Outsourcing of Maintenance, User Support and Development Services of the OECD Internal Publishing Systems
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ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT CALL FOR TENDERS 100000730 Outsourcing of maintenance, user support and development services of the OECD internal publishing systems Closing date: Thursday 13th February, 2014 3.00 PM (Paris time) OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 1 of 28 Introduction: ABOUT the OECD The OECD brings together the governments of Established: 1961 countries committed to democracy and the Location: Paris, France market economy from around the world to: Membership: 34 countries • Support sustainable economic growth Budget: EUR 347 million • Boost employment Secretariat staff: 2 500 • Raise living standards Secretary-General: Angel Gurría • Maintain financial stability Publications: 250 new titles/year • Assist other countries' economic development Official languages: English/French • Contribute to growth in world trade The OECD also shares expertise and exchanges views with more than 100 other countries and economies, from Brazil, China, and Russia to the least developed countries in Africa. Monitoring, analysing and forecasting The OECD’s mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. We are focusing on helping governments in our Member and Partner countries and elsewhere in four main areas: First and foremost, governments need to restore confidence in markets and the institutions and companies that make them function. That will require improved regulation and more effective governance at all levels of political and business life. Secondly, governments must re-establish healthy public finances as a basis for future sustainable economic growth. In parallel, we are looking for ways to foster and support new sources of growth through innovation, environmentally friendly ‘green growth’ strategies and the development of emerging economies. Finally, to underpin innovation and growth, we need to ensure that people of all ages can develop the skills to work productively and satisfyingly in the jobs of tomorrow. OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 2 of 28 Enlargement and enhanced engagement Since 2007, the OECD offered enhanced engagement to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa. In 2013, the OECD agreed to invite Colombia and Latvia to open discussions for membership of the Organisation. Accession talks with Russia are on-going. Publishing The OECD is one of the world's largest publishers in the fields of economics and public policy. OECD publications are a prime vehicle for disseminating the Organisation's intellectual output, both on paper and online. Publications are available through the Online Information System (OLIS) for government officials, through OECD iLibrary for researchers and students in institutions, corporate, subscribed to our online library and through the Online Bookshop for individuals who wish to browse titles free-of-charge and to buy publications. OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 3 of 28 PART I: INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.1 Nature of the Call for Tenders The OECD is issuing this call for tenders with a view to selecting a provider for maintenance, user support and development services of the OECD internal publishing systems. 1.2 Conditions of the Call for Tenders 1.2.1 Composition of the call for tenders This file contains 3 parts: a) Part I: Instructions to tenderers and its annex declaration; b) Part II: Technical specifications and its Annexes A and B; c) Part III: Minimum general conditions for OECD contracts. 1.2.2 Offers All offers will be treated as contractually binding for the Tenderer and the Tenderer shall consequently date and sign the documents mentioned above, as well as any document in support (including its proposal of prices). 1.2.3 Duration of tender validity Tenders shall remain valid for at least 180 days. 1.2.4 Additional information Should any problems of interpretation arise in the course of drawing up the response document, Tenderers may submit a written request for further information to the Organisation at the address indicated below, no later than 10 calendar days before the deadline for the submission of tenders. All answers will be available on the website of the OECD: By email to [email protected]; or OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 4 of 28 By mail to: OCDE EXD/PBF/CPG A l’attention de M. Jérôme REVERCHON Call for Tenders ref. 100000730 2, rue André Pascal 75775 Paris Cedex 16 1.2.5 Acceptance and rejection of tenders There is no commitment on the part of the Organisation to accept any offer or part thereof. The Organisation reserves the right to: Accept non-substantive defects that might affect the presentation of tenders; Reject tenders received after the deadline for submission of tenders, without justification. 1.2.6 Tenders submitted by partnerships Partnerships must jointly meet the administrative requirements set out in the CFT. Each of the partners must also meet those requirements individually. Once a tender has been submitted, there may be no change in the composition of a partnership without the prior written permission of OECD. The Organisation reserves the right to reject any request for such modification without having to justify its decision. 1.2.7 Modification or cancellation of call for tenders The Organisation reserves the right to modify or cancel all or part of the call for tenders, should the need arise, without having to justify its actions and without such action conferring any right to compensation on Tenderers. 1.2.8 Extension of the deadline for submission The OECD reserves the right to extend the deadline for submission of the offers. In that case, all the tenderers’ and Organisation’s rights and duties and in particular Article 1.2.3 above (Duration of tender validity) will be subject to this new deadline. OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 5 of 28 1.2.9 Tendering expenses Offers are not paid. No reimbursement of expenses related to the preparation of any proposal will be made by the OECD. 1.2.10 Confidentiality It is requested that this call for tenders be treated as confidential, as well as any further information furnished to the candidate, or to which the candidate may have access in relation to this CFT or in the performance of the contract, regardless of the format, with the exception of information used to respond to the CFT. The OECD reserves the right to have all documents and information returned at the end of the tender process, regardless of their format. 1.3 Presentation, Submission and Contents of Tenders 1.3.1 Tender presentation and conditions for submission Tenders shall be entirely drafted in either English or French and shall be submitted: Before the deadline: In three paper copies + one CD ROM version or USB key; By recorded delivery in return for a receipt from the OECD or by registered mail with postal acknowledgement of receipt: In a sealed double envelope bearing the words "NE PAS OUVRIR par le service courrier – Appel d’Offres n°100000730”, to: OCDE EXD/PBF/CPG A l'attention de M. Jérôme REVERCHON 2, rue André Pascal 75775 PARIS CEDEX 16 FRANCE The deadline for submission of tenders is Thursday 13th February 2014 at 3.00 PM (Paris time). Tenders received after that deadline or in unsealed envelopes and/or bearing any mention that would identify or make reference to the tendering company may be rejected, as may any offers that do not respond to all the services described in the Technical Specifications. Tenders sent by email or fax will be systematically rejected, even if a duplicate is sent by mail. OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 6 of 28 1.3.2 Contents of the tender The Tender as well as the terms included in the documentation relating to the present CFT are contractually binding, and must be initialled on each page and duly signed, with the following documents attached: The Minimum General Conditions for OECD Contracts; The Terms of Reference. 1.3.3 General Information The Tenderer must provide: A letter of application signed by the Tenderer and specifying that all the elements of the offer are contractually binding, and explaining the reason for the interest in this call for tenders; All certificates identifying the Tenderer, including its name, legal nature, address, SIRET Number or equivalent, date founded, areas of activity and number of employees by country and activity, financial information for the past three years, professional insurance, and any other information it may deem relevant; If the tender is submitted by a partnership, the letter of application must be signed by each of the partners in that group to ensure their joint and several liabilities. In such cases the tender must include a letter from each of the partners stating their joint liability for the commitment entered into; All certificates identifying each of the partners within a partnership and the persons with power of signature or the individuals and legal entities constituting the group submitting the tender; Any related, existing agreements with intermediaries or third parties; The Tenderer, or each of the partners in the case of a partnership, must have fulfilled all its legal obligations with regard to tax declarations and payments in its home country and must supply all the requisite certificates to that effect. 1.3.4 Financial Conditions Prices quoted must include everything necessary for the complete execution of an eventual contract, with the understanding that charges for items not identified in the proposal will be borne by the respondent, if they are essential to execution of the contract. OECD publishing systems maintenance, support and development services Ref 100000730 Page 7 of 28 1.4 Interviews The Organisation reserves the right to organise hearings and request the candidates to specify the content of their offers.