The Electric Power System

- Republic of -

Macedonian Power System 1 2 Basic facts

 Area: 25.713 km2  Population: ~ 2.069.172  Number of electricity consumers: 695.279 (DSO)  Number of TSOs: 1  MEPSO  Number of DSOs: 2 EVN Macedonia ELEM distribution  Peak load: 1507 MW (2014)

Macedonian Power System 2 3 Global map of the grid and of its interconnections

 Interconnectors with:  (2 interconnections) 

Source: ENTSO-E

Macedonian Power System 3 4 Grid facts and characteristics

Transmission system (TS) comprises of 400 kV and 110 kV transmission overhead lines and cables.  Five 400/110 kV/kV substations connect the 400 kV and 110 kV networks  TS is connected with the neighboring systems via 400 kV interconnections  Total installed generation capacity in 2014 is 1857 MW (connected to the transmission grid), mainly shared among 580 MW of HPP-s (31%) and 1240 MW of TPP-s (67%).

Macedonian Power System 4 5 Structure of electrical power system The 400 kV transmission lines are the backbone of the transmission grid in the Republic of Macedonia. They form a 400 kV ring comprised of three transmission lines connecting the largest consumption located in the northern part of the country with the largest production facilities located in the south-western part. Also, the 400 kV transmission lines are used for interconnection to the neighboring power systems. The 110 kV transmission grid connects the large hydro power plants, all of the larger cities, as well as the industrial centers. The 400 kV and 110 kV transmission grids are coupled through five substations. A Project for reconfiguration of the 110 kV grid in the south-western part of the country is currently underway.

Macedonian Power System 5 6 Map of the high voltage grid SERBIA

New Kosovo Nis Chervena Mogila * (Radomir)


K.Palanka 1 TIRZ M.Kamenica 1 110 Kumanovo 3 Tetovo 1 Kratovo Probistip Jugohrom Kumanovo 2 Tetovo 2 TE-TO Rafinerija Delcevo Bunardzik BULGARIA Kocani Vinica HPP Sv.Petka Skopje 3 Skopje 4 400 Skopje 4 110 Petrovec O.Pole Stip 1 400 HPP Dracevo Veles Stip 1 110 Topilnica Stip 2 HPP Vrutok Veles 2 WPP Sasavarlija 1 Gostivar 2 Samokov WPP Sasavarlija 2 Centralna Bucim Radovis M A C E Zgropolci D O N I A HPP Boskov Most Dubrovo 400 HPP Spilje Kicevo Susica Petric 3 TPP Prilep 2 HPP Globocica HPP Gradec Feni Dolneni HPP Tikves Negotino Prilep 1 HPP Galiste 2 Sopotnica

Krusevo WPP Nov 400 HPP Cebren Ohrid 110 Struga Ohrid 3 1 Ohrid 1 Resen Elbasan Ohrid 2 Bitola 2 400 Bitola 2 110 Bitola 4

Bitola 3 Brod-Gneotino Suvodol Thesaloniki

GREECE Source: Amindeo

Macedonian Power System 6 7 Information on TSO(s)

 Name: MEPSO  Network length (km): 529 (400kV) & 1587 (110kV)  Served area (km²): 25.713  Annual transmitted energy (TWh) ~ 7,403 (2015)

Macedonian Power System 7 8 Responsibilities of TSO & DSOs

 MEPSO owns, maintains and expands the transmission network, operates the electricity power system of the country and secures interconnections with the neighboring transmission systems. MEPSO also acts as Market Operator. DSO owns, maintains and expands the distribution network

Macedonian Power System 8 9 Power structure of the country


Macedonian Power System 9 10 Installed capacity with reference to primary resources  Installed capacities (MW), year 2014  Gas 287  Hydro power 603 Oil Solar Wind 10% 1% 2%  Lignite 800 Gas  Oil 210 14%  Solar power 15  Wind power 37 Lignite Hydro 40% 33%


Macedonian Power System 10 11 Energy production with reference to primary resources  Electricity generated (GWh), year 2014

 Gas 190 Solar Wind Gas Oil 0% 2% 4%  Hydro power 1136 0%  Lignite 3506 Hydro  Oil 0 23%  Solar power 14  Wind power 70 Lignite 71%


Macedonian Power System 11 12 Consumption per customer groups


Macedonian Power System 12 13 Location of renewable energy sources - solar 

Source: Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS),

Macedonian Power System 13 Location of renewable 14 energy sources - wind

Source: AWS Truewind

Macedonian Power System 14 15 RES installed capacity since 2012

(MW) 2012 2015 2020 Wind?? 0 36 100 Small HPP 36 80 130 PVs 3.8 10 25 MW 300 250 200 PVs 150 Small HPP 100 Wind 50 0 Source: 2012 2015 2020

Macedonian Power System 15 16 Price development for tariff customers

EUR cents/kWh EVN - average price for tariff customers 8,40 8,20 8,00 7,80 7,60 7,40 7,20 7,00 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Source:

Macedonian Power System 16 17 Electricity market organisation

Macedonian Power System 17 18 Power balance in 2014

 Generation 4982 GWh  Consumption 7850 GWh  Imports (physical) 5598 GWh  Exports (physical) 2529 GWh  Losses 201 GWh


Macedonian Power System 18