Open letter on alleged Covid-19 pandemic – from the perspective of one judge

To: The United Nations Organisation, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Health Organisation, the legislative, judicial and executive organs, and citizens of all countries in the World

... "Lookat us. It's all twisted up, it's all upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy law, schools destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, mainstream media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality.

Michael Ellner, American writer (1949 – 2018)


Article 19. General Declaration of Human Rights

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and expression;


Council of Europe, SG/Inf Information Documents (2020) 11, 07 April2020: "Respect for democracy, the rule of law and human rights in the context of theCOVID-19 health crisis 19 - Tools for Member States":

"Official announcements cannot be the only channel of information about the pandemic. This would lead to censorship and stifling legitimate concerns. It is necessary that journalists, media, media professionals, civil society activists and the general public be able to criticise the authorities and consider their response to the crisis."



How, without anyone's guilt, can the systematic collapse of the world economy be organized?

How can the use of cash money be abolishedwithout creating resistance from thepopulation? 2

How can one generate hyperinflation and, without the guilt of politicians and banks, redistribute all the money from top to top?

How can you easily, by circumventing all data protection regulations, establish comprehensive and complete control over all of humanity?

How can a ban on gatherings and demonstrations be implemented without resistance?

How can you get people to voluntarily undergo vaccination and chipped?

How can the world's population bereduced without anyone doubting it?

How can one abolish democracy and national states and take all power over to the supranational council of medical experts?

The realization of all of these goals requires an event that is so terrifying that people voluntarilygive upnot only their constitutionally guaranteed rights, but also all previous convictions, habits and ideals.

The realization of these goals, in addition, requires an invisible enemy that attacks all mankind , and who can never befound and defeated , because it changes over and overagain, and strikes depraved and ruthlessly anew.

All of the above and many other questions are offered by authors Michael Morris and Jan van Helsing in a book published in June 2020, titled: "Locking up: the virus was not the cause. It was just a welcome trigger for the biggest, ever human experiment."

They, like a number of other authors, argue that what they call the "Secret World Government", has packaged certain events into a "pandemic", which it has prepared well for a " major reset of themonetary, economic and politicalsystem", and that none of what is happening has anything to do with the virus or health hazard.

This secret government has assessed that it no longer needs humans as a workforce and that now that robots and artificial intelligence are more efficient and faster than humans, they don't need them.

In order to realize this plan, the Chinese, with the knowledge and support of the West, created an enemy that no one can see or fight or even understand - SARS- COV-2, as a political virus, which is designed in a laboratory, which according to this, and many other authors, is a proven fact.

According to the authors of the same book, this usual "cold virus" (as they call it) did not come unforeseen,because it was preceded by important planned events in 3

2019,starting with intelligencereports to " The Event of201", organized by , which all led to a lockdown in the world with all the consequences.

The authors further assess that with "misty" lockdown measures in some areas or countries, this experiment is still far from over, and that politicians and so-called "apprentices" and "journalists" (the authors of this profession are quoted for criminal participation in these events) will not voluntarily give up their "newfound powers and attention in which they enjoy so much."

They classify the current situation as a "serious political, social, economic and spiritual crisis", as a mixture of Huxley's novel "Brave New World" and Orwell's "1984", and as the ultimate struggle: "Good" against "Evil".

The immediate cause of this extensive public address is an attempt to, at least in the report, explore the possible veracity of the answers provided by numerous other authors regarding this alleged pandemic, and to present a brief legal view of the authors of this Open Letter, as well as its own suggestions, recommendations and suggestions regarding the future activities and behaviour of individual national and international bodies, bodies, and organizations,

About the alleged Covid-19 pandemic

The pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization back in March 2020.

Recommended and taken measures of locking and subtracting some of the most important human rights, which, at least according to the first recommendations, should have lasted only two weeks , are continuously extended month by month, with an uncertain end for now.

Worst of all, there are increasingly loud indications and announcements that their duration could be extended by at least two, three or more years - that is,to the vaccinationof the majority of the world's population - and the establishment of a public world government (led by the same people who are said to be standing behind the world's supposed secretgovernment, which, for many, are some of the main goals of this supposed pandemic).

The existence of pandemics and doubts about the actual purpose of the measures taken

From the very beginning of declaring this alleged pandemic, many scientists and experts from medical, legal and other professions have emerged, who have questioned not only the existence of the pandemic, but alsoall, or certain measures, recommendations and activities that have come from the World Health Organization, as well as from the competent state bodies and their professional bodies ( "crisis headquarters"). 4

These numerous and increasingly powerful voices present an abundance of professional, serious and logical arguments, many of which are based on professional, scientific and other studies, research and observations, arguing that the measures taken so far, which are orchestrated around the world in connection with this pandemic, severely damage the mental and physical health of the entirepopulation, especially children and the elderly and sickpeople, and that all people are unjustifiably,misunderstandingfully and even unreasonably, deprived,restricted or denied some of the most important humanrights.

Some of these authors, such as German lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich,even claim that thegreatest crime against humanity in the entire history of mankind is currently at work.

Among the medical experts, one might mention American Dr. Marc Siegel M.D. (who some claim to be a leading medical expert on the global Covid-19 pandemic, and fox news's chief medical analyst, and whom U.S. President Donald Trump calls one of his primary "guides" to the Covid-19 pandemic,who has written two books on this subject (" False Alarm: The Truth About the Epidemic of Fear" and "The Politics of Fear and the Power of Science"), in which he argues that America lives in an artificially inducedepidemic of fear, and as the main catalyst for fear.

Among the other authors who doubt this alleged pandemic, the introduction to this Open Letter also mentions two many award-winning researchers: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology and virusology for which he received the Rhine-Palatinat Merit Medal) and Dr. Karina Reiss (Doctorate in Biology and received prestigious honors and awards for academic contribution in the fields of infection and biohemia) in a book titled "Corona, False Alarm?" , which book has, for a very short time, become an international bestseller.

In the continuation of this Open Letter will be expressed individual and group opinions, opinions and reports, open letters and petitions, numerous other physicians, professors, scientists and other experts in medicine, biology and other professions, which makes it seem surprising that, in almost all countries of the world, their expert observations, assessments and findings are so persistently ignored and ignored not only by official professional bodies and other state bodies, but even more strangely, by almost all

Intolerance towards these criticisms and opinions is present not only in television, news and other social media, but also on the internet, video channels and other electronic and similar media.

Unprecedented and unprecedented censorship

On all internet media and on all social networks, unprecedented censorship of all kinds of content that deviates from official positions on these events, so that, day 5 after day, more texts, videos and other materials are erased, mainly, only because they communicate different opinions and attitudes relative to the official ones.

This unjustified, unreasonable and orchestrated boycott of a different opinion may be one reason for doubt about the existenceof the pandemic and the justification for the measures taken , but also for the final awakening of the attention of the scientific, professional and wider public in all countries for these currently perhaps the most important andcontroversial issues and problems.

Possible real purpose of declaring a pandemic

Based on current world events and certain facts, data and information to be presented below, it seems that claims of dangerous and upside-down activity and behaviour of some individuals from medicine and other professions could be confirmed in all their bitter veracity.

Viewed from the point of view of taking away and limiting some of the most important human rights and freedoms, this situation is becoming more serious, dramatic and uncertain by the day, which may have been the time to include experts of all profiles in public and professional discussions in all major national and international bodies, especially from legal and sociological.

In the continuation of this letter, he will present some little-known facts about earlier pandemics and claims that the actions of responsible individuals in the WHO and the national authorities of many countries, which were carried out against the background of the alleged Covid-19 pandemics, as well as all previous pandemics and many epidemics, also have criminal characteristics (criminal act - crimeagainst humanity).

Abuse of the word 'pandemic' by WHO, media and national authorities and organs

The WHO statement declaring this alleged pandemic, among other things, includes a very important warning about possible dangers and potential abuses of the word "pandemic":

"Pandemic is not a word you should use lightly or recklessly. It is a word that, if misused,can cause unreasonable fear or unjustified acceptance that the fight isover, leading to unnecessary suffering and death." (Underlined and bolded by the author of this Scripture.)

However, despite such a warning, it seems that this dangerous word was abused even when declaring its existence, and that, after that, even more severely, it was abused by the WHO itself, and by all the global and local media, who repeated it chorally. 6

The daily disclosure of this data, to which both the public and private media, as well as the national crisis headquarters, cruelly and unprecedentedly, almost hour by hour, in all the past months has simply bombarded and buried its viewers, listeners and readers, has turned unprecedented and unprecedented psychological terror over the entire world population , whose consequences for the psychological and physical health ofthe people,

According to some research, due to the harmful consequences ofcausing, creating and maintainingpanic, caused by medical experts and other officials, as well as the media, only the number of suicides in some countries or regions has more than doubled , and when all other serious psycho-physical and material damage is added to it, the actual harmful consequences are uncertain and immeasurable.

Although this warning is in place, it seems that not only the WHO, but almost all national organs and almost all the most influential global and local media,this dangerous word(which, when misused, can also be the most terrible weapon), not onlyabuses it, but that, without rational and justified reason, exploit it beyond all limits of common sense.

The daily disclosure of this data, which both public and private media, as well as national crisis headquarters, cruelly and unheard of, almost hour by hour, all the past ten months has simply bombarded and buried its viewers, listeners and readers, has turned into a never-before-seen psychologicalterror , which as a result, according to many, caused or could cause unprecedented fear and panic, whose consequences for the psychological and physical health of a large part of the population are already far beyond the harmful consequences that, by manyunfounded, are attributed to this alleged disease Covid-19 (with the consequences caused by this psychological terror, in the opinion of many medical experts,

Who and on what grounds proclaims the beginning and end of the pandemic?

It does not seem to be clear who and on what basis has the authority to declare the beginning and end of any pandemic.

According to some information, this authorization is given to the WHO, but it is not clear whether, and on the basis of what international document or convention, this organization has been given such authority, as is unclear and what are the most important criteria on the basis of which such decisions are made, and whether the WHO itself can change or establish rules and criteria on the existence, i.e. the beginning and end of an individual pandemic.

Article 23. The WHO Constituent Act (adopted by the International Health Conference held in New York from June 19th to July 22nd 1946), the WHO has the only authority to make recommendations to members regarding any issue within the organization's jurisdiction. 7

As seen in the example of this ongoing alleged pandemic, the authorization to declare it, which is why the authorization can represent a very powerful tool, which can be used andabused as the most feared weapon, at the expense of a large number of countries, including all of humanity.

Therefore , it seems important to establish in advance the very clear and limited criteria for declaring any pandemic in advance.

It also seems necessary to clarify not only the above mentioned issues, but also the question of who and what kind of responsibility (criminal, material and others) are to blame within the WHO and at the national level,if their decisions on declaring a pandemic or taking measures prove (intentionally, negligently or accidentally) wrong?

Was declaring the alleged Covid-19 pandemic necessary and justified?

According to WHO data, the organisation declared the alleged Covid-19 pandemic on 11 March 2020, at a time when 118,000alleged cases of infection were reported worldwide, in 114 countries (out of a total of 194 WHO members), and reportedly 4,291 deaths attributed to this virus.

In a statement declaring a pandemic , the WHO said that more than 90 percent of cases of infection have been reported in only four countries , that 81 countrieshave not reported any cases, and that 57 countries have reported 10cases orfewer.

In addition to these raw and untreated data, who did not specify any criteria on the basis of which it concluded that there was a pandemic of this alleged disease, nor did it provide any scientific or other evidence (study, research, etc.) confirming such a conclusion, which would be subject to verification and examination by experts of the Member States.

Nor did the expert bodies and organs of the Member States also offer their public any evidence indicating the existence of an epidemic.

The only "evidence" offered to the international and domestic public, to the international and domestic public, was daily updated data on the number of allegedly infected and the number of reported deaths from the disease.

But even according to the official data mentioned, which many medical and other experts question because of the unreliability and ivalidity of tests and the false ness of the number of deaths from this alleged virus, since more than 90 percentof cases of infection have been reported in only four countries ,and that the mortality rate is around 3%-- many question whether there really were reasonable and reasonable reasons for declaring a pandemic. 8

Especially considering the fact that at the time, according to the statements of almost all WHO representatives and most members of the national crisis headquarters, about the virus itself, the way it spreads and thugs, almost nothing reliable was known.

This issue became even more serious after numerous studies and reports were published that PCRtests - used in the diagnostics of this alleged virus - were highly unreliable and gave up to 94%false positive tests, and that autopsies (autopsies)- carried out on people allegedly deceased from this alleged virus- showed that none of them died from the virus,but for other reasons (more of which will be discussed later).

The book "Corona, False Alarm?" is an international bestseller!

Corona, False Alarm?

Published in June 2020, this book, they say, exploded on the German market, selling in 200,000 examples and 75,000 e-books inthe first six weeks.

The authors were mentioned in the introduction of this letter: researchers Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss.

In this book, they offer an analysis of radical measures taken, including lockdown, , and mandatory disguise, as well as their extreme consequences for society, the economy and public health.

They provide dates, facts and background information, which include:

· How does Covid-19 compare to previous coronaviruses and the flu virus?

· What numbers of infections and death rates really tell us?

· Lockdown challenges: Were the safeguards justified?

· Mandatory wearing of a mask: Does science support it?

· Vaccines: What are the chances of success? What are the risks? ebook/dp/B08JCDV25M

Are WHO recommendations on not performing autopsies justified?

According to many independent experts, further doubts about the existence of the pandemic, the existence of the virus and the actual number of deaths from COVID- 19 have sparked illogical and inappropriate WHO recommendations that have been diagnosed to member states not to perform autopsies (autopsies). 9

The inaccessantness of these recommendations is criticised by experts, arguing that only autopsies can reliably determine the actual cause of someone'sdeath, and that in this way wider, more reliable and more reliable information can be obtained about the virus itself, as the causeof death, then about the way the virus works ,and how peoplecan be treated for the disease it causes.

Alleged disease called Covid-19 - symptoms, consequences and mode of transmission

According to Wikipedia data, it is reportedly an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019, with the most common symptoms being fever, cough, fatigue, difficulty breathing and loss of smell and taste.

Symptoms reportedly begin one to 14 days after exposure to the virus, with approximately one in five infected people developing no symptoms and most people have mild symptoms, while in rare ones the so-called acute respiratory disorder syndrome (ARDS), which manifests itself through cytokine storms, multiple organ failure, septic shock and blood clots,

For these latest aforementioned consequences, many doctors and experts argue that a complete deviation from the consequences that can be caused by viruses, i.e. that no virus, including the alleged SARS-COV-2, is capable of causing such consequences.

The same experts argue that these, for viruses with uncharacteristic consequences, can only be compared to the effects of organism poisoning with various agents: heavy metals and other hazardous substances resulting from spraying from aircraft (so-called kemitrails), or electromagnetic radiation (5G and other radiation from terrestrial towers, satellites, balloons, etc.).

According to official doctors and experts, a significant number of patients who have recovered from the acute stage of the disease reportedly remain long-term consequences that include severe fatigue, memory loss and other cognitive problems, low fever, muscle weakness and difficulty breathing, which are disputed by their opponents in independent medical circles.

Also according to officials, the virus is reportedly most commonly spread through droplets and aerosols from the nose and mouth of an infected person during breathing, coughing, sneeze, singing or talking, or, more often, contaminated surfaces, and in other persons enters through the mouth, nose or eyes, it can spread through fomites (contaminated surfaces), although this is not considered the main transmission route (therefore the correct transmission path proves rarely). , and infection usually occurs when people are side by side long enough. 10

Officials accepted as the only valid method for establishing a diagnosis of this alleged viral disease a chain reaction of reverse transcription polymerase from nasopharynx (abbreviated test name: rRT-PCR, even shorter: PCR, which namewill most often be used in this Open Letter)

Has it been proven in any way that an alleged disease called Covid-19 actually exists?

Here we come to the main problem that many experts in this field point to, which WHO officials and member states persistently ignore, even though it is evidence that casts doubt on everything that has been said so far about this alleged disease.

This test was designed by several scientists (many of whom mentioned Christian Drosen of Germany as the most important), and published on the WHO website under the headline: "Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCoV by real-time RT-PCR - Protocol and preliminary evaluation as of Jan 17, 2020."

The main method of diagnostics, which is performed precisely by this PCR test, consists in the fact that, in real time, a chainreaction (multiplying) of reversible transcription polymerase of supposedly infected secretions is performed.

However, in this way, according to the unanimous opinion of all independent experts, only the presence of individual fragments (i.e. parts of the RNA chain) and not the RNA of the entire Covid-19virus can bedetected, which brings this method of diagnostics of the alleged virus under enormous andlogical suspicion, which officials have not in any way refuted (more detailed arguments for the unreliability of this test will be more words in the scriptures below)

Nevertheless, officials not only continue to make this dangerous and dubious diagnosis in the treatment of the sick, but also use it for many other unconstitutional purposes (for approval of travel at home and abroad,for work, permissionto move, i.e. to put people in isolation and quarantine, etc.), etc.).

Is the RC-PCR test a reliable method for detecting SARS-CoV-2 viruses?

There are many scientists in the world who, very seriously and argumentatively, challenge the ability of these tests to reliably determine the existence of not only this, but any virus.

As one of the main reasons for their criticism, many present the fact that this test can detect the presence of only part of the genetic material of a virus, but not the virus, as a whole.

In addition, an additional complaint is reduced to the potential possibility of manipulation of the results of such testing, because, by increasing the number of multiplying above a certain figure, a positive result can be obtained for 100% of 11 the testedpersons, while, contrary treatment, a negative result can be obtained for 100% of the tested persons.

The unreliableness of these tests is perhaps most demonstratively evidenced by the news that the president of Tanzania is in the national laboratory where this Covid- 19 test was tested, and that they all came back positive.

However, neither this news nor the claims of numerous experts have yet to shake officials' confidence in the actual possibilities and reliability of this test, even though the entire tower of the alleged pandemic was built on the basis of such testing.

Scientific criticism of PCR test

Among the many experts challenging the reliability of PCR tests, it seems that perhaps the most serious reasons for suspicion were provided by a group of 22 scientists -Pieter Borger and others from several countries, who, on 27.11.2020, compiled an extensive publication titled,"Corman-Drosten Review Report and Dr. Euro2020."

The conclusion of these authors is that in the Corman-Drosten Review Report and Dr. Eurosurveillance 2020, they discovered 10 major scientific and methodological errors regarding the accuracy of PCR tests, at the molecular and methodologicallevel, which, in their view, results in false positive results.

As the first and main reason for the criticism, these scientists cite the fact that the PCR test is based solely on theoretical sequences of the genome of the SARS- CoV-2virus , because at the time of the creation of the test, the authors of thePCR test (Corman-Drosten and others) did not have available either the control material of the infectious ("live") or the inactivated SARS-CoV-2virus , nor the isolated and complete genome of the RNAof the virus.

Even more strange is that, in addition, they found that neither until the writing of this critical report (i.e. until 27.11.2020)the identification of this virus was made anywhere in the World based on the isolated entire virus, or based on the full length of its RNA.

These critics argue that the authors of the PCR test themselves (Corman-Drosten and others) pointed out that their goal was to develop robust diagnostics for use in laboratory public health settings, but that these goals were not achievable without the availability of real and complete viral material.

Critics also argue that PCR is not recommended for primary diagnosis of infection, as it is not immune to the appointment of covid-19 on a regulatorybasis, which is why it can only serve as a tool to help a doctor diagnose the disease in the case of 12 various lung infections, since, they claim, covid-19 and SARS have very similar symptoms.

Critics also point out that at least 3 specific pairs of examples must be used to detect 3 virus-specific genesfor the confirmation diagnosis of a particularvirus, namely, preferably, with the highest possible distance in the viral genome (opposite ends of all virus genes included), and that corman-drostin's report covers about half of the genome of the virus, another factor that reduces the possibility of detecting intactRNA virus Covid-19 and increases the number of false positive test results.

In addition, critics further argue that even if three 3 specific pairs of examples are obtained in the sample, this is not enough to reliably prove the presence of the virus.

Like many others, these critics point out that nowhere in the Corman-Drosten Report describes a valid and fixed number of reproductions of genetic material, in order to at least get the correct result, but that a reasonably reliable number of reproductions should be 30 cycles, and that above 35cycles of reproduction must be expected to increaserapidly.

It is very indicative that neither WHO nor the national crisis headquarters look back at allon these, or numerous other, very logical, serious, convincing and argumentative scientific criticisms.

Conversely, who even recommends as many as 45 multiplyings according to some sources (which, according to critics, leads to almost 100% false positive tests).

Scientists who are the authors of this critical report

Due to the importance of their work, all authors of the aforementioned Report will be listed here:

1) Dr. Pieter Borger (dr. dr.), Molecular Na genetics, W+W research associate, Lörrach, Germany

2) Rajesh Kumar Malhotra (Artist Alias: Bobby Rajesh Malhotra), Former 3D Artist / Scientific Visualizations at CeMM – Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2019-2020), University for Applied Arts – Department for Digital Arts Vienna, Austria

3) Dr. Michael Yeadon BSs (Hons) Biochem Tox U Surrey, PhD Pharmacology U Surrey. General director, Yeadon Consulting Ltd, Pfizer former chief scientist, United Kingdom 13

4) Dr. Clare Craig MA, (Cantab) BM, BCh (Oxon), FRCPath, United Kingdom

5) Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer, Founder of Medical Genomics, designed the sequentile pipeline at WIBR/MIT for the Human Genome Project, invented and developed the SOLiD sequencer, awarded patents related to PCR, DNA isolation and sequencing, USA

6) Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Molecular Andrology, Biomedical Research Center of Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

7) Dr. Paul McSheehy (Dr. Dr.), biochemist and pharmaceutical industry, Loerrach, Germany

8) Dr. Lidiya Angelova,Master of Biology,PhD in Microbiology, former researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Maryland, U.S.

9) Dr. Fabio Franchi, formerConductors medico (M.D) at the Department of Infectious Diseases, specializing in "Infectious Diseases" and "Hygienic and Preventive Medicine", Società Scientifica per il Principio di Precauzione (SSPP), Italy

10) Dr. Med. Thomas Binder, internist and cardiologist (FMH), Swiss

11) Prof. Dr. Med. Henrik Ullrich, Diagnostic Radiology Specialist, Chief Doctor of Medicine at Collm Oschatz Hospital Radiology Center, Germany

12) Prof. Dr. Makoto Ohashi, Professor of Emeritus, Doctor of Microbiology and Imunologies, Univerzitet Tokushima, Japan

13) Dr Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc, Microbiologist, Nutritionist, Italy

14) Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens (MD), Laboratory Medicine Specialist (Clinical Chemistry), Maasziekenhuis Pantein, Beugen, Holland

15) Dr. Dorothea Gilbert (dr. dr., phd), phd Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. DGI Consulting Services, Oslo, Norveška

16) Dr. Rainer J. Klement, Dr. Department of Radiation Oncology, Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt, Njemačka

17) Dr. Ruth Schruefer, phd, human genetics/ immunology, Munich, Germany,

18) Dra. Berber W. Pieksma, general practitioner, Holandija 14

19) Dr. med. Jan Bonte (GJ), Consultant Neurologist, The Netherlands

20) Dr. Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare (Molecular Biologist), IP Specialist, BDC Basel, Switzerland

21) Dr. Kevin P. Corbett, MSc Nursing (Kings College London) PhD (London South Bank) Social Sciences (Science & Technology Studies) London, England, United Kingdom

22) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, Virology / Immunology / Human Biology / Cell Biology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany.

Medical postulates for declaring a viral disease

According to some experts, in order to scientifically reliably declare a viral or bacterial disease, it is necessary to reliably determine and prove that certain conditions, called Koch's postulates (after German doctor and bacterialologist Robert Koch) have been met.

Although these postulates originally only referred to bacteria, they also refer to viruses, according to medical experts, and come down to four logical conditions, which are, roughly, like this:

1. the causative agent of the disease must be present in everysick organism , and it should not be present in any healthy organism,

2. the causative agent of the disease must be isolated from the sick individual and bred in a pure culture,

3. the cause of the disease that is raised in pure culture must cause the same disease when immune to it,

4. the causative agent of the disease that caused the disease in a healthy organism must be of the same species as the one that was bredin pure culture, and it must be possible to isolate it in a laboratory-infected person.

Has it been proven that the Koch postulates for an alleged disease called Covid-19 have been fulfilled?

If judged by the aforementioned Report of a group of 22 scientists (Pieter Borger and others), as well as other independent researchers, the fulfillment of none of Koch's postulates has ever been proven.

According to these and reports of other experts, proponents of the existence of the alleged SARS-COV-2 virus, never offered any evidence that this virus was present 15 in any sick man they claimed was allegedly infected with the disease, nor did they prove that the virus was not present in other, uninfected people.

If this is true, then this first postulate official could not objectively prove , because if this alleged virus was not isolated from any allegedly infected person, it means that they could not grow it in pure culture, andtherefore objectively could not be filled with the second, and the third and fourth Koch postulates, because the third and fourth postulates are causally related to the second (since the virus was not singled out and was not bred in pure culture, then it could not even be entered into a healthy person and cause the alleged covid-19 disease).

Those who claim to be filled with any of Koch's postulates may be asked more difficult questions to which they so far, it seems, have not given anyone a reliable answer:

1. Who has when and how isolated the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus in any alleged patient, and what has it been documented?

2. Who has proved when and how that this same alleged virus is not present inhealthy people ,i.e. people who are not infected with the virus?

3. Who, when and in what way and in what culture, grew the alleged SARS-Cov-2 virus,and inwhich healthy people, when and in what way this allegedly so dangerous virus was allegedly entered.

4. From which laboratory-infectedpeople, when and how is this virus is isolated?

What else is suspicious and unpromped?

The shortest answer to this question seems to be: Everything is suspicious!

Starting with the events leading up to the pandemic's pronouncement, through evidence of the existence and name of this alleged new disease and this alleged new virus (SARS-CoV-2), evidence of the existence of the pandemic itself and how to determine the infection with unreliable PCR tests, the selection of therapy that is used for patients allegedly infected with this alleged disease, rates of alleged mortality, cause of death in persons found to have died as a result of this disease, possible corrupt treatment of medical institutionsand media ,to legitimacy, justification, proportionality, and even reasonableness of measures recommended by the World Health Organization and

According to many claims and data, it has never been reliably proven that this alleged covid-19 disease exists, or that there is a pandemic itself. 16

Similarly , numerous independent experts claim that the diagnosis for the detection of this alleged infectious disease is done by completely unreliable PCR tests, whichcannot objectively prove the existence of this alleged virus.

A large number of experts have expressed serious doubts about the choice of therapy applied to patients who are supposedly infected with this alleged disease, because expensive patented drugsare used for alleged treatment, which do not bring almost any benefit to the health of patients,or produce further harm, while avoiding the use of cheap, unpatented drugs and vitamins, which are very effective in treating patients who are diagnosed with this disease.

As for the rate of alleged mortality and the actual cause of death in people found to have died as a result of the disease, there are many notions that almost everyone who tested positive for PCR, regardless of the actual cause of the disease, is among the dead.

Also, some point out that the Italian National Institute, conducting autopsies on more than 6,000 allegedly dead from the disease, found that only two people could not find the actual cause of death (which does not mean that they died from this alleged disease), and that in all others the actual cause of death was not the disease.

This was later confirmed by hamburg's renowned pathologist, Professor Klaus Püschel, who personally performed an autopsy on close to 200 people and, arguing that all deaths from the Hanburg corona virus " go through hishands, "said he found no such case, because they all died either from a heart attack, or cerebralhemorrhage, or otherconsequences.

Suspicions are all the more heathed information that medical facilities are being paid certain sums of money for each Covid patient, as well as for putting them on respirators.

Name of the disease - "Covid-19"?

The appointment of this disease called "Covid-19" deviates from the way of labeling new diseases used by the WHO so far.

For example, a disease called SARS represents an abbreviation of four English words: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), meaning: severe acute respiratory syndrome, while AIDS disease represents an abbreviation of four English words: acquired immunodeficiency syndrom in meaning: acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Therefore, in this and other examples the name of the disease represented abbreviations composed of the initial letters of English words that briefly describe the disease itself. 17

However, in the case of Covid-19, for some reason, this type of nomination of the disease was deviated, which gave some an occasion to interpret the name of the disease as an abbreviation formedfrom the following English words: "Certificate Of Vaccination Identification Digital" (COVID).

In this regard, the name of this alleged disease is even more dubious because of announcements launched shortly after the announcement of this alleged pandemic, under which measures will be taken to lock up and take away human rights and freedoms only when people are vaccinated and when they receive vaccinationidentification.

What is ID2020?

Among the many authors writing about it is Peter Koenig, a geopolitical analyst, who claims digital identification (ID) is part of Agenda ID2020- prepared by Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morganand others- which included a computer simulation of coronaviruses in Johns Hopkins, Baltimore on October 18, 2019 (i.e. before the official publication of the existence of thisalleged disease), which is asimulation sponsored by IF and the Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation.

Koenig argues that Agenda ID2020 is an alliance of public-privatepartners ,involving certain UN agencies and civilsociety , and is a programme for electronicidentification , which uses generalised vaccination as a platform for digital identity,program serves to provide newborns with a portable and persistent biometricconnected digital identity, supported by GAVI (Global Alliance forVaccines and Immunisation),whose main partnersand sponsors are the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

On its website, the alliance identifies itself as a global health partnership of public and private sector organisations dedicated to "immunisationforall"and is supported by the WHO, among others.

Koenig also claims that the Alliance ID2020, at its Summit, held in September 2019, in New York, titled "Rising to the Good ID Challenge", prepared, and the final decision to go ahead with the programme, made in January 2020, at the World Economic Forum (ICF) in Davos ("behind very closed doors"), when it was decided to launch the digital identity programme in 2020- and to be tested inBangladesh, as confirmed by Anir Chovdhuri, policy adviser for Bangladesh.

What about the alleged Covid-19 pandemic says Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

This former AMERICAN apostolic nuncio and Vatican ambassador to the US from 2011 to 2016, in an open letter to US President Donald Trump, written on 25.10.2020, regarding the alleged Covid-19pandemic, reads: 18

"Until a few monthsago, it was easy to denounceas "conspiracy theorists" those who condemned these terrible plans , which we now see being carried out in the smallest detail. No one, until last February, would ever think that in all our cities citizens would be arrested simply because they wanted towalk downthe street, breathe, leave their business open,want to go to church on Sunday. But now it's happening all overthe world - even in Italy with postcards, which many Americans consider to be a small, captivating state with its ancient monuments, churches, charming towns and distinctivescivens. While politicians are barricaded in their palaces by publishing decrees such as Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The catastrophic psychological consequences of this operation are alreadybeingseen - starting with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and our children- separated from friends and classmates, who are told to follow classes as they sit at home in front ofa computer."

Vigano on a global plan called"The Great Reset"

In the same letter to Trump, Vigano specifically points out:

"A global plan called the Great Reset is under way. Its architect is a global elite that wants toconquer all humanity - imposing measures of coerciveness thatdrastically limit individual freedoms and freedoms of the entire population. In several states , this plan has already been approved and funded; In others, it's still in its early stages. Behind the world leaders who are the ians and executors of this hellish project, there are unscrupulous characters who fund the World Economic Forum and Event 201 - promoting their agenda.

The purpose of the Great Reset is to impose a health dictatorship aimed at imposing libertarian measures, hidden behind temptingpromises to secure universal income and cancel individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be to waive private ownership and adherence to the Covid-19 and Covid-21 vaccination programs promoted by Bill Gates in collaboration with major pharmaceutical groups. In addition to the enormous economic interests that motivate the promotors of the Great Reset, the imposition of vaccination will be accompanied by the request of a health passport and digital IDcard , with the continuous search for contacts of the populationof the world. Those who do not accept these measures will be imprisoned in camps or placed under house arrest, and all property will be confiscated.

Mr. President, I suppose you're already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first quarter of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned,which will beofficially justified by the second and third waves of pandemics. You are well aware of the means used to shine a panic and legitimizing draconian restrictions on individual freedoms, thereby effectively provoking the world's economic crisis." 19 resist-the-great-reset/

Have all the pandemics so far been edited?

According to many sources, both this alleged Covid-19 pandemic, and all previously declared or declared pandemics of other alleged viral diseases, including the most famous one in 1918, known as the Spanishflu, were staged with the aim of mass vaccinating the population against non-existent diseases, after whichthey were

Due to the seriousness of these allegations, which indicate that, through vaccination, the entire vaccinated population is being conducted unauthorized and unethical experimentation, even hidden genocide, and that the harmful consequences on people 's health, which have so far been caused byvaccinations, are greater than the consequences causedby all the world andother wars combined, the topicof vaccines

Here, it will briefly point to doubts about the existence of the alleged 1918 pandemic, the alleged 1976 Swine Fluepidemic in the UnitedStates, the alleged 2005bird flupandemic, and the alleged 2009 swine flu pandemic.

Alleged 1918 Spanish flu pandemic

The alleged directing of all previous pandemics is quite persuasively evidenced by the documentary "Pandemic Lies", filmed in 2010 by Russian scientists, which claims that the causative agent of this alleged disease was artificially created by a combination of two causative agents - one who is dangerous and the other that spreads rapidly (which is quite reminiscent of the claims of some experts regarding the alleged SARS-COV-2 virus, which is the alleged causative agent of the alleged covid-19 disease).

According to Dr. Lorraine Day (author of "Swine Flu is a Prank!", which will be discussed below), the Spanish flu from 1918 was caused by the amassing of diseases that caused the giving of various types of vaccines, because the states that participatedin World War I (which ended just in 1918), after the end of the war, had a huge stockpile of many types of vaccines left, which in that war, the first war was used.

Although these two sources point to the different causes of the 1918 Spanish flu, the spanish flu has not been found. In one, they agreed: thegreatest health damage sustained in this alleged pandemic was suffered by people who were vaccinated against the alleged flu.

"Epidemic" of Swine Flu in America in 1976 20

According to some authors, the swine flu scandal of 2009 is not a real hoax with the swine flu virus.

They claim it was preceded by a very similar prank with the so-called Swine Flu epidemic in America in 1976.

About this alleged epidemic, some very interesting details will be presented here in American Dr. Lorraine Day's book "Swine Flu Is a Prank!" which, as will be seen below, can unleash stalking fraudulent moves by the WHO, national crisis headquarters and pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines when it comes to alleged pandemics of some viral diseases. Svinjski_grip_je_podvala.pdf

Three patterned steps in all the alleged pandemics and epidemics so far?

From the pen of the aforementioned author, readers will be able to learn about some astonishing events, which, like an elaborate pattern, in several simple moves, occur in almost every alleged pandemic, including this ongoing one, which has been declared the alleged covid-19 disease:

Step 1: A pandemic or epidemic is declared on the basis of unproving or under- proven or unreliable claims by medical experts about the existence of a very dangerous disease (caused by an alleged virus), of which millions or tens of millions of people will reportedly die.

Step 2 :In this stage, pre-prepared or hastily prepared vaccines are offered, supposedly protect recipients from this alleged disease (which has never been reliably proven), and states obtain vast amounts of suchvaccines , with an unreasonable obligation to bear the potential harmful consequences of their use, and vaccine manufacturers are being amnestyed in the first place from any possible harmful consequences that may arise from their vaccines.

On this, freely worded unreasonable, move by national authorities, which exempts vaccine manufacturers from the obligation to pay compensation for the damage sustained by vaccinations, and thus transfer responsibility for compensation to the victims of vaccinations to the state (i.e. to all taxpayers of the concerned state), will be said more in open letter number III.

Step 3 : In the third stage, it is usually determined that there were no valid elements for declaring such a viral pandemic (epidemic) and that the announced or expected numberof allegedly infected, as well as theannounced or expected number of alleged deaths from this alleged infectious disease, is incomparably less than the actual number of infected and dead from the alleged disease. 21

Noheless, responsible people at WHO and national headquarters do not seem to be liable for the actions and actions that put many individuals at severe health damage, and the nation with enormous material damage (due to the unnecessary procurement of vaccines and to pay harm to vaccination victims).

What dr. Lorraine Day says about the safety and efficacy of swine flu vaccines in the United States in 1976? Year?

On the occasion of the alleged Swine Flu epidemic in the United States in 1976, The New York Times reported that In the book, the author points out that dangerous and sloppy methods used by vaccine manufacturers have produced vaccines that have killed and paralyzedhundreds of people, and that the production of these vaccines does not appear to have been monitored.

He also points out that there are no protections,no tests, no evidence of their safety and efficacy required by manufacturers, except those they make themselves.

The same author claims that so many people have been killed and paralyzed by the vaccine, that the vaccination campaign had to be halted before riots erupted that would threaten to kill doctors and vaccine promoters, and that two million doses of the vaccine were found to be incorrect, making them unusable.

Questions that were not answered before the launch of the Swine Flu Vaccination Campaign in the United States in 1976. Year

The same author cites a set from the 19th century to the 19th century. the questions, which were made up of Ide Honoroff, head of the group People Against PoliticalVaccinations, to which the relevant national authorities should answer, before starting a campaign for vaccination.

All these questions were asked by Ida Honorf to David Mathews of the U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Agency, at a public rally in Los Angeles, but he did not answer any of those questions.

The questions below are quoted from the book "Swine Flu Is a Prank!," and bold and underlined by the author of this Open Letter, while answers to some of the questions were answered by the author of the book:

"(1) Can you tell us what benefits arise from swine flu vaccines? By law the advantages must be greater than the risk. (And they didn't.)

(1) Will the swine flu vaccine prevent swine flu? (Never has.)

(2) Is it true that if someone is vaccinated, they 'll have an even more severe case of the flu? (Yes, even death, so far 113 cases.) 22

(3) Why were experimental animals from Dr. Morris's four labsdestroyed? The results of his tests would demonstrate the efficacy or danger of vaccines.

(4) Has the Health, Education and Welfare Agency sent any testimony before the Sub-Committee on Health and Environmental Protection ... when they had an scheduled hearing, which focused on the possible dangers of swine flu vaccination, the names of persons who submitted against the evidence, and how many witnesses who opposed the program?

(5) Is there evidence that the vast majority of vaccinated will not benefit?

(6) It is claimed that 70% of vaccinated will be protected. Among the unvaccinate will be 75% protected. Explain these contradictions.

(7) Can you give us some evidence that the swine flu epidemicexists? (None.)

(8) It takes about 10 years of testing and research to approve any substance, drug or vaccine that people will use. If the same standards apply to the vaccine, why isn't the swine flu vaccine subject to the same tests that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) says are necessary before being injected into human beings?

(9) Although pharmacists are putting a warning alongside the flu vaccine "injected into the vein," isn't it true that it can't be controlled with a needless injector (jet injector), which disperses the vaccine into the skin at a magnitude of 590 kg - into tissue cells, directly into the arteries, vein, lymph vessels (whichalso reach the heart), and thus produce a large destructivedisorder.

(10) Each of the vaccine manufacturers that makes the swine flu vaccine (Park- Davis, Merrell, Wyeth, Merck) uses mercury derivatives as a protectivetool. The dangers of injecting (highly toxic) mercury into the body, insemination or swallowing are well documented.

(11) Why does the form, which allows people to sign before vaccination, say "check-in", when public law 94-390 clearly states that it should be a form for "consent". This was strongly opposed by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in Biomedical and Psychological Research, and they demanded that the aforementioned forms be destroyed and not used, because they are definitely not forms for "consent", but a gross violation of the law.

(12) What is the detailed definition and description of swine flu?

(13) Is there really a disease called swine flu?

(15) Why don't vaccine manufacturers make and distribute vaccines without giving up all responsibilities caused by vaccines -- disease, disability and death? 23

(16) Why did the insurance companies refuse to provide such insurance?

(17) Why were people , and taxpayers' money, liable for all responsibilities and claimsarising from illness, disability and death caused by the swine flu vaccine?

(18) Who would profit from the mass vaccination of 215 million Americans?

(19) Is it really necessary or advisable for everyone to be vaccinated against swine flu? (No.)"

Although these questions are cited as professional, logical and reasonable, and not just for this Swine Flu epidemic in the United States in 1976, it is not just for the Swine Flu Epidemic in the United States. In 2014, but also for any other epidemic or pandemic of diseases caused by a listed virus, and thus for the alleged ongoing pandemic of the alleged covid-19 disease, readers will notethat, by national and WHO officials, these questions are never givenany answers, or to give unreliable and uncheched answers that, over and over again, require them to betrusted. without serious and convincing evidence, which willbe more said in Open Letter III.

Alleged 2003 SARS coronavirus pandemic

On the occasion of this pandemic, among others, us-made porfesor Dr Marc Siegel, who, in May 2006, was arrested on the occasion of the pandemic. In 2005, writing about the alleged 2005 Bird Flu pandemic, The New York Times reported that In 2003, he noted that during 2003, the ushered 100,000 people were killed in The Hague. In 2014, concerns about SARS coronavirus were raised by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to work with the World Health Organization to encourage the reporting and isolation of cases and contacts,while also building up parts of Asia and Toronto, which, due to their statements in the media, resulted in the loss of billions of tourism dollars for the Asian and Canadianeconomies.

He also stated that there was never objective evidence that regional quarantine helped suppress the virus,and that subsequent studies have found that sars coronavirus is not nearly as contagious as originallythought.

Alleged 2005 Bird Flu Pandemic

In a book published in September 2006, The New York Times reported that The New York Times reported that The New York Times published a report in September 20 In 2013, titled"The Great Prank of Bird Flu: The Truth You Don't Want to Know About the "Next Great Pandemic", Dr. Joseph Mercola says the US government is now practically screaming that the new bird super-flu is likely tokill millions of Americans ,and that the mainstream media is entirely on the road, as are medicine companies and othercorporations , which areready to go they profit from imposed paranoia, but there is no pandemic of bird flu, because it is an 24 elaboratescheme invented by the government and big business for reasons that come down to power and money.

On the occasion of the same alleged pandemic, the American porfesor Dr Marc Siegel noticed in May 2006 that the same pattern of CDC/WHO cooperation, as existed in the 2003 SARS coronavirus pandemics, was also present in the worldwide overreaction to the H5N1 influenzabird.

This author also pointed out that bird flu cannot routinely affect people in their current form, because, in the nine years 114 people had died by the time that report was published.

Alleged swine flu pandemic in 2009

The alleged Swine Flu pandemic, which was declared by the WHO in 2009, is the first of its kind in The Hague. In 2013, it turned out to be the biggest pandemic and medical-pharmaceutical scandal in the world.

Although a lot has been written about it, information will be provided here fromProf. d. R. Wolfgang Wodarg,who at the time was head of the Health Committee at the Council of Europe.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg on the Swine Flu pandemic in 2009

On the occasion of this "pandemic" D.Wolfgang Wodarg,he made the most serious accusations against the pharmaceutical lobby and the World HealthOrganisation, accused themof, in synchronisedandagreed, inventing planetary pandemicsin order to make tens of billions of euros in general fear of infection.

We had mild flu and a false pandemic, Wodarg warned at the time, and claimed that the World Health Organization's campaign on a "fake pandemic" of swine flu was one of the biggest medical scandals of the time.

Wodarg claimed at the time that pharmacists, including WHO people (who "mitigated" the definition of pandemics and critima for its global proclamation), had influenced the WHO and other organisations- resulting in manygovernments around the world putting millions of healthy people at risk of unknown side effects of under-tested vaccines.

One of the main themes of the plenary session of the Parliament of the Council of Europe during 2010 was a topic titled, "FalsePandemics, Threat to Health“.

An investigation conducted in 2010 by the British Medical Journal and the Bureau of Investigative Reporting found that the authors of WHO guidelines issued in 2004 were three scientists previously paid for other work by Roche Pharma AG, 25 whichproduces Tamiflu, and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), the manufacturer of Relenza (another flu drug). Pharmaceutical companies are estimated to have made more than $7 billion as governments have been amassing drugs to fight swine flu.

In other news, Wodarg was, among other things, the representative of the German Parliament of the Bundestag for the SPD and the initiator of the commission "Ethics and Law in Modern Medicine",a member of the parliamentary assembly of the Council ofEurope, chairman of the Committee for Health of the Body, and deputy chairman of the Committee for Culture, Education and Knowledge, and from 2011 to today, he is active as a university professor.

Wodarg's prophetic warning

Referring to the false swine flu pandemic, Wodarg said that things need to be clarified about who made the decisions to declare the pandemic and what the consequences of the pharmaceuticalindustry's influence on making such decisions- how, because of false alarms- would not have come back to the situationwe were in at the time.

Wodarg warned at the time that even vaccination with a classic flu vaccine is not without risk in some cases (due to potential allergic reactions to one of the vaccine's ingredients), but that the new vaccine-making technique is much faster- which is why it is not yet known what the possible harmful effects of protein traces can leave in such vaccines. arguing that we don't know whether these cells produce canceror not - but thatthey grow like cancerouscells- which is what clinical trials need to be conducted.

Novartisova vakcina "Opta flu"

One of these rapidly produced vaccines included novartis vaccine "Opta flu", whose orderwas cancelled in Germany in 2009after warnings from independent laboratories.

Independent labs then warned the public (and there was a debate in the German Parliament) that these flu vaccines are made with a whole new technique in bioreactors, and that they are made from cells that reproduce at the rate of cancerous cells and have the characteristics of cancerous cells.

Wodarg on alleged ongoing pandemic and covid-19 vaccines

At the beginning of this supposed pandemic, Wodarg argued that there is no separate disease that would be caused by this current corona virus (SARS-COV-2), and that the coronary virus has long been known as an integral part of the cause of influenza diseases , which is why since the beginning of the pandemic , he has criticised the measures taken , and specifically warned of the dangers of vaccination, arguing that it is impossible to make a reliable vaccine in a short time 26

On its web expert argues that the vaccines offered for Covid-19 are not vaccines, but a tool for genetic manipulation of humans.

Wodarg and Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer's former head of research, have jointly prepared a petition urging European Union citizens to support them in seeking to for the protection of the lives and health of volunteers over whom these studies are being experimented, and because of the significant safety problems highlighted by a growing number of well-known scientists in theworld, they are currently suspending all SARS-COV-2vaccine studies, particularly the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Both of these scientists believe that, before continuing their work on studies, the risks of previous studies must be excluded, from which it arises that the formation of so-called "neutralizing antibodies" can lead toan overreaction , especially when people over whom such experiments are performed face a real "wild" virus, as has been proven in experiments with cats labaratorically vaccinated against corona viruses, who, at first, tolerated the vaccine well,but all died when, in thenatural environment, they were infected with real coronavirus.

Related to the BioNtech/Pfizer anti-mRNA vaccine, these scientists warn that the SAR-COV-2 vaccine could trigger an immune response against syncitin-1, whichparticipates in the creation of a placenta in all mammals, as 70% of people develop antibodies against the substance, which in itself includes potentially fatal reactions to the vaccine (which implies potentially

Covid-19 road map: Towards global economic chaos and social destruction

Canadian Professor Michel Chossudovski in an article under the above title (published on his web site sait on October 18, 2020), pointed to many important claims, conclusions, observations and facts related to this alleged pandemic, some of which we will convey below.

PCR test cannot detect or identify virus

Using the results of scientific research, Chossudskisaid it was confirmed that a chain reaction test ofreverse-polymer transmission (RT-PCR), used to evaluate positive cases of COVID-19, was a questionable test. cannot detect or identify the virus, butare only particles orfragments of the virus, which is why the PCR positive test does not imply that there is a Covid-19 disease and does not provide the statistics needed to estimate the number of infected people. Because the PCR test is unsuitable as a means of identifying the spread of the virus, the main decisions of the WHO and national governments are potentially invalid.

Chossudski further states that the purpose of this article is to examine how these far-lasting decisions, based on faulty concepts and erroneous statistics, led to the closure and closure of businesses in 190 national economies of UN member states 27

(arguing that only three countries, including Belarus, Nicaragua and Sweden, have refused to close the national economy), as well as to a state of economic, social and political chaos, and mass unemployment and poverty worldwide.

October 18th, 2019. Year: Event 201 - Pandemic Simulation Exercise

Chossudski, like many other authors, reminds us that in October 2019, The New York Times reported that In 2013, an important event, known as "Event 201", was held in the United States, under the auspicesof the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health, known as "Event201", which was a simulation exercise for the upcomingpandemic, and that the event was sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum).

In this direction , suspicion is also raised by the fact that this "Event " simulated an outbreak of a new zop coronavirus transmitted from blind mice to pigs , and to humans , which eventuallybecomes effectively transmitted from person to person , leading to a severe pandemic , andthat the Covid-19 pandemic was caused by the alleged transmission of coronaviruses from blindto human

20. - 24. January: Meetings of the World Economic Forum in Davos

Chossudski argues that the dominant financial interests, billionaire foundations and international financial institutions played a key role in launching the pandemic, and that the actual decision was not made by the WHO, because in the week leading up to the WHO decision, the decision was subject to "consultation" at the World Economic Forum (VEF) in Davos, where the WHO was present.

January 30th, 2020. PHEIC - public health emergency

The same author also claims that the WHO, regarding Covid-19 disease, declared PHEIC (an extraordinary event that poses a risk to public health for more than one country), on June 30, 2015. January, 2020,when only 16 cases of this alleged disease were reported worldwide(for which an unreliable RT-PCR test was also used)in only four countries(5 cases in the U.S., 3 in Canada, 4 in France, 4 in Germany), which is why there was no scientific basis to justify launching a world emergency situation in publichealth.

He goes on to say that these ridiculously low numbers are not mentioned in the media, but that this declaration of a worldwide public health emergency has triggered a worldwide campaign of fear.

20 to 21. February 2020. 2015 - Data on infected people outside China

On February 20, 2020, Dr. Tedros said at a "historic press conference" that the number of confirmed cases outside China was 1073. 28

Of this total number reportedly infected outside China, 57.9% or 621 "confirmed cases" were passengers and crew aboard the " Cruise Ship"cruiseship, which was stuck in Japanese territorial waters, which made the WHO's claim of a potential "worldwide spread of the virus" not make sense.

Nevertheless, at a pressconference onFebruary 20, 2020, at a briefing in Geneva,the WHO director general said he was"concerned that the chance of stopping the coronavirus outbreak is closing... and "I believe the opportunity is still there, but the window is being thyme." , which contributed to an increase in the campaign of fear, despite the fact that the number of confirmed cases outside China was extremely low.

Was there a conflict of interest in WHO?

Chossudovski points out that whoreceives funding from the Gates Foundation , and that, according to a CNBC report from September 2019, the number of people receiving funding from the Gates Foundation has been 10%. Since 2010, Bill Gates has invested "60% of his assets in actions.

The stock market crash, which began on January 20th, has been a major since 2 February, called the 2020 coronaviruscrash, is categorized as:

"The fastest decline in global stock markets in financial history and more devastating since the collapse of Wall Street in 1929," and its collapse was, according to analysts, the spread of the virus outside China.

This campaign of fear of the "killer virus," coupled with Dr. Tedros's timely "warnings" about the need to implement the world's pandemic, served the interests of Wall Street institutional speculators and hedge funds.

Financial melt-gap leads to major shift in distribution of wealth

The article further noted that in the week following the WHO's announcement on 20 January, The New York Times published a report on The New York Times. By the 21st century," he said. February, Dov Jones crashed 12% (CNBC, February 28, 2020). According to analysts, the DJIA's decline was the result of the spread of the virus around the world. The preposterous statement contradicts the (small) number of positive assessments of WHO Covid, most of which is based on a faulty PCR test.

On Monday, April 24, 2015, The New York Times reported that The New York In February, after the stock market reopened, there was an unprecedented decline in dove Jones attributed to the "immeasurable dangers" that Covid has been spreading around the world creating uncertainties in financial markets. 29

Who is behind the fear campaign that has contributed to the launch of chaos and uncertainty in financial markets?

After the WHO officially declared a worldwide pandemic on March 11, 2020, The campaign of fear started at a rapid rate, stock markets crashed all over the world, after which, according to Chossudovsky, there was a massive transfer of financial wealthin favor of American billionaires - because, as a precedentin history, almostsimultaneously in a large number of countries, entire sectors of the world economy were destabilised, and small andmedium-sized enterprises were bankrupt, creating Chossudovski argues that the impact of these measures has been devastating not only on theeconomy , but also on health (mortality and morbidity), including the destabilization of the national health care system (in a number of countries), and causing damage far exceeding that attributed to Covid-19.

They say that some smart people have said that in suspicious situations , the money trail should always be followed.

Is that what this supposed pandemic is about?

Appropriation and redistribution of wealth

The same author also offers a table that identifies the rise in personal wealth among America's five wealthiestbillionaires - in just three months(March 18 - June 17, 2020), noting that the wealth of America's leading billionaires has grown by an additional $266 billion from June to October 2020,and that, presumably, the so- called second wave will lead to a further process of appeasementand concentration.

Chossudski said all forms of social activity, including family gatherings, weddings and funerals, public gatherings, schools, universities, museums, sports and cultural events, and that the implementation of the state's police measures in order to implement the implementation of regulations, and that the process of delaying the reopening of the global economy will indelible contribute to the suppression of (regionaland local) small and medium-sized enterprises around theworld, while at the same time accelerating the bankruptcy of entire sectors of the world economy (which in particular includes airlines, hotel chains and the tourism industry), which in turn will lead to

The table above shows only the rise in the personal wealth of several people, currently considered the richest in the world.

However, according to many authors, there are reportedly fewer families who own a predominant share of the entire existing private property, whose wealth exceeds the figures in the table hundreds and even thousands of times. 30

According to the same authors, the wealth of these families, only during the course of this alleged pandemic, due to the application of over-ordered and mandatory measures, has reportedly increasedby thousands ofbillions of dollars , all at the expense of medium and small companies, and independent entrepreneurs. and-societal-destruction/5725602

Petitions and letters signed about the alleged Covid-19 pandemic

Of the many open letters and petitions regarding this alleged pandemic, here, due to the extensiveness of the topic, the author of this letter will be shown shortened versions of several of the most important

An open letter from the World Alliance of Doctors to all citizens of the world and all governments of the world

This open letter was sent by the independent nonprofit World Alliance of Doctors, Nurses, HealthcareProfessionals and Staff- made up of medical workers from around the world - who have united in their response toCovid-19, to share experiences aimed at lifting all lockdowns and related harmful measures and restoring universal health provisions concerning psychological and physical well- being for all humanity.

The authors of the letter point out that the premise for lockdown was to 'flatten the curve' and protect the hospital system from overcrowding, but that the UK's (NHS) was at no point in danger of being overwhelmed, and that from May 2020 to May 2020, the NHS was not in danger of being overwhelmed. Covid departments mostlyempty.

They also point out that, to the measure, the crucial fact that the death toll from Covid has remained extremely low.

They claim that there are now hundreds of thousands of so-called 'cases', 'infections' and 'positive tests', but that there are hardly sick people, because it is clear that these 'cases' are not actually Covidapatients, but are normally healthy people (asymmtomatic cases), who make up four-fifths (80%) of the supposedly 'infected'who have never been carriers of the spread of the disease in the history of respiratory diseases.

They believe that it is very clear that the 'pandemic' is basicallyover , that there is a very high chance that we have reachedcollective immunity and that is why we do n't needvaccines , especially since we have safe and very effective treatments andpreventive treatments for Covid, which is why they call for an urgent end to all lockdown measures, social distancing, wearing masks, testing healthy individuals, passports of immunity, vaccinationprograms and soon, which are unscientite and 31 that injure our inadjure rights, such as freedom of movement, freedomof speech and freedom ofassembly.

Categorically point out that these draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.

1. General criticism of the measures taken

Criticising the measures taken, the letter's signatories state:

-that Covid-19 has proven less deadly than previous flu seasons (citing the December 2017 season as an example). By March 2018, when there were 50,100 flu deaths in England and Wales, or 1969, when there were 80,000 flu deaths, while there were about 42,000 deaths from Covida in the UK.

- that we've never closed society before because of respiratory viruses,

- that the basis for the lockdown was Professor Neil Ferguson's mathematical model. which predicted half a million deaths in the UK-whose estimated death figures were clearlywrong - i.e. increased 10 or 12 times-

Professor Ferguson's modelling wasn't even reviewed before several nations took up the matter. Eminent epidemiologists such as Professor Gupta of Oxford University were ignored, they estimated the death toll would be far lower in the UK.

-that the same Professor Ferguson had completely misjudgments of the potential number of deaths and regarding other diseases: SARS, MERS, mad cow disease (CJD),and swine flu, so itis doubtful why the world listened to himagain?,

- that all countries that have not closed (such as Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus) fared significantly better than lockedcountries , both in terms of percentages of populationdeaths and interms of collectiveimmunity and pristine economy.

-that the lockdown did not save lives-as reported in the Lancetin their analysis - and that full lockdown andmass testing of COVID-19 were not associated with a reduction in critical cases or overall mortality,

- that the vast majority of deaths occurredin the elderly and very elderly, as well as in people with pre-existingserious health problems, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, etc.,

-that Covid poses virtually zero risk to people under 45, who "havemore chance of being struck by lightning than dying by Covid",but also that it poses very littlerisk 32 to healthy people over 60 who "havea higher chance of accidentaldrowning than dying from Covid,"

-that the entire nation was essentially under house arrest,even though we had never found healthy people before, and that it hindered the establishment of collectiveimmunity, and because of that, theisoling didn't make sense,

-that things can be put in the right perspective if it is compared that in the UK in 2015 there were 115,000smoking-related deaths- up from 42,000 deaths from Covida-and that there are usually around 600,000deaths in the UK each year.

2. Criticism of the measures taken from the point of view of collateral damage

On this occasion, the signatories of the letter further point out:

- that putting the public under house arrest has caused undeteced damage to both physical and mental health,

-that the ventilation of respiratorpatients, instead of oxygen,proved to be a deadly policy,because it resulted in many unnecessary deaths,

-that sending infected people from hospitals to care homes has put elderly and frail people at unnecessary risk and resulted in many unnecessary deaths.

- that hospitals essentially became 'covid only' centers, which is why the huge number of patients was neglected, resulting in many thousands of unnecessary deaths,

-that the government report estimated that around 200,000 (200,000) peoplewould die as a direct result oflockdown, not viruses.

-that the medicine (i.e. measures) is worse than the disease.

3. Criticism of how to determine the cause of death

- that most of the people who died had significant other diseases,such as Alzheimer's, cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes,

- that counting death certificates with the 'mention' of Covid as the cause of death is a crude and misrepresement of the facts about the causes of death and has greatly exaggerated the number of deaths,

-that the rules for filling in death certificates have only been changed for Covid- 19,and that even when determining the cause ofdeath, doctors do not even need to physically see the patient, in order to sign death certificates, and the need to confirm the medical certificate forcremations, 33

-that autopsies are virtually prohibited, leading to the possibility of misdiagnment of the true cause of death,and which reduces understanding of the disease itself,

-that the nursing home staff, who generally have no medical training, were given the opportunity to make a statement on the cause of death,

-that people who die within 28 days of a positive PCR test are judged to have died from Covid, even if they die in the car or from a heart attack; thereby unduly increasing the death toll from the disease.

4. Criticism of economic ruin

In relation to this, the signatories of the letter claim:

-that reports now estimate that around six and a half million people will lose their jobs as a result of the uk lockdown,

-that it is well known that poverty directly affectshealth, which is why we can expect many peopleto suffer poor health and result in many premature deathsas a direct result of lockdown.

5. Censorship criticism

Regarding never-before-seen censorship, the signatories state:

-that governments have behaved maliciously in censoring doctors, nurses and NHS staff, even though the people have the perfect right to hear what ishappening in hospitals, and the medical profession has a duty to look after and reassure the public,

- that the medical profession is not allowed to tell the public that Covid departments have been empty formonths, nor that Coviddeaths have reached low rates for months, and the absence of that information has unnecessarilyadded fear and anxiety to the public,

- that videos and articles by doctors and scientists with attitudes that differ from government narratives have been removed from the Internet.

6. Criticism of false positive tests

In this regard, the signatories claim:

-that PCR tests cannot be verified due to imprecision,because there is no 'gold standard' on the basis of which to check, and that the virus itself is not "puried",

-that PCR tests cannot detect all viral material and are prone to false positives, 34

-that a positive PCR test does not mean that a person is infected, norinfectious,

- that, in reality, approximately 90% of PCR positive 'cases' are falsepositives, and that's why we don't have a second wave and pandemic,

- that the government report estimates a false positive rate between 0.8% and 4.0% because they use data from other viral infections – not Covida,

-that the crisis will never end if we wait for zero positive tests, because everyone probably had a coronavirus cold and will probably have several viral fragments corresponding to those of relatives of SARS-CoV-2 virus,

-that testing of healthy, asymptomatic individuals, untested, insensitive, and constitutes a colossal waste of money (for example, signatories state that the UK Government costs £100 billion for one month of the daily testing programme, which is, roughly, two-thirds of the annual NHS budget).

(Regarding this latest data, one should probably ask ourselves who all this test money goes to)

7. Criticism of patient inadequacy

About the treatment methods, these doctors, like many others, point out:

-that the controversial drug Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) hasbeen unfairly rejected by the WHO, CDC, NIH and media, although it has very strong support from, among others: Professor Harvey Risch, Yale epidemiologist, American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), American Frontline Doctors, Henry Ford Health System and Professor Didier Raoult, microbiologist and infectious diseasespecialist.

-that Lancet magazine was forced to pull a "study" on HCQ, after, by newspaper, it was revealed that it was completely invented and writtenby a science fiction writer and porn star , but that even after this astonishingdiscovery HCQ is still banned in most countries, although, according to the AAPS, it has ninety percent (90%) the rate of curability when given early and with zinc, and is much safer than most drugs, such as aspirin, Benadryl and Tylenol.

- that AAPS also indicates that there has never been a vaccine as safe as HCQ,which has been licensed formore than 60 years and must be used by billions of people around the world.

- that HCQ may have been banned because it is not patented and there is no huge profit from its sale,

-that pandemics wouldn't have been if HCQ had been available. 35

8. Criticism of the absence of prevention measures

Regarding prevention measures against Covid-19( which measures, by the way, by who and national officials are completely omitted, although goodimmunity for all doctors is the best medicine), the authors of the letter recommend:

-preventive measures such as hydroxychloroquine or vitamins D, C and zinc,

-early treatment with calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D), because the treatment of hospitalized patients with this agent significantly reduced the pressure on admission to intensive care units,

- Vitamin D, which reduces the severity of Covid.

9. Criticism of vaccinations

Regarding vaccinations, the authors argue that the rush to vaccines is clearly not in the publicinterest ,and that releasing vaccine manufacturers from responsibility for harmful effects is also clearly not in the public interest.

10. On conflicts of interest

Writing about conflicts of interest in the UK, the authors state:

-that chief scientific officer Sir has shares worth £600,000 in GSK Glaxo Smith Klein, and that in recent years he has sold £5 million of GSK shares he 'earned' while head of GSK,

That Sir , the UK's chief medical officer, has accepted over £30million in funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to study malaria vaccines,

-that it has become clear that the members of SAGE, Public Health England (PHE), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH) etc., have many conflicts of interest and that they all accept very large 'donations' from thepharmaceutical and vaccineindustries, which has corrupted their integrity,

- that it's clear that governments are being lobbied very hard by the pharmaceuticalindustry and the vaccineindustry, which may have compromised their integrity,

- that vaccine manufacturers will make trillions from the sale of vaccines,and that the pharmaceutical industry will make trillions out of Covida testing, 36

- that Prime Minister has announced that a new 'monthly shot' vaccine test will cost £100bn- about two-thirds of the NHS's annual budget-

If it were, surely these huge sums would have been far better spent treating all neglected patients who were voluntarily neglected during lockdown and now face huge waiting lists.

Note: According to data from this web sait, this document was signed by 16.12.2020. O5bFZZzYLuJHemBkXSaFgIkPcC7dOjpZTI world-governments-citizens-world/5727390

Great Barrington Declaration (petition)

The signatories of this petition, known as the Great Barrington Declaration, initiated by Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, biostasterist, and epidemiologist, and a number of other scientists and experts around the world, point out that as epidemiologists of infectious diseases and public health scientists, they have serious concernsabout the harmful effects of covid-19's prevailing measures on physical and mental health, and argue that the current lockout policy has a devastating impact on public health in the short and long term , resulting in, among other things, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, with fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health, which will lead to increased mortality in the comingyears. workers and young members of society will be hardest hit, that keeping students out of school is a grave injustice, and that maintaining these measures until the vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage.

Note: According to data from this web sait , this document was signed by 16.12.2020. 12.907 medical and publichealthscientists , 38,918 medical practitioners and 700,164 citizens.

Open letter from Belgian doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and media

In a very extensive letter written on 05 June 2015, The New York Times said that The New York Times published a book on the 1990s and September 2020. In 2013, a group of Belgian doctors and health professionals referred to their authorities and the media, among other things, saidthey were sadd that the government was calling for health as a reason for urgent laws regardingCovid-19 disease, because, as doctors and health professionals, they are facing a virus that, in 37 terms of harmfulness, mortalityand portability,is approaching seasonal flu,which is why:

- they reject the extremely disproportionate measures taken,

- demand an immediate end to all measures.

-express doubts about the legitimacy of current advisoryexperts, who meet behind closed doors, and

-withthe international association ACU 2020, call for an in-depth examination of the role of who and the possible impact of conflicts of interest in this organization.

This group of doctors and health professionals urges politicians to be independent and critically informed in the process of making decisions on mandatory corona- measures, they are seeking an open discussion, where all experts will be represented without censorship, arguing that after the initial panic over Covid-19, objective facts now show a completelydifferent picture ,under which there is no more medical justification for any emergencypolicy , and that the current crisis management is doing more harm than it brings any benefit.

They demand an end to all measures and the immediate restoration of normal democratic administration, legal structures and all civil liberties, recalling the foreign exchange that "The cure must not be more harmful than the problem," which is more relevant than ever before., and that collateral damage, now caused to the population , will have a greater impacton all parts of the population in the short and long term , relative to the number of peoplenow protected from the corona.

They also consider the current measures against corona and harsh penalties for their disrespect, contrary to the values formulated by Belgium's Supreme Health Council.

Due to the importance of the content of this letter, some important observations, statements and criticisms of the measures taken will be presented below.

1. The measures violate the health of most people

The letter's signatories state that the measures taken harm not only human rights, but also damage the health of most people, given how the note of health was defined by the WHO in 1948. Year:

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of illness or other physical impairment." 38

2. Criticism of the erroneous initial estimate of mortality rates

The authors of the letter note that a pandemic with millions of deaths was initially envisioned, as the WHO initially predicted a pandemic that would claim 3.4% of thevictims - anda highly contagious virus for which no treatmentor vaccine would be available - creating unprecedented pressure on the intensive care units ofBelgian hospitals, and to a global alarming situation, as neverseen in the history of humanity,but that objective facts showed a completely different reality,because the course of covid-19 disease followed the course of a normal wave of infection, similar to the seasonal flu.

According to these experts , the actual mortality rateis many times lower than announced, because they claim that it turned out that the mortality from Covid-19 is close to that of the average seasonal flu, i.e. that it is only 0.2%,and that the number of registered deaths from this disease is overestimated.

In this regard, they indicate that there is a difference between death from corona and death with corona.

3. Criticism PCR testa

Among many, these authors also criticize the use of a non-specific PCR test, which yields many false positives ,and which test is accelerated by emergency procedure, and it is never seriously self-tested, although its creator has explicitly warned that this test is intended for research, not diagnostics, and that any contamination (e.g. other viruses, remnants of old virus genomes) can result in false positive results, and that this test does not measure the amount of viruses in the sample, while a real viral infection means a mass presence of the virus,

They also point out that if someone is positive, it does not mean that the person is actually clinically infected, sick or will get sick, and that Koch's postulat hasnot been met , and since this test does notautomatically indicate an active infection or infectiousness, social measures based solely on these tests are not justified.

Due to the fact that the whole myth of the existence of the pandemic is based on or largely on PCR tests, it is logical to conclude that experts in who have proposed the use of such unreliable and unscientien tests are the most agreed for all the enormous intangible and material damage caused by this alleged pandemic, and that criminal proceedings should be prosecuted against them

4. Criticism of lockdown measures

Comparing the waves of infection in countries with strict lockdown policies with countries that did not impose such blockades (Sweden, Iceland ...), the authors see 39 similar culprits and conclude that there is no link between forced lockdown and the course of infection, and that lockdown measures have not led to lower mortality rates, as they were taken after the peak of the epidemic was already over.

5. Observations regarding the human immune system

The authors of the letter specifically point to the fact that for thousands of years the human body has been exposed daily to moisture and droplets containing contagious microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and fungi), whose penetration is prevented by an advanced defense mechanism – the immune system, which relies on normal daily exposure to these microbial influences, which is why excessive hygiene measures are harmful to the immune system, and why only people with weak or damaged immune systems should be protected by extensive hygiene or social distancing.

They point out that most people have congenital or general immunity to flu and other viruses, confirming the findings on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, which was quarantined by several passengers who died from Covid-19, but that most passengers (75%), were not infected, even though they were of an older age and in an ideal situation of transmission of the virus on board

They also point out that a study in the journal Cell shows that most people neutralize coronavirus with mucosa (IgA) and cell immunity (T-cells), while there are few or no symptoms, and that most people who have a positive test (PCR) do not have health problems because their immune system is strong enough, which is why strengthening natural immunity is a much more logical approach, such as important preventive measures in the form of healthy diets , exercising in fresh air withouta mask , reducing stress and nurturing emotional and social contacts.

6. Criticism of social isolation measures

These experts strongly criticise measures of social isolation and other measures that have led to economicdamage - as well as an increasein depression, anxiety, suicide, domestic violence and child abuse.

They also referred to studies that have shown that people with more emotional connections and social obligations and contacts are more resistant to viruses- which is why it is believed that isolation andquarantine can have fatal consequences, especially as measures of isolation have led to physical inactivityin many older people - who have been forced tostay indoors.

In particular, they stress that enough exercise positively affects cognitivefunctioning, reduces depressive anxiety and anxiety, and improves physical health, energy levels, wellbeing and,ingeneral, quality of life , and that fear, persistent stress and loneliness,caused by socialremoval, have a proven negative impact on psychological and general health. 40

7. Criticism of how covid-19 is treatment

Just like many others, these experts have seriously warned about the wrong treatment strategy for this disease, pointing out that for those who show serious symptoms, safe and effective therapy in the form of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine), zinc and azithromycinis available, that its rapid useleads to recovery, which prevents hospitalization, and that its effectiveness has been confirmed by clinical experiencewith impressive results , which refute theoretical criticism in some countries (such as Holland), which have even banned this therapy, although such criticism has notbeen supported by double-blind studies.

8. Criticism of claims about how SARS-COV-2 spreads

These Belgian experts have made serious criticism and claims about how the virus spreads , arguingthat the spread is done bydripping infection (coughing or sneeze) and aerosols indoors, uncontested premises, that contaminationis not possible in theopen , and that epidemiological studies show that healthy people, as well as positively tested asymptomatic carriers, are virtuallyunable to transmit the virus - and therefore healthy people do notput each other at risk.

They also claim that the transmission of virusesthrough objects has not been scientifically proven, and that all this seriously doubts the overall policy of social removal for healthy people, since there is no scientific basis for it.

9. Criticism of wearing masks

It also criticises the obligation to wear masks for healthy people- because they are not effective against the spread of viral infections- and argues that wearing them causes more side effects- such as lack of oxygen- which causes headaches, nausea, fatigue,loss of concentration - which are similar to altitudesickness and occur quite quickly.

Such side effects are seen daily by these experts in patients complaining of headaches, sinus problems, respiratory problems and hyperventilation due to wearing masks.

As other undesirable effects state that accumulated CO2 leads to toxic acidification of the organism, which further weakens immunity.

In this regard, they point out that the Belgian Labour Law (Codex 6) prescribes co2 content (ventilation in workplaces) of 900 ppm, and a maximum of 1200 ppm in special circumstances, and already after wearing a mask for one minute,this toxic limit is significantly exceeded toa value that is three to four times greater than these maximumvalues, which is why anyone wearing a mask functions as when in an extremely poorly windedroom. 41

Therefore, some experts warn of increased transmission of the virus in case of inappropriate use of the mask, which is why the use of masks is not recommended without a comprehensive medical cardio-pulmonary file, except in hospitals in operating rooms, which have a sterile environment where there is precise regulation of humidity, temperature and oxygen flow, with proper monitoring and meeting of strict safety standards.

10. Criticism of the emergence of the so-called second wave

These experts also criticise allegations of an alleged second wave of the disease, noting that a closer examination of Sciensan's figures shows that although more close examination of Sciensan's figures shows that, although more than 100,000 people have been thugs since mid-July 2020, the number of people who have been e-diabetes patients has been 100,000. In 2014, there was an increase in the number of infections, at that time there was no increase in hospital admissionsor deaths , whichis why they believe this alleged second wave is not due to the corona virus, but as a result of the increased number of tests.

11. Criticism of potential vaccinations

These experts also point to flu vaccination surveys, which show that in 10 years we have only been able to develop a vaccine with an efficiency rate greater than 50%, that it seems that vaccination of the elderly is ineffectual, i.e. in persons over 75 years of age efficiency is almost non-existent, and that due to the continued natural mutation of the virus , the vaccine is only a temporary solution, reseeving the

They also question the use of vaccines produced as a matter of urgency (for which manufacturers have gained legal immunity inthe past from compensation for possibleharm), arguing that they do not want to use their patients as guinea pigs , and that 700,000 casesof damage or death are expected globally as a result of such a vaccine - anirresponsible risk.

12. Invitation to the Hippocratic Oath

The authors of the letter also invoke the Hippocratic Oath, arguing that current measures compel them to act against thisoath.

13. Criticism of the role of the media

And these, as well as many other experts, have made serious accusations at the expense of the media, claiming that it seems that the creators of newspapers, radio and television almost uncritically stood behind a panel of experts and the government there, where the press should be critical and prevent unilateral government communication, leading 42 to public communication that looked more like propaganda than objective reporting.

They also argue that the official version that lockdown is necessary, that it is the only possible solution and that everyone is behind it, has made it difficult for people who have a different view, as well as experts, to express a different opinion, and that alternative opinions have been ignored or even mocked, and that they have not seen open discussions in the media, where different views could be expressed. They were particularly impressed by the fact that many videos and articles by numerous scientific experts have been removed and are still being removed from social media, because it does not fit into a free, democratic constitutional state, and has a paralysing effect that produces and feeds fear and concern in society.

They also believe that the way Covid-19 was portrayed by politicians and the media did not present the situation well, because war terms were used ("war" with an "invisible enemy" that must be "defeated", "heroes of frontline care" and "victims of the corona"), which further fueledfear , just like the idea of globally dealing with the "killervirus".

They also stress that the relentless bombardment of the numbers, which were released to the population day by day, hour by hour, and without interpreting that data , without comparing it to flu deaths in other years, and without comparing it to deaths due to other causes, caused the population to have a real psychosisof fear , which is why it is not information,but manipulation.

It is especially important that these experts complain about the role of WHO, which has called for different opinions from official discourseto be silenced through unprecedented media censorship.

14. Criticism from the point of view of human rights violations

As medical experts, the signatories of this letter emphasise that the general principle of good governance requires that the proportion of government decisions be measured in the light of higher legal standards, that any government mixing must be in accordance with the basic rights protected in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), and that the mixing of public authorities is only permitted in crisis situations.

To this end, they pointed out that the measures currently taken concern the mixing of, among other things, the right to:

- respect for private and family life,

- freedom of thought, conscience and faith,

- freedom of expression, 43

-freedom of assembly and association,

-education, etc., and must therefore adhere to the basic rights protected by the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).

They believe that predicting a pandemic with millions of deaths until an emergency is established, but that now that objective facts show something else entirely, the condition of inability to act is no longer in place, because Covid-19 is a well-healed condition, and the mortality rate is comparable to the seasonal flu.

15. Warning of damage caused by the current policy

These experts emphasise that in addition to the years of life patients with corona, other factors affecting the health of the entire population must be taken into account, which in particular includes damage in the psychosocial domain (increase in depression, anxiety, suicide, domestic violence and child abuse), as well as economic damage.

Taking into account this collateral damage, they assess that the current policy undoubtedly constitutes the use of a hammer to break nuts, and that they are shocked by the fact that the government is calling for health as a reason for the emergency law, as measures taken are utterly disproportionate to the consequences on people's health.

An open letter from German doctors to Chancellor Merkel

In an open letter released in November 2020 by The New York Times, The New York Times reported that In 2013, Chancellor Merkel was written by a larger group of doctors (Dr. Robert Kluger and others), saying that the signatories of the letter were doctors from all areas of health care, who have served people in offices and clinics for decades, that during this time they witnessed more than one seasonal infection in Germany, most of which were with far more severe conditions and significantly more deaths than since January 2020.

Their letter is almost a desperate outing for reason among competent politicians, experts and the media, as they point out:

- that someadvisory virusologists with millions of seriously ill and hundreds of thousands of deaths in Germany are in no way accurate;

- that in practice rarely any patient wasinfected, with normal, mostly mild progression of viral flu, and that hospitals were emptier than ever before;

- thatthere was no overload, because doctors and nurses were skilled at short-term work; 44

- that they could initially understand the measures of protection against infection, but that there are months of safe evidence and the fact that this wave of viruses is only a little more intense than regular seasonal flu and must be considered much more harmless than, for example, flu infections in 2017/2018. In 2014, with 27,000 deaths in Germany;

- that all this and the current situation must be a reason to return to normal life in Germany: life without limitation, hysteria and fear of infection;

- to see more and more:

· older people withdepression,

· young children and adolescents with severe anxiety and behavioural disorders,

· people with severe conditions who could be treated in a timely way

· interruptions in interpersonalcooperation,

· hysteria and aggression caused by fear of contagion,

· more vigils and denunciations of "positive swab victims", which all leads to unprecedented tension and division of the population;

- that the predictable development of additional severe chronic diseases;

- that these additional diseases with their severe consequences are expected to significantly outweigh the possible damage from Covid-19;

- to call on those responsible for health care and politics to carry out their responsibilities and immediately prevent this overtaking development;

- to call on politicians and representatives of medical experts to refrain from daily public warnings and spreading fear in the press and other media, because it creates a deep and unsustainable fear among the population.

- that if there is an independent and free press in Germany, theyinvite journalists to investigate in all directions and allow critical voices. merkel/5728843

Open letter from leading British academics to Prime Minister Boris Johnson

At risk of new lockdown measures in the UK, the British Prime Minister was warned by a group of around 30 leading academics and experts 45 risjohnson/

Conclusions of the German Extra-Parliamentary Committee on Corona (Covid-19)

A group of German experts, whose work involved legal expert and international lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich (has offices in Germany and the United States)based on the testimony of a large number of international scientists and experts started as early asJuly 2020, came to very similar conclusions as well as the doctors who wrote the aforementioned and other open letters, studies and reports.

Summing up the results of that Committee's research, Reiner Füllmich argues that the alleged Covid-19 pandemic is not only the world's biggest scandal, but also that (who, according to Dr. Füllmich,lead author of the PCR test), then Ghebreyesus,Mr. WHO director and others, committed crimes against humanity as defined in article 7. International Criminal Code (i.e. Roman statute).

Since this report has been presented from a legal point of view, among other things (which, for now, seems to be missing from the national and global stages), the results of that Committee's research will be presented here in more detail.

1. The Covid-19 pandemic never existed

One of the more important results of their research is that a number of highly regarded scientists around the world assume that there has never been a coronapandemic- but only a pandemic with a PCR test- as pointed out by scientists such as Professors Bhakti, Reiss, Molling, Hockertz, Valach and many others - including Professor John Ioannidis and Nobel laureate Professor Michael Levitt of Stanford University.

2. Some of the more important conclusions and assessments of the German Corona Committee

Criminal and civil liability

Members of the Committee consider this to be the greatest crime against humanity ever committed, forwhich the answerable must be:

§ prosecuted for crimes against humanity

§ sued for civil damages

Mortality rate 46

§ There is no excess mortality in anycountry.

§ Mortality from the Corona virus is equal to mortality from seasonal flu.

§ 94% of deaths in Bergamo (Italy) were caused by sick patients being transferred to a nursing home where old people with weak immune systems became infected.

§ Doctors and hospitals around the world have been paid to declare that deceased persons are victims of Covid-19.

§ The autopsiesshowed:

§ The alleged death victims of Covid-19 almost all died because of other causes.

§ Almost all of the dead were very old people.

§ Sweden (without lockdown) and Britain (strict lockdown) have comparable disease and mortality statistics.

§ U.S. states with and without lockdown have comparative statistics of disease and mortality.


§ Hospitals remainempty and some face bankruptcy.

§ Populations have T-cell immunity from previous flu waves.

§ Collective immunity needs only 15-25% of the popularation infection and has already been achieved

§ Only when a person has symptoms can it be contagious.


§ Many scientists call this the PCR test pandemic,not the corona pandemic.

§ Very healthy and non-infectious people can be positive.

Prof. Drosten developed his PCR test from the old SARS viruswithoutever seeing the real Wuhan virus from China.

§ The PCR test is not based on scientific facts regarding infections.

§ PCR tests are useless for detecting infections. 47

§ A positive PCR test does not mean that an infection is present or that the virus has been found intact.

§ Sample amplification over 35 cycles is unreliable, and who recommended 45 cycles.


§ Germany's locked-in government imposes social distancing and wearing masks on the basis of a single opinion.

§ Locking was imposed when the virus was already receding.

§ Lockdowns are based on nonexistent infections.

§ The Corona measures do not have sufficient factual and legal basis, are unconstitutional and must be withdrawn immediately, as confirmed by former UK Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption.

§ German RKI (CDC equivalent) recommended not to perform autopsies

§ No serious scientist gives any relevance to The Fake Computer Models of Neal Ferguson that warn of millions of deaths.

§ Mainstream media does not publish true facts about the call pandemic.

§ Democracy is in danger of being replaced by fascist totalitarian models.

§ Drosten, Tedros and others committed crimes against humanity as defined in the International Criminal Code.

§ Politicians can avoid prosecution with charlatans and criminals if they allow a public scientific hearing.

§ Politicians and the media deliberately drove the population into a panic.

§ Children are calculatedly prepared to feel responsible for thepainfultortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow coronarules."

§ A hopeless PCR test is used to create fear, not fordiagnostics.

Injuries and damage:

§ There is evidence of gigantic damage to health and economic damage to the population.

§ Anti-corona measures for the result have: 48

§ Killed countlesspeople.

§ Countless companies and individuals around the world destroyed.

§ Children are taken away from theirparents.

§ Children are traumatized in the mass.

§ Bankruptcy is expected in small and medium-sized businesses.

§ Companies and the self-employed must be harmed.

The Corona crisis must be renamed the "Corona Scandal"

§ that's:

§ Biggest delict case ever.

§ The greatest crime against humanity evercommitted.

§ Those responsible must be:

§ Prosecuted for crimes against humanity.

§ Sued for civildamages.

Note: Conclusions downloaded from: against-humanity-the-german-corona-investigation/5725795- on which the full transcript ofthe video titled: Video: "Crimes Against Humanity": The German Corona Investigation. "PCR Pandemic".

About taking human DNA during PCR and other testing

It is widely known that in most countries there are regulations on the protection of the most important administrative personal data.

These regulations were adopted to prevent potential misuse of such personal data for illicit and criminal purposes.

However, it seems much less known whether there are regulations on the protection of DNAdata, and who, under what conditions, can take the causes of DNA, how they are stored and who can access it.

In any case, regardless of whether such regulations exist or do not exist, in most countries for about 10 months mass PCR testing has been conducted,whichimplies the taking of human DNA , but neither doctors nor governments mention laws that give them the right to such testing. 49

In essence, through natural law, any taking of human DNA wouldhave to be on a voluntarybasis, except in exceptions concerning the security of evidence to prove someone's criminal activity.

For this reason, the U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 ruled that the state's supreme court had not ruled in 2013 that the state's supreme court had In 2013 (in the Maryland v. King case) he decided it was legal to collect DNA samples from suspects arrested for the crime.

Potential misuse of human DNA

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine in what ways human DNA can be misused, but it is certain that there is a very varied array of such possibilities.

Of all these potential opportunities, some of those that many authors seem to be the most dangerous:

1. Use of human DNA to make highly sophisticated vaccines.

Such vaccines would be programmed (in the first place or subsequently) to produce specific health and other consequences (illness, immodity, death, etc.) in certain populations or individuals.

2. Use of human DNA to store computer data.

DNA, as an alternative to computer hard drives, is rapidly progressing, as it has been discovered that the long chain of nucleotides A, T, C and G, material that is incomparably more suitable for storing information. from the current hard drives.

Insiders say that computer data can be stored in sequences of these letters, thus converting DNA into a new form of informacine technology, which is routinely sequenced and synthesized, i.e. precisely and easily copied, read and written down, so that it can accurately store massive amounts of data at a density far greater than that of existing electronic devices.

On the link between the number of people tested and the number of allegedly infected

To introduce and extend anti-pandemic measures, officials use data on the number of allegedly infected as the only "proof", while this data is based solely on the results of PCR testing.

In doing so, they do not in any way explain the illogicality of introducing such measures at the beginning of the epidemic, when there was a very small number tested, and, in parallel, a very small number of allegedly infected. 50

In addition, the detention and even amplification of some of the measures are explained by the alleged subsequent increase in the number of infected, but do not take into account the possibility that the increased number of allegedly infected is the result of an increased number of tested.

Therefore, their conclusions about the existence and spread of this alleged disease are based solely on the number of supposedly positive individuals in PCRtests , not on the existence of symptoms that occur in this alleged disease, which are almost identical to other viruses attributed to causing a disease called influenza.

Even more important is the fact that most independent experts categorically claim that PCR tests are completely unreliable , that they give false positive results and that they cannot in any way diagnose the existence of the disease itself, but only part of the genetic material of the alleged SARS-COV-2 virus , but not the whole virus.

This suggests that the pandemic is gone and there was none,which meansthat all measures taken urgently must be abolished.

This conclusion is further confirmed by statistics in all countries, as well as global statistics, according to which, during the period of this alleged pandemic, there was no excess mortality anywhere.

On the measurement of measures of social isolation (lockdowns, isolation, prohibition of movement, gatherings, etc.)

The justification for introducing such measures, which violate the most important human rights and freedoms in the harshest way, officials find themselves in nothing proven to want to protect the elderly and sick from sars-COV-2 infection, and reduce the possibility of transmission of the virus.

However, as already stated, numerous medical experts and studies argue that such measures not only lead to increased fear, stress, depression, anxiety, suicides,domestic violence and child abuse, but also reduce the immunity of victims of such measures, because people with more emotional connections and social obligations and contacts are more resistant to viruses.

They argue that isolation and quarantine can havefatal consequences ,especially in older and physically inactive people , and that, on the other hand , enough exercise positively affects cognitivefunctioning , reduces depressive anxiety and anxiety and improves physical health, energy levels, wellbeing and, in general , quality of life

Therefore, such measures are apparently not introduced in the interest of the elderly and sick, who are supposedly seeking protection, but to their detriment , because in addition to social contacts, which are the most important factor for good 51 health and good immunity, they are also taken away from the possibilities of walking, physical activities, sun exposure and fresh air, which further damages their healthand knocks out immunity.

As for reducing the possibility of reducing the transmissionof the virus, officials have shown nothingthat measures ofisolation, prohibition of movement, etc., have been taken in any way and in any way related to the reduction (or increase) of the ability to reduce transmission of this alleged virus (even if it does not take into account that they have not reliably proven the existence of the virus itself and how it works).

Isolation measures (individual and group) as a form of psychological torture

In addition to the devastating impact that measures of isolation (complete, partial, individual and group), can have fore reasons, it is also pointed out that such measures are used as a form of special psychological torture towards war and other prisoners and prisoners, because such actions in torture victims exhaust both weak mental and physical abilities to resist and function normally.

Isolated persons lose the ability to communicate with other people and critically consider real events, thereby further increasing the possibilities of impact on their perception of reality.

When you add to that the devastating impact of almost all public and private media, which in this pandemic are the main spreaders of panic and fear, the chances of isolated people for a long and healthy life are reduced even further.

Especially about masks

1. Scientific studies on wearing masks to combat infections

Interestingly, according to many experts, no scientific study is known scientifically proving that, due to wearing face masks, there is any benefit in combating viralinfections , but that there are at least a few studies that have shown that the use of masks is harmful to the people who wear them, i.e. that it is associated with the frequency of headache and worsening of existing headaches (Lim, sur., 2006, Rebmann, sur., 2013, Szeinuk, sur., 2000, Radonovich, 2009, Shenal, al., 2011).

On the other hand, recently (in October 2020), an American study was published, in which authors Dhaval Adjodah and others, Claimed that over 1,083 counties in the U.S. had a drop in hospitalization after the introduction of mandatory wearing of masks (which was used en masse in the media as "proof that masks save lives"), but, the same authors, after 10 days,withdrew the original manuscript, because, as they themselves say, they subsequently found that " there are increased rates of SARS-CoV-2 cases in the areas we originallyanalyzed in thisstudy." 52

2. CDC study on the uselessness of wearing masks and the harmful effects of wearing them

Unlike the aforementioned withdrawn study, In one of its studies, the CDC found that most of those who tested positive for Covid-19wore masks "always," "often" or "almost always"- which could be clear and hard evidence of the use of masks as a means of preventing COVID-19 infection, because only 3.9% of respondents said they had never worn face masks, and so much so that they wore them.

However, this study showed something even more important: that many of those wearing masks reported skin infections on and around the mouth, persistent cough, and respiratory illnesses, and that of all patients and participants in control, 61.2% reported at least one of the following chronic medical conditions: hypertension, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, immunodeficiency, psychiatric condition, diabetes or obesity. infected-with-covid-19-always-wore-masks/

3. Potential dangers of wearing masks

It is unbelievable that, although, as many experts claim, There is not a single scientific study that has proven that wearing masks in any way helps suppress the ability to transmit the alleged SARS-COV-2virus, i.e . that they are effective against the spread of any viral infections, and that it does not exist No scientific study that has proven that wearing masks causes harmful effects on the health of those who wear them- WHO and national officials have recommended mandatory wearing - and even punishment- for those who violatesuch an obligation - is completely out ofmind.

In addition, Belgian medical experts, on the contrary, argue that wearing masks can cause serious health problems ,and that after wearing a mask forone minute , its wearer causes the toxic carbon dioxide limit prescribed by Belgium's Labour Law (from 900 ppm, and a maximum of 1200 ppm in special circumstances) to exceed the toxic limit of carbon dioxide prescribed by Belgium's Labour Law (from 900 ppm, and a maximum of 1200 ppm in special circumstances), and a lack ofoxygensuch as headache, nausea, fatigue,lossof concentration, etc., which is why there is a risk that such harmful consequences will negatively affect the performance of work commitments by many professions working in closed and unproteced spaces and to cause workplace injuries and other accidents at work (this seems to be particularly dangerous for people performing driver professions on buses and other transport).

In many of those who wear masks regularly and long-term, skin infections appear on the face,nose and around the mouth, persistent cough, and some respiratory 53 illnesses , including lung and other infectious diseases, which are a logical and expected consequence of retaining or returning bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that are capable of causing such diseases.

4. Is the real goal of the commitment to wear masks a clearing of fear (terrorism)?

In the book "Corona, False Alarm?" , which has become an international bestseller in an incredibly short time, and the slotsand multi-awardwinning researchersDr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr. Karina Reiss give a positive answer to this question.

They argue that there is not a single study that even suggests (and especially that proves) that, in these situations, it makes sense for healthy individuals to wear maskspublicly , and that one might suspect that the only political reason for implementing this mandatory measure is to incite fear among the population.

This fear could include fear ofpandemics , fear of infection with a dangerousdisease, fear of those wearing masks, fear of thosewithoutmasks, fear of sanctions and other harmful consequences in the event of not wearing masks, etc.

And since the siading of fear is legally treated and qualified as terrorism - itstems from international and national officials ordering such measures to terrorize the population who are required to wear masks.

Such criminal behavior does not lose the characteristics of criminality even in cases where wearing masks is only recommended (without obligations and sanctions), because even in this case the only goal of wearing masks is to seducct fear in the population (there is only the fear of punishment for not wearing masks).

5. Is ordering the mandatory wearing of masks for COVID-19 a crime against humanity?

This is directly pointed out by Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, Germanconsultant neurologist and neurophysiologist, with a PhD in pharmacology, who is engaged in the study of neurotoxicology, environmental medicine, neuroregeneration and neuroplasticity.

She explicitly argues that making mandatory wearing of masks for COVID-19 isa crime , and that those who do so areresponsible.

He points out that inhaling our exhaled air undoubtedly reducesoxygen deprivation and a flood of carbon dioxide,because the human brain is very sensitive to oxygen decay.

In the case of chronic this phenomenon, all these symptoms disappear, because the brain gets used to it. 54

However, human efficiency is further weakened,while the lack of oxygen supply in the brain progressively continues to thrive.

Therefore, there should be no special medical exemption for the obligation to wearmasks, because lack of oxygen is dangerous for every brain. abuse/5726059

If all of what is stated about masks is proven (as well as many other unashamed research and other observations), it could point to the possibility that officials at the WHO and national authorities who, without any scientific or other grounds, we recommended mandatory wearing of masks, such an act committed a criminal offence against the life and health ofpeople, punishable by national laws , butalso to acques the crime against humanity under Article 7, paragraph 7, paragraph k) of the Roman statute, which is punishable by international law.

Critics PCR test

Among many, these authors also criticize the use of a non-specific PCR test, which yields many false positives ,and which test is accelerated by emergency procedure, and it is never seriously self-tested, although its creator has explicitly warned that this test is intended for research, not diagnostics, and that any contamination (e.g. other viruses, remnants of old virus genomes) can result in false positive results, and that this test does not measure the amount of viruses in the sample, while a real viral infection means a mass presence of the virus,

They also point out that if someone is positive, it does not mean that the person is actually clinically infected, sick or will get sick, and that Koch's postulat hasnot been met , and since this test does notautomatically indicate an active infection or infectiousness, social measures based solely on these tests are not justified.

Due to the fact that the whole myth of the existence of the pandemic is based on or largely on PCR tests, it is logical to conclude that experts in who have proposed the use of such unreliable and unscientien tests are the most agreed for all the enormous intangible and material damage caused by this alleged pandemic, and that criminal proceedings should be prosecuted against them

About vaccines as a "solution" to the alleged Covid pandemic

A lot has been written about this topic lately, which is why interested readers can find a lot of information about it.

According to many of the vaccine's writings by individual manufacturers, by name and technology, and much more, they will differ from all previous ones, because they will reportedly be highly sophisticated, i.e. with nanotechnology chips in 55 inscribed, but also with certain genetic material capable of permanently changing human genetics , but thatthe chips will be able to be managed through powerful computers.

Given that not only human thoughts, but also genetic material, tissue cells, the organ and all other biological products are essentially reduced to certain electromagnetic frequencies, the insiders claim that through chips, which will supposedly be inserted into new vaccines, few individuals will try to gain absolute control and control over each vaccinated person (including control of thoughts, procedures, health and life).

Some of the potential problems with Covid-19 vaccines

1. The SARS-COV-2 virus has never been isolated

For the production of vaccines against the alleged covid-19 disease, one of the biggest obstacles is the fact that, according to independent scientists and researchers, The SARS-COV-2 virus is not yet isolated in any supposedly sick person, that is , that it does notexist , and that the PCR test , which supposedly detects this virus, is based on only half the genomesof the alleged virus , and that certain sequences of this alleged virus are identical tosequences of other viruses from the corona virus family, which were discovered many years ago , and which are very possibly present in a large part of the population

Then how is it possible to produce a vaccine against Covid, if its full genetic composition is notknown, and if it is known that in addition to various dangerous and toxic things, a weakened (whole) virus is inserted into thevaccine?

2. Problem with mutations

All the while during the duration of this alleged pandemic, official experts have repeatedly said that the SARS-COV-2 virus is constantly mutating (some even claimed to be dealing with multiple strains of the virus).

For all corona viruses and others that cause influenza or influenza similar symptoms, it is caracharacteristic that they have frequent mutations, and then the logical question arises how to make a vaccine against the alleged virus that constantly mutates, thatis, changes the genetic composition?

3. Who is conducting studies on vaccine efficacy and safety?

Given that all vaccine safety and efficacy studies are done exclusively by vaccinemanufacturers, and that there is no independent study proving either their inadenceor their efficacy , the question iswhether it is responsible to approve the use of such vaccines and on what criteria and by what procedure is their verification done? 56

4. Why is a potential conflict of interest underapprecied?

Doubts about the efficacy and safety of vaccines are further fueled by the fact that privately owned vaccine manufacturers, by selling them, are acproving huge profits, indicatinga potential conflict of interest when it comes to authorization of studies proving the efficacy andsafety of vaccines.

In addition, some pharmaceutical manufacturers are already doomedto pay compensation for the use of their products, includingvaccines, and that some of them are implyed in widespread corruption of doctors and other medical staff.

If vaccine-producing companies motivate profits- not just from the sale of vaccines - but also from selling drugsto treat the harmful consequences of vaccinations, how can anyone have confidence in the safety of their vaccines?

5. Risk of potential spread of SARS-COV-2 virus through vaccines

According to many information, if there is a SARS-COV-2 virus at all, it is not currently affected by a large percentage of the global andlocal populations , but there is a risk that this alleged virus, or at least part of its geneticmaterial, will spread rapidly and globally through vaccinations (as, according to this information, it has happened with all other viruses that cause other viral diseases).

This vaccine spread of the virus would probably take place every year (perhaps more than once a year) and, even according to medical officials, would not create permanent immunity (just as vaccines against other viral diseases, according to medical officials, do not produce permanent immunity).

This would create a situation where instead of creating a permanent and secure natural immunity, it would work on supposed artificial, temporary and unsafe immunity , which is both illogicaland unscientien (as happens in all other diseaseswhere immunity is allegedly provided through vaccines).

6. Dangers due to objective inability to assess the long-term harmful effects of vaccines

Neither vaccine manufacturers nor the organs that approve them take into account the possible long-term consequences and dangers of the harmful effects of vaccines.

Just as in GMO-based food production (genetically produced organisms), vaccines are not taken into account at all, nor do they assess the potential harmful consequences that may occur in the longterm, i.e.during the entire life of the 57 vaccinated person, or in the offspring of vaccinated persons (children, grandparents, etc.).

These dangers are indirectly pointed out by studies by independent researchers on the harmful effects of GMO-based foods, which studies have conducted in experiments on laboratory animals (which multiply rapidly), in which it has been shown that certain severe adverse phenomena also occur in guinea pigs fed such foods, but that the harmfulness of consequences is drastically increased in each subsequent generation of their offspring.

7. The occurrence of autoimural diseases, as one of the possible consequences of vaccination

Independent experts also point to the possibility that, as one possible consequence of any vaccine (or due to their combination), more severe or lighter autoimmune diseases (such as cancer, autism, arthritis and many others) may appear.

Although there may not be any serious studies to confirm this correlation about the potential link between vaccination and causing autoimmune diseases (except for autism), at least for now, there may not be any serious studies to confirm this correlation, these questions should be investigated and studied as carefully as possible, because there are authors who claim that, precisely through vaccinations, the most terrible genocide is being committed against humanity (more of which will be discussed in The Opening Letter III).

In this regard, only briefly here will point to the fact that none of the manufacturers or state institutions take into account the strange incidence that, with the increase in mass vaccination,the number of patients with the most serious autoimmune diseases (especially cancer and autism) has increased in a way that has continued to increase.

On the other hand, as "proof" of the usefulness of vaccines, vaccine advocates often cite the correlation between the introduction of mass vaccinations and the decline in the number of vaccine-giving diseases.

In addition, as"evidence",it offers only certain statistics that the diseases on which vaccinations are carried out have withdrawn after mass vaccinations have begun, and which data, according to independent researchers, is untrue.

In contrast, opponents of vaccination, with many arguments, argue that all of these diseases, for which vaccinations are performed, have been withdrawn or severely declined before the introduction ofmassvaccinations , for other reasons: better hygiene and nutrition, a better standard ofliving, etc.

8. Insufficient research into the safety of covid-19 vaccines 58

According to all official sources for the production of a safe vaccine against any disease, it is necessary, at least, between 10 and 12years , and during productionthere are several phases and stages, in which all potential side and dangerous effects must be examined, in order to avoid possible damage to the life and health of those for whom the vaccine is intended.

In the first months after the proclamation of this alleged pandemic, officials argued for a long time that it would take at least two to threeyears to produce a safe vaccine - and then suddenly accepted as safe vaccines produced in less thaneight months -an incomparably less time than the one needed for their safe production.

9. Potential side effects of vaccines: death and many other dire consequences

To those for whom none of the above was enough to refuse vaccination against the alleged covid-19 disease, here will be listed a list of possible side effects, compiled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration), authorized to inspect, examine, approve and set safety standards for food, food supplements, medicines, etc.) on page 15 of its report published on 30.10.2020, on the website Anderson.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3nJP_viROdHag4jHwtLLWnE_O0nVQXLMRm9xxT UFnohq5OwZeSu_ahfrg:

1. Guillain-Barréov syndrome

2. Acute disseminated encephalomyolylitis

3. Transverse myelitis

4. Encephalitis / mijelitis / encephalomyjelitis / meningoencephalitis / meningitis /encefolapatija

5. Konvulzije / napadaji

6. Stroke

7. Narkolepsija i katapleksija

8. Anafilaksija

9. Acute myocardial infarction

10. Miokarditis / pericarditis

11. Autoimuna disease

12. Death 59

13. Impact on pregnancy outcomes and childbirth

14. Other acute demyelinating diseases

15. Neanaphylactic allergic reactions

16. Thrombocytopenia

17. Diseminirana intravaskularna koagulacija

18. Venska trombembolija

19. Arthritis and arthritis / joint pain

20. Kawasaki disease

21. Multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children

22. Reinforcement of vaccine-induced diseases

It is incomprehensible who, and on the basis ofwhich, in addition to such severe side effects, can give permission for the use of such vaccines, because none of the side effects must be more severe than the consequences of a disease against which someone is vaccinated, and here, even if we do not consider death, as the most severe side effect, there are a large number of potential side effects whose weight is incomparably greater than the common consequences caused by nearly100% of covid-19 diseases.

10. Immorality of individual vaccine manufacturers

For doubts about the indecency of vaccines, it seems that, among other things, court proceedings that have been conducted against certain vaccine manufacturers may serve because of the harmful actions of their vaccines and other products.

Due to the extensiveness of the topic, Here we will only briefly mention that the famous American lawyer Robert Kennedi (who is the son of his own brother in the assassination of slain US President John Kennedy), noted that the four leading programmers of the Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine ( GlakoSmithKline, Sanofi, Pfizer and Merck)wereconvicted "of serialcrime", i.e. only in the last decade, compensation, fines,for lying todoctors, fraud and forgery of science, and the conscious killing of hundreds of thousands of Americans, and that only Pfizer- starting in 2000- was responsible for the killing of hundreds of thousands of Americans. In2014, he paid more than $4.7 billion. side-effects-fever-and-aches 60

It should also be noted that the Croatian scientist Dr. Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička, in her paper entitled "Experiments on Humans as a Crime against Humanity: From the MürnbergMedical Trial to the Pfizercase ", stated thatin 1996 she was a member of the Croatian Medical Court . Pfizer conducted a drug study in the Kano region in , during the bacterial meningitis epidemic, where, on 200 children, it tested an experimental drug – the antibiotic Poison,which, according to thenigerian authorities, led to the deaths ofeleven children, while many others remained blind, deaf, paralysedor with consequences in the form of brain damage.

On this occasion, the same author states that in 2007, nigeria's Kano province and the Government of Nigeria v. Pfizer, based on TheAlien Tort Claims Act, Pfizer was able to settle with both the Government of Nigeria and kano province by pledging to pay a total of 75million US dollars, namely: 35 million for the payment of compensation to victims, i.e. research entities, 30 million to health protection projects in Kano, and 10 million for court costs.

11. Vaccines are patented, and manufacturers are in the forearm of all possible harmful consequences

Do you know that vaccines are patents, which implies the guaranteed secrecy of technology and production processes, as well as used ingredients?

Can independent and unsatisfying verification and assessment of vaccine safety be carried out in this situation?

Did you know that by contracts to buy vaccines, which states conclude with vaccine manufacturers, manufacturers are exempt from responsibility for any possible harmful consequences that could potentially be caused by their use, and that in the event of harmful consequences, all damages, instead of manufacturers, are paid by the entire nation (through taxes), which is the most serious problem in the United States, where there is a special vaccination court for such cases and where citizens of the United States are

If vaccines are safe and do not produce harmful consequences, then why are manufacturers insusing on such clauses in vaccine sales contracts?

And why is it the right of national authorities to exempt vaccine manufacturers from the obligation to pay compensation for the damage done to vaccinations?

12. People who are not at risk of the disease are not vaccinated, especially vaccines that are not extensively tested in humans

Dr. Mike Yeadon has a bachelor's degree in biohemyna and toxicology and a PhD based on research in respiratory pharmacology. For more than 30 years, he has led new research into drugs at some of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, from which he emerged in 2011. In 2013 he was vice president 61 and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory diseases, which was the strongest research position in the field in Pfizer. After leaving Pfizer, he founded his own biotech company, Ziarco, which he sold to Novartis in 2017. It's the first time i'

Here's what this leading expert says about the vaccines they rushed to give against Covid-19:

"There is absolutely no need for vaccines to shut down the pandemic. I've never heard such nonsense about vaccines. You don't vaccinate people who aren't at risk of disease. You also don't plan to vaccinate millions of healthy people with a vaccine that hasn't been extensively tested in humans . I know this much after 30 years in the pharmaceutical industry. Still, such moves are moving. One opinion suggests that anyone who rejects the vaccine should be subject to house arrest indefinitely (Mello et al,2020). In some countries, there is talk of "no vaccine, no job". There have even been job advertisements in NHS Wales for "superassing the vaccination of the entire population." Any such proposal is not only completely unnecessary but, if done using any kind of collateral, illegal. I would fully understand and consider accepting the early use of vaccines only if it is done with fully informed consent and, eventhen, only if it is offered to the most vulnerable in our community. Other proposals, in my opinion, are a breath of evil and I will confront them vigorously as I have followed the pandemic so far."

13. All vaccines are experiments against humans and should be strictly prohibited

This topic will be discussed more in Open Letter III, and here it will be briefly noted that vaccination procedures, From their darkest start (when their alleged inventor, Edward Jenner, experimented withunprotected orphanagechildren), to his final end (which could follow shortly after the unravelling of events related to the alleged covid-19 pandemic), vaccines were all the time (legally permitted) experiments against humans, which wereinconsistent with natural law.

Therefore, such experimentation had to be strictly prohibited and treated as a criminal offence ,regardless of "voluntary" and "informed"consent , since vaccinationvictims, objectively, no one can guarantee that they will avoid possible dire consequences , which include, among otherthings, death , which iswhy nostate, for the protection of the life and health of its citizens, should

Especially considering that supporters of vaccination have never since these inethical and inevitous experiments started, in no way have they reliably proven that these kinds of experiments in any way protect the lives and health of anyone, while, on the other hand, there are many studies, research and reports that scientifically prove that these experiments are damaginghuman health, especially 62 in children, and that unvaccinated people , onaverage, are much healthier than vaccinated people (of which more will be said).

The difference between edward jenner'sfirstexperiments , and current experiments conducted by pharmaceutical companies, is only that they are the first to be conducted by only one"doctor" and a small number of unprotected children , and which is now experimented on billions of unprotected children and adults (in many countries and without their consent, as it seems in countries where, for certain categories of the population, there are obligation vaccines) and that in this day and age, experiments by pharmaceutical companies take place with permission and even encouragement by WHO and national authorities.

Suggestions and recommendations

URGENT ban on further DNA taking through PCR and other testing

Due to the lack of a valid legal basis, i.e.the legal inability to take DNA through PCRtesting , as well as but also other almost limitless potential possibilities for misuse of human DNA (especially with the latest nano and other modern scientific technologies that the public is not yet sufficiently aware of) and since at the moment almost no one knows what happens to DNA material after PCRtesting, as one of the first proposed urgent prohibition on further DNA taking through PCR and other testing.

This would achieve two important results inone move : reducing the possibility of misuse of DNA material , and exposing the false Covidpandemic , because evidence of the alleged existence and alleged spread of this alleged disease , as already described in this Letter, is based solely on PCR tests, which according to most independent expertscannot objectively detect the existence of the alleged SARS-COV-2virus

It also proposes an urgent ban on PCR testingto the authorities, as well as urgent prescribing of procedures and procedures for destroying DNA material collected so far by these tests.

Legal revocation of mandatory vaccination against alleged Covid-19 disease

According to the provisions of Article 5 of the Law on The 1995-1995 And on April 6, 2015, the Conventions on Human Rights and Biomedicine - Bioethical Convention (Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine), must be respected the autonomy and individual responsibility of each person, therefore, any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention should be performed only with the prior,free and informed consent of the personconcerned, based on adequate information. 63

It is worth noting here that these provisions stem from individual human sovereignty, i.e. natural ordivine law , under which no one has the right to any health procedure, including, of course, vaccination, to be performed against the will of the person to whom the procedure is uplivered (which appears to have been confirmed by some rulings of the United States Supreme Court).

Refusing to vaccinate for anyone who refuses to do so must not have any negative consequences (in the form of prohibition, aggravation or disabling the use ofcertainrights, etc.), because in such a case it would be an indirectly mandatory vaccination, i.e.against the will of a sovereign person, which is against bothnatural law and certain legal acts.

Filing criminal charges against those responsible for creating a false pandemic

Since there is a serious possibility that the actions and behaviour of the most responsible individuals in WHOand national crisis headquartersin connection with the proging of the

Covid-19 pandemic and recommended or binding measures may also be due to the signs of criminal offence under Article 7. paragraph 1 ofthe Roman statute - " Crime againsthumanity"(if these acts may be treated as part of a widespread or systematic attack against any civilianpopulation, with other inhuman actsdeliberately causing great suffering, or serious bodily injury or mental or physicalhealth), it seems necessary for the competent national authorities (especially prosecutors and criminaljudges) to study these issues well and debate whether there is room to bring criminal charges and to prosecute those responsible.

In addition, it seems that criminal and other responsibility of individuals in WHO and national bodies that decide on the recommended and approved use of vaccines , especially those against the alleged covid-19 disease, should be investigated. but also all other current vaccines, which are given regularly, as well as all other potentially dangerous pharmaceutical products (drugs, therapies, etc.), where there are potential harmful consequences (so-called side effects or side effects) that are greater than the harmful consequences of the disease they allegedly prevent or treat.

This also applies to current therapies against the alleged Covid disease, which is done with expensive and patented drugs (which, according to numerous medical professionals, are not effective and bring more harm to thebenefits, while it does not use cheap and proven safe and effective therapy in the form of HCQ - hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin)andrespirators, which, according to many experts, do more harm than good.

In particular, it is noted that such suspects can probably be prosecuted and tried under national laws (as stated in Open Letter I). 64

It should also be noted that the prosecution for this type of offence, under the Rome Statute,does not statute of limitations , which is why those responsible can be prosecuted not only for their activities in relation to the ongoing alleged pandemic, but also for criminal acts in all previous alleged pandemics (especially those declared SARS, Bird and Swine Flu, which are said to have been the biggest frauds so far).

Refusing to wear masks?

Since all independent medical experts argue that wearing masks can cause serious health problems, even workplace injuries and other workplace accidents, and, on the other hand, There is not a single scientific study that has proven that wearing masksin any way helps suppress the ability to transmit the alleged SARS-COV- 2virus, i.e .to protect themselves from harmful and unscientien measures imposed by officials, such as it makes sense that Who would judge, or judge, violators who refuse to wear a mask, have no legal basis for any punishment of such persons.

On the other hand, as stated above, courts have plenty of grounds to prosecute those who force people to behave in a way that potentially harms their own and others' health.

At the time of writing this suggestion has not yet been made in the foreplay of the aforementioned decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, at the session held on 22.12.2020. (which the court found that measures of mandatory wearing of protective masks and restrictions on movement constitute a violation of the right to private life and freedom of movement , guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, but considers the decision aserious confirmation of this suggestion.

Prosecuting the most responsible experts who have sought the introduction of mask-wearing obligations?

It seems necessary to investigate and determine whether there are persons who, due to the mandatory wearing of masks,have sufferedintangible or material damage in the past period, as well as the possibility that, in the event of a positive fortification, criminal proceedings will be launched against the most agreed in who and national bodies.

To that end, the injured persons could provide the authorities in charge of the prosecution with information about the damages suffered, and to the courts civil claims for damages.

Filing criminal charges against those responsible for using PCR tests to detect alleged Covid-19 disease? 65

Even more importantly, it seems to be explored on the basis of which the most responsible in who and national authorities have proposed the use of a PCR test,which, according to all independent experts, it produces a lot of false positives,which is never seriously self-tested, which does not measure the amount of virus in the sample (while a real viral infection means the mass presence of the virus, the so-called viral load) and which its creator explicitly warned was intended for research, not diagnostics.

If it is found that, for the purpose of detecting the alleged Covid-19 virus, there was no valid and reliable scientific basis , then and against experts in whoand nationalauthorities , who proposed the use of such unreliable and unscientien tests , as well as against experts who devisedsuch a test for the purpose ofdetecting this virus and diagnosing Covid-19, then the possibility of prosecuting those responsible should be considered in the national courts and the International Criminal Court

Criminal charges filed in Croatia against Prime Minister and others linked to corona crisis

On 21 December 2020, Arna Šebalj, B.Sc. iur. from Zagreb, the State Attorney's Office of the Republic of Croatia, acting as an injured party, In October 2013, she filed a criminal complaint against the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, and co-suspects: Davor Bozinović, Vice President of the Government and Minister of the Interior, Vilio Beroš, Minister of Health, Krunoslav Capak, Director of the Croatian Institute of Public Health (HZJZ), Alemka Markotic, Member of the Civil Protection Headquarters, Maja Grba – Bujević, Member of the Staff, Damir Trut, , Bernard Kaić, epidemiologist, Zvonimir Šostar, director of the Teaching Institute "Andrija Štampar", and against 25 other people from various state and county organs.

The application states, inter alia, that the Government of the Republic of Croatia has adopted several bylaws on the basis of which it adopted unlawful measures containing all the characteristics of the crimes against humanity signed in Article 90 of the (1), Sr. 2, 6, 8 and 11 criminal laws of the Republic of Croatia, the Law on the Validation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Art. 6 (genocide) Sr. (b) and (c) and Art. 7. (crime against humanity) torque. (1) Century (b), (c), (e) and (k).

Due to the importance and very detailed content of this criminal complaint, it will be attached in addition to this open Scripture.

Review of the WHO's actions, mandates and role so far on declaring pandemics and other important issues 66

Due to current developments, it seems important that national bodies consider the actions and powers of the WHO so far, as well as to establish a very clear and limited criterion for declaring any pandemic in international and national law.

It should also be questioned why this supposedly health organization does not address the most important issues of human health, i.e. issues concerning natural human health and immunity, and the safety and efficacy of vaccines, but rather, almost most, deals with declaring suspicious pandemics and promoting and propaganda vaccines.

According to many independent researches and reports, the health of today's people is most endangered precisely by vaccines, but also by other harmful pharmaceutical products (tkz. jatrogenic medicine), then the production and marketing of food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs), regulations allowing the overuse of harmful chemical and other means in agriculture and industrial food production (in particular regulations collected in the AlimentariaCode), dusting from planes with so-called kemitrejls (by which, bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms, heavy metals, and various toxic substances are sprinkled with air, water, land, humans, animals and plants), and electromagnetic radiation (especially radiation used in telephone mobile networks - 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, etc. ).

However, none of this appears to be the subject of WHO interest and that their business is almost exclusively about caring about vaccinating people.

Establishment of special international criminal courts

Given all the seriousness of the current situation , as well as the need to prevent similar or even more dangerous future developments, it seems that it would be good to consider establishing two special international criminal courts , one of which would deal with political-financial crimes , which strip nations of financial- monetary sovereignty and plunderand destroy theeconomy , while the other would deal with medical-pharmaceuticals

Conclusive considerations

To prove the lack of this alleged pandemic, in addition to those used here, there are numerous other materials that, due to the extensiveness of the subject, could not find a place in this Open Letter.

However, what has been stated so far appears to be sufficient at least for serious doubt not only in the existence of the alleged pandemic, but also in the existence of the Covid-19disease itself, because, as stated above, none of koch's fourpostulates have been fulfilled to prove the existence of any viral disease. 67

Therefore, on the legal side, there is also a very serious suspicion that the leading people in who and in certain countries, who have contributed the most to declaring this alleged pandemic and recommending such difficult and murderous measures to all countries in the world, by their action, have indeed committed a crime against humanity as defined in Article 7 paragraph 1 of the International Criminal Code (i.e. Roman statute).

As most of the cited and other medical experts here argue,none of the recommended and undertaken has in any way helpedanyone , not even the small percentage of potentially vulnerable people, on whose behalf they were allegedly undertaken (the elderly and the sick).

On the contrary, all measures taken, from banning freedom of movement to wearing masks, according to most independent experts, have further and severely endangeredthe lives and health of these most vulnerable people - to whose measureswere allegedly taken.

They were, in such an unreasonableway, stripped of their right to physical outdoor activities (such as movement and walks, but also the right to sun, air and food and other foods),although these are very important factors for boosting immunity, further weakening their immunity.

In addition, they were even more committed by banning almost all family and wider social relations, i.e.banning seeing and socializing with their loved ones and lovedones, which may be the strongest factor for health and immunity in allpeople.

These sacrifices of these measures are thus deprived of happiness, love, satisfaction, joy and all other positive human feelings that most often originate precisely from family, relative, friendly and other social contacts.

Social relations undoubtedly represent the very essence of human beingsand the greatest source of motivation for life , which is why, by denying such relationships many of those whose measures have beenintroduced, has probably pushed into additional stress, despair, hopelessness, depression, and some into suicide (as many medical experts argue, and possibly the goal of those who are from WHO and national authorities).

If you add to that the daily propagandisticand almost terrorist shining panic by the media and officials , then one can imagine, even closely, the current psychological state of those to whom WHO and national authorities are"assisted" by such measures.

During the writing of this letter in some countries, vaccinations of certain categories of the population have already begun, which in public are supposedly voluntary, but there is a strong possibility that those who refusevaccinations would be stripped of some basic human rights 68

(right to work, freedom of movement, etc.), resulting in vaccination, de facto,being mandatory forall.

Therefore, the coming days and months may be a last chance for mankind to save himself from the potential dangers that may acquiesce so far from an under-tested and under-researched vaccine (because examining and checking their safety takes at least 10 to 12 years), which many authors argue is already planned in the future with a desire to, high-sophisticated vaccines, with nano-technology chipsand material for permanent change of human genetics, through computers of the latesttechnology, achieve absolute control and management of every vaccinated person (which, according to them, includes control of thoughts, procedures, health and life).

Until now, the Nazi medical crimes of World War II III of the Reich represented the most serious crimes in experimenting against humans , but then these criminal experiments were limited to certain races,nations and parts of the population.

However, vaccination, which almost all governments in the world, through hastily produced and unsafevaccines, for all populations, plans to perform as urgently as possible, which, if achieved, would be the most common and mass experiment against humans to date.

Since by natural law, and by the laws of a large number of countries, any experimentationagainst humans , even if it is voluntary(because experimentation is mainly used by poor and unprotected populations ), can be considered a crime against humanity , theimpending vaccination, if they succeed in achieving it, would probably be an unprecedented crime in our known history.

This could also be proof that national and international experts, who decide to approve vaccinations with such vaccines, and politicians and anyone else who supports and allows it, are either paid, or valued,or have lost the ability to make rational decisions.

Because such a thing would probably be unreasonable not only in this situation (when such a huge number of doctors and experts doubt the existence of a pandemic, and the validity of PCR tests on which the disease is supposedly detected, and the potential mortality rate from the disease), but also in the situation that it is undoubtedly proven that there is an alleged pandemic of Covid-19 disease, that PCR tests are reliable.

On the other hand, there is too much information and facts outlined in numerous books and studies of independent researchers, which almost undoubtedly proves that vaccines are a means of hidden genocide that is secretly carried out against humanity, and that all previous (mandatory and casual) vaccines contain various toxic substances andingredients, which, in vaccinated persons, sooner or later 69

(depending on the strength of the body), cause almost all existing auto-immune and many other diseases, which should be checked before deciding

Nevertheless, this detailed vetting of most representatives of official medicine and pharmacy (which in this sense acts in conscious or unconsisted spray) not only ignores and withhears, but unimgumented, and without any evidence, condemns and attacks.

In the end, it is important to note that no state gives its citizens basic human rights, but that it is acquired naturally, withbirth ,but it is the duty of each state to protect these (birth acquired) rights, i.e. to act in accordance with natural law and the highest human laws, if they are inaccordance with natural law.

Therefore, any law of measure, decision and act of state bodies and crisis bodies that violate basic human rightsmust be based on convincing citizens that these funds for all or the largest number of citizens benefit greater from the damage that would result in their failure to act, not on force against those who are notconvinced.

Therefore, all laws, measures and other acts that violate basic human rights, in thisregard, should be subjected to critical review by the highest domestic and international courts - both in terms of their merits and theirurgency - and should not be conducted until they have confirmation of these highest judicial and other instances, since medical and other non-legal professionals are usually not largely educiedon the protection of human rights and the functioning of law and justice, and that until now, according to numerous independent experts, officials did not give valid reasons for either the meritsor the urgency of the activities taken.

In this way, humanity would probably be saved from a potential catastrophe, if the activities undertaken so far were not even established, neither necessary norurgent , as best evidenced by the fact that belgian doctors refer to in theaforementioned Open Letter, warning that countries such as Sweden, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Belarus, which did not apply lockdowns and other unlawful measures, fared significantly better than locked countries, both in terms of population deathsand in terms of mental and physical health

In such a development, humanity could, in the coming decades, perhaps truly experience the "Great Reset", but not the one planned and wished for by the opponents ofhumanity, but the renaissance of spirit, consciousness, knowledge, justice.


Author of the letter: 25.12.2020. Predrag Krsmanovic 70

About the author of this Scripture

Predrag Krsmanovic, licentiate jurist, with about 40 years of legal experience, mostly as a judge and lawyer.

Currently he is the president of the Administrative Department of the Cantonal Court in Tuzla.

Author of the book "Practicum for litigation" ("Privredna štampa" d.o.o. Sarajevo, 2010)

A longtime educator at the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Centre for The Education of Judges and Prosecutors.

In the field of civil and administrative law, and the application of the European Convention on Human Rights, he published several professional papers in several journals, and a large number of sentences from case law.

As a consultant, he participated in the development of several modules from the civil area in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which, during 2006, were drafted in co- ordination of the Centres for Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska, as well as the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Author of test questions in the field of administrative law for written and oral interviews, which the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina uses when testing persons applying for the position of judge.

Co-author of the "Report on the situation of the judiciary in Bosnia and Herzegovina in resolving administrative disputes" (made within the "Project for Improving the Efficiency of Courts and Accountability of Judges and Prosecutors in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Second Phase"), which was adopted at the session of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council Of Bosnia and Herzegovina held in November 2019.

The holder of the Council of Europe certificate for attending a training seminar for judges and prosecutors on the application of the European Convention on Human Rights, held in Strasbourg from 16 to 20 October 2006.

P.S. This open letter was published on the website in the original and English language version. The author apologizes for the possible number of errors in the translation of the letter into English.