Tuberculous Pericarditis: a Case Report
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Le Infezioni in Medicina, n. 4, 337-339, 2016 CASE REPORT 337 Tuberculous pericarditis: a case report Affan Denk1, Mehmet Ali Kobat2, Safak Ozer Balin3, Sumeyye Selim Kara1, Orhan Dogdu2 1Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey; 2Department of Cardiology, Faculty of Medicine, Firat University, Elazig, Turkey; 3Department of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Elazig Training and Research Hospital, Elazig, Turkey SUMMARY Pericardial effusion is common disease and difficult to The case was diagnosed by positivity of acid-fast stain- diagnose. Tuberculosis accounts for up to 4% of acute ing, culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of pericarditis and 7% of cardiac tamponade cases. Quick the aspirated pericardial fluid and treated promptly treatment can be lifesaving but requires accurate di- with antituberculosis drugs. The patient showed com- agnosis. We report a case of a 65-year-old man who plete recovery. presented with a 3-week history of fever with chills, non-productive cough and dyspnea. Keywords: tuberculosis, pericarditis. n INTRODUCTION n CASE REPORT lthough there has been a significant decline A 65-year-old man patient presented with a Ain tuberculosis in wealthy industrialized 3-week history of fever with chills, non-produc- countries over last years, Africa, Asia, and Latin tive cough and dyspnea. There were no history of America with 86% of the world’s population, are tuberculosis, alcohol and IV drug abuse, certain home to 95% of all cases of active tuberculosis and diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and HIV infec- 98% of nearly two million deaths resulting from tion, immunosuppression, use of corticosteroids this disease each year [1]. Tuberculous pericardi- and occupational risk (for example, health-care tis, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis is found worker) as well as no familiar risk factors for tu- approximately in 1% of all autopsied cases of tu- berculosis. On examination he was febrile with berculosis and in 1-2% instances of pulmonary temperature of 38.8°C, tachycardia (heart rate of tuberculosis [2]. Quick treatment of tuberculous 112 beats/min), blood pressure of 120/80 mmHg, pericarditis can be lifesaving. Effective treatment and respiratory rate of 23 breaths/min. Jugular requires a rapid and accurate diagnosis for dis- venous pulse was raised. The heart sounds were ease but it is frequently difficult [3]. muffled and associated with a pericardial rub on We report a case of tuberculous pericarditis in a auscultation. He had a body weight of 62 kg. 65-year-old man that was diagnosed by the posi- Laboratory tests revealed haemoglobin of 12.4 tivity of acid fast staining, culture and polymerase g/dL, white blood cell count of 12000/mm3 with chain reaction (PCR) of the aspirated pericardial polymorphs 60% and lymphocytes 37%, erythro- fluid, and promptly treated with antituberculosis cyte sedimentation rate of 38 mm/h and C-reac- drugs. tive protein level of 4 mg/L (normal <5 mg/L). He was seronegative for HIV. The hepatic func- tion tests were within normal limits. Creatinine Corresponding author level was 1.3 mg/dL. Tuberculin skin test (TST) Affan Denk was positive at 17 mm aftre 24 hours. Electrocar- E-mail: [email protected] diography (ECG) showed low voltage complex- 338 A. Denk, et al. es with sinus tachycardia. Chest X-ray indicated cally, the process begins as effusive constrictive left basal consolidation with effusion along with pericarditis. In ultimate stages, acid fast bacilli cardiomegaly. Ultrasound-guided thoracente- are usually not detected but caseating granulo- sis was performed. Microbiological examination mas involving the pericardium and epicardium of thoracentesis fluid for acid fast staining, and may be present [6]. PCR test for M. tuberculosis was found negative. The clinical presentation of tuberculous peri- Within the same day, pericardiocentesis was per- carditis is variable and non-specific with symp- formed by transthoracic echocardiography. In a toms including fever, night sweats, fatigue, and few days, 800 ml of straw-colored pericardial flu- weight loss. Most common symptoms are cough, id was drained. On microbiological examination, chest pain and dyspnea [7, 8]. In some cases, PCR test for M. tuberculosis was found positive. evidence of chronic cardiac compression mim- The acid fast staining smears showed acid fast icking heart failure can be present [6]. Cardiac bacilli along with pus cells. Culture on Lowen- tamponade may present as a complication of stein Jensen (LJ) media showed rough and buff pericardial effusion. Sometimes vague symp- colonies suggestive of M. tuberculosis after four toms make the condition difficult to recognize. weeks of incubation and was confirmed by acid Prompt treatment of tuberculous pericarditis fast staining, and biochemical tests. The patient may be lifesaving. Effective treatment requires responded well to drainage of the pericardial flu- a rapid and accurate diagnosis, which is often id and dyspnea subsided. He was orally started difficult [3]. Chest radiograph which shows an on isoniazid (INH) 300 mg, rifampicin (RIF) 600 enlarged cardiac shadow in more than 90% cas- mg, ethambutol (EMB) 1500 mg, and pyrazin- es, demonstrates features of active pulmonary amide (PZA) 2000 mg daily. The fever subsided disease in 30% cases [4-7]. The ECG is abnormal two weeks after this treatment. One month later, in virtually all cases of tuberculous pericarditis the patient was discharged from hospital. The as observed in the present case [9]. patient was responding well to the treatment, In the present case, the diagnosis was confirmed with no recurrence of symptoms or any signs of by demonstration of acid fast bacilli in aspirat- deterioration when last followed up, six weeks ed material and isolation on LJ medium. The after the start of therapy. The anti-tuberculosis variability in the detection of tubercle bacilli in 4-drug regimen was given for two months, af- a direct smear of pericardial fluid is well docu- terwards 2-drug regimen (INH+RIF) was given mented but the yield may range from 0 to 42% for four months. The patient showed complete [10]. Thus, culture is said to be the gold standard. recovery. Rapid diagnosis by PCR was considered an im- portant diagnostic tool, till a study by Cegielski et al. [11], demonstrated that the sensitivity of n DISCUSSION PCR of pericardial tissue is comparatively lower than culture. In this case, we have shown that Extrapulmonary tuberculosis occurs in 20% of tuberculosis PCR of pericardial fluid. Antibiotic patients with tuberculosis. Tuberculous pericar- therapy dramatically increases survival in tuber- ditis is shown in 1-8% of these patients. Tuber- culous pericarditis. A regimen consisting of INH, culous pericarditis is the most common cause of RIF, EMB, and PZA for at least two months fol- pericarditis in Africa and other countries where lowed by INH and RIF (total six months of thera- tuberculosis remains a large problem [4]. Tuber- py) have been shown to be highly effective [3, 6]. culosis accounts for up to 4% of acute pericarditis In conclusion, tuberculous pericarditis is a rare and 7% of cardiac tamponade. The mortality rate manifestation of tuberculosis and is associat- of tuberculosis still ranges from 14 to 40%. Tu- ed with considerable mortality and morbidity berculous pericarditis is still a lethal condition. which decrease with effective early diagnosis This effusion is mainly due to hypersensitivity and treatment. In patients admitted to hospital to tubercular protein [5]. The route of spread of with long-lasting fever, cough, and shortness of the organisms to pericardium is usually from breath, especially in endemic areas, tuberculous mediastinal or hilar lymph nodes or from lungs pericarditis should be kept in mind in the differ- or rarely as a part of miliary tuberculosis. Typi- ential diagnosis. Tuberculous pericarditis: a case report 339 Declaration of interest: The authors declare [6] Mayosi B.M., Burgess L.J., Doubell A.F. Tuberculous that there is no conflict of interest. No financial pericarditis: heart disease in Africa. Circulation. 112, 23, support was provided for the authors. 3608-3616, 2005. [7] Sanduzzi A., Ponticiello A., Bocchino M., Perna F., Vatrella A. 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