Llanyblodwel Parish Council Clerk: Mrs A Jones, Hawthorn Cottage, Porthywaen, , SY10 8LX T: 01691 829571 E: [email protected] ______

DATE: 5th September 2019


You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Llanyblodwel Parish Council on 12th September 2019, starting at 7.30 p.m at Llanyblodwel and Porthywaen Memorial Institute for the transaction of the following business.

All residents are warmly invited to attend and to speak in the public session.

Amy Jones - Clerk


17. Apologies for absence – to receive apologies for absence

18. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests a. Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. b. To consider applications for dispensation.

19. Public Participation Session – a period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public to speak on any items on the agenda

20. Minutes to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2019 and consider actions arising (if not covered elsewhere on the agenda) a. Re-stated figures on the annual return b. Parish Council Insurance c. Right Home Right Place (Housing Needs Survey) – Agree a meeting date with Council 21. General Power of Competence To affirm that the Parish Council meets the eligibility criteria for The General Power of Competence, as set out in section 1-8 of the Localism Act 2011 and to formally adopt the Power. Information attached. 22. Finance a. To approve accounts for payments and payments made before the meeting Cheque No Payee Details Amount 100732 Came & Parish Council Insurance – Paid outside of meeting £344.00 Company as agreed at July Meeting 100733 SP Services Ltd Defibrillator and Cabinet – Paid outside of meeting £1619.17 as agreed at July Meeting 100734 Scottish Power Streetlight Energy £175.39 100735 A Jones Clerk’s Salary – 11th July – 12th September (9 £336.12 weeks)

Expenses – Stamps x 10 2nd class (£6.10) & £30.10 Stationery and Ink for Printer 100736 HMRC PAYE Payments (deducted from employee salary) £84.00

b. To note income received c. To approve the bank reconciliation up to and including 31st July 2019 d. To consider the budget report prepared by the Clerk e. To note the VAT re-claim submitted to HMRC f. To appoint an internal auditor for 2019/20 g. To consider setting up a Direct Debit payment to Scottish Power h. To note the Defibrillator and Cabinet have been added to the Asset Register

23. Planning Matters 6.1 Planning Appeals - none

6.2 Planning Decisions and Updates

a. Reference: 19/03014/FUL (validated: 04/07/2019) Address: White Rock, , Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8LW Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension and porch to front elevation; internal alterations Decision: Grant Permission b. Reference: 19/02762/FUL (validated: 19/06/2019) Address: The Birches, Llanyblodwel, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 8NQ Proposal: Erection of extension to existing garage/store; installation of double dormer window to east elevation roofline Decision: Grant Permission c. Reference: 18/05700/VAR (validated: 12/12/2018) Address: Proposed Residential Development North Of River Tanat, Llanyblodwel, Shropshire Proposal: Variation of Condition No. 6 (highway alterations) attached to planning permission 15/01687/OUT allowed on appeal (APP/L3245/W/16/3145896) dated 4 November 2016. Decision: Grant Permission

6.3 Planning Applications for consideration (none received at date agenda was published) (Paper copies may not be available. Please view Shropshire Council Planning Register online prior to the meeting).

6.4 Consider Planning applications not listed above that are received after the issue of this agenda and are included on Shropshire Council’s website

24. Defibrillator Receive an update from the Clerk in relation to delivery and installation and consider the information 25. Police report - To receive a Police Report (dependent on their attendance at the meeting)

26. Parish Council Policies To review and adopt the following policies and procedures: a. Financial Regulations b. Code of Conduct c. Complaints Policy d. Document Retention Policy e. FOI Publication Scheme f. Accounting Procedures Risk Assessment 27. Morton a. War Memorial – Consider correspondence from The War Memorials Trust b. Churchyard – Consider making a request to Oswestry Rural Parish Council for their maintenance contribution for 2018/19 and 2019/20 28. Phonebox a. Consider the documentation in relation to the forthcoming BT Payphone Removal Consultation b. Consider removing the ivy on the adopted phonebox in Llanyblodwel

29. Parish Matters a. Highways b. Footpaths / Rights of Way c. Streetlighting d. Other matters

30. Shropshire Councillor’s report – Cllr Mat Lee

31. Councillors reports and attendance at other meetings

32. Correspondence – To note a. SALC – July Bulletin b. – On the beat newsletter c. Highways - A5 closures 25 September - 12 October d. SALC – August Bulletin e. SALC 70th AGM and Celebration Evening For consideration: a. Shropshire Council – Rural Bus Services b. Shropshire Council – Post 16 Transport Policy Consultation

33. Dates of future meetings To note meetings in 2019 have been arranged for.

34. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVE: That in accordance with s1(2) Public Bodies (Admission of Meetings) Act 1960, members of the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting on the grounds that the following items to be considered involves the likely disclosure of confidential information

Staffing Matters – To receive a report from the Clerk