9 ? CO,IAJ .b1,/ts2. 71-1-;41.A erAL al I 3 9 ) , c2AL,et-Y1.-h .J

-rree , ,e ,,,.., 121-0 „eh/ Z4 &24;1- 0-e g ele,0 g /2-4-L-J a- CAg'4 714 4ac&/.17e .iltri.e.42. /6- S--etti4 77U&Jc Foci/k4e/c fo rc-1 Etz--Q_k4 t-&-ge -72'tc6 .,6 .y=. .,Ittox:lo ' rot I 1z t A /2,074 4r-LJ l'i'lt 0S-7-L--lei ,or-t aLfA(/ a/a/4 A(14:, i oi/ 1WALI. Y)1 vy 'i. • n LI,/QA42.4 / -x. /M_ca 77 -vyt4 (akAAr4 a,-,. ?to ta„A_ 4Le,(4) &10.• 7/,.,, sy,,,,, 6-yv2

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-\rNf t5-36,J_A


MA1_, Crw - kS/-■-t- )--cR

tA 6

tit QJZ/c)L.Art}& 3 Lu-JJP , AY1c.

Origin Of Some Symbols THE PORTALS OF CHRISTENDOM Colored Custom Dates Far Back Easter, one of the most holy days on the Christian calendar, draws its name from , pagan Anglo- Saxon goddess of spring. Many of the outward symbols with which the day is marked— great world outside the religious observance — s also had their origin in pagan disastter,nekr,w d is sources. Pagans once rolled one eti5 sorely tried, another down hill to express joy stimulates religious ' at the coming of spring and ate red eggs as symbols of power at thoupht and action. the feast of spring. Since then it has been found simpler to roll eggs instead of people. Albumen Apple Had Part. Eggs and Easter are practically synonymous, for in nearly every custom of the lunar holiday, the albumen apple plays a part. Col- ored eggs date to early Egyptian, Il Persian, Roinan, Greek and Gallic times, when they were looked upo as a symbol of life. There has lorg been a link be tween the hare (not to be con is fused with rabbit) and Easter, be Great Chapters-. cause the former is thought till Isaiah 5552 symbol of the moon, and the dab Psalm 23 of the latter is fixed by lunar Luke changes. 2.21tc i 56iic 7 Link between the bunny and the eggs traces to an old German L:c4k600raelt:prinstto 3i a121 ‘157 legend. Its foundation is doubtful, for a hare would be as surprised to find his burrow full of eggs as are children finding them under r4r..V 4•44, .4.4.,,,,,,,,T .114 'I .f. 4344, 11 Ft if) the bed Easter morn. -T.. , , 11 ,4 St941 Finnish Custom. • • 'r.' ": 4:-;:- :: --,4 :::1?' BIBLE CRUSADE 1:-=*; Rugged children of Finlan d, ;■"1 ::: - ,-Z^ "2 '.:-.: aping the child who holds -.. V^2 WEEKS : s,7 his breath for spite, spank each other 'DEC. 1 199.3 1 -1--,c'' ...,.Z. ,--.) tp4741E 71.1D . 944444•'S ..‘ - with pussywillow or birch switches f - ' 14.1t lans6eY 1 - - . :-.) until their parents come through II Every man v./base oyhooc . , 0. .,,_ with rewards of Easter eggs. z...:-. 4// wa s spent in the country I' In Hungary, the village boys 4. 4,- 1 used to duck girls in streams or (Ilk remembers the, family Bible .64711 :i ;:22 7.1 pour buckets of water over their on the parlor table heads. More discreet modern gy lug .1.1■4•0 7111444A.G. evroy, method of noting Easter is to coP44, 41,4144T 4 9'43 sprinkle the girls with perfume. Victims thus drenched pay tor- mentors with gifts of colored eggs. Rolling Custom. egg rolling dates to the days of Dolly Madison, the Mrs. Roosevelt of a century ago. Dispensed with during the Wilson administration, when White House gates were locked, the custom was revived by Mrs. Harding in 1921. South of the border, Mexicans burn effigies on Easter eve, each representing the Judas or traitor in the life of a peon. , (1,

\ kA".Q e‘12.--0 ite-Au

EIN,4duak„,- -,ey-viLyz ). 14 . )JLk.


Asa 1q3,/ "■ .Lsl-oLA • GLA--dX `sa-arkA. ‘&32)-OL /L9-.eLA ck-A- _Y\JLA ./.-11 c- V4 , a 6..kA,A4

0. ^A. A-K-41-)z


..XA/■it Zr-3t 3e.,0 cb.-A YYVvQ, IrAAAx",e/L . 4 6 QJL-tL. AQQ-c- c q, cr 3 7 'VY\i-L/0 A. 0....Q-ct/a/a Jvv.sz-)t c%.0-5 / TaA-( -vvv-t-fo Y\C1-A-As-r-t LArt:Ai, 94Lf,x.A. , \Ack-c-A". V3s2- KLR. c5■.9/1- /1rk)SC-p u,oW1/4-1 Y\AA-ta S- ) , Q "CmL \I Q±k.

\ kx■Q GL,wA Ahk-ct

t/L5L— Ls %sL. LA,3-AA 1 / , 'rr"70 F5L5a,4 tz-

6._(rAA 4 q_ 1•Q-L -s-kA nAR.yA-. t_ua 4-6 e ,ASz-0 a_.„sL L./0 At vi‘a_A atAAA r. ?rAA,S4-k-t 3tUL,„_ tlfrA/ 0_ KAD7 v\so_ 1215Jc- , do1/4Ja/3 `nlitA u) ki c2.z )A--soc K9■J`L,O—Y'CA,) ra.tA) W\"- 14-t-AQr0 Ct4)

) -YY\-x-tc)k9A, (N( \\ ALkAiJCAA t

XAA, Th)-k LOQ_ ki)jLk.j A-A3A. 0-6

°"- Y\‘2-A-6 ),11 cf t7LD 5. I - V-0 ,

- I . ir,q1L.A 72d7-6- -rykuo 1-(/re 73/1/Y/Q/

1&JJJ /tii0 MAA/

'YYSLk/t kYY\J-t/

c zb 'Y\k". 7- z4J-e.x_x_

AA-e)tA-,LA/-t1., cf )2v( ACe ,co-oc.e„ a,0.-/eej

ks- c ef2c,ac-tA.Q.2a

-ex,rv\TS(5JLO c(r.--V /a-i-,>14,v2,txJt/ eca-6,

-rAAJ3 G-Zystvg-c5i V, ay. y‘sLsL.L,:n 7h/W aAA-ce&- Y-C4rX a6.r-&?


a- 72“24-7

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: - .rz ■JA V1(\)-Lo ?cAJ-L 7ze„.44

a9, / y'1


`yvy..fa) ham. 'MArkic , 0„ QA"A-r11%- `YY\ aAile‘gA . -vYsLA)C- o •-t4&AA.t tAa,3 'VASA ) 1A) ./t \/a ..aA k 1SSZAA)v 11z. k.St.^_% a ,■")t• ) n Ifv.kt) VQJ-t-teJ,. ‘01‘ 1.4.J 0..0 AA-4a,

' /tov--o c-titAJ• ckL/CAA.1 "-- 4k..-ArcL%b (3iL4‘1. Oth )Z:k7 14>s,\JVItN . em. 01+.c).4 CJvA/N tA) qw,l,y\cu e-tAA- /LAA-1•'4.Gis) +s■/•, — -/N , c/■■■--05c 4-A-JL* tJLt- t.3Z.A)r c .tr-b-kk. cyvvuzia_,Ai. ALAtti.-1-4A,44"._ -v\k)\, 1•{1)1 • ThAe, 10- .)bt a.t ‘ •

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eAAAs''A4' ,Yvv%) 9. W., 1-QA-0-.. LA)_


,-,a Q.CUiv■A'aS-c, -vvv.L6 \JJ-- _ rl&) q L7L 'fir. (\ _364 -vvSLJr- C,d1 ■vv N.x.)--Ts-Azo 13,t,

‘Ay-a, ) IA%

• ia„4AA-- vok-OL. AtQ-1 i L154,0

r)-Kq-S GLAA 5tx.A- ,tAAA. t3oucix 41_ \ vyva) tA3f-e)-0 LJ`%_C - rN/• ^- 6..k,vvozAA. a SIS

aJ.A.tO-■eit u- V-0-•1„ Cb__tyAtL 4 `rY\rt/o eSYWA -A1/1. tix,‘51x1

r1(\).kro tklitvit,

14.0 Q.& reJrzik, tskcazt, ,k024-aw, Atu-dpw‘Aire.L',‘-,

kry\i/y. lam, . .„,„,k) hArtt , 03).

\J ZdA4Lio&,.
