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Norwegian Heritage Special Issue Bringing together Pack your bags! Norwegians all over For min del reiser jeg ikke for å Travel Issue komme noe sted, men for å reise. the world Jeg reiser for reisens egen skyld. 2012 Read more on page 22 – Robert Louis Stevenson Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 13 March 30, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at www.norway.com Crossing the 5 million mark News The Norwegian police are now Norway’s growing of the opinion that the organisa- population tion “Knights Templar” is only a product of terrorist charged An- surpasses five ders Breivik Behring’s own fan- tasy, made to create fear among million people the public after July 22. After he was arrested, Breivik has from the outset claimed that the orga- St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n nization exists, that he is a mem- Norwegian American Weekly ber, and that there are two other cells that are ready to carry out another terrorist attack. Howev- On March 19, 2012, Norway er, the police have not been able hit a national milestone: there are to find proof that other cells or now over 5 million Norwegians the organization actually exists. living in Norway. (blog.norway.com/category/ Several parents who welcomed news) a child into the world on March 19 received surprise visits from the Education Norwegian media as the various The Norwegian Academy of Sci- outlets tried to find the symbolic ence and Letters has decided to “five millionth” baby. Two of these award the Abel Prize for 2012 to parents were Jon and Vigdis Eldon, Endre Szemerédi, Department of whose brand-new daughter Saga Computer Science, Rutgers, The Photo: Terje Rakke / Nordic Life / www.visitnorway.com State University of New Jersey, See > population, page 6 On March 19, Norway’s population surpassed five million people. To quote the Abel committee: He receives the Abel Prize “for his fundamental contributions to discrete mathematics and theo- Changing traditions retical computer science, and in Let’s go to Norway! recognition of the profound and Norwegian lasting impact of these contribu- Presenting the annual Travel Issue 2012 tions on additive number theory Constitution Day and ergodic theory.” The Abel parade changes Prize, named for Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik route in Brooklyn Abel, was awarded for the first time in 2003, and carries with it a cash award of NOK 6 million. Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d (blog.norway.com/category/ Managing Editor education) This year marks a change for the Norwegian Constitution Day What’s inside? Parade in Brooklyn, N.Y. A fixture News 2-3 on Fifth Avenue in Bay Ridge, the parade has moved its route to Third Business 4 Photo: Tara Lewin-Shankman Research & Education 5 See > Parade, page 21 A Little Miss Norway at the parade. Opinion 6-7 Special Travel Section 8-17 Biathlon gold for Svendsen Roots & Connections 18 Obituaries & Religion 19 Golden finish to Arts & Style 20 World Cup season In Your Neighborhood 21 Norwegian Heritage 22 Photo: Terje Borud / www.visitnorway.com Sightseeing in Vigelandsparken Sculpture Park in provides endless oppor- No r w a y Po s t tunities for photos. $1 = NOK 5.6942 Norway’s Emil Hegle Svend- sen won men’s 15km mass start in updated 3/26/2012 We welcome you to the annual this issue, you will find travel tips, Khanty-Mansiysk on March 25. Travel Issue! must-see places for a wide variety In comparison Martin Fourcade of France With its stunning beauty and of interests, interviews with travel ended in 15th place, due to poor 2/26/2012 5.5747 rich cultural heritage, Norway is experts and much more. shooting, but could claim the over- 9/26/2011 5.7572 the ultimate travel destination to The travel section begins on all title for the season. 3/26/2011 5.6015 connect with nature and people. In page 8! Photo: IBU / Christian Manzoni Fewer guests. More personal attention. A sense of spaciousness and elegance throughout. Welcome to the pleasures of cruising with Holland America Line. The mid-sized ships of Holland America Line are purposefully designed to strike a balance; large enough to offer a full range of amenities and options, yet small enough to preserve a sophisticated ambiance.

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Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news March 30, 2012 • 3 News Have a pension Solheim leaves government This week on Norway.com Mullah Krekar sentenced to five years from Norway? Popular minister forced in jail from his post by new Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, also known as Important details about Mullah Krekar has been sentenced to five SV party leader years in jail by an Oslo Court for making withholding tax on death threats against five named persons, pensions for those St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n among them leader of the Conservative Norwegian American Weekly Party, Erna Solberg. The Mullah residing in the U.S. immediately said he would appeal the On March 21, 2012, it was announced sentence. Mullah Krekar had been charged that Erik Solheim’s post as Minister of the with making threats, planning terror and for No r w e g i a n Ta x Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n Environment and International Development attempting to influence public authorities, will be taken over by Heikki Holmås (39), which could have carried a maximum and Bård Vegard Solhjell (40). sentence of 15 years. Krekar has denied The tax return is now ready to be sent The decision was made by newly elect- that he has tried to directly making threats out to recipients of Norwegian pension liable ed SV party leader, Audun Lysbakken. Lys- against anyone. He has explained that as to withholding tax on pensions. The tax re- a religious teacher, his role has just been bakken recently resigned from his post as Photo: Trond / Ministry of Foreign Affairs turn must be submitted by April 30, 2012. Minister of Children, Equality and Social to explain what the outcome would be if All who are affected by the rules of with- Minister of the Environment and International Inclusion, which has been taken over by sec- Development Erik Solheim resigned March 21. anyone breached the Sharia laws. Solberg holding tax on pensions will receive their tax ondary leader Inga Marte Thorkildsen, and says to NRK in a comment that she is returns shortly. If all the information in the Solheim’s removal clears the way to instate he was pushed out he would make it public pleased with the court sentence of five tax return is correct and complete, you do not the other secondary leader, Solhjell. knowledge that he was going unwillingly. years in jail for Mullah Krekar for death need submit your tax return. The tax deduc- Erik Solheim, a very well-liked, popu- “Audun Lysbakken was totally aware of threats. tion will then amount to 15 percent of your lar politician who was himself a former SV that,” confirmed Solheim to VG. (NRK) pension. leader, was far from pleased by this decision, He would not go into detail about the and did not hesitate to make that known. quarrel with the party leader. Visit to Utøya Complete or part tax exemption in Nor- Solheim said in an interview that he On March 24, a group of 300 close relations way after the tax treaty would not go out the door quietly, and if See > Solheim, page 7 of those who were killed in the massacre Pensioners who are entitled to complete at the Utøya political youth camp on July or part tax exemption must: 22 last year, visited the island for the first • Submit their tax return. time.The visitors had been invited by the • Attach a Certificate of Residence youth branch of the Labour Party (AUF), from U.S. tax authorities confirm- Royal visit from the UK which own the camp site. They were free ing that you are a tax resident in to go wherever they wanted. Many of the U.S., according to the tax treaty Prince Charles of them had not been back on the island since between Norway and the U.S. The Wales and Duchess of the 69 were killed during last summer’s certificate must be an original and massacre. no more than six months old. Cornwall make official (Norway Post) Information about tax treaties and docu- mentation requirements can be found in the visit to Norway Norway closes embassy in Syria brochure enclosed with the tax return. Norway said on March 26 it was closing Ko n g e h u s e t its embassy in Damascus for security How to submit your tax return reasons, following other countries that The tax returns were sent out March 20. On March 20, 2012, Prince Charles of have done the same for safety concerns or All those who have changes or demands of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, to protest against the regime’s crackdown. tax exemption must submit the tax return. began their first official visit to Norway. Several European Union countries, as The tax return can be submitted electronical- During the visit, which lasted three days, well as the U.S., Turkey and six Gulf ly on www.skatteetaten.no or on paper. You they were the personal guests of HM King state monarchies have already shut their will find more information in the brochure Harald and HM Queen Sonja. missions. A Norwegian diplomat will enclosed with the tax return. Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla remain in Damascus to handle Norway’s also visited Sweden and Denmark in their Photo: Marit Hommedal / Royal Palace affairs, the foreign ministry said. At the What to do if you have not received your Scandinavian tour, which was undertaken in The Duchess of Cornwall and HM Queen Sonja beginning of February, Oslo announced tax return at Troldhaugen, the home of esteemed composer honor of Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubi- it was reducing its diplomatic staff in the Those who have not received their tax Edvard Grieg. lee, marking 60 years on the throne. Syrian capital amid the spreading violence. return by April 15 can contact Tax Adminis- Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla A brutal crackdown on protests in Syria tration Norway, P.O. Box 6310, 9293 Trom- had stated that they particularly looked for- eral Norwegian youth parties were gathered. has left at least 9,100 people dead since sø, Norway, or send an email to skattnord@ ward to meeting youth leaders, and in the af- AUF's leader, Eskil Pedersen, welcomed March last year, according to the Syrian skatteetaten.no. If you call from abroad, call ternoon of March 20 went to the to the Nobel them, and TM King and Queen, Prince and Observatory for Human Rights. Peace Center where representatives of sev- (The Local) See > Pension, page 6 See > Visit, page 7 Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

Questions? Call us toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or write to us: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115

Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • March 30, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (March 26, 2012) Winners Losers Learning on the go Norsk Kr. 5.6942 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Norwegian Air Shuttle 108.0 11.9% Havila 44.1 -15.2% Dansk Kr. 5.5779 DiaGenic 4.8 11.2% Navamedic 10.2 -12.9% E-learning courses through Junglemap AS Svensk Kr. 6.6857 NAUR New Shares 6.4 10.5% Voss V. Bank 2050.0 -12.4% Northland Resources 6.6 9.1% NorDiag 0.1 -11.1% focus on short lessons for maximum impact Canadian $ 0.9931 Clavis Pharma 65.0 7.0% EOC 5.1 -9.8% Euro 0.7502 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no.

Norwegian Commercial Club seattle, washington Please join us for inspirational speakers and great food on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month!

Social hour begins at 6 p.m., and dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. Please be kind to our caterers! Please call the Leif Erikson Lodge office at 783-1274 by Wednesday before the meeting.

6 p.m. at Leif Erikson Lodge, located at 2245 NW 57th Street, Photo: Pål Bugge / Innovation Norway Seattle, WA 98107. To purchase tickets (dinner included) contact Junglemap AS is based on two- to five-minute e-learning lessons, designed to be absorbed quickly and Leif Erikson Lodge at 783-1274. avoid information overload.

a s m u s a l ck supporting local norwegian bu siness since 1932 R F Oslo, Norway

We do not take vitamins in huge doses sons are completed right there and then when MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE just once a year in hopes of making a daily started, and nine out of 10 users recommend a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w improvement. Entrepreneur Dan Ove Skaa- the method to others. And as one of their cus- lerud thinks the same should apply to learn- tomers said, “This really adapts to the way Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, ing. He started Junglemap AS based on Na- we learn, incrementally, one step at the time, noLearning almost 10 years ago. In contrast when there’s free time.” Not bad for a small commercial transactions and estate planning. to common, time-demanding and monolithic and growing company! methods, NanoLearning is based on a series This impressed NKI Nettstudier, Scan- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 of two- to five-minute lessons delivered to dinavia’s largest provider of online educa- the participant’s inbox, making learning an tion, so much that they just bought the com- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 easily digestible process and avoiding infor- pany. NKI offers flexible education within a mation overload. This new method makes wide range of disciplines in partnership with Thank you to our advertisers! learning to an easy and continuing process. recognized colleges and universities. The The platform is offered in Norway and the courses are available 365 days a year so that U.S. you can start whenever you want and from Enter our drawing for the A few years ago the company had a anywhere you are. Last year they registered project with the county of Hedemark in east- 20,000 students. Students can choose from a ern Norway. Students are experts when it pool of over 300 individual courses and stud- Ibsen Festival comes to computers and internet. With the ies. Courses range from IT and communica- April 13 – 15 • Lanesboro, Minn. help of students, they wanted to develop a tion to business administration, economy and simple system so that teachers could learn finance, health and social care, and languages Facebook. The project was supported by In- which are taught at secondary, associate, col- Enter the Norwegian American Weekly novation Norway. lege and university level. drawing for your chance to win tickets Today the company provides a range of NKI’s administration is made up of to the highly acclaimed Ibsen Festival! courses about computers, productivity, best more than 60 employees and approximately practice, policy and governance. The courses 250 teachers. They are located at Bekkestua, Send an email to [email protected] can be used as they are, or easily customized a 15-minute drive west of Oslo. with subject line “Ibsen Festival” and to a client's need. With the merger they will have the we will enter you in the drawing! Win- Learn more about the Ibsen Festival More than 1.8 million lessons have been broadest and most innovative e-learning ners will be chosen at random on April at www.ibsenfest.org completed by 340,000 users in more than courses in Scandinavia! 1. One entry per email address. Win free tickets! or call (800) 657-7025 150 countries. Of these, 95 percent of les- Business News & Notes LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Norway cuts benchmark rate as surging Airline SAS posts good start, shares up Sales and Service krone threatens jobs Airline SAS, recently embarked on another Norway’s central bank cut its benchmark in- round of cost cuts to end years of losses, re- terest rate for a second consecutive meeting ported better trading than expected in the first as policy makers deem the threat of krone two months of the year, sending its shares up appreciation to be more serious than the risk 14 percent in thin volume. The Scandinavian of a credit-driven housing bubble. The krone carrier struck a rare upbeat note, offering a Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK plunged against the euro and the dollar. The glimmer of hope to investors who have seen phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 overnight deposit rate was lowered a quarter its shares languishing near a lifetime low hit fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 percentage point to 1.50 percent, following a only weeks ago, though it cautioned the first half point cut in December, the Oslo-based quarter would be seasonally weak. “The first bank said. The move was forecast by two of two months of the year have been trading the 16 economists surveyed by Bloomberg. above plans and SAS’s cash position is sub- [email protected] The central bank predicted unchanged rates stantially ahead of plan,” the company said. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 through March next year. (Reuters) (Bloomberg) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research March 30, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Transforming food waste into fuel Banana peel, coffee grounds and other food waste will be transformed into green fuel for Oslo busses

Re s e a r c h Co u nc i l o f No r w a y

The Norwegian capital’s new biogas quality, it is meant to be good business as plant will also supply nutrient-rich biofertil- well. The new plant is slated to produce the izer for agriculture. energy equivalent of 4 million liters of diesel The plant will be able to process 50,000 fuel – valued at the very least at NOK 30–40 tonnes of food waste annually, converting it million annually given current diesel prices. to environment-friendly fuel for 135 munici- pal buses as well as enough biofertilizer for Extensively researched roughly 100 medium-sized local farms. The The new plant is being constructed by biogas production processes were developed the Norwegian company Cambi AS, which through Norwegian research with funding won the contract after intense competition from the Research Council of Norway. with foreign companies. For over 20 years, Cambi has been de- Biogas reduces emissions veloping technology for converting biode- Biogas is a CO2-neutral fuel produced gradable material into renewable energy. from biological material such as food waste, The company has carried out a number of sewage sludge and manure. research projects that have received public Already, 65 Oslo buses are powered by funding from the Research Council and the biogas produced from sludge from the city’s former Norwegian Industrial and Regional sewage treatment plant. When the new bio- Development Fund (now part of Innovation gas plant reaches its full capacity in 2013, Norway). Photo: Hanne Olsen / Innovation Norway the local bus company will have enough bio- Cambi’s Research Council funding was Oslo’s new biogas plant will be able to process 50,000 tonnes of food waste annually, converting it gas for at least 200 buses. provided under the Large-scale Research to environment-friendly fuel for 135 municipal buses as well as enough biofertilizer for roughly 100 “Running on biogas will reduce emis- Program on Clean Energy for the Future medium-sized local farms. sions from public transport, which means (RENERGI). The company is also an indus- less airborne particulate matter and thus try partner in the Bioenergy Innovation Cen- ing a method known as thermal hydrolysis, tially more biogas compared to conventional improved air quality in Oslo. What’s more, ter (CenBio), one of Norway’s 11 Centers for whereby raw materials such as waste or sew- facilities. the biogas buses run quietly,” explains An- Environment-friendly Energy Research. age sludge are boiled under both high tem- So far the company has designed and na-Karin Eriksson of the Oslo Municipality peratures and pressure. Cambi has worked delivered 28 plants for converting biode- Waste-to-Energy Agency (EGE). Internationally successful out a hydrolysis process that yields substan- Biogas not only helps to improve air The new plant will produce biogas us- See > Waste, page 6

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Tacoma, Washington 6 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion < Waste An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 5 Join the conversation! gradable material into renewable energy. Their plants are processing waste and sludge On the EDGE from a total of 23 million people in the US, The importance of traveling to Norway Australia, Chile, Japan, Dubai and many Eu- By Terri Mapes, Scandinavia Travel editor for About.com ropean countries. I have always been in love with travel- Another big plus point of Norway is the a part of the Norwegian history and there Valuable fertilizer from biowaste ing. You might say writing about foreign long list of free events and attractions. And are various Viking museums and restruc- The effluent (residue) from the biogas countries is my biggest passion, second to did I mention the lush greens in spring, the tured ruins scattered throughout Norway. If production process may be used as liquid exploring them. In the words of Isabelle colorful fall foliage or the Northern Lights you prefer some light-hearted history and fertilizer with roughly the same nutrient con- Eberhardt, “A nomad I will remain for life, in the winter? Nature’s magical light dis- traditions like me, you’ll like the stories tent as compound fertilizer. The new plant, in love with distant uncharted places.” play won’t cost you a cent year-round. of Norway’s gnomes. They are considered located north of Oslo, will supply both liquid Scandinavia has long been the object Actually, seeing the Northern Lights to be both mischievous practical jokers and solid biofertilizer in addition to a liquid of my obsession with tales of fairy folk has been on my bucket lists for years. Even and benevolent keepers of the family. To concentrate. and trolls, but when I think of Norway, my if you need just one reason to go the Nor- this day, many Norwegians still believe in “We’ve shown that biowaste has sub- mind automatically conjures two images: way, this is it! Experiencing them is a jaw- gnomes and fairies. stantial value in itself and is well worth util- Vikings and Northern Lights. But that’s dropping moment. It reminds me of a night So as a traveler, is it worth going to ising,” asserts Per Lillebø, chair of Cambi not all there is. Norway makes for a per- rainbow, with clear bands of vivid green Norway? I can only respond with a re- ASA. “The fertilizer produced is a vital part fect holiday destination. It is the land of streaked across the sky with light hues of sounding “Yes.” Getting to know Norway of the biological cycle.” the winter sun and ice fjords, pure natural pink and violet at the edges. and learning about all its facets is a privi- Biofertilizer also has two main advan- beauty, a cool climate and warm people. It The lights can best be seen mid- au- lege. Norway has so much to offer that no tages that farmers’ neighbors will no doubt is easily one of the most beautiful countries tumn through mid-spring during dark matter what you’re planning to do – expe- appreciate: it is sterilized and odor-free. on earth. moon phases and when the skies are clear. riencing the natural phenomena for the first It is also a country of significant I do have to warn you – when going out time, getting absorbed in its history, social- wealth, and given Europe’s current eco- to see the lights, you’ll need patience (and izing with the friendly locals, or exploring nomic state, that is no small feat. Be pre- warm clothes). You are at the complete the wilderness and fjords – Norway is the < pension pared though, Norway is expensive for mercy of nature and the lights appear only one country that offers anyone a once-in-a- From page 3 travelers. If you are a budget traveler like when conditions are right. I like having a lifetime trip. me, you will have to plan and budget your nighttime outdoor picnic to pass the time. +47 220 77 00, if you call from Norway, call trip well in advance. Oslo especially was During the summer months, on the Passionate about Scandi- 800 80 000. voted by Forbes as one of the most expen- other hand, turns into navia, Terri is fascinated Remember to state your national iden- sive cities. the land of the Midnight Sun. Have you by Scandinavia’s culture tity number or D-number when you contact All is not lost, though. The Norwegian ever experienced it? Daylight lasts 24 and rich history. Her the Tax Administration. cities are not massive sprawling metropo- hours above the Arctic Circle, so during practical, easy-to-under- lises, and can easily be explored on foot or nighttime, the sun bathes the entire area in stand advice has been When to submit in the tax return through the extensive network of public splashes of fiery red, pink and yellow. If publicized in print and on The tax return must be submitted by transport. Oslo is an extremely pedestrian- you’re visiting the northern parts of Nor- the web since 1999. To- day, Terri specializes in writing about Scan- April 30, 2012. Information about extended friendly city and offers you many amazing way in the summer, bring an eye mask to dinavia travel tips at About.com Scandinavia deadline can be found in the brochure. vantage points overlooking its harbor and get some sleep. Travel, found online at http://goscandinavia. For more information, you can also the surrounding nature. I think Akershus If you’re a history buff, know that Nor- consult this page: http://www.skatteetaten. about.com. Terri can be reached via email at Fortress is one of the best places for scenic way is rich with tales of broad-shouldered [email protected]. no/en/Artikler/Withholding-tax-on-pen- views of Norway’s capital and the glitter- Vikings, royal families and magical crea- sions--persons-resident-in-the-United- ing Oslo Fjord. tures. Actually, the Vikings are very much States/?printmode=true.

For more information, contact the Nor- The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not wegian consulate closest to you. an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

< Population milestone, the four million mark, was in “If there had not been immigration in From page 1 1975. Norway at all, we would have been 4.4 mil- Since than, researchers had predicted lion in Norway in March 2012,” says a senior Jonsdottir Eldon could be Norwegian num- slower growth since women were giving adviser at Statistics Norway, Espen Søbye. ber five million. birth to far fewer babies as the feminist When will Norway pass the next million- “This is great fun,” said the new parents movement grew in strength. marker? According to Brunborg, it could be to TV 2. “What happened in the 1960s and 1970s much sooner than anyone thinks. Of course, according to Statistics Nor- was a comprehensive women’s liberation, “If SSB's latest population projections way, the five millionth Norwegian could almost a revolution. Women began to pursue are correct, the next one million will be have easily been an immigrant: even a higher education, the economically active passed in 2028. But if immigration is even Swede, joked some news sources. and economically independent. It was more higher than we have assumed, the six million “Registrations do not happen in real acceptable to divorce, to have a career and to mark may be passed some years before, per- time, but up to a month or more after they be a partner and have children without get- haps as early as 2023,” he said to NTB. have happened,” said Statistics Norway ting married,” said Brunborg. researcher Helge Brunborg to NTB. This However, the 1970s were also the be- makes the five millionth Norwegian almost ginning of another significant social event in impossible to find. Norway: Immigration. Photo: www.visitnorway.com The last time Norway passed such a

Short-term job available hours per review cycle. Flex- partially embrodiered on the The fine print HP has an immediate need for ible schedule. Hourly com- bodice and purse for $1350. Classified ads are prepaid Ole’s List native Norwegian speakers to pensation: $25/h. Job location The second has no embrodi- advertisements, and are not Norwegian American Weekly review and test a feature in a is in Redmond, WA. Contact ery done for $1250. Bunads guaranteed to sell. The Nor- new software application in contact Mikko Lahti at mikko. can be made to fit any size. wegian American Weekly staff classified ads Redmond, WA. The task is [email protected] for details. All yarn and instructions for reserves the right to turn down to review text already trans- embrodiery are included. Call any ads that are deemed inap- lated into Norwegian and then Bunads for sale Eva at (360) 653-7300 for propriate or not connected to speak this text to a device, and more information. PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. Two bunad kits for our audience. For more infor- validate the result. Short-term mation and to place an ad, call Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in sale. The fabric is blue and it engagement and the job dura- toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email will fit most sizes as you make tion is approximately 8 – 10 it to fit your own body. One is email [email protected]. [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly M march 30, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, homes. The paid supervisors are mostly re- GTPP Founder, Thomas Heavey gave Managing Editor During February and March 2012, my tired men and women, some of whom are the audience a brief overview of their 2011 Christy Olsen Field [email protected] wife and I traveled to Atlanta, Ga., to work in their 80s. Our main supervisor was a re- GTPP Laureate Dr. Don Mott’s accomplish- Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager on a Habitat for Humanity project. tired Naval Officer and not “bossy,” but very ments while announcing the call for nomina- The young woman, who is to get the helpful and understanding, as he was work- tions for their 2012 Laureate. The Norwe- Kelsey Larson [email protected] house when finished, is a single mom with ing with volunteers, many of whom are not gian film “Happy Happy” or “Sykt Lykkelig” Assistant Layout Editor two children and she was so happy that her adept at building skills. (the original title), which has an R rating for Harry Svenkerud [email protected] children would have a bedroom of their own For anyone interested in helping others, sexual content and nudity, was a commen- Advertising for the first time. She was in a similar situ- I recommend you investigate a ‘Habitat for tary on the perils of life when two couples (206) 441-3044 [email protected] ation that our daughter has been in for the Humanity’ project. It will give your life a compare their relationships. Contributing Editors past two years, so it was such an emotional purpose and it will be good for your soul. The rating of R is well-earned, but for Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. experience for us to meet her. She must have those who love Scandinavian films, this Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. said “thank you” at least 30 times. Sincerely, character study does entertain the mind. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Habitat for Humanity is now the sixth David Moe Reviews were mixed, but over 200 viewers Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway largest construction organization in the U.S. Juneau, Alaska enjoyed the fellowship of the evenings pro- Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland with about 4,000 homes built per year na- gram and are sure to attend again for next Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. tionwide. The homes cost about $80,000 to year’s film adventure. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. build for purchase of land and building ma- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. terials and they sub-contract out the plumb- Dear Editor, Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. ing, electrical, roofing, carpet laying, etc. On Thursday, March 15, The Interna- Sincerely, Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. that requires the work of professionals, and tional Sister City Film Tacoma – Ålesund Lisa Ottoson Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. volunteers do the grunt work. was shown at the Blue Mouse Theatre in Ta- Spanaway, Wash. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Thrivent Financial sponsored this par- coma, Wash. The program began with mu- Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. ticular house with a loan, so the owner will sical trio of entertainment from the group Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. have a mortgage with no interest, but they NORDIC EXPOSURE. They are delightful, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. We would love to hear from you! Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. will not gain any equity in the home until as always and pepper their performance with Letter to the Editor David Moe Juneau, Alaska they have lived in it for 10 years, to avoid jokes and commentary on the selected piec- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Norwegian American Weekly speculation advantages. es. The Greater Tacoma Peace Prize (GTPP) Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. The owner also must invest “sweat eq- Committee provided a backdrop of photos or send a note to [email protected] John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. uity,” that means they must help with the from the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize events in Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway construction of other Habitat for Humanity Oslo, Norway. Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D.

CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives < solheim to make its news report fair and accurate. If you From page 3 recent days have not given the best founda- up, and it’s harder to get that important call have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly tion for trust,” Solheim told VG. Further- in the final negotiations of an agreement, reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for “We had a clear exchange of views, and more, he stresses his worries for what this when they do not know who you are,” said style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right could mean for SV and for Norway. He be- Solheim to VG. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor there were differing views. I will not say taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. more about it,” said Solheim. lieves his stepping down could make Nor- “I think we have to have significant de- • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Though Solheim has insisted to Norwe- way weaker in the international fight against bates for Norway, and the party's future. If letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian poverty and climate change. there is anything SV has always stood by, American Weekly, and our publication of those views is gian news sources that he is not bitter, he also not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions speaks of a loss of respect for Lysbakken. “I think it is wrong to emphasize a po- and always will, it is open and free debate,” and complaints about the opinions expressed by “I have had great confidence in Audun, litical party over Norway's unique network, said Erik Solheim at his press conference the paper’s editorials should be directed to the which Jonas Gahr Støre and I have spent a following the resignation. publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published and I hope and believe I can recover it. But weekly except the first week of the calendar year, long time to achieve. It takes time to build the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. < visit NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription From page 3 Parliament, youth involvement was the topic had been in Norway for its final task support- Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, of discussion. “How to engage young people ing HMS Illustrious and Bulwark in winter US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. The Duchess met with young people who – locally, nationally and internationally?” is war games in the fjords of Norway. After the SINCE MAY 17, 1889: survived the tragedy on Utøya July 22. They a topic Prince of Wales has been involved visit by King Harald and Prince Charles, the Formerly Norway Times Western Viking & Washington Posten got to meet young people determined to specifically in, through his own organiza- ship began its way home where it will be de- move forward in their lives. tions, The Prince's Trust and The Prince's commissioned. Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- During the second part of the meeting, Youth Business International. After the three-day visit to Norway, the Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, which was attended by youth representatives The Royal Party visited on royal pair will make their way to Sweden Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven March 21, where Prince Charles and King and Denmark to continue their Scandinavian from seven political parties represented in NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Harald visited the HMS Liverpool, which tour. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly Travel issue

Norwegian American Weekly Travel Issue

Photo: Fredrik Schenholm / www.visitnorway.com For an adrenaline rush (and incomparable views), try springtime skiing in Fjord Norway with the Geirangerfjord in the background.

Whether you are in search of the an mize your time and value in Norway. shows how an ambitious idea turned into an with a focus on excellent food, traditional adrenaline rush or rest and relaxation at a Like architecture? Check out the archi- unforgettable trip. Norwegian culture and individualized atten- cozy hotel, you will find it in Norway. Nor- tectural tour of Oslo on page 10. We interviewed Carroll Juven of Juven tion. A journey off the beaten tourist path has way is the ultimate travel destination with a Choose your own Norwegian adventure Tours and Travel for his Norwegian travel rewards of its own. wide variety of options for budgets and in- with our list of travel suggestions for a wide tips. Having traveled to Norway 136 times, Proud of your Norwegian roots? Brekke terests, as illustrated in our Travel Issue! range of interests and budgets. From Norwe- his experience makes him a trusted expert on Tours’ heritage tours offer a once-in-a-life- On page 9, Scott Meyer shares his love gian heritage sites to nature, you’ll find it all traveling in the Old Country. Read more on time trip for families to see their ancestral of Norway and traveling in his new eBook on pages 12 and 13. page 15. homes. Read about one family’s story on “Travel Hacking Guide to Norway.” He of- Nik Sten reflects on his journey with his On page 16, the Heritage Hotels network page 17. fers suggestions for the best ways to maxi- daughter to arctic Norway on page 14, and offers six unique hotels in central Norway, God reise! Have a great trip! N L Superb Photo & Print Quality. Various Sizes & Price Ranges. Excellent Gi s. Worldwide Shipping. .NBN. norwegian american weekly March 30, 2012 • 9 travel Issue Travel Hacking through Norway Maximize your fun (and value) in Norway with Scott Meyer’s travel tips and expertise

Photos courtesy of Scott Meyer From the Norwegian people to the unforgettable scenery, Scott Meyer (center) shares his love of Norway in his new ebook “Travel Hacking Guide to Norway.” Meyer spent almost five years in Tromsø in northern Norway as a graduate student and tour guide.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

Traveling in Norway is a lifelong dream Germany, the U.K., Japan – to see Tromsø, cial support for their project,” said Meyer. “Social media and the power of word of for many Norwegian-Americans to see their and they are so blown away by the beauty “Social media played a bit part in getting the mouth made it possible,” said Meyer. “That ancestral homeland, but the sticker shock of and extreme light conditions. People will word out: I put it up on my Facebook wall, kind of affirmation from people gets other Norwegian prices and the not-so-great ex- pay $10,000 to see the Northern Lights, and and it just took off.” people excited too.” change rate can be enough to deter people I got to enjoy it for free by living there,” said It wasn’t just friends and family who His book “Travel Hacking Guide to Nor- from traveling. Meyer. supported the book project – after four weeks way” is an eBook that can be read on Kindles, Enter Scott Meyer, a Norwegian-Amer- While he was in Norway, Meyer invited on Kickstarter, Meyer started receiving iPads and as a PDF on any computer. The ican from South Dakota with a love for Nor- friends and family to visit him, but few took pledges from people he didn’t know, includ- book provides links to website, travel time- way, travel and technology. He combined his him up on the offer because of the cost of ing one woman in Australia who wanted to tables, event listings and more, ensuring that experience as a tour guide in Norway and traveling to and within Norway. go to Norway, and found his project through expertise in social media to fund and write “When you are working there, the cost Google. See > Hacking, page 18 an eBook titled “Travel Hacking Guide to is fine. It's hard to be a tourist,” he pointed Norway,” a guide that encourages people to out. experience the best of Norway with an af- When Meyer moved back to the U.S. in Norway is waiting for you. fordable budget. 2009 to co-found 9 Clouds with his brother The dynamic 30-year-old is from Brook- – a social media consulting company that We are here to help with all your travel plans ings, S.D., where he grew up in a Norwegian- trains people and businesses to use digital at very affordable rates! American family. While studying political media to grow their business – his experi- science and peace studies at Luther College ence in Norway was far from over. in Decorah, Iowa, Meyer had the opportunity “I was asked by many family members to study Norwegian language a little bit. He and friends about Norway, and I wanted to applied for a master's degree program and write something that I could give to people Conflict Transforma- that would tell them tion at the University “I wanted to write what they would need to of Tromsø in northern know about traveling in Norway. After gradu- something that I could Norway,” said Meyer. ating from the Univer- give to people that would He decided to write sity of Tromsø, Meyer tell them what they would a guide to “travel hack- stayed for an additional ing” in Norway – ex- two years working as a need to know about periencing the best of tour guide and travel- traveling in Norway.” Norwegian culture, ing all over Norway on people and scenery a student’s budget. – Scott Meyer without breaking the His infectious bank. Geared with his enthusiasm and ease in talking in front of a knowledge as a tour guide and experience group combined with passion for Norway as a budget traveler himself, Meyer wanted made Meyer a natural tour guide. His first to provide useful information for people to tour job was leading day tours to people who maximize their time and value in Norway. came to Tromsø to see the stunning natural “Before I wrote the book, I decided to beauty of the area. put my project up on Kickstarter – an online “People came from all over the world – funding platform for individuals to get finan-

Nordic Folklore Photo: C.H./www.visitnorway.com Watercolors by Sharon Aamodt

Celebrate Nordic heritage with beautiful prints and tiles by Norwegian-American artist Sharon Aamodt Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide!

Nordic Folklore, PO Box 13, Eatonville, WA 98328 7905 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (360) 832-1244 • Email: [email protected] Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] On the web: www.nordicfolklore.com 10 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly Travel issue Architecture with stories to tell An architecture tour of Oslo opens doors to Norway’s history and cultural heritage

Photos courtesy of Henning Nilsen, Heidi Håvan Grosch and Bjørn Eirik Østbakken / www.visitnorway.com Clockwise from top left: The Holmenkollen ski jump in Oslo, University of Oslo along Oslo’s main street Karl Johans gate, the iconic Oslo Opera House along Bjørvika, and Café Grosch at the National Museum of Architecture.

He i d i Hå v a n Gr o s c h Sparbu, Norway

Architecture provides a three-dimen- work with H. D. F. Linstow as a draftsman A personalized tour with a trained archi- the former airport Fornebu. sional history of a culture, and Norway’s (tegner) for the new palace. Being the only tect and guide One-day tours (for up to 30 people) cost buildings have many rich stories to tell. trained civil architect (sivil arkitekt) in Nor- Henning Nielsen, a working architect about NOK 7,600 (USD 1,300) for up to Imagine my surprise when, on a recent trip way at that time, his work was in great de- and member of The Association of Guid- eight hours. They include VAT; transporta- to Oslo, I discovered that one of Norway’s mand and his skills led to his appointment as ing Architects (see sidebar), “strives to give tion, meals and entry fees are extra. A half- best-known architects shared my last name. the city’s first chief architect / city surveyor visitors an architect’s view of modern Nor- day tour (3.5 – 4.5 hours) is half-price, and a Imagine my delight when I discovered Hen- (stadskonduktør), a position he held until his wegian architecture as well as to relevant as- substantial discount is given to groups of five ning Nielsen, and the personalized architec- death. pects of Norwegian culture and history.” His or less. Although based in Oslo, Nielsen can tural tours he offers. Imagine my joy know- Over time Grosch’s style evolved and tours are adapted to the needs of each group also arrange tours in all parts of Norway. ing I can share all this with you… his designs were used to build or inspire of visitors, mostly from outside Norway, and many churches throughout Norway. In ad- he is fluent in English. Christian Heinrich dition he designed the Oslo Stock Exchange Nielsen can accommodate groups from National Museum Grosch (1801-1865) (Oslo Børs, 1828), the University buildings 1 – 60 people and recommends to contact After receiving at Karl Johans Gate 47 (1838 – 1854), and him (email: [email protected] or call +47 of Art, Architecture training in Copenha- Domkirken in Tromsø (1861). The main 936 33 304) at least one month in advance to gen and from his fa- building of National Museum of Architec- arrange your individualized tour. and Design ther (painter Heinrich ture was also designed by Grosch in 1830 as If you are looking for a standard pack- www.nasjonalmuseet.no/en August Grosch), Gro- a division office for Norges Bank, and today age, a one-day tour consists of a city center sch came to Christi- you can enjoy a delightful lunch at Café Gro- walk, including a introduction to the town’s The National Museum holds, pre- ania (Oslo) in 1824 to sch. history and development, the main historical serves, exhibits, and promotes public monuments (including some Grosch proj- knowledge about Norway’s most exten- ects), as well as a visit to a few projects out- sive collections of art, architecture and Norwegian American side the city center, like the new Holmenkol- design. It shows permanent exhibitions len ski jumping hill or the development of of works from its own collections and Genealogical Center & Naeseth Library temporary exhibitions that incorporate 415 West Main Street · Madison, WI 53703-3116 works loaned from elsewhere. The Mu- seum’s exhibition venues in Oslo are the Phone (608) 255-2224 · Fax: (608) 255-6842 The Association of National Gallery, the Museum of Con- Email: [email protected] temporary Art, the National Museum – Open Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Guiding Architects Architecture, and the Museum of Deco- rative Arts and Design. www.guiding-architects.net Go to the website for information on Travel to NAGC & NL in Madison before you go to Norway! opening hours, exhibits and locations. The Association of Guiding Architects is an international network for architectural Adults: NOK 50 guided tours. All members are independent We can help you identify the accurate farm names and locations that will enhance Students: NOK 30 companies, have a professional background Pensioners: NOK 30 your travel. Visit the Naeseth Library to use the valuable research materials, or in architecture, and offer tours in the region Children (under 18): Free send your enquiry to our researchers for their help. We are also an excellent source or city where they are based. Members can Sundays: Free admission for maps. Visit our website at www.nagcnl.org for details. be found around the world. norwegian american weekly March 30, 2012 • 11 travel Issue TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

Use your smart phone to visit our site.

Book now at fl ysas.com/us 12 • March 30, 2012 norwegian aMerican weekly Travel issue Your ideal Norwegian vacation Match these itineraries to your personality and see Norway the way you want to see it

Photos: CH / www.visitnorway.com, Johan Berge / www.visitnorway.com Left: Explore old buildings at Maihaugen or Oslo’s Folk Museum. Center: The Viking Ship Museum is one of Oslo’s most popular attractions. Right: The Gamle Bybro in Trondheim.

Kelsey larson Copy Editor

If you are planning a trip to Norway, it walk through history on a summer day. be treated to great views of the city and the largest water park. Here the kids will stay stands to reason that you want it to be mem- Norwegian Emigrant Museum, , fjord, but there is shopping, coffee, and the busy all day with the many water attractions orable. Amidst all the big tourist attractions Norway: This museum has everything a Ski Museum to keep you occupied. and huge playground. Enjoy the special Nor- in this beautiful country, it is easy to lose good heritage-sleuther might need: thou- Morgedal, Telemark, Norway: This off- wegian touches too, like Eventyrhuset (Fairy sight of what matters the most in making a sands of books, publications, and immigrant the-beaten path attraction is nevertheless one Tale House). trip memorable: you! We’ve compiled a list letters from the USA. If you’re on the other of the most important for the sports en- of our favorite places, some you’ve heard of coast, you may want to check out the Norwe- thusiast, especially if skiing is and some off-the-beaten-track, to fit several gian Emigration Center in Stavanger, which what floats your boat. Known different personalities and situations. Mix specializes in helping Norwegian-Americans as “the cradle of modern skis- and match, and most of all, see the sights that find their roots in Norway! port,” Morgedal is the birth- matter the most to you! place of great ski innovator Sports enthusiast and Telemark-skiing inventor Heritage tour Would you pack up and move to a for- Sondre Norheim. Visit the Ski Are you a lefse-baker, a lutefisk-dinner- eign county just because you liked the look Museum here and learn more attender, or just someone who has always en- of their 1994 Winter Olympics, like Steve about the history of skisport joyed studying the family tree and ruminat- Van Zandt’s character in the new Norwegian before enjoying delicious local ing on mysteries of the past? Then perhaps hit show “Lilyhammer”? If so, then these flatbread and rice pudding at the your trip to Norway should include these stops are for you. And, of course, the first is café. stops: , , Norway: Lille- Norwegian Folk Museum, Oslo, Nor- hammer was the site of the 1994 Winter Family-friendly way: This museum has two unique claims Olympics, and many of the facilities built Are you traveling with to fame: it is the largest museum of cultural especially for that great event are still main- small children in tow? Never history in Norway, and includes the world’s tained and open for tourists. Check out the fear – for the fearless traveling oldest collection of open-air exhibits. Look giant ski jump for a great view of the city, parents, here are some places the inside some of Norway’s oldest and best-pre- visit the stadium, than head to the amazing kids (and the adults!) will enjoy. Photo: Holmenkollen Oslo served buildings, eat lefse baked in a stone Norwegian Olympic Museum, the only mu- Kon-Tiki Museum, Oslo, oven, and explore a replica of “old town” seum in northern Europe that tells the entire Norway: This museum is a delight The newly renovated Holmenkollen ski jump offers gorgeous views. Kristiania, Norway. history of the Olympic Games from 776 BC for kids and equally fascinating Kongeparken, Maihaugen, Lillehammer, Norway: An- up until the present day. for adults. Learn about Norwegian adven- Stavanger, Norway: After recently winning other impressive folk museum, Maihaugen is Holmenkollen, Oslo, Norway: Oslo’s gi- turer Thor Heyerdahl’s many exciting jour- a coveted THEA award (the Oscar of theme an open-air museum that features over 200 ant ski jump is one of Norway’s most daz- neys, and even see a replica of his famous park awards), Kongeparken has proved itself buildings. The grounds are beautifully kept, zling feats of architecture as well as most balsa raft, the Kon-Tiki. There’s contests and to be one of the best amusement parks in the making Maihaugen the perfect place for a visited tourist attraction. Not only will you games for the kids, as well as a cinema and world – with a distinctly Norwegian flavor. a gift shop. Make your own delicious chocolate at the Bø Sommerland, Telemark, Norway: Bø Freia chocolate factory, or try Norway’s lon- Tour Norway with Phillip and Else is a small rural village nestled in the shadow gest bobsled track, over 1,000 meters long! of the mountain Lifjell, but it has a big claim Odden’s Rural Life Traditions Tour to fame with Sommerland, Scandinavia’s August 10th - 21st 2012 Join us for a fun and educational tour of Rural Norway. Focusing on Folk Art, Agriculture, Tradi- tional Foods and Fjord Horses. Visiting our friends and favorite places. NORDIC DELICACIES View Tour itinerary on our web site: “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!”

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Romantic Viking Enthusiast ding, and others simply Who wouldn’t dream of a romantic va- Have you always held a particular fasci- offer a roof over your cation with that special someone in a coun- nation for those old Norse seafarers of yore? head. This is the perfect try as beautiful as Norway? Here are some Take a trip to the scene of the crime and way to stay comfortable suggestions for the traveling couple with ro- sharpen your knowledge by visiting some of as you experience Nor- mance in mind. Norway’s excellent Viking-themed destina- wegian nature wherever Gamle Bybro, Trondheim, Norway: tions. you are. Originally built in 1685, the “Old Town Viking Ship Museum, Oslo, Norway: Bridge” is also known as “The Gate of For- One of Norway’s most popular museums, Budget-minded tune” and those who walk over it are said to the Viking Ship museum houses real Viking- As you know if be blessed with good luck. Stroll along the age ships as well as priceless artifacts from you’ve ever visited wooden walkway and look down into the the Viking age. A must-see for anybody, Vi- Norway before, it is a cool waters of the Nidelva river, where some king enthusiast or not! very expensive place to have said otters are known to frolic. A more Lofotr Viking Museum, Lofoten, Nor- travel. Maybe all these romantic place in a more beautiful city can- way: This museum, set against the rugged options sound great, not be found! beauty of Lofoten’s mountains but are difficult for you and fjords, includes several to afford. Never fear! recreations of Viking buildings, Here are some great including the impressive long- ways to enjoy Norway house. In addition, the mu- on a budget. Photo: Credits: CH/www.visitnorway.com seum owns several reconstruc- Living: Check Stay in a DNT cabin on the fjord for a peaceful retreat! tions of Viking ships. In the out Thon Hotels. This summer, these are available to is Norway’s primary rela- row out on the water, creating budget-hotel chain, with locations all across tively cheap price. Finally, do your food a true Viking experience. the country. The rooms are clean and neat, shopping at grocery stores. Check out the Gran, Oppland, Norway: at a fraction of the price of a fancier hotel! “First Price” brand at Meny grocery stores. Located off-the-beaten-path, Also, check out Hosteling International Stocking up on food at the store will get you about an hour’s drive from (www.hihostels.com). Hosteling is a great more bang for your kroner! Oslo, Gran Municipality is a way to save money. Touring: Consider a city pass! Oslo’s tradition-rich place, steeped Eating: Sit-down restaurants in Norway city pass includes free admission to over 30 in medieval history. Visit the are always expensive. If you do sit down, museums, free use of public transportation, sister churches in Granavol- look for the “dagens rett” on the menu. This free parking and other deals on dining and len, two impressive stone will usually be the cheaper meal! Also, eat shopping. The “Bergen card” does much the churches from the Middle ethnic! You’ll find ethnic food stands in abun- same thing for the city of Bergen. Save up Ages built side-by-side. dance (try the delicious kebob, for example), to $100 on activities in the city. Go to www. Photo:A. Glesnes/Flickr Behind the nearby Nikolai which will serve up hearty, filling food for a visitoslo.com for more information. Church, find the Granavol- Lofoten’s Viking Museum includes a recreation of a longhouse. len Runestone. In Tingels- tad, visit the Folk Museum, where Klosteret Restaurant, Oslo, Norway: Are you will find a Viking gravemound as well as you and your loved one hanging out in Oslo, a copy of the 11th century Dynna Runestone. and looking for some romantic ambience? A true Viking tour! Klosteret Restaurant fits the bill. Located off the beaten path on Fredensborgveien, the Nature lover restaurant is lit only by natural candlelight Norway has some of the world’s most northern Lights and features a prize-winning wine list. A din- beautiful natural scenery to offer, and is per- ing experience worth the price! haps one of the most accessible countries in Auktion Baroniet Rosendal: This manor, built in the world when it comes to hiking, camping, 1665, has the distinction of being the only and otherwise “roughing it.” If you love na- Barony to ever exist in Norway. Located ture, give Norway a chance! only a daytrip away from Bergen, between Jotunheimen National Park, Oppland/ Sogn og Fjordane, Nor- Sunday, April 29 way: Jotunheimen is one of Norway’s premiere hik- Grand Hyatt Hotel ing and fishing regions. 721 Pine Street • Seattle Covering an area of 715 square miles, the park in- cludes Northern Europe’s two highest mountain The year’s most peaks, countless rives and lakes filled with trout, di- elegant Nordic verse wildlife and some of affair in the Seattle the most beautiful hiking trails Norway has to offer. community! Preikestolen, Ro- galand, Norway: This is perhaps Norway’s most famous natural tourist site. Located only an hour from Stavanger, this fantastic cliff drops nearly 2,000 feet to Lysefjorden be- Photo: CH/www.visitnorway.com low. It is only a 3 – 4 hour Beautiful Jotunheimen National Park. round-trip hike to reach Preikestolen, and it is a must-see for nature lovers! fjord, glacier, mountain and waterfall, the DNT cabins: Den Norske Turistforening $100 per person $125 per person manor offers tours, concerts, dining experi- (Norwegian Trekking Association) provides ences, and more. The manor’s renaissance an amazing resource for hikers and campers before April 16 after April 16 rose garden is one of the most famous rose in Norway: their cabins. These can be found gardens in Norway. in all regions of Norway. Some are staffed, some are fully stocked with food and bed- RSVP by April 23 to 206.789.5707 x 10 or email [email protected]

Donation questions? Call Anastasia at 206.789.5707 x32 or email [email protected] 14 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly Travel issue Adventures in arctic Norway Father-daughter trip to Norway’s Far North celebrates family ties and adventure

Ni k St e n San Francisco, Calif.

“Papa let’s see Norway at its darkest and coldest.” This broached from our 13-year-old daughter while completing her homework as I paged through the day’s mail. Smiling at her typical thirst for adventure I offered why this may be unwise: it could be very rough, heaters could fail… But she only countered Photos courtesy of Nik Sten with increasing zest: “The rougher the bet- Greta Sten convinced her father Nik for a winter adventure in arctic Norway and a visit to long-lost ancestral Hjelpestein Farms in Veste Toten. ter!” and “Heat is a crutch!” We laughed and yet the idea lingered. At the time it was a milestone year for Ultimately packing light was brilliant, Even in full sun efforts to out-do one an- northern lights at night. Never had we seen Norwegian polar exploration – 100 years facilitating enjoyment and travel connec- other braving the blustery breath-taking cold stars fill the skies as when Captain Eriksen since Amundsen’s first at the South Pole, 150 tions we’d otherwise have missed. On advice always ended the same: one finally succumb- shut down the ship lights at sea. Continual years since Nansen's birth, and the 75th year from a nuclear sub captain we rolled clothes ing with a groan diving indoors for warm activities we still love to remember. for the Fram Museum in Oslo. What better into cigarillos, cinched tight with nylon shoe relief. We tried ourselves repeatedly against time to experience arctic Norway by sea, strings. Also high-tech black thermal-grid the tundra air shopping in town, and visiting For heritage quest (and fund) to adven- and learn first-hand what these great men quick wash / dry unders and turtle necks the magical Snow Hotel with Greta’s “fel- ture – We love Icelandair and SAS endured. helped us to keep clothes fresh and clean. low polar bear cub and dog lover” Camilla, One key objective was finding our an- But truthfully I was nervous. With my Dress clothes, shoes, everything fit. Just keeper of 100 reindeer and huskies. Whether cestral “Hjelpestein Farm” 100 years since luck something major would go wrong, and needed to simplify and innovate. enjoying hot chocolate or ice cream at the immigration, made possible only with most little sympathy for dads who should know top of the world, our trip was off to a fun and gracious aid from publisher Deb Nelson better. Then this from Norwegians friends: One “pro” of winter travel – More inter- memorable start. Gourley (Astri My Astri Publishing), Mari- “Not even we natives go North during win- esting, appreciative and curious people anne Stepperud Antonsen (Turistkontoret, ter, Nik. Be sensible, your kid has no inkling Residing previously in Minnesota we From top of the world, rounding North- Gjøvik), and Rune Hårstadsveen (Mjøsmu- of what she’s getting into.” Sobering coun- joked the long cold winters helped “keep Cape, and on to Bergen – Hurtigruten seet). Also Christian (Grand Hotel) facilitat- . out the riff-raff,” meaning simply there were amazes! ed haircuts at shop of ancestor, barber to the Thus began plans for what surprisingly fewer complainers. We actually found a Boarding the beautiful Hurtigruten MS king. Forever we’re grateful. became a trip of a lifetime, introducing us to similar result in off-season Norway, where it Midnatsol docked in the steaming Kirkenes Adding to our heritage and adventure ex- a new favorite way to enjoy Norway – with seemed we encountered more fun, good-na- sea, it was clear more adventure awaited perience, visiting Iceland was a delight. With the wonderful folk and beautiful snowy land- tured travelers and locals. Kinda refreshing. ahead. Breaking through ice as the ship its great people, rich cultural ties to ancient scapes of her unique arctic winters! headed out, cheerful staff members and res- Norway, stunning natural beauty (absolutely Adventure Starts in Kirkenes – Baby Now taurant servers helped us plan our excursions, love Icelandic horses at Laxnes Horse Farm, “Luggage-Free Travel” – Inspired, though That Is Cold with the captain confirming the unusual solar and even river water in boots from deep water not everyone’s bag Immediately Kirkenes at -30 to -40 de- flares recently in the news boded well for our fording on horseback boarding flight home), Nine legs of planes had us opting to grees let us know mother nature demands hunting for the elusive northern lights. over-sized tundra trucks and ATVs, raging pack light: one single shoulder bag each for our respect, and per Icelandic PSAs, there’s Later Northcape blustery winds and winds at volcano-heated blue lagoon’spas, two weeks in the Arctic. This is when wife no guarantee she will respect back. Engines freezing sea spray on rough seas rocked our and our faves Hotel Fron and restaurant/ Lisa made her lack of interest more perfectly here, they say, require special gaskets other- ship with force. This did indeed impress as pastry shop the charming Fjallkonubakariid clear: “Sorry guys but you’re on your own!” wise these would pulverize in such extreme to what the great early Norwegian explorers (Mountain Woman Bakery) – Reykjavik and cold. We loved it. faced. Further we knew they had none of the Iceland swept us off our feet. Today we view cozily warm interiors into which we could Iceland a top ten international destination. retreat. How they managed remains a con- Can’t wait to go back. tinual wonder. But taking advantage of our fine ship’s One-on-one family time – Work hard and Waterways play harder conveniences we fully did, including steam- of the ing outdoor hot tubs, sauna, reading nooks, At times with family it can get lost, our and great shore excursions (swimming in relations are with individuals. As children Tsars the arctic sea put San Francisco’s chilly wa- grow, incremental changes coalesce until a Come cruise with us! ters at home into perspective). Town visits kid who once was, and young person coming July 2 – 12, 2012 Din Reiseklubb were alternately exhilarating and relaxing, to be, are not nearly the same. with amazing dining on board, and stunning Operated by Arctic, page 18 Russian Cruise to St. Petersburg – River Kjell & Slomo George See > Neva – Lake Ladoga River Svir – Lake Onega Sandvik The White Lake – Moscow River – Volga Email: [email protected] Phone: +47 47 89 60 60 Starts at € 1,750 per person Online: www.travelandlearn.no NOrwEgiaN OwNEd aNd OPEratEd

Find us online: www.marinamarket.com Travel to Poulsbo for Viking Fest! May 18 – 20 with Parade, Viking Village, Lutefisk eating contest, & More! Nordic Home Interiors Visit www.Vikingfest.org for details 620 West 58th Street (corner of 58th & Lyndale) Marina Market Minneapolis, MN 55419 18882 Front Street • Poulsbo, WA 98370 612-339-0000 Phone: (888) 728-0837 • Fax: (360) 779-4315 www.NordicHomeInteriors.com We stock all your favorite treats and hard- email: [email protected] to-find items from Scandinavia! Blog: http://gotlicorice.blogspot.com norwegian american weekly March 30, 2012 • 15 travel Issue A heart for Norway Carrol T. Juven combines Norwegian heritage and love of travel to connect people on both sides of the Atlantic

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

As the owner and operator of Juven package. After 37 years of leading the tour, Tours and Travel in Fargo, N.D., Carrol Ju- the itinerary ensures that participants see the ven has led tours throughout Norway for de- best of Norway. cades. His expertise and experience makes “The tour starts in Hamar (north of Oslo). him a trusted source on traveling in Norway. From there, we continue to Lillehammer to Juven was born and raised in “Little Hal- see some Olympic sites and Maihaugen. We lingdal” near Wyndmere, N.D., in a proud continue on to Trondheim, with several stops Norwegian-American family. From the be- along the way of course, and visit the cul- ginning, he was immersed in Norwegian tural sites like the Nidaros Cathedral. One language, culture and heritage at home and highlight for people is to visit Hell outside of in the community. Juven joined Sons of Nor- Trondheim, and people like to say that they way in 1966, and he jumped in. His bound- went to Hell and back,” said Juven. less enthusiasm for Norwegian heritage and From there, the tour group travels down people made him an ambassador for Sons of to the fjord area with several stops along the Norway membership and life insurance. way, such as Trollstigen and Geirangerfjord. “I took Sons of Norway fourth district With some time in Bergen, the group heads from 1,700 members to 8,000 members in east for a few nights in Voss and stops in Gei- less than two years, and helped save it from lo and Ål, where visitors get to participate in dissolution. Today, it has more than 20,000 a traditional Hallingdal wedding – a favorite members,” he said. highlight of the trip. The trip concludes in In 1967, Juven made his first trip to Oslo with a farewell dinner at the Radisson Norway to visit family members in Gol, Hal- Oslo Plaza and a walk on Karl Johans gate. lingdal, Norway. “I just love to see the group have fun,” Photo courtesy of Juven Tours and Travel “All four of my grandparents immigrat- said Juven with a smile. “They go wild with Carrol T. Juven, the owner and operator of Juven Tours and Travel, has been to Norway 136 times ed from Norway, so we visited second cous- their cameras!” since 1967. ins and other family members. We still stay Carrol Juven’s strength is connecting in touch all the time,” said Juven. people on both sides of the Atlantic: In ad- This trip laid the foundation for Juven dition to leading tours to Norway, Juven has to embark on a lifetime of travel. Since his brought over 677 cultural exchange groups Travel to Norway... first time in Norway, Juven has returned with – from folk dancer troupes to farm and busi- 47,000 people for 136 total trips to Norway. ness tours – from Norway to the U.S. for his with Michael Kleiner’s “Beyond the Cold!” In addition, he has led tours in 98 countries “Hands Across the Sea” program, which he on five continents. Juven’s knowledge, ex- founded in 1973. At age 11, Michael Kleiner spent perience and attention to detail have earned He arranges each 10- to 14-day tour 1969 – 70 in Norway with his family, him a loyal tour following. with performances, recreational activities, who are not of Norwegian descent. Juven’s tour philosophy is to go off the transportation, lodging, food and genealogy. During subsequent trips as an adult, beaten path, away from the typical tourist The most popular is the “Treff Program,” his affection for Norway grew; the places, to experience the true beauty of Nor- where Norwegian-Americans get to meet the people became a second family; the way in its nature, culture and people. To do Norwegians. Some of the well-known Nor- country a second home. He shares his this, Juven connects with local tour guides wegians who Juven has hosted in the U.S. story in his award-winning memoir who are well-versed in the culture and history include Arve Tellefsen, Bjøro Håland, Hanne “Beyond the Cold: An American’s of the region, and he draws on his extensive Krogh, Sølvguttene, the Nidaros Boys Choir Warm Portrait of Norway.” network of Norwegians to help create unfor- and Norges Ungdomslag, just to name a few. gettable experiences for his tour groups. The groups perform at Scandinavian festi- Purchase today! Many people want to travel to Norway vals and events throughout the Midwest. $20 for paperback – $10 for ebook to connect to their Norwegian relatives, and Juven’s love for Norway is obvious, Juven plays an important role in connecting from his thoughtfully planned itineraries to them to their family. As an avid genealogist his involvement in the Norwegian-American “If I had known this book was so himself who prides himself in finding the community. impossible families in Norway, Juven has as- “There is no place in the world with the realistic, I would have wore my parka, sisted thousands of people with their family beauty and culture of Norway,” concluded snow boots, ear muffs and put in for roots without charge. Juven. “I don’t know of any other place that a two-week vacation from work. I “The first time you go to Norway, you compare. You can find spectacular mountains anticipated picking this book up again need to plan and go with someone who in other places around the world, but it isn’t and again. Getting a nice hot cup knows about Norway. If you go on your own, as meaningful if they don’t have a fjord.” of tea and letting Michael take me and you know you have family over there but “There are no strangers in Norway, just along with him to Norway, the Arctic you don’t know how to find them, you aren’t a few people you may not have met yet,” Online event! Circle, through the mountains and on Join Michael in a virtual online going to get the most out of your experi- added Juven. his train rides brought a whole new ence,” Juven said. To contact Juven Tours and Travel, call presentation of his book meaning to “Beyond the Cold” as just When asked about his ideal trip to Nor- toll-free at (800) 343-0093 or visit www.ju- on April 5 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Full Service Agency With Experienced being the title of the book...” way, he points to his 16-day Luxury Tour ventours.com. Email [email protected] to Norwegian Speaking Consultants! – Tina Harris, Philadelphia Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! reserve your space. information will help you make wise travel Our daily specials and regularly updated informationdecisions will inhelp ayou make constantly wise travel changing decisions in world! a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n www.beyondthecold.com Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Phone: (215) 704-2397 – Email: [email protected] Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] Verrazano TraVel & leisure 1 (718) 979-6641 [email protected] [email protected] 16 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly Travel issue Off the beaten tourist path Cozy up at a heritage hotel for a personalized, unforgettable Norwegian experience

Photos: Mo Laksegard, Fausko Skysstasjon and Energihotellet From the salmon safari at Mo Laksegard, the authentic cultural experiences at Fausko Skysstasjon to the vintage style of Energihotellet, Heritage Hotels offers a special experience to every visitor.

Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d Managing Editor

For a fresh way to experience Norway, Mette and Tor Lien of Lien Fjellgard “I started in the tourism business in mountain hikes, fishing, concerts and festi- go back to Norway’s rural roots by staying at have been in the hotel business for about 15 1982. The Mo farm had the right for salmon vals. a heritage hotel. From old farms to a vintage years, but their farm has been in the family fishing in the Suldalslågen river, which runs “We take guests on a journey through 1960s hotel, options abound for the ultimate since the early 1600s. Their idyllic farm is right outside our houses, so we started sell- time and space; geographically through food Norwegian experience. located near Svartdal in Telemark. ing fishing licenses and restoring old houses and wine, culturally through history and Heritage Hotels is a small network of six “Our hotel is real, with old houses from on the farm to accommodate fishermen,” music, spiritually through tours in our mag- independently-run hotels throughout central the 1700s and 1800s. It’s near to nature said Moe. nificent countryside, socially through strong Norway. The emphasis is on excellent food, and quiet – you can hear the silence,” said Many visitors to Mo Laksegard come group experiences and virtually through ar- traditional Norwegian culture and individu- Mette. for salmon fishing and the unique Salmon ranging internet connection, video confer- alized attention for a relaxing, enriching Lien Fjellgard is a destination for vaca- Safari, in which people swim with the salm- ences, DVD film presentations, and more,” Norwegian experience. Each hotel has ac- tioners, work retreats and family reunions. on for an unforgettable experience. said Fausko. “Our vision is based on a funda- commodations for 20 – 60 people, and the It’s a destination for many Norwegian- “The only place in the whole Norway mental respect for nature, culture and people, hotel owners are committed and enthusias- Americans too – many people immigrated to where you can swim with the salmon!” said and to create an atmosphere that gives our tic about their work. By partnering together, the U.S. and Canada in the 1800s, and many Moe. guests inspiration, peace of mind and time Heritage Hotels draw visitors off the beaten come back to see their ancestral farms and Fausko Skysstasjon, operated by Knut for reflection,” said Fausko. tourist track to experience pure Norway. homeland. Fausko in the mountain resort town of Hem- For those looking to stay in an unusual “Our guests want something different sedal, Hallingdal, focuses its energy on au- setting, Energihotellet in the village of Nes- from the big hotels. They want to sit by the thenticity and a comprehensive Norwegian flaten in , , offers unique Let's Go To Norway! open fireplace and feel like going back in experience with modern conveniences. architecture and stunning nature. The ho- time,” said Mette. Fausko began its hotel operations in the tel, originally designed to house Hydro sta- Norway Luxury Tour Bjørn Moe of Mo Laksegard – located 1870s, as a resting place for travelers be- tion employees, was sold in 2007 by Norsk near Stavanger in Sand, Suldal – offers the tween eastern and . Today, Hydro, and it sits on a small hill overlooking July 23 - Aug 7, 2012 ultimate destination for fishing enthusiasts. Fausko arranges food and culture evenings, the lake Suldalsvatnet. 37th Annual Tour “The architecture was created in the Carrol T. Juven, Escort & Guide 1960s by famed Norwegian architect Geir Norsk Høstfest Grung. The functionalistic style with a lot of Join Scandinavian Park, Inc. NFP concrete makes an unique fit with the land- Norway Tour VASA PARK, 35W217 IL Route 31, South Elgin, IL 60177 scape and rural landscape. To have such an architectural masterpiece located in small July 3 - 15, 2012 7 miles South of I-90 Northwest Tollway & 5 Miles North of IL Rt. 64 North Ave. Duane & Jeanne Brekke, Hosts village several hours from the nearest city, Carrol T. Juven, Escort & Guide is quite rare,” said Olav Lindseth, who has May 5:Valborg Clean-Up Day at Vasa Park with Volunteer Lunch managed the hotel for four years with his Classic Norway Tour June 23: Scandinavian Midsommar Celebration & NEW Viking wife. “The interior at Energihotellet has also several unique 1960s details. We have a June 18 - July 2, 2012 Family Campout at Vasa Park Carrol T. Juven, Escort & Guide August 11: Steak Fry with Crayfish Sampling at Vasa Park See > path, page 19 Hurtigruten September 9: 33rd Annual Scandinavian Day Festival at Vasa Park "The World's Most NEW! Birkebeiner print Beautiful Voyage" October 6: Annual Fish Boil & Harvest Festival at Vasa Park 9.75x12” + generous border Daily Departure from Bergen October 27: Annual Scandinavian Park Membership Meeting and Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue • full-color, fade-proof Hallinglag of Complimentary Breakfast • quality paper • FREE shipping in America Tour November 3: End of Year Clean-Up Day at Vasa Park with sturdy mailing tube to Volunteer Lunch US 48 states July 28 - August 11, 2012 • $15 each, USD only; March 2, 2013: Annual Spring Dinner Dance & Fundraiser at VISA/MasterCard Des Plaines Elks Club Order from Travel with a Professional! NORWAY ART Contact: Carrol T. Juven 1455 West Lake St, B-20 137 times in Norway 25-Acre Vasa Park – Available for Outdoor Events Minneapolis, MN 55408 Birthdays • Anniversaries • Weddings • Reunions • Graduations • Festivals • Picnics • Concerts Juven Tours & Travel, Inc. call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or PO Box 1266, Fargo, ND 58107 Hotline: (847) 695-6720 • E-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.juventours.com Why not order now for shipment to your home or business [email protected] 2012Websites: EVENt www.vasaparkil.comCALENDAr and www.scandinaviandayil.com and have this beautiful art waiting for you there?! norwegian american weekly March 30, 2012 • 17 travel Issue Taking you back to your roots Heritage tours connect Norwegian-Americans to Norway in an unforgettable way

Photos: Jan Johannesson Left: The hikers enroute to Kappadal above the fjord. Right: The landing of the helicopter at Nedberge.

Ch a r Ru s t a n Br e kk e Director and Co-owner of Brekke Tours & Travel

As a tour operator specializing in travel knitting, textiles, history, music, religion, Brekke Tours accepted the challenge of and from there proceed on a 2.5 hour hike to Scandinavia, with a sub-specialty in Nor- and heritage. There have been large and organizing this unique excursion. The Ned- up to the main farm perched on the moun- way and heritage travel, Brekke Tours has small groups, such as the 120 Americans berge and Kappadal family farms were locat- tainside. had the privilege of assisting numerous Nor- who returned to their family farm in Toten ed on a deserted mountain slope. The Ned- For those who were not so athletic, a wegian-Americans return to their ancestral to visit their relatives or the delegation of berge farm was inhabited until the 1950s, helicopter lifted them up the mountain walls roots. Tvedt, and Tweet families in America with necessary goods being brought up by to their forefathers “kingdom.” Fortunately, Through the years, Brekke Tours has of- who spent a weekend with Norwegian fam- pulley. The Kappadal farm was situated on there was enough space for it to land on the fered heritage tours to different parts of Nor- ily members in Telemark before traveling in a ledge. When the children went out to play, outer part of a field high above the fjord. way, including Hallingdal, Hardanger, Nor- Norway. they were tethered with a rope to ensure their Tumbling out of the helicopter, hair standing dfjord, Orkdal, Telemark, Møre-Romsdal, Many Norwegian-Americans struggle to safety. on end with the rotating helicopter blades, Numedal, Rogaland, Gudbrandsdal, Sogn, find their roots because the family name has they had arrived at Nedberge, one of two Voss and Valdres. The tours are designed changed over the decades. Dr. Arne Brekke, THE SOLUTION: Contact Brekke farms from which the Kappadal family had to spend several days in a specific region al- founder of Brekke Tours, who emigrated Tours for detailed knowledge of Norway, emigrated. The hikers arrived and after five lowing time for detailed information about from Flåm, Norway and taught Norwegian for organizing, planning, meeting chal- helicopter lifts, the family was assembled. the area, visits to family farms and commu- and German at the University of North Da- lenges and solving problems. After 146 long years, 20 plus Americans fi- nication with relatives. Special events and kota for 25 years, uses his background in nally had arrived at their family farm, cling- activities arranged by Norwegians to wel- comparative Indo-European language and With our own roots being Norwegian, ing to the side of the mountain situated 1,759 come Americans “home” are often included. place name research to assist in reconstruct- Brekke Tours takes particular interest in feet above sea level. The annual “Sogn / Voss / Valdres Heritage ing anglicized family names, tracing them introducing Norwegian-Americans to their Hugging. Laughter. Tears. A calmness Tour” will be offered July 16 – 28, 2012, and back to the ancestral farms in Norway. Once ethnic background. We recommended that spread over the mountain realm as the Nor- we have worked with the Gudbrandsdalslag that information is provided the next step the families participate in our annual “Sogn wegian national anthem, “Ja, vi elsker dette of America to arrange a tour Aug. 15 – 30, is…the journey back to one’s roots. / Voss / Valdres Heritage Tour” which was landet...” (Yes, we love this land…) resound- 2012, that will feature the Kringen Festival. One of the most remarkable journeys we designed to offer more in-depth information ed across the fjord. Four American sisters This year is the 400th anniversary of the have helped plan is the adventure to the Ned- in their region of interest. In addition, there and three cousins gathered to sing songs Battle of Kringen, which commemorates the berge and Kappadal farms. were a few days scheduled in Flåm which taught to them by their mother who instilled Norwegian farmers’ victory over the Scottish would allow time for a farm excursion. in them a love for Norway. More tears. Tears mercenaries and the peace that exists today. THE MISSION: To learn about their A local news reporter, a photographer, of happiness. Tears of joy. Brekke Tours has also assisted numer- ancestral ties to the Nedberge and Kap- an author and a reporter from Norway’s larg- Bread and crackers with brown cheese ous groups and organizations (bands, choirs, padal farms in Aurland. est newspaper, Verdens Gang (VG), were en- and cured dried meat. Doughnuts and cof- Sons of Norway lodges, churches, travel listed to accompany the group and document fee. Some nutrition was needed for those clubs, University Alumni) in designing tour THE GOAL: To visit the family this exciting and unusual journey. who were to brave the next segment of the itineraries based on their requests with focus farms in the Sognefjord region of Western For the more athletic folks, we chartered on a particular topic such as: architecture, Norway. boats for the participants to cross the fjord See > Roots, page 18

• Folk and Visit Vesterheim Fine Art Open all year • Group in scenic Decorah, Iowa. Tours Schedule Your Group Tour Today! • Historic Contact us for a group tour brochure and info about our one-of-a-kind tours. Celebrating 50 years of business Buildings [email protected] Visit our store in Seattle or find us online! • Festivals 563-382-9681 • vesterhim.org Preserving a heritage. www.scanspecialties.com • Classes Connecting us all. 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 • Store Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! Norwegian-American Museum 18 • March 30, 2012 norwegian american weekly Travel issue Norwegian American Weekly < Hacking From page 9 skiing with people, attended concerts, hock- ey games – you uncover this whole world. Photos of the Week all the information is consistently up-to-date People are usually very generous, and you and current. In addition, Meyer will launch a enjoy experiences you couldn’t imagine vis- website called TravelHackingNorway.com. iting a place on your own.” This online resource will be a place to find The idea of couchsurfing can be rather Norwegian products, music, items of interest intimidating for those who don’t want to stay and more to help people plan their Norwe- in a stranger’s space, so Meyer offers anoth- gian adventure. er way to score free accommodations. When asked about his favorite budget “There are so many festivals going on travel tip for Norway, Meyer came up with in Norway during the summers, and they two: always have a need for volunteers. A great “I love telling people to use couchsurf- way to get to the events and have lodging ing.org. Hotels are super expensive, and covered is to volunteer. I had a couple visi- you’re removed from everyday life in Nor- tors come and volunteer at a music festival way. Couchsurfing is free, and you connect for a few hours a day, and they had all their with locals who share their couch (or floor) meals and accommodations paid for. Think for free. I went couchsurfing myself 20 or 30 outside the box!” times, and it’s a great way to meet people,” For more information, visit www.Trav- said Meyer. “Through couchsurfing, I went elHackingNorway.com.

Photo courtesy of Tim Hunter Bjarne Varsnes, president of Sons of Norway Leif Erikson Lodge, spread Norwegian cheer at the annual Norwegian Heritage Day on March 24. Highlights of the day included the Leif-to-Leif Fun Run / Walk, pickled herring blind tasting, gluten-free lefse and krumkake, and a bunad parade. Skål to Leif Erikson Lodge on a job well done!

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption. Community Connections

Photo: Nik Sten Happy Birthday to three sisters! Family was the central theme of the Stens’ father-daughter trip to Norway, and Nik and Greta (far right) visited with Norwegian cousins and growing family of Norway music artist Bill Booth.

Happy Birthday to three wonderful sis- < Arctic From page 14 impetuous daughter, who took it as a seri- ters! Palma (April 6), ous matter we return to ship at each port well Ida (April 24) and Providing for one-on-one time with fam- ahead of time. “Because it is rude to make Nikki (April 3). ily is challenging but also invaluable, now people wait. It implies you think you’re often providing laughs about mishaps and above rules set for everyone else.” Admittedly, did not see that coming. You have brought me adventures shared. Also a new side to one a lifetime of love and care. Thank you! < Roots From page 17 The thrill of sharing a common bond with other family members is indescrib- Beachie Wishart journey to Kappadal where the terrain was able, and as we learn the life details of our Poulsbo, Wash. so steep and narrow that a helicopter could ancestors, we begin to better understand our- not land. The only option was the 1.5-hour selves. The benefits of heritage exploration Submit your Community Connections! Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. hike on a difficult and dangerous path. If are many. one took a wrong step, one could slide down Cheryl Fredrickson Graham, a partici- to the Aurland Fjord, 1,900 feet below. One pant on our “Sogn/Voss/Valdres Heritage of the family members recalled being told Tour” explains it this way... about the goats and the children being tied “This trip meant so much to all of us in Ingvald J. Pederson Fairview OR up so they wouldn’t fall into the fjord. so many ways and for so many reasons. Our Joan Vatn Seattle WA The foundations at Kappadal still stand, Norwegian heritage has given us the blood 3. april almost 140 years after their ancestors made that flows through our veins, the songs that Bertha Nataas Myking Norway the decision to pack their trunks and begin we sing, the intelligence that we possess, and Magdalene Emra Oregon City OR the long journey to America. It was an in- a family that we love. A family that is the 4. april credibly strong emotional experience for product of a far away country and a culture Robert A. Hall Jr. Ithaca NY family members to return to Norway, to see melded into America. I’ve often wondered 30. mars Kris W. Templin Seattle WA and experience how their ancestors lived. why I love knotty pine, pretty small china Sigurd Henriksen Tønsberg Norway Pr. Theodore Weltzin Watford City ND The group of Americans visiting Kappadal cups, white lace embroidery, the smell and Sadie Solberg Loraine S. Johnson Jackson MN Langley WA were the first Americans who had been to taste of strong coffee, and the rugged rocky Hjalmar Pedersen San Pedro CA Arvid E. Spor Milwaukie OR Kappadal since their ancestors emigrated in Arnold H. Seering Asbjørn Pedersen Rena Norway mountains. More than anything else this Scandinavia WI 1866. They left with a better understanding Denise M. Jorgens Chicago IL Helge Rommesmo Fargo ND trip was a link to the past and to the future; of their ancestors, as well as of themselves. a bridge that brought together families. We 31. mars 5. april Helen Bjornson Plentywood MT have a wonderful, devoted family in the Unit- Harold Lovdahl Milwaukee WI Heritage exploration – where do you Olivia Ofstun Elna Solberg Haynes Seattle WA ed States and no less so in Norway. These Eastman WI start? John Erik Lorentzen Staten Island NY Solveig Tørring Haugesund Norway are families that have so enriched our lives Contact Brekke Tours who will utilize Olav Barikmo Iola WI that we will never again be the same...” Want to see your birthday in the their 55+ years of unique knowledge and Enrich your life, explore your heritage 1. april experience in Scandinavian travel. Our ge- Lester B. Orfield Norwegian American Weekly? and experience majestic Norway. It’s a pow- Winter Park FL nealogical expert with access to the Arne G. Kjell Holmes San Diego CA erful combination! Brekke Bydebok Collection at the Univer- Jens Olaussen Bellingham WA Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Erika Karin Frautschi Seattle WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at sity of North Dakota (http://library.und.edu/ Let Brekke Tours connect you to your Lee R. Gjovik Madison WI least one month in advance. collections/bygdebok) can assist in connect- roots! For more information, call toll-free at 2. april NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed ing your family to your ancestral farm and (800) 437-5302, email tours@brekketours. Helmer Breivik Seminole FL away? Please notify us. existing relatives. com, or visit www.brekketours.com. norwegian american weekly M march 30, 2012 • 19 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Malven Arnum Died March 19, 2012 Our down to earth God

Malven Arnum, Mass., before finally settling in Sudbury, In the original version of the movie put a stamp of approval upon this earth 78, beloved husband Mass., an idyllic suburb west of Boston. He “Inherit the Wind” Spencer Tracy has a by coming to live among us, we can eas- of 50 years, father, later earned two masters degrees from North- famous line describing his opponent in ily neglect both the gift of life and the brother, grandfather, eastern University in electrical engineering the so called “Monkey Trials.” Tracy gift of the earth itself. My Norwegian uncle, and cousin and engineering management. said, “He was looking for God but he was grandmother had a favorite phrase she passed away peace- Mr. Arnum was a member of Sudbury looking too high and too far away.” As used to describe people in her town who fully on Monday, United Methodist Church before transfer- we move between the season of Christ- were too focused on the divine things at March 19 at his home ring to Millbrook United Methodist Church mas where we celebrate the incarnation, the expense of earthly things. She would after a valiant battle with cancer. in Raleigh. He was an avid stamp collector, and Lent where we remember our Lord’s say, “They are so heavenly minded that A former long-time resident of Sudbury, a keen student and tutor of advanced math- suffering, we are reminded that we have they are no earthly good.” Mass., Mr. Arnum moved to Raleigh, N.C., ematics, competitive bridge player, as well a very down to earth God. We believe Once we realize that God has chosen in 2006 to be close to his daughter and three as a gardener and carpenter. that God came to earth and lived among to be present in the creation, our whole grandsons. Mr. Arnum was predeceased by His primary interest, however, was his us in the person of Jesus Christ. We also attitude about the world around us chang- his parents, Magnhild and Monrad Arnum of strong ties to his native land of Norway, believe that the suffering of Jesus was es. We begin to see God in others, in the Brooklyn, N.Y., brother Magnus and sister where he returned to his family home to visit real. natural world and in the fellowship of Swanhild. He is survived by his wife Mar- friends and relatives as often as he could. He We should remember this because of believers. We begin to understand what tha, children Karen, Anita, and Michael, was an active member of Sons of Norway, the natural human tendency to look too Jesus meant when he said, “When you grandsons Ryan, Nicholas, and Jake, sisters Norumbega Lodge #3-506, which he once high and too far away for God. Nearly do it to the least of these, you do it unto Leny, Dagny, and Elyn, sister-in-law Evelyn, served as president and other positions, in- all of the great heresies of the Christian me.” Knowing that we have a God who brothers-in-law Dennis and William, and nu- cluding the chief food buyer for the Lodge’s Church have denied the humanity of Je- came down to earth should help us both merous nieces, nephews, and cousins. annual Scandinavian Fair. Mr. Arnum was the eldest of six chil- A memorial service was held Saturday, sus who we believe to be Immanuel, that see God in the world around us and ap- dren, the first three born on a small island on March 24 at Millbrook United Methodist is, “God with us.” If we forget that God preciate the world God loves so much. the west coast of Norway, and the younger Church in Raleigh, N.C. three born in the U.S. He immigrated to the In lieu of flowers, gifts may be made to U.S. with his family at the age of 15 in 1948. either: The Merkel Cell Carcinoma Fund, Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church The family made their home in Brooklyn, Attn: Paul Nghiem, MD, PhD, University of N.Y.; Mr. Arnum earned a degree in electri- Washington, Dermatology, 815 Mercer St., Den Norske Lutherske Minnekirke cal engineering at Brooklyn Polytechnic In- Brotman Building – Room 242, Box 358050, The Norwegian Lutheran Memorial Church offers the best venue in Chicago for Norwegians, stitute. Seattle, WA 98109, or Millbrook United Scandinavians to gather and celebrate Norwegian traditions. We welcome you to our warm In 1961 he married his sweetheart Mar- Methodist Church Memorial Fund, 1712 E and friendly family of members. Please visit us soon! All services are at 11 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Pastor: Sigurd . tha J. Thompson, also of Norwegian heri- Millbrook Rd, Raleigh, NC 27609. tage. When he secured a job with the Raythe- Share you condolences at www.brown- on Corporation, they made their first home wynne.com. April 2012 in North Plainfield, N.J., and then Woburn, April 1 Palm Sunday, Norwegian service < Path April 6 Good Friday, Norwegian service 7 p.m. From page 16 Hotels, visit www.heritagehotels.no. Infor- mation is available about the individual ho- April 8 Easter, Norwegian liturgy / English sermon lounge with original furniture (featured in tels and contact information. season three of Mad Men) from 1960 made April 15 Norwegian liturgy / English sermon by Norwegian designer Sven Ivar Dysthe, April 22 English service / Communion and this furniture has been there since the hotel was built.” April 30 English Service Lindseth pointed out that small hotels cannot often compete with larger hotels with facilities, but the emphasis on service makes E 801 Lauritzen Lane Waupaca, WI 54981 2614 North Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647 • (773) 252-7335 • www.minnekirken.org for a better experience – even if the accom- (715) 256-9930 • [email protected] modations are off the beaten path. “When visiting Norway, you have to re- Find your perfect troll! member that narrow roads makes the travel a bit longer than expected. But when traveling along these narrow roads, you often experi- ence fantastic landscape and because of that Nordic Home Interiors it is natural to take your time traveling. A lot 620 West 58th Street of tourists traveling to Norway often plan to (corner of 58th & Lyndale) Minneapolis, MN 55419 stay at several places during their trip and 612-339-0000 seldom more than two or three days at the www.NordicHomeInteriors.com same place, because they want to experience as much as possible,” adds Lindseth. Heritage Hotels is part of a larger trend in Norway for smaller travel companies to work together to provide visitors with the The Scandinavian Hour best possible experience in Norway. Partner- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! ships like Heritage Hotels allow tourists to At the Troll’s Cove, we have trolls tailor their time in Norway to fit their inter- of all kinds and sizes. Check out our KKNW – 1150 AM ests. inventory online and in our shop! “We promise you a stay with a lot of Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST memories, so that you always want to come Visit us online at back,” said Mette Lien. Streaming live on the internet at: For more information about Heritage www.thetrollscove.com www.1150kknw.com or our shop in Waupauca, WI 20 • March 30, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style

The remarkable story Modern Day Viking of Leif eie Celebration of craft This is the story of Leif eie, a modern day Viking who grew up in Norway but spent most of his life in Seattle, where he Norwegian craftsmen collaborate with Eleanor was deeply involved in his community. Leif’s journey took him from as a child, to Manhattan as a promising Roosevelt’s Val-Kill Industries in Hyde Park, N.Y. entertainer and to Seattle as a businessman.

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Available through Amazon.com or iUniverse Call toll-free: 1-800-288-4677 $18.95 Photos courtesy of Eleanor Roosevelt’s National Historic Site, National Park Service (NPS) Otto Berge in his home factory in the early 1970s. Originally from , Norway, Otto Berge and his brother Arnold worked at Val-Kill Industries in Hyde Park, N.Y. www.carladanziger.com

Mystery &Romance in Norway Th o r A. La r s e n Fishkill, N.Y. Hidden Falls by Carla Danziger An American woman investigating the death of her cousin, a In 1926, Eleanor Roosevelt, with the publicity. Brochures were created of the feisty Norwegian journalist, encounters ghosts from the past, encouragement of her husband Franklin furniture built and furniture pieces were in danger, & international intrigue in the Sognefjord and Bergen. Roosevelt, built a stone cottage and retreat showrooms at Abraham and Strauss depart- Now on “An exciting cliff-hanger...” ~Midwest Book Review called Val-kill cottage that she shared with ment store, Sloane’s and other popular de- Kindle! friends Nancy Cook and Marion Dickerman. partment stores. The furniture went mostly Available through Amazon.com or iUniverse. This cottage was located a few miles from to the wealthy homes as well as to the White Call toll-free (800) 288-4677 $18.95 the Franklin Roosevelt home in Hyde Park, House, Franklin Roosevelt’s home and Val- www.carladanziger.com Dutchess County, N.Y. About the same time, Kill. the three women started an enterprise called Two Norwegian men who worked at Val-Kill Industries and had a building built the Val-Kill Industries were Otto and Ar- near the cottage to house the factory. The nold Berge from Grimstad, Norway. Their purpose of Val-Kill Industries was to provide father was a coach maker and wheelwright men and boys in agricultural areas an oppor- in Grimstad, and it is there that Otto learned tunity to develop skills in crafts as a means his basic skills in woodworking. Otto, the to earn income during the winter months. older of the two, came to the U.S. in 1919 The idea was an experiment based on a the- and Arnold followed in 1927. Otto worked ory that FDR and Eleanor shared. The hope at an antique shop in New York City restor- PÅSKEN was that the new skills would open up new ing furniture before he moved to Hyde Park full-time careers in the fine handicrafts. to join Val-Kill Industries in 1927. At first, på Sjømannskirken i New York The furniture were high-quality repro- Arnold worked in New York City and then Lørdag 31. mars: ductions from the colonial period using early joined Otto at the Val-Kill furniture house kl. 13:00 Risgrøt American furniture building techniques such in 1929. Arnold did not have any training Søndag 1. april - Palmesøndag: as the mortise and tenon joints and hand in woodworking before this position, but kl. 11:00 Palmesøndagsgudstjeneste dovetail joints of the early American crafts- learned quickly. Otto’s experience in antique med kirkekaffe etter gudstjenesten men. Some of the furniture was constructed furniture restoration became an invaluable kl. 19:00 Konsert med Trond-Viggo Torgersen with pine wood, but mostly with hardwoods asset in guiding the other young craftsmen. such as maple, mahogany, cherry or walnut. In addition to his brother Arnold, Otto Torsdag 5. april - Skjærtorsdag: Models for the furniture were often from the brought in several other Norwegian crafts- kl. 19:00 Skjærtorsdagsgudstjeneste original pieces in the Metropolitan Museum men including Augie Hansen and Karl Jo- med måltid etter gudstjenesten of Art in New York City. hannesen. A number of other craftsmen The overall operation of the Val-kill in- were employed with a peak of about eight Fredag 6. april - Langfredag: dustries was managed by Nancy Cook and kl. 19:00 Langfredagsgudstjeneste Eleanor Roosevelt provided guidance and See > Crafts, page 23

Lørdag 7. april - Påskeaften: kl. 13:00 Risgrøt

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317 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel.: (+1) 212 319-0370 e-post: [email protected] Left: Pewter measure crafted by Arnold Berge. Right: Drop-leaf table by Val-Kill Industries. norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us march 30, 2012 • 21 In your neighborhood < Parade From page 1 the Brooklyn parade is drawing people from Norway in North Dakota all over the country to celebrate their Nor- Is traveling to Norway not in your plans this year? Avenue for the May 20th parade. The com- wegian roots. mittee received official approval from the “We invite all of Norwegian American Visit Høstfest in Minot, N.D., for some Norwegian fun city on March 6 to shift the parade route. Weekly readers to attend our parade this year, “The parade is entering its 60th year, plan your spring vacation around the parade and we have had to move the parade twice weekend here in Brooklyn. There are plenty before due to changing neighborhoods and of activities and fun! Saturday before the seeking out the best support for our parade,” parade is the Viking Fest in Owlshead Park, said Arlene Bakke Rutuelo, owner of Nordic with countless church events, Sons of Nor- Deli and chairperson of the 17th of May Pa- way events, etc. The committee has done rade Committee. an incredible outreach all over the U.S. and “As a life-long Bay Ridge resident and Norway, and we have groups and people re- business owner on Third Avenue, I am in- turning “home” for the parade, making Bay volved with the daily flow of of the Bay Ridge Ridge a destination again,” she adds. area. I know first hand almost all the business There is a Facebook page called the owners and restaurants along Third Avenue, Brooklyn Norwegians, started by Erling and the entire route is really excited over the Dugan in Calif., and we are hoping many of parade coming down here. They have taken their 800+ members will come and march!” journal ads and given sponsorship to support “We hate to lose them but we wish them the parade,” she continued. well,” remarked Basil Capetanakis, the vice The parade route will now start from president of the Bay Ridge Fifth Avenue 86th Street and Third Avenue, and partici- Business Improvement District to the Home pants will march along Third Avenue to 69th Reporter in Brooklyn. “We’re going to miss Street (Bay Ridge Avenue) up to Fifth Av- them because we have quite a bit of activity enue, take a right at Fifth Avenue and pick every time we have a special event. It brings up the traditional route along Fifth Avenue people to the avenue, and we need that more and end at the Leif Ericson Park with the than ever, but we wish them the best.” grandstand. For more information, visit www.may- Photo: Larrie Wanberg 17paradeny.com or Evald Olson at (718) David Reiten, the new President and CEO of Norsk Høstfest in Minot, N.D., has an office filled with Rutuelo said the growing popularity of 745-6653. Norwegian mementos. Leif erikson Lodge 2-001, sons of norway La r r i e Wa nb e r g Grand Forks, N.D. Culture, entertainment and fun for young and old – Come join us! April 11 Membership meeting with ham dinner and program with “How in the world did the acorn of an volunteers with a staff of four. “Pam does an Disaster Preparedness speaker. 5:30 p.m. $10/person. Call idea grow into the largest Scandinavian fes- incredible job with her staff,” said president for reservations at (206) 783-1274 April 14 tival in North America?” I asked David Reit- David, “to smoothly organize a sea of arti- 2nd Saturday Kaffestua. 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Donation: $4 en, the new President and CEO of the annual san booths, cuisine for every taste, arranging 2nd Saturday Happy Hour. $5 for 2 drinks and supper. 5 p.m. September event Høstfest event in Minot, performing artists and published authors, yet April 21 N.D. maintaining an appealing atmosphere where Norwegian / Swedish Exhcnage dinner. Call LEL office at (206) 783-1274 for cost and reservations “My father, Chester (Chet) Reiten, people feel at home with their neighbors.” Every Wednesday started talking up an idea of a cultural food David pinpointed the acorn of the idea Exercise class at 10 a.m. Cost: $3 gathering as a church bazaar among some to a family discovery of heritage. Questions? Need membership Kaffestua associates, and the idea kept building as a “After Chester’s father Lars died in Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and Friday info? Call (206) 783-1274 fall festival. In 1978, when my dad was the 1973, he found a bundle of handwritten let- mayor of Minot, the first Høstfest was held, ters in Norwegian that he had translated, and Leif erikson HaLL, 2245 n.W. 57tH st., seattLe, Wa 98107 drawing about 3,000 people.” as mayor at that time, he exchanged corre- The story goes that when they ran out spondence with the mayor of Skien, went to of lutefisk the first year, Chet knew that they Norway, began a “sister city” relationship WOODEN SPOON were “on to something.” between the cities, and the Høstfest followed SCANDINAVIAN SHOP “Because my dad was in the broadcast- on later. You might say that his search of his ing business, owning four TV stations and roots began the connection with Norway and 1617 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 three radio stations, he promoted the Høst- spawned the idea of celebrating one’s heri- [email protected] fest through his media outlets and it grew and tage as a hallmark of Høstfest.” grew. He heard that Myron Floren, an accor- Chester is quoted in saying that the goal Exclusive designs dionist on the Lawrence Welk TV show was of Høstfest is to promote the passing on to of the Wooden Spoon! available for events, so he contacted him for one’s children and grandchildren the tradi- Uff da Wine Glass $12.95 entertainment and people came in droves.” tions brought over from Scandinavia by pio- Uff da is – Ceramic Tile $9.95 “People loved the music, loved the food, neer ancestors. Shipping $12.00 the entertainment and loved Myron Floren “Heritage is like a lighted torch that who loved the people just as much. Chet must be passed down to future generations,” realized that if you give good entertainment he often said, which happened father-to-son We carry a complete line of Scandinavian gifts and food at the Wooden Spoon! along with great surroundings, ethnic foods this year, as Chester became more medically Call (972) 424-6867 or place your order online at www.woodenspoon.ws and cultural arts, people will enjoy them- housebound at 88 years of age. selves. Floren became a perennial favorite Last year, with the devastating flood in for many years among other entertainers.” Minot, Høstfest was in doubt for a time, as In recent years, Høstfest has drawn up- the venue of the State Fair grounds was liter- wards to 60,000 attendees, one of ND’s larg- ally an “island” from flood waters with man- est tourism events. RVers, tour buses and made dikes protecting the major buildings. family vehicles jam the parking lots. Between However, “the show went on,” following a entertainment shows, the corridors are often massive clean-up by a taskforce of agencies shoulder-to-shoulder with two-way flows of and volunteers. Chester was constantly on people migrating from one event to another. the phone rallying its recovery. Hotel accommodations are often made a David’s vision for the future follows a year in advance and Minot homes open their path of tradition and transitioning that has doors to receive recurring visitors. The eco- made Høstfest what it becomes each year nomic impact into the Minot community is over three decades. estimated at about $10 million annually. “We’ve been transitioning for over 30 Pam Alme Davy is the executive direc- years... always improving, tweaking, always tor who manages a well-organized operation, staying relevant, evolving... and we’ll con- works with large corporations, orchestrates every detail and coordinates thousands of See > Høstfest, page 23 22 • March 30, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Norwegian Language Corner Connecting us all The boys from Vangen: Nordmenn Verden Rundt brings together Norwegians across the globe with social media Written by Leif Halse Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic!

DRIVA ER STRI! DRIVA IS RAGING! Syklene triller lett etter jevne veger. The bikes roll easily over the smooth De kommer til Sunndal. Så høge fjell har roads. They come to Sunndal. The Vangen ikke «Vangsgutane» sett før. «Det er bratte boys have never seen such high mountains lier her,» sier Kåre til en mann de møter. before. “The mountains here are steep,” «Ja her i dalen er det så bratt, at når geita says Kåre to a man they meet. “Yes, here står oppe i lia, ser ho beint ned gjennom in the valley it’s so steep that when a goat ljoren og speglar seg i smørauget i grautfa- stands up on the hillside, she looks straight Photos courtesy of Agnete Foster down the smoke vent and sees her reflection Agnete Foster, the founder of Nordmenn Verden Rundt, grew up all over the world, but kept close ties tet på stuebordet,» svarer sunndalingen. to her Norwegian heritage. Left: The family celebrate Syttende Mai while living in New York. Right: in the melted butter in the porridge dish on De sykler oppover Sunndalen. Vegen Agnete and her mother in Rodane during their annual summer trip to Norway. følger elva, som heter Driva. Sola skinner, the table,” answers the man from Sunndal. og Steinar og Kåre får lyst til å bade. Ved They cycle up the Sunndal Valley. The en stille arm av elva kler de av seg og hop- road follows a river named Driva. The sun Ch r i s t y Ol s e n Fi e l d per uti. Inne ved land flyter noen tømmer- is shining, and Steinar and Kåre want to go Managing Editor stokker, og de tar hver sin stokk og seiler swimming. On a quiet arm of the river, they av sted med. take off their clothes and jump in. Some Facebook is more than a digital photo and enjoyed a fabulous year living above the De plasker og har det morsomt, og logs are floating near the shore, and they album of what your kids did last weekend. Arctic Circle. After that, I worked for a Nor- ror med hendene i den stille elve-renna each take a log and sail off. Facebook provides a virtual meeting space wegian tour operator abroad and I was sta- og våger seg lenger og lenger utpå. Men They splash and have fun, rowing with for people across the globe to share similar tioned in Spain and Greece, to name a few. der kommer Kåre så langt ut at strømmen their hands in the still river channel and interests, activities and heritage.We discov- I finally settled on the island of Mallorca får tak i hans. Han strever og skal venturing farther and farther out. But Kåre ered a new Facebook connection with Nor- where my British husband and I ran a prop- komme seg inn på stille vatn igjen, men goes so far that the current gets hold of his dmenn Verden Rundt (Norwegians around erty company, had two children and various greier det ikke. Strømmen er for sterk her, log. He struggles and tries to get back in to the world), which is run by Norwegian ex- four-legged animals. We decided to move to og drar stokken med seg utover. the still waters again, but he can’t. The cur- rent is too strong here and pulls him and the pat Agnete Foster. Foster uses social media the U.K. when our children were ready to go log out. such as Facebook and Twitter to connect to school and the rest is history. with Norwegians all over the world to share Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods – Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen 8.NAW.Langeland.27Feb2012_Layout 1 2/27/12 2:35 PM Page 1 information about Norway. COF: How did you get the idea for Nord- Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. menn Verden Rundt? www.astrimyastri.com Christy Olsen Field: What is your Norwe- AF: It started as a hobby but is slowly gian background? turning into something bigger. It is some- Norwegians in America, Some Records Agnete Foster: My background is actu- thing I have always felt was missing as a of the Norwegian Emigration to America: ally a life as an almost constant Norwegian Norwegian abroad, a place where I as a Nor- A transcribed and translated version of the 1888 abroad. I am 100 percent Norwegian, born wegian can connect and find information Nordmændene i Amerika, Nogle Optegnelser om De Norskes Udvandring til Amerika on an island in a fjord which is surrounded aimed at Norwegians all around the world, Written by Knud Langeland by some of the most beautiful nature there not just from the country or area I happen to is. At the age of three my father was offered be in at that moment. 240 pgs, hardcover, 5-1/2”x7-1/2”, Smyth sewn: • Bilingual English Norwegian from Gothic script a job abroad and thus a life of travelling be- • Autobiographical, Life in Norway before 1843 gan. His job brought us all around the world COF: What is your goal with Nordmenn • Early immigrant life in America and we were lucky enough as a family to Verden Rundt? • Social and political portrait • Norwegian immigrant press live in many interesting places in Belgium, AF: My goal was originally simply • Foreword, Biography & Review by Odd S. Lovoll Japan and the U.S., to name a few. My par- to unite Norwegians around the world to • = $24.95 with FREE shipping in USA ents are very much Norwegian and we have one area using social media where we can Call — send a check— or order from website followed the typical culture and way of liv- share photos, advice on life as a Norwegian [Note: book is not part of the Ulvestad 3 Vol set] ing as Norwegians but living abroad. abroad, schools, embassy information and Made in America! Visit website for more details In each place we lived we were mem- other information which I have previously Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com bers of the many welcoming and loving always searched for as a Norwegian abroad. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 Norwegian organizations spread across the Currently my posts on facebook are read by 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] globe: Sons of Norway, the Norwegian Sea- hundreds and my tweets on twitter are some Norway.com men’s Church and other local Norwegian times retweeted to thousands! I love the fact Royal Norwegian Consulates groups often started by partners of Norwe- that some members of Nordmenn Verden Organization of the Week in North America gians working abroad. Rundt are CEOs of large companies, some In my teenage years we moved back are young Norwegian students studying Colorado Sons of Norway Harald to Norway and I finished high school. I did abroad for the first time, others are settled Haarfager Lodge #2-11 Consul Rita I. Ehrmann however return to the U.S. at the age of 19 Norwegian or half Norwegians who just like when I was lucky enough to be offered a job following the news from home. Othes are Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Royal Norwegian Consulate Denver Financial Center at the Norway Pavilion at the EPCOT center “wannabe” Norwegians who have visited For more information, contact 1775 Sherman Street, Suite 1445 in Walt Disney World, Fla. My days were Norway and love the culture, and they are President Pamla Silk Denver, Colorado 80203 filled 24 / 7 speaking about Norway and more than welcome. Email: [email protected] Tel: (303) 830-1970 how unique and beautiful it is to guests from My definition of Norwegian is anyone Phone: (208) 772-4631 all over the world. After a year in Florida, who feels linked at all to Norway perhaps http://mysite.verizon.net/resoc4e4/ Fax: (303) 321-8106 Email: [email protected] I swapped hot and humid days and moved through family, friends or just has an inter- For the full list of organizations, to Alta in the most northern tip of Norway For a listing of all consulates, to study tourism at Høgskolen in visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations See > Nordmenn, page 23 norwegian american weekly M march 30, 2012 • 23 Travel Issue

< Nordmenn < Høstfest use all traditional forms of tangible media to From page 22 From page 21 engage all ages, including school children.” est in the country. I don’t aim to reach one tinue this into the future.” The Høstfest program for 2012 will be specific group, but all. My children were “How do you manage this,” I asked. released in early May for this year’s event, born abroad and there are many questions “We poll 10,000 people from our mail- which begins Sept. 25 and ends Sept. 29. and queries I as a new Norwegian mother ing list to survey people about perspective Check the website for descriptions and de- living abroad had. I think of information I entertainers and ask them to rate their pref- tails at www.hostfest.com. feel I needed at many times of my life liv- erences of entertainment and events. The “We’re constrained in growth by physi- ing abroad and try to post links that others polling company is absolutely amazed at the cal space, but not in quality of programs, may find helpful. What passport should they high percentage of returns that we get. This nor by out-reach in cyber space,” David have? Should they attend a local Norwegian helps us keep relevant.” concluded. “Heritage today, like my grand- school? Should I try to keep Norwegian tra- “We increasingly use Facebook and father’s letters, can continue in communica- ditions? Are there other Norwegian organi- other social media to get the word out and tions between families and countries – both zations nearby? Are there jobs locally for interact online. Our Website becomes our onsite and online.” Norwegian speakers? portal for communications for people who For more information about Høstfest, In the medium- to long-term, I aim to use the Internet in their daily lives, but we call (701) 852-2368 or visit hostfest.com. create a website where all Norwegian groups and organizations will be welcome to post information on what they can offer to Nor- wegians all around the world. I may need to < Crafts From page 20 Service in Hyde Park, N.Y. Of course, one find more time or perhaps partner with some- Photo courtesy of Agnete Foster could find many in fine homes in the U.S. one who has the time and knowledge to build Trolls are a recognized symbol of Norway for Nor- and around the world. wegians around the world! In addition there were as many as 15 such a site as I have many plans for a won- local workers doing finishing work on the The Val-Kill Industries, with Arnold derful and engaging website. So if there are and Otto as leaders, was an experiment and fjords, rolling fields, deep lakes, high moun- furniture pieces. Entire bedroom suites and any clever webmasters out there who would provided a guide for new initiatives by Presi- tains and everything you can wish for in one dining room sets were produced, as well as like to join me, feel free to put them in touch dent Roosevelt during the Depression when country! I love that it is ultra modern but still Christmas gifts. with me! he initiated the National Youth Administra- values old architecture and the simple things Due to the severe Depression as well At the moment I am just enjoying run- tion (NYA) where young men developed in life such as Nordic skiing with a bar of as other factors, Val-Kill Industries closed ning the various Nordmenn Verden Rundt skills in a range of crafts as future careers chocolate and an orange in your backpack. down in 1937. Otto purchased the furniture areas via various social media and I have and many other related programs. I want to stay connected with Norway as it business and set up shop in his home and had invitations to Norwegian-run restaurants is very much part of my identity. I also love ran his antique furniture business until 1975. in New York, lovely emails from people like The information gathered for this article living abroad and I want other Norwegians The forge was closed in 1936 and Arnold set yourself and kind comments from Norwe- was obtained from Arnold Berge’s daughter, to know that you can easily be very happy up his home version and continued to make gians all around the globe. Karen Pettigrew; Richard R. Cain, author of and very Norwegian being a Nordmann ute special pewter items following the same de- the book, “Eleanor Roosevelt’s Valkill;” as i verden (Norwegian out in the world)! As a signs until the early 1940s. COF: What do you love about Norway? well as webmaster for the website www.Val- member of Nordmenn Verden Rundt you are Today there remain items created by AF: I love the fact that it is so simple yet Kill.com; Emily Wright’s M.A. thesis, “Elea- never alone. these fine craftsmen in the White House, so modern. I love the fact that even though nor Roosevelt and Val-Kill Industries;” and For more information, visit twitter.com/ Val-kill, the Little White House in Warm it barely has a population of 5 million, it the staff of the NPS archives in Hyde Park, NordmennVerdenR or www.facebook.com/ Springs, Ga., several museums especially has the most rugged coastline in the world, N.Y. NordmennVerdenRundt. the museum maintained by the National Park

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