PRESENT: Parish Council: Chairman R Hawkesford, Vice-Chairman P Heap, Cllr G Ward, Cllr G Tobutt, Cllr T Peterkin, Cllr F Billingham, Cllr J Willmer, Cllr S Harris, Cllr L Nash, Cllr J Clark, County Councillor Michael Clarke BEM and the Clerk, (Ms A Palmberg).

296/17 Opening procedures a) To approve apologies for absence - apologies were received from District Councillor Bob Atkinson. Apologies were approved. b) Declarations of interest from members - None c) Approval of the minutes from the Ordinary meeting held on Tuesday 5th September, 2017. All were in favour of approving the minutes.

297/17 Public Time a) Presentation: Ms Charmaine Walker – Hackleton pre-school funding request Ms Walker began by introducing herself as the marketing manager of the pre-school. She also introduced her Chairman to the Parish Council. Ms Walker is requesting funding of approximately £10,000 towards the erection of an outdoor shelter at the pre-school. The shelter would be in situ all year and would protect against inclement weather conditions and the dangers of the sun. This would in turn help to create more space and would benefit the children in many ways as sensory areas and play equipment would also be available. Cllr Charteress advised Ms Walker that there may be a possibility to apply for funding through South Council (SNC). Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Charteress would forward contact details of the relevant funding department at SNC and the item would remain on the agenda for an update at the November meeting. b) To receive comments from members of the public attending the meeting None

298/17 Neighbourhood Plan (NP) a) To receive an update from the Chairman The Chairman mentioned that the steering group are organising a meeting with Mr Michael Wellock, the consultant for the NP. Cllr Peterkin is concerned that not all parts of the parish receive Forum Magazine, eg. St George’s Fields and he has therefore agreed to personally distribute this magazine and any other form of written communication to these parish areas. The Chairman reassured the Parish Council that by employing all means of communication including social media, this would ensure that communication channels seek to be all inclusive. b) To agree on leaflet distribution The Chairman encouraged parish councillors to assist in the distribution of leaflets. Members RESOLVED: All councillors and Clerk agreed to help.

299/17 Reports a) County Councillor Cllr Michael Clarke mentioned that five out of the six heads of service at the County Council have stepped down in recent months and the current Chief Executive is also leaving. He said that he will attend the October County Council Cabinet meeting and should have more information then on the future of the council. Cllr Clarke went on to talk about the importance of foster care and asked that a poster be displayed on the notice board. As children’s social care is now an ever increasing burden on the County Council, fostering is a proven aspect of enhancing the future prospects of a child. Cllr Ward reminded the Cllr of the lack of white markings by “three bridges” on B526 towards Hatch Lane.

b) District Councillor Further to my report earlier this year (copy below) dated 7th March under the heading Gateway Strategic Rail Freight Terminal (SFRI) please note the following; Roxhill Ltd, one of the promoters behind the proposed Northampton Gateway Strategic Rail Freight Terminal gives notice that they intend to commence the statutory consultation with local communities, the local authorities and statutory undertakers which is required prior to the submission of an application for a Development Consent Order - the consultation period will commence on 9th October and run until 24th November. 03102017 Page 76

The promoter has now published the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) which provides details on the consultation and the locations and timings of public consultation events and this can viewed on their website at http://www.northampton- gateway.co.uk/. Public exhibition events will be held as listed below: •Hilton Hotel, Collingtree – Monday 9th October, 1.30pm – 7.30pm •The Royal Oak pub, - Wednesday 11th October, 1.30pm – 7.30pm •Milton Malsor Village Hall - Friday 13th October, 2pm – 7-30pm •Roade Primary School – Saturday 14th October, 12 noon – 5pm •The Forum, Moat Lane, Towcester (council chamber) – Friday 20th October, 2pm – 7pm. Northampton Gateway Strategic Rail Freight Terminal (SFRI). Just as you think it couldn't get any worse, the residents of this general area will also have to contend with other proposed planning applications a little further afield near to Milton Malsor, Blisworth and Roade. The issues relate to the joint Ashfield and Roxhill developments which would result in the loss of 1150 acres of productive farmland - this I am informed is the equivalent to around 650 sized football pitches! Open countryside with its wildlife, ancient trees and hedgerows will be replaced by 2 rail freight interchanges with 13 million square feet of 20 metre (66 feet) high warehouses, plus additional roads and container parks. These developments would destroy three historic villages together with four conservation areas and would become the largest distribution park in Europe and an epic 'Blot on the Landscape'!! The by-product of these applications would be to blight the countryside in and around all our villages for years to come. Hackleton (and other local villages) would see more traffic passing through the village than ever seen in recent times when and if construction is allowed, this will be due to traffic movements diverting around the A43 and even worse if there are hold-ups on the Motorway !! I wish to point out that SNC only has consultative powers as this is a Central Government determination. If you wish to have your say and object to these developments, please write, or contact your local M.P. Andrea Leadsom by email to - [email protected] All these major developments affect everyone, so please don't leave it to your neighbour to object as he/she may be doing the same thing! As written by Bob Atkinson - Councillor Hackleton Ward, Council.

c) Clerk Vehicle activated speed sign (VAS)/Speed indicative device (SID) – A visit from Steve Barber at Highways took place at the beginning of October. The Clerk and Cllr Clark met with him. Locations were discussed and there are a number which could be used. Mr Barber said that he would include all these locations in the section 50 license. The Clerk has emailed Mr Barber for a follow-up on the license. Cllr Clark will decide on the type of the SID. It has to be agreed who relocates the sign on a 4-6 week basis. The Clerk will collect monthly data using a blue tooth signal. The SID requires a battery to be charged. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Ward would be responsible for housing and charging the battery. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would request that the re-locating of the SID should be included in the Groundsman’s remit. Defibrillator – Communication has been received from BT regarding the telephone box in Piddington. BT has an approved supplier of defibrillators and is still waiting to hear from WPO (Western Power) regarding Main Road Hackleton and Horton. Once approval and permission is given, three devices will be ordered. WI and the White Hart will be contacted for funds. Notice Board – The Clerk visited the St. George’s Field development and met with the site manager who agreed two locations which would be visible to all. The Clerk needs to double check with Highways that this is satisfactory and indeed if Highways have adopted the road. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would follow-up with the developers to finalise the location. Forum distribution – The Clerk has been informed that copies to the development can be printed at an extra cost of £80 per year for 300. A volunteer is required to deliver these. Cllr Peterkin volunteered to deliver copies to St George’s Fields. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would request that Forum magazine include St George’s Fields on the cover page. The Clerk mentioned that she and the Chairman will attend the SNC Event 23.11.2017 and that she will be in attendance at the Clerk’s Forum on 27th October. She will report back to the Parish Council.

300/17 To agree Parish Council funding towards a wildlife workshop at the Village Hall Cllr Heap advised the Parish Council that the Longland Meadow group have been offered a free wildlife workshop courtesy of Froglife. She requested that the Parish Council approve the use of the Village Hall for the workshop. The course would take place on a morning (date to be confirmed) and would be advertised to everyone. Cllr Tobutt mentioned that the rental of a room would be included in the standard room hire quarterly charge.

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Members RESOLVED: The Parish approved the request.

301/17 To receive an update on the Groundsman contract/job description Cllr Tobutt advised the Parish Council that as the footpath extension in the cemetery has now been completed, there is plenty of work for the groundsman to do. There may also be a need for additional equipment which the parish council will consider in the future. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that Cllr Tobutt would contact the groundsman to discuss his task list and to establish what equipment/machinery may be required.

302/17 To discuss and agree parish council representation in the “Parishes against Pollution” campaign Members RESOLVED: Having previously circulated a letter from Milton Malsor Parish Council, the parish council agreed to participate.

303/17 To receive and consider the new streetlight proposal for the Morris Homes/Wootton Fields development Designs of the new lights have been circulated and the Clerk confirmed that they are the same as all of the already existing ones. Members RESOLVED: It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Aylesbury Mains to establish if the lights can be maintained by them once they have been formally adopted by the Parish Council.

304/17 Finance & Administration a) To receive the Receipts and Payments account to 31st September, 2017. The Clerk advised bank balances of £58,273. b) Payments to be authorised

October 2017 Payments £ VAT Viking Stationery 101045 Stationery £60.88 £11.63 Village Hall 101146 Hall Rental (July-Sept) £120.00 2Commune 101147 Social Media Training and Implementation £180.00 £30.00 Allseasons 101148 Piddington Churchyard/Meadow mowing £444.00 £74.00 Mr Tom Peterkin 101149 Travel Expenses (Local Plan 2A meeting) £16.80 HMRC 101150 PAYE and NI (Palmberg/Chinnery - Sept 2017) £247.30 Mr Simon Chinnery 101151 Grounds Maintenance (September) £77.90 Mr Simon Chinnery 101152 Expenses (Petrol) £5.00 Ms Anna Palmberg 101153 Clerk's Salary (September) £973.23 Mrs Claire Sparkes 101154 Grounds Maintenance (September) £280.80 CPRE 101155 Annual Membership £36.00 Mrs Pam Heap 101156 Expenses (Petrol - Longland Meadow) £36.40 BDO 101157 External Audit £480.00 £80.00 Ms Anna Palmberg 101158 Stationery (Viking) £87.94 £16.64 Anglian Water Ltd. 101159 Churchyard Water £13.90 £3,060.15 £212.27

The payments were authorised and all were in favour. c) To consider Budget items for 2018-2018: The following items will be considered: equipment/machinery for the groundsman, financial contribution to pre-school, 2018 Remembrance Day beacon and Neighbourhood Plan administrative costs among others. d) To receive the BDO annual external audit report and agree appropriate action. The report has previously been actioned and any outstanding issues will be auctioned.

03102017 Page 78 e) To adopt the NEST pension scheme The NEST scheme has been circulated and in light of the new pensions regulations becoming a legal obligation for all parish council, it was agreed that this would be adopted.

Date of next Meeting – Ordinary Meeting – Tuesday 7th November, 2017 in the Annexe of Hackleton Village Hall. The meeting closed at 9:10pm

Chairman ...... Date ......

These minutes are in draft format until formally approved and signed by the Chairman.

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