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VOL. 37 | NO.248 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] |www.glimpsesoffuture.com | Price : Rs. 2.00          Lt Governor releases Jawaharlal Kaul’s , Russia meet on security issues “Jammu Kashmir: The Wounded Paradise” including Afghanistan begins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jit Doval meets Secretary of the Russian Security Council 145>A4 =0AA0C8E4 C70C >554AB 0 2>=B28>DB=4BB>DAF0H>5;854 #>38LB 34E4;>?<4=C 064=30 0=3 0<?4=5>A >D=28; >5 C74 (DBB80= General Nikolai Patrushev in New Delhi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C74H B083*74 9>DA=0;8BCB 280;B>DA24BB083 Glimpses of Future 2 Obituary JAMMU THURSDAy SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 HC grants time to Centre to file reply on plea challenging BHOG & ANTIM ARDAS SHADMOS/MASWAR With profound grief and sor - Six months have passed since Rakesh Asthana's appointment as Delhi CP row, we regret to inform the you left usfor heavenly abode sad demise of our mother Sdn. on 17th March, 2021 weall pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA during the day. During the MHA) are in clear and bla - a product of copy-paste . New Delhi, Sep 8 brief hearing, advocate tant breach of the direc - The petition claimed the Gunwant Kour, wife of Late S. miss you and pray to Almighty Prashant Bhushan, repre - tions passed by the High-Powered Committee Mohan Singh,R/o 468 C, for your Moksha. Your love, The Delhi High Court senting the NGO - Centre Supreme Court of India in comprising the Chief Sarwal Road Rehari Chungi, Sdn. Gunwant compassion and carefor one Smt. Chand Wednesday granted time for Public Interest Prakash Singh case as re - Justice of India, Prime Jammu.Programme: Arambh Kour and all will never be forgotten. Rani Raina to the Centre to file reply to Litigation (CPIL), reiterat - spondent no.2 (Asthana) Minister and the Leader of Sri Akhand Paath Sahib at 9.00 The Shadmos and Maswar of a petition challenging the ed that Alam's petition was did not have a minimum Opposition, in its meeting amon 08/09/2021.Bhog Sri our beloved mother Lt. Smt. appointment of Gujarat- mala fide and a complete residual tenure of six held on May 24, 2021, re - cadre IPC officer Rakesh copy-paste of his plea months; no UPSC panel jected the Central govern - Akhand Paath Sahib on Friday Chand Rani Raina W/o Lt.Sh. Asthana as Delhi Police pending before the apex was formed for appoint - ment's attempt to appoint 10/09/2021 at 9.30 am at our Somnath Raina will be per - Commissioner. A bench of court. He said the court ment of Delhi Police Asthana as the CBI residence. Kirtan & Antim Ardaas formed at ourresidence Chief Justice D N Patel and should see whether this Commissioner; and the cri - Director on the basis of the at Gurudwara Kalgidhar, Rehari Ganesh Vihar Phase IInd near Justice Jyoti Singh allowed kind of mala fide petition teria of having a minimum six-month rule as laid Chungi, Jammu from 11.30am Fire Station Lower Muthi the plea by Solicitor should be entertained. tenure of two years has down by the Supreme to 1.00 pm on Friday, General Tushar Mehta for Jammu 181205 on 9th and Mehta said he was in agree - been ignored, the plea said. Court in the Prakash Singh 10/09/2021.Followed by Guru granting some more time ment with Bhushan and The Centre had earlier con - case. The appointment of 10th of September. to file the response and list - this practice of copy-paste tended before the high Asthana must be set aside Ka Langar Deeply MisseD By ed the matter for further must be deprecated. court that intermeddlers on the same principle, it GRieF sTRiCKeN : Samast Raina Pariwar and Bhat Pariwar hearing on September 16. He commented howev - cannot be allowed to chal - said. The petition with sim - Inder Pal Singh (MES Contractor) &Harveen Cont : 9086025065, 9419137177, 7006793315 The high court, which had er that if Bhushan makes lenge the appointment of ilar prayers which has been Kaur (Son & Daughter in Law) on September 1 issued no - plea public before filing it, Asthana as Delhi Police filed by CPIL before the H.P.Singh (CEO Saanguine Shipping Pvt Ltd) & tices to the Centre and nobody is to be blamed. To Commissioner, saying This Supreme Court has urged Sukhleen Kaur (Son & Daughter in Law) Asthana on the petition, is - this, Bhushan replied that is not Jantar Mantar or to direct the central gov - sued a fresh notice to the most of the information Ramlila Maidan. Mehta ernment to produce the Sarvjeet Singh & Supinder Kaur 10TH DAY (Son & Daughter in Law) IPS officer as it was not was in the public domain. had sought time to respond July 27 order it issued, ap - With Profound grief and sor - served to him due to want Harmeet Singh & Manmeet Kaur The petitioner has sought to the petition on merit and proving the inter-cadre row, we inform the sadand of payment of process fee quashing of the July 27 or - said the court has to hear deputation of Asthana (Son & Daughter in Law) by the petitioner. The der issued by the Ministry the affected officer as well from Gujarat cadre to AG - Jasbir Kaur & S. Balwinder Singh AEE untimely demise of our bench was hearing the PIL of Home Affairs appoint - before any order is passed. MUT cadre. The petition (Daughter & Son in law) beloved mother Smt. Phoola by SadreAlam, a lawyer, ing Asthana as the Delhi Bhushan had earlier also has also urged the apex Jee Pandita W/o Late Sh. against the appointment of Police Commissioner and raised the issue that Alam's court to set aside the M/S Inder Pal Singh, Guru Sagar Carriers, 365 Asthana along with an in - also the order granting in - petition was copy-paste of Centre's order to extend Days Advertising, Medicure Chemists, Jammu, Kanya Lal Pandita of Nuner, Smt. Phoola tervention application by ter-cadre deputation and his plea pending before the Asthana's service period. Isher Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore. Ganderbal Kashmir present - Jee Pandita an NGO which has chal - extension of service to him. apex court. He had clari - On August 25, the Supreme Mob: 9419188279,9871107495, 9419236588 lyresiding at Govt. Qtr. 427 lenged the appointment The plea also sought initia - fied that he did not intend Court had asked the high Block-S Toph Sherkhania before the Supreme Court. tion of steps for appointing to argue before this court court to decide within two Advocate B S Bagga, repre - Delhi Police Commissioner as the NGO's plea was weeks the plea pending be - Jammu, on 31-08-2021. 10th senting Alam, apologised strictly in accordance with pending before the fore it against the appoint - Day will be performed on 09- for the delay and assured the direction issued by the Supreme Court. The peti - ment of the senior IPS offi - SHADMOS/MASWAR 09-2021,Thursday at Muthi the court that the process Supreme Court earlier. The tioner's counsel had main - cer as Delhi Police "The irreplaceable Loss hap - Ghat near Director School fee would be deposited impugned orders (of tained that the plea was not Commissioner. pened six months ago and our Education, Muthi at 08:30 hearts still suffer silently may A.M. UP: BJP MP says government your noble soul rest in peace in GRieF sTRiCKeN:- 10TH DAY & KRIYA heaven" The Shadmos and Ramesh Pandita & Rita-Son & Daughter in law Maswar of our beloved mother Smt. Phoola will not repeal farm laws With profound grief and sor - Vinod Pandita & Sunita -Son & Daughter in law Lt. Smt. Phoola Bindroo W/o Bindroo pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA will not withdraw the new row, we inform you thesad de - Rajinder Koul & Veena - Son in law & Daughter Ballia, Sep 8 farm laws. They were not Lt. Sh. Chuni Lal Bindroo will mise of our beloved mother Vikas Bhat & Vaishali Pandita Bhat -Grand made to be withdrawn later," be performed at our residence Amid the ongoing Smt. Leela Devi W/o Lt. Sh. Son in law & Grand Daughter Mast said."If a law passed in Sector-4 Sharika Viihar, Lower protests by farmers against Parliament is withdrawn due Pitamber Nath Sethi R/o Ward Grand Sons &Daughter:- the Centre's farm laws, BJP Roop Nagar, Jammu on 8th & to protests on roads, what will No. 7, Main Bazar Smt. Leela Devi Sachin Pandita, Rohit Koul, Mohit Koul, Vipin MP Virendra Singh Mast said be its (Parliament's) stand - Samba.Tenth Day will be per - 9th September. Pandita & Sakshi Pandita. the government will not with - ing?" he asked.Mast, however, formed at Dangeshwar Mandir GRieF sTRiCKeN:- draw the three legislations. Mob: 9796241160, 8082703503, 9858209723 said he will welcome sugges - Hall, Ward No. 8 Samba on 09- Son and Daughter-in-Law The laws were not made to be tions in the interest of farmers withdrawn later, the MP from and agriculture.Farmers Sep-2021(Thursday) at 11:00 Sh. Kiran Ji & Ranu Bindroo 's Ballia said on claim that the farm laws the am.Kriya will be performed at Daughter's and Son-in-Law Tuesday.Thousands of farm - Farmers' Produce Trade and our residence ward No.7 Smt. DazyTalashi& Lt. Raj Nath Talashi 10TH DAY/11TH DAY/12TH DAY KRIYA ers from across the country, Commerce (P romotion and Samba on 12- Sep-2021 Smt. Rozy Bindroo & Vinod Bindroo. With profound grief and sor - particularly Punjab, Haryana Facilitation) Act, 2020; Farmers' (Sunday) at 12:00pm.Rasam and Uttar Pradesh, have been Grand Daughter's and Son-in-Law row, weinform the sad and (Empo werment and Pagri will be performed at camping at Delhi borders, in - Protection) Agreement on Mrs. Archana Trisal & Ashoo Trisal untimely demise ofour Dangeshwar Mandir Hall on cluding Singhu, Tikri and Price Assurance and Farm Mrs. Pooja Tickoo & Sanjay Tickoo beloved brother Shri Rakesh Ghazipur, since November 13-Sep-2021 (Monday) at 2:00 Services Act, 2020; and the Grand Children: Aditya, Kartik, Yukti, Sanjana, Kumar Bhatt (Raju) S/o Late last year to demand the repeal Essential Commodities to3:00 Pm Avtosh, Ansh, Danish Shri Jagan Nath Bhatt, resi - of the three farm laws and a (Amendment) Act, 2020 will GRieF sTRiCKeN: Shri Rakesh new law to guarantee mini - 9469808999,9469705028,9055707792 dent of 290 Sarwal Last Morh do away with the MSP, leaving Sons & Daughters-in-Law Kumar Bhatt mum support price (MSP) for them at the mercy of big cor - Jammu on 31st August 2021 Smt. Neelam & Sh. Shiv Datt Sethi their crops."The government porations. in Lucknow.10th Day/11th Smt. Sujata & Sh. Shambu Nath Sethi Day/12th Day Kriyawill be Smt. Sunita & Sh. Shanker Sethi performed on 9th, 10th and Smt. Leena & Sh. ParshotamDass Sethi BARKHI 11th Sep 2021 at Haridwar. OBITUARY Grand Sons: Rajat Sethi, Pertik Sethi, Sharun It broke our hearts to lose you, GRieF sTRiCKeN : With grief and sorrow, we in - Mobile No: 9906385674, 9149487425, but you did not go aloneA part Jyoti Bhatt - Wife form the untimely demise of 9419393590, 9906520220 of us went with you, the day Tripta and Arun Kumar Bhatt- Bhabi & Brother our beloved Sh Jitender Lahori God took you home.if tears Purnima and Shakti Prakash Bhatt- -do- S/o Lt Sh Makahan Lal Lahori could build a stairway, and Sunita and Ravinder Kumar Bhatt- -do- and Smt Asha ji Lahori, origi - heartaches make a lanewe'd Sh. Ashok Sister & Brother-in-law nally from Batapora Shopian & 10TH DAY/UTHALA walk our way to heaven, and - Prabhakar Sh Jitender Neelam and Romesh Kumar Pandita presently at House 98, Kabir With profound grief and sor - bring you back again.In life we Lahori Rashmi - Sister-in-law Colony (opp Gagan Public row, we inform the sad andun - loved you dearly, in death we Mob : 9596751880, 8617293562, 9419180805 High School) Talab Tiloo on 01- timely demise of our beloved love you stillin our hearts you Sept-2021. TENTH DAY Sh. Ved Parkash Padha S/o hold a place no one could ever KRIYA shall be performed at Late Sh. Birbal R/o H.No 254, fill.BARKHI of our beloved Sh. Muthi Ghat (near Director Kalijani Jammu on 31st August Sh. Ved Parkash Ashok Prabhakar (Retd.J&K OBITUARIES/UTHALA Education Office) on 10 2021.Tenth Day will be per - Padha Bank) will be performed With heavey heart & deep sor - September 2021 at 8.30 AM formed on Thursday 09-09- onThursday, 9th Sept2021, row we inform the sad demise of iN GRieF: 2021 at 10.00 am at Rani Park 12.00 pm at House No. 504, our beloved Smt. Chander Smt Asha ji Lahori- Mother Jammu.Uthala shall be per - Sector 3, Channi Himmat Kanta Vaid W/o Late Sh. Des Smt Padma Lahori - Wife formed at TrikutaYatri Niwas Jammu. Raj Vaid of Govind Kutir H.No. Rahul Lahori- Son Ved Mandir Complex GRieF sTRiCKeN:- 501 Sector-I Durga Nagar Bantalab. Uthala (Rasam Pagri) Sh Rajesh Lahori - Brother Ambphalla Road Jammu on Pamila Prabhakar- Wife Smt. Chander Friday (10/09/2021) from 4.30 Lt. Surinder Nath & Vidya - Brother & Bhabhi will be performed on 15-09-2021 Kanta Vaid Smt Neelam &Sh Rajesh Aima - SIS /BIL Wednesday from 3.00 pm to pm to 5.30 pm. Ashwani & Pratibha - Brother & Bhabhi Sh Roop Krishen Koul & Smt Veena ji- FIL/MIL 4.00 pmat Krishna Palace Sec-I Sh Hari Krishan Koul- (Bhadurgarh) GRieF sTRiCKeN Sanjeev &Neena - Son & Daughter-in-Law Durga Nagar. Sh Suresh Kaul & Smt Archana Ji - BIL/SIL Smt. ChanderKanta- Wife Anil &Veenu Prabhakar- Son & Daughter-in-Law GRieF sTRiCKeN Smt Sunita Ji &Sh Nirmal Kishore -SIL/BIL Rahul Sharma & Ekta - Son & Daughter-in-law Smriti &Munish Sharma- Daughter & Son-in-Law Son & Daughter-in-law Samast Privars: Lahoris, Aimas, Bhats, Kouls Suresh Sharma & Rashmi -Son-in-law & Daughter Sachin & Mona - Son & Daughter-in-Law Govind Jewellers (Baramulla), Kouls (USA), Panditas Viney Sharma & Ritu - Son-in-law & Daughter Chetan & Shivani - Son & Daughter-in-Law (Smt. Neerja & Sh. Sandeep Vaid) MT: 7006526972, 7006547763, 9682111033 Contact No: 9419121701 Shivani Prabhakar (Daughter), Parth Prabhakar- Son Shambu Jewellers Grand Children: Vasudha, Jahanvi, Shagun, (Smt. Nishu& Sh. Manoj Vaid) Sharang, Himneesh, Kavya, Aryan, Nikunj, Daughter & Son-in-Law Atharv & Aanya Smt. Meena Koul & Sh. Deepak Koul KRIYA/UTHALA 10TH DAY PRABHAKAR'S & JOSHI'S Contact : 9419133025, 9419229903, 9419141911 With profound grief and sorrow we With profound grief, we inform PH: 9469477488, 8713970000, 9419197594 you,that our beloved sister, Dr inform the saddemise of our beloved Sh. Chuni Lal Kachroo S/o Late Sh. Kiran Kumari Sharma, passed Krishan Dass of Zangalpora Devsar, OBITUARY away on 30/8/2021. Her last rites Kulgam A/p H.No. 94 Lane-4, Ward - KRIYA/UTHALA With profound grief and sorrow, would be performed as below: 65, Amrit Vihar, Barnai (Dr.Digra we inform thatour beloved Sh. Lane) on 01-09-2021.Tenth Day will With profound grief and sorrow we Kriya - on 9/9/2021 from 11 AM Pyare Lal Mussa S/o Dr Kiran be performed on 10-09-2021 Sh. Chuni Lal inform the sad demise of our to 1.30 PM Uthala - on 10/9/2021 LateSansar Chand R/o Mattan Kumari Sharma (Friday) at 8.30 am at Muthi Ghat Kachroo beloved father Sh. Piran Ditta S/o from 5 PM to 5:30 PM at our resi - near Directorate of School Late Sh. Boota Ram Ji R/o 465 EP A/p H.No. 47, Lane-6, Sharda dence at Poonch lines Education. Ghass Mandi Chowk, Jammu on Colony Patoli Brahmana, Udheywala Muthi Jammu (Amar GRieF sTRiCKeN 28/08/21.Kriya at our residence on Jammu who left abode on 4 Sh. Pyare Lal Smt. Nirmala Kachroo- Wife 09/09/21. Uthala will be performed Sept. 2021. We pray to Almighty Mussa Shanti Niwas) near Yoganand Sh. Piran Ditta Ashram. Smt. Rani & J.N. Kachroo- Brother & Bhabhi on 10/09/21 at Panj bakhtar Mandir that his noble soul rest in heav - Smt. Pinky& P.N. Kachroo- Brother & Bhabhi from 4 PM To 5 PM. GRieF sTRiCKeN : en.10TH DAY on 13-09-2021 Smt. Ritu& Vinod Kachroo- Nephew & DIL GRieF sTRiCKeN (Monday) at Patoli Ghat. Prem Lata (Sister-in-law) Smt. Krishna - Wife Smt. Shakti & Sanjay Kachroo- Son & DIL GRieF sTRiCKeN Lalit Kumar Sharma (Brother) Smt. Simran & Suneel Kachroo- Son & DIL Jyoti & Shiv- Daughter-in-Law & Son Smt. Rajrani- Wife Smt. Shakuntla& Ajay Dhar- Daughter & SIL Achala& Rakesh- Daughter-in-Law & Son Anju Sharma (Sister-in-law) Smt. Arti W/o Shiban Ji- Son & Daughter-in-Law Munal Madhur (Nephew) Miss SanjoktaKachroo - Daughter Rajni & Rajinder Bhardwaj- Daughter & Son In Law Grand Children: Arjun, Eshani, Kanaya, Shivay Chanakyas Sweets Smt. Sunit W/o Rakesh - Son & Daughter-in-Law Ridhima Sharma (Niece) 8825082699, 9596709938, 7006539296, 7006377603 High Court Road Janipur Jammu Smt. Baby W/o Kanya Lal - Daughter & Son-in-Law Anadi Sharma (Nephew) Due to COVID, condolence shall be appreciated on India Tent & Light House Pacca Danga Jammu, Sh. Ashok Ji- Son-in-Law Chehak Sharma (Niece) phones Mob. 9419182880, 7006382880, 9419252871 Smt. Sunita W/o Sameer - Daughter & Son-in-Law LOCAL     3 "%%,+ ,)*0*(+%)  Modi Govt committed Common masses’ belief in Modi and BJP has to dignified return of KPs to Valley: Kavinder touched new heights: Dr. Manyal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H:E9 5G:D@CE@$ H:E9E96@77: Glimpses of Future 4 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, THURSDAy, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 Advisor Baseer Khan Tours Pattan, Hygam, Palhalan and adjoining areas; Inaugurates 6.3 MVA 33/11KV Receiving Station at Goom Ahmedpora Inspects developmental works of RDD, PDD and Tourism; Interacts with PRIs, delegations BARAMULLA, SEptEMBER 08: Advisor Baseer Khan also inspect - sis. The Advisor further directed the ings already taken. Later, the Advisor ed various ongoing developmental officers to make timely payments interacted with several delegations Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, projects undertaken in Rural against MGNREGA works so as to en - which included DDCs, BDCs, PRIs, Baseer Ahmad Khan accompanied by Development Department. He was sure labours do not suffer on this ac - civil society members, traders among District Development Commissioner apprised by the officers about the cur - count. The Advisor, Baseer Khan in - other stakeholders. These delegations Baramulla Bhupinder Kumar, SSP rent status of the works and the bene - spected Tourist Cafeteria at Renji apprised him about their grievances Baramulla Rayees Mohammad Bhat fits each work is supposed to provide Pattan and took stock of various as - and demands pertaining to socio-eco - and other concerned senior officers to the local population. He inspected pects associated with the cafeteria. He nomic development of their respec - today conducted an extensive tour of the ongoing Pattan-Palhallan link was briefed by the Deputy tive areas. Various demands which Pattan, Hygam, Palhalan and other road constructed under MGNREGA Commissioner about various ameni - were highlighted included availability adjoining areas in the Baramulla dis - which happens to be an important ties available for the tourists. The of river bed/soil construction materi - trict and inspected several develop - road from the perspective of public Advisor directed the officers to have al in the area, Augmentation of mental works of Rural Development convenience as it can mitigate the deweeding of the water bodies around Receiving Station Pattan, Utilization department, Power Development de - traffic congestion on Srinagar- the cafeteria done immediately so that of SDH building for conversion into partment and Tourism department. Baramulla National highway to a it adds to the beauty from the Tourism Pediatric and Maternity hospital. The Advisor inaugurated 6.3 MVA large extent. perspective. Advisor Baseer Khan di - Road widening, development of 33/11 KVA receiving station at Goom The Advisor issued strict direc - rected the officers to make prepara - sports ground and issues of water Ahmadpora Pattan that has been de - tions to the officers to adhere to the tions for the upcoming winter to en - scarcity were among the most high - veloped at an estimated cost of Rs timelines of completion given against sure people don’t suffer and make lighted demands by most of the dele - tiously. He said that every possible avert any kind of exigency that may 236.35 lacs benefiting 1200 house - each work. He reiterated the direc - arrangements before the onset of win - gations and PRIs. initiative is being taken to streamline arise due to third wave of the pandem - holds. While inspecting the said re - tions given by him in numerous meet - ter especially augmenting power in - The Advisor gave patient hearing the public service delivery besides ic.The Advisor asked the PRI/ULB ceiving station he emphasized upon ings about the compliance to time frastructure. He said there should be to all the issues and demands. He re - terming hassle free public service de - members to assume bigger role in this the concerned officers to ensure that schedules and the quality of works. He no frequent power cuts or scarcity of solved most of the issues by directing livery system as their core concern. regard. They should propagate the people of the area get benefited with laid emphasis on labour intensive transformers in rural areas. He fur - the concerned officers on the spot and Meanwhile, the Advisor urged up - importance of wearing masks, main - the augmentation of the power supply works which, he said, are beneficial to ther asked the PDD officers to replace said that all other genuine issues that on the people to follow COVID taining social distance and having with the new receiving station in place the locals in terms of providing liveli - rotten poles, conductors and wires need to be taken up with concerned Appropriate Behaviour (CAB) in let - vaccinations done among the masses in the area. hood opportunities on sustained ba - immediately as directed in the meet - quarters shall be redressed expedi - ter and spirit and termed it vital to at the village and Panchayat levels. Advisor Baseer Khan inspects NIFT Complex at Dr Sehrish reviews progress of RLM in Baramulla SRiNAGAR, SEptEMBER 08: most acceptable livelihoods in the nutrition. She urged the BPMs to or - Ompora, Budgam; directs for its early completion district.The MD further emphasized ganize group meetings with SHGs to Mission Director Jammu & upon the BPMs to complete the discuss issues focusing on breast - Directs the executing agency to work in double shifts Kashmir Rural Livelihoods Mission Aadhaar seeding process during so - feeding, complementary feeding, (JKRLM) Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar to - cial mobilization itself and enroll all anemia, poshanvatika and spread SRiNAGAR, SEptEMBER 08: The Advisor asked them age treatment network so the Institute shall offer ad - day convened a meeting with the offi - the eligible SHGs of the district under awareness about COVID 19 and its to fix timeline against each that the campus becomes ditional four programs cials of JKRLM(Umeed) to review the social security schemes including vaccination, she added. Advisor to Lieutenant component of the work and functional as per the target - namely MFM, M Des and B progress of mission in Baramulla dis - PMSBy, PMJJBy, Ayushman Bharat. While informing the meeting Governor, Baseer Ahmad complete few blocks so that ed timeline. Des Textile Design and B. trict. The meeting was attended by Dr Sehrish directed the officials to about progress of blocks in the dis - Khan today visited the new gradual shifting of the Director, NIFT, Dr Des Accessory Design. Riyaz Ahmad Beigh, Additional create awareness about the PMFME trict, the officials apprised that 49341 campus of National Institute is taken in hand Javid Ahmad Wani in - The Advisor was also Mission Director, Kashmir; District scheme among the SHGs in the dis - rural women have been federated in - Institute of Fashion immediately. He also ex - formed the Advisor that it is apprised that the campus Programme Managers (DPMs), Block trict and further instructed the offi - to 6028 SHGs and an amount of Rs Technology (NIFT) here at horted upon them to ensure a prestigious project of na - shall have facilities of Programme Managers(BPMs), MIS cials to organize special campaigns so 24.42 crore has been provided to the Ompora, Budgam. making the campus func - tional importance to be Auditorium with a seating Assistants of district Baramulla and that the information about the SHGs as capitalization from the The Advisor directed tional from the month of completed at an estimated capacity of 830 and a facili - other officials of the Mission. scheme reaches to all the members. Mission. The chair was further in - the Administration and the October and culminate the cost of Rs 326 Crores. He ty of Amphitheatre etc. It Addressing the meeting, Dr She further added that since formed that in order to strengthen the Executing agency to com - process by March. He di - further said that NIFT was added that these facili - Sehrish asked for facilitating linkage Baramulla is rich in horticulture pro - relation between the bankers and plete all the civil works of rected them to have dedi - Srinagar shall be the largest ties shall be available to of SHGs with the bank branches to duction, she impressed upon the offi - SHG members financial literacy the campus forthwith. cated work force with strict campus out of 17 existing other stakeholders also for ensure timely availability of credit to cials to encourage the SHGs in having camps/workshops were also con - Baseer Khan impressed up - targets so that the stipulat - campuses in the country. organizing events and func - SHGs. The BPMs were directed to enterprises in food processing to en - ducted in the district. It was given out on the officers to work in ed time line is adhered to. It was also given out tions in the facilities creat - strengthen the Community Based hance their livelihoods under that in addition, the SHGs have been double shifts so that the The Advisor also asked that the institute is current - ed within the campus. Resource Mechanism (CBRM) com - PMFME. In order to provide credit credit linked with the banks to the campus is ready for opera - the district administration ly operating from its tem - The campus is fully resi - mittees in their respective blocks. facilities to the SHGs members regis - tune of Rs 141.97 crore. The SHG tions from the next aca - to submit weekly reports porary campus at dential with hostel facility These CBRM committees would fur - tered with Handicrafts Department members have invested the amount demic session. He directed about the progress made Rangreth, Srinagar and is for 720 students and 100 ther facilitate the identification of re - in the district the SHG members shall in different livelihoods like mush - them to take in hand the therein. The Advisor direct - offering two UG programs staff quarters. The con - quirements of loans, credit linkage be enrolled under artisan credit card room cultivation, livestock rearing, electrification and sanitary ed for proper landscaping viz Fashion Design and struction work shall be and successive repayments, she scheme, she said Dr Sehrish further handicrafts, horticulture. Besides, it works simultaneously so and aesthetic overview of Fashion Communication. It completed in March, 2022 added. She further impressed upon said that the month of September is was given out that under convergence that maximum work is ac - the campus surroundings. was further said that once as was revealed on the occa - the BPMs to identify the areas where celebrated as Rahtriya “POSHAN various livelihood initiatives have complished within the least He asked them to construct shifted to permanent cam - sion by the administration infrastructure and marketing sup - MAH” for focused and assimilated been successfully initiated in collabo - possible time. drainage and allied sewer - pus at Ompora, Budgam, of the National Institute. port can be enhanced and identify the approach towards improving holistic ration with other line departments. DC Ramban convenes public outreach J&K LAWDA conducts 116th meeting of BPA Agri Deptt Kmr 36 cases decided on merits organizes training camp at Neel- Parindhar program for women Asks officers to improve public service delivery system farmers of Kargil RAMBAN, SEptEMBER 08: PMGSy and Jal Shakti, AD health insurance scheme. FCS&CA, Tehsildar He also motivated the youth district Deputy Commissioner, Ramsoo, PRIs and general to avail the various employ - SRiNAGAR, SEptEMBER 08: Ramban, Mussarat Islam public attended the public ment oriented schemes in - today visited Neel- outreach camp. cluding Mumkin & The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Parindhar and Chamalwas Responding to the de - Tejaswani being imple - Chowdhary Mohammad Iqbal today inau - a far-flung area of Ramsoo mand for provision of am - mented by J&K govern - gurated a training program for the pro - Sub-division and listened to bulances in the Neel area, ment. gressive women farmers of Kargil district grievances of the people, the Deputy Commissioner The DC directed Jal besides assessing the devel - assured to take up the de - Shakti Department to en - who are on exposure visit to Kashmir opmental scenario and im - mand with concerned sure adequate potable wa - Valley. At the inaugural function, the plementation of different Health Authorities. He also ter supply to Neel area un - Director welcomed the group of 60 women social and financial assis - assured up-gradation of der JJM. farmers and appreciated their participa - tance schemes in the area Chamlawas -Neel road. Earlier, BDC tion in the training program. under the weekly public The DC directed the Chairperson, DDC During his interaction with visiting outreach programme. Chief Education Officer to Councilor, PRIs and gener - SRiNAGAR, SEptEMBER 08: Executive Engineer Electric Saderbal. During the drive two women farmers, Iqbal said that women En-route, the DC also take all necessary measures al public highlighted the Inspection Division, Executive Plinths, two Huts, two single empowerment and a skilled human re - inaugurated and inspected to increase enrollment in demands and issues. The The J&K Lakes and Engineer UEED Division 1st, storeys and one roofing raised il - source in agriculture and allied wings is newly completed develop - schools and improve litera - demanded adequate staff in Waterways Development Naib Tehsildar (Collector LAW - legally were demolished onspot. the Department's priority and to achieve mental works executed un - cy rate besides providing schools and health institu - Authority (LAWDA) today con - DA), representatives Executive Besides illegally dumped materi - this goal a multifaceted approach has been der the RDD sector. He quality education to stu - tions, up-gradation of High vened 116th meeting of the Engineer PHE Division, al/Earth filling was also re - adopted by the Department. Building Permission Authority urged the people to take dents of the area. School Parindhar, comple - Tehsildar North, representative moved and seized onspot. Also In his address, the Director said that (BPA) under the chairmanship vaccination and follow The DC also assured the tion of road from Parindhar Tehsildar Khanyar, and Law of - legal action warranted under Kargil has special climatic conditions and of Vice Chairman (VC) LAWDA, covid Appropriate people that their demand of to Zaradi, construction of ficer LAWDA as members of the rules was initiated against the vi - the region is by default organic, therefore a Behaviour to avert fresh Dr. Bashir Ahmad Bhat who is Building Permission Authority olators. There was minor resist - CD Block for Neel will be Footbridges, installation of special approach is needed to get the maxi - surge in the infection. also the Chairman of BOCA at were present in the meeting. ance at some places from the lo - taken up with concerned street lights, inclusion of mum returns in terms of production and Block Development quarters. He directed all of - Neel village with Ramsoo, Miskeen Bagh Office Complex, Meanwhile, a demolition cals of the area, however the productivity of different crops. He asked Chairperson, Shafiq ficers to improve the public up-gradation of power here. The agenda for the meeting drive was launched by demolition team remained on the women farmers to go for integrated Ahmed; DDC Councilor, service delivery mechanism transformers, addition of was disused threadbare and a to - Enforcement Wing of LAWDA forefront and conducted the farming. There is a great potential in Bashir Naik; ACD Zamir of their respective depart - names in ration cards, tal of 36 cases were decided upon today under the supervision of demolition in a hassle free man - Rishu; SDM Ramsoo ments to facilitate the peo - Degree College and by the BPA on merits. Among Enforcement Officers, Abdul ner. The Vice Chairman has re - mushroom, vegetable, barley, floriculture Dilmir Choudhary; Chief ple. Education Zone for Neel others, Chief Town Planner of Aziz Qadri and Zahid Aziz quested the people residing in and other allied wings of agriculture Medical Officer Dr. The DC urged the public area. Kashmir, Joint Commissioner Samoon in the area of Friends the local jurisdiction of LAWDA wherein the farmers could not only earn a Mohammad Fareed Bhat; to register for Ayushman After hearing the public (P) SMC, Enforcement Officer Colony, Beggar Home Lashkari to apply for proper building per - sustainable income but could also gener - BDO, Bashir-ul- Hasan; SEHAT scheme to take the issues the DC assured them LAWDA, Executive Engineer Mohalla, Ishber, Doji Mohalla, mission through its building per - ate employment opportunities for the fel - Executive Engineer of benefit of the universal early redressal of the same. Lake Division 2nd LAWDA, Mallapora Rainawari and mission authority. low farmers as well. SWM Plants at Doda, Bhaderwah townships being upgraded Doda district to have 10 dedicated vaccination ADC reviews implementation of District Environmental Plan DODA, SEptEMBER 08: of waste. Management, Domestic from Associated Hospital centres for College students The information was Sewage Management and on a daily basis as per the DODA, SEptEMBER 08: tions. He was chairing a meeting with ents of the students so that a viable ac - The district adminis - shared at the District Water Waste agreement. the heads of educational institutions tion plan can be framed to open the tration is on the Job to up - Environment Committee Management, demolition Regarding water con - District administration Doda is to review preparedness with regard to schools for the 10th and 12th class grade the existing Solid meeting convened to re - waste etc. servation, the ADC direct - going to establish 10 dedicated Covid the starting of physical class work of students. He further directed the Waste Management plant view the District While reviewing the ed all the stakeholders to vaccination centres for inoculation of class X class XII and higher educa - higher education authorities to frame in Doda and Bhaderwah Environment Plan. bio medical waste manage - ensure that the water bod - higher education students and staff tional institutions in view of partial the action plan to start the classes of Township. The meeting chaired by ment, the CMO informed ies are not exposed to pol - ahead of starting physical class work opening of the educational institu - the vaccinated students in the upcom - New machines are be - Additional Deputy the Committee that bio lution in the District.Other in colleges. Deputy Commissioner tions as being considered by the gov - ing days. He emphasized upon the ing installed which in - Commissioner (ADC) Dr. medical waste is being lift - than the Bio medical waste, (DC), Vikas Sharma directed the ernment. On the occasion, a compre - concerned authorities to ensure that cludes Baler Machine, Ravi Kumar Bharti held ed on weekly basis accord - other waste is being lifted Health department authorities to im - hensive discussion was held during appropriate COVID behaviour is fol - Shredder Machine, threadbare discussion re - ing to the set norms and by MC Doda from mediately set up the dedicated vacci - which various aspects were duly de - lowed in letter and spirit besides Composite Machines etc at garding action taken on ex - nothing is being kept in the Associated Hospital on a nation sites to cover the unvaccinated liberated. The concerned authorities termed it as vital for averting exigen - the twin Municipalities. ecution of DEP in the dis - premises of the Associated daily basis as per the agree - staff and students of colleges. He also put forth their suggestions and cies. The meeting was attended by The Municipal trict by different depart - Hospital and in other hos - ment.The committee de - asked to constitute dedicated vacci - feedback pertaining to the matter. ADC, Principal Government Degree Committees are going to ments, which include Solid pitals of the district. cided to hold a monthly re - nation teams to vaccinate the left out The DC also sought feedback from the College Doda, Principal Government provide two dustbins of Waste management, Other than the Bio view meeting on the 1st staff members and students above 18 CEO regarding action taken in com - Polytechnic Institute Doda, Chief different colours to each Plastic waste management, medical waste, other waste Wednesday of each month years and the people in the adjoining pliance to the government order, for Medical officer, Chief Education offi - household for segregation Bio-medical Waste is being lifted by MC Doda from October onwards. localities of the education institu - seeking NOCs/ consent from the par - cer. Glimpses of Future 5 lOcal/natiOnal JAMMU, THURSDAy, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 DC conducts extensive tour of B’pora villages; holds Public Interaction

BANDipORA, SEptEMBER 08: assessment and redressal of the same thereby providing activities. The DC during the visit was accompanied by members governance to the public at their door steps. While interacting with the people, Dr Owais appealed of the District Development Council, Block Development The Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bandipora, Dr Owais Dozens of delegations including members of to people to adopt Covid Appropriate Behavior (CAB) at all Council, Assistant Commissioner Development Abdul Ahmad on Wednesday conducted an extensive tour of sev - Panchayat Raj Institutions besides scores of individuals public places including all religious and social gatherings. Rashid Dass, Joint Director Planning Imtiyaz Ahmad, eral far flung Villages of Bandipora district and held public called on the DC during the tour and apprised him about He instructed Health and Revenue Officers to strictly mon - Executive Engineers of Jal Shakti, R&B, PDD, PMGSy and interactions to listen to public issues, grievances and de - the problems faced by them in day to day life including itor covid guidelines besides testing at all gatherings. other senior officers of the district. mands. road connectivity, macadamization, upgradation of roads, On the occasion, the DC visited Konan, Baporam construction of paths and culverts, availability of safe Arampora, Ahamsharief and other adjoining areas and in - drinking water and augmentation of power infrastructure OFFiCe THe eXeCUTiVe eNGiNeeR, ReW,DODA teracted with people besides inspecting ongoing Public etc. Works and reviewing the developmental activities taking The DC after giving patient hearing to the delegations, NOTiCe iNViTiNG TeNDeR place in the area especially road connectivity, availability he passed on-spot directions for redressal of their griev - e-NIT No06/ Capexof REW Doda 2021-22 DT 28-08-2021 of potable water, schools etc. ances and resolution of various issues. For and on behalf of the Lieutenant Governor of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, Executive Engineer REW Doda, are invited tender by e-tendering mode from ap - Dr Owais inspected filtration plant at Konan and He said unless the district officers will not reach far- proved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K Govt.(U.T)/CPWD/and Railways for the following works under CAPEX BUDGET-scheme for the year 2021-22. Arampora, Panchayat Ghar Arin and other developmental flung areas, no progress and redressal of grievances is pos - S. Name of work Name of Estimated Cost of Earnest Time Time and date Class of Position works and inquired about the progress of these works. sible. He urged the officers to regularly visit far flung areas No Division Cost document Money allowed of opening of contractor of funds (in lacs) (in Rs.) (in Rs.) for com- t ender He said the aim of the tour was to take appraisal of local to redress the grievances and also take feedback from the pletion issues from the general public for accurate and on ground people besides first hand appraisal of the developmental 1. Constt of Drain from Main REW. 1.95 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the road via HO Farooq Mir to Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Irrigation Ward II (PRI’S Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of GRANT) Panchayat Chakka Notary concerned panchayat Chief Secretary reviews Tourism promotional activities Block Bhaderwah 2. Constt of Drain from road to REW. 1.45 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Mohd Ashraf Zargar ward 2 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Directs promotion of 75 new tourist destinations through a Chakka Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat 3. Constt of Drain HO Shah Din REW. 1.95 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the to Umar Din Butt ward 3 (PRI’S Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned dedicated 3-month Tourism Festival GRANT) Panchayat Chakka Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of SRiNAGAR SEptEMBER 08: tivities, and destinations in Sangeet Samelan, Tourism Department to Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat Jammu and Kashmir. Kishtwar Saffron Plucking promote 75 new tourist 4. Constt of Drain FHO Mushtaq REW. 1.45 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Gotal to HO Sheena Begum Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned The Chief Secretary, It was further informed Festival, and Suchetgarh places by developing com - W/O Abdul Latief ward 3 (PRI’S Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Dr. Arun Kumar Mehta to - that as a part of Azadi ka Seema Darshan. Similarly, prehensive facilities in an GRANT) Panchayat Chakka Notary concerned panchayat Block Bhaderwah day chaired a meeting to Amrit Mohatsav, the Autumn and Houseboat integrated manner having 5. Constt of P Path Chakka link REW. 0.95 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the review various activities Department will organize festivals; Saffron Festival; adequate provisions of road to Nimal Nallah w4 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned being undertaken by the an iconic week celebration Christmas and New year recreational activities, (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Chakka Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat Tourism Department to in the last week of October festivals; and Winter eateries, and restrooms. 6. Constt of tile work Main road REW. 1.45 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the highlight and promote new 2021, which will include Carnival will be organized The Department was asked to Masjid Sharief Charuk ward Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned tourist destinations. performances on Hafiz to promote Kashmir-based to organize a 3-month No 5 (PRI’S GRANT) Pancha- Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of yatChakka Block Bhaderwah. Notary concerned panchayat Administrative Nagma, Kalam-e-Khusroo, destinations. To promote tourism festival from 7. Constt of P Path link road REW. 0.90 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Secretary, Tourism Kalam-e-Baba Fareed, rural tourism, it was in - November to January chakka to HO Ashfaq But Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Department along with Qawwali, Baul Sufi folk, formed that specific activi - around the new tourist ward no 7 (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Panchayat Chakka Notary concerned panchayat MD, JKTDC, and con - Darrvish Sufi dance, and ties will be organized along places. Block Bhaderwah cerned officers of the Haziri Kathak, besides lit - the identified rural circuits Dr. Mehta further di - 8. Development of Graveyard REW. 1.40 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Department participated erary seminar on Sufism across Jammu and rected the Department to Ward No 7 (PRI’S GRANT) Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Panchayat Chakka Block Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of in the meeting. and exhibition of local arts, Kashmir, including preserve, restore, and pro - Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat It was informed that calligraphy, and Sufi tradi - Hokersar-Parihaspora- mote the cultural and ar - 9. Constt of P Path Irshad REW. 0.95 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the the Tourism Department is tions. The Department will Gohan in Gulmarg, chitectural heritage of Ahmed to Masjid Sharief Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned w4 (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of organizing various events also promote destination- Waderbala, Nowgam Jammu and Kashmir. He Panchayat Chakka Notary concerned panchayat to attract local and foreign festivals like Sonamarg Mawar- Lolab in Kupwara, advised the Department to Block Bhaderwah tourists to the Union terri - Autumn Festival, Chari-Sharief- raise awareness about 10. Constt of P Wall N HO Ayan REW. 1.40 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the tory. Recently, several Ward No 2 (PRI’S GRANT) Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Pahalgam Winter Festival, Doodhpathri-yousmarg in these places by organizing Panchayat Chakka Block Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of roadshows have been or - Khadinyar Cultural Budgam and Saderkoot dedicated travel, trekking- Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat ganized across major cities Festival, Gulmarg Snow Payeen- Watlab in expeditions, mountain 11. Constt of Drain Masjid Sharief REW. 1.65 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the of the country to promote to Graveyard Ward no 04 (PRI’S Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Festival, Basholi Art Bandipora. The Chief bike adventures and stays GRANT) Panchayat Chakka Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of tourism-related events, ac - Festival, Mata Vaishnodevi Secretary asked the around the identified sites. Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat 12. Constt of P Path GujjarMohalla REW. 0.90 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the to Ho Faqir Mohd Din Mohd Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned GujjarBatoli (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Parliamentary Standing Committee on SC & ST interacts with Panchayat Chakka Block Notary concerned panchayat Bhaderwah. 13 Constt of P Path Primary School REW. 1.45 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the J&K Bank management, employees & BSF Officers, Jawans to HO Shahnawaz ward no 6 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Chakka Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat Enquires about recruitment quotas, promotions for SC & ST 14. Constt of Tile work from Ram- REW. 1.70 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the held deliberations with zan to Showket Malik (PRI’S Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned GRANT) Panchayat Dhareja Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Director General BSF, Block Bhaderwah. Notary concerned panchayat Pankaj Kumar Singh and 15. Constt of Tile work from House REW. 1.70 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the top officers of the force of Hanif towards Irshad Butt Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of over the recruitment, fill - Dhareja Block Bhaderwah. Notary concerned panchayat ing of post of SC and ST cat - 16. Constt of Tile work from Parna- REW. 1.70 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the egories, promotion of such llah Bridge to Sarol Bagh road Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of categories and other is - Dhareja Block Bhaderwah. Notary concerned panchayat sues. 17. Constt of Tile work from House REW. 1.70 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the The DG BSF informed of Jagdish towards MR via Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Panchayatghar (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of the committee that the Panchayat Dhareja Block Notary concerned panchayat force follows all the rules Bhaderwah. and norms meant for re - 18. Construction of P path from REW. 1.70 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Culvert towards HO farid Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned cruitment and reservation SRiNAGAR, SEptEMBER 8: Scheduled Tribes and wel - praisals of such employees. sheikh (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of of BSF Jawans and officers. Panchayat Dhareja Block Notary concerned panchayat fare measures and pro - The committee appreciat - While speaking on the Bhaderwah Parliamentary 19. Constt of Balance Tile work REW. 1.20 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the grammes of the Bank. ed the measures taken by occasion, Chairman PSC Standing Committee on Speaking during dis - J&K Bank with respect to from Old HO Haq Nawaz Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned on SC & ST appreciated the toward HO Sharief Vachkoo Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of the Welfare of Scheduled cussion, Chairman MP, Dr implementation of differ - role of BSF for securing Ward No 01 (PRI’S GRANT) Notary concerned panchayat Castes and Scheduled Kirit P Solanki enquired ent schemes and disburs - Panchayat Gatha Block borders and providing se - Bhaderwah Tribes today held several about the issues and griev - ing of loans meant for curity to people of the 20. Constt of balance work of REW. 0.90 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the interaction and delibera - ances of the employees. weaker sections like country. Culvert near Mill of Naveen Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned tion sessions with J&K Besides, the committee al - SC/ST. The team also held Kumar Ward No 06 (PRI’S Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of The mandate of the GRANT) Panchayat Gatha Notary concerned panchayat Bank management and so enquired about other an interaction with Jawans committee is to examine Block Bhaderwah. employees as well as offi - important issues, viz the of Border Security Force the measures taken by the 21. Constt of Tile work from Nallah REW. 1.90 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the cers and Jawans of Border mechanism to address (BSF) stationed at Kashmir towards HO Surjeet singh Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned union government to se - ward no 3 (PRI’S GRANT) Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Security Forces (BSF) to grievances of the employ - valley who belong to SC cure due representation of Panchayat Hanga Block Notary concerned panchayat know about the working Bhaderwah ees belonging to SC/ST cat - and ST categories and en - the SCs and STs in services conditions and other issues egories. Also, the commit - quired about their working 22. Constt of Tile work from Main REW. 1.40 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the and posts under its control. road to Roop Raj House via Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned of the committee’s subject tee held deliberations and condition in the force. These include appoint - Krishan lal Moti lal Jagdish Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of matters. Chander ward II (PRI’S Notary concerned panchayat sought the feedback from The BSF Jawans said ments in the Public Sector On the outset, the study GRANT) Panchayat Jalga the Chairman and that there is a proper mech - Undertakings, Block Bhaderwah group met employees of Managing Director of J&K anism within the forces to Nationalised Banks, 23. Constt of Tile work RoshanLal REW. 1.40 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the J&K Bank who briefed House to Bodh Raj Via Pritiivi Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Bank, R K Chhibber with address issues, problems Statutory and Semi- about the work culture of Raj Nirmal Singh Om Parkash Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of respect to due representa - and grievances and they Government Bodies and in ward II (PRI’S GRANT) Notary concerned panchayat the bank and talked about Panchayat Jalga Block tion of SCs and STs in the don’t face any kind of prob - the Union Territories with reservations, recruitment Bhaderwah institution, services and lems during their profes - regard to the provisions of and other issues of 24. Constt of Tile work HS Shariekhi REW. 1.35 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the training for such cate - sional duties. Article 335 of the Indian to SardarMohd House Ward Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Scheduled Castes and gories, promotion and ap - The committee also No. III (PRI’S GRANT) Panch- Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Constitution. ayat Katyara Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat 25 Constt of Tile work Main Chowk REW. 1.35 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Behani Ward No III (PRI’S Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned UNION TERRITORY OF JAMMU & KASHMIR GRANT) Panchayat Katyara Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat OFFiCe OF THe eXeCUTiVe eNGiNeeR, J&K pOliCe HOUsiNG CORpORATiON, JAMMU DiVisiON, JAMMU. 26. Constt of Tile work Nass to REW. 1.40 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Chandi Mata Mandir ward no 2 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned EMAIL: [email protected] Ph : 0191-3510011. (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of Manthala Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat 27. Constt of Tile work Shiv Temple REW. 1.50 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the NOTiCe iNViTiNG TeNDeR to Forest Land via House of Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned E-NIT No: - 117 of PHC JAMMU DIV. /2021-22 Dated:- 04-09-2021 Lakh Raj Ward no. 2 (PRI’S Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of GRANT) Panchayat Manthala Notary concerned panchayat For and on behalf of Lieutenant Governor Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir e-tenders are invited from reputed Block Bhaderwah Structural Consultants for providing Structural Engineering Consultancy Services in respect of the following work:- 28. Constt of Tile work MR to HO REW. 1.60 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the Vishal Dhumundu ward no. 2 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Sl Name of work Name of Estimated Estimated Cost of tender Time of Time & Date (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of No Division cost of the cost of co- documents completion of opening of Manthala Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat Project nsultancy (in Rs.) Tender 29. Constt of Tile work MR to Tem- REW. 1.69 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the ple upper Manthalla ward no 7 Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned (in Cr.) charges (PRI’S GRANT) Panchayat Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of (in Lacs) Manthalla Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat 30. Constt of Drain FHO Mussarat REW. 1.50 600 Bid security 30 days 1400 Hrs A,B,C & D Availability at the 1. Construction of High Security JKPHC, 109.00 65.40 5000 Till 25-09-2021 butt to HO Dr Bashir Butt (PRI’S Division Declaration form on or after disposal of concerned Prison at Bhalwal Jammu. Jammu completion at 1200 GRANT) Panchayat Saddar Doda duly attested by 27-09-2021 BDO/PRIs of (Architectural and Structural of project Hours Block Bhaderwah Notary concerned panchayat Consultancy Services) (C. No. The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract 117) Location :- Dhar-Dharoc- and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website http://jktenders.gov.in as per below schedule: han Bhalwal Jammu 1 Date of Issue of Tender Notice 28.08.2021 2 Period of downloading of bidding documents From 29.08.2021 to 26.09.2021, 900 Hrs 1. Bidding documents consisting of Pre-Qualification Criteria, Drawings, Set of terms and Conditions of contract and oth - 3 Bid submission Start Date 29.08.2021 er details can be seen / downloaded from the website www.jktenders.gov.in,department DGP J&K. 4 Bid Submission End Date 26.09.2021 up to 1800 Hrs 5 Date & time of opening of Technical Bids (Online) in 27.09.2021 at or after 1400 Hrs in the Office of the Executive Engineer REW, Doda 1. Date of Issue of Tender Notice 04-09-2021 from 1800 hours case of holiday , the bid shall be opened on next day 2. Period of downloading of bidding documents 04-09-2021 from 1800 hours to 24-09-2021 upto 1800 hours 6. Date & time of opening of Financial Bids (Online) To be notified after technical bid evaluation is completed (Of only successful technical bidders) 3. Bid submission Start Date and time 14-09-2021 from 1800 hours 1. The original instruments in respect of cost of documents, and relevant documents of L1 bidder will be required to be submitted to the Executive Engineer REW, Doda within 4. Bid submission End Date and time 24-09-2021 at 1800 hours three days of opening of financial bids online. No separate intimation about opening documents are notsubmitted by the L-1 bidder within three days after opening of finan - cial bid, the tender will becancelled and the bidder will not be allowed to participate in any further/future tendering process in the Division for a period of one year. 5. Date and Time of opening of Technical Bids 25-09-2021 at 1200 hrs in the office of the Executive Engineer 2. Bidders can resubmit/withdraw the bids as specified. (online) J&K Police Housing Corporation, Jammu Division, Jammu 3. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of Technical bids. 4. The earnest money shall be forfeited, If:- sd/- a) Any bidder/tenderer withdraws his bid/tender during the period of bid validity or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid. (saleem-Ul sabah) b) Failure of Successful bidder to furnish the required performance security within specified time period issue of letter on intent. executive engineer, c) In case contractor fails to execute the agreement within 07 days after fixation of contract. sd/- J&K police Housing Corporation, executive engineer Dip/J-2741-p/21 Jammu Dip/J-6241/21 ReW, Doda Glimpses of Future 6 Edit/OpiniOn JAMMU THURSDAy SEPTEMBER 9 2 ,021 Glimpses of Future A tribute to Chandan, a large-hearted man ESTABLISHED IN 1986 By : AShOK K MEhtA Pakistan). He became a favourite of many Pakistanis. It turned out at some A multifaceted personality, he jug - moments into a shouting match even Keeping watch gled many hats with aplomb and dexter - when notables like Sartaj Aziz, Niaz ity. But his soft, kind heart was easily his Naik, Moinuddin Haider, Ayesha hat happened in Afghanistan has troubled biggest asset. I first met Chandan when Siddiqua from Pakistan and Satinder many especially US and Russia. Many he was resident editor, Hindustan Lambah, G Parthasarathy, Raja Mohan, Times, and I was the defence correspon - among others, from India were there. In Wcountries are eager to work united to de- dent for SUNDAy magazine, after I 2013, before the Modi Government feat any misadventure by Talibans. Many countries hung my boots. Those days, I was writ - came to power, Indians and Pakistanis ing mainly book reviews for the paper till met in Dubai. Chandan put the cards on including India are keeping watch on day today devel- he asked me to send him the occasional the table squarely: “Atal Bihari Vajpayee opments in Afghanistan. In one such effort, National column which he published on the news said there should be talks insaniyat Security Adviser Ajit Doval met with US spymaster pages. I recall writing a few stories on kedaayremein. This was the most re - Nepal where multiparty democracy had markable statement by any Indian PM. William Burns in Delhi on and the meeting took place been introduced and elections were to It was a unilateral offer of talks, not on a day when the Taliban announced the names of be held. I met Chandan at the Ashoka bound by treaty, letter or precedent. If Hotel swimming pool, where he used to we adopt this attitude, everything is pos - people who would run Afghanistan, including a man swim, with a plan he had asked for to sible. People of both countries are look - on the UN sanctions list being named as Prime cover the Nepal elections. I did go to ing to lasting peace. Humanity implies Minister. The details of what Mr Doval and the CIA Nepal but he told me, “although Nepal is honour and dignity. But killings must a very friendly country, few people are stop across border. The minor issues Sir chief discussed are not known. India was among the interested in it news-wise’, hinting I Creek, and so on can be solved in a countries that evacuated their mission staff from should focus on something else in my ular on the VivaCity page when he family royal dinner after a heady mix of minute if the intention is sincere. It is im - writing. “Arre General, aur kucchh - moved as editor of The Pioneer. I wrote drugs and Famous Grouse. I’m happy to portant for the new Government in Kabul when the Taliban took the Afghan capital three likhiye.” My story on Wangdung, my first column for Pioneer when Vinod say that Chandan’s views on news-abili - Pakistan to set time limits for itself.” The weeks ago. The CIA chief's meeting with Mr Doval Sumdurong Chu, in 1995 on what is the Mehta had revived the paper after nearly ty of Nepal changed after this.Chandan dialogue was organised by Friedrich would likely have included India's concerns over the edit page today and was a news page eight decades, in 1991. When Chandan joined the Track II circuit when India- Ebert Stiftung. As a Rajya Sabha MP, he then “Why are we withdrawing from our took over the paper, he offered me a col - Pakistan relations had plummeted fol - became the de facto leader of the Indian developments in Afghanistan. India has said it ex- own territory?” created quite a stir, he umn which I have been writing uninter - lowing the terror attack on Indian delegation for the annual event held out - pects the Taliban not to allow terror groups to operate told me. A budding fashion celebrity re - rupted for at least 20 years. I remember Parliament in 2001. We were together side India till the dialogue was suspend - lated to me asked if she could meet Chandan commending me for the an - among the who’s who of the two coun - ed due to COVID-19. Chandan was a from its soil to target India. Mr Doval is also meeting Chandan. I gladly organised this tete-a- chor story on the Palace massacre in tries. The first dialogue was held in treat to listen to during the off-the- his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev. Issues re- tete around the fireplace at the Delhi Nepal titled “Kegardiye ko?” (What have Kathmandu in 2003 where he became a record, free-flowing conversations after lating to China, Pakistan and Afghanistan will be the Gymkhana Club. “you’ve introduced you done?) these were King Birendra’s star for his balanced and low-decibel a hard day’s work laced with sturdy bev - me to the most spectacular fashion de - last words after his son Prince Dipendra views. He was the only journalist from erages. Track II is remembered more for ador to Russia focus at the meeting. India's Ambass signer,” he would say. She became a reg - went on a rampage during the weekly the Indian side (there was none from A tribute to chandan on page 7 DB Venkatesh Varma, says that talks with the Taliban in Doha have not yielded the right results. "India was not a direct participant in the Doha talks. India was also not part of the Troika Plus mechanism, but, these The ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ of a caste census mechanisms have not yielded the right results. It is By : KALyANi ShANKAR tently recorded the population of better that India and Russia work together with re- Dalits and Adivasis, it has never A caste count could cause fis - counted OBCs since 1931. Since spect to Afghanistan. That is the most important les- sures in the Hindu vote, which the 1950, the Government has reserved son for us. Pakistan interfering in Afghanistan's af- BJP is assiduously working to re - jobs, college admissions and elected fairs remains a concern for India. Pakistan continues duce in recent years. Is there a need seats - from Village councils to the for a caste census? Will it give the Parliament - for Dalits and Adivasis. to foment a culture of violence at home and across its right kind of data on different castes This was to rectify historical wrongs borders. A culture of peace is not just an abstract val- in the country or open the Pandora’s that have denied them equal oppor - box? Will it end up tearing the social tunities for the weaker sections. ue or principle to be discussed and celebrated in con- fabric as it did in 1990 when the then Politically, caste undeniably is ferences, but needs to be actively built into global re- prime minister V.P. Singh decided to an essential tool in India. It plays a lationships between and among member states. implement the Mandal Commission crucial role in every Indian election, report? Will it perpetuate caste? from the village panchayats to the Mullah Mohammad Hassan, the little-known head of These are some of the questions that Parliament. There is no surprise that the Taliban's leadership council, was named as acting need answers when there is a chorus several political parties have intensi - to include the caste census in the fied demand for a caste-based cen - Prime Minister in Afghanistan. Taliban co-founder next year’s decadal census. There sus. Samajwadi Party (SP) in UP, Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, the main public face of are powerful pro- and anti-lobbies JD(U) in Bihar and DMK in Tamil the group who signed a peace deal with the Trump ad- for it. Despite pressure from NDA al - Nadu have been most vocal in rais - lies and the opposition, the Centre ing the demand. The supporters of ministration last year, will serve as his deputy. India’s has shelved the idea for now. During the caste census insist that it will jus - position at international level is strong and leader- the recent Monsoon Session of tify the weaker among the OBCs. ship in India is taking steps that will keep our country Parliament, the chorus for caste cen - The Government, too, would benefit tion. Decades ago, the Mandal tiny regional outfits, including sus resurfaced. It was strengthened from the enumeration of the caste Commission estimated it at about 52 ’s Apna Dal (Sonal), in a stronger position. by the draft proposal of the Justice census for the programmes. For in - per cent. Significantly, in the past vocally supporting him. Why is the G. Rohini-led commission recom - stance, Bihar chief minister and few years, several OBC groups have BJP reluctant for a caste census that mending sub-categorisation of the NDA ally Nitish Kumar met Prime been seeking reservations. This in - too when it has mobilised many Other Backward Classes. Union Minister along with cludes the Marathas in smaller OBC groups? The BJP has Minister of State for Home a delegation of all parties. Kumar ar - Maharashtra, Patidars in Gujarat, argued that it would lead to the per - Nityanand Rai had announced in gued that the census will help better Gurjars in Rajasthan, Kapus in petuation of caste identities. It fears Deepening divide Parliament in July that the formulate and implement schemes Andhra Pradesh and Jats in it might lead to a messy situation Government has no intention of car - for different social groups’ welfare. Haryana. The poll-bound UP is a big similar to when the V P Singh rying out a caste census. While Secondly, there would be clarity over prize for the BJP and other regional Government implemented the India’s decadal census has consis - the percentage of the OBC popula - parties. The chorus grows with other The yes and no o n page 7 Let all green initiatives not be just gas By : SUDhANShU MANi After numerous experiments, sanc - tions, build-up of esterification Further electrification of India's plants, repeated news items, there is rail tracks would actually result in not one diesel train of IR which runs higher CO2 emissions because elec - regularly on diesel+bio-fuel mix. tricity is majorly sourced from fossil We soon heard of initiatives of a fuels. Prime Minister Narendra dual fuel mode, diesel with CNG, for Modi said this Independence Day diesel locomotives and diesel-elec - that India can achieve self-reliance tric multiple units (DEMUs) to re - in energy through an economy of duce their tail pipe emissions. Some gas-based fuels, electric mobility prototypes were made but the proj - and bio-fuels/ethanol in petrol. ect was given up in favour of LNG as Following up on the promise of CNG has limitation of lower energy National Hydrogen Mission an - density and thus poses a space limi - As the protesting farmers have thrown the gauntlet, the Govt must seek nounced in the 2021-22 Budget, he tation for on board fuel. LN Ghas speedy remedy. Sunday’s Mahapanchayat in Muzaffarnagar re-energised also launched this mission to facili - comparable energy density with the farmers’ protest which had seemingly lost steam in the last few tate generation of carbon-free fuel diesel and therefore is much less months. Thousands attended the protest as the farm leaders kept slam- from renewables, setting a target of problematic for on-board storage of ming the Government on the three controversial farm laws. The Centre can 2047 for India to achieve self-re - fuel. The LNG project lies in infancy now brace for impact as the farmers in large numbers charge towards liance in energy. He found the right for years with no clear road-map. Karnal’s mini secretariat to gherao it after talks with the Haryana optics by saying that the country has The next to catch the fancy of IR Government failed. The authorities, like they usually do, have suspended had to take a pledge to become ener - was multi-gen set diesel locomo - mobile internet and SMS services till midnight to “avoid mobilisation of gy-independent in the 100th year of tives, which with the option to mobs”. Reportedly, farm leaders including Rakesh Tikait and social ac - independence. Let us go back to an - fine ourselves to see the country- jigged as FAME 2 for subsidy only to switch on and off one engine, are tivist yogendra yadav were briefly detained by the forces and water can - other announcement by the PM on wide status through a limited prism state transport corporations but the more energy-efficient. Two such nons were used on protestors as they broke through the barricades. These energy front; In the “Urja Sangam” of what IR has done. Before that, impact has so far been far from prototypes were made nearly ten “bullish measures” to make peace with enraged farmers have never conference in March 2015, he had however, a glance at electric mobili - healthy; the penetration of e-buses years back but the project was fore - worked before and the ad hoc attempts by the forces are lamentable. The proclaimed the objective of reduc - ty, particularly e-buses. Although in the country languishes at around closed due to the increased pace of Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) had earlier said that a case should be regis- ing India’s oil import from 77 per diesel buses account for a small per - 2000 buses whereas the number of electrification of IR tracks and the tered against IAS officer Ayush Sinha for his alleged comment, telling the cent of total consumption in 2013- centage of the total vehicular popu - buses in the country is over 17 lakhs. IR perceived, belatedly, that these police to “break heads” of the protesting farmers in Karnal. The lath - 14 to 67 per cent by 2022. Today, the lation, they contribute to more than If the bard’s “What’s past is pro - locomotives could not be proliferat - icharge by the police left 10 people injured late in August. The officer, how- dependence has actually increased 50 per cent of air pollution and car - logue” is a lesson in history which ed. We also heard of Solar Panels on ever, has already been transferred. The protest has certainly unsettled the with imports accounting for 85 per bon emissions in India. State trans - sets the context for the present, then roof tops of DEMU. A pilot project BJP Government ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections in 2022. cent of oil requirements. Whether port corporations, mostly with IR’s report card so far has been dis - was completed on some coaches of The Opposition parties, including the Samajwadi Party and the Congress, the new national targets are prag - poorly-managed finances, are mal and does not inspire any confi - DEMUs and introduced in the Delhi have shown their support “digitally”. The BJP leaders never fail to claim matic or not is a subject of a larger known to run smoke-spewing, rick - dence in its ability to contribute and suburban area, touted funnily as the that the protesting farmers are just “acting farmers” and actually belong to debate. Days before the PM’s an - ety, diesel buses. The Union complement the PM’s ambitious first-ever in the world. If indeed it the SP, BSP and the Congress. It is now a question for the BJP whether to nouncement, there was a media Government made an ambitious road map. The thrust started some - was a first-ever, that itself should address the laws issue or just let the protest be. However, would they let the splash that Indian Railways (IR), plan to shift them to cleaner and so - what with bio-fuels and IR even set have alerted IR about the inefficacy farmers’ agitation torpedo their UP poll prospects, and later the 2024 gen- with a view to kicking off hydrogen phisticated electric buses. It started up a dedicated organization in Delhi of the project. Never mind, more - eral elections, as BKU leader Rakesh Tikait has promised to dethrone “for- mobility in India, had invited bids with FAME (Faster Adoption & called IROAF (IR Organization for over, that these prototypes were so eign powers”? What is saddening is that even after nine months into the for hydrogen fuel cell-based trains. Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) Alternate Fuels), mandated for fix - constructed that the solar panels protest and several rounds of discussions, no conclusion has been reached. Whenever calling of bids, and not Electric Vehicles in India) that ing standards, development, re - mounted on top of the roof offered The governance of this sort is questionable, as they say, if you cannot con - actual execution, by IR becomes proved to be ill-conceived and came search and execution in fuel and en - air resistance and nearly negated vince; get convinced, because it is the public that suffers the consequences. news, the project usually ends in a a cropper due to ambiguity and mis - ergy efficient and eco-friendly tech - the saving in fuel due to solar cells. It Deepening on page 7 whimper. We will, therefore, con - use of the subsidy. It was later re - nologies for assimilation in IR. let all green on page 7

Printed, published and owned by Prem Nath Sharma, Printed at Glimpses of Future Press 63 Padha Street, Purani Mandi, Jammu. Chief Editor Prem Nath Sharma, Associate Editor : Rajiv Sharma, Ph. 2546079, Fax 0191-2547240, RNI NO. 43798/86, email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Glimpses of Future 7 natiOnal JAMMU THURSDAy SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 Death of inmate: HC transfers probe to CBI, says life lost to custodial violence pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA the prison are correct, it is a very se - ing proper treatment at the right Pracha and Shariq Nisar, the fami - New Delhi, Sep 8 rious offence which requires in- time . The court observed that the ly's petition alleged that the jail au - depth investigation , the court said. DIG Prisons failed to notice the con - thorities in Tihar were operating an The Delhi High Court This Court deems it fit to transfer nivance/laxity of the jail deputy su - organised extortion syndicate and Wednesday transferred investiga - the investigation of case FIR perintendent who did not permit the police was trying to manipulate tion into the alleged murder of Tihar No.451/2021 under Sections the local police to go inside the jail to the investigation in order to save inmate Ankit Gujjar to the CBI, say - 302/323/341/34 IPC registered at inquire into the PCR call made in re - and shield the culprits. It alleged ing he lost his life to custodial vio - PS Hari Nagar, Delhi to CBI. The lation to the beating of the deceased culpability of the entire administra - lence . Justice Mukta Gupta, while case file be transferred to CBI im - on the intervening night of August tion on the ground that the CCTV dealing with a petition by Gujjar's mediately by the concerned police 3-4. The court said the case called were ordered to be shut down by an family for transfer of the probe, di - station, the court ruled. Gujjar, 29, for immediate remedial actions by official at the time of when the de - rected that the case file be sent from was found dead inside his cell in the authorities to ensure that un - ceased was beaten. On August 18, Delhi Police to the CBI and sought a Tihar jail on August 4. The court scrupulous officers do not take ad - the court had sought status reports status report from it before the next stated that the post-mortem report vantage of non-functional CCTVs to from Delhi Police and jail authori - date of hearing October 28. Walls of of the deceased belies the version of get away. It sought a status report ties on the plea. Delhi Police claimed prison, howsoever high they may be, the jail officials that a scuffle took from the Director General (Prisons) that the investigation was going on the foundation of a prison is laid on place in which both Deputy on streamlining the CCTV system in in a fair manner and that the de - the Rule of Law ensuring the rights Superintendent and Gujjar received jail, accountability of the jail officers ceased, who was found to be in pos - to its inmates enshrined in the injuries. It is evident that deceased and doctors as well the mechanism session of a mobile phone amongst Constitution of India. It is the viola - was brutally beaten and left unat - by which immediate entry is provid - other things, had attacked the tion of these Constitutional rights of tended... Not only did Narender ed to the police to the jail on receipt Deputy Superintendent earlier in Ankit Gujjar, who lost his life to cus - Meena (DS) and others assaulted of an information of a cognizable of - the day. In its status report, the jail todial violence in Tihar Jail, which the deceased mercilessly, the Jail fence. The family has alleged that administration stated that four offi - has compelled the petitioners doctor on duty also failed to perform Gujjar was being harassed by the jail cials, including the Deputy Geeta, Shivani and Ankul, the moth - his duty when he examined Ankit at officials as he was unable to meet Superintendent, have been sus - er, sister and brother of deceased 1.00 AM in night and administered hospital, the order reads. It is un - that an investigation was needed in - their regularly increasing demands pended and eight others have been Ankit Gujjar to file the present writ the injection, as he neither informed fathomable that the jail doctor to not only the offence of brutal for money and was murdered as a shifted from Ce ntral Jail No.3 and or - petition, the judge observed. If the the senior officers of the condition failed to see the multiple injuries on beating of the deceased but also into part of pre-planned conspiracy . dered to report to the Superintendent, family's allegations of extortion in of Ankit nor referred Ankit to the the deceased, the court said, adding the role of jail doctors in not provid - Filed through lawyers Mehmood PHQ till further orders.

SAD swaps two seats with alliance Former Bihar assembly speaker and Congress leader Pondy reports 125 new COVID-19 cases partner BSP in Punjab pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA puducherry, Sept 8 pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA Sujanpur assembly Sukhbir Singh Badal Sadanand Singh dies Chandigarh, Sep 8 seats from it. The announced that it has Puducherry registered Shiromani Akali Dal taken Amritsar North 125 fresh cases of coron - The Shiromani had last month de - & Sujanpur seats back avirus on Wednesday tak - Akali Dal (SAD) on clared its two candi - from BSP. In place BSP ing the over all case count Wednesday decided to dates from Amritsar has been given Sham to 1,24,436.The new cases swap two seats with the North and Sujanpur Chaurasi& Kapurthala identified at the end of ex - BSP, its alliance part - constituencies. At that assembly seats, senior amination of 5,156 samples ner for the Punjab time, Badal had said SAD leader Daljit were spread over Assembly polls next the decision was taken Singh Cheema said on Puducherry 80, Karaikal year. SAD chief with the consent of the Wednesday. According 23, yanam 7 and Mahe 15. Sukhbir Singh Badal BSP. Both Amritsar to the alliance between Director of Health G said his party has given North and Sujanpur both the parties for the Sriramulu said the active two assembly seats, were among 20 seats 2022 assembly polls, cases were 986 of whom Sham Chaurasi and given to the BSP as part the Mayawati-led BSP 188 were in hospitals and Kapurthala, to the of the seat-sharing will fight 20 of the 117 as - the remaining 798 were in Bahujan Samaj Party arrangement between sembly seats in Punjab, pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA home isolation. Sriramulu (BSP) and taken back both the alliance part - while the rest will be patna, Sep 8 said that while 113 patients Amritsar North and ners. SAD President contested by the SAD. recovered and were dis - Former Bihar Assembly speaker charged during last twenty- mained 1,819.The depart - ly.Department of Health years with co and veteran Congress leader four hours the overall re - ment has tested so far 16.82 has vaccinated so far morbidities.In all, the de - SC asks journalists to move HC for Sadanand Singh died here on coveries were lakh samples and found 38,173 health care workers partment has vaccinated Wednesday after prolonged illness, 1,21,631.There was no fresh 14.28 lakh out of them to be and 23,005 front line against pandemic 8.46 party sources said. He was 76. Singh fatality from any of the four negativeThe test positivity workers.The department lakh people including those quashing of 3 FIRs lodged in UP breathed his last at a hospital here regions of Puducherry, rate was 2.42 percent while has inoculated 5.82 lakh who received the second where he had been admitted for fatality and recovery rates people coming under the jab so far in the Union pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA publishes the digital news portal The Karaikal, Mahe and yanam more than a month. A die-hard were 1.46 percent and category of either senior Territory, the Director New Delhi, Sep 8 Wire', and its three journalists Seraj during last twenty-four Congressman, Singh made his debut 97.75 percent respective - citizens or those above 45 said. Ali, Mukul Singh Chauhan and Ismat hours and fatalities re - in 1972 winning the Kahalgaon as - The Supreme Court Wednesday Ara. The plea, filed through advocate sembly segment which he came to said it does not want freedom of press Shadan Farasat, had sought quash - represent a number of times during to be muzzled but it cannot create a ing of three FIRs lodged in Rampur, his five-decade-long political career. separate avenue for journalists to ap - Ghaziabad and Barabanki in Uttar An OBC leader in a party which Contn. from Page 6 ...... proach it directly for quashing of Pradesh and also the proceedings has been associated mostly with the FIRs lodged against them. The apex arising out of them. It had also sought court stated this while granting pro - upper castes, he was chosen for the a direction restraining the Uttar speaker's chair by the party leader - A tribute ...... tection for two months to three jour - Pradesh Police from taking any coer - ship in 2000 when it was seeking to nalists of The Wire' who had ap - all the leisure time talk than the official exchange. Chandan was a to know his wonderful wife Shobori who was handling the books cive action against them in connec - reinvent itself by projecting a pro- proached it seeking quashing of three great raconteur and, when suitably inspired, would recite Begum page. She was very kind to me with books and obliging with use of tion with these FIRs. The plea has al - backward image in alliance with the FIRs lodged against them in Uttar Akhtar’s epoch-making “Hamriataraiya pe aaosaanwariasara space on her pages. We met once over a meal and I will never for - so urged the apex court to lay down RJD. Later, he also served as the Pradesh. A bench headed by Justice L jhagda khatam hoi jaave”. The story goes that when Prime get how she took out from her handbag miniature idols of guidelines to prevent the alleged mis - leader of the Congress legislature Nageswara Rao asked them to ap - Ministers Indira Gandhi and Zulfiqar Bhutto met at the Simla Mukunda ji and placed them in front of her plate; then a pouch of use of Indian Penal Code provisions, party in the state but gave up elec - proach the Allahabad High Court to summit after the 1971 war, Mrs G had gone into the minutest de - chillies, her very own IED.When Chandan quit the BJP, I was not including sections 153-A (promoting toral politics ahead of the assembly seek quashing of FIRs. tail about ‘bandobast’, including Bhutto’s favourite Scotch surprised. He was not cut out for the Modi-Shah vision of India enmity between different groups on polls last year when his seat went to you go to the high court and ar - Whiskey, Havana cigars and an after-dinner recital by Begun but was more in the mould of Jaswant Singh, Sushma Swaraj, grounds of religion, race etc) and 505 his son Shubhanand Mukesh. The Akhtari Bai Faizabadi. She sang the thumri Chandan loved. Arun Jaitley. We got a bit disconnected during COVID though we gue for quashing. We will protect you (statements conducing public mis - party, however, lost the seat to the Bhutto congratulated Begum sahiba for her rendition. She asked were conversing digitally. Chandan never said no to me. His large in the interim, said the bench, also chief), particularly against media BJP. Condolences have been pour - him, “Kaisa chali baat?” He replied, “Sara jhagda khatam hoi heart always resonated with kindness. Chandan left early and will comprising justices B R Gavai and B houses and journalists exercising ing in from across the political spec - jaave.”Chandan and I shared two loves: Dogs and Black Dog. I got be missed. I will miss his “Arre General”. V Nagarathna. "We can't create a sep - their constitutionally protected right trum for Singh. Those who have ex - arate avenue for journalists to direct - to free speech and expression while pressed grief over the demise in - ly come to this court under Article 32 reporting. It said one of the FIRs was clude Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Let all green ...... for quashing of FIRs," the bench ob - lodged in Barabanki in June this year former chief ministers Lalu Prasad was another irrational project which seems to have died policy itself is debatable. There is a view that further elec - served. The top court was hearing a in connection with a news story on and Jitan Ram Manjhi besides with the death of DEMUs themselves in the face of rapid trification of India’s rail tracks would actually result in plea filed by Foundation for the demolition of a mosque in the leader of the opposition Tejashwi electrification. Nearly twenty years after its formation, the higher CO2 emissions because electricity is majorly Independent Journalism, which area in May 2021. yadav. IROAF website has this to state: “Except for minor proj - sourced from fossil fuels and therefore India should first ects and showcase installations, IR have not aligned itself prioritise greening its electricity network by pursuing re - with the targets of the 2022. There is very little that IR is generative energy sources more vigorously rather than doing on its own to contribute to the agenda set by the GoI. electrifying its tracks. In any case, if the policy of 100 per BJP's A K Sharma to visit Noida, Bulandshahr, The steps taken so far by IR are not commensurate with cent electrification is indeed here to stay, why waste time the quantity of energy that it consumes and the influence and energy on the hydrogen fuel cell project? Assuming that it can exert due to it being the single largest buyer of that the project is an effort to develop a standby technolo - says will work 'actively' in western UP petroleum and electricity.” An honest admission. But this gy, sourcing of hydrogen needs to be settled simultaneous - is now followed by this hydrogen punch, supposedly in ly. All hydrogen production in the country employs the pRESS tRUSt OF iNDiA "Moreover, this region said he always believed in line with the PM’s declaration that green hydrogen would Steam Methane Reforming process that utilises fossils fu - Noida, Sep 8 is a junction of three remaining connected with give India a quantum-jump in achieving its green targets. els because since the cleaner method of Water Electrolysis parts of our economy -- the common man and the According to IROAF, the project will commence on the 89 is not only expensive but also in the nascent stage. Will the BJP's Uttar Pradesh good agriculture, good ground realities, hence he kilometres-long Sonipat-Jind section with retro fitment of project be green enough if hydrogen is sourced from fossil vice president Arvind industrial base and ex - is trying to reach out to hydrogen fuel cell in two DEMU rakes. It is notable that IR fuels? Unless this project is taken up in right earnest with Kumar Sharma will be cellent professional ac - people and understand has been trying to acquire hydrogen fuel cell technology all loose ends about viability, tendering for equipment, or - reaching out to residents tivities," he said, the situation in different for diesel locomotives for a decade but in vain. Has there dering, designing the vehicle and retro fitment schemes, of western UP with public terming the region as parts of the state. been any inquest before announcing this bidding process? commissioning, trials and operation tied up with clear-cut meetings in Noida, "Triveni" of develop - "This gives me direc - In his speech, the PM also said what IR has been saying responsibilities, it would also end up like all its predeces - Greater Noida and ment. "So, I keep visit - tion and energy to work now for many recent years: 100 per cent electrification of sors. I hope these questions are settled and IR engineers Bulandshahr from Friday. ing. And I have further better for the people," he all tracks under the zero-emission policy, thus becoming work silently to make it successful instead of creating an - Sharma, a former IAS offi - resolved and have said added. On the twin cities the first major railway-country in the world to do so. This other hoopla which would turn a damp squib. cer and a close aide of publicly that I will ac - of Noida and Greater Prime Minister Narendra tively work in western Noida, he said these are Modi, said he will be "ac - UP area. This one is in not only a hub for global The yes and No ...... tively" working in western my third major pro - business giants but also UP now. His visit to ad - gramme in western home to some of the Mandal Commission report in the early 1990s. There were Former UP chief minister is known for his joining Bulandshahr dis - UP," he added. His pre - brightest minds, talented agitations because it granted 27 per cent reservation to slogan, “jiskijitnisankhyabhari, uskiutnihissedari” The trict begins on Friday. In vious visit to western youth and hard working OBCs in central Government jobs and educational institu - share in resources should be proportional to the communi - Gautam Buddh Nagar dis - UP was during the sec - people. "I accord highest tions.Secondly, and more importantly, the BJP appre - ty’s numerical strength). The party has recently got legisla - trict, the MLC will be hold - ond wave of COVID-19 significance to this aspect hends that a caste census might harm its goal of uniting tion passed giving states the right to change castes in the ing meetings with resi - pandemic, mainly to of the economy as it gener - Hindus. It is significant that amongst the numerous oppo - OBC category in Parliament. The UP Government has in - dents of Noida on was made the party's MLC distribute medicines and ates jobs for our youth," he nents of a caste census is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, cluded 39 new castes in the OBC category.No doubt there is September 12 and Greater in his home state of UP, medical equipment, and said. "We will do all that the parent organisation of the ruling BJP. The BJP and the a case for caste census but when the country is facing too Noida on September 13 where he started working before that he held a big this region needs to grow. RSS want to consolidate the Hindus. A caste count could many problems, including Covid and sliding economy, this and will also interact with for the development of his rally and public pro - Our party and the govern - cause fissures in the Hindu vote, which the BJP is assidu - is not the time to raise another controversial issue. If noth - local trade and industry native areas Mau and gramme in Ghaziabad. ment are ready to support ously working to reduce in recent years.The BJP also ap - ing, it can raise the passions among the people. Without bodies during the visit. Azamgarh districts in "Similarly, I have been vis - the twin international prehends that the subsequent demand will be the fair share being blunt, the Modi Government was wise in postponing After closely working with eastern part of the state. iting various areas and cities with all possible in - of resources in proportion to their numerical strength. it. There are indeed other ways of getting votes. Modi for more than two On his western UP reach districts of the state. From frastructure and re - decades, the 1988-batch out, Sharma told PTI, September 10 to 13, I will sources so that it becomes retired IAS officer of "Greater Noida is my sec - be here in this area again, a global investment desti - Deepenening ...... Gujarat cadre voluntarily ond home. I am a voter including Bulandshahr, nation and sets an exam - retired as secretary of from Dadri assembly con - Noida and Greater ple in every domain for all The Government should realise that it is not a power tussle However, if the Government is waiting on the public to MSME and joined the BJP stituency in Gautam Noida," Sharma said. The other similar hubs in the and considering the demands of the farmers would not stage a protest against the one currently going on, that the in January. Soon after he Buddh Nagar district." former central bureaucrat country," Sharma said. make it any weaker. country certainly cannot afford. Glimpses of Future 8 wOrld JAMMU, THURSDAy, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 Trial of 20 men accused in UK, India in sweet spot' as trade negotiations 2015 Paris attacks begins begin, says Britain's trade minister paris, Sep 8 In a custom-built secure complex embedded within a 13th-century courthouse, France on Wednesday began the By ADiti KhANNA trade deal, which saw huge year, including a tour of the that as we want to recover trial of 20 men accused in the Islamic State group's 2015 London, Sep 8 (pti) interest from businesses Serum Institute of India from the COVID crisis attacks in Paris that left 130 people dead and hundreds in - across the country. We are (SII) in Pune which is in a across the world, we see jured. The defendants were taken one by one into a glass- The UK and India are in now going to begin negoti - UK tie-up to produce the more free enterprise and enclosed box at the side of the courtroom, surrounded by a "sweet spot" of global ating a free trade agree - Oxford University and free trade, she noted. The armed officers. trade dynamics as negotia - ment, said Truss. AstraZeneca COVID-19 trade minister also laid out Nine gunmen and suicide bombers struck within min - tions for a free trade agree - I see the UK and India vaccines, as she highlighted some developing trends utes of each other at France's national soccer stadium, the ment (FTA) begin in the in a sweet spot of the trade collaboration in the field of that hold out great promise Bataclan concert hall and Paris restaurants and cafes on coming weeks, according to dynamics that are building science and tech as a sign of for the India-UK relation - Nov. 13, 2015. Survivors of the attacks as well as those who Britain's trade minister in up We are looking at a com - things to come as that trade ship, including the growing mourn their dead packed the rooms, which were designed charge of the bilateral talks. prehensive trade agree - route between the UK and digitisation of global trade. to hold 1,800 plaintiffs and over 300 lawyers. Liz Truss, UK Secretary ment that covers every - India is deepened. "The other big trend we The lone survivor of the extremist cell from that night, of State for International thing, from financial servic - "Like the UK, India is a are seeing is the growth in Salah Abdeslam, is the key defendant. Abdeslam appeared Trade, revealed that the es to legal services to digital science and tech superpow - the Indo-Pacific region, wearing a black short-sleeved short and black trousers. public consultation process and data, as well as goods er the Serum Institute of where a lot of our trade ne - The defendants were called in alphabetical order, and ahead of the trade negotia - and agriculture. We think India provides two-thirds gotiations are oriented to - Abdeslam was first and he was asked to identify himself. tions attracted "huge inter - there is strong possibility of the vaccines that inocu - wards. India is expected to out an ambitious roadmap who have invested nearly Requested to state his profession, Abdeslam said his est from businesses across for us to get an early agree - late children around the have more middle-class to at least double bilateral GBP 300 million to expand ambition is to become a fighter for Islamic State. the UK and its completion ment, where we lower tar - world. That is truly a consumers than the US by trade by 2030. "The most their operations in India, he The trial started nearly an hour later than planned. No last month means that FTA iffs on both sides and start tremendous achievement, 2030, and they would want innovative and dynamic said. reason for the delay was immediately given. negotiations can now be - to see more goods flowing said Truss. Working with to buy the finer things that part of our relationship is in Describing the bilateral Abdeslam is the only one charged with murder. The gin. between our two countries, India will help enhance the Britain supplies whether the financial professional ties as the investment op - same IS network went on to strike Brussels months later, Addressing a special re - she said. UK's position as a global that's financial services, in - services and we at the City portunity of a generation , killing another 32 people. ception hosted by the Lord Pointing to the post- hub for digital and services. surance, computer technol - of London have done a lot the Lord Mayor highlighted Dominique Kielemoes, whose son bled to death at one Mayor of London to cele - Brexit scenario as the UK's But for me it's about more ogy, high-value food and to support that part of the the key priorities for the of the cafes that night, said the month dedicated to victims' brate the UK-India chance to set out an inde - than that: it's about two drink or indeed our ad - relationship, said the Lord UK-India relationship as testimonies at the trial will be crucial to both their own Economic Partnership on pendent trade policy out - democracies who share val - vanced manufacturing Mayor the leader of the fi - enhanced mobility and re - healing and that of the nation. The assassins, these terror - Tuesday evening, the min - side the European Union ues, share an approach to products, she pointed out. nancial hub of the UK capi - sumption of business travel ists, thought they were firing into the crowd, into a mass of ister confirmed that both (EU), the senior Cabinet working together to the Both the minister and tal. "This relationship is on - between both countries, people. But it wasn't a mass these were individuals who sides will hammer out the minister flagged India as benefit of both of our popu - the Lord Mayor, William ly getting stronger, whether doubling of financial pro - had a life, who loved, had hopes and expectations, and that details during the upcom - the big, major opportunity lations, she said. "In every Russell, underlined the that's through the India- fessional services trade in we need to talk about at the trial. It's important. she said, ing visit of Commerce and ahead following 68 trade possible way, we have a Enhanced Trade UK 2030 Roadmap an - the next decade and in - Twenty men are charged, but six of them will be tried in Industry minister Piyush deals clinched by Britain hugely strong relationship Partnership (ETP) agreed nounced earlier this year by creased green investments absentia. Abdeslam, who abandoned his rental car in Goyal to the UK and Europe since leaving the economic between our two nations between Prime Ministers our Prime Ministers or the to support India's sustain - northern Paris and discarded a malfunctioning suicide next week. bloc. and all I can see is things Narendra Modi and Boris work of individual busi - ability and decarbonisation vest before fleeing home to Brussels, has refused to speak "We just completed our She also referenced her moving in the right direc - Johnson at their virtual nesses like Barclays Bank, agenda. with investigators. consultation on an Indian visit to India earlier in the tion. It's vitally important summit in May as setting Taliban's interim govt has put an end to 'anarchy', a Indian-American led research team finds portable 'necessary step' to restore order in Afghanistan: China MRI devices can provide life-saving information Beijing, Sep 8 (pti) ing to a question on the interim gov - neighbours , he said. houston, Sep 8 (pti) team examined the effica - portable MRI was used to setting has been a goal of ernment announced by the Taliban in Asked whether China would cy of a device known as the scan brain injury patients the group for years. I was China on Wednesday said the new Kabul. recognise the new administration Indian-American pro - 'Portable Point-of-Care at the bedside. privileged to partner with interim administration announced by This has put an end to the anarchy considering that Beijing has been call - fessor Kevin Sheth and his MRI system', which can be Neuroradiologists in - world-class engineers, sci - the Taliban has put an end to "anar - in Afghanistan after over three weeks ing for an open and inclusive govern - team of researchers at the wheeled down a hospital terpreting images ac - entists, and a remarkable chy" in Afghanistan, terming it as a and the necessary step for ment, Wang said the Chinese em - yale University have found hallway and costs a frac - quired by Hyperfine startup company in order necessary step to restore order, even Afghanistan to restore domestic order bassy is still operating in Afghanistan. that a portable Magnetic tion of the traditional MRI Research's portable MRI to deploy the first-of-its- as it reiterated its stand that the and pursue the post war reconstruc - We are ready to maintain commu - Resonance Imaging (MRI) technologies. correctly identified 80 per kind approach in the Afghan militant group should form a tion," he said. nication with the new government in device can help identify Identified as co-corre - cent of intracerebral hem - world," he said. broad-based political structure and We noticed that the Afghan Afghanistan and leaders, he said. critical medical symp - sponding author of the re - orrhages. In the US, the portable follow moderate and prudent domes - Taliban said that the interim govern - We hope the new Afghan admin - toms, particularly in search, Sheth said: "There The study is the first to MRI device has already tic and foreign policies. ment has formed to restore social and istration in the capacity of interim stroke patients, that can is no question this device validate the appearance been approved by the Food The Taliban on Tuesday unveiled economic order as soon as possible, government will broadly solicit the provide life-saving infor - can help save lives in re - and clinical implications of and Drug Administration a hardline interim government led by he said. opinions of all ethnic groups and fac - mation. source-limited settings, a brain hemorrhage using (FDA). He said medical Mullah Mohammad Hasan Akhund, Wang, however, reiterated tions and echo the expectations of When patients exhibit such as rural hospitals or a portable MRI device. strokes are a major global with key roles being shared by high- China's stand that the Taliban should Afghan people and aspiration of the stroke symptoms, doctors developing countries." Sheth and his team are challenge, and it is the fo - profile members of the insurgent establish a broad based and inclusive international community, he said, are left with no time to "There is also now a also investigating the po - cus of his work. "Our team group, including a specially designat - political structure. adding that China has noted the make a life or death deci - path to see how it can help tential use of portable MRI was privileged to con - ed global terrorist of the dreaded We hope Afghanistan will estab - Taliban's comment that all people will sion, Sheth said, explain - in modern settings. It is of technologies in helping di - tribute some of the pivotal Haqqani Network as the interior min - lish a broadly based, inclusive politi - benefit from the new administration. ing the need for fast diag - critical importance to con - agnose and monitor head data that was used for reg - ister. cal structure, follow moderate and China, along with Pakistan and nosis in such complicated tinue to collect more data trauma and brain tu - istration (by the FDA) and We pay attention to the formation prudent domestic and foreign poli - Russia, has kept its embassy open in cases, adding that some across a range of stroke mours, and to assess brain it would personally be of the government, Chinese Foreign cies, resolutely combat all types of ter - Kabul and its envoy has met the top cases may warrant blood characteristics so that we health in people with risk quite meaningful to me to Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin rorist forces and live in good terms officials of Taliban after its seized thinners to ease a clot in can maximise the potential factors such as high blood do something that would told a media briefing here, respond - with other countries, especially its power last month. the brain while some may benefit of this approach," pressure. benefit patients in India as require surgery in case of he said. When asked what led well," said Kevin, whose bleeding in the brain. Developed by him to this novel device, parents are from Gujarat. Lt Gen Azhar Abbas made Chief of General "This decision can be a Hyperfine Research Inc., a Sheth said, "I am a critical The research team was led game changer with the part of the Guilford, care and stroke neurolo - by Sheth and Mercy help of a portable MRI de - Connecticut-based med - gist who has been interest - Mazurek, a clinical re - Staff as Pakistan Army reshuffles top brass vice that can help identify ical technology incubator ed in 'brain health', stroke, search analyst and first au - islamabad, Sep 8 (pti) Rawalpindi-based 10 Corps a post Operations and Military Intelligence such intracranial hemor - 4Catalyzer, the portable cognitive decline and nov - thor, and co-correspond - previously held by him, the Pakistan falling under his purview, the Dawn rhages; potentially life- MRI can be used almost el technologies/treat - ing author W Taylor In a major reshuffle in the Army's media wing Inter-Services News reported. Gen Abbas has in the saving information, par - anywhere by medical tech - ments for years. The focus Kimberly of Pakistan Army, Lt Gen Azhar Abbas, Public Relations (ISPR) said in a past served as commandant of the ticularly in areas or sce - nicians with even minimal of my research programme Massachusetts General who was responsible for the security statement on Tuesday. Rawalpindi Infa n try School, Quetta, and re narios where access to so - training, the study said. has been to identify and Hospital. Researchers of the Line of Control (LoC) with Corps looks after the Line of Control mained personal secretary to former phisticated brain imaging The researchers com - push forward new solu - from Hyperfine also con - India, has been named the next Chief (LoC). The post of Chief of General army chief, Gen Raheel Sharif. He had scans are not readily avail - pared the results of tions to these important tributed to the paper. The of General Staff, considered the most Staff (CGS) is considered the most in - also comma nded a division in Murree able," Sheth, professor of portable MRI scans of 144 challenges. research was primarily important position after the army fluential position within the army af - and worked in Operations neurology and neuro - patients at yale New "In that regard, being funded by the American chief. Gen Abbas, who is from the ter that of the army chief. The CGS is Directorate as a brigadier. Gen Mirza surgery at yale School of Haven Hospital with re - able to acquire MRI-based Heart Association, the Baloch Regiment, replaces Lt Gen assigned operational and intelligence is from the Sindh Regiment. Medicine told PTI via e- sults obtained from tradi - images (or other similar National Institutes of Sahir Shamshad Mirza, who was matters at the General Headquarters According to a report in The Express mail. tional neuroimaging non-invasive measures of Health, and Hyperfine posted out as commander of with directorates of Military Tribune. For the study, the yale scans. Specifically, the brain health/injury) in any Research. At least 14 members of Taliban's govt on UNSC's terrorism blacklist Kabul/peshawar, Sep 8 (pti) Mullah Noorullah Noori (Borders and Sirajuddin Haqqani, son of the fa - Mullah Abdul Latif Mansoor and Tribal Affairs minister) and Mullah mous anti-Soviet warlord Jalaluddin Telecommunication minister At least 14 members of the Abdul Haq Wasiq (Director of Haqqani and chief of the notorious Najibullah Haqqani both on the UN Taliban's hardline interim govern - Intelligence). The fifth member of the Haqqani Network, is wanted by the blacklist - and Education Minister ment in Kabul are on the UN Security group, Mohammad Nabi Omari, has FBI for questioning in connection Maulana Abdul Baqi Haqqani also Council's terrorism blacklist, includ - been appointed as governor of eastern with the January 2008 attack on a ho - studied at the Darul Uloom Haqqania. ing acting Prime Minister Mullah Khost Province recently. tel in Kabul that killed six people, in - The Imran Khan-led Pakistan Mohammad Hasan Akhund and his The "Taliban Five" leaders were cluding an American citizen. He is be - Tehreek-e-Insaaf party government both deputies, raising concern of the released from Guantanamo Bay lieved to have coordinated and partic - in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa had allocat - international community over the prison by the Obama administration ipated in cross-border attacks against ed Rs 300 million to the Darul Uloom composition of the new Cabinet in in 2014 in exchange for US Army de - the US and coalition forces in Haqqani in its annual budget in 2016. Afghanistan. serter Bowe Bergdahl. Fazil and Noori Afghanistan. Qari Din Hanif, acting Minister of Specially designated global ter - are accused of ordering the massacres Two other members of the Economy, and Maulvi Noor Jalal, rorist Sirajuddin Haqqani, who car - of ethnic Shia Hazara, Tajik, and Haqqani clan were also named to po - deputy interior minister, are other ries a reward of USD 10 million US Uzbek communities in Mazar-i-Sharif sitions in the interim government, in - members of the Cabinet who are on bounty on his head, is the acting inte - in 1998. dicating the hand of Pakistan in the the UN blacklist. rior minister while his uncle - Khalil The Taliban had promised an "in - Taliban-run government. Commenting on the Taliban's Haqqani has been named as acting clusive" government that represents The announcement of the interim Cabinet, Farhan Haq, Deputy minister for refugees. Afghanistan's complex ethnic make - government came three days after Spokesman for the Secretary-General Acting defence minister Mullah up, but there is no Hazara member in Pakistan's spy agency Inter-Services Antonio Guterres, said the UN does Taliban's move to ignore an inclusive Department statement said. yaqoob, acting foreign minister the Cabinet. All of the Cabinet minis - Intelligence (ISI) Director General Lt not engage in recognition of govern - government in Afghanistan. Top American lawmakers from Mullah Ameer Khan Muttaqi and his ters announced on Tuesday are al - Gen Hameed dashed to Kabul on an ments and reiterated that only a ne - "Afghanistan's first priority is sta - the opposition Republican Party have deputy Sher Mohammad Abbas ready established Taliban leaders unannounced visit last week. The in - gotiated and inclusive settlement will bility & peace. Ignoring the need for hit out at the Taliban over their inter - Stanikzai are all listed under the UN - who fought against the US-led coali - clusion of top leaders of the Haqqani bring sustainable peace to the con - inclusive government, foreign inter - im government, describing it as "a SC 1988 Sanctions Committee, also tion forces since 2001. No woman has Network, which is believed to have flict-torn country. vention and the use of military means government of terrorists, by the ter - known as the Taliban Sanctions been named in the interim Cabinet. close links with the ISI, in the Taliban In response to a question that instead of dialogue to meet the de - rorists, and for the terrorists." Committee. Acting Prime Minister Mullah government is an indication of the in - those named to the government by mands of ethnic groups and social "This is a government of terror - "At least 14 members of the Hasan has been described as "a close fluence Islamabad, especially its in - the Taliban include individuals desig - groups are the main concerns of the ists, by the terrorists, and for the ter - Taliban's interim government are on associate" of Taliban founder Mullah telligence agencies, have over the nated under the UN sanctions regime friends of the Afghan people," he rorists," said the Republican Study the UN Security Council blacklist, Omar in a UN sanctions report. He is Taliban. and whether the UN will recognise tweeted. Committee, which is the largest con - BBC Urdu reported. presently head of the Taliban's power - Sirajuddin Haqqani and some the Taliban government, Haq reiter - The US has said that it is assessing servative caucus in the House of The 33-member interim Cabinet ful decision-making body - Rehbari other members of the new Cabinet ated that the UN doesn't engage in the new Afghan government an - Representatives and chaired by includes four of the five leaders Shura or leadership council. Both studied at the Darul Uloom Haqqania recognition of governments. That's nounced by the Taliban. Congressman Jim Banks. known as the "Taliban Five" who were Deputy Prime Ministers - Mullah - a madrassa in Akora Khattak in an issue for member governments to "We note the announced list of "The Taliban's new cabinet com - once held at the Guantanamo Bay Abdul Ghani Baradar and Maulvi Nowshera in northwest Pakistan, do." names consists exclusively of individ - prises former Guantanamo Bay de - prison. They include Mullah Abdul Salam Hanafi, who is involved which has also been dubbed the Secretary of Iran's Supreme uals who are members of the Taliban tainees, designated terrorists, and Mohammad Fazil (deputy defence in drug trafficking, are also on the UN Taliban University or the 'University National Security Council Ali or their close associates and no other individuals closely tied to for - minister), Khairullah Khairkhwa (in - blacklist. of Jihad' internationally. Shamkhani in a tweet on Wednesday women. We also are concerned by the eign terror groups like Al-Qaeda and formation and culture minister), Acting interior minister Water and Energy Minister expressed concerns over the affiliations and track records of some the Haqqani Network," Congressman of the individuals," a State Tim Burchett said. Glimpses of Future 9 hEalth JAMMU, THURSDAy, SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 HealthBytes: Don't It actually doesn't take very long to see have cornstarch? muscle gains from strength training There’s a lot you can achieve strual cycle—can play a role in your from just a single sweat session, resting heart rate. from feeling more limber and ener - Wilson also points out that a Five healthy alterna - gised to even boosting your mood, supercharged style of aerobic exer - science has shown. But it does war - cise like interval training and high- rant the question: How long does it intensity interval training (HIIT) actually take to see results from can improve your resting heart tives you can use working out? rate, possibly even faster. “An ath - The reality is, seeing changes to lete can typically start to lower your physical and mental health their heart rate within a couple of from working out is both a short- weeks of training,” she explains. and long-term game. While there’s “Evidence suggests that interval no doubt you’ll emerge from a HI - training is the superior method to IT, lifting, or yoga class feeling bet - do so.” ter than when you first entered, One study published in the when it comes to increasing your Journal of Translational Medicine muscle definition or shaving min - found that HIIT, in particular, can utes off a half-marathon time— have a greater impact on reducing sadly, those types of gains definite - resting heart rate than both MIIT ly won’t happen overnight, experts (moderate-intensity interval train - say. ing) and MICT (moderate-intensi - BMI (or body mass index) was gram after a single session, re - While that answer is hardly a ty continuous training, like jog - what it took to make weight loss (in search has shown. That’s due to a one-size-fits-all situation, says ging). your face, at least) apparent to oth - phenomenon called “muscle Danyele Wilson, CPT, trainer for As for an improvement in your ers. pump,” which is just a casual term the app Tone & Sculpt, she has a speed and endurance, Wilson says And while you could create that for the increased blood, oxygen, general baseline for seeing physical that’s usually based on your train - deficiency through exercise alone, and lactic acid that’s being moved change from exercise (be it in - ing history and current fitness lev - think about it: Although it could to your muscles during a super-in - creased muscle mass, fat loss, or a el. “If you are currently inactive, take you minutes to consume 300 tense lifting session. lower resting heart rate). While you can see improvements to your calories, burning that same Consider that initial boost in seeing results from working out VO2 max capacity within four to six amount could take upwards of an your muscle size a preview of gains Cornstarch is a pure starch powder that is widely used in cooking. It is extracted from heavily depends on the person and weeks,” she says. “Depending on hour. to come—which occur roughly six corn kernels after removing all of their outer bran and germ. Cornstarch is most commonly their current level of fitness, "My the training program, a beginner That being said, if there’s one to eight weeks into a strength train - used to thicken soups, stews, and gravies due to its water absorption properties. However, [clients] generally see initial can be half marathon-ready in exercise that can considerably ing program if you’re a beginner, there are other ingredients that you can swap cornstarch with if you don't have it available changes within four to six weeks, roughly 12 to 20 weeks.” FyI: VO2 boost a weight-loss effort, it’s and eight to 12 weeks if you’re more in the pantry. and actual results within eight to 12 max is basically the maximum strength training. A review of stud - advanced, says Wilson. However, Arrowroot: Arrowroot contains more fiber than cornstarch weeks," Wilson explains. amount of oxygen your body can ies in the journal Metabolism she notes, “this is going to look dif - Arrowroot is derived from the roots of the Maranta genus of plants that is commonly And, no two people have iden - consume and deliver to your or - found that the best way to boost ferent for everyone because there found in the tropics. Like cornstarch, arrowroot is also gluten-free and can be used by those tical goals when it comes to work - gans and muscles, according to the your basal metabolic rate (BMR), are a lot of factors that play into suffering from celiac disease or gluten intolerance. It is also a healthy alternative to corn - ing out, meaning that the general American Council on Exercise. The or how many calories you’re able to muscle hypertrophy.” starch as it contains more fiber. However, you must use twice the amount of cornstarch to timeline to see results of any kind higher your capacity, the longer, burn at rest, is to have more muscle One of the biggest factors in ex - get similar results. (eight to 12 weeks) is pretty mal - and stronger, you’ll be able to en - mass. And the magic ingredient be - pediting your gains, says Wilson? Glucomannan: Glucomannan is great for those on a low-carb diet leable. gage in cardiovascular exercise. hind increased muscle mass? you Protein. “your daily protein intake Glucomannan is a soluble fiber derived from the konjac plant that contains no calories, Here, fitness experts delve into How long it takes to guessed it: hitting up the weight plays an important role in muscle making it an excellent substitute for people following a low-carb diet. Glucomannan is also how long it takes to see results in achieve (unsustainable) room. growth,” she explains. She recom - a probiotic and helps in maintaining a healthy gut. What makes it even better is that com - aerobic capacity, weight, and mus - weight loss HIIT might also contribute to a mends aiming to consume 0.5 to pared to cornstarch, only an eighth of the quantity of this fiber is required to thicken the re - cle definition—and what it actually First thing’s first: The decision longer-lasting calorie burn, ac - 0.8 grams of protein per pound of quired food item. takes to get there. to lose weight is a highly personal cording to a 2017 study from the body weight per day if you really Wheat flour: Wheat flour is rich in protein and fiber How long it takes to see im - one. And not everyone is at the European Journal of Applied want to make a dent in your mus - Wheat flour is nothing but wheat ground into a fine powder. The flour is rich in protein, provements in aerobic capaci - same starting point when it comes Physiology. When compared to cles. (So, a 150-pound woman fiber, and starch. It is also to be noted that to achieve the same result as cornstarch, twice as ty to shedding pounds. If you have a steady-state, moderate-intensity would need to consume at least 75 much quantity of wheat flour is needed. However, unlike cornstarch, wheat flour is not Shaving minutes off your rac - history of being overweight (or a cardiovascular training, partici - grams of protein per day.) gluten-free and hence not suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. ing time doesn’t just result in a seri - family member does), have been pants in the study who engaged in As for the training pattern to ous self-confidence boost—you’re diagnosed with a hormonal disor - HIIT continued burning calories get you to that point, Wilson says likely to gain a trove of other health der, are experiencing a mental long after their training was over. that three to five strength training benefits, too. In fact, marathon health issue (like depression or (The study notes that, while there’s sessions per week, using six to 12 Resistant starch: Types, benefits, training can help to decrease stiff - anxiety), or are on certain medica - a modest calorie burn after a mod - repetitions for three to five sets at ness in your arteries and combat tions, it might be more difficult for erate-intensity workout, it’s not 75 to 85 percent of your one-rep high blood pressure, a recent study you to lose weight. nearly as much as HIIT.) maximum (1RM), is your best bet. and everything you should know in the Journal of the American Extraneous factors preventing Of course, to reiterate (over If you’re not sure what your 1RM is, College of Cardiology found. weight loss aside, when it comes to and over), weight loss is a multifac - choose a weight that, on the final Of course, scoring a new PR weight loss, a calorie deficit still re - eted, complicated journey. Taylor rep, feels challenging (but not im - and lowering your heart rate a few mains king, notes Taylor. Basically, believes that the combination of possible). beats per minute are two very dif - in order to lose one to two pounds that calorie deficit, strength train - But what if your goal isn’t to ferent goals—with varying time - per week (which Taylor notes is the ing, and cardiovascular training have bulging biceps—but to lift the lines. If your aim is the latter—to safe, sustainable rate at which you will result in the speediest route to heaviest possible weight you can? generally boost your cardiovascu - can effectively shed pounds), you get there. “When a client is on - Again, food comes into play big lar health—eight to 12 weeks is a need to create a weekly 2,000 calo - board [with those three changes] time, says Wilson. “Think of your fairly solid period to do so, says rie deficit, she says. and is willing to adapt, big changes nutrition as your fuel,” she ex - New york City-based Brooke As for when that weekly deficit can happen within three to six plains. “If you’re not eating enough Taylor, a NASM- and ACE-certified will result in noticeable changes months,” she says. “Again, howev - calories to sufficiently fuel your personal trainer and owner of you—and others—can see? While it er, it depends on how well the client body, you won’t have the energy re - Taylored Fitness Ny LTD. depends on a number of factors (10 adheres to the program.” quired to meet the maximal de - “This involves a minimum of pounds might look different on How long it takes to see mands of strength training. If you 30 minutes of moderate-intensity your average 5’2” woman as op - muscle gains want to improve strength, a calorie cardiovascular exercise three times posed to a 6’3” competitive ath - Unlike improving your cardio - surplus is generally recommend - per week,” she explains, noting lete), one 2015 study from Social vascular health or losing weight, ed.” (What this means: you’d gen - Resistant starch is the type of starch that doesn't get digested but instead reaches the that several other factors—from Psychological and Personality you might see increased muscle erally need to be consuming more colon through the stomach and small intestine and feeds gut bacteria. When regular starch sleep patterns to even your men - Science found that a 2.93 change in gains from a strength training pro - calories than you’re burning.) is digested, it breaks down into glucose in the small intestine. However, this doesn't happen with resistant starch; it acts as a dietary fiber with various health benefits. Let's find out more about resistant starch. Types: Resistant starch is mainly divided into four types Excess Sugar Consumption Can Cause Fatty Liver; Type 1 resistant starch is found in grains, legumes, and seeds. Type 2 resistant starch is found in starchy foods like raw potatoes and unripe bananas. Then, Type 3 is formed when starchy foods like rice are cooled down after cooking. This process is called retrogradation, Here's All You Need to Know where digestible starches are converted into resistant starches. Type 4 resistant starch is A craving for sugar has always been attrib - it: ar and carbohydrates causes the liver to convert formed through a chemical process. uted to a blood sugar imbalance in your body. If Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease them into fat through a process called hepatic Colon: Good for the colon, reduces risk of colorectal cancer you crave sugary foods each time you have your (NAFLD) De Novo Lipogenesis or DNL, says Dr. Prosenjit Resistant starch is shown to increase the butyrate levels in the colon, thus reducing the meal, then you are in for serious health issues. Simply put, NAFLD refers to a medical con - Mondal, associate professor, School of Basic pH level and inflammation. It also helps with reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. The In a recent study conducted by a team of re - dition where there is accumulation of excess fat Sciences, IIT Mandi. therapeutic effects of resistant starch on the colon also mean that it is effective against vari - searchers from IIT, Mandi, the insidious link in the liver. The disease is so insidious that peo - According to the research team, the molecu - ous several digestive diseases and inflammatory bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis, between excess sugar intake and concomitant ple under the grip of it remains unaware of hav - lar link between sugar and fat accumulation in Crohn's disease, constipation, and diarrhea. fatty liver disease, known as Non-Alcoholic ing it as symptoms don’t show up in the early- to the liver would go a long way in developing ther - Insulin sensitivity: Improves insulin sensitivity in the body Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in medical parl - mid-stages. The accumulation of excess fat can apeutics for the disease. Insulin sensitivity is the body's responsiveness to insulin, and low insulin sensitivity in - ance, has been unravelled. irritate the liver cells, and if left untreated, can What the Study Found creases the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. Studies suggest The team has identified the molecular link result in scarring of the liver (cirrhosis) and The findings – published in the Journal of people who consumed 15-30 grams of resistant starch every day for four weeks showed a between sugar and fat accumulation in liver and cause cancer in the long run. Biological Chemistry – indicate that the sugar- 33-50% improvement in insulin sensitivity. Thus, resistant starch is an essential part of the alerted the public to the dangers of it. Now it’s What causes NAFLD mediated shuttling of hepatic NF-KB p65 re - diet that helps improve the quality of life. on our hand to reduce sugar intake to stop Overconsumption of sugar – both table sug - duces the levels of another protein, sorcin, Weight loss: Makes you feel full and aids in weight loss NAFLD in its early stages. ar (sucrose) and other forms of Carbohydrates – which in turn activates liver DNL through a cas - Resistant starch has fewer calories than regular starch, and anecdotal evidence sug - Let’s get down to brass tacks and get our is without doubt one of the many reasons that cading biochemical pathway, Mondal was fur - gests it can aid in weight loss. heads around what NAFLD is and what causes causes NAFLD. The consumption of excess sug - ther quoted. Sleep apnea worsens heart disease: Study Washington [US], June 22 encourage increased awareness, ease and risk of heart attack home and send back to their doctor Health care experts urge in - screening and treatment as appropri - 6. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) - for assessment. And, while a continu - creased awareness of obstructive ate for sleep apnea," said Chair of the as many as 80 per cent of people with ous positive airway pressure (CPAP) sleep apnea (OSA) among people with scientific statement writing group PH have OSA machine is one form of treatment, cardiovascular disease or risk factors yerem yeghiazarians, M.D., FAHA, 7. Metabolic syndrome and Type 2 there are numerous therapeutic op - such as high blood pressure, accord - professor of medicine and the Leone- diabetes tions - from positional therapy and ing to a new study. Perkins Family Endowed Chair in While there's no consensus that weight loss to oral appliances and sur - OSA occurs in 40 per cent to 80 Cardiology at the University of screening for OSA alters clinical out - gery - depending on the cause and per cent of people with cardiovascular California, San Francisco. comes, the high prevalence of OSA severity of someone's OSA." disease, yet it is under-recognised and Risk factors for OSA include obe - among people with cardiovascular The authors suggest: undertreated, according to the study. sity, large neck circumference, cran - disease, along with evidence that OSA 1. Screening for OSA in patients The findings of the study were iofacial abnormalities, smoking, fam - treatment improves patient quality of with resistant or difficult to control published in 'Circulation', the ily history and nighttime nasal con - life, are reasons to screen and provide hypertension, pulmonary hyperten - Association's flagship journal. gestion. OSA is associated with sever - treatment, according to the study. sion and atrial fibrillation that recurs OSA occurs when an upper airway al cardiovascular complications: "Patients report better mood, less despite treatment. obstruction causes repeated episodes 1. High blood pressure - OSA is snoring, less daytime sleepiness, im - 2. Screening for OSA via a sleep of disrupted breathing during sleep. present in 30-50 per cent of people proved quality of life and work pro - study for some patients with heart Symptoms include snoring, lapses in with high blood pressure, and up to ductivity with OSA treatment," failure, especially if sleep-disordered breathing, fragmented sleep and day - 80 per cent of those who have resist - yeghiazarians said. breathing or excessive daytime sleepi - 5. Treating mild to moderate OSA identify cardiovascular risk in people time sleepiness. In general, about 34 ant, or hard-to-treat high blood pres - yeghiazarians added, "In addi - ness are suspected. cases with oral appliances that adjust with OSA are needed," yeghiazarians per cent of middle-aged men and 17 sure tion, screening advances have 3. Treating patients diagnosed the jaw and tongue placement during said. per cent of middle-aged women meet 2. Heart rhythm disorders such as changed how we diagnose and treat with OSA with available therapies, po - sleep to prevent obstructed breathing. "Still, the overall message is clear: the criteria for OSA. atrial fibrillation and sudden cardiac obstructive sleep apnea. For example, tentially including lifestyle and be - 6. Routine follow-up including we need to increase awareness about "Obstructive sleep apnea can neg - death many patients do not have to go to an havior modifications and weight loss. overnight sleep testing to confirm if screening for and treating OSA, espe - atively impact patients' health and in - 3. Stroke overnight sleep study center any - 4. When possible, treating pa - treatment is effective. cially in patients with existing cardio - crease the risk of cardiovascular 4. Worsening heart failure more. There are now sleep devices ap - tients with severe OSA with a CPAP "Improvements in home diagnos - vascular risk factors," yeghiazarians events and death. This statement is to 5. Worsening coronary artery dis - proved by the FDA that patients use at machine. tic tools and more research on ways to concluded. Glimpses of Future 10 EntErtainmEnt JAMMU THURSDAy SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 Deepika Padukone to Happy Birthday, Asha Bhosle: When the Filmy Friday : When Sunny Deol was left stunned and legendary singer rehearsed Aaja Aaja star in cross-cultural Main Hoon Pyar Tera in her car but driver romantic comedy speechless by Soha Ali Khan's tight slap across his face thought she 'was gasping for breath

The legendary singer of the entertain - ment industry, Asha Bhosle is celebrating her 88th birthday today. In her illustrious ca - reer of almost eight decades, the crooner de - livered several memorable songs like Chura Liya Hai, Piya Tu Ab Toh Aa Ja, Dum Maro Dum and others. While the singer recently said that she wants to resume musical shows, in one of her recent appearances as the guest judge in Indian Idol 12, Asha Bhosle revealed one of the interesting anecdotes, when con - testant Nihal Tauro sung Aaja Aaja Main Hoon Pyar Tera.Revealing her apprehen - Sunny Deol is known to hai na, to aadmi uthta nahi, him back to senses. Soha got she had hit the actor really sions about this track, Asha Bhosle said, be one of the toughest and uth jata hai!' But the Indian so much into the skin of her hard," a report in Deccan "This song (Aaja Aaja Main Hoon Pyar Tera) strongest actors in the indus - Hulk was left down and out character that she ended up Chronicle had quoted a was very difficult for me to sing. R.D Burman try. He is often termed as the when Soha Ali Khan slapped slapping Sunny really hard source from the sets as say - Saab came home one day, took the baaja and Hulk in Indian cinema for him hard right across his and shocked everyone on the ing. "It only came to every - sat down requesting me to sing the song. the kind of presence he has face.While shooting for the sets. “In a sequence where one’s notice when Sunny When I heard him play the ‘O aa jaa, aah aah’ on the big screen. Baddies sequel of his 1990 block - Sunny loses his cool, the ac - brought it up. Soha was of part, I was a little taken aback as I didn’t wet their pants when they buster Ghayal, titled, Ghayal tress slaps him to bring him course extremely shocked, as think I would be able to do it. However, I in - hear Sunny's loud roar, see Once Again, Soha, who plays back to his senses. But while were the others. However, formed Burman saab that I would make an his angry stare and he can a psychiatrist in the film, was shooting for the scene which being the cool guy that attempt to sing the song after four to five make them fly with his rock supposed to enact a scene was quite intense, Soha was Sunny is, he understood days."Sharing the funny incident, she added, solid punches 'kyuki ye dhai where she would slap an un - so immersed in her character Soha’s situation and did not "I started practising the main tune in my car kilo ka hath jab kisi pe padta controllable Sunny to bring that she did not realise that overreact. so much, that one day, my driver got worried.

The Kapil Sharma Show : Bharti Singh Indian actress Deepika Padukone will be When Akshay Kumar took his mother Aruna stuns with her weight loss transformation; starring in an upcoming international yet-unti - tled cross-cultural romantic comedy.STXfilms, a division of Eros STX Global Corporation, an - reveals how she lost 15 kilos in 10 months nounced the company is developing a romantic Bhatia to her most favourite place in the world comedy for Deepika, who will also produce the upcoming film through her Ka Productions ban - tence. My maa Smt Aruna Bhatia peace - ner. Deepika, who was named one of the 100 fully left this world today morning and Most Influential People in the World by Time got reunited with my dad in the other magazine in 2018, said: "Ka Productions was world. I respect your prayers as I and founded with the aim to develop and produce my family go through this period. Om purposeful content with global appeal."I'm Shanti."The actor shared a great bond thrilled to be partnering with STXfilms and with her mother and said in many inter - Temple Hill Productions, who share Ka's ambi - views that she is the pillar of strength for tion and creative vision and look forward to him. Akshay also emphasised that bringing impactful and dynamic cross-cultural everyone should spend quality time stories to the world."The announcement was with parents by sharing some amazing made on Tuesday by Adam Fogelson, chairman, videos and pictures with his family STXfilms Motion Picture Group.Fogelson said: members. In fact, in January, last year, "There is a reason Deepika is one of the biggest the actor gave us major mother-son global stars to come from India. She is enor - goals as he took mother Aruna to her mously talented with an infectious personality most favourite place in the world and it and her profile continues to grow as an interna - was the casino of Singapore. Sharing the tional superstar. While she has been a phenome - video of him taking mother to a casino, nal success in many Eros International films, we Akshay Kumar wrote, “Do more of what are thrilled to be building a romantic comedy you love doing and that’s exactly what with her and our friends at Temple Hill."We be - the birthday girl did. Spent the past lieve this project gives us the opportunity to tap week in Singapore taking mom to her into the spirit, voice, characters and vibrant set - favorite place in the whole world: the tings of India and New york in ways that made casino.In August 2019, removed time 'Crazy Rich Asians' feel so authentic and from shooting schedule and took her fresh."The studio is also in negotiations with mother for a stroll. Sharing the video, he Temple Hill Productions Wyck Godfrey and wrote, “Juggled shoot to spend a few Marty Bowen, who has produced the 'Twilight' days with mom in London. No matter franchise and 'The Fault in Our Stars' among Akshay Kumar's mother Aruna and was in a critical condition. The actor how busy you are with life and growing many others to develop the project, which will be Bhatia passed away today morning after shared this painful news and wrote "She up, don’t forget they are also growing a sweeping cross-cultural romantic comedy cen - illness. She was admitted to Mumbai’s was my core. And today I feel an unbear - old. So, spend time with them while you tred around Deepika. Hiranandani Hospital on September 3 able pain at the very core of my exis - still can. Pavitra Rishta 2.0: Ankita Lokhande terribly missing Sushant Singh Rajput? Says, 'Wish I could go back to feel things twice'

Pavitra Rishta 2.0 is set to affected by his untimely de - return soon and viewers are mise and how she had stood waiting with bated breath for it. like a pillar by his family's The initial TV show has a huge side at their time of need. fan-following, with the reruns And now, with the premiere still eagerly watched and it had of Pavitra Rishta 2.0 draw - turned Ankita Lokhande and ing ever so near, it looks like Bharti Singh, who is currently seen on The Kapil Sushant Singh Rajput into the actress is again feeling Sharma Show, has stunned everyone with her amazing household names. And while her ex's loss greatly as hint - weight loss journey. The comedian has lost 15 kilos in 10 Ankita Lokhande is returning ed by her latest post, where months and her efforts are pretty visible. Revealing how for the second season, Sushant she shared her new look she has gone from weighing 91 kgs to 76 kgs, Bharti said Singh Rajput's absence is still from the show, but the cap - that she would avoid eating anything after 7 pm and till being felt. People are enthused tion seems all about 12 pm the next day. But it wasn't a cakewalk. "Initially, in to see how Shaheer Sheikh fills Sushant.Taking to her offi - the first 10-15 days, I faced a lot of problems. I would the void, but there's no doubt cial Instagram handle, wake up in the middle of the night and eat Maggi or left - that SSR will be terribly Ankita Lokhande posted a over vegetables from dinner. But slowly these things missed, probably most of all by few pictures from the sets of normalised," she told NDTV Food. She further added, "I Ankita Lokhande herself as it Pavitra Rishta 2.0, and cap - did not adopt any diet, I just fasted for 15-16 hours and was on the sets of Pavitra tioned them: “Somedays I eat homemade food like Paranthas, chai, eggs, sabzi, Rishta that the two had fallen in wish I could go back in life Kadhi-Chawal etc. I am from a Punjabi family and love.In fact, despite Ankita and not to change anything but Paranthe hamari shaan hain. I never eat any fancy Sushant having parted ways to feel few things twice. foods, and never eat post-7pm no matter what. In fact, some time after the latter had Feels nostalgic and gr8 I m my body has stopped accepting food at the wrong embarked on his successful back where I started from ( hours.Bharti said that she feels healthy and fit, feels film career, she still harboured my roots / my home away lighter and does not get breathless easily. She added that strong feelings for him, evi - home) my Pavitra Rishta her weight loss journey has also helped in controlling denced by how badly she was set. her diabetes and asthma conditions.     11 LOCAL "%%,+ ,)*0*(+%) 

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