19.8 0.602 1.20 " " " " Lead 51.9 0.120 0.241 " " " " Mercury 0.0744 0.0481 0.0963 " " " " J Nickel 11.3 0.602 1.20 " " " " Zinc 120 2.41 4.81 " " " " Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 3.46 0.568 1.14 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 19:10 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.352 0.114 0.227 " " " " Chromium 14.5 0.568 1.14 " " " " Copper 20.1 0.568 1.14 " " " " Lead 61.4 0.114 0.227 " " " " Mercury 0.168 0.0454 0.0908 " " " " Nickel 16.6 0.568 1.14 " " " " Zinc 142 2.27 4.54 " " " " Elevator B S-7 (A6G0433-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 2.88 0.654 1.31 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 19:13 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.249 0.131 0.262 " " " " J Chromium 17.4 0.654 1.31 " " " " Copper 28.9 0.654 1.31 " " " " Lead 70.6 0.131 0.262 " " " " Mercury 0.228 0.0523 0.105 " " " " Nickel 18.0 0.654 1.31 " " " " Zinc 109 2.62 5.23 " " " " Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070520 Arsenic 1.59 0.616 1.23 mg/kg dry 10 07/20/16 19:16 EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Cadmium 0.172 0.123 0.246 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Chromium 13.4 0.616 1.23 " " " " Copper 24.9 0.616 1.23 " " " " Lead 83.6 0.123 0.246 " " " " Mercury 0.781 0.0493 0.0985 " " " " Nickel 12.6 0.616 1.23 " " " " Zinc 95.5 2.46 4.93 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 91.7 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-2 (A6G0433-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 90.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-3 (A6G0433-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 90.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-4 (A6G0433-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 88.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 88.0 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 87.0 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-7 (A6G0433-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 80.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6070406 % Solids 83.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 07/15/16 07:39 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070561 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (6070561-BLK1) Prepared: 07/19/16 13:21 Analyzed: 07/19/16 22:03 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6070561-BS1) Prepared: 07/19/16 13:21 Analyzed: 07/19/16 22:22 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 116 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 93 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6070561-DUP1) Prepared: 07/19/16 13:21 Analyzed: 07/19/16 23:02

QC Source Sample: Elevator B S-1 (A6G0433-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 12.9 25.8 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 120 25.8 51.6 " " --- 261 ------74 30% F-03, Q-04 Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6070561-DUP2) Prepared: 07/19/16 13:21 Analyzed: 07/20/16 05:02

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0572-04) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 19.3 15.2 30.4 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% J Oil 42.0 30.4 60.9 " " --- 122 ------98 30% Q-05, J Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070555 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6070555-BLK1) Prepared: 07/19/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/19/16 17:15 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 0.645 1.29 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 0.645 1.29 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6070555-BS1) Prepared: 07/19/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/19/16 17:33 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 54.5 0.667 1.33 ug/kg wet 1 83.3 --- 65 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 79.6 0.667 1.33 " " " --- 95 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6070555-DUP1) Prepared: 07/19/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/19/16 18:29 C-07

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0572-01) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 2.46 2.46 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 1.23 2.46 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 6.64 6.64 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 3.20 3.20 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1248 ND 3.20 3.20 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1254 4.57 1.23 2.46 " " --- 4.52 ------1 30% Aroclor 1260 ND 3.94 3.94 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6070555-MS1) Prepared: 07/19/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/19/16 20:56 C-07

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0572-04) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 58.6 0.818 1.64 ug/kg dry 1 102 ND 57 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 79.9 0.818 1.64 " " " 1.01 77 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070422 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6070422-BLK1) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:54 Analyzed: 07/18/16 22:49 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 100 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6070422-BS1) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:54 Analyzed: 07/18/16 23:17 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 698 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 87 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 693 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 32-132% ------Anthracene 731 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 685 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 86 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 691 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 86 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 682 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 85 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 692 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 86 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 533 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 67 43-134% ------Chrysene 717 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 627 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 78 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 695 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070422 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6070422-BS1) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:54 Analyzed: 07/18/16 23:17 Fluoranthene 722 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 90 50-127% ------Fluorene 715 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 565 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 71 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 716 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 676 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 85 38-122% ------Naphthalene 699 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 685 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 86 50-121% ------Pyrene 734 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 93 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6070422-DUP1) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:54 Analyzed: 07/19/16 00:12 H-06

QC Source Sample: Other (A6E0692-02) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 560 560 ug/kg dry 50 --- 565 ------*** 30% Acenaphthylene ND 560 560 " " --- ND ------30% Anthracene ND 560 560 " " --- ND ------30% Benz(a)anthracene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(a)pyrene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 784 784 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Fluoranthene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% Fluorene ND 1230 1230 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 280 560 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 9740 280 560 " " --- 9950 ------2 30% 2-Methylnaphthalene 14800 280 560 " " --- 15500 ------4 30% Naphthalene ND 5600 5600 " " --- 5610 ------*** 30% R-02 Phenanthrene 2060 280 560 " " --- 2140 ------4 30% Pyrene 822 280 560 " " --- 877 ------7 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 94 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 50x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 93 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070422 - EPA 3546 Soil

Matrix Spike (6070422-MS1) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:54 Analyzed: 07/19/16 01:07 T-02

QC Source Sample: Elevator B S-8 (A6G0433-08) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 790 27.3 54.6 ug/kg dry 5 874 ND 90 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 825 27.3 54.6 " " " 53.7 88 32-132% ------Anthracene 937 27.3 54.6 " " " 86.3 97 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 1270 27.3 54.6 " " " 251 116 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 1280 27.3 54.6 " " " 299 112 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1280 27.3 54.6 " " " 304 112 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1090 27.3 54.6 " " " 160 106 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 904 27.3 54.6 " " " 227 78 43-134% ------Chrysene 1380 27.3 54.6 " " " 336 120 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 744 27.3 54.6 " " " ND 85 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 777 27.3 54.6 " " " 32.2 85 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 1700 27.3 54.6 " " " 501 137 50-127% ------Q-01 Fluorene 778 27.3 54.6 " " " ND 89 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1130 27.3 54.6 " " " 210 105 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 884 27.3 54.6 " " " 89.4 91 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 786 27.3 54.6 " " " 80.2 81 38-122% ------Naphthalene 885 27.3 54.6 " " " 117 88 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 1060 27.3 54.6 " " " 336 82 50-121% ------Pyrene 1800 27.3 54.6 " " " 622 135 47-127% ------Q-01 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 68 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 5x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 94 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070607 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6070607-BLK1) Prepared: 07/20/16 12:51 Analyzed: 07/21/16 13:18 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.55 9.09 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 98 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6070607-BS1) Prepared: 07/20/16 12:51 Analyzed: 07/21/16 13:47 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 720 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 90 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 721 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 32-132% ------Anthracene 759 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 692 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 694 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 660 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 82 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 738 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 592 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 74 43-134% ------Chrysene 726 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 635 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 79 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 749 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070607 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6070607-BS1) Prepared: 07/20/16 12:51 Analyzed: 07/21/16 13:47 Fluoranthene 719 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 90 50-127% ------Fluorene 748 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 593 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 74 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 750 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 700 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 88 38-122% ------Naphthalene 723 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 709 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 50-121% ------Pyrene 709 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 102 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6070607-DUP1) Prepared: 07/20/16 12:51 Analyzed: 07/21/16 14:45

QC Source Sample: Elevator B S-5 (A6G0433-05RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 26.6 53.2 ug/kg dry 5 --- ND ------30% Acenaphthylene 28.4 26.6 53.2 " " --- 31.0 ------9 30% J Anthracene 69.2 26.6 53.2 " " --- 42.1 ------49 30% Q-17 Benz(a)anthracene 98.4 26.6 53.2 " " --- 107 ------9 30% M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 97.4 26.6 53.2 " " --- 131 ------30 30% Benzo(b+k)fluoranthene(s) 166 53.2 106 " " --- 210 ------23 30% Q-26 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 76.1 26.6 53.2 " " --- 94.6 ------22 30% Chrysene 124 26.6 53.2 " " --- 128 ------3 30% M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 26.6 53.2 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 26.6 53.2 " " --- ND ------30% Fluoranthene 174 26.6 53.2 " " --- 161 ------8 30% Fluorene ND 26.6 53.2 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 73.3 26.6 53.2 " " --- 96.1 ------27 30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 92.2 26.6 53.2 " " --- 107 ------15 30% 2-Methylnaphthalene 126 26.6 53.2 " " --- 142 ------12 30% Naphthalene 116 26.6 53.2 " " --- 122 ------5 30% Phenanthrene 130 26.6 53.2 " " --- 108 ------19 30% Pyrene 193 26.6 53.2 " " --- 239 ------22 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 5x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 90 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070520 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6070520-BLK1) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 18:19 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (6070520-BS1) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 18:22 EPA 6020A Arsenic 49.8 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 100 80-120% ------Cadmium 50.2 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 100 " ------Chromium 51.3 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 102 " ------Copper 52.2 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 104 " ------Lead 51.3 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 103 " ------Mercury 1.05 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 105 " ------Nickel 50.7 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 101 " ------Zinc 51.2 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 102 " ------

Duplicate (6070520-DUP1) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 18:37

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0266-11) EPA 6020A Arsenic 0.982 0.571 1.14 mg/kg dry 10 --- 1.04 ------6 40% J Cadmium ND 0.114 0.228 " " --- ND ------40% Chromium 5.57 0.571 1.14 " " --- 6.09 ------9 40% Copper 1.11 0.571 1.14 " " --- 1.27 ------13 40% J Lead 0.879 0.114 0.228 " " --- 0.980 ------11 40% Mercury ND 0.0457 0.0913 " " --- ND ------40% Nickel 3.96 0.571 1.14 " " --- 4.29 ------8 40% Zinc 10.3 2.28 4.57 " " --- 11.9 ------15 40%

Matrix Spike (6070520-MS1) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 18:40

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0266-11) EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070520 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6070520-MS1) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 18:40

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0266-11) Arsenic 59.6 0.574 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 57.4 1.04 102 75-125% ------Cadmium 62.6 0.115 0.230 " " " ND 109 " ------Chromium 67.7 0.574 1.15 " " " 6.09 107 " ------Copper 62.2 0.574 1.15 " " " 1.27 106 " ------Lead 61.3 0.115 0.230 " " " 0.980 105 " ------Mercury 1.17 0.0459 0.0918 " " 1.15 ND 102 " ------Nickel 64.3 0.574 1.15 " " 57.4 4.29 105 " ------Zinc 73.8 2.30 4.59 " " " 11.9 108 " ------

Matrix Spike (6070520-MS2) Prepared: 07/18/16 14:43 Analyzed: 07/20/16 20:21

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0576-01) EPA 6020A Arsenic 63.9 0.597 1.19 mg/kg dry 10 59.7 4.55 99 75-125% ------Cadmium 62.7 0.119 0.239 " " " 0.187 105 " ------Chromium 80.6 0.597 1.19 " " " 18.8 103 " ------Copper 77.3 0.597 1.19 " " " 14.8 105 " ------Lead 71.6 0.119 0.239 " " " 12.6 99 " ------Mercury 1.19 0.0477 0.0955 " " 1.19 ND 100 " ------Nickel 74.1 0.597 1.19 " " 59.7 12.7 103 " ------Zinc 131 2.39 4.77 " " " 65.3 110 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070406 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6070406-DUP1) Prepared: 07/14/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0402-13) EPA 8000C % Solids 85.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 82.7 ------4 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP2) Prepared: 07/14/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Elevator B S-6 (A6G0433-06) EPA 8000C % Solids 87.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 87.0 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP3) Prepared: 07/14/16 11:15 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0473-05) EPA 8000C % Solids 83.3 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 82.8 ------0.7 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP4) Prepared: 07/14/16 14:56 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0422-11) EPA 8000C % Solids 85.3 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 85.6 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP5) Prepared: 07/14/16 19:11 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0504-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 91.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 91.7 ------0.2 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP6) Prepared: 07/14/16 19:11 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0523-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 87.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 88.9 ------2 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP7) Prepared: 07/14/16 20:01 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0524-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 88.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 87.8 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6070406-DUP8) Prepared: 07/14/16 20:01 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6070406 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6070406-DUP8) Prepared: 07/14/16 20:01 Analyzed: 07/15/16 07:39

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0535-04) EPA 8000C % Solids 81.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 82.5 ------2 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6070561 A6G0433-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:02 07/19/16 13:21 10.51g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6G0433-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:04 07/19/16 13:21 10.93g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6G0433-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:06 07/19/16 13:21 10.56g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6G0433-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:08 07/19/16 13:21 10.87g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6G0433-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:11 07/19/16 13:21 10.48g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6G0433-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:14 07/19/16 13:21 10.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6G0433-07 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:17 07/19/16 13:21 10.31g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A6G0433-08 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 07/11/16 13:20 07/19/16 13:21 10.18g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6070555 A6G0433-01 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:02 07/19/16 13:51 10.81g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6G0433-02 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:04 07/19/16 13:51 10.89g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6G0433-03 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:06 07/19/16 13:51 10.94g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.91 A6G0433-04 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:08 07/19/16 13:51 10.12g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.99 A6G0433-05 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:11 07/19/16 13:51 10.18g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A6G0433-06 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:14 07/19/16 13:51 10.51g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6G0433-07 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:17 07/19/16 13:51 10.21g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A6G0433-08 Soil EPA 8082A 07/11/16 13:20 07/19/16 13:51 10.51g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6070422 A6G0433-01 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:02 07/14/16 14:54 10.61g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6G0433-02 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:04 07/14/16 14:54 11.32g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6G0433-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:06 07/14/16 14:54 10.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6G0433-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:08 07/14/16 14:54 11.58g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6G0433-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:14 07/14/16 14:54 11.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6G0433-07 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:17 07/14/16 14:54 11.03g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.91 A6G0433-08 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:20 07/14/16 14:54 10.48g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95

Batch: 6070607

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 29 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor A6G0433-05RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 07/11/16 13:11 07/20/16 12:51 10.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6070520 A6G0433-01 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:02 07/18/16 14:43 0.475g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6G0433-02 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:04 07/18/16 14:43 0.477g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6G0433-03 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:06 07/18/16 14:43 0.453g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6G0433-04 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:08 07/18/16 14:43 0.482g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6G0433-05 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:11 07/18/16 14:43 0.472g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A6G0433-06 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:14 07/18/16 14:43 0.506g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.99 A6G0433-07 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:17 07/18/16 14:43 0.474g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6G0433-08 Soil EPA 6020A 07/11/16 13:20 07/18/16 14:43 0.484g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6070406 A6G0433-01 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:02 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-02 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:04 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-03 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:06 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-04 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:08 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-05 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:11 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-06 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:14 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-07 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:17 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6G0433-08 Soil EPA 8000C 07/11/16 13:20 07/14/16 11:15 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 30 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33

Notes and Definitions


C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. F-03 The result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported. H-06 This sample was received, or the analysis requested, outside the recommended holding time.

J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

Q-01 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside acceptance limits.

Q-04 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to a non-homogeneous sample matrix.

Q-05 Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample and duplicate concentrations that are below 5 times the reporting level.

Q-17 RPD between original and duplicate sample is outside of established control limits.

Q-26 Peak separation for Benzo(b) and Benzo(k)fluoranthenes does not meet method specified criteria. Reported result includes the combined area of the two isomers and should be considered the total of Benzo(b+k)Fluoranthenes. Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.) R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample.

T-02 This Batch QC sample was analyzed outside of the method specified 12 hour tune window. Results are estimated.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate (LCS QC Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 31 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33 Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 32 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825.00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 07/25/16 16:33

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 33 of 33 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6H0125, which was received by the laboratory on 8/3/2016 at 3:50:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received WHSEX-S1 A6H0125-01 Soil 08/03/16 13:45 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEX-S2 A6H0125-02 Soil 08/03/16 13:51 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEX-S3 A6H0125-03 Soil 08/03/16 13:54 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S1 A6H0125-04 Soil 08/03/16 14:00 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S2 A6H0125-05 Soil 08/03/16 14:03 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S3 A6H0125-06 Soil 08/03/16 14:07 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S4 A6H0125-07 Soil 08/03/16 14:10 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S5 A6H0125-08 Soil 08/03/16 14:13 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S6 A6H0125-09 Soil 08/03/16 14:15 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S7 A6H0125-10 Soil 08/03/16 14:18 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S8 A6H0125-11 Soil 08/03/16 14:20 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEA-S9 A6H0125-12 Soil 08/03/16 14:23 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S1 A6H0125-13 Soil 08/03/16 14:27 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S2 A6H0125-14 Soil 08/03/16 14:30 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S3 A6H0125-15 Soil 08/03/16 14:32 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S4 A6H0125-16 Soil 08/03/16 14:35 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S5 A6H0125-17 Soil 08/03/16 14:37 08/03/16 15:50 WHSEB-S6 A6H0125-18 Soil 08/03/16 14:40 08/03/16 15:50

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.4 26.9 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:53 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 689 26.9 53.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEX-S2 (A6H0125-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 12.5 25.1 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 23:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 987 25.1 50.2 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel 16.5 13.3 26.5 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 23:53 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 94.9 26.5 53.1 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.2 26.4 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:13 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 26.4 52.8 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.5 27.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 27.0 54.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S3 (A6H0125-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 14.9 29.8 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:52 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 29.8 59.6 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S4 (A6H0125-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.9 27.7 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 01:12 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 27.7 55.4 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 14.3 28.5 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 01:32 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 28.5 57.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.3 26.7 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:13 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 26.7 53.3 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % 1 " NWTPH-Dx/SG

WHSEA-S7 (A6H0125-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.3 26.6 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 26.6 53.2 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 13.6 27.2 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:53 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 27.2 54.3 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 106 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 14.5 28.9 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 23:13 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 28.9 57.9 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 14.0 27.9 mg/kg dry 1 08/04/16 23:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 89.8 27.9 55.8 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEB-S2 (A6H0125-14) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 12.9 25.7 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:13 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 114 25.7 51.5 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 108 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 14.7 29.3 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 67.2 29.3 58.7 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEB-S4 (A6H0125-16) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 16.1 32.2 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 00:52 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 32.2 64.3 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSEB-S5 (A6H0125-17) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 15.3 30.5 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 01:12 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 136 30.5 61.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080145 Diesel ND 15.5 31.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/05/16 01:32 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 51.2 31.0 62.0 " " " " J Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.19 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 11:16 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.19 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.19 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1242 34.2 5.19 10.4 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1248 ND 5.19 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1254 60.7 5.19 10.4 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 26.5 5.19 10.4 " " " " P-10 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEX-S2 (A6H0125-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.59 9.18 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 11:52 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.59 9.18 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.59 9.18 " " " " Aroclor 1242 13.4 4.59 9.18 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1248 ND 4.59 9.18 " " " " Aroclor 1254 32.2 4.59 9.18 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 12.5 4.59 9.18 " " " " P-10 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.94 9.88 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 12:27 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 83 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.30 10.6 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 13:03 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.30 10.6 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 91 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.04 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 13:38 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S3 (A6H0125-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.64 11.3 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 14:14 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S4 (A6H0125-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.03 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 14:49 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.03 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 75 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.02 10.0 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 15:25 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.02 10.0 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.32 10.6 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 16:36 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.32 10.6 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S7 (A6H0125-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.96 9.93 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 17:11 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.96 9.93 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.95 9.89 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 17:47 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.95 9.89 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.42 10.8 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 18:22 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.51 11.0 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 18:43 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.51 11.0 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEB-S2 (A6H0125-14) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.06 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 19:54 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.06 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.86 11.7 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 21:05 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.86 11.7 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEB-S4 (A6H0125-16) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 6.24 12.5 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 21:41 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 6.24 12.5 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S5 (A6H0125-17) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 6.25 12.5 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:16 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 6.25 12.5 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080143 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.88 11.8 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 22:52 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.88 11.8 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 50.8 102 ug/kg dry 10 08/08/16 10:23 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Anthracene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 64.6 50.8 102 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 71.5 50.8 102 " " " " J Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Chrysene 114 50.8 102 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 50.8 102 " " " " Fluoranthene 135 50.8 102 " " " " Fluorene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 50.8 102 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 50.8 102 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Naphthalene ND 50.8 102 " " " " Phenanthrene 84.9 50.8 102 " " " " J Pyrene 133 50.8 102 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 94 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S2 (A6H0125-02RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 46.6 93.3 ug/kg dry 10 08/08/16 11:18 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Anthracene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 103 46.6 93.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 68.3 46.6 93.3 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 108 46.6 93.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 62.5 46.6 93.3 " " " " J Chrysene 197 46.6 93.3 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 189 46.6 93.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 49.0 46.6 93.3 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Naphthalene ND 46.6 93.3 " " " " Phenanthrene 107 46.6 93.3 " " " " Pyrene 194 46.6 93.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 110 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene 28.5 4.78 9.55 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 14:12 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 39.5 4.78 9.55 " " " " Anthracene 46.3 4.78 9.55 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 163 4.78 9.55 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 219 4.78 9.55 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 230 4.78 9.55 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 67.5 4.78 9.55 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 234 4.78 9.55 " " " " Chrysene 218 4.78 9.55 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 24.5 4.78 9.55 " " " " Dibenzofuran 22.2 4.78 9.55 " " " " Fluoranthene 404 4.78 9.55 " " " " Fluorene ND 18.2 18.2 " " " " R-02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 180 4.78 9.55 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 86.8 4.78 9.55 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 93.6 4.78 9.55 " " " " Naphthalene 160 4.78 9.55 " " " " Phenanthrene 292 4.78 9.55 " " " " Pyrene 523 4.78 9.55 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 101 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 4.85 9.70 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 14:39 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 102 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 5.04 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 15:06 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Pyrene ND 5.04 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 100 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S3 (A6H0125-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 5.69 11.4 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 15:32 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Pyrene ND 5.69 11.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 72 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 83 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S4 (A6H0125-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 5.11 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 15:59 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Pyrene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 82 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 5.20 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 16:26 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Pyrene ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 91 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 4.94 9.88 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 16:53 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 102 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S7 (A6H0125-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 4.94 9.87 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 17:19 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 7.94 4.94 9.87 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 7.83 4.94 9.87 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 10.5 4.94 9.87 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7.58 4.94 9.87 " " " " J Chrysene 9.13 4.94 9.87 " " " " J Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Fluoranthene 10.7 4.94 9.87 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 7.51 4.94 9.87 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.94 9.87 " " " " Phenanthrene 5.40 4.94 9.87 " " " " J Pyrene 12.0 4.94 9.87 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 95 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 4.91 9.82 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 17:45 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.91 9.82 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 99 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080133 Acenaphthene ND 5.42 10.8 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 18:13 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 8.62 5.42 10.8 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.10 5.42 10.8 " " " " J Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Chrysene 8.92 5.42 10.8 " " " " J Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Fluoranthene 16.9 5.42 10.8 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.42 10.8 " " " " Phenanthrene 7.67 5.42 10.8 " " " " J Pyrene 14.4 5.42 10.8 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 95 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 5.14 10.3 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 18:53 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 15.4 5.14 10.3 " " " " Anthracene 9.15 5.14 10.3 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 49.6 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 74.8 5.14 10.3 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 96.4 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 28.5 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 79.3 5.14 10.3 " " " " Chrysene 68.2 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 13.6 5.14 10.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 71.0 5.14 10.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 63.8 5.14 10.3 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 5.21 5.14 10.3 " " " " J 2-Methylnaphthalene 6.91 5.14 10.3 " " " " J Naphthalene 15.9 5.14 10.3 " " " " Phenanthrene 37.3 5.14 10.3 " " " " Pyrene 82.1 5.14 10.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 115 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S2 (A6H0125-14) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 24.7 49.4 ug/kg dry 5 08/04/16 19:20 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Anthracene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 67.3 24.7 49.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 83.6 24.7 49.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 105 24.7 49.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 35.4 24.7 49.4 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 78.2 24.7 49.4 " " " " Chrysene 81.1 24.7 49.4 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Fluoranthene 85.3 24.7 49.4 " " " " Fluorene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 70.6 24.7 49.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Naphthalene ND 24.7 49.4 " " " " Phenanthrene 50.0 24.7 49.4 " " " " Pyrene 105 24.7 49.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 114 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 5.68 11.4 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 19:47 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 10.6 5.68 11.4 " " " " J Anthracene 6.46 5.68 11.4 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 34.1 5.68 11.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 34.3 5.68 11.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 51.7 5.68 11.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 18.2 5.68 11.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 27.8 5.68 11.4 " " " " Chrysene 46.2 5.68 11.4 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.91 5.68 11.4 " " " " J Dibenzofuran 8.43 5.68 11.4 " " " " J Fluoranthene 63.6 5.68 11.4 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.68 11.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 26.6 5.68 11.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 21.3 5.68 11.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 26.8 5.68 11.4 " " " " Naphthalene 37.7 5.68 11.4 " " " " Phenanthrene 52.6 5.68 11.4 " " " " Pyrene 66.7 5.68 11.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 95 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S4 (A6H0125-16) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 5.64 11.3 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 20:14 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 9.84 5.64 11.3 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 8.35 5.64 11.3 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 12.5 5.64 11.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 7.52 5.64 11.3 " " " " J Chrysene 11.6 5.64 11.3 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 18.8 5.64 11.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 7.22 5.64 11.3 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.64 11.3 " " " " Naphthalene 6.52 5.64 11.3 " " " " J Phenanthrene 16.2 5.64 11.3 " " " " Pyrene 19.7 5.64 11.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S5 (A6H0125-17RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 6.13 12.3 ug/kg dry 1 08/05/16 11:29 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Anthracene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 8.22 6.13 12.3 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 8.20 6.13 12.3 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 12.3 6.13 12.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 12.1 6.13 12.3 " " " " J Chrysene 12.0 6.13 12.3 " " " " J Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 19.0 6.13 12.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.38 6.13 12.3 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 6.13 12.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 8.53 6.13 12.3 " " " " J Naphthalene 18.2 6.13 12.3 " " " " Phenanthrene 23.5 6.13 12.3 " " " " Pyrene 19.6 6.13 12.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 92 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080091 Acenaphthene ND 5.33 10.7 ug/kg dry 1 08/04/16 21:08 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 6.39 5.33 10.7 " " " " J Anthracene 6.35 5.33 10.7 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 15.8 5.33 10.7 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 14.8 5.33 10.7 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 22.7 5.33 10.7 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 6.56 5.33 10.7 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 16.7 5.33 10.7 " " " " Chrysene 19.9 5.33 10.7 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.33 10.7 " " " " Dibenzofuran 20.5 5.33 10.7 " " " " Fluoranthene 33.6 5.33 10.7 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.33 10.7 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 13.6 5.33 10.7 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 81.3 5.33 10.7 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 117 5.33 10.7 " " " " Naphthalene 89.6 5.33 10.7 " " " " Phenanthrene 42.3 5.33 10.7 " " " " Pyrene 35.7 5.33 10.7 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 95 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.35 0.616 1.23 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 00:44 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.234 0.123 0.246 " " " " J Chromium 13.3 0.616 1.23 " " " " Copper 24.8 1.23 2.46 " " " " Lead 75.0 0.123 0.246 " " " " Mercury 0.829 0.0493 0.0986 " " " " Nickel 12.8 0.616 1.23 " " " " Zinc 114 2.46 4.93 " " " " WHSEX-S2 (A6H0125-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 2.26 0.585 1.17 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 00:47 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.211 0.117 0.234 " " " " J Chromium 8.25 0.585 1.17 " " " " Copper 16.7 1.17 2.34 " " " " Lead 40.2 0.117 0.234 " " " " Mercury 0.0662 0.0468 0.0936 " " " " J Nickel 13.0 0.585 1.17 " " " " Zinc 77.6 2.34 4.68 " " " " WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 1.91 0.603 1.21 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 00:59 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.459 0.121 0.241 " " " " Chromium 8.85 0.603 1.21 " " " " Copper 16.5 1.21 2.41 " " " " Lead 44.2 0.121 0.241 " " " " Q-42 Mercury 0.299 0.0483 0.0965 " " " " Q-42 Nickel 12.0 0.603 1.21 " " " " Zinc 164 2.41 4.83 " " " " Q-42 WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.13 0.602 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:08 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.193 0.120 0.241 " " " " J Chromium 8.69 0.602 1.20 " " " " Copper 14.6 1.20 2.41 " " " " Lead 9.48 0.120 0.241 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 29 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury 0.0552 0.0482 0.0963 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Nickel 21.8 0.602 1.20 " " " " Zinc 43.7 2.41 4.82 " " " " WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 2.70 0.577 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:11 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.161 0.115 0.231 " " " " J Chromium 9.09 0.577 1.15 " " " " Copper 15.9 1.15 2.31 " " " " Lead 4.99 0.115 0.231 " " " " Mercury 0.0575 0.0461 0.0923 " " " " J Nickel 20.6 0.577 1.15 " " " " Zinc 42.6 2.31 4.61 " " " " WHSEA-S3 (A6H0125-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 5.12 0.628 1.26 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:14 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.214 0.126 0.251 " " " " J Chromium 13.6 0.628 1.26 " " " " Copper 18.6 1.26 2.51 " " " " Lead 15.4 0.126 0.251 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0503 0.101 " " " " Nickel 17.2 0.628 1.26 " " " " Zinc 61.9 2.51 5.03 " " " " WHSEA-S4 (A6H0125-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 2.65 0.634 1.27 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:17 EPA 6020A Cadmium ND 0.127 0.254 " " " " Chromium 8.95 0.634 1.27 " " " " Copper 15.3 1.27 2.54 " " " " Lead 4.36 0.127 0.254 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0508 0.102 " " " " Nickel 19.2 0.634 1.27 " " " " Zinc 39.8 2.54 5.08 " " " " WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.78 0.639 1.28 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:20 EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 30 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Cadmium 0.179 0.128 0.256 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Chromium 11.2 0.639 1.28 " " " " Copper 17.8 1.28 2.56 " " " " Lead 6.33 0.128 0.256 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0511 0.102 " " " " Nickel 20.1 0.639 1.28 " " " " Zinc 50.9 2.56 5.11 " " " " WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 2.97 0.593 1.19 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:23 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.166 0.119 0.237 " " " " J Chromium 9.66 0.593 1.19 " " " " Copper 16.7 1.19 2.37 " " " " Lead 5.07 0.119 0.237 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0475 0.0949 " " " " Nickel 23.7 0.593 1.19 " " " " Zinc 41.9 2.37 4.75 " " " " WHSEA-S7 (A6H0125-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.34 0.601 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:26 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.228 0.120 0.240 " " " " J Chromium 11.4 0.601 1.20 " " " " Copper 18.6 1.20 2.40 " " " " Lead 9.68 0.120 0.240 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0481 0.0962 " " " " Nickel 25.4 0.601 1.20 " " " " Zinc 55.9 2.40 4.81 " " " " WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.07 0.622 1.24 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:38 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.199 0.124 0.249 " " " " J Chromium 11.1 0.622 1.24 " " " " Copper 17.8 1.24 2.49 " " " " Lead 6.38 0.124 0.249 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0498 0.0995 " " " " Nickel 22.4 0.622 1.24 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 31 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Zinc 54.3 2.49 4.98 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 3.68 0.625 1.25 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:41 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.213 0.125 0.250 " " " " J Chromium 12.4 0.625 1.25 " " " " Copper 19.0 1.25 2.50 " " " " Lead 11.5 0.125 0.250 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0500 0.100 " " " " Nickel 21.3 0.625 1.25 " " " " Zinc 60.5 2.50 5.00 " " " " WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 9.52 0.613 1.23 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:44 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.319 0.123 0.245 " " " " Chromium 112 0.613 1.23 " " " " Copper 108 1.23 2.45 " " " " Lead 234 0.123 0.245 " " " " Mercury 0.232 0.0491 0.0981 " " " " Nickel 57.5 0.613 1.23 " " " " Zinc 125 2.45 4.91 " " " " WHSEB-S2 (A6H0125-14) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 29.1 0.534 1.07 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:47 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.224 0.107 0.214 " " " " Chromium 6.56 0.534 1.07 " " " " Copper 29.4 1.07 2.14 " " " " Lead 320 0.107 0.214 " " " " Mercury 0.240 0.0427 0.0855 " " " " Nickel 11.4 0.534 1.07 " " " " Zinc 127 2.14 4.27 " " " " WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 7.69 0.604 1.21 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:50 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.724 0.121 0.241 " " " " Chromium 17.1 0.604 1.21 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 32 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Copper 32.3 1.21 2.41 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A Lead 48.5 0.121 0.241 " " " " Mercury 0.0664 0.0483 0.0966 " " " " J Nickel 16.3 0.604 1.21 " " " " Zinc 359 2.41 4.83 " " " " WHSEB-S4 (A6H0125-16) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 9.86 0.731 1.46 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:53 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.351 0.146 0.292 " " " " Chromium 17.9 0.731 1.46 " " " " Copper 24.7 1.46 2.92 " " " " Lead 26.1 0.146 0.292 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0585 0.117 " " " " Nickel 17.7 0.731 1.46 " " " " Zinc 124 2.92 5.85 " " " " WHSEB-S5 (A6H0125-17) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 9.21 0.713 1.43 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:56 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.570 0.143 0.285 " " " " Chromium 18.3 0.713 1.43 " " " " Copper 33.7 1.43 2.85 " " " " Lead 54.3 0.143 0.285 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0570 0.114 " " " " Nickel 17.6 0.713 1.43 " " " " Zinc 346 2.85 5.70 " " " " WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080165 Arsenic 8.93 0.654 1.31 mg/kg dry 10 08/05/16 01:59 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.445 0.131 0.262 " " " " Chromium 18.4 0.654 1.31 " " " " Copper 30.8 1.31 2.62 " " " " Lead 84.7 0.131 0.262 " " " " Q-42 Mercury 0.0588 0.0524 0.105 " " " " J Nickel 16.8 0.654 1.31 " " " " Zinc 172 2.62 5.24 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 33 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 86.0 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEX-S2 (A6H0125-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 91.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 89.7 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S1 (A6H0125-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 87.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S2 (A6H0125-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 88.3 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S3 (A6H0125-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 78.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S4 (A6H0125-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 86.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S5 (A6H0125-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 84.7 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S6 (A6H0125-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 88.0 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S7 (A6H0125-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 87.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S8 (A6H0125-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 87.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 80.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 86.2 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEB-S2 (A6H0125-14) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 93.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEB-S3 (A6H0125-15) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 80.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEB-S4 (A6H0125-16) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 75.2 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 34 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSEB-S5 (A6H0125-17) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 75.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080155 % Solids 79.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/05/16 09:03 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 35 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080145 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (6080145-BLK1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/04/16 22:13 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080145-BS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/04/16 22:33 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 119 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 96 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080145-DUP1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/04/16 23:53

QC Source Sample: WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 14.0 27.9 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 94.4 27.9 55.9 " " --- 89.8 ------5 30% Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 106 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080145-DUP2) Prepared: 08/04/16 15:29 Analyzed: 08/04/16 23:13

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 13.4 26.7 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 842 26.7 53.4 " " --- 689 ------20 30% Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 36 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080143 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6080143-BLK1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:03 Analyzed: 08/04/16 18:08 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080143-BS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:03 Analyzed: 08/04/16 18:26 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 182 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 73 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 255 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 102 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080143-DUP1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:03 Analyzed: 08/04/16 19:19 C-07

QC Source Sample: WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 5.40 10.8 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1248 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1254 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1260 ND 5.40 10.8 " " --- ND ------30% Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6080143-MS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 10:03 Analyzed: 08/04/16 23:27 C-07

QC Source Sample: WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 202 6.11 12.2 ug/kg dry 1 306 ND 66 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 278 6.11 12.2 " " " ND 91 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 37 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080091 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6080091-BLK1) Prepared: 08/03/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/03/16 14:15 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 106 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6080091-BS1) Prepared: 08/03/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/03/16 14:41 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 770 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 96 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 765 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 32-132% ------Anthracene 779 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 97 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 769 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 758 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 840 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 105 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 824 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 103 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 790 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 43-134% ------Chrysene 798 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 747 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 783 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 98 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 38 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080091 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6080091-BS1) Prepared: 08/03/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/03/16 14:41 Fluoranthene 796 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 99 50-127% ------Fluorene 791 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 758 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 760 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 738 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 38-122% ------Naphthalene 735 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 791 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 50-121% ------Pyrene 792 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6080091-DUP1) Prepared: 08/03/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/03/16 15:35

QC Source Sample: Other (A6G0881-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 7290 7290 ug/kg dry 20 --- ND ------30% R-02 Acenaphthylene ND 2910 2910 " " --- 2920 ------*** 30% R-02 Anthracene ND 1310 1310 " " --- 1380 ------*** 30% R-02 Benz(a)anthracene ND 534 534 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene ND 559 559 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran 13100 121 243 " " --- 12500 ------5 30% Fluoranthene 1310 121 243 " " --- 1330 ------1 30% Fluorene 22100 22100 22100 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 121 243 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 136000 121 243 " " --- 134000 ------2 30% E 2-Methylnaphthalene 92900 121 243 " " --- 91700 ------1 30% Naphthalene ND 4130 4130 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Phenanthrene 36400 121 243 " " --- 37200 ------2 30% Pyrene 1700 121 243 " " --- 1780 ------4 30% M-02 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 124 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 39 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080091 - EPA 3546 Soil Matrix Spike (6080091-MS1) Prepared: 08/03/16 10:08 Analyzed: 08/04/16 17:06

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0044-02RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 3440 94.8 190 ug/kg wet 20 758 3330 14 40-122% ------Q-02 Acenaphthylene 1320 94.8 190 " " " 907 54 32-132% ------Anthracene 1040 94.8 190 " " " 1010 5 47-123% ------Q-02 Benz(a)anthracene 664 94.8 190 " " " 256 54 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 522 94.8 190 " " " ND 69 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 631 94.8 190 " " " ND 83 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 592 94.8 190 " " " ND 78 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 623 94.8 190 " " " ND 82 43-134% ------Chrysene 784 94.8 190 " " " 279 67 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 516 94.8 190 " " " ND 68 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 3880 94.8 190 " " " 4010 -18 44-120% ------Q-03 Fluoranthene 1120 94.8 190 " " " 515 80 50-127% ------Fluorene 7460 94.8 190 " " " 8460 -132 43-125% ------Q-03 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 576 94.8 190 " " " ND 76 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 30900 94.8 190 " " " 37800 -912 40-120% ------Q-03 2-Methylnaphthalene 35700 94.8 190 " " " 44400 -1160 38-122% ------Q-03 Naphthalene 9920 94.8 190 " " " 10900 -129 35-123% ------Q-03 Phenanthrene 14100 94.8 190 " " " 16500 -308 50-121% ------Q-03 Pyrene 1890 94.8 190 " " " 1300 78 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 87 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 114 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 40 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080133 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6080133-BLK1) Prepared: 08/04/16 06:24 Analyzed: 08/05/16 11:56 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 109 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6080133-BS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 06:24 Analyzed: 08/05/16 12:23 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 700 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 87 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 664 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 83 32-132% ------Anthracene 645 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 81 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 623 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 78 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 606 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 76 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 640 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 80 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 641 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 80 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 601 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 75 43-134% ------Chrysene 651 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 81 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 574 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 669 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 84 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 41 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080133 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6080133-BS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 06:24 Analyzed: 08/05/16 12:23 Fluoranthene 715 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 89 50-127% ------Fluorene 722 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 580 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 765 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 731 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 38-122% ------Naphthalene 727 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 696 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 50-121% ------Pyrene 726 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6080133-DUP2) Prepared: 08/04/16 06:24 Analyzed: 08/08/16 10:51

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S1 (A6H0125-01RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 51.9 104 ug/kg dry 10 --- ND ------30% Acenaphthylene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Anthracene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Benz(a)anthracene 65.9 51.9 104 " " --- 64.6 ------2 30% J Benzo(a)pyrene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene 69.9 51.9 104 " " --- 71.5 ------2 30% J Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene 119 51.9 104 " " --- 114 ------4 30% M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Fluoranthene 127 51.9 104 " " --- 135 ------5 30% Fluorene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Naphthalene ND 51.9 104 " " --- ND ------30% Phenanthrene 83.0 51.9 104 " " --- 84.9 ------2 30% J Pyrene 131 51.9 104 " " --- 133 ------2 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 90 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 10x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 108 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 42 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080133 - EPA 3546 Soil Matrix Spike (6080133-MS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 06:24 Analyzed: 08/05/16 18:40

QC Source Sample: WHSEA-S9 (A6H0125-12) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 721 5.23 10.5 ug/kg dry 1 836 ND 86 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 677 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 81 32-132% ------Anthracene 629 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 75 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 639 5.23 10.5 " " " 8.62 75 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 630 5.23 10.5 " " " 5.33 75 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 662 5.23 10.5 " " " 9.10 78 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 648 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 77 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 601 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 72 43-134% ------Chrysene 673 5.23 10.5 " " " 8.92 79 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 573 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 69 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 694 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 83 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 726 5.23 10.5 " " " 16.9 85 50-127% ------Fluorene 747 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 89 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 586 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 70 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 787 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 94 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 754 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 90 38-122% ------Naphthalene 742 5.23 10.5 " " " ND 89 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 692 5.23 10.5 " " " 7.67 82 50-121% ------Pyrene 731 5.23 10.5 " " " 14.4 86 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 83 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 43 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080165 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6080165-BLK1) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 00:35 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 1.00 2.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (6080165-BS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 00:38 EPA 6020A Arsenic 49.4 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 99 80-120% ------Cadmium 50.6 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 101 " ------Chromium 48.8 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 98 " ------Copper 49.9 1.00 2.00 " " " --- 100 " ------Lead 51.5 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 103 " ------Mercury 1.06 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 106 " ------Nickel 48.0 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 96 " ------Zinc 50.7 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 101 " ------

Duplicate (6080165-DUP1) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 01:02

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) EPA 6020A Arsenic 1.83 0.548 1.10 mg/kg dry 10 --- 1.91 ------4 40% Cadmium 0.438 0.110 0.219 " " --- 0.459 ------5 40% Chromium 7.09 0.548 1.10 " " --- 8.85 ------22 40% Copper 15.2 1.10 2.19 " " --- 16.5 ------8 40% Lead 36.0 0.110 0.219 " " --- 44.2 ------20 40% Mercury 0.149 0.0438 0.0876 " " --- 0.299 ------67 40% Q-05 Nickel 10.8 0.548 1.10 " " --- 12.0 ------11 40% Zinc 165 2.19 4.38 " " --- 164 ------0.7 40%

Matrix Spike (6080165-MS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 01:05

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 44 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080165 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6080165-MS1) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 01:05

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) Arsenic 55.3 0.563 1.13 mg/kg dry 10 56.3 1.91 95 75-125% ------Cadmium 55.1 0.113 0.225 " " " 0.459 97 " ------Chromium 61.7 0.563 1.13 " " " 8.85 94 " ------Copper 70.7 1.13 2.25 " " " 16.5 96 " ------Lead 148 0.113 0.225 " " " 44.2 184 " ------A-01, Q-01 Mercury 1.26 0.0451 0.0901 " " 1.13 0.299 86 " ------Nickel 62.8 0.563 1.13 " " 56.3 12.0 90 " ------Zinc 200 2.25 4.51 " " " 164 64 " ------Q-03

Matrix Spike (6080165-MS2) Prepared: 08/04/16 14:11 Analyzed: 08/05/16 02:02

QC Source Sample: WHSEB-S6 (A6H0125-18) EPA 6020A Arsenic 64.4 0.627 1.25 mg/kg dry 10 62.8 8.93 88 75-125% ------Cadmium 62.2 0.125 0.251 " " " 0.445 98 " ------Chromium 76.6 0.627 1.25 " " " 18.4 93 " ------Copper 84.7 1.25 2.51 " " " 30.8 86 " ------Lead 95.9 0.125 0.251 " " " 84.7 18 " ------A-01, Q-01 Mercury 1.29 0.0502 0.100 " " 1.25 0.0588 98 " ------Nickel 73.5 0.627 1.25 " " 62.8 16.8 90 " ------Zinc 226 2.51 5.02 " " " 172 87 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 45 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080155 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6080155-DUP1) Prepared: 08/04/16 12:07 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: WHSEX-S3 (A6H0125-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 90.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 89.7 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP2) Prepared: 08/04/16 12:07 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: WHSEB-S1 (A6H0125-13) EPA 8000C % Solids 86.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 86.2 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP3) Prepared: 08/04/16 12:07 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0132-04) EPA 8000C % Solids 85.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 85.5 ------0.1 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP4) Prepared: 08/04/16 13:10 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0115-09) EPA 8000C % Solids 77.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 76.3 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP5) Prepared: 08/04/16 15:06 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0155-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 78.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 79.8 ------2 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP6) Prepared: 08/04/16 18:13 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0171-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 91.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 90.0 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080155-DUP7) Prepared: 08/04/16 19:53 Analyzed: 08/05/16 09:03

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0179-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 80.3 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 80.5 ------0.2 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 46 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080145 A6H0125-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 13:45 08/04/16 15:29 10.83g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6H0125-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 13:51 08/04/16 15:29 10.84g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6H0125-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 13:54 08/04/16 15:29 10.5g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:00 08/04/16 15:29 10.81g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0125-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:03 08/04/16 15:29 10.48g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:07 08/04/16 15:29 10.63g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-07 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:10 08/04/16 15:29 10.44g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0125-08 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:13 08/04/16 15:29 10.36g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A6H0125-09 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:15 08/04/16 15:29 10.66g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-10 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:18 08/04/16 15:29 10.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0125-11 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:20 08/04/16 15:29 10.53g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-12 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:23 08/04/16 15:29 10.7g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-13 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:27 08/04/16 10:08 10.39g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0125-14 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:30 08/04/16 10:08 10.38g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0125-15 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:32 08/04/16 10:08 10.6g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-16 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:35 08/04/16 10:08 10.34g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A6H0125-17 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:37 08/04/16 10:08 10.79g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0125-18 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/03/16 14:40 08/04/16 10:08 10.19g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080143 A6H0125-01 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 13:45 08/04/16 11:04 11.21g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-02 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 13:51 08/04/16 11:04 11.85g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6H0125-03 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 13:54 08/04/16 11:04 11.29g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-04 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:00 08/04/16 11:04 10.76g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0125-05 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:03 08/04/16 11:04 11.23g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-06 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:07 08/04/16 11:04 11.23g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-07 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:10 08/04/16 11:04 11.51g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0125-08 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:13 08/04/16 11:04 11.77g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0125-09 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:15 08/04/16 11:04 10.69g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-10 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:18 08/04/16 11:04 11.48g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0125-11 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:20 08/04/16 11:04 11.57g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6H0125-12 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:23 08/04/16 11:04 11.42g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 47 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor A6H0125-13 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:27 08/04/16 10:03 10.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-14 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:30 08/04/16 10:03 10.55g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-15 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:32 08/04/16 10:03 10.61g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-16 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:35 08/04/16 10:03 10.66g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0125-17 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:37 08/04/16 10:03 10.53g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0125-18 Soil EPA 8082A 08/03/16 14:40 08/04/16 10:03 10.75g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080091 A6H0125-13 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:27 08/03/16 17:48 11.29g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-14 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:30 08/03/16 17:48 10.82g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6H0125-15 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:32 08/03/16 17:48 10.94g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.91 A6H0125-16 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:35 08/03/16 17:48 11.79g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0125-17RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:37 08/03/16 17:48 10.74g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0125-18 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:40 08/03/16 17:48 11.87g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84

Batch: 6080133 A6H0125-01RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 13:45 08/04/16 06:24 11.45g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0125-02RE1 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 13:51 08/04/16 06:24 11.66g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6H0125-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 13:54 08/04/16 06:24 11.67g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6H0125-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:00 08/04/16 06:24 11.77g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0125-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:03 08/04/16 06:24 11.23g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0125-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:07 08/04/16 06:24 11.13g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6H0125-07 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:10 08/04/16 06:24 11.33g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6H0125-08 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:13 08/04/16 06:24 11.36g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6H0125-09 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:15 08/04/16 06:24 11.51g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0125-10 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:18 08/04/16 06:24 11.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0125-11 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:20 08/04/16 06:24 11.66g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6H0125-12 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/03/16 14:23 08/04/16 06:24 11.43g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 48 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080165 A6H0125-01 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 13:45 08/04/16 14:11 0.472g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A6H0125-02 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 13:51 08/04/16 14:11 0.465g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.08 A6H0125-03 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 13:54 08/04/16 14:11 0.462g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.08 A6H0125-04 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:00 08/04/16 14:11 0.474g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6H0125-05 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:03 08/04/16 14:11 0.491g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.02 A6H0125-06 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:07 08/04/16 14:11 0.504g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.99 A6H0125-07 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:10 08/04/16 14:11 0.456g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6H0125-08 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:13 08/04/16 14:11 0.462g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.08 A6H0125-09 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:15 08/04/16 14:11 0.479g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6H0125-10 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:18 08/04/16 14:11 0.474g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6H0125-11 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:20 08/04/16 14:11 0.46g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.09 A6H0125-12 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:23 08/04/16 14:11 0.495g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.01 A6H0125-13 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:27 08/04/16 14:11 0.473g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A6H0125-14 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:30 08/04/16 14:11 0.5g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.00 A6H0125-15 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:32 08/04/16 14:11 0.515g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.97 A6H0125-16 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:35 08/04/16 14:11 0.455g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6H0125-17 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:37 08/04/16 14:11 0.462g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.08 A6H0125-18 Soil EPA 6020A 08/03/16 14:40 08/04/16 14:11 0.483g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080155 A6H0125-01 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 13:45 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-02 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 13:51 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-03 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 13:54 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-04 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:00 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-05 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:03 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-06 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:07 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-07 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:10 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-08 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:13 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-09 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:15 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-10 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:18 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-11 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:20 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-12 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:23 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 49 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05


Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor A6H0125-13 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:27 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-14 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:30 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-15 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:32 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-16 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:35 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-17 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:37 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0125-18 Soil EPA 8000C 08/03/16 14:40 08/04/16 12:07 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 50 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05

Notes and Definitions


A-01 Serial dilution agrees within 10% of this value. Post spike not required. Data is acceptable.

C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. E Estimated Value. The result is above the calibration range of the instrument.

F-03 The result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported. J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

P-10 Result estimated due to the presence of multiple PCB Aroclors and/or matrix interference.

Q-01 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside acceptance limits.

Q-02 Spike recovery is outside of established control limits due to matrix interference.

Q-03 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to the high concentration of analyte present in the sample.

Q-05 Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample and duplicate concentrations that are below 5 times the reporting level.

Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.) R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 51 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05 Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 52 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 53 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/09/16 09:05

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 54 of 54 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6H0426, which was received by the laboratory on 8/12/2016 at 1:25:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Elevator C S-1 A6H0426-01 Soil 08/12/16 09:05 08/12/16 13:25 Elevator C S-2 A6H0426-02 Soil 08/12/16 09:07 08/12/16 13:25 Elevator C S-3 A6H0426-03 Soil 08/12/16 09:09 08/12/16 13:25 Elevator C S-4 A6H0426-04 Soil 08/12/16 09:11 08/12/16 13:25 Elevator C S-5 A6H0426-05 Soil 08/12/16 09:13 08/12/16 13:25 Elevator C S-6 A6H0426-06 Soil 08/12/16 09:15 08/12/16 13:25

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-1 (A6H0426-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel 35.4 12.8 25.5 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 00:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG F-13, F-15 Oil 349 25.5 51.0 " " " " F-03, F-16 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 83 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel 88.4 13.9 27.9 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 00:45 NWTPH-Dx/SG F-13, F-15 Oil 401 27.9 55.8 " " " " F-03, F-16 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-3 (A6H0426-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 01:05 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel ND 11.6 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 01:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 270 23.3 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-5 (A6H0426-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel ND 12.0 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 01:45 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 34.1 24.0 50.0 " " " " J Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080458 Diesel ND 12.7 25.4 mg/kg dry 1 08/13/16 02:05 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 66.6 25.4 50.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 94 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-1 (A6H0426-01RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.08 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 08/16/16 09:01 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.08 10.2 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.08 10.2 " " " " Aroclor 1242 12.4 5.08 10.2 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.08 10.2 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 20.3 20.3 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 10.2 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 101 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.20 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 08/15/16 19:47 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 10.4 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.20 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 11.4 11.4 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 10.4 10.4 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-3 (A6H0426-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.51 9.03 ug/kg dry 1 08/16/16 09:36 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.51 9.03 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.25 10.5 ug/kg dry 1 08/16/16 10:12 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.25 10.5 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 16.8 16.8 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 9.73 5.25 10.5 " " " " J Aroclor 1248 ND 10.5 10.5 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 10.5 10.5 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 10.5 10.5 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-5 (A6H0426-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.52 9.04 ug/kg dry 1 08/16/16 10:47 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.52 9.04 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.52 9.04 " " " " Aroclor 1242 7.65 4.52 9.04 " " " " J Aroclor 1248 ND 9.04 9.04 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 9.04 9.04 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.52 9.04 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080500 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.66 9.32 ug/kg dry 1 08/16/16 11:23 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.66 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.66 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1242 11.5 4.66 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 9.32 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 10.2 10.2 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 9.32 9.32 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 106 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-1 (A6H0426-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene ND 54.6 109 ug/kg dry 10 08/15/16 16:29 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 54.6 109 " " " " Anthracene 83.4 54.6 109 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 220 54.6 109 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 160 54.6 109 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 222 54.6 109 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 82.1 54.6 109 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 117 54.6 109 " " " " Chrysene 244 54.6 109 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 54.6 109 " " " " Dibenzofuran 88.0 54.6 109 " " " " J Fluoranthene 426 54.6 109 " " " " Fluorene ND 54.6 109 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 119 54.6 109 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 245 54.6 109 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 234 54.6 109 " " " " Naphthalene 159 54.6 109 " " " " Phenanthrene 420 54.6 109 " " " " Pyrene 399 54.6 109 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 110 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene ND 28.8 57.6 ug/kg dry 5 08/15/16 16:56 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 57.6 57.6 " " " " Anthracene 57.8 28.8 57.6 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 231 28.8 57.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 200 28.8 57.6 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 291 28.8 57.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 83.4 28.8 57.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 144 28.8 57.6 " " " " Chrysene 268 28.8 57.6 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 33.4 28.8 57.6 " " " " J Dibenzofuran 128 28.8 57.6 " " " " Fluoranthene 409 28.8 57.6 " " " " Fluorene ND 28.8 57.6 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 145 28.8 57.6 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 438 28.8 57.6 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 438 28.8 57.6 " " " " Naphthalene 251 28.8 57.6 " " " " Phenanthrene 469 28.8 57.6 " " " " Pyrene 436 28.8 57.6 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-3 (A6H0426-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene ND 4.98 9.97 ug/kg dry 1 08/15/16 17:23 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.98 9.97 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 91 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene ND 5.12 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 08/15/16 17:50 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.12 10.2 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.12 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 22.8 5.12 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 18.0 5.12 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 26.7 5.12 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.36 5.12 10.2 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 17.3 5.12 10.2 " " " " Chrysene 26.2 5.12 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.12 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran 21.3 5.12 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 43.2 5.12 10.2 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.12 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 16.0 5.12 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 86.4 5.12 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 112 5.12 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene 68.0 5.12 10.2 " " " " Phenanthrene 41.4 5.12 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 41.2 5.12 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-5 (A6H0426-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene ND 5.15 10.3 ug/kg dry 1 08/15/16 18:17 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.15 10.3 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.15 10.3 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 12.5 5.15 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 8.65 5.15 10.3 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 11.7 5.15 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.15 10.3 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 6.87 5.15 10.3 " " " " J Chrysene 14.3 5.15 10.3 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.15 10.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran 5.29 5.15 10.3 " " " " J Fluoranthene 29.0 5.15 10.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.15 10.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 6.83 5.15 10.3 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene 11.5 5.15 10.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 10.8 5.15 10.3 " " " " Naphthalene 6.64 5.15 10.3 " " " " J Phenanthrene 30.2 5.15 10.3 " " " " Pyrene 27.1 5.15 10.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 102 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080456 Acenaphthene 5.35 5.11 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 08/15/16 18:44 EPA 8270D (SIM) J Acenaphthylene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Anthracene 7.27 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 35.0 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 35.8 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 43.1 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 16.7 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 29.8 5.11 10.2 " " " " Chrysene 41.5 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran 5.49 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Fluoranthene 78.5 5.11 10.2 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 27.4 5.11 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 12.4 5.11 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 12.6 5.11 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene 9.68 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Phenanthrene 41.8 5.11 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 80.4 5.11 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 97 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-1 (A6H0426-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 3.81 0.564 1.13 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 20:37 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.451 0.113 0.226 " " " " Chromium 10.0 0.564 1.13 " " " " Copper 33.2 0.564 1.13 " " " " Lead 119 0.113 0.226 " " " " Mercury 0.175 0.0451 0.0902 " " " " Nickel 16.1 0.564 1.13 " " " " Zinc 137 2.26 4.51 " " " " Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 5.28 0.590 1.18 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 20:40 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.520 0.118 0.236 " " " " Chromium 11.2 0.590 1.18 " " " " Copper 33.7 0.590 1.18 " " " " Lead 110 0.118 0.236 " " " " Mercury 0.162 0.0472 0.0945 " " " " Nickel 19.4 0.590 1.18 " " " " Zinc 147 2.36 4.72 " " " " Elevator C S-3 (A6H0426-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 1.72 0.508 1.02 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 20:43 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.102 0.102 0.203 " " " " J Chromium 9.16 0.508 1.02 " " " " Copper 12.2 0.508 1.02 " " " " Lead 3.28 0.102 0.203 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0407 0.0813 " " " " Nickel 13.1 0.508 1.02 " " " " Zinc 32.2 2.03 4.07 " " " " Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 2.34 0.527 1.05 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 20:58 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.127 0.105 0.211 " " " " J Chromium 8.51 0.527 1.05 " " " " Copper 14.1 0.527 1.05 " " " " Lead 17.5 0.105 0.211 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury 0.0500 0.0422 0.0844 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Nickel 11.8 0.527 1.05 " " " " Zinc 46.3 2.11 4.22 " " " " Elevator C S-5 (A6H0426-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 1.85 0.593 1.19 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 21:01 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.213 0.119 0.237 " " " " J Chromium 5.86 0.593 1.19 " " " " Copper 7.88 0.593 1.19 " " " " Lead 9.43 0.119 0.237 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0474 0.0948 " " " " Nickel 8.41 0.593 1.19 " " " " Zinc 44.8 2.37 4.74 " " " " Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080563 Arsenic 2.10 0.527 1.05 mg/kg dry 10 08/16/16 21:04 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.190 0.105 0.211 " " " " J Chromium 7.57 0.527 1.05 " " " " Copper 11.9 0.527 1.05 " " " " Lead 16.7 0.105 0.211 " " " " Mercury 0.0557 0.0422 0.0844 " " " " J Nickel 10.8 0.527 1.05 " " " " Zinc 59.4 2.11 4.22 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-1 (A6H0426-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 86.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 84.0 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-3 (A6H0426-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 96.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-4 (A6H0426-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 91.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-5 (A6H0426-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 93.3 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080554 % Solids 92.2 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/17/16 09:27 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080458 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (6080458-BLK1) Prepared: 08/12/16 17:12 Analyzed: 08/12/16 23:04 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 10.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 20.8 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080458-BS1) Prepared: 08/12/16 17:12 Analyzed: 08/12/16 23:24 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 115 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 92 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 103 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080458-DUP1) Prepared: 08/12/16 17:12 Analyzed: 08/13/16 00:04

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0345-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 12.9 25.9 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 109 25.9 51.7 " " --- 83.2 ------26 30% Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080500 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6080500-BLK1) Prepared: 08/15/16 11:32 Analyzed: 08/15/16 18:01 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080500-BS1) Prepared: 08/15/16 11:32 Analyzed: 08/15/16 18:18 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 206 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 82 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 267 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 107 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080500-DUP1) Prepared: 08/15/16 11:32 Analyzed: 08/15/16 19:11 C-07

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0424-04) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 5.59 11.2 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 5.59 11.2 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 5.59 11.2 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 ND 5.59 11.2 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1248 ND 5.59 11.2 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1254 25.7 5.59 11.2 " " --- 18.7 ------32 30% P-10, Q-05 Aroclor 1260 28.0 5.59 11.2 " " --- 19.8 ------35 30% P-10, Q-05 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6080500-MS1) Prepared: 08/15/16 11:32 Analyzed: 08/15/16 20:22 C-07

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-2 (A6H0426-02) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 201 5.38 10.8 ug/kg dry 1 269 ND 75 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 269 5.38 10.8 " " " ND 100 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080456 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6080456-BLK1) Prepared: 08/12/16 16:12 Analyzed: 08/15/16 14:13 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.55 9.09 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6080456-BS1) Prepared: 08/12/16 16:12 Analyzed: 08/15/16 14:40 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 740 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 92 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 718 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 32-132% ------Anthracene 713 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 706 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 88 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 726 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 736 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 728 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 716 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 43-134% ------Chrysene 757 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 721 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 730 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080456 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6080456-BS1) Prepared: 08/12/16 16:12 Analyzed: 08/15/16 14:40 Fluoranthene 744 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 93 50-127% ------Fluorene 743 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 703 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 88 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 736 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 718 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 38-122% ------Naphthalene 717 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 747 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 50-121% ------Pyrene 738 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 90 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 100 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6080456-DUP1) Prepared: 08/12/16 16:12 Analyzed: 08/15/16 15:35

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0326-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 2870 2870 ug/kg dry 20 --- ND ------30% R-02 Acenaphthylene ND 861 861 " " --- 906 ------*** 30% R-02 Anthracene ND 933 933 " " --- 1100 ------*** 30% R-02 Benz(a)anthracene ND 239 239 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(a)pyrene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene ND 239 239 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 4070 4070 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Fluoranthene 341 120 239 " " --- 311 ------9 30% Fluorene 6580 120 239 " " --- 6310 ------4 30% M-04 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 120 239 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 42700 120 239 " " --- 40700 ------5 30% 2-Methylnaphthalene 60800 120 239 " " --- 58400 ------4 30% Naphthalene 21900 120 239 " " --- 20900 ------5 30% Phenanthrene 13000 120 239 " " --- 11700 ------10 30% Pyrene 881 120 239 " " --- 830 ------6 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 109 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080456 - EPA 3546 Soil Matrix Spike (6080456-MS1) Prepared: 08/12/16 16:12 Analyzed: 08/15/16 19:38

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0432-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 1180 9.27 18.5 ug/kg dry 1 1480 ND 79 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 1150 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 77 32-132% ------Anthracene 1110 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 75 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 1080 9.27 18.5 " " " 10.9 72 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 1120 9.27 18.5 " " " 10.4 75 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1160 9.27 18.5 " " " 15.4 77 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1160 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 78 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1050 9.27 18.5 " " " 11.4 70 43-134% ------Chrysene 1120 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 76 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 1090 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 73 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 1160 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 78 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 1130 9.27 18.5 " " " 10.2 76 50-127% ------Fluorene 1160 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 78 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1040 9.27 18.5 " " " 11.1 70 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 1170 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 79 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 1160 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 78 38-122% ------Naphthalene 1190 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 80 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 1150 9.27 18.5 " " " ND 78 50-121% ------Pyrene 1120 9.27 18.5 " " " 11.0 75 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 82 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080563 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6080563-BLK1) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 19:49 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (6080563-BS1) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 19:52 EPA 6020A Arsenic 50.1 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 100 80-120% ------Cadmium 50.2 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 100 " ------Chromium 49.4 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 99 " ------Copper 50.6 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 101 " ------Lead 51.7 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 103 " ------Mercury 1.06 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 106 " ------Nickel 49.2 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 98 " ------Zinc 52.2 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 104 " ------

Duplicate (6080563-DUP1) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 20:19

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0188-02) EPA 6020A Arsenic 1.06 0.688 1.38 mg/kg dry 10 --- 0.827 ------25 40% J Cadmium ND 0.138 0.275 " " --- ND ------40% Chromium 4.80 0.688 1.38 " " --- 3.93 ------20 40% Copper 7.33 0.688 1.38 " " --- 6.55 ------11 40% Lead 2.54 0.138 0.275 " " --- 1.60 ------45 40% Q-05 Mercury ND 0.0550 0.110 " " --- ND ------40% Nickel 5.73 0.688 1.38 " " --- 5.20 ------10 40% Zinc 20.5 2.75 5.50 " " --- 18.4 ------11 40%

Matrix Spike (6080563-MS1) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 20:22

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0188-02) EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080563 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6080563-MS1) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 20:22

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0188-02) Arsenic 61.8 0.623 1.25 mg/kg dry 10 62.3 0.827 98 75-125% ------Cadmium 62.5 0.125 0.249 " " " ND 100 " ------Chromium 65.3 0.623 1.25 " " " 3.93 99 " ------Copper 66.8 0.623 1.25 " " " 6.55 97 " ------Lead 65.5 0.125 0.249 " " " 1.60 102 " ------Mercury 1.35 0.0498 0.0996 " " 1.25 ND 109 " ------Nickel 64.7 0.623 1.25 " " 62.3 5.20 96 " ------Zinc 83.3 2.49 4.98 " " " 18.4 104 " ------

Matrix Spike (6080563-MS2) Prepared: 08/16/16 13:32 Analyzed: 08/16/16 21:34

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0467-05) EPA 6020A Arsenic 63.9 0.662 1.32 mg/kg dry 10 66.2 0.815 95 75-125% ------Cadmium 64.9 0.132 0.265 " " " 0.191 98 " ------Chromium 85.9 0.662 1.32 " " " 21.2 98 " ------Copper 112 0.662 1.32 " " " 52.0 90 " ------Lead 66.5 0.132 0.265 " " " 2.31 97 " ------Mercury 1.37 0.0530 0.106 " " 1.32 ND 104 " ------Nickel 107 0.662 1.32 " " 66.2 43.7 96 " ------Zinc 162 2.65 5.30 " " " 87.7 111 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080554 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6080554-DUP1) Prepared: 08/16/16 12:28 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-6 (A6H0426-06) EPA 8000C % Solids 92.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 92.2 ------0.2 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP2) Prepared: 08/16/16 12:28 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0433-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 83.2 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 82.6 ------0.7 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP3) Prepared: 08/16/16 12:28 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0467-04) EPA 8000C % Solids 84.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 83.3 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP4) Prepared: 08/16/16 12:28 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0478-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 80.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 81.4 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP5) Prepared: 08/16/16 12:28 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0509-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 97.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 97.4 ------0.2 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP6) Prepared: 08/16/16 19:13 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0421-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 88.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 89.9 ------1 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP7) Prepared: 08/16/16 19:13 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0531-07) EPA 8000C % Solids 79.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 79.5 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6080554-DUP8) Prepared: 08/16/16 19:13 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080554 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6080554-DUP8) Prepared: 08/16/16 19:13 Analyzed: 08/17/16 09:27

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0542-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 79.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 79.7 ------0.1 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080458 A6H0426-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:05 08/12/16 17:12 11.27g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6H0426-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:07 08/12/16 17:12 10.67g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0426-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:09 08/12/16 17:12 11.44g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0426-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:11 08/12/16 17:12 11.68g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6H0426-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:13 08/12/16 17:12 11.15g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6H0426-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/12/16 09:15 08/12/16 17:12 10.69g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080500 A6H0426-01RE1 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:05 08/15/16 11:32 11.33g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6H0426-02 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:07 08/15/16 11:32 11.45g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0426-03 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:09 08/15/16 13:49 11.53g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0426-04 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:11 08/15/16 13:49 10.37g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0426-05 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:13 08/15/16 13:49 11.86g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6H0426-06 Soil EPA 8082A 08/12/16 09:15 08/15/16 13:49 11.64g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080456 A6H0426-01 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:05 08/12/16 16:13 10.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0426-02 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:07 08/12/16 16:13 10.34g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A6H0426-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:09 08/12/16 16:13 10.44g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0426-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:11 08/12/16 16:13 10.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0426-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:13 08/12/16 16:13 10.4g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0426-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/12/16 09:15 08/12/16 16:13 10.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080563 A6H0426-01 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:05 08/16/16 13:32 0.51g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.98 A6H0426-02 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:07 08/16/16 13:32 0.504g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.99 A6H0426-03 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:09 08/16/16 13:32 0.512g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.98 A6H0426-04 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:11 08/16/16 13:32 0.516g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.97 A6H0426-05 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:13 08/16/16 13:32 0.452g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.11 A6H0426-06 Soil EPA 6020A 08/12/16 09:15 08/16/16 13:32 0.514g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.97

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080554 A6H0426-01 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:05 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0426-02 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:07 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0426-03 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:09 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0426-04 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:11 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0426-05 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:13 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0426-06 Soil EPA 8000C 08/12/16 09:15 08/16/16 12:28 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48

Notes and Definitions


C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. F-03 The result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported. F-13 The chromatographic pattern does not resemble the fuel standard used for quantitation

F-15 Results for diesel are estimated due to overlap from the reported oil result.

F-16 Results for oil are estimated due to overlap from the reported diesel result.

J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

M-04 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result may contain a high bias.

P-10 Result estimated due to the presence of multiple PCB Aroclors and/or matrix interference.

Q-05 Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample and duplicate concentrations that are below 5 times the reporting level.

R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor. Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/18/16 09:48

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 28 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6H0678, which was received by the laboratory on 8/22/2016 at 3:52:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Elevator C S-7 A6H0678-01 Soil 08/22/16 13:10 08/22/16 15:52 Elevator C S-8 A6H0678-02 Soil 08/22/16 13:13 08/22/16 15:52 Elevator C S-9 A6H0678-03 Soil 08/22/16 13:17 08/22/16 15:52 Elevator C S-10 A6H0678-04 Soil 08/22/16 13:20 08/22/16 15:52 Elevator C S-11 A6H0678-05 Soil 08/22/16 13:25 08/22/16 15:52 Elevator C S-12 A6H0678-06 Soil 08/22/16 13:30 08/22/16 15:52

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel 111 13.6 27.1 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 00:06 NWTPH-Dx/SG F-13, F-15 Oil 389 27.1 54.3 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 94 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-8 (A6H0678-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel 70.8 13.3 26.6 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 00:46 NWTPH-Dx/SG F-13, F-15 Oil 367 26.6 53.1 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-9 (A6H0678-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel 13.6 12.1 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 01:06 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil ND 24.1 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel 18.8 13.2 26.4 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 01:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 121 26.4 52.9 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-11 (A6H0678-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel ND 11.9 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 01:45 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 23.8 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080829 Diesel ND 13.2 26.5 mg/kg dry 1 08/24/16 02:05 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 126 26.5 53.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.94 9.88 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 20:38 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.94 9.88 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-8 (A6H0678-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.79 9.57 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 21:49 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 9.57 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 11.5 11.5 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 4.79 9.57 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-9 (A6H0678-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.38 8.75 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 22:24 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.38 8.75 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.77 9.54 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 20:55 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.77 9.54 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.77 9.54 " " " " Aroclor 1242 13.6 4.77 9.54 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1248 ND 4.77 9.54 " " " " Aroclor 1254 28.1 4.77 9.54 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 12.4 4.77 9.54 " " " " P-10 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-11 (A6H0678-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.34 8.69 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 21:31 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.34 8.69 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.34 8.69 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.34 8.69 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.34 8.69 " " " " Aroclor 1254 5.32 4.34 8.69 " " " " J Aroclor 1260 ND 4.34 8.69 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080793 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.78 9.56 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 22:06 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.78 9.56 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.78 9.56 " " " " Aroclor 1242 8.84 4.78 9.56 " " " " J Aroclor 1248 ND 4.78 9.56 " " " " Aroclor 1254 22.9 4.78 9.56 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 8.70 4.78 9.56 " " " " J Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene ND 17.7 17.7 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 13:02 EPA 8270D (SIM) R-02 Acenaphthylene ND 27.7 27.7 " " " " R-02 Anthracene 55.0 5.53 11.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 193 5.53 11.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 183 5.53 11.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 295 5.53 11.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 84.6 5.53 11.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 121 5.53 11.1 " " " " Q-42 Chrysene 262 5.53 11.1 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 34.8 5.53 11.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran 124 5.53 11.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 337 5.53 11.1 " " " " Fluorene ND 16.6 16.6 " " " " R-02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 125 5.53 11.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 438 5.53 11.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 452 5.53 11.1 " " " " Naphthalene 290 5.53 11.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 454 5.53 11.1 " " " " Pyrene 353 5.53 11.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 103 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-8 (A6H0678-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene ND 50.1 50.1 ug/kg dry 5 08/23/16 14:00 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 25.1 50.1 " " " " Anthracene 146 25.1 50.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 340 25.1 50.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 205 25.1 50.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 311 25.1 50.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 93.5 25.1 50.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 101 25.1 50.1 " " " " Chrysene 410 25.1 50.1 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 30.1 25.1 50.1 " " " " J Dibenzofuran 112 25.1 50.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 829 25.1 50.1 " " " " Fluorene ND 50.1 50.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 107 25.1 50.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 413 25.1 50.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 354 25.1 50.1 " " " " Naphthalene 201 25.1 50.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 551 25.1 50.1 " " " " Pyrene 711 25.1 50.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 113 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-9 (A6H0678-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene ND 4.43 8.86 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 15:00 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.43 8.86 " " " " Anthracene 4.81 4.43 8.86 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 26.2 4.43 8.86 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 32.4 4.43 8.86 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 38.2 4.43 8.86 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 12.6 4.43 8.86 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 25.4 4.43 8.86 " " " " Chrysene 34.2 4.43 8.86 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.43 8.86 " " " " Dibenzofuran 6.69 4.43 8.86 " " " " J Fluoranthene 57.0 4.43 8.86 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.43 8.86 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 24.1 4.43 8.86 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 24.5 4.43 8.86 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 28.0 4.43 8.86 " " " " Naphthalene 36.6 4.43 8.86 " " " " Phenanthrene 61.2 4.43 8.86 " " " " Pyrene 62.2 4.43 8.86 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene 10.8 5.27 10.5 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 15:56 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.27 10.5 " " " " Anthracene 11.8 5.27 10.5 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 33.9 5.27 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 29.2 5.27 10.5 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 42.0 5.27 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 13.2 5.27 10.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 22.4 5.27 10.5 " " " " Chrysene 47.0 5.27 10.5 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.27 10.5 " " " " Dibenzofuran 20.6 5.27 10.5 " " " " Fluoranthene 83.6 5.27 10.5 " " " " Fluorene 8.20 5.27 10.5 " " " " J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 21.0 5.27 10.5 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 57.0 5.27 10.5 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 52.3 5.27 10.5 " " " " Naphthalene 31.1 5.27 10.5 " " " " Phenanthrene 88.8 5.27 10.5 " " " " Pyrene 76.3 5.27 10.5 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 98 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-11 (A6H0678-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene ND 4.41 8.82 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 16:25 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 13.5 4.41 8.82 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 16.4 4.41 8.82 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 21.7 4.41 8.82 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 7.40 4.41 8.82 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 11.0 4.41 8.82 " " " " Chrysene 18.3 4.41 8.82 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Fluoranthene 32.2 4.41 8.82 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 12.0 4.41 8.82 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.41 8.82 " " " " Naphthalene 5.26 4.41 8.82 " " " " J Phenanthrene 23.8 4.41 8.82 " " " " Pyrene 32.2 4.41 8.82 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 106 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080795 Acenaphthene 9.27 4.79 9.59 ug/kg dry 1 08/23/16 16:53 EPA 8270D (SIM) J Acenaphthylene 7.10 4.79 9.59 " " " " J Anthracene 42.9 4.79 9.59 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 51.1 4.79 9.59 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 52.1 4.79 9.59 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 65.7 4.79 9.59 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 23.5 4.79 9.59 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 44.3 4.79 9.59 " " " " Chrysene 79.2 4.79 9.59 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 7.83 4.79 9.59 " " " " J Dibenzofuran 11.6 4.79 9.59 " " " " Fluoranthene 133 4.79 9.59 " " " " Fluorene 9.53 4.79 9.59 " " " " J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 38.8 4.79 9.59 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 19.8 4.79 9.59 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 24.3 4.79 9.59 " " " " Naphthalene 22.3 4.79 9.59 " " " " Phenanthrene 100 4.79 9.59 " " " " Pyrene 120 4.79 9.59 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 98 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 6.42 0.623 1.25 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:21 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.523 0.125 0.249 " " " " Chromium 14.4 0.623 1.25 " " " " Copper 42.2 0.623 1.25 " " " " Lead 118 0.125 0.249 " " " " Mercury 0.300 0.0499 0.0997 " " " " Nickel 23.1 0.623 1.25 " " " " Zinc 152 2.49 4.99 " " " " Elevator C S-8 (A6H0678-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 4.41 0.594 1.19 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:34 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.392 0.119 0.238 " " " " Chromium 11.6 0.594 1.19 " " " " Copper 29.1 0.594 1.19 " " " " Lead 66.2 0.119 0.238 " " " " Mercury 0.217 0.0475 0.0950 " " " " Nickel 16.1 0.594 1.19 " " " " Zinc 97.2 2.38 4.75 " " " " Elevator C S-9 (A6H0678-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 1.87 0.516 1.03 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:37 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.196 0.103 0.206 " " " " J Chromium 9.38 0.516 1.03 " " " " Copper 10.7 0.516 1.03 " " " " Lead 18.4 0.103 0.206 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0412 0.0825 " " " " Nickel 11.0 0.516 1.03 " " " " Zinc 55.4 2.06 4.12 " " " " Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 2.95 0.614 1.23 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:49 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.196 0.123 0.245 " " " " J Chromium 12.1 0.614 1.23 " " " " Copper 20.5 0.614 1.23 " " " " Lead 30.4 0.123 0.245 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury 0.0831 0.0491 0.0982 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Nickel 16.4 0.614 1.23 " " " " Zinc 64.6 2.45 4.91 " " " " Elevator C S-11 (A6H0678-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 1.87 0.526 1.05 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:52 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.210 0.105 0.210 " " " " Chromium 9.52 0.526 1.05 " " " " Copper 8.33 0.526 1.05 " " " " Lead 6.80 0.105 0.210 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0421 0.0842 " " " " Nickel 11.1 0.526 1.05 " " " " Zinc 56.8 2.10 4.21 " " " " Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080835 Arsenic 3.97 0.558 1.12 mg/kg dry 10 08/23/16 20:55 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.312 0.112 0.223 " " " " Chromium 12.7 0.558 1.12 " " " " Copper 15.5 0.558 1.12 " " " " Lead 28.4 0.112 0.223 " " " " Mercury 0.363 0.0446 0.0893 " " " " Nickel 15.7 0.558 1.12 " " " " Zinc 97.5 2.23 4.46 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 88.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-8 (A6H0678-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 87.9 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-9 (A6H0678-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 96.4 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-10 (A6H0678-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 89.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-11 (A6H0678-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 98.2 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6080869 % Solids 90.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 08/25/16 08:36 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080829 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (6080829-BLK1) Prepared: 08/23/16 15:16 Analyzed: 08/23/16 23:27 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080829-BS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 15:16 Analyzed: 08/23/16 23:47 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 115 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 92 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080829-DUP1) Prepared: 08/23/16 15:16 Analyzed: 08/24/16 00:26

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 91.4 13.6 27.1 mg/kg dry 1 --- 111 ------19 30% F-13, F-15 Oil 365 27.1 54.2 " " --- 389 ------6 30% F-03 Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080793 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6080793-BLK1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:04 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:02 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6080793-BS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:04 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:20 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 173 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 69 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 217 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 87 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 106 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6080793-DUP1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:04 Analyzed: 08/23/16 21:13 C-07

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.95 9.90 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1248 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1254 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1260 ND 4.95 9.90 " " --- ND ------30% Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 54 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x S-06

Matrix Spike (6080793-MS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:04 Analyzed: 08/23/16 22:42 C-07

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-12 (A6H0678-06) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 174 4.71 9.42 ug/kg dry 1 235 ND 74 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 250 4.71 9.42 " " " 8.70 102 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 110 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080795 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6080795-BLK1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:07 Analyzed: 08/23/16 12:03 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 90 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 106 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6080795-BS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:07 Analyzed: 08/23/16 12:32 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 752 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 94 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 731 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 32-132% ------Anthracene 773 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 97 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 707 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 88 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 754 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 755 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 757 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 658 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 82 43-134% ------Chrysene 744 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 733 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 760 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 95 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080795 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6080795-BS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:07 Analyzed: 08/23/16 12:32 Fluoranthene 714 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 89 50-127% ------Fluorene 745 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 666 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 83 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 743 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 723 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 90 38-122% ------Naphthalene 734 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 739 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 50-121% ------Pyrene 711 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6080795-DUP1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:07 Analyzed: 08/23/16 13:31

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 23.9 23.9 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% R-02 Acenaphthylene ND 33.7 33.7 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Anthracene 61.2 5.44 10.9 " " --- 55.0 ------11 30% Benz(a)anthracene 234 5.44 10.9 " " --- 193 ------19 30% M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 247 5.44 10.9 " " --- 183 ------29 30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene 316 5.44 10.9 " " --- 295 ------7 30% M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 93.1 5.44 10.9 " " --- 84.6 ------9 30% M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 165 5.44 10.9 " " --- 121 ------31 30% Q-17 Chrysene 276 5.44 10.9 " " --- 262 ------5 30% Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 38.3 5.44 10.9 " " --- 34.8 ------9 30% Dibenzofuran 101 5.44 10.9 " " --- 124 ------21 30% Fluoranthene 429 5.44 10.9 " " --- 337 ------24 30% Fluorene ND 21.8 21.8 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 161 5.44 10.9 " " --- 125 ------25 30% 1-Methylnaphthalene 377 5.44 10.9 " " --- 438 ------15 30% 2-Methylnaphthalene 363 5.44 10.9 " " --- 452 ------22 30% Naphthalene 224 5.44 10.9 " " --- 290 ------26 30% Phenanthrene 454 5.44 10.9 " " --- 454 ------0.01 30% Pyrene 456 5.44 10.9 " " --- 353 ------25 30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 86 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080795 - EPA 3546 Soil Matrix Spike (6080795-MS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 07:07 Analyzed: 08/23/16 17:21

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0688-01RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 3610 211 422 ug/kg dry 40 844 2930 80 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 1260 211 422 " " " 571 82 32-132% ------Anthracene 709 211 422 " " " 762 -6 47-123% ------Q-02 Benz(a)anthracene 817 211 422 " " " ND 97 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 734 211 422 " " " ND 87 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 759 211 422 " " " ND 90 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 761 211 422 " " " ND 90 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 627 211 422 " " " ND 74 43-134% ------Chrysene 799 211 422 " " " ND 95 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 668 211 422 " " " ND 79 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 4100 211 422 " " " 3370 86 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 936 211 422 " " " ND 111 50-127% ------Fluorene 6840 211 422 " " " 4470 281 43-125% ------Q-02 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 823 211 422 " " " ND 98 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 23300 211 422 " " " 22200 134 40-120% ------Q-03 2-Methylnaphthalene 35600 211 422 " " " 34900 89 38-122% ------Naphthalene 13000 211 422 " " " 12000 118 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 8150 211 422 " " " 6950 143 50-121% ------Q-03 Pyrene 2760 211 422 " " " 1940 97 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 40x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 106 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080835 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6080835-BLK1) Prepared: 08/23/16 16:42 Analyzed: 08/23/16 19:51 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (6080835-BS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 16:42 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:03 EPA 6020A Arsenic 50.3 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 101 80-120% ------Cadmium 51.2 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 102 " ------Chromium 49.9 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 100 " ------Copper 49.8 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 99 " ------Lead 52.1 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 104 " ------Mercury 1.08 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 108 " ------Nickel 49.7 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 99 " ------Zinc 51.4 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 103 " ------

Duplicate (6080835-DUP1) Prepared: 08/23/16 16:42 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:25

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) EPA 6020A Arsenic 6.27 0.612 1.22 mg/kg dry 10 --- 6.42 ------2 40% Cadmium 0.576 0.122 0.245 " " --- 0.523 ------9 40% Chromium 16.1 0.612 1.22 " " --- 14.4 ------11 40% Copper 43.3 0.612 1.22 " " --- 42.2 ------3 40% Lead 124 0.122 0.245 " " --- 118 ------5 40% Mercury 0.294 0.0490 0.0980 " " --- 0.300 ------2 40% Nickel 23.2 0.612 1.22 " " --- 23.1 ------0.4 40% Zinc 151 2.45 4.90 " " --- 152 ------0.8 40%

Matrix Spike (6080835-MS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 16:42 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:28

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080835 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6080835-MS1) Prepared: 08/23/16 16:42 Analyzed: 08/23/16 20:28

QC Source Sample: Elevator C S-7 (A6H0678-01) Arsenic 63.6 0.573 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 57.3 6.42 100 75-125% ------Cadmium 58.6 0.115 0.229 " " " 0.523 101 " ------Chromium 71.5 0.573 1.15 " " " 14.4 100 " ------Copper 97.4 0.573 1.15 " " " 42.2 96 " ------Lead 171 0.115 0.229 " " " 118 92 " ------Mercury 1.48 0.0458 0.0916 " " 1.15 0.300 103 " ------Nickel 78.8 0.573 1.15 " " 57.3 23.1 97 " ------Zinc 208 2.29 4.58 " " " 152 98 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6080869 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6080869-DUP1) Prepared: 08/24/16 11:45 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0698-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 98.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 98.5 ------0.3 10%

Duplicate (6080869-DUP2) Prepared: 08/24/16 11:45 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0705-07) EPA 8000C % Solids 96.8 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 96.7 ------0.03 10%

Duplicate (6080869-DUP3) Prepared: 08/24/16 11:45 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0723-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 74.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 75.0 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6080869-DUP4) Prepared: 08/24/16 11:45 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0724-04) EPA 8000C % Solids 91.5 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 91.6 ------0.1 10%

Duplicate (6080869-DUP5) Prepared: 08/24/16 19:38 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0746-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 80.1 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 80.3 ------0.3 10%

Duplicate (6080869-DUP6) Prepared: 08/24/16 19:38 Analyzed: 08/25/16 08:36

QC Source Sample: Other (A6H0753-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 90.6 --- 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 90.8 ------0.2 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080829 A6H0678-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:10 08/23/16 15:16 10.4g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6H0678-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:13 08/23/16 15:16 10.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0678-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:17 08/23/16 15:16 10.76g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6H0678-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:20 08/23/16 15:16 10.56g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6H0678-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:25 08/23/16 15:16 10.7g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0678-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 08/22/16 13:30 08/23/16 15:16 10.43g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080793 A6H0678-01 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:10 08/23/16 07:04 11.43g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6H0678-02 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:13 08/23/16 07:04 11.89g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6H0678-03 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:17 08/23/16 07:04 11.85g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6H0678-04 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:20 08/23/16 07:04 11.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0678-05 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:25 08/23/16 07:04 11.72g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0678-06 Soil EPA 8082A 08/22/16 13:30 08/23/16 07:04 11.56g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080795 A6H0678-01 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:10 08/23/16 07:07 10.21g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A6H0678-02 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:13 08/23/16 07:07 11.35g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6H0678-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:17 08/23/16 07:07 11.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6H0678-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:20 08/23/16 07:07 10.6g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6H0678-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:25 08/23/16 07:07 11.54g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A6H0678-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 08/22/16 13:30 08/23/16 07:07 11.52g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080835 A6H0678-01 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:10 08/23/16 16:42 0.453g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6H0678-02 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:13 08/23/16 16:42 0.479g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6H0678-03 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:17 08/23/16 16:42 0.503g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.99 A6H0678-04 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:20 08/23/16 16:42 0.455g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6H0678-05 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:25 08/23/16 16:42 0.484g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A6H0678-06 Soil EPA 6020A 08/22/16 13:30 08/23/16 16:42 0.495g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.01

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6080869 A6H0678-01 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:10 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0678-02 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:13 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0678-03 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:17 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0678-04 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:20 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0678-05 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:25 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6H0678-06 Soil EPA 8000C 08/22/16 13:30 08/24/16 11:45 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40

Notes and Definitions


C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. F-03 The result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported. F-13 The chromatographic pattern does not resemble the fuel standard used for quantitation

F-15 Results for diesel are estimated due to overlap from the reported oil result.

J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

P-10 Result estimated due to the presence of multiple PCB Aroclors and/or matrix interference.

Q-02 Spike recovery is outside of established control limits due to matrix interference.

Q-03 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to the high concentration of analyte present in the sample.

Q-17 RPD between original and duplicate sample is outside of established control limits.

Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.) R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample. S-06 Surrogate recovery is outside of established control limits.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40 Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 08/25/16 12:40

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 27 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A6I0789, which was received by the laboratory on 9/27/2016 at 3:05:00PM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received WhseD S-1 A6I0789-01 Soil 09/27/16 13:03 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-2 A6I0789-02 Soil 09/27/16 13:05 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-3 A6I0789-03 Soil 09/27/16 13:07 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-4 A6I0789-04 Soil 09/27/16 13:09 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-5 A6I0789-05 Soil 09/27/16 13:11 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-6 A6I0789-06 Soil 09/27/16 13:13 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-7 A6I0789-07 Soil 09/27/16 13:15 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-8 A6I0789-08 Soil 09/27/16 13:17 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-9 A6I0789-09 Soil 09/27/16 13:19 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-10 A6I0789-10 Soil 09/27/16 13:21 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-11 A6I0789-11 Soil 09/27/16 13:23 09/27/16 15:05 WhseD S-12 A6I0789-12 Soil 09/27/16 13:25 09/27/16 15:05

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel 19.6 12.4 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 09/28/16 23:43 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 353 24.8 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.4 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 00:24 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 121 24.9 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-3 (A6I0789-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.9 25.8 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 00:44 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 25.8 51.6 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.7 25.4 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 01:04 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 54.8 25.4 50.9 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-5 (A6I0789-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.7 25.4 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 01:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 25.4 50.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-6 (A6I0789-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel 24.8 13.0 26.1 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 01:45 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 553 26.1 52.2 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 100 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 13.0 25.9 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 02:05 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 179 25.9 51.8 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel 18.0 12.6 25.3 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 02:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil 38.8 25.3 50.6 " " " " J Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 102 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.5 25.1 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 02:46 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 25.1 50.1 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % 1 " NWTPH-Dx/SG

WhseD S-10 (A6I0789-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel 14.0 12.5 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 03:06 NWTPH-Dx/SG J Oil ND 25.0 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.6 25.2 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 03:26 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil ND 25.2 50.5 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091060 Diesel ND 12.5 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 09/29/16 01:25 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 202 24.9 50.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 107 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 9.50 9.50 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 21:07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.75 9.50 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 11.4 11.4 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 11.4 11.4 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1248 ND 14.3 14.3 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1254 ND 29.5 29.5 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 12.4 12.4 " " " " R-02 Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.68 9.37 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 22:20 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.68 9.37 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.68 9.37 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 9.37 9.37 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 9.37 9.37 " " " " Aroclor 1254 18.6 4.68 9.37 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 9.37 9.37 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 85 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-3 (A6I0789-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.84 9.68 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 22:57 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.84 9.68 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.93 9.87 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 23:33 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.93 9.87 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.93 9.87 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.93 9.87 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.93 9.87 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 9.87 9.87 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.93 9.87 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-5 (A6I0789-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.85 9.70 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 00:10 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.85 9.70 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-6 (A6I0789-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 9.98 9.98 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 20:12 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.99 9.98 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 14.0 14.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 9.98 9.98 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 9.98 9.98 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 13.0 13.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 9.98 9.98 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 9.54 9.54 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 20:48 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.77 9.54 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 21.0 21.0 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 9.54 9.54 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 27.7 27.7 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1254 24.1 4.77 9.54 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 9.54 9.54 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.82 9.64 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 21:25 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.82 9.64 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 90 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.58 9.16 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 22:02 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.58 9.16 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-10 (A6I0789-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 9.69 9.69 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 22:38 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.85 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 15.5 15.5 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 9.69 9.69 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 11.6 11.6 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1254 30.9 4.85 9.69 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 9.69 9.69 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.48 8.96 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 23:15 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.48 8.96 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 4.48 8.96 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 4.48 8.96 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 8.96 8.96 " " " " Aroclor 1254 8.33 4.48 8.96 " " " " J Aroclor 1260 ND 4.48 8.96 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 105 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091009 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 4.66 9.32 ug/kg dry 1 09/28/16 23:52 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 4.66 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 12.1 12.1 " " " " R-02 Aroclor 1242 ND 9.32 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 9.32 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 9.32 9.32 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 4.66 9.32 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 101 202 ug/kg dry 20 09/29/16 11:11 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 101 202 " " " " Anthracene ND 101 202 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 178 101 202 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 179 101 202 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 240 101 202 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 101 202 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 171 101 202 " " " " J Chrysene 257 101 202 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 101 202 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 101 202 " " " " Fluoranthene 267 101 202 " " " " Q-42 Fluorene ND 101 202 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 171 101 202 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 101 202 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 101 202 " " " " Naphthalene ND 101 202 " " " " Phenanthrene 217 101 202 " " " " Q-42 Pyrene 287 101 202 " " " " Q-42 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 70 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 73 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene 10.6 5.11 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 12:10 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 25.4 5.11 10.2 " " " " Anthracene 37.4 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 113 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 116 5.11 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 127 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 43.9 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 79.7 5.11 10.2 " " " " Chrysene 137 5.11 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 16.8 5.11 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.11 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 212 5.11 10.2 " " " " Fluorene 7.77 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 77.5 5.11 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 7.08 5.11 10.2 " " " " J 2-Methylnaphthalene 6.67 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Naphthalene 8.66 5.11 10.2 " " " " J Phenanthrene 142 5.11 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 267 5.11 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 73 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 74 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-3 (A6I0789-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.01 10.0 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 12:40 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Pyrene ND 5.01 10.0 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 80 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.14 10.3 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 13:09 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 5.29 5.14 10.3 " " " " J Anthracene 7.57 5.14 10.3 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 43.1 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 40.2 5.14 10.3 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 50.5 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 17.4 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 26.4 5.14 10.3 " " " " Chrysene 51.1 5.14 10.3 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 6.14 5.14 10.3 " " " " J Dibenzofuran ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 72.8 5.14 10.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 26.9 5.14 10.3 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.14 10.3 " " " " Phenanthrene 36.5 5.14 10.3 " " " " Pyrene 71.7 5.14 10.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 75 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 78 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-5 (A6I0789-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.05 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 13:39 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Chrysene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 5.68 5.05 10.1 " " " " J Fluorene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 5.05 10.1 " " " " Pyrene 6.54 5.05 10.1 " " " " J Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 79 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-6 (A6I0789-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene 126 26.2 52.5 ug/kg dry 5 09/29/16 14:09 EPA 8270D (SIM) M-02 Acenaphthylene 1340 26.2 52.5 " " " " Anthracene 1300 26.2 52.5 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 2990 26.2 52.5 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene 3150 26.2 52.5 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3840 26.2 52.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1330 26.2 52.5 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1790 26.2 52.5 " " " " Chrysene 3510 26.2 52.5 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 431 26.2 52.5 " " " " Dibenzofuran 549 26.2 52.5 " " " " Fluoranthene 9340 26.2 52.5 " " " " Fluorene 928 26.2 52.5 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2020 26.2 52.5 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 236 26.2 52.5 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 245 26.2 52.5 " " " " Naphthalene 530 26.2 52.5 " " " " Phenanthrene 9000 26.2 52.5 " " " " Pyrene 7690 26.2 52.5 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 82 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 84 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene 16.8 5.08 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 14:38 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 10.2 5.08 10.2 " " " " Anthracene 27.6 5.08 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 64.8 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 65.4 5.08 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 77.4 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 29.4 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 46.3 5.08 10.2 " " " " Chrysene 84.2 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 11.3 5.08 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran 14.1 5.08 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 147 5.08 10.2 " " " " Fluorene 15.5 5.08 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 45.8 5.08 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 19.4 5.08 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 23.2 5.08 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene 22.3 5.08 10.2 " " " " Phenanthrene 129 5.08 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 147 5.08 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 74 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 76 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.10 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 15:07 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 13.2 5.10 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 12.3 5.10 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 14.6 5.10 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5.53 5.10 10.2 " " " " J Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 9.29 5.10 10.2 " " " " J Chrysene 14.4 5.10 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 26.3 5.10 10.2 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.86 5.10 10.2 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.10 10.2 " " " " Phenanthrene 19.1 5.10 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 26.4 5.10 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 73 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 76 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 4.96 9.91 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 15:37 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Anthracene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Chrysene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Fluoranthene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Phenanthrene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Pyrene ND 4.96 9.91 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 68 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 77 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-10 (A6I0789-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.16 10.3 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 16:06 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 9.71 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 8.30 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.35 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 6.93 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Chrysene 7.98 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Fluoranthene 16.0 5.16 10.3 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 6.18 5.16 10.3 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.16 10.3 " " " " Phenanthrene 10.0 5.16 10.3 " " " " J Pyrene 17.5 5.16 10.3 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 70 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 74 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene ND 5.00 10.0 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 16:36 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Anthracene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 9.52 5.00 10.0 " " " " J Benzo(a)pyrene 7.79 5.00 10.0 " " " " J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8.45 5.00 10.0 " " " " J Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 5.34 5.00 10.0 " " " " J Chrysene 8.32 5.00 10.0 " " " " J Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Fluoranthene 13.1 5.00 10.0 " " " " Fluorene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 5.60 5.00 10.0 " " " " J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Naphthalene ND 5.00 10.0 " " " " Phenanthrene 10.2 5.00 10.0 " " " " Pyrene 15.5 5.00 10.0 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 78 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091032 Acenaphthene 20.9 5.05 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 09/29/16 17:06 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 14.3 5.05 10.1 " " " " Anthracene 30.7 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 68.4 5.05 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 67.6 5.05 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 78.4 5.05 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 25.7 5.05 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 49.2 5.05 10.1 " " " " Chrysene 87.6 5.05 10.1 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 13.2 5.05 10.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran 14.8 5.05 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 162 5.05 10.1 " " " " Fluorene 17.1 5.05 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 47.5 5.05 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 26.1 5.05 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 30.5 5.05 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene 31.1 5.05 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 133 5.05 10.1 " " " " Pyrene 170 5.05 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 56 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 57 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.66 0.593 1.19 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:13 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.475 0.119 0.237 " " " " Chromium 8.31 0.593 1.19 " " " " Copper 22.3 0.593 1.19 " " " " Lead 83.3 0.119 0.237 " " " " Mercury 0.108 0.0475 0.0949 " " " " Nickel 11.0 0.593 1.19 " " " " Zinc 149 2.37 4.75 " " " "

WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.63 0.542 1.08 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:16 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.206 0.108 0.217 " " " " J Chromium 13.6 0.542 1.08 " " " " Copper 16.2 0.542 1.08 " " " " Lead 18.3 0.108 0.217 " " " " Mercury 0.0957 0.0433 0.0867 " " " " Nickel 16.2 0.542 1.08 " " " " Zinc 76.3 2.17 4.33 " " " " Q-42

WhseD S-3 (A6I0789-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 1.37 0.552 1.10 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:37 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.188 0.110 0.221 " " " " J Chromium 8.74 0.552 1.10 " " " " Copper 21.4 0.552 1.10 " " " " Lead 3.55 0.110 0.221 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0442 0.0884 " " " " Nickel 10.2 0.552 1.10 " " " " Zinc 79.8 2.21 4.42 " " " "

WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.60 0.553 1.11 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:40 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.243 0.111 0.221 " " " " Chromium 12.1 0.553 1.11 " " " " Copper 17.1 0.553 1.11 " " " " Lead 6.76 0.111 0.221 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury ND 0.0443 0.0885 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A Nickel 15.1 0.553 1.11 " " " " Zinc 54.5 2.21 4.43 " " " "

WhseD S-5 (A6I0789-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.07 0.535 1.07 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:43 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.107 0.107 0.214 " " " " J Chromium 10.2 0.535 1.07 " " " " Copper 11.7 0.535 1.07 " " " " Lead 2.62 0.107 0.214 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0428 0.0857 " " " " Nickel 14.2 0.535 1.07 " " " " Zinc 36.2 2.14 4.28 " " " "

WhseD S-6 (A6I0789-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 3.65 0.579 1.16 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:46 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.706 0.116 0.232 " " " " Chromium 11.0 0.579 1.16 " " " " Copper 30.8 0.579 1.16 " " " " Lead 83.9 0.116 0.232 " " " " Mercury 0.117 0.0463 0.0926 " " " " Nickel 14.6 0.579 1.16 " " " " Zinc 192 2.32 4.63 " " " "

WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 4.73 0.545 1.09 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:49 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.251 0.109 0.218 " " " " Chromium 15.0 0.545 1.09 " " " " Copper 20.2 0.545 1.09 " " " " Lead 23.6 0.109 0.218 " " " " Mercury 0.189 0.0436 0.0873 " " " " Nickel 16.2 0.545 1.09 " " " " Zinc 85.1 2.18 4.36 " " " "

WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 3.74 0.567 1.13 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:52 EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Cadmium 0.147 0.113 0.227 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A J Chromium 11.4 0.567 1.13 " " " " Copper 12.7 0.567 1.13 " " " " Lead 5.02 0.113 0.227 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0454 0.0907 " " " " Nickel 14.7 0.567 1.13 " " " " Zinc 42.7 2.27 4.54 " " " "

WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.42 0.546 1.09 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:55 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.131 0.109 0.218 " " " " J Chromium 9.57 0.546 1.09 " " " " Copper 11.7 0.546 1.09 " " " " Lead 2.62 0.109 0.218 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0437 0.0874 " " " " Nickel 13.8 0.546 1.09 " " " " Zinc 35.3 2.18 4.37 " " " "

WhseD S-10 (A6I0789-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.36 0.518 1.04 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 21:58 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.217 0.104 0.207 " " " " Chromium 13.1 0.518 1.04 " " " " Copper 13.7 0.518 1.04 " " " " Lead 4.88 0.104 0.207 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0414 0.0828 " " " " Nickel 17.1 0.518 1.04 " " " " Zinc 45.3 2.07 4.14 " " " "

WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 2.10 0.520 1.04 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 22:01 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.135 0.104 0.208 " " " " J Chromium 9.42 0.520 1.04 " " " " Copper 11.8 0.520 1.04 " " " " Lead 3.24 0.104 0.208 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0416 0.0832 " " " " Nickel 14.2 0.520 1.04 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Zinc 35.6 2.08 4.16 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A

WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091098 Arsenic 3.04 0.598 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 09/29/16 22:13 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.299 0.120 0.239 " " " " Chromium 12.4 0.598 1.20 " " " " Copper 16.1 0.598 1.20 " " " " Lead 23.7 0.120 0.239 " " " " Mercury 0.107 0.0479 0.0957 " " " " Nickel 14.8 0.598 1.20 " " " " Zinc 81.0 2.39 4.79 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 92.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 92.1 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-3 (A6I0789-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 92.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-4 (A6I0789-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 93.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-5 (A6I0789-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 92.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-6 (A6I0789-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 90.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 92.6 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-8 (A6I0789-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 91.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-9 (A6I0789-09) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 93.2 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-10 (A6I0789-10) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 93.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-11 (A6I0789-11) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 93.9 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) Matrix: Soil Batch: 6091038 % Solids 91.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 09/29/16 09:57 EPA 8000C

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091060 - EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (6091060-BLK1) Prepared: 09/28/16 16:07 Analyzed: 09/28/16 23:03 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 108 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6091060-BS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 16:07 Analyzed: 09/28/16 23:23 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 118 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 94 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6091060-DUP1) Prepared: 09/28/16 16:07 Analyzed: 09/29/16 00:03

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 17.4 12.4 25.0 mg/kg dry 1 --- 19.6 ------12 30% J Oil 397 24.9 50.0 " " --- 353 ------12 30% Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6091060-DUP2) Prepared: 09/28/16 16:07 Analyzed: 09/29/16 01:45

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 12.6 25.2 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 119 25.2 50.3 " " --- 202 ------52 30% Q-05 Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091009 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (6091009-BLK1) Prepared: 09/28/16 07:09 Analyzed: 09/28/16 20:30 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 104 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (6091009-BS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 07:09 Analyzed: 09/28/16 20:48 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 177 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 71 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 235 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 53-140% ------Q-41 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 106 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (6091009-DUP1) Prepared: 09/28/16 07:09 Analyzed: 09/28/16 21:43 C-07

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 9.38 9.38 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 4.69 9.38 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 9.38 9.38 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 ND 10.3 10.3 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1248 ND 14.1 14.1 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1254 ND 19.7 19.7 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Aroclor 1260 ND 10.3 10.3 " " --- ND ------30% R-02 Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 83 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (6091009-MS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 07:09 Analyzed: 09/29/16 00:28

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 179 4.62 9.24 ug/kg dry 1 231 ND 78 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 195 4.62 9.24 " " " ND 84 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 93 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091032 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (6091032-BLK1) Prepared: 09/28/16 10:06 Analyzed: 09/29/16 10:14 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.55 9.09 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 86 % 54-127 % "

LCS (6091032-BS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 10:06 Analyzed: 09/29/16 10:42 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 590 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 74 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 570 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 71 32-132% ------Anthracene 613 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 77 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 596 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 75 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 623 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 78 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 608 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 76 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 620 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 77 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 592 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 74 43-134% ------Chrysene 623 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 78 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 619 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 77 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 585 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 73 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091032 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (6091032-BS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 10:06 Analyzed: 09/29/16 10:42 Fluoranthene 606 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 76 50-127% ------Fluorene 585 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 73 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 580 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 583 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 73 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 573 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 38-122% ------Naphthalene 579 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 609 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 76 50-121% ------Pyrene 608 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 76 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 77 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (6091032-DUP1) Prepared: 09/28/16 10:06 Analyzed: 09/29/16 11:40

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-1 (A6I0789-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 104 207 ug/kg dry 20 --- ND ------30% Acenaphthylene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Anthracene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Benz(a)anthracene 219 104 207 " " --- 178 ------21 30% M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 204 104 207 " " --- 179 ------14 30% J Benzo(b)fluoranthene 251 104 207 " " --- 240 ------5 30% M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 186 104 207 " " --- 171 ------8 30% J Chrysene 306 104 207 " " --- 257 ------17 30% M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Fluoranthene 370 104 207 " " --- 267 ------32 30% Q-17 Fluorene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 188 104 207 " " --- 171 ------9 30% J 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% 2-Methylnaphthalene 114 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% J Naphthalene ND 104 207 " " --- ND ------30% Phenanthrene 384 104 207 " " --- 217 ------55 30% Q-17 Pyrene 394 104 207 " " --- 287 ------31 30% Q-17 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 74 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 79 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091032 - EPA 3546 Soil Matrix Spike (6091032-MS1) Prepared: 09/28/16 10:06 Analyzed: 09/29/16 18:05

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0805-01) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 1800 120 240 ug/kg dry 20 959 787 106 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 1020 120 240 " " " 294 76 32-132% ------Anthracene 1300 120 240 " " " 249 110 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 747 120 240 " " " ND 78 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 710 120 240 " " " ND 74 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 717 120 240 " " " ND 75 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 741 120 240 " " " ND 77 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 647 120 240 " " " ND 68 43-134% ------Chrysene 753 120 240 " " " ND 79 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 686 120 240 " " " ND 72 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 2100 120 240 " " " 1010 114 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 886 120 240 " " " ND 92 50-127% ------Fluorene 3820 120 240 " " " 2270 162 43-125% ------Q-03 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 673 120 240 " " " ND 70 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 20300 120 240 " " " 14400 615 40-120% ------Q-03 2-Methylnaphthalene 30000 120 240 " " " 22000 836 38-122% ------Q-03 Naphthalene 11300 120 240 " " " 7670 374 35-123% ------Q-03 Phenanthrene 6280 120 240 " " " 4110 227 50-121% ------Q-03 Pyrene 1180 120 240 " " " 239 98 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 20x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 80 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 29 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091098 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (6091098-BLK1) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/29/16 20:58 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (6091098-BS1) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/29/16 21:01 EPA 6020A Arsenic 40.0 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 80 80-120% ------Cadmium 40.4 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 81 " ------Copper 40.4 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 81 " ------Lead 41.1 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 82 " ------Mercury 0.858 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 86 " ------Nickel 40.4 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 81 " ------Zinc 40.4 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 81 " ------

LCS (6091098-BS2) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/30/16 16:39 EPA 6020A Chromium 50.2 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 100 80-120% ------Q-16

Duplicate (6091098-DUP1) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/29/16 21:19

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) EPA 6020A Arsenic 2.41 0.531 1.06 mg/kg dry 10 --- 2.63 ------9 40% Cadmium 0.181 0.106 0.212 " " --- 0.206 ------13 40% J Chromium 10.6 0.531 1.06 " " --- 13.6 ------25 40% Copper 13.4 0.531 1.06 " " --- 16.2 ------19 40% Lead 17.2 0.106 0.212 " " --- 18.3 ------6 40% Mercury 0.0790 0.0425 0.0850 " " --- 0.0957 ------19 40% J Nickel 13.9 0.531 1.06 " " --- 16.2 ------15 40% Zinc 77.2 2.12 4.25 " " --- 76.3 ------1 40%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 30 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091098 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (6091098-MS1) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/29/16 21:31

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-2 (A6I0789-02) EPA 6020A Arsenic 55.0 0.542 1.08 mg/kg dry 10 54.2 2.63 97 75-125% ------Cadmium 53.5 0.108 0.217 " " " 0.206 98 " ------Chromium 62.9 0.542 1.08 " " " 13.6 91 " ------Copper 66.4 0.542 1.08 " " " 16.2 93 " ------Lead 67.5 0.108 0.217 " " " 18.3 91 " ------Mercury 1.14 0.0433 0.0867 " " 1.08 0.0957 96 " ------Nickel 65.5 0.542 1.08 " " 54.2 16.2 91 " ------Zinc 112 2.17 4.33 " " " 76.3 66 " ------Q-04

Matrix Spike (6091098-MS2) Prepared: 09/29/16 10:17 Analyzed: 09/29/16 22:16

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-12 (A6I0789-12) EPA 6020A Arsenic 58.3 0.554 1.11 mg/kg dry 10 55.5 3.04 100 75-125% ------Cadmium 55.4 0.111 0.222 " " " 0.299 99 " ------Chromium 64.8 0.554 1.11 " " " 12.4 95 " ------Copper 71.8 0.554 1.11 " " " 16.1 100 " ------Lead 80.7 0.111 0.222 " " " 23.7 103 " ------Mercury 1.22 0.0444 0.0887 " " 1.11 0.107 101 " ------Nickel 68.5 0.554 1.11 " " 55.5 14.8 97 " ------Zinc 143 2.22 4.44 " " " 81.0 111 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 31 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 6091038 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (6091038-DUP1) Prepared: 09/28/16 11:31 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0740-08) EPA 8000C % Solids 70.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 70.8 ------0.3 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP2) Prepared: 09/28/16 11:31 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0752-02) EPA 8000C % Solids 83.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 83.9 ------0.5 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP3) Prepared: 09/28/16 11:31 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0777-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 93.6 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 93.7 ------0.05 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP4) Prepared: 09/28/16 11:31 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: WhseD S-7 (A6I0789-07) EPA 8000C % Solids 93.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 92.6 ------0.5 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP5) Prepared: 09/28/16 11:31 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0792-03) EPA 8000C % Solids 72.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 72.0 ------0.0007 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP6) Prepared: 09/28/16 17:56 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0837-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 93.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 93.3 ------0.4 10%

Duplicate (6091038-DUP7) Prepared: 09/28/16 17:56 Analyzed: 09/29/16 09:57

QC Source Sample: Other (A6I0852-01) EPA 8000C % Solids 71.6 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 70.8 ------1 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 32 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 (Fuels) w/Silica Gel+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6091060 A6I0789-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:03 09/28/16 16:07 10.87g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6I0789-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:05 09/28/16 16:07 10.91g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6I0789-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:07 09/28/16 16:07 10.45g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6I0789-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:09 09/28/16 16:07 10.57g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6I0789-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:11 09/28/16 16:07 10.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:13 09/28/16 16:07 10.59g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-07 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:15 09/28/16 16:07 10.42g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6I0789-08 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:17 09/28/16 16:07 10.76g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6I0789-09 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:19 09/28/16 16:07 10.7g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-10 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:21 09/28/16 16:07 10.76g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6I0789-11 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:23 09/28/16 16:07 10.55g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6I0789-12 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 09/27/16 13:25 09/28/16 16:07 10.92g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6091009 A6I0789-01 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:03 09/28/16 07:09 11.34g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6I0789-02 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:05 09/28/16 07:09 11.59g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A6I0789-03 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:07 09/28/16 07:09 11.14g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6I0789-04 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:09 09/28/16 07:09 10.9g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6I0789-05 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:11 09/28/16 07:09 11.11g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6I0789-06 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:13 09/28/16 07:09 11.07g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6I0789-07 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:15 09/28/16 07:09 11.32g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.88 A6I0789-08 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:17 09/28/16 07:09 11.3g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.89 A6I0789-09 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:19 09/28/16 07:09 11.71g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.85 A6I0789-10 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:21 09/28/16 07:09 11.09g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A6I0789-11 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:23 09/28/16 07:09 11.88g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A6I0789-12 Soil EPA 8082A 09/27/16 13:25 09/28/16 07:09 11.68g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6091032

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 33 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor A6I0789-01 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:03 09/28/16 10:06 10.66g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-02 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:05 09/28/16 10:06 10.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:07 09/28/16 10:06 10.75g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A6I0789-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:09 09/28/16 10:06 10.46g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6I0789-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:11 09/28/16 10:06 10.67g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:13 09/28/16 10:06 10.53g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A6I0789-07 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:15 09/28/16 10:06 10.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-08 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:17 09/28/16 10:06 10.67g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-09 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:19 09/28/16 10:06 10.82g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.92 A6I0789-10 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:21 09/28/16 10:06 10.41g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A6I0789-11 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:23 09/28/16 10:06 10.64g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A6I0789-12 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 09/27/16 13:25 09/28/16 10:06 10.79g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6091098 A6I0789-01 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:03 09/29/16 10:17 0.454g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A6I0789-02 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:05 09/29/16 10:17 0.501g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.00 A6I0789-03 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:07 09/29/16 10:17 0.488g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.02 A6I0789-04 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:09 09/29/16 10:17 0.486g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A6I0789-05 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:11 09/29/16 10:17 0.503g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.99 A6I0789-06 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:13 09/29/16 10:17 0.477g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A6I0789-07 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:15 09/29/16 10:17 0.495g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.01 A6I0789-08 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:17 09/29/16 10:17 0.48g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.04 A6I0789-09 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:19 09/29/16 10:17 0.491g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.02 A6I0789-10 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:21 09/29/16 10:17 0.519g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.96 A6I0789-11 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:23 09/29/16 10:17 0.512g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 0.98 A6I0789-12 Soil EPA 6020A 09/27/16 13:25 09/29/16 10:17 0.455g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 6091038 A6I0789-01 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:03 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 34 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57


Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor A6I0789-02 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:05 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-03 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:07 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-04 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:09 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-05 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:11 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-06 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:13 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-07 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:15 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-08 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:17 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-09 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:19 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-10 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:21 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-11 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:23 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A6I0789-12 Soil EPA 8000C 09/27/16 13:25 09/28/16 11:31 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 35 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57

Notes and Definitions


C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

P-09 Due to weathering and/or the presence of an unknown mixture of PCB Congeners, the pattern does not match the standard used for calibration. Results are Estimated and based on the closest matching Aroclor. Q-03 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to the high concentration of analyte present in the sample.

Q-04 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to a non-homogeneous sample matrix.

Q-05 Analyses are not controlled on RPD values from sample and duplicate concentrations that are below 5 times the reporting level.

Q-16 Reanalysis of an original Batch QC sample.

Q-17 RPD between original and duplicate sample is outside of established control limits.

Q-41 Estimated Results. Recovery of Continuing Calibration Verification sample above upper control limit for this analyte. Results are likely biased high. Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.) R-02 The Reporting Limit for this analyte has been raised to account for interference from coeluting organic compounds present in the sample.

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 36 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57 Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 37 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 38 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 10/04/16 14:57

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 39 of 39 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Rick Ernst Hart Crowser, Inc. 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Portland, OR 97239

RE: Centennial Mill / 15825-00

Enclosed are the results of analyses for work order A7E0453, which was received by the laboratory on 5/12/2017 at 10:52:00AM.

Thank you for using Apex Labs. We appreciate your business and strive to provide the highest quality services to the environmental industry.

If you have any questions concerning this report or the services we offer , please feel free to contact me by email at: [email protected], or by phone at 503-718-2323.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 1 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05



Sample ID Laboratory ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received Feed Mill-S1 A7E0453-01 Soil 05/11/17 14:32 05/12/17 10:52 Feed Mill-S2 A7E0453-02 Soil 05/11/17 14:35 05/12/17 10:52 WHSECA-S1 A7E0453-03 Soil 05/11/17 14:39 05/12/17 10:52 WHSECA-S2 A7E0453-04 Soil 05/11/17 14:42 05/12/17 10:52 WHSECA-S3 A7E0453-05 Soil 05/11/17 14:45 05/12/17 10:52 WHSECA-S4 A7E0453-06 Soil 05/11/17 14:49 05/12/17 10:52 Loading Dock-S1 A7E0453-07 Soil 05/11/17 14:52 05/12/17 10:52 Loading Dock-S2 A7E0453-08 Soil 05/11/17 14:58 05/12/17 10:52

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 2 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Work Order: A7E0453 Needs CSN review

Amended Final Report #1

This report supersedes all previous reports.

EPA Method 8082 PCB additional sample reported:

Results for sample Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) inadvertantly excluded from original report. Results now included in report.

Mark Zehr Organics Manager 5/25/2017

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 3 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Acid/Silica Gel Cleanup Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.2 28.4 mg/kg dry 1 05/15/17 23:15 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 81.4 28.4 56.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.4 28.8 mg/kg dry 1 05/15/17 23:56 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 72.7 28.8 57.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 72 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSECA-S1 (A7E0453-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.8 29.6 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 00:16 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 85.4 29.6 59.1 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 65 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.8 29.6 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 00:37 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 183 29.6 59.2 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 71 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSECA-S3 (A7E0453-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.8 29.7 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 00:58 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 265 29.7 59.3 " " " " F-03 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

WHSECA-S4 (A7E0453-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 14.0 28.0 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 01:18 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 165 28.0 56.0 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 73 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Loading Dock-S1 (A7E0453-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 12.7 25.4 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 01:39 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 71.1 25.4 50.7 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 80 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050739 Diesel ND 13.6 27.2 mg/kg dry 1 05/16/17 02:00 NWTPH-Dx/SG Oil 1130 27.2 54.4 " " " " Surrogate: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 89 % Limits: 50-150 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 4 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01RE1) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.70 11.4 ug/kg dry 1 05/18/17 10:13 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.70 11.4 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.70 11.4 " " " " Aroclor 1242 7.12 5.70 11.4 " " " " J Aroclor 1248 ND 5.70 11.4 " " " " Aroclor 1254 20.1 5.70 11.4 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.70 11.4 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 92 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.93 11.9 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 12:37 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.93 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.93 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1242 12.9 5.93 11.9 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1248 ND 5.93 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1254 16.8 5.93 11.9 " " " " P-10 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.93 11.9 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 84 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSECA-S1 (A7E0453-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.82 11.6 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 13:13 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1254 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 79 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.96 11.9 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 13:48 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.96 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 1.19 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.96 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 11.9 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1254 17.7 5.96 11.9 " " " " Aroclor 1260 ND 5.96 11.9 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 5 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S3 (A7E0453-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.82 11.6 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 14:23 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 11.6 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 11.6 11.6 " " " " Aroclor 1254 30.6 5.82 11.6 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.82 11.6 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

WHSECA-S4 (A7E0453-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.91 11.8 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 14:59 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.91 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 11.8 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.91 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 11.8 11.8 " " " " Aroclor 1254 7.78 5.91 11.8 " " " " J Aroclor 1260 ND 5.91 11.8 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Loading Dock-S1 (A7E0453-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.18 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 13:48 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.18 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.18 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.18 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.18 10.4 " " " " Aroclor 1254 15.2 5.18 10.4 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.18 10.4 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050726 C-07 Aroclor 1016 ND 5.45 10.9 ug/kg dry 1 05/17/17 14:23 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1221 ND 5.45 10.9 " " " " Aroclor 1232 ND 5.45 10.9 " " " " Aroclor 1242 ND 5.45 10.9 " " " " Aroclor 1248 ND 5.45 10.9 " " " " Aroclor 1254 87.6 5.45 10.9 " " " " P-09 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.45 10.9 " " " " Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 88 % Limits: 72-126 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 6 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 13.4 5.03 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 05/15/17 21:24 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 49.3 5.03 10.1 " " " " Anthracene 50.4 5.03 10.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 169 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 195 5.03 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 197 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 127 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 122 5.03 10.1 " " " " Chrysene 203 5.03 10.1 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 25.4 5.03 10.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran 15.7 5.03 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 302 5.03 10.1 " " " " Fluorene 21.7 5.03 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 145 5.03 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 31.9 5.03 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 35.1 5.03 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene 98.9 5.03 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 284 5.03 10.1 " " " " Pyrene 279 5.03 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 76 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 82 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 7 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 13.8 5.21 10.4 ug/kg dry 1 05/15/17 21:50 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 36.9 5.21 10.4 " " " " Anthracene 50.8 5.21 10.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 242 5.21 10.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 288 5.21 10.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 321 5.21 10.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 119 5.21 10.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 180 5.21 10.4 " " " " Chrysene 182 5.21 10.4 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 26.4 5.21 10.4 " " " " Dibenzofuran 17.2 5.21 10.4 " " " " Fluoranthene 405 5.21 10.4 " " " " Fluorene 16.5 5.21 10.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 171 5.21 10.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 32.5 5.21 10.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 42.8 5.21 10.4 " " " " Naphthalene 76.6 5.21 10.4 " " " " Phenanthrene 203 5.21 10.4 " " " " Pyrene 393 5.21 10.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 77 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 100 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 8 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S1 (A7E0453-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 11.6 5.28 10.6 ug/kg dry 1 05/15/17 22:16 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 22.5 5.28 10.6 " " " " Anthracene 36.4 5.28 10.6 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 143 5.28 10.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 197 5.28 10.6 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 304 5.28 10.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 108 5.28 10.6 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 114 5.28 10.6 " " " " Chrysene 159 5.28 10.6 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 20.0 5.28 10.6 " " " " Dibenzofuran 11.8 5.28 10.6 " " " " Fluoranthene 256 5.28 10.6 " " " " Fluorene 12.1 5.28 10.6 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 113 5.28 10.6 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 35.6 5.28 10.6 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 36.3 5.28 10.6 " " " " Naphthalene 47.0 5.28 10.6 " " " " Phenanthrene 152 5.28 10.6 " " " " Pyrene 262 5.28 10.6 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 78 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 96 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 9 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 50.6 5.07 10.1 ug/kg dry 1 05/15/17 22:42 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 52.9 5.07 10.1 " " " " Anthracene 104 5.07 10.1 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 231 5.07 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 243 5.07 10.1 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 290 5.07 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 101 5.07 10.1 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 122 5.07 10.1 " " " " Chrysene 233 5.07 10.1 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 24.3 5.07 10.1 " " " " Dibenzofuran 36.2 5.07 10.1 " " " " Fluoranthene 330 5.07 10.1 " " " " Fluorene 66.5 5.07 10.1 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 123 5.07 10.1 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 62.0 5.07 10.1 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 82.2 5.07 10.1 " " " " Naphthalene 130 5.07 10.1 " " " " Phenanthrene 413 5.07 10.1 " " " " Pyrene 417 5.07 10.1 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 101 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 10 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S3 (A7E0453-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 38.9 5.08 10.2 ug/kg dry 1 05/15/17 23:08 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 44.0 5.08 10.2 " " " " Anthracene 89.0 5.08 10.2 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 274 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 308 5.08 10.2 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 349 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 118 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 158 5.08 10.2 " " " " Chrysene 290 5.08 10.2 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 31.0 5.08 10.2 " " " " Dibenzofuran 16.7 5.08 10.2 " " " " Fluoranthene 455 5.08 10.2 " " " " Fluorene 48.2 5.08 10.2 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 155 5.08 10.2 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 38.6 5.08 10.2 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 49.9 5.08 10.2 " " " " Naphthalene 90.1 5.08 10.2 " " " " Phenanthrene 427 5.08 10.2 " " " " Pyrene 544 5.08 10.2 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 74 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 86 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 11 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S4 (A7E0453-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 227 26.8 53.7 ug/kg dry 5 05/15/17 23:34 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene 92.6 26.8 53.7 " " " " Anthracene 340 26.8 53.7 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 746 26.8 53.7 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 726 26.8 53.7 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 808 26.8 53.7 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 273 26.8 53.7 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 354 26.8 53.7 " " " " Chrysene 809 26.8 53.7 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 63.4 26.8 53.7 " " " " Dibenzofuran 52.7 26.8 53.7 " " " " J Fluoranthene 1370 26.8 53.7 " " " " Fluorene 223 26.8 53.7 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 351 26.8 53.7 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene 170 26.8 53.7 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene 218 26.8 53.7 " " " " Naphthalene 325 26.8 53.7 " " " " Phenanthrene 1760 26.8 53.7 " " " " Pyrene 1310 26.8 53.7 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 105 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 12 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Loading Dock-S1 (A7E0453-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene ND 4.69 9.37 ug/kg dry 1 05/16/17 00:00 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Anthracene 5.13 4.69 9.37 " " " " J Benz(a)anthracene 17.0 4.69 9.37 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 20.4 4.69 9.37 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 24.6 4.69 9.37 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 11.9 4.69 9.37 " " " " M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 13.2 4.69 9.37 " " " " Chrysene 22.2 4.69 9.37 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Dibenzofuran ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Fluoranthene 30.7 4.69 9.37 " " " " Fluorene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 12.7 4.69 9.37 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Naphthalene ND 4.69 9.37 " " " " Phenanthrene 17.5 4.69 9.37 " " " " Pyrene 33.5 4.69 9.37 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 68 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 69 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 13 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050721 Acenaphthene 199 47.2 94.4 ug/kg dry 10 05/16/17 00:26 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthylene ND 47.2 94.4 " " " " Anthracene 525 47.2 94.4 " " " " Benz(a)anthracene 804 47.2 94.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(a)pyrene 765 47.2 94.4 " " " " Benzo(b)fluoranthene 906 47.2 94.4 " " " " M-02 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 386 47.2 94.4 " " " " Q-42, M-02 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 360 47.2 94.4 " " " " Chrysene 837 47.2 94.4 " " " " M-02 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 88.3 47.2 94.4 " " " " J Dibenzofuran 85.7 47.2 94.4 " " " " J Fluoranthene 2100 47.2 94.4 " " " " Fluorene 211 47.2 94.4 " " " " Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 364 47.2 94.4 " " " " 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 47.2 94.4 " " " " 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 47.2 94.4 " " " " Q-42 Naphthalene ND 47.2 94.4 " " " " Phenanthrene 1490 47.2 94.4 " " " " Pyrene 2170 47.2 94.4 " " " " Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 44-120 % " " " p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 98 % Limits: 54-127 % " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 14 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 5.44 0.641 1.28 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 19:51 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.423 0.128 0.256 " " " " Chromium 11.0 0.641 1.28 " " " " Copper 37.2 0.641 1.28 " " " " Lead 85.1 0.128 0.256 " " " " Mercury 0.126 0.0512 0.102 " " " " Nickel 15.1 0.641 1.28 " " " " Zinc 168 2.56 5.12 " " " "

Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 4.26 0.657 1.31 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 19:54 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.433 0.131 0.263 " " " " Chromium 14.6 0.657 1.31 " " " " Copper 44.5 0.657 1.31 " " " " Lead 79.7 0.131 0.263 " " " " Mercury 0.149 0.0525 0.105 " " " " Nickel 20.0 0.657 1.31 " " " " Zinc 173 2.63 5.25 " " " "

WHSECA-S1 (A7E0453-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 5.17 0.640 1.28 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 19:57 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.948 0.128 0.256 " " " " Chromium 12.1 0.640 1.28 " " " " Copper 40.6 0.640 1.28 " " " " Lead 74.9 0.128 0.256 " " " " Mercury 0.149 0.0512 0.102 " " " " Nickel 18.6 0.640 1.28 " " " " Zinc 110 2.56 5.12 " " " "

WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 5.71 0.627 1.25 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 20:01 EPA 6020A Cadmium 1.09 0.125 0.251 " " " " Chromium 15.1 0.627 1.25 " " " " Copper 93.9 0.627 1.25 " " " " Lead 92.9 0.125 0.251 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 15 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Mercury 0.456 0.0501 0.100 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A Q-42 Nickel 20.2 0.627 1.25 " " " " Zinc 349 2.51 5.01 " " " " Q-42

WHSECA-S3 (A7E0453-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 5.02 0.630 1.26 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 20:20 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.429 0.126 0.252 " " " " Chromium 14.3 0.630 1.26 " " " " Copper 45.6 0.630 1.26 " " " " Lead 80.4 0.126 0.252 " " " " Mercury 0.216 0.0504 0.101 " " " " Nickel 15.8 0.630 1.26 " " " " Zinc 100 2.52 5.04 " " " "

WHSECA-S4 (A7E0453-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 5.28 0.600 1.20 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 20:23 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.624 0.120 0.240 " " " " Chromium 15.0 0.600 1.20 " " " " Copper 41.2 0.600 1.20 " " " " Lead 101 0.120 0.240 " " " " Mercury 0.189 0.0480 0.0960 " " " " Nickel 17.4 0.600 1.20 " " " " Zinc 129 2.40 4.80 " " " "

Loading Dock-S1 (A7E0453-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic ND 0.574 1.15 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 20:26 EPA 6020A Cadmium 0.218 0.115 0.230 " " " " J Chromium 4.01 0.574 1.15 " " " " Copper 13.2 0.574 1.15 " " " " Lead 6.62 0.115 0.230 " " " " Mercury ND 0.0460 0.0919 " " " " Nickel 4.00 0.574 1.15 " " " " Zinc 29.8 2.30 4.60 " " " "

Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050988 Arsenic 3.57 0.615 1.23 mg/kg dry 10 05/23/17 20:29 EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 16 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS) Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Cadmium 0.320 0.123 0.246 mg/kg dry 10 " EPA 6020A Chromium 14.1 0.615 1.23 " " " " Copper 19.2 0.615 1.23 " " " " Lead 31.4 0.123 0.246 " " " " Mercury 0.0507 0.0492 0.0983 " " " " J Nickel 13.2 0.615 1.23 " " " " Zinc 107 2.46 4.92 " " " "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 17 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Percent Dry Weight Reporting Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dilution Date Analyzed Method Notes Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 85.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

Feed Mill-S2 (A7E0453-02) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 82.4 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

WHSECA-S1 (A7E0453-03) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 82.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 82.3 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

WHSECA-S3 (A7E0453-05) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 83.0 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

WHSECA-S4 (A7E0453-06) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 83.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

Loading Dock-S1 (A7E0453-07) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 91.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) Matrix: Soil Batch: 7050743 % Solids 89.2 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 05/16/17 08:09 NWTPH-Dx

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 18 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Acid/Silica Gel Cleanup

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050739 - EPA 3546 w/SG+Acid (NWTPH) Soil Blank (7050739-BLK1) Prepared: 05/15/17 13:36 Analyzed: 05/15/17 22:34 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 11.4 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 ------Oil ND 22.7 50.0 " " ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (7050739-BS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 13:36 Analyzed: 05/15/17 22:54 NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel 107 12.5 25.0 mg/kg wet 1 125 --- 85 76-115% ------Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 98 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (7050739-DUP1) Prepared: 05/15/17 13:36 Analyzed: 05/15/17 23:35 QC Source Sample: Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01) NWTPH-Dx/SG Diesel ND 14.3 28.5 mg/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Oil 75.8 28.5 57.1 " " --- 81.4 ------7 30% Surr: o-Terphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 68 % Limits: 50-150 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 19 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050726 - EPA 3546 Soil

Blank (7050726-BLK1) Prepared: 05/15/17 10:21 Analyzed: 05/17/17 10:51 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 4.55 9.09 ug/kg wet 1 ------Aroclor 1221 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Aroclor 1232 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Aroclor 1242 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Aroclor 1248 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Aroclor 1254 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Aroclor 1260 ND 4.55 9.09 " " ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 99 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

LCS (7050726-BS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 10:21 Analyzed: 05/17/17 11:08 C-07 EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 185 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 250 --- 74 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 211 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 84 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Duplicate (7050726-DUP2) Prepared: 05/15/17 10:21 Analyzed: 05/18/17 10:48 C-07 QC Source Sample: Feed Mill-S1 (A7E0453-01RE1) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 ND 5.64 11.3 ug/kg dry 1 --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1221 ND 5.64 11.3 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1232 ND 5.64 11.3 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1242 7.50 5.64 11.3 " " --- 7.12 ------5 30% J Aroclor 1248 ND 5.64 11.3 " " --- ND ------30% Aroclor 1254 20.2 5.64 11.3 " " --- 20.1 ------0.4 30% P-10 Aroclor 1260 ND 5.64 11.3 " " --- ND ------30% Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 91 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (7050726-MS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 10:21 Analyzed: 05/17/17 14:59 C-07 QC Source Sample: Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) EPA 8082A Aroclor 1016 166 5.49 11.0 ug/kg dry 1 275 ND 60 47-134% ------Aroclor 1260 233 5.49 11.0 " " " ND 85 53-140% ------Surr: Decachlorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 81 % Limits: 72-126 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 20 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050721 - EPA 3546 Soil Blank (7050721-BLK1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/15/17 15:20 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.17 8.33 ug/kg wet 1 ------Acenaphthylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Chrysene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Dibenzofuran ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluoranthene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Fluorene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Naphthalene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Phenanthrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Pyrene ND 4.17 8.33 " " ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 94 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 100 % 54-127 % "

LCS (7050721-BS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/15/17 15:46 EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 706 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet 1 800 --- 88 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 765 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 96 32-132% ------Anthracene 814 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 102 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 870 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 109 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 803 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 100 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 827 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 103 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 829 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 104 47-132% ------Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 706 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 88 43-134% ------Chrysene 744 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 93 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 796 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 99 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 776 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 97 44-120% ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 21 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050721 - EPA 3546 Soil LCS (7050721-BS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/15/17 15:46 EPA 8270D (SIM) Fluoranthene 839 5.00 10.0 ug/kg wet " " --- 105 50-127% ------Fluorene 753 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 94 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 731 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 91 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 572 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 72 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 629 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 79 38-122% ------Naphthalene 709 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 89 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 737 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 92 50-121% ------Pyrene 810 5.00 10.0 " " " --- 101 47-127% ------Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 95 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 122 % 54-127 % "

Duplicate (7050721-DUP1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/15/17 16:38 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0165-13RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene ND 4.22 8.43 ug/kg wet 1 --- ND ------30% Acenaphthylene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Anthracene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benz(a)anthracene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(a)pyrene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Chrysene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Dibenzofuran ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Fluoranthene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Fluorene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Naphthalene 18.0 4.22 8.43 " " --- 17.9 ------0.4 30% Phenanthrene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Pyrene ND 4.22 8.43 " " --- ND ------30% Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 72 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 1x

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 22 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050721 - EPA 3546 Soil Duplicate (7050721-DUP1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/15/17 16:38 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0165-13RE1) EPA 8270D (SIM) Surr: p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) Recovery: 97 % Limits: 54-127 % Dilution: 1x

Matrix Spike (7050721-MS1) Prepared: 05/15/17 07:54 Analyzed: 05/16/17 00:52 QC Source Sample: Loading Dock-S2 (A7E0453-08) EPA 8270D (SIM) Acenaphthene 818 47.3 94.7 ug/kg dry 10 758 199 82 40-122% ------Acenaphthylene 808 47.3 94.7 " " " ND 107 32-132% ------Anthracene 1140 47.3 94.7 " " " 525 82 47-123% ------Benz(a)anthracene 1520 47.3 94.7 " " " 804 94 49-126% ------Benzo(a)pyrene 1630 47.3 94.7 " " " 765 114 45-129% ------Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1750 47.3 94.7 " " " 906 111 45-132% ------Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1470 47.3 94.7 " " " 386 143 47-132% ------Q-01 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 955 47.3 94.7 " " " 360 79 43-134% ------Chrysene 1350 47.3 94.7 " " " 837 68 50-124% ------Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 894 47.3 94.7 " " " 88.3 106 45-134% ------Dibenzofuran 793 47.3 94.7 " " " 85.7 93 44-120% ------Fluoranthene 1440 47.3 94.7 " " " 2100 -87 50-127% ------Q-03 Fluorene 863 47.3 94.7 " " " 211 86 43-125% ------Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1130 47.3 94.7 " " " 364 102 45-133% ------1-Methylnaphthalene 906 47.3 94.7 " " " ND 120 40-120% ------2-Methylnaphthalene 980 47.3 94.7 " " " ND 129 38-122% ------Q-01 Naphthalene 880 47.3 94.7 " " " ND 116 35-123% ------Phenanthrene 1470 47.3 94.7 " " " 1490 -4 50-121% ------Q-03 Pyrene 1450 47.3 94.7 " " " 2170 -95 47-127% ------Q-03 Surr: 2-Fluorobiphenyl (Surr) Recovery: 96 % Limits: 44-120 % Dilution: 10x p-Terphenyl-d14 (Surr) 113 % 54-127 % "

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 23 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050988 - EPA 3051A Soil Blank (7050988-BLK1) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 19:45 EPA 6020A Arsenic ND 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 ------Cadmium ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Chromium ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Copper ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Lead ND 0.100 0.200 " " ------Mercury ND 0.0400 0.0800 " " ------Nickel ND 0.500 1.00 " " ------Zinc ND 2.00 4.00 " " ------

LCS (7050988-BS1) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 19:48 EPA 6020A Arsenic 49.3 0.500 1.00 mg/kg wet 10 50.0 --- 99 80-120% ------Cadmium 51.6 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 103 " ------Chromium 49.7 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 99 " ------Copper 50.8 0.500 1.00 " " " --- 102 " ------Lead 54.0 0.100 0.200 " " " --- 108 " ------Mercury 1.03 0.0400 0.0800 " " 1.00 --- 103 " ------Nickel 50.0 0.500 1.00 " " 50.0 --- 100 " ------Zinc 48.8 2.00 4.00 " " " --- 98 " ------

Duplicate (7050988-DUP1) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 20:04 QC Source Sample: WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) EPA 6020A Arsenic 5.09 0.604 1.21 mg/kg dry 10 --- 5.71 ------12 40% Cadmium 1.02 0.121 0.242 " " --- 1.09 ------7 40% Chromium 14.0 0.604 1.21 " " --- 15.1 ------7 40% Copper 73.5 0.604 1.21 " " --- 93.9 ------24 40% Lead 101 0.121 0.242 " " --- 92.9 ------8 40% Mercury 0.157 0.0483 0.0967 " " --- 0.456 ------97 40% Q-04 Nickel 17.4 0.604 1.21 " " --- 20.2 ------15 40% Zinc 465 2.42 4.83 " " --- 349 ------29 40%

Matrix Spike (7050988-MS1) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 20:16 QC Source Sample: WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) EPA 6020A

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 24 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050988 - EPA 3051A Soil Matrix Spike (7050988-MS1) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 20:16 QC Source Sample: WHSECA-S2 (A7E0453-04) EPA 6020A Arsenic 66.6 0.640 1.28 mg/kg dry 10 64.0 5.71 95 75-125% ------Cadmium 66.2 0.128 0.256 " " " 1.09 102 " ------Chromium 76.4 0.640 1.28 " " " 15.1 96 " ------Copper 151 0.640 1.28 " " " 93.9 90 " ------Lead 161 0.128 0.256 " " " 92.9 107 " ------Mercury 1.44 0.0512 0.102 " " 1.28 0.456 77 " ------Nickel 79.2 0.640 1.28 " " 64.0 20.2 92 " ------Zinc 370 2.56 5.12 " " " 349 34 " ------Q-04

Matrix Spike (7050988-MS2) Prepared: 05/23/17 09:58 Analyzed: 05/23/17 21:17 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0603-16) EPA 6020A Arsenic 82.0 0.767 1.53 mg/kg dry 10 76.7 7.73 97 75-125% ------Cadmium 78.6 0.153 0.307 " " " 0.416 102 " ------Chromium 88.2 0.767 1.53 " " " 13.1 98 " ------Copper 97.5 0.767 1.53 " " " 22.0 98 " ------Lead 89.7 0.153 0.307 " " " 10.4 103 " ------Mercury 1.55 0.0614 0.123 " " 1.53 ND 101 " ------Nickel 90.5 0.767 1.53 " " 76.7 15.2 98 " ------Zinc 137 3.07 6.14 " " " 66.9 91 " ------

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 25 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Percent Dry Weight

Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result MDL Limit Units Dil. Amount Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes

Batch 7050743 - Total Solids (Dry Weight) Soil Duplicate (7050743-DUP1) Prepared: 05/15/17 14:29 Analyzed: 05/16/17 08:09 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0418-03) NWTPH-Dx % Solids 92.5 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 92.8 ------0.3 10%

Duplicate (7050743-DUP2) Prepared: 05/15/17 14:29 Analyzed: 05/16/17 08:09 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0480-03) NWTPH-Dx % Solids 70.8 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 71.6 ------1 10%

Duplicate (7050743-DUP3) Prepared: 05/15/17 18:36 Analyzed: 05/16/17 08:09 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0488-01) NWTPH-Dx % Solids 77.6 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 77.6 ------0.007 10%

Duplicate (7050743-DUP4) Prepared: 05/15/17 18:36 Analyzed: 05/16/17 08:09 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0496-04) NWTPH-Dx % Solids 88.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 88.5 ------0.2 10%

Duplicate (7050743-DUP5) Prepared: 05/15/17 18:41 Analyzed: 05/16/17 08:09 QC Source Sample: Other (A7E0498-04) NWTPH-Dx % Solids 85.7 1.00 1.00 % by Weight 1 --- 81.3 ------5 10%

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 26 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Diesel and/or Oil Hydrocarbons by NWTPH-Dx with Acid/Silica Gel Cleanup

Prep: EPA 3546 w/SG+Acid (NWTPH) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 7050739 A7E0453-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:32 05/15/17 13:36 10.28g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A7E0453-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:35 05/15/17 13:36 10.52g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A7E0453-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:39 05/15/17 13:36 10.22g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A7E0453-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:42 05/15/17 13:36 10.27g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A7E0453-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:45 05/15/17 13:36 10.16g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A7E0453-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:49 05/15/17 13:36 10.7g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.94 A7E0453-07 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:52 05/15/17 13:36 10.74g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.93 A7E0453-08 Soil NWTPH-Dx/SG 05/11/17 14:58 05/15/17 13:36 10.31g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97

Polychlorinated Biphenyls by EPA 8082A

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 7050726 A7E0453-01RE1Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:32 05/15/17 10:21 10.23g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A7E0453-02 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:35 05/15/17 10:21 10.23g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A7E0453-03 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:39 05/15/17 10:21 10.38g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.96 A7E0453-04 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:42 05/15/17 10:21 10.2g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.98 A7E0453-05 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:45 05/15/17 10:21 10.36g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97 A7E0453-06 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:49 05/15/17 10:21 10.13g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.99 A7E0453-07 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:52 05/15/17 10:21 10.52g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.95 A7E0453-08 Soil EPA 8082A 05/11/17 14:58 05/15/17 10:21 10.28g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.97

Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 7050721 A7E0453-01 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:32 05/15/17 07:54 11.58g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A7E0453-02 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:35 05/15/17 07:54 11.65g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A7E0453-03 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:39 05/15/17 07:54 11.44g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.87 A7E0453-04 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:42 05/15/17 07:54 11.98g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A7E0453-05 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:45 05/15/17 07:54 11.87g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84 A7E0453-06 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:49 05/15/17 07:54 11.16g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.90 A7E0453-07 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:52 05/15/17 07:54 11.62g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.86 A7E0453-08 Soil EPA 8270D (SIM) 05/11/17 14:58 05/15/17 07:54 11.88g/5mL 10g/5mL 0.84

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 27 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05


Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270D SIM

Prep: EPA 3546 Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor

Total Metals by EPA 6020 (ICPMS)

Prep: EPA 3051A Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 7050988 A7E0453-01 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:32 05/23/17 09:58 0.455g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10 A7E0453-02 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:35 05/23/17 09:58 0.462g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.08 A7E0453-03 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:39 05/23/17 09:58 0.472g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.06 A7E0453-04 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:42 05/23/17 09:58 0.485g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.03 A7E0453-05 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:45 05/23/17 09:58 0.478g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A7E0453-06 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:49 05/23/17 09:58 0.499g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.00 A7E0453-07 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:52 05/23/17 09:58 0.474g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.05 A7E0453-08 Soil EPA 6020A 05/11/17 14:58 05/23/17 09:58 0.456g/50mL 0.5g/50mL 1.10

Percent Dry Weight

Prep: Total Solids (Dry Weight) Sample Default RL Prep Lab Number Matrix Method Sampled Prepared Initial/Final Initial/Final Factor Batch: 7050743 A7E0453-01 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:32 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-02 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:35 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-03 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:39 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-04 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:42 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-05 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:45 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-06 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:49 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-07 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:52 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA A7E0453-08 Soil NWTPH-Dx 05/11/17 14:58 05/15/17 14:29 1N/A/1N/A 1N/A/1N/A NA

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 28 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05

Notes and Definitions


C-07 Extract has undergone Sulfuric Acid Cleanup by EPA 3665A, Sulfur Cleanup by EPA 3660B, and Florisil Cleanup by EPA 3620B in order to minimize matrix interference. F-03 The result for this hydrocarbon range is elevated due to the presence of individual analyte peaks in the quantitation range that are not representative of the fuel pattern reported. J Estimated Result. Result detected below the lowest point of the calibration curve, but above the specified MDL.

M-02 Due to matrix interference, this analyte cannot be accurately quantified. The reported result is estimated.

P-09 Due to weathering and/or the presence of an unknown mixture of PCB Congeners, the pattern does not match the standard used for calibration. Results are Estimated and based on the closest matching Aroclor. P-10 Result estimated due to the presence of multiple PCB Aroclors and/or matrix interference.

Q-01 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside acceptance limits.

Q-03 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to the high concentration of analyte present in the sample.

Q-04 Spike recovery and/or RPD is outside control limits due to a non-homogeneous sample matrix.

Q-42 Matrix Spike and/or Duplicate analysis was performed on this sample. % Recovery or RPD for this analyte is outside laboratory control limits. (Refer to the QC Section of Analytical Report.)

Notes and Conventions:

DET Analyte DETECTED ND Analyte NOT DETECTED at or above the reporting limit NR Not Reported dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis. Results listed as 'wet' or without 'dry'designation are not dry weight corrected. RPD Relative Percent Difference MDL If MDL is not listed, data has been evaluated to the Method Reporting Limit only. WMSC Water Miscible Solvent Correction has been applied to Results and MRLs for volatiles soil samples per EPA 8000C. Batch In cases where there is insufficient sample provided for Sample Duplicates and/or Matrix Spikes, a Lab Control Sample Duplicate QC (LCS Dup) is analyzed to demonstrate accuracy and precision of the extraction and analysis.

Blank Apex assesses blank data for potential high bias down to a level equal to ½ the method reporting limit (MRL), except for conventional Policy chemistry and HCID analyses which are assessed only to the MRL. Sample results flagged with a B or B-02 qualifier are potentially biased high if they are less than ten times the level found in the blank for inorganic analyses or less than five times the level found in the blank for organic analyses. For accurate comparison of volatile results to the level found in the blank; water sample results should be divided by the dilution factor, and soil sample results should be divided by 1/50 of the sample dilution to account for the sample prep factor. Results qualified as reported below the MRL may include a potential high bias if associated with a B or B-02 qualified blank. B and B-02 qualifications are not applied to J qualified results reported below the MRL.

--- QC results are not applicable. For example, % Recoveries for Blanks and Duplicates, % RPD for Blanks, Blank Spikes and Matrix Spikes, etc.

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 29 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05

*** Used to indicate a possible discrepancy with the Sample and Sample Duplicate results when the %RPD is not available. In this case, either the Sample or the Sample Duplicate has a reportable result for this analyte, while the other is Non Detect (ND).

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 30 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 31 of 32 12232 S.W. Garden Place Apex Labs AMENDED REPORT Tigard, OR 97223 503-718-2323 Phone 503-718-0333 Fax

Hart Crowser, Inc. Project: Centennial Mill 6420 Macadam Avenue Suite 100 Project Number: 15825-00 Reported: Portland, OR 97239 Project Manager: Rick Ernst 05/25/17 09:05

Apex Laboratories The results in this report apply to the samples analyzed in accordance with the chain of custody document. This analytical report must be reproduced in its entirety.

Lisa Domenighini, Client Services Manager Page 32 of 32