Galois modules torsion in Number fields Eliharintsoa RAJAONARIMIRANA (
[email protected]) Université de Bordeaux France Supervised by: Prof Boas Erez Université de Bordeaux, France July 2014 Université de Bordeaux 2 Abstract Let E be a number fields with ring of integers R and N be a tame galois extension of E with group G. The ring of integers S of N is an RG−module, so an ZG−module. In this thesis, we study some other RG−modules which appear in the study of the module structure of S as RG− module. We will compute their Hom-representatives in Frohlich Hom-description using Stickelberger’s factorisation and show their triviliaty in the class group Cl(ZG). 3 4 Acknowledgements My appreciation goes first to my supervisor Prof Boas Erez for his guidance and support through out the thesis. His encouragements and criticisms of my work were of immense help. I will not forget to thank the entire ALGANT staffs in Bordeaux and Stellenbosch and all students for their help. Last but not the least, my profond gratitude goes to my family for their prayers and support through out my stay here. 5 6 Contents Abstract 3 1 Introduction 9 1.1 Statement of the problem . .9 1.2 Strategy of the work . 10 1.3 Commutative Algebras . 12 1.4 Completions, unramified and totally ramified extensions . 21 2 Reduction to inertia subgroup 25 2.1 The torsion module RN=E ...................................... 25 2.2 Torsion modules arising from ideals . 27 2.3 Switch to a global cyclotomic field . 30 2.4 Classes of cohomologically trivial modules .