Lt Governor Releases Jawaharlal Kaul's “Jammu Kashmir: The

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Lt Governor Releases Jawaharlal Kaul's “Jammu Kashmir: The !!"% !!#%! % & $! ! " !!! !"$! % !!! % ! JAMMU, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.248 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Lt Governor releases Jawaharlal Kaul’s India, Russia meet on security issues “Jammu Kashmir: The Wounded Paradise” including Afghanistan begins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jit Doval meets Secretary of the Russian Security Council 145>A4 =0AA0C8E4 C70C >554AB 0 2>=B28>DB=4BB>DAF0H>5;854 #>38LB 34E4;>?<4=C 064=30 0=3 0<<D!0B7<8A8B>?4=5>A >D=28; >5 C74 (DBB80= General Nikolai Patrushev in New Delhi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