
Geol. 655 Geochemistry

Lecture 9 Spring 2009

COSMOGENIC INTRODUCTION As the name implies, cosmogenic nuclides are produced by cosmic rays, specifically by collisions with atoms in the (and to a much lesser extent, the surface of the solid Earth). Nuclides so created may be stable or radioactive. Radioactive cosmogenic nuclides, like the U decay series nuclides, have half-lives sufficiently short that they would not exist in the Earth if they were not continually pro- duced. Assuming that the production rate is constant through time, then the abundance of a cos- mogenic in a reservoir isolated from production is simply given by: −λt N = N0e 9.1

Hence if we know N0 and measure N, we can calculate t. Table 9.1 lists the radioactive cosmogenic nu- clides of principal interest. As we shall, cosmic ray interactions can also produce rare stable nuclides, and their abundance can also be used to measure geologic time. TABLE 9.1. COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES OF GEOLOGICAL INTEREST Cosmogenic nuclides are created Nuclide Half-life, years Decay constant, y-1 by a number of nuclear reactions 14C 5730 1.209x 10-3 with cosmic rays and by-products of 3H 12.33 5.62 x 10-2 cosmic rays. “Cosmic rays” are high 10 6 -5 19 Be 1.500 × 10 4.62 x 10 energy (several GeV up to 10 eV!!) 26 5 -5 Al 7.16 × 10 9.68x 10 charged particles, mainly , or 36 5 -6 Cl 3.08 × 10 2.25x 10 H nuclei (since, after all, H consti- 32Si 276 2.51x 10-2 tutes most of the matter in the uni- verse), but nuclei of all the elements have been recognized. Only in the last 20 years or so has it been possible to achieve energies as high as several GeV in accelerators: cosmic rays have been a useful source of high energy particles for physi- cists for decades (the Cornell Electron Storage Ring produces energies up to 15 GeV). A significant fraction originates in the Sun, though these are mainly of relatively low energies. The origin of the re- mainder is unclear; it is thought that many may originate in supernovae or similar high-energy envi- ronments in the cosmos. The cosmic ray flux decreases exponentially with depth in the atmosphere as these particles interact with matter in the atmosphere. This observation has an interesting history. Shortly after the discovery of radioactivity, investigators noticed the presence of radiation even when no known sources were pre- sent. They reasonably surmised that this resulted from radioactivity in the Earth. In 1910, an Austrian physicist named Victor Hess carried his detector (an electroscope consisting of a pair of charged gold leaves: the leaves would be discharged and caused to collapse by the passage of charged particles) aloft in a balloon. To his surprise, the background radiation increased as he went up rather than decreased! It thus became clear that cosmic rays originated from outside, rather than inside, the Earth. The primary reaction that occurs when cosmic rays encounter the Earth is spallation, in which a nu- cleus struck by a high energy particle shatters into a number of pieces, including stable and unstable nuclei, as well as protons and . Unstable particles such as muons, pions, etc. are also created. The interaction of a cosmic ray with a nucleus sets of a of sorts as the secondary particles and nuclear fragments, which themselves have very high energies, then strike other nuclei producing additional reactions of lower energy. 14C is actually produced primarily by reactions with secondary particles, mainly by the 14N(n,p)14C reaction involving relatively slow neutrons.

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14C DATING Carbon-14 is by far the most familiar and useful of the cosmogenic dating schemes. Its usefulness re- sults from its relatively short half-life, a relatively high production rate, and the concentration of carbon in biological material. The short half-life has the advantage of producing accurate dates of young (geo- logically speaking) materials and events and easy determination by counting the decays. The tradi- tional method of 14C determination is counting of the β rays produced in its decay. 14C decays without emitting a gamma, which is unfortunate because γ-rays are more readily detected. Difficulties arise be- cause the rate of decay of a reasonable sample of carbon (a few grams) is low. One of the first problems that had to be solved was eliminating “counts” that arose from cosmic rays rather than the decay of the carbon sample. This is done with a combination of shielding and “coincidence counting”∗. Counting techniques make use of either liquid scintillation counters or gas proportional counters. A gas propor- tional counter is simply a metal tube containing a gas, with a negatively charged wire (the anode) run- ning through it. The emitted beta particle causes ionization of the gas, and the electrons released in this way drift to the wire (the anode), producing a measurable pulse of current. In this technique, carbon in

the sample is converted to CO2, and purified (in some cases it is converted to ) and then admit- . ted into the counting chamber. Several grams of carbon are generally required. In liquid scintillation

counting, the carbon is extracted from a sample and converted into CO2, purified, and eventually to converted to benzene (C6H6) and mixed with a liquid scintillator (generally an organic liquid). When a carbon atom decays, the beta particle interacts with the scintillator, causing it to give off a photon, which is then detected with a photomultiplier, and the resulting electrical pulse sent to a counter. Liq- uid scintillation is the new and more sensitive of these two techniques and it has now largely replace gas proportional counting. Liquid scintillation analysis can be done with less than 1 g of carbon. In the last 15 years or so, a new method, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), has been used with considerable success. Greater accuracy is achieved with considerably less sample (analysis requires a few milligrams to 10’s of milligrams). While these instruments are expensive, there are now dozens of

+20 DeVries Effects


C, ‰ 0 14 –10 Suess effect

–20 1900 1700 1500 1300 1100 Historical Date, A.D. Figure 9.1. Variation of initial specific activity of 14C in the past.

∗ Beta detectors are subject to electronic and other noise – in other words pulses that originate from something other than a beta particle. Coincidence counting is a technique that employs two detectors. Only those pulses that are reg- istered on both detectors are counted – other pulses are considered noise.

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them in the world. While most radiocarbon dating is still done by beta counting, use of AMS is increas- ing. Because of the way in which it is measured, 14C is generally reported in units of specific activity, or dis- integrations per minute per gram carbon rather than as a ratio to 12C or 13C (in SI units, 1 unit of specific activity is equal to 1/60= 0.017Beq/g C). Atmospheric carbon, and carbon in equilibrium with the at- mosphere (carbon in living plant tissue and the surface of the oceans) has a specific activity of 13.56

dpm/g. This is, in effect, the value of No in equation 9.1. By historical convention, radiocarbon ages are reported in years before 1950 (the year the first 14C age determination; the abbreviation BP thus means not before present, but before 1950) and assuming a half-life of 5568 years (instead of the currently accepted value of 5730 years). The actual reaction that produces 14C is: 14N + n → 14C + p This is a charge exchange reaction in which the gives up unit of negative charge to a in the nucleus and becomes a proton. The neutron involved comes from an previous intereaction between a cosmic ray and a nucleus in the atmosphere; in other words, it is thus a secondary particle. As we noted earlier, cosmic rays are simply high energy nuclei, that is, nuclei travelling at high velocities. Like most matter in the universe, H and He nuclei predominate. Most low energy cosmic rays, those with energies <108 eV originate in the Sun. Higher energy cosmic rays originate elsewhere in the uni- verse, perhaps predominately in shockwaves associated with supernovae. Only the latter are capable of inducing nuclear reactions. As charged particles, cosmic rays interact with the Earth's magnetic field and are de- flected by it (but not those with energies above 1014 eV). Con- sequently, the production rate of 14C is higher at the poles. However, because the mixing time of the atmosphere is short compared to the residence time of 14C in the atmosphere, the 14C concentration in the atmos- phere is uniform. Can we really assume, how- ever, that the atmosphere spe- cific activity today is the same as in the past? From equation 9.1, we can see that knowing the initial specific activity is es- Figure 9.2. Conversion of radiocarbon dates to calendar years. sential if an age is to be deter- The red curve at left shows the uncertainty histogram for a radio- mined. To investigate the carbon age of 3000 ± 30 (1σ) years BP. The set of blue curves variation of the specific activity shows the calibration between radiocarbon age and calendar of 14C with time in the atmos- date. The black histogram at the bottom shows the probably cor- phere, the specific activity of responding calendar date for this radiocarbon age. 14C in wood of old trees (den- drochronology) has been examined. The absolute age of the wood is determined by counting tree rings. The result of such studies shows that the specific activity has indeed not been constant, but has varied with time (Figure 9.1). There are a number of effects involved. Since 1945 injection of bomb- produced 14C into the atmosphere has raised the specific activity. Then, over the past hundred years or

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14 so, the specific activity has decreased because of addition of “old” (i.e., C-free) carbon in CO2 from fossil fuel burning (the Suess effect). Similar variations occurred further back in time. Indeed, between 33,000 and 45,000 years ago, atmospheric specific activity appears to have been twice what it was in 1950 (Beck et al., 2001). These changes in atmospheric specific activity almost certainly occurred as a

consequence of the changing balance between CO2 in the atmosphere and the ocean. Far more CO2 is dissolved in the ocean, particularly in deep water, than in the atmosphere. Shifting CO2 from the at- mosphere to the ocean increases the specific activity of 14C in the atmosphere. These shifts result from

variations in (1) the volume of the oceans, (2) changes in ocean temperature (CO2 is more soluble at lower temperature) and (3) changes in marine biological productivity. This last effect is likely the most important. These are termed reservoir effects. There are also several 'excursions' over the last 1000 years, known as the deVries events whose origin is unknown, but probably relates to variation in the cosmic ray flux. This flux variation likely results from combination of astronomical factors, but solar activity and the Sun spot cycle predominate. At the height of the sunspot cycle, the solar wind is greatly enhanced, up to a factor of 106. This enhanced so- lar wind results in a stronger solar magnetosphere, which deflects galactic cosmic rays at the outer edge of the solar system (the heliopause). Consequently, a correction must be applied to 14C dates because of the variation in initial specific activity with time. Calibration of 14C through dendrochronology has now been done over the last 11,000 years using waterlogged oaks in swamps and bogs of Germany and Ireland and bristlecone pines in the US and is being extended through comparison of 14C and 238U/230Th ages, for example in corals. Computer programs are available for converting radiocarbon ages to cal- endar years, for example, the CALIB program available from the Queens University Belfast (http://calib.qub.ac.uk/calib/). All these factors make the conversion from radiocarbon ages to calendar years somewhat complex. Figure 9.2 illustrates the case of a hypothetical radiocarbon age of 3000 years BP with a 1 σ uncertainty of 30 years. On the left, is shown the uncertainty histogram in red. The pair of nearly parallel blue curves enclose the uncertainty on the calibration between radiocarbon age and calendar years. The black histogram on the bottom show the probable correspondence of calendar dates to this radiocarbon age. The irregularity of the histogram reflects the irregularity of the calibration curve, which in turn re- flects the variation in reservoir effects, cosmic ray flux, etc. mentioned above. In this case, the 2σ uncer- tainty encompasses a range of calendar dates from 1390 BC to 1130 BC. Most of the applications of 14C dating are probably in archaeology, but geological applications in- clude volcanology (14C dating is an important part of volcanic hazard assessment), Holocene stratig- raphy, paleoclimatology, and oceanography. It is also used to determine the time of prehistoric earth- quakes, and thus part of earthquake hazard assessment. In oceanography, the age of bottom water (age meaning the time since the water last equilibrated with the atmosphere) can be determined with 14C. Typically, this age is of the order of 1000 yrs. One oceanographic application, which utilizes accelerator mass spectrometry, is the determination of paleo-bottom water ages. The ice ages affected ocean circulation, but the exact nature of the effect is still uncertain. Of particular interest are the changes in the ocean circulation pattern that occurred as the last glaciation ended. Because planktonic foraminifera live in the upper part of the ocean, which is in equilibrium with the atmosphere, one can date a sedimentary stratum by measuring 14C in plank- tonic foraminiferal tests. Benthic foraminifera live at the bottom of the ocean, and build their tests from 14 CO2 dissolved in bottom water. Thus a C date of a modern benthic foram would give the age of the bottom water. By comparing the 14C ages of planktonic and benthic foraminifera, one may determine the “ages” of bottom waters in the past. This in turn reveals something of paleocirculation patterns. 10BE, 26AL, AND 36CL We now consider some of the other nuclides produced by cosmic ray interactions with atmospheric gases. These include 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl. These nuclides have much longer half-lives than 14C and thus

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are be applied to longer time-scale problems, such as Pleistocene chronology and dating of groundwa- ter. Of these, 10Be has been the most extensively utilized, for several reasons. First, its production rate is higher (10-2 – 10-3 atoms/cm2/sec versus 10-5–10-6 for 26Al and 36Cl). It also has the advantage over 36Cl that, once absorbed onto clays, it is relatively immobile, and that while a small amount of 36Cl will be produced within the earth by on 35Cl (with neutrons arising from fission of U, as well as secondary neutrons produced by (α,n) reactions), there is effectively no internal ‘nucleogenic’ pro- duction of 10Be in the Earth. 10Be is created by spallation reactions between cosmic rays and N and O nuclei. Since these are the most abundant nuclei in the atmosphere, the production rate of 10Be is comparatively high. 26Al is pro- duced by spallation of 40Ar, and 36Cl is produced by 40Ar(p,α)36Cl reactions (probably mainly with sec- ondary protons). Unlike carbon, Be, Cl and Al do not form gases under ambient conditions at the sur- face of the Earth‡, so residence time of 10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl in atmosphere are quite short. Once they form, they are quickly extracted from the atmosphere by rain. Since we know the cosmic ray flux var- ies latitudinally, we might expect latitudinal variation in, for example, the 10Be production rate and flux to the surface of the Earth. Subareal variations 10Be show the expected latitudinal dependence. How- ever, the distribution in oceans is uniform because 10Be spends sufficient time in oceans that its distribu- tion is homogenized (the residence time of Be is somewhat uncertain, but seems to be about 4000 years). Be is readily scavenged and absorbed by clay particles, both subareally and in the oceans. The con- centration in soils is quite high. In the oceans 10Be is extracted from seawater by adsorption on sus- pended clay particles. Because of its low activity, 10Be is analyzed primarily by accelerator mass spec- trometry. The applications include dating marine sediments, paleosols, Mn nodules, etc. Let’s now consider some examples of how these nuclides can be used for geochronology. We will be- gin with 10Be dating of sediments and they go on to show how ages can be improved if we use both 10Be and 26Al. We will then consider how 36Cl and bomb-produced 3H are used in hydrology. Let’s now see how 10Be can be used for age determination. The relevant equation is 10 10 −λt Be = Be0e 9.2 We assume the rate of deposition of 10Be in the ocean depends only on the production rate, hence, 10 −λt  Be ∝ Φe 9.3 where Φ is the production rate. The concentration of 10Be in a given amount of sediment may nonethe- less vary because it can be variably diluted depending on how fast other components in the sediment are deposited. In other words, we must also consider the sedimentation rate. The amount of 10Be in a given amount of sediment then becomes: Φ  10 Be = e−λt 9.4   a where a is the sedimentation rate. If sedimentation rate is constant, then the depth, d, of a given hori- zon in the sediment is given by d = a × t 9.5 d and t = 9.6 a We can substitute equ. 9.6 into 9.4 to obtain

‡ In the laboratory, elemental is, of course, a gas, but it is so reactive that it quickly reacts with electropositive atoms (e.g., alkalies, metals) in nature to form chlorides.

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Φ  10 Be = e−λd /a 9.7   a Taking the log of both sides, we have:

10  Φ λ ln  Be = ln − d 9.8    a  a From this we can see that the slope of a plot of ln[10Be] vs. depth will be inversely related to sedimenta- tion rate. In a more general case, the sedimentation rate will not be constant, but will be a function of time. A general equation will then be Φ  10 Be = e−λd /a 9.9   a(t) In a sedimentary sequence such as a piston core, we do not necessary know t (indeed, that is what we wish to determine), but we do know the depth in the core, which we know is some function of time. It is convenient then to transform equation 9.8 to a function of depth rather than time: Φ  10 Be(d) = e−λt(d ) 9.10   a(d) The sedimentation rate a is simply d(d) a = 9.11 dt(d) Substituting for a and integrating, we obtain: d Φ  10 Be(d)d(d) = − (e−λt(d ) − 1) 9.12 ∫0   λ This equation in turn can be solved for t(d):

d 1  Φ 10  t(d) = − ln 1−  Be(d)d(d) 9.13 λ  λ ∫0  The integral is simply the sum of the activity of 10Be down the core to any depth d. This method has been used successful to date sediments. However, since there are a number of ways of determining the age of young marine sediments, a more interesting application is determination of growth rates of manganese nodules, for which age determination is quite difficult. Somewhat more accurate dates may be achieved when two cosmogenic nuclides are used. For exam- ple, 10Be and 26Al. In this case we can write two equations: 10 10 −λt Be = Be0e (9.2) 26 26 −λt Al = Al0e 9.13 Dividing one by the other, we obtain 26 Al  26 Al  e(λ10 −λ26 )t 9.14 10 =  10  Be  Be 0 The advantage of this approach is that the initial 26Al/10Be ratio should be independent of the cosmic ray flux.

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COSMOGENIC AND BOMB-PRODUCED RADIONUCLIDES IN HYDROLOGY Determining the age of water in underground aquifers is an important problem because of the in- creasing demands placed in many parts of the world on limited water resources. A prudent policy for water resource management is to withdraw from a reservoir at a rate no greater than the recharge rate. Determination of recharge rate is thus prerequisite to wise management. Cosmogenic radionuclides are swept out of the atmosphere by rain and into the groundwater system. If we know the con-

. centration of a radionuclide in rainwater, No, and if we can assume that it is not produced within the Earth or lost from solution (this is our closed system requirement), then the ‘age’ of water in an aquifer is determined simply from equation 9.1, where we define ‘age’ as the time since the water left the at- mosphere and entered the groundwater system. In addition to cosmogenic production, 3H and other radionuclides were produced in significant quan- tities during atmospheric thermonuclear tests between 1952 and 1963. The pulse of 3H in precipitation during this period is illustrated in Figure 9.3. Tritium is readily detected by beta counting, and 1000 therefore bomb-produced tritium 500 is potentially useful for tracing precipitation that fell during the 100 1950’s and 1960’s through 50 groundwater systems. There are Tritium (TU) limitations on using it as a geo- 10 chronological tool because the 5 precipitation history of 3H is not well known in most areas. In 1 most cases, tritium has been used 1950 1960 1970 1980 1986 simply to distinguish pre-bomb Year from post-bomb waters. Older 3 ground waters would be essen- Figure 9.3. H in precipitation recorded at Ottawa, Canada from 1950 to 1956. Vertical scale is in “Tritium Units”, which are 10-18 at- tially free of atmospherically 3 1 produced 3H because of its short oms H/atom H. half-life (12.3 years), but contain some 3H pro- duced in situ by fission-generated neutrons. 14C has been used successful for dating groundwater for decades. Since the concentra- tion of 14C in the atmosphere is uniform, its concentration in precipitation is also uniform. However, there are several problems with 14C dating. The first is that 14C is present in water 2 principally as HCO 3 and CO 3 . Both isotopic exchange reactions with carbonates in soils and the aquifer matrix and precipitation and disso- lution of carbonates will alter the concentration of 14C in groundwater. This, of course, violates the closed-system requirement. A second dis- advantage is its relatively short half-life, which restricts the use of 14C dating to waters less then 25,000 years old. While this is sufficient for shallow, localized groundwater systems, re- Figure 9.4. Latitudinal dependence of the fallout of at- gional systems often contain much older water. mospheric 36Cl (from Bentley et al., 1986).

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In contrast to 14C, 36Cl is essentially conservative in groundwater solutions, and has a half-life suitable for dating a water in regional aquifers as old as 1 Ma. The disadvantage is that it has a much lower production rate in the atmosphere than 14C, and its analysis re- quires accelerator mass spectrometry. In the atmosphere, the primary means of production of 36Cl are spallation of 40Ar and neutron capture by 36Ar. The former process has been estimated to pro- duce about 11 atoms-m-2-s-1, while the latter produces about half that, for a total production of about 15 at- oms-m-2-s-1. The residence time of 36Cl in the atmos- phere (about 1 week) is not long enough to homogenize its concentration, so the fallout varies with latitude as shown in Figure 9.4.

As usual, dealing with just the number, or concentra- Figure 9.5. Extent of the Great Artesian Ba- tion, of 36Cl atoms can have disadvantages, and can be sin aquifer in Australia. From Bentley et al. misleading. Evaporation, for example, would increase (1986). the number of 36Cl atoms. Thus the 36Cl/Cl ratio (Cl has two stable : 35Cl and 37Cl) is generally used. Stable chlorine can be leached from rocks. This chlorine will be nearly, but not entirely, free of 36Cl. Some 36Cl will be produced naturally by 35Cl capturing neutrons generated by fission and (α, n) reac- tions on light elements. Further complications arise from the bomb-produced 36Cl. Dissolved chlorine can also capture neutrons. Thus 36Cl will build up in groundwater water according to: f φn −λ36t N36 = (1− e ) 9.15 λ36 36 where N36 is the number of Cl atoms per mole, φn is the , and ƒ is the fraction of neutrons captured by 35Cl. The secular equilibrium value, i.e., the concentration at t = ∞ is simply:

φn f N36 = 9.16 λ36 This in situ production must be taken into account. Stable Cl derived from sea spray is also present in the atmosphere and in precipitation. Its concen- tration decreases exponentially from coasts to continental interiors. Thus the initial 36Cl/Cl ratio in pre- cipitation will be variable and must be determined or estimated locally before groundwater ages can be estimated. The age of groundwater may then be determined from: −1  C Cl [ 36Cl / Cl − 36Cl / Cl ]  t ln se 9.17 =  Cl 36 36  λ  C0 [ Cl / Cl0 − Cl / Clse ] where CCl is the chloride concentration and the subscripts “0” and “se” denote initial and secular equi- librium values respectively. Bentley et al. (1986) used this approach to determine the age of groundwater in the Great Artesian Basin aquifer. The Great Artesian Basin aquifer is one of the largest artesian aquifers in the world and underlies about a fifth of Australia (Figure 9.5). The primary aquifer is the Jurassic Hooray sandstone, which outcrops and is recharged along the eastern edge of the basin. Bentley et al. (1986) sampled 28 wells from the system. They estimated an initial 36Cl/Cl ratio of 110 × 10-15 and a secular equilibrium value of 9 × 10-15 atoms per liter. Some well samples showed evidence of 36Cl addition, probably from

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Figure 9.6. Comparison of 36Cl ages with “hydrodynamic age”, i.e., the age estimated from hydrologic flow parameters. From Bentley et al. (1986). upward leakage of water from evaporate-bearing Devonian sediments beneath the aquifer. Other wells, particularly those in the recharge area, showed evidence of evaporation, which increases Cl con- centrations before the water penetrated the groundwater system, not surprising in an arid environ- ment. On the whole however, 36Cl ages were comparable to calculated hydrodynamic ages, as illus- trated in Figure 9.6.

In a somewhat different application, Paul et al. (1986) have used 36Cl to determine the accumulation time of dissolved salt in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is a particularly simply hydrologic system be- cause is has no outlet. In such a simple system, we can describe the variation of the number of 36Cl at- oms with time as the rate of input less the rate of decay: dN = I − λN 9.18 dt where I is the input rate (precipitation of chloride is assumed negligible). Integration of this equation yields: I N = (1− e−λt ) 9.19 λ

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Site 36Cl/Cl Cl 36Cl (10–15) mg/l 106 atoms/l

Mt. Hermon Snow 1580±120 1.50 40±5 Banias River 400±60 11.9 80±15 Snir River 430±125 11.0 80±20 Dan River 725±140 10.5 129±25 Lake Kinneret 49±15 252 210±65 Jordan River 121±19 646 1,320±210 Dead Sea 17±2 2.30 × 105 6.6 × 104 Ashlag Spring (saline spring) 4±2 2.6 × 105 Paul et al. measured 36Cl/Cl in Mt. Hermon snow, in various rivers in the Dead Sea system, and in sa- line springs in the Dead Sea basin. These results are summarized in Table 9.2. Using equation 9.19, they estimated an accumulation time of 20,000 years for the salt in the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea basin has been estimated to be 15,000 years old based on 14C. The difference suggests some of the Cl now in the Dead Sea was inherited from its less saline Pleistocene predecessor, Lake Lisan. The data in Table 9.2 also illustrates how a combination of Cl and 36Cl data can distinguish between addition of Cl from rock leaching and evaporation, both of which are processes that will increase the concentration of Cl. Evaporation should not significantly change the 36Cl/Cl ratio, while addition of Cl derived from rock leaching should decrease this ratio. There is a general southward (downstream) increase in Cl concen- tration in the Jordan River–Dead Sea system. It is apparent from the data in Table 9.2 that this is due to both addition of rock-derived Cl and evaporation. IN-SITU-PRODUCED COSMOGENIC NUCLIDES TABLE 9.3. ISOTOPES WITH APPRECIABLE PRODUCTION RATES IN TERRESTRIAL ROCKS. Isotope Half-life Spallation Thermal neutrons Capture of µ– (years) Target(s) Rate (atoms/g-yr) Target Reaction Target

3He stable O, Mg, Al, Si, Fe 100-150 6Li (n,α) 10Be 1.6 × 106 O, Mg, Al, Si, Fe 6 — — 10B, C, N, O 14C 5730 O, Si, Mg, Fe 20 14N, 17O (n,p),(n,α) N,O 21Ne stable Mg, Al, Si, Fe 80-160 — — Na, Mg, Al 26Al 7.1 × 105 Mg, Al, Si, Fe 35 — — Si, S 36Cl 3.0 × 105 K, Ca, Cl 10 35Cl, 39K (n,γ),(n,α) K, Ca, Sc 129I 1.6 × 105 << 1 128Te (n,γ) 130Te, Ba

A few cosmic rays and secondary particles manage to pass entirely through the atmosphere where they interact with rock at the surface of the Earth. These interactions produce a great variety of stable and unstable nuclei. Because the atmosphere is a very effective cosmic ray shield, these cosmogenic nu- clides are rare and difficult to detect, so most of the nuclides of interest are unstable ones that otherwise do not occur in the Earth. Those nuclides are that geologically useful are listed along with approximate production rates in Table 9.3. The most important of these are 36Cl, 26Al, and 10Be. In addition to cosmic ray-induced spallation, these nuclides can be produced by reactions with lower energy secondary par- ticles, including neutrons, muons, and alpha particles. The most important of these reactions are also listed in Table 9.3. Stable cosmogenic nuclides can also provide useful geological information. To be of use, the cosmogenic production must be large relative compared to the background abundance of such

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nuclides. Thus only 3He and 21Ne have been studied to date. In the following examples, we will see how the cosmogenic production of a rare , 3He, can be used to estimate erosion rates, and how 36Cl can be used to determine the time material has been exposed to cosmic rays. Determining Erosion Rates from Cosmogenic 3He The penetration of cosmic rays decays exponentially with depth according to: e–zρ/l 9.20 where z is depth, l is a constant that depends on the nature and energy of the particle and on the ma- terial it penetrates, and ρ is the density. For the nucleonic component of cosmic rays, l is approximately 160 g/cm2. For a material, such as a typical rock, having a density of 2.5 g/cc, the ratio ρ/l is about 64 cm-1. Thus at a depth of 64 cm the cosmic ray flux would be 1/e or 0.36 times the flux at the surface. This is referred to as the characteristic penetration depth. For the µ(muon)* component, l is about 1000g-cm2, and for neutrinos l is nearly infinite (because neutrinos interact so weakly with matter). Most of the cosmic ray interactions are with the nucleonic component. The meaning of all this is that cosmogenic nuclides will be produced only on the surface (top meter or two) of a solid body. As in the atmosphere, cosmic ray interactions produce both stable and unstable nuclei. If we consider the case of the production of a stable nucleus, the number of stable nuclei produced at the surface of the body over some time t is simply given by: N = P t 9.21 where P is the production rate at the surface, which is in turn a function of the cosmic ray flux, depth, eleva- tion, geomagnetic latitude, and reaction cross section. If we know the production rate, we can solve 9.21 for t, the length of time the surface has been exposed to cos- mic rays. Despite being the second most abundant element in the cosmos, He is very rare on Earth because it is too light to be retained — it escapes from the atmosphere readily. Of helium's two isotopes, 3He is some six or- ders of magnitude less abundant than 4He. This is partly because 4He is continually produced by α-decay. Hence the Earth's supply of 4He is continually replen- 3 † ished, whereas He is not . In 1987 M. D. Kurz found Figure 9.7. Variation of cosmogenic 3He with 3 4 extraordinarily high He/ He ratios in basalts from depth in a core from Haleakala volcano in Hawaii. The origin proved to be cosmogenic. Most of Hawaii. From Kurz (1986). the 3He is produced by spallation of abundant elements

* The µ particle belongs to the family of particles known as leptons, the most familiar members of which are the elec- 1 tron and positron. Like the electron, it may be positively or negatively charged and has a spin of /2. However, its mass is about 100 MeV, more than 2 orders of magnitude greater than that of the electron, and about an order of magnitude less than the proton. It is produced mainly by decay of pions, which are also leptons and are created by high-energy cosmic ray interactions. Muons are unstable, decaying to electrons and positrons and νu (muonic neu- trino) with an average lifetime of 2 × 10-6 sec. Because muons are leptons, they are not affected by the strong force, and hence interact more weakly with matter than the nucleonic component of cosmic rays. † This is not strictly true. 3He is produced by 6Li(n,α)3He from -produced neutrons. However, we might guess that this is a rather improbable reaction. First of all, U is a rare element, and furthermore it rarely fissions. Secondly, Li is a rare element, with typical concentrations of a few 10’s of ppm. The probability of a fis- sogenic neutron finding a 6Li nucleus before it is captured by some other nucleus will therefore not be high. Not sur- prisingly then, the 3He production rate can be considered insignificant in most situations.

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such as O, Mg, and Si, with a minor component produced by 6Li(n,α) and 7Li(µ,α) reactions. Figure 9.7 shows the decrease in cosmogenic 3He with depth in a core from Haleakala (Maui, Hawaii) compared with the predicted decrease for l = 165 g-cm2. The dashed line show the depth dependence of the µ stopping rate needed to explain the discrepancy between the predicted and observed depth de- pendence. Ignoring the small contribution from muon interactions, the concentration of 3He as a func- tion of depth, z, and exposure time, t, is given by: t C(z,t) = Pe−zρ /ldt 9.22 ∫0 If the depth is not a function of time, this simply integrates to C(z,t) = Pe−zρ /lt 9.23 If erosion occurs, then z will be a function of t. We obtain the simplest relationship between time and depth by assuming the erosion rate is time-independent:

z = z0 - εt 9.24

where ε is the erosion rate and z0 is the original depth. Substituting for z in equation 9.22 and integrat- ing, we have l C(z,t) = P e−z0 ρ /l (etερ /l − 1) 9.25 ερ

Substituting z0 = z + εt, equ. 9.25 simplifies to: l C(z,t) = P e−zρ /l (1− e−εtρ /l ) 9.26 ερ For a sample at the surface, z = 0 and this equation reduces to: l C = P (1− e−εtρ /l ) 9.27 0 ερ Neither 9.27 nor 9.26 can be solved directly. However, if the age of the rock, t, is known, one can meas- ure a series of values, C, as function of depth and make a series of guesses of the erosion rate until a curve based on 9.26 fits the data. Using this procedure, Kurz estimated an erosion rate of 10 m/Ma for Haleakala (Kurz noted that for higher erosion rates, it would be necessary to take account of the muon- produced 3He). Erosion Rates from Radioactive Cosmogenic Nuclides For a radioactive nuclide such as 26Al or 36Cl we need to consider its decay as well as its production. The concentration of such nuclide as a function of time and depth is given by: Pe−zρ /l C(z,t) = (1− e(−λ +ερ /l)t ) 9.28 λ + ερ / l where λ is the decay constant and t is age of the rock. If the rock is much older than the half-life of the nuclide (i.e., λt >> 1; for 36Cl, for example, this would be the case for a rock > 3 Ma old), then the last term tends to 1. Eventually, production of the nuclide, its decay, and erosion will reach steady-state (assuming cosmic ray flux and erosion rate are time-independent). In this case, the concentration at the surface will be given by: P C = 9.29 0 λ + ερ / l

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Since this equation does not contain a time term, we cannot deduce anything about time in this situa- tion. However, knowing the penetration depth, λ, and the production rate, we can deduce the erosion rate. 36Cl Dating of Glacial Deposits Let us next consider the build-up of a radioactive nuclide in a rock where the erosion rate can be ig- nored. For a nuclide being both produced by cosmic ray bombardment and lost by , our basic equation becomes: dN = P − λN 9.30 dt Tioga To obtain the abundance, N, of the ra- dionuclide at some time t, we simply Tenaya integrate 9.30: P Younger Tahoe N = (1− e−λt ) 9.31 λ Mono Basin For t >> λ; i.e., after many half-lives, a steady-state is reached where: P Older Tahoe N = 9.32 λ 0 50 100 150 200 250 36 For shorter times, however, we can Cl Age (ka) solve equation 9.31 for t. In this case, t Figure 9.8. 36Cl ages of moraine boulders from Bloody is the time the rock has been exposed Canyon, eastern Sierra Nevada. (From Phillips et al., to cosmic rays. Since the penetration of 1990) cosmic rays is so limited, this is the time the rock has been exposed at the surface of the Earth. This particular problem is of some interest in dating rock varnishes and glacial moraines. All moraines but those from the most recent glaciation will be too old for 14C dating, but virtually the entire Pleistocene glacial history is an appropriate target for dating with 26Al or 36Cl. Since 36Cl is a fairly heavy nuclide, only a few specific cosmic ray-induced nuclear reactions yield 36Cl. The principle modes of production are thermal neutron capture by 36 35Cl (the most abundant of chlorine’s two Figure 9.9. Comparison of best estimated Cl ages of stable isotopes), spallation reactions on 39K moraine boulders from Bloody Canyon with the marine 18 and 40Ca, and muon capture by 40Ca (Phil- O record. There is a reasonably good correspondence lips et al., 1986). In effect, this means the with the moraine ages and glacial maxima inferred from 18 composition of the sample, in particular the O (from Phillips et al., 1990). concentrations of Cl, K, and Ca, must be known to estimate the production rate. Phillips et al. (1986) showed that the build-up of 36Cl in rocks can be reasonably predicted from these concentrations by de- termining 36Cl in a series of well-dated lavas and tuffs. In addition to rock composition, it is also neces- sary to take into consideration 1) latitude, 2) elevation, and 3) non-cosmogenic production of 36Cl. As

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we saw in the last lecture, spontaneous fission of U and Th will produce neutrons that will result in some production of 36Cl by neutron caption by 35Cl. Philips et al. (1990) determined 36Cl ages for boulders taken from a series of moraines in Bloody Can- yon of Mono Basin, California. They were careful to sample only boulders from moraine crests as these were most likely to remain above the snow during winter and less likely to have rolled. Their results are shown graphically in Figures 9.8. The youngest moraines correspond to glacial maxima of the most recent glaciation and yield ages in good agreement with 14C dating. Older moraines show considerably more scatter. In additional to analytical errors, factors that might account for the larger scatter include: 35Cl inherited from earlier exposure, preferential leaching of 35Cl, erosion of the rock surface, gradual exposure as a result of erosion of till matrix, and snow cover. Most of these factors will result in the age being too young, so that maximum ages were preferred for the older moraines. The best estimates of moraine ages are compared with the marine O isotope record, which in this case is used as a proxy for global temperature history, in Figure 9.9. Generally, the moraines correspond in time to high δ18O in the oceans, which corresponds to cold temperatures. This is just what we expect: maximum extent of the glaciers occurred during cold climatic episodes.

REFERENCES AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER READING Beck, J. W., D. A. Richards, R. L. Edwards, et al., Extremely large variations of atmospheric 14C concen- tration during the last glacial period. Science, 292: 2453-2458. Bentley, H. W., F. M. Phillips, S. N. Davis, M. A. Habermehl, P. L. Airey, G. E. Calf, D. Elmore, H. E. Gove, and T. Torgersen, Chlorine-36 dating of very old groundwater 1. The Great Artesian Basin, Australia, Water Resources Res., 22, 1991-2001, 1986. Dickin, A. 1995. Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Faure, G. 1986. Principles of Isotope . New York: Wiley & Sons. Kurz, M. D., and E. J. Brook, Surface exposure dating with cosmogenic nuclides, in Dating in Surface Context, vol. edited by C. Beck, pp., Univ. New Mexico Press, Albequerque, 139-159, 1994. Lal, D., In situ-produced cosmogenic isotopes in terrestrial rocks, Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 16, 355- 388, 1988. Nishiizumi, K., C. P. Kohl, J. R. Arnold, J. Klein, D. Fink, and R. Middleton, Cosmic ray produced 10Be and 26Al in Antarctic rocks: exposure and erosion history, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 104, 440-454, 1991. Paul, M., A. Kaufman, M. Magaritz, D. Fink, W. Henning, R. Kaim, W. Kutschera, and O. Meirav, A new 36Cl hydrological model and 36Cl systematics in the Jordan River/Dead Sea system, Nature, 29, 511-515, 1986. Phillips, F. M., B. D. Leavy, N. O. Jannik, D. Elmore, and P. W. Kubik, The accumulation of cosmogenic chlorine-36 in rocks: a method for surface exposure dating, Science, 231, 41-43, 1986. Phillips, F. M., M. Zreda, S. S. Smith, D. Elmore, P. W. Kubik, and P. Sharma, Cosmogenic chlorine-36 chronology for glacial deposits at Bloody Canyon, Eastern Sierra Nevada, Science, 248, 1529-1531, 1990.

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