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- , !"# $%&!!'(%!)*+,!"# RNI Regn. No. MPENG/2004/13703, Regd. No. L-2/BPLON/41/2006-2008 /)'0/12345 .%$%.$/ .$'0 1%1%%203 # D 8,?8* 48 5 8+6 @ABC , +6 D.63 &638 3.,?57 453 4.467 +6 38D6 ,8 8. ,&8* 862454 D5 E6 4? 6,.6 &6&. E&64& +89E7& , 6-728 //% @C F 6 # # 29#:;:;< !2:=527>; . /0 R ! 67 &638 Narendra Modi on Thursday of Medical Research (ICMR) advised them to avoid non- said the virus is difficult to iso- 76-year-old man who died essential travel and large gath- late but the scientists have Atwo days ago in Karnataka erings to ensure safety. been successful in isolating it. while being treated for sus- In a series of tweets, Modi However, developing a vaccine pected coronavirus has become also said that no Minister of the will take at least one-and-a-half India’s first COVID-19 fatality Central Government will trav- to two years. with his samples taken earlier el abroad in the upcoming The Ministry of Defence, confirming the infection, the days. “Say no to panic, say yes on its part, announced it has set Karnataka Government said to precautions. No Minister of up seven more quarantine facil- on Thursday. The deceased the Central Government will ities for COVID-19 patients, had gone to Saudi Arabia in travel abroad in the upcoming especially for Indian citizens January end and came back on days. I urge our countrymen to being brought back from coro- February 29. also avoid non-essential travel,” navirus-hit countries.
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