From: Reviews and Criticism of Vietnam War Theatrical and Television Dramas ( compiled by John K. McAskill, La Salle University ([email protected])

S9400 (USA, 1987) (Other titles: Schwimmend nach Kambodscha)

Credits: director, ; writer, . Cast: Spalding Gray. Summary: Dramatic monologue. Spalding Gray’s Obie award-winning theatrical performance in which he recounts the eights weeks he spent in Southeast Asia creating the role of the Ambassador’s aide in the Killing fields.

Ansen, David [et al]. “The arts: Movies: Hollywood goes independent” Newsweek 109 (Apr 6, 1987), p. 64-6. Bartholomew, David. “Swimming to Cambodia” Film journal 90 (Apr 1987), p. 26-7. Benson, Sheila. “Movie review: Mesmerizing strokes in ‘Swimming to Cambodia’” Los Angeles times (Apr 3, 1987), Calendar, p. 1. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Bliss, Michael. What goes around comes around : the films of Jonathan Demme Carbondale : Southern Illinois University Press, 1996. (p. 74, 76-80, 82-3, 147) Boyum, Joy Gould. [Swimming to Cambodia] Glamour 85 (May 1987), p. 218. Canby, Vincent. “Film view: Soloists on the big screen” times 136 (Mar 27, 1987), sec. 2, p. 19. Carr, Jay. “‘Swimming’: Absorbing madness” globe (Mar 27, 1987), Arts and film, p. 34. Cosford, Bill. “Spalding Gray spins fascinating tales in Swimming” Miami herald (Aug 21, 1987), p. 5D. Cunliffe, Simon. “They shall not grow old” New statesman 114 (Sep 4, 1987), p. 22- 3. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Denby, David. “Movies: My dinner with Spalding” New York 20 (Mar 23, 1987), p. 82+ [3 p.] [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Devine, Jeremy M. Vietnam at 24 frames a second [GB] (p. 227) Dika, Vera. “Cinema: Critical mass” Art in America 76 (Jan 1988), p. 37+ [3 p.] Fenner, Jeffrey. “Swimming to Cambodia” Magill’s cinema annual 1988 Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Salem Press, 1982- (p. 339-42) Gelmis, Joseph. “Movie review: A movie role as a metaphor for life” Newsday (Mar 13, 1987), pt. III, p. 13. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Gold, Richard (Rich). “Swimming to Cambodia” Variety 326 (Mar 11, 1987), p. 123. Hoberman, J. “Film: American gothic” Village voice 32 (Mar 17, 1987), p. 51. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Howe, Desson. “The odyssey of Spalding Gray” Washington post (May 1, 1987), Weekend, p. 29. Jacobs, Tom. “‘Swimming to Cambodia’ makes it to the big screen” Chicago tribune (Apr 7, 1987), Tempo, p. 3. [Reprinted from Los Angeles daily news] Kael, Pauline. “The current cinema: Not for the ages” New Yorker 63 (Apr 6, 1987), p. 82-6. Kauffmann, Stanley. “Stanley Kauffmann on films: Three from the theater” New republic 196 (Mar 23, 1987), p. 24-5. Kehr, Dave. “‘Swimming to Cambodia’ fords difficult channel” Chicago tribune (Apr 10, 1987), Friday, p. A. Kempley, Rita. “Movies: Shades of Spalding Gray” Washington post (May 1, 1987), p. B1. Kreps, Karen. “Swimming to Cambodia” Boxoffice 123 (May 1987), p. R47-8. Lanning, Michael Lee. Vietnam at the movies [GB] (p. 325) Leepson, Marc. “Swimming to Cambodia” Vietnam war feature filmography (1992 draft) [GB] (p. 385) and Vietnam war films [GB] (Entry 582) Martineau, Richard. “Swimming to Cambodia” Sequences 130 (Aug 1987), p. 86. Maslin, Janet. “Film: Spalding Gray’s ‘Swimming to Cambodia’” New York times 136 (Mar 13, 1987), p. C8. McKim, Richard. “Swimming to Cambodia” Cineaste 15/4 (1987), p. 41-3. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Mieses, Stanley. “The New York Newsday interview with Spalding Gray: In this Hamlet, he offers soliloquies” Newsday (Apr 8, 1987), p. 73. Newman, Kim. “Swimming to Cambodia” Monthly film bulletin 54 (Sep 1987), p. 284. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Niogret, Hubert. “Sorties new-yorkaises” Positif 317-318 (Jul/Aug 1987), p. 47-9. O’Toole, Lawrence. [Swimming to Cambodia] Maclean’s 100 (Apr 27, 1987), p. 62. Prinz, Jessica. “Spalding Gray’s Swimming to Cambodia: A performance gesture” in Staging the impossible : the fantastic mode in modern drama (edited by Patrick D. Murphy) Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1992. (p. 156-68) Rafferty, Terrence. “Films: ‘Swimming to Cambodia’” Nation 244 (Apr 18, 1987), p. 518-20. Rodman, Howard A. “Motion pictures: Renee Shafransky” Millimeter 16 (Jan 1988), p. 110-11. Rosenbaum, Ron. [Swimming to Cambodia] Mademoiselle 93 (Jul 1987), p. 46-7+ Ryan, Desmond. “In ‘Swimming,’ words are the propellant power” Philadelphia inquirer (Apr 15, 1987), p. E4. Schickel, Richard. “Cinema: Art, war, death and sex: ‘Swimming to Cambodia,’ ‘Working girls’” Time 129 (Apr 27, 1987), p. 79. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] “Una scomnesia a no budget: ‘Swimming to Cambodia’” Castoro cinema n. 184 (Jul/Aug 1997), p. 75-82. Simpson, Mona. “Somebody to talk about” New York times magazine 136 (Mar 8, 1987), [sec. 6], p. 40+ [4 p.] Siskel, Gene. “Flick of the week: ‘Swimming to Cambodia’ is fascinating” Chicago tribune (Apr 10, 1987), Friday, p. A. Skorman, Richard. “Swimming to Cambodia” in his Off-Hollywood movies : a film lover’s guide New York : Harmony Books, 1989. (p. 216-17) Strick, Philip. “Swimming to Cambodia” Films and filming 396 (Sep 1987), p. 40. “Swimming to Cambodia” Film review annual 1988 Englewood, N.J. : J.S. Ozer, 1981- (p. 1488-96. [Swimming to Cambodia] City limits 307 (Aug 20, 1987), p. 23. [Swimming to Cambodia] (interview with Jonathan Demme) City limits 307 (Aug 20, 1987), p. 16. [Swimming to Cambodia] Hollywood reporter 296/32 (Apr 2, 1987), p. 3, 22. [Swimming to Cambodia] Screen international 614 (Aug 22, 1987), p. 30. [Swimming to Cambodia] Time out 887 (Aug 19, 1987), p. 30. [Swimming to Cambodia] (interview with Spalding Gray) Time out 887 (Aug 19, 1987), p. 12. Tallmer, Jerry. [Swimming to Cambodia] New York post (Mar 13, 1987), p. 30. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1988] Winer, Linda. “Swimming to celebrity: Soho storyteller Spalding Gray is reaching a wider public with his private dreams. The movie version of his monologue ‘Swimming to Cambodia’ opens this week” Newsday (Mar 8, 1987), pt. II, p. 3.

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