HEMLINGFOR:D Ijundited Lubmingham DIVISION. Terest of £42
HEMLINGFOR:D IJUNDitED lUBMINGHAM DIVISION. 851 terest of £42., held on a promissory note, dated 27th May, 1796, and given to the poor on St. Thomas's day, usually in sums of Is. each. The sum of £39. 5s., by the last indenture of the t'harities, 1812, stated to be in the hands of the Re\". Robert Digby, Rector of Sheldon, cannot be accounted for. Mary Sheldon, by will, 1826, gave to the ministers and churchwardens for the time being of the parish of Sheldon, £650. upon trust to invest the same in their names, in the public funds, and to distribute the interest in blue coats and cloaks, and otht>r warm clothing, to the aged poor on St. Thomas's day. The above sum was reduced by the income-tax to £585., which was invested, in 1826, in tbe purchase of £656. 7s. 7d. Three and a half reduced annuities, producing £22.19s. 4d. pt>r annum, and distributed by the minister and churchwardens to about 50 poor persons, in cloaks, blankets, :flannel, and sheeting. DirectCYI'y.,-John Andrews, corn miller, Hill Horlon and Babb's Mills; Rev. B. J. Bateman, B.A., rector; John Berwick, shoemaker; S. Bray, solicitor, The Cottage; Thos. Coleman, solicitor, Sheldon House; Edwd. Hall, vict., Bell Inn; Chas. Harvey, vict., plumber and glazier, Old Ring of Bells; Geo. Hawkins, vict., Three Horse Shoes; Thos. Kirby, shopkeeper; Tbos. Knowles, solicitor, Mackadowne Hs.; Chas. Martin, blacksmith; Waiter Martin, blacksmith; Edwd. Newhall, schoolmMter; Jph. Paddy, vict. and tailor, Wheat Sheaf; Chas. Pearson, vict., Cross Inn and White Hart; Jas.
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