GLENDALE— NEWS The CITY of HOMES D a ily Except Sunday E V E N I N G & g g ¡ ,

255 VOL. X. rLENDALE (LOS ANGELES POSTOFFICE), LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CAL., MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. HIGH SCHOOL SERMON REID PIERCE WEDDING ! A RED LETTER DAY FOR THE ENERGETIC SABBATH IN GLENDALE CHARGED WITH ASSAULT BELLIGERENT JITNEY DRIVER REV. B. A. JOHNSTON UNITES THE GLENDALE EVENING NEWS’ GREAT $2000 AUTO AND PRIZE SUNDAY SERVICES AT VARIOUS REV. J. F. WATSON TELLS GRAD­ DEMANDS JURY TRIAL— WELL-KNOWN GLENDALE CONTEST IS ON—NOW IS THE TIME TO START—GOLDEN HOUSES OF WORSHIP IN UATES W HAT GRADUA­ GLENDALE E. F. GANAHL INJURED TION MEANS COUPLE SATURDAY OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERY READER OF THIS PAPER Mr. Roy G lenn Pierce and Miss PRESBYTERIAN MEETING Judge Whomes had before him this Friends and relatives of the sixty- The Glendale Evening News’ great j test opens, is the day for the readers morning the most serious case of as­ one graduates of the Union high Sallie E. Reid were married Saturday, $2000 contest is on. It started to- of this paper to accept the oppor- June 12, 1915, at the home of the The Woman’s Home and Foreign sault he has had for some time, when school filled the large auditorium of day. Mark this Monday in capital tunity to enter this great free-for-all Missionary society of the Glendale J. W. Lawson, a jitney driver on the the school to overflowing Sunday bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. letters because it is a day of oppor-1 race. Reid, 234 Cedar street. About forty- Presbyterian church will meet on route from Hollywood to Universal night when the graduating exercises tunity and to nearly a score of people The brightest word in the lexicon five relatives and friends were pres­ Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 at the City, was arraigned on a charge of of the week were opened by a care­ of this vicinity it will mark the be- 0f this contest is “Now,” and to start ent to witness the taking of the mar­ church. The members of the execu­ having struck Ernest F. Ganahl of fully organized .and excellently exe­ ginning of a day of fortune. I now is the easiest thing in the world tive board will m eet a t 1 o’clock. the Glendale Mills. It seems that cuted union service. All who took riage vows by these young people. In this contest of wonderful values, to do. It costs you nothing, and you The front parlor where the cere- J Miss Moore, a missionary to the Mr. Ganahl was intrusted with the part in the service Sunday evening opportunity and fortune are the chief have everything to win, nothing to Navajo Indians, will be the speaker serving of a summons on Lawson, acquitted themselves in a manner mony was performed was decorated characters. lose, you even get ten per cent com- of the afternoon. She will also have who owed the Glendale Mills a sum worthy of the occasion. The high in green and white, carnations and There needs to be only one more mission on all new subscribers you on display some silver work of the of money. school orchestra played with great ferns being used to carry out the character to make the cast complete | secure if you don’t win a prize, Navajos. A cordial welcome awaits Lawson took umbrage either at the expression Schubert’s “Ave Maria” j color scheme. At the appointed hour, 8 o’clock, the bride and groom took and you may be that person. You gut to get back to the subject of all who will attend. manner of serving or at the fact that as an opening number, then the Rev. have the chance of making your own entering this contest. Just turn to The members are especially urged any attempt was made to collect the C. Irving Mills, D. D., of St. M ark’s their places under an arch of palms luck, your own fortune. from which was susp»«ided a green page four of this issue and fill in to be present, as plans are to be debt. He expressed his disapproval Episcopal church, gave the invoca­ Opportunity is at the door knock of the attempt to bring him to book and white wedding bell, while a bank the nomination blank, which will made for a welcome meeting for our tion. ing and upon the very summit of s give you a start of 5000 votes when own missionary, Miss Helen Smith of by striking young Ganahl in the face The services were presided over of ferns studded with white carna­ tions formed a pretty background for m ountain of value, the goddess of I brought•ought or sent to The News, Soochow, China, who is coming home and giving him a black eye. Not by Principal George U. Moyse. fortune salutes you today. satisfied with this protest against the the bridal party. The bride was at­ As soon as you are nominated, see early in July for a short visit. After the combined glee clubs had A trifle more than ten weeks from process of law, he picked up a large tired in a charming gown of white sung “Evensong” with much smooth­ today The News will present thè Iyour friends, get them to subscribe ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH stone and managed to inflict another ness and harmony, the Rev. Bede A. charmeuse with an overdress of silk prize winners w ith the ijt» — ------M„v. , for ,, the ... Evening . News at , , $4 .. a year, _ . marquisette with pearl trimmings. serious wound on Ganahl’s head. He Johnson of the First Methodist Epis­ well touring car, the $400.00 piano, ^ the0big eight-page weekly the Tri- The program of Children’s Day in then further crippled the young man copal church, at the request of the The veil of silk marquisette which she the trips to the expositions, the I City Progress, which is bnmlul of wore enhanced her loveliness and an Saturday’s News of the English by throwing the stone at him and preacher of the evening, read II $75.00 scholarships, the $50.00 de-|local news at ** Per year‘ As soon Lutheran Sunday school was carried injuring his leg. arm bouquet of brides roses com­ as you obtain one subscription go Kings 2, the story of the translation posit in the First National bank of i out quite in full. The service and Lawson, who was not represented pleted the picture of a beautiful bride. after another, for subscriptions mean of Elijah and the consecration of Glendale—in fact, all the prizes that decorations were pronounced the best by an attorney, listened to the enume­ The young couple were attended by votes and votes mean the Maxwell Elisha to the work of the prophet- will make up its marvelous prize list. | the school ever had. All the little ration of his acts of assault and then Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hilkey, Mrs. auto, the $400 Schiller piano, a trip ship. Prayer was then offered by The ten weeks will pass quickly folks in singing and speaking were a demanded a jury trial. Judge Hilkey wearing a white messaline to the exposition or other prizes. the Rev. W. E. Edmonds of the First Time always does, and at the end credit to the school and the interest Whomes released him on his own gown, the groom and best man being Presbyterian church. The combined what will you have? It doesn’t take a person of a very of those who had them in training. recognizance and it is likely that the attired in the usual black. glee clubs then sang Haydn’s “The To enter this contest is such an vivid imagination to see the great It only demonstrated w hat could be case will go to trial Monday. On Rev. Bede A. Johnson of the First Heavens Are Telling.” This wonder­ easy thing not to do, but it is so possibilities the awards offer in this account of the serious nature of the Methodist church officiated at the done. ful burst of praise from “Creation” profitable to do. Between the doing battle of ballots. Think of the won­ The address of Rev. Boyer, mis­ offense it may be necessary to call brief but impressive ceremony that was given with much sympathy and and the not doing you will find the derful profit that would be yours if sionary-elect to British Guiana, South in the district attorney. correct interpretation. joined the two, using the ring service, same difference as between the hav­ you were to win the $850.00 Maxwell America, was of a high order, inter­ When the Rev. J. F. Watson, cor-1 at the close of which the bride and ing and not having. And such a touring car, the $400.00 Schiller esting and instructivet It was a PASTORAL PLAY responding secretary of the Southern i groom knelt for the blessing. After difference it is. piano, the scholarships to the Isaacs- blessing to have heard it. One prac­ California Baptist convention, came all present had congratulated Mr. Never before in Glendale have such Woodbury Business college, the $50 tical result will be the formation of forward to deliver the sermon of the | and Mrs. Pierce, the guests were prizes as The News now offers been deposit at the First National bank a children’s choir to sing at the morn­ “The Piper,” the famous prize evening he had the privilege of speak- summoned to the dining-room, which given ^ avvoaway. In this contest you sim- of Glendale, a trip to either of the ing services going into training at American play, is to be given as a ing to a most appreciative audience, had been transformed into a bower of enter in a campaign of friendly expositions, or any one of the other once for it to appear next Sunday for pastoral under the rock in Eagle Every seat in the large auditorium pink and green with ferns and En- rivalry with a few people in this com­ prizes to be announced later. And the first time. The young congrega­ Rock park Tuesday evening by the was full, the people were seated on chantress carnations, munity, where in a big metropolitan rem em ber, if you do not win one of tion was encouraged by the addition seniors of Cumnock school. The per­ chairs in the aisle, they were stand- Perhaps the greatest attraction was newspaper you would have to strive the many prizes offered, you get a of new members. And still they formance will be in charge of Miss ing in every post of vantage and the huge bride’s cake which reposed against the keen competition of hun­ ten per cent commission on every come, glad for their loyalty and faith­ Willamene Wilkes, who has given even out in the entrance hall chairs in the center of the table within a dreds from larger cities. new subscription you turn in during fulness. May others of the house­ years of study both in America and had been placed and every available | wreath of carnations. All were re­ None of the prizes is at present the contest. You can’t lose. Enter hold of Luther within the community in London to the newest and most seat was occupied. This large assem-1 freshed with punch and a light wed- won, and today, the very day the con- new. avail themselves of the opportunity artistic methods of stage scenic ef­ biy was in the mood for receptive ding repast, following which the bride of putting themselves in the front fects and dramatic management. and profitable hearing and offered an | donned her traveling suit and the line of our Lutheran work. The location is ideally beautiful unique opportunity to the orator of | young couple left by auto on a honey- SURPRISE PARTY TROPICO and easily accessible, both on the the evening. jmoon trip to San Diego. On their PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH street cars and by automobile. The Mr. Watson chose for his text II return .they will be at home to their A very interesting and original Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller of Ridge- young women and others who are Kings 11 13, 14: “He took up also friends at 234 Cedar street, farewell reception was given Friday to take the leading parts are excep­ ly, Tenn., who visited their sons, Rev. John Hunter of the Bible In­ the mantle of Elijah that fell from Among the out-of-town guests night in the rooms of the West Glen­ tionally talented and highly trained. Claude and Verne Robinson of Park stitute preached at this church Sun­ him and went back and stood by the , present_ were P . Mr. ,, and j, _ Mrs. . Burket dale----- Methodist Episcopal - Epworth .avenue and Brand boulevard several The play will be given at 8 o’clock. bank of Jordan; and he took the | Pierce and family of Pasadena, Mr. League, at the church. The recep- m0nths ago and who when they re­ day, hawing for his topic, “Two Kinds Admission fifty cents. mantle of Elijah that fell from him i Thomas Pierce of Pasadena, Mr. and tlon was in the nature of a Surprise Lurned to their southern home were of Christians.” The authority upon which he made this division was and smote the waters and said, Mrs. C. W. Owens of Los Angeles, party. The members of the Epworth told that after visiting Southern Cali- LITERATEURS TO DINE ‘W here is the L ord God of Elijah?’ Miss Grace Davis of Cucamonga and.League, knowing that Miss Lily fornia their Tennessee home would based upon the epistle of Paul to the And when he also had smitten the j Miss Katherine^Mellon of^Arizona^ | gmtth, vice-president of the Epworth tjUt little attraction for them, Romans, eighth chapter, in which he addressed the Christians who were What promises to be both an inter­ waters they parted hither and thither I The groom is a son of Mrs. Maggie League, is leaving Tuesday for Ver- have returned to Tropico and will esting and entertaining banquet will and Elisha went over.” I Pierce of 423 Orange Grove avenue. mont, that Miss Sarah Taggart, pres- “spiritually minded” and upon his reside here permanently. Mr. and letter to the Corinthians, that portion be given tomorrow by the members In a few preliminary words the j and a young man of exemplary habits, of the Ladies’ Aid, is leaving Mrs. Miller and sons have leased Mr. of the literary section of the Tuesday preacher expressed his pleasure at His bride is the charming and ac- TUeSclay for Indiana, and that Mrs. of the third chapter in which the and Mrs. R. L. M illigan’s hom e on Christians of that church were told Afternoon club. The members of that being in Southern California among complished young daughter of Mr. Mabel Cadd, secretary of the Home j Park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Milligan that the apostle could not write to learned body will hold their annual friends who were a stimulus to him j and Mrs. Samuel Reid. ^ Missionary society, in company with have taken up their residence at 414 and who always gave him a welcome. The bride was the recipient of ^er daughter, Miss Elizabeth Cadd, is them as to the “spiritual,” but as to I banquet at the home of Mrs. E. H. East Cypress street. the “carnal” minded. In attempting I Willisford tomorrow at 1 p. m. Especially was he glad to have the many handsome gifts, consisting of leaving Tuesday for Jefferson, Iowa, Rev. and Mrs. George A. Osman, to pass judgment as to who may be------privilege of speaking to the large cut glass, silver, china and linen, a resolved to show their appreciation Mrs. Fanny Laurence, Miss Carrie and interesting graduating class that ■ $500 check from her father being n ot|0f the disinterested and efficient ser- long to one of these classes and who| MRS. WHEELER ENTERTAINS Griswold and Mr. E. L. H ew itt of to the other, we m ust firs t judge our-1 ------— night. During the whole course of a the least of the many appreciated j v i c e s of those ladies, Rutland, Vt., and Miss Cora Laurence class at school a process of selection gifts. | Yesterday evening the ladies men- selves. Are we sure th a t we belong | a party of young maids and ma- of M arlborough, N. Y., who are the to the class of Christians that is I trons from Los Angeles, Burbank was ever going on. Those who w e r e -j tioned were invited out for an auto- guests of Mrs. Frank I. Marsh, re­ fit were going to the front and those ELKS’ BIG DANCE mobile drive and after a short spin, spiritual? How dear is the infant and Glendale were entertained on turned Saturday evening from San to the parent who holds it in his arms Saturday afternoon by Mrs. W. L. who were unfit to the rear. Every------| were brought to the church where the Diego, where they spent several days one was being tried, weighed in the The leafy aisles of Verdugo park j party awaited them. The rooms were and what more sad than that the wheeler, assisted by her mother, Mrs. very pleasantly. Rev. and Mrs. Os­ body of that infant should become Uj. o. Ryan, at the home of the latter balance. Year by year the process resounded to the strains of music j decorated with the Epworth League man were the guests Sunday of Mr. was going on. The grading continues and merry laughter Saturday evening coiors, refreshments were served, developed without the development in the Monte Vista apartments on and Mrs. Daniel Webster. Following of the mind. So it is with the Chris­ Hawthorne street. The rooms were year after year, diminishing as each when the Elks’ drill team, the White j complimentary speeches made, and services in the Christian Advent one finds his or her own place. After Star Patrol, gave the first of a series music enlivened the very pleasant tian, substituting spirit for mind. resplendent in white and gold flow­ church of Los Angeles, where Rev. There was jealousy in the church ers and the same color scheme was graduation the process still continues of dances planned for the summer | evening, Osman delivered the morning ser­ with more searching effect and more months at this popular resort. at Corinth; one boasted that he was carried out in the score cards, con­ mon, Mr. and Mrs. Webster, with of Paul, another of Apollo and yet definite results. Some go farther A committee consisting of B. T. I ELKS HOLD BARBECUE fections and refreshments. Anderson, Louis Kerri, W. C. Wat- ______their guests, motored to Pasadena, another that he was a follower of The game was five hundred and than others because of intensity of w here they were entertained by Mr. ties, Frank Beyea and Joe Fortunato | with the usual accompaniment of Peter. And is the same spirit not the honors were carried off by Miss purpose. “Which of you,” the speak­ and Mrs. Sherman. had attended to every detail and all merriment and good nature, the best too often manifest among Christians j Emily Ellias and Mrs. Eugene Hart, er asked, “will be the first to drop Following a most delightful visit out and shirk your grave responsi­ arrangements were complete. How- people on earth, the Elks, celebrated today. The early apostles had gifts | Vocal and instrumental numbers of several weeks as the guests of of tongues and gifts of healing, but L y Mrs. Eugene Hart, Mrs. John bilities?” ever, the attendance was far beyond I With a barbecue and picnic Sunday at expectations, about a hundred couples p gsadena. About 300 of the brethren their brother and sister, Mr. and these did not necessarily accompany Allen Legge, Miss Hazel Wheatley Taking up his subject proper, the Mrs. George N. Lunn of South Glen­ or indicate possession of the gift of an(j MYs. W. L. Wheeler added much preacher said: “Elisha was an am­ being present, and it was necessary and their friends went from Glendale for those in charge of the refresh;- an(j there were altogether more than dale avenue, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lunn spirituality. How can we pass from t0 the afternoon’s pleasure. bitious young man. He had doubt­ of Greenville, Mich., left for San the carnal to the spiritual is the im­ Those invited to enjoy this delight­ less been a dreamer of dreams like ments to make two expeditions to a thousand present. Mr. John Roman Glendale to replenish the stock. and Mr. R. M. Jackson had charge of Francisco, where they will visit the portant question. We must confess ful occasion were Mesdames C. E. most boys and girls. He had been exposition and later other points of that we are carnally minded and re­ Davison, Eugene Hart, Geo. Warner, forward to entering into a larger Imes’ orchestra of Los Angeles the Glendale contingent and Mr were tireless and the dance went interest in the North before return­ pent; must ask God for grace and Paul Griffith, Gus Pulliam, W. S. life, when one day a remarkable man Harry Hall officiated for Pasadena. merrily on from 8:15 to midnight. ing to their home in Michigan. forgiveness; surrender ourselves to Althouse, John Allen Legge and the spoke to him and opened up to him The barbecue and games were held The Tropico Tuesday Auction him and ask for the gift of the Holy Misses Mildred McKay, Anna Wood­ larger prospects such as those of The drill team and especially the on the Chapman ranch. Those who Bridge Luncheon club will be enter­ S pirit ! bury, Hazel Wheatley, Emily Ellias which he had been dreaming. He committee in charge are more than know this old ranch, with its spread­ tained at the home of Mrs. Harry and Lillian Ellias. went to school with Elijah as a mas­ pleased with the result of the first ing oak trees and wild flowers, its Coleman of Pasadena tomorrow. CHRISTIAN CHURCH ter. Now he w as to be graduated. dance and think this augurs well for cozy nooks and beautiful level Mrs. Coleman is a recently elected His master was about to leave him the entire series. stretches, know how suitable it is for such a gathering. There were the member of this exclusive card club. Having had many requests from uniting in evangelical and philan­ and he was to face the world alone. ENTERTAIN EASTERN FRIENDS thropic work, is some of the leaven usual games, contests, rodeo and Mrs. Charles A. B arker and son, people outside of the church for fur­ Before going forward to his own ther light on the subject of Christian which will gradually leaven the whole Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnston of stage coach. The Pasadena band Raymond Barker, motored to Walnut larger life in another world, Elijah union, as taught by th e disciples, Mr. lump, until we are all “one” in real­ 335 Everett street have been enter- made all pleasant with eloquent Park Sunday, where they were the said to his pupil, ‘Ask what I shall Francis again took up this topic Sun­ ity and then “shall the world believe taining numerous eastern friends of music, and the benevolent brethren guests of Mr. and Mrs. John MacNeill do for thee, before I be taken away that thou hast sent me.” by various devices were able to col­ at their ranch home. Mrs. Barker day morning. from thee.’ And Elisha said, ‘I pray late. Mr. an d Mrs. D. C. Thurlow That the prayer of Jesus for the The men’s class had thirty-seven lect about $3000 for charity. and son were neighbors of Mr. and thee let a double portion of thy spirit of Leroy, Iowa, who had been visit­ “oneness” of his followers and the present at Bible school to thirty-five Mrs. MacNeill when each family were be upon me.’ Elijah said, ‘Thou hast ing here last week, left Monday “one Lord, one faith, one baptism,” in the women’s, and won two points residents of Chicago. asked a hard thing; nevertheless, if morning for San Francisco to visit BAND CONCERTS means specific union and not fed­ Sunday. It will be necessary for thou see me when I am taken from the exposition. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Mrs. E. D. Welton of Los Angeles eration, is so obvious that it should them to win every point in the next thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if Lord of Omaha, Neb., and Mr. and The first of a series of band con­ was the over-Sunday guest of her never be a source of controversy and week, however, for the contest closes not it shall be so.” God who mul- Mrs. C. E. W eller of Long Beach were certs to be given by the Glendale brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Hal yet Christians of other churches this month. guests in the Johnston home Sunday. H. Davenport of South Glendale ave­ tiplieth all gifts will multiply my municipal band will be given Thurs­ seem slow to accept it in its full The deferred banquet given by the spirit unto you according as you de­ Dr. Lord is surgeon for the Union nue, this city. day evening in front of the city hall, significance, and their ministers men’s to the women’s class will be serve. Here is the teacher and here Pacific road. Mrs. W. S. Flem ing of Topeka sometimes seem inclined to the idea held this evening at the bungalow, is the pupil. Here is the master who Mrs. John G. Henry of Rockford, beginning at 8 o’clock. These con­ Kans., who has been the house guest that a difference in name, creed and beginning promptly at 7 o’clock. has supplied the pupil with all his Ills., arrived here Sunday to make certs are to be given every two weeks. of her daughter, Mrs. Leigh Bancroft form of worship is desirable, rather Every member of these classes is in­ own learning and set that pupil on an extended visit at the Johnston The second one will be given in front of South Brand boulevard, is at pres than otherwise. The Christian world vited and expected to be present. A the right road to greater achieve­ home. of the Pacific Electric station unless ent visiting another daughter in San however, is gradually approaching delightful season of fellowship is ment. A time has come as it has Many eastern people are visiting Diego. the time when a decisive step will looked for. California this year and Glendale a municipal bandstand shall have come to you tonight when the pupil Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clanin are have to be made and when that time The prayer meeting subject on people are not slow to welcome their must face the world alone and what­ been constructed before that date. rejoicing over the arrival of a fine comes there will be no chance for a Wednesday evening is a very impor­ friends to this city and show them ever else may be acquired must be As soon as a bandstand has been bouncing ten and a half-pound boy at hanging-back. tant one and will no doubt arouse a acquired by the right of native genius the beauties and advantages of Glen­ The version of creeds, the modifi­ deep interest. It is “Why Pray?” dale as a city of homes, schools and constructed, the concerts will be held their home, 1546 West Colorado the with divine aid. latter part of last week. cation of ideas of Calvinism, and the It will be led by Mrs. D. R. Dungan. (Continued on page 4) churches. at the location of the bandstand. Page Two GLENDALE EVENING NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915.

for Glendale to take counsel as to how that memorable anniversary THE GLENDALE EVENING NEWS should be celebrated. A sane and sensible Fourth is most desirable, Published Daily Except Sunday NOW ON EXHIBIT— but in the desire to get such a day, it is surely not necessary to The Famous London Salon Studies A. T. COWAN ------Publisher and Proprietor desert one’s own city and one’s own friends and celebrate the great Grand Prize Portrait N. W. P. A. 1014 Convention. (Open to the Office of P ublication 920 W est Broadway U. S. and Canada.) SUNSET 132 —PHONES— HOME 2401 patriotic event among strangers and in surroundings that might Print which received highest American honors 1014 P. A. A. not be congenial or even safe. Convention. • Too many well-meaning citizens seek on holiday occasions to Duplicates of Panama-Pacific International Exposition Exhibit. SUBSCRIPTION RATES VISITORS WELCOME 10:00 TO 4:00 ONE Y E A R ...... $4.00 escape from the sameness of the every-day local atmosphere and ONE M O N T H ...... - - - -35 in so doing run up against undesirable elements. At home, amid ONE W E E K ...... -10 friends, away from temptations, impure water, impure drinks of EDWARD HENRY WESTON Entered at the Postoffice at Los Angeles, Cal., MODERN PORTRAITURE as Second-Class Mail Matter all kinds, there should be enough attraction to satisfy the patriotic 113 No. Brand Blvd., Tropico 200W GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. souls of all local Americans. There are many among us who are able to go whithersoever OUTLOOK IN CASA VERDUOO they please and probably as many who are not able; if all joined neighborhood and everything neat, PROFESSIONAL CARDS together in a sensible and well organized local celebration, say in clean and in first-class condition. Will lease or sell on easy payments. Verdugo park, there would certainly be both pleasure and profit Rent $35 per month. Phone owner, Casa Verdugo is a good neighbor to Glendale; therefore Glen­ R esid e n ce—467 W e st F if th St., G len d ale dale takes a friendly interest in all that concerns that community. for all. Verdugo park is unexcelled for a celebration of this kind. Glendale 792J. 1462 Riverdale drive. Home Glendale 1132, Sunset 1019 254t3 In times not so very far past Casa Verdugo has even contemplated Can anyone conceive any place more beautiful or any place more H. C. Smith, M. D. fitted by'nature for a community picnic? Its situation is all that FOR SALE—7 doz. Mason fruit PHYSICIAN and SURGEON union with Glendale and Glendale was by no means averse to the O ffice 594 W e st B ro a d w a y , G lendale can be desired. It is close to the city and for those who are not jars. Apply at 102 S. Isabel. 255t2* P hone S u n se t G len d a le 1019 suggestion. The friendship between the two places led to Casa H ours— 2 to 5 p. m. FOR SALE—Ripe apricots for can­ Verdugo’s employing Glendale’s lighting department to install her able to walk, ride or otherwise get to the park by their own con­ veyance, there is a convenient and reasonably cheap car service. ning; two cents lb. by the box de­ electric lighting system and to supply the light. There is a further livered. Address Sunset 218J Glen­ tie between the two places in that their water supply comes from It may be suggested without appearing to dictate that a com­ dale. 255t2* Dr. Frank N. Arnold mittee of citizens should get together, consult the city officials and DENTIST the same hills. In short, the two places have so few points of FOR SALE—New Edison diamond- Bank of Glendale Building the local dignitaries of all kinds, arrange for speakers of prominence, point Amberola with 50 records, Tele­ Corner Broadway and Glendale Avenue separation that they really are one in sentiment and intercourse. Hours—9-12; 1:30-5 phone or drop card for particulars. Glendale admires Casa Verdugo; it admires, its people, who are appoint parties to arrange about the park, and about getting it P H O N E 458J decorated, lighted and appropriately fixed up in honor of the Terms if desired. Frank H. Wilkin, intelligent, clear-thinking, generous, kindly and well-to-do. Quite Bungalow Grocery Co., corner Broad­ great day. Sunset 969J —PHONES— Home 2631 a deal of valuable trade comes to Glendale from the sister com­ way and Central. Home 1552, Sun­ Hours 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. set 477J. 255t3 munity and adds in no small measure to the friendly feelings be­ In Verdugo park are all conveniences for parties desiring to Dr. Raymond Ludden picnic. They can bring their own provisions and be furnished on FOR SALE— Special this week; tween the two communities. Casa Verdugo’s credit is good in OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN the spot with tea, coffee and other beverages. A large and repre­ rabbits for frying, 20c lb. dressed; Glendale, the merchants of which appreciate the patronage they Office and Residence, 114 South Brand ■ 110c live weight; also 3 young does Boulevard, Glendale, California have received in the past and hope to profit by it in the future. sentative committee of citizens should be able to make provision and one buck, $4. 1517 Ivy. Looking at conditions in Casa Verdugo, Glendale would fain for music, carefully guarded fireworks and whatever other enter­ Mon Wed Fri* T e le p h o n e s hope that peace and harmony may prevail where now there is some­ tainment may be needed to make the Fourth this year an event FOR SALE—Equity in % acre in Residence: Sunset 1004W, Home 1523 O ffice: S u n s e t 982T what of a division. Just as the presence of a large body in the memorable in the annals of the city. It has been asserted that the East Glendale at a bargain, or will O ffice H ours— 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. exchange for 5-passenger second­ Others by Appointment heavens exercises an appreciable effect, sometimes disturbing, on old Fourth spirit is dying out. That is by no means the case. A new spirit is growing up, a saner and more sensible spirit, and it is the hand auto. Address A. Z., care The Dr. E. F. Archer neighboring bodies,' so the proximity of a large city often disturbs I News. 254t6 OSTEOPATH neighboring and smaller communities. oi an loyai citizens to ens vine me rourtn in tnat spirit tna California Apts., 415% S. Brand Blvd. FO R R E N T Glendale, California It may be that Casa Verdugo is feeling to a certain extent the the rising generation may cling ) it as a glorious inspiration just preponderant influence of Los Angeles and is divided in her coun­ as past generations have done. FOR RENT—Small house; rear; sels because of the prestige and power of that growing and pow­ adults o n ly ; $6. 240 S. Louise. 255tl Dr. T. C. Young erful city. Residents in the smaller community should remember, ELIMINATION OF LAND in government ownership are semi- FOR RENT—New 5-room modern Osteopath, Physician and Surgeon Office, Filger Bldg., 570 W. Broadway however, that nothing compensates for the loss of harmony and arid, brush-covered lands of little j bungalow, newly furnished, 18 fruit Calls answered promptly night or day value for grazing and agricultural trees, 20 rose bushes, close in; $25 Office Hours— 8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 5 p. m. unity. Metropolitan connections and metropolitan status can never On June 9 the president signed a Office Phone—Sunset 348. R esidence proclamation eliminating approxi­ purposes, but of practically no value water paid. James W. Pearson, 1214 P h o n es—S u n se t 348, Home 511 compensate for division, dispeace and the mutual hatreds that com­ mately 8 5,000 acres of land from the for forest purposes. Broadway. Phone Glen. 740J. 255tf munal strife inevitably engenders. Santa Barbara national forest, Cali­ This elimination was recommended by the Secretary of Agriculture after We have the best furnished apart­ fornia. ments in Glendale for $10 a month. Phones: Office, Sunset 1091; Residence. If Casa Verdugo desires to join Los Angeles, good and well. careful examination of the lands In S u n se t 618W. H o u rs: 10 to 12 a m . and This elimination was recommend­ , question had been made by the forest ¡Inquire at office, 301 Glendale Ave. 2 to 4 p. m. S u n d ay s a n d ev en in g s by The good wishes of Glendale will go with her, just as the good ed by the Secretary of Agriculture appointment j service. The action is similar to that W. G. Alderm an. 208tf wishes of Glendale are with Los Angeles at present. If on the after careful examination of the lands taken recently on the adjoining Sier- FOR RENT—6-room house; bath, A. W. Teel, M. D. other hand, Casa Verdugo should elect to join with Glendale, she in question had been made by the for­ ra national forest, where a consid­ Physician and Surgeon est service. A large portion of the heater; $14, water paid, to reliable Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and erable area was iliminated, and It Throat. Office, Suite 2, Rudy Bldg., 343 would receive here a most hearty welcome. There is room enough lands now eliminated has already tenant. Inquire 141 Cedar. 254tf follows out the general policy of the Cor. Brand and Broadway. Residence. in California for communities of all kinds. Each can work out its been acquired by private parties 308 North Maryland Avenue. forest service to eliminate as rapidly FOR RENT—Office for doctor or either before their inclusion in the own salvation without fear of endangering any other; and if Casa as possible from all national forests lawyer with reception room, etc. Call national forest or through the forest such land as are found to be chiefly at 417 Brand Blvd. FREDERICK GROVER Verdugo should ever become part of the great city, she would doubt­ homestead law. The alienated areas, less find advantage to herself before joining. valuable for agricultural purposes. Los Angeles’ Well-Known Violinist of course, Include most of the best A large portion of the lands now FOR RENT—5-room modern and Teacher land. The areas which still remain Meantime, as a friendly neighbor Glendale desires to see peace eliminated from the Sequoia forest house, $13; water paid. 530 Central Residence Studio, 1512 Patterson has already been acquired by private avenue. Phone Glendale 74. Avenue, Glendale, Calif. Home and harmony prevail where just now there is every danger of dis­ 252-t6* union and division. parties, either before their inclusion Phone 2671. 230t26 in the national forest or through the FOR RENT—STORE ROOM—Lo­ forest homestead act. The alienated cation and rent unsurpassed.,Call at area, of course, includes most of the | 417 B rand Blvd. O. H. JONES MISUSE OF THE AMERICAN FLAG best agricultural land. The areas Notary Public and Lawyer which still remain government land FOR RENT FURNISHED—5- Member of Los Angeles County Bar were found to be generally more val­ ! room house centrally located, 422 S. General Practice To trick the enemy by some clever ruse has always been con­ uable for agriculture and grazing than Louise St. Inquire of owner, 323 E. 331 Glendale Ave. Sunset 037W sidered fair in war. Especially has this been the case in ocean war­ | for forest purposes and their elimina­ 3rd St., Glendale. Phone 93W. G^mlale, Cal. fare. History abounds in examples of belligerents flying neutral tion was accordingly recommended. 242-tf flags to deceive the watchful foe. One of the clever German com­ “DAVID HARUM" AT THE PALACE FOR RENT—7-room modern bun-j merce-destroying cruisers, shortly before its destruction in a gal­ GRAND TONIGHT galow, 1447 Salem St., $20. Phone TROPICO NURSERY And then there 475J, Home 2761. Peter L. Ferry, lant encounter, successfully put in practice such a ruse when dis­ Y. GOTO, Proprietor are the children. Tonight and Tuesday “David Har- I 536 E. Acacia Ave., Tropico. 245tf | Japanese, European and Home Plants guised with an extra dummy funnel and flying the Japanese flag um” is the film feature at the Palace 214 Park Avenue Tropico, Cal. Of all the delights of FOR RENT—Tents, all sizes; rea­ Sumset Phone 353W she steamed boldly into Shanghai roads and destroyed British photography none offers Grand. Wm. H. Crane, the distin­ shipping there. guished star, makes his first appear­ sonable rates; only place in Glendale. more lasting enjoyment ance in motion pictures in a film ver­ Phone Home 1184, Sunset 647. Hart- The British have not been slow to follow the old practice and than a picture record sion of his famous stage success. field H ardw are Co., 916 W. Broad- FOR HIRE it will be remembered that the Lusitania, last February, sailed of the little folks up j David I-Iarum is one of the quaint­ | way. 251t6 | through a German blockade flying the Stars and Stripes. That through the growing est and noblest character studies ever Five-Passenger 1915 auto, $1 first contributed to the stage. In the role WANTED hour; 75c afterw ards. exploit evoked emphatic protest from President Wilson, who ad­ age. Beach, mountain and park trips, of the old country banker, an eccen­ ¡AUTO FOR HIRE— $1 an hour; long dressed a special note on the subject to the British government. Let us show you how tric and somewhat illiterate charac­ | day and night service. I trips given special preference. Phone Phone Glendale 926W. It will also be remembered that the British, while pointing out easily you can make I ter, but possessing an amazing Glendale 20J. 223tf good pictures of the amount of knowledge not found in 249-t26* that American vessels had on various occasions adopted a similar children and of every­ printed books, Mr. Crane repeats and MONEY WANTED—On fine home even surpasses the charm of his orig­ ruse, indicated that they would put an end to the employment of thing else you care in Glendale; 3 years, 7%; no com­ WE ARE H E R E TO STAY such a trick in the future. Now comes the news that the British inal stage impersonation in the film mission; must talk directly with the about, with a version of the drama. party having the money. Address KELLEY & McELROY steamer Colonian, of the Leyland line, flew the American flag for jBox 40, Evening News, Glendale. PRICES LOW AS CITY forty hours as protection against German submarines while passing 254t4 Trees, Plants, Seeds, Bulbs, Lawns through the war zone. The captain of the Colonian states that a KODAK and Landscape Work. Keep Busi­ CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED—A woman to work; ap­ ness in the City. British patrol vessel ordered him to fly a neutral flag or no flag at You Will Find a ply at the Jewel City Restaurant, 556 422 S. Brand Sunset Phone 453J j W. Broadway. 255t3 all, and that he used the American flag, because, if hailed by a hostile THERMOS BOTTLE FOR SALE submarine he would excite no suspicion by answering in English. most convenient for all kinds FIRST- CLASS DRESSMAKER of trips this summer. We Specially prepared pulverized fer­ wishes a few more engagements. Telephone Glen. 424 There can be but one opinion regarding this deception. Condi­ have them in pint and quart tilizer for lawns and flowers. Mac- Home phone 796. 1425 W. Broad- JOHN D. WILLIAMS tions have altered greatly in ocean warfare during the period that sizes from $1.25 to $5.00. Mullin’s Sanitary Dairy, Sunset 154, jway. Mrs. Adams. 253t3* has elapsed since international warfare included the Atlantic in its Home 1003. 115tf — ... ------General Auditing PAPERHANGING—Fine line of area of operations. The seas are full of the commerce of all nations, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— Two samples. Tinting, $2 per room and neutral and belligerent. American commerce and passenger traffic grass rugs, 9x12 and 9x6; bench up. W ork guaranteed. S. Alvey, 340 1106 W. Broadway Glendale, Cal. crosses and recrosses the Atlantic in the very path of the dead’y Both 1 C f i Both wringer, feather pillows, mattress, Everett St. Phone Glendale 1185. 245tl2 Phones I v U Phones rag rug, 6x9. 240 S. Louise. 255tl 232-t26. submarines; and there is not the slightest doubt that the employ­ ment of the American flag to delude the German sea raiders would FOR SALE— Half value, old-fash­ PAPER nanging and tinting reas­ ultimately result in serious danger to American trade and to the ioned black walnut hall stand, hang­ onable. All work guaranteed first ing closet and seat combined; White class. Estimates furnished. C. lives of American citizens. Once let the Germans arrive at the sewing machine in good order; mis­ Fromm, 249 E. Third St. Phone conclusion that British vessels are in the habit of thus misusing the sion couch with leather cushions; 305 J. 194-tf. McBRYDE’S oak dining table and chairs and other American flag, and they will sink without discrimination all vessels MONEY at 7% and 8% on first MUNSON articles good as new. 147 E. Third ...CLEAN, WHITE GROCERY... mortgages. Have any amount from that sail under that sacred emblem. St. Phone S unset 62W. 255t2 $100 to $5000. Quick service. Will Best Quality of There should be no hesitation on the part of President Wilson The Drug Nan save you money. J. F. Lilly, 1106 in protesting vigorously and effectively against this reprehensible “ The Home of You are willing to sell W. Broadway, Glendale. Sunset 424, your property at a sac­ Home 1163. 245-tf GROCERIES practice. That he will do so cannot be doubted. The president has Christopher’s Ice Cream” At “ The Lowest Prices” already shown that he will leave no effort unapplied to defend rifice, see me. If not, go to the Vanilla or 3-flavor Quart Glendale Carpet Cleaning Works, Phone Glend. 1S8, Home 2422. American interests on the ocean against the belligerents, who have other fellow, as I only buy and 343 G lendale Ave. Special prices for shown a cynical indifference to neutral rights on the high seas. Bricks for 40c sell bargains. 30 days only: 9x12 rugs cleaned, 65c; 9x12 rugs cleaned and sized, —AUTO DELIVERY— In whatever measures President Wilson may see fit to take tp $1.25; 9x12 rugs cleaned, renovated put an end to this abuse of the American flag, he will have the H. A WILSON and sized, $2.75. Phones: Home united support of the nation which has viewed this practice with 2731, Sunset 887. 250t6 912 W. Broadway Glendale strong resentment. The British are only too apt to consider the CALL UP YOUNG, THE VOCAL LESSONS FOR SALE!— Furnished bungalow. REPAIR MAN seas as their own private possession and it is time that the neutral Miss Clementina Landmann re­ A beautiful 5-room, up-to-date bun­ Sunset Glendale 255W to connect nations, in conjunction with the United States, should join to free your gas stove or water heater, to ceives her pupils at her residence, galow, with all built-in features; 1554 West Myrtle street. Voice trial the oceans of the world from such obsession. furnished throughout with high- repair your stove or clean and regu­ late your gas burners, to repair your free. Phone 732W, Glendale. Open class and substantial furniture, lo­ for concerts and receptions. 253t26 cated one-half block from P. E. rail­ faucets and plumbing, to sharpen and HOW TO CELEBRATE THE FOURTH road and only 20 minutes’ ride to adjust your lawnmowevr, to sharpen Sixth and Broadway. Lawn, roses, your knives and scissors, to file your AUTO FOR HIRE— Long trips spe­ flowers and chicken corral. This Is saw and to do soldering, etc. All cialty. Phone Res. 489J; office 277. Now that the glorious Fourth is close at hand, it might be well a very attractive place in a desirable work guaranteed. Stand at Munson’s. 254t6 GLENDALE EVENING NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. Page Three PERSONALS ADDRESS TO THE FLAG For Sale Oh, banner beautiful and fair, Good Sewing Machine for...... $ 3.00 W hat other can with thee compare? f t White ...... 5..00 Whence cometh thy mysterious power, T R. L. Hendricks and family spent I Drop-head Singer ...... 15.00 So potent in each trying hour? Sunday at Seal Beach. T X Drop-head W hite ...... 12.00 At thy command they marched away, f THE PALACE GRAND THEATRE Mrs. Ida B. Bush of Los Angeles Those armies anxious for the fray; 319 BRAND BOULEVARD, GLENDALE X And many others. Cash or pay­ spent Saturday and Sunday at the The hills to lurid flame awoke, X T ments. Machines rented and repaired. home of her niece, Mrs. O. E. Von The valleys dark and dense with t J Oven, 830 Columbus avenue. smoke. T TONIGHT AND TUESDAY WHITE SEWING MACHINE AGENCY What hosts were slain that men Ì 522 N. Glendale Ave, Tropico, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gillette and might be T WM. H. CRANE sons have returned from a pleasant At awful cost— exalted, free? T Phone Glendale 481M. visit to San Diego, where they were Ì the guests of Mrs. Gillette’s mother. Oh, banner, emblem fair, of peace, T in his great charactization i Proclaim that savage war shall T X Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Thompson cease. and family, 1314 West Fifth street, T f All powerful on the battlefield, J TENTS— paid a visit to Los Angeles Saturday To quiet, mild conditions yield. “DAVID HARUM” T in order to celebrate the birthday of From humblest school to highest T X FOB SALE OR RENT Mr. Thompson’s mother at her resi­ grade, ❖ Two Shows Nightly 7:15 and 8:45 p. m See the new Auto Tent, made dence there. Be thy omnipotence displayed; ♦ X ’Till every child the country o’er of heavy canvas, 7x7 ft., with Mr. F arnsw orth, form erly of 239 »I* »I» »I» »I» A .A .4»» »♦» »♦» »♦» ♦>»♦» »I»»♦» <$»•«$> »>•»!♦ Shall enter free on the ground floor, canvas floor; weight only 11 Central avenue, was in Los Angeles With equal openings to advance, pounds. PRICE $8. last week and took hack with him to his ranch in the North his grand­ ’Till none shall say, “I had no Glendale-Montrose car when Conduc­ HARTFIELD HARDWARE CO. children, John and Emma Torrey of chance. tor Anderson noticed the sacks and The Oldest Established and Most Completely Equipped Undertaking suspected that all was not right with 916 WEST BROADWAY 1218 W est Second street. Thy power exert ’till there shall be Concern in the San Fernando Valley In realm of thought great liberty; their contents. Examination showed — Both Phones— Mrs. Bullinger, 244 South Central that Rodriguez was conveying what Home 1184 Sunset 647 avenue, has the pleasure of having Nor for a moment tolerate The slightest join of church and was apparently railway property to at her home on a visit her daughter, town. He was arrested by Chief Her­ Mrs. T upper. state. Float thou from spire and minaret, ald and locked up. Nor let a devotee forget When arraigned this morning be­ The children of the Congregational fore Judge Whomes Rodriguez stated church enjoyed a service all of their That any general favor he Demands he must accord to me. that he had found the wire buried own Sunday. The Rev. E. H. Willis- in the sand of the wash. The judge ford officiated and conducted an ap­ Thy broad folds never fold until Each one shall worship as he will. remanded him until further light propriate children’s service. Thirteen could be cast on the proceedings of children graduated from the primary Oh, banner make thy power home the supposed gang. Some of this department to the advanced section gang are in Pasadena and an officer of the school. At pinacle of lofty dome, Of capital at Washington has been sent to arrest them. W. E. Hewitt, manager of the Glen­ And order legislation done. dale laundry, and family, left Monday In house and sedate senate hall, WORLD CONFERENC •RESIDENT for New York state, where they will Just, equal and exact to all. visit relatives and Mr. Hewitt will Hang thou around the court supreme (By F ra n k A. Coffin) attend to business matters of import­ And forcefully enforce the theme PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE (St. ance. That high and humble, rich and poor, Helena), June 14 (Special).—Elder To justice there can find the door. A. G. Daniells, president of the gen­ F O R S A L E Dr. H. G. Martin and wife of Colo­ eral or world conference of the Oh, flag of power, that power is due rado boulevard and Mrs. H. Oswald, Seventh-day Adventists, arrived here Also all makes of Sewing Machines To men that gave their lives for you. who resides on Oak street, spent from at noon Thursday to attend the na­ cleaned pml repaired at 1020 West You led them where in ranks they fell, Thursday to Sunday camping in the tional educational and young peo­ Mown down by shrieking shot and Broadway, Glendale. Phone 656W. San G abriel canyon. ple’s council of the Seventh-day Ad­ shell. ventists. He returned from the Ori­ AUTO AMBULANCE—EMERGENCY CALLS NORTH GLENDALE They followed ’till they conquered E. J. UPHAM ent last Monday morning on the Sunset 201 —BOTH PHONES— Home 334 peace, steamer Chinyo Maru, and was met Mr. and Mrs. E. Dunham of 642 And hade the noise of battle cease. North Louise street will leave in a by Elder E. E. Andross, president of OOQOOQQOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOO A fading remnant loves you yet, the Pacific union conference, and few days for their former home in And you will not their love forget. Elder E. W. Farnsworth, vice-presi­ OUR LUNCHES Iowa, where they will spend several For you what service more complete dent of the union. ARE CHRTAINLY months visiting relatives and friends Than form a soldier’s winding sheet. WORTH A TRIAL in different parts of the state. Elder Daniells left for Australia a Home-made Pies, and as for — Samuel Parker, Glendale, Cal. year ago, visiting that country and our Waffles, the proof is in Miss Alpha Clement of 1321 North June 14, 1915. the islands of the South Pacific, In­ the eating.' Pacific avenue entertained as her dia, Burma, China and Japan. It Have You Ever Tried guest at dinner Sunday Miss Barbara was his purpose to go through Eu­ HOME-MADE CANDIES Mitchell of Kenneth road. This even­ ON TRAIL O F THE GANG rope, attending a large conference are another feature of this ing Miss Clement and Miss Mitchell which was to have been held near confectionery. will go to Occidental college and will Chief Herald and his officers are Berlin, Germany. The war prevented hot on the trail of a supposed gang the Sanitarium witness the senior class put on their the holding of this large and repre­ WHinON’S CONFECTIONERY annual class play, which this year of thieves who have been operating sentative meeting, so the world presi­ will be “Herod.” along the route of the Glendale and dent spent the time visiting the most 411 Brand Blvd. Glendale Montrose railway. Several of the of the Adventist mission stations in Mr. and Mrs. George H. Marsh and gang have been rounded up. Garcia, Asia, with the exception of Asiatic VegetarianBaked Beans ÖOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOÖ family of 1645 Ruth street enjoyed Tonez and Sylvester are already un­ Russia. Coming in contact as he has a motor trip to San Gabriel Sunday, der practical arrest and Louis Rodri­ with war conditions in the great Asi­ where they were guests of Mrs. guez, who was arrested Saturday, atic field, and having been in close RIGHT FROM THE FACTORY Marsh’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. was arraigned today before Judge touch with the rapidly growing mis­ Wilbur of Rancho La Solano. Whomes. sionary activities of the Seventh-day SCOVERN, LETT0N, Rodriguez was operating on the Adventists in the great heathen world Miss Rae Davis of Orange Grove Glendale-Montrose railway Saturday avenue and Miss Ruth Browne of his addresses to the educators of the They contain no animal fats of any kind. The greatest care FREY CO. and had made quite a haul of copper denomination are expected to be of 1620 Stocker street returned Sunday wire. This wire was the large three- FUNERAL DIRECTORS evening from San Diego, where they most intense interest. He has stood is exercised in selecting the beans and in putting them up. strand copper feed cable that is used his trip well, although during the en­ AND MORTICIANS spent the past week viewing the ex­ for conveying electricity on the road. position and other interesting sights. tire year he has been under constant They are much more delicious and hygienic than beans canned Cor. B rand and Acacia Rodriguez had cut up the cable into and heavy pressure with the large foot lengths and concealed them in Both Phones 143 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. W hitten of responsibilities devolving upon him. with pork. We carry a Full Line of Health Foods. Kenneth road entertained as their gunny sacks. He had several sacks \n aggressive and continued cam­ Auto Ambulance for guests a t a beautifully appointed din-1 and with extraordinary impudence paign for nation-wide prohibition was Emergency Calls ner Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Ottman and was conveying them to town on the determined upon by the delegates to son, also Miss Ella Hatfield of New the council yesterday, a resolution to Our auto, without charge, at York, who are touring California and that effect being passed unanimously. Our Home-Made Bread and Pies a Specialty the service of relatives in mak­ who are spending two weeks in Los This calls attention to the degrading ing funeral arrangements. Angeles, and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. S. effect of the sale and use of liquor, Richards and Mr. and Mrs. Frank and states the conviction of the dele- Peckham of Los Angeles. M an y | gates that lower taxes come with ab­ solute prohibition of the manufacture Mr. and Mrs. John R. Alston of or sale of intoxicants. The resolu­ Sanitarium Health Food Store 1008 Maple avenue were guests of W o m en tion is as follow s: Mrs. A lston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Whereas, Intoxicating liquor is ENTRANCE FROM ISABEL ST. NEAR HOSPITAL Oliver E. Wright of 1649 Ruth street j one of the greatest crime promoters M etz “2 5 ” Sunday. T ell U s I in America, being responsible for a Closed from Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday Fully Equipped Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Newlin of 710 that the only objection they ! large share of all murders, brawls, North Louise street are entertaining have to sending their washing wife-beatings, divorces, accidents and as their house guests Mrs. Newlin’s to a laundry is that the clothes business failures, filling our courts Phone Home 1213, Sunset 2 On Broadway, Glendale, Cal. sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. are torn and lost, etc. with criminal cases, our jails with $ 6 8 5 W. J. Gray of Bisbee, Ariz., who are prisoners, our hospitals and infirm- THE GLENDALE to spend some time in California ! arles with patients, our orphanages LAUNDRY before returning to their home. with homeless children, and our in­ children even before they are of encourage motor car travel, already has expert markers and your sane asylums with inmates, and clothes will not be lost; no school age, and these mothers who heavy, from the east to California. J.W.andR.Z.IMLER Mrs. W. E. Teigler qf Hollywood “Whereas, Alcohol is a poison have taken up this work have met Of the organized tours to move across ACACIA AND BRAND has traded Sunset boulevard prop­ chemicals are used; all wash­ I whose use weakens men and women Phone 698,1 Tropico ing is done with soft water and with encouraging success. the country from the Atlantic sea­ erty for several of the Hammond | physically, mentally and morally, un- board the first will start from New Lumber company’s houses on Dryden every care is taken to avoid the | fitting them for parenthood or mar- tearing or injuring of any RECORD BREAKING RUN York City June 15. This is the ini­ street; also for two houses on South I ried life, and whose manufacture and tial trans-continental tour conducted Louise street. fabric. In fact. Satisfaction is sale corrupts polities, pauperize the Never Too Busy to Do It RIGHT Guaranteed. by the National Highways associa­ purchaser and his family, and degrade SAN DIEGO, June 14.— Breaking tion which during this summer will Mr. N at Browne of 1620 Stocker I brewer, saloon owner and bartender, street spent the week-end at Hunt­ records on a trans-continental auto hold several under its auspices. All I besides encouraging all forms of un- run, E. G. Baker, who was started will be to California. On the first BUTTERFIELD ington Beach, where he was the guest Prompt Service I mentionable vice, and of friends. from the San Diego exposition by Ex­ tour A. L. Westgard, veteran path­ Laundry picked up before “Whereas, Experience has demon­ position President G. A. Davidson, finder, will be at the head of the Mr. and Mrs. L. H. W adsworth of 9:30 a. m. Monday Is delivered strated that better business condi­ has reached New York City, end of party, which will tour the entire The Plumber 1017 Fairview avenue entertained as Tuesday. Picked up Monday p. tions and lower taxes come with pro­ his gruelling race against Father state, that the motorists may see both hibition, therefore, be it 916 W. Broadway (Opposite Fire Station) their gu est Sunday their nephew, Mr. in. delivered Wednesday or Time. Driving a Stutz "Bear Cat,” expositions and points of interest. Paul Price of the Trinity hotel, Los Thursday. Picked up Tuesday, Resolved, That we, the representa­ Baker made the run from the Expo­ Angeles. In the afternoon the party delivered Thursday or Friday. tives of the educational and young sition to New York City in 11 days, people’s missionary volunteer depart­ FIFTH OF JULY AT SYCAMORE Sunset 647 Home 1184 enjoyed a motor trip to Redondo Picked up on Wednesday, deliv­ 7 hours and 15 minutes. The run GROVE Beach, where they spent the evening. ered Friday or Saturday. ments of the Seventh-day adventist logged 3,728 miles. Baker shattered denomination, in convention assem­ his own record made on a motorcycle Estimates on Request Picked up on Thursday or Fri­ The New England society of South­ day, delivered Saturday. bled, hereby protest most emphatical­ last year when he covered by another CO-OPERATION IN CALIFORNIA ly against the legalized manufacture route a distance of 3,378 miles in ern California extends a cordial in­ SOIL SURVEYS I or sale of intoxicating liquor in the 11 days, 12 hours, and 10 m inutes. vitation to all former residents of nation, and that we pledge ourselves In the run just concluded Baker dem­ New England and their families, des- The California agricultural experi­ —BOTH PHONES — by voice, pen and vote, and through onstrated that the automobile is fast­ cendents and guests, to participate FOR PLUMBING ment station is co-operating this sea­ the circulation of good literature up­ er in trans-continental driving than with them in a patriotic celebration Home Sunset and basket picnic at Sycamore grove, son with the United States depart­ 723 163 on the subject, to wage an aggressive the motorcycle. The car used by SEE McPEEK ment of agriculture in soil surveys campaign throughout the land in an Baker was a stock model, the only in Los Angeles city, Monday, July 5. earnest endeavor to halt the awful Social visit, 10 to 12 o’clock. Invo­ Phone Glendale 889 1210 Bdway of detailed areas around Pasadena extra equipment carried being a and San Bernardino and reconnois- liquor curse To this end we invite shovel and block and tackle. The cation and picnic, 12 o’clock. Speak­ Prices Right, Work Guaranteed sance work in the San Diego region. the hearty co-operation of all good drive was remarkable in that there ing, 1 o’clock. Good music. Bring After the work in these areas has citizens.” were several days of hard rains en- cups, saucers, spoons and eatables. The only shop in town that been completed, the parties will take The heart-to-heart talks on teach­ route and yet no mishap resulted. Coffee will be served at the tables combines Sheet Metal and Gas up detailed surveys in the Russian T h e ing, given every morning by Elder Accompanying Baker was W. F. free. river valley and the Honey lake dis­ I. H. Evans, president of the North Strum, a newspaper man, but Baker Permission has been granted by Appliances with his Plumbing trict and reconnoissance work in the American division conference, are piloted the car the entire distance. the park commission to occupy the proving of much interest to the dele­ speakers’ stand and the north portion Business. San Joaquin valley. Four men from G le n d a le Baker’s drive furnished convincing gates. “Spiritual Life of the Teach­ of Sycamore grove for our Fourth of the station and four from the federal proof in the east that touring to Cali­ er,” was the topic yesterday morning. July celebration and basket picnic on department have been assigned to the fornia can be accomplished without “The Home School,” conducted as Monday, July 5, 1915. Remember the PARLIAMENTARY LAW' CLASS work. Under the co-operative ar­ hardships. Although a motor tourist L aundry a branch of the Fireside Correspond­ place and the hour, and extend the rangement adopted for these soil sur­ would not care to drive as fast as ence school, by Prof. C. C. Lewis, was invitation. Ladies desiring to join a special veys each pays the salaries and ex­ Located Corner Columbus and Baker did, the time he made shows given consideration before the coun­ The regular meetings of the soci­ class in parliamentary law will meet penses of its own men, while the fed­ that New York City is not so far from Mrs. McNutt a t the residence of Miss Arden Avenues cil. Prof. Lewis told of the manner ety are the annual meeting in March, eral government bears the expense of the Pacific coast by automobile after Button, 1307 West First street, on inspecting the work and publishing in which Adventist mothers are being Fourth of July Celebration, and Ban­ Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. the report for each county. assisted to give instruction to their all. Baker’s trip undoubtedly will quet on Forefathers’ day. 'age Four GLENDALE EVENING NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1915. WIN THIS $850 MAXWELL TOURING CAR Fully Equipped $400 Schiller Piano purchased from Platt Music Co., Los Angeles A Beautiful Toned Piano, Mahogany Finish Also Three $75 Scholarships to the Isaacs- Woodbury Business College; a $ 5 0 Bank Deposit at the First National Bank of Glendale Trips to San Francisco and San Diego, and Other Prizes to be announced in a day or two Contest Starts Monday, June 14th HOW TO GET VOTES Votes are given on subscriptions to the Glendale Evening News and NOMINATION BLANK Rules of the Contest: Tri-City Progress in the following Any person, man or woman, married or single, in Glendale, Tropico, Burbank, Eagle Rock and vicinity, is eligible to compete. VOTE SCHEDULE The Glendale Evening News Any boy or girl is eligible to compete, providing the written consent Glendale Evening News of parents is furnished. $2000 Subscription Contest New Sub. Old Sub. No employe in the office of the Evening News or relative of such Three months ...... $1.00 1.000 Votes 500 Votes GOOD FOR 5000 VOTES employe can compete. Six months ...... 2.00 3.000 “ 1,500 “ One year ...... 4.00 10,000 “ 5,000 “ Date...... 1915. Voting ballots issued on subscription payments are good and can be Two years ...... 8.00 25,000 “ 12,500 “ voted or held until the last day of the campaign. They are not transferable. The Tri-City Progress I nom inate M. (State Mr., Mrs. or Miss) Candidates may secure subscriptions and coupons ANYWHERE, re­ New Sub. Old Sub. gardless of the “district” in which they are entered. One y e a r ...... $1.00 1.000 Votes 500 Votes Two years ...... 2.00 3.000 “ 1,500 “ Dist. No...... „State ...... All moneys paid to contestants on subscriptions must be sent at once Five years 5.00 15,000 “ 7,500 “ to the Contest Department. Do not turn your subscriptions over to agents or collectors. Three Districts in Contest C ity ...... St. No. .. At the close of the contest the count of votes will be made by a com­ D istrict No. 1— City of Glendale. As a Candidate in The News Contest. mittee of prominent citizens, who will award the prizes. District No. 2—North Glendale, Burbank and vicinity. District No. 3— Tropico, Eagle Rock, Montrose and Vicinity. Contestants may nominate themselves, or be nominated by friends, Signed without any cost. The name of a person who places a candidate in nomination will not A d d ress. be divulged under any circumstances. This nomination blank will count for 5000 votes if sent to the In the event of a tie, prizes of an equal value will be given. Everyone Wins! contest department of the Evening News. Only one blank will The publisher of The News will decide all questions which may arise Ten per cent commission on new subscriptions will be given every­ count for a candidate. Fill out this blank with your name or the during the contest and his decision must be final. Contestants one who does not win a prize. name of your favorite candidate and send it to The News. The in entering this contest thereby agree to the rules of the con­ name of the party making the nomination will not be divulged. test and all rulings which the publisher and proprietor of the For further particulars address (In case of a tie, the value of the prize tied for will be equally di­ Evening News may make. Contest closes Saturday, Sept. 4. CONTEST DEPT., GLENDALE EVENING NEWS vided among those tying.) 920 West Broadway Sunset 132, Home 2401

demands patience, strength, skill and are gone; the school is gone, and thei equipment. It also demands your pupil stands facing the future with- j I sympathy and co-operation. It is a out any other guide save what has j Graduation Gifts— The Glendale Evening News task in which the parents should co­ been acquired in the years pf train­ operate. It is a community task. ing. Your diploma is merely a re-1 A most varied assortment ...... ASSIFIED— - ___ | “You often hear people making use ceipt for work done; your training! ! of that old proverb, ‘The world owes is the capital with which you must j THE GLENDALE BOOK STORE alendale .Cal'. I me a living.’ That is the philosophy make your way. You have now the| Business and Telephone Directory I of a tramp, of a vagabond; it is un­ right and the ability to make a choice. worthy of recognition. It can only It was said by an American of high; In this column not only your phone number but also your be applicable when the individual standing, ‘I believe in an American’s ! periment. A well-balanced mind con­ place of business is brought to the attention of over 4500 I says ‘If the world owes me a living, right to play the fool if he wants to fronted with the many things that are to be learned probes them, ex- readers every day. Phone your order or drop a line and our II owe it a life.’ The man who has play the fool.’ He meant that indi­ I given his life to his country and viduals can be trusted to do what is | amines them, experiments with them. directory department solicitor will call upon you at once. | undertaken the hardships and dan- best if they have had the right train­ Prove all things. There is no truth * Our Phone Numbers are Sunset 132, Home 2401™*■■■,■,, | gers of the battlefield or the ocean ing. That is your birthright. You, j| that will not stand any test. The j may with right expect that country if your training has been of any; acid test, the test of fire—nothing FACIAL MASSAGE, BODY MASSAGE, HAIR WORK, ETC. to provide for him. So if you are value, are able to take on yourselves] can harm it, if it is the truth. No Bachmann Beauty Parlors, Apt. 30, Flower Bldg...... Sunset 951 to get anything from the world you the responsibility of trying to do your moral or religious truth need fear must give the world service. best.” examination or testing of any kind. BUICK, CADILLAC, DODGE MOTOIl CARS “Again, education prepares us for The speaker then strongly advised I You have two arts of your education This Bank Hunchterger & McFadden, Agts., 537 Brand....Sunset 50, Home 2004 life’s activities. We call this grad­ the graduates to go forward to a I before you—knowing things and uation period ‘commencement.’ It higher education and advocated the j knowing God. The first comprises GLENDALE IMPLEMENT CO., C. M. Lund, Prop., 574 Third Street all the things which are apart from Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing, General Repairing, Garden Tools. I may seem a strange word to use; yet smaller colleges as most profitable to j it is a most appropriate one. This the student because of the personal ] the great personality of God such as Is a Helper LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIAL graduation is to you merely the be- contact to be had there with the; literature, arts, science, philosophy. Bentley-Schoeneman Lumber Co., 1022 Bdwy....Home 2061, Sunset 51 i ginning of your education. It is the teachers. These are practical things, useful IT IS ALWAYS ACTIVE IN “ ‘Where is the Lord God of Eli- ] things, things that you can touch and THE SERVICE OF ITS CUS­ PRINTING, STATIONERY, ETC. commencement of living and observ­ ing. Now you are giving direction jah?’ That said the speaker was the analyze. Above them and including TOMERS AND IN PROMO­ Glendale News Office, 920 W. Bdwy...... Sunset 132, Heme 2401 to your path and all that you have first question of Elisha when he en-| them is the knowledge of God. The TION OF THEIR INTER­ RUGS, SHADES, LINOLEUM AND FURNITURE I learned in school is of value only tered on his career in the world. It j more you have of the second, the ESTS. Glend. House F urnishing Co., E. F. P a rk e r & Co., 419 B rand, Sunset 40 j in so far as it enables you to give is essential that those who are to more you will have of the first. God direction to life’s forces; to turn your face the world should in similar com-! expresses himself to us through these WE OFFER ABSOLUTE TRANSFER, FURNITURE MOVING, DAILY TRIPS TO LOS ANGELES superior strength and skill into chan­ prehension of the overlordship of di-. things. SECURITY FOR YOUR DE­ Richardson Transfer, 341V6 Brand Blvd...... Home 2241, Sunset 748 nels at once practical and beneficial. vine providence in this world ask a | “The knowledge of God is deeper POSITS. GIVE PERFECT similar question. and more mysterious than the knowl­ SERVICE. EQUIPPED TO “Modern teaching differs in much edge of things. We know Him be­ HANDLE ALL KINDS OF from the teaching of the old school. “The graduate in facing the world for the first time alone must face it cause of the life that has radiated BANKING BUSINESS. The old method was one of insistent from Him; because of the wonderful command. ‘Learn, learn’ without any praying and seeking divine guidance. | MAY WE SERVE YOU? Not Good After June 20 If you leave God out of your program spirit that is ever moving and influ­ attempt to show how to learn. Mod­ encing our lives. We know God Just ern teaching shows us how to learn your life will become a wreck. Ask GLENDALE EVENING NEWS DAILY VOTE COUPON God to manifest himself tp you. as we love one another. We love and how to apply our learning to one another not by text-books, not by life. I believe in individuality. I be­ “You are now accepting responsi­ This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes bility and entering the great arena things that come through the ordi­ lieve in individuality also rather than nary channels of life. So we know in efficiency. In Germany we see the with crowds of others who will give Bank of you the most severe kind of competi­ God through the spirit. God takes result of a species of training that hold of life; takes hold of destiny. goes to produce wonderful efficiency; tion in the race of life. You must Glendale F or...... understand the importance of estab­ “In the end, we must all return to but in the course of that training the simplicity of the child’s love; to Commercial and Savings individuality is lost sight of. A ma­ lishing at the very outset of your career right social, moral, profes­ the simplicity and purity of the soul Broadway and Glendale Ave. Dist. No...... C ity...... chine is capable of much greater ac­ that perceives that God is our father curacy and efficiency than a man in sional, commercial and religious con­ nections. What you decide now will and approaches him in the simplicity certain things, but man is not a ma­ of that spirit. Learning, place, pow­ •St. No...... J3tate ...... chine and any system of education influence what you will become. You may not have chosen.a profes­ er, all that the world can give you that tends to reduce man to the as a reward for what you have learned Good for ten votes when filled out and sent to the Contest status of a machine is on the wrong sion or a calling; do so at once. Be not like Micawber, always looking here and have applied so as to bene­ Department by mail or otherwise, on or before the above date. No track. I hope never to see Germany’s fit it, fades into nothingness before coupon will be altered or changed in any way or transferred after efficiency in the United States. De­ for something to turn up. Any life that is moving in the right course the reality of the relation of the being received at The News office. This coupon will NOT run mocracy forbids it. Schools must human soul to the divine fatherhood. through the entire contest. not aim at moulding men to one pat­ may expect difficulties in the way, but when they do present themselves When our learning has been conse­ tern. God loves individuality and crated in this direction it has achiev­ tions. So he found It necessary to honors personality. Of course every­ they will vanish immediately simply because of the proper arrangement of ed its end.” pay the palace expenses with leather body must be efficient. I believe in money. He also used leather medals that. I also believe, however, that your life’s course. HIGH SCHOOL SERMON Essential elements of success in edu­ LEATHER MEDALS when he wished to confer honor on cation are a proper teacher and a such efficiency must arise out of the “Ask yourself, ‘What do my re­ some nobleman. The custom quick­ (Continued from Page 1) willing pupil. A good teacher plus sense of higher duty in individuals sponsibilities demand of me?’ Elisha Leather medals were originally ly arose of presenting leather med­ “The fundamental elements of ed­ an apt pupil equals efficiency. that leads them to apply themselves when asked by Elijah what he want­ als as a burlesque distinction. ucation," the speaker said, "are giv­ "Teachers need sympathy. This to the work before them with every ed, made demand for that which conferred as a genuine mark of —American Boy. ing, receiving and applying. If you business of standing up five days in energy of mind and body and that seemed almost an impossibility; but honor. When King John of France, are to have anything of value to fit the week before an exacting class of leads them to fit themselves for the because he did so he was strengthen­ captured at Agincourt, was forced to you for life, you must first have a pupils and imparting to them knowl­ work before them. ing himself and making it possible pay to Edward III. of England a ran­ The youth of our nation should not be reared with the idea that it is proper teacher to give it to you. edge is one of the most wearing-out “Again, at graduation the graduate for him to achieve what he wanted. som of 3,000,000 gold crowns to ef­ Elisha went to the best school of his has come to a point where he or she “Your knowledge will open to you fect his release he was left without glorious to slay their fellow-men in tasks In this world. To prepare a warfare. age and to the best master—Elijah. class for a life's career is a task that must face the world alone. Teachers wide fields for speculation and ex- precious metal for coins or decora-