ukrainian defense review

APC BTR-4 MV DEBUT OF THE YEAR New technical Solutions

№1 [ January-March 2013 ]

Fairway for Unewkrai possibilitiesnian H forel icopter progressVOLODY ofM theYR Ukrainian VELYK YI modernization of Mi-8T/Mi-17, corvette project PcurrentАN-70OINT statusOFN oand r ETUoutlookRN Mi-24/Mi-35 and Mi-2

[ table of contents ]


42 An-70 Point of no return The last year of 2012 could be decisive for the future of Russian-Ukrainian project to build the military transport An- 70, this being due to the three events as follows: the selection of Gorbunov KAPO close-up industry corporation in Kazan; the completion of the first phase of preliminary testing of the upgraded An-70 prototype; and, finally, completion of an assemblyline produced fuselage and the rolling out of the 8Ukrainian Ukrainian defense industry defe is comprisednse of in enterprisesdust ofr varioy us patterns of first production-standard An-70 designed ownership which are subordinated to different government agencies, which for Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense of an already participate in government contracts relating to the State Defense assembly line at the Kiev plant. Procurement Order, and which are directly involved in or perform sub-cont­ racted­ works under Ukraine’s international military cooperation programs.

matter of technology

28 BTR-4 MV – New Forms & New CUkrainianapabil APC,ities the BTR- 4MV has made its debut at the totals IDEX 2013 International Defense Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates. The new 16 Ukrainian defense military vehicle was showcased production 2012 wasres remarkableults 2012 in that is saw a more by Ukrspecexport, Ukraine’s top direct and active involvement by the count- arms dealer. ry’s top officials in decision-making related arsenal 48 UKRAINIAN : with the defense-industrial complex. Some of DREAMS COME TRUE these decisions have been laid down in military- Ukraine has a closed-type cycle of over- technical, military-economic and military- 36 Fairway for hauling the Mi-8T, Mi-24 and Mi-2 helicop- political policy components. ters family and has obtained own possibil- Volodymyr ities for accomplishment of modernization trends The DefenseVelyk yMinistryi joint- of these ’ types at various levels ly with ship builders, domes- (from improving the operation performanc- 22 IDEX-2013: Cornerstone tic and foreign suppliers of sys- es to installing new-generation engines on tems and units is implement- them). MOTOR SICH JSC engages in a new IDEX-2013of showednew tethatc onh ntheolog one hand,ies the ing an ambitious program to branch of its activity concerning moderniza- exhibition has progressed itself as an increase in build a series of corvette class tion and production of the helicopters. the amount of exhibition space and in the number ships for the Ukrainian Navy. of represented companies, on the other hand Successful completion of the significantly increased requirements of local program is to give new ener- buyers and ambitions of Arab countries to organize gy to the fleet and the domestic production of their own Hi-Tech weapons. defense industry.

Our Address UKRAINIANSerhiy ZGURETS – Head defe & Editor-in-Chiefnse R DefenseEVIE W Express Media & Consulting Company, [email protected], Valerii RIABYKH – In cooperation with: Director­ of Development Defense Express Media & Consulting Company, [email protected], Volodymyr KOPCHAK – Deputy Director – 10 Illinska Str, off.5, Editor of «Arms export and defense industry of Ukraine» Magazine, [email protected], Аnton MIKHNENKO – Deputy Director – Editor of Kyiv, Ukraine, 04070 Center for Army Conversion «Ukrainian­ Defense Review» Magazine, [email protected], Mykhailo SAMUS – The Head of Defense Express Media & Consulting Phone: +38 (044) 425-42-10, & Disarmament Studies Company European Bureau (Prague, Czech Republic), Dmitry BOGDANOV, Olga NABOCHENKO – expert-observer, Mark KANARSKY – +38 (044) 425-16-22 Founder & Director – Art Director, Andriy KRAMAR – Commercial Director, Sergey POPSUEVICH – Photographer, Janna DYOMINA – Translator [email protected] Valentyn BADRAK reforms


RArmedEFO ForcesRM PGeneralROG StaffRAM is completing work on a comprehensive program for the Ukrainian Armed Forces reform and devel- opment during years through 2017. This came in a statement at a Feb 21 news briefing in Kiev by Oleksandr Oliynyk, senior deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine. “This programming document contains all the qualitative and quantitative dimensions relating to all aspects of the Ukrainian Armed Forces development and human resource acquisition policies. The pro- gram will be examined and approved by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense someday next week. Afterwards, it will be submitted to the Government and the President of Ukraine for examination and approval”. LAST CONSCRIPTION Regarding renovation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ weaponry and military equipment inventory, the IN UKRAINIAN ARMY deputy Minister of Defense said that relevant pro- grams would cover all types of equipment, most no- tably aeronautical equipment, air defense assets, ar- WIOn FebruaryLL B19, E INa news2013 conference to scription in the spring of mored military vehicles and munitions. 2013, Ukraine’s present White Paper 2012 2013. During the second Addressing the numerical strength of the Ukrainian Defense Minister, on February 21. phase covering the peri- Armed Forces, O. Oliynyk said: “Quantitative di- Pavlo Lebedev ap- The White Paper envisag- od till 1 December 2013, mensions are currently being outlined. According to proved a key action es that transition to fully about 3,600 volunteers the troop level projections seen in the program, the plan on transition professional armed forc- will be recruited to serve strength of Ukraine’s Armed Forces could amount to to a contract-based es will be a multiphase ef- under employment con- about 110,000 personnel as of the end of 2017, de- method of Armed fort. “During the initial tracts, and 7,500 men will pending on the level of resource provision. Personnel Forces manpower phase covering the peri- be conscripted for mili- reductions will take place in service/logistic support acquisition. This was od till July 1, 2013, about tary service in the fall of units but will not affect combat elements. Afterwards, announced by Col. Ihor 7,000 volunteers will be 2013. During each of the once the comprehensive program for the Ukrainian Lysenko, interim/act- recruited to serve in the third and fourth phases Armed Forces reform and development in the period ing chief of the Human armed forces under em- in 2014, up to 3,000 vol- through 2017 is officially approved and enacted, troop Resources Department ployment contracts, unteers will be recruit- levels for each respective year would be established by at the Ukrainian Armed and another 7,500 men ed for military service”, I. law, i.e. by Verkhovna Rada resolutions”. Forces General Staff, at will be recruited by con- Lysenko said.

Experts from the portance which and defense sector re- He said that Ukraine should be made in the Center for Army, were announced forms in CEE countries. should concentrate on field of ammunition, UKRAINE Conversion and earlier. The director Lessons for Ukraine.» the naval corvette and steps should be made Disarmament of the center, Valentyn «For now, Ukraine An-70 military trans- towards national hel- SHOULD Studies believe Badrak, made a state- should focus primari- port aircraft programs. icopter construction, that Ukraine ment to this effect dur- ly on the development «We furthermore rec- and it's necessary to fo- FOCUS ON should focus its ing a presentation of the previously an- ommend that good cus on the moderni- WEAPONS effort on the at UKRINFORM on nounced arms devel- focus should be giv- zation or creation of arms develop- February 12 of a study opment programs of en to unmanned tech- new anti-aircraft mis- PROGRAMS ment programs entitled «Specific fea- priority importance,» nologies. We believe sile systems,» Valentyn of priority im- tures of armed forces the expert said. that big steps forward Badrak said.

2 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 navy

NAVY news CTheONC UkrainianEPT – Navy 2025 Headquarters is com- pleting work to draft Navy development concept projected into up to 2025, Vice-Admiral Yuri Ilyin, the Navy Commander, said speak- ing at an academic confer- ence on main aspects of de- velopment concepts for the Ukrainian Navy. The draft concept particularly outlines ways and methods for optimizing organizational and staff structures and the size of the Navy, improving manage- rial system, stationing naval assets and equipping the navy with most advanced models of weapons and equipment. CChernomorskiyORVETTE PROSPEcult task of launchingCTS the ship mestic companies. High price Shipbuilding Plant Has before 2016, and Artiushenko tag and Ukraine's rejection of Built 55% Of The Hull For believes this task to be feasible. the prospect of NATO member- Project 58250 Corvette The issue of weapons options ship are the key factors behind First-Of-Class, And 75% for the indigenous corvette has this change. However, the ab- SEA EQUIPMENT Will Be Built By The End re-emerged on the agenda. sence of an approved decision Of 2013. On 13th February Despite the fact that no deci- on the weapons inventory for FOTheR SE IN “GasDIA Turbine 2013 told at an UKRINFORM sion on the refusal of Western- the indigenous corvette does Manufacturing and conference Director of the supplied weapons systems has not hinder construction, since Research Complex arms development and acquisi- been taken, specialist are seri- the ship is built using section Zorya-Mashproekt” has tion department at the Ministry ously considering the possibil- method allowing various weap- delivered a set of equip- of Defense Andriy Artyushenko. ity of replacing them with ad- ons systems to be realigned as ment contracted by an The Plant was given the diffi- vanced designs offered by do- required Indian Customer, the Company’s press service reported on 22 February. The equipment, intended for integration onto naval frig- ates, has been delivered un- der a contract signed in 2011. TheNEW Ukrainian OPPO CabinetRTUNI ofT MinistersIES FO R CHOshall beRN validO forM theO durationRSKI ofY the PL StateAN purpose-T Zorya-Mashproekt is look- has authorized the Chornomorskiy oriented program on construction of corvette- ing to increase the output Shipbuilding Plant (Mykolayiv) to im- class warships,” the Cabinet of Ministers resolution of products for naval appli- port military goods that it needs for reads. The document furthermore specifies that cations over the period from the manufacture of corvette-class the import license covers goods necessary for pro- 2013 to 2017. The Company ships. Resolution to this effect was issued by the duction purposes, as well as goods incorporating has been awarded a number Cabinet of Ministers as # 144 on March 6, 2013. “The State secrets, which are required for importation of contracts for supplies of PJSC Chornomorskiy Shipbuilding Plant (Mykolayiv) under State defense procurement order relating to maritime power plants, e.g. shall be granted the power to import military goods under entries ML2, ML4 and ML9, which the manufacture of corvette-class warships. under long-term deals with Indian shipyards.

3 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / land


UkraineTO PAKI willST deliverAN 110 tank MAUkraineY will2013 deliver its power plants – engines and first batch of T-84 Oplot related parts – to Pakistan main battle tanks to the under a $50 million con- Thailand Army in May, tract, state-run arms export- the Bangkok Post re- er Ukrspecexport said on 18 ported on January 4, 2013, quoting army chief, February. The power plants will Prayuth Chan-ocha as be manufactured at the Kharkiv- saying. Under the deliv- based Malyshev Plant, a state- ery schedule, five of the run enterprise specializing in ar- tanks will be delivered in mored vehicles and related compo- May 2013, with another SC «UKRSPECEXPORT» GOT nents, under a four-year contract 50 tanks due by the end PROFITS USD 1.024 BN IN 2012 that was signed at IDEX-2013 in- of 2015, he said. The ar- “The amount of intermedi- “On the list of major partners of ternational arms exhibition in Abu my has ordered a total of ate trade activities by the Ukraine in the military-technical co- operation area are India, Iraq, the Dhabi,” Ukrspecexport said. 200 tanks. State-owned Company and The first shipment of all of its affiliated firms in PR of China, Thailand, Kazakhstan, It did not provide any techni- the Russian Federation and five tanks will be used 2012 topped out at USD 1.024 cal specifications. Ukraine pre- Azerbaijan,” the press officer said. for training purposes, billion, which is almost USD viously delivered more than 300 20 million up on the previ- According to statistics provid- General Prayuth Chan- power plants to Pakistan for ous year and the highest fig- ed by the Company for 2011, ocha said. Gen Prayth its al-Khalid main battle tank, ure ever in the 16 years of Ukrspecexport an its subordi- said he had inspected an Ukrspecexport's acting dep- Ukrspecexport’s existence,” a nate entities posted a combined Oplot tank during a re- amount of export/import trade of uty director general Vadim press officer for the Company cent trip to Ukraine and told Interfax. Geographic pattern USD 1.005 billion, a 5.2 % increase Kozhevnikov said in a statement. believed the army was of the Company’s export structure in- as compared to the previous year The statement cited Kozhevnikov getting good value for cludes markets in Asia (47 percent), (USD 956.85 million). as saying he believed Ukraine is in money in terms of fire- Africa (23 percent), the former Soviet As reported, Ukrspecexport and a good position to compete with power and combat ca- Union (21 percent), Europe (6 percent) its affiliated companies are provid- the world’s leading tank power pabilities. Most of the ar- and the Americas (3) percent. ed with sustained business for the plant manufacturers, in particu- my's current armored ve- The Company’s current portfolio in- next three to five years, with the ex- lar Germany. “We are direct com- hicles were purchased cludes customers from 78 countries port portfolio amounting to more worldwide. than USD 5 billion. petitors of German engine man- from Western countries, where prices were com- ufacturers. Our models are eve- paratively high, he said. ry bit as good as theirs in terms of technical characteris- tics but are significantly cheaper,” Kozhev- nikov said.

4 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 Defense and Security Subjects We Cover

International and MENA Region Focus Air, Naval and Land Forces Military and Paramilitary Latest Technologies World Strategies Exhibitions and Conferences

Our Audience

Government Defense and Security Officials in Arab countries Security and Military Personnel Scholars and Analysts Defense Industry Executives

BEIRUT OFFICE air / space SUDAN WANTS TO PURCHASE 5 AN-148/158 news & AN-74 Sudan is likely to purchase five Ukrainian-built An-148/158 regional jet aircraft and an An-74 aircraft valued al- together at more than USD 100 mil- lion, Kommersant-Ukraine has quoted Oleksandr Kiva, CEO at SE Antonov as saying on 18 February. “Sudan would like to have the first few of the aircraft delivered by the end of this year, yet everything will depend on what payment and financing options are of- fered for the contract,” Kiva said. A preliminary deal on the purchase of the aircraft was signed with Ukraine by the government of Sudan in mid-February, Sudanese Minister of Transport, Roads and Bridges, Ahmed Babiker Nahar told Reuters. Antonov An-124-100 program, a source at the gram to transport the French The contract is expected for signature during UKRAINIAN‘Ruslan’ jumbo trans- airline RU administrationSLAN militaryIN contingent MA to Mali,”LI he a visit by an official Ukrainian delegation to port aircraft of Ukraine’s told Interfax on January said. “As of now, it is planned Sudan due in March. Antonov Airlines have 21, 2013. “After the UN had de- that our fleet will provide “The new Antonov are very good been assisting in trans- cided to support the French transportation services to the and safe,” Ahmed Babiker Nahar said. portation of the French military operation against mission in Mali, which is being As reported, the aircraft are intended military contingent to Islamists in Mali, our entire joined by other EU countries, for the air carrier “Sudan Airways” that is Mali since mid-January “Ruslan” fleet was mobilized until the end of the month,” the living through difficult days because of under the NATO SALIS within the limits of SALIS pro- official at Antonov Airlines said. the U.S. trade sanctions. The planned contract would not violate the embar- go imposed on Sudan, SE “Antonov” maintains. Pre-contract negotiations with the Sudanese side have been su- pervised by Ukraine’s State Service for Export Control, Kiva said. SFrenchAGE companyM’ UAV SAGEM IN has UKRAIN done work toE set up co-production of its SPERWER Mk-II tactical drone system jointly with the SE “Chuhuiv Aircraft Repair Plant” (ChARP) located in Ukraine’s Kharkiv Region, Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s press service reported. In 2010 in Paris, SAGEM and ChARP signed a memorandum of agreement to set up co-production of various types of tactical drone systems in Ukraine. CUBA BUYS AN-158 The president of the Cuban Aviation Corporation S.A. (Cacsa), Ramon Martinez Hechavarria, said Cuba would acquire six new airplanes for domestic flights. The aircraft would be bought by “VOLGA-DNEPR” STARjustifiedTS AN-124 the decision P byR ODsay- UCairlines.TION AccordingIN GERMAN to sourc-Y The Ukrainian-Russian Cuba on financial leasing terms, Mr. cargo airline Volga- ing “after ten years of fruitless es, the limited production Hechevarria told RIA Novosti on 16 Dnepr intends to launch attempts to do something line for the An-124 “Ruslan” February. Martinez Hechevarria ex- limited production of the in Russia, we want to secure at Leipzig/Hale Airport is ex- An-124 “Ruslan” trans- support from a state that pected to become operation- plained that the new aircraft are port aircraft at its new- may become interested in al in 2017-18, with the fuse- Russian-Ukrainian built AN-158 air- ly opened maintenance this project.” Isaikin estimated lage and landing gear to be craft, with capacity for 97 passengers. hangar at Leipzig/Hale that Volga-Dnepr would have adopted from the An-124 and Three of them will start operating in Airport in Germany. a requirement for about 60 electronic equipment from April, while the other three will fly next The carrier’s president, Alexey An-124 Ruslans by 2030, and the Boeing 747, while engines year. “By so doing we will gradually re- Isaikin said the project would orders for 200 more such jets will be bought from General place the AN-24 airplanes that can fly to be fully privately operated. He may come from other carrier Electric. shorter ranges,” he explained.

6 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 AN-148-300MP LOOKS FOR

State-ownedPOTENTIA enterL CO- NTRACTheTS An-148-300MP IN IND isIA a planned prise Antonov intends maritime patrol version of to demonstrate its mar- Antonov’s An-148-300 aircraft itime patrol aircraft An- with a range of 7,000 kilom- 148-300MP in compe- eters, itself a version of the An- titions for several con- 148 regional jet. tracts from India’s de- The An-148/150 family of new- fense department, the generation regional jets is being Company’s press service demonstrated by SE Antonov at reported on February 5, the international aerospace ex- 2013. “The Company has plans hibition AERO INDIA’2013 which to demonstrate the An-148- is being held at Bangalore from 300MP in a number of con- February 6 to 10, 2013. As well as tract competitions to provide the An-148/158 family of aircraft, a maritime patrol fleet for the an integrated maintenance Indian Ministry of Defense,” the support system for the light press service said. For the time transport aircraft An-32 is be- being, the Company does not ing demonstrated by Antonov disclose details or time lines of to exhibitors and potential cus- the potential competitions. tomers at Bangalore. CMU APPROVES SPACE PROGRAM 2013-2017 The Cabinet Of Ministers 3SL (the Sea Launch), Dnepr and of Ukraine Approves Draft the Lybid national satellite com- Bill On The Adoption Of A munications system. National Purpose-Oriented The program furthermore pro- FIVE MORE vides for the development of in- Scientific And Engineering Space Program Covering ternational cooperation with Another five An-32 military Force fleet, was signed between The Period 2013 Through Russia, the EU, Brazil, Canada, transportAN-32 aircraft of theFO Rthe IndianIN MinistryDIA of Defense 2017. The key projects of the na- Belarus, the United States, Indian Air Force fleet have and SE Spetstechnoexport in July tional space program for 2013- Kazakhstan and expansion of co- departed Kiev for Kanpur, 2009. Under the terms of the 2017 include: operation with the European northern India, following deal, 40 aircraft will undergo re- • the establishment of geoinfor- Space Agency (ESA). completion of life-exten- pairs and life-updates in Ukraine, mation support and monitor- The program also regulates the sion repairs, an official at while upgrades for the remind- ing emergency situations with guaranteed and rapid provision Spetstechnoexport, the er 65 aircraft will be carried out at the use of space information; of satellite communications, data Ukrainian Contractor, has BDR 1 aviation plant of Indian Air • the launch of three satellites broadcasting and timing and nav- reported. With this delivery, a Force in Kanpur. (the Sich-2-1 Earth remote sens- igation support services to execu- total of 25 An-32 aircraft have been Ukrainian contractors in- ing satellite, the Microsat re- tive agencies that implement state given back to the Indian Air Force clude SE Ukrspecexport and SE search and engineering satel- policy in the sphere of national se- after undergoing life-extension Spetstechnoexport, with SE lite, and the UMC-1 university- curity and defense. Other activities and overhaul repairs in Ukraine. Antonov, Civil Aviation Plant # developed satellite); stipulated in the program include The USD 400 million deal, which 410 and Motor-Sich acting as • the creation of the Cyclone-4 dissemination of information provides for life-extension and re- subcontractors. space rocket complex at the gathered by remote sensing satel- equipment of 105 An-32 military Alcantara Launch Center lites; basic space research in astro- transport aircraft in the Indian Air (Brazil); the promotion of the physics, space biology and materi- Lybid national satellite commu- al science; the involvement of ex- nications system; isting space infrastructure in inter- • the creation of advanced rockets national scientific research, and and satellites and development the implementation of scientific of their manufacturing technol- and educational programs. ogy; the promotion of commer- The approximate total funding un- cial operation of launch vehi- der the program is UAH 2.58 bil- cles: Cyclone-4, Zenit 2SLB, Zenit lion, including UAH 1.12 billion to be 3SLB (the Land Launch), Zenit funded from the national budget.

7 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ close-up ] Ukrainian Defense- Industry

Volodymyr TKACH

8 8 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / Jan/ Ukrainianuary-MAR DEFECH 2013NSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 Ukrainian Capabilities and specific features of the Ukrainian defense industry

9 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ close-up ]

Ukrainian defense industry is comprised of enterprises of vari- ous patterns of ownership which are subordinated to different gov- ernment agencies, which already participate or have the poten- tial to participate in government contracts relating to the State De- fense Procurement Order, and which are directly involved in or perform sub-contracted works un- der Ukraine’s international mil- itary-technical cooperation pro- grams. In Ukraine, the concept of “defense-industry” is not defined legislatively, except for Cabinet of Ministers resolution #1382 of 2008 which approves a list of enterpris- es included in the defense indus- try. That list has not been updated ever since, and it features some enterprises that have nothing to do with the realm of defense. The Ukrainian defense indus- try includes companies from both the State sector and private sector. Based on official statistics availa- ble for 2012, seventy-five organi- zations with an aggregate work-

10 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 al Ministries and Government the military repair plants that agencies. Presidential decree were previously subordinate to # 1085/2010 on “Optimizing the the Ministry of Defense. In addi- central government system” tion to Ukroboronprom, respon- provided for structural reorgan- sibilities for managing compa- ization of a number of entities re- nies of the defense industry are sponsible for developing and im- shared between the National plementing state policies regard- Space Agency, the State Proper- ing the defense industry. Partic- ty Fund and the State Agency for ularly the decree disbanded the Science, Innovation and Infor- Ministry for Industrial Policy mation Affairs. and transferred the latter’s re- Fifteen different government sponsibilities for running some agencies and ministries, includ- of defense industry companies to ing the Ministry of Defense, act as the Agency for State Corporate Customers for domestic defense Rights and Property Manage- industry products. Ukrainian ment (in 2012, the Ministry for Armed Forces rearmament and Industrial Policy was reinstalled re-equipment effort is being car- after being reorganized, again, ried out under both ministerial from the aforementioned Agen- purpose-oriented programs (such cy). In 2011, the State-owned as the State Program on the De- Ukroboronprom Concern was velopment of Weapons and Mili- established to assist the central tary Equipment 2012-2017) and government in managing items three national programs – the in- of state-owned property in the digenous naval corvette program, defense industry. The Concern the An-70 military transport air- comprises over 130 companies craft program and the multi-tar- and organizations, including get missile system «Sapsan” pro- the State-owned Company Ukr- gram – which are being funded specexport and its affiliated enti- under separate budget plans. ties (Ukrinmash, Spetstechnoex- The domestic defense indus- port and Ukroboronservice that try is capable of producing in all deal with the export of defense a closed-loop manufacturing products and services) as well as process only about 1-2 percent companies involved with R&D of the total inventory of arma- and production of weapons and ments and military equipment military equipment, types required by the Ukraini- force in excess of 250,000 employ- in addition to an Armed Forces. Meanwhile, ees, including 39 government- domestic companies have controlled and 38 private- the potential to overhaul sector entities featured and upgrade most of the ar- on the national register of maments and equip- defense-related products ment types operat- and State secret items man- ufacturers, and about three hundred organizations hold li- censes for the manufacture of mil- Domestic itary equipment in Ukraine. The companies have country’s annual defense-indus- the potential to overhaul and trial output amounts to an aver- upgrade most of age USD 2 billion. the armaments There is no single ‘control and equipment center’ for the Ukrainian de- types operated by the national fense industry, with control military being scattered among sever-

11 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ close-up ] ed by the national military. Do- mestic contracts for the produc- tion, upgrade and overhaul of weapons and military equip- ment used by the Armed Forc- es and other uniformed servic- es do not exceed five to eight per- cent of capacity of the national defense industry. Contracts re- lated with the State Defense Pro- curement Order (SDPO) provide only limited business for com- panies of the defense-industrial cluster. The number of domestic companies that were involved in SDPO contracts for weapons and equipment supplies to the Ukrainian Armed Forces and other security sector organiza- tions did not exceed 24 compa- nies in 2010 and 20 companies (12 state-owned and eight privately- owned companies) in 2011/2012. The number of domestic compa- nies participating in SDPO con- tracts for upgrade and overhaul of weapons and military equip- ment amounted to 20 in 2010 (in- cluding 13 state-owned compa- nies), eight in 2011 (including seven state-owned companies) consequence, Ukrainian de- companies from the export and as many in 2012 (including fense industry is an export of armaments and mili- five state-owned companies). driven industry. The export tary equipment averaged Ukrainian market currently of finished products and at about USD 1-1.3 billion absorbs less than thirty percent services provides the li- in each of 2011 and 2012. of the domestic defense industry on’s share of revenues to output. Analysts believe limit- domestic defense indus- ed domestic market and limited try companies. Aggre- consumption of industrial prod- gate revenues earned ucts to be restricting factors of by Ukrainian de- economic growth in Ukraine. As fense industry

Immediately after independence, the Ukrainian defense industry was comprised of 1,840 companies employing a combined workforce of 2.7 million. Military production was the main business for seven hundred of these companies employing altogether about 1.3 million people

12 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 lack of orders from the Ukraini- imports have been seen in the ae- an Ministry of Defense. The de- roengine industry, aircraft-build- fense industry has only managed ing and defense electronics sec- to retain the manufacturing ca- tors of the defense industry. The pabilities of priority importance Russian Federation accounts for which were able to withstand ri- more than 60 percent of overall valry on the competition-sensi- imports required by Ukraine’s tive global market for weapons, defense industrial complex. military-technical items and de- In Ukraine, more or less mod- fense-related services, while the ern-standard R&D and manu- defense industry transformation facturing bases are operated by is still under way. the defense industry sectors as Technological upgrade of the follows: industry remains to be a key • Design/development and problem; fixed capital deprecia- manufacture of rockets tion ratio in the defense industry and missile systems; Transformation hits 50 percent or higher, while 70 • Designed/development to 75 percent of all manufacturing and building of special- of the defense facilities have become technical- application aircraft industry ly obsolete, have been operated (military transport, After the breakup of the Sovi- for 20 years or longer and, there- patrol and fire aircraft); et Union, Ukraine inherited 30 fore, cannot meet the up-to-date • Design/development and percent of the USSR’s defense in- requirements in terms of produc- manufacture of precision- dustry and close to 20 percent of tion quality, working efficien- guided weapons systems; its defense-related research and cy or labor productivity. A great • Design/development and development capabilities. Imme- deal of manufacturing facilities manufacture of radar diately after independence, the is in need of massive refurbish- technologies and optical- Ukrainian defense in- ment and technical retooling. De- electronic sensors; dustry was comprised of ficient components, subassem- • Design/development and 1,840 companies employ- blies and materials required by building of aircraft engines; ing a combined workforce of 2.7 Ukrainian defense companies • Upgrades on Aviation million. Military production was have been delivered by suppli- Materiel; the main business for seven hun- ers from 16 nations. Sixty-seven • Design/development dred of these companies employ- defense industry companies or and building of armored ing altogether about 1.3 million more than 40 percent of the total military equipment. people. A gradual decrease in the number of companies engaged in These are the sectors that have number of defense industry com- Government-funded contracts de- managed to produce a number of panies has continued ever since, pend on imported supplies. Most high-tech product types for mili- which was mainly due to the critical levels of dependence on tary and dual-use applications.

13 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ close-up ] Ukrainian

krainian defense industry Ukrainian defense industry, with industrial output for the 2006-2007 Dintegratesefe moren than se160 controlIn beingd scatteredust among rperiody made up an average $1-1.5 companies with an aggregate several Ministries and Government billion annually. With the breakup of Uworkforce in excess of 230,000 agencies – Ministry of Industrial the Soviet Union Ukraine inherited employees. The vast majority of Policy, Ministry of Defense, around seven hundred defense- defense companies have the status National Space Agency (NKAU) industrial entities employing as Government property. There and State Property Fund. altogether more than is no single ‘control center’ for Ukraine’s aggregate defense 1 million workers. * Only major players are featured in the table below

14 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 Fifteen different government agencies and ministries, including the Ministry of Defense, act as Customers for domestic defense industry products

Aggregate revenues earned by Ukrainian defense industry companies from the export of armaments and military equipment average at about $1‑1,3 billion in each of 2011 and 2012

15 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ totals ]

provided with sustained busi- contracts to deliver second ness during the next three to batch of BTR-4 wheeled armored Defenfive years”. This seems to be personnel carrierss to Iraq, sup- e Export Bearings proven by relatively active op- ply 200 upgraded T-72B main For Ukraine’s defense indus- erations by some of Ukrainian battle tanks (MBTs) to Ethiopia BTR-3Е1 try, 2012 had started with a very companies. and build and deliver BTR-3E1 48 was sent optimistic note. The media dis- In the armored military vehi- armored fighting vehicles and to Thailand in tributed an ambitious state- cles and motor vehicles sectors, Oplot MBTs to Thailand. 2012 under the ment by an Ukroboroprom’s of- Ukrainian manufacturers were In addition, there were a contract for ficial to the effect that “as a re- busy performing a number of number of other projects, in- production and delivery sult of the successful conclu- large export contracts, the im- cluding the deployment of a of armored sion of external contracts worth plementation of which was of five-year cooperative program vehicles a total of USD 5 billion, the do- crucial importance for the de- with Egypt to upgrade BTR OT- mestic defense industry will be fense industry. This is about 62 “Topaz” armored vehicles.

16 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 2012 was remarkable in that is saw a more direct and active involvement by the country’s top officials in decision-making related with the defense-industrial complex. Some of these decisions have been laid down in military- technical, military-economic and military- political policy components. It wouldn’t be fair to say that all existing problems have been resolved, but certain steps have been made, indeed. Defense Express decided to highlight some of the key events of the year.


Exports and domestic sales Ukrainian

Relevant contract was signed with the Ministry of Defence of Defense Egypt in January 2010. The con- tract envisages the upgrade of two hundred vehicles, of which 197 vehicles will be refurbished and upgraded in the Customer's home country using Ukrainian supplied knock-down kits. At the same time, it is still unclear whether India would buy BTR-4 armored person- nel carriers co-produced with Indian company Shrilakshmi

17 17 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVUkrainianIEW / Jan uDEFEary-MNSEAR RCHEVI 2013EW / /Jan uary-MARCH 2013 / [ totals ]

Defence Solutions Ltd (SLD- contract to supply six trans- ed. In Russia, Gorbunov KA- SL). As of to date, there is a port aircraft An-32B to Iraq. PO located in Kazan will as- memorandum of understand- Overall, two An-32B airplanes semble the aircraft for the Rus- ing signed with State-owned were delivered to Iraq in 2011 sian military. That same year, Corporation Ukrinmash to and another three were deliv- flight test program for the An- supply BTR-4 armored vehi- ered in the earlier half of 2012. 70 continued, and, in Decem- cles to the Indian Army units Furthermore, the SE Antonov ber, the first was de- to be deployed with UN peace- continued with upgrades and livered to the Russian Feder- keeping forces. It is unknown overhaul repairs on the Indian ation for joint tests. Research either how the USD150mn con- Air Force’s fleet of An-32 air- and development works for the tract to supply one hundred craft. Of the 105 aircraft con- An-70 have been scheduled for BTR-4 APCs to Kazakhstan is tracted, 25 had been finished as completion in May 2013. proceeding. of the end of last year. The shipbuilding sector An impressive amount of Special mention should be had received focused atten- work under contracts with for- made of the An-70 military tion from the government in eign states has been done by transport aircraft project. In 2012. In January 2012, Zorya- enterprises of the aeronauti- 2012, factories contracted to Mashproekt carried out the cal sector. In 2012, SE Antonov produce systems and parts for delivery of an M35 gas tur- manufactured eight airplanes, the aircraft had been select- bine engine for the Bizon- including five Antonov An-32s and three An-148s. There was continuation of work under a

18 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 ment, which covers the period from 2012 to 2017) and b) overhaul repairs and serv- ice life extension of the exist- ing inventory of weapons and military equipment (in 2012, that work was conducted under Ukrainian Armed Forces Main- tenance and Development pro- gram 2012). The President and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a set of measures to ensure the domestic defense in- dustry’s restructuring and re- forming in line with the nation- al Armed Forces’ requirements. 2012 saw a threefold growth in the level of government finding for overhaul repairs to weapons and military equipment, with pri- ority given to aeronautical tech- nology, surface-to air missile sys- tems, air defense assets and na- val ships. Weapons and military equipment overhaul repair sched- ules for 2012 particularly covered 53 aircraft, 30 helicopters, 14 sur- face-to-air missile systems, 14 war- ships and 274 units of joint arma- class landing craft air cushion ments and military equipment. It (LCAC) vehicle that was being remains unclear at the moment built by OJSC Feodosia Ship- Focus on the whether or not those schedules building Company Morye for AvtoKrAZ had been met. Some of the events the Chinese Navy. Overall in were Arm2012ed was F o a rc landmarkes year that became known to the media 2012, Zorya-Mashproekt man- manufactured for the Ukrainian Armed Forc- are mentioned below. vehicles es. Strategic decisions had Defense industry companies ufactured and delivered to for domestic specializing in the aeronautical customers 94 engines for dif- and foreign been made on restoring oper- ferent purposes, as compared customers ational status of major weap- sector had done a solid amount with 87 engines in 2011. ons and military equipment of work under contracts with the In May 2012, Shipbuilding types. This work will proceed domestic defense department. Company Morye, after win- along two lines: Aircraft units of the Ukrainian ning a tender, signed a con- a) the development and deliv- Air Force were scheduled to take tract with Russian company ery of new and upgraded models delivery of about five dozen re- Gorizont-Radio-Service to in- of weapons and military equip- furbished and upgraded aircraft stall, start-up and adjust equip- ment to the Armed Forces (un- before the end of 2012. There is ment of the Gorizont-25 navi- der State purpose-oriented pro- credible information proving gation system on two landing gram on the development of that repairs and upgrades had craft air cushion vehicles. weapons and military equip- been performed on Su-27, MiG-

19 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ totals ]

29 and L-39 airplanes. The air- Force’ SAM Troops in the period vy fleet. Ship repair programs planes, which underwent re- up to 2017”. The program envis- had a combined budget of UAH pairs and upgrades at domes- ages that four S-300PS and one 172 million, and about two doz- tic factories, entered service The level BUK M-1 SAM systems should en ships and craft had been put of funding with the Air Force’s combat air- for the corvette undergo repairs and overhaul under repairs last year. This craft brigades based at Ivano- program will every year up to 2017. As of Sep- allowed the Navy to set up the Frankivsk, Mirhorod, Staroko- grow year tember 2012, Ukroboronservice core combat fleet by the start of styantyniv and Sevastopol. In after year had performed overhaul repairs 2013, according to the Ukraini- December 2012, for the first time on six S-300PS SAM systems un- an Navy commander, Vice-Ad- in many years, the Air Force ob- der contracts with Ukraine’s miral Yuri Ilyin. tained a fully equipped combat Ministry of Defense, and repairs The Ukrainian Navy’s sub- aircraft squadron. on two S-300PS and one BUK M-1 marine Zaporizhia put to sea on Ukroboronservice continued SAM systems were to have been 25 April after 20-year-long re- work under Program on “Bring- completed by year’s end. pairs, which was a landmark ing back to operational sta- 2012 saw a definite break- event for the Navy last year. tus equipment inventory of the through in restoring fighting During that same year, the sub- Ukrainian Armed Forces’ Air capacity of the Ukrainian Na- marine underwent trials but

20 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 cisions on weapons invento- the precision kill weapon sys- ry and the level of cooperation tem Kvitnyk were all landmark with foreign weapons suppliers events for the Ukrainian Armed under the Indigenous Corvette Forces in 2012. program are still pending. Certainly, the data present- In a ceremony in December ed in this article -- due to the 2012 at Balaclava (Sevastopol), closed nature of Ukraine’s de- has not been added to the Na- first-of-class boat Orlan and four fense industry -- is not compre- vy’s combat fleet yet. UMS-1000-project boats were put hensive, but enough for one to Ukrainian President Viktor in service with Sevastopol’s Sea see that 2012 was a remarkable Yanukovych, commenting on Guard Unit. All the five boats year for part of Ukraine’s de- the construction of Volodymyr were built at domestic ship- fense-industrial complex and Velykyy, the first current-gen- yards under a relevant national for the Armed Forces alike. Yet eration corvette-class warship purpose-oriented program. despite the vigorous effort be- being built for the Ukrainian As regards rearmament of the ing made by the country’s lead- Navy at Black Sea Shipyards, Ukrainian Armed Forces’ Army, ership toward restoring the na- said in a statement in the fall of it has not received much of the tional Armed Forces’ fighting 2012: “The level of funding for media coverage, this being most capacity and changing the de- the program will grow year af- likely because there has been fense-industrial complex situa- ter year. Particularly in FY12, too little to boast about in recent tion for the better, the level of the program’s budget was set years, except for improved lev- the country’s defense budget for at UAH 300 million and will fur- els of combat training. FY13 does not allow one to hope ther increase to UAH 400 mil- The commissioning of the ar- that the current year would lion in FY13. Despite that, de- my helicopter gunship Mi-24- be as successful as last year in PU1, the RLS P-18 Malachite ra- terms of providing the nation- dar system, the BTR-4 wheeled al military with more capable, 8x8 armored personnel carri- current-generation armaments er, the 30-mm gun ZTM-1 and and military equipment.

21 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [[ trends итоги ] ] IDEX-2013 CORNERSTONE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES

Serhiy ZGURETS, Valerii Riabykh, Abu Dhabi- Kyiv chokov y S : Yuri oto F

22 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 IDEX-2013 showed that on the one hand, the exhibition has progressed itself as an increase in the amount of exhibition space and in the num- ber of represented companies, on the other hand significantly increased requirements of local buyers and ambitions of Arab countries to organize production of their own Hi-Tech weapons.

krainian exposition ternational events that are utes to the content of this in- at IDEX represented scheduled for this year. IDEX is ternational exhibition. Since those areas of domes- organized every two years and its launch in 1993, IDEX has tic manufacturers’ ac- covers almost all areas in the recorded steady year-on-year tivity, which can com- military sphere. This event is growth to become the biggest pete with European becoming increasingly impor- regional exhibition of land, sea manufacturers, that tant among world producers of and air defence systems. “We means – to cause real weapons and equipment. Thus, are pleased to announce the interest in consumers 1112 companies from 59 coun- exhibition has nearly doubled from Asia, Africa and tries introduced their products in size since the previous edi- MENA region in par- and services on the IDEX-2013. tion,” said IDEX director Saleh ticular. First of all – it 64 companies took part in this Al Marzooqi on the exhibitions was tanks and APVs, event for the first time. In 2013, opening ceremony. precision weapons and ra- an exhibition progressed sig- According to organizers, diolocation stations. nificantly not only on the num- IDEX-2013 visited a record num- ber of participants but also on ber of exhibitors and foreign the magnitude of the event and delegations. The exhibition was The International Defen­ce exhibition areas involved. Ex- visited by about 80 thousand of Exhibition and Con­fe­rence, hibits were placed in 38 na- people. The total amount of con- IDEX-2013 was held from 17 to tional pavilions on a total ar- tracts signed at the IDEX-2013 21 February 2013 in Abu Dha- ea of 124 thousand sqm. The ex- estimated to over $ 4 billion. bi, the capital of United Arab hibition stands’ net area was This Emirates event of de- Emirates, under the patronage 43.2 thousand sqm. UAE pavil- fense technologies was opened of His Highness Sheikh Khali- ion, where 147 Emirati compa- with Gulf Defence Conference fa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Pres- nies displayed their military 2013, which took place for the ident of the UAE and Supreme products, was the largest at the second successive time on Feb- Commander of the UAE Armed show, having the area of 12.5 ruary 16, 2013. The event was Forces. The event was orga- thousand square meters. The held at the Armed Forces Of- nized by the Abu Dhabi Nation- IDEX’s naval and maritime se- ficers Club in Abu Dhabi, be- al Exhibitions Company (AD- curity section NAVDEX also ing organized by The Institute NEC) in association and with was held this year, having over for Near East & Gulf Military the full support of the UAE 3000 sqm of exhibition space. Analysis (INEGMA). The fo- Armed Forces. This exhibition The UAE Navy heavily sup- rum focused on regional tech- worthily opened of all such in- ports NAVDEX and contrib- nology development. Represen-

23 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ trends ] tatives of the defense ministries of many countries of the World also discussed the main secu- rity challenges in the region of Middle East and North Africa and suggested possible ways to withstand them. Especially should be noted harmonious work of organiz- ers who created perfect con- ditions for exhibitors and the media, and for visitors of this wonderful exhibition as well.

The new role of Arab States. Move from importers to exporters of military products IDEX-2013 was a bright re- flection of The Gulf Cooperation Council’s countries approaches and long-term priorities. The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCA- SG), also known as the Gulf Co- operation Council (GCC), is a political and economic union of the Arab states bordering the tended to defence and security lion on the needs of their defense Persian Gulf and located on or segment, military and military- industries. On average it amount- near the Arabian Peninsula. technical projects. ed to $ 75 billion per year. Howev- Established in Abu Dhabi on 25 According to the reports of er, in 2011 and 2012, the average May 1981, the original Council military manufacturers and spe- annual rate was $ 161 billion. comprised the 2,500,000 square cialized organizations that were GCC countries are spend- kilometers Persian Gulf states announced at the IDEX-2013, ing on military purposes 2/3 of the United Arab Emirates, during the last two years, Arab of all Arab countries spend- Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Oman, countries military spending ex- ings amount. Total expenditure Qatar and Kuwait. The unified ceeded $ 300 billion. It means that on defense in Gulf countries economic agreement between the group of the countries is on amounted to about $ 460 billion the countries of the Gulf Coop- the one of the first places in the in the period from 2002 to 2010 eration Council was signed on world considering ratio of mili- and more than $ 200 billion dur- 11 November 1981 in Abu Dha- tary spending comparing to GDP. ing the years 2011-12. bi. GCC countries own 40% of According to the Arab Monetary Having such a background, all the oil reserves in the world. Fund, for the past 10 years, most approaches of the GCC states to In addition, this group of coun- of Arab countries spend more ensuring of their security and de- tries since 1982, holds enough than 7% of GDP per year on de- fence have a significant impact coordinated policy for the de- fense and arms. Interesting fact on regional and global trends velopment of their countries, is that from 2002 to 2010 the coun- in production and procurement which lately is increasingly ex- tries of the region spent $ 680 bil- of military products. First of all

24 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 Ukraine is demonstrating its Ukraine demonstra­ achievements in the field of ted its achievements military technology, displaying the great possibilities of the National with dignity Participating every IDEX Defence and Industrial Complex. events since the year 1995 Ukrai­ Among the key exhibits of the ne is demonstrating its achieve- national exposition were one of ments in the field of military the best modern main battle tanks technology, displaying the great Oplot, and the latest development possibilities of the National De- of Ukrainian designers – the BTR- fence and Industrial Complex. 4MV armored personnel carrier, This time Ukraine, having na- tional pavilion and open demon- which was presented to the world stration stand, increased the size community for the first time of the National exhibition space twice comparing with the privies IDEX-2011. Oplot tank and the new BTR- 4MV armored personnel carrier tems to suit local needs. So, on- and many other modern develop- ly in the UAE were established ments of 20 Ukrainian defense en- a number of powerful scientif- terprises were showcased on the ic, industrial and venture cap- event. They were represented by ital groups. The leading posi- the Ukroboronprom State Con- tions among them are occupied cern and the state-owned compa- by International Golden Group, ny Ukrspecexport. Mubadala, Tawazun, Abu Dha- During the event Ukraine’s bi Autonomous System Invest- state arms exporter Ukrspecexport ments (ADASI, the Tawazun signed a contract with Pakistan holding subsidiary), Emirates for the supply of 110 engine units Advanced Research and Tech- for tanks. The value of the con- nology Holding (EARTH), Abu tract, which will be implemented it happens because these coun- Dhabi Shipbuilding (ADSB). at the facilities of Kharkiv’s Maly- tries do not actually have lim- All these companies are re- shev Plant for over four years, ex- itations in financial resources sponsible for the “localization” ceeds $50 million. and are able to ensure the imple- of scientific and technical sup- Acting Director General mentation of any project, no mat- port and industrial production of Ukrspecexport Vadym Ko- ter how ambitious it is. IDEX- for European and American zhevnikov said that the Ukrai- 2013 demonstrated that the GCC weapons and technology to cre- nian manufacturers of tank en- states begin to move to the next ate new projects based on exist- gines could get a significant level – from importer to a full- ing systems and platforms. And, share on the international mar- fledged participant of joint proj- as IDEX-2013 evidenced, the Ar- ket, taking into account the high ects with leading foreign Armory ab countries especially interest- scientific and industrial capacity leaders. In further their plans – to ed to learn complex technologies of the country, which is unach- ensure their safety of relying on that significantly affect the com- ievable for many competitors. their own defense industry and bat capabilities of troops in mod- Among the key exhibits of the to meet the demand of their own ern conditions. This trend is ev- Ukrainian exposition were one and other regions of its products. ident in all segments, which can of the best modern main battle Today, Arab companies distribute the products present- tanks, Oplot, and the latest devel- whose development is active- ed at the exhibition, namely air- opment of Ukrainian designers – ly supported by governments crafts and unmanned systems, the BTR-4MV armored personnel become active partners in the armored vehicles, munitions, carrier, which was presented to development of weapon sys- Marine Technologies and so on. the world community for the first

25 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ trends ] time. Designed by Kharkiv Moro- zov Machine Building Design Bu- Ukrainian Design Bureau “Luch” reau BTR-4MV has a number of presented the great range of precision improvements over the original BTR-4, which has been produced weapons. Among them newly designed for home and export markets. “Falarick 90” and welltried systems like In the original production “Falarick 105”, “Stugna” and “Combat” version of the BTR-4, the eight dismounts left the vehicle via two doors in the rear, but in the latest BTR-4MV, these have been replaced by a large power- operated ramp. This feature not only means quicker entry and exit for the dismounts, but also eases loading of cargo. The dismounts are provid- ed with seats that hang from the sides and roof for a higher level of survivability, in case the vehi- cle runs over a mine or is hit by an improvised explosive device. document is joint development and The hull has been redesigned, mass production of armored vehi- which makes it easier to install cles adapted to NATO standards, additional passive armour, ex- as well as search for new promising plosive reactive armour (ERA) markets. Yevhen Holubenko noted or bar/slat armour. that BTR-3E1 produced by Kyiv’s Various weapon stations can armor factory served as a basis for be mounted on BTR-4MV; the the joint project. version being shown at IDEX Specialists of Ukroboronser- has a remote turret armed vis and Kyiv’s armor factory with a 30mm ZTM-1 cannon, a adapted the basic BTR-3E1 for in- 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, a stalling the Belgian turret. This 30mm KBA-117 or AGS-17 auto- combat module allows the use of matic grenade launcher and two 90-mm-caliber military projectiles Barrier laser-guided missiles on meeting the NATO standards. the right side of the turret. The project also provides for the BTR-4MV is powered by a Mod- possibility to use guided missiles el 3TD two-stroke diesel develop- “Falarick 90”, that was designed ing 500hp, although other engines A prototype of the armored ve- by Ukrainian state-owned Luch can be fitted. The engine is cou- hicle created on the basis of the Design Bureau in Kiev. pled to an automatic transmission Ukrainian BTR-3E1 and Belgian The purpose of the adapta- with five forward and one reverse turret CSE 90LP was presented tion is the creation of a joint gears. This powerpack gives the at IDEX 2013 for the first time with the European manufac- BTR-4MV a maximum road speed too. This project is a result of co- turer product and entry into of 110km/h and a range of 700km. operation between Ukraine’s SE new markets where European The vehicle retains its full am- Ukroboronservis and SMI (Bel- manufacturers are traditional- phibious capability. gium), and was presented among ly strong, for example, in South Combat weight depends on the exposition of the Belgian America and the Middle East. the level of appliqué armour, but company Cockerill. This example of effective co- the prime contractor is current- According to Ukroboronservis operation between Ukraini- ly quoting a maximum gross ve- Director Yevhen Holubenko, a bi- an enterprises and the leading hicle weight of up to 25 tonnes lateral memorandum on coopera- European companies indicates when fitted with ceramic ar- tion with the Belgian company was a high level of design ideas of mour and ERA. signed in 2012. The purpose of the Ukrainian developers and po-

26 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 class armored vehicle is based on the all-terrain-vehicle KrAZ- 5233NE 4x4 and has a 330-strong Russian diesel engine JAMZ-238- DE2 and Chinese transmission Shaanxi 9JS150TA-B (possible with a variety of models, engines and transmission on demand). Lviv-based privately owned “Sparing-Vist Center” enterprise, being permanent exhibitor of IDEX, displayed broad range of its prod- ucts from well-known in the whole World MKS-05 “TERRA” dosime- ter-radiometer till newly designed “ECOTEST” TM device “Gamma Sapiens” intellectual gamma radi- ation detector. Company present- ed devises for military purposes as well as those which could be used in everyday life. DRG-T radiation Ukrainian company PJSC AvtoKrAZ offered survey device could be used in spe- an interesting solution in Ukraine’s armored cial-purpose vehicles for continu- vehicles sector, in particular, KRAZ-ASV/APC/2013 ous control and measurement of which was presented in cooperation with exposure dose rate (EDR) of gam- Ares Security Vehicles LLC (Dubai, UAE ma and X-ray radiation, as well as for providing audio and visual alarm of its dangerous levels and for issuing commands to start the tential manufacturers, which differences, to make the Ukrai- actuators of protection equipment. meets the most stringent inter- nian rifles more attractive for On the other hand another device national standards. potential customers. Time-test- FoodTester-G Analyzer of cesium Ukrainian state-owned Luch ed Konev’s bolt group and mod- isotopes activity in food could be Design Bureau presented the ular approach was unchanged. used by housewives. great range of precision weap- The base version of sniper ri- In general, interest in the ons. Among them newly designed fles is fit to 7.62x51 (.308 Win) products of the Ukrainian de- “Falarick 90” and well-tried sys- NATO cartridge. There are also fense industry in the world is not tems like “Falarick 105”, “Stugna” modifications of the rifle which falling. This was proved, in par- and “Combat”, a model of the an- are fit by such popular cartridg- ticular, by a visit to the national ti-missile system “Skif”, models es as the .300 Winchester Mag- pavilion of Ukraine at IDEX 2013 of anti-tank guided missiles R-2M, num and .338 Lapua Magnum. of General Sheikh Mohamed bin R-2B. Antitank missile systems Effective range is 800-850 me- Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince “Skif” and “Barrier” are in a great ters for .308 Win, 1100 meters for of Abu Dhabi, Deputy Supreme demand in the countries of South- .300 WSM and about 1.5 km for Commander of the UAE Armed east Asia and Latin America. .338LM. Patterning is guaran- Forces. He thanked Ukraine for There were some privately teed no worse than ½ MOA. its large-scale participation in all owned Ukrainian military com- Another privately owned IDEX exhibitions, and stressed panies presented on IDEX-2013 Ukrainian military company that this year he is planning to too. First time exhibitor Zbro- PJSC AvtoKrAZ offered an in- personally visit our country and yar company demonstrated Ko- teresting solution in Ukraine’s see the prospects for cooperation. nev Z-008 Gen II rifle for the first armored vehicles sector, in par- So, we hope that Ukraine time at the exhibition. The rifle ticular, KRAZ-ASV/APC/2013 time-tested and new technolo- incorporated time-tested prac- which was presented in coopera- gies will find its customers in tice of the design and has ac- tion with Ares Security Vehicles United Arab Emirates and ME- quired a number of significant LLC (Dubai, UAE). This MRAP- NA region on the whole.

27 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ matter of technology ]

BTR-4 MV BTR-4MV armored personnel carrier makes its international debut at IDEX-2013

28 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 ew Ukrainian armored per- sonnel carrier BTR-4E – was adopted for sonnel carrier, the BTR-4MV service with the Ukrainian Armed Forc- has made its debut at the IDEX es in July 2012. R&D on the BTR-4E was 2013 International Defense Ex- launched as a private financing initia- hibition in Abu Dhabi, the tive project by Kharkiv’s Morozov Engi- United Arab Emirates. The neering Design Bureau in 2007. The lay- new military vehicle was out of the BTR-4E represents a dramat- showcased by Ukrspecexport, ic change compared to the Soviet-de- Ukraine’s top arms dealer. signed BTR family of armored military BTR-4MV, an improved and vehicles, including the BTR-60/70/80/90, upgraded version of the inter- and the Russian BTR-90. In case of the nationally sold BTR-4 APC, BTR-4, the vehicle hull is divided into incorporates several signifi- three compartments, with the driving cant departures from the orig- compartment in the front hull, the pow- inal design. The new deign of er pack compartment in the mid-cent- the vehicle was dictated by the er left hull and the fighting and person- Ukrainian Defense Ministry’s operation- nel compartments at the rear of the hull. al requirements and the ambition by do- The BTR-4 layout design -– which allows mestic designers and manufacturers to its fighting and troop compartments to become viable competitors to European be easily reconfigured without the need counterparts on the market for light ar- of rearranging the engine- mored military vehicles. transmission block -– could As is well known, the BTR-4MV’s old- be used as baseline configu- Serhiy ZGURETS er sibling – the wheeled armored per- ration for a comprehensive BTR-4 MV new forms Capabilities

29 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ matter of technology ]

family of armored fighting vehicles. The baseline squad (including both armored personnel carri- BTR-4 design can form a basis for a family of spe- er/APC and infantry fighting vehicle/IFV vari- cialist vehicles, including fire support vehicle, ants) or to provide a suitable platform for a vari- command/staff vehicle, armored medical evacu- ety of weapons systems. Lighter 4x4 and 6x6 ve- ation vehicle, self-propelled anti-aircraft gun sys- hicles weighing less than 10-12t are increasingly tem, reconnaissance and observation vehicle and regarded as no longer suitable for APC roles and repair/recovery vehicle. rather restricted to specialized missions such as Even after having approved the wheeled APC armored recce, military police patrol, protect- for service use, the Ukrainian Defense Ministry ed carriers and so on. This well explains why a continued to be interested in further improving number of recent international competitions for the baseline BTR-4 as the core APC type for fu- the procurement of wheeled AFVs do specify an ture equipment of Ukrainian Army units. Im- 8x8 configuration. provements of interest included ballistic armor The BTR-4MV is the youngest sibling in the and anti-mine protections and more comfortable BTR-4 family of armored personnel carriers. In mount/dismount for the infantry squad. These its baseline configuration, it is designed for bat- requirements were met within a tight timeframe tlefield troop transport and to provide fire sup- by engineers at Morozov, and the international port to dismounted troops. It is intended to sup- exhibition in the Arab Emirates became a suita- port Army units operating in various battlefield environments and conditions, in- cluding NBC environments, and could become the core vehicle type in APC inventories of rapid reac- tion forces and marine corps. It has been designed to operate on road The BTR-4MV is the youngest sibling and cross country, in extreme cli- mates and adverse weathers, at in the BTR-4 family of armored personnel day and night. The BTR-4 can car- carriers. In its baseline configuration, ry a squad of seven to ten personnel (depending on the weapon station’s it is designed for battlefield troop configuration and size), in addition to its three-man crew (commander, transport and to provide fire support driver and gunner). The baseline BTR-4MV is differ- to dismounted troops entiated from its older siblings by virtue of providing a far higher lev- el of ballistic protection in its front arc. The armor protection of the carri- ble to demonstrate the outcome de- er's body has been increased from Level 3 (12.7mm sign to potential international customers. bullets over the frontal arc) in the original config- It will be recalled that combat platform’s de- uration to Level 5 (25mm rounds fired from 500m) sign criteria, and in particular the required inter- according to STANAG 4569 (а не 4269!). As con- nal volume and payload translate into certain spe- sequence, configuration of the frontal hull has cific minimum hull geometric dimension. In turn, changed substantially. Bullet-resistant windows these dictate the size of the external surfaces to be and side doors for commander and driver have protected by armor and, thus, the minimum vehi- been sacrificed for the sake of increasing armor cle’s weight. It could easily be seen that this mini- protection of the front hull. Additional armor mum weight necessarily demands a 8x8 configura- protections (including explosive reactive armor tion if adequate mobility is to be maintained. and ceramic armor plates) are optional. As a result of the above considerations, a Anti-mine protection level of the BTR-4E broad consensus appears having been reached was given as Level 3 according to STANAG among manufacturers and users alike to the ef- 4569, which means the ability to withstand un- fect that an 8x8 configuration represents the ide- der-wheel detonation of 8 kg HE mines (the lev- al solution for wheeled armored fighting vehicles el of anti-mine survivability in case of an explo- in the 15-30t (and beyond) combat weight range, sion under the hull has not been disclosed by the these being intended to either carry an infantry designer). An additional anti-mine floor protec-

30 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 31 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / 32 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 tion is optional. For enhanced anti-mine surviv- 30-mm 3TN-1 automatic gun defeating ground tar- ability of the infantry squad, their seats are sus- gets out to 4,000 meters; a 7.62-mm coaxial machine- pended from the ceiling rather than being bolt- gun; a 30-mm AG-17 automatic grenade launcher ed to the floor as in previous designs. The layout capable of effective ranges of up to 1,700 meters; of BTR-4MV, as is the case with the BTR-4E, al- and antitank guided missile system BARYER with lows for adding slat armor for enhanced protec- maximum launch range of 5,000 meters. tion against thin-walled RPG-type threats. km/h This arsenal is controlled remotely from the 110maximum Accurate weight figures for BTR-4MV have gunner’s or commander’s workstations using so- not been disclosed other than that the weight will speed on the phisticated organic fire control equipment, in- highway be in the region of 17.5+3% t with standard bul- cluding optical/electronic (low level television) let-proof armor protection kit and increase to sensors. The commander’s workstation is ad- 21.9+3% t with additional protection. It would be ditionally equipped with 360-degree situational expected with a high degree of probability that awareness system PANORAMA-2P plus a control the vehicle will be in the 19t category. console linked to the gunner’s sight mount. The vehicle has three options for powerplant The weapons module does not accommodate -– indigenous 3TD-series diesel, German Deutz km/h the allowance of ammunition except for rounds maximum10 and Italian Iveco. The BTR-4E, as is well known, for the 30mm gun. The machinegun and the AG-17 speed is powered by 400hp three-cylinder 3TD-2 diesel grenade launcher are belt-fed from ammunition afloat engine integrated with an automatic hydroki- containers. The gunner has beside his seat three netic transmission, allowing for speeds of up to ammo containers for each of the machinegun and 90 kmph on smooth off-road terrains. The BTR- the AG-17 grenade launcher. The gunner’s station 4MV showcased at IDEX-2013 is equipped with with a collapsible control console for above-hull a six-cylinder Deutz BF6M1015CP diesel engine weapons is located in the depth of the troop com- rated at 450hp/330kW that allows the vehicle to km partment in the left aft section of the hull. travel at up to 110 kmph to the maximum range With Parus weapons module, the troop com- (cruising)690 range of 670 kilometers per charge. In terms of maneu- partment can accommodate seven personnel. The verability and cross-country performance capa- commander and driver can enter and exit the ve- bilities, the BTR-4MV is not too much dissimi- hicle by side doors or roof hatches, or via aft door lar from the BTR-4E. Furthermore, as claimed to troop compartment. The crew compartment is by the designer, the BTR-4MV, even with heav- linked to the troop compartment via a right-side degrees ier armor protection than seen in the BTR-4E, passageway. Visibility and observeability for the max30 angle still retained its swim capability at <10 km/h. driver and commander are provided through tri- of elevation The global market offers a very limited selec- plexes. For an improved situational awareness, tion of amphibious APC types with correspond- the commander can additionally use a 360o field- ing armor protection levels. However, it can of-view camera installed on the roof of the weap- well be expected that with armor protection lev- on station, from where video is relayed to a black- els rising further, preservation of the vehicle’s and-white display screen in front of his seat. swim capability will become highly problemat- degrees One more dissimilarity with the previous ic if possible at all. It should be noted that am- model is a fully redesigned rear hull in the BTR- max25 angle phibious ability is much less of importance to 4MV design. In contrast to the BTR-4E with its of heel customers as compared to characteristics such two-part door (upper and lower parts which open as survivability of the vehicle, its crew and pas- outwards), the rear hull in the BTR-4MV is fitted sengers both on the battlefield and during com- with a ramp that not only allows for easier troop bat/peace support mission performance in low- egress/engress, but also enables transportation intensity conflict environments. of bulk cargoes of various types, including addi- The BTR-4MV will offer a substantial amount tional ammunition allowances, spare parts, etc. of firepower. It would mount multipurpose above- The ramp has an additional door for mount/dis- hull weapon stations of various types designed for mount of the infantry squad. infantry armored fighting vehicles in lightweight Price-tag for the BTR-4MV will be on a par categories. The proposed selection includes the with the BTR-4E’s and vary with the number of Ukrainian-designed weapons modules BAU-23, vehicles contracted for delivery under each spe- SHTURM, GROM and PARUS, in addition to for- cific deal, as well as with required equipment fits eign-supplied models depending on specific cus- and armor protection levels. On an average, per- tomer needs. The BTR-4MV displayed at IDEX 2013 unit price-tag may vary between USD 1.2 million features a weapon station PARUS that integrates and 1.5 million.

33 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / 3434 / DEFE / UkrainianNSE EXPRESS DEFE / СІЧЕНЬ-ЛЮТИЙNSE REVIEW / 2013January-MARCH 2013 3535 Ukrainian DEFENDEFESE RNEVSEI EWEXP R/ESS Jan /u ary-MСІЧЕНЬ-ЛЮТИЙARCH 2013 2013 / / [ arsenal ]

The Defense Ministry jointly with ship builders, domestic and foreign suppliers of systems and units is implementing an ambitious program to build a series of corvette class ships for the Ukrainian Navy. Successful completion of the program is to give new energy to the fleet and the domestic defense industry. This article by Defense Express examines key aspects of the program and the outlook for its successful implementation.

36 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 Fairway for Volodymyr VELYKYI

Serhiy gets, ensure anti-submarine de- vy. They were divided into two ZGURETS fense, be able to carry out air-de- subseries. In December 2009 PrTheoje newct ship project ordered fense tasks (to defend herself and the Ukrainian Defense Minis- by the Defense Ministry was de- ships, vessels and convoys under try signed a contract with the signed by engineers of the gov- the corvette’s protection against Chornomorskyy [Black Sea] ernment-run Research and De- air strikes) and to use active and shipyards [in Mykolayiv] for sign Center for Shipbuilding passive jamming against enemy the supply of the first four cor- in Mykolayiv. The index of the air defense and laser homing sys- vettes. As was announced ear- project to create a new multipur- tems. In fact, her ability to carry lier, their launches were sched- pose corvette class ship is 58250. out these tasks rank this future uled for 2012, 2014, 2016 and Its major characteristics are as Ukrainian corvette among frig- 2017. As regards the fifth, sixth follows: standard displacement ate class ships with a displace- and subsequent ships to be built – 2,500 t; length – 111.8 m; width ment of 4,000-4,500 t. during the period starting from – 13.5 m, draught – 3.7 (6.5) m; 2018, it was planned that a reg- maximum and economic speed – ular technology generation 32 and 15 knots; cruising range – change will have taken place by 4,000 miles; crew – 108 persons; that time and the ships of the sea endurance – 30 days. PrOriginally,ogram the General Staff second subseries would be fur- The project 58520 corvette’s of the Ukrainian Armed Forc- nished with new hardware and attack capabilities will enable es had the ambitions to build 10 equipment. This is what the op- her to hit surface and coastal tar- corvettes for the Ukrainian Na- timistic scenario looked like.

37 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ arsenal ]

Yet in fact the declared dead- Ministers of Ukraine issued its (USD 350m) and the lead ship at lines for building the first battle- resolution No 1150 approving the EUR 325m (30 per cent costlier ships were broken because the State defense program to build than a serial ship). In FY 2012, Defense Ministry’s budget funds corvette-class ships. The pro- UAH 433.6m was allocated for earmarked for work on the cor- gram implementation is spread these purposes, including UAH vettes were scanty and a number over the period until 2021. 276.2m for design work and UAH of key issues remained uncertain The program envisages the 157.4m for construction. for a long time. The issues in- construction of four project According to specialists’ es- clude building international co- 58240 ships, the purchase of five timations, Ukraine’s compa- operation as well as approving a units of fire, including small and nies have a share reaching 62- final list of weapons and systems medium caliber guided artillery 65 per cent in the project. The which in turn was holding up the rounds, anti-submarine and an- Research and Design Cent- drawing up of design and techni- ti-ship torpedoes and missiles for er for Shipbuilding based in cal documentation. the air defense system. It is also Mykolayiv is in charge of draw-

In 2011, the ministry’s cor- planned to create ship basing in- ing up the work design docu- vette program got status as a frastructure (two moorings). ments for the ship and major state program. The government Meanwhile, the financial re- Ukrainian-made facilities. The issued a directive on 9 March sources for the program have Chornomorskyy shipyards also 2011 approving the concept for been cut from UAH 20.51bn [USD based in Mykolayiv is in charge the State purpose-oriented de- 2,567m] to UAH 16.21bn by final- of the construction. The mas- fense program drawn up by the izing the list of weapons and ter construction schedule for Defense Ministry to build project technical facilities for the ships the lead corvette has been har- 58250 corvette-class ships. Keel and minimizing the purchase of monized and approved. It en- laying ceremony for the Volody- foreign-made weapons and tech- visages the completion in 2013 myr Velykyy corvette, the lead nical facilities. Of this amount, of the manufacture and prelim- ship of a series, was held with only about UAH 11bn will be inary testing of domestic sam- the participation of the Ukrain- spent on building the ships prop- ples of technical facilities such ian president on 17 May 2011. On er. The average cost of a serial as, in particular, radar and hy- 9 November 2011, the Cabinet of ship was estimated at EUR 250m droacoustic systems, electroop-

38 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 tic stations for reconnaissance sible, co-produced with leading metall guns of Swiss-German and weapon control and the European companies, given that make before 2012. like. It is planned to complete Ukraine has no artillery, missile, The developers originally the formation of the ship’s hull mine and torpedo, anti-ship and plan­ned to use Exocet MM40 an- and superstructure in 2014 and anti-aircraft weapons. The cost of ti-ship missiles from the Europe- supply domestic technical facil- the weapons together with their an consortium MBDA as the Vo- ities and foreign-made weapon- electronic equipment would ac- lodymyr Velykyy’s «long arm». ry and launch the ship in 2015. count for up to 60 per cent of the Yet MBDA received a letter from battleship cost. the Ukrainian government in A new revision of the project 2012, reading that the purchase took place in mid-2012 after of the European missiles would which the leadership of the be postponed as efforts were un- ChoUkraineice ofsaw wfoure defenseapon mins - General Staff of the Ukrain- der way to streamline the funds isters replaced over the period of ian Armed Forces declared for the corvette project. the corvette project’s preliminary that there was absolute clari- Since 2012, Ukraine’s defense development and initial imple- ty as regards the shaping of the industry enterprises have also

mentation by 2012. The top team ship’s hull, hull structures and stepped up their own activity to reshuffles at the Defense Minis- general ship systems. At the create an indigenous anti-ship try have had an obvious impact same time, it was announced weapons system. The locomotive on the progress of the shipbuild- that the composition of the cor- in these future-oriented efforts ing program and the shaping of vette weaponry would be final- is the Kiev-based state design the battleship’s appearance es- ized and some weapon sam- bureau Luch. In terms of its tac- pecially as regards her weap- ples on the first and the subse- tical characteristics, the missile ons. Thus for instance, under de- quent corvettes might be dif- is supposed to be no worse than fense ministers Oleksandr Hryt- ferent. The corvette is going to the Russian Kh-35. The possibili- senko and Yuriy Yekhanurov, have three guns: one of medi- ty must be ensured to launch the Ukraine’s would-be corvette was um– and two of small caliber. new weapon from sea-, ground– said to be «European-oriented». It was planned to buy a 76-mm and air-based platforms. In practical terms, it meant that OTO Melara Super Rapid gun The 2009 technical project the crucial systems for the ship from Italy and two 35-mm Mil- envisaged the installation on would be bought from or, if pos- lennium-Oerlikon and Rhein- the Ukrainian corvettes of a

39 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ arsenal ] SAAM air-defense missile sys- made helicopters in the future. the corvette arsenal, there is no tem with Aster 15-type anti-air- The NH90 has been considered need for a foreign «brain». Now craft guided missiles from MB- as an option. the full responsibility for the de- DA. Yet it became finally clear To control the undersea situ- velopment of the ship’s automat- in 2012 that Ukraine would ation, the corvettes will be com- ed battle combat control system not purchase Aster 15 missiles plete with a subkeel hydroa- lies with the Kiev-based Kvant both because the system’s ex- coustic station in the fore part research institute, which earlier orbitant price and the difficul- of the ship. The station devel- just coordinated work with for- ties involved in matching it to oped by the Kiev-based Hidro- eign partners. Ukraine’s future three-dimen- prylad (Russian: Gidropribor) The corvette’s power plant is sional radar. An economical research institute seeks under- based on the CODAG (Combined interim solution has been ap- water targets in the near zone. Diesel and Gas) scheme. It is a proved which envisages the The far zone will be surveyed by symbiosis of gas turbine and die- possibility to purchase an air- a tugged hydroacoustic station sel units. The corvette is to reach a maximum speed of 32 knots, or nearly 60 km per hour. At high speeds, the ship will be powered by gas turbine en- gines from the Zorya-Mash- proekt scientific production The financial resources for the program complex. The main C280-16 die- sels and C32 ACERT diesel gen- have been cut from USD 2,567m to UAH 16.21bn erators will come from the US company Caterpillar. Control- by finalizing the list of weapons and technical lable pitch screw propellers and shafts will be supplied by facilities for the ships and minimizing the Italy’s Fincantieri. purchase of foreign made weapons and technical facilities. Of this amount, only about UAH 11bn InTheterim military res andult political will be spent on building the ships proper leadership of the state is con- vinced that the program to build a series of corvettes is an utterly urgent task for the state which, having a weak navy, will just be defense missile system using from Thales Underwater Sys- unable to defend its interests in Umkhonto missiles from the tems, France. The Kiev-based its exclusive economic zone. On South African company Denel. Kvant research institute state the other hand, for Ukraine’s de- Two B-515-type 324 mm three- enterprise is making an mul- fense industry, making the cor- tube torpedo launchers from the tifunction general-purpose on- vette is one of the most ambitious EuroTorp concern (France, Ita- board radar, the MAARS, for au- projects throughout the history ly, Germany) will be installed tomatic detection, tracking and of independent Ukraine. In alli- on the ship. Light torpedoes of trajectory generation of various ance with large European com- the A2448 mod.3 or the most ad- targets: surface, aerial, low-fly- panies, our arms makers and in- vanced MU-90 Impact type will ing, supersonic and others. dustrialists can acquire basical- also be bought from this con- Given the wide range of in- ly new experience. These are the cern. Torpedo weapons may al- tegrable foreign weaponry, the strengths. As regards arms mak- so be used from an anti-subma- French company DCNS as well ing practices, there is one regu- rine helicopter. The first cor- as Thales Nederland and Ita- larity. It holds true for any coun- vettes will use Ka-27PL heli- ly’s SELEX SI (Finmeccanica) try: «Any military project takes copters currently in service were ready to supply a CICS for twice the time it was supposed with the Ukrainian Navy. It is the Ukrainian corvette. Howev- to, it is twice costlier and yields planned to purchase foreign- er, with the «nationalization» of only half the effect».

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an-70:Volodymyr KOPCHAK point of nothe nreumber-onetu rn status and o utlook for Current s aeronaut ical sector project of U kraine’

42 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 an-70: point of nothe nreumber-onetu rn status and o utlook for Current s aeronaut ical sector project of U kraine’

43 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ итоги ] [ importantly ]

for assembly manufacturing and Last year saw comple- The last year of 2012 could be decisive for final assembly of the aircraft tion of the first phase of the future of Russian-Ukrainian project to will be set up at KAPO “from the preliminary testing of build the military transport aircraft An- ground-up”, in addition to a lo- the upgraded An-70 pro- 70, this being due to the three events as gistics warehouse. The first An- totype, and flight test follows: the selection of Gorbunov KAPO 70 aircraft will be built by KAPO program for the aircraft aviation industry corporation in Kazan in late 2015 or early 2016. Setting resumed in September 2012. as assembly-line manufacturer of the air- up production of the An-70 at Ka- Overall, 652 flights had been craft for the Russian Customer; the com- zan will cost RUR 20 billion, as performed as of the end of the pletion of the first phase of preliminary announced by top managers of year. Specifically on 20 Decem- testing of the upgraded An-70 prototype; the Kazan’s company. However, 2ber, 2012, the aircraft carried out and, finally, completion of an assembly- Russia’s Ministry for Industry preliminary flight # 19 and was line produced fuselage and the rolling out and Commerce said the project officially demonstrated to the of the first production-standard An-70 de- to set up production of the An-70 Customer – the Ukrainian and signed for Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense at Kazan would have a budget of Russian Ministries of Defense – of an assembly line at the Kiev plant. RUR 9 billion. The difference in for further rounds of joint test- the cost estimates might be due ing and evaluation. Previous- to what the concept of “setting up ly, the aircraft underwent up- production” means for the Rus- grades and improvements car- In Russia, the An-70 will sian government and the future ried out by aeronautical compa- be assembly-line produced manufacturer of the aircraft. In nies in Ukraine and Russia. Fa- at an aircraft factory in any case, the budget of setting tigue testing has been complet- Kazan. For now, it looks up production has not been offi- ed; it confirmed that the aircraft like the decision is final. cially approved yet. Meanwhile, will be able to fly a total of 15,000 The transfer of engineer- SE Antonov and Gorbunov KA- hours and carry out 7,000 land- ing documentation and manuals PO have agreed a scheme of co- ings during its life in service. In for the An-70 from SE Antonov to operation, with assistance from addition, official bench tests of KAPO has been in progress from members of the Russian United the aircraft’s engine and prop- last autumn. Work to digitize the Aircraft Corporation. In Kiev, a fan have come to completion. 1documentation received has ei- training program regarding the And now, a few words about ther begun or will soon begin at An-70 will be launched for mem- the upgrade of the only airwor- Kazan. According to plans, a sep- bers of Gorbunov KAPO, among thy flying An-70 existing so far. arate assembly line with shops other things. The aircraft has had its avionic

44 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 equipment fully replaced. Now bly-line assembly of fuselage of poration. They are expected the upgraded cockpit includes, the first production-standard to arrive in Kiev following a e.g., new LCD screen monitors. An-70 was completed on New relevant decision by author- The EDSU-70M fly-by-wire flight Year’s eve 2013. Fuselage # 01- Completed ities in Tashkent. In the fu- control system retained its previ- 04 was rolled out of assembly the first phase ture, as envisaged by the ap- ous architecture, but has had its line in a ceremony that took of preliminary proved scheme of coopera- parts and subsystems replaced place at one of shops at SE An- testing of the tion with Russia, SE Antonov with newer ones. Overall, the up- tonov. On the production side, upgraded will manufacture wings (both An-70 grade resulted in weight savings plans seem to go as scheduled, for itself and for the Russian up to 500 kg. An optical-electron- but some questions regarding partner). Software for the air- ic system equipped with infrared the Ukrainian Defense Minis- craft (programs, algorithms and television cameras is now in- try still remain unanswered. and mathware in general) will stalled in the nose of the aircraft. Fuselage # 01-04 that was re- 652 be of Ukrainian origin; compo- Propfans SV-27 underwent sig- cently rolled out of assembly flights nents and subsystems will be nificant changes. Russian com- line still remains property of of Ukrainian and Russian or- had been pany Aerosila located in Stupino Ukraine’s Defense Ministry as performed igin, but, for example, equip- redesigned the propfans with an long as relevant contract re- as of the end ment of inertial navigation sys- eye to improving reliability per- mains valid. Meanwhile, the of 2012 tems will be provided by west- formance. Particularly the dis- Russian defense department ern suppliers. Previously, de- tance between the two propellers still longs to buy it (as well as mands in this respect used to has been increased from 600 to fuselage # 01-05 that is under be hard, especially in relation 900 mm for reduced noise output. construction at an assembly to the aircraft intended for the The D-27 engines remained in- line nearby). Russian Air Force. Now the ap- tact, but they are now equipped The works that made possi- proach is more “creative” - it's with full authority digital engine ble the roll-out of the first pro- clear to everyone that premi- control (FADEC), while the orig- duction-standard An-70 had um should be placed on quali- inal TA12-60 airborne auxilia- been carried out with funds pro- ty in the first place. ry power unit has been replaced vided by the Ukrainian Minis- Funding from the Russian with more current generation try of Defense, but more mon- Federation will be so far limit- TA18-200-70 design. ey will be needed for comple- ed to completion of the test cy- Recall that the upgrade of the tion of construction. Particular- cle and finishing the second air- single airworthy AN-70 is car- ly the purchase of the wings and worthy aircraft at Kiev (valued ried out in the interests of the engines as well as system inte- at about USD 150 million). Russian Defense Ministry. Ac- gration etc. will cost about UAH Factors favorable to imple- cording to current plans, the air- 300 million. The fist production mentation and continuation of plane will have to perform anoth- standard aircraft is scheduled to the An-70 program: current cer- er 75 flights to complete the state be handed over to the Customer tainty with the location of as- joint testing program. It’s not un- in 2014. It is further financing of sembly-line production of An-70 til this is done that there will be works by the Ukrainian Minis- in Russia (KAPO looks the best a government decision on setting try of Defense where most ques- option in terms of spare capac- up assembly-line production of tions remain. It is possible that ity, cooperation with Ukraine the An-70, which will define the there is political pressure on and political support on the part location of final assembly facili- that issue being brought by the of the Republic of Tatarstan’s ty (Kazan?) and production rate. Russian side on the level that is leaders); SE Antonov’s techni- This is expected to happen some higher than the level of SE An- cal readiness to do its part of the day in May of this year. tonov’s top managers. Excuses work on due time; the Russian like «the country is short of mon- Defense Ministry does have a As regards fuselages ey» or «funding will be provided requirement for transport air- of the two production- when available» are no less than craft in the An-70 category. standard aircraft being just diplomatic comments ... Threats and challenges: built for the Ukrainian The wings for the first pro- Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Defense Ministry, the duction-standard aircraft have has not yet defined its position situation is not so cer- been partly built by the long- on the An-70, which results in tain, albeit, technically, much suffering Chkalov Tashkent problems with the provision of has been done already. Assem- Aircraft Manufacturing Cor- funding for the project (which

45 3 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ importantly ] The assembly of the first production – standard AN-70 intended for Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense has been completed. Fuselage # 01-04 was rolled out of the assembly line at one of shops at SE Antonov in December 2012

contrasts with the position of the Russian side who fulfils its obligations); the absence of a fi- nal decision on the purchase of the An-70 for Russia’s Defense Ministry (no decision is expect- ed pending completion of the current round of testing); de- layed decision on the provision of funding for setting up produc- tion of the aircraft at Kazan; yet another shift in favor of purely domestic armament projects af- ter Sergei Shoigu’s appointment as Russian Defense Minister (and, as consequence, growing opposition to the An-70 project in Russia); a fresh spiral of Rus- sia politicizing all kinds of bi- lateral projects with Ukraine. The fight for the An-70 con- tinues.

46 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013

[ production ]

Ukrainian Helicopter:


48 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 s of today, Ukraine who is the head of the MOTOR us which accomplish over- has a closed-type cy- SICH JSC within many years. haul and modernization of cle of overhauling The MOTOR SICH JSC is one the Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-17 and Mi- the Mi-8T, Mi-24 and of the worldwide leading enter- 24 helicopters; Mi-2 helicopters fam- prises in the aviation industry • two production facilities in ily and has obtained own pos- and supplies its products to more Ukraine and United Arab Asibilities for accomplishment than 120 countries worldwide. Emirates which accomplish of modernization of these heli- The engines manufactured at modernization of the Mi-8T- copters’ types at various levels the MOTOR SICH JSC are installed type helicopters. (from improving the operation almost on all the helicopters devel- Today, the MOTOR SICH JSC performances to installing new- oped by the Kamov JSC and Mil offers services concerning mod- generation engines on them). MVZ JSC and manufactured in ernization of the Mi-8T-type he- The worldwide known Zapor- Russia as well as on the aircraft licopters and its Mi-17 export ozhye-based MOTOR SICH JSC manufactured in Russia, Ukraine, modification as well as the Mi- engages in a new branch of its ac- Czech Republic and China. 8MTV and Mi-24L helicopters. tivity concerning modernization Today, the own helicopter So, when replacing the en- and production of the helicop- production has been created gines installed on the Mi-8T ters. The corresponding Helicop- and functions successfully at and Mi-8MSB helicopters, it ter Designer Certificate dated No- the MOTOR SICH JSC; it com- is proposed to mount the mod- vember, 2011 has been granted to prises the following: ern TV3-117-SBM1V4 Series en- the factory by the State Aviation • the certified development de- gine of the MOTOR SICH JSC Administration of Ukraine. In ad- sign office engaged in the mat- self-design project. This engine dition, the Cabinet of Ministers of ters of modernization and de- has the same power of 1500 hp Ukraine has awarded the author- velopment of the helicopters; as compared with the old TV2- ities of the Helicopter Chief De- • two special-purpose facto- 117 engine, maintains the take- signer to Vyacheslav Boguslayev ries in Ukraine and Belar- off power rating under the tem-

Ukraine has a closed-type cycle of overhauling the Mi-8T/ Mi-17, Mi-24/Mi-35 and Mi-2 helicopter family as well as own possibilities for accomplishment of their modernization Ukrainian Helicopter: Dreams Come True

49 Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 / [ production ]

the Zaporozhye engines is en- hanced appreciably due to use of new technologies. Those units and systems of the helicopter only which are associ- ated with new engine operability assurance are subject to rework- ing during modernization. This allows not only to decrease appre- ciably the helicopter cost but also to minimize necessity of addition- al retraining of the flight and en- gineering personnel as well as to exclude necessity of purchasing the additional ground equipment used for operation of the helicop- ter in such airline companies and public entities where the Mi-8T– and Mi-17-type helicopters are al- ready operated. At the same time as the new engines are mounted, the fol- lowing accessories are installed on the helicopters in addition: • airborne flight data recorder; • emergency location trans- mitter; • digital central instrument panel with GPS navigation system, meteorological radar, ground proximity warning system, altimeter, range-me- tering device, general-purpose communication box installed. The activities concerning the casing, control systems and airborne equipment are also ac- complished at the facilities of the MOTOR SICH JSC in Zapor- ozhye and Orsa (Belarus) when modernizing the Mi-8T helicop- perature of +55 deg instead of range by 20% and improves the ter. The Mi-8MSB-named mod- +15 deg and allows climbing up possibility of climbing up to the ernized helicopter is manufac- Today, the to 4600 m instead of 1500 m. The service ceiling of 7300 m, respec- tured as passenger-transport MOTOR SICH service life of the new engine JSC offers tively. The Customer will also be and mixed-class versions and till first overhaul (5000 hrs in- services permitted to start the engine eas- can be used for accomplishment stead of 1500 hrs) and assigned concerning ily under the high-mountain and of search-and-rescue and fire- operation service life equal to modernization of high-temperature conditions, op- fighting operations, for medical 15000 hrs instead of 12000 have the Mi-8T-type erate the engine with high stabil- purposes and people landing. prolongated substantially too. helicopters and ity under the heavy smoke and its Mi-17 export In addition, use of the new- dust content conditions, simpli- modification as generation engine on the heli- well as the Mi- fy maintenance and ensure low copters decreases fuel consump- 8MTV and Mi- cost of the operational life as an tion substantially and, at the 24L helicopters. extra option. Safety of operation same time, increases the flight of the helicopters equipped with

50 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013 All the design advantages of for this type aircraft which is Ukraine for the Mi-8MSB heli- the modernized helicopter have equal now to 8 200 meters. copter and approval of produc- been confirmed during the cer- The tests have confirmed the tion of this helicopter version The MOTOR tification tests in the Repub- ability of this modification of SICH JSC is one has been obtained. lic of Tajikistan in August 2012. the helicopter to accomplish up of the worldwide MOTOR SICH JSC is also ca- The tests have been carried out to 90% of missions intended for leading pable of overhauling the Mi-24 at two various climatic zones: in transportation of cargos and pas- enterprises in helicopter, extending its service the desert with the air tempera- sengers performed by the Mi-171 the aviation life and upgrading the helicopter ture up to +45 degrees Celsius helicopters and be even in ad- industry and into Mi-24MSB version, which and mountains of Pamir where vance with respect to such char- supplies its houses the TV3-117VMA-SBM1V products to the helicopter was based on the acteristics as flight altitude, eco- new-generation engines as a part more than area located at the height of 4 200 nomical efficiency and safety. 120 countries of the powerplant instead of the meters and accomplished flights Based on the results of the worldwide TV3-117V (VMA) engines. at altitudes up to 7 300 meters. work done by MOTOR SICH Installation of new engines at In September 2012, the Mi-8- JSC, the Supplementary Type this type of helicopters makes it MSB helicopter has established Certificate has been issued by possible to improve their flight the world flight altitude record the State Aviation Service of performance when operated in [ production ]

high-mountainous, dusty and • emergency location trans- operational reliability of the prod- high-temperature conditions. mitter AJTEH S-406-1NM. ucts, and offers to its Customers a As compared with the basic To successfully fulfill opera- complete package of services re- version, the Mi-24MSB helicop- tional missions the Mi-24MSB lating to warranty and aftersales ter equipped with new engines helicopters are furnished with: service of the helicopters. has the following advantages: • unguided missile units B8В20; For the warranty period the • maintenance of the takeoff • gun JAkB-12,7; Company sends its service en- power in a wide range of am- • optoelectronic countermea- gineer on a mission trip to the bient temperatures and alti- sure station “Аdros” КТ-01А; helicopter operating site and it tudes above sea level (up to • thermal trap jettison auto- enables to track the situation in 50°C and 3000 m); matic unit АSO-2В; due time performing all types of • improved climbing capacity • exhaust units; scheduled maintenance, orga- • higher parameters of engine • external fuel tanks PTB-450. nize uninterrupted provision of acceleration; Motor Sich JSC is the own- the helicopters of the Customer • essentially higher static and er of the Vinnitsa aircraft over- with spare parts and materials. dynamic ceilings; hauling plant at which the work The specialists of MOTOR • high flight safety in case of fail- is under way to upgrade the Mi-2 SICH JSC also provide full pack- ure of one of the engines due helicopter; the above work com- age of services including tech- to introduction of emergency prises refurbishment of the fu- nical maintenance of the whole power rating (2800 h.p. within selage for enlarging a passenger fleet of the Mi helicopters, cur- 2.5 min.) and possible usage of cabin and mounting of up-to-date rent repair and overhaul of continuous power rating with flight control equipment. the helicopters. Thus, the Cus- one engine inoperative for 60 The future plans comprise the tomers of the Company can de- minutes without interruption; installation of new turboshaft en- crease the number of compa- • lower fuel flow rate; gine АI-450MS in this helicopter nies responsible for quality of • twice-increased TBO. making it possible to increase supplied equipment and ren- Apart from application of the the efficiency of its usage in vari- dered services, exclude unscru- new-generation engines the Mi-24- ous climatic conditions. Such he- pulous suppliers and decrease MSB helicopters are also equipped licopter (named Mi-2MSB) can the cost of the work. with a modern airborne equipment be successfully used in civil and There can be no doubts in this package incorporating: medical aviation, for monitoring respect because these ambitious • global positioning system the territories and for other spe- plans are based on the rich histo- SRBMAR 695; cial purposes. ry of MOTOR SICH JSC, modern • USB radio stations КU-196V; Moreover, MOTOR SICH JSC design-and-production basis and • flight data recorder BUR-4-1- always takes responsibility for team-oriented like-minded per- 07-01; ensuring a high quality level and sonnel of the Company.

52 / Ukrainian DEFENSE REVIEW / January-MARCH 2013



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